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Andrew McCauley: Hello, everybody! This is Andrew McCauley. Welcome to Podcast No. # !. This is our ! th "odcast.

Can you believe that we have lasted this lon#$ %t&s a miracle % thin' but o( course we are lovin# doin# these "odcasts and we, % mean, all the way (rom her sic'bed this wee', Heather Porter. Heather Porter: Than's, Andrew. Hi #uys! )*cuse my abnormally se*y, head cold voice (or this e"isode. %t is in (act a very cold winter here in +ydney, Australia and the (lu is #oin# around but than's (or havin# me anyway. Andrew McCauley: %t is very #cold, alri#ht$ Heather Porter: We are #oin# to tell you #uys in a moment while we 'ee" usin# that hashta#. Andrew McCauley: #,esWeAre. ,es we are. +o, this is our third "art o( the series o( automatin# your business and some o( the tools and the resources that we use and some o( the tools and resources our clients use to really hel" them automate their business. What we are (indin# and we have said this be(ore is that "eo"le are -ust inundated with technolo#y. The bi# belie( .! or ! years a#o was that li(e would be so much easier because technolo#y is #oin# to ta'e away all those wor'in# thin#s that we had to do so we would have all this s"are (ree time. % thin' it&s #ot worse. What do you thin'$ Heather Porter: ,eah, it&s one o( those thin#s li'e ri#ht at the be#innin# it seems easier and it&s wor'in# better but suddenly/ % don&t 'now i( it&s because it suddenly reaches that "lateau and then everyone thin's 01h, % need to have more o( it. % should be doin# all o( it2, 'ind o( li'e the social media thin#, "eo"le thin' 01h, should % be doin# everythin# usin# all the social media$2 %t&s -ust the way you loo' at it but % 'now % (eel the same thin#. %t3s 4uite overwhelmin#. %t3s everywhere around us. Andrew McCauley: ,eah and % #uess there is more "ressure (rom media, "eo"le, collea#ues, clients to do more, "roduce more, be here, be there, be everywhere. +o, we sort o( have come u" with this series about what sort o( tools can we really use that is #oin# to save you some time because time is our most "recious commodity and we #et this whole the time (rom our clients li'e 0How do we mana#e to do what we need to do and still stay sane$2 +o, today we are tal'in# about time mana#ement actually and time mana#ement and schedulin#. We are not #oin# to #ive you a lecture about what you should do as (ar as time mana#ement. We are #oin# to #ive you "ractical resources and websites and tools that we are usin#. % thin' we are #oin# to cover about three or (our, maybe (ive di((erent s"eci(ic tools that we may throw a (ew e*tras in as well, tools that you can use to im"lement in your business and #et #oin#. We are not #oin# to (ill you with (lu(( and 0you should do this2 and 0you should do that2 and ma'e lists and chec' them o(ten and blah, blah, blah. ,ou can read many boo's on that. We are not here to do that. We are here to tell you the actual "roducts and resources that we use. %( that sounds li'e a "lan/ Heather Porter: This is to ma'e you #uys& li(e easier. +o, this automation series, that&s with that&s all about. These are online tools, these are a""lications, these are conce"ts and ideas that you #uys can use in your business to automate "rocesses and thin#s that you do to ma'e your li(e easier and we love these tools,
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es"ecially (or time mana#ement. Well, they say we all have .: hours in the day but it&s really how you use it to #et more out o( your li(e and ma*imi;e your time. Andrew McCauley: <e(ore we #et started while you were lyin# in your bed bein# sic', did you learn anythin# this wee'$ Heather Porter: % did actually because % was not lyin# in my bed= % am obsessed with wor'= whether that&s #ood or bad, % was wor'in#. +o, here is what % learned. Now, there&s this thin# that&s been #oin# around (or 4uite a while in Twitter called >hashta#& and that&s where you use the hashta# symbol or the # si#n which is re(erred to the America. %t&s basically shi(t? on your 'eyboard and you stic' that symbol in (ront o( a word or "hrase and it becomes a lin' and you are able to clic' on that and then everyone else that&s usin# that same hashta# word or "hrase comes u" in the search results and this has been used (or 4uite a while on Twitter. +o, you mi#ht have seen thin#s li'e #&a celebrity&s name& or #wealth or #losewei#ht and a lot o( "eo"le actually #o a little bit overboard as well. % have seen a lot o( tweet when there is li'e ten o( them in a row but why does this is e*citin# is % thin' hashta##in# has (inally reached a bit o( its e*citin# critical mass time and "eo"le are actually now usin# it more as a business tool to do searches (or resources and conce"ts and ideas. %t&s not only now on Twitter but it&s also on @aceboo' and you and % -ust tested it, it&s also in 5in'ed%n as