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Lithological description From 300m to 305m: 90% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular

to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. From 305m to 355m: 60% - 90% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. 10% - 30% Claystone: grey to yellow, greenish, plastic. Traces: glauconit, mica, fossils. From 355m to 3 5m: 0% - !0% Calcareo"s Claystone: dark grey to grey, plastic. #0% - 30% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. Traces: mica, fossils. From 3 5m to 3!5m: !0% - 90% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. 10% - #0%: Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. Traces: mica, fossils. From 3!5m to 395m: 100% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. Traces: mica, coal, glauconit, fossils. From 395m to $05m: !0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. #0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. Traces: mica, coal, fossils. From $05m to $$0m: 50% - !0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. #0% - 50% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. Traces: mica, coal, fossils. From $$0m to $95m: 50% - 90% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. 10% - 50% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. Traces: mica, coal, fossils. From $95m to 550m: 60% - !0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic.

#0% - $0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. Traces: mica, coal, fossils. From 550m to 5 0m: 60% - 0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. 30% - $0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. Traces: mica, coal, fossils. From 5 0m to 6#0m: $0% - 0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. #0% - 50% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, medium sorted. 10% - 30% Coal: black. Traces: mica, fossils. From 6#0m to 660m: 90% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, well sorted. 10% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. Traces: mica, coal, glauconit. From 660m to 6!0m: 0% - !0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. #0% - 30% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, well sorted. Traces: mica, coal, fossils, glauconit. From 6!0m to 00m: 0% - !0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, medium grained, well sorted. 10% - #0% Coal: black. 10% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. Traces: mica, fossils. From 00m to #0m: 0% - !0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. #0% - 30% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. Traces: mica, coal, fossils. From #0m to 30m: 0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. 30% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. Traces: mica, coal, fossils. From 30m to !0m: 50% - !0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic.

10% - $0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. 10% Coal: black. Traces: mica, fossils. From !0m to !5m: 60% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. 30% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. 10% Coal: black. Traces: mica, fossils. From !5m to 90m: 60% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. 30% Coal: black. 10% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded,fine grained, very well sorted. Traces: mica, fossils. From 90m to !30m: 60% - !0% Coal: black. 10% - 30% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. 10% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. Traces: mica, fossils. From !30m to !!0m: 0% - !0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. 10% - #0% Clay: dark grey to grey, plastic. 10% Coal: black. Traces: mica, fossils. From !!0m to 900m: 60% - !0% Clay: dark grey to grey, soft, plastic. #0% - $0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. Traces: mica, fossils, coal. From 900m to 930m: 0% - !0% Calcareo"s Claystone : dark grey to grey, soft, plastic. 10% - #0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. 10% - #0% Sandstone: quartzose , whitish, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement, friable. Traces: mica, fossils coal. From 930m to 960m: !0% - 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic.

10% - #0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. Traces: mica, sandstone, fossils, coal. From 960m to 9 5m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. Traces: fossils, sand, coal. From 9 5m to 1005m: 100% %arl: light grey, plastic. Traces: fossils, coal. From 1005m to 10#5m: !0% - 90% %arl: light grey, plastic. 10% - #0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained, very well sorted. Traces: fossils, coal, limestone. From 10#5m to 1090m: 100% %arl: light grey, plastic. Traces: fossils, coal, limestone. From 1090m to 1100m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: dark grey to grey, soft, plastic. Traces: fossils, sand. From 1100m to 1130m: 0% - 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: dark grey to grey, soft, plastic. 10% - 30% Sandstone: calcareous , whitish, fine grained,subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement, friable, poor cemented. From 1130m to 1150m: 0% - !0% Calcareo"s Claystone: dark grey to grey, soft, plastic. 10% - #0% Sand: quartzitic, whitish, yellow to light grey, transparent to translucid, subangular to subrounded, fine grained ,very well sorted. 10% Sandstone: whitish, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement, friable. Traces: coal, limestone. From 1150m to 1190m: 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: dark grey to grey, soft, plastic. 10% Sandstone: whitish, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement, friable. Traces: coal, limestone, sand. From 1190m to 1##5m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: dark grey to grey, soft, plastic. Traces: coal, limestone, sand.

