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September 1st week 1. 2 #. nd week '. 1. 4. !rd week 5. 8. 9.

Topic Language focus Revision revision Introduction: $ello% &y family +t the sports centre ,hat can you o2 &y room ,hat has she got2 "nit 1 #y life #y school P8

Grammar focus Present simple Present continuous p' To be ,h -uestions .es/0o -uestions can There is /there are structure $as got/have got Present (imple affirmative Present (imple +ffirmative practising

1 Vocabulary and pronunciation Daily activities Clothes, a !ectives, colours "reetings p' 0ames of sports &usical instruments 3ree time activities Rooms an possessions furniture P4 6s &y, your, his7.. $as got/ have got Daily Routine Daily Routine

Communication Skills Talking about hobbies Describing people (peaking) "reetings p' Dra*ing about your summer holi ay Pair *ork Pair *ork Pair *ork) escribing your room Listening) pronunciation Pair *ork ,riting about your life

Songs Rhymes Games

"uessing game

&emory game

$ockey Cokey (imon says

$th week 1:. 11. Practising 12. %ctober &th week 1#. 1'. 11. ;irth ays P1: ;irth ays in ;ritain P11 &onths / ates / ays/seasons &ickey, &illie an

Present (imple 0egative p9 Present (imple 0egative p9 practising <r inal numbers <r inal numbers practising <r inal numbers practising Present (imple -uestions

Phrases) about every ay life Phrases) about every ay life &onths/ ates/seasons &onths/ ates/seasons Typical activities of the months an seasons ,h -uestions &a e by "abriella $aluska Rea ing (peaking) =mportant ates in your life /in the $ungarian history Rea ing an *riting Pronunciation &atching games (ong) $appy birth ay to you Pu>>le ) &onths Rhyme) (olomon

2 &ut P12 'th week 14. 15. 18. (th week 19. 2:. 18. ;oar games )th week 22. 2#. 2'. Revision of unit 1 Test Correcting the test. &aking an =ntervie* Daily life P1' .our pro!ect .our pro!ect Revision of unit 1 Present (imple -uestions practising ,h -uestions .es/0o -uestions + verbs of fre-uency .es/0o -uestions Pronunciation) =ntonation) .es/no -uestions Pair *ork Pronunciation) es en ings Planning an presentation Planning an presentation Dra*ing) calen ar (ong) <n 3ri ay = am in love "run y Class survey Comparison) (chool ay/ +t the *eeken $ouse*ork your year your year

*o+ember ,th week 21. 24. 25. week 28. 29.

"nit -nimals %ur school trip p .

Present continuous affirmative

Describing current activities

Pronunciation) (yllables p21

&iming games ) animals ,riting) your school trip Cross*or pu>>le (ong) ' little ucks *ent...

Present continuous affirmative Practising Present continuous +nimals as pets &ickey6s mo el inosaur P22 &ickey6s mo el inosaur P22 Present continuous ,h -uestions .es/0o -uestions (hort ans*ers Present continuous ,h -uestions .es/0o -uestions Practising Present Continuous 0egative Practising

Rea ing ne*spaper articles Parts of animals

&aking posters about animals "roup *ork Listening) ,hat are the animals2 P21 (tress an rhythm


#:. 11th week

Describing current activities Describing current activities &a e by "abriella $aluska

(ong) 1 little monkeys

# #1. #2. ##. 1 th week #'. #1. #4. /ecember 1!th week #5. #8. #9. 1$th week ':. '1. '2. 1&th week '#. ''. Present Continuous 0egative $allo*een "uy 3a*kes ay &y favourite animal P2' &eerkats P21 The story of chicken Licken P24 The story of chicken Licken P24 Pro!ect Pro!ect Revision of unit 1 Revision of unit 1 Test Correcting the test "nit ! 0olidays ,here *ere you last *eek2 p#2 ,here *ere you last *eek2 p#2 ,here *ere you last *eek2 p#2 <ur holi ay P#1 Problems p#4 Past simple) to be Positive 0egative -uestion Past simple) to be practising Past simple) to be practising Regular verbs Practising regular verbs =rregular verbs Practising irregular verbs/ Past simple negative Past (imple -uestions an &a e by "abriella $aluska ,or s associate *ith travelling/transport &eans of transport Pronunciation) 0egative auBiliaries Countries Different holi ay resorts Pronunciation) *eak an strong forms p## Present Cont.v. Present (imple Present Cont.v. Present (imple Practising can must <b!ect pronouns Tra itions The story of these ays animals Describing animals Describing animals $ouse*ork/obligations =, you, him, her7.. .our favourite animal .our favourite animal Tra itions The story of these ays Listening) pronunciation) (yllable (tress Listening) same soun P25 The en ing of a story P25 Planning an presentation Planning an presentation Role play) act out the story ?ui>/"ames Poems

@ookabura sits on the ol gum tree p#1

'1. 1anuary 1'th week '4. '5. '8. 1(th week '9. 1:. 11.

