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Self-assessment practice tests

Test 2 Material from Chapters 58 | 4 min!tes

1 "etals and n#n-metals generally pr#d!ce different types #f #$ides %hen reacted %ith air #r #$ygen& 'hich r#% in the table c#rrectly lists the nat!re #f t%# elements( #$ides) *#rms an acidic #$ide A B C D 2 ph#sph#r!s magnesi!m s!lf!r s!lf!r *#rms a basic #$ide s!lf!r s!lf!r ph#sph#r!s magnesi!m

+he gr#%th #f plants can be significantly affected by the p, #f the s#il& +he table bel#% sh#%s the p, range #ver %hich a plant ta-es !p n!trients fr#m fertilisers& .!trient nitr#gen /.0 ph#sph#r!s /P0 p#tassi!m /50 p, range 1&2 t# 3&2 1& t# 4& 4&2 t# 3&2

6ver %hich p, range d#es the plant ta-e !p all three n!trients) A &2 t# 1&2 B 4&2 t# 4& C 1&2 t# 1& D 4& t# 3&2 3 7 c#mp#!nd is a salt if it A can ne!tralise an acid& B is a pr#d!ct #f the reacti#n bet%een an acid and a base& C c#ntains m#re than #ne element& D diss#lves in %ater& 4 'hich #f the f#ll#%ing s!bstances can ne!tralise hydr#chl#ric acid) A %ater B litm!s s#l!ti#n C carb#n di#$ide D amm#nia

Cambridge University Press

IGCSE Chemistry

Self-assessment practice test 2

+he gr#%th #f plants can be significantly affected by the p, #f the s#il& +he diagram sh#%s the res!lts #f a p, test #n a sample #f garden s#il&
s#il reading

4 p,



'hat c#!ld be added t# the s#il t# bring its p, bac- !p t# 4) A B C D 6 sand lime hydr#chl#ric acid p#tassi!m chl#ride

'hich #f the f#ll#%ing reacts %ith dil!te hydr#chl#ric acid t# pr#d!ce hydr#gen gas) A B C D c#pper chl#rine carb#n ;inc

+he meth#d #f salt preparati#n in the lab#rat#ry has certain clear stages& 'hich three steps are needed t# ma-e s#di!m s!lfate crystals fr#m s#di!m hydr#$ide s#l!ti#n and dil!te s!lf!ric acid) *irst step A B C D evap#rati#n ne!tralisati#n ne!tralisati#n evap#rati#n Sec#nd step crystallisati#n evap#rati#n crystallisati#n ne!tralisati#n +hird step ne!tralisati#n crystallisati#n evap#rati#n crystallisati#n

'hich #f the f#ll#%ing pr#perties is c#mm#n t# all acids) A B C D +heir a<!e#!s s#l!ti#ns have a p, greater than 4& +hey are s#lid at r##m temperat!re& +hey react %ith bases& +hey react %ith c#pper t# give hydr#gen&

'hich gas is released %hen magnesi!m reacts %ith hydr#chl#ric acid) A B C D #$ygen carb#n di#$ide hydr#gen chl#rine

Cambridge University Press

IGCSE Chemistry

Self-assessment practice test 2

10 'hich p, change #cc!rs %hen %ater diss#lves an al-ali s!ch as s#di!m hydr#$ide) A B C D 4=: : = :2 :=4 4 = :2

11 Certain gases are very s#l!ble in %ater& +hey diss#lve t# pr#d!ce acidic #r al-aline s#l!ti#ns& +he graph sh#%s the change in p, %hen a gas > %as b!bbled int# %ater&



'hat c#!ld gas > be) A B C D amm#nia s!lf!r di#$ide hydr#gen carb#n di#$ide

12 'hat is missing fr#m the e<!ati#n) acid ? base = salt ?

@@@@@@ A carb#n di#$ide B %ater C #$ygen D hydr#gen

13 +# help prevent damage t# the envir#nment it is imp#rtant t# treat ind!strial %aste t# av#id e$tremes #f p,& +he graph sh#%s h#% the p, #f an ind!strial %aste changed %hen treated %ith s!bstance >&


s!bstance > added


'hich #f the f#ll#%ing m!st be s!bstance >) A B C D c#al %ater lime salt

14 S#me air is p#ll!ted %ith s!lf!r di#$ide fr#m l#cal ind!stries& 7 sample #f the p#ll!ted air is passed thr#!gh %ater t# diss#lve the s!lf!r di#$ide& 'hat is the p, #f the s#l!ti#n f#rmed and h#% d#es it affect litm!s paper) p, A B C D ab#ve 4 bel#% 4 ab#ve 4 bel#% 4 Effect #n litm!s paper red t# bl!e bl!e t# red bl!e t# red red t# bl!e

