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This is a story of the development
of my religious thoughts over the
years of my life from childhood to
the ripe old age of 94. I trust you
Earl J Prignitz
will enjoy it and find it useful in
2030 Chester Blvd.
your life.
Richmond, IN 47374
Earl J. Prignitz

His case And that is good enough for me. And you
know what else, that message prohibits me from
killing my neighbor, period. And he certainly
illustrated who my neighbors are with his Samaritan

EJP Publications
2030 Chester Blvd.
Richmond, IN 47374
2 27
history of the Church and subsequent history of My Early Years
Europe. In terms of a religious tradition, my upbringing was
centered around the church. To begin with it was in
According to Wikipedia atonement is “a doctrine
attending the Swedish Baptist Church in Moline,
found within both Christianity and Judaism. It
Illinois with our Swedish friends, who lived in the
describes how sin can be forgiven by God. In Judaism,
apartment below us. The Peterson family were
Atonement is said to be the process of forgiving or
devoted Christians and it showed in their daily lives.
pardoning a transgression. This was originally
Since there was no Friends Meeting in Moline they
accomplished through rituals performed by a high
invited us to attend Sunday School along with them.
priest (Kohen) on the holiest day of the Jewish year:
I did and enjoyed the class of boys that I was in,
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). In Christian
taught by Mr. Olson. He was a very robust fellow and
theology the atonement refers to the forgiving or
extremely jovial. He was also a very good teacher. I
pardoning of sin through the death of Jesus Christ by
never stayed for the Church service as it was
crucifixion which made possible the reconciliation
conducted in the Swedish language. But the Peterson
between God and creation. Within Christianity there
family attended every Sunday, and attended both
are three main theories for how such atonement
Sunday School and Church, and I went with them
might work: the ransom theory, the satisfaction
unless I was to ill to go. Then my dad would pick me
theory and the moral influence theory.”
up when Sunday School was over. On one occasion
It’s when you get into those theories it gets very when the Church was having a series of Evangelistic
confusing. And those are just 3 of the many theories Meetings the evangelist spoke to the Sunday School
that have been offered through the centuries. during the closing exercises. When he gave the
invitation to give your heart to Jesus I went forward
I trust you see how this all fits together. It is my
along with many of the other boys and girls. I
firm conviction that Jesus never intended, nor did he
remember how pleased my mother was when I got
ever proclaim that he was the lamb of God. That
home and she learned what I had done.
was Paul who carried this idea forward and then it
was implemented by the Council at Nicaea. Jesus I obviously didn’t understand the significance of such a
message was so simple that even I can understand it, decision at that age and it didn’t make much of difference in

26 3
life style. I was just one of the boys, both in Moline Cor. 2:2; Gal. 1:4). Of course, the other apostles also
and then in Buffalo when we moved there. bore witness to the salvation of sinners through
Jesus, but Paul shows how the gospel is a revelation
My senior year in Buffalo, 1934-35 during another of the righteousness of God (Rom. 1:16, 17).
evangelistic meeting I recommitted my life to the
But let's not blame it all on Paul. The Church
Lord. I had some inclination at that time to go into
Council at Nicaea comes in for their share of the
the ministry. But instead I got married and we had
blame. That Council of Nicaea was historically
three daughters, before I felt the urge to enter the
significant because it was the first effort to attain
ministry so strong that I couldn’t resist it. I’ll
consensus in the church through an assembly
continue this thread later.
representing all of Christendom. It was the first
occasion for the development of technical Christology.
Christology is that field of study within Christian
theology which is concerned with the nature of Jesus
the Christ, particularly with how the divine and
human are related in his person. Christology is
generally less concerned with the details of Jesus' life
than with how the human and divine co-exist in one
person. Another thing to remember is that the
Church had reached a low ebb in it's corporate life
and that Constantine in convoking and presiding over
the council signaled a measure of imperial control
over the church. But with the creation of the Nicene
Creed, a precedent was established for subsequent
general councils to create a statement of belief and
canons which were intended to become guidelines for
doctrinal orthodoxy and a source of unity for the
whole of Christendom — a momentous event in the

