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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Business Administration

Submitted to Department Of Management Studies

Submitted By Abhishek Jacob Roll No.:11 !1" #$


Uttar Prades* Te+*ni+a, Uni-ersit. /%&'%$%&'01



SUBMITED B 2 A3*is*e4 Ja+o3


% hereby declare that the research pro&ect report on 5A STUD ON CUSTOMER SATIS!ACTION ON DIRECT IN6ESTMENT 7IT" ICICI DIRECT8 includes the 'hole original 'ork and the same has not been submitted to any of the (ni)ersity* that research pro&ect report should be liable to be re&ected or cancelled if found other'ise.

AB"IS"E9 JACOB +BA %% ,r. Roll No.: 11 !1" #$



-his is to certify that 5A3*is*e4 Ja+o38 has successfully completed the Summer .ro&ect titled on 5A STUD ON CUSTOMER SATIS!ACTION ON DIRECT IN6ESTMENT 7IT" ICICI DIRECT8 from /%0%0% 1irect2 as the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the a'ard of degree of Master of Business Administration /M;B;A;1 by (ttar .radesh -echnical (ni)ersity during batch 3 1343 15.

Dr. M.K. Sharma "ead: Department of Management Studies: JSSATE: Noida


Any person can ne)er do 'ork of this nature alone. -his formal piece of ackno'ledgement may not be sufficient to e6press the feeling of gratitude and affection for those 'ho 'ere associated 'ith the pro&ect and 'ithout 'hose co4operation and guidance this pro&ect could not ha)e been conducted properly. %t is a matter of great pleasure for me in submitting the pro&ect report on / 'ith Special Reference to 0ustomer satisfaction on 1irect %n)estment2 in the partial fulfilment of the requirement of my course from / JSS A0A17+, 89 -70:N%0A; 71(0A-%8N* N8%1A.2 %t is my profound pri)ilege to thankfully ackno'ledge the inspiring co4 operation e6tended to me by all the staff members for the successful completion of my pro&ect. +y first 'ord of thanks goes to +r..urnendu Ra'at* %0%0% 1irect* <anpur for gi)ing me an e6cellent chance to undergo training in a reputed and prestigious brokerage firm of %ndia. % further* am in deep gratitude to +r. .urnendu Ra'at Sales +anager for :is kind support and guidance in marshalling my kno'ledge to the shaping of and the Becoming of the pro&ect = other staff members of %0%0% for their kindness and >aluable guidance and assistance* 'hich helped me in the completion of my summer -raining. And also my special remembrance to all the faculty members of JSS A-7* Noida 'ho ha)e encouraged me to be continuous learner. And abo)e all* % thank the Almighty 'ithout 'hose blessings* nothing 'ould ha)e been possible.

Abhishek Jacob

JSS A-7* Noida


7)er since 'e ha)e attained independence 'e ha)e been attaining some sort of nourishment in one field or another. 9inance is the backbone of e)ery country and %ndia is no e6ception. Being the country it is ha)e lot of pressure of population and that burden has to be born by the earning population of the country. %ndian financial market has been progressing leaps and bounds in last decade or so. ?orld see %ndia as the emerging po'er of the planet and %ndian finance has ma&or role to play in letting the country in this great position. Share market is the breathing @one of %ndian financial market. 7)ery %ndian company 'hich has some significance 'ith lot of people has been listed in the stock e6change and has been affecting country. Broking firms play a ma&or role in the smooth functioning of the Stock +arket because in)estors trade through these broking firms. So because of lots of opportunity in this sector 'ith that is competition. +ore and more companies are entering into this sector* so to maintain and acquire the client base it requires good marketing strategies on the companiesA part. %t must be kept in mind that ma&or share of in)estors are price sensiti)e and they decide the in)estment options and the options to trade trough on the basis of cost effecti)eness.

(Signature of ma&or ad)isorB

CSignature of studentB

1. Introdu+tion;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' $% 3. Compan. Profi,e;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;( 3.1. %ntroduction;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;($0 3.3. :istory of the 8rgani@ation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0$< 3.D. .roduct offered by %0%0% 1irect;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<$%' 3.5. S?8analysis;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%= 3.#. 8rgani@ation structure;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(' D. Statement of t*e Pro3,em;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(> 5. Resear+* O3?e+ti-e;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(> #. Resear+* Met*odo,og.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(<$0& #.1. Scope of the study;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(< #.3. Research design;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(<$0& #.D. ;imitations of the study;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0&

E. Data ana,.sis and Interpretation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0&$=' ". !indings;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =% $. Suggestions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =% !. Con+,usion;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =( 1 . Bi3,iograp*.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =0 11. Anne@ure;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =A$)& 11.1. ;ist of abbre)iation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=A$== 11.3. Fuistionnaire;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =)$)&

+BA is a stepping stone to the management carrier and to de)elop good manager it is necessary that the theoretical must be supplemented 'ith e6posure to the real en)ironment. -heoretical kno'ledge &ust pro)ides the base and itAs not sufficient to produce a good

manager thatAs 'hy the practical kno'ledge is needed. -herefore the Research .ro&ect is an essential requirement for the student of +BA. -his research pro&ect not only helps the students to utili@e his skills properly = learn field realities but also pro)ides a chance to the organisation to find out talent among the budding managers in the )ery beginning. %n accordance 'ith the requirement of +BA course % ha)e done my research pro&ect on the topic 5A stud. on +ustomer satisfa+tion on dire+t in-estment Bit* ICICI Dire+t8. -he main ob&ecti)e of the research pro&ect 'as to study the satisfaction of the customer 'hen he in)ests in %0%0% 1irect. 9or conducting this research pro&ect a sample si@e of 1 filled by the %n)estors = .ersonnel %nter)ie'. in)estors 'as selected. -he

information regarding the pro&ect research 'as collected through the questionnaire


';' GENERA# INTRODUCTION P" SICA# CERTI!ICATES $ T"E TRADITIONA# 7A -he %ndian capital market has seen an unprecedented boom in its acti)ity in the last decade. ?e can no' boast of a )ery large in)estor population and substantial )olumes of trade. :o'e)er* this surge in acti)ity has brought 'ith it* numerous problems that threaten the )ery sur)i)al of the 0apital market in the long run. A closer inspection of the problems 'ould re)eal that most of them arise due to the intrinsic nature of paper based trading and settlement. -his century4old system of trading and settlement requires handling of huge )olumes of paper leading to increased costs and inefficiencies. Simultaneously* they e6pose the in)estors to greater risks putting them at a disad)antage. Some of these areas are:

(n'arranted delay in transfer of shares. %t takes D to E days for the in)estors to get the shares lodged in their nameG

.ossibility of forgery on )arious documents leading to bad deli)eries* legal disputes etcG

-heft of shares leading to defecti)e title in shares purchased and subsequent litigationG

.re)alence of fake certificates in the marketG

+utilation or loss of share certificates in transitG

%ncreased transaction costs due to stamp duty* fake shares* re&ection by registrars* etc.

-his has made the in)estors* both retail and institutional* 'ary of entering the %ndian capital market. %n this scenario* it 'as felt that the getting up of a depository and the introduction of scrip less trading and settlement is imperati)e for the efficient functioning of the market. -he %ndian capital market has 'itnessed numerous changes in the recent past. :istorically stock market booms ha)e al'ays resulted in a number of problems for the lay in)estor. Sometimes* the problem may magnify them and threatens to engulf the entire capital market. A close introspection of these problems 'ill re)eal that most of them are due to intrinsic nature of paper based trading and settlement. All this may ha)e dri)en a'ay many potential in)estors and 9oreign %nstitutional %n)estors. 14 materiali@ation of shares is looked upon as the remedy for the HpaperA based problems.

?ith effect from august 1!* 1!!$ S7B% has granted certificate of registration of 0entral 1epository Ser)ices C%B ;td. C01S;B. ,et e)en 'ith 14mat* from the point of )ie' of in)estors there are numerous problems. :ere ?allet ?atch introduces you to setting up of a 14mat account and introduction of scrip less trading and settlement. -here are numerous benefits of this scrip less trading and settlement* 'hich ?allet ?atch has discussed in detail.

%;' INTRODUCTION ABOUT T"E COMPAN 7)en as the 7uropean and American stock markets reckon 'ith the changes brought about by the %nternet and %-Itelecom ad)ances* the %ndian stock market has quickly mo)ed to global standards. -he sheer breadth of the changes since the National Stock 76change started operations in 1!!5 and 'ith the Securities and 76change Board of %ndia CS7B%B also dri)ing the changes in the market system* ha)e enabled the %ndian market to mo)e 'ell ahead in &ust fi)e years. 7)en as online automated trading and better clearing and settlement mechanisms ha)e been put in place* perhaps* the most significant change in the %ndian market has been the coming of paperless tradingG it may 'ell be a precursor to the ne6t big changes J rolling settlements and %nternet trading. But the push to'ards paperless trading stands out e)en in a decade 'hen the market landscape has changed beyond recognition.

14materiali@ation Cholding and trading securities in paperless modeB 'as an alien concept in %ndia before 1!!#G in fi)e years* large quantities of paper ha)e been flushed out of the system. Since the entry of the foreign institutional in)estors C9%%sB and online trading* the old system* laden 'ith paper'ork at e)ery concei)able stage* 'as out of place in an other'ise fast trading en)ironment. As the 9%%s complained about the paper'ork as a ma&or constraining factor* the go)ernment and S7B% took notice. -he requisite legislati)e changes 'ere put in place quickly 4 the 1epositories Act* 1!!E 'as passed and the NS7* 'ith the (-% and the %1B%* set up the National Securities 1epository ;td CNS1;B. But the depository concept did not gain popularityG the 9%%s 'hich had clamored for its introduction* no' ignored it. -he reason: ;ack of liquidity. But* unless the institutional in)estors stepped in* there could be no liquidity. -his stalemate frustrated the push for a paperless en)ironment. (ntil S7B% stepped in* that is. ?ith regulatory pushes S7B%* in phases* made 14mat trading in stocks mandatory for institutions first and* then* for all in)estors. +andatory paperless trading* forced the 9%%s to 14materiali@e their holdings quickly. As a consequence of S7B%Ks action* most ma&or stocks are traded in the paperless mode no'. -he second phase 'ill in)ol)e some 3 companies* 'ith a market capitali@ation of Rs. "*D"*D stocks in a fe' months time. -he effect of S7B%Ks action is e)ident from NS1;Ks statistics. A total of E!$ crores Calmost $ per cent of the market capitali@ation of all listed stocksB* is enrolled 'ith the NS1;. ?ith 1D.E# billion shares in the 14mat mode* nearly 1! million in)estor accounts* and securities )alued at Rs. D*!E*$ crores CL!1 billionsB actually 14 materiali@ed* the concept of 14materiali@ation can be said to ha)e taken roots. %f the regulatory direction is any indication* more paper 'ill be flushed out of the system in the ne6t t'o years.

-he costs of 14materiali@ation ha)e declined as the NS1; slashed charges as )olumes e6panded and the competition M from the 0entral 1epository Ser)ices ;td C0S1;B floated by the BS7 M started in 1!!! second half. A series of measures by S7B% and NS1; also helped ease the strain faced by retail in)estors. 9rom a long4term perspecti)e* 14mat in %ndia is of considerable significance. Not only has the general trading en)ironment impro)ed and quickened* )olumes too ha)e perked up* e)en in the 14mat segment. ?ith 14mat taking off* there is no' scope for an impro)ement in the quality of in)estor ser)ices. As a consequence of 14materiali@ation* the %ndian market is also 'ell prepared for 'eb4based trading though the quality of telecom infrastructure and inadequacies in the banking system4stock e6change linkages may cause delays. Notably* 'ith regard to the thrust to'ards paperless trading* the %ndian market managed in three years 'hat took e)en the (S much longer.

