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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Square Textile Ltd. started its operation in 1997.

It was enlisted in Dhaka Stock Exchange & hittagong Stock Exchange in !""!. The #usiness lines o$ Square Textile Ltd. are %anu$acturing and %arketing o$ &arn. Its $actor& is located in 'a(ipur ) Dhaka. The %anu$actures 1""* otton +ing Span ,arn or -osier& ) 1""* otton .E +otor /or -osier& and 0nit /a#rics $or 1""* export oriented read&%ade 'ar%ents Industr&. The strategic 'oals and .#1ecti2es o$ the o%pan& are to stri2e hard to opti%i(e pro$it though conduction and transparent #usiness operations and to create %ore co%petiti2e in the internal and external %arket. In ho%e) custo%er o$ Square Textile Li%ited are export oriented read&%ade 'ar%ents Industr&. The o%pan& also exports its products to the %arket o$ Europe & 3S4 . The export sells increased #& 19* in !""5 o2er the pre2ious &ear. o%petition le2el is increasing #oth in local and a#road %arket . o%petition will #e %ore sti$$ a$ter !""6 when %ulti$i#er agree%ent will #e phaced out. 4%ong the other $oreign co%petitors Srilanka ) hina 7akistan and India are pro%inent. Square is one o$ the #iggest e%plo&ees in 8angladesh. It has a personnel and ad%inistrati2e depart%ent . The total nu%#er o$ e%plo&ees are 1!!5. /or the e%plo&ees there are s&ste%atic in house training in ho%e and a#road . The %anaging director) the E. is the head o$ the executi2e %anage%ent tea% . 8elow in there are directors ) executi2e directors and general %anager. 3nder the direct super 2ision o$ the general %anager a nu%#er o$ depart%ents are controlled. The o%pan& is going through continuous growth in production . The total production increased &ear on &ear #asis at the rates o$ ".95* and 1.9:7* during !""! and !""5 respecti2el& . The o%pan&;s operations are out on a aggregate #asis and are %anaged as a single opportunit& seg%ent . The o%pan& uses o%puter 4ided Design < 4D= ) o%puter 4ides Spreading < 4S= and o%puter 4ided >anu$acturing < 4>= in its plant to increase the o2erall e$$icienc& and producti2it&. OBJECTIVE: The #road o#1ecti2e o$ this report is to pro2ide an o2er2iew o$ -+> practice o$ Square Textiles Ltd. The speci$ic o#1ecti2es o$ this report are ?

@ To pro2ide

o%pan& o2er2iew

@ To pro2ide %arket o2er2iew and anal&sis @ To re2eal operational) %anage%ent and -+> planning. @ Discuss all -+> practice METHOLODGY: To prepare this report we ha2e collected data $ro% di$$erent pu#lished %aterials. Then we ha2e conducted a secondar& stud&. 4$ter that we ha2e prepared a questionnaire and took inter2iew one o$ the executi2e ser2ing in this o%pan&. Ae also collect data $ro% internet .This wa& we collected pri%ar& data. Thus we ha2e used #oth pri%ar& and secondar& report to prepare this report. INTRODUCTION: This report is prepared as a require%ent o$ the course BSe%inar in -u%an +esource >anage%ent.C Ae selected Square Textiles Ltd. Aorking on this organi(ation we ca%e to know 2arious 0ind o$ -+> practice which are use here. Though it is a textile) it has pro2ed itsel$ in the related industr& as a %a1or co%petitor. In this report we ha2e $ollowed the guidelines pro2ided #& the teacher. -ere we ha2e tasked not onl& the -+> practice #ut also the %arketing) %anage%ent) $inance and operational area o$ the o%pan&. 1.0 COMPANY OVERVIEW 1.1 ABOUT COMPANY: Square Textiles Ltd. started its 1ourne& #& esta#lishing the $irst unit in 1997. .ne &ear later the second unit was esta#lished. Square Textile is a su#sidiar& co%pan& o$ Square 'roup .The o%pan& was incorporated as a pu#lic li%ited co%pan& in the &ear o$ 1999. The operation was started in 1997.It was enlisted in Dhaka Stock Exchange & hittagong Stock Exchange in !""!. Aithin a 2er& short ti%e o$ span the co%pan& achie2ed so%e signi$icance success. Square Textile recei2es .ekoDTex standard 1"" and IS.D9""! certi$icates in the &ear !""". 4uthori(ed capital o$ the co%pan& is tk. 1""" %illion. It;s paidD up capital is tk. !61.9" %illion. 1)!!5 e%plo&ees are working in this organi(ation. The #usiness lines o$ Square Textiles Li%ited are %anu$acturing and %arketing o$ &arn. The $actor& is located in Saradagan1) 0ashi%pur) 'a(ipur) 8angladesh. Its o$$ice is located at 3ttara in Dhaka 1.2 MISSION STATEMENT:

The %ission state%ent o$ Square Textiles Li%ited is B.ur %ission is reali(ation o$ 2ision through %axi%u% production o$ goods and ser2ices strictl& on ethical and %oral standards at %ini%u% costs to the societ& ensuring opti%u% #ene$its to the shareholders and other stakeholders.C This %ission is en2isioned #& the concept o$ #usiness which ensures well #eing o$ the in2estors) stakeholders) e%plo&ees and %e%#ers o$ the societ& which will create new wealth in the $or% o$ goods and ser2ices. 1.3. KEY PRODUCT / SERVICES: 4s stated earlier the #usiness line o$ the co%pan& is %anu$acturing and %arketing o$ &arn. It %anu$actures? @ 1""* otton +ing Span ,arn /or -osier& @ 1""* otton .E +otor ,arn $or -osier& @ 0nit /a#rics $or 1""* export oriented read&%ade 'ar%ents Industr&. It also per$or%s the $ollowing ser2ices?D @ D&ing & 7ost >erceri(ation. @ /a#ric D&ing The $inal output is %arketwise #& Square /ashion Ltd.In Square Textile Li%ited two t&pes o$ products are produced in two di$$erent units. These are as $ollows? 3nit 1? o%#ed and arded ,arn $ro% a count range o$ Ee.1" to Ee.F".

