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Alliance Exports, LLC. 8 Calistoga, Irvine CA 92602 United States of A erica !

el" #$2$% 6&'('))9 * #)62% 8&0(&08' +ax" #9,9% 2,2(,&0' E ail" .e/"

Non-Disclosure, Confidentiality & Non-Competition Agreement

Party A Alliance Exports, LLC., 8 Calistoga Irvine, CA 92602, U.S.A., including its su sidiaries and a!!iliates "#$art% A&' Party B "#$art% (&'

)*E+EAS, exc,anging o! relevant usiness and tec,nological in!or-ation is re.uired !or t,e ongoing usiness discussions or cooperation et/een $art% A and $art% ( /it, respect to, t,is agree-ent is entered into % and et/een $art% A and $art% ( t,roug, !riendl% consultations and under t,e principle o! -utual ene!it and 0oint develop-ent. Article 1ne2 3e!inition o! Con!idential In!or-ation Con!idential in!or-ation re!ers to data and in!or-ation /it, respect to relevant usinesses and tec,nologies /,et,er in /ritten or ot,er !or-s t,at ,ave een disclosed % eit,er $art% A or $art% ( to t,e ot,er part% /it, clear la el or designation o! #con!idential in!or-ation&,ereina!ter re!erred to as #con!idential in!or-ation& excluding t,e !ollo/ing data and in!or-ation 4.In!or-ation t,at is alread% or to e -a5e pu lic availa le except t,ose disclosed % eit,er $art% A or $art% ( or t,eir representatives in violation o! t,is agree-ent and /it,out aut,ori6ation 7on8con!idential in!or-ation t,at ,as co-e to t,e attention o! t,e receiving part% 2. e!ore t,e disclosure o! t,e ot,er part%

__________________________________________________________________________________________ The information contained herein is the property of Alliance Exports, LLC. No portion of this data shall be released, used or duplicated without specific written consent from Alliance Exports, LLC.

7on8con!idential in!or-ation o!!ered % eit,er part% e!ore t,e disclosure o! 9. /,ic, t,e receiving part% is not in!or-ed o! t,e !act t,at t,e provider o! t,is in!or-ation a t,ird part% ,as signed a inding con!identialit% agree-ent /it, t,e part% disclosing t,e non8 con!idential in!or-ation under t,is agree-ent and t,e receiving part% -a% reasona l% presu-e t,at t,e in!or-ation discloser is not !or idden to o!!er t,e in!or-ation to t,e receiving part%.

Article :/o2 1 ligations and Lia ilities 4 (ot, $art% A and $art% ( represent to t,e ot,er part% as t,e provider and receiver o! con!idential in!or-ation and t,us ot, underta5e con!identialit% o ligations and lia ilities. 2 7eit,er $art% A nor $art% ( s,all disclose or -a5e pu lic an% con!idential in!or-ation to a t,ird part% including t,e press or ot,er/ise -a5e use o! t,e con!idential in!or-ation /it,out t,e /ritten approval o! t,e ot,er part% (ot, parties are o liged to urge t,eir representatives not to disclose or -a5e pu lic an% con!idential in!or-ation to a t,ird part% including t,e press or ot,er/ise -a5e use o! t,e con!idential in!or-ation unless t,e disclosure pu licit% and application o! t,e con!idential in!or-ation is re.uired % t,e due per!or-ance o! t,e o ligations o! t,e t/o parties in association /it, t,e underta5ing and proceeding o! t,e cooperative progra-s under nor-al circu-stances including o ligations to e assu-ed % ot, parties in t,e !uture pursuant to t,e la/ and t,e contracts signed % t,e t/o parties 9 (ot, parties s,all strictl% li-it t,e access to t,e con!idential in!or-ation to t,eir responsi le representatives onl% !or t,e purposes speci!ied ,ereunder. ; 7eit,er part% s,all provide a t,ird part% /it, copies or duplicates o! t,e con!idential in!or-ation disclosed % t,e ot,er part% or its representative /,et,er intentionall% or not unless t,e disclosure is allo/ed % a /ritten agree-ent signed % t,e t/o parties. < In t,e event t,at t,e proceeding o! t,e cooperative progra- ceases or eit,er part% .uits t,e progra- /it, reasons a part% s,all and s,all urge its representatives to destro% or return to t,e ot,er part% all con!idential in!or-ation as /ell as all docu-ents and -aterials and all duplicates t,ereo! containing con!idential in!or-ation /it,in !ive /or5ing da%s

__________________________________________________________________________________________ The information contained herein is the property of Alliance Exports, LLC. No portion of this data shall be released, used or duplicated without specific written consent from Alliance Exports, LLC.

upon t,e re.uest o! t,e ot,er part% at an% ti-e. 7evert,eless t,e part% possessing t,e con!idential in!or-ation -a% 5eep one piece o! t,e duplicates o! t,e docu-ents or -aterials descri ed a ove onl% !or t,e purpose ens,rined in Article ; ,ereunder /it,out reac,ing ot,er provisions o! t,is agree-ent. 6 Eit,er $art% A or $art% ( s,all and s,all urge t,eir respective representatives to treat t,e con!idential in!or-ation provided % t,e ot,er part% /it, a degree o! care no less t,an t,at used !or t,e si-ilar in!or-ation in its o/n possession. *o/ever under no circu-stances s,all t,e treat-ent o! t,e con!idential in!or-ation e ,eld under a reasona le degree o! care.