?ith a high degree of 14materiali@ation a reality* the stage is set for rolling settlements and 'eb4based trading. 8nce these are in place* the %ndian market 'ill ha)e mo)ed closer to the standards in ad)anced markets* such as the (S. And paperless trading may 'ell be the catalyst for such a rapid ad)ancement.

%;% "ISTOR O! T"E ORGANICATION2 -he 14materiali@ed form of shareholding and the depository mode of trade Cscrip less tradeB ha)e been in operation in de)eloped financial markets for o)er 1# years. %n %ndia* the first depository commenced operation a decade back and is relati)ely ne'. -he %ndian financial market is in need of both scrip4based and scrip less trade* but the in)esting community* 'hich is used scrip4based trade* is bound to take some time to accept the latter. -he scrip less trading* till no' a domain of the 'estern 'orld* institutional in)estors and N1R holders is no' mandatory e)en for small

in)estors. All those 'ho hold physical share certificates ha)e to get them 14 materiali@ed. %f they do not* they 'ill be forced to do so at the time of sale. -he countless numbers of conser)ati)e %ndians ha)e to digest it* 'hether they like it or not. 9irst* the institutional in)estors succumbed. -hen the high net 'orth indi)iduals* trading in more than a certain numbers of shares* 'ere forced to gi)e in. no'* it is the turn of the small in)estors of select4companies. ?ith their share certificates being replaced by small slips and receipts* naturally the a)erage in)estors 'ill ha)e their share of fears and apprehensions. %t is necessary to educate and con)ince these in)estors about the benefit of 14mat rather than forcing them to take part in the game.

%;( Compan.Ds 6ision2

-o make %0%0% 1irect the dominant online share trading by 'orld class people and ser)ices. T*is Be *ope to a+*ie-e 3.2 (nderstanding the needs of customers and offering them superior product and ser)ice. ;e)eraging technology to ser)ice customers quickly and con)eniently. 1e)eloping and implementing superior risk management and in)estment strategic to offer sustainable and stable return to our shareholder. .ro)iding and enabling en)ironment to foster gro'th and learning for our employees %;0 Compan.Ds mission2 -o &udged by their sales and earnings gro'th rates than on the absolute )alue of their sales and earnings. ;ook for companies that consistently gro' faster than there peers. %n)estors prefer companies that increase profit margins 44 the percentage of sales that they keep 44 e)ery year. -his is accomplished either by lo'ering e6penses or

raising prices. ;ook for companies that consistently find 'ays to squee@e more profits out of sales than their peers. -he financial health of a company is dependent on a combination of profitability* short4term liquidity and long term liquidity. 0ompanies* 'hich are profitable* but ha)e poor short term or long term liquidity measures* do not sur)i)e the troughs of the trade cycle

%;A Ma?or P, of t*e Industr. S; S; 9anti,a, Is*Bar,a, Se+urities P-t; #td; /s*are4*an;+om12 Sharekhan* %ndiaKs leading stockbroker is the retail arm of SS<%* and offers you depository ser)ices and trade e6ecution facilities for equities* deri)ati)es and commodities backed 'ith in)estment ad)ice tempered by decades of broking e6perience. A research and analysis team is constantly 'orking to track performance and trends. -hatKs 'hy Sharekhan has the trading products* 'hich are ha)ing one of the highest success rates in the industry. Sharekhan is ha)ing 35 share shops in 11 citiesG the largest chain of retail share shops in %ndia is of Sharekhan. %n future* Sharekhan is planning to enter in +utual funds* %nsurance sector and banking sector to e6pand beyond the market currently co)ered by it. And it has started +9 C+utual 9undsB on priority basis but 'ants to gro' in it.

ICICI 7EB TRADE #TD; /,CICIdire+t;+om12 'as the first entrant into e4broking. pro)ides the Din4l to the users 'hich ties in their sa)ing bank account and their 14mat account to their brokerage account electronically. -his integration ensures that money is transferred toIfrom their bank account and the shares are transferred fromIto their 14 mat account automatically 'ithout 'riting any cheques or transfer instructions 'hile carrying out their trades in shares. has the option of trading in shares in cash* margin or spot segments. An in)estor can also in)est in 15 +utual 9unds C.rudential %0%0% +9* 9ranklin -empleton %ndia +9* Alliance 0apital +9* 1+ +9* Birla Sun ;ife +9* Sundaram +9* %;=9S +9* .rincipal +9* :190 +9* Standard 0hartered +9* Reliance 0apital +9* <otak +ahindra +9* -A-A +9 and 1S. +7RR%;; ;,N0: +9B through their trading account.

APaisa;+om2 #paisa is the trade name of %ndia %nfo line Securities .ri)ate ;imited C#paisaB* member of National Stock 76change and -he Stock 76change* +umbai. #paisa is a 'holly o'ned subsidiary of %ndia %nfo line ;td* %ndiaKs leading and most popular finance and in)estment portal. #paisa has emerged as one of leading players in e4broking space in %ndia. -he companyKs brokerage is one of the lo'est in the industry. %t also pro)ides the research on commodities. %n)estors can benefit from its analysis and ad)ice a)ailable at the click of the mouse. 9or those 'ho prefer to trade the traditional 'ay* %ndia %nfo line in)estor points are a)ailable across the country. %ndia %nfo line 'as founded by a group of professionals in 1!!#. %ts institutional in)estors include %ntel 0apital* one of the leading technology companies in the 'orld promoted by the (< go)ernment* %0%0%* -1A and Reeshanar. -he company offers a sle' of products such as stock and deri)ati)es broking* commodities broking and mutual funds. 9OTA9 SECURITIES #IMITED /4ota4street;+om12 <otak Securities ;td.* a strategic &oint )enture bet'een <otak +ahindra Bank and Noldman Sachs Cholding 3#O 4 one of the 'orldKs leading in)estment banks and brokerage firmsB is %ndiaKs leading stock broking house 'ith a market share of # 4 E O. <otak Securities ;td. has been the largest in %.8 distribution 4 %t 'as ranked number 8ne in 3 D4 5 as Book Running ;ead +anagers in public equity offerings by .R%+7 1atabase. %t has also 'on the Best 7quity :ouse A 'ard from 9inance Asia 4 April 3 5. <otak Securities ;td is also a depository participant 'ith National Securities 1epository ;imited CNS1;B and 0entral 1epository Ser)ices ;imited C01S;B pro)iding dual benefit ser)ices 'herein the in)estors can use the brokerage ser)ices of the company for e6ecuting the transactions and the depository ser)ices for settling them. -he company has 53 branches ser)icing around 1* * customers. < the online di)ision of <otak Securities ;imited offers %nternet Broking ser)ices and also online %.8 and +utual 9und %n)estments. <otak Securities ;imited manages assets o)er 1" crores under .ortfolio +anagement Ser)ices C.+SB 'hich is mainly to the high end of the market. <otak

Securities ;imited has ne'ly launched P<otak %nfinityP as a distinct discretionary .ortfolio +anagement Ser)ice* 'hich looks into the middle end of the market. India Bu,,s2 %ndia bulls is %ndiaKs leading retail financial ser)ices company 'ith "" locations spread across E5 cities. %ts si@e and strong balance sheet allo's pro)iding )aried products and ser)ices at )ery attracti)e prices* our o)er "# 0lient Relationship +anagers are dedicated to ser)ing your unique needs. %ndia bulls is lead by a highly regarded management team that has in)ested crores of rupees into a 'orld class %nfrastructure that pro)ides real4time ser)ice = 35I" access to all information and products. -he India 3u,,s Professiona, NetBor4 offers real4 time prices* detailed data and ne's* intelligent analytics* and electronic trading capabilities* right at your fingertips. -his po'erful technology is complemented by our kno'ledgeable and customer focused Relationship +anagers. %ndia bulls offer a full range of financial ser)ices and products ranging from 7quities* 1eri)ati)es* 14mat ser)ices and %nsurance to enhance 'ealth and to achie)e the financial goals. MOTI#A# OS7 A# SECURITIES #TD; /MOSt12 8ne of the top4D stock4broking houses in %ndia* 'ith a dominant position in both institutional and retail broking* +8St is amongst the best4capitali@ed firms in the broking industry in terms of net 'orth. +8St 'as founded in 1!$" as a small sub4 broking unit* 'ith &ust t'o people running the sho'. 9ocus on customer4first4attitude* ethical and transparent business practices* respect for professionalism* research4based )alue in)esting and implementation of cutting4edge technology ha)e enabled it to blossom into a thousand4member team. -he institutional business unit has relationships 'ith se)eral leading foreign institutional in)estors C9%lsB in the (S* (<* :ong <ong and Singapore. %n a recent media report +8St 'as rated as one of the top41 brokers in terms of business transacted for 9%ls. -he retail business unit pro)ides equity in)estment solutions to more than # * in)estors through 3" outlets spanning 1# cities and 33 states. +8St pro)ides Ad)ice Based Broking* .ortfolio +anagement Ser)ices C.+SB* 74Broking Ser)ices* 1epository Ser)ices* 0ommodities -rading* and %.8 and +utual 9und %n)estment Ad)isory Ser)ices. %ts >alue .+S Scheme ga)e a 1E O post4ta6 return for the year

ended +arch 3


In Asia Money Brokers Poll 2003 MOSt has been rated as the Best Domestic Research Ho se! Me"a # nds$ %hile in 2000 and 2002 it has been rated as the Best Domestic &' ity Research Ho se and Second best amon"st Indian Brokera"e (irms res)ecti*ely+

"D!C SECURITIES #TD /"D!Cse+12 :190sec is a brand brought to you by :190 Securities ;td* 'hich has been promoted by the :190 Bank = :190 'ith the ob&ecti)e of pro)iding the di)erse customer base of the :190 Nroup and other in)estors a capability to transact in the Stock 76changes = other financial market transactions. -he ser)ices comprise online buying and selling of equity shares on the National Stock 76change CNS7B. Buying and selling of select corporate debt and go)ernment securities on the NS7 'ould be introduced in a subsequent phase. %n a fe' months* they 'ill also start offering the follo'ing online trading ser)ices on the BS7 and NS7:

Buying and selling of shares on the BS7 Arbitrage bet'een NS7 = BS7 -rading in 1eri)ati)es on the NS7 +argin trading products.

-hey are also planning to include buying and selling of +utual 9unds* %.F subscriptions* right issues* purchase of %nsurance policies and asset financing.


Stud. of ICICI Dire+t;+om /on,ine s*are trading1 Stud. of D$materia,iEation in ICICI Capita, #td; Customers satisfa+tion and aBareness of ICICI Capita, Ser-i+es #td;

%0%0% 0apital Ser)ices ;td.* is depository participant C1.B and it is pro)iding the financial ser)ices to the share holders and )arious other 1.As also pro)iding almost same ser)ices 'hich leads to a competition. So in order to retain the e6isting customers of %0%0% 0apital ;td. and to attract ne' customers kno'ing the customers need and preferences and e6pectation is )ery important. -he study in)ol)es kno'ing the e6pectation and satisfaction le)el of %0%0% 0apital ;td. customers.

%;) PRODUCT PRO!I#E DE$MAT -he 14materiali@ed form of shareholding and the depository mode of trade Cscrip less tradeB ha)e been in operation in de)eloped financial markets for o)er 1# years. %n %ndia* the first depository commenced operations a decade back and is relati)ely ne'. -he %ndian 9inancial +arkets is in need of both scrip4based trade* but the in)esting community* 'hich is used to scrip4based and scrip less trade* is bound to take some time to accept the latter. -he scrip less trading* till no' a domain of the 'estern 'orld* institutional in)estors and N1R holders is no' mandatory e)en for small in)estors. All those 'ho hold physical share certificates ha)e to get them 14materiali@ed. %f they do not* they 'ill be forced to do so at the time of sale.

