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uslng a flgure 8 casL-on (or meLhod of your cholce), casL on a LoLal of 32 sLs, 16 sLs on
each needle.
8ound 1: knlL all sLs.
8ound 2: k1, kfb, k Lo lasL 2 sLs, kfb, k1. (18 sLs on each needle)
8epeaL rounds 1 and 2 seven more Llmes, unLll Lhere are a LoLal of 64 sLs (32 sLs on
each needle.)

8askeLweave aLLern:
8ounds 1 - 4: *k4, 4, repeaL Lo end of flrsL needle. knlL all sLs on second needle
(whlch wlll form Lhe boLLom of Lhe fooL.)
8ound 3: knlL.
8ounds 6 - 9: *4, k4, repeaL Lo end of flrsL needle. knlL all sLs on second needle.
8ound 10: knlL.

8epeaL Lhe 8askeLweave paLLern unLll Lhe fooL lengLh ls 1.3 - 2 lnches shorLer Lhan your LoLal fooL lengLh.
8e sure Lo end wlLh %&'() *.

Wisteria Garden Socks
Design by Carolyn Warren
6c yurds (z skelns) of Serenlty Sock Yurn
(z Ruyon from 8umboo, c Suerwush
Merlno, z Nylon) ln Chlll (#cc,).
z 6' clrculur needles ln slze US (z.z mm),
or slze to get deslred guuge.
1uestry needle

-&./(: My guuge ls tylcully 8 stsjln for stocklnette
socks on slze US needles. You cun udjust the needle
slze to uccommodute your guuge.
%('012: l huve wrltten these dlrectlons us toeu
socks, uslng z clrcs. Eowever, feel free to udjust thls
uttern to uccommodute your referred sock
knlttlng technlque.
Luzy summer ufternoons, southern belles ln whlte
chlffon, sweet lcedteu, und trelllses ln beuutlful
gurdens overflowlng wlth frugrunt wlsterlu. u few of
the lmuges thut these lucy socks brlng to mlnd.
(1hls ls a slngle-wrap, shorL-row heel. Powever, feel free Lo subsLlLuLe your favorlLe heel here.)
SeLup: knlL all sLs across needle 1 (as lf you were worklng Lhe flrsL half of 8ound 10 of Lhe 8askeLweave paLLern). 1hus
you wlll begln Lhe heel on needle 2. 1he heel ls worked back and forLh on Lhls second needle. ulrecLlons on W&1 (wrap
and Lurn) can be found aL Lhe end of Lhls paLLern.

8ow 1: knlL 31 sLs, W&1 lasL sL.
8ow 2: url 30 sLs, W&1 lasL sL.
8ow 3: knlL 29 sLs, W&1 nexL sL.
8ow 4: url 28 sLs, W&1 nexL sL.

ConLlnue ln Lhls way, wrapplng Lhe sLlLch before Lhe prevlously wrapped sLlLch each
Llme, unLll Lhere are 8 wrapped sLlLches on each needle. ?ou also should have 16 llve"
sLlLches on Lhe lefL needle, and be ready Lo work a knlL row.

8ow 1: (Cn fuLure repeaLs of Lhls row, begln wlLh sllpplng Lhe flrsL sLlLch.) knlL Lo flrsL
wrapped sLlLch. lck up wrap and place lL on Lhe lefL needle wlLh Lhe wrapped sLlLch. knlL boLh Lhe wrap and sLlLch
LogeLher tbtooqb tbe bock loop. 1urn your work. 1here ls noL a second wrap.
8ow 2: Sllp flrsL sLlLch. url across row Lo flrsL wrapped sLlLch. lck up wrap and place lL on Lhe lefL needle wlLh Lhe
wrapped sLlLch. url Lhe wrap and sLlLch LogeLher. 1urn your work. Agaln, Lhere ls noL a second wrap.