Rea ing) Dominick6s holi ay P## Listening to a sport instructor P## (peaking) ,here *ere you2 P## ,riting) &r A p#1 Pronunciation) e en ings "ap filling eBercise Rea ing an *riting a postcar P#5 Dra*ing your favourite holi ay/means

Picture escription

&ut6s holi ay

' 1)th week 12. 1#. 1'. 2ebruary 1,th week 11. 14. 15 .th week 18. 19. 4:. P#8 &ut6s holi ay P#8 (tory in the past Ceasy rea erD pro!ect pro!ect Revision of Enit # Revision of Enit # Test Correction of test "nit $ 2ood 2ood and drink p'' Countable/ uncountable nouns Countable/ uncountable nouns practising +rticles) a/an P'1 ,riting your o*n menu (tone soup p'4 (tone soup p'4 (tone soup p'4 &ut goes shopping P'8 &ut goes shopping P'8 "eorge6s apple crumble P1: "eorge6s apple (ome/ any (ome/ any Practising some/any $o* much/ ho* many Countable/ uncountable $o* much/ ho* many Countable/ Encountable Practising Countable/ Encountable Practising + fe*/ a little -uantities -uantities Rea ing a recipe 3oo Listening) ,hat o the people have for lunch2 Listening) &enu P'1 "ap filling eBercise "roup *ork Rea ing) (tone soup &aking a shopping list +cting out a story) role play (peaking) Describing your kitchen Cupboar p'5 (peaking) $o* many7..2 p'9 "ap filling eBercise ,riting about your eating habits "ap filling eBercise Listening to +lice6s recipe P11 Picture escription &a e by "abriella $aluska hangman short ans*ers Past (imple -uestions an short ans*ers practising Past (imple .our last holi ay .our ream holi ay of transport Listening) + holi ay P#9 +ct out the story Dra*ing the story/Colouring pictures Planning an presentation Planning an presentation (ong) Runa*ay train p'#

1st week 41. 42. 4#. nd week 4'. 41. 44. #arch !rd week 45. 48. 49. $th week

3oo Pronunciation) Phrasal stress p'1 (peaking) or ering in a restaurant Listening) + shopping list p'1

3oo cross*or pu>>le

Picture escription hangman

1 5:. 51. 52. &th week 5#. 5'. 51. 'th week 54. 55. 58. -pril (th week 59. 8:. 81. )th week 82. 8#. 8'. ,th week 81. 84. 85. !.th week 88. 89. 9:. The *eather forecast Re-uests) +sking for irections &ickey an &illie crumble P1: "eorge6s apple crumble P1: ,riting your o*n recipe P11 (t. Patrick6s Day .our favourite foo / rink pro!ect pro!ect re+ision of unit ' Revision of unit ' Test Correction of test "nit & The world #y country P14 The E@ P15 + !ectives escribing people countries 0orth an (outh P18 Recor breakers p4: + fe*/ a little practising 3ollo*ing recipes "iving/ follo*ing instructions Fnglish holi ays an tra itions in (pring .our favourite foo ) picture/recipe/*hy o you like it2 Typical foo in your country Typical foo in your country "ap filling eBercise Presentation "roup *ork/Pair *ork Pair *ork Presentation Planning an presentation Planning an presentation ?ui> pu>>les Cooking/ eating together (ong) (ausages *ith ice cream

$o* -uestions measurements

"eographical features Rea ing Listening <pposites Collecting a !ectives &aking comparisons &aking comparisons Talking about the biggest, the heaviest7.etc Talking about the biggest, the heaviest7.etc Planning an presenting a *eather forecast +sking for irections eBpressions "iving irections ,riting an speaking Pronunciation) (tress in the name of the countries p41 "roup *ork/pair *ork Pair *ork/ (ituations Planning/ Presentation Listening) Describing people clothes countries, foo

Rhyme) The gran ol uke of .ork "ap filling eBercise "ap filling eBercise Cross*or pu>>le

Comparatives p19 Comparatives p19 Practising (uperlatives P4: (uperlatives Practising P4: + !ectives escribing the *eather (upplementary material + !ective, Comparative

"ap filling eBercise Country -ui>

&a e by "abriella $aluska

4 go camping P42 #ay !1st week 91. 92. 9#. ! nd week 9'. 91. 94. !!rd week 95. 98. 99. !$th week 1::. 1:1 1:2. (uperlative + !ective Comparative (uperlative Practising +s77as Describing your family members/ classmates &ap rea ing Pro!ect Pro!ect Revision of unit 1 Revision of unit 1 Test Correction of the Test "nit' 3ntertainment TG programmes p48 &aking comparative phrases/ proverbs + !ectives escribing characteristics 0orth/east7 Prepositions of place .our country .our country Pronunciation) (ame vo*el soun P4# ,riting p4# Listening) P4# ,riting a composition


Planning an presentation Planning an presentation

(ong) This lan is your lan

!&th week 1:#. 1:' 1:1 !'th week 1:4. 1:5. 1:8. !(th week 1:9 11:

.our ream/ future !ob +t the movies P5:

To be going to +ffirmative, 0egative ?uestions P49 To be going to +ffirmative, 0egative ?uestions P49 Practising To be going to practising + !ectives an a verbs + !ectives an a verbs Practising + !ectives an a verbs Practising

Types of TG programmes Types of TG programmes

,riting) .our favourite TG programme ,riting) (atur ay morning activities Listening) ,hat are the people going to o2 ,riting ) composition Rea ing DoctorA Pronunciation) (entence stress p5: ,riting an speaking) The beginning of the story p51 (ong) Ro* your boat7. Po*er point presentation/ &aking comics Po*er point presentation/ &aking comics

0ames of !obs/ *orkplaces Types of films Types of films Types of films

&y favourite film/book &y favourite film/book Fn of year revision Fn of year revision &a e by "abriella $aluska

5 111. Fvaluation of the year

&a e by "abriella $aluska

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