4 25
He concluded that sermon by saying: Pacifism

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor

It was also during these years that I firmed up my
and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your
conviction that war was wrong and contrary to the
enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that
teaching of Jesus, hence I could have no part in it.
you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes
his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends
rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you So you see I have been a Christian Pacifist for at
love those who love you, what reward will you get? least 70 years and have no regrets for taking the
Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you position. I think I have firm foundation for saying
greet only your brothers, what are you doing more that based on the teaching of Jesus and the other
than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, directives to the early church. What did Christ teach
therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. about resistance and retaliation? All one needs to do
is examine the intention of our Lord’s words by His
That sets a pretty high standard my friends! own example in real life. Did He really mean it
literally when He said that Christians should not
Well, so now just where did all the strange beliefs of
resist an evildoer? That the love of his disciples
the Christian Church come from? Let me attempt to
should be so immense that they should be willing to
tell you! The Apostle Paul, bless his heart, can be
turn the other cheek when they were struck as is
blamed first of all. Remember he was a converted
suggested in Matthew 5:38-48? Did he in point of
Jew, a Hebrew of the Hebrews. That was his claim
fact mean that He was sending His disciples out as
to fame. And his purpose was to convert other
harmless and as vulnerable as lambs in the middle of
Hebrews to his new found way of life. He was steeped
a pack of wolves as recorded in Luke 10:3? Was Paul
in the old animal sacrifice theology so why wouldn't
honestly reflecting the spirit of his Lord when he
he transpose it over into Christian thought? And he
reminded his followers that even though they walked
did it, and sold it to his Christian brethren, lock,
in the flesh, they should not war according to the
stock and barrel. And Jesus has been the atonement
flesh in 2 Corinthians 10:3? When he reminded the
for sin ever since. Paul's gospel theme was Christ
young church in Thessalonica not to render evil for
and Him crucified for the justification of sinners (1

24 5
evil to anyone in 1 Thessalonians 5:15 did he mean for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
what he said? How about when he said in 2 Timothy
Blessed are those who mourn,
2:24 that the Lord’s servant must not strive, but be
gentle toward all. Was he just kidding? Was Peter for they will be comforted.
being led by the Holy Spirit when he urged the
Blessed are the meek,
nonresistant spirit of his Christian readers in the
nonresistant standard of Jesus Christ who suffered for they will inherit the earth.
unjustly -- even crucifixion on a criminal’s cross in 1
Peter 2:21-24? Was Peter correct in two different Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for
times suggesting that Christians are called to a righteousness, for they will be filled.
ministry of nonresistant suffering? 1 Peter 2:21; 3:9. Blessed are the merciful,
And finally, was Peter led by the Spirit (1 Peter 4:1)
when he suggested that just as the Lord Jesus for they will be shown mercy.
suffered in the flesh, so the Christian needs to “arm
Blessed are the pure in heart,
himself” with the same readiness to suffer meekly?
You know what, the witness of history is that the for they will see God.
primitive church understood these injunctions to
Blessed are the peacemakers,
mean exactly what they said. This amazing witness
remained until the fourth or fifth century. for they will be called sons of God.

Hear the words of Justin, who was martyred in 165 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of
A. D., "We ourselves were well conversant with war, righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
murder and everything evil, but all of us throughout
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute
the whole wide earth have traded in our weapons of
you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you
war. We have exchanged our swords for plowshares,
because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is
our spears for farm we cultivate the fear of
your reward in heaven, for in the same way they
God, justice, kindness, faith, and the expectation of
persecuted the prophets who were before you.
the future given to us through the crucified one...the

