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The National Teachers College Quiapo, Manila

Respiratory System: Allergic Rhinitis

A case study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the sub ect


&resented to: &rof' #ouise (laine Caranto

&resented by: Resurreccion, )he* Mari R' Sanche+, Christopher Michael C' Se,illa, -im.#ee T'

Chapter /: 0NTR"12CT0"N

Allergic Rhinitis is an allergic inflammation of the nasal air3ays' 0t occurs 3hen an allergen, such as pollen, dust or animal dander 4particles of shed s5in and hair6 is inhaled by and indi,idual 3ith a sensiti+ed immune system' 0n such indi,iduals, the allergen triggers the production of the antibody immunoglobulin ( 40g(6, 3hich binds to mast cells and basophils containing histamine' And if specifically caused by grass pollens, it is 5no3n as 7hay fever8'

a6 1efinition of Terms: 9 Allergy : A hypersensiti,e state acquired through e*posure to a particular allergen, re e*posure bringing to light an altered capacity to react' 9 1ust Mites : Microscopic arachnids that is related to spiders that eats animal s5in' 9 ;ypersensiti,ity : A state of altered reacti,ity in 3hich the body reacts 3ith an e*aggerated immune response to 3hat is percei,ed as a foreign substance 9 0mmunoglobulin ( 40g(6 : a class of antibodies most abundant in tissue spaces, in,ol,ed in the e*pulsion of intestinal parasites and causing allergic reactions by acti,ating by the release of histamines and leu5otrienes in response to certain foreign antigens' b6 Research <rame3or5: /' Researched about Allergic Rhinitis' =' Searched for the person inflicted 3ith Allergic Rhinitis' >' $athered personal information about the sub ect, such as: family bac5ground, symptoms, and medicine that the sub ect ta5es' ?' Nasal and s5in test for the allergy' @' <indings about the disease' A' Conclusions'

B' &resentation'

The Research 1iagram

Chapter =: R(C0(D "< R(#AT(1 #0T(RAT2R(

Allergic Rhinitis 4AR6 is a common manifestation of allergic diseases affecting appro*imately /E.=@F of the 3orld population' The symptom of AR includes rhinorrhea, nasal obstraction, nasal itching, and snee+ing' The symptoms are re,ersible and are caused spontaneously by e*posure to allergens and triggering factors or 3hilst under treatment' Allergic Rhinitis is a ma or air3ay disease, 3hich causes morbidity and significantly impairs a patientGs ability to function and their quality life' 0t is also associated 3ith other conditions such asH asthma, sinusitis, anosmia, nasal polyps, lo3er air3ay infection, and e,en dental malocclusion' 0nternal Rhinitis Management Dor5ing $roup /II?H Spector /IIBH Canonica et al /IIJH Ater et al /III'

Allergic Rhinitis is caused frequently by e*posure to perennial or seasonal allergens that e*ist in our indoor and outdoor en,ironment' Among the most common allergens, pollen 4grass trees, and 3eeds6 are the predominant cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis' ;ouse dust, mites, pets, and molds are the ma or causes of perennial allergic rhinitis' ;o3e,er, in tropical and subtropical countries pollen may become a perennial allergen' Recently, the document Allergic Rhinitis and its 0mpact to Asthma 4AR0A6, 3hich 3as de,eloped in collaboration 3ith the Dorld ;ealth "rgani+ation 4D;"6, has recommended to replace the old terms 7seasonal8 and 7perennial8 rhinitis by 70ntermittent Allergic Rhinitis8 and 7&ersistent Allergic Rhinitis8, respecti,ely' 1urham et al /II=H Carney et al /II=

Chapter > T;( S2K)(CT

Name: Christopher C' Sanche+ 1ate of Kirth: April =A, /I@B Age: @A "ccupation: Retired Soldier

About the sub ect: Married a biology teacher for >B years' ;e came from a family 3ho has a asthma' ;is mother is the apparent affected 3ith Allergic Rhinitis' Dhere of his @ siblings are all also affected of this disease called Allergic Rhinitis and e*cluding him from asthma' Sub ecti,e: The sub ect says that he had the follo3ing symptoms since he 3as a child "b ecti,e: "ne of the researchers ha,e a chance to see that these symptoms really e*perienced by the sub ect since the sub ect 3as his father'

The symptom includes the follo3ing: a' Congested nose b' <requent snee+ing c' Runny nose d' Mild difficulty in breathing e' 0tchiness of s5in f' Teary eyes g' #oss of sense of taste and smell

The Sub ect uses anti.histamines for his Allergic Rhinitis and his doctor prescribes Ketamethasone cream for his s5in asthma'

LT;( <AM0#% &(1($R((M


2NA<<(CT(1 MA#(

MA#( D0T; A##(R$0C R;0N0T0S

2NA<<(CT(1 <(MA#(

<(MA#( D0T; A##(R$0C R;0N0T0S

&edro Sanche+

Amalia Sanche +


&edro Sanche+ )r'

(li+abeth de Asis

Christopher Sanche+

Roberto Sanche+

Amelita Custodio

Teresita Maniare s


Crissal Sanche+

Christopher Michael Sanche+

Aaron Sanche+

)oshua Sanche+

Chapter ?: C"NC(&T S%NT;(S0S The most probable allergen for this Rhinitis is dust mites' Kecause 3e conducted a nasal and s5in test using > suspected allergens, 3hich is pollen, dog hair and dust mites' Though ,ery small in si+e, adult and engrossed dust mites can be seen using a magnifying glass' ;e immediately snee+ed ,igorously and in succession upon inducted inhalation of the dust mite' #ater itchiness de,eloped after /@ minutes for the s5in test'

There is still no conclusi,e e*planation if genetics play a ma or role in acquiring this type of allergy, though it can be obser,ed that there is a pattern in that offspring has a tendency to acquire this allergy from inflicted parents'


A##(R$0 C R;0N0T0 S

EFFE CTS Nasal Congestion Sneezing

Pollen Dust mites

Animal Dander

Teary Eyes

Difficulty in breathing hinorrhea Loss of sense of Loss of smellof sense

Chapter @: R(CC"M(N1AT0"N

To pre,ent the occurrence of this 5ind of allergy, constant and efficient cleaning of the entire house for dust mites thri,es on human and animal dead s5in' Cleanliness may lo3er the population of the said arachnid and thus lo3er instances of Allergic Rhinitis' The affected indi,idual should also stay a3ay form animals that produce dander also for pre,ention of the said Allergy'

K0K#0"$RA&;%: 9 9 The diagnosis and management of rhinitis: an updated practice parameter' J Allergy Clin Immunol. =EEJ Aug:==4=6' Allergen immunotherapy J Allergy Clin Immunol' =E/E <ebH /=@ 4= Suppl 9 9 9 =6HS>EA./>'

Allergic rhinitis' #ancet =E//H>BJ4IJEI6:=//=.=/==' $reiner AN, ;ellings &D, Rotiroti $, Scadding $http:NN333'docstoc'comNdocsNB=BJ>IJBNAllergic.Rhinitis.Allergic. Rhinitis.Cictor.A.Agnello Some Medical Surgical Koo5s, notes for &athophysiology of The ;uman Respiratory System

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