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Two wires of equal length one of copper and other of manganin have, same resistance, which of the two wires will be thicker? _ 2. Distinguish between resistance and resistivit . . !. " wire of resistance # ohm is s_etched to double its length. $hat is the new resistance of the wire? % _ &. $hat are super conductors.? $rite their uses. '. (ow does the resistanoe of )i* g+,d conductor )ii* -emi conductor change

with the rise of temperature?

,.. /ou have three resistances of value 0each. (ow will ou connect these for obtaining a total resistance1of 3R12 ? -how this connection b a diagram. . 2. " wire has a resistance. of3,n and it is cut into three pieces having equal lengths. #f these are now connected in parallel find the resistance of the 4ombinati,oo so fonned.1 5. Derive 6hm1s law b using basic idea of drift velocit . 3. " potential 3ifference v is applied to a copper wire of length I and diameter Do $hat is the effect on the_lectrortic drift velocit b doubling v )a* doubling I and )b* doubling D ? . 7,. Two parallel conducting wires carr ing electric current in the opposite _ %direction, repel each other, wh ? 89plain. :#t Three bulbs of rating &,,., _d l6b $are designed to work on 22)h . fine, which o_e will glow most brightl , when all are connected in senc_
across the line and wh 21

72, 8stablish the relation between Drift vclocitv of electrons and 8lectric

7!. $hat is internal re;istance of a cell? Derivcan e9pression for it. <. 7&. $hat is internal resistance of a =ell ? >ind a relation betwedl e.m.f. of <1 potential difference and internal resistance of a cell. 7'. =ompare potential difference and c m.f of a cdl

7.. $hat do ou mean by super condudi,1it,* :1plain. -tate two ,,<:applications of super conduct? 'rs. _

. 72
D..%rivc an e9pression #l@r the total resistance of a circuit in which a 77.1,A resistors arc connected in parallel. Bp.-80 2,,!, 7381q _. Denve drift velocit of electrons. 6btain a relationship between drili velocit and electric =C#Tent for a conductor. BD-.8.E. -ept. 2,,!, 36&<=F


#. #na discharge tube the number of h drogen ion )i.e. proton* drifting across a cross section per second is 1.0 G H675, while the number of electrons, drifting in the opposite direction across that cross section is 2.2 9 7,75 per second. #f the suppl voltage is 230 v, what is the effective resistance of the tube? B"ns. !55.' ohmF BD-.8.E. 733'F 2. " negligibl small current is passed through a wire of length #-m and uniform cross section 6.0 9 .7,I2 m2 and its resistance is-.6 n. 1$hat is . the resistivit of material? B"ns.2 9 7,I2 n:J Bp.-.8.E. 7333F !. . Two resistances are in the ratio 7%&. #f these areconnec)ed in parallel their total resistance becomes 2, ohm. >ind the value of each resistance. . B"ns. l66n, 2-nFBp.-.8.E. 2,,,F &. 72 wires, each ofresistancer ohm are connected in thefo6:7 of a skeleton cube. >ind the equivalent resistance of the cube, wh_n the current enters at one comer and leaves at the diagonall opposite =ome_.
. , BD-.8.E.1Jarch2662,DF

-o #f a copper wire is stretched to make 6. _ K longer, percentage

change in its resistance?

.. 7n the circuit given in >ig. b_low, a pot_tial difference of ! M is required

across the points " and E. =alculate the value of the resistance 0#1

8N flM



I . . I5

. .. . I. I I :...: 1:
# #nAA1 #l(##7A1 electrons pass tlu1ough a wire in ' minutcs. if the current through t#lH1 wire is &,, m7A 1,<

D-#%# _ 2) P 72, !

3XlE #
G. $hen a pntential difference of 7,, Molt is applied across a conductor ' 9 7,73 electrons pass through it in 2 seconds, >ind then.%sistance nt:the conductor.1 #D-,8.n 2,,2, -cpt. 63Xl\3] 3. 7A potential diflcrence 2', M is applied across thc ends of a conductor of resistance 2. 6hm. =alculate the number ofc#ectrons tlowing through it in 7. seconds Bp.-.8.E-ept.2,,2,.!5<DF 7,. $hen a potential difference of &,, Molt is applied across a conductor, 7,2, electrons pass through it in & seconds. >ind the resistance of the condu,ctor., ##_-F1 7! 2,,2 -ept, .!5 #8F # J. Detenmne the strength of =C#Tent flowing througu the circuit given . -I;. 72. ::. ,. #D-.8E.2,,!O2!5<EF




2C Q.