6 23
And to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:6-8) more we are persecuted and martyred, the more do
others in ever increasing numbers become believers."
There were other prophets who echoed the same
theme also. Or again listen to Hippolytus in 218 A.D., "A
military constable must be forbidden to kill, neither
Then in the very next century along came Jesus may he swear; if he is not willing to follow these
Christ. Who is this man who claimed to be God? instructions, he must be rejected by the community.
What were the major events in Jesus Christ’s life on A proconsul or magistrate who wears the purple and
Earth? Was Jesus Christ truly the Savior of the governs by the sword shall give it up or be rejected.
world? Those questions and many more like them Anyone taking or already baptized who wants to
have been bandied about ever since his arrival on the become a soldier shall be sent away, for he has
scene. I personally believe that he is the very best despised God."
and highest knowledge we have of who God is and
what God is like. Remember he said, "Anyone who Then following years of struggle with power being
has seen me has seen the Father." John 14:8-10 I distributed among many rulers one powerful leader
believe his testimony. emerged one Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantinus -
or just Constantine. He emerged from the imperial
He also said many times that the secret of eternal tumult through several military conquests, the most
life was, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart popular of which was the battle of the Milvian Bridge
and with all your soul and with all your strength and in the year 312. Before he entered into battle, so the
with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as legend goes, he saw a sign of the cross in the sky, and
yourself." Luke 10:26-28 heard a voice saying, 'In this will you conquer.' Quite
ironic isn't it, considering that for Jesus the cross
In the only sermon that is recorded for us he said:
meant refusal of worldly ways of conquering.
Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a
It was just a few years following Constantine's
mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to
putting his blessings on war that the love affair
him, and he began to teach them saying:
between Church and State grew even more intimate.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, The emperor Theodosius proclaimed Christianity as

