You are on page 1of 72


200-120 Prepared by Eng Adel el homidi Eng ahmed Nazmy Summary of eng Yasser al Fahid Some other references Organized and arranged by Walid ayada

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! #" & $!% ' ( *) +,&) , -. / . 02! 60 4 ( . &, / 012 3++1 5 0 78+ / 0+ .) -. ( .9" CCNA 0 =812 > 8 200-120 :<; . 5 <,; ?; 0# # .9) A@ + / 0 8+ , * 0 + 0.( B C C<+ CD, *E 9 , 09 0 (+ . ;?+ /+ BA" F+B<" , 3+, 0 G" *... I H 0( / J! KI .9 , 9 . 0 )L !D,) All Cisco labs M ! 0+C" .

Walid ayada

Table of Contents
3..................................................................................................................................................Table of Contents 4...............................................................................................................................Introduction to Networking .1 4..................................... Network topologies 1.1 4............................................................. 4................................................................ Internetworking basics 1.2 4................................................................................................................................ OSI odel 1.3 #........................................................................................................................................................TC! "I! 1.4 1&.......................................................................................................................................I!%4 addressing 1.$ 11.........................................................................................................................................I!'4 Subnetting 1.# 1,.............................................................................................................(asic )outer * Switc+ Configuration.2 1,...............................................................................................................................2.1connecting b- Console 1......................................................................................................................................................... odes 2.2 1.............................................................................................................2.3(asic ad/inistrati'e configuration 2&.....................................................................................................................)outer and switc+ +ardware 2.4 21.............................................................................................................(oot process and break password 2.$ 22.............................................................................................................. Cisco disco'er protocol 0C1!2 3 2.# 22.............................................................. )outing basics 4 Static )oute 4 1efault )out4 1-na/ic routing 2., 32..............................................................................................................5irst 6op )edundanc- !rotocols 2.. 33...............................................................................................6ot7Standb- )outer !rotocol 06S)!2 2...1 3$...................................................................................%))! 0%irtual )outer )edundanc- !rotocol 2...2 3$........................................................................................89(! 08atewa- 9oad (alancing !rotocol 2...3 3#........................................................................................................................................ (ackup process 2.: 3.....................................................................................................Network Address Translation3 0NAT2 2.1& 3:............................................................................................................................................Securing 1e'ices .3 3:..........................................................................................................................................3.1Telnet and SS6 4&.............................................................................................Network securit-3 access control list 0AC92 3.2 44..............................................................................................................................................!ort Securit- 3.3 4#........................................................................................................................................................Switc+ing .4 4,...................................................................................................................Spanning tree protocol 0ST! 2 4.1 4..............................................................................................................................%irtual 9AN 0 %9AN 2 4.2 4:.........................................................................................................................................%9AN trunking 4.3 $1..................................................................................................... inter%lan 0sub interface on t+e router2 4.4 $2.............................................................................................................................................;t+erc+annel 4.$ $2....................................................................................................................................................port 5ast 4.# $3...........................................................................................................................<ide Area Network 0<AN2 .$ $3................................................................................................................................Introduction to <AN $.1 $4.........................................................................................................................................<AN protocols $.2 $4..............................................................................619C 06ig+ 9e'el 1ata 9ink Control protocol2 $.2.1 $4.....................................................................................................!!! 0 !oint = to = !oint !rotocol 2 $.2.2 $#...............................................................................................................................5ra/e rela- 05)23 $.2.3 #&........................................................................................................................ anage/ent Network 1e'ices.# #&..................................................................................... #.116C! 01-na/ic 6ost Configuration !rotocol2 #1.......................................................................................................................................................SN p #.2 #4.................................................................................................................NT! >Network Ti/e !rotocol? #.3 #4........................................................................................................................................................S-slog #.4 #$.....................................................................................................................................................Net5low #.$ ##..............................................................................................................................................8); Tunnel #.# #,..............................................................................................................................................Intro to %!N #.4 #...................................................................................................................................................................I!'#.,

1. Introduction to Networking 1.1 Network topologies


1.2 Internetworking basics

Unicast: /eans send data for one of all recei'ers. Multicast: /eans send data for so/e recei'ers of all. Broadcast: /eans send data for all recei'ers. Techniques of LAN (Local Area Network):
17 ;t+ernet. 27 Taken )ing.

Techniques of WAN (Wide Area Network):

17 5). 05ra/e )ela-2 27 1S9 37 AT 47 IS1N @

Trans ission t!"es: 12 #ingle: trans/ission in one direction onl-. 22 $alf du"le%: trans/ission in t+e two directions but not at t+e sa/e ti/e. 32 &ull du"le%: trans/ission in t+e two directions at t+e sa/e ti/e. Note ISO is an O)8ANIAATION

1.' OSI Model 7 Contents of , la-ers. 7- Application layer:

7 It pro'ide user interface 0t+e person w+o is act wit+ t+e network2. 7 !rotocol3 6TT!4 I A!4 !O!4 SN !4 T;9N;T@

6- Presentation layer:
7 1efine +ow infor/ation is represented to t+e user. 7 !ut eBtension for t+e data.

5- Session layer:
akes establis+ aintaining and ter/inating t+e connection across t+e network.

4- Transport layer:
7 1i'ide t+e row of data strea/ into seg/ent. 7 anage flow control of data t+roug+ windowing4 Acknowledg/ent and error )eco'er-. (%. TC!4 C1!. 7 )e/e/ber as reliabilit-.

D TC! /akes Acknowledg/ent to be sure t+at t+e data is trans/itted or not4 but C1! donEt /ake t+at. D <indowing is a s-ste/4 w+ic+ /akes Acknowledg/ent after specific period.

3- Network layer:
7 )esponsible for end7to7end deli'er- of packet across t+e network. (%. I!4 I!F4 Apple talk. 0)outed2 )I!4 OS!54 (8! 0)outing2 7 )e/e/ber as 9ogical addressing.

7 )outed protocol is a deli'er-4 but routing protocol defines t+e direction onl-.

2- Data link layer:

7 )esponsible for p+-sical Addressing. 7 )e/e/ber as AC4 NIC 7 !ut trailer 5CS 0freGuenc- c+eck s-ste/2 to find if t+ereEs an error occurs or not

1- Physical layer:
7 )esponsible for /o'ing of bits between de'ices. (%. Cables4 signals4 edia.

)ata enca"sulation:* $

7 A t-pe of fra/e placed into anot+er t-pe of fra/e. !utting +eaders *trailer around t+e data. 7 ;ncapsulation occurs at t+e trans/itter.

)ata deca"sulation:* 7 T+e re'erse process of encapsulation. 7 Occurs at t+e recei'er.

1.+ TCP /IP ledo5 I#6

H !1C 0!rotocol 1ata Cnit23 t+e na/e of data at eac+ la-er. otor" )6) ,I 7 ,0T slocotor,
:tenlet :,T& :#,TT$ ,TT$ :,TNN :,T5#: ,A5I:,6, ,T66.:#N).,0$) :#&N:,5N# :reh"o8

re-al noitacilppA noitacilppA re-al noitatneser! re-al noisseS



!1C " !CT

,58I ,9A

tropsnarT re-al tropsnarT tenretnI re-al krowteN !I ecafretni krowteN re-al knil ata1 9ACISI6! rO re-al lacis-+!





re!al sseccA krowteN

,h!sical la!er: (,)-: .its)

7 1efine p+-sical properties of network co//unication. - Include3 t-pes of cables * Connectors Types of cables Copper cable ria! 1 7 detsiwT 72 1- Coaxial Cable 5iber cable


ni+T 2 esa( &1

222 dee"# dna1 esa.341 :lacitcar, / 0onnector of 0oa%ial ca1le: .N0

kci+T $ esa(


2* Twisted ,air 0a1les: #T, -T,

7 +a'e , categories. 1& (ase T

7 can carr- t+e signal for 1&&/ 0reco//ended 0standard22. 7 Connector of twisted pair3 )J 114 )J 4$. Types: ST! 0S+ielded Twisted !air24 CT! 0Cns+ielded Twisted !air2. * Fiber Cable: 5iber optic cable used to carr- t+e digital data signal in t+e for/ of pulses of lig+t. Disadvantages: 17 (reak easil-. 37 ;Bpensi'e. 7 T+e connector is 0sGuare connector2. Types: 7 Single /ode fiber 0S 52. 7 ulti /ode fiber 0 5 52. S 5 27 1ifficult to cut.



core3 :// * cladding3 12$//. core3 $&// * cladding3 12$//.

/ 6ther la!er 1 de;ices: 1) Repeater: 0+alf dupleB2 7 )ecei'e signals and retrans/it like t+eir original strengt+. 7 Trans/it all traffic in bot+ directions 02 parts2.

7 )epeaters do 0)egeneration but not a/plification2.
2) Hub: 0+alf dupleB2

7 6ub is a /ulti port repeater.

7 All users connected on t+e +ub are in t+e sa/e broadcast do/ain and in t+e sa/e collision do/ain.

H Collision domain: set of de'ices for w+ic+ t+eir traffic could collide.
/)ata link la!er: (,)-: &ra e)

T!e "#nctions: (1) Addressing:

7 ;nsures t+at t+e correct destination recei'e t+e data. 7 AC address.

(2) Arbitration:
7 1eter/ines w+en itEs appropriate to use p+-sical /edia.

7 CS A " C1. (3) Error Detection:

7 1isco'ers w+et+er bit errors occurred during t+e trans/ission of t+e fra/e 05CS2.

(4) Identify the encapsulated:

T+e data link la-er +as been di'ided to 2 sub la-ers.

99C AC

LL0: 09ogical 9ink Control2

7 ;ac+ /ac+ine +as a uniGue 7 7 AC address 4. bit. AC address represented in +eBa. AC address4 w+ic+ is burnt on t+e /ac+ine.

6-I: 0OrganiLation CniGue Identif-24 Identif- b- I;;;. 7 ;ac+ 0K2 is a nu/ber in +eBa w+ic+ fro/ 0&3:2 or 0A3524 so t+e / .roadcast 5A0: && && && && && && AC address contents of 12H4M4. bits

Specific per user assigned b- %endor

7 Carrier senses /ultiple Accesses wit+ collision detection 0CS A"C12. 7 It used to send infor/ation o'er a s+ared /edia. CSM$/CD work like t!at: 17 Ad'ice wit+ a fra/e to send4 listen until t+e bus isnEt bus-. 27 <+en t+e bus is not bus-4 t+e sender begins sending t+e fra/e. 37 T+e sender listen to /ake sure t+at no collision occurred 09oop back circuit2. 47 Once t+e sender +ear t+e collision4 stop trans/ission of data sending * send a Ja/ signal to t+e all. $7 ;ac+ sender rando/iLes a ti/er and waits t+at long 0back of algorit+/2. #7 <+en eac+ ti/er eBpires4 t+e process starts o'er wit+ step 1.

(3) Error Detection: FRAME CHECK SEQUANCE

&0#: 5reGuenc- C+eck SeGuence.

. b-te !rea/ble

# b-te 1es AC

# b-te Src ac 6eader

2 b-te 9engt+

3 b-te 99C

1ata Trailer

4 b-te 5CS

7 T+e data is fro/ #4 to 1$&& b-te.

(4) Identify the user layer protocol (IP/IPX/Apple talk):


8i'e t+e packet to t+e network la-er protocol

7 C+eck 5CS. 7 C+eck 1ST AC

I!F 99C

Apple talk


T!e %ayer & devices: NIC N'T INT'()$C' C$(D 1- Bridge: FU

Learn &orward

AC table AC
AC in t+e fra/e. AC in t+e fra/e.

!U" #$


ode: t+roug+ c+ecking t+e Src ode: t+roug+ c+ecking 1ST

2- %&itc': FU

!U" #$

7 ItEs a /ultiport (ridge. 7 ;'er- port of t+e switc+ in a single collision do/ain. 7 All port of t+e switc+ in a single (roadcast do/ain. 7 Speed M Speed of one port H 2 H no. of ports. La!er ': Network la!er: (,)-: ,acket) Devices: ( T'e Router: Its "#nctions:
17 27 37 47 Inter networking co//unication. !acket switc+ing. !at+ Selection. !acket filtering.

0ollision do ain Hub %&itc' Router

Single ulti ulti

.roadcast do ain
Single Single ulti

ulti M !ri'ate4 Single M S+ared. 9atenc- M dela- 0NOPQR24 T+roug+put M !erfor/ance 0STUV2. H )outer4 Switc+ and (ridge decrease congestion 0WXYZ[T2 because t+e- are full dupleB * +a'e a buffer. /<: 0hoose de;ices: which seg ent the LAN: 7 6ub. 7 )epeater. 7 Switc+.\ 7 (ridge.\ 7 )outer.\

/ I((( standard 422 "ro=ect:

1& /bps I;;; .&2.3 ;t+ernet

1&& /bps 1&&& /bps

I;;; I;;; I;;; I;;;

.&2.3C .&2.3ab * L .&2.$ .&2.11

5ast ;t+ernet 8iga bit ;t+ernet Token )ing <ireless 0 <i = 5i 2

Network la!er: (I, addressing)

7 If a de'ice wants to co//unicate using TC!"I!4 it needs an I! address. 7 I! address is 327bit address written in doted deci/al. (%: 1:2.1#..1.1 Called Octet M b-te 0&32$$2

1.3 IP*+ addressing

> I, 0lasses: 1* 0lass A:
7 T+e 1st one octet represents t+e network part * t+e last 3 octet represent t+e +ost part. & 12,

2 : )eser'ed for all networks. 12?: )eser'ed for loop back test.

&3 & & & & & & & & 12,3 & 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

7 Nu/ber of networks in class A M 12# 7 Nu/ber of +osts M 2$# H 2$# H 2$# = 2 M 7 1efault subnet /ask3 2$$.&.&.& 2* 0lass .
7 1st 2 octet represent t+e network part. 7 T+e last 2 octet represent t+e +ost part. 12. 1:1




12.3 1 & & & & & & & 1:13 1 & 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 1# 14 72

7 T+e nu/ber of networks M 01:1712.D12H2$#M 7 T+e nu/ber of +osts M 2$#H2$# = 2 M 7 1efault subnet /ask3 2$$.2$$.&.&

'* 0lass 0 7 T+e 1st 3 octet represent t+e network part * t+e last octet represents t+e +ost part. 7 T+e 1st octet 1:2 223 1&


1:23 1 1 & & & & & & 2233 1 1 & 1 1 1 1 1

2 21 .

7 Nu/ber of networks M 022371:2D12 H2$# H2$# M 7 Nu/ber of +osts M 2$# = 2 M 7 1efault subnet /ask3 2$$.2$$.2$$.& +* 0lass ) (,ri;ate address) 7 )epresented t+e ulticast address. 2 72

7 1st octet 1112@@@@

3* 0lass (:


23: 2243 1 1 1 & & & & & 23:3 1 1 1 & 1 1 1 1

7 )epresents for eBperi/ental and testing.

7 1st octet


2$$ 24&3 1 1 1 1 & & & & 2$$3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1111@@@@ 1st octet & 12, 12. 1:1 1:2 223 224 23: 24& 2$$ / 9ules:

Class A ( C 1 ;

(inar- for/ of t+e 1st octet &KKKKKKK 1&KKKKKK 11&KKKKK 111&KKKK 1111KKKK

12 To get network I! put all +osts bits M & 22 To get broadcast I! put all +ost bits M 1 32 T+e ot+ers are 'alid +osts I!s.

,-. IPv+ S#bnetting 7 Take a part of +ost bits * assign it to network part. 7 OriginN I!
#u1net ask: 6

Sub netting I!


