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How to Make Jello Shots

Edited by Nicole Willson, Sondra C, Team Awesome, Jack Herrick and 139 others

ne o! the more creati"e ways to ser"e alcohol at a #arty is to create color!$l and !r$ity Jello Shots% The #rocess o! makin& Jello shots is s$#er easy, and is not that di!!erent than makin& re&$lar Jello% This article will teach yo$ how to make some delicio$sly sim#le Jello Shots, and will then &i"e yo$ some ideas !or more creati"e s#ins on the traditional shot%

Traditional Jello Shots
1% 1 Gather your ingredients% To make a##ro'imately 3( 1)o$nce *3+ ml, shots, all yo$-ll need is.
o o o

1 /)o0% #acka&e o! Jello*11+ &rams, A##ro'imately 3 c$#s o! water A##ro'imately 1 c$# o! chilled alcohol o! yo$r choice

(% ( Mix the water and alcohol to make 2 cups% The #ro#ortions will de#end on the #roo! o! the alcohol yo$ $se% 2se the !ollowin& ratios to ens$re that the shots will set.

o o o

13 o0% *(/ tbs#%, 39+ ml, o! 3+ to 3+ *4(+5, #roo! alcohol with 3 o0% */ tbs#%, 9+ ml, water 1+ o0% *(+ tbs#%, 3++ ml, 6+ to 1++ *4735, #roo! alcohol with / o0% *1( tbs#%, 16+ ml, water / o0% *1( tbs#%, 16+ ml, 13+ to (++ #roo! alcohol with 1+ o0 *(+ tbs#%, 3++ ml, water

3% 3 Put the mixture in the refrigerator to chill% Wait $ntil the mi't$re is com#letely chilled be!ore mo"in& onto the ne't ste#% This is im#ortant beca$se the tem#erat$re at which alcohol e"a#orates *the boilin& #oint, is 16%/ de&rees C *11389,% :ater yo$ will mi' the alcohol with water that was ;$st boiled at 1++ de&rees C *(1(89,% <! the alcohol isn-t cold, it mi&ht e'ceed its boilin& #oint when mi'ed, and some o! the alcohol will e"a#orate% This will make yo$r shots less #otent%

7% 7 Bring more than cup of water to a !oil% =o$-ll need e'actly 1 c$# o! boilin& water, so #$t a little more than that in the #ot or kettle since some will e"a#orate%

3% 3 Measure out cup of !oiling water and mix it with the powdered Jello% Stir constantly $ntil the #owder is com#letely dissol"ed%

/% / Stir in the chilled water and alcohol mixture%

1% 1 Spray the inside of the cups with cooking spray so the Jello easily slides out later % Addin& small #lastic s#oons or >o#sicle sticks can hel#, too%

6% Pour the mixture into the cups%

9% Place the shots on a tray in refrigerator "not the free#er$% Chill them $ntil they become !irm *a##ro'imately ( to 7 ho$rs,% ?e!ri&erate $ntil ser"ed and make s$re to ser"e them cold%

Jello Shot %range Slices

Settin& &elatin in oran&e slices #ro"ides a !$n and $ni@$e #resentation% Aake s$re to scoo# the oran&es o$t well so that none o! the #ith shows $# in yo$r shot% 1% &ut oranges in half%

( 'se a spoon to remo(e the pulp) lea(ing *ust the rind of half an orange%

3 +ill the hal(es with Jello mixture%

7 ,efrigerate the filled orange hal(es o(ernight% E"en tho$&h they-ll set in a !ew ho$rs, the e'tra time chillin& hel#s them !irm $# e"en more so that they don-t !all a#art when yo$ c$t them%

3 &ut orange hal(es into thirds% See How to Aake Jello Shots in an ran&e !or more in!ormation%

-ayered Shots
:ayerin& shots allows yo$ to create di!!erent colors as well as di!!erent !la"or combinations% To create a &radient e!!ect, only chill each layer !or 1+ min$tes be!ore addin& the ne't layer% 1% 1 Get three ./ounce "01 g$ packages of Jello) each of a different color%

(% Make a Jello shot mixture from one package !y cutting the recipe gi(en earlier in half%

3% +ill all the cups 2. of the way with the first !atch of Jello%

7% 3llow the Jello to set completely%

3% 3 ,epeat the same process for the second color% >o$r the second batch into the same set o! c$#s as the !irst% This will be yo$r second layer o! color% =o$r c$#s sho$ld be (B3 o! the way !$ll now%

/% / 3llow the two layers of Jello to set completely%

1% 1 Make a third !atch and use that to fill all the cups% This will be yo$r third *to#, layer o! color%

6% 6 3llow the three layers to set completely !efore ser(ing%

Green Jello Shots

Creen is ;$st one color that yo$ can create by addin& !ood colorin&% When yo$ $se $n!la"ored &elatin, yo$ basically ha"e a blank can"as !or any color that yo$ desire% 1% Make normal Jello shots with yellow Jello%