A process by 'hich the physical certificates of an in)estor are taken back by the company I registrar and actually destroyed and an equi)alent number of securities are credited in the electronic holdings of the in)estor. 8ffers ser)ices to clients dealing in No)ernment securities through the SN; AI0. besides holding the securities* %0%0% 0apital Ser)ices ;td. .ro)ides records update based on the transactions made by the clients. 0ollects and credits the benefits and proceeds from sale to the clientsA accountG and Supplies periodical reports on the transactions and holding of the clients.

TRADING2 Ne6t function acti)ates 'hen an in)estor buys or sells in the market. Bu.ing2

1. An in)estor gets order e6ecuted and makes payment to the broker. 3. %n)estor instructs his 1epository .articipant to e6pect credit on settlement day. Broker instructs his 1. to debit his 0learing +ember account on settlement day. D. Before settlement day Broker makes payment to clearinghouse through 0learing Bank. 5. 8n settlement day 0learing house releases shares to brokerAs 0learing +ember account 'hich is then transferred to in)estors account through NS1; CNational Securities 1epository ;imitedB. %n)estor gets credit in his account.

SE##ING2 1. An in)estor gets order e6ecuted. 3. %n)estor instructs his 1epository .articipant to debit his account 'ith immediate effect. -he shares mo)e from in)estors account to Brokers 0learing +ember account )ia NS1;. A Broker clearing member accounts is credited. D. Before settlement day broker transfers shares from his clearing member account to 0learinghouse )ia NS1;. :is account is debited. 5. 8n settlement day Broker recei)es payment from clearing house 'hich he passes on to the in)estor.

ICICIDire+t;+om is a truly online share4trading site. -his means that from the time you punch in a buy or sell trade on your computer to the final settlement in your account* e)erything happens completely online. -he D4in41 e4in)est account integrates your brokerage* bank and one or more depository accounts to make sure that you can do the other'ise cumbersome share trading from the comfort of your home or office* at absolutely any time of the dayQor night.

"O7 CAN ONE OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN D$MATF 9irst an in)estor has to approach a 1. and fill up an account opening form. -he account opening form must be supported by copies of any one of the appro)ed documents to ser)e as proof of identity C.8%B and proof of address C.8AB as specified by S7B%. Besides* production of .AN card in original at the time of opening of account has been made mandatory effecti)e from April 1* 3 E.

All applicants should carry original documents for )erification by an authori@ed official of the depository participant* under his signature. 9urther* the in)estor has to sign an agreement 'ith 1. in a depository prescribed standard format* 'hich details rights and duties of in)estor and 1.. 1. should pro)ide the in)estor 'ith a copy of the agreement and schedule of charges for their future reference. -he 1. 'ill open the account in the system and gi)e an account number* 'hich is also called B8 %1 CBeneficiary 8'ner %dentification numberB. -he 1. may re)ise the charges by gi)ing D days notice in ad)ance. S7B% has rationalised the cost structure for 14materialisation by remo)ing account opening charges* transaction charges for credit of securities* and custody charges )ide circular dated January 3$* 3 #. 9urther* S7B% has )ide circular dated No)ember !* 3 # ad)ised that 'ith effect from January !* 3 E* no charges shall be le)ied by a depository on 1. and consequently* by a 1. on a Beneficiary 8'ner CB8B 'hen a B8 transfers all the securities lying in his account to another branch of the same 1. or to another 1. of the same depository or another depository* pro)ided the B8 AccountIs at transferee 1. and at transferor 1. are one and the same* i.e. identical in all respects. %n case the B8 Account at transferor 1. is a &oint account* the B8 Account at transferee 1. should also be a &oint account in the same sequence of o'nership.

D$mat Ser-i+es %0%0% Bank 14mat Ser)ices boasts of an e)er4gro'ing customer base of o)er 11.# lacs account holders. %n our continuous endea)our to offer best of the class ser)ices to our customers 'e offer the follo'ing features: e$Instru+tions: ,ou can transfer securities 35 hours a day* " days a 'eek through %nternet = %nteracti)e >oice Response C%>RB at a lo'er cost. No' 'ith PSpeak to transferP* you can also transfer or pledge instructions through our customer care officer. Conso,idation D$mat A++ount: 14materialise your physical shares in )arious holding patterns and consolidate all such scattered holdings into your primary demit account at reduced cost. Digita,,. Signed Statement: Recei)e your account statement and bill by email.

Corporate Benefit Tra+4ing: -rack your di)idend* interest* bonus through your account statement.

Mo3i,e ReGuest: Access your d4mat account by sending S+S to enquire about :oldings* -ransactions* Bill = %S%N details. Mo3i,e A,erts: Recei)e S+S alerts for all debitsIcredits as 'ell as for any request 'hich cannot be processed. 1edicated customer care e6ecuti)es specially trained at our call centre* to handle all your queries. 0ountry'ide net'ork of o)er 3D# branches* you are ne)er far from an %0%0% Bank 14mat Ser)ices outlet. Produ+t and Ser-i+es A product for e)ery need: is the most comprehensi)e 'ebsite* 'hich allo's in)estor to in)est in Shares* +utual funds* 1eri)ati)es C9utures and 8ptionsB and other financial products. Simply put offer in)estor a product for e)ery in)estment need. Trading in s*ares: Cas* Trading2$ -his is a deli)ery based trading system* 'hich is generally done 'ith the intention of taking deli)ery of shares or monies. 0ash position is meant to be settled by deli)ery* the required cash or securities are blocked in full. 9or e6ample* if you place an order to buy 1 shares of %0%0%* you need to ha)e 1 O of the order )alue in your a)ailable limitIfunds. And in case you 'ish to sell 1 %0%0% shares you need to ha)e 1 O shares in your d4mat balance. Margin Trading: ,ou can also do an intra4settlement trading up to D to 5 times your a)ailable funds* 'herein you take long buyI short sell positions in stocks 'ith the intention of squaring off the position 'ithin the same day settlement cycle. ?hen you place an order to buy 1 shares of Reliance in the cash segment* your intention is to pay for and recei)e the shares in your 14mat Account. :o'e)er* if the same order 'ere to be placed in the margin segment* your intention 'ould be to sell those shares subsequently in the same settlement at a higher price and thereby make a profit on the same. :o'e)er* if the price falls subsequently* there may be a loss. Margin P#US Trading2 -hrough +argin .;(S you can do an intra4settlement trading up to 3# times your a)ailable funds* 'herein you take long buyI short sell positions in stocks 'ith the intention of squaring off the position 'ithin the same day settlement cycle. +argin .;(S 'ill gi)e a much higher le)erage in

your account against your limits. +argin .;(S offers an order placement feature through 'hich you can take an intra4day position in the equity segment and at the same time* place a co)er order for this position specifying the Stop ;oss -rigger .rice and the limit price. +argin .lus is a)ailable for intraday trading in more than E stocks on :elps to limit your loss through a Stop ;oss 8rder 8pen +argin .lus positions can be closed any time before the 7nd of Settlement timings as specified by Auto Square off process to help you close your open positions at the 7nd of the 1ay. "oB to p,a+e a Margin P,us orderF can be trigger Allocate the funds for trading in 7quity segment. Select the link P+argin .lus orderP on the trading page. Select the BuyISell option and the Stock for trading. Corders placed only during market hoursB -he first BuyISell order can only be a market order. At the time of placing this order* also select a co)er Stop loss order.

7.g. ,ou Buy 1 shares of %N9-70 at D5 * anticipating that the price 'ould rise. At the same time* you 'ill be required to place a co)er stop loss order. Say you decide your stop loss price at DDD . ,ou 'ill then be required to state the limit price at say #O lo'er le)el i.e. Sell 1 %N9-70 at D3D limit price and DDD Stop ;oss -rigger .rice. :ence if your )ie' goes 'rong and the price of %N9-70 mo)es do'n* your Stop ;oss order 'ill be triggered at DDD and 'ill get e6ecuted at the best a)ailable price bet'een DDD and D3D .

%f your position is fa)orable* and %N9-70 mo)es up to D# ;oss order to a market order and close your position.

* you can modify the Stop

5. Spot Trading: 4-his facility can be used only for selling your 14mat stocks 'hich are already e6isting in your 14mat account. ?hen you are looking at an immediate liquidity option* K0ash on SpotK may 'ork the best for you* 8n selling shares through Pcash on spotP* money is credited to your bank aIc the same e)ening = not on the e6change payout date. -his money can then be 'ithdra'n from any of the %0%0% Bank A-+s.

0urrently offer S=. 0NR N%9-, and 0NR N%9-, J(N%8R scripts are a)ailable in K0ash on SpotK. -he ma6imum limit of K0ash on SpotK trades that you can enter into on a daily basis is Rs 1 * .

5. BTST /BU TODA SE## TOMORRO712 4Buy -oday Sell -omorro' CB-S-B is a facility that allo's you to sell shares e)en on 1#t and 3nd day after the buy order date* 'ithout you ha)ing to 'ait for the receipt of shares into your 14mat account. BTST is re,e-ant for In-estor B*en2 $ %f you ha)e you e)er missed making a huge profit because you had bought the shares &ust one day back and you could not sell them as they 'ere not credited to your 14mat accountS %f you ha)e e)er found that squaring off your cash based transactions 'ithin a day is not profitable* as one days time does not allo' reali@ing ma6imum profitS %f you ha)e e)er thought of an intermediate option bet'een cash and +argin trades 'here in you could make profits on )olatile shares 'ithin one or 3 days of your buying them 'ithout a compulsory square offS %f you ha)e e)er faced any of the abo)e situations* B-S-T is for you.

E. Ca,,NTradeH2 0all -radeT allo's you to call on a local number in your city = trade on the telephone through our 0ustomer Ser)ice 76ecuti)es. -his facility is currently a)ailable in o)er 11 ma&or states across %ndia.

". Trading on NSEIBSE2 -hrough %0%0%* you can trade on NS7 as 'ell as BS7. $. Mar4et Order: ,ou could trade by placing market orders during market hours that allo's you to trade at the best obtainable price in the market at the time of e6ecution of the order. 1 . #imit Order: Allo's you to place a buyIsell order at a price defined by you. -he e6ecution can happen at a price more fa)orable than the price* 'hich is defined by you* limit orders can be placed by you during holidays = non4market hours too.

TRADE IN DERI6ATI6ES2 !UTURES -hrough %0%0%* you can no' trade in inde6 and stock futures on the NS7. %n futures trading* you take buyIsell positions in inde6 or stockCsB contracts ha)ing a longer contract period of up to D months. -rading in 9(-(R7S is simpleU %f* during the course of the contract life* the price mo)es in your fa)or Ci.e. rises in case you ha)e a buy position or falls in case you ha)e a sell positionB* you make a profit. .resently only selected stocks* 'hich meet the criteria on liquidity and )olume* ha)e been enabled for futures trading. OPTIONS An option is a contract* 'hich gi)es the buyer the right to buy or sell shares at a specific price* on or before a specific date. 9or this* the buyer has to pay to the seller some money* 'hich is called premium. -here is no obligation on the buyer to complete the transaction if the price is not fa)orable to him. -o take the buyIsell position on inde6Istock options* you ha)e to place certain O of order )alue as margin. ?ith options trading* you can le)erage on your trading limit by taking buyIsell positions much more than 'hat you could ha)e taken in cash segment.