HD.-.8.E. 2,,!, 2!5<=F

Bp.-.8.E. 2m!, 2!5<"F

Bp.-.8E, 2,d!, 2!5<,F

1 'i. 1\ J 0 V battery with internal resistance J . ,hm is connected to resistor R. The current in the circHiit is 6.-". $hat is the value ofresistor R ? $hat #- terminal voltage of batter , when eternal circuit is completed?

Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,!, 36&<"F 7.. 6G mole or electron flow through a wire in &, ms units. $hat is )i* total charge that passes through wire? )ii* magnitude of electric current in wire. BD-.8.E. -epl2,,!, 3,&<5F

72. 1\ batter of e.m.f. 72 M is connected across. a parallel combination of resistor son and 7',n. >ind )i* total resistance, )ii* total current. )iii* current in such resistor BD-.8.E. -ept. 2,,!, 36&<=*

I Long Answer Type Questions

#. Define drift velocit of electron. and establish the relation between :cR the drift velocit and electric current. .. Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 733.,32,35,33, -ept. 2,,2, .!5<"F 2. (ow does the tem ohmic resistance di7fer from impedance? $ith the help of a suitable phasor diagram, obtain a relation for impedance in an a.c. HI=I0 series circuit. )p.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,2,.!5<,* I1


I Very Short Answer Type Questions I

I. Of what material is

nonnall potentio wire made and wh ?

. #D-.8.E.73327

_. $h is e.m.r.: of a eell measured b >otentiometcr accurate? IPSEB. 2,,2, !!5<"# !. $rite mathematical fonn of the principle of potentiometer. 1: #D-.8.E. 2,,2, !!5<7!7
&. . Same the device used for measuring the e.m.f. of a cell. . BD-.8.E. 2,,2, !!5<=F

the quantit that pla s an identical role in anI electrical cir.cuit as is pla ed b inertia in mechanics. BD-.E.E. 2,,2,!!5<EF <J. Define e..m.f. of a cell. Bp.-80 -ept. 2,,2, .!5<=F 1<-tate the principle of potentiometer% Bp-.8.E. 2,,!, 2!5<8F
!. $hat

. Same

is basic cause of induced e.m.f. ? Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,!, 3,&<5J

I Short Answer Type "uesti#$s

&. Drove

%l. Tive the principle of potentiometer. 89plain how ou will compare the e.m.fs of two cells with the help of potentiometer. Bp.-8E. 7333 )-*F

that if two resistors are connected in parallel, the rates of heat.

production in each var inversel as their r_sistances. Bp.-.8.E. 2,,, )-*,2,,7, 7!5<"F _ -tate and e9plain Pirochhoff1s law of electric circuits. . . Bp.-.8.0 2,,2, 338/B, 2oo!,F!5<=, -ept. 2,,!O 3,&UF Ii. -tate the principle of moving coil galvanometer.

Bp.-8E. 2,,7, 7 !5<"F '. $h do we use phosphor bronVe for suspension wire of a moving coil galvanIometer? Bp.-8E. -ept. 2,,7, '!5<", -ept. 2,,2, !!5<=F .. $hat is the nature of magnetic field in moving coil galvanometer? . .,_ Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,, #, '!5<8F 2. 89plain with diagram, the principle of a potentiometer. (ow can its sensitivit be increased? $h is it superior to voltmeter? 89plain an
one of its applications. . Bp. -8E. W7*t. 2,, # , '!5< ' I

(!. 89plain the principle of a potentiometer. (ow would ou l#se it for detennining internal resistance of a primar ce#lI?