From 1##5m to 1#50m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. Traces: coal, limestone, sandstone. From 1#50m to 1#90m: !0% - 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. 10% - #0% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement, friable. Traces: coal, limestone, sand. From 1#90m to 1305m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. Traces: coal, limestone, sandstone. From 1305m to 13!5m: !0% - 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. 10% - #0% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement, friable. Traces: coal& gla"conite& sand' From 13!5m to 1$00m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. Traces: sandstone. From 1$00m to 1$30m: !0% - 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. 10 ( #0% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement, friable. From 1$30m to 1530m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: grey, soft, plastic. Traces: sandstone. From 1530m to 1590m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, grey, soft, plastic. Traces: sandstone. From 1590m to 1610m: 0% - !0% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, grey, soft, plastic. #0% - 30% Sand: quartizitic, transparent, subangular to subrounded, fine to medium grained, medium sorted. Traces: sandstone. From 1610m to 16$5m: $0% - 0% Sand: quartizitic, transparent, subangular to subrounded, fine to medium grained, medium sorted. #0% - $0% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, grey, soft, plastic. 10% - #0% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement.

From 16$5m to 16!0m: 60% - !0% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, grey, soft, plastic. #0% - $0% Sand: quartizitic, transparent, subangular to subrounded, fine granulated, medium sorted. Traces: sandstone. From 16!0m to 1 #0m: $0% - 0% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, grey, soft, plastic. #0% - 30% Sand: quartizitic, transparent, subangular to subrounded, fine granulated, medium sorted. 10% - 30% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement. From 1 #0m to 1 $0m: 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, grey, soft, plastic. 10% Sand: quartizitic, transparent, subangular to subrounded, fine granulated, medium sorted. From 1 $0m to 1 60m: 0% - !0% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, grey, soft, plastic. 10% - #0% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement. 10% Sand: quartizitic, transparent, subangular to subrounded, fine granulated, medium sorted. From 1 60m to 1 0m: 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, light to dark grey, soft, plastic. 10% Sand: quartizitic, transparent, subangular to subrounded, fine granulated, medium sorted. Traces: sandstone. From 1 0m to 1 !0m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, light to dark grey, soft, plastic. Traces: sand, sandstone. From 1 !0m to 1 90m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, light to dark grey, soft, plastic, and Calcareous Claystone, brownish, fine silty, fine stratification, with thin layers of limestone. From 1 90m to 1 95m: 90% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, light to dark grey, soft, plastic, and Calcareous Claystone, brownish, fine silty, fine stratification, with thin layers of limestone. 10% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement.

From 1 95m to 1! 0m: 100% Calcareo"s Claystone: fine silty, light to dark grey, soft, plastic and Calcareous Claystone, brownish, fine silty, fine stratification, with thin layers of limestone. From 1! 0m to 19#0m: 100% %arl: light gray to whitish, plastic. From 19#0m to 19#5m: 0% %arl: light gray to whitish, plastic. 30% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement. From 19#5m to 1930m: $0% %arl: light gray to whitish, plastic. 30% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement. 30% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement. From 1930m to 19 5m: #0% - 0% )rgillaceo"s Limestone: grey whitish to yelowish, britlle, poor to medium compacted. 10% - 50% Sandstone: whitish, friable, fine grained, subangular to subrounded, well sorted, calcareous cement. #0% - $0% %arl: light gray to whitish, plastic. From 19 5m to 1990m: 90% )rgillaceo"s Limestone: grey whitish to yelowish, britlle, poor to medium compacted. 10% %arl: light gray to whitish, plastic. Traces: glauconite. From 1990m to #055m: 100% Limestone: whitish, britlle, poor to medium compacted. Traces: glauconite. From #055m to #065m: 100% )rgillaceo"s Limestone: grey whitish to whitish, britlle, poor to medium compacted. Traces: glauconite. From #065m to #0 5m: 90% )rgilaceo"s Limestone: whitish, britlle, poor to medium compacted. 10% %arl: light gray to whitish, plastic. Traces: glauconite. From #0 5m to #095m: 100% )rgillaceo"s Limestone: grey whitish to whitish, britlle, poor to medium compacted.