7 32 bits /ask t+at differentiate between +ost bits * network bits. 7 Continuous of 1Es followed b- continuous of &Es. 1: represent network bits. 2: represent +ost bits. 7 In t+e dotted deci/al for/. 11

D Iou can write it like t+at 2$$.&.&.& or ". D If we found it not ". or "1#... (ut "1& or "2&... So we now t+at itEs called Super Sub netting. * Solving sub-netting Problems: 12 1eter/ine /ask. 22 1eter/ine t+e interesting octet. 32 Subtract t+e interesting octet fro/ 2$# to get sub networks +ob 0 agic nu/ber2. 42 1eter/ine t+e /a]or network. $2 8et neBt subnets b- +opping on t+e interesting octet. #2 1eter/ine t+e 'alid +osts * broadcast address for eac+ subnet. * Private IP address: Class A Class ( Class C 1&.&.&.& 1,2.1#.&.& 1:2.1#..&.& 1&.2$$.2$$.2$$ 1,2.31.2$$.2$$ 1:2.1#..2$$.2$$


*Network layer utilities:

7 )A)!4 (oot ! and 16C!. 7 9A9,: )e'erse Address )esolution !rotocol. Client )A)! ser'er (oot p

1) RARP Broadcast: Src. A AC 1st. AC

)A)! 1ata I need I! I! AC 8.<


2) RARP Replay: Src. ( AC 1st. A AC 1ata Iour I! is

)$0,3 1-na/ic 6ost Configuration !rotocol. 16C! ser'er

1- DHCP Discover: Src. A AC 1st. AC Src. I! &.&.&.& 1st. I! 2$$.2$$.2$$.2$$ data I need I! 55 55 55 55 55 55

2- DHCP offer message: Src. ( AC A 1st. AC 16C! I! Src. I! 1st. I! I! is data 2$$.2$$.2$$.2$$

3- DHCP Req est !essage: Src. A AC 1st. ( AC Src. I! &.&.&.& 1st. I! 16C! I! O^ data


"- DHCP Ac#$o%ledgme$t: Src. ( AC 1st. A AC Src. I! 16C! I! 1st. I! 2$$.2$$.2$$.2$$ O^ AC. data data data data data

1NS 01o/ain Na/e S-ste/23 )esol'e known na/e to unknown I!. A)! 0Address )esolution !rotocol23 )esol'e known I! to unknown Src. A Src. AC AC 1st. 1st. AC AC Src. I! Src. I! 1st. I! 1:2.1#..1.2 1st. I!

55 55 55 55 55 55 1:2.1#..1.1

Control Message Protocol): ( * ICMP (Internet A 1:2.1#..1.2 1:2.1#..1.1 7 To pro'ide infor/ation /essage concerning routing of I! datagra/. 7 T-pe of /essages3

1) )uery * Respo+se pair,

2) #rror -essage: )eGuest ti/e out

/ ,ing co and: 7 To test basic I! connecti'it-. 7 Cses t+e IC ! sending called an IC ! ec+o reGuest to anot+er I! address. 7 T+e co/puter wit+ I! address s+ould repla- wit+ an IC ! ec+o repla-. * race!oute or trace (on 9outer)" racert (on ,0) 7 To trace t+e +ops 0network la-er de'ices2 between 2 points on a network. 7 TT9 is incre/ental b- 1 in eac+ packet group. 7 ;'er- )outer decre/ents t+e TT9 b- 1. 7 If t+e )outer recei'es a packet TT9M14 /ust send a ti/e eBceeded error. ;c+o reGuest TT9 1
Ti e e%ceed error Ti e e%ceed error Ti e e%ceed error (cho re"la!

1estination unreac+able

TT9 2

TT9 4


TT9 3
Ti e e%ceed error

TT9 4
(cho re"la!

#rror message:
17 1estination unreac+able /essage pinging in unreac+able network. 27 )eGuest ti/e out pinging in I! +ot in t+e network.

/ Trans"ort La!er: (,)-: seg ent) 7 7 ain functions of transport la-er are seg/enting application data4 error reco'er- and flow control. ain protocols3 TC! " C1!

H Connection oriented !rotocol3 0as TC!2

7 )eGuire pre7establis+ed correlation between 2 ends before data transfer begins. 7 )eliable. 7 Consu/e /ore bandwidt+. 7 TC! uses a737wa- +and s+akes to setup a connection.

S-nc+roniLation S-n. " Ack. Acknowledge/ent 1ata transfer

/ 0onnectionless ,rotocol: (as -),)
7 1oesnEt reGuire pre7establis+ed correlation between 2 end points. 7 Non reliable. 7 Cse less bandwidt+.

/ ,o"ular T0,7-), a""lication: ,ort 42 ++' 21 23 2' 3' A? 1A1 AB A""lication $TT, $TT,# &T, #5T, telnet )N# )$0, #N5, T&T,



(rror 9eco;er!:
7 TC! pro'ides error reco'er- 0t+roug+ retrans/ission reGuest24 but /ore bandwidt+ consu/ing.


7 7 7

Csing t+e seGuence and Ack. 5iel &111ds in t+e TC! +eader. C1! doesnEt do error reco'er- but less bandwidt+.

&low control:
7 7 7 <indowing 0/aBi/u/ of packets t+e sender can send wit+out recei'ing Ack. 5ro/ t+e recei'er2. T+e source can send F of seg/ents before +a'ing to wait for an Ack.

1&&& b-te

SeGuenceM1 SeGuenceM2 SeGuenceM3

Ack. 4

SeGuenceM4 SeGuenceM$ SeGuenceM#

& Port $ m'er:

Ack. $


SeGuenceM# 7 !ort nu/ber enables t+e recei'er co/puter to know w+ic+ application to gi'e t+e data to. SeGuenceM, 7 Source !ort nu/ber _ 1&24 7 1estination port nu/ber 0&3 1&23 24 0well known port nu/ber2. & (CP )eader:

Src. port seGuence AC^

0a1le and connecti;it!: 1* #traight ca1le 3

1st. port


7 Csed to connect 1T; to 1C;.

)T(: 1ata Ter/inal ;Guip/ent 0!C4 )outer2. )0(: 1ata Circuit 0or Co//unication2 ;Guip/ent 0Switc+4 6ub2.

TB1 TB2 )B3

)B1 )B2 TB3


2* 0ross o;er ca1le:



7 Csed to connect 1T; to 1T; or 1C; to 1C; TB1 TB2 )B3

)B1 )B2 TB3

)B1 )B2 TB3 1#






'* 9oll o;er ca1le: 7 Csed to Access C9I 0Co//and 9ine Interface2. 1 2 3 4 $ # , . . , # $ 4 3 2 1

Serial cable3 9outer anaging port Consol port auBiliar- port traffic port fast ;t+ernet port 5or 9AN connection serial port for <AN connection

2..asic 9outer C #witch 0onfiguration

&-,connecting by Console
1) ./% 0Internetwork Operating S-ste/23 7 T+at`s installed inside t+e router to /anage t+e +ardware its working on. 2) Co+figuratio+ file: 7 It`s a progra/ file t+at contains infor/ation for t+e router to tell it +ow to reac+ * respond. $ow to configure a routerD To access C9I4 use one of 3 /et+ods3 17 T+roug+ consol port3 7 1irectl- connected to !C. 27 T+roug+ t+e auBiliar- port3 37 T+roug+ t+e telnet co//and S1 secure de'ice /anager


7 1ial up de'ice t+roug+ a /ode/ attac+ed to auBiliar- port.







2.2 Modes
1* #etu" 7 7 ode: 0b- default 1 using2


5or Guick si/ple configuration 0I"N24 Guestion dialogue. To eBit it 0press ctrl D c2 or t-pe No. ode: 0t+e name of the router) ode: (enable /ode2

2* -ser )outer a

7 Si/ple /onitoring. '* ,ri;ileged

7 Include all co//ends in user /ode plus eBtra ad'anced /onitoring co//ends3
)outer a enable or 0en2 )outer b eBit )outer a +* 0onfiguration ode: ter/inal 0or press ctrl DL2 7 To define generic configuration on t+e router. )outer b configuration )outer 0config2 beBit )outer b

3* #u1 configuration


9ine Sub config.


Interface Sub config. b )outer 0config7if2


)outer Sub config.


b )outer 0config7line2

b )outer 0config7)outer2

7 ;Bit co//and to back one step but press ctrl D L back to pri'ilege /ode. )outer b s+ow run 0to display running configuration file2

aBi/u/ $ users can enter t+e router b- default in t+e sa/e ti/e b- telnet. NA5( )outer 0config2 b +ostna/e @@@ 0To set or change the name of the router2.


&-/0asic administrative con"ig#ration * A host na e for the router. 0Config2 b +ostna/e NA5( @@@ * #et "assword to "ri;ilege )outer 0config2 b enable )outer 0config2 b enable ode. password secret

!assword @@@@@@..

!assword @@@@@@..

To make the password encrypted. Override the password command. * #et a "assword to consol "ort. )outer 0config2 b line con & )outer 0config = line2 b password )outer 0config = line2 b login

!assword @@@.
0to active the command2

Note: b 0No 2 * 0co//and2 auB 0to cancel the command2

* To login au%iliar!. )outer 0config2 b line & !assword )outer 0config7line2 b password @@@@@ )outer 0config7line2 b login
-To encrypt the password of consol, aux. and vty

)outer 0config2 b ser'ice )outer 0config2 b interface )outer 0config7if2 b no )outer 0config7if2 b no )outer 0config2 b no I!

password7encr-ption. 0To encrypt the password of consol, aux. and vty.2.

c6ow to assign I! address to an interface7

5ast ;t+ernet & or 0 s&4s14@..2 Subnet /ask I! )outer 0config7if2 b I! address @@@@ @@@@@@@ s+utdown. I! address. 0To cancel the IP2 0to stop the domain search2 do/ain7look up

Configuration /ode M global /ode )outer b s+ users )outer 0config2 bclear essage Nu/ber line @@@.. 0after sh Users to know the number front of IP of the PC2

T+e co//and3 I!

subnet7Lero con &

0to use the first subnet

the last subnet after sub netting 2

)outer 0config2 b line )outer 0config2 b banner

)outer 0config7line2 b logging

s-nc+ronous 0to write the command in one line after ctrl!" 2 essage /otd H@@@@..H 0to make message of the day2

0H23 +elp features for IOS. 0c2 3 +elp for all co//ands a'ailable of t+is /ode. Co//and>c 3 TeBt +elp describing all t+e 1st para/eter obtains of t+e co//and. Cp arrow 0 23 recall t+e pre'ious co//and M 0ctrl D p2. )ig+t arrow 0 9eft arrow 0 23 /o'e t+e cursor forward in t+e current displaco//and wit+out deleting M 0ctrl D 52. 23 /o'e t+e cursor back in t+e current displa- co//and wit+out deleting M 0ctrl D b2. 0Ctrl Da23 to stop in t+e beginning of t+e line. )outer b s+ 'ersion

7 To display the version of the IO#. 7 To display the name of IO# file name. 7 Tell us about the router $%ow many serial, &thernet, '(), *lash, +,'()-. )outer b s+ )outer b s+ flas+ +istor0to show the content of the flash2. 0to show the last /0 commands wrote on the router2. 0to reload the router 1 restart2. C3d 5las+ 13d N%)A Configuratio n register OF 1# 7 bit 6ow to boat up I N T ; ) 5 A C ;

)outer b )eload )O 6.< c+eck !ost

("ower of self test)

&-+ (o#ter and switc! !ardware )A IOS co//and IOS i/age file (ack up config. file 0 start up 2 17 flas+ 27 T5T! eBecuti'e Acti'e config. file
(9unning config.)

S-ste/ boot strap

( .ios )



buffers tables

( 9o

onitor )

37 )o/ /on

&F 21&2M1# bit

)outer b Cop)outer b write )outer b wr )outer b s+

)un /e/orstart


0to save from '() to +,'()2

0to show the content of +,'()2

&-1 0oot process and break password 7 )econfigure t+e register fro/ &F 21&2 to &F 2142. 7 Steps of password reco'er-3 17 Set t+e configuration register to b-pass t+e N%)A 27 <e will tr- to enter )o/ /on 0press ctrl D break2. 37 )o//on a confreg )o//on a reset 47 Iou will enter setup /ode4 press 0ctrl D c2 0 ake cop- start to run * edit to t+e password * /ake cop- run start2. $7 0Config2 b config7register
To reset t+e router 3 )outer b erase start

0 &F 2142 2.

&F 2142

&F 21&2

0to reput this value2.

0ack#p to ios

)outer b CopTo restore



)outer b cop- tftp flas+ )outer b CopTo restore )outer b cop- tftp start b S+ I! ;ncapsulation Clock rate Ad/inistrati'e down down



int br 0to display the status of the interfaces2. down down down

5ast ;t+ernet & Serial & Serial 1

Cp ;ncapsulation Clock rate

9outer E show controller * If we found it )0(. * If there is a "ro1le in the clock rate. rate A+222 9outer (config*if) E clock #2 or(s1)


(to know if its DTE or DCE)

We look at the third line and we will found )T( or )0( written.

(to configure the clock rate on the DCE)

Iou can access /ore t+an one router b- telnet and transfer or back b- press ctrlDs+iftD# and t+en press F. )outer b s+ sessions Nu/ber of a
session .............................

)outer b resu/e eCisco proprietar-a

&-. Cisco discover protocol 2CDP3 : 7 C1! disco'ers basic infor/ation about neig+borEs routers * switc+es. D Infor ation: 7 1e'ices Identifier 7 Capabilities list 7 !ort Identifier 7 !latfor/ 7 Address list )outer b s+ C1! >+ost na/e?. >w+at t-pe4 router or switc+ 0) or S2 > >9ocal interface * re/ote interface.? >t+e /odel of t+e de'ice?. >I! address?. nei 0to show the last information2

7 Sending C1! packet e'er- #& sec. 7 6old ti/e between 1.& sec * 12& sec. 7 $old ti e: T+e ti/e if t+e de'ices co/plete it wit+out recei'ing response fro/ t+e neig+bor4 t+e de'ice will re/o'e t+e neig+bor. TI5(

T+is ti/e decreases e'er- ti/e. )outerb s+ow C1! nei detail 0to show the information with the IP2

)outer 0config2 b no )outer 0config2 b C1! )outer 0config2 b C1!



0to stop 23P2 0To change the timer2 0To change the hold time2. 04500 bps or multiple2. @@@.

TI5(@@.. ti/er

+old ti/e

)outer 0config = line2 speed ,ur"ose :


&-4 (o#ting basics 5 Static (o#te 5 De"a#lt (o#t5 Dynamic ro#ting To direct datagra/ fro/ end7to7end on a network. )2 )1 )3


)outing table

)outing table

)outing table

)outing table

9outing "rotocol F G# 9outed "rotocol

9outing "rotocol: 7 )esponsible for getting infor/ation about eBisting networks. 7 5inding t+e best pat+. ;B.3 )I!4 I8)!4 OS!54 ;I8)! @@@

9outed "rotocol:
7 )esponsible for data deli'er-4 encapsulation t+e data traffic. 7 assign logical addressing. ;B. 3 I!4 Apple talk4 I!F.

)outer b s+



0to display the routing table2

* %tatic routi+g:
7 1irect connected 0 auto/atic wit+out configuration 2 t+e router learn t+e I! network address of its direct connected4 s-/bol in routing table f C g. * 0a+ual routi+g 1static): 0/anuall- configuration2 7 To define certain output interface4 t+e data can go t+roug+ to reac+ certain destination 4 s-/bol in routing table f S g .
)est. I, n7w

)outer 0config2 b I!
%tub +et&or2:


@@@@@ @@@@@@@@



6ut"ut interface


Network +as one router and one interface. !efault route: 23

To define certain output interface t+at data can go t+roug+ to reac+ an- unknown destination. 7 S-/bol in routing table fSH f

)outer 0config2 b I!



&.&.&.&Na @@@@@@@@@@.. e of the interface

6r i" of Ne%t ho"

I, of out"ut interface


8atewa- of last resort isn`t set b- default.

(%.: .8, (.order 8atewa! ,rotocol) )istance ;ectorLink state 9I, 6#,& I89, I#*I# $!1rid (I89,



ask I, of out"ut interface


1-na/ic routing protocol

Interior 8atewa- protocol 0I8!2 6andless routing wit+in a single Autono/ous S-ste/ 0AS2
)istance ;ectorLink state 9I, 6#,& I89, I#*I# 3uto+o-ous %yste-: $!1rid (I89,

;Bterior 8atewa- protocol 0;8!2 6andless routing between a different Autono/ous S-ste/ 0AS2
(%.: .8, (.order 8atewa! ,rotocol)

Area or do/ain t+at works under single ad/inistrati'e control or using t+e sa/e routing protocol. 3d-i+istrati4e dista+ce: Nu/ber between & and 2$$ t+at indicates t+e belie'abilit- of t+e routing protocol. C3 & 0etric:1efine +ow good t+e route is. Routi+g table: 7 contain t+e best protocols and t+e best pat+. 7 5inding t+e best protocol 0+as t+e lowest ad/inistrati'e distance2. 7 5inding t+e best pat+ 0+as t+e lowest /etric2. )est.i" #u1net S3 0&3 direct interface4 13 neBt +op2 SH3 2$$

)outer 0config2 b I!
To c+ange t+e priorit-.