-he Buyer of a Ca,, Option has the Right but not the 8bligation to .urchase the (nderlying Asset at the specified strike price by paying a premium 'hereas the Seller of the 0all has the obligation of selling the (nderlying Asset at the specified Strike price. -he Buyer of a Put Option has the Right but not the 8bligation to Sell the (nderlying Asset at the specified strike price by paying a premium 'hereas the Seller of the .ut has the obligation of Buying the (nderlying Asset at the specified Strike price. By paying lesser amount of premium* you can create positions under 8.-%8NS and take ad)antage of more trading opportunities In-esting in Mutua, funds2 brings you the same con)enience 'hile in)esting in +utual funds also :assle free and .aperless %n)esting. ?ith the inclusion of 9idelity +9* you can no' in)est on4line in 1! mutual 9unds through %0%0% .rudential %0%0% +9* J+ +9* Alliance +9* 9ranklin -empleton +9* Sundaram +9* Birla Sun ;ife +9* :190 +9* .rincipal +9* (-% +9* Reliance +9* <otak +9* -ata +9* 1S. +errill ;ynch +9* %NN +9* 0:8;A +9* 1eutsche +9* :SB0 +9 and Standard 0hartered +9 are the +utual 9unds a)ailable for in)estment. ,ou can in)est in mutual funds 'ithout the hassles of filling application forms or any other paper'ork. ,ou need no signatures or proof of identity for in)esting. 8nce you place a request for in)esting in a particular fund* there are no manual processes in)ol)ed. ,our bank funds are automatically debited or credited 'hile simultaneously crediting or debiting your unit holdings. ,ou also get control o)er your in)estments 'ith online order confirmations and order status tracking. Net to kno' the performance of your in)estments through online updation of +9 portfolio 'ith current NA >.

ICIC,dire+t;+om offers .ou -arious options B*i,e in-esting in Mutua, !unds2

Pur+*ase2 ,ou may in)estIpurchase .rudential %0%0% +9* J+ +9* Alliance +9* 9ranklin -empleton +9* Sundaram +9* Birla Sun ;ife +9* :190 +9* .rincipal +9* (-% +9* Standard 0hartered +9* Reliance +9* <otak +9* -ata +9* 1S. +errill lynch +9* %NN +9* 0:8;A +9* 1eutsche +9* :SB0 +9 and 9idelity +9 'ithout the hassles of filling application forms. Redemption2 %n addition to gi)ing hassle4free paperless redemption* offers faster liquidity. ,ou can redeem the mutual fund units through %0%0% -he money 'ill be credited to your bank account automatically D days after the order placement date. SBit+*2 -o suit your changing needs you may 'ish to shift monies bet'een different schemes. ,ou can s'itch your monies online from one scheme to another in the same fund family 'ithout any hassles. S.stemati+ In-estment p,ans /SIP12 S%. allo's you to in)est a certain sum of money o)er a period of time periodically. Just fill in the in)estment amount* the period of in)estment and the frequency of in)esting and submit. 'ill do the rest for you automatically in)esting periodically for you. S.stemati+ Bit*draBa, p,an: -his allo's you to 'ithdra' a certain sum of money o)er a period of time periodically. Transfer$in2 ,ou can con)ert your e6isting +utual funds into electronic mode through a transfer4in request. IPOs and Bonds On,ine2 ,ou could also in)est in %nitial .ublic 8ffers C%.8sB and Bonds online 'ithout going through the hassles of filling AN, application formU paper'ork. Net in4depth analyses of ne' %.8s issues C%nitial .ublic 8fferingsB* 'hich are about to hit the market and analysis on these. %.8 calendar* recent %.8 listings* prospectusIoffer documents* and %.8 analysis are fe' of the features* 'hich help you* keep on top of the %.8 markets. Schemes offered for opening 14mat account %0%0% allo's D in % account scheme for opening 14mat account. %n 'hich D types of account 'ill be opened.

14mat account -rading account Sa)ings account in %0%0% bank

%n Surat 14mat account 'ill be opened in Ath'elines branch and sa)ings account 'e can open in follo'ing any % branch and sa)ings account 'ill be opened at balance. %0%0% bank4Ath'elines branch* Surat %0%0% bank4Ring road branch* Surat %0%0% bank4Ada&an branch* Surat %0%0% bank4)aracha branch* Surat

T*e fo,,oBing s+*eme Bi,, 3e offered for opening D$mat a++ount2 S0:7+ S0:7+ -,.7 AlC B-S3,RS 7 7 89 0817 NA+7 8.7N%N AlC S0:7 A+0 0:ARN7 9R77 S S4l Any kind "# D in 1 ,es No of general customer SlD 76isting "# D in 1 ,es No alc in %0%0% V bank


4 4

SE% Sl"





%0%0% group employee %0%0% has tie up 'ith some A* AW companie %0%0% has tie up 'ith some A* AW companie %0%0% has tie up 'ith some A* AW companie 8ffline 14mat a/c 'ith %0%0% bank -he ha)e a product of %0%0% group

# 1

D in 1 D in 1

,es ,es

No No

4 4

1 or 3#

D in 1





D in 1



1 or "#

D in 1



D in 1



.roducts like: 4life %nsurance* mutual fund* home loans* general %nsurance* credit card* gold coin of # gm

Do+uments needed i+i+idire+t;+om






;ist A: 4 .an card CcompulsoryB ;ist B: 4 bank pass book Cnationali@ed bank only permittedB* bank letter in case of %0%0% bank account holder* pass port* electricity bill* telephone bill. ;ist 0: 4 )oter id I dri)ing license ;ist 1: 4 mobile billI ;%0 premium receipts %f customer not able to present any kind of documents from list B then heIshe has to present list 0 W list 1 Cboth of combinationB 9ollo'ing documents attached 'ith 14mat account form: 4 Anne6ure form 1eclaration form Scheme form .an card Resident proof from list B or list 0 W list 1 0heques of 1 Rs or "# Rs

T*e ICIC, Dire+t Ad-antages2 $ A (nique D4in41 account that gi)es you: Con-enien+e2 the D4in4l accounts integrate your banking* broking and 14mat accounts. -his enables you to trade in shares 'ithout going through the hassles of tracking settlement cycles* 'riting cheques and -ransfer %nstructions* chasing your broker for cheques or -ransfer %nstructions etc. Speed2 ,ou can no' get the latest quotes of scripts on and place an order almost instantly. Contro,2 ,ou can be assured that you ha)e in fact placed an order at the price you al'ays 'anted to* but may not ha)e been able to do so till no'. -hereby gi)ing you control o)er your o'n trades. Independen+e2 %nstead of transferring monies to a brokerKs pool or to'ards deposits* you can manage your o'n 14mat and bank accounts 'hen you trade through Bro4erage stru+ture of ICICIdire+t;+om -he account opening charges for %0%0% direct account is Rs. "# . pro)ides sa)ings account* trading account* 14mat account. %n 'hich sa)ings account has @ero balance facility. And company also pro)ides 1ebit card for annual charges of Rs. !! per card. 9ollo'ing are the brokerage structure for different products. '; Cas* transa+tion and BTST2 $

-otal eligible turno)er Abo)e # crores 3 crores to # crores

Brokerage CO of transaction )alueB .3#O .D O

Brokerage Cfor squared off orderB Nil Nil

7ffecti)e Cfor squared off orderB .13#O .1#O

1 crores to 3 crores # lakhs to 1 crores 3# lakhs to # 1 lakhs to 3# ;ess than 1 lakhs

.D#O .5#O .##O ." O ."#

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

.1"#O .33#O .3"#O .D#O .D"#O

-he minimum )alue of the order that 'ill be accepted is # rs. %; Margin and margin p,us2 $

-otal eligible turno)er Abo)e 3 crores 1 crores to 3 crores # crores to 1 crores ;ess than # crores (; Cas* on spot2 $ 'J 0; !utures and options2 $

+argin and margin . DO . D#O . 5O . #O

-otal eligible turno)er

9utures Brokerage COof transaction )alueB

7ffecti)e brokerage Cfor off orderB

-otal eligible turno)er

8ptions Brokerag CrupeesB

Abo)e 3 crores 1 crores to 3 crores # crores to 1 crores ;ess than # crores

. DO . D# . 5 . #

. 1#O . 1"# . 3 . 3#

Abo)e 3 lakhs 1 lakhs to 3 # lakhs to 1 lakhs 3 lakhs to # lakhs ;ess than 3 lakhs

E# " "# $# !#

7ff ti)e bro age Cfor squ dof ord erB rup D3. D# D". 53. 5". #

SER6ICE TRANSACTION TAK /STT1 S-- at the rate of .13#O of the turno)er 'ill be charged in addition to the

brokerage on all deli)ery trades. S-- at the rate of . 3#O of the turno)er 'ill be charged in addition to the brokerage on non4 deli)ery trades. S-- at the rate of . 1"O of the turno)er 'ill be charged in addition to the brokerage on sell trades.

Profi,e of t*e Organisation

In(rastr ct re (inancin"$ cor)orate (inancin" and retail ha*e been the stron" )illars o( I,I,I-s "ro%th+ .hey e/)ect these to remain thr st areas in the ( t re too+ .he (inancial instit tion sees si"ni(icant o))ort nities in the )o%er sector$ and in the ra)id de!re" lation o( the .elecom sector+ On the retail side$ I,I,I has established a retail (ranchisee thro "h a )hysical )resence across 02 cities+ Its retail thr st has been on the )lanks o( technolo"y enabled lo% cost distrib tion channels like the Internet$ ,all centres and A.Ms+ It occ )ies the n mber one )osition in a tomobile (inancin" (o*er 201 o( the market share2$ n mber one in credit cards on an incremental basis+ It also has a "ro%in" )resence in home (inance and on!line tradin"+

ICICI BAN9 %0%0% Bank is a commercial banking outfit set up by the %0%0% Nroup. -he Bank 'as registered a banking company on January # th* 1!!5 and recei)ed its banking license from the Reser)e Bank of %ndia on +ay 1" th* 1!!5. -he Bank has an authori@ed capital of %NR D crore C(S1 "#.!E millionB* of 'hich subscribed and paid4up capital is %NR 1E# crore C(S1 51."$ millionB. -he first %0%0% Bank branch 'as started in +adras in June 1!!5. -he branches are fully computeri@ed 'ith state4of4the4art technology and systems. All of them are fully net'orked through >4SA- CSatelliteB technology. -he Bank is connected to the international S?%9- net'ork since +arch 1!!#. %0%0% Bank

offers a 'ide spectrum of domestic and international banking ser)ices to facilitate trade* in)estment* cross4border business* and treasury and foreign e6change ser)ices. -his is in addition to a 'hole range of deposit ser)ices offered to indi)iduals and corporate bodies. %0%0% BankAs Infinity 'as the first %nternet banking ser)ice in the country* and a prelude to banking in the ne6t millennium. 0urrently the Bank has around 1# * customers. ICICI 6ENTURE !UNDS MANAGEMENT COMPAN #IMITED ?ith the recent spurt in entrepreneurship in the country* )enture capital and pri)ate equity capital financing are fast attaining a role of prominence. (niquely positioned to take the %ndian entrepreneur further is %0%0% >enture 9unds* the 'holly o'ned subsidiary of %0%0%* 'ith its keen understanding of the %ndian 9inancial +arkets* entrepreneurial ethos* access to global capital and a net'ork through influential global alliances. Strong parentage and affiliates pro)ide %0%0% >enture 'ith access to a broad spectrum of financial and analytical resources. An affiliation 'ith C-rust 0ompany of the ?estB pro)ides a platform for net'orking %ndian 0ompanies to global markets and technology. %0%0% >enture 9unds currently manages I ad)ises 11 9unds aggregating (SL 5 million* making it the most significant pri)ate equity in)estor in the country. -he in)estment e6perience of %0%0% >entureAs professionals is the foundation its strengths and success in se)eral areas of in)esting. %0%0% >enture seeks to in)est in opportunities 'here its net'ork through %0%0% and -0? can create )alue for all in)ol)ed. %0%0% >entureAs primary in)estment ob&ecti)e is capital in)estment through in)estments by 'ay of equity or equity4related securities in unlisted companies 'ith significant gro'th potential. %0%0% >entureAs in)estments span a broad spectrum of industries and stages of de)elopment* the in)estment focus being on %nformation -echnology Biotechnology and ;ife Sciences +edia and entertainment Retail Ser)ices


