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How to Make Pine Cone Liquor iquor.htm
By Martin Muchira, eHow Contributor

Pine cone liquor can be easily make from home. Pine cones are the reproductive structures on softwood pine trees. They are cone shaped with the seeds packed to ether and formin protrudin rid es. !hen older and dried, they separate and turn brown. The pinewood tree is found in both tropical and temperate climatic "ones. #oun reen pine cones can be used in makin liquor as they contain tannins that flavor the liquor. They also contain other li nin$ related compounds that appear to have antibacterial, antiviral and anti$tumor properties.

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!hich Pine Trees %re Poisonous& How to Make a Pine Cone 'ire (tarter

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)* #oun reen cone pines + ,iter in or spirit -uniper ./* rams su ar Clean recipient container or carboy (cale (trainer

+ Pick youn pine cones that are usually reenin between May and -une and store them into a clean bowl. 0 Clean the cone pines. 1un water over the cones and clean them usin your hands. 'or the depressions on the pine cones, use a wet piece of cloth to wipe dust or soil. 'or better cleanin , use deioni"ed water to removes dust particles more efficiently. 2iscard cones that will not clean well, as the quality of the liquor will be compromised by dirt. . Put the cone pines into the recipient container3carboy and pour in or spirit into it. %dd the su ar and mi4 it thorou hly by shakin . !hen the su ar has completely dissolved, keep the recipient container in a place where it can stay undisturbed.

) (tir re ularly. %fter you set it in a secure place to settle, shake at least once every week in the first month. ,et the mi4ture resettle for the ne4t three or four months without shakin . / (train out the liquid, which is now liquor, throu h a strainer into a bottle and let it rest. The liquor is now ready to be served but can be stored for a smoother taste.

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Honey or cane su ar can be used for sweetenin instead of beetroot su ar.

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