@@@. @@@@@ @@@@@@@.

ask I, of out"ut interface

A) 2 233 @@@@@@..

* !ista+ce 4ector routi+g:7 )I! 0)outing Infor/ation !rotocol2 1B2.1A4.12.2 1B2.1A4.11.2 1B2.1A4.12.2 1B2.1A4.1'.2







0 12 0 11

&2 #1

2 2

0 0

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2

#2 2 #1 2

0 0

12 1'

#2 &2

2 2


&2 #1

2 2

0 0

#2 2 #1 2

0 0

12 1'

#2 &2

2 2 2$

0 11

9 11 9 12

#1 #1

1 1

9 9 9 9

1 2 1 1 1 2 1 '

#2 #2 #1 #1

1 1 1 1

9 9

11 12

#2 #2

1 1

7 )outers eBc+ange its infor/ation e'er- fiBed ti/e4 and send its infor/ation plus one +op. 7 )outers send full table update periodicall- on destination I! 2$$.2$$.2$$.2$$ out t+eir interfaces to ad'ertise t+e knowing routers. 7 Cse bell /an7 ford algorit+/ to calculate routing table. ?if 2 routers found4 put t+e best route 0lowest /etric2 in t+e routing table > * Co+4erge+ce : 7 It`s t+e state at w+ic+ a router understands t+e current topolog- of t+e network. )irect connected network * !isad4a+tages of dista+ce 4ector : 17 Slow con'ergence. 27 6ig+ bandwidt+ waste 0periodic update2. 37 Class full 0 t+e routing infor/ation does not include t+e subnet /ask2. 47 )outing 9oop. To sol4e t'e routi+g loop: 1) #"lit $oriHon: 7 )oute learns fra/e interface can`t be sent back on t+e sa/e interface. 2) 9oute "oisoning : 7 Instead of not ad'ertising t+e field route4 still ad'ertised4 but wit+ 'er- large /etric t+ose ot+er routers consider t+e /etric infinite and t+e route is in'alid. ') $old down ti er : 7 All routers ignore good routing infor/ation about t+at route until enoug+ ti/e is passing. +) Triggered u"date : 7 T+e router sends a new update as soon as a route fails. (9I,); 7 7 1

Class full protocol. 0 don`t care about t+e sub netting 2 (roadcast update o'er 3& sec. 2#

7 7 7 7 7 7

6old down period of 1.& sec. 0/aBi/u/ +op count M 1$2. )irect connected N7W I, etric M depend on +op count Support eGual load balancing 0load s+aring2. Ad/inistrati'e distance of )I! M 12& S-/bol in t+e routing table f) f. (9I,); 2

7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Class less protocol. Send update on /ulticast 224.&.&.: (roadcast update o'er 3& sec. 6old down period of 1.& sec. 0/aBi/u/ +op count M 1$2. Support eGual load balancing 0load s+aring2. Ad/inistrati'e distance of )I! M 12&

*0onfigurations of ri" I#! 1ol in the routing ta1le J9 J.

)outer 0config2 b )outer


)irect connected network

)outer 0config7router2 b network )outer 0config7 router2 b 'ersion )outer b s+ )outer b s+ I! I! route I! )I!

@@@@@@@@@@. 2
? to use 0)I!2'

0<e put t+is co//and to


e'er- connected network4 putting t+e /a]or network not t+e sub netting2.
, in this condition we can write the sub netting

0to show the routing table2. 0to show what happens2. 0to show what happens on the telnet2. 0to stop the debugging2.
1& 1$

protocols 0to show protocols2 /onitor

)outer b debug )outer b ter/inal )outer b C all

* .+terior gate&ay routi+g protocol 1.5R") 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Class full protocol. (roadcast update e'er- :& sec. 6old down period of 2.& sec. etric M +ig+est (andwidt+ * lowest delaAd/inistrati'e distance M 1&&. aBi/u/ +op count M 2$$. Support eGual * non7eGual load s+aring.

0Cisco proprietar-2


70onfiguration of (I89,).I#! 1ol in routing ta1le JI J.

)outer 0config2 b )outer I8)!
As nu 1er 1 to A33'3

)outer 0config7 router2 b network @@@@@@@@@@@

)irect connected N7W I,


)outer b debug /onitoring2 )outer b ter/inal




0T+is command if we are on consol port for

/onitor 0this command plus the later command write if we are on telnet2

$dvantages o" distance vector: 17 Si/ple configuration. 27 9ow C!C utilit-. 37 9ow /e/or- usage.

%ink state ro#ting protocol:6

11 A

( 12 C 1$

9 11 12

S up up 1

A ( (




9 14 13

S up up

A 1 1 9S1( ( 12 11 C 1$ 13 12 1 13 14 A 11 1& 14 A 1& 14 ) 13 1$ 11 12 0

*1) Poi$t + to + Poi$t:

a) 3t start up:

17 ;ac+ router disco'ers its direct connected neig+bors using t+e 6ello protocol. 27 ;ac+ router will send 09SA2 9ink State Ad'ertise/ent to all its neig+bors telling t+e/ about its 9SA. 2.

37 ;'er- router recei'es t+e 9SA packet will take a cop- of it and send it to its neig+bors. 47 ;ac+ router will for/ a 9S1( 09ink State Ad'ertise/ent2 for all 9SAs. $7 ;'er- router will draw a link state treeh eac+ router will put itself as a root of t+e tree. #7 ;ac+ router will appl- S!5 0S+ortest !at+ 5irst2 to get t+e routing table.

At c+ange M a partial flas+ update. Open s!ortest pat! "irst 2OSP)3: 7 Classless protocol. 7 Ad/inistrati'e distance M 11& 7 . etric M 1& " (.< M cost.

7 Support +ierarc+al design 7 aBi/u/ +op count M unli/ited 7 Send update on /ulticast address 0224.&.&.$2. 7 9oop free topolog-. * "roble-s: 7 5lapping interface go up * down freGuentl- all routers will be bus- for rebuilding t+e trace. 7 So to confine t+e network in stabilit- OS!5 supports two +ierarc+al le'els3 !rocess I1 17 (ack bone area M area & 27 )egular area M 14 24 3@@@@.. 7 6ello inter'al e'er- 1& sec. 7 1ead inter'al e'er- 4& sec.

N"w dest. I!

<ild card /ask

5or routers4 to be neig+bors /ust +a'e t+e sa/e3 12 area I1 *2) Broadcast ! ltiple Accesses *B!A): 4 22 6ello * dead inter'al.

* Designated router (DR) election: 7 1) is t+e router wit+ +ig+est3 Ip


&3 2$$ 2:

17 !riorit- 0default M12 fra/e &3 2$$ 27 )outer I1 0)I12 a7 6ig+est loop back interface on t+e router 09ogical interface2.

)outer 0config2 b int loopback )outer 0config7if2 b I! address

* Router discovery:

@@@@ @@@@@

Subnet /ask @@@@@@@@.

b7 6ig+est acti'e p+-sical interface on t+e router. 7 9inks are sent to t+e 1) * (1) 0backup 1)2 on /ulticast 224.&.&.# and 1) sent t+is to e'er- one else on seg/ent on 224.&.&.$
A#L 3.2.2.+22 kcA . Ack . kcA .Ack kcA . . kcA .


3.2.2.+22 kcA


T+is router is failed / The configuration: )outer 0config2 b )outer OS!5 @@@@@.. N"w dest. I! <ild card /ask )outer 0config = router2 b network @@@@@@@. @@@@@@@. !ress I13 9ocal significant 013 #$$3$2
(1S9 ssecorp enO 1I !rocess I1

Area @@..



D Isolation on t+e sa/e router4 use 2 process I1 one for eac+ network I!. / Wild card )outer b s+ )outer b s+ ask: I! I! OS!5 OS!5 f&
&3 2$$

7 Continuous of &Es followed b- continuous of 1Es. nei int 0to s+ow t+e )I1 of t+e neBt neig+bor2. 0to displa- state of OS!54 1) or (1)2 @@@@. 0To c+ange t+e priorit-2.

)outer 0config2 b int

)outer 0config7if2 b I! OS!5 prioritIp


)outer 0config = router2 b router7id /6#,& ulti area:

A.9 (Area kRqTk{T T~s z}Ox Zj area z{T |}ZYR vOx interface vwZx Nm yV area ij klmn okZpj kRqTr oXYs tXm TuT (.order 9outer

)20config2brouter ospf 1 )20config7router2bnet 1&.&.&.& &.&.&.2$$ area & )20config7router2bnet 13.&.&.& &.&.&.2$$ area 2&
A.9 (Area .order kRqTk{T T~s t T~q os"f | N[TU XYx NTZ{T XY}q j Zj area ij klmT NT XUrT TuT (9outer Xj XT Nw vTx R TuT vn v SXYZnT q T P jq X kRqTr T~s tq area ij klmQ Rkj qT k kRqTr T~s yV .X}YO X}Ox XRnT X}Y} i{q iOZp{T iO A.9 router s ~{T 92 z kjnT T~s ~Y tnT

)2bs+ ip
os"f z O kq 11.&.&.& p{T ~s kq Nj os"f vT z y~{Tq k{T T~s q{T i} k


11.&.&.& >11&"2&? 'ia 1&.&.&.14 &&34#3334 5ast;t+ernet&"&

q{T i} k{T T~s sXp 91 z kjnT XYx {q

13.&.&.& >11&"2&? 'ia 1&.&.&.34 &&34&31$4 5ast;t+ernet&"&

area ij klmT |x okZpj kRqTr yV 6#,& inter area ij kRqTr k kRqTk{T T~s tT z IA

)1bs+ow ip ospf neig+bor )1bs+ow ip protocol

rqX}{T kRqTk{T sXp}{ kjnT T~s N}{T mRk i XXO k{

)1bdebug ip ospf packet no v i{q kjnT Z T~s Xnq p{T i} XsTk |Z{T XXO{T TkZQ V Ow "acket NOpZ{ AS T~s [ ij XO Nj Xj Nmq wZ{T ~s XXO TkZn )1bs+ow ip ospf int f&"& mRk 1irect connected|RnT network ~OYZ I! vYOj wZx z $ello"acket X qT SX{T NPT ij )40config2bint f&"1 )40config7if2brouter ospf 3 mRk z{T [{T )40config7router2bpassi'e7interface f&"1 {q k[V kj Xl}{T T~s -Zxq WT Yx kjnT T~s SX{ {u qAd;ertise ent j x N}{Tq $ello"acket X ZO XYs .v Z}{T kRqTk{T xk}{ $ello {Xr Nk i{ X N vn O{T j NTZ{T ij kRqTk{T T~s i}Z ix kjnT T~s SX{ R A#.9 autono ous s!ste 1oundar! router

8NS3 kjTqnT ~s XZ {u N}{q |X kRqTk{ O[T{T Xp{T i Xjj v{ y~{T kRqTk{T sq

)20config2brouter ospf 1

)20config7router2barea 2& range ,&.&.&.& 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )20config7router2barea 2& range .&.&.&.& 2$$.2$$.2$$.&
Note t+at3 ,&.&.&.& and .&.&.&.& is t+e su//ar- of t+ese networks

'n!anced Interior gateway ro#ting protocol: 2'I7(P3

7 Cisco proprietar- protocol. 7 Send updates on /ulticast 224.&.&.1& 7 Class less * reliable. 7 Ad/inistrati'e distance M :& 7 5ast con'ergence3 use 1CA9. 7 )-AL: 1iffusion Cpdate Algorit+/. 7 S-/bol in routing table is 1. 7 Support /ultiple network la-er protocols 0I!4 I!B4 Apple talk2. 7 aBi/u/ +op count M 224. 7 Co/patible wit+ I8)!. / )-AL: 7 T+is algorit+/ store neig+bors routing infor/ation in local topolog- table. 7 If a pri/ar- routing fails4 1CA9 can take a back up route fro/ t+e topolog- table and place it in t+e routing table. / (I89, ter inolog!: 7 Neigh1or ta1le: table contains all neig+bors. 7 To"olog! ta1le: all route to all networks. 7 9outing ta1le: best routes to all networks. ( %uccessor 1%): 7 (est route 0in t+e routing table * topolog- table2. ( Feasible successor 1F%): 7 (ackup route 0in t+e topolog- table2.

/ 0onfiguration:

)outer 0config2 b )outer

/ Trou1le shooting:

AS @@@@. ;I8)!

)outer 0config7router2 b network )outer b s+ )outer b s+ I! I! eigrp eigrp nei

1irect connected network I!

@@@@..@@@@@@ 0to displa- neig+bors2 0to displa- S * 5S of topolog- table2 0to /ake it classless2.


)outer 0config7router2 b no


Z 91 z{T s~Y XY{Xlj wx ... eigr" XO N}{T kRqTk{T iO XRnT kOpZ 9oute ,oisoning pj ij Z{

)outer0config2bke- c+ian a+/ed

k{T X}m ij kOlm U z yZwR tT i} ah ed X kOpR O SXpT |Y T~sq

)outer0config7ke-c+ain2bke- 1 k }m2 XZj qT SXpT2 )outer0config7ke-c+ain7ke-2bke-7string 1234 k }m2 XZj ij2 )outer0config7ke-c+ain7ke-2bint f&"& kpj XO XRnT Nq )outer0config7if2bip aut+entication /ode eigrp 1 /d$

klmT SXpT i} X}m 1234 tZ k{T }m

ke- 2 |Xl{T 0k{T }m2 XZ}{T t tT i}j XZ}{T XO N |{ kRqTk{T XwZ{T z{T s~ tnT

d3 Rk TZXq kRqTk{T z Nj eigr" ij klmT XY{ t tT i}j vn eigr"1 XRT z kOpZ{T Nx XYj

)outer0config7if2bip aut+entication ke-7c+ain eigrp 1 a+/ed

.X[TU |x |Z{T k{T }m q XRnT kOpZ{ ah ed Ow{T TZT vYj XY XYs { |Z{T XwZ{T O j XRnT x kpj v XRnT -T y~{T 91 kRqTk{T tT Y kRqTk{T O z kOpZ{T N { TuT XYs XO {q kRqTr kO z Xm TuT zZ su1net |x j |Z{T XwZ{T k vT yV ...su1net kO ijq kOpZ{T XO . kOpZ{T tT i}j vT z{T vZY XYsq #witch {X Z}{T XwZ{T z kOpZ{T q 91 z XYx X}m kOpZ{T vO Nq kRqTr N{ s~ tnT hosa T XsXYOT )3 |xq ali T XsXYOT 92 |xq ah ied Xm 91 |x lj k[T z{T kRqTr ij kOpZ{T X SX}V ZR .kOpZ{T X Nm |x X tR tT 012342 k{T }mq 0ke! 12 XZ}{T z{T Y{X i{q .kpj XRnT k}{T ~s i{q su1net ij O{ |Z{T XwZ{T j P ij XRnT UO Xs

)outerbs+ow ip eigrp interfaces detail Tq r kRqTk{T z kjnT T~s kR Y kOpZ{T O Tq kOpZ{T Xjq Rkj k[V vwZx wZx Nm k XYj |Z{Tq Xj}{T ~s XY{ k I!7;I8)! interfaces for process 1
F/it ueue ean !acing Ti/e ulticast !ending Interface !eers Cn")eliable S)TT Cn")eliable 5low Ti/er )outes 5a&"& 2 &"& #, &"2 2$# & 6ello inter'al is $ sec eNeBt B/it serial enone Cn"reliable /casts3 &"4 Cn"reliable ucasts3 .", cast eBceptions3 1 C) packets3 1 AC^s suppressed3 & )etrans/issions sent3 2 Out7of7seGuence rc'd3 & Aut+entication /ode is /d$4 ke-7c+ain is a+/ed Cse /ulticast 5a&"1 & &"& & &"2 & & 6ello inter'al is $ sec eNeBt B/it serial enone Cn"reliable /casts3 &"& Cn"reliable ucasts3 &"& cast eBceptions3 & C) packets3 & AC^s suppressed3 & )etrans/issions sent3 & Out7of7seGuence rc'd3 & Aut+entication /ode is not set Cse /ulticast