9ormed in 1!!D 'hen %0%0%As +erchant Banking 1i)ision 'as spun off into a ne' company* %4S70 today are %ndiaAs leading %n)estment Bank and one of the most significant players in the %ndian capital markets. %ts client list includes some of the best kno'n* most respected names in %ndian business and industry* and %4S70 offers them 'hat are probably the 'idest* most in4depth range of ser)ices in the market* 'ith the highest standards of professionalism. Backed by a strong distribution net'ork* %4S70 is ackno'ledged to be at the forefront of all ne' de)elopments in the %ndian debt market. %4S70 Research Reports* 0ompendia* (pdates* %4B7R and so)ereign Bond %nde6* ha)e become industry standards* sought after by finance* business and reputed publications alike. -he .ro&ect 9inance Nroup has helped take strategic pro&ects from the dra'ing board to financial closure* le)eraging the e6pertise of parent organi@ation. %4S70 has also e6ecuted se)eral assignments in + = A* including business )aluations* spin4offs and mergers* for both domestic and o)erseas clients. -he range of products offered by i4 S70 includes: 0orporate 9inance J +ergers and Acquisitions* 7quity* Bidding Cespecially for -elecom .ro&ectsB 9i6ed %ncome J .rimary 1ealership* 1ebt Research 7quities J ;end management* (nder'riting* Syndication* .ri)ate 7quity placement* Sales* -rading* Broking* Sectoral and 0ompany Research % 4 S70 0ontinues to sustain a steady rate of gro'th by offering the most e6tensi)e range of ser)ices combined 'ith unri)alled standards of professionalism. ICICI BRO9ERAGE SER6ICES #IMITED Set up in +arch 1!!#* %0%0% Brokerage Ser)ices is a 1 O subsidiary of %4S70. %t commenced its securities brokerage acti)ities in 9ebruary 1!!E and is registered 'ith the National Stock 76change of %ndia ;imited and -he Stock 76change* +umbai. ?e are a &oint )enture bet'een %0%0% and the leading financial ser)ices pro)ider in %ndia* and prudential plc of (.<.* one of the finest ;ife insurance companies in the 'orld. -ogether 'e pro)ide you 'ith an e6tensi)e range of insurance products to suit your )arious needs at )arious life stages. ?e aim to keep you co)ered* at e)ery step in life. -heir policies are need4specific and address particular age groups. -his means that no matter 'here in life you are* 'e offer specific products to suit your needs for sa)ings* protection and retirement. 8ur products can be categori@ed into the follo'ing:

Sa)ing plans .rotection plans Retirement plans

ICICI PERSONA# !INANCIA# SER6ICES #IMITED %0%0% .ersonal 9inancial Ser)ices ;imited C%0%0% .9SB* formerly %0%0%40redit* 'as one of the first four companies to obtain registration as a Non4Banking 9inancial 0ompany CNB90B from the Reser)e Bank of %ndia CRB%B on September 1 * 1!!" under the ne' section 5#%A of the Reser)e Bank of %ndia Act* 1!D5. 1uring the year 1!!$4!!* there 'as a significant shift in the 0ompanyAs operation from leasing to hire purchase to distribution and ser)icing of all rental products for the %0%0% Nroup. %t is no' a focal point for marketing and distribution of all rental asset products for %0%0%* including auto loans* consumer durable finance and other financial products. -he 0ompany has thus become part of %0%0%As retail strategy aimed at offering a comprehensi)e range of products and ser)ices to retail customers. %n )ie' of this reorientation of the business* the name of the 0ompany 'as changed from %0%0% 0redit 0orporation to %0%0% .ersonal 9inancial Ser)ices ;imited C%0%0% .9SB effecti)e +arch 33* 1!!!. ICICI CAPITA# SER6ICES #IMITED %0%0% 0apital Ser)ices ;td. 'as incorporated in the name of S0%0% Securities ;td. on September 35* 1!!5 as a 'holly o'ned subsidiary of erst'hile S0%0% ;td. 'ith the ob&ecti)e of pro)iding stock broking ser)ices to the institutional clients and undertaking acti)ities such as under'riting* primary market placements = distribution industry = company research etc. After the amalgamation of S0%0% 'ith %0%0% effecti)e from April 1* 1!!E* resulting in the change of the name. -he company is mandated* under re)ie' by %0%0%* to carry out on its behalf the retail resource raising acti)ities and to pro)ide front office ser)ices related to all retail and semi retail liability products of %0%0%. -he company also operates the net'ork of %0%0% 0enters being set up by %0%0%. As on date the company has set up !1 centers across the country.


%0%0% %nfo-ech is a leading pro)ider of end4to4end %- solutions. ?e ha)e an in4depth e6perience of ha)ing 'orked on )aried technologies 'ith leading corporations 'orld'ide. 8ur ser)ice portfolio includes the follo'ing: %S = %- 0onsulting Soft'are 1esign and 1e)elopment 7nterprise Application %ntegration >alue 0hain +anagement Solutions CS0+* 0R+ etc.B Application Re4engineering and +anagement <no'ledge +anagement Solutions 7mbedded System Applications -echnology %ncubation* %-4enabled Ser)ices = %- 8utsourcing

ICICI Capita, #td; %ts products are RBI Bonds E$in-est /ICICI Dire+t;+om1 !i@ed Deposits Mutua, !unds Bonds D$mat EGuit. IPO

ICICI DIRECT;COM /ON#INE S"ARE TRADING12 %0%0% is a truly online share4trading site. ?hich means that from the time you punch in a buy or sell trade on your computer to the final settlement in your account* e)erything happens completely onlineS -he D4in41 e4in)est account integrates your brokerage* bank and one or more depository accounts to make sure that you can do the other'ise cumbersome share trading from the comfort of your home or office* at absolutely any time of the day or night (;% PER!ORMANCE AND OPERATIONS -he Sales turno)er of the 0ompany during the year 'as Rs.3*E 3 million. -here is a decrease of 5O from the pre)ious year. 1ecline in the sale of 0arburetors for t'o 'heelers and four 'heelers had contributed to the o)erall sales do'nturn though the 0ompany has impro)ed the sale of +.9% parts to passenger cars. -he profit after ta6 of the 0ompany for the year under re)ie' is Rs.D"" million 1ue to inclusion of an e6traordinary profit of Rs.3# million on sale of in)estments* the .rofit after -a6 has registered an increase of 53O compared to pre)ious year. -he profit from the manufacturing acti)ities of the 0ompany is lo'er mainly due to a. price reduction offered to customers b. increase in the input and ra' materials cost c. a particular customer in the t'o 'heeler market 'itnessed a steep decline in the sale of a model for 'hich (9S; is supplying the 0arburetors <ey Ratios 3 #4 E 3 54 #

Net .rofit Ratio C.A-ISalesB 15.5! !.5! Net .rofit Ratio C.A-INet 'orthB 33.31 1$.1D 0urrent Ratio C0urrent AssetsI0urrent ;iabilitiesB 1.E":1 3.##:1 1ebt 4 7quity Ratio .5":1 . 5:1 1ebtors -urno)er C1ebtorsINross SalesB 1.1$ +onths 1.3# +onths 0reditors -urno)er C0reditorsI.urchasesB1.$E +onths 1.#! +onths 1i)idend .ay4out Ratio 1" 1#.D"

. (;( S7OT ANA# SIS O! T"E COMPAN 2 Strengt*s 1. +anagement philosophy and commitment to ma6imi@e shareholders returns 3. (pgraded product design and de)elopment facilities to de)elop ne' products and aid di)ersification D. 8ngoing acti)ities to support up gradation of operational performance and rise in producti)ity 5. -eam of talented and committed professionals a)ailable to impro)e companyAs performance ?eakness 1. 0ompetition from cheap imports 3. ;o' customer base Opportunities 1. (9S; has initiated de)elopment of products for diesel application. -his 'ill pro)ide tremendous scope for di)ersification and gro'th 3. Acquisition of A+-70 to pro)ide opportunities to access global 87+s D. 8pportunity to support A+-70s operations by supplying products from %ndia 5. -he introduction of ne' emission norms 'ill pro)ide (9S; opportunity to de)elop in&ection systems and thereby upgrade the status of the company from product to system supplier. T*reats: Ris4s L Con+erns 1. 0onstant pressure to be cost competiti)e to meet customer e6pectations 3. Relentless pressure to maintain profitability due to rising inputIra' material prices D. %ncreasing popularity of alternati)e fuel )ehicles* such as :ybrid* :ydrogen po'ered* 0NN and ;.N )ehicles poses ne' challenges for the company . (;0 !UTURE PROSPECTS AND P#ANS O! T"E ORGANICATION 9or %0%0% the past half has been a trying period more so because of the ad)erse en)ironmental conditions such as the depressed equity markets and the )olatile currency markets. :o'e)er* its retail thrust and a perceptible shift in financing from manufacturing pro&ects to corporate finance 'ill put it in good stead for the quarters to come. %ts gro'ing importance in the telecom and infrastructural sectors* 'hich ha)e huge potential* 'ill be a key dri)er of gro'th for the future

BOARD O! DIRECTORS O! ICICI SECURITIES #IMITED ICICI SECURITIES PRIMAR DEA#ERS"IP #IMITED +r.S.+ukher&i* chairman Nitin Jain* +anaging 1irector = 078 +s.>ishakha +ulye +r.A.+urugappam +r.Subir Saha +r.(day 0hitale

ICICI SECURITIES #IMITED +r.<.>. <math* 0hairman +r.S. +ukher&i* +anaginig 1irector = 078 +s. <alpana +orparia +r.>. >aidyanathan +r.Nitin Jain +r..aresh Shah +r.(day 0hitale

ICICI Se+urities "o,dings: In+; +r.Nopakumar .. +r.Nitin Jain +r.Subir Saha +r.A.+urugappan

%0%0% Securities %N0. +r.Nopakumar ..* .resident

+r.Nitin Jain +r.Subir Saha +r.A.+urugappan +r.Anup Bagchi

7*at is a,, a3out ICICI se+urities ,imitedF

Genera, Information


%0%0% S70(R%-%7S ;%+%-71


%0%0% S70(R%-%7S ;-1. 3nd9;88R* S-ANR8S7 :8(S7 A..ASA:7B +ARA-:7 .RAB:A17>% +(+BA%45 3#


;%+%-71 08+.AN,


W!1 33 EE#1 13


W!1 33 EE#1 15#1


''' '''



Among the top branded retail ser)ice pro)iders +ulti J channel access to clients -ailor made research and products 1epository Ser)ices 1eri)ati)es

%nno)ati)e product for enhanced performance Best research team in the 'orld


A3out ICICI SECURITIES #IMITED %0%0% securities ltd named its online di)ision as %0%0% and it is into retail Broking -he business of the company o)erhauled E years ago in 3 3. %t acts as a discount brokerage house to a full ser)ice in)estment solutions pro)ider %t has speciali@ed research product for the small in)estors and day traders ;argest chain of -otal centers office D#E* Region office 3D* -otal hub office 5E* 1# education 'orkshop* and offices in $E cities all across %ndia. ;eading player today 'ith X -he site 'as also launched in 3 3 and named it as www.icici ir!c".c#m