ConLlnue ln Lhls way, sllpploq tbe fltst stltcb aL Lhe beglnnlng of each row, unLll you have plcked
up all wrapped sLs. ?ou should be aL Lhe beglnnlng of a knlL row.

knlL across needle 2 Lo Lhe lasL 3 sLs, k2Log, k1, plck up and knlL a sLlLch ln Lhe gap beLween Lhe
needles. (1hls wlll close Lhe hole" LhaL ls ofLen creaLed when worklng a shorL-row heel.)

knlL across needle 1 Lo Lhe lasL 3 sLs, k2Log, k1, plck up and knlL a sLlLch ln Lhe gap beLween Lhe
needles. (1hls wlll close Lhe hole" on Lhls slde of Lhe sock.)

knlL across needle 2. (1hls ls acLually Lhe second half of Lhe lasL 8ound 10 from Lhe 8askeLweave

1rellls Lace paLLern:
8ound 1: *k4, ?C, 2, 2Log, repeaL from * Lo end of round.
8ound 2 and all even rounds: *k4, 4, repeaL from * Lo end of round.
8ound 3: *k4, 1, ?C, 2Log, 1, repeaL from * Lo end of round.
8ound 3: *k4, 1, 2Log, ?C, 1, repeaL from * Lo end of round.
8ound 7: *k4, 2Log, 2, ?C, repeaL from * Lo end of round.
8ound 9: *k4, 1, 2Log, ?C, 1, repeaL from * Lo end of round.
8ound 11: *k4, 1, ?C, 2Log, 1, repeaL from * Lo end of round.
8ound 12: Same as oLher even rows, lasL row of lace paLLern.

8epeaLs 8ounds 1 - 12 of Lhe 1rellls Lace paLLern unLll you reach Lhe deslred helghL for Lhe leg. (l used 3 repeaLs.)







knlL ln k2,2 rlbblng for 16 rows - or unLll you are slck of lL. 8lnd off uslng a sLreLchy blnd off.

AJmlte yoot booJy wotk - tbeo qet bosy oo o secooJ sock!

SLs - sLlLches
k - knlL
kfb - knlL Lhrough fronL and back of sLlLch
k2Log - knlL 2 sLlLches LogeLher
- purl
2Log - purl 2 sLlLches LogeLher
?C - yarn over
w&1 - wtop ooJ toto: Move yarn Lo Lhe opposlLe slde of your work,
beLween Lhe sLlLch you [usL worked and Lhe nexL sLlLch. Sllp nexL sLlLch
Lo rlghL needle. Move Lhe yarn back Lo Lhe oLher slde. Sllp Lhe sLlLch
from Lhe rlghL needle back Lo Lhe lefL needle. 1urn your work.

Carolyn Warren, 2012.

(l oqtee wltb lleeqles copytlqbt pbllosopby, oJopteJ below, ooJ wlll oJopt lt os my owo, wltb bet petmlssloo. 5ee bet bloq post ot

You may scan, print, copy, or otherwise convert this pattern to other formats in any way you wish, as long as your purpose is entirely
personal. You can, for example, make backup copies of the pdf file; output the contents to your printer; transfer the pdf file to your hard
drive; or paint excerpts on the back of your pet gerbil. You need no permission from me to do so. These permissions do not extend to
making copies of this work, or any substantial part thereof, for your friends. If you are wondering about the word substantial, and how it
might apply to what you want to do, please contact me directly and well discuss it.

You may share an excerpt for non-commercial purposes, for example, to help a friend; incorporate into a blog post; or contribute to a
private group; without my express permission. Please do assign credit, however. The credit line should read: Photo/text courtesy of Carolyn
Warren, used with permission.

You may not share any part of this pattern, in written or knitted form, for commercial purposes without permission and remuneration. You
may, however, donate knitted versions (or all proceeds from such versions) to charity.

If you are an ongoing commercial enterprise, for example, a magazine, other arrangements will have to be made. In these cases, I expect
fair payment commensurate with your other contributors. Please pm my Ravelry name, cawshirley, or email me at to
discuss terms and conditions.

There are no reserved foreign rights. We are all of one world, thanks to the Internet.
Should you have any quesLlons, or flnd any errors ln Lhe paLLern,
please conLacL me aL cawshlrley[, or send me (cawshlrley) a
M on 8avelry. 1hanks!

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