)irst 9op (ed#ndancy Protocols &-8

lj NAT mRqk O Njq p{T |x 0klmT i}j qT2)outer tXYT XY{ Xm TuT ... xXl qT rT |YR 9edundanc! }m v{ 9outer Nm X ... v} |Xl{T X}sT |x pj N TuXx N}{T iOjQR NPT ij {uq iOYnT z {X X |s RTUTTq T~sq X{ Zj getawa! tXYT XZ X{T |x km ij klmT { i~{T iOjZ}{T T~{ ... |Xl{T i Z I, iw {~{ N}{T pj yV |x N TuT vn k[ Tq getawa! z UX}ZnT {T Yq {u nq -Ow kO S| 33

vOPR ZO {~{ ... Zj i" v{ {X i{q qT kRqTk{T z{T vXpj {Xq TUTnT vO Nj |X 9outer z{T PXw |x Z XsYq 0Yj N{ XR wZx N{ Zji" v{ kRqTr Nm tX {T j2 ikRqTk{T m z{T Tq i" q k i vO{T iOjZ}{T sq iOYnT ij Tq kRqTr tjZ iOjZ}{T tT Nw y~{T XYsq ikRqTk{T N{ z}{T {T i" iOjZ}{T qkm t Ow 9edundanc! z} Xj T~sq k[nT kRqTk{T z OORXjRT r iOjZ}{T NwR ZO vOx pj N TuXx acti;e Xj i Z T~sq OORXjRT r k[nT NOZ {u ZOx qT |x pj Nw tT z{T NotActi;e k[Tq 0Acti;e2 Xx sT ij klmT2 qT kRqTk{T z T N} N TuT yV {T |x j t} ikRqTk{T tT |YR ~x Load .alance z} .X}{T vYj q k[nT kRqTk{T z T{T N}w{T |jk 0vZX 2 |s nmRqk{T ~sq sXTj |x O{T Z[nT j X kR vXpZj ORq O}{T ~s i {qj nRqk oXYs .x Tq mRqk NOR ... 0$#9, = G99, = 8L., 29ot6Standby (o#ter Protocol 29S(P &-8-, .Load.alancing n ... I!'# ...x 0isco mkp X[ sq X O klmTq |Ok{T sqLa!er ' mRqk sq N}Y X X XY}R Xj Nlj ip { wZx N{ UT tT Tq ip | p{T z TPk 92 q91 NYq kRqTr XY{ XY{Xlj |x ."ing N} k}ZO Ns kq X{T sq sT N q X j ikRqTk{T Nl} y~{T i" T~s z 9' ij "ing 91 z{T i" Uw tnT

)10config2bint f&"& )10config7if2bip add 1&.&.&.1 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )10config7if2bno s+

92 z{T i" Uw tnT

)10config2bint f&"& )10config7if2bip add 1&.&.&.2 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )10config7if2bno s+

9' z{T i" Uw tnT

)10config2bint f&"& )10config7if2bip add 1&.&.&.3 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )10config7if2bno s+ )10config2bint f&"& )10config7if2bstandb- 1 ip 1&.&.&.$&
.Ur z Nw vT kYq k[T z kRqTr yV ij "ing N}q k kjnT T~s XZmq 91 z{T Xs~{T k i 6S9! mRqk N tnT XYj XYPk[ XYm TuT wZ{T z {T

tT OX{T ~s vO NZ kRqTr Nm {~{ OX{T ~s |x okZpZ |Z{T TkRqTk{T Z |Z{T }}{T r z Tq r i" SX nq }}{T |x kRqTr Nm vOx okZpR y~{Tq iOjZ}{ z y~{T T~x i" XjT }}{T r |x t s~ tnTq 9edundanc! NOR R T~s ... G99, mRqk NOR {X |x nT p{T |x Zj i" qT kRqTr wZ X{T z "ing N}q 9' z{T s~ tnT ... iOYnT z NOZ{T zZT Xsq {X vO T{T ~OYZ q 92 z{T X{T NOm R x N} y~{T s x Tq oXYs i{q ikRqTk{X X[ i" T~s ... {Xx OX{T ~s tR T~q Ur z NwYq N}{T ikRqTk{T z kjnT T~s ~Y |XOZnT Yj yTq X{T Yj yV xkj NPT ijq kXj r v} |XOZnT k[nT 3O{XZ{T XXO{T z NwYq OX{T ~s O

)1bs+ standb5ast;t+ernet&"& 7 8roup 1 }}{T r State is Acti'e X{T s vT XYs |YRq kRqTk{T {X 2 state c+anges4 last state c+ange &&3143$2 %irtual I! address is 1&.&.&.$& ikRqTk{T { XY ij SXT R Xj s T~sq Acti'e 'irtual AC address is &&&&.&c&,.ac&1

9ocal 'irtual AC address is &&&&.&c&,.ac&1 0'1 default2 6ello ti/e 3 sec4 +old ti/e 1& sec
Oj k[nT kZ |T 1& Ur Nw { TuTq }}{T |x vj ij pZ |{ s {Xr Nk |T 3 Nm vwj Nw sq

NeBt +ello sent in 1..32 secs !ree/ption disabled Acti'e router is local Standb- router is 1&.&.&.24 priorit- 1&& 0eBpires in :.#1# sec2 kRqTk{T wZ X{T i" s T~s !riorit- 1&& 0default 1&&2
zT k{T tXm X}x Acti;e s t tX zT {qT v{ ij z Uk} vO Nw k{T T~s ,riorit! rXOZ[X mRqk{T k{T ikRqTk{T |x Xm TuXx. 1&& OTkZxnT |s XYsq O{{qnT v{ Xm Acti;e X{T vqi" zXX

8roup na/e is +srp75a&"&71 0default2

|TkZxnT s XYsq }}{T T

3Xj}{T ~s XY{ kO kjnT X~q )2 z{T XYsu TuT XjT )2bs+ standb5ast;t+ernet&"& 7 8roup 1 State is StandbXx O{ yV UTZT {X |x s XYs 1 state c+ange4 last state c+ange &&31#324 %irtual I! address is 1&.&.&.$& Acti'e 'irtual AC address is &&&&.&c&,.ac&1 9ocal 'irtual AC address is &&&&.&c&,.ac&1 0'1 default2 6ello ti/e 3 sec4 +old ti/e 1& sec NeBt +ello sent in 2.:2. secs !ree/ption disabled Acti'e router is 1&.&.&.14 priorit- 1&& 0eBpires in :.1#4 sec2 X{T Standb- router is local !riorit- 1&& 0default 1&&2 8roup na/e is +srp75a&"&71 0default2

kRqTk{T tTY

z NT tT z{T |T 12 k[QZ 9' ij z ping kjT ~Yq {X 91 k y~{T NO{T ~OYR [ ij {u k tT OZq Acti;e s 92 tO {u q Ur z Nw { TuT XskZY |Z{T }{T yV Ur #tand1!router is |s |Z{Tq XXO{T i} ij j}{T ~s kY {~mq ... 92 z shstand1! kjT .UTZT {X |x k[T kRqTr 0qkj kO2 Pn yV unknown wV {Xw{T tT Y s+ standb- kjT ~Yq 91 z{T X RkXj s~q #witch q 91 iOXj NO{T NOR O T~s U tT XUrT x ... Acti;e kj qT tXm Xj #tand1! z{T vwR R vT Y k[V kj kjnT ~Yq Speak wR XYO {~mq O{T ij zT vq,riorit! r kOOZ Acti;e X{T s rXPT rq X }TU 9outer kRqTk{T kO k[V kj UXq kZ{ j{T i ,riorit! zT X kRqTk{T R R TuT vT |YRq,ree "tion s X}YO Uwj OYj }{ N}{X SX{T vYj i{q X{T s -Oq j{T z{T UX vT tnT Xx s y~{T 3 91 z | X} {u N} NPT ij ... Acti;e r N}{T UqXO Xsq p{ j{T Xj}{T } ,ree "tion OX{ OYj{T }{T n qT Uw

$#9, OX[ XO ~Y}{T wZ{T z {T

)10config2bint f&"& |Tl{X {T rTjq XOpR UTk}{T OX{T Xsq kRqTk{T T~s X{ |}ZY |Z{T }}{T r kmu )10config7if2bstandb- 1 pree/pt dela- /ini/u/ 2&& kjnT T~s ~OYR k i,riorit! s vR yuT |Xl{T S|p{T )10config7if2bstandb- 1 priorit- 11& k{T ij klmT k{T T~sq 11& z{T XskOOR R 1&& s y~{T |TkZxnT Np{T T~s z XwTq tTkOR ik oXYs kYq 91 z shstand1! kjT tnT ~Y !ree/ption enabled4 dela- /in 2&& secs N rXZnT q ij vYOOR R Xj T~sq XnT N}{ U{T enabled z{Tdisabled }m kOR q X}m !riorit- 11& 0configured 11&2 configured z{T default }m kOOR R {~mq 11& wVq !riorit- }O kOOR R XYsq
{u q #tand1! UO 92 U Yq Acti'e s 91 - #witch Z92 iO Xj NO{T tnT kZYO XsY91 k y~{T NO{T XPrX q Acti;e s )2 -O XsYq k[V kj 91 | N}{T NO{T z kjTqT ~OYR OZ {~m ... !riorit- zT X vn rXPT r Acti;e s 91 Uq OX 222 3Np{T T~q 92 z

)20config2bint f&"& )20config7if2bstandb- 1 pree/pt dela- /ini/u/ 2&& )20config7if2bstandb- 1 priorit- :& qnT

kRqTk{T ij NT }O XYOT

0{u Nn i{q2 |{XZ{T kjnT k i hold rXZnT j {~mq $ello {Xr Xrn {T |x kOOR i} {~m

)10config2bint f&"& )10config7if2bstandb- 1 ti/ers 1 $ n kO ij p{T XT z{T yUO T~sq ... |T $ |s hold jq OX 1 Nm 6ello tT XYj T~sq .kOlm NXr XrT k i
*((P 2*irt#al (o#ter (ed#ndancy Protocol &-8-& {~mq ;rr" Z stand1! XZm T Xj $#9, NOR k vOR k La!er' mRqk sq {Xr ... x 0isco O{ PT TV Nm z N} sq ...Acti;e 5aster X X{T kRqTk{T |} n ... I!'# n ...+old z{T iOj j v{ O{q OX 1 Nm 0XXO{Tq XlwZ{T Nm2Ad;ertise ent .Load.alancing &-8-/ 7%0P 27ateway %oad 0alancing Protocol jq OX 3 Nm $ello {Xr ... 0isco mkp X[ ... kRqTk{T z N} {u jq La!er 2 mRqk sq .Load.alancing ... I,;A ... |T 1& |s hold rXZnT


&-: 0ack#p process Rqk sq T&T, v}T kZnT ij jXk NO}wZ nqV kRqTk{T TUTT N{ OXOZT v N} NPT ij OP jXk vn jXk{T T~s Z {X{T |xq ... -), ij mRqk sq ... TP kOlm jTk |x UPj 3Y{T T~s z{T s~ ... kO vZXjq SXm Tq

.jXk{T OYZ XY{ qY{T Y{ XY}{T rTXq standard edition NO}wZ kjT ~Y 1os X XY{ kZ Xs 9-N *[ 05) z{T Xs~{T k i vO N} y~{T X{T ip k O i lj 9outerc?222 Oq 8N#' jXk z{T s~ tnT XY{ X{T ip k T~q i"config N Om k |{ XjZ cloud kZq jXk{T rX }X{T ij Xw{T XP N z #witch {Tq qX}{X XO {T k i configuration X{ N}q vOx N} y~{T OOw{T Xw{T X kRqTk{T y{ p{T rXm iO |}sq Oq S| i rX |s cloud ~sq configuration kZq i}T qX}{T m z .kRqTk{T iOq |x XYPkZT y~{T i" N}w y~{Tq yX X{T p{T rXm kZ N qT ijq NI6(thernet ~xX qT ij XXP ij OZ {~q 0loud | {T Nq {X kRqTk{T N XYx T~q ... Add T i T{T .XY Nj |O kRqTr vXm9outer z "ing N} Slots XYj kZ ~xX XY{ kZ V TUTnT z{T [{T k Yq kRqTk{T z{T configuration N} {~m X[ |x T~s rXZ #lot 2: 0?222*I6*&( su1net ij kRqTk{T wZ{ i" SXX q Console wZx ij vO N[q kRqTk{T Npq YO X}Ox N 3k{T ~q p{T z tXYnT t |{ y{ p{T rXm

)10config2bint f&"& )10config7if2bip add 1:2.1#..1.4& 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )10config7if2bno s+

.{~m kRqTk{T z XYX ij qT Ur z N tT tT Ox XYZ rXm z kRqTk{T ij ping N} k "ing kjT ~OYR k i Ur z NwR { tQx Win\, O{q Windows ? z N}R Ym TuT 3}j j .X z O{XZ{T T{T ~OYR O Ox 1- Go to Control Panel->Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center, click Local Area Connection Link of the connection to change then choose 'Properties' !tton" #- Press the 'Config!re"""' !tton, choose the 'Ad$anced' ta to %odif& the ' IP V4 Checksum Offload' and 'TCP Checksum Offload (IPV4)' and 'UDP Checksum Offload (IPV4)'" DA9QR PF8; LMNO8; @IJK B;CDEFGH; ?@A => 9:;< 678 (- Changed the setting fro% )* and +* ,na le to -isa led so that the .S will co%p!te the checks!%" /- )e oot &o!r %achine after the setting changes"

)10config2b+ostna/e a+/ed a+/ed0config2benable secret 1234 a+/ed0config2bwr /e/

3O{XZ{T TUTnT vO ykq kRqTk{T z{T U kRqTk{T T XkO kRqTk{ k }m XYq 3iOZk oXYsq kRqTk{T z TUTnT t tnT 9A5 kmT~{T z TUTnT t[


.NxT T~sq NG9A5 z TUTnT t{

tq TUTnT j t[ tXj Uw 0urrent)irector! X[ ij Y{T ij XY} y~{T T&T, jXk N vmkZq oXP ip kZ[T Ser;er Interface X[ ij ... 6] P r{x QpY ... |}wjq ijTq |{X[ tXj |x Vq kRqTk{T z{T s~ Tft"#er;er jXk{T ~xX ij rXZ ... Ser;er Xl} yXP N T~q X 3TUTnT kjTqV ~OYZ tft" jXk |x X[Tq run |x UP}{T TUTnT ij v ~[

a+/edbcop- run tftp oXP |x UPj Xj i" T~sqtft" jXk vO P y~{T X{T ip O Address or na/e of re/ote +ost >?c 1:2.1#..1.12& aaa Z q kR k[T T yV ZmT qT ah ed*confg nT T~ v[T Ns Q 1estination filena/e >a+/ed7confg?c aaa 1&&2 b-tes copied in 3.4,2 secs 02.: b-tes"sec2 XY t{T R .XY{ sT |s run TUTT X ... k{T ~xstartu" TUTT t[ XUrT TuT a+/edbcop- start tftp Address or na/e of re/ote +ost >?c 1:2.1#..1.12& 1estination filena/e >a+/ed7confg?c start 1&&2 b-tes copied in &.1$2 secs 0#$:2 b-tes"sec2
UTn t[ y~{T TUTnT j TZT i}Ox P kRqTr XYPq XYx qT kRqTk{T |x pj yV N TuT tnT ... T{T ~s k i {T kRqTk{T kRqTk{T z{T N[ wZ{T Y |Xl{T kRqTk{T Nq qT kRqTk{T Nq qT kRqTk{T Nq |X kRqTr 3vO ~Yq |Xl{T p{T su1net ij kRqTk{T wZ{ ip SX n qT

)20config2bint f&"& )20config7if2bip add 1:2.1#..1.41 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )20config7if2bno s+

|Xl{T kRqTk{T z{T s~ 0{T j vk y~{T NO{T XYsq2 qT kRqTk{T |x R N { tnT 3k{T ~q v[ R y~{T TUTnT j k i qT kRqTk{T TUTT vO ~Yq .kRqTk{T z{T XZ{T run z{T tft" jXk ij }{T Y yV X X XYZm Xj Z

)2bcop- tftp run .XXP |x UPjXj ip T~sq T&T, jXk yw y~{T X{T ip i XY{X Address or na/e of re/ote +ost >?c 1:2.1#..1.12& .v UTk}{T }{T T z Q tnT Source filena/e >?c Aaa .0;nter .. 2 012 kRqTk{T 022 |x UP}{T run z{T }{T T~s kR Ns OmQR 1estination filena/e >running7config?c
.XwZ{ }{T ip zZ {X qnXm {T kRqTk{T T~s TUTT tR |T |xq .iOZj irTnT tn Q{T NXr XY{ kR iOZj irTT ij ikRqTk{T tXm TuT }{T T~s Yx 1in. XsUTZjT t XY{T ... XY{T wR yV I6# y{ tXm TuT S|p{T 3Zq kRqTk{T z{T s~ q X{T X}{T PR O T&T, rX}{ r{x N[TU
9ocal I! 8lobal I! 3.

a+/edbcop- tftp flas+

.XXP |x UPjXj ip T~sq T&T, jXk yw y~{T X{T ip i XY{X

Address or na/e of re/ote +ost >1:2.1#..1.12&?c 1:2.1#..1.12& Source filena/e >aaa?c

1 : BB Na e of "ool

.kRqTk{T wZ V XsYq ;nter q }{T UTZjT j I6# j T v{ Z

#tart I, (nd I, #u1net ask #rc. I, #rc. Wild card ask

&-,; Network $ddress Translation: 2N$T3

T!"es of NAT: 1) #tatic NAT : Assign /anuall- public I! address to e'er- pri'ate address. 2) )!na ic NAT :

,ool Na e

T+e router is gi'en a pool t+at contains /an- I! address 0public2 and e'er- user tr- to access a public network will be gi'en an I! rando/l-. ') ,ort Addresses Translation (,AT): 7 All /ac+ines +a'e t+e sa/e public I!. 7 T+e source port nu/ber are used to differentiate t+e different connection so itEs /ust be uniGue. 7 T+is process called 0address o'erload2.