%t offers its customers 'ith the trade e6ecution facilities on the NS7 and BS7* for cash as 'ell as deri)ati)es* cash* margin trading* margin plus* B-S- Cbuy today sell tomorro'B* cash on spot* %.8s* mutual funds* Nal bonds* postal ser)ices* insurance of %0%0% group C%0%0% prudential life insurance and %0%0% ;ombard general insuranceB. is an %ndiaKs first largest B30 7commerce site. X 9irst to launch: 4 1. 1igitally signed contract notes in %ndia. 3. 8nline %.8s in %ndia ;eader in online trading in %ndia Clargest number of clients* transactions* products. Safest transaction capabilities )arisign Csecured stock layer 'ith 13$4bit enruption. Seamless trading en)ironment Ccompletely online integrated offeringB


%0%0% is a'arded the P +ost .referred Brand in 9inancial Ad)isory Ser)icesP in the 0NB0 a'aa@ consumer A'ard 3 ". -he Nielsen 0ompany conducts this sur)ey 4'orldAs foremost market research firm conducted study co)ering more than 1 consumers across 53 segments in 31 cities and 1D small to'ns in 15 states across %ndia. %BA C%N1%AN BAN< ASS80%A-%8NB business technology a'ards 3 E for impro)ed customer e6perience and to gain competiti)e ad)antage are recogni@ed for a'ards. %BA C%N1%AN BAN< ASS80%A-%8NB business technology a'ards 3 online trading platform pro)ide 5. 9ast 'eb genius of the 'eb a'ards 3 " for online trading. " for Best ebrokerage. " for best

#. 8ut ;ook +oney N1-> .rofit a'ard 3

-RA%4 highest broker ranking by 0R%S%;4 ability to %0%0% direct to ser)ices capital market broking transactions is highest. A'arded AsiaKs first 'eb seal by <.+N a seal of assurance a'arded to companies in the %nternet 'orld 'ith control conscious business operations. $. %0%0% direct has the largest number of customers4 S7B% %0%0% directKs transparency* ease of trading and technology initiati)es has made in the leader in %ndian online trading market4 capital market. P -he ;argest 8nline broker by customer trades and market share 4 B(S%N7SS %N1%A.

SE6EN PMS O! ICICI Se+urities ,imited2 1. PRODUCT

Produ+t 6ariet. %0%0% securities limited offer D in 1 online trading accounts for its customers specially designed according to their )olume in share trading. -hose D )arieties are: -rading account 14mat account X Sa)ings account Nua,it. (ser 9riendly* attracti)e = colorful ?ebsite. Design -he 'ebsite of %0%0% securities limited namely ''' has been specially designed to facilitate its users to buy and sell shares in an instant at anytime and from any'here they like. -he site is user friendly allo'ing e)en a layman to easily operate 'ithout any hassles. Brand Name -he company as a 'hole in its offline business has named itself as %0%0% securities limited. -he company has preferred to name themsel)es under %0%0% Nroup 0ompany But in its online di)ision started since 3 * the company preferred to name itself as P%0%0%1lR70-.08+P. -he Brand Name P%0%0%1lR70-.08+P itself suggests the

business in 'hich the company is dealing so that the consumer could easily identify the product or ser)ice category. Ser-i+es %0%0% securities limited offers its customers* depository ser)ices and trade e6ecution facilities for equities* deri)ati)es and commodities backed 'ith in)estment ad)ice tempered by decades of broking e6perience. -he teams of its dedicated analysts are constantly at 'ork to track performance and trends.

2. PRICE #ist Pri+e 8nline opening charges: 4 "# Rs. Annual maintenance charges: 4 # Rs. .er annum. 3. PROMOTION 8nline share trading is totally a ne' concept in %ndian +arket. Nenerally in)estor doesnKt like to come out from con)entional 'ay of share trading. %0%0% securities limited ha)e introduced this product in %ndia. -he concept and .roduct are still ne' in the market. -herefore the company has undertaken e6tensi)e promotion campaign to create a'areness about the product. %0%0% securities limited adopt the follo'ing tools for promoting the product.

O2O Ad-ertising 0ompany ad)ertises its product through -> media on channels like 0NB0* .rint +edian leading dailies and outdoors media. %t ad)ertises itself as an inno)ati)e Brand for online trading. Besides attracti)e and colorful brochures as 'ell as posters are used gi)ing full details about the product. +ails are sent to people logging on to sites like and stalls are opened up no' and then at places 'here prospecti)e customers can be approached. O2O Sa,es Promotion -he 0ompany offers account opening charge Rs.1 instead of Rs."# for corporate accounts Cmore than 3 accountsB for companies like 7ssar* Reliance* and <ribhco* ongc etc.

O2O Sa,es !or+e -he 0ompany has an aggressi)e sales force* 'hich is gi)en incenti)es* based on their sales. -he sales force is gi)en intensi)e training continuously to their agents e)ery 'eek on -uesday. O2O Seminar -he 0ompany also arranges seminar in corporate 'orld for creating a'areness about the product. Recently* it had organi@ed for a seminar in 8ngc* Reliance* <ribhco* .antaloon* Bigba@ar* and N7B etc. ;2; Dire+t Mar4eting 0ompany emphasi@es more on direct marketing* as many people are still not a'are of this ne' 'ay of smart trading. 9or this* the company recruits and trains sales representati)es so as to e6plain the product and sol)e customer queries related to the product. -his is the most effecti)e 'ay to communicate the three4in4one concept 'hich company offers. P 2; Te,emar4eting -his is another promotional tool company is using to boost up its sales. 9or this* the company collects the database of the people belonging to different professional segments.

4. P#ACE ;2; C*anne,s %0%0% securities limited use )arious channel alternati)es to reach to its customers through V %nternet V -ele +arketing V Retail Share Shops V 9ranchisee 8'ners V .o'er Brokers V Sales 9orce ;2; Co-erage

Access to the 'ebsite from any part of the globe. P 2; #o+ations %0%0% securities limited ha)e the largest chain of retail share shops in %ndia. %t has centers office D#E* Region office 3D* -otal hub office 5E* 1# education 'orkshop* and offices in $E cities located in all o)er %ndia like .une* -hane* 0hennai* <olkata* Bangalore* ;uckhno'* 1ar&eeling* <anpur* Baroda* +idnapore* Surat* 1elhi* Nha@iabad* :yderabad* Allahabad* etc


;2; Emp,o.ees V Selection: 7mployees are selected on the basis of their e6perience and qualification as applicable to the &ob. V -raining: %ntensi)e training is pro)ided to the employees till a 'eek once they &oin and e)en at times required after that. V +oti)ation: -he employees are moti)ated through incenti)es they are pro)ided. P 2; Resear+* Team %0%0% securities limited has a team of dedicated analysts 'ho ha)e years of 'orking e6perience in the industries that they track* and a pro)en track record in using their kno'ledge of the in)estment science to deli)er results . P 2; Customers -he heart of %0%0% securities limited is really treated loyally like the kings. -he customer care* 'hich comprises of highly trained e6ecuti)es operating from !:D to $: p.m. PROCESS ;2; In this ser)ice organi@ation* the 'ays in 'hich the customers recei)e deli)ery of the ser)ice constitutes the process. :ere* the process in)ol)es adding K)alueK or KutilityK so that the customers get full satisfaction for the money spent by them.

P 2; :ere the process begins from the step 'hen customer 'ants to open online trading account and ends 'hen his account is actually acti)ated. P 2; All %ndian residents and NR% are eligible to a)ail this ser)ice. P 2; 0ustomers can open online trading account by filling a single application form. 8ur 9i6ed %ncome team for the last t'o years C0, 3 5 and 3 #B has been ad&udged the /Best Bond :ouse2 in %ndia by both Asia money and 9inance Asia. -he equities team 'as ad&udged the HBest %ndian Brokerage :ouse43 DA by Asia money. -he 0orporate 9inance team* according to Bloomberg topped the +=A league tables in 3 D.



8nline trading and 14mat are the t'o emerging concepts in the stock market. %t in)ol)es personal factors* technical factors* business factors and economic factors. -he interplay of these factors on stock market requires a deep study about the

pattern process and procedures and performance. -his study is intended to identify the )arious concepts about 14mat and the online trading and its 'ay of functioning %0%0% pro)isions are not e6posing to its customers e6tensi)ely. :ence in this report an attempt has been made to link the potential customers and the %0%0% 1irect .0om


7)ery company has a particular goal. A study 'ithout ob&ecti)es cannot reach the destination. +y pro&ect 'ork programme 'as also directed to some particular targets and the main ob&ecti)es of the study are as bello'G Stud. of ICICI Dire+t;+om /on,ine s*are trading1 Stud. of D$materia,iEation in ICICI Capita, #td; Customers satisfa+tion and aBareness of ICICI Capita, Ser-i+es #td;

SCOPE O! T"E STUD 2 Nlobali@ation of the financial market has led to a manifold increase in in)estment. Ne' markets ha)e been openedG ne' instruments ha)e been de)elopedG and ne' ser)ices

ha)e been launched. Besides* a number of opportunities and challenges ha)e also been thro'n open. RESEARC" DESIGN O! T"E STUD -he study is based on sur)ey technique. -he study consists of analysis about customerAs a'areness and satisfaction of %0%0% 0apital ;td. 9or the purpose of the study customers 1 are picked up and their )ie's solicited on different parameters. -he methodology adopted includes Fuestionnaire Random sample sur)ey of customers 1iscussions 'ith the concerned .ersonal inter)ie's and informal discussions 'ere held 'ith %0%0% 0apital ;td. customers to ascertain the a'areness and satisfaction le)el. 9urther applying simple statistical techniques has processed the data collected. SOURCES O! DATA2 .rimary data: Fuestionnaire Secondary data: are published materials such as periodicals* &ournals* ne's papers* and 'ebsite. SAMP#ING P#AN2 Samp,ing sin+e segment 'ise in)estors in %0%0% 0apital ;td. are not a)ailable for the o)erall customers 'as considered for the study. 1 O co)erage 'as difficult 'ithin the limited period of time. :ence sampling sur)ey method 'as adopted for the purpose of the study. Popu,ation2 Cuni)erseB customers of %0%0% 0apital ser)ices ;td. Samp,ing siEe2 A sample of hundred 'as chosen for the purpose of the study. Sample considers of small in)estor* large in)estors and traders of %0%0% 0apital ;td.

Samp,ing Met*ods2 .robability sampling requires complete kno'ledge about all sampling units in the uni)erse. Since due to time constraint non4probability sampling 'as chosen for the study.

Samp,ing pro+edure2 9rom large number of customers of %0%0% ;td. 'ere randomly picked up. !ie,d Stud.2 directly approached respondents.

0;0 DATA CO##ECTION INSTRUMENT CO##ECTION O! DATA T"ROUG" NUESTIONNAIRES2 -he data collected for the study purpose is through questionnaires. :undred customers of ha)e been selected randomly for the study purpose and then the information re)ealed from the customers is analy@ed and interpreted in the study.

ORGANISATION O! !IE#D 7OR9 %nitial field 'ork has done for pre testing tools for data collection. -he data is collected through the direct interaction 'ith the %0%0%As customers through questionnaires ans'ered by them. hundred customers of %0%0% 'ere randomly chosen for the purpose of the study in Surat. . 0;A #IMITATION O! STUD Since sample si@e is only 1 a 'hole. * 'hich is not a true representati)e of the population as

Since segment 'ise in)estors is not a)ailable in %0%0% 0apital ;td. 8)erall concept is taken for the study.

