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Multi-lateral Call C for Pr roposals for Joint R&D Pr rojects Eligib bility Cri iteria

oject applic cation subm mitted within the Multi i-lateral Ca all for Propo osals for Jo oint R&D The pro Projects s must mee et all the General G el ligibility cr riteria or it t will not be b put forw ward for assessm ment and ev valuation. al Eligibility y Criteria: Genera ct proposed meet the criteria c set by EUREKA A*? 1. Does the projec here at leas st one part ticipant from another EUREKA / Eurostars member m co ountry in 2. Is th the consortium? c well balanced? Is the ere no parti icipant or country c responsible 3. Is the project consortium re than 75% of the declared proje ect costs? for mor all participa ants legal entities? e 4. Are a e costs Eligible The rul les applying to eligib ble costs vary v from one o member country to anothe er. Your EUREKA A National Project P Coordinator (NPC) can add dress your specific s que estions eith her by telep phone or em mail. Contact details for f all NPCs are provide ed at: http://w www.euros .do. c criteria only appli icable to Eurostars E ap pplications s Additional specific c on nly apply to t consorti ium wishing to be considered c E for the Eurostars These criteria program mme. e main part ticipant a research-pe r erforming SM ME, accordi ing to the EUREKA E / Eurostars E 1. Is the criteria (10% of fu ull-time equivalent or r 10% of tu urnover ded dicated to R&D activities and establis shed in a EU UREKA / Eur rostars mem mber country)? ll the SME participants p s fulfil the European E U Union-adopt ted definitio on of an SM ME? 2. Do al See: htt tp://ec.eur nterprise_policy/sme_ _definition/index_en.h htm al project costs c relate ed to R&D activities a to o be carried d out by 3. Is at least 50% of the tota the R&D D performin ng SME par rticipants? (This ( percentage can, however, include minor subcontrac cting.) e planned duration d of the project t no more than t 36 mon nths? 4. Is the 5. Within two years of projec ct completi ion, is it fo oreseen tha at the produ uct of the research r dy for launch onto the market? In the case of f biotechno ology, medic cal or biom medical be read projects s, will clinical trials st tart within two t years o of project completion? c ?
* Accord ding to EURE EKA criteria a, a project can addres ss any techn nological are ea, but must have a civilian purpose p and be aimed at t the develop pment of a n new product, process or service.

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