89plain the principle of a potentiometer and will ou use it totinJ the e.m.L: of a cdl 'J BD.-.8.E. -ept. 2,, #, '!5<=, -ept. 2,,2, ?7!5<7!7 7, )iiw an e9penlllentall77ethod with theor fi9 deter**l#ning the resistiA1it ,71O7 Ll7c,talhc AA#rc l#slJlg metre bridge. BD.s.# _.E. -ept.H66 #, '!5<=F 7 #. The rcslstiA1i:. or semiIconductors decreases with rise in temperature. 89plain F) AA ith argument. TiA1c e9perimental method with theor for _etcnlllJling the re.sisti,.it of a metallic wire, using a metal bridge. BD-.8.E. -ept. 2=6 #, '!5<8F ... 72. $hen wc switch on the lights one after the other, what is the effect on the resistance ofclectric circuit of the house? Derive 6hm1s law on the. basis of the conccpt of drift velocit of free .electrons in metal.. I Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,)'!O .

7!. /ou arc to measure the e.mJ of a cell. $h will ou use a voltmeter or a potentiometer1L $h ? Draw a circuit diagram and e9plain how would ou use a pot_ntiometer for comparing two resistances? Bp.-.8.E -ept. 2,, #, '!5<#XF . 7&. # low A1oltmeters can be used to measure current? fI9plain. Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,!, 904iC]

Long Answer Type Questions . _l. -tate and e9plain Pirchhotrs laws. .

lD-.8.E. 73_&F

2. Define Pirchhotrs law of electric circuits and using these laws derive $heatstone bridge principles. Bp.-.8.E. 7333,2,,,,2,,2, !!5<8, -ept. 2,,2,.!5<,F: !. Csing Pirehhol71s law derive the condition for balance of a% $heatstone bridge. (ow do ou use a slide wire bridge to measure #mkn3wn resistance? Bp-.8.E. 2,,, )-*, 2,, #, 38iB] :r 89plain, how _ill ou use a potentiometer to measure internal resistance of a cell ? Bp.-.8.E. 2,,2, !!5<"# '. Tive the principle of potentiometer. -ometimes balance point ma not be obtained on the potentiometer wire, wh ? (ow .can ou make a potentiometer more sensitive? Bp-.8.E. 2,,2, !!5<=F ?7. Describe the principle and construction of potentiometer. 89plain, how. a potentiometer be used to compare the e.m71. of two cel_s ?

BD-%8.E. 2,,2, !!5<f.%F 2. #kri,.c an e9pression for )i* Jeim%Malue )ii* Mirtual Malueofa.c. < BD-.8.E. 2,,!, 2!5<=F _. :1plain how can a TalA1anometer be converted into )a* Moltmeter ,< i h* ,A#ll#ueter of the required range? 1*

BD-.8.E. 2,,!, 2!5<"Y



lJery Short Answer Type "uesti#$%
"...1. =alculate the current throug_ a lamp of ., $. operating at 22,v. BD-.8.E 7335X ". (ow man electron volt is in one .Joule .* Bp.-8E -ept. 2,,2, .!5<#J# !. $h does ?# conductor get heated up on passing electric current through

it ?

BD-.8D. -ept. 2,,!, 3,&<=F


Short Answer Type Questions

7. $hat is the use of a :use in an electric current?




7. " generator is suppl ing power to a factor #w cables of resistance 2,n. #fthe generator is generating ', kw power at ',,, volt, what is the power received b the factor 1X B"ns. &5 kwF BD-.8n. 733. )-*F 2. " 22, MI# ,, Av bulb is eomi.eeted to 77, M source. =alculate the power consumed b the bulb. B"ns. 2' wFBD-.8.7! 7333F


To p_oduee 7,1 .Joule of heat in 7, seconds how much voltage %hould be

applied to 7,, ohm resistance? B"ns. M NN 76,voltJ Bp.-.#%E. 2,,,7 &. The filament of an iron i _ or ', olun resistance. (ow much heat in
calories will be produced b it in one minute, ifIelectricit is supplied at 200 volt 2 B"ns.#7.&!kcalFBp-.8#!12_,,X ', >ind the rate.of production of heat in calories when a heating coil or resistance 2,, ohm is connected to a suppl of 7,, volt.. B"ns. 77.3callsec.F #D-.8.E. 2+66F .. "n electric bulb is marked 7,, w, 2!, M. #f the suppl voltage drops to 77.' M, what is the heat and light energ produced b the bulb in 2, minutes? B"ns. !,kJX Bp.-.8.E733G# *1 "n electric motor of ,7., kw operates at 22, v for . hours dail . $hat is the current drawn or the motor? $hat is the cost of running for !, da s, if the rate of electric energ is ', paisa per unit? B"ns. 0s. 3,F fD-8E 733&)-JL Jt1 "n _#ectric kettle has two coils when one coil _s sw_tched on #t takes ' mmutes to boil water and when secon_ c6li #- switched on #t tah1s

