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(CMP/GLAD/CLASP/other Land Tenurial Project) Checklist of Requirements for Homeowners Association Registration NOTE: a. All information must be t !

e"ritten or at least le#ibl "ritten. b. The name of our association must include the !hrase $%&M'&()'*S+ ASS&C,AT,&)- ,)C&*P&*AT'D.. c. All documents must be filed in tri!licate/three (/) co!ies and neatl fastened in a folder each. d. A0oid unnecessar erasures1 remember these "ill be our documents for fift (23) ears. I. A. Documentar Requirements: ARTIC!E" O# INCOR$ORATION 4 all incor!orators must !rint their names and affi5 their res!ecti0e si#natures on e0er !a#e of the documents (number of incor!orators ad board of directors shall not be less than 2 nor more than 62)1 !lace the !rinted name of the incor!orators under their res!ecti0e si#natures- and must be dul notari7ed. %&'!A(" 4 if filed to#ether "ith the Article of ,ncor!oration- should be si#ned b all incor!orators and affi5 their res!ecti0e si#natures on e0er !a#e of the documents1 if filed after notice of issuance of its certificate of incor!orationa co! dul certified to b the majorit of the directors or trustees countersi#ned b the secretar of the %&A that the b 9la"s is a true and correct co! ado!ted b the association u!on affirmati0e 0ote of a majorit (:// 0otes) of the members. ()ote; 8 9La"s must be notari7ed) )ENERA! IN#OR*ATION "HEET 4 indicate the name of the association- its !rinci!al address- list of 8oard of Directors and trustees and their addresses- list of &fficers and their !ositions- list of members of the association and dul notari7ed. CERTI#ICATION 4 the territorial jurisdiction (lot no.- title/ta5 dec. no.- lot o"ner- location) of the %&A and attach a 0icinit ma!/location ma! if t"o or more association or#ani7ed in one subdi0ision !roject- indicate on the ma! the territorial jurisdiction of our association and the other <no"n association/s situated near ou. +NDERTA,IN) AND !I"T O# INCOR$ORATOR" 4 e5ecuted b the incor!orators to chan#e the cor!orate name in the e0ent that another !ersonfirm or entit has ac=uired a !rior ri#ht to use of said name and to com!l "ith all the rules and re#ulations of the %L>*8 and dul notari7ed. A+THORI-ATION 4 notari7ed "ritten authorit of the incor!orators/!resident for the re!resentati0e of the association to transact/follo"9u! "ith %L>*8.







A..itional Requirements: a. Du!licate ori#inal co! of the notari7ed L'TT'* &? ,)T')T T& S'LL &* C&)T*ACT T& S'LL- D''D &? A8S&L>T' SAL' &* M'M&*A)D>M &? AG*''M')T1 Certified true co! of the ori#inal or transfer certificate of title from the *e#ister of Deeds issued not later than thirt (/3) da s before the date of a!!lication1 b. c. d. e. f. @icinit /Location Ma! and Site De0elo!ment Plan/Schematic Plan/Location Plan (&ff9site/on site !roject) dul si#ned and sealed b a Geodetic 'n#ineer1 Structural Ma!/actual occu!anc Ma! for on9site !roject1 Aonin# Certification from the C/MPDC- *e; Aonin# classification of the lot1 Association 8oo<s; 6 for Minutes 8oo<1 6 for Cash 8oo<; 6 for Membershi! 8oo< and 6 for Bournal and Led#er1 8,&9DATA of the directors and officers of the association.


#ee: 6. Articles of ,ncor!oration '5amination ?ee . . . . .. Ph! C23.33 :. 8 9La"s '5amination ?ee . . . . . . . Ph! C23.33 /. *e#istration of 8oo<s ?ee . . .. Ph!:33.33 D. ,ns!ection ?ee . . . Ph!233.33 !er %ectare 2. >.P. Le#al *esearch ?ee (6E of Total ?ee)

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