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Why you are excited that people are here for the meeting
How you know the Presenter

How you became involved with opportunity and why it is the perfect fit for you. (2-3 min)


Right Product, Right Time, Right Team, Right Cause, Right Compensation

RIGHT PRODUCT (20 minutes including the DVD, tasting, and testimonials)
Most effective full-spectrum delivery of antioxidants on the planet

a. Dr. Schauss’ paper in a peer review, scientific journal discussing OPTI-ACAI that only MonaVie
has. (reference attachment)
b. Antioxidant levels- ORAC value of 1,027 and similarly high across all 6 scales of measurement.
(non-Opti-Acai rates below 100) Acai looses most of its benefits within 48 hours of being
harvested. Our patent pending freeze dried process is done within 48 hours, thus the higher
maintained ORAC value.
c. Blend of 19 different fruits to provide a balanced palette of color and phytonutrients
d. Science is recommending that we consume 4,000 units of ORAC on a daily basis… to combat free
radical damage and chronic conditions in our bodies. (We get over 4,000 with 2 ounces, twice a day
of MonaVie)
e. Dr. Perricone on OPRAH page 62- World’s #1 SuperFood is the ACAI Berry
f. WATCH THE STORY DVD 8 minutes
g. While the juice is being served tell people about the great taste of this juice (like blackberries
with the overtones of chocolate) and to expect pulp… as this is a whole food product. Drink a
TOAST to their health.
h. 3-5 minutes of testimonials (lead with the disclaimer: this is not a medicine, just common sense
good nutrition. What you are about to hear are people’s personal experiences while drinking the
juice. MonaVie makes no claims)

RIGHT TIME (10 minutes) Be a part of the STEAM ENGINE on the FINANCIAL FREEDOM TRAIN- This drink

a. There are only 600,000 distributors/drinkers WORLD-WIDE (update current #)

b. Approximately half of the distributors/drinkers live in Florida
c. The Baby Boomers- History’s biggest Trend Setters
a. Gerber Baby Food, Hasbro toys, Ford Mustang, Housing Boom
b. Now ENTERING THE WELLNESS INDUSTRY beginning a 15+ year trend of millions of
people who want to feel better and look younger.
d. Network marketing companies typically grow: exponentially up in a ten year growth phase, level off over
a ten year period and depending on the strength of the product and the company continue over time.
f. FILL OUT YOUR SIGN UP SHEET NOW- you’ll want to have it ready at the end of the meeting!


Executive Team - Dallin Larson, Henry Marsh, Charlie Brink, Amy Cowley, and Randy Larson
a. Company paid off it’s investors one year early-MonaVie is DEBT FREE
b. Operates with a DEBT FREE PHILOSOPHY
c. Founders have the vision to Create the MORE project and are personally involved in making a difference
Up line team of support and tools for you to plug into to help YOU SUCCEED

RIGHT CAUSE (3-5 minutes) M.O.R.E. Project = MonaVie Operation Rescue

a. Founders believe there must be something more than just money to unite us in success.
b. Percentage from each bottle of juice goes back into Brazil to help build homes, open schools, assist those in
need M.O.R.E.
c. To raise awareness and additional funds there is a Climb to the Grand Tetons each year with proceeds going to
the M.O.R.E Project. (Corporate Execs and Distributors)
d. Hearts of Palm – a 60 foot tree yields a 12” section of palmito harvested and sold illegally for 25 cents… it
kills the tree in order to harvest… MonaVie is paying fair-market wages for villagers to harvest the berries-
sustainably – instead of killing the tree for a one time crop
It is estimated that MonaVie will save over 500,000 rainforest trees this year alone…DRINK UP!

We all know at least 2 people who would appreciate better health or better wealth


$39 – We all paid $39 to be involved in this opportunity. Your $39 gets you 4 things:

1. Spot on the TREE

2. Distributor Kit- with the MAP for SUCCESS and you MonaVie PIN
3. Virtual Office Website to track and run your business from
4. You get to buy the juice at WHOLESALE price

There are 8 ways to make money in this business. (We only cover 1-5 in open meetings)

1. Wholesale to Retail- Buy low and sell high

2. Sign up Bonuses- You get paid each time you enroll someone on 1 or more cases of autoship
3. Star Marker Bonuses- You get paid each time you help someone you brought into business put someone on
their left and right legs
4. Bulk Order Bonus- You get paid each time someone you personally sponsored makes a 3, 6, or 12 case order.
5. Team Commissions start at STAR 500 = RESIDUAL INCOME
a. 1 case= 100 points (points to facilitate currency change with international business)
b. You get paid 10% of the lesser point volume of your lesser leg weekly
c. Max out at $10,000 weekly

We do not recommend going through the last 3 ways in an open meeting… It tends to be overwhelming to participants.

6. Executive Check Match as you move through the ranks you get paid up to 20% of the Team Commission of
those below you.
7. Blue Diamond Leadership Pool- Percent of Executives below you
8. Multiple Business Centers- Positions above (not below) yourself to build

CLOSE (5 minutes)

If you see the business opportunity here- Make a 6 or 12 case initial order- then adjust your autoship as appropriate
(not less than 3 case autoship- one case for you, one case for your partner and one case to share)
Would you like to know the 3 keys to success in this business?

1. Have a DREAM
2. Don’t Give Up!
3. Keep a Warm List (a list of names and phone numbers of the people you know on a first name basis)
Earlier we said that we all know at least two people who would appreciate better health or better wealth- For
the next 90 seconds I want you to write the names of everyone you can think of… (Give prompters from the
build a list tool…i.e. who sold you your house? Who is your workout buddy? Etc.)

I.T.S. Invite Taste Share

Plug into the SYSTEM of SUCCESS- Read the MAP and go to and participate in the training
components, meetings and events… and you’ll be well on you way to success.

Put someone on your RIGHT LEG and someone on your LEFT LEG- GO BECOME A STAR WITHIN the next 48
HOURS and help them to do the same thing. REPEAT! REPEAT!

We’ll all be available to answer questions and hear your stories of success following the meeting. If you would like to
join our team – please finish filling out your enrollment form and give it to the person who invited you here tonight to
get your spot on the tree ASAP.



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