it&s also have been on %nsta#ram (or a while which is the "hoto social media account that all o( us use. +o, really % #uess what % learned about this is that it is bi#, "eo"le are usin# that more and more, it&s a #reat way o( connectin# with "eo"le in your s"ace. +o, -ust to challen#e all o( you #uys, in any o( those social media accounts #o ahead in the ne*t "ost that you do, use a hashta# and a word or a "hrase o( somethin# in your business or in industry and see how you #o. Andrew McCauley: ,es. % am #oin# to chuc' you under the train here. ,ou do a thin# called Tweet Chat. %s that what you do$ Heather Porter: ,eah, Tweet Chat. Andrew McCauley: +o, tell us a little bit about that and why that&s related to hashta#s and how that wor's$ Heather Porter: 9reat, #ood 4uestion actually. +o, (rom time to time, % am involved with an or#ani;ation called Women +"ea'ers& 1r#ani;ation and they do every wee' a Tweet Chat which all that means is that i( you use a hashta# in Twitter and you are communicatin# with that in your Tweet, then suddenly you have a live chat #oin# on between everybody that uses this hashta#. We use #+"ea'erChat and basically every Tuesday we #et to#ether as a #rou" and we interview ama;in#, e*traordinary leaders all over the world and "eo"le can -um" into this chat -ust by usin# little tools in Twitter or even by searchin# (or the #s"ea'erchat in Twitter as well and suddenly -ust everythin# will be (iltered (or "eo"le usin# tweets with that hashta# in it and you can communicate suddenly with really e*traordinary "eo"le and as' 4uestions and ABA and #o bac' and (orth. %t&s used in usin# Twitter a lot as sort o( a live chat tool but now it&s also bein# used in (or more lively communication and timely communication in say li'e in %nstra#ram and @aceboo'. %( you are usin# these hashta#s, you can search and see everybody that&s -ust said that "articular hashta# in the last (ew minutes.

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Andrew McCauley: ,eah. Heather Porter: %t&s "retty cool. Andrew McCauley: %t is cool and as more and more "eo"le understand that, % thin' the ta'e8u" is #oin# to be "retty bi#. All the "lat(orms are startin# to use it now. +o, there you #o. Heather Porter: )*actly. <e(ore % as' you what you learned, % have a very bi# im"ortant announcement to ma'e. We have a new #ra"hic (or our "odcast. %( you are in iTunes or all over the "lace where you have listened to us, you will see we have a new little icon o( Andrew and % standin#. We have been Photosho""ed into "ilot out(its. Andrew McCauley: No, no, no, % lost wei#ht. % lost wei#ht. Heather Porter: ,ou did. ,es, you have a nice scar( (la""in# in the bree;e and we have o( course our 4uintessential little air"lane u" in the to" in the s'y and Auto"ilot ,our <usiness but % wanted to #ive a humon#ous shout8out, than' you so much to the ama;in# Molly with Cou#las County Cau#hters. Now, she is a listener o( ours and she came (orward to us then she said 0,ou 'now thin#s have chan#ed in iTunes and there are di((erent s"eci(ications (or ima#es. Would you li'e me to ma'e a new one (or you$2 +o, i( you #uys want to chec' Molly out, you could #o to and she is doin# this incredible thin# ri#ht now where they use a Dic'8+tarter Cam"ai#n to actually have a new album to (und a new album. Dic'8+tarter is crowd (undin# to (und a new album. +o, than' you, Molly. We ho"e your album is a hu#e success and than's (or actually buildin# that lovely little #ra"hic (or us. Andrew McCauley: ,es, Molly, than' you. %t was awesome. +o, that&s ,ou can chec' her out. % thin' she has #ot some ,ouTube cli"s and some cool music out there. +o, hey, we love you, Molly. Than' you. Heather Porter: Now, it&s your turn, Andrew. What did you learn$ 1h, wait, wait. <e(ore % as' you that, % have another im"ortant announcement to ma'e. 5ast wee' we were tal'in# and you said you were in @aceboo' and you discovered somethin# about @aceboo' and you said you had to research it, (ind it out i( it&s actually true or not and % said % would as' you this wee' i( it was in (act true. +o, what have you discovered in @aceboo'$ Andrew McCauley: Well, #ood 4uestion. ,ou 'now, actually % am a little bit embarrassed now that % have discovered what % have discovered that it&s not really that new. %t&s actually a cou"le o( months or a little bit more older than what % thou#ht= % -ust hadn&t seen it, hadn&t come across it and when % was sur(in# around on @aceboo' with all my s"are time last wee' E not really E but what % did notice was a (ew ads on @aceboo' that had been served u" to me (rom sites that % had -ust recently been to. Now, this is called banner retar#etin# and what they do is essentially on normal sites, let&s say you visit a "articular website, what they do is they dro" a little coo'ie which are little "iece o( code on your com"uter and when you leave that site, ne*t time you #o to another site, it mi#ht be Wall +treet Fournal or some other site that is enabled (or ads, this "articular site you have -ust
