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Ref N 2008-41 1. SUMMARY The Cuban Institute on Cinematographic Arts and Industry (ICAIC) was the first cultural institution created a few months after the Cuban Revolution, in March of !"!# $orn under the passion of those first founding days of fervent revolutionary changes, the new Cuban cinema was understood as %the most powerful and suggestive medium of artistic e&pression, and the most direct and e&tended vehicle of education', as stated in the (aw which gave birth to Cuba)s main film production company* ICAIC# +ith these two purposes in sight ,artistic e&pression and education,the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano (ICAIC (atin,American -ewsreel) was produced from !/0 to !!0, informing the Cuban, but also the (atin,American viewers, about Cuban and world events, them participants in their own history and creating a climate for debate over the construction of the new country that was emerging# These newsreels are of far more than local significance, although even as a record of the Cuban political process they deserve a place in the world)s archives, as the most comprehensive record of the history of the Cuban Revolution during its most vibrant period# Indeed they cover the whole of (atin America, and there are many episodes dealing with world events seen through a (atin American optic# 1ver the years, the Cinemateca de Cuba (Cuban 2ilm Archive) has been a haven not only to the Cuban film heritage 3constituted by short and feature,length fiction films, documentaries, cartoons, reports and, of course, all the editions of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano3, but also to the memory of Cuba)s fellow countries, for several (atin,American films threatened by the dictatorships of the /0s and 40s found shelter in its vaults# $esides protecting them, the Cinemateca de Cuba too. charge of duplicating the films that it considered important, subtitling then distributing them to other (atin American film archives# 5owever in the !0s, during the so,called %6pecial 7eriod', the many blac.outs caused by the electricity shortage were a great blow to film preservation8 indeed, the air conditioning and humidity control e9uipment, vital to film conservation, as well as the duplication, restoration and revision wor.s were practically paralysed due to lac. of resources# The film archives of the Cinemateca de Cuba, which up to that moment had represented a model for (atin America3 stopped being a safe haven# :eprived of the necessary materials to carry on what constitutes a daily battle to preserve moving images in tropical countries, the mission of the Cinemateca de Cuba was further worsened by the hurricanes that uncovered some of its depots# At this point, important images li.e those chronicling Che ;uevara)s <ourney to the Republic of Congo are in danger of getting lost forever# The presentation of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano)s nomination to the Memory of the +orld Register is at the same time both urgent and timely# =rgent, because the effects of the Cuban economic crisis, which e&plains the cessation of the newsreels production in !!0, did great harm to the Cinemateca de Cuba, whose responsibility is to preserve the newsreels# Timely, because of the approaching fiftieth anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and of ICAIC)s creation in >anuary and March of ?00!, respectively# Therefore, to declare the collection of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano a part of the Memory of the +orld is indispensable, so that the images and sounds of those years are not lost and so that the e&perience directly witnessed by its protagonists during those five decades in and outside of the Island are made to be .nown#