22 7
the state religion of the empire and made it a crime up in the poorer, working class of his small farming
not to be a Christian. That is when things really got community. The quality of his prophecy, however,
messy. Christians were ordered to kill pagans who has caused many scholars to believe that he received
refused to become Christian. a good education and/or may have been one of the
wealthier members of the community, a land owner.
The Church in reality moved from being the
Still others consider him as an elder of the
persecuted to being persecutor. In the name of one
community, indicating his respect among his people.
who taught us to love our enemies, the church burned
At any rate, because he grew up in such a community,
its enemies alive.
he was well aware of the avarice and injustices of the
However, the Anabaptists and their three groups of rich. And thus he cried out against the evils of his
spiritual descendants (Mennonites, Amish, and day:
Hutterites) came along in the 16th century and they
With what shall I come before the LORD
sought to hold to the primitive position of the church
on nonresistance. They believed that only that And bow down before the exalted God?
position is possible if one seriously seeks to follow
Shall I come before him with burnt offerings,
both the teaching and the example of the Lord Jesus.
Hence Conrad Grebel, the chief founder of Swiss With calves a year old?
Anabaptism and a former disciple of Zwingli, wrote in
Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams,
1524: "The gospel and its adherents, moreover, are
not to be protected by the sword, nor are they thus to With ten thousand rivers of oil?
protect themselves. True Christian believers are as
sheep among wolves, and prepared for the slaughter. Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression,
They must be baptized in anguish and affliction, The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
tribulation, persecution, suffering and death. They
must be tried with fire, and must reach the He has showed you, O man, what is good.
Fatherland of eternal rest, not by killing their bodily
And what does the LORD require of you?
enemies, but by [mortifying] their spiritual [enemies].
Neither do they use worldly sword nor war, since To act justly and to love mercy
8 21
human and animal corpses with sacrificial marks killing has absolutely ceased with them. This has
long before any written records of the practice. It was been the nonresistant position of the Anabaptists and
practiced by many of these religions as a means of of their spiritual lineage for almost four and a half
service to God or changing the course of nature. centuries, and for this "heresy," coupled with a free
Animal sacrifice has appeared in almost all cultures, church (in opposition to one established by law), and
so it was certainly not surprising that the Jews believer's baptism, they suffered about 5,000 martyrs
picked up on it and practiced it until after the in the sixteenth century.
destruction of the Second Temple.
Then in the middle of the 17th century the Quaker
As I have already pointed out not all Jews accepted movement began through the person of George Fox;
the idea of animal sacrifice for the Essenes certainly the date which is generally accepted as the "birth of
did not. They were followers of a religious way of Quakerism" is 1652. For some five years, Fox had
living in Judaism that flourished from the 2nd been traveling round the country, spreading his
century BC to the 1st century AD. Maybe that is why message. He was understood and welcomed by some,
I have such deep respect for them. They not only but he also met with considerable opposition; he had
decried the practice of animal sacrifice they were been imprisoned in Derby prison on a charge of
pacifists. So you see there were dissenters even back blasphemy and had suffered considerable ill-
in the 2nd century before Christ. And so, they were treatment. He had been working very much on his
Jews who kept all the Jewish observances, but they own and he had certainly not initiated any sort of
would not offer animal sacrifice or eat meat. They religious movement. Then, in May 1652, he was in
actually considered it unlawful to eat meat or to Lancashire and had climbed to the top of Pendle Hill.
make sacrifices with it. I say good for them! It was a strange thing to do, for people did not climb
hills for the fun of it in those days, especially one that
Then in the next century the prophet Micah came
was well-reputed as an abode for witches; still, Fox
along and prophesied throughout the reigns of
had a habit of doing unaccountable things! The view
Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, roughly 735–700 BC.
from the summit of the far spread countryside
Micah was brought up to fear the Lord in a small
inspired him and shortly afterwards he had a vision,
hometown, and it was in this small village that God
or an insight, of "a great people to be gathered".
Almighty based His great plans for him. Micah grew
20 9
tered on "The Inner Light". More correctly this person, or object, that is considered to be
should be termed the "Inner Light of Christ", because supernatural, sacred, divine, or of the highest truth.
a basic part of the message was that "Christ had Moral codes, practices, values, institutions, tradition,
come to teach his people himself". People listened rituals, and scriptures are often traditionally
because it was a message of hope-of assurance. No associated with the core belief, and these may have
longer did they have to look to a Priest, or Church, or some overlap with concepts in secular philosophy.
Book as the final authority; the authority and the Religion is also often described as a "way of life".
"Truth" was to be found by the individual through O.K.? All Ancient civilizations in the Near East
direct knowledge of the spirit of Christ - the "Christ were deeply influenced by their spiritual beliefs.
in the heart". They became convinced that by Spirituality, in a narrow sense, concerns itself with
"waiting on the Lord" they would come to know the matters of the spirit. The spiritual, involving
will of God through direct communication. The perceived eternal verities regarding humankind's
movement came into conflict both with Cromwell's ultimate nature, often contrasts with the temporal,
Puritan government and later with the restored with the material, or with the worldly. A sense of
monarchy of Charles II, over a number of points: they connection forms a central defining characteristic of
refused to pay tithes to the state Church; to take spirituality — connection to something "greater" than
oaths in court; to practice "hat honor" (doff their hats oneself, which includes an emotional experience of
to the king or other persons in positions of power); or religious awe and reverence. Equally importantly,
to go to war. spirituality relates to matters of sanity and of
On a per-capita basis, Friends have probably psychological health. Like some forms of religion,
contributed more in the promotion of tolerance, peace spirituality often focuses on personal experience.
and justice than any other Christian denomination. Now let's get to some of the early rites of those
They have been influential far beyond their numbers ancient folk. Animal sacrifice was practiced by nearly
in many areas: promotion of world peace, abolition of all Ancient civilizations and was the ritual killing of
slavery, fair treatment of Native Americans, an animal as part of their religion. The practice of
universal suffrage, prison reform, improvement in sacrifice is found in the oldest human records
mental hospitals, etc. I have always been happy to available. And the archaeological record contains
10 19
My Credo Friends Views
Well my friends I am going to bare my soul today
As Friends we do not recite the creeds nor do we
and explain as best I can why I believe as I do. I am
observe the outward sacraments. We believe these
sure there will be many of you who will thoroughly
are merely symbols of the real inward events. I have
disagree with me, but so be it. I trust there may be at
never participated in the outward sacraments even
least a few of you who see my point of view.
though I have had many opportunities to do so.
To begin with let us set the record straight, religion
At the very center of the Quaker faith lies the
is simply a set of beliefs and practices generally held
concept of the Inner Light. This principle states that
by a community, involving adherence to codified
in every human being there is implanted a certain
beliefs which are nothing more than psychological
element of God's own Spirit and divine energy. The
states in which an individual is convinced of the truth
element, known to early Friends as "that of God in
of a proposition. Like the related concepts truth,
everyone", "the seed of Christ", or "the seed of Light"
knowledge, and wisdom, there is no precise definition
that means to Friends, in the words of John 1:9, "the
of belief on which scholars agree, but rather
true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh
numerous theories and continued debate about the
into the world."
nature of belief and rituals, that is words of a "rite",
which are said as a part of a ceremony which is a set Friends generally believe that first-hand knowledge
of actions, performed mainly for their symbolic value, of God is only possible through that which is
which is prescribed by a religion or by the traditions experienced, or inwardly revealed to the individual
of a community. human being through the working of God's
quickening Spirit. This explains the attitude of
All patriarchal religions present a common quality,
Friends towards many things, including the person
the "hallmark of patriarchal religious thought": the
and ministry of Jesus Christ, the scriptures, the
division of the world in two comprehensive domains,
establishment and authority of the church, its use of
one sacred, the other profane. Religion is often
ceremonies, symbols and sacraments, and especially
described as a communal system for the coherence of
the obligations felt by each individual.
belief focusing on a system of thought, unseen being,