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been to will serve u" an ad and you are loo'in# and say 0Wow! % was -ust at that site and ama;in#, here they are advertisin# on the Wall +treet Fournal2 and you mi#ht #o to another site li'e ,ouTube and then suddenly there&s another ad there and you thin' 0Wow! These "eo"le are everywhere. They are s"endin# so much money on advertisin#.2 That&s called banner retar#etin# and that&s been around (or a number o( years but % had never seen it served u" on @aceboo'. % had been to these websites and % 'new it was the (irst time % had been to these sites and then % went to loo' at some thin#s on @aceboo' and suddenly the ads were there on @aceboo' and % had never seen banner retar#etin# served bac' u" to "eo"le in @aceboo' and that was somethin# new (or me. %t&s been around (or a (ew months or so % have since discovered but it&s a "retty awesome tool "articularly i( you are s"endin# a lot o( time on @aceboo'. Heather Porter: That&s hu#e and (or those o( you that are #ettin# a lot o( tra((ic on your website, which are #ettin# thousands o( visits every month, this is an incredibly cool tool. +o, when somebody hits your site and leaves, you can basically chase them all over the internet with all sorts o( di((erent ads, o((erin# di((erent thin#s, whether it&s discounts or (ree re"orts or whatever it is. Andrew McCauley: ,eah. Heather Porter: Pretty cool. Andrew McCauley: % don&t want to turn this into a retar#etin# e"isode but -ust let you 'now how this wor's. They actually "ut a coo'ie in your com"uter based on the last "a#e you visited o( that website. Now, let&s say your "a#e has #ot a whole bunch o( di((erent thin#s. ,ou can actually serve u" di((erent ads (or di((erent "a#es. +o, (or instance, let&s say somebody #oes to your website and they #o to buy somethin# and at the last minute on the sho""in# cart "a#e they decide to leave it and we have heard about how sho""in# cart abandonments and that sort o( stu((, you are #oin# to leave that "a#e, you can "ut an ad chasin# them around the internet sayin# 0Hey, you are about to buy this. %t&s only G! "ercent o(( i( you buy it today.2 That may be you enou#h to #et someone to #o bac' and buy somethin# else. ,ou can "ut a coo'ie on the >About& "a#e and once they have le(t your website, i( the last thin# they saw was the >About& "a#e, you may want to stic' an ad out that3s somethin# to do with the about "a#e o( your website E A whole bunch o( cool thin#s. % did #o and di# that u" and % (ound out that it3s been around (or a while. +o, it -ust #ives me another (ew ideas to throw around (or some o( our clients. Heather Porter: We loved that. Now, be(ore we #et 'ic'ed o(( and started in our whole automation series, tell us what did you learn outside o( that because you 'now % #oin# was #oin# to drill you about that anyway. % am sure you have actually learned somethin# else as well. Andrew McCauley: ,eah, % did actually today. This is -ust somethin# that&s "o""ed u" and % am "retty sure it&s only "o""ed u" in the last cou"le o( days and that is on @aceboo' a#ain E not that % s"end a lot o( time on @aceboo', % really don3t E but let3s say you #o on @aceboo' and you "ost a status u"date about somethin# you have done and % want to ma'e a comment on that. Hsually, % -ust #o in and ty"e in a messa#e underneath there. What can % do now is % can add an ima#e or a "hoto into my comment inside your status u"date. +o, this "retty
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"ower(ul because what you can do is you mi#ht stic' a "hoto u" there and say 0Hey, here is my (avorite "hoto o( the +ydney 1"era House. Who is #oin# to bet a "hoto or what are the "hotos out there on the +ydney 1"era House$2 and "eo"le can actually "ost their ima#es inside your stream o( conversation. +o, you can start to #et some really #ood interaction (rom "eo"le. % am -ust thin'in# about a cou"le o( these thin#s now and % thou#ht 0Wow! We could have some (un with that.2 Heather Porter: ,es, we could but that is hu#e because most "eo"le say on @aceboo' 0How do you #et en#a#ement and it3s hard to 'ee" "eo"le there and li'in# my "osts2 and all that but i( you are allowin# "eo"le to share thin#s li'e that within your actual u"date, wow! Wow! Iery cool. Andrew McCauley: And the other as"ect to that which has also -ust come out and % -ust noticed today and it3s not rolled out to everybody yet. +o, i( you are loo'in# (or this ri#ht now and it3s not on your @aceboo' account, it will come and that is the (act that you can add lin's and share a lin' with somebody and what ha""ens is when you "ut a lin' in @aceboo', it will #o out to that "articular web"a#e and it will draw ima#es (rom that web"a#e and sometimes there will be a whole ran#e o( di((erent