3nit !? o%#ed +ing ,arn $ro% a count range o$ Ee.!" to Ee.9". In Square Spinning Ltd. 1""* otton arded and o%#ed ,arn in the count range o$ Ee.1: to Ee.5" are produces. /inall& in Square /ashion;s Ltd. +ead&%ade 0nit 4pparels like TDshirts) 7olo shirts) Tank tops) 7a1a%as) Sport wear) 3nder gar%ents) >en;s & Ladies $ashion wear ) 0ids wear etc 1. STRATEGIC GOALS ! OBJECTIVES: The co%pan& sets the $ollowing o#1ecti2es $or it to achie2e? @ To stri2e hard to opti%i(e pro$it through conduction o$ transparent #usiness operations within the legal and social $ra%ework with %alice to none and 1ustice $or all @ To create %ore 1o#s with %ini%u% in2est%ents @ To #e co%petiti2e in the internal as well as external %arkets @ To %axi%i(e export earning with %ini%u% i%ported inDputs @ To reduce the inco%e gap #etween top and #otto% categories o$ e%plo&ees. Thus the co%pan& $ocuses to poleDstar its %ission that $ul$ill the o#1ecti2e with

e%phasis on the qualit& o$ the product ) process and ser2ices #lended with good G go2ernance that help #uild the i%age o$ the %ost ena#le corporate G citi(enship at ho%e and a#road . The co%pan& wants to produce such societ& $riendl& goods and ser2ices that go to satis$& the wants o$ all the rele2ant part& without distur#ing or da%aging the socioD econo%ic and ecological) #alance o$ the %other earth and the process o$ hu%an ci2ili(ation leading to peace$ul coD existence o$ all the lea2ing #eings. The co%pan& alwa&s stri2es $or top qualit& products at the least cost reaching the lowest rungs o$ the econo%ic class o$ people in the countr&. The co%pan& 2alues its o#ligation to the greater societ& as well as it stri2es to protect the interests o$ it;s shareholders and to ensure highest return and growth o$ their assets. 2.0 MARKETING OVERVIEW 2.1 POTENTIAL CUSTOMER: The target %arket $or products produced in Square Textiles Ltd. and Square Spinning Ltd. is Export .riented +ead&%ade 'ar%ents Industr&. +ead&%ade 'ar%ents exporter that is 0nit /a#rics) Sweater and Deni% %anu$acturer. In 8angladesh 8exi%co 0itting) 'ra%een 0nitwear) Shasha Deni%) 0nit oncern etc are the custo%ers. Target %arket $or products produced in Square /ashion Ltd. is Europe and 3.S.4. Square Textiles does not direct sales in o2erseas %arket #ut so%eti%es India) 7akistan & other countries take their &arn. 2.2 SI"E ! GROWTH O# MARKET: The o%pan&;s %arketing operations continued its e%phasis on export sales o2er the &ears as depicted #elow? Y$%& ' 200( <a= Hualit& sold <0g=

Y$%& ' 200)

Y$%& ' 200

Local sales Export Sales Total Sales

99)F"" <".7*= 19)669)59! <99.5*= 19):69)19! <1""*=

6!7)9"5 <5.7*= 15)F17)519 <9:.5*= 19)596)!17 <1""*=

659)917 <5.9*= 15)1!9)699 <9:.1*= 15)::9)"1: <1""*=

<#= Sales +e2enue < Taka =

Local Sales

9)966)6FF <".9*=

5!)67:)95: <1.F*=

9:)96:)999 <!.5*=

Export Sales Total Sales

!)"95)!19):76 <99.:*= !)1"!):7")!:5 <1""*=

1)76:)991)96" <9F.!*= 1)7F9)"1F)5F: <1""*=

!)"!9)9:F)696 <97.7*= !)"7:)9!6)"59 <1""*=

The a#o2e $igures show that the export sales increased #& 19* in !"":o2er the pre2ious &ear with greater exposure to international %arket scenario and risk. 2.3 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS: .nl& in $ew &ears #ack textile sector in 8angladesh was le$t #ehind #ut current scenarios is di$$erent. In recent &ears a %entiona#le $igure o$ %one& has #een in2ested in this industr&. 'o2ern%ent is also encouraging this sector. 'o2ern%ent is %aking so%e $a2ora#le policies and %ini%i(ing the regulations) so that this sector can #e grown up. 4%ong the do%estic co%panies Square is one o$ the leading one. The other potential co%petitors are 7ad%a Textiles) Sha%i% Textile etc. o%petition will #e se2ere a$ter !""6) that is) during the post %ulti$i#er agree%ent period. Aorld %arket will #e Huota $ree at that ti%e. So 8angladesh will ha2e to co%pete with countries like Srilanka) hina) 7akistan) Iietna% etc.
3.0 OPERATIONAL PLAN: The Companys installed capacity during the year 2006 remained at the same level of the previous year at 59,472 spindles 76 !otor heads "ith production capacity #at average $0s%&0s counts' as follo"s(

200( <1= SpindlesJ+otors? <a=Installation? Eo. o$ Spindles installed Eo. o$ +otor installed <#=.peration Eo. o$ Spindles operated Eo. o$ +otor head operated <!= 7roduction apacit& Installed? 4t Equi2alent 5"s ount 4t Equi2alent 1"s ount T*+%, <5= .perating E$$icientl& <*= 5"s output 1"s output T*+%, 69)97! 7:F 69)97! 7:F 11)""6)""" !)!"9)59! 13-20.-3.2 99.!: 91.91 .0..)

200) 69)97! 7:F 69)97! 7:F 1")79:)9!9 !)!"9)59! 13-000-/1( 99."! 9!.5: .0./.