2. DETAILS OF THE NOMINATOR 2.1 Name !er"on or or#ani"ation$% Cinemateca de Cuba of the Cuban Institute Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematogr@ficos (ICAIC) 2.2. Re&ation"'i! to t'e (oc)mentar* 'erita#e nominate(% ICAIC was founded on March ?0 of !"! by (aw :ecree /!, published four days later in the Gaceta Oficial (Cuban)s 1fficial :iary)# +ith the aim to create an institution whose main ob<ective would be the preservation and conservation of Cuba)s filmic memory, as well and its dissemination for educational purposes, the Cinemateca de Cuba (Cuban 2ilm Archive) was created by ICAIC on 2ebruary /th of !/0# The Cinemateca is the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano)s legal custodian# 2.+. Contact !er"on "$* ,a-&o ,ac'eco L.!e/, vicepresident of ICAIC)s 2ilm 5eritage# Man)e& Herrera Re*e" and Do&ore" Ca&0i1o Va&(2"3Fa)&*, director and vicedirector of the Cinemateca de Cuba, respectively# 2.4 Contact (etai&" inc&)(e a((re""5 !'one5 6a75 emai&$% ,a-&o ,ac'eco L.!e/ ?A st# -o# 04, Ard# 2loor, eB C and 0, Dedado, 7laEa de la RevoluciFn, Ciudad de (a 5abana, 0G00# Cuba# 7hone* ("A),4,CAA//GC e,mail* vppatrimonioHicaic#cu Man)e& Herrera an( Do&ore" Ca&0i1o Va&(2"3Fa)&* Cinemateca de Cuba# ?A st# -o# "" between 0 I ?# Dedado# 7laEa de la RevoluciFn, Ciudad de (a 5abana, 0G00# Cuba# 7hone* ("A) ,4,CAC?CGG e,mail* direcinemaHicaic#cu e,mail* vicecinematecaHicaic#cu A# I:J-TITK A-: :J6CRI7TI1- 12 T5J :1C=MJ-TARK 5JRITA;J A# # -ame and identification details of the items being nominated Original negative of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano O8ner* Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematogr@ficos (ICAIC) Careta9er* Cinemateca de Cuba 7rovince, state or department* Ciudad de (a 5abana Address* ?A st# -o# "" between 0 I ?, Dedado# 7laEa de la RevoluciFn# Ciudad de (a 5abana 0G00# Cuba# +.2 De"cri!tion% The Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano was shown since the first e&hilarating days of the Cuban Revolution# 6panning A decades, it was produced for a total of G!A editions averaging 0 minutes appro&imately, until !!0, when the newsreels production was discontinued due to the economic crisis faced by ICAIC, in particular, and the country in general# After the last edition of the Noticiero, the artistic and technical crew adapted to the new situation and produced A additional documentaries, for a total of ?0G min, entitled %Revistas del -oticiero'# The newsreels were filmed in cellulose acetate support, in blac. and white and A" mm, and with 1R+1 magnetic sound# Copies in A" mm were made for all the movie theatres in the country, and in / mm for the programmes of the so,called cine mvile (mobile cinemas), which were brought to locales removed from the big cities, some of which were deprived of electricity, re9uiring the use of generators# The crew of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano was formed by people with little training and without any previous film e&perience# Its director and main, 6antiago LlvareE, was a man with a solid bac.ground in culture and politics# 5e studied Medicine, 7hilosophy and 6panish (iterature at the 5avana =niversity8 7sychology at the =niversity of Columbia and Jnglish at the >efferson 6chool, both in -ew Kor.# In the "0s, he was one of the founders of the !ocie"a" C#lt#ral N#e tro $iem%o (1ur Time Cultural

6ociety), which reunited a group of young left,wing intellectuals# In those same years he <oined the founding group of what would be ICAIC some years later, <oining the of Alfredo ;uevara, >ulio ;arcMa Jspinosa and Tom@s ;utiNrreE,Alea# +ith little artistic e&perience, at the age of G0, he assumed the direction of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano, soon becoming its great creator and artist# About the contribution 6antiago LlvareE has made to the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano, film critic and historian :ere. Malcolm, from the $ritish newspaper $he G#ar"ian, wrote* very fast and with technical e9uipment which any would re<ect today for its complete obsolescence, he has made a series of films in the /0s and the 40s which hasn)t yet been surpassed nor as newsreels, nor as propaganda pieces, nor as brilliantly improvised film wor.s'# A veritable school for the young talented men who would later <oin the great family of Cuban filmma.ers, the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano represented for the new directors the uni9ue opportunity to learn their craft at the same time as they depicted their country)s new reality# The Noticiero") cameramen shot G4)44C min for the screen, which represents a yearly average of four feature,length films of two hours each, a record for an undeveloped country with no previous film industry# The three first edtions were dedicated to the trip of Cuban president 1svaldo :orticFs Torrado around (atin America, where