ima#es you can select, other times there3s only one ima#e and sometimes it3s a cra" ima#e. Well, now, @aceboo' are rollin# out that you can actually u"load your own ima#e (or that "articular lin'. Heather Porter: Iery "ower(ul. Andrew McCauley: ,eah, isn3t it$ Heather Porter: Than's (or sharin# what you have learned. Andrew McCauley: % 'now. %t was (un, it was (un. +o, anyway, that3s me and my @aceboo' e*"loits this wee'. Heather Porter: 5ove it, love it! 5et3s #et into somethin# much more e*citin# which is all about time mana#ement. Andrew McCauley: ,ou mean that3s more e*citin# than my @aceboo' e*"loits$ Come on! Heather Porter: No, actually % am 4uite li'in# the e*"loits but you could do more o( your e*"loitin# on @aceboo' i( you mana#e your time better. Andrew McCauley: 1h, nice lead8in. Iery #ood. Heather Porter: +o, let3s cover a little bit about what can be automated with your time and your business. Andrew McCauley: ,es. 1'ay, so here is a cou"le o( thin#s you can automate as (ar as time schedulin# and time mana#ement #oes. <oo'in# calls one on one E we are #oin# to tal' about some o( the cool tools and you can use out there to really (ree u" your time and s"end time doin# the thin#s that ma'e you money rather than chase8u"s. Jeservations, boo'in# reservations, con(erence calls, sales calls E

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they are all the thin#s that can be covered with time mana#ement. Anythin# else you can thin' o(( the to" o( your head be(ore we dive in$ Heather Porter: % mean the bi# thin# % have thin' o( with this is -ust every time that you have to have boo'in#s o( calls in your li(e li'e (or whatever you are doin#, whether you are a coach or a business owner, usin# these tools is #oin# to save you a lot o( time because all % can say is % can&t tell you how many times we have done this sort o( that email dance where you are li'e 21h, are you available on Wednesday$2 0No, % am available on Tuesday.2 0What about Thursday$2 And it ta'es a wee' to boo' a call. +o, some o( these tools are incredible (or -ust cuttin# all that noise out and -ust strai#ht #oin# in and boo'in# calls really 4uic'ly and easily with your team, with your clients, with your leads, whatever. +o, % love this one. Andrew McCauley: +o, let&s start. % am #oin# to start o(( with the one that we use the most and that&s Time Trade. is a very, very awesome tool and it&s -ust #ot more awesome in the last cou"le o( wee's actually and % will tell you about that in a second but Time Trade lets you create a calendar that syncs to your own calendar. +o, let&s say you use 1utloo' or you use 9oo#le or 9mail Calendar and what it does is it syncs to your calendar to lets "eo"le 'now when you are available or when you are not. +o, i( you are a consultant, you are a coach or someone who has to s"end one8on8one time and boo'in# consultation time, even -ust someone who wants to dial in and -ust "ic' your brains (or whatever reason, you can send them to your Time Trade "a#e, your little HJ5 and basically what it does is it says 0Here are the times that are available (or Heather to chat. +he is available on Wednesday between and K and Thursday between G! and .2 and you #et to "ic' which one o( those suits your time. +he 'nows that her calendar is (ree or actually Time Trade 'nows that you are calendar is (ree at that time because you have "ut nothin# in your calendar. +o, it assumes that you have #ot the time to do it. % will come alon# and i( % wanted to boo' a time, let&s say, GG o&cloc' on Thursday mornin#, % will -ust clic' on GG o&cloc' and it will as' me (or my details and a number to call on. 1nce % hit >+ubmit&, % will #et an email bac' sayin# it&s all con(irmed but the #reat thin# is that it will #et to "ut into your calendar automatically. +o, you don&t have to wait and worry about #ettin# an email and then co"yin# and "astin# and "uttin# in the ri#ht time. %t automatically syncs it strai#ht into your calendar which means that you don&t have to thin' about it, you #et u" in the mornin#, you loo' at your calendar and see what&s on (or the day and it&s already been boo'in# your calls, you don&t have to interact with the customer bac'wards and (orwards that email dance that you were tal'in# about E very, very cool resource. Heather Porter: And it automatically then obviously loc's out that time s"ace that the "erson chose, ri#ht$ +o, that leaves that s"ot as (ull whenever they return. Andrew McCauley: Absolutely, absolutely. Heather Porter: +o, this is #reat (or really anyone. %s it not$ % mean, let&s #ive some e*am"les o( what we are tal'in#. %( you are a li(e coach or a business coach, you could -ust stic' this directly on your site. We have it on our site and it&s really easy. ,ou -ust literally, what&s called, li'e an %8(rame where you are "ullin# throu#h the actual calendar (rom this Time Trade "lat(orm into your own website.