15 7 c#mpany needs t# b!ild a st#rage tan- t# be !sed t# st#re either %ater #r dil!te s!lf!ric acid& 'hich material cann#t be !sed f#r ma-ing the tan-) A B C D c#pper glass ;inc p#ly/ethene0

16 Aari#!s fact#rs affect the rate #f a chemical reacti#n& 6ne #f these is the s!rface area #f a s#lid that is available t# react %hen in c#ntact %ith a li<!id& 7 chemical reacti#n bet%een pieces #f a s#lid and an acid is very fast& 'hich changes %#!ld ma-e the reacti#n sl#%er) 7cid A B C D less c#ncentrated m#re c#ncentrated less c#ncentrated m#re c#ncentrated Pieces #f s#lid larger larger smaller smaller

17 "eas!ring the v#l!me #f gas pr#d!ced against time f#r a reacti#n in %hich a gas is pr#d!ced is #ne %ay #f finding the rate #f reacti#n& +he speed %ith %hich a s#lid reacts %ith a s#l!ti#n t# pr#d!ce a gas can be meas!red by !sing the apparat!s sh#%n&

syringe s#l!ti#n s#lid

'hat essential item f#r carrying #!t the e$periment is missing fr#m the diagram) A B C D 18 a therm#meter a balance a B!nsen b!rner a cl#c-

7 ne%spaper carries headlines and ph#t#graphs ab#!t an e$pl#si#n at a fl#!r mill& 'hat fact#r c#!ld have increased the ris#f s!ch an e$pl#si#n) A B C D #pening the %ind#%s empl#ying m#re staff in the mill grinding the fl#!r m#re finely adding salt t# the fl#!r

19 ,#% can the rate #f reacti#n bet%een dil!te hydr#chl#ric acid and marble chips /calci!m carb#nate0 be increased) A B C D by !sing a larger v#l!me #f acid by ma-ing the acid m#re c#ncentrated by !sing larger marble chips by adding %ater t# the acid t# dil!te it

20 E$periments %ere carried #!t #n the fact#rs that increased the rate #f a partic!lar reacti#n& In different e$perimentsC a catalyst is added t# a reacti#n mi$t!re and the temperat!re #f the mi$t!re is decreased& 'hat is the effect #f these changes #n the rate #f the reacti#n) Catalyst added A B C D faster sl#%er faster sl#%er +emperat!re decreased sl#%er faster faster sl#%er

21 Dil!te s!lf!ric acid is added t# c#pper/II0 #$ide in the apparat!s sh#%n&


s!lf!ric acid

c#pper/II0 #$ide


+he readings #f the balance are ta-en after 82-sec#nd time intervals& 'hich graph sh#%s h#% the balance reading changes d!ring the reacti#n)
7 B "ass C D






"ass 2 2


22 *#r a reacti#n that pr#d!ces a gas the rate #f reacti#n can be f#ll#%ed by meas!ring the am#!nt #f gas c#llected in a gas syringe %ith time& +he graph bel#% sh#%s h#% the t#tal v#l!me #f a gas given #ff fr#m a reacti#n changes %ith time& In %hich time interval is least gas given #ff indicating that the reacti#n is sl#%est in that peri#d)

A#l!me #f gas 2 7


23 E$cess hydr#chl#ric acid %as added t# calci!m carb#nate in t%# e$periments and the v#l!me #f carb#n di#$ide gas pr#d!ced %as meas!red every min!te& +he graphs bel#% sh#% the res!lts #f the t%# e$periments&
:22 e$periment 2

A#l!me #f gas pr#d!ced

e$periment :


'hen %e c#mpare e$periment : and e$periment 2, %e can ded!ce that e$periment : %as carried #!t !sing A B C D 24 a l#%er temperat!re& larger pieces #f calci!m carb#nate& half as m!ch calci!m carb#nate& t%ice as m!ch acid&

*#!r e$periments %ere carried #!t #n the reacti#n bet%een ;inc and nitric acid& P#rti#ns #f p#%dered ;inc are added t# dil!te nitric acid !nder the different c#nditi#ns& In %hich e$periment is the rate #f reacti#n greatest at the beginning)

E$periment A B C

+emperat!re #f acid E FC C#ncentrati#n #f acid 22 82 82 high high l#%



25 7 piece #f ;inc is placed in dil!te s!lf!ric acid& 'hich change menti#ned bel#% %#!ld sl#% d#%n the speed #f reacti#n) A B C D 26 adding a catalyst p#%dering the ;inc heating the acid adding %ater

Every at#m has its #%n at#mic massC Ar& +hese are added t#gether t# find the relative f#rm!la massC MrC #f a s!bstance& +he val!e f#r calci!m carb#nateC CaC68C is :22& 'hat mass #f carb#n is present in :22 g #f calci!m carb#nate) A :2 g B 12 g C 43 g D 81 g