he was received by warm demonstrations of support for the new and victorious Cuban Revolution# The Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano, with 6antiago LlvareE at his head, has travelled across over ninety countries around the world and shot natural disasters such as 6antiago de Chile)s earth9ua.e8 historical moments li.e the Dietnam +ar, the events of ;renada, 2rance during May of /C or the 7rague 6pring of the same year, among others# 1ther sub<ects depicted by the Noticiero* the daily life of little .nown countries such as (aos and Kemen8 interviews of personalities from recent history such as 6alvador Allende, 5o Chi Minh and 2idel Castro# The Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano collaborated in and promoted the creation of other national newsreels in countries li.e -icaragua (I-CI-J newsreel) and 7anama (;JC=)# This large collection of images and direct sounds of events that too. place during the first years of the Cuban Revolution represents a uni9ue historical document for the study and analysis of its process of political radicalisation# To name a few .ey moments of the new nation)s formation* the announcement of the nationalisation of the American telephone and electricity monopolies8 the intervention of the foreign oil companies when they ob<ect to refine the Cuban raw oil8 the nationalisation of the ban.s8 the intervention of TD channels li.e CMO and the film distribution companies8 the popular demonstrations supporting the Cuban government against the lowering of the Cuban sugar 9uota imposed by the =nited 6tates8 the first Kouth Conference in Cuba and the establishment of the money e&change laws# The Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano was incorporated into the audiovisual patrimony of the Cinemateca de Cuba for its preservation and dissemination# Its negatives, A"mm copies, masters, negative duplicates, sound elements and are deposited in the vaults of the Cinemateca de Cuba# A8ar(" 6pecial editions, reports and documentaries made by the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano were awarded several international priEes, of which* the ;olden :ove, more than once, at the (eipEig 2estival8 the ;olden Medal of the city of ;enova8 the ;olden 7eacoc. in -ew :elhi, India8 the ;olden 6hell in 6an 6ebastian, 6pain8 at the (ondon 2ilm 2estival, at the $ilbao :ocumentary 2ilm 2estival in 6pain8 in Ireland8 in Turin, Italy8 in DiPa del Mar, Chile8 at the 2ilm 2estival of 1berhausen, ;ermany8 in Qingston, >amaica# Its main director, 6antiago LlvareE, has been awarded several times for the ensemble of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano, such as the homage he received in ac.nowledgment of his wor. at the MNrida 2ilm 2estival, in DeneEuela, which this year celebrates its G0th anniversary#

:i-&io#ra!'* #,A;RAM1-TJ, Arturo y CA6TI((1, (uciano# Coordenadas del cine cubano # 7ublisher 1riente, 6antiago de Cuba, ?00 # ?#,A;RAM1-TJ, Arturo# CronologMa del Cine Cubano# 7ublisher ICAIC, (a 5abana, !/"# A#,ARAK, Jdmundo# 6antiago LlvareE, Cronista del Tercer Mundo# 7ublisher Cinemateca -acional, Caracas, !CA# G#,;ARCRA $1RRJR1, >uan Antonio# Cine cubano de los sesenta* mito y realidad# 7ublisher 1cho y medio, Madrid, ?004# "#,;1-SL(JS, Reynaldo (coord#)# Cinemateca de Cuba# 7ublisher 1riente, 6antiago de Cuba# /#,(A$AQI, Amir# Jl o<o de la revoluciFn* el cine urgente de 6antiago LlvareE# 7ublisher Iluminuras, 6To 7aulo, !!G# 4#,Cuadernos y folletos realiEados por el Archivo 2Mlmico de la Cinemateca de Cuba# C#,2olletos y ediciones especiales, Archivos de la Jmpresa Audiovisuales ICAIC# !#,7roducciones del Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematogr@ficos !"!?00G, ICAIC# 0#,6antiago LlvareE# 2ilmoteca -acional de JspaPa, Madrid, !4C# Inventory 2rom -umber to -umber G!0 (see attached document)# Three newsreels had double editions that were shown indistinctly, which brings the total number of editions to G!A# It must be added that the A0GA reels of must also be included in the inventory# Tec'nica& con(ition" A preliminary report of the technical conditions of the Cinemateca de Cuba)s film archives was made in ?00"# The report regarding the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano was the following* Ori#ina& ne#ati0e in +;mm J&isting titles* G!08 with acidity,grade* G4G8 mutilated* G4"8 in fair condition* "G # Total amount (in reels)* ?!C0# ,o"iti0e Ma"ter in +;mm J&isting titles* GGG8 with acidity,grade* /C08 in fair condition* 4/G# Total amount (in reels)* G!!