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+o, "eo"le can actually be on a web"a#e o( your choice and -ust literally wor' with the calendar ri#ht there. +o, as a li(e coach, "ersonal trainer, i( you have "eo"le comin# to your site to boo' in with you there. ,ou can have it in your "hone messa#e. %( you are really busy you can say 0Hey, you 'now, really busy schedule. The best way to reach me is to #o to my web"a#e, boo' me in2, whatever it is you #uys come u" with and then you have your Time Trade there with instructions ri#ht then and there that says 0<oo' in a call with me here.2 Andrew McCauley: ,eah, e*actly. Heather Porter: +o, who else could "robably use this tool$ Andrew McCauley: Well, % tell you what. There is a retail version o( Time Trade as well. Now, this is "retty cool because there have -ust launched what they call Concier#e. +o, there two as"ects. 5et me tal' about the normal version and then % will tal' about Concier#e as well. +o, over here in the H.+. there is a lar#e stationery "lace called +ta"les. %t&s a bit li'e 1((ice Wor's in Australia or/ What&s the bi# one in the H.D.$ % am tryin# to thin' o( the one o(( the to" o( my head. Anyway, it&s a lar#e stationery "lace where you buy all your "a"er and your "ens and your com"uters and stu((. +o, +ta"les uses an online a""ointment service. +o, they have a tech de"artment and when "eo"le come in (or trainin#, they want to come in and learn how to use Windows L or whatever they want to do or they -ust need some tech advice, they actually boo' their one8on8one sessions throu#h Time Trade and they don&t have to s"ea' to anyone at +ta"les= it #ets automatically lo##ed in to that +ta"les diary and the "erson that +ta"les is e*"ectin# somebody to turn u" at the time that these "eo"le made an a""ointment. +o, it&s a "retty cool way that some o( these lar#er sho"s are usin# that sort o( thin# as well. Heather Porter: % li'e that. Andrew McCauley: And then we have #ot Concier#e which has -ust come out very recently and essentially what it is, is when you #o to ban's sometimes and you wal' in at that ban' and they will say 0Ta'e a number.2 ,ou #o to a Celi at a su"ermar'et and you have to ta'e a number. Well, they are lettin# "eo"le do that now as well, es"ecially ban's. % wouldn&t say that Celis would do this but ban's, lobbies o( a hotel or whatever, they can have li'e a little tablet at the (ront o( the store and as you wal' in, you can clic' on thin#s li'e 0% would li'e to ma'e an a""ointment with an associate2 or 0% want to chec' into a hotel.2 ,ou can actually do all that throu#h Time Trade ri#ht now. %t&s "retty "ower(ul what they are doin# ri#ht now. %t&s all online sort o( stu(( and mana#in# those "eo"le in store and in branch customer mana#ement is becomin# a really bi# thin#. Heather Porter: Could this be used li'e i( you had li'e said a day salon or your hair salon or somethin# li'e that$ Andrew McCauley: ,u". Heather Porter: Would this be able to be used in the beauty industry as well$ Andrew McCauley: Absolutely, yes.

