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Self organizing content and the informed hyperspaces of meaning and awareness:

When, what and where is Content! They are the 3Ws of data science. When to locate content?, what is content and where to locate the content. I believe these three thoughts works behind any of the search engine driven etadata strategies. Why do we see etadata beco ing stale and stealth in the content ecosyste ? This ade e to think about infor ation s!aces, their te !oral !ro!erties and the need for a new visual se iotics. "re they like the conventional s!ace ti e con#ectures and curvatures? There we have to reali$e that s!ace%ti e is never an absolute etric of anything. &et's take a few infor ation s!aces. (ne direct e)a !le is a library of wealth of infor ation. "nother one can be a stock e)change where nu bers and stocks flock with finance ca!ital. *et another one can be a grou! of !eo!le asse bled in a !arlia ent or a conference. "nother very fa iliar e)a !le of a convenient infor ation s!ace is a data warehouse or a relational database. This is largely an infor ation s!ace sans soul of infor ation.

Emergence of hyper spaces of connected information ecosystem

"ll these are infor ation s!aces and they define their etrics of content and etadata. (ften infor ation s!ace is #ust associated with the needs of data visuali$ation. This a!!roach will !rovide only li ited !ers!ective of infor ation s!aces. +ach infor ation s!ace is having a te !oral or conte)tual as!ect e bedded or evolving around it. "nd it cannot be si !lified in so e relations of data structures. If data structures should eet these criteria, they should have a ti e variant structure associated with the . " I again going back to the traditional s!ace%ti e? ,o, rather, #ust highlighting the necessity to acco odate ti e in this situation. +very easure ent syste should know what it is going to easure. If this factor is not understood well, we will always witness an uncertainty or !robability or chaos in easure ent and results. -o if we design an infor ation s!ace to visuali$e content and etadata that locate the .When, What, Where/, we need to know that all these co%ordinates the selves are anifestations of so e other infor ation s!aces. 0ence Infor ation s!ace cannot e)ist in silos. It e)ists through 1acro Connectors. The conce!t of acro connectors is not ine. This is !ro!osed by 1IT 1edia &ab. "nd it looks interesting. Infor ation s!ace thus beco es a connected s!ace. What do we achieve by e)tending these connections? 0ow will infor ation s!aces work in cognitive co !uting 2 social co !uting environ ent? &ike light getting bend by gravity, I would love to say that infor ation s!aces get truncated and twisted, curled, diverged, and converged by the real%ti e decisions of cognitive data nodes. Infor ation overloading is #ust a behavior out of illion !ossibilities in this infor ation % cognition con#ecture.

Information Machines and Metadata Strategy: Self organization and awareness

0ow uch of engineering is re3uired for designing 2 evolving infor ation achines so that they can always differentiate between data and etadata and further go beyond to create knowledge and insights out of it. ,o doubt, search engines are infor ation achines. They learn the se antic gra!hs of infor ation relationshi!s in a sea of inde)es. &et e bring so e etrics here. 0ow will we easure the effectiveness of search engines as infor ation achines? 4o we need so e a)is to !lot 2 visuali$e their effectiveness. (ne of y favorite 3uestions will be how uch of data 2 infor ation 2 relationshi!s 2 inde)es 2 se antic webs can be converted to working knowledge by -earch engines? 5ather can they do this task at all without the intervention of hu an interactions, at all! 6oing by the sa e lines, y categori$ation 2 differential !ositioning of etadata with res!ect to data will not be erely based on the relationshi! between the eaning and associative !ositioning of data nodes. It will be rather based on how one node of data connects the other node of data to a third node of data. -o data and 7 etadata should always have ore than one connecting dot between the . Thus when we use a search engine to find all the etadata about a !articular data node, it should find the eta data based on this se antic gra!h.

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