# Ne#ati0e ()!&icate" in +;mm J&isting titles* C08 with acidity,grade* C0# Total amount (in reels)* !?# ,o"iti0e co!ie" in +;mm J&isting copies* AA!# (osses* " (of the G!0 editions, the copies of " were lost)# +ith acidity,grade* /A# In fair condition* 4/# O)tta9e" !o"iti0e co!ie" o6 t'e )n)"e( 6i&me( materia&$ Total amount (in reels)* A0GA (acidity,grade un.nown)# In order to better understand these figures, it is necessary to e&plain that by %8it' aci(it*3#ra(e', it is meant that it is .nown that acid has penetrated the material (the so,called Dinegar 6yndrome), but not to what degree8 one of the first problems to be solved with the conservation of this film archive is precisely to .now the e&act degree of acidity of each material# 6imilarly, by %in 6air con(ition', it is meant that the material is easily recoverable# The state of the A"mm duplicate negatives has been added, since if this material could be restored, the lost editions of theNoticiero

ICAIC Latinoamericano could probably be recovered# 2or that same reason, the o)tta9e", which for artistic reasons were not used at the time, have been included# Today, for historical reasons, their content is of great value for the film archive# Re6eree"% Mic'ae& C'anan* Academic# Critic, researcher and essayist with several boo.s published on (atin, American cinema in general, and on Cuban films in particular# $oard member of a committee created in (ondon for the search of support to save Cuba)s film heritage# e,mail* m#chananHroehampton#ac#u. E(m)n(o Ara** 7oet and (atin,American film researcher and essayist# 5is main themes are (atin,American Cinema and >osN MartM)s wor.# 2ounder of the &#n"acin "el N#evo Cine Latinoamericano (-ew (atin,American Cinema 2oundation 2-C() and member of its $oard# 7resently, member of the committee in support to save the (atin,American film heritage in DeneEuela# e,mail* edmundoarayHyahoo#com#m& I0<n Tr)=i&&o# $iologist# J&,director of the =-AM 2ilm Archive (=niversidad -acional AutFnoma de MN&ico), now Cultural AttachN to the Me&ican Jmbassy in Cuba# Researcher and responsible for the rescue and restoration of a large number of (atin,American silent films# In charge of the 2IA2)s programme %6chool on +heels' sponsored by Ibermedia# e,mail* ivant4 Hgmail#com In"tit)tion"* O6icina (e Santia#o A&0areE :irector* (@Eara 5errera ;onE@leE ?A -o# "", Ard floor eB 0 I ?# Dedado# 7laEa de la RevoluciFn Ciudad de (a 5abana 0G00#C=$A# 7hone* ("A),4,CA0 "GC e,mail* salvareEHicaic#cu F)n(aci.n (e& N)e0o Cine Latinoamericano Ave# ? ? I#A # (a Coronela# (a (isa# Ciudad de (a 5abana# C=$A# 7hones* ("A),4?4 C G B ?4 /A/G ;eneral director* Al9uimia 7ePa e,mail* fcineHcubarte#cult#cu fcine?00 Hyahoo#es

4. JUSTIFICATION FOR INCLUSION/ ASSESSMENT AGAINST CRITERIA 4.1 I" a)t'enticit* e"ta-&i"'e(> Kes# It is registered in the Cinemateca de Cuba)s Collection catalogue, and this has been so stated by ICAIC Us vice presidency of 7atrimony and 7atrimony :irection, both from the Ministry of Culture# 4.2 I" 8or&( "i#ni6icance5 )ni?)ene"" an( irre!&acea-i&it* e"ta-&i"'e(> Kes# The editions of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano are re9uired world wide to be shown at international festivals as historical testimony8 special screenings dedicated to the study of different Cuban and international topics are organised at film events or academic seminars8 for commemorations such as the victory of the Dietnamese or as a uni9ue document of Jrnesto Che ;uevara)s presence in Congo, among others# 4.+ I" one or more o6 t'e criteria o6 a$ time -$ !&ace c$ !eo!&e ($ ")-=ect an( t'eme e$ 6orm an( "t*&e "ati"6ie(>