18 11
The Second Call Scotus). God freely decides to accept this event as a
repayment of our dues to him. But then why not
The second time I felt the call to enter the ministry
freely decide to accept something less traumatic, such
I felt I couldn’t resist. Here I was married and with
as the sacrifice of a sheep? (d) Jesus suffers as a
3 children to support now so how in the world could I
substitute for us. But the morality of using
manage? I talked it over with my wife, of course, and
substitutes or scapegoats is particularly unedifying.
she agreed that we should go ahead with following
(e) The Ethical Message or Example (Abelard). Jesus
the leading of the Lord.
is sent to exemplify for us the perfect life. It seems
strange, however, to deliver the message in one
We talked it over with our pastor, Vernard Cox and
particular place and time, and especially one with
he got in touch with the Iowa Yearly Meeting of
such fragile means of recording the event.
Friends superintendent, Paul Barnett. In a few days
Paul Barnett came and visited with us. He was I give you this brief introduction leading up to My
delighted with our leading and suggested that the Credo. It wasn’t until I was 90 years old that I came
New Sharon Meeting was seeking a pastor and that up with this compilation that satisfied my mind and
would provide and opportunity for me to attend heart. It makes sense to me whereas none of the
college at Penn College, which was just 15 miles theories of the atonement through the centuries have.
south of New Sharon.
Please read it with an open mind and heart seeking
truth where ever you can.
Arrangements were made for us to go to New
Sharon and preach a sermon and meet with their
ministry and oversight body. We did that and the call
was given for us to come and serve as their pastor.

We accepted the invitation and made the move in

time to get 2 of the girls in school at New Sharon,
Ruth wasn’t old enough yet, and me enrolled at Penn
College in Oskaloosa.

