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Review your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher in terms of theteacher / training cycle.

My role as a teacher involves numerous responsibilities which include: planning andpreparing sessions; making the sessions fun and inspirational; maintaining a positivelearning environment; being supportive; acting as a role model; enabling learners tofeel safe; being inclusive; being friendly and approachable; facilitatingcommunication; providing constructive criticism; giving learners the tools to findanswers for themselves; applying a variety of learning styles to teaching;empowering learners to feel they can achieve their potential; assessing learning andgood understanding; applying relevant information and knowledge; liaising withmoderators and organisations; providing detailed feedback and opportunity for learners to discuss their learning; and administration. A ma or part of my role issetting and maintaining boundaries. !his is discussed below through a focus on theteacher/training cycle based on the learning cycle as developed by "olb #$%&'(. )t isimportant for me to be clear about my role as a teacher as part of my duty of care tomy learners. As part of the course ) am teaching ) would follow the five inter*connected stages of the teacher cycle: identify needs; plan and design; deliver; assess; and evaluate.+e,t, ) will address how ) will work through each stage in helping to define my roleand responsibilities as a teacher. -hilst working through these stages of theteaching cycle, it would be important for me to develop and maintain my boundariesas a teacher throughout the cycle.My ac tions in the first stage of identifying needs would be to begin ....with the needsof the learner and the learning outcomes they need to achieve.../ #0aurillard, 12$2,p.3(. ) would seek to gain an understanding of my learners4 capabilities by obtaining their application forms or records and looking at their 5ualifications, educational andprofessional e,perience and special needs re5uirements. )n addition, ) wouldadminister a learning styles 5uestionnaire as an integral part of the course anddiscuss with the learners their preferences and needs in relation to the course. Another method ) would use in the first session would be to assign a piece of work inorder that ) be able to ascertain their approach, strengths and understanding early in 6age 1 6!!07 Assignment 1 8 Role and Responsibilities 8 9anuary 12$$ 8 Aminder " +i ar the course, wh ich will help me better meet learners4 needs. )f appropriate, ) may also administer a literacy and numeracy assessment and use the results to gain an insight to the learners4 competencies and needs. )n the first stage of the cycle in which learners4 needs would be identified, ) would need to ensure that ) do notinfluence the learners in any way so as to bias the outcomes. :y setting an activity, )would then step back and allow them to be honest in identifying their needs.!he second stage of planning and designing would

involve me considering thelength of the course and of each lesson; the syllabus and assessments; theresources available during class #for e,ample a teaching room with computers for each student and a screen at the front of the class( and that students can accessaway from the class #for e,ample the internet(; the outcomes from the first stage#identifying needs(; the re5uirements of the awarding body for the course; a lessonplan for each session; and ) would practise the delivery. )t would be worthwhile for me to spend some time especially on considering the results of the preferredlearning styles 5uestionnaires, and as much as possible integrating a range of teaching methods to suit the four distinct learning preferences as defined by ;oneyand Mumford #1222(, as Activist, !heorist, 6ragmatist and Reflector. )n this planningand designing stage of the cycle, ) would maintain my boundaries by allocating tasksand responsibilities to my learners and myself appropriately, taking into account their needs identified within the first stage.!he third stage would involve me actually delivering what ) had developed in thesecond stage. Although ) would have planned the sessions, it would be important for me to remain fle,ible and not assume that ) now know and can predict everything.6arts of sessions may need to be adapted due to unforeseen circumstances such ase,treme weather, a learner being ill or e5uipment not working. )n this delivery stage,) would need to also maintain boundaries, for e,ample during a group*based activity;) would adopt a facilitative approach, as opposed to directing learners.)n the fourth stage, even when there is no formal assessment as part of the course, )would integrate assessment into the course as advocated by 0aurillard #12$2( as it ....functions as a bridge between teaching and learning/ #p.<(. ) would take ongoing responsibility of behaviour management within the session and ensure an open 6age = 6!!07 Assignment 1 8 Role and Responsibilities 8 9anuary 12$$ 8 Aminder " +i ar dialogue is maintained with the learners in which ) address their 5uestions andconcerns. >uring this assessment phase, boundaries would again feature, as it is paramount that the assessment reveals the learner4s true position and progress on the course, and not ust what ) want or e,pect the learners to have achieved.!he fifth stage would be for me to evaluate the session and the course. ) would do this by gaining learners4 opinions in a formal #for e,ample end of course 5uestionnaire( and informally within, at the end of and at the beginning of eachsession; writing a self*reflective paper; analysing the outcomes of the course, for e,ample by comparing the learning outcomes achieved against those set at thebeginning of the course and the assessment results; and re5uesting feedback frommy manager or peers. !his evaluation would help me to identify areas for improvement and help me understand if ) had fulfilled my role and responsibilities asa teacher throughout the course. !his self* reflection would re5uire a level of honestyon my part. ) would use the outcomes of the evaluation to support my professionaldevelopment and to directly inform my ne,t course.-ithin this final evaluation stage, ) would need managing to maintain boundaries,

aslearners would be assessing the course and ) would be conducting a self*assessment. :oth elements would be important, but ) would be careful not to influence learners4 feedback by asking for their independent feedback, with the choice of anonymity as well as through discussion. -ord count: $21= words References ;oney, 6. and Mumford, A. #1222( !he 0earning 7tyles ;elper4s ?uide ,Maidenhead: 6eter ;oney 6ublications 0td"olb, >. A. #$%&'( @,periential 0earning: @,perience as the source of learning and development, +ew 9ersey: 6rentice ;all0aurillard, >. #12$2( An Approach to Aurriculum >esign : 0ondon, )nstitute of @ducation, Bniversity of 0ondon