a$ Time The editions of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano, which span A0 years, represent the testimony of a whole memorable era, characterised by the world)s growing bipolarisation, the independence wars of Africa)s former colonies and the people)s uprisings in (atin America and the Caribbean# The Noticiero constitutes a direct witness of Cuba)s insertion, contradictions, crisis and successes in (atin America and in the world# The so,called Missile Crisis, documented by uni9ue images and sounds, is a historical moment of international importance captured and preserved by the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano# :ue to the era it depicted, the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano is determinant to understanding the gestation of a Cuban identity and its particular vision of these crucial years of recent history# -$ ,&ace $esides Cuba, the Noticiero" have travelled to several (atin,American countries, registering events also in Africa, Asia and Jurope8 in total, the technical crew of the Noticiero covered more than !0 countries in the world# c$ ,eo!&e In its first stage, the editions of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano were principally directed by its supervising director, 6antiago LlvareE8 very soon, directors from different generations <oined the enterprise# 2or many of them, their passage at the Noticiero was a training ground for in cinema# The film crew of the first editions was as follows* :irector* Alfredo ;uevara ;eneral Coordinator, editor and director* 6antiago LlvareE 7roduction Manager# Idelfonso Ramos 7roducers* Roberto (eFn, (eonardo Sayas, Amparo ;FmeE, 5umberto (FpeE and -estor 7ino# Camera* >orge 5errera, :ervis 7astor Jspinosa, Arturo Agramonte, >orge 5aydV, (uis MarEoa, >ulio 6imoneau, 7ablo MartMneE, (uis Costales, 5arry Tanner and Iv@n -@poles# (ater on, its main director was 6antiago LlvareE and the other directors were* Tom@s ;utiNrreE Alea, 7astor Dega, -icol@s ;uillNn (andri@n, :aniel :MaE,Torres, Miguel Torres, 1ctavio Cort@Ear, >orge 2raga, Manuel 7NreE 7aredes, 2ernando 7NreE, (uis 2elipe $ernaEa, Rogelio 7aris, Rolando :iaE, Rebeca Ch@veE, 2rancisco 7uPal, (@Earo $urMa, Idelfonso Ramos, Melchor Casals, 6ergio -VPeE, >osN 7adrFn, 5ector DeitMa, Divian Argilagos, Irene (FpeE Quchil@n, >orge (uis 6@ncheE# ($ S)-=ect an( t'eme It has touched upon almost every sub<ect, from national to international events* politics, history, culture, sports and even delicate topics on everyday national life, in a continuous attempt to establish a lin. between 5istory and (small) stories# e$ Form an( "t*&e =nder the supervision of 6antiago LlvareE, a world,renowned documentary, the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano transformed the conventional medley of disconnected stories by <oining them up in a unified, highly synthesised line of argument, transcending the traditional format of the chronicle by turning the newsreel into a mini,documentary# Dery rapidly, LlvareE developed a modern and uni9ue style, with an original use of the soundtrac. and novel editing methods# A predominant stylistic feature in 6antiago LlvareE)s large body of wor. 3 which he called "oc#mental#rg' 3 is an e&traordinarily rhythmic mi& of visual and aural forms, use of everything that was within his reach (still photographs, feature film frames, cartoons, posters, newspapers, fragments of TD shows) and an incredible soundtrac. which varies from roc., classical and popular music, sound effects, narrations and silence* all this with a good measure of irony and satire to convey the message#

4.4 Are t'ere i"")e" o6 rarit*5 inte#rit*5 t'reat an( mana#ement t'at re&ate to t'i" nomination> As an historic and even artistic document, the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano is the most complete document of the first thirsty years of the Cuban Revolution# 2urthermore, it is one of the few documents in its format that registered the 40s and the C0s, a time when world production of the great ma<ority of newsreels was ceasing due to the supremacy of television# The negatives, copies, dupe negatives and additional elements that constitute the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano are deposited in the proper place, since the Cinemateca de Cuba values them highly# Throughout this year, its vaults will be undergoing renovations and air conditioning improvements than.s to the financial support of the 7rovince of Andalusia and a special grant by Cuba)s Ministry of Culture# 5owever, it is necessary to point out that after the 6pecial 7eriod Wwhose vastly negative impact on the Cinemateca de Cuba has been mentioned in item % ' (!