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Heather Porter: +ounds li'e it. Andrew McCauley: %t really is customer sel(8service chec'8in li'e you have #ot an a""ointment at a beauty "lace and you 'now it&s at . o&cloc', you come and chec' yoursel( in. ,ou don&t need to have one o( those #irls leavin# someone who they are already wor'in# with to come over and say 0,es. 1'ay, you are here.2 %t -ust 'nows that you are here, chec's you in. %t&s a brilliant little service. %t&s really, really cool. %t&s -ust #oin# to increase that stu(( e((iciency as well. Heather Porter: % li'e that. 1'ay, so Time Trade is a hu#e thin#. % mean, o(ten times we will tal' about tools and say 01h, you 'now, this is somethin# that you could "otentially use2 but % actually would challen#e you and say this "articular tool % thin' that every business owner should loo' at because it sounds to me li'e there is de(initely somethin# that will (it into your re"ertoire or what you are already usin# whether it&s to mana#e your own "ersonal "hone calls or your team better or your sta(( or your clients, % should say. Andrew McCauley: ,eah, de(initely, de(initely. % 'now how valuable our time is and we are #ettin# "eo"le that -ust randomly rin# u" and we -ust don&t have time and i( we do end u" answerin# the calls whenever they rin#, then it ta'es us o(( the (low o( what we are doin# and that can be a #ood cou"le o( minutes later to start bac' u" and #et into the (low a#ain. +o, it&s a "retty im"ortant thin# that you have in your business is to control who is ta'in# your time and serve it u" so that wor's best (or both "eo"le. Heather Porter: Now, are there a cou"le o( other di((erent o"tions that do similar thin#s to Time Trade$ Andrew McCauley: ,es, there is. 1ne o( my (avorite ones % was usin# (or a while was bou#ht out by another com"any. +o, % am not #oin# to mention that anymore. 1h, % will mention it. %t was called %t&s been bou#ht out. +o, i( you have heard o( that be(ore and you are loo'in# (or it, don&t waste your time, it&s #one. There is Coodle. %t&s called -ust %t does somethin# similar. www.9o<oo'.com also does somethin# similar to that as well. Have a loo' at each one o( them. There is a (ree version o( Time Trade. There is a (ree version o( all o( these and then there are the "ro versions where you "ay a little bit more (or somethin# e*tra. The concier#e that % was tal'in# about with Time Trade obviously is not a (ree a""lication, it&s #oin# to cost you some money but i( it&s somethin# that you can see (ittin# in your business, then de(initely consider havin# to loo' at that. Heather Porter: 1'ay, #reat. +o, that&s schedulin#. ty"es o( thin#s that we can actually "ut on automation$ Now, what else are the

Andrew McCauley: Well, there&s a whole ran#e o( other thin#s too li'e boo'in# con(erence calls li'e i( someone wants to boo' con(erence calls with you, you can "ut this on your own calendar, it&s -ust #oin# to hel" you "ut that in there. % sync my calendar to my "hone and my la"to" as well. %t&s basically on the cloud. +o, % can see wherever my calendar is (ull. 1ther "eo"le have access to my calendars too li'e an assistant. My wi(e has access to my calendar. +o, i( she wants to as' me what % am doin# out there, then she can 4uic'ly see i( % am boo'ed in or not and she can "ut in an a""ointment in there too. +o, -ust havin# other "eo"le
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havin# the ability to access your calendar is also/ %t&s not so much automation but -ust somethin# else that&s been a very #ood handy thin# (or me to do. Heather Porter: Nice. Well, % li'e that. +o, what else around time$ We have sort o( tal'ed about how you automate your boo'in#s, % su""ose, with your clients, your sta(( and (or yoursel(. % 'now there are some other thin#s around time that we can tal' about. 1ne bi# thin# % thin' is are you char#in# the ri#ht "rice and how do we ultimately 'now that. %( we are actually runnin# a business that is "riced by the hour, say (or e*am"le, and % 'now a lot o( businesses as well will also "rice their "ac'a#es and their services on (lat rates but they ultimately wor' bac'wards (rom there and say 0Well, this "ac'a#e ta'es about G! hours. G! hours, let&s say M! dollars an hour, it&s this "rice2 and then they do a little bit o( a mar'8 u" and it ultimately comes bac' down to how lon# we thin' it&s #oin# to ta'e us to do somethin#. +o, the ne*t one that we are #oin# to tal' about is actually #oin# to hel" you with that but also it&s #oin# to hel" -ust with overall mana#ement o( more o( your -unior sta(( as well. +o, what is your (avorite tool around time trac'in#, Andrew$ Andrew McCauley: Ce(initely Minutedoc'= www.Minutedoc'.com would be my (avorite one. % 'now a lot o( "eo"le had some really #ood success with it. ,ou can use it as a (ree trial to do it but here are some o( the thin#s you can do. %t lets you even trac' your time (rom Twitter which is "retty cool. +o, i( you are on Twitter and you are bi# on Twitter, you can trac' it (rom Twitter but it basically lets you lo# on "uttin# the time you have s"ent doin# a "articular -ob or somebody else in your de"artment has s"ent time doin# that "articular -ob. ,ou are #oin# to lo# in anywhere. +o, it&s web based which