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Bucknell University - Recreation Services

Intermediate Strength Training Program

Strength training helps to prevent injuries, improves your bodys muscle to fat ratio, and helps you develop a smooth, toned appearance. he !ntermediate "evel Strength #rogram is intended for the healthy, active person $ho already has had a consistent $orkout regimen for %& months or more. Intermediate Level Guidelines #erform % to %& repetition ma'imum (R)* e'ercise in a periodi+ed fashion (i.e. %& reps during $eek %, %- reps $eek &, . reps $eek /, 0 reps $eek 1* 2ventual emphasis on heavy loading (%-3 R)* 4t least / minutes rest bet$een sets Strength train &-/ days per $eek (%-& days per muscle group* General Strength Guidelines Use $eight $ithin 5-%- lbs of opposing muscle groups (i.e. chest press .5 lb, ro$ %-- lb*. 6ork larger muscle groups (i.e. chest7back* to smaller muscle groups (i.e. biceps7triceps*. #erform each e'ercise through individual joints full range of motion. )aintain proper form on each rep for each e'ercise. NEVER SACRIFICE FORM FOR EIG!T" #erform the entire e'ercise (lifting and lo$ering portions* in a controlled manner. )aintain a normal breathing pattern during each e'ercise. 4s a general rule, e'hale during concentric (shortening* phase and inhale during eccentric (lengthening* phase. 8eep track of your progress using a 9Strength raining "og:. hese are available in the 8rebs ;amily ;itness <enter.
Information was obtained from CAUTION: Bucknell University Recreation Services staff recommends you see your p ysician for a complete medical e!am "efore you undertake an e!ercise pro#ram$ particularly if you ave a family istory of i# "lood pressure or eart disease$ are over t e a#e of %&$ or if you smoke$ ave i# c olesterol$ are o"ese$ or ave not e!ercised re#ularly in t e past year' If$ at any time ( ile e!ercisin# you feel faint$ di))y$ or s ort of "reat $ stop immediately'

Strength or#out T$%es& Two Day Split Workouts: or#out A' or#out ( (%* #ush7#ull (&* Upper Body7"o$er Body (/* orso74rms and "egs Fre)uen*$ O%tions& (a* 1 days7$eek (b* & days on, % day off (c* 2very other day (d* / days7$eek

Sample Weekly Strength Program: =Sunday->ff, )on-#ush, ue->ff, 6ed-#ull, hurs->ff, ;ri-#ush, Sunday->ff (See chart belo$*.?
Sun+ >ff Mon+ #ush Tues+ >ff ed+ #ull Thurs+ >ff Fri+ #ush Sat+ >ff

Sample Workout Week !y"le: or#out A& Push

Mus*les 3sed E4er*ise Per5ormed EE, - .M'F/ Re%s Intensit$ .R/ EE, 0 . / .I/ EE, 1 .M'F/ .Re%/ . .I/ 3-BR) EE, 2 . / .Re%/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .I/ 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) EE, 2 .M'F/ .Re%/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .I/ 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR)

@uadriceps <hest #uadri"eps Upper <hest ,ip -ddu"tor ;ront Celtoid <alves riceps

Barbell ;ull SAuat Bench #ress Seated $eg Press !ncline Bench #ress Seated ,ip -ddu"tion Shoulder #ress Standing <alve Raise riceps 2'tension or#out (& Pull


5-B R)

%& %& %& %& %& %&

'()*+ 5-BR) '()*+ 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR)

EE, - . /


55BR) 55BR) '')*+ 55BR) 55BR) '')*+ 55BR) '')*+

EE, 0 .M'F/

. . . . . .

3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) EE, 1 . /

Mus*les 3sed

E4er*ise Per5ormed





.Re%/ .

.I/ 3-BR)

Back ("ats* Eamstrings Back ,ip-bdu"tor Side Celtoid Biceps ,ip .lexors Trape/ius 4bdominal 1bli2ues

<lose Drip #ulldo$n Seated "eg <url Seated Ro$ Standing ,ip -bdu"tion Upright Ro$ Cumbbell <url De"line Sit up 0arbell Shrug Eanging "eg Eip Raise In"line Twisting Sit up

%& %& %& %& %& %& %& %& %& %&

5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR) 5-BR)


55BR) 55BR) '')*+ 55BR) 55BR) '')*+ 55BR) '')*+ 55BR) '')*+

. . . . . . . .

3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR) 3-BR)

F2'ercises in itali"s are optional and may act as a supplement to the $orkout.

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