#mmar'),, it was impossible to give continuity to the established policy of duplication and video and digital transfer due to a lac. of funds# 1f the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano, whose editions had been previously transferred in its entirety onto video (=,matic and D56), only ? D56 were preserved (from which the presented :D:s were made)# 2or those reasons mentioned earlier, the collection re9uires immediate attention so that the processes of restoration and preservation can be performed, as well as the transfer onto digital media, so as to ma.e the access to the document)s contents available without having to manipulate the original materials# 5. LEGAL INFORMATION ;.1. O8ner o6 t'e (oc)mentar* 'erita#e name an( contact (etai&"$ rd Cuban Institute on Cinematographic Arts and Industry (ICAIC)# "" ?A 6treet, Dedado, 7laEa de la RevoluciFn, City of 5avana, 0G00# Cuba# Telephones* ("A),4CAC?C"! B CAC?C//#

;.2 C)"to(ian o6 t'e (oc)mentar* 'erita#e rd Cinemateca de Cuba# "" ?A 6treet, Dedado, 7laEa de la RevoluciFn, City of 5avana, 0G00# Cuba# Telephone* ("A),4,CAC?CGG Manuel 5errera, :irector ,e mail* direcinemaHicaic#cu :olores CalviPo, Dice,director ,e mail* vicecinematecaHicaic#cu ;.+ Le#a& "tat)"% a$ Cate#or* o6 o8ner"'i! ICAIC is the sole owner of the patrimonial rights of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano8 within it, the Cinemateca de Cuba is responsible for the noncommercial e&hibition and diffusion in the country and abroad# -$ Acce""i-i&it* +hen new digital copies are available, the Cinemateca de Cuba will be able to screen once again the editions of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano in its e&hibition halls or in its branches in the rest of the country8 in cultural institutions li.e cine,clubs, cultural centres (the so,called ca a "e c#lt#ra), universities and art schools8 for academic researchers, scholars and students re9uiring this document in facilities available for that purpose, and during special programs at festivals, e&hibits and international tributes# The present condition of these materials does not allow the widespread diffusion of the Noticiero"@ at the present time, a great effort is being made to gather the necessary support for the restoration, preservation,

duplication and digital transfer processes# c$ Co!*ri#'t "tat)" The Cuban Institute on Cinematographic Arts and Industry (ICAIC) is the legal owner of the copyright of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano# ($ Re"!on"i-&e a(mini"tration Cuban Institute on Cinematographic Arts and Industry (ICAIC)# 6. MANAGEMENT PLAN A.1 I" t'ere a mana#ement !&an in e7i"tence 6or t'i" (oc)mentar* 'erita#e> The present situation of Cuba)s film heritage as a whole is very delicate# The facts mentioned earlier in this pro<ect do not only affect the collection of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano, indeed, they also affect the Cuban films in general as well as other documents such as photographs, posters and paper documents# 2or this very reason, the Cinemateca de Cuba has received funds from both the Cuban ;overnment by means of the Ministry of Culture and the 6panish 7rovince of Andalusia# +ith these grants, structural renovation wor.s have begun at ICAIC)s film laboratory and at the special conservation vaults where the prints, negatives, masters and dupe negatives of this document are preserved, all according to the strict conditions established by the International 2ederation of 2ilm Archives (2IA2)# -ew air conditioning e9uipment has already been ac9uired, which will allow for ade9uate conservation conditions# The main aspects of this renovation pro<ect are to be concluded by mid,?00!# The general budget allocated by the 7rovince of Andalusia (ca# million Juros), whose pro<ect spans A years (?004,?00!), doesn)t include the restoration of materials since it)s principally aimed at the redressing of the facilities (public wor.s of the film lab and the Cinemateca)s conservation vaults)8 purchase of air conditioning e9uipment8 spare parts and e9uipment for the film lab8 e9uipment and tools for revision8 appropriate shelves for the storage of film rolls and other documents such as posters, photographs, film museum pieces and documents in general8 upgrade of electronic e9uipment, i#e# computers, scanners and other e9uipment which are necessary for the creation of a digital database of the film heritage in its entirety# This is the reason why ICAIC and the Cinemateca de Cuba aspire to obtain the inscription