1B2.1A4.1.1 1B2.1A4.1.2 1B2.1A4.1.' 1B2.1A4.1.+

I! 1:2.1#..1.1 1:2.1#..1.1 1:2.1#..1.2 1:2.1#..1.2 1:2.1#..1.3

!ort 1&2$ 1&2# 1&2$ 1&2, 1&2#

I! 2&&.1.1.1 2&&.1.1.1 2&&.1.1.1 2&&.1.1.1 2&&.1.1.1

!ort 1&2$ 1&2# 1&2, 1&2. 1&2:


H Configuration of NAT3
Inside 012 022 Outside

0Config7if2 b I! 0Config7if2 b I! 1* #tatic: 0Config2 b I! 2* )!na ic: 0Config2 b I! 0Config2 b I! b S+ I! NAT NAT NAT

NAT NAT inside

inside outside source static

9ocal I!

@@@@@ @@@@@

8lobal I!


Na e of "ool

@@@@@ @@@ @@@

#rc. Wild card

#tart I,

(nd I,

net /ask




1 : BB #rc. I, 0Config2 b Access7list @@@ per/it @@@@

? @@@@@@@.>



Na e list @@ !ool ,ool @@@@. O'erload

NAT translations

0to displa- w+o uses t+e NAT2

If !AT

#ecuring )e;ices -/ /-,Telnet and SS9 * #et "assword to telneting of the router for re ote configuration. )outer 0config2 b line & 4 !assword )outer 0config = line2 b password @@@@@. )outer 0config = line2 b login
!er/it 1en1en-


0to active the command2


sX{T k{T jTk T Np k{T T i}j yV kpj kO -k m ,lain te%t vn ijT kO kZ Telnet k i [{T ijT x ##$ 22 Rk TZT N T~{ ...kRqTk{T z{T sT~{T Xj}{T Z Z T~q kRqTk{T ip v{ Uwq 02 sniffing X}Tq .kpj vn klmT (##$ (#ecure #hell

qT Z ijnT XRnT T~s NOZ{q n


)outer0config2buserna/e a+/ed secret cisco1234 }m i Z X}q [{T Y X ZO cisco12'+ |sq k }m X T N}q ah ed sq Z}{ T .v X{ O{q vk X{T telnet k )outer0config2bip do/ain7na/e a+/ [ |sq nT T~s wR kRqTk{T ij U R mkp{ XR kRqTk{T T~s yVkRqTk{T Nm iOjqU T s T~s co . S| yV t nTq X} )outer0config2bcr-pto ke- generate rsa kp}{T XRnT TZT .!lease define a +ostna/e ot+er t+an )outer kOZj nT tXm TuT k n ~s tXjT ij Ym k[T T z{T |TkZxnT kRqTk{T T kOOR vT XYj Q{T T~s NnT |x )outer0config2b+ostna/e )OCT;) kRqTk{T T kOOZ{ )OCT;)0config2b cr-pto ke- generate rsa kRqTk{T T kOOR k[V kj T+e na/e for t+e ke-s will be3 )1.a+/ C+oose t+e siLe of t+e ke- /odulus in t+e range of 3#& to 2&4. for -our 8eneral !urpose .^e-s. C+oosing a ke- /odulus greater t+an $12 /a- take a few /inutes vRUX i}q jr $12 z{T kp jr Nm O kOpZ{T s |{XZ{T T{Tq SS6 kOpZ{T NOpR R XYs $12 k{T X} 6ow /an- bits in t+e /odulus >$12?3 2&4. kOpZ{T rXOZ[T R XYs 8enerating 2&4. bit )SA ke-s4 ke-s will be non7eBportable...>O^? XY R kOpZ{T rXOZ[T co unication XRnT Xjj NY{ O{q configuring x TUT{ kOpZ{T T~s Option )OCT;)0config2bline 't- & 1$ XO{T ZR XVq XRT 1$ N XYs Src. I! <ild& card 00N, |x OR rR Zj XO X}YO |x 1$ |s O zTq |s /ask O NT H ar 1 134#34,.$1,3 SS67$7;NA(9;13 SS6 1.:: +as been enabled )OCT;)0config7line2btransport input ss+ kpj kO{T |q SS6 k i kp}{T XRnT Z tX telnet k i kRqTk{X NZ yV rXPT kp}{T kO{T XY{T z{T O T~s )OCT;)0config7line2btransport input telnt XZm i {~m )OCT;)0config7line2blogin local rX[ qT ZO ij NZ tT i} ijUT yV tn TP j kjT T~s p{T N[TU ij t tT XRnT k T~sq p{T kOZO}{T |x i{q ##$ k i XRnT rXZq ,utt! jXk k iq p{T |x X z{T s~ tnT Z !Cass+ 7l a+/ed 1&&.1&&.:#.1 L } k {X Open !assword3 cisco1234 k{T }m Z XYs /-& Network sec#rity: access control list 2$C%3
Nu/ber of AC9 Internet

1&.&.&.1 !er/it

1&.&.&.2 1en-

1&.&.&.3 1en27 den-.

1&.&.&.4 !er/it

7 3C s: are set of a co//and t+atEs grouped under certain nu/ber or na/e to control traffic flow. 7 AC9 can do one of two actions3 17 per/it - 3C co+figuratio+: 41

a7 create AC9. 7

b7 Assign t+e AC9 to certain interface.

aBi/u/ nu/ber of AC9 can be applied on eac+ interface is two 0one per direction4 per protocol2. In bound

7 In an inbound AC94 packets are processed before t+e- are routed to an outbound interface. Out bound 7 In an outbound AC9 0)outed and t+en pre'ented2. $C% processing: 17 State/ents are processed fro/ top to down. 27 Once /atc+ is found no furt+er state/ents. 37 If no /atc+ is found t+e packet will be dropped due to i/plicit den- 0 state/ent at t+e end of AC9 called den- an- 2. 47 At least t+ere /ust be one per/it state/ent in AC9 or ot+erwise all packets will be dropped. 47 In an- AC94 -ou canEt add state/ent between state/entsh an- new state/ent is added to t+e end of t+e list4 so t+e seGuence is 'er- i/portant.

A0L t!"e

Nu/bered Standard 13 :: eBtended 1&&3 1::

Na/ed Standard an- na/e eBtended an- na/e

(1) #tandard nu 1ered A0L: Standard nu/bered AC9 filter packets based onl- on source I! address in t+e packet +eader.

/ 0onfiguration:
Src. I!
)est I, )est wild card ask


card /ask #rc I, #rc<ild wild card ask T0,7I, )outer 0 config 2 bAccess7list 1 3 :: per/it " den"rotocol @@@. . ? @@@@@@> .


;G M eGual 9t M less t+an 7 If I want to per/it or den- src I!4 onl- we write t+e wild8t card /ask as 0&.&.&.&2 or write M greater t+an @@@@@. > instead of wild card /ask.

? +ost

)outer 0 config 2 bAccess7list 1 3 :: per/it " den- +ost @ip@@. .

7 If I write t+e wild card /ask is 2$$.2$$.2$$.2$$ t+is eGual M an-4 0per/it or den- all networks2.

)outer 0config2 b int

Nu/ber of AC9 42

)outer 0config7if2 b I! access7group (% 1 :


@@@@@@@ In " out .

Telnet or

1:2.1#..1.1"24 S& Internet




)outer 0config2 b Access7list )outer 0config2 b Access7list )outer 0config2 b int


$ $


1:2.1#..1.2 1:2.1#..1.1

&.&.&.& &.&.&.2$$
AC9 na/e

)outer 0config7if2 b I! access7group (% 2:

Ser'er e&
)est I,

<ild card /ask 6ost e$Src I!e# Src wild card /ask

Src I! e3 eTC! e4 protocol 2 " I!


1est wild card /ask ;G M eGual 9t M less t+an 1:2.1#..$.1 &.&.&.& 8t M greater t+an 1:2.1#..$.1"24


)outer 0config2 b Access7list )outer 0config2 b Access7list )outer 0config2 b int


$ $



)outer 0config7if2 b I! access7group

/ ,lace ent of standard A0L:


7 !lace I! standard AC9 as close to t+e destination as possible. (2) (%tended nu 1ered A0L : 7 ItEs /uc+ /ore fleBible t+an standard AC9. 7 ;Btended AC9 can /atc+ on3 17 Source I!* destination I!. 27 TC!"I! protocols 0 I!4 TC!4 IC !4 @@@2. 37 !rotocol infor/ation 0 port no. 4 IC ! /essage t-pe 2. CCNA Telnet or

/ 0onfiguration:
T0,7I, "rotocol )outer0config2bAccess7list 1&& 3 1:: per/it"den- @@@@.. )est I, )est wild card ask #rc I, #rc wild card

@@.. @@@@...


?Operator Dsrc protocol infor/ation> @.@ @@@@.@@ ?OperatorD 1ST protocol infor/ation?

;G M eGual 9t M less t+an 8t M greater t+an 0Na/ed 0AC9 )outer0config2bAccess7list 1&& 3 1:: per/it




0 to per/it all 2.

(% :
Ser'er e&

1,2.1#.&.&"1# e1 e2 e3 e4 e$ e#


0)estrict onl- telnet fro/ 6ost to Ser'er2 )outer0config2bAccess7list 1#$ )outer0config2bAccess7list 1#$ )outer 0config2 b int )outer 0config7if2 b I!

1:2.1#..$.1"24 Telnet or

den- TC! per/it I!

+ost 1:2.1#..$.1 +ost 1:2.1#..1.1 eG 23 anan-

access7group 1#$


/ ,lace ent of e%tended A0L 7 !lace I! eBtended AC9 as close to t+e source as possible. D If I want to den- de'ice fro/ ping so we deal wit+ IC ! not TC! or C1!. (') Na ed A0L:

> 0onfiguration:

)outer 0config2 b I! * If standard:


standard " eBtended

Src I!

AC9 na/e


)outer 0config7std7nacl2 b per/it " den- @@@@.. ? @@@.@@@@@ > * If e%tended: )outer0config7eBt7nacl2b per/it " den- @@@..........@ @@.@.. @@@@@@..
operatorDsrc pro info > @.@
)est I,

<ild card /ask

TC! " I! protocol

Src I!

Src wild card /ask

1est wild card /ask


operatorD1est protocol infor/ation>

;G M eGual 9t M less t+an 8t M greater t+an

7 7 In nu/bered AC94 -ou cannot delete certain state/ent4 onl- -ou can delete t+e w+ole AC9. In na/ed AC94 -ou can delete certain state/ent inside t+e AC9. 1:2.1#..13.1 1:2.1#..1.&"24 Internet e& 1:2.1#..1&.& 1:2.1#..11.& 1:2.1#..12.& 1:2.1#..13.& Internet 44

)outer0config2b I!


eBtended I! an-


@@@@ &.&.&.2$$

Telnet or

)outer0config7eBt7nacl2b den- TC! )outer0config7eBt7nacl2b per/it )outer0config2 b int


1:2.1#..1.& an-

+ost 1:2.1#..13.1 eG 23

)outer 0config7if2 b I! access7group )outer b s+ )outer b s+ )outer b s+ I! I! I! int Access list Access list



0to displa- t+e place/ent and direction of Access list2 0to s+ow state/ent of Access7list2.
0Na/ed 0AC9

Port Sec#rity /-/ N}{T z{T vk q O{T ij vj La"to" }{T tT i}}{T i}x p{ iOjQR oXYs i { TuT XmXZnT ~s ij p{T X} {~{ kOm rTkQ Zq XO{T NjXm v{q p{T z{T qT Y{T z [{Tq XT 0isco#witch Xlj .riand#witch |x O}{T X{T i}x ... TuT XTkZ[nT ~s XpZmT {~mq N Ox mkp{T Xw{ O{q kOR 5A0address tT #witch k tT Uk}x ,ort#ecurit! z yZwR NZpq mkp{T X r XPr Xq kjnT T~ }{T k Tu TuXj ... X RkXj #hutdown v{ N}q ,ort xk tmV tT P ij wZ{T NOpRq [{X ad in tT z{T #hutdown wZ{T zR ... yUX .,ort#ecurit! OX[ ~sq kjX kq ,02 tXj ,01 X TQ Y {u q ...,ort#ecurit! OX[ vO ~Yq X{T XY{Xlj z{T U .XwZ{T N ZO Om XO OZ{T UTk}{T XwZx Nm qT wZ{T z switch"ort odeaccess kjT ~OYR ,ort#ecurit! NOR N ,ortsecurit!