Before pouring the Jello into the cups) add green and2or !lue food coloring to make the Jello green % =o$ can make m$lti#le batches with "aryin& shades o! &reen i! yo$ wantD

3% 3 Ser(e% These are es#ecially &reat !or St% >atrick-s Eay or Earth Eay%

More Potent Jello Shots "4odka$

These are "ery stron& Jello shots, with 3B7 o0% *(( ml, or 1)1B( o0% *73 ml, o! "odka in each shot, res#ecti"ely% Eat them res#onsibly% 1% Start with a ./ounce "01 g$ package of Jello% :ime and oran&e !la"ors are ideal, as they will taste similar to "odka)based mi'ed drinks% Cherry may lea"e yo$r Jello with a !la"or reminiscent o! co$&h syr$#% Ferry bl$e and &ra#e are not recommended either%

(% Mix the powder with 22 cup of !oiling water% Eon-t skim# on this ste#Gthe water needs to be act$ally boilin& to e!!ecti"ely dissol"e the #owder, and the mi't$re won-t set i! yo$ $se less than 7 o0%

3% Stir the mixture until the powder is completely dissol(ed%

7% 3dd /.25 cup of 06/proof (odka to the mixture% =o$ can act$ally add $# to ()1B7 c$#s o! 6+)#roo! "odka and the Jello will still set% Howe"er, anythin& more than 1)3B7 c$#s will ca$se the &elatin to &et so!t and slimy, and the li@$or will o"erwhelm all o! the other !la"ors%

3% Pour the mixture into cups% <! yo$ $sed 1)3B7 c$#s o! "odka, yo$ will be able to make ei&hteen 1)o0% *3+ ml, shots, or nine ()o0% */+ ml, shots%

Themed Jello Shots

1% Make +ruity Jello Shots% These shots, which can be !r$ity only in taste or may contain act$al #ieces o! !r$it, are an awesome re!reshment on any hot s$mmer day%

Aake 9r$ity Jello Shots% (% Make &lassic &ocktail Jello Shots% This is a &reat way to #$t a new s#in on yo$r !a"orite drinkD

Aake Classic Cocktail Jello Shots% 3% Make +esti(e Jello Shots% <! yo$-re #lannin& on ha"in& a holiday #arty, whi# $# a co$#le holiday)themed shots to set the mood%

Aake 9esti"e Jello Shots%

7% Make 7o Bake 8essert Jello Shots% Sometimes it-s hard to !ind the time to bake an entire cake or batch o! cookies% Hee# the taste b$t ditch the bakin& by creatin& Jello shots ins#ired by yo$r !a"orite dessertD

Aake No Fake Eessert Jello Shots% 3% Make Game 8ay Jello Shots% These Jello shots will #$t a s#irited twist on the traditional beer d$rin& &ame day%

Aake Came Eay Jello Shots%

http922www:howcast:com2(ideos20 ;;/How/to/Make/Jell%/Shots


=o$ can $se shot &lasses, indi"id$al shot)si0e *1 o0% to 3 o0%, #lastic c$#s or accordion)like s@$ee0able c$#s man$!act$red s#eci!ically !or Jello shots to make these treats% Altho$&h shot &lasses look #rettier and allow yo$ to see the "ibrant colors o! the Jello, #a#er c$#s allow !or easier Jello shot cons$m#tion as they can be t$rned inside o$t% therwise, yo$ mi&ht need to brin& some desserts#oons to the #arty, too% To make !irm shots, add a #acket o! $n!la"ored &elatin to the mi' be!ore addin& the boilin& water% >lain &elatin hel#s to make the shots !irm, which hel#s when yo$ are $sin& Jello molds%


Aake s$re the kids don-t mistake this !or ordinary Jello% Jello is not a "e&etarian dessert% Celatin is a #rotein #rod$ced by #artial hydrolysis o! colla&en e'tracted !rom the bones, connecti"e tiss$es, or&ans and some intestines o! animals% <! any o! yo$r &$ests are "e&etarian or "e&an, consider "e&an ;elly mi'es rather than &elatin% Aost s$#ermarkets will stock these% E"en tho$&h Jello shots taste like candy, they each contain as m$ch or more alcohol than a beer, wine or alcohol shot% Warn yo$r &$ests, wait a !ew min$tes between shots and co$nt yo$r drinks to a"oid o"erind$l&ence% Hids can &et "ery sick i! they eat the ones in"ol"in& beer, and they may &et dr$nk%

,elated wikiHows

How to Aake a 9rench 13 Jello Shot How to Aake Watermelon Jello Shots How to Aake Cherry Jello Shots How to Aake ran&e Creamsicle >$ddin& Shots How to Aake Hey :ime >ie >$ddin& Shots How to Aake ?ainbow Soda How to Aake 9r$it -N- J$ice Twist How to Aake Jello Fears

Sources and &itations

htt#.BBwww%&reat#artyreci#es%comBhow)to)make);ello)shots%html >alm, Aichelle% The Jelly Shot Test Hitchen% ?$nnin& >ress, (+11%

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