12 17
even to any of those occupations even in peace which My Early Questions
are easily perverted to wicked purposes; . . . they
repudiated and kept aloof from everything which I remember very well how I was troubled with all of
could possibly afford any inducement to covetousness; the theories of the atonement. They just didn’t
and there was not a single slave among them, but satisfy my mind at all. One time I asked the
they were all free, aiding one another with a representative of The Five Years Meeting of Friends,
reciprocal interchange of good offices; and they Merton Scott, who was visiting Iowa Yearly Meeting
condemned masters, not only as unjust, inasmuch as about it. He recommended a book by Leslie
they corrupted the very principle of equality, but Weatherhead, A Plain Man Looks at the Cross. I got
likewise as impious, because they destroyed the it right away and it helped a great deal, but still
ordinances of nature, which generated them all didn’t quench my desire for understanding the whole
equally. I admire their high standards. question of the atonement.

That shows that I’m not alone in my opposition to Another problem that bothered me was the killing
the slaying of animals for men’s sins. And that brings of animals for men’s sins. That never made sense to
us to the whole idea of the atonement. In Christian me. How could the God of love, exemplified in Jesus
theology, the sacrificial death of Christ as some kind Christ demand the slaying of innocent animals for my
of payment for the sins of mankind. Various theories sins?
attempt to make sense of a perfect deity directing a
sacrifice of this kind. They include: (a) the idea that Whenever I raised such questions I was told
the event is the payment of some kind of a ransom to because the Bible says so. But you know what the
the forces of evil. But since the Son is rejoined with Bible also says, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice,'' The
his Father, the forces of evil appear to have been more I investigated this problem the more I found out
cheated, and this seems incompatible with justice. (b) that I wasn’t alone. Long before the birth of Jesus a
The Satisfaction theory (Anselm). The sacrifice group of Hebrews, known as the Essenes, were very
restores God's honour, insulted by sin. But the way much opposed to the killing of animals not only for
this restoration works remains obscure, especially as sacrificial purposes but also for food. There were
the insult goes on. (c) The Acceptance theory (Duns three main philosophical sects among the Jews, the
16 13
Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Essenes. nes were apocalyptic, and they opposed Temple
priesthood. Essenes were apocalyptic, and they
The Pharisees were a prominent sect of Jews in opposed Temple priesthood. They were stricter than
Christ's time. They opposed Jesus and His teachings. any other of the Jews, in resting from their labour on
They plotted His death. They were denounced by the seventh day; for they not only got their food ready
Him. Their characteristic teachings included: belief the day before, so that they would not be obliged to
in oral as well as written Law; resurrection of the kindle a fire on that day, but they would not even
human body; belief in the existence of a spirit world; remove any vessel out of its place.
immortality of the soul; predestination; future
rewards and punishments based upon works. There was certainly a connection between
Pharisaism and Essenism. Both groups originated
The Sadducees were another prominent Jewish from a desire after 'purity,' though there seems a
religious sect in the time of Christ. Their beliefs fundamental difference between them, alike in the
included: acceptance only of the Law and rejection of idea of what constituted purity, and in the means for
oral tradition; denial of bodily resurrection; attaining it. To the Pharisee it was Levitical and legal
immortality of the soul; existence of a spirit world. purity, secured by the 'hedge' of ordinances which
They supported the Maccabeans. The Sadducees they drew around themselves. To the Essene it was
were a relatively small group, but they generally held absolute purity in separation from the 'material,'
the high priesthood. They denounced John the which in itself was defiling. And there was absolutely
Baptist and Jesus. They actively opposed Christ and no place for either an Aaronic priesthood, or bloody
the apostolic Church. sacrifices in the Essene way of life. In fact, they
repudiated both.
Then there were the Essenes who were a Jewish
I find it interesting that among these men you will
religious sect not actually mentioned in the Bible, but
find no makers of arrows, or javelines, or swords, or
described by Josephus, Philo, and mentioned in the
helmets, or breastplates, or shields, no makers of
Dead Sea Scrolls. Most members lived communal,
arms or military engines; no one, in short, attending
celibate lives. They observed Jewish Law very
to any employment whatever connected with war, or
strictly. They practiced ceremonial baptisms.
14 15

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