Switc+0config2bint f&"2 Switc+0config7if2bswitc+port /ode access wZ{T z iwq X}w{T OX[ |Z tnT Switc+0config7if2bswitc+port port7securitX Rk}{T Xw{T y~{T 5A0 XZm j wZ{T z X}w{T OX[ ~Y tnT Switc+0config7if2bswitc+port port7securit- /ac7address &&&1.42:&.&$C: .,ort wZ{T ~s N kO sX TuTq5A0 T~s N}w XP kR i{ wZ{T ~s XYs
config rXZ kR |Z{T ~xXY{T ij vO m N}q Xw{T z{T Xs~{T k i XY{Xlj ij 5A0 TkZT Z .5A0address N |x Yq &ast(thernet2 rXZ ~xXY{T rX }X{T ij kjnT T~s )os kjTqV ~xX |x ZYx iOjq{T i} i Xw{ AC xk}{ XjT

C3daget/ac "s 1:2.1#..1.1&3

.v{ 5A0 P UTk}{T Xw{X X{T s i" T~s .kjT )os X |x ZYx XYjXjT Xw{T tXm TuT XjT

C3daipconfig all
{~{ ... XZ{T Y XOx Q{T O{X}ZT oXYsq p{T PV N{ 5A0address Nm } V tT T P j {X ~sq 5A0 qT w kjnT T~sq ... {T s stick! zYjq ... |{XZ{T sq Auto r 5A0 k[T kjT oXYs .wZ{X v{XT Z XP q

Switc+0config7if2bswitc+port port7securit- /ac7address stick3Np{T T~ tq Z}{T XwZ{T ij }j z kjnT T~s ~OYZ{ k oXYs XVq Switc+0config2bint range f&"173 3kjnT T~s ZYx Zj O{ XwZx z {T XUrT TuT {~mq Switc+0config2bint range f&"14f&"34f&"2
kjT X~q {u N { TuTq |{XZ{T kjnT ~OYR n qT ... Np{T T~ "ortsecurit! kjT ~OYR tO iOZ{Xw{T m |xq v{ Uw tT T~{qd!na ic"ort |s XwZ{T qT wZ{T {X tT XsUXj {Xr XY{ k kXj y~{T .access s wZ{X XRnT

Switc+0config7if7range2bswitc+port /ode access

~OYZ{T N Xm XwZ{T z X}w{T OX[ |Z |{ |{XZ{T kjnT

Switc+0config7if7range2bswitc+port port7securitwZ{X vOR R XP q Tk 5A0 qT q NORq X}w{T kjT ~Y tnT

Switc+0config7if7range2bswitc+port port7securit- /ac7address stick.k[nT z 0,01 = ,022 XP Nm ij "ing N} D`EWX @IJ[8; BDZFI8; c<h; gM[Q8Df eEf c<9d DJ8 ^`aEb _@8; ^>H; ;@A @IJU< P\E]^8; YZ[8; VWX TA@U n8; PWQI8; g9Q8; m8Di8; gM[Q8;< lZFI8; VWX D`WEk\K jM[\[8; MAC g9Q8 PUDi8; gM[Q8;< portsecurity ;s; lZFI8; VWX @IJEb ;sD> Y>DO8; gM[Q8;< qr9: PF8; BDp;^FGH; g9Q8 oR;^8; gM[Q8;< lZFI8; DA;^K PF8; MAC .t;^FG; 9d< S

Switc+bs+ port7securitX{T R Xm |Z{T wZ{X XP Nm r Oq ,02 q,01 iX{Tq #witch iO XRnT tnT N R vT kY ,02 z{T ,01 ij "ing N} k[T z{T wZ{T t{ wZR zZ 0OX 3&2 kZYq k[nT qT XrT yV XO Nw { tn T~sq k[T {TXj "ortf272 i{q k}T t{T z{T {wRq f27'T rx wZ{T ."ortf272 N ZO ,0' z ,02 ij "ing N} Uk}x XZT 3kjnT T~s Zq X{XT R |Z{T XwZ{T z XYmXj PT XPrT nqV N}{ "ort XPrT NPT ij

Switc+0config2bint range f&"273 Switc+0config7if7range2bs+ut XOpR O ijq "ortsecurit! kjT N ij XxXT R XT {q zZ wZ{T SXn shut kjT XYZm kjnT T~ k[V kj Switc+0config7if7range2bno s+ut
."ort |x l}{T 5A0address N}wR |Z{T PT XYPrT XYT kp N}{ UR T~q <; D |w<9w eFRDF{ zw^x =X. eFEuiK yK lvw^x _DR< BDZFI8; VWX qui[8; MACaddresses lf^Q> DUgC; ;s; S ^>H; ;@A TF7U $sticky

Switc+bs+ port7securit- address

5A0address |Xl{T U}{Tq port X{ |}ZY |Z{T Ok{T p{T r Glan r qT U}{T |x vOx qP kOx jX{T U}{Tq wZ{T tTY Tk{T U}{Tq wZ{T z vZOlR XOx R |Z{T k{T {Xl{T U}{Tq wZ{T z l}{Tq Z tT nT q{T T~s |x 5A0address kR n2 ... X{X wZ{T ~s z 5A0 T~s OX{ |Z}{T {T .0PT N ij XXO XZT qT XrT

P8DF8; DJ8 ^`aEb D`IFb; l>~X ?9QR< ^>H; ;@A DJuF{ M8 }H;

Switc+0config2bint f&"2 c Switc+0config7if2bswitc+port port7securit- /aBi/u/ aBi/u/ addresses e17132a

yV wZ{T ~ XRnX X{ Z |Z{T 5A0addresses U Nl} XrT ~s iO Xj r ZmT |Y T~sq PT z{T Xs~{T k i {u Zq G6I, ij RTs r |x lj {uq XP ij klmT kR tT wZ{ i} z X T yZwq vOx |Z{T #witch wZx k i #witch {X v I,,hone XYj rXZq (nd)e;ices n tXm x 5A0address XP N{ iXP "ort k {~{q ... Xw{X NR ,0 z}R k[V wZx .wZ{T ~s |x pj NwR Tq 5A0 k tT n v{ -} lEW[X _. eUG yK _@8; ^E 0AC address ^w D>9JX port eR Mvw _@8; ;^dH; 9w9ZF8 ^G; ^>; DJw98 ^>H; ;@A zw^x =X 8s yFw< $t;^FG; S

c Switc+0config7if2bswitc+port port7securit- 'iolation protect Securit- 'iolation protect /ode restrict Securit- 'iolation restrict /ode s+utdown Securit- 'iolation s+utdown /ode
vOxq ... STkPnT |YR ;iolation }mq ... XO ~OYZ{T UTk}{T XwZ{T qT wZ{T z iwq kjnT ~OYR 3|sq vXpZj XkR sklmTq TrXOZ[T "rotect ^ 1rops packets wit+ unknown source addresses until -ou re/o'e a sufficient nu/ber of .secure AC addresses to drop below t+e /aBi/u/ 'alue ZO l}{T 5A0 XPrT Yq Zj 5A0address Vr tT wZ{T ~s k i XXO XrT .p{ Wk[ N vX Ad in T kO ij XXO{T XrT UX restrict ^ 1rops packets wit+ unknown source addresses until -ou re/o'e a sufficient nu/ber of secure AC addresses to drop below t+e /aBi/u/ 'alue and causes t+e Securit-%iolation .counter to incre/ent ZO l}{T 5A0 XPrT Yq Zj 5A0address Vr tT wZ{T ~s k i XXO XrT .p{ Wk[ N vX Ad in z{T T {Xr XrT j ij XXO{T XrT UX shutdown ^ !uts t+e interface into t+e error7disabled state i//ediatel- and sends an SN ! trap .notification v{ y~{T X{T XPrT R tTq zZ Xw{T |x wZ{T WT Z Wk[ N TuXx )efault |TkZxnT STkPnT sq .vOYR {Xr XrT j wZ{T |x l}{T 5A0address ^>H; ;@A TF7U ewCDud; ?CMR oot MA FwMb 6Qd S Switc+0config2bspanning7tree 'lan 1 root pri/arOX 3& z{T rXZnT z{T PXw{T tqU !%ST T OZ{ S Switc+0config2bspanning7tree /ode rapid7p'st

+. #witching
Purposes for using switching:


- Breaks up collision domains - Cost effective resilient internetworking Switching services: - Hardware based bridging (ASIC) - Wire speed - ow cost and latenc! Switching limitations: - "ust break up collision domains correctl! - "ake sure t#at users spend $% percent of t#eir time on t#e local segment - Switc#es do not break broadcast domains b! default

Bridging VS. LAN Switching& Bridge Switch Software based Hardware based ASIC c#ips Have one S'( per bridge Have man! ow number of ports "an! numbers of ports - Bot# make forwarding decisions based on la!er ) address

6 Met!ods o" switc!ing: (1) #tore _ and _ forward:* 7 T+e switc+ forwards t+e fra/e after t+e co/plete fra/e is recei'ed. 7 C+ecking t+e 5CS4 if itEs t+e sa/e included in t+e fra/e4 forward it4 if itEs different4 drop it. (2) 0ut _ through:* 7 T+e switc+ stores t+e first 14 b-te t+en begins to forward t+e fra/e M pass t+roug+. 7 ItEs faster but /a- be switc+ing bad fra/es. (') &rag ent free: * 0 /odified cut7t+roug+ 2 7 T+e switc+ store first #4 b-te t+en begin to forward t+e fra/e. 7 To reduce t+e nu/ber of ;t+ernet run fra/es 0fra/es s/aller t+an /ini/u/ legal siLe of ;t+ernet fra/e2.

+-, Spanning tree protocol 2STP 3


1 ; 5 ain purpose of ST! is re/o'ing la-er 2 loops fro/ -our topolog-7switc+ingswitc+ing loop2.

7 Switc+es will use (!1C 0 (ridge !rotocol 1ata Cnit 2 to learn t+e topolog- of t+e network. 7 Onl- one pat+ can be taken fro/ one de'ice to an- ot+er de'ice. 1* .,)- is floated fro '* (;er! switch will for e;er! switch to all other switches. a data1ase fro all .,)-s (.,)- sending e;er! 2 sec). 4. 2* (;er! switch will take a co"! of .,)- C resend it to other neigh1ors.

+* #lectio+ of root s&itc': 7 ItEs t+e switc+ wit+ t+e lowest switc+ 0(ridge2 I1. 7 T+e switc+ I1 0. b-te2 is /ade up of 2 co/ponents3 a2 T+e switc+ priorit- 0default 324,#.2. b2 T+e switc+ AC address. 3* #lectio+ of t'e root port 1R"): 7 ItEs t+e best port on a non7root bridge or switc+ to reac+ t+e root switc+. 7 )oot bridge +as no root port. A* #lectio+ of desig+ated port 1!"): 7 ItEs t+e port +as t+e best port on eac+ 9AN seg/ent to reac+ t+e root switc+ 0+as least accu/ulated pat+ cost2. 7 All root switc+ ports are 1!. 7 If a tie 0 if bot+ are t+e sa/e in bandwidt+ 2 3 t+e port connected to t+e switc+ wit+ least bridge I1.

7 T+e bandwidt+ is con'ersel- proportional to t+e cost. 7 So least cost /eans +ig+ bandwidt+. 6- Fi+di+g bloc2i+g port 1B"): 7 (! is neit+er )! nor 1!.

All links are fast ;t+ernet M sa/e bandwidt+4 so we look at t+e / ,ort states: 1) .locking: 7 9isten and process (!1C to elect root port4 designated port and blocked port. 7 1efault is 2& sec. 2) Listening: 7 Still listening for (!1C and double7c+ecking t+e la-er 2 topolog-4 user traffic is dropped. 7 1efault is 1$ sec. ') Learning: AC address 0 least AC is t+e best 2.

b-te 4

7 Still listening processing * begins to eBa/ine t+e source address in t+e user fra/e updating its 9engt+ 1est. AC and Src. AC (!1C @@@@@@ New 5CS TA8 AC table but still not forwarding t+ese fra/es. 7 1efault is 1$ sec. +) &orwarding: 7 !rocess (!1C4 update AC table and forward user traffic t+roug+ t+e port. 4:

+-& *irt#al %$N 2 *%$N 3 ,ro1le : 7 If broadcast is found4 it will be flooded t+roug+ all t+e network because of single broadcast do/ain. #olution: using %9AN. / #olution using GLAN : 7 ;ac+ %9AN is a single broadcast do/ain. 7 ;'en unicast or broadcast cannot be forward in ot+er %9AN. 7 %9AN logicall- di'ides t+e switc+ into /ultiple independent switc+es at la-er 2. 7 %9AN can span on /ultiple switc+es. * -sing GLAN to:* 17 8roups users b- depart/ent 0 function 2. 27 )educe o'er+ead b- li/iting t+e siLe of eac+ broadcast. 37 ;nforce better securit- b- keeping sensiti'e de'ices on separate %9AN. GLAN connection t!"e: (1) Access "ort: 7 ItEs a port w+ic+ /e/ber in onl- one %9AN. 7 ItEs /ainl- a port t+at is connected to a !C.

ItEs unlogical to waste 2 ports for cable for eac+ %9AN. (2) Trunk "ort : 7 ItEs a port w+ic+ is /e/ber in all %9ANs.

+-/ *%$N tr#nking

trunking t!"e 0 fra/e tagging wit+ %9AN I1 2 1) Inter #witch Link (I#L): 7 IS9 is a cisco propriater- trunking /et+od t+at adds a 2#7b-te +eader and 47b-te trailer.

IS9 fra/e 2#7(-te 6eader

;t+ernet fra/e

4 7 (-te Trailer

GLAN I) 2) I((( 422.1B ( dot 1 <): nu 1er 7 ItEs a standardiLed trunking /et+od t+at inserts a four7b-te field into t+e original ;t+ernet fra/e and na e reco/puted t+e 5CS.






@@@@@@. No. of ;lan

Original 5CS

b-te 4 1est. AC Src. AC TA8 I, 9engt+ @@@@@@ #u1net ask

To put I! for %9AN

New 5CS


Nu/ber of t+e port

/ GLAN e 1ershi"3


(1) #tatic GLAN assign ent: !ort based %9AN 7 Assign certain port to certain %9AN /anuall-. 7 (- default all ports of switc+ in %9AN1. (2) )!na ic GLAN assign ent: AC based %9AN 7 Support plug * pla- /o'abilit-. 7 %9AN /anage/ent !olic- ser'er. 0% !S2 / GLAN trunk "rotocol: (GT,) GLANinfor/ation nu 1er across trunk port. 7 %T! is a Cisco proprietar- protocol t+at trans/its %9AN I, #u1net ask 7 Switc+ing /ust be in t+e sa/e do/ain to s+are /essage. * There are ' odes of GT,:
IS9 O)

Nu/ber of t+e port



na e #er;er 7 client 7 trans"arent I, of the interface which is connected to 7T" pru+i+g :7 ItEs a Cisco %T! feature used on trunk connections to d-na/icall- re/o'e %9ANs not acti'e between 2switc+es. 7 It reGuires all of t+e switc+es to be in ser'er /ode.

Switc+ b s+ Switc+ b s+

AC7address7table spanning7tree

0to displa- t+e

AC address table2

0to displa- root I1 * bridge I1 and status of ports )!4 1!2


Switc+ b s+

%9AN brief
nu 1er

0to displa- %9ANs2 0 to create %9AN 2 05or na/ing 'lan2

Switc+ 0config2 b %9AN @@@@@@.. Switc+ 0config7'lan2 b na/e Switc+ 0config2 b int f&"1 /ode access 1
I, na e

@@@@@ access 'lan

Switc+ 0config7if2 b switc+port Switc+ 0config7if2 b switc+port Switc+ 0config2 b int %9AN Switc+ 0config7if2 b I! Switc+ 0config7if2 no To assign a trunk: Switc+ 0config2 b int

No. of ;lan


0To assign t+e port in 'lan2

To put I! for %9AN

address @@@ @@@@@@@ s+utdown



Nu/ber of t+e port 5& " @@@@@@@@@.

/ode trunk

Switc+ 0config7if2 b switc+port

Note 37 -ou need a router to connect different %9ANs. +-+ inter*lan 2s#b inter"ace on t!e ro#ter3 6n router: )outer 0config2 b int )outer 0config7if2 b no
@)outer 0config2 b int

5& I! address
IS9 O)

)outer 0config 7if2 b no


5&. 1 &r24 3 GLAN nu 1er dot1 @@@@@@@@.

)outer 0config7subif2 b encapsulation

I, #u1net ask @@@@@@@@ .@@@ )outer 0config7subif2 b I! address


I put I! address to t+e sub interface in t+e network of t+e %9AN network t+at connects to it.

6n switch: Switc+ 0config2 b int

Nu/ber of t+e port 5&"@@@..@@@@. /ode Trunk

na e

Switc+ 0config7if2 b switc+port Switc+ 0config7if2 b switc+port Switc+bs+ %T! status do/ain /ode Switc+ 0config2 b %T! Switc+ 0config2 b %T!



or dot1

0to /ake trunk port2 0to /ake t+e trunking2


0to s+ow status of %T! ser'er "client "transparent2 0To c+ange t+e na/e of t+e do/ain2 0State a /ode2


#er;er 7 client 7 trans"arent

I, of the interface which is connected to

Switc+ 0config2 bI!