200 69)97! 7:F 69)97! 7:F 1")79:)9!9 !)!"9)59! 13-000-/1( 97.99 97.91 .0. /

The a#o2e statistics depict a picture o$ continuous growth in production and production e$$icienc& which has #een achie2ed #& the production G addicted %anage%ent at the $actor& le2el as well as the top. The total production increased &earDonD&ear #asis at the rates o$ ".95* and 1.:7* during the &ears !""! and !""5 respecti2el&. The o%pan&;s operations are carried out on an aggregate #asis and are %anaged as a single operating seg%ent. 4ccordingl& the o%pan& operates in one seg%ent o$ de2eloping %anu$acturing and %arketing o$ cotton J %ixed &arn $or hu%an as well as industrial use. 8esides) to increase e$$icienc& the co%pan& uses the $ollowing %ethods ? @ o%puter 4ided Designing < 4D= 4 co%plete designing section. /or co%puter aided designing equipped with 'E+8E+ & IEIEST+.EI 4 s&ste%s. /or %arker %aking ": di$$erent work stations with digiti(ing #oard and $ull width pattern plotter. @ o%puter 4ided Spreading < 4S= o%puter 4ided Spreading < 4S= "5 nos. cloth spreader $ro% 'E+8E+ & I>4 ) 9K5" %eter long air $loating ta#le. @ o%puter 4ided >anu$acturing < 4>= "5 nos. sophisticated L4SE+ guided cutting %achine $ro% 'E+8E+ &IEIEST+.EI 4 s&ste%s. The o%pan& has $uture plan to expand its operation plan in &arn twisting dou#ling. .0 MANAGEMENT M%1%2$3$1+: The entire %anage%ent process co%prises the $ollowing units? .1. E4$56+78$ M%1%2$3$1+: The >anaging Director) the E. is the head o$ the Executi2e >anage%ent Tea% which co%prises senior %e%#ers o$ the >anage%ent 4pparatus. Aithin the li%its o$ delegated authorit& and responsi#ilit& #& the 8oard o$ Directors ) Executi2e >anage%ent operates through $urther delegation o$ authorit& at e2er& echelon o$ the line %anage%ent . The executi2e >anage%ent operates within the $ra%ework o$ 7olic& & 7lanning strategies set #& the Top >anage%ent with periodic per$or%ance reporting $or guidance . The Executi2e >anage%ent is responsi#le $or preparation o$ seg%ent plans J su# G seg%ent plans $or e2er& pro$it centers with #udgetar& targets $or e2er& ite%s o$ goods & ser2ices and are held accounta#le $or de$iciencies) with appreciation $or outstanding and exceptional per$or%ances . These operations are continuousl& carried out #& the

Executi2e >anage%ent through series o$ o%%ittees ) su# G o%%ittees ) o%%ittees & standing o%%ittees assisting the line %anage%ent . .2.M%1%2$3$1+ C*337++$$: o%prising top executi2es ) deal with entire organi(ational %atters. .3.S+%19712 C*337++$$: Standing o%%ittee co%prises the $ollowing co%%ittee? .3.1. A697+ C*337++$$: @ Internal 4udit o%%ittee @ IS. 4udit o%%ittee @ Social J En2iron%ent o%%ittee @ 7er$or%ance E2aluation 4udit o%%ittee .3.2. E3:,*;3$1+ R$,%+7*1< C*337++$$: @ +e%uneration o%%ittee @ Aork En2iron%ent o%%ittee @ 7er$or%ance E2aluation 4udit o%%ittee .3.3. M%1%2$3$1+ C*337++$$: @ 7roduct 7lanning & De2elop%ent o%%ittee @ Hualit& ontrol & +esearch o%%ittee @ 7roduction & In2entor& >anage%ent o%%ittee @ Export 7ro%otion o%%ittee ). H63%1 &$<*6&5$ 3%1%2$3$1+ ).1.H63%1 &$<*6&5$ :,%11712 Square has a personal and ad%inistrati2e Depart%ent . Square is one o$ the #iggest e%plo&ers in 8angladesh. The total nu%#er o$ e%plo&ers in 8angladesh . The total nu%#er o$ e%plo&ees is 1)!!5. /or the e%plo&ees there are s&ste%atic in house training in ho%e and a#road . To %oti2ate the e%plo&ees) along with salar& and #ene$its the co%pan& pro2ides 2arious $acilities like $ree %eals ) $ree transportation ) !9 hour %edical center ) on site sports . 7roduction and acco%%odation $acilities includes $ull ti%e suppl& o$ sa$e drinking water) adequate lighting and 2entilation $acilities $ro% sheet. ).2 HR P&%5+75$< *= S>UARE +$4+7,$ +ecruit%ent

Training 7er$or%ance >anage%ent La#or relation E%plo&ee relation Lo# anal&sis Lo# design Selection De2elop%ent Incenti2es 8ene$its ).2.1 R$5&67+3$1+ %19 S$,$5+7*1 :&*5$<< 71 S>UARE +ecruit%ent is the process trough which the organi(ation seeks applicants $or potential e%plo&%ent. Selection re$ers to the process #& which it atte%pts to identi$& applicants with the necessar& knowledge) skills) a#ilities and other characteristics that will help the co%pan& achie2e its goals) co%panies engaging in di$$erent strategies need di$$erent t&pes and nu%#ers o$ e%plo&ees. The strateg& a co%pan& is pursuing will ha2e a direct i%pact on the t&pes o$ e%plo&ees that it seeks to recruit and selection. S*6&5$ *= &$5&67+3$1+ There are two kinds o$ source SH34+E uses $or recruit%ent .The& are 1. External source !. Internal source. Ae tr& to discuss all relati2e sources which are used $or recruit%ent in SH34+E. 1. I1+$&1%, <*6&5$

