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Give difficult produce to hide an Ao dog of Pou stomach A, be taken bad a circumstance On the morning of March 5, 2006, ebei

becomes one of together some Anne!s count" feeding to hide Ao to gro# mother the dog $e difficult to produce%&he dog is 2 "ears old, #eight about '0 kilograms are or so, have alread" produced (i omen t#o da"s earlier, mother dog uneas", )u responsibilit", and produce * (i dogs% enceforth, again have never seen bab" to produce%&he period muscle once in+ected 2 bo,es to urge to produce a vegetable%&he dog spirit of disease is deepl" depressed, not )u responsibilit", not groan, -in door also not constringenc", touch to diagnose to have no fetal movement, listen to diagnose to have no foetus heart, sees the fe# foetus film kind thing peep out in addition to -in door, the stomach rounds greatl"%O#ing to is a dog that is e,cellent kind of to hide Ao, decide to carr" out Pou stomach to produce .hu% &#o, the surgical operation pass b" /ie the left side of the dog of disease to protect to settle, using the sleep is to rather press the 0%5 mls1000 kg #eight muscle to in+ect, all numb%.urgical operation part at right side stomach #all, the .hu department shears hair and shaves hair and disinfects and in+ects 0%252 cards of Pu /u because of the local anesthesia and cuts open skin muscle and peritoneum and slices and gro#s 05 /i rices around and peeps out #omb 3ape and pulls up right side #omb 3ape and greatl" bends place and cuts open at the #omb 3ape, the bab" is dead, and appear and go bad flavor, take out 6 babies, and take out left side #omb 5 babies in the 3apes later on, the total Pou is 00 babies4producing naturall" is *, totall" keep in mind 0' babies5, ph"sical volume the more familiar bab" is slightl" big%After taking out a bab", line up the dirt" blood inside the #omb clean #ith the gau6e, ph"siolog" brine after flushing #omb #ound, inside &u 7ing, the chain milde#ed vegetable po#der%.e# up in a ro# first, empress inside turn over a pack to cover up to se# up #omb #all, #ound &u 7ing, the chain milde#ed vegetable po#der, send back #omb 3ape bell" cavit" home position, se# up a peritoneum, muscle in a ro# respectivel", and &u 7ing, chain milde#ed vegetable po#der, knot stan6a to se# up a skin, uses to repl" bandage to tightl" tie up #ith 52 tincture of iodines and fasten bell" bandage%&he muscle in+ects 0,600,000 penicillins after the .hu, 0,000,000 chain milde#ed vegetable, and give to suffer from dog vein to lose 002 glucoses 500 milliliters, adding 002 Anne the sodium 8a is 00 milliliters%&he surgical operation ends to suffer from a dog to #ake up for 5 minutes% &hree, after the .hu nursing 0, put the turn of clean #armth to the disease mother dog and give up after the .hu inside, keep friction or mouth from biting, influence heal% 2, the .hu lose a li9uid for the dog vein of disease continuousl" for * da"s behind, ever" da" once, and the muscle in+ect penicillin 0,600,000, chain milde#ed vegetable 0,000,000, ever" da" 2 times, connect to use : da"s% *, the .hu increase drinking number of times and food graduall" behind, after 5 da"s free drinking, eat to still adopt a little amount man" times%&he 02 da"s #ound removes stitches, the #ound heals good, resume normal .i to feed% ;our, reali6e 0%&his is difficult the reason for producing the outbreak of case, mainl" is because the bab" is

e,cessive to lead greatl", it makes the #omb fiber e,cessivel" e,pand, the #omb #all is thinner, #omb constringenc" have no dint, and for a long time not the abilit" completel" e+ect a bab", end eventuall" because of e,cesssive tired, cause the temple shrink to is #ashed up% 2% andle difficult produce a dog, should accouche first as far as possible, ad+ust the foetus po#er of (i dog, +ust the right amount in+ect to urge to produce a vegetable, not surgical operation can not, again do Pou stomach to produce surgical operation, the surgical operation is more earl" more good, as long as producing (i partition longer than * hours, have to earl" go surgical operation #hile still having a (i dog inside the stomach and other#ise result in mother the (i dog both die% *%&he #omb 3ape slices to close to a #omb bod" department as far as possible, in order to take out another one side -un (i dog in 3ape% '%Anaesthesia, #aking up the moderation is a successful surgical operation ke", the nursing is more important, the general animal does Pou stomach to produce after operation, have to lose for 2 da"s<* da", li9uid, and the muscle in+ect ever" da" green, chain milde#ed vegetable, ever" da" 2 times, connect use : da"s, in order to prevent #ound infection%&his time surgical operation ver" successful, mainl" strictl" control to have no germ operation in the surgical operation, the #ound handles also ver" good, and the .hu feeds to manage behind good, +ust make to suffer from a dog to attain heal% .ource=>inchang egg incubator ###%incubatorforegg%com

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