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M/s. SOLAR ENERGIETECHNIK LTD. The company duly established and incorporated under the Companies Act, 1 !" and has its Corporate O##ice at O$Y%, th Floor, $orth &ain 'oad, (ore)aon *ar+, *une , -11..1 and #actory at /r0a Centre, 1at $o. 232 , 1an)a 'etreat 'oad, 4a)holi, *une , -122.5 6ereina#ter re#erred to as the 789T:;,4hich e<pression shall always mean and include, its &ana)in) Directors Board o# Directors, :ear 'epresentati=es O##ice Bearers, 8uccessor in title and the assi)ns >T69 *A'TY OF T69 OT69' *A'T? A$D &@s 6ereina#ter re#erred to as the Dealer >4hich e<pression shall always mean and include, unless repu)nant to the conte<t or meanin) thereo# his :e)al 'epresentati=es, 6eirs 8uccessors, Administrators, 9<ecutors, and Assi)ns?, T69 *A'TY OF T69 OT69' *A'T. 469'9A8 89T: is manu#acturin) and mar+etin) =arious patented and nonApatented solar@renewable ener)y products and 8olar 9coled *roducts systems at *une. A$D 469'9A8 in order to e<pand its sellin) acti=ities 789T:; is loo+in) #or )ood and reliable dealer. A$D 469'9A8 the dealer has o##ered to sell and deal in the 8olar 9coled products o# 789T:; and 469'9A8 789T:; has accepted the said o##er o# the dealer on the #ollowin) mutually a)reed terms and conditions. $O4 T69'9FO'9 T69 *A'TB98 69'9TO A$D 69'9/$D9' &/T/A:: A1'99 A$D D9C:A'9 A8 B9:O4:A 1. 2. 789T:; has appointed the Dealer #or City Area State #or sell promotion, mar+etin) and ser=icin) in 8olar 9coled products. This Dealer shall sell, mar+et all the 8olar 9coled *roducts manu#actured by 89T: C do all such acts ,deeds, thin)s which will )enerate sales , +eep proper #ollow up o# retail sale C render a#ter sale ser=ice to the product sold by him or by the pre=ious retailer durin) the warranty period C also later on.

89C'9CY: The Dealer shall +eep all the communication made with the 89T:, any in#ormation, technical data, +nowAhow supplied @ disclosed by the 89T: as a trade secret and shall not di=ul)e the same to any third party, without prior written permission obtained #rom the 89T:, in any manner, whatsoe=er and either directly or indirectly. '98*O$8BBB:BTY OF T69 D9A:9': i? To achie=e minimum sales tar)et #i<ed by the 89T: #rom time to time. ii? iii? i=? =? &aintain showroom to display the products o# 89T:C *O* material in outlet. Appoint ma<imum retail outlets in the area to co=er all electrical shops C )eneral stores etc.. (eep adeDuate stoc+ #or re)ular supply to 'etail Outlets and Customers. Do all such acts, deeds C thin)s, which will )enerate customer sales, supply, install and commission at the site, pro=ide a#ter sales ser=ice durin) the warranty period and a#ter wards also. Bn=est necessary #inance in this business. 9mploy reDuired manpower in this business. 89T: will be sellin) all solar 9coled products to dealer at Dealer rate. All manu#acturin) de#ects in the product >supplied by 89T:?i# any will be recti#ied by dealer ,in warranty period ,and cost o# recti#ication will be reimbursed to dealer by 89T:. 89T: shall ha=e ri)ht to appoint any other dealer in addition to dealer appointed under this a)reement. The a)reement is terminable prematurely by issuin) one month prior written notice by either party , without assi)nin) any reason. Consideration #or dealer will be as per 89T: current price list only. The mode o# transportin) company @ a)ency will be o# the choice o# 89T: in order to )et the security o# the )oods in transport.

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*'B$BT$1 O$ 8TATBO$9'Y: The Dealer shall ensure that all the letter heads, bills, in=oices, ad=ertisement material, lea#lets, brochures and any other correspondence relatin) to our product shall contain 7Authorised Dealer o# 8olar 9ner)ieTechni+ :td.,; *une and Bn#initi solar brand lo)o o# the Company. '9:B9E9 F'O& T6B8 A1'99&9$T /nless the Dealer settles all his accounts with 789T:; and obtains written no dues@no ob0ection certi#icate #rom 789T:; on that behal#, the Dealer will not be treated as relie=ed #rom this a)reement and the terms o# this a)reement will be bindin) o# the Dealer till then. F/'B8DBCTBO$ Any dispute pertainin) to interpretation, application, #ul#illment @ breach o# any condition o# this a)reement shall be sub0ect to e<clusi=e */$9 CBTY 0urisdiction only and 89T: shall ha=e ri)ht to withhold all money till the #inal decision o# the dispute by the Competent Court.


B$ 4BT$988 469'9OF 8B1$9D, 89A:9D A$D D9:BE9'9D O$ DAY A$D *:AC9 &9$TBO$9D 69'9B$ABOE9. For SOLAR ENERGIETECHNIK LTD. For



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