of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano on the Memory of the +orld Register, since this should also contribute to the access to international funds for the e&ecution of the management plan of restoration and duplication of materials, which entails the ac9uisition of film stoc., plastic cans and cores, chemical products and e9uipment# The International 2ilm and Television 6chool in 6an Antonio de los $aPos, Cuba, (JICTD), is currently in collaboration with the Cinemateca de Cuba towards the creation of a permanent Conservation Chair# This new department will be inaugurated in the second semester of this year, in celebration of the first international on conservation and restoration# +ith the creation of this, we pretend to gather renowned local and international specialists in conservation in Cuba, to, on the one hand, train Cuban archivists, and to re,establish the Cinemateca de Cuba)s good conditions in order to restore its film archives, on the other hand# The International 2ederation of 2ilm Archives (2IA2), with its programme %6chool on +heels', and the (atin =nion have e&pressed interest in offering their support for the, in which the participants would wor. with the invited professors on the restoration of a number of editions of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano. (astly, there are a number of international pro<ects currently towards the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano available to the larger public* Roehampton =niversity ((ondon) has applied for a large Juropean grant, which would allow for the digitalisation and investigation of the large collection that constitutes the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano. This primarily academic wor. would be done in collaboration with Ryerson =niversity (Toronto) and would entail the publication of a catalogue with essays,

several documentaries on the Noticiero and a series of :D:s of the collection, thus its access available in specialised libraries all over the world# 5owever, this pro<ect re9uires the prior restoration of all the materials that constitute the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano. Re!ort on c)rrent "tora#e an( c)"to(* o6 t'e materia&". The original negative of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano is stored in special vaults at the Cinemateca de Cuba, which are in the process of being repaired# As for these conservation vaults, which are to be properly acclimatised, there is an action plan and e9uipment against fire, under the supervision and care of the Ministry of Interior)s :irection of 7rotection Against 2ire#

7. CONSULTATION B.1 Detai&" o6 con")&tation The presentation of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano to the Memory of the +orld Register is made by the Cuban Institute on Cinematographic Arts and Industry (ICAIC) as its sole owner# The proposal was analysed by the Memory of the +orld -ational Committee of Cuba and approved for the +orld Register -omination# ,ART : C SD:SIDIARY INFORMATION 8. ASSESSMENT OF RISK E.1.Detai& t'e nat)re an( "co!e o6 t'reat to t'i" (oc)mentar* 'erita#e "ee ;.;$ The original negative of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano has acetate cellulose support# As it is .nown, when not conserved in ade9uate conditions of storage, the acetate,based material is attac.ed by the vinegar syndrome, a condition further worsened by Cuba)s tropical climate# These factors render indispensable a rigid control of said storage conditions# A table with the technical state of the document was included in item %A#?' (Identity and description of the documentary heritage), where the urgent need for restoration and preservation of the materials is indicated# 9. ASSESSMENT OF PRESER ATION F.1 Detai& t'e !re"er0ation conte7t o6 t'e (oc)mentar* 'erita#e "ee +.+.$ ;iven the diversity of the e&isting materials (negative, master, dupe negative, positive print) correspondent to each edition, it is still possible to save the collection# 5owever, it is important to note that all /mm film duplicates, which were located in the same conservation vault, had to be discarded this year due to total decomposition# ,ART C. LODGEMENT T'i" nomination i" &o(#e( -*% :olores CalviPo DaldNs,2auly Dicedirector of the Cinemateca de Cuba



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