%nformation is partly based on secondary data and hence the authentic of the study can be )isuali@ed and is measurable. ;e)el of accuracy of the results of research is restricted to the accuracy le)el 'ith 'hich the customers ha)e gi)en their ans'ers and the accuracy le)el of the ans'ers cannot be predicted. DATA ANA# SIS AND INTERPRETATION

Tabl N!" #"1 C$%&!' (%) *( + ( ,1, ICICI D1( -&"-!'

!. ( !&/ ( 0 *!%1&!(2 % (.1- %

A&&(1b$& % 3 ality Ser*ice Sa(ety Reach 6ast *ariety o( Ser*ice 7othin" in Partic lar

N!" !+ P (%!,% 40 20 52 0 50

P (- ,&a3 40 20 52 0 50

C/a(& N!" #"1 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) *( + ( ,0 *!%1&!(2 % (.1- % 1, ICICI D1( -&"-!'"

!. ( !&/ (

#rom the abo*e sho%in" statistics it is obser*ed that in the s r*ey 401 c stomers 8 sti(y that I,I,I ca)ital 9td+ )ro*idin" ' ality ser*ices as com)are to other de)ository ser*ices


N!" #"2 D1++ ( ,& &2* % !+ 1,. %&!(% /a.1,3 ICICI D1( -&"-!'"

S'all I,. %&!(% 4:

L!,3 & (' 1,. %&!(% 32

T(a0 (% 50

C/a(& N!" #"2 P (- ,&a3

!+ 1,. %&!(% /a.1,3 ICICI D1( -&"-!'"

.he abo*e table sho%s that o t o( 500 c stomers$ 4: c stomers are small in*estors and 32 c stomers are lon" term in*estors+


N!" #"4 N$'b ( !+ a.a1l 0 !+ &/

% (.1- % 1, ICICI D1( -&"-!'"

S-/ ' %5S (.1- % I,I,I Direct+com Settlement .ransmission Sec rities N 6 S (.1- % Sell -7- ,ash M t al ( nds o(

N! !+ P (%!,% 32 ; 23

P (- ,&a3 32 ; 23

4 35

4 35

C/a(& N!" #"4 P (- ,&a3 D1( -&"-!'

!+ a.a1l 0 !+ &/

% (.1- % 1," ICICI 5% 9% 32% Settlement Transmission of Securities Sell 'N' Cash 31% Mutual fun s


Tabl N!" #"4 N$'b ( !+ -$%&!' (% a6a( ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

!+ % (.1- % !++ ( 0 b2

S-/ ' %5S (.1- % I,I,IDirect+com Settlement .ransmission Sec rities N 6 S (.1- % Sell -7- ,ash o(

N! !+ P (%!,% 500 <0 =0

P (- ,&a3 500 <0 =0



M t al # nd 9oans shares A"ainst D!mat

5: 20

3= 0:

C/a(& N!" #"4 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (% a6a( ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

!+ % (.1- % !++ ( 0 b2

No of !ersons Settlement 2"% Transmission of Securities Sell 'N' Cash 15% 1#% 19% Mutual %un &oans '(ainst emat shares

13% 1$%

Tabl N!" #"# C$%&!' ()% a6a( , %% !+ &/ ICICI D1( -&"-!'

, 6 % (.1- % !++ ( 0 b2

T/(!$3/ ICICI D1( -&"C!' 40

N 6% Pa* (5 B(!8 ( Ma3a71, % 50 :

A3 ,&% 32

O&/ (% 0





C/a(& N!" #"# P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' ()% a6a( , %% !+ &/ % (.1- % !++ ( 0 b2 ICICI D1( -&"-!'

, 6

Accordin" to the s r*ey 401 c stomers kno% the ser*ices thro "h I,I,I and 321 thro "h I,I,I a"ent


N!" #"9 C$%&!' ()% +1(%& %!$(-

!+ a6a( , %%

T/(!$3/ ICICI D1( -&"C!' 30 301

N 6% *a* ( 5 B(!8 ( Ma3a71, % 52 521 50 501

A3 ,&% 30 301

O&/ (% = =1

C/a(& N!" #"9 P (- ,&a3

!+ -$%&!' ()% +1(%& %!$(-

!+ a6a( , %%

Throu(h ICICI Direct.Com "% 34% 34% Ne)s *a*er + Ma(a,ines '(ents 14% 12% /thers

Accordin" to the s r*ey the (irst so rce o( in(ormation is I,I,I Direct+,om itsel( and the a"ents+

Tabl N!" #": C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, !+ &/ D1( -&"C!'

% (.1- % !+ ICICI

Sa&1%+1 0 =0 =01

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 20 201

N 1&/ ( M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 5 U,%a&1%+1 0 U,%a&1%+1 0 50 501 2 21

U,%a&1%+1 0 0 0

C/a(& N!" 4": P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, !+ &/ !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

% (.1- %

Accordin" to s r*ey =01 o( c stomers are satis(ied %ith the ser*ices o( I,I,I Direct +com and 201 are mostly satis(ied+ .hen %e can say that I,I,I Direct+,om o((ers ' ality ser*ice that to ches c stomers> satis(action le*el+

Tabl N!" #"; C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, !+ &/ D1( -&"C!'

D-'a& % (.1- % !+ ICICI

Sa&1%+1 0 0= 0=1

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 22 221

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 0 5 U,%a&1%+1 0 U,%a&1%+1 0 5= 5=1 52 521

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 0 01

C/a(& N!" #"; P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, !+ &/ % (.1- % !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'


Accordin" to the s r*ey 0=1 are satis(ied %ith the D!mat Ser*ices o( the I,I,I ,a)ital 9td+ 521 o( the c stomers are not satis(ied+ So %e can say I,I,I Direct+,om o((ers ' ality ser*ices in D!mat section also+

Tabl N!" #"< C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'


a,0 %al %

Sa&1%+1 0

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 2= 2=1

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 50 501

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 : :1

U,%a&1%+1 0

00 001

52 521

C/a(& N!" #"< P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ *$(-/a% a,0 %al % !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

Accordin" to the s r*ey only 001 o( the c stomers are satis(ied %ith P rchase and Sales o( I,I,I Direct+,om+ So %e can say ) rchase and sales section I,I,I Direct+,om nsatis(ied the c stomers+

Tabl N!" #"10 C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ % -$(1&1 % !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

&(a,%'1%%1!, !+

Sa&1%+1 0 30 301

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 22 221

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 32 321

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 52 521

U,%a&1%+1 0 0 01

C/a(& N!" #"10 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ &(a,%'1%%1!, !+ % -$(1&1 % !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

Accordin" to the s r*ey 301 o( the c stomers are satis(ied and 221 o( the c stomers are mostly satis(ied %ith the transmission o( sec rities o( I,I,I Direct+,om+ So %e can say that I,I,I Direct+,om nsatis(ied the c stomers in case o( transmission o( sec rities o( the c stomers+

Tabl N!" #"11 C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ % -$(1&1 % 1, -a%/

% ll !+ &/ 1(

Sa&1%+1 0 <0 <01

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 20 201

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 50 501

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 0 0

U,%a&1%+1 0 0 0

C/a(& N!" #"11 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ !+ &/ 1( % -$(1&1 % 1, -a%/


Accordin" to the s r*ey <01 o( the c stomers are satis(ied %ith the sell in cash system o( I,I,I ,a)ital 9td+ So %e can say that I,I,I Direct+,om satis(ied the c stomers %ith the sale o( c stomers> sec rities in cash+

Tabl N!" #"12 C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ !+ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

'$&$al +$,0 % (.1-

Sa&1%+1 0 3: 3:1

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 30 301

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 20 201

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 0 01

U,%a&1%+1 0 0 0

C/a(& N!" #"12 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ '$&$al +$,0 % (.1- !+ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

Accordin" to the s r*ey$ 3:1 o( the c stomers are satis(ied %ith the M t al ( nd ser*ices o( I,I,I ,a)ital 9td+ So %e can say that c stomer>s tendency is that they belie*e that M t al # nd and Shares are )er(ormin" as the same in the )rimary and secondary market and the m t al ( nd is the sa(est %ay to in*est in the market+

Tabl N!" #"14 C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ *(!.10 0 b2 &/ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

&(a01,3 0 '!%

Sa&1%+1 0 42 421

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 20 201

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 20 201

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 0 01

U,%a&1%+1 0 0 0

C/a(& N!" #"14 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ &(a01,3 0 '!% *(!.10 0 b2 &/ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

Accordin" to the s r*ey 421 o( the c stomers are satis(ied %ith the .radin" Demos that are cond cted by the I,I,I ,a)ital 9td+ 201 are mostly satis(ied+ So %e can say that I,I,I c stomers are attendin" the demo )ro"rammes and the I,I,I em)loyees can able to sol*e the ' eries o( the c stomers+

Tabl N!" #"14 C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ a,0 /!l01,3 %&a& ' ,&% !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

* (1!01- ( - 1*&%

Sa&1%+1 0 20 201

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 5: 5:1

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 5= 5=1

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 32 321

U,%a&1%+1 0 50 501

C/a(& N!" 4"14 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ * (1!01- ( - 1*&% a,0 /!l01,3 %&a& ' ,&% !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

Accordin" to the s r*ey$ the 201 c stomers are satis(ied and 5:1 c stomers are mostly satis(ied %ith the )eriodic recei)ts and holdin" statements o( the I,I,I Direct+,om+ So$ %e can say that most o( the c stomers are nsatis(ied %ith this ser*ice o( I,I,I Direct+,om+

Tabl N!" #"1# C$%&!' (%) ,=$1(1 % !+ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"




& l */!,1-

Sa&1%+1 0 5= 5=1

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 0: 0:1

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 52 521

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 50 501

U,%a&1%+1 0 50 501

C/a(& N!" #"1# P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ & l */!,1- ,=$1(1 % !+ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

Accordin" to the s r*ey$ 0:1 o( the c stomers are mostly satis(ied and 5=1 o( the c stomers are satis(ied+ So$ %e can say that most o( the c stomers are satis(ied %ith the tele)honic ser*ice o( I,I,I ,a)ital 9td+

Tabl N!" #"19 C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ %&a++ !+ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"

-!-!* (a&1!, b2 &/

Sa&1%+1 0 32 321

M!%&l2 Sa&1%+1 0 0= 0=1

N 1&/ ( Sa&1%+1 05 U,%a&1%+1 0 0 01

M!%&l2 U,%a&1%+1 0 50 501

U,%a&1%+1 0 0 01

C/a(& N!" #"19 P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ !* (a&1!, b2 &/ %&a++ !+ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"


Accordin" to the s r*ey$ 321 o( the c stomers are satis(ied and 0=1 o( the c stomers are mostly satis(ied %ith the co!o)eration by the sta(( o( I,I,I ,a)ital 9td+ So$ %e can say that most o( the c stomers are satis(ied %ith the co!o)eration by the sta(( o( I,I,I ,a)ital 9td+

Tabl N!" #"1: C$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

&a(1++ %&($-&$(


V (2 H13/ 52 521

H13/ 50 501

R a%!,abl <2 <21

L!6 2 21

V (2 L!6 0 0

C/a(& N!" #"1: P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) %a&1%+a-&1!, 61&/ &/ %&($-&$( !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'


According to the sur)ey* the tariff structure of %0%0% 1irect.0om is reasonable. 0ustomers told me that the brokerage of ."#O is reasonable because it is the only organi@ation 'hich deals 'ith the primary and secondary market both. %0%0% 1irect.0om also has many in)estment options than any other organi@ation.

