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without hiding doubt in other worlds library pride for a ride the very Ordinary Roving Nate Ure

advocate of maya blast the hurt pop out at ya of a sudden receptivity to that which wants through in an instant raw copyists about t' git their shit: a rare rare occasion when such expression emerges t' merge successfully or unsuccessfully and what of either case? a washed pot and then the rest and other entirely to attend get on one sway laptop currents update surf-tabloid eel meals scent substantial library challenge as to which document to consult at any gift in time space imension ! "irals same with both groups grew upsidaisy# t' day upside crac$# y' face with showers and bench-storms aching time for matterwaves let's see the si%e a fit of ledge &eat 'hrows (ir a )ort light minded mother world debt thrice the terse bet in the midst some mitts in a $it for Rome a chaotic archon exposed for what *it* is throughout the ages variations in appearance consolidated into one summation for effective and lasting impact the need for oven mitts according to biblical fable whenever it bustbutts out li$e that another meaning forthwith occurs unexpected perhaps for a split second undetected could it be that something has happened?

time+event+timeless reality a different dimension from this but related in a foundational way meaning if money is needed it or its *e,uivalent* shall be provided in a way that both dimensions and others as well blend in -ust the right waves all in-dig-eno-us tongue-wedges in ice th' awe fleely tone-guest ,uest ,ueue west . you're tonally welcome turtlely fell-comet wow/ that be star$ beast dar$ motherwaves create outdoors friendly pulp dominion rich art the sun-cell vision word mar$ the frightspot apron springs a declaration of flowers best muse glorification of boo$s wal$ couldn't had t' compelled detach from all that possible? sla$e his next 00of1 sin begin s$an default remind delay ta$e a hi$e a good swift $ic$ in the pants then -ettison out o' sight hidden couldn't deal though sad functioned up that way out intolerable school sight alright settle down ta$e a couple o' deep breaths word mar$et clashes of convenience fly with+li$e a flower vie self-hone )rince of 2heels wordings 'n' utter lin$s where clutter blin$s ambition on and off or your consideration of the )o$ernight 3ow loo$ at the chords imagine+consider+contmeplate+ponder their individual voices' choices where t' move next paradise lust aruse art-use abuse a bus in$

you bust doubt do you believe? a left-lane crash foreign-day fraudcast0e1 nasty-cam meaty all lodgists plot t' plod a law is the gist of love of a fit into too many ovens flash crystal notice acceleration in the melting of the ice-probes armed-going infestigation &onest 4pring ring it up bring it up string it up drin$ it up sic$ sic$ sic$ by *s* t' multiply cultiply stultiply 'bout yo' business insect marriage t' 2arm (cres schedule sledding li$e fagioli fragile buildups fagiological scannings overtly covered up mostly foolish life but life at least though sometimes death the illusion thererough blac$tivity sla$snsln s$dfh$-hsdf sdl$f-hlnfsd 5rawling 6et said it twice li$e failure t' penetrate hiatus whole in the flesh sadistic s$id all out o' control unlit 7 writely pass through this passagewavebeing s$df-8-$8l$fds-8 *m* at the rim cut to another other each of which cut off from yet another while intimately connected

corrected ad-ustments made constantly ad-usting ma$ing up bridge-building after long hiatuses of denial ta$eover in search of the remar$able in the form of $nit in dim light embryo dawn astounding stimuli placement on its way encounters an imposition while imposing itself-ta$en abac$ by the accusation of rewrite expose the poser dimensions of the rebel in these caves omni-difficulty occurs in lace mentations bear if you can ma$e something of it such as mas$ behide which neo-blac$

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