#D-8E # 333J

7, minutes. (ow long will it take to boil water, when both the coils are used in series 2 . . Bp.-.8.E. 2,, #, # 381$] 3. "n. electric kettle has two coils. $hen cmecoi7 is switched. on it takes 7, minutes to boil water and when the second coil is switched on it takes 2, minutes. (ow Long will it take to boil water, when both the coils are used in series?1 Zp.-.8.E. 2,,7, 7!J!F1 7,. "n clcctic kettle has two coils. $hen one is switched on it takes ' minutes to 1boil water and when the second coil is swithched onO it takes 7, minutes. (ow long will it takeIto boil water when both the coils are used in parallel? Zp.-.8.E 2,, #, 7!57=F ##. "n electric kettle has two coils when one coil is swit_hed D#l, it takes 7, minutes to boil water and when the second coil is switched on it takes 2, minutes. #I#ow long .will it take to. boil water, when botli the coilsIare used in parallel ?BD.-%8.E. 2,,7, 7!5_F 72. "n electric kettle has two coils. $hen one =oil is switched on, itt5kes 72 minutes to boil water and when the second coil is switched on, it takes 75 minutes. # low long will it take to boil water, w_ both the coils arc used in series?1 Bp.-.8.E.2,,#,7!5<TX#. F ! " bulb and toaster, Yoined in parallel are connected to the mains. The toaster is producing more heat which one has a larger resistance and wh ? Bp.-.8.E. -ept 2,, #, %38/B] 7&. $ater boils in an electric kettle in 2, minutes after being switched on using the same main suppl O should the length of the heating element be increased or deen%ased, if the water is to boil in 7' minutes and wh ? , . Bp.-8E. sept. 2,,7, -!5<=F 7'. $ater holls ill all electric kettle in 7' minutes after being switched on. . using the salllH1 rnain suppl . -hould thc length of the heating eleme*7.t be increased or decreased if the water is to boil in 7, minutes? $h ? BD_.8.#!. -ept. 2,,7, -!57DF F_ Tw_* bulbs of.rating 7,, w an_ 2,, AA are designed to work on 2_, M l_e $hl=h one will glow more bnghtl ? $hen the are connected m senes across the line and wh ? Bp.-8E. sept 2,, #, '!57=F 72 " heater Yoined in series with a .T $att hulb is connected to the ma_s. . , #f the ., $att bulb be.replaced b 7,, $att bulb, will the heat produced

b the heater be more, less or remain 6le same? 89plain.


Bp.-8.E. 2,,2, !!J!F

# 0 " heater Yoined in series with a .,I $att bulb is connected to the mai#Di. #f the .,I $att bulb be replaced b # 66_ $att bulb, will the heat produced b the heater hc1 more, less or remain thc same? 89plain. Bp.-.8.E. _,,2. !!5<=l

22. i

# 2!.
. 73. "n eleeteric bulb is marked ', $, 77, M #f the suppl voltage drops to

'' M, ,what is the heat and light energ produced b the bulb in

#6 minutes? ,Bp-.8.E. 2,,2, !!5<7*F 2,. "n electric bulb is marked &, $,2,, M #f the suppl of voltage drops to 72, M, what is the heat and light energ produced b the bulb in 2 minutes? fD-.8.E. 2,,2, !!5<8F 2 H " 2,, Molt _ ', $att filament is connected to 7,, Molt suppl . =alc:nlate the power consumed b the filament. ,BD -8E. -ept. 2,,2, 6381 "F " 22, Molt I 7,, $att bulb is connected to 77, Molt source. =alculate the power consumed b the bulb. Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,2, 638/B] " 2,, Molt I ', $att bulb when connected to -ome other sourqe of voltage: it consumes 72.' $att. >ind the value of supplied voltage.
: , fD-.8.E. -ept. 2,,2, 63'8/C]

2&. " &,, M I 2,,, $att heater is connected to 2,, M suppl , =alculate the


power consumed b the heater. 1

Bp.-.8.E% -ept. 2,,2, 63810] _,

2'. 1" 72 Molt I ! $att bulb is conn_ted to . Molt source. =alculate the, power of the bulb now. Bp-.8.E. -ept 2,,2, .!5<8F 2.. Jangal1s house is fitted .with & lamps of 7,, watt each and 2 fans consuming ,.2' " each. #f the energ supplied at 22, M and cost 0s. J. onl per k$h, tind the monthl bill of all the appliances rCn o& ' hours

a da .