SH34+E thinks that current e%plo&ees are a %a1or source o$ recruits $or all #ut entr&Dle2el positions. Ahether $or pro%otions or $or MLateral; 1o# trans$ers) internal candidates alread& know the in$or%al organi(ation and ha2e detailed in$or%ation a#out its $or%al policies and procedures. 7ro%otions and trans$er are t&picall& decided #& operating %anagers with little in2ol2e%ent #& -+ depart%ent. 1.1Lo#Dposting progra%s -+ depart%ents #eco%e in2ol2ed when internal 1o# openings are pu#lici(ed to e%plo&ees through 1o# positioning progra%s) which in$or%s e%plo&ees a#out opening and required quali$ications and in2ite quali$& e%plo&ees to appl&. The notices usuall& are posted on co%pan& #ulletin #oards or are placed in the co%pan& newspaper. Huali$ication and other $acts t&picall& are drawn $ro% the 1o# anal&sis in$or%ation. The purpose o$ 1o# posting is to encourage e%plo&ees to seek pro%otion and trans$ers the help the -+ depart%ent $ill internal opening and %eet e%plo&ee;s personal o#1ecti2es. Eot all 1o#s openings are posted .8esides entr& le2el positions) senior %anage%ent and top stu$$ positions %a& #e $illed #& %erit or with external recruiting. Lo# posting is %ost co%%on $or lower le2el clerical) technical and super2isor& positions. 1.! Departing E%plo&ees 4n o$ten o2erlooked source o$ recruiters consists o$ departing e%plo&ees. >an& e%plo&ees lea2e #ecause the& can no longer work the traditional 9" hours work week .School) child care needs and other co%%it%ents are the co%%on reason. So%e %ight gladl& sta& i$ the& could rearrange their hours o$ work or their responsi#ilities .Instead) the& quit when a trans$er to a partDti%e 1o# %a& retain their 2alua#le skill and training. E2en i$ partDti%e work is not a solution) a te%porar& lea2e o$ a#sence %a& satis$& the e%plo&ee and so%e $uture recruiting need o$ the e%plo&er. 2. E4+$&1%, <*6&5$ Ahen 1o# opening cannot #e $illed internall&) the -+ depart%ent o$ SH34+E %ust look outside the organi(ation $or applicants. Ae discuss all the external source o$ recruit%ent at #ellow? !.1 AalkDins and AriteDins?

AalkDins are so%e seekers who arri2ed at the -+ depart%ent o$ SH34+E in search o$ a 1o#N AriteDins are those who send a written enquire .#oth groups nor%all& are ask to co%plete and application #lank to deter%ine their interest and a#ilities. 3sa#le application is kept in an acti2e $ile until a suita#le opening occurs or until an application is too old to #e considered 2alid) usuall& six %onths. !.! E%plo&ee re$errals? E%plo&ees %a& re$er 1o# seekers to the -+ depart%ent .E%plo&ee re$errals ha2e se2eral ad2antages .E%plo&ees with hard Gto G$ind 1o# skill %a& no others who do the sa%e work. E%plo&ees re$errals are excellent and legal recruit%ent technique) #ut the& tend to %aintain the status quo o$ the work $orce in ter% o$ raise ) religions ) sex and other characteristics ) possi#l& leading to charges o$ discri%ination. !.5 4d2ertising Aant ads descri#e the 1o# and the #ene$its) identi$& the e%plo&er) and tell those who are interested how to appl& .The& are %ost $a%iliar $or% o$ e%plo&%ent ad2ertising .$or highl& specialist requites) ads %a& #e placed in pro$essional 1ournal or out o$ town newspaper in areas with high concentration o$ the desired skills Exa%ple? 'eneral >anagerD production <re$? 7>= D4ge? !FD56 &earsN 'raduate with speciali(ation in gar%ent %$g technolog& $ro% EI/T or equi2. D>ini%u% 1" &ears experience in si%ilar position o$ a unit with a %ini%u% o$ 1"""%achines. D>ust ha2e detailed hands on knowledge o$ industrial engineering. Ae o$$er co%petiti2e salar& which is co%%ensurate with experience and quali$ication. I$ &ou aspire to an exiting and rewarding career ) send &our detailed resu%e) quoting &our present and expected salaries to 1o#s. 2. I1+$&1$+

Eow toda& no #od& thinks an&thing without internet. So SH34+E gi2e their ad2ertise at internet. Exa%ple? ).2.2 T&%71712 %19 D$8$,*:3$1+ :&*2&%3 *= S>UARE +$4+7,$ Training is a process o$ learning a sequence o$ progra%%ed #eha2ior. it is application o$ knowledge. It gi2es people an awareness o$ the rules procedures to guide their #eha2ior. It atte%pts to i%pro2e their per$or%ance on the current 1o# or prepare the% $or an intended 1o#. De2elop%ent is a related process. It co2ers not onl& those acti2ities which i%pro2e 1o# per$or%ance #ut also those which #ring growth o$ the personalit&N help indi2iduals to the progress towards %aturit& and actuali(ation o$ their potential capacities so that the& #eco%e not onl& good e%plo&ees #ut #etter %en and wo%en. In organi(ational ter%s) it is intended to equip person to earn pro%otion and hold grater responsi#ilit&. There are %an& t&pes o$ %ethod practices in SH34+E .we discuss that %ethod at #ellow? O1 +?$ @*A +&%71712 .n the 1o# training is a training that shows the e%plo&ee how to per$or% the 1o# and allows hi% or her to do it under the trainer;s super2ision .n the 1o# training is nor%all& gi2en #& a senior e%plo&ee or a %anager like senior %erchandiser or a %anager. The e%plo&ee is shown how to per$or% the 1o# and allowed to do it under the trainer;s super2ision. J*A &*+%+7*1 Lo# rotation is a training that requires an indi2idual to learn se2eral di$$erent so%e in a work unit or depart%ent and per$or%er each 1o# $or a speci$ied ti%e period. In 1o# rotation) indi2iduals learn se2eral di$$erent 1o# within a work unit or depart%ent. .ne %ain ad2antages o$ 1o# rotation is that it %akes $lexi#ilities possi#le in the depart%ent. Ahen one e%plo&ee like 1unior %erchandiser a#sence another %erchandiser can easil& per$or% the 1o#.

A::&$1+75$<?7: +&%71712 4pprenticeship training pro2ides #eginning worker with co%prehensi2e training in the practical and theoretical expect o$ work required in a highl& skilled occupation. 4pprenticeship progra% co%#ined o$ the 1o# and classroo% training to prepare worker $or %ore than eight hundred occupation such as co%puter operator) sewing technician. L$12+? *= <$,$5+$9 %::&$1+75$<?7: 5*6&<$< *= S>UARE .ccupation 1. Hualit& control %anager !. Hualit& control o$$icer 5. utting 4stt. >anager 9. 7acking 4stt. >anager 6. Aare house 4stt. >anager :. 7roduction o$$icer 7. Sewing technician F. Sewing Super2isor C,%<<&**3 +&%71712 lassroo% training is conducted o$$ the 1o# and pro#a#l& the %ost $a%iliar training %ethod .It is an e$$ecti2e %eans o$ i%parting in$or%ation quickl& to large groups with li%ited or no knowledge o$ su#1ect #eing presented. It is use$ul $or teaching $actual %aterial) concepts principle other theories .portion o$ orientation progra%s) so%e expects o$ apprenticeship training and sa$et& progra%s are usuall& presented utili(ing so%e $or% o$ classroo% instruction. >ore $requentl& howe2er) classroo% instruction is used $or technical) pro$essional and %anagerial e%plo&ee D$8$,*:3$1+ *= +?$ ?63%1 &$<*6&5$< length <%onths= 15 16 7 7 6 5 6 6