0to set default gatewa- to t+e switc+2 .X{T XjTr z N} N} n |{ XU $ Nm q{T XZwj -j Z :`abcd ^Nb ;9OFb; }<g => ^[K Lg9Z> lEJ>8; L^FI8; PA< !"itch D`R ^[w PF8; idel l8D: D8; <; 9w9ZK =7[> S lZFf VWX MpM8; c~G => D`R y7ZF8; yFw< D |E]DvWK e8 lo#off lEW[X !"itch nW8 6Zw< eEf ^>;<h; $DJ8Di> T\:. ;@7A z]Dp98DR qpM8; 9w9ZK< Co$sole

Switc+0config2b line con & c Switc+0config7line2beBec7ti/eout e&73$,:1a Ti/eout in /inutes Switc+0config7line2beBec7ti/eout 3&

}{T T~s iOXj wR i}}{T X{T U OU t lj k ZYx O}{T ~s X XUrT TuT XjT

Switc+0config7line2beBec7ti/eout & kRqTk{T XwZx j N XYm X}m XO {X "ort wZ{T z{T [{T OZ Switc+0config2bint f&"1
&ast vn 12251"s XYs k{Xx ... k{T wR lj Uqwj X}wR i{q ,ort wZ{X wZ{T OZq i} x 1251"s XYs XZ}{Xx rTj y XOR i} n {~mq 1&& i XRUX i} (thernet 1T; 1C; 1C;n i{q XOR i} 1T; Np{T T~s kjnT Zq 3& qT ,& rXOZ[T

Switc+0config7if2bspeed 1&
Custo/er !re/iser ;Guip/ent 0C!;2 't!erc!annel +-1 T~sq 1251"s vZkq YO Trunk NOm kY T~q (thernet1251"s RXwZx Nmq #witch tXYT yY { ij klmT j {~{ kT XwZx |x P ykZpR tT mkp{T OXj |x oXYs O{q TP kOm z{T yU XYq TuT tnT iw ... XwZx . zT wmq tXYT zUT wm jUT tT OXj oXYsq Tq Trunk m Xj N}R |m wZx {Xw N}qLoo" {X Y}{ x T{ X}{Tq XxX #T, mRqk O Trunk ij klmT iOP{T iO NOm Xj Xm N}R XO T~q XwZ{T ~s z (therchannel mRqk NOZ {~{ 9edundanc! 3XpR{T T z T{T ~s ~OYR ~s k iq Tq Trunk 0x Tq #witch z ~YR2

Switc+0config7if2bspeed auto s |TkZxnTq


Switc+0config2bint range f&"173 Switc+0config7if7range2bc+annel7group 1 /ode on

. mRqk{T T~s wR N}R XX XwZ{T ~s kOXR sXpY s+ run kjT X~ TuXx ... X j N}R X{T Nm kZ Xs port )ast +-.
|Tl{T X I! z PT k[QR #T, mRqk UPx PT z I, p{T |x )$0, y{ tXm TuT z w{X NpR PV oXYsq I, z X{T Nw tT z OU ij klmT qT OU z{T N tT i}j k[QZ{Tq N}{T |x WkR r~T j | oXYsq ,ort&ast OX[ NOR )$0, ij I, z PT STUV kR NPT i}x ... #T, UPq I! TuTq wZx yV z OX{T ~s NOR i k y~{T k~wZ{T kR q Trunk ij XwZx z OX{T ~s NR tT ij .T P Ox 9oop | Z {u N z !ort 5ast OX[ N T~{ f27' z{T f271 ij Zj |s Trunk XwZx Xm O X{T XY{Xlj |x #witch XYjZT TuT 3Np{T T~q OZ}{T XwZ{T $3

Switc+0config2bint ra f&"4724 XwZ{T XU c Switc+0config7if7range2bspanning7tree portfast disable 1isable portfast for t+is interface OX{T ~s X XUrT TuT trunk ;nable portfast on t+e interface e'en in trunk /ode OX{T ~s NOR XUrT TuT
.XqU ij (nter z {Tq XZXZm i}j qT trunk XZm i}j vOR XUrT TuT

Switc+0config7if7range2bspanning7tree portfast trunk

| Zj XwZx z vOR ij r~w{X XkRq OX{T ~s XO N}{T XwZ{T U k~wR {Xr kZ tnT .rm~}{T TV ij

<arning3 portfast s+ould onl- be enabled on ports connected to a single +ost. Connecting +ubs4 concentrators4 switc+es4 bridges4 etc... to t+is interface w+en .portfast is enabled4 can cause te/porar- bridging loops Cse wit+ CACTION
3. Wide Area Network (WAN) Introd#ction to <$N 1-,
kZnT orXpZR O[T{T p{T |x PT NR tT kR qT kRqTr z kZnT NOR kR XjY n qT ... kZnT TV T sq 2X XOT XO |Z{Tq WAN nRqk XO NOR i}n (thernet XwZx tn ,ort#erial NkO wZx { OY{T k XXO{T NYR |{ X O[ }}j mRqk{T ~sq k[T z{T tXj ij XXO{T NYR |Z{T nRqk |sq 0 transitionWAN nRqk NOR NPT ij ... X T &i1er z OYj |Z{T X tT X } &i1er X TZT i}q X}m tZ{T |sq OZwZ{T N k nmRk .andwidth"rotocol XXWAN nRqk z q ..Serial XwZx y{ t tT kZpR WAN NRq YOj nX |x nT i" N}ZR n La!er2 i} N}R WAN nRqk tT s 9outing nRqk iOq XYO Wk{T XXO{T tT Z}{T Xp{T i}R 9outing"rotocol tT s k[nT S|p{Tq La!er ' i} N}R 9outing nRqkq ip TZT kO ij .NTZR Z}{T Xp{T N N[U X{ O{q k[T z{T tXj ij XXO{T NYZx WAN nRqk XjT X j NTZR .0&ra e9ela!= ,,,2 |s Xr |Z{T TV l{T z N}Rq XO XsklmT ijq WAN nRqk ij kOlm oXYs



1e/arcation point



Custo/er !re/iser ;Guip/ent 0C!;2


/ WAN connection t!"e: (1) )edicated lines: 7 T+e link is a'ailable all ti/es all dedicated bandwidt+. 7 No setup procedure before trans/itting data. 7 Onl- support point = to = point connection. 7 %er- eBpensi'e. 7 eB 3 leased line. $4

(2) 0ircuit switching : 7 !ro'ide dedicated bandwidt+ between 2 points. (ut onl- for duration of call. 7 ItEs useful back up connection. 7 Onl- support point = to = point connection. 7 eB.4 analog dial up 0/ode/2 * digital dial up 0IS1N2. (') ,acket switching: 7 ;ac+ 1T; de'ice connects to a Telco using a single p+-sical line wit+ possibilit- of being able to forward traffic to all ot+er sites 0%irtual circuit 2. 7 Support point = to = /ulti point. 7 eB. 3 fra/e rela- 4 AT 4 F2$

1-& <$N protocols 1-&-, 9D%C 29ig! %evel Data %ink Control protocol3
7 ItEs t+e default encapsulation on serial interface of Cisco routers. )outer 0config = if2 b encapsulation 7 !roprietar- protocol. 7 +as no option. +dlc

1-&-& PPP 2 Point = to = Point Protocol 3

7 Standard protocol. 7 !!! options3 17 Co/pression. 27 Call back. 37 ultilink. Cserna/e !assword 47 Aut+entication 0!A! * C6A! 2. /,A,:(,assword Authentication ,rotocol ) Cser na/e !assword Cser na/e !assword

Client Open connection Negotiate options 9C! !A! is ok Cser na/e * password 9C!


Link 0ontrol ,rotocol 09C!2



Cser na/e is 4 password is <elco/e 9C!


Network 0ontrol ,rotocol 0NC!2

1ata flow




7 !A! is a 27wa- +ands+ake process. 7 T+e source sends its user na/e * password in clear teBt. / 0$A, : ( 0hallenge $andshake Authentication ,rotocol )

Cser na/e !assword

Ser'er Open connection Negotiate options 9C!

-ser na e ,assword




C6A! is ok Send user na/e * password 9C! 9C! 9C!


Cser na/e is )ando/ b ( output C+allenge <elco/e 2&& 3&& 1ata flow

9C! NC!
0$A, a 37wa- +ands+ake process.

7 C6A! uses one7wa- +as+ function based on t+e /essage digest 1&& 1&& $ 0 1$2. 2 Aencr-ption 0one7wa-1 C 3 )outer b +as+3 t-pe of encr-ption2. 3&& 2&&

/ 0onfiguration: (1) ,A,: A* 0lient:

5) switc+

0Config = if2 b ;ncapsulation 0Config = if2 b !!! .* #er;er: 0Config2 b Cserna/e 0Config = if2 b !!!
Cser na/e

!!! sent7userna/e @@@@ password !assword !A!

!assword Cserna/e !assword



@@@@. !!!


0Config = if2 b ;ncapsulation



No. of 19CI 5ro/ 1#31&&,

S1 S&


# 2 # 1 # 2 # 1





(2) 0$A,: On bot+3 0Config2 b Cserna/e


@@@@. !!!

!assword !assword @@@@..

0Config = if2 b ;ncapsulation b debug !!!

0Config = if2 b !!! aut+entication aut+entication. 1-&-/ )rame relay 2)(3:

C6A! 0 atc+ ser'er wit+ client2

7 5) is a data link la-er packet switc+ing tec+nolog-. 7 5) supports /ultiple access tec+nolog- depending on t+e concept of 'irtual circuit 0%C2. 7 %irtual circuit 0%C2 is a logical connection between 2 de'ices. 7 5) wit+ %Cs is a good solution if -our router +as a single serial interface but needs to connect to /ultiple CISCO ANSI / )ata Link 0onnection Identifier ()L0I): .:33A 7 ;ac+ %C +as a uniGue local address called 019CI2. <A< destinations. 7 19CIs are a locall- significant.

2&& 3&&



1&& 3 3&&

19CI in 1&& 3&& 9A! = 53 fra/e rela-. 9A! = (3 F.2$ 9A! = 13 IS1N 5lag A)! AC In'erse A)! 19CI 19CI I! I!

!ort in 1 3

5) switc+

19CI out 2&& 2&&

!ort out 2 1






H 9 I 0 9ocal

anage/ent Interface 23

7 Signaling !rotocol between router * 5) switc+. 7 ^eep a li'e * %C status. 7 9 I is local significant. D 9 I t-pe 3 International A/erican Cisco 1 = ITC 0.:33A2 2 = ANSI 0AnneB2 3 = Cisco 0default2
)outer 5) switc+
)0( )0( )T(

0onfiguration of &9:*


* 6n router: which we want to 0Config2 b fra/e7rela* 6n all : 0Config7if2 b ;ncapsulation * If an! of the * 6n &9 switch: 0Config7if2 bencapsulation

ake it &9 switch: 0to act a router as 5) switc+2. 0to displa- encapsulation 5)2 ietf

switc+ing. fra/e7relafra/e7relaNu/ber HH

not 0isco de;ice (standard):

Nu/ber HH 0Config7if2 b fra/e7 relaintf7t-pe 1est. I!


0to displa- interface of 5)S as 1C;2

No. of Access list

* 6n router : ( on the interfaces of the routers No.). of 19CI 0Config7if2 b fra/e7relainterface719CI 0Config7if2 b fra/e7rela- /ap ip 7777dlci7777 77777ip7

;B3 1.& sec

p+one 5ro/ 1#31&&,


19CI fro/ 1# to 1&&,.
S1 S& 0Config2b Int

7 6n &9 switch : ee

0Config7if2 b fra/e7rela- route


.@@. Int @@@. @@. Int @@@.

# 2 # 1

# 2 # 1


@@@ @@@

0On t+e point 12 0On t+e point 22

0Config7if2 b fra/e7rela- route



7 T+e interfaces t+at connected to t+e router can take I! address but t+e interfaces t+at connected wit+ 5) switc+ canEt take I! address because it beco/es deal wit+ la-er 2. 7 Take care t+at t+e all I!s are in t+e sa/e network.
)outer 5) switc+
)T( )0( )0(

5) switc+
)T( )0(


7 If we +a'e two 5) switc+es4 we will put one of t+eir interfaces 1C; and t+e Ot+er 1T; as s+own in t+e figure. > 6n all: Switc+ b s+ I! fra/e7relaroute. 9 I Switc+ b debug fra/e7relaSwitc+ 0config7if2 b fra/e7relaCISCO ANSI .:33A

01ispla- 19CI table2 0/onitoring for 9 I2 0To c+ange t+e 9 I t-pe2.

9 I7t-pe @@@@..

7 T+e 9 I t-pes are Cisco4 ansi and .:33A. 7 <e put .:33A in t+e co//and wit+out dot 0 :33A2. H Integrated Ser'ice 1igital Network 0IS1N23 7 IS1N is a circuit switc+ing digital dial up connection tec+nolog-. 7 ItEs a standard t+at define +ow 'oice * data connection can be setup across digital links. 7 It uses t+e so/e analog link of telep+one line4 using T1 H IS1N t-pes 3 12 IS1N ()I 0 (asic )ate Interface 23
2. > )

0 Ti/e 1i'ision

ultipleBing 2 to

di'ide single p+-sical c+annel to /ultiple logical c+annels.

T(1 (ter inal equi" ent t!"e 1) Nati;e IS1N ()I rate M 0 2 S K #4 2 D 1# M 144 kbps. I#)N Network Network I#)N (ri. 0 !ri/ar- )ate Interface 22 IS1N !)I 23 2 ter/ination t-pe 1 de;ice ter/ination t-pe switch 0 in A/erica 2 !)I"T13NT 23( D 1 T M 023K #42 D #4 MC 1.$44 /bps. NT1 2 S Connects /ultiple 0onnects !our 0 in ;urope 2 !)I"; 3 3&( D 21 M 03&K #42 D 02K #42 M 2.&4. /bps. 1 I#)N de;ice to de'ices toget+er 06ub2 ) Ter inal carrier network Non Ada"tor (TA) H 5unctional group and reference points37 (I#)N ode ) nati;e T(2 I#)N de;ice

( c+annel 3 0 1ata c+annel 2 carr- users data M #4 kbps. 0,( 1 c+annel 3 0 control c+annel 2 for call setup * call /anage/ent M 1# kbps.


If we ha;e one T(

#7T .ri.



ode : con'erts fro/ digital to analog or fro/ analog to digital. switc+7t-pe @@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@.. 0 as later 2

0Config2 b IS1N

0Config2 b Access7list 0Config2 b Int 0Config7if2 b I! 0Config7if2 b No 0Config7if2 b dialer 0Config7if2 b dialer 0Config7if2 b dialer (ri address

@@@@. !!!
Nu/ber HH


s+utdown group @@@@@.

Nu/ber HH list @@@@. !rotocol @@@ I!

0Config7if2 b ;ncapsulation


No. of Access list


Idle7ti/eout I!

;B3 1.& sec

0Config7if2 b dialer /ap Route su--ari8atio+:

1est. I!

@@@@@@. Speed




7 ItEs t+e abilit- to +a'e a single I! address representing a collection of continuous I! subnets. 7 ItEs su//ariLing t+e I! subnets to a certain /a]or network I1. 3d4a+tage : 7 1ecrease routing o'er+ead. * Classless .+ter !o-ai+ Routi+g 1C.!R) 7 grouping of /a]or network I!s to a single CI1) block. 0config7if2 b bandwidt+ @@@. 0If we want to c+ange t+e bandwidt+ of t+e interface2


.-Management Network Devices

2#.1D9CP 2Dynamic 9ost Con"ig#ration Protocol

XP X{ suT tT |} kO T~q 0XP $&&2 lj Xw{T PV ij kOm U ij vj p{T tR XjY {~mq OORXjRT r PT N{ i" SXX |{)$0, Z {~{ p{T |x XP N{ i" X[U Tq tT {uq )$0, j NmXpj XOx NwO Xmkp{T ij kOlm {~m iX{ i" SX ij mXZ Nw {~{ 0)#L9outer2 lj OORXjRT r XOx Nj )$0, t Xp{X X{T PT oXYs t tT kOxkO z Nj )$0, oXYs tXm TuT qT kRqTk{T z N}{T )$0, iOq vYO rXR Rk v y~ Xj T~sq askaddress q su1net z{T XYZxkj Yx ...p{T i} Tq )$0, oXYs t tT .vR i} y~{T U{Tq i" k[Tq ip qT xkj XYY} )$0, |Rq NjXZ{ sXP yV )$0, Rk vO Nj .!)efault XT s Xw{T |x p{T rXm tT O{T ij .vO )$0, NOZ{ XP N{ Xs~{ XZw x T~q )$0, Rk ij i" z{T Xs~{Tq ,ro"erties vX[ z [{Tq p{T rXm z{T Xs~{T Y q{T |x lj s Uw}{T rXOZ[nT tT Y (Internet,rotocolGersion + (T0,7I,+ .61tainanI,addressauto aticall! Zq kRqTk{T z{T s~ T~s XY{Xlj |x

)outer0config2bint f&"& )outer0config7if2bip add 1&.&.&.1 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )outer0config7if2bno s+

su1net Z}R wZx Nm kRqTk{T Y #u1net z tXZwZx Pn vT kRqTk{T |x j S| XY{ iw X ...Zj z yZwq ,ool z} i"range Nmq T{T )$0, |x Z{i"range ij klmT PqT tT ij |YY} T~sq XR |s |Z{T wZ{T ij k ,ool Nmq kRqTk{T z ,ool ij klmT PqT tT OZT |YT zY}5ask q su1net ."ool XO{T |}ZY |Z{T su1net z{T 3Z )$0, NOZ{ tnT

