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Film Trivia

a Uncensored Kisses
Between 1933 and 1954 Joseph I Breen was the censor of the time. It was forbidden to kiss for more than 3 seconds on the screen. Alfred Hiktchcock managed to evade censorship in some of his films. For example, in Notorious, the kiss lasted over a minute. They kissed for three seconds, stopped, looked and turned to kiss, thereby achieving a scene full of intense and passionate kisses.

a Cardigans and Joan Fontaine

Thanks to the film Rebecca, which Joan Fontaine starred in 1940, jackets (say, "cardigan") worn by the star came to be called popularly Cardigans.

a If you need me, you just have to whistle

Humphrey Bogart Lauren Bacall fell in love in 1944 during the filming of "To Have or Have Not". With this film "if you need me, just whistle" became so famous. When they got married, Bogart gave her a pendant with a gold whistle.

a Be careful!
In 1895, the Lumiere brothers made history by taking the 1st public display in motion. It was the film "The arrival of a train to the city." This lasted a minute and showed a train arriving at a station. The audience, unfamiliar with the cinema, left the room terrified thinking that the train was going to hit them.

a John Ford was not one-eyed

The patch was casually put it in 1934 after a cataract operation. From then, he got used to wearing it as eccentricity, moreover he used to change the eye.

a Strike Extras in "Red"

The film Reds (1981) tells the story of the only American buried in the Kremlin, the journalist "John Reed" The film's director, Warren Beatty, wanted to give more authenticity to the scene in which Reed gives a speech to the extras on capitalist exploitation at work. It was so convincing that the extras went on strike demanding a pay rise.

a I don't feel my legs

John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) in the 1st film in the series "First Blood" DIDN'T say "I don't feel my legs," which actually said Rambo's Colonel Trautman was "I don't find your legs"

a Hollywood
The legendary poster was originally a billboard to sell land in a suburb. It was settled in 1923. The sign was illuminated at night by 4,000 bulbs. Kept it by a worker who lived in a house

behind the LL. Each letter measures 13.7 m tall. The suicide of actress Peg Entwistle from the letter H made the poster became an icon of the city.

a Hitchcock
During a trip to France, Hitchcock was arrested at the airport. An official noticed that in his passport put "producer". The official asked "And what do you produce?" "Gooseflesh" said Hitchcock.

a pretty woman - pretty legs

According to producers Julia Roberts' legs were very thin, so they hired the model Shelley Michelle for scenes in which legs were show. In the promotional poster, there was photomontage: Roberts' body and the legs of the model.

a Why do we have popcorn at the movies?

In the Great Depression (1929-1933) in the United States, the primary way of evasion was the movies. Impoverished Americans (over 13 million unemployed people) could afford only popcorn, since corn was plentiful then. Even so, sellers drew a profit of 2,500%.

a The longest film in history.

It is entitled "A cure for Insomnia", it takes about 87 hours. It shows the poet L.D. Groban reading his own poem of 4,080 pages with small cuts of heavy metal and pornographic scenes. Although, there was an even longer in 2011 titled Modern Times Forever lasting 240 hours.

a The most murdered actress

Paula Maxa was killed 358 times.

a Only in one day

The only film shoot in a day is Spanish, is titled "Man chased by a UFO." As the longest shooting in history is "The life of Mata Hari" which began in 1974 and It still has not ended.

a The five most controversial films in history

* The Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson 2003) * A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick 1972) * Deep Throat (G. Damiano 1973) * Cannibal Holocaust (Ruggero Deodato 1979) * Farenheit 9/11 (Michael Moore 2003)

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