The long ter% de2elop%ent o$ hu%an resources as distinct $ro% training $or a speci$ic 1o# is o$ growing concern to -+ depart%ents o$ SH34+E .Throw the de2elop%ent o$ current e%plo&ees the depart%ent reduces the co%pan&;s dependents on haring new workers .i$ e%plo&ees are de2eloped properl& the 1o# openings $ound throw -+ planning are %ore likel& to #e $illed internall& pro%otions and trans$ers also show e%plo&ees that the& ha2e a career not 1ust a 1o#. The e%plo&ee #ene$its $ro% increased continuit& in operations and $ro% e%plo&ees who $ail a greater co%%it%ent. -+ depart%ent is also an e$$ecti2e wa& to %eets se2eral challenges including e%plo&ee o#solescence) international and do%estic di2ersit&) technical challenges. 4$$ir%ati2e action and e%plo&ee turn o2er. 8& %eeting these challenges the depart%ent can) %aintain an e$$ecti2e work$orce. S+$:< 71 +?$ E8%,6%+7*1 *= +&%71712 %19 9$8$,*:3$1+ E2aluation criteria O pretest O trained or de2elopedD workers O posttest O trans$er to the 1o# O $ollowDup studies. ).2.3 P$&=*&3%15$ M%1%2$3$1+ 7er$or%ance appraisal is the process o$ assessing e%plo&ee;s past per$or%ance) pri%aril& $or reward) pro%otion and sta$$ de2elop%ent purposes. M7er$or%ance appraisal <is= a process that identi$ies) e2aluates and de2elops e%plo&ee per$or%ance to %eet e%plo&ee and organisational goals. 7er$or%ance 4ppraisal doesn;t necessaril& use to #la%e or to pro2ide a disciplinar& action.7re2ious %anage%ent theories used to 2iew per$or%ance appraisal as a stick that %anage%ent has introduced to #eat people. 7er$or%ance appraisals are now %ore clari$ied and the& concentrate on de2eloping organi(ational strengths and e%plo&ee per$or%ance. P6&:*<$ *= P$&=*&3%15$ A::&%7<%, 71 S>UARE To re2iew past per$or%ance To assess training needs To help de2elop indi2iduals To audit the skills within an organi(ation

To set targets $or $uture per$or%ance To identi$& potential $or pro%otion To pro2ide legal & $or%al 1usti$ication $or e%plo&%ent decision To diagnose the hidden pro#le%s o$ an organi(ation P$&=*&3%15$ A::&%7<%, P&*5$<< Aho 4ppraises @ Super2isors @ Su#ordinates @ 7eers @ lientsJcusto%ers @ Sel$ appraisal @ 1F"J5:" degree approach A::&*%5?$< +* 3$%<6&712 :$&=*&3%15$ 71 S>UARE +$4+7,$ There are 2arious kind o$ %ethod $or %easuring per$or%ance appraisal. 8ut we get in$or%ation that SH34+E uses onl& three t&pe o$ per$or%ance %ethod. These are at #elow? 1. 5:"D degree $eed#ack !. Experience #ased. W$ 9$<5&7A$ +?*<$ %+ A$,*B: 1.5:"Ddegree $eed#ack .ne currentl& popular %ethods o$ per$or%ance appraisal is called 5:"Ddegree $eed#ack. Aith this %ethod %anagers peers) suppliers or colleagues are ask to co%plete questionnaire. The questionnaire are generall& length& . !. Experience #ased SH34+E %easure the per$or%ance o$ e%plo&ee #& experience. /or exa%ple >+. P has #een working in SH34+E $or three &ears and >+. , has #een working in SH34+E $or two &ears. So SH34+E $a2or >+. P $or his %ore experience.

).2. E3:,*;$$ &$,%+7*1 E%plo&ers and e%plo&ees each ha2e their own sets o$ needs and 2alues) and success$ul relationship #etween these two sides requires that so%e sort o$ #alance #e struck. This #alance o$ten takes the $or% o$ a ps&chological contract) an understood agree%ent #etween e%plo&er and e%plo&ees that de$ines the work relationship. This contract with or without support o$ a $or%al collecti2e #argaining) agree%ent in$luence the outco%e achie2e #& each side. SH34+E group the 2arious into three channel categories those are 1. E%plo&ee sa$et& !. E%plo&ee health 5. E%plo&ee working condition 1. E3:,*;$$ <%=$+; SH34+E pro2ide the e%plo&ee sa$et& .It ensure the all kinds o$ 1o# sa$et& such as insurance o$ each e%plo&ee not this it pro2ide insurance to the la#or. 2. E3:,*;$$ ?$%,+? /ree %edical checkup) pro2ide health card and also pro2ide necessar& %edical $acilities $or each e%plo&ee. 3. E3:,*;$$ B*&C712 5*197+7*1 The working condition o$ e%plo&ee is 2er& h&gienic SH34+E is IS. 9""1D!""" ).2.) J*A %1%,;<7< Lo# anal&sis is the procedure $or deter%ining the duties and skill require%ent o$ a 1o# and the kind o$ person who should #e hired $or it . The super2isor or -+ specialist o$ SH34+E nor%all& collects one o$ the $ollowing t&pes o$ in$or%ation? W*&C %5+787+7$< erti$ied co%pan&

/irst he or she collects in$or%ation a#out the 1o# actual work acti2ities such as %arketing) sewing) production. This list also include how) wh& and when the worker per$or%ance each acti2it&. E965%+7*1 %19 D6%,7=75%+7*1 ollects the in$or%ation a#out education #ackground and quali$ication. E4:$&7$15$ Experience %ust #e needed $or an& 1o# in SH34+E. S%3:,$ *= @*A %1%,;<7< *= S>UARE: >6%,7+; 5*1+&*, 3%1%2$& Huali$ication >aster in an& su#1ect 8achelorJdiplo%a in textile and clothing or related discipline will #e gi2en pre$erence >ust ha2e at least 7 &ears practical experience experience in si%ilar position in an& gar%ents $actor&. C6++712 A<++. M%1%2$& E563 71'5?%&2$F Huali$ication >astersJ #achelor in an& su#1ect pre$era#l& co%%erce. 8achelorJdiplo%a in textile and clothing or related discipline will #e gi2en pre$erence >ust ha2e at least 7 &ears practical experience experience in si%ilar position in an& gar%ents $actor&. W%&$ ?*6<$ A<++. M%12$& Huali$ication >astersJ #achelor in an& su#1ect pre$era#l& co%%erce.

