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26 mins ago

Ryan Hume

Structurally, I might position this intro differently and explain a few more things to the reader. You are comparing two completely different systems--remember that. You need to show their specific differences and hang ups. I'd keep most of the first paragraph, minus the transition at the end. Then, Paragraph 2--History. How did ESI become such a dependant structure in the U.S.? (You have this in your HA Intro) Paragraph 3--

You'll explain how the French System works

Paragraph 4--Solution; who, what, when, and why is suggesting we adopt a French style National Health Care system. a.) what would it look like in the U.S. What you are proposing is a drastic overhaul, correct? b.) who's opposed to it? c.) Why are they opposed? d.) Do they propose an alternative solution? e.) What are the obstacles to such a thing actually happening? This is more or less the thesis map at the end that will help structure the rest of the essay
21 mins ago

On the last part, part a, do you mean how the French system works?
18 mins ago

Ryan Hume

Paragraph 3-You'll explain how the French System works. in a.) you'll explain what it would like in the U.S. either supplementing or replacing ESI, which is your topic
14 mins ago

Ryan Hume

* I meant to say a.) what would it look like in the U.S. What you are proposing is a drastic overhaul, correct?
12 mins ago

Ryan Hume

You need to show that you understand the feasability of the undertaking and likely (or unlikely) it is. Or you could propose a more restrained solution. Like fighting for the alternative singlepayer system Obama originally had in the ACA

yes. I picture ESI would be more like a supplementary insurance, much like what the French does, with NHI being the main insurance
11 mins ago

Isn't the single-payer system like the French system?

10 mins ago

Now, both alternatives may not be feasible because of the economy down-turn, but it may be when the US is in better economy. Is that safe to say?

Ryan Hume

Yes, I think so. But it was an alternative meant to run next to private insurers. Someone could still buy private insurance if they wanted as their primary, but the single-payer collectives would influence the price of premiums in the market
8 mins ago

To influence the price of premiums, as if to regulate the affordability of premiums to the general public?

Ryan Hume

That was my understanding. But it was a while ago. I believe many companies supported that measure because it would lower their costs?
6 mins ago

Well, I'll look in to it, but thank you very much for your suggestions. Have a fantastic week, Ryan! And it's been a pleasure this quarter to have you as my instructor! :-)

Ryan Hume

Thanks, Vivian. And your draft will be returning soon. Have a good break

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