7ummarise the key aspects of current legislative re5uirements and codes ofpractice relevant to your sub ect and the type of organisation within which youwork. !here are a wide range of legislative re5uirements surrounding teaching and codesof practice. Aurrent legislation that directly links to my teaching and the organisationwithin which ) work will be discussed.!he ;ealth and 7afety at -ork Act $%<' re5uires me to ensure that the learningenvironment for my learners is safe. !o do this, ) would familiarise myself with thecollege policy and within my induction ) would include reference to any potentialhaCards such as loose carpet within the classroom. !hroughout the course, ) wouldbe aware of factors such as lighting, direct sunlight, temperature and amke thenecessary ad ustments or announcements.)n accordance with !he Management of ;ealth and 7afety at -ork Regulations$%%%, ) would check that learners and ) wear college identity cards at all times, reportany issues with signage around the college and familiarise with college layout andwith staff personnel. As part of my duty of care, ) would be responsible for Risk Assessment and wouldtherefore inform the appropriate personnel of any potential haCards ) see either in myclassroom or the college premises #including the car park(.-hilst the learners ) work with are older adults, ) would still be aware of !he Ahild6rotection ?uidelines and the 6rotection of Ahildren Act $%%%, and would attend the necessary training, learn who the college4s perso n responsible for safeguarding isand how ) can contact them and report any learner or staff disclosure that ) maywitness. ) have and would maintain an up*to*date AR: check. !he @very AhildMatters 1223 Act also does not directly relate to the learners ) work with, however aas a college employee ) would need to be aware of this Act and know where torefer for further details, especially if ) am re5uired to provide cover for another teacher4s lesson which may include younger learners. 6age 1 6!!07 Assignment D 8 0egislation 8 Eebruary 12$$ 8 Aminder " +i ar !he >isability >iscrimination Act $%%3 and onwards and !he 7@+>A 8 7pecial@ducational +eeds and >isability Act 122$ re5uire me to make my lessonsaccessible both in terms of the physical space within which they are held and theresources and activities ) use. ) also need to make any additional support availablewhere appropriate.!he Aopyright guidelines and Aopyrights , >esigns and 6atents act $%%% and 122=mean that ) need to be careful about the amount of photocopying ) may do from anyone source and that ) need to reference sources appropriately. !his will also set agood e,ample to my learners, from whom ) will also e,pect accurate referencing. As ) will have access to and contribute to learner #student( records, which includepersonal information, !he >ata 6rotection Act $%%& is relevant to

my work. ) willkeep any information pertaining to my learners confidential and secure. -hendisposing of records, this will be done by shredding.My role as a teacher and a Aollege employee automatically lead me to a >uty of Aare towards my learners and other learners of the Aollege.)n accordance with !he @5uality Act 12$2 and @5ual Fpportunity legislation whichincludes: !he 7e, >iscrimination Act #7>A( $%<3 #amended $%&D( and RaceRelations Act $%<D and Race Relations #Amendment( Act 1222, ) would abide thelegal re5uirements and treat every learner with the same respect and learningopportunities and challenge any reference to anti*discriminative behaviour or references within my lessons. Also, as advocated by ?ravells and 7impson #122%(, )would embed e5uality and diversity within my course, and where appropriateaddress this topic within lessons #such as positive action and employment(.-ithin the college, there are various procedures and policies, such as anti*bullying.!hese include guidelines on disciplinary actions, which ) would need to be familiar with, should the need to take such action arise. Fn a more general note, ) wouldneed to be consistent in my approach to discipline within my lessons, as advocatedby Rogers # 122=(, which would include how ) dealt with any issues over the collegedress code. 6age = 6!!07 Assignment D 8 0egislation 8 Eebruary 12$$ 8 Aminder " +i ar As an employee, ) have conditions of employment and an employment contractwhich re5uire both the college and me to conduct ourselves professionally. ;ours,rates of pay, holidays and notification period for resignation are included and need tobe followed.!he 00B" standards are a useful resource, as is the )f0, as discussed by ?ravellsand 7impson #12$2(, especially in relation to the 122< Regulations and 0icensed6ractitioners.!he )f0 is very helpful to me as a teacher within E@, as it helps me to keep up*to*datewith developments within teaching and the E@ sector, encourages me to maintain ahigh 5uality of work and is a resource for further professional development. !he )A?, A?AA7, +)AA@, A7@! also provide this support within the field of employability inthe B". -ord count: <%$ words References ?ravells, A. and 7impson, 7. #122%( @5uality and >iversity in the 0ifelong 0earning 7ector: @,eter , 0earning Matters 0td?ravells, A. and 7impson, 7. #12$2( 6lanning and @nabling 0earning in the 0ifelong 0earning 7ector, 7econd @dition: @,eter , 0earning Matters 0tdRogers, :. #122=( @ffective 7upply !eaching: :ehaviour Management, Alassroom >iscipline and Aolleague 7upport: 0ondon, 7age 6ublications

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