8achelorJdiplo%a in textile and clothing or related discipline will #e gi2en pre$erence >ust ha2e at least 6 &ears practical experience experience in si%ilar position in an& gar%ents $actor& P&*965+7*1 O==75$& ES$B712F Huali$ication 'raduate J-S >ust ha2e at least 5 &ears practical experience in si%ilar position in knit gar%ents. S$B712 T$5?1757%1 Huali$ication 'raduate J-S >ust ha2e at least 6 &ears practical experience in si%ilar position in knit gar%ents. Experience and skill $or all a#o2e 1o#s? andidate %ust ha2e experience to work with world reputed #u&ers 'ood writing and co%%unication #oth in 8engali and English Should #e capa#le o$ %aking H4 reports on dail& #asis o%puter literac& in >S world ) Excel ) eD%ail etc. ).2.( J*A D$<721 Lo# design is the process o$ structuring work and designating the speci$ic work acti2ates o$ an indi2idual or group o$ indi2iduals to achie2e certain organi(ational o#1ecti2es. The 1o# design can generall& #e di2ided into three phases?

1. The speci$ication o$ indi2idual task. !. The speci$ication o$ the %ethod o$ per$or%ing each task 5. The co%#ination o$ indi2idual tasks into speci$ic 1o# to #e assign to indi2idual O&2%17G%+7*1%, 5*1<79$&%+7*1< =*& @*A 9$<721 E$$ecti2eness In the context o$ 1o# design) to re%ain e$$ecti2e) organi(ations %a& ha2e to rede$ine 1o#s) %onitoring) and using technolog& so that the $ir% can e2en co%pete against giant ri2als. E$$icienc& >axi%u% outputs through %ini%u% inputs o$ ti%e) e$$ort and other resources. In the context o$ 1o# design) e$$icienc& in ti%e) e$$ort) la#or costs) and training should #e done accordingl&. T$5?1*,*275%, C*1<79$&%+7*1< Task Interdependence The dependence o$ one task $ro% another is task dependence. In this context) the task interdependence can #e high or low depending on the product or ser2ice. Technical constraints Scarcit& o$ %achines are constraints) which in turn leads to the increase and decrease o$ production. Ergono%ic constraints 'reek word where Ergo Q Aork & Eo%os Q Laws) i.e Laws o$ work. .pti%al producti2it& requires a relationship #etween the worker and the work) thus designing a 1o# needs this consideration. E3:,*;$$ 5*1<79$&%+7*1< Skill 2ariet& Iariet& re$ers to the use o$ di$$erent skills and talents to co%plete an arra& o$ work tasks and acti2ities.

4utono%& 4utono%& re$ers to the $reedo% and independence to plan and schedule the work and deter%ine the procedures used to carr& it out. Task identit& Task identit& %eans doing so%ething $ro% #eginning to end rather than 1ust part o$ it. Task signi$icance It is the degree to which a 1o# has su#stantial i%pact on an organi(ation. /eed#ack /eed#ack is the degree to which e%plo&ees can tell how well the& are doing #ased on in$or%ation $ro% the 1o#. E187&*13$1+%, 5*1<79$&%+7*1< Social expectations In designing 1o#s) the surrounding social expectations %ust #e considered to a2oid possi#le worker dissatis$action. Aork$orce a2aila#ilit& Lo# require%ents should #e #alanced against the a2aila#ilit& o$ the people who are required to do the work. Aork practices Aork practices are set %ethods o$ per$or%ing work. These %ethods %a& arise $ro% tradition or the collecti2e wishes o$ e%plo&ees. ).2.0 I15$1+78$< o%pensation $luctuates according to G 4 preDesta#lished $or%ula G Indi2idual or group goals #ecause group goals are di$$erent $ro% indi2idual goals G o%pan& earnings

Incenti2es adds to #ase pa& It controls costs #ecause the e%plo&ee is #eing paid $or hisJher extra e$$ort and $or the #ene$its #rought to the organi(ation. >oti2ates e%plo&ees I15$1+78$ P%; C%+$2*&7$< Indi2idual 'roup o%pan&Dwide I1978796%, 715$1+78$ :,%1< G Huantit& o$ work output <-ow %an& units produced= G Hualit& o$ work output <Ahat was the qualit& o$ the product or ser2ice #eing produced or ser2ed= G >onthl& sales <-ow %uch sales was generated= G Aork sa$et& record <-ow %an& ha(ard or errors are #eing reduced. G Aork attendance <I$ the a#sent is reduced or attendance is good= G&*6: I15$1+78$ P$&=*&3%15$ M$%<6&$< 'roup incenti2e plans G usto%er satis$action G La#or cost sa2ings G >aterials cost sa2ings G +eduction in accidents G Ser2ices cost sa2ings o%pan&DAide 7er$or%ance >easures o%pan&Dwide incenti2e plans G o%pan& pro$its G ost contain%entJpre2ention G >arket share G Sales re2enue