means that you can use it (rom your mobile "hone or your iPad and that sort o( stu(( as well. %t also #rou"s your tas's to#ether too. +o, i( you are an entre"reneur, you #ot a whole bunch o( di((erent tas's you are doin#, it lets you choose what those tas's are and "uts them in #rou"s so that you 'now that i( you are #oin# bac' loo'in# throu#h certain activities that you did in the "ast, you can search (or that sort o( stu(( really, really 4uic'ly. +ome o( the other stu((s you can do is let&s say you #o to your client&s "lace and you are a consultant and you do some consultin# (or them, as you have entered your time in that little a"", it can actually send the invoice to those "eo"le strai#htaway while you are sittin# there. +o, it&s a "retty cool little tool to actually #et your (inancial sort o( stu(( in order as well and we will tal' a little bit about this in de"th when we do a "odcast on (inancial tools as well but -ust lettin# you 'now that this is #oin# to save you time in a whole ran#e o( ways. What do you 'now about Minutedoc'$ Heather Porter: ,eah. Well, % have actually more used another tool when it comes to time trac'in#. % only 'now as much as what you have told me but <asecam", actually. <asecam" is a "ro-ect mana#ement tool that we use and a lot o( other "eo"le use as well. %t has its own internal time trac'in# area as well. +o, each "ro-ect that you set u" in <asecam", you actually have time sheets that you can 'ee" trac' o((, anybody who is assi#ned to that "articular "ro-ect. +imilar sort o( thin#. % thin' it&s "robably a little bit more clun'y than this because that&s not it&s stron# suit in <asecam" but Minutedoc' sounds li'e it has more (unctionality and easier to access. % thin' the bi##est thin# about it E % 'now it could be a bit o( a "ain when you have sta(( that you are tryin# to 'ee" them to a cloc' their minutes and all that E but it is "ower(ul to 'now i( you are char#in# the ri#ht "rices but also to 'now where your short(alls are in your business. +o, i( somethin# is
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ta'in# somebody, say, G! hours and everybody else ta'es . hours, then there&s an obvious "roblem with trainin# or recruitment or somethin# in your business. % thin' really % loo' that it as more o( an eye o"ener as (ar as your "ricin# and your trainin# and is your sta(( wor'in# as they should be wor'in#. +o, (or that tool, % thin' it&s 4uite "ower(ul. Andrew McCauley: ,eah. % want to bac'trac' -ust a second. Minutedoc' is my (avorite tool (or time trac'in# and "retty much time trac'in#= that&s the ma-or (ocus o( what minute doc' does but havin# said that, <asecam", as (ar as the tool #oes (or everythin#, <asecam" is by (ar "robably the #reatest tool we have in our business and, as you -ust said, it lets us do a whole ran#e o( thin#s, not -ust time trac'in#. We have a small need (or time trac'in# so "eo"le is s"endin# time "er hour. We have structured our com"any now so that we are doin# it "er "ro-ect basis really suits the way <asecam" is laid out. +o, we don&t have to have the Minutedoc'&s (unctionality as such. +o, <asecam" lets us to a whole ran#e o( thin#s li'e it -ust 'ee"s control o( who has done what where, it #ives you timelines and milestones, and milestones are "retty im"ortant (or us too because it lets us 'ee" trac' o( where we are at in the "rocess o( deliverin# a "ro-ect. Heather Porter: ,eah and li'e with <asecam", we are -ust #ettin# stron#er at this as we #o as well. What&s cool about it is there is somethin# called the Cashboard where you #o when you lo# in, all the "ro-ects that you have on ri#ht then, all suc'ed throu#h to that home"a#e. +o, you can see a stream o( all the "osts and the comments and the to8dos and where you are with that but you can use your calendar as well and you can actually see i( there are milestones or due dates or thin#s comin# u" across the board (or everythin# you have. +o, as (ar as the time tool, it&s #reat because at a sna"shot you can see 01'ay, #reat. % have three "ro-ects. % have this "articular thin# to do in three days (rom now. %s everybody on to" o( that$ Are they bein# su""orted$ Co they have what they need$2 whereas without seein# that visually, it will ta'e a lot more o( your time to then (ollow u" and chase your team and try and see actually what&s #oin# on and are you stic'in# to your deadlines. +o, it >s one o( those thin#s that ta'es a while to set u" because you have to build your systems and your tem"lates and all that but it is well worth in the end because you have much better control over what&s #oin# on in your business and there(ore o( course and you can scale u" and start to #row. Andrew McCauley: Hey, do you thin' that "eo"le #et deterred (rom s"endin# time at the be#innin# settin# u" somethin# "ro"erly$ Heather Porter: 1h yes, de(initely. Andrew McCauley: % wasn&t even as'in# (rom "ersonal e*"erience. % was -ust sayin# in #eneral is that your (indin#$ Heather Porter: %t has, absolutely and % will tell you why % 'now that to be true. %t&s because "art o( what we do in our business is #o into tools li'e 1((ice Auto"ilot and you 'now +ales(orce and %n(usionso(t and MailChim", systems that are there to automate your business, allow you to send out emails and thin#s li'e that. Here is what % 'now. <ecause i( you #o into somebody else&s system and you try and (ind somethin# in the "ast, whether it&s an email tem"late or whatever it is, a cam"ai#n, the way they are named is s"oradic and in no way li'e somebody s"ent