Article :,ree2 Intellectual $ropert% +ig,ts 3isclosure o! t,e con!idential in!or-ation % eit,er $art% A or $art% ( to t,e ot,er part% or its representatives s,all not e construed to constitute an assign-ent or grant to t,e ot,er part% or its representatives o! t,e rig,ts and interests in relation to its trade secrets trade-ar5s patents 5no/8,o/ or an% ot,er intellectual propert% nor s,all it constitute an assign-ent or grant to t,e ot,er part% or its representatives t,e rig,ts and interests in relation to t,e trade secrets trade-ar5s patents 5no/8,o/ or an% ot,er intellectual propert% aut,ori6ed % a t,ird part%. Article =our2 $reservation and Application o! t,e Con!idential In!or-ation 4 Eit,er $art% A or $art% ( ,as t,e rig,t to preserve necessar% con!idential in!or-ation so as to -a5e use o! /,ic, in i-ple-enting inding la/s regulations and o ligations under t,eir cooperative progra-s. 2 Eit,er $art% A or $art% ( ,as t,e rig,t to -a5e use o! t,e con!idential in!or-ation to de!end against an% clai-s la/suits 0udicial proceedings and accusations to/ards t,e receiving part% or its representatives in relation to t,e progra-s ,ereunder and relevant a!!airs or to respond to su--ons su poena or ot,er legal proceedings /it, respect to t,e progra-s ,ereunder and relevant a!!airs. 9 Eit,er part% can in lig,t o! actual de-and disclose t,e con!idential in!or-ation in an% reports state-ents or certi!icates su -itted to an% regulator% organs at -unicipal provincial central or ot,er levels t,at ,ave 0urisdiction or assert ,aving 0urisdiction over

__________________________________________________________________________________________ The information contained herein is the property of Alliance Exports, LLC. No portion of this data shall be released, used or duplicated without specific written consent from Alliance Exports, LLC.

t,e receiving part% a!ter in!or-ing t,e ot,er part% in /ritten !or- and -a5ing a cop% !or t,e ot,er part% o! t,e disclosed in!or-ation. Article Fi e!Non"Competition $art% A ,as -an% clients loo5ing !or o!!s,ore -anu!acturer to -eet t,eir gro/ing needs and cost reduction progra-s. :o protect $art% A and its client, and to ,elp etter support and uild long ter-s relations,ip /it, con!idant, t,e $art% (>supplier /ill not engage in or co-pete on an% usiness transaction /it, $art% A?s client. 7on8co-pete includes ut not li-ited to an% discussion /it, $art% A?s custo-er /it,out prior 5no/ledge o! $art% A and consent, direct usiness transaction /it,out $art% A 5no/ledge and consent and discussion on price, ter-s and conditions /it,out $art% A prior 5no/ledge and consent. :,is is to etter protect ot, $arties on potential pro0ects, usiness, and !uture transactions as a result o! usiness relations,ips. It is !urt,er understood % ot, parties t,at $art% ( /ill not engage in an% usiness transaction /it, $art% A?s client !or t,e period o! t/o %ears a!ter t,e last pro0ect /as disclosed. Article Six2 3ispute Settle-ent and @overning La/s :,is agree-ent s,all e governed % and e interpreted in accordance /it, t,e la/s o! t,e State o! Cali!ornia, United States o! A-erica. )it, respect to an% issues disputes la/suits or proceedings arising !ro- or in connection /it, t,e rig,ts and o ligations o! t,e parties ,ereunder t,e t/o parties s,all irrevoca l% accept t,e 0urisdiction o! t,e district courts o! t,e State o! Cali!ornia, United States o! A-erica. Article Seven :er- o! t,e Agree-ent 4 :,is agree-ent s,all re-ain e!!ective !or one "4' %ear and s,all co-e into !orce as !ro- t,e date /,en ot, parties sign and sta-p t,e co-pan% c,op on t,e agree-ent. 2 :,is agree-ent s,all e ,eld in t/o copies o! t,e sa-e !or-. Eac, part% s,all preserve one cop% /it, e.ual legal e!!ect. #arty A Address Tel Fax #ostal Code #arty $ Address Tel Fax #ostal Code

__________________________________________________________________________________________ The information contained herein is the property of Alliance Exports, LLC. No portion of this data shall be released, used or duplicated without specific written consent from Alliance Exports, LLC.

%i&nature of Le&al ' Authori(ed )epresentati e *ate %eal

%i&nature of Le&al ' Authori(ed )epresentati e *ate %eal

__________________________________________________________________________________________ The information contained herein is the property of Alliance Exports, LLC. No portion of this data shall be released, used or duplicated without specific written consent from Alliance Exports, LLC.

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