Bp.-.8.E. 2,,!, 738/$]

22. Janish1s house is fitted with 2 lamps of 7,, watt each and 2 fans consuming ,.2' " each.1#fenerg is1supplied at 22,M and cost 0s. _,', onl per kwh, find the monthl bill of all the appliances run o& . hours a da . 1 Bp.-.8.E. 2,,!, 738/B] 25. J agriti 1s house is fitted with ' lamps of 60 watt each and & fans consuming ,.'" each. #f energ is supplied at 2,, M and cost 0s. 2.2' per k. $h. >ind the monthl billI of all the appliances run for & hours 77 1da . .'(.).E.B.2003,738/C] 23. "man J oti1s house is fitted with 2 lamps of ., watt each and 2 fans ,: consuming6.&" each. #f energ is supplied at 2,,M and cos_0s. 2.', per kwh, fmd _e monthl bill if all the appliances run o& 7, hours a da . 1 Bp.-8.E. 2,,!, 2!5<DF !,. Sagimi1g house is fitted with ! bulbs of 7,, watt each and 2 fans consuming6.!" each. #f energ is supplied at 26TM and cost 0s. 2.2' per I kwh, find the monthl bill of the appliances run o&- ' hours a da . , II.,.I Bp.-.8.E. 2,,!, 2!5<8F
o1 1 . #

Long Answer Type Question'

< $hat is heating d#cct of current? 89plain its causes. >ind the relation of heat produced in a eonduct)*7: bv electric current. Discuss briefl one application +f heating ctlcct of c_cnt. #D-.8.E. Jarch, 2,,!., 7!5#D I ..


!" 'J.

I Very Short Answer Type Questions

$hA can1t A(O use a c lill1 dH1ctrohsis .+ IPSE.B. 1,, +

2 $hat #- the diJkrellcc hdAA1l1en a oltamcter and voltmeter 'J


$hat arc the carriers of eum%nt in copper voltameter normall ?

#D-.8 E 1,,!-!+1 $hat do ou understand b electrol sis? IPS.E.R.

7333F $hat is polarisation of a cell .* #D-.8.#!2,,,, -ept. 2,,2, .!5<D# $hat is the dkct of temperature on the conductivit of 8lectricit 1J
#D-.8.7!.2,,7, # 38JJ3]

$hat is role of Jn=A in Dr cell or Haclanche cdl ?

#D-.8.#!. 2,,7, 7!-<=, -ept. 2,,!, 36&<EF Deline >aradav constant. ,#D-8,E. 2,,2, !!5<8, -ept. 2,,2, .!5<EF Distinguish between Drimar and -econdar cell. IPS.I.B. &00&. *'38/1+, -cpt. 2,,2,cJ!-<", -ept. 2,,!, !5<EF

Sh#rt '$swer Type Questions


. <&.

?. $hat is 8lectrol sis 1J -tate #1m1ada 1s laws of electrol sis. YD.-8E 7333,2,, #, 7!5<=, -ept 2,,2, )Y!5<7* # 2 6n what factors docs thee.mJ. ofa celldepcnd1J BD-.8.E, 2,,7, 7!5#D# /. Define chemical equintlent and electroIchemical equivalent of a subtanee. 8stablish rdation between them.IPS.E.B. Sept. 2,,7, '!5<"Y &. -tate and e9plain >arad,#/1s laAAs of electrol sis. (ow is electrol tic conduction ditkrent #hlln metallic conduction? #D-.8.E. -ept. 2,,7O '!5<=F _, -tate >arada 1s hms of electrol sis. Draw a labelled diagram to show deposition of copper on a given metallic obYect% . Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,7, '!5<D7 .. $hat do ou mean b >arada constant? Drove that > N Se where S is "vogadro1s number and e& electronic charge. . #D-,8.E.-ept.2,,7,'!$8F

long Answer Type Questions

01 *am2the 3ete2ts #f 4'Olti2 2ell. # l#44' are the removed in Hcclanchc cell1%1

Draw its labdlcd diagram1

mek1r till1measurlng current.