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even an hour to sit down and say 0How am % #oin# to or#ani;e my systems or my business$2 +o, it creates so much more "ain in the (uture -ust by havin# thin#s not named "ro"erly. % have rarely ever seen somebody (rom the start that s"ends that e*tra little bit o( time thin'in# throu#h structurally. %( % have to re(er bac' to this (ive years (rom now, well, % actually 'now what it is. Andrew McCauley: ,eah, #ood "oint. Heather Porter: +o, somethin# li'e <asecam"= it is worth, it is "ain(ul to s"end that e*tra bit o( time because you also have to thin' throu#h the i(8then scenarios and the systems and the tem"lates and the to8do list and all that sort o( stu(( but i( you can do it, do it. Andrew McCauley: % #uess it&s the same "rinci"le as trainin# new sta(( E you #et someone who comes in and you thin' 01h #od! % wish they would -ust learn it real 4uic'2 but i( you don&t train him "ro"erly, it&s #oin# to (all down the trac'= they are either #oin# to leave because they are not (eelin# li'e they 'now what&s #oin# on or you #et (rustrated with them because they haven&t learned enou#h 4uic'ly and they end u" disa""earin# but i( you ta'e that e*tra time at the start and say 0Alri#ht, let&s ma'e sure we cover all their bases2, you will (ind that you will have sta(( lon#er E not that % am #oin# to rant about sta(( but % thou#ht it was sort o( relevant to that set8u". Heather Porter: % 'now because we are #rowin#, we are #rowin# and we are actively brin#in# on sta(( and loo'in# at our trainin#. % thin' (or all o( you #uys listenin# to this ri#ht now, really you 'now as a business owner, % 'now this is a really cheesy 4uote but 0%( it&s to be, it&s u" to me2 is so true. %t really is. % mean everythin# in your business ultimately comes down to you. There are no e*cuses. %t is you as a business owner holdin# the whole thin#s to#ether, creatin# the vision and leadin# the team and i( "eo"le are (allin# throu#h the crac's, not understandin# what they are meant to, it&s because they are not clear on what to do. +o, that&s why these tools that we are sharin# with you, these automation tools, the intention is a#ain that you use them in a way where you are creatin# an environment in your business which is easier (or you to mana#e but also to really #ive direction to your team. Andrew McCauley: ,es, very well said. Now, is there any other tools that we are #oin# to tal' about be(ore we wra" u" this "odcast$ Heather Porter: Those are the bi# ones % thin'. % would say #et the Time Trade or somethin# e4uivalent and start to loo' at how you are schedulin# your calls and ma'e it more automated and loo' at where your team is s"endin# their time usin# somethin# li'e <asecam" or Minutedoc'. % 'now there is not a lot in this "articular e"isode but % don&t thin' there needs to be because, a#ain, we are tal'in# about time, aren&t we$ Andrew McCauley: That&s it. Alri#ht, so -ust a 4uic' little reminder (or "eo"le. We are runnin# some live events in Au#ust and 1ctober in Australia, in +ydney, Melbourne and <risbane at this sta#e. We are also thin'in# about to some other "laces. %( you have a interest in seein# us live, let us 'now where you are so we mi#ht be able to wor' out a way to come and visit you "erha"s.

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Heather Porter: Absolutely. Andrew McCauley: We will send you to the ri#ht "lace where these events will be held in the ne*t cou"le o( wee's. +o, 'ee" an ear out (or where they are. We would love to be very small events, by the way. We are #oin# to have about .! to ! "eo"le. +o, we will o"en u" the doors on what we do and how we do it and how we "ut all the stu(( to#ether and have a lot o( (un at the same time. We are callin# it @ireside Chat. +o, it&s #oin# to be "retty laidbac' but we are #oin# to #ive you a s"ecial blue"rint (or you to ta'e away with you. We will do it in the actual event itsel( and you will wal' away with some really cool stu((. More on that later but (or the resources (or today, www.Auto"ilot,our<usiness.com7Podcast= you can #et all the in(ormation (rom there. %( you are on iTunes or any o( the "lethora o( "odcast channels that we are on ri#ht now, "lease leave us a comment, #ive us some love. We chec' all those channels. We are always in them every wee' havin# a loo' at stats and who is there and that sort o( stu((. +o, "lease leave us some love. Heather Porter: %t would be #reat, you #uys, and i( you ever want to connect with Andrew and % as well, "o" on by to www.A,< and all o( our social media lin's are there, so you can come and chec' us out on @aceboo' or 5in'ed%n or wherever you #uys han#out in your social media world. Andrew McCauley: Wherever your #han# out. Alri#ht, #uys. Heather Porter: We will #so you soon. Andrew McCauley: We are #oin# to hashta# out o( here. Alri#ht, ta'e care. We will tal' to you all later. Heather Porter: Tal' to you soon. **End of Audio**

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