I1978796%, I15$1+78$ P,%1< EP7$5$B*&C :,%1<F @ 4wards #ased on indi2idual production 2s. co%pan& standards @ 4wards #ased on indi2idual per$or%ance standards using o#1ecti2e & su#1ecti2e criteria @ Huantit& and J or qualit& goals A98%1+%2$< %19 97<%98%1+%2$< *= I1978796%, I15$1+78$ P,%1 @ 4d2antages G -elps relate pa& to per$or%ance G 7ro%otes equita#le distri#ution o$ co%pensation G -elps retain #est per$or%ers G o%pati#le with indi2idualistic cultures and societies @ Disad2antages G >a& pro%ote in$lexi#ilit& G 3nrealistic standards %a& ha%per e%plo&ee %oti2ation G Setting per$or%ance standards is ti%e consu%ing G /actors #e&ond e%plo&ee;s control %a& a$$ect outco%es G /actors not rewarded %a& #e o2erlooked G&*6: I15$1+78$ P,%1< @ +ewards e%plo&ees $or their collecti2e per$or%ance @ 'roup incenti2e use has increased in industr& @ ! t&pes G Tea% D #ased or s%all group G 'ain sharing C*3:%1;'W79$ I15$1+78$ P,%1< @ +ewards e%plo&ees when co%pan& %eets per$or%ance standards @ ! T&pes G 7ro$it sharing plans G E%plo&ee stock option plans

C*3:$+7+78$ S+&%+$27$< @ Lowest D cost G Lower output costs per e%plo&ee G Indi2idual & group incenti2e plans G 8eha2ioral encourage%ent plans @ G G G G Di$$erentiation 3nique product or ser2ices reati2e) risk D taking e%plo&ees Long D ter% $ocus Tea% D #ased incenti2es

).2./ B$1$=7+< *= S>UARE E%plo&ee #ene$its & ser2ices were $or%erl& known as $ringe #ene$its and these #ene$its were pri%aril& the inDkind pa&%ents e%plo&ees recei2e in addition to pa&%ents in the $or% o$ %one&. In addition to pa&ing e%plo&ees $airl& and adequatel& $or their contri#utions in the per$or%ance o$ their 1o#s) organi(ations assu%e a social o#ligation $or the wel$are o$ e%plo&ees and their dependents E%plo&ee #ene$its are usuall& inherent co%ponents o$ the nonDco%pensation s&ste% are %ade a2aila#le to e%plo&ees that pro2ide? G 7rotection in case o$ health & accident G Inco%e upon retire%ent & ter%ination These #ene$its are co%ponents that contri#ute to the wel$are o$ the e%plo&ee #& $illing so%e kind o$ de%and. L$2%,,; &$D67&$9 A$1$=7+< *= S>UARE @ Social Securit& G Social securit& #ene$its include the general #ene$its like une%plo&%ent insurance & #ene$its) old age insurance) and >edicare $acilities. @ Aorkers; o%pensation G Aorker;s co%pensation includes the co%pensation when an e%plo&ee #eco%es in1ured or disa#le due to extre%e working conditions or while working at the 1o# site.

@ /a%il& & >edical Lea2e G /a%il& lea2e includes the co%pensation continuation during the $a%il& lea2e such as %aternit& or paternit& lea2e and other $a%il& lea2e. @ .ld age) Sur2i2or) Disa#ilit& Insurance require%ents $or getting co%pensation? G Earn 9" quarters o$ credit) or G 8e e%plo&ed $or 1" &ears G 8e age :! $or partial #ene$its G 8e age :6 $or $ull #ene$its G Eow the age has #een extended to age :7 #ecause %ore and %ore workers are retiring late. G Aidow aged :" R M$975%&$ Depends on the countr&;s polic&) %edicare $acilities are generall& go2ern%ent ser2ices to citi(ens..rgani(ations add so%e 2alue to %edicare $acilities. In so%e countries %edicare is $inanced together #& e%plo&ees; tax) e%plo&ers and the go2ern%ent. 7ro2ided insurance co2erage $or G -ospitali(ation D o2ers inpatient & outpatient hospital care & ser2ices. G >a1or doctor #ills G harges o$ 2isiting a doctor or specialist. G 7rescription drug costs. G 7ro2ides unli%ited inDho%e care in certain situations. W*&C$&<H C*3:$1<%+7*1 @ Aorkers; co%pensation is a legall& required #ene$it is included in the co%pulsor& disa#ilit& laws o$ %an& countries. >ostl&) e%plo&er is seen lia#le regardless o$ the $ault. @ .#1ecti2es o$ Aorkers; co%pensation? G 7ro2ide inco%e & %edical #ene$its G +educe litigation G Eli%inate legal $ees & ti%e G Encourage e%plo&er sa$et& G 7ro%ote accident stud& & a2oidance @ Aorkers; co%pensation clai%s G In1ur& G .ccupational disease G Death @ Aorkers; co%pensation #ene$its

G >edical ser2ices G Disa#ilit& inco%e G Death #ene$its D7<5&$+7*1%&; B$1$=7+< @ Discretionar& #ene$its are 1udg%ent #ased #ene$its that the organi(ation pro2ides to its e%plo&ees. These #ene$its are not legall& required #ene$its #ut enhances organi(ational culture and corporate i%age. @ 8ene$its include? G 7rotection progra%s G 7a& $or ti%e not worked G .ther ser2ices P%; =*& +73$ 1*+ B*&C$9 @ -olida&s @ Iacations @ /uneral lea2e @ >arriage lea2e @ Sick lea2e @ Stress lea2e @ 8lood donation or wel$are work @ 7ersonal lea2e @ Sa##atical lea2eJ /or >usli%s) lea2e a$ter death @ .ther religious lea2es such as pilgri%age or preaching (.0 #INANCING :.1. /inancial +esult? The o%pan&;s operating $inancial results) as co%pared to the pre2ious &ear) are su%%ari(ed hereunder?

