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Human Population Growth and Carrying Capacity Objectives: You will create a graph of human population growth and

use it to predict future growth and identify factors that affect population growth. nstructions for creating your graph: Place time on the hori!ontal a"is. #alues should range from $%&' to ('('. Place number of people on the vertical a"is. #alues should range from ' to (' billion. )a*e sure that your graph is a full page in si!e and you have the correct labels for the + and Y a"es and a title for your graph.

,nalysis $. t too* $%-. years for the world population to double/ going from .(& billion people to .&' billion people. How long did it ta*e for the population to double once again0 200 years for the population to double. (. How long did it ta*e for the population to double a second time0 75 years , third time0 Under 40 years. 1. 2ased on your graph/ in what year will the population reach 3 billion0 2020 -. 2ased on your graph/ how many years will it ta*e for the population of (''- to double0 2030 or 2040

4he 5arth6s Carrying Capacity Prior to $.&'/ the death rate was high/ which *ept the numbers of humans from increasing rapidly. n the $.th Century/ the agricultural revolution increased food production. 4he industrial revolution improved methods of transporting food and other good. n the ('th Century/ advances in medicine/ sanitation and nutrition have decreased the death rates further. 4hese factors combined to produce the rapid growth of the human population in the ('th century. ,s with any population/ humans are also limited by factors such as space/ amount of food and disease. 4he carrying capacity is the number of individuals that a stable environment can support. ,uthorities disagree on on the ma"imum number of people that the earth can support/ though the numbers generally range for 3 to $' billion. ,s the population approaches its limit/ starvation will increase. 7ome countries have a much higher growth rate than others. Growth rate is the number of people born minus the number of people that die. )ost countries are trying to reduce their growth rate. 8ero population growth means that as many people are being born as there are dying to achieve !ero population growth/ each couple would need to have no more than two children 9to replace the parents:. 5ven if this number is achieved/ the population will continue to grow because the parents will still live on for decades/ as their children have children and their children have children..and so forth. 4he ;nited 7tates reached !ero population growth in the $.3'<s/ and yet the overall population of the ;nited 7tates still increases. ,nalysis $. =hat factors contributed to the world<s overall population growth in the last $&' years0 Advances in medicine, sanitation, nutrition, improved methods of transporting goods and increase food production.

(. =hy does a population not level off during the same year it reaches !ero population growth0 hildren are born, but the parents are also alive at the same time as the children meaning increased population. 1. f the carrying capacity of the earth was . billion people/ when would this number be reached 9according to your graph:0 2025 or 2030 -. =hat will happen when the human population e"ceeds the earth<s carrying capacity0 !eath rates "ill become higher and there "ill be more deaths and birth rates.

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