27 B!tenedi#ic acid is a relatively c#mple$ acid m#lec!le and it has the str!ct!re sh#%n bel#%&
6 , C C C C 6 6 6 ,

'hat is the m#lec!lar f#rm!la #f b!tenedi#ic acid) A B C D C,6 C4,464 C1,461 C4,62

28 *#r b!tenedi#ic acidC !sing the str!ct!re given ab#veC %hat is its empirical f#rm!la) A B C D C,6 C2,262 C8,268 C4,62

29 7 m#lec!le #f the #rganic c#mp#!nd > c#ntains the f#ll#%ingG 2 at#ms #f carb#nC /C0 2 at#ms #f #$ygenC /60 4 at#ms #f hydr#genC /,0& 'hat is the empirical f#rm!la #f >) A B C D /C,2026 /C,20262 C2/6,04 C,26


7rsenic is in the same gr#!p #f the Peri#dic +able as nitr#gen& It f#rms a c#mp#!nd %ith hydr#gen H!st as nitr#gen d#es& 7 m#lec!le c#ntains #ne at#m #f arsenicC 7sC and three at#ms #f hydr#gen& 'hat is the f#rm!la #f this m#lec!le) A 87s, B 7s8, C 7s,8 D /7s,08

31 Each element in the Peri#dic +able has its #%n chemical symb#l& 'hat are the c#rrect symb#ls f#r the elements chl#rineC nitr#gen and p#tassi!m) Chl#rine A B C D Cl C Cl C .itr#gen . .i .i . P#tassi!m 5 P P 5

32 Ethan#l has the f#rm!la sh#%n bel#%& C,8C,26, 'hat is the relative m#lec!lar massC MrC #f ethan#l) A 21 B 9 C 42 D 41

33 +he diagram sh#%s a blast f!rnace f#r e$tracting ir#n fr#m hematite&
hematite ? > ? I

%aste gases

h#t air ir#n


'hat are > and I) > A B C D lime limest#ne lime limest#ne I c#al c#al c#-e c#-e

34 "etals have different reactivities and this affects their meth#d #f e$tracti#n and the types #f reacti#n they can ta-e part in& +he table bel#% c#ntains s#me inf#rmati#n ab#!t the reactivity #f three different metals >C IC and J& "etal > I J Keacti#n %ith %ater #r steam reacts %ith c#ld %ater n# reacti#n %hen heated in steam reacts %hen heated in steam Keacti#n %ith dil!te hydr#chl#ric acid reacts %ith c#ld acid n# reacti#n %hen b#iled %ith acid reacts %hen %armed %ith acid

'hat is the #rder #f reactivity #f these three metals) m#st reactive > > J I = J I > J least reactive I J I >


35 'hat is the p!rp#se #f limest#ne being !sed in the blast f!rnace e$tracti#n #f ir#n) A B C D t# generate heat f#r the f!rnace t# pr#d!ce carb#n m#n#$ide t# rem#ve imp!rities t# red!ce ir#n #re

36 +he transiti#n metals have distinctive pr#perties #f their #%n& +he table bel#% gives inf#rmati#n ab#!t f#!r elements& 'hich element is a transiti#n metal) C#l#!r #f element A B C D yell#% grey blacgrey Electrical c#nd!ctivity #f element l#% high high l#% C#l#!r #f #$ide c#l#!rless red c#l#!rless %hite

37 +here is #ne pr#perty %hich disting!ishes metals fr#m n#nmetals m#st clearly& 'hich #f these pr#perties is a pr#perty #f all metals %ith#!t e$cepti#n) A B C D +hey c#nd!ct electricity& +hey have high melting p#ints& +hey have l#% densities& +hey have a grey #r silver c#l#!r&

38 +he diagram sh#%s #ne meth#d f#r changing a metal #$ide int# a metal&
metal #$ide e$cess hydr#gen b!rning


'hich #$ide can be changed int# a metal !sing this meth#d) A B C D calci!m #$ide s#di!m #$ide al!mini!m #$ide c#pper/II0 #$ide

39 "etals have e$tensive !se in #!r lives& +he !se #f a partic!lar metal depends #n its pr#perties& 'hich line in the table bel#% c#rrectly lin-s the pr#perty #f the metal and its !se) "etal A B C D mild steel al!mini!m al!mini!m mild steel Pr#perty c#nd!cts electricity resists c#rr#si#n c#nd!cts electricity high density Use ma-ing garden t##ls ma-ing f##d c#ntainers ma-ing aer#planes ma-ing car b#dies

40 'hat is pr#d!ced %hen s#di!m metal reacts %ith %ater) A B C D #$ygen gas and an acid s#l!ti#n hydr#gen gas and a ne!tral s#l!ti#n hydr#gen gas and an al-aline s#l!ti#n #$ygen gas and an al-aline s#l!ti#n

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