)outer0config2bip d+cp pool a+/ed

... config wj z dhc" NOR Z tT n qT .p{T tXj qT { T |R tT N N}{T |x X ah ed s XYs "ool z{T z}{T nT

)outer0d+cp7config2bnetwork 1&.&.&.& 2$$.2$$.2$$.& i" { Z{T Xq T Uw |{ i"range yV )outer0d+cp7config2bdefault7router 1&.&.&.1

ask qsu1net vX R XYs

.Z{ XYj kw |Z{T wZ{T tTY vO XYs |{ wZ Yx Nj kO dhc" Rk tT Y #i ulator N[TU XYnq XY{Xlj |x PT z{T s~ tnT .dhc" ij i" w O} z}R XYs i" z w{T O} OXr 1" -isco$er i w{ XpZT N} Xw{T XP p{T N[TU d+cp #" )epl&

)$0, {X X{T i" s T~sq Xxq UPj vX p{X UPj tXm TuTdhc" N ij Uk{T O} (" )e1!est )$0, |x y~{T pool {T ij i" ij kRO}{T XP /" Acknowledg%ent i" vOq Xw{T XP z Uk )$0, 9e"l! O} |{ )$0, vjZ y~{T sq #, X}sq Tq O{q 0,ort2 r tXYT ZR O}{T ~s {~{ .)$0, ij i" z vk i NT y~{T #. |Xl{Tq kjnT T~s XZm k i {uq )N#ser;er )$0, NY XjT i" z N X{T tnT )outer0config2bip d+cp pool a+/ed XYPk[ XYm TuT"ool z{T [{ )outer0d+cp7config2bdns7ser'er ... "ool T~s i} vR Z y~{T i")N#ser;er s T~s UXq )$0, Rk SXX Yx XY{Xlj |x Y{X XjT ... NOpR UX N}q Xw{T PV z{T s~ {u .)N# SX R vT kY Xs X XP Nm |x vOpR i" R tT i}nq ip X{ t tT Xmq 9outer ij klmT {~mq #er;er ij klmT p{T |x XY{ iw tnT {~mq }{T su1net i} ij i" T~s t tTq Xq ip X{ Uw tT yV -Ow kO T~x )$0, k i z{T XX Z |Z{T i" z{T UXZT Z tX )$0, z{T SX {~{ ... |X XP yV z{T vX Zn ..kjnT T~s k ii" ~s w {uq 9outers {~mq ser;ers )outer0d+cp7config2bip d+cp eBcluded7address 1&.&.&.2 1&.&.&.1& T~s i} ZR nq Xsw tT k |Z{T i"range j XYOT tnTq .... XYPk[ XYm TuT"ool i} N[ X .OORX}RqT r "ool R vT kYq X XP Nm |x vOpR UXq )$0, Rk SXX q Xw{T PV z{T s~ XY{Xlj |xq .Z}{T i" i} ij XX u[Q}{T i" tXm TuT Z}{T kO ij k[T vXTq i" kOOR kjnT T~s Z )$0, N ij v}{T i" sXp}{q )outerbs+ow ip d+cp binding SNMp .-& R k[ mRqk ij rj mRqk sq Tk}{T O} O{ 1:.. X SN ! {T mRqk kR |x V{T R i k[ mRqk SXPq Si/ple 8atewa- anage/ent !rotocol qV S8 ! v}V 1:., X kR C I! secure Co//on anage/ent Infor/ation !rotocol sqSN ! tXj Nw vT O}{T NXq Tq XX z N} vm X{T z V Np vZO{Xx V SN ! {T tm TkOlm q { kO[T i{ iO} z{T SN ! {T mRqk Ow{T |xq Network co/ponent2p{T Xj TV O}P j N}{ |Xl{T {T XjV {T X{T 4Z{T 4kRqk{T Nlj vZTkj UTk}{T X{T XYs sq kxkO{T qT Agent zq qT {T Agent {T ij XXO{T Z y~{T X{ sq NO}{T qV Network anage/ent Station 2N S

SN ! {T N} Om
Application 9a-er X{T {T nmRqk V s mRqk{T T~s tV |sq Xxk tT zZ{T OXnT SXOT z nqV ZY{ |sq NO}{Tq kxk{T iO NTZ{ NXk{T ij TV }[ Z sq 1#2 * 1#1 r{T [ ijq Xr{ C1!"I! {T Zq 8;T4 8;T7N;FT4 8;T7);S!ONS;4 S;T4 and T)A! X}mq 8et7)esponse N z }{T Nk rq sq Agent {T z{T 8et /essage XrQ Tk}{T V tT NO}{T k XjYx jUX{T r{T ij k


TkOOZ}{T ij }{T z w{T |x kq Tk}{T O} XZ tV k XjY |x 8et7NeBt {Xk{ Y{X XjV

}O kOOR kxkO{T z kOOR yV q X |x wR Z S|p{ Xj Agent {T ij |{ NO}{T N ij NkR Set {T {Xr

sq 9ink 1own"Cp2 N}{T i r R lj Tk}{T X{ |x Xj S| q X |x Agent {T N ij NkR Trab T {Xr 1#1 r{T z NkR NXk{T |X X}YO 1#2 r{T z Xk {Xw{T ~s |x

N[V{T ij SN ! {T N} Om XY{ kpR jUX{T r{Tq


I( |x vq NO}{T ij {T ~[Q Agent {T tV XY{ -Zq NO}{T z{T }{T Xj}{T XrQ I( {T rqq anage/ent Infor/ation (ase Zj TrTV SN ! {q SN !'1 SN !'2 SN !'3 {Tq |RrO{Tq ijT rjV { xXX kmV Xjj N}wR OZR zZ{T 8et7(ulk | 8et7NeBt TZT R |Xl{T rTT |x rjT xXV R x 2&&4 X ~Yj |{Xw{T XYZq |x Z}{T sq {Xl{T rTT XjV 1::, X rT R q Tk}{T TO}j ij Nlj Aut+entication !ri'acaccess control y~{T r}{T Z}{T |X}{T jXk{T T~s N}wR tV Y} i{ X{T vRTO}j v{ jXk N{q TP kOlm |x jZ}{T jTk{ Y{Xq {X O Z{T qV kRqk{T [ ij kR zZ{T OxTkZ{T httposs.oetiker.chmrtg XYs ij vO}wR OZR kO PkZj z{T XZw qYq z vZOlZ{q httpstrawberrySperl.googlecode.comfilesstrawberrySperlS./0././.msi O{XZ{T kjTqT XZ Rq 0O2kRqk{ s~Rq kXj |{T z jXk{T i {T R kO OlR CiscoEs IOS interface 5ast;t+ernet1"&

ip address 1:2.1#..1.2 2$$.2$$.2$$.& no s+utdown dupleB auto speed auto sn/p7ser'er co//unit- networkset )&
|{XZ{T }{T z N[UV q{T ij Xs 1os Co//and C3d/rtg72.1#.3dbin |{XZ{T kjT XZ q 1os Co//and perl cfg/aker networkset1:2.1#..1.2=global f<ork1ir3 c3dwwwd/rtgg =output /rtg.cfg kjT T~s ZmV jXk{T NOpZ{q 1os Co//and perl /rtg /rtg.cfg 6t/l j sXpR C3dwwwd/rtg z{V vPR Xsq kj qV vOpZ } X |x |O S| T~sq SX[T kR Tk}{T X{ OXT sXq vwZ

X{T kjnT ~OYZ OX kj XZY{T wZ R |{q 1os Co//and perl /rtg /rtg.cfg {T |Vq }O{T [ ij kRqk{T j vkRq 9oopback Interface N} R tV OXj Nm 8NS3 z }{T kR UrV {q O{XZ{T r{X -j s X}m 1:2.1#..1.1 |nT 9oopback


>NTP >Network Time Protocol .-/

Set t+e ti/e on t+e de'ices 'ia NT! ser'er To s+ow ti/e on t+e router )outerbs+ow clock To set t+e ti/e on t+e router /anuall)outerbset clock ++3//3ss 1a- ont+ -ear 9ike )outerbset clock &.3&&3&& 12 ]an 2&14 To set t+e NT! ser'er and /ake routers update ti/e auto/aticall-

And configure t+e routers to take ti/e fro/ NT! ser'ers )outer0config2bntp ser'er 1&.&.&.1 ip of ntp ser'er

.-+ Syslog klmT P XT&T, jXk k i Xq 9outer z yk Xj Nmq TT NOR vZOq mRqk sq #!slog ~xX oXYs Y T&T, jXk X z{T XYsu TuXx ... skT s T~s i{q T&T, kO NOZ{ jXk ij 3Zq kRqTk{T z{T s~ tnT ... #er;er

a+/ed0config2blogging 1:2.1#..1.12& .XXP |x UPj Xj ip T~sq T&T, jXk yw y~{T X{X X{T ip T~s a+/ed0config2blogging on .XXO{T N V jXk{T tXx XZ { tTq zZ {T ~s z{T yUO T~sq kRqTk{T )A z XXO{T iR Z T&T, jXk z{T {T |x pj N TuT XjT 3kjnT T~s k i j{T ~{ jZ}{T X}{T wZ Y T~{ Tk{T Xj oZT a+/ed0config2blogging buffered 1#34. .T P }j [ ~sq Tk{T z XXO{T ~s t{ Uw}{T X}{T Om1#34. 3kjnT T~s ~OYZ Yx kRqTk{T Tr z X[ R |Z{T TnT sXpj XUrT TuT XjT a+/ed0config2bs+ logging N[TU XsUXT i} T{ Xj t[ R vT #!slog#er;er ~xX |xq T&T, jXk z{T Xs~{T Y {~m XsO}R i}q {T |x kRqTr ij klmn TT iR i} {~mq vOx X{T X}{T t[ R y~{T }{T .fro U} wR P y~{Tq r}{T ip k i Net)low .-1 XXO{T NOwZ jXk{T T~s q ... #olarwinds mk |sq Xp{T jTk{T Xmk kT ij mkp{ jXk{T T~s Zq kZnT z{T s~Yx OXj kZx |x i{q |Xj O{ sq Y{T ij T~s jXk{T N}w ... TnTq R Xsq RXjj XZ{ w kR NO}wZ{T Y{ rXZq solarwinds realti e netflow anal!Her .jXk{T NO}wR z jXk{T j |x nT ~s z {T k i jXk yQm N vOYR kq vOYZ jXk{T NO}wR .jXk{T Np Xs #olarWinds9ealti eNet&lowAnal!Her 3kjTqT ~s [ ij UTX Vq kRqTk{T z{T s~ tnT a+/ed0config2bint f&"& a+/ed0config7if2bip route7cac+e flow .wZ{T ~s z Netflow XYx iw T~s 3XXO{T ij vOZ tT k Xj rXZq kjnT T~s Z tnT c a+/ed0config7if2bip flow egress ;nable outbound Net5low wZ{T ~s ij PrX{T XXO{T NOZ VT ingress ;nable inbound Net5low wZ{T ~s ij [T{T XXO{T NOZ VT /onitor Appl- a 5low onitor to t+is interface a+/ed0config7if2bip flow egress a+/ed0config7if2bip flow7eBport 'er $ $ s knTq $ q : tTrT oXYs a+/ed0config2bip flow7cac+e ti/eout acti'e 1 OU 1 Nm TnT NOZ VT a+/ed0config2bip flow7cac+e ti/eout inacti'e 1$ kZT Xjj T ZR {q OU 1$ rqkj TuT Yj XRnT a+/ed0config2bip flow7eBport destination 1:2.1#..1.1&3 :::# i{q :::# X O klmT s T~sq !ort yV [ ijqX{T ip SXX XXO{T NOZ O XP yV z v{ Uw NnT |x Netflow jXk ~xX |x Listen on "ort X[ |x UPj v s !ort T~s t tT a+/ed0config2bip flow7eBport source f&"& |x wZx yV ij kR XXO{T v{ Uw tnT kRqTk{T r z zT ijq wZ{T Uwq XO Yx wZ{T XXO Pq vT Y Netflow jXk z{T s~ tnT XXO Nm NOR Vq NO XXO{T j XOx k kZT wm ~xX XY{ kR |{ #tart &low 0a"ture .kRqTk{T z wR |Z{T

7(' T#nnel .-.

8eneric )outing ;ncapsulation 08);2 is one of t+e a'ailable tunneling /ec+anis/s w+ic+ uses I! as t+e transport protocol and can be used for carr-ing /an- different passenger protocols. T+e tunnels be+a'e as 'irtual point7to7point links t+at +a'e two endpoints identified b- t+e tunnel source and tunnel destination addresses at eac+ endpoint. T+e below diagra/ s+ows encapsulation process of 8); packet

0onfiguring 89( Tunnel

To create and 'erif- t+e 8); tunnel between t+e two networks.)1Es and )2Es Internal subnets01:2.1#..1.&"24 and 1:2.1#..2.&"242 are co//unicating wit+ eac+ ot+er using 8); tunnel o'er internet.(ot+ Tunnel 3 interfaces are part of t+e 1,2.1#.1.&"24 network.5irst step is to create our tunnel interface on )1 and )2 91 92 )10config2b interface Tunnel1 )10config7if2b ip address 1,2.1#.1.1 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )10config7if2b ip /tu 14&& )10config7if2b ip tcp ad]ust7/ss 13#& )10config7if2b tunnel source )10config7if2b tunnel destination )20config2b interface Tunnel1 )20config7if2b ip address 1,2.1#.1.2 2$$.2$$.2$$.& )20config7if2b ip /tu 14&& )20config7if2b ip tcp ad]ust7/ss 13#& )20config7if2b tunnel source )20config7if2b tunnel destination #.

Since 8); is an encapsulating protocol4 we ad]ust t+e /aBi/u/ transfer unit 0/tu2 to 14&& b-tes and /aBi/u/ seg/ent siLe 0/ss2 to 13#& b-tes. (ecause /ost transport TCs are 1$&& b-tes and we +a'e an added o'er+ead because of 8);4 we /ust reduce t+e TC to account for t+e eBtra o'er+ead. A setting of 14&& is a co//on practice and will ensure unnecessar- packet frag/entation is kept to a /ini/u/. After configuring tunnel4two tunnel endpoints can see eac+ ot+er can 'erif- using an ic/p ec+o fro/ one end. )1b ping 1,2.1#.1.2 T-pe escape seGuence to abort. Sending $4 1&&7b-te IC ! ;c+os to 1,2.1#.1.24 ti/eout is 2 seconds3 Success rate is 1&& percent 0$"$24 round7trip /in"a'g"/aB M 1"2"4 /s <orkstations on eit+er network will still not be able to reac+ t+e ot+er side unless a routing is configure on eac+ router.6ere <e will configure static route on bot+ router. 91(config)E i" route 1B2.1A4.2.2 1?2.1A.1.2 92(config)E i" route 1B2.1A4.1.2 1?2.1A.1.1 Now bot+ networks 01:2.1#..1.&"24 and 1:2.1#..2.&"242 are able to freel- co//unicate wit+ eac+ ot+er o'er t+e 8); Tunnel .

.-+ Intro to *PN

allows connecti'it- to pri'ate networks across t+e Internet4 enabling pri'ac- and tunneling of non7TC!"I! protocols. T+is i/age s+ow access to t+e re/ote network ser'ices and ser'ers as if /- +ost were rig+t t+ere on t+e sa/e %9AN as /- ser'ers.
virt#al private network 2*PN3

(enefits of %!Ns 1. Security %!Ns can pro'ide 'er- good securit- b- using ad'anced encr-ption and aut+entication !rotocols like I!sec and SS9 2. 0ost #a;ings not like t+e traditional leased point7to7point lines #:

3. Scalabilit4. 0o "ati1ilit! with 1road1and technolog! (ncr!"tion techniques to G,N 1. #! etric encr!"tion like 1ata ;ncr-ption Standard 01;S24 Triple 1;S 031;S24 and Ad'anced ;ncr-ption Standard 0A;S2. 2. As! etric encr!"tion like )i'est4 S+a/ir4 and Adle/an 0)SA2 I"sec secure data trans/ission o'er an I!7based network and functions at t+e la-er 3* 7can`t be used to encr-pt non7I! traffic. T+is /eans t+at if -ou +a'e to encr-pt non7I! traffic4 -ou`ll need to create a 8eneric )outing ;ncapsulation 08);2 tunnel for and t+en use I!sec to encr-pt t+at tunnel 7securit- protocols used b- I!sec are Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP).

IPv. -4



)est. I,


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