Ta3,e No; A;'> CustomersD satisfa+tion B*en dea,ing Bit* t*e pro3,ems t*roug* ICICI Dire+t;Com

S-/ ' % 5 S (.1- % #re' ent reminders are "i*en to I,I,I Direct+com (or )date the in(ormation Irre" lar recei)t o( Holdin" ? .ransaction statements Im)ro)er (ormat o( Holdin" ? .ransaction statements

N! !+ P (%!,% 20

P (- ,&a3 201

22 5=

221 5=1

Im)ro)er attention "i*en 50 to the en' iries Billin" )roblem Inade' ate in(ormation 50 50

501 501 501

Accordin" to the s r*ey$ 52 )ersons are not satis(ied %ith the (re' ent reminders %hich are "i*en to the I,I,I Direct+,om (or )date the in(ormation$ 55 )ersons are not satis(ied %ith the irre" lar recei)t o( holdin" or transaction statement$ : )ersons are not satis(ied %ith the (ormat o( holdin" or transaction statements$ < )ersons are not satis(ied attention "i*en to the en' iries$ 4 )ersons are not satis(ied %ith the billin" system and < )ersons are not satis(ied %ith the in(ormation )ro*ided by the I,I,I Direct+,om+ So$ %e can say that these systems sho ld be chan"ed or modi(ied by the I,I,I Direct+com+


N!" #"1< C$%&!' (%) (a&1,3 !+ &/

% (.1- % !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

5: 01 201 001

2: =01

0 :01

0 5001




C/a(& N!" #"1; P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) (a&1,3 !+ &/ ICICI D1( -&"C!'

% (.1- % !+

Accordin" to the s r*ey 4=1 o( the c stomers said that I,I,I Direct+,om ser*ices are )ro*idin" only =01 o( its ser*ices to its c stomers+ So %e can say that I,I,I Direct+,om ser*ices sho ld be increased to )lease its c stomers+

Tabl N!" #"20 C$%&!' (%) *( + ( ,-!'* &1&!(%

+!( ICICI D1( -&"C!' !. ( 1&%

>$al1&2 S (.142 421

Ra& % -/a(3 0 50 501

N!&/1,3 1, Sa+ &2 Pa(&1-$la( 20 201 : :1

R a-/ = =1

C/a(& N!" #"1< P (- ,&a3 !+ -$%&!' (%) *( + ( ,D1( -&"C!' !. ( 1&% -!'* &1&!(%


Accordin" to the s r*ey 421 o( c stomers 8 sti(y their )re(erences (or I,I,I Direct+com (or ' ality ser*ices$ 501 (or rates char"ed and :1 (or sa(ety+ So$ %e can say that I,I,I Direct+,om )ro*ides ' ality ser*ices than its com)etitors+ B t in case o( rate char"es and sa(ety I,I,I Direct+,om is behind its com)etitors+

Tabl ,!" #"20 C$%&!' (%) a6a( , %% !+ &/ Ca*1&al L&0"

*(!0$-&% !+ ICICI

P(!0$-&% I,I,I Bonds I,I,IDirect+com M t al # nd &' ity IPO

T1-8 500 ;0 <: <0

? 500 ;0 <: <0

#i/ed De)osit RBI Bonds

:: :2

:: :2

C/a(& N!" #"21 P (- ,&a3 !+ C$%&!' (%) a6a( , %% !+ &/ !+ ICICI Ca*1&al L&0"



41 5$

3# 39
ICICI -on s 01uit2 I!/

45 %i3e De*osit Mutual %un 4-I -on s

Accordin" to the s r*ey most o( the )eo)le kno% all the )rod cts o( I,I,I ,a)ital Ser*ices 9td+ Only the c stomers do not kno% (e% )rod cts+ 5001 a%areness is (easible in case o( I,I,I Bonds and ;01 in case o( I,I,I Direct+com+

!INDINGS L CONC#USION =;' !INDINGS customers are more satisfied 'ith the quality ser)ices.

:olding securities in electronic form gi)es some far4reaching ad)antages to the in)estors. offers a 'ide choice of products for in)esting in the stock market. %t

allo's in)esting in shares* mutual funds and other financial products. ?ith one can manage o'n d4mat and bank accounts directly and independently.

-he depository participant 'ill allo' an in)estor to trade through any broker of his

choice registered 'ith the stock e6changes connected 'ith National Securities 1epository ;td* 'hat 'ill ha)e to pro)ide the details of in)estorAs account 'ith 1epository .articipant.

%n)estor can click to get online information on their open orders and traders i.e. orders
that are routed to e6change are 'aiting in the queue to be e6ecuted can be )ie'ed for their status.

-ransaction details for the traders done in the last month are a)ailable online.

.rinted account statements too are a)ailable for earlier.

=;% SUGGESTIONS Some customers feel that they are trained for %0%0% 1irect.0om demo. +any customers feel that batch of 1# are good for %0%0% 1irect.0om training. Sur)ey re)eals that most of the customers are not a'are of the ser)ice of the +utual 9und. %0%0% 0apital Ser)ices ;td. and the normal tendency of the customer are both in)esting in shares and in +utual 9unds are one and the same. So for this %0%0% 0apital Ser)ices ;td.* should create an a'areness of 'hat e6actly mean by +utual 9unds and all other ser)ices of %0%0% 0apital Ser)ices ;td. After getting the printouts of the holding statement* dispatch of the same should be taken place 'ith no delay and this can be cross )erified 'ith the sender Cdispatch sectionB. 0ustomers are facing o)ercro'ding* non4a)ailability of telephone lines* so proper

measures should be taken to o)ercome these problems. -he %0%0% official should conduct regular training demo classes for the ne' account holders.


%0%0% is performing )ery 'ell in the field of online share trading business and ha)ing )ery good administration also. 7ach departments doing their &ob )ery 'ell comparing to the standard performance fi6ed by the management and it leads to o)erall good performance of the company. -here e6isting a good relationship bet'een employees and management -he management taking keen interest for finding their 'eakness and try their le)el best to o)ercome this 'eakness

BIB#IOG RAP" Boo4s and ?ourna,s2$ broachers and leaflets .eriodical published by %0%0% 0apital ;td. %4S70 &ournals of 3 ! and 3 1

Journals published by %0%0% 0apital ;td. 0apital &ournals in %0%0% by +r. Amit <amat National head* %0%0% securities Jayce Bernard* -rading Basics* 3 1 * ?hites publications Neorge +. +a6'ell* Stock +arket Banking .3 !* Skull publications ;incoln Ramachandran* .rudential 0oncepts* 3 1 * Raygun publications.

'''.hinduonnet.comIbusinesslineIi'I3 1I #I3"IstoriesI "3 "E #D.htm '''.cdslindia.comI9AFI14mat.htm '''

14mat.php '''.sebi.go).inIfaqIfaq 14mat.html

#ist of A33re-iations
A1Rs 4 American 1epository Receipts A% 4 Appro)ed %ntermediary A+0 4 Asset +anagement 0ompany A-+ 4 At4the4+oney B8;- 4 Bombay 8nline -rading BS7 4 01S; 4 Bombay Stock 76change of %ndia ;td. 0entral 1epository Ser)ices C%ndiaB ;td.

0+ 4 0learing +embers

0R%S%; 4 0redit Rating %nformation Ser)ices of %ndia ;td. 10A 4 1epartment of 0ompany affairs 17A 4 1epartment of 7conomic Affairs 1%. 4 1isclosure and %n)estor .rotection 1+A 4 1irect +arket Access 1. 4 1epository .articipant

9=8 4 9utures and 8ptions 9%%s 4 9oreign %nstitutional %n)estors N1Rs 4 Nlobal 1epository Receipts %0A% 4 %nstitute of 0hartered Accountants of %ndia %0S7 4 %nter4connected Stock 76change of %ndia ;td. %0%0% 4 %ndustrial 0redit = %n)estment 0orporation of %ndia ;td. %1B% 4 %ndustrial 1e)elopment Bank of %ndia %7.9 4 %n)estor 7ducation = .rotection fund %%S; 4 %ndia %nde6 Ser)ices = .roducts ;td. %.8 4 %nitial .ublic 8ffer %-+ 4 %n4the4+oney +0R 4 +ulti 0ommodity 76change of %ndia ;td. NA> 4 Net Asset >alue

N7A- 4 National Stock 76change Automated -rading N017R 4 National 0ommodity and 1eri)ati)es 76change %ndia NS0S; 4 National Securities 0learing 0orporation of %ndia ;td. NS1; 4 National Securities 1epository ;td. NS7 4 National stock e6change of %ndia ;td.

80Bs 4 8)erseas 0orporate Bodies 8-07% 4 8)er the 0ounter 76change of %ndia ;td. 8-+ 4 8ut4of the4+oney RB% 4 Reser)e Bank of %ndia SA- 4 Securities Appellate -ribunal S0RA 4 Securities 0ontracts Regulation Act S7B% 4 Securities and 76change Board of %ndia S;B 4 Securities ;ending = Borro'ing S+A0 4 Secondary +arket Ad)isory 0ommittee S=. 4 Standard and .oor >%R 4 >olatility %nde6 of NS7 ?1+ 4 ?holesale 1ebt +arket


1B A% a, 1,. %&!( 1, 6/1-/ -a& 3!(2 0! 2!$ +all 1, ICICI D1( -&"-!'C o 9on" term in*estors

o Small In*estors o .raders

2B H!6 0! 2!$ -!' ICICI D1( -&"-!'C o I,I,IDirect+c om o .ransmission o( Sec rities

&! 8,!6 ab!$& &/

% (.1- % !++ ( 0 b2"


Sell -7- ,ash

o 4B

M t al # nd

9oans A"ainst de@mat shares

I+ 2!$ a( a6a( !+ &/ , 6 % (.1- % !++ ( 0 b2 ICICI D1( -&"C!' &/ , /!6 010 &/ 2 -!' &! 8,!6 ab!$& 1& +1(%&C

o o o

.hro "h I,I,I Direct+,om Broker Others

o o

7e%s Pa)er? Ma"aAines A"ents



2!$ %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/

% (.1- % !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'C

o o o

Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied



2!$ %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/

D-'a& % (.1- % !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'C

o o o

Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

9B A( 2!$ %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/ D1( -&"C!'C


a,0 %al % !+ ICICI

o o o

Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

:B A( 2!$ %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/ D1( -&"C!'C

&(a,%'1%%1!, !+ % -$(1&1 % !+ ICICI

o o o

Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

;B A( -a%/C


-$%&!' (% %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/

% ll &/ 1( % -$(1&1 % 1,

o o o

Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

% (.1-

<B A( &/ -$%&!' (% %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/ !+" ICICI D1( -&"-!'C

M$&$al F$,0


o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

o 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied o Bnsatis(ied

10B A( 2!$ %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/ D1( -&"-!'"C O O O Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

&(a01,3 0 '!% *(!.10 0 b2 ICICI

o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

11B A( 2!$ %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/ * (1!01- ( - 1*&% a,0 /!l01,3 %&a& ' ,&% !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'C O O O Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied o o Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

12B A( &/ -$%&!' (% %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/ !+ ICICI D1( -&"-!'C Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

& l */!,1-

,=$1(1 %


o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

14B A( &/ -$%&!' (% %a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/ %&a++ !+ ICICI D1( -&"-!'"C

-!A!* (a&1!, b2 &/

o o o

Satis(ied 7either Satis(ied ? Bnsatis(ied Bnsatis(ied

o o

Mostly Satis(ied Mostly Bnsatis(ied

14B A( &/ -$%&!' (% a( !+ ICICI D1( -&"C!'C

%a&1%+1 0 61&/ &/

&a(1++ %&($-&$(

o o o

6ery Hi"h Reasonable 6ery 9o%

o o

Hi"h 9o%

1#B O. (all /!6 &/ D1( -&"C!'C o o o 01 00 1 :0 1

-$%&!' (% (a& o o o

&/ 20 1 =0 1

% (.1- % !+ ICICI

500 1

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