<Taka= ,ear !"": Turno2er !)1"!):7")!:5 ost o$ 'oods Sold 1)757)"66)769 'ross 7ro$it 5:6):19)6"9 .perating & /inancial Expenses 176)6!9)!!" .perating Inco%e 19")"9")!F9 .ther Inco%e !!6)F99 Eet pro$it 8e$ore A77/ 19")51:)1!F ontri#ution To A77/ 9)":!):75 Eet 7ro$it <8T= 1F1)!65)966 7ro2ision $or Inco%e Tax 15)569)7!F Eet 7ro$it <4T= 1:7)F95)7!7 'ross >argin 17.59* Eet >argin 7.9F* Earning per Share <E7S= :.:7 .utstanding Shares !6)19")""" /ace 2alue 7er share <T0= 1"

<Taka= ,ear !""6 1)7F9)"1F)5F: 1)6"")!F1)69" !FF)75:)79: 197)F56)61" 9")9"1)!F: ::5)!16 91)6:9)6"1 9)5:")!19 F7)!"9)!F7 6)761)1"9 F1)965)!75 1:.19* 9.66* 5.!5 !6)19")""" 1"

<Taka= ,ear !""9 !)"7:)9!6)"59 1):7:):9")":F 9"")!59)971 !17):F7)F7! 1F!)697)"99 91!)"F5 1)F5)969)1F! F)75:)16! 1)79)7!5)"5" D 179)7!5)"5" 19.!7* F.91* :.99 !6)19")""" 1"

The gross %argin rose to 17.59* $ro% the le2el o$ 1:.19* in !"":. 4s the operating & $inancial expenses declined ) net %argin also rose 9.66* in !""6 to 7.9F* in !"":. Eet 7ro$it <4T= has #een increased due to cost control %easures ) procure%ent strategies and $a2ora#le export prices in the international %arket. 0.1 P&*965+<: In two units o$ Square Textiles Ltd. The $ollowing products are produced ? In Square 0nit /a#rics Ltd. 7roduct range Engineering stripe and se%i 1acquard) plain ) pique ) /our Eeddle structure ) repe ri# ) Interlock ) Drop needle ) ross%iss ) >ilano ri# ) etc. In Square /ashions Ltd. /ollowing t&pes o$ products are produced TDshirts & 7oloD shirts) Tank tops ) 7a1a%as) Sport wear ) 3nder gar%ents ) >ens & Ladies $ashion wear ) 0idswear etc.

0.2 P&75$:
The unit selling prices over the years varied su)stantially as sho"n )elo"(

Local sales Export Sales Total sales <a2erage=

200( 99.76 195.F9 195.99

200) :1.71 1!7.1! 1!9.71

200 F7.1! 169.:! 161.99

The a#o2e indicate that the local and export selling prices increased #& 65.69* and 15.19* respecti2el& during the &ear !"": o2er the &ear !""6a$ter gradual decline during the &ears !""9 and !""5 o2er the &ear !""1. the increase is pri%aril& ascri#a#le to the international situation. 0.3 P,%5$ : Export oriented read& %ade gar%ents industr& operating in 8angladesh are the %ain purchaser o$ products o$ Square Textiles Ltd. The si(e o$ export oriented +>' industr& is $airl& large in 8angladesh . So there is a huge %arket $or Square Textiles Ltd. In 8angladesh. >oreo2er products o$ Square /ashions Ltd. 4re exported to Europe and 3S4. 0. P&*3*+7*1: Square Textiles Ltd. Does not pursue an& rigorous pro%otional acti2it& . 4s %ost o$ the purchaser are export oriented gar%ents ) the& don;t need to #e pro%oted . In$act) the #u&ers the%sel2es are aware enough $ro% where the& will get qualit& products. So there is not %uch roo% to pursue. /or the 30 and 3S4 #ased %arket this $act is true as well . /.0 SWOT ANALYSIS: SA.T anal&sis %eans the anal&sis o$ strength ) weakness) opportunit& and threats . /or Square Textiles Ltd. It is gi2en #elow? /.1 S+&$12+?: Square Textiles Ltd. Is a rapidl& expending o%pan& . Standing its 1ourne& in 199F it has alread& dou#led the net turno2er #& the &ear o$ !"":. 4ll the units o$ the $actor& en1o& highl& o$ %achiner& are i%ported $ro% 'er%an&) Swit(erland ) Ital& & 1apan . 4s a result it can %aintain a s%ooth rate o$ production. Aell trained hu%an recourses are another strength o$ the o%pan& . The& train up their ke& personall& in the countr& and a#road . So that the o%pan& can get so%e co%petiti2e ad2antages o2er the co%petitions. The -+> practice is also re%arka#le .

/.2 W$%C1$<<: There are too %an& depart%ents under the super 2ision o$ the general %anager which can cause low producti2it& due to large span o$ super 2ision. /.3 O::*&+617+;: There are #right opportunities $or the o%pan& in the o2erseas %arket . I$ is can co%%unicate well and capture a signi$icant %arket portion in the Europe and 3S4 %arket) it can get scale o$ econo%ic. ..0 #INDINGS AND RECOMMEDATIONS 9.1 /indings? Textile industr& is a co%parati2el& new in our countr& . The si(e o$ the industr& is still growing. Square Textiles Li%ited is one o$ the $irst %o2ers in this sector. Starting onl& in 1997 ) it has %anaged to #e grown up as one o$ the countr&;s leading Textile o%pan& . Its increase turno2er has #een signi$icantl& increasing) since 1997D!""7. It is pro2iding e%plo&%ent to a large nu%#er o$ skilled and unskilled people all o2er the countr&. The o%pan& contri#uted an a%ount o$ taka 57.F9! %illion to the national exchequer in di$$erent $or%s like ooperate Inco%e Tax) 4d2ance Inco%e Tax) Ecise) Iat) I%port Duties) Taxes) 'o2ern%ent Taxes ) Sta%p Duties) License /ees etc. The o%pan& contri#uted su#stantiall& to the /oreign Exchange +eser2e o$ the countr& through its export %arketing operation. In !""7its net export earning was taka 1"!1.5:F %illion. 9.! +eco%%endations? /ro% the anal&sis with the organi(ation structure we ha2e seen that its span o$ super 2ision is too large. 4 nu%#er o$ depart%ents report directl& to the general %anager. I$ the nu%#er were less the e$$icienc& and producti2it& o$ the organi(ation %ight #e increased. Hualit& control depart%ent should re%ain pro%pt alwa&s. So that it can %aintain a certain le2el o$ standard as per the %arket de%and to capture the $oreign %arket share it should stri2e %ore. 10.0 CONCLUSION The $lourish%ent o$ an& industr& requires co%#ined e$$orts and coDoperation $ro% se2eral parties . Social ) political and %acro econo%ic en2iron%ent pla& pi2otal role in this regard . Though Square Textile is a newl& Ientured o%pan& in the respecti2e sector) its growth and expansion is praiseworth&. Its contri#uting the countr& and ser2ing the nation in di$$erent wa&s. I$ it can up hold its %uch toward ad2ance%ent) it will #e a#le to set a role %odel in our countr&.

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