Traces: glauconite. From #095m to #115m: 60% - 90% %arl: light gray and brown redish, plastic. 10% - $0% )rgilaceo"s Limestone: gray to whitish, britlle, poor to medium compacted. Traces: glauconite. From #115m to #1#5m: 100% Silty %arl: gray, plastic. From #1#5m to #130m: 100%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: grey whitish, poor to medium compacted. Traces: glauconite. From #130m to #1$5m: 0%-!0% %arl: light gray , plastic. #0%-30%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: grey whitish, poor to medium compacted. From #1$5m to #150m: !0%Sandy Claystone: light grey to greenish grey, soft. #0%Sandstone: whitish to grey, friable to medium consolidated, fine to medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement. Traces: limestone, fossils. )ccessories: glauconite. From #150m to #155m: !0%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish, poor to medium compacted. 10%Sandy Claystone: light grey to greenish grey, soft. 10%Sandstone: whitish to grey, friable to medium consolidated, fine to medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement. Traces: glauconite. From #155m to #1 5m: 0%-90%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish, poor to medium compacted. 10%-30%Sandstone: whitish to grey, medium consolidated, fine to medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement. Traces: glauconite. Sample contaminated with ava carb. From #1 5m to #190m: 50%- 0% )rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish, poor to medium compacted. 50%-30% Sandstone: whitish to grey, medium consolidated, fine to medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement. Traces: glauconite, claystone. From #190m to #195m: 60%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish, poor compacted to firm.

30%Sandstone: whitish to grey, friable to medium consolidated, fine to medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement. 10%Sandy Claystone: light grey to greenish grey, soft. Traces: glauconite. From #195m to ##30m: 50%-60%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish, firm to well compacted #0%-50%Sandstone: whitish to grey, medium consolidated, fine to medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement 10%-30%%arl silty: arenaceous, grey, well compacted to hard Traces: glauconite, mica. !rgillaceous "imestone: whitish, firm to well compacted* From ##30m to ##$5m: $0%-50%%arl silty: arenaceous, grey, well compacted to hard $0%-)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish, firm to well compacted 10%-#0%Sandstone: whitish to grey, medium consolidated, fine to medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement Traces: glauconite, mica. From ##$5m to ##!5m: $0%-90%%arl silty: arenaceous, grey, well compacted to hard 10%-60%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish#grey, firm to well compacted. Traces: Sandstone: whitish to grey, calcareous cement glauconite, mica. From ##!5m to #305m: $0%-60% %arl silty: arenaceous, grey, well compacted to hard 30%-$0% )rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish#grey, firm to well compacted 10%-#0% Sandstone: grey, medium consolidated, medium grained, subangular to subrounded, moderately sorted, calcareous cement. Traces: glauconite, mica. From #305m to #315m: !0%-90%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish#grey, firm to well compacted 10%-#0%%arl silty: arenaceous, grey, well compacted to hard Traces: $lauconite. From #315m to #360m: 100%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: whitish#grey, firm to well compasted )rgillaceo"s Limestone +arenaceo"s,: grey, well compacted to hard Traces: Sandstone, glauconite. From #360m to #365m: 100%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: off white, light#grey to grey, firm to well compasted, occasionaly fine sandy Traces: Silicolite %chaille&: light#grey to yellowish, hard, microcrystalline, conchoidal break, mat luster, with fissures calcite clogged.

From #365m to #3 5m: 50-90%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: off white, light#grey to grey, firm to well compasted, occasionaly fine sandy 10-50%-olomite: light#grey to yellowish, crystalline, translucent, moderate to well compacted, subangular, moderately sorted Traces: glauconite, marl. From #3 5m to #$#0m: 60-!0%-olomite: light#grey to yellowish, crystalline, translucent, moderate to well compacted, subangular, moderately sorted #0-$0%)rgillaceo"s Limestone: off white, light#grey to grey, firm to well compasted, occasionaly fine sandy )ccessories: $lauconite, 'yrite Traces: (arl.

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