5p.S.E.B. 733!F

0. State >arad%n1_ laAA s #f dectrol

#D-,8.E. 1994,2CXJO(S)1

sis. 89plain how ou can use a volta


$hat is an electroIchemical cell : $hat is the dillerencc bctm9nl1ril7laf:A ami -econdar cells 1.* )OiA1e one c1Aamp#c of each
t pe #D-.L1 # _ 71*1*.77 $hat #- electrol sis 1.I1 89plain its theor and laws.

#D-8,E 2,)GC6m 2!G<7A7 -tate and e9plain >arada 1s laA s of electrol sis. =Ti e e%Apenlllcntal crilieation of >arada 1s la:s. ##I1-.8.( 2,)l)* )-*# MeriLA1 e9perimentall >arada 1s laws or electrolA1sis. $hat JO* _6ll understand #w >arada constant 1Y Deline it with ncccssan theon1
. &. . . .

_. ), ##I1-.8E 2,,2, %n9<7A7 _2, -tate and e9plain >arada 1s laws ofelcctrol sis. $hat do 6C understfriJd b >arada constant? Deline it with necessar theor .. #D-,8#! 2,)*2. JJG<E # 5. Describe the construction mid :orking of a voltaic cell. n1iscuss the delcct polarisation in this cell and its remed #D-8n 2,m, nG,7!,2,m, 2JG<D# [. $hat arc secondar cells 1* >9plain thc prucess of charging and discharging or Acad accumulator 1< ##1- 7%7! 2,Y n, 2J_=# 7,, 89plain two defects o simple voitaiccclil #t*: 1call dckcts hc elcminateJ? :: #D-H( -cpt 2,,!.3,&<7AF


Mer -hort "nswer T pe +uestions #

Bp.-.8.E. 2,,,,2,,!,2!5< "F

<#. $hat1is -echack c1llect .F

2. Definc neutral h1%l#7pcrature of thcnnoI couple. #D.-.8.E. 7333, -ept. 2,,2, .!5<=, 2)_*!, 2!5< "F 1!. Define -ccbad.. wd7icicnt. . #D.-.8.E.2,,7, #!-l"F _. $hat is Thomson dlcet .* . Bp.-.8.E. 2,,7, 7!5<=F . $hat is Thcnnistor .* #D-.8.n. -ept. 2,,2, .!5<8, 2,,!, 2!57"F

# -hort '$swer Type "uesti#$s


#. (ow docs the c.m.r of u thcnno couple var with the temperature of hot . BD-.8.E. 7._32F .,,O. 89plain the tcr#D e.m.f, neutral temperature and temperature of inversion. Bp.-.8.E. 1924]
/. Define

neutral temperature and temprature of inversion and state the

relations between them. Bp.-.8.E. 733.F ..,.&. 89plain the origin o thenno e.m.f. Bp.-.8.E. -ept. 2,,2, .!5<DF '. #f temperature of cold function o a thennoeouple is lowered, what will be the effect on )i* neutral temperature )ii* temperature of inversion? BD-.8.E. -ept.l66!,3,&<"F ..

. $hat is the value #

thennoIeleetric power at neutral temperature of theimocouple ? (ow wi77 the temperature of inversion of thennocouple .
wiC change, if temperature of cold function1s lowered? . BD-.8.E. -ept. 2,,!, 9,4/B] 2. Dlot a graph showing the variatin ofLh_nno e.m.f. of the thennocouple with temperature difference of its function. (ow d=ie- neutral temperature var . with temperature ofIcold function? BD-%8.E. -ept. 2,,!, 3,&<=F

l#$6 '$swer Type "uesti#$ # .

<$hat is seeback effect? 89plain its causes. Discuss the effect of temperature on thenno c.m.f. of a thenno couple.
rD?OO% _ + '+-"\'1 217,\17

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