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Multi-lateral Call C for Pr roposals for Joint R&D Pr rojects Ho ow to App ply

t proposal submission s Project 1. P Projects will w be sub bmitted usi ing the Ap pplication Form F based on the EUREKA t template which can be downloa aded from the following link: h http://www w.eurekane /download-project-app plication-fo orm 2. Project pro oposals can n be submit tted either r by NPCs or o applicants. Comple eted and s signed Application For rms should be submitt ted by the 15th of Feb bruary 2013 to the f following e-mail addre ess: jointrdc call@eurekanetwork.o org 3. T The ESE will upload the comple eted Applic cation Form ms within a shared do ocument w each NPC will have h access s to the pro oject propo osals involvi ing their platform, where c country. Up pon each project prop posal submi ission, all the t involved d NPCs will l also be i informed vi ia e-mail. 4. W Web access s to the sha ared docum ment platfor rm will be provided p on n a separate e e-mail h t all involv to ved NPCs on n the Calls s launch dat te, the 11th January 2013 2 . Eligibili ity check, Financial F v viability and d proposal Evaluation n 5. E Eligibility Check C will be b performed at NPC level accor rding to the e eligibility criteria l listed within the attac ched docum ment Eligibil lity Criteria a of Joint R&D R Call. 6. F Financial Viability V of f the partn ners from participating countries should also be p performed at NPC leve el. 7. E Eligibility Check C and Financial Viability V inf formation should be in ncluded within the E Eligibility & Financia al viability y form pro ovided. This documen nt should then t be s submitted to jointrdcall@eurek kanetwork.o org to be included within w the e shared d document platform. p 8. Project proposals Ev valuation will w be per rformed at t NPC leve el using the PAM q questionna ire templat te provided d on the bas sis of the PA AM guidelin ne attached d. T The com mpleted P PAM ques stionnaire should then be e submitt ted to j jointrdcall@ @eurekanet to be included within the shared do ocument platform. 9. C Completed Eligibility y & Finan ncial Viability forms together with th he PAM q questionnai ire will be e made av vailable to all involv ved NPCs within w the e shared d document platform. p 10. E Eligibility Check, C Fina ancial Viability and pro oposal Eval luation should be fina alised by t the 5th of March M 2013 3. 1|P a g e

Project proposal approval 11. Information exchange between the NPCs on the results of the Evaluation procedure will be carried out during the NPC Meeting in Kayseri between the 5th and the 7th of March 2013. 12. Recommendations and feedback will be given to the participants from the NFB experts on technical, scientific, legal and financial aspects of the project between the 11th and the 15th of March 2013. 13. Partners with approved outlines will be invited to submit their national funding applications according to national procedures, either to the EUREKA scheme or to the Eurostars Programme 10th Cut-off by the 4th of April 2013. 14. For EUREKA project proposals, national evaluations will be conducted in each country following the standard PAM methodology. For Eurostars proposals, the Eurostars procedures will be followed.

Contact Information: Turkish EUREKA Chairmanship Mr. Emre YURTTAGUL,, Tel. +90312 4685300 2183 EUREKA Secretariat

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