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Destinys Child Soul Survivors (Official Autobiography)

BEYONCE: I am Beyonce Giselle Knowles. The deal my parents made before I was born was that my dad wo ld pic! my middle name and my mom wo ld pic! my first name. Thro "h the years# I$%e "rown to lo%e it# Beyonce. I try to be the best person I can be. B t I$m not physically a perfect specimen. I$m a sin"er and a son" writer. I$m not Cindy Crawford. I "ain wei"ht in my thi"hs. I$m h man. I hear remar!s li!e# Beyonce "ot fat. It$s to "h ha%in" to watch my wei"ht. I don$t want to watch what I eat at e%ery meal# b t it$s part of bein" a celebrity. I hired a personal trainer. They ha%e no carb chocolate now# which is sa%in" my life. KE&&Y 'O(&)N*: I$m Kelly. I$%e always "one by the name Kelly# e%en tho "h it$s Kelendria on my birth certificate. I mi"ht seem wild# b t I$m really sensiti%e. I can also be %ery moody when it comes to clothes. I thin! I$m "oin" thro "h a weird phase now where I$ll + st wear little t,shirts or tan! tops and +eans. I li!e to slip on flip,flops or a pair of c te tennis shoes nless it$s winter time. -a%in" a cool ba" is important too. .IC-E&&E (I&&I)./: I$m .ichelle. /ome people may not !now that Tenitra is my real first name. That$s what I$%e been called my entire life nless my mother was tryin" to "et my attention. Then I wo ld hear# Tenitra .ichelle0

Or Tenitra .ichelle (illiams0 /o when I come home to 'oc!ford# Illinois# I$m Tenitra a"ain. BEYONCE: In person# I don$t loo! as "ood as I do in my %ideos. That sometimes s rprises fans. They see me somewhere with ba"s nder my eyes and say# ooh# she$s "ot ba"s0 )nd they$re not tal!in" &o is 1 itton either. Or someone will ma!e a comment if I ha%e a few 2its across my forehead. -ey# I brea! o t sometimes. Once in a while# I loo! downri"ht "ross. KE&&Y 'O(&)N*: I ha%e a bea tif l teac p Yor!ie named .ohaw!,, he act ally has a little mohaw! on his head,, who won$t stop chewin" on my pillows. (hen I decided that I wanted a do" and went pooch shoppin"# Beyonce said,, BEYONCE: .m# this do" needs to be different. KE&&Y 'O(&)N*: That$s beca se all the pets we$%e had ha%e been absol tely n ts. .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: (e had a !itty named .aster 3. BEYONCE: (e also had a rabbit named )sia. KE&&Y 'O(&)N*: )nd she was n tty too. .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: The only people who call me .ichelle are the 4:56people who !now me as part of *estiny$s Child. KE&&Y 'O(&)N*: That$s ri"ht. .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: .m,hmm. .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: E%en people who I meet more than once "et to 4:67!now me as .ichelle. 4:66)nd then I$ll tell them my real first name. 4:64Tenitra.

.IC-E&&E (I&&)./: Either way# I$m cool. 4:68I$ll answer to both. 4:69/o it doesn$t matter what I$m called# .ichelle# Tenitra# 4:::e%en my nic!name# TT. .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: In a way# I feel li!e I$m two people# 4:49.ichelle and Tenitra. ;:7:/-E''I /-E3-E'*: I$m ne%er satisfied# and ;:7;I$m pro d of that. ;:78I ha%e been approached to write son"s for a few sin"ers. ;:55I thin! it$s %ery important for performers to write their ;:54own material beca se e%eryone$s ;:5<%ocab lary is different. ;:58=or instance# if I li!e somethin" I ;:65mi"ht say# that$s ti"ht. ;:6:(hereas they wo ld say# that$s "ood. Or they mi"ht say# that s c!s. ;::<)nd I will say# that$s whac!. ;::9E%eryone sho ld %al e his or her own %oice. BEYONCE: The older I "et,, ;:4<The older I "et# the more I want to be lo%ed and ha%e ;:49someone in my life to share thin"s with. ;:;6This can be a lonely b siness. ;:;4That$s why I am so happy for Britney /pears and > stin ;:;?Timberla!e. <:77It$s so c te how they s pport each other$s careers and ma!e <:7:time for each other in their li%es. <:7;If Brittney is in the recordin" st dio# > stin will <:79drop by for li!e fi%e min tes and s rprise her. <:56It$s those little min tes that co ld mean so m ch. .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: I don$t han" o t with many people who are <:67in the ind stry. <:66&ance Bass two,ways me e%ery now and then# and <:6;I$ll two,way him bac!,, <:68sometimes. BEYONCE: In the time leadin" p to the ne@t alb m <::;we record as *estiny$s Child# I !now for a fact that <::9e%erybody$s "oin" to "row. <:45Kelly and .ichelle# they are so shy. <:4;(hen I try to write son"s with them# they don$t <:4?ha%e m ch to say.

BEYONCE: I don$t !now why. <:;:Not e%erybody li!es writin". <:;;It will be interestin". KE&&Y 'O(&)N*: (e don$t !now what o r ne@t ?:7?alb m will so nd li!e. ?:79Basically# it will be a more mat re *estiny$s Child. ?:5:I$m still tryin" to fi" re o t how to do my own alb m# so I$m ?:5<constantly as!in" Beyonce A estions. ?:59/he$s so wise. It$s "reat that she will ?:6:always "i%e me ad%ice. .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: Kelly# and Beyonce# and I are as ti"ht as ?:69three nrelated people can possibly be. / re# there ha%e been b mps. ?::<B t we are in no way r nnin" away from each other. BEYONCE: Beyonce,, KE&&Y 'O(&)N*: Kelly,, .IC-E&&E (I&&)./: .ichelle and Tenitra,, )&& /3E)KING: *estiny$s Child.

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