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Proceedings of ALGORITMY 2000 Conference on Scientific Computing, pp. 2 ! " !


MILA# $IST% Abstract. &'ter supp() 'nd distri*ution s)stems 're +e) e(ements of 'n) ur*'n de,e(opment or sust'in'*(e 'gricu(tur'( de,e(opment in t-e c'se of t-e irrig'tion s)stems. It is not surprising t-en t-'t ,'rious 'n'()ses 'nd design tec-ni.ues for t-e economic 'nd efficient design of -)dr'u(ic net/or+s -',e recei,ed 'ttention o,er t-e )e'rs. A possi*(e 'ppro'c- to incre'sing t-e -)dr'u(ic c'p'cit) of /'ter supp() 'nd distri*ution s)stems is to 'dd (oops 0t-ere*) pro,iding '(tern'ti,e p't-/')s1 'nd incre'se t-eir -)dr'u(ic c'p'cit) /it- minimum c'pit'( in,estment. 2o/e,er, optim'( design of (ooped -)dr'u(ic net/or+s *e(ongs to t-e c('ss of ('rge com*in'tori'( optimis'tion pro*(ems /-ic're ,er) difficu(t to -'nd(e using con,ention'( oper'tions rese'rc- tec-ni.ues. In recent )e'rs some successfu( 'ttempts to 'pp() modern -euristic met-ods to t-is pro*(em -',e *een pu*(is-ed. T-e m'in p'rt of t-e p'per de'(s /it- 'pp()ing suc- ' tec-ni.ue, n'me() t-e genetic '(gorit-m met-odo(og), to net/or+ re-'*i(it'tion optimis'tion considering *ot- tec-nic'( 'nd economic 'spects of t-e pro*(em. A c'se stud) of t-e sprin+(er irrig'tion s)stem 3'('"4o(5ro,o 6! 0sout-"/est p'rt of S(o,'+i'1 is presented.

1. Intr !"ct# n. T-e (ine'r progr'mming 0LP1 met-od -'s (ong *een 'ccepted 's 'n 'ppro'c- for t-e optim'( se(ection of di'meters for pipes in *r'nc-ed irrig'tion net/or+s. 2o/e,er, pro*(ems /it- 'd'pting m't-em'tic'( progr'mming met-ods to (ooped net/or+ pro*(ems -',e restricted t-e use of LP to *r'nc-ed (')outs on(). A(t-oug- t-ere 're some e7'mp(es of efforts to use mode(s for t-e design of (ooped net/or+s, m'in() *) using m't-em'tic'( progr'mming 0non" (ine'r progr'mming, d)n'mic progr'mming1, suc- ' pro*(em is sti(( considered to *e difficu(t to so(,e, p'rticu('r() if one decides to t'c+(e comp(e7, re'( (ife net/or+s. T-ese pro*(ems in 'pp()ing optimising tec-ni.ues contri*uted signific'nt() to t-e situ'tion in S(o,'+i' /-ere t-e m'8orit) of pressurised irrig'tion s)stems /it('rge 're' co,er'ge /'s designed /it- ' *r'nc-ed (')out. At first g('nce t-is seems to *e ' mist'+e *ec'use from *ot- -)dr'u(ic 'nd oper'tion'( ,ie/point (ooped net/or+s 're usu'(() preferred to *r'nc-ed net/or+s. T-e m'in dis'd,'nt'ge of *r'nc-ed net/or+s is t-'t t-e) pro,ide on() one route to t-e de(i,er) point. P'r'do7ic'((), net/or+s /it-out (oops in t-e origin'( configur'tion m') *e ,ie/ed 's 'n 'd,'nt'ge in t-e c'se of re-'*i(it'tion 'nd streng-tening t-e s)stems since t-e) m') *e impro,ed *) introducing (oops. It represents ' precious potenti'( of *r'nc-ed net/or+s, especi'(() no/'d')s /-en t-ere is need to incre'se t-eir -)dr'u(ic c'p'cit) 's ' p'rt of re-'*i(it'tion of irrig'tion net/or+s. T-is option is e,en more ,'(u'*(e /-en /e consider t-e f'ct t-'t in pre,ious dec'de se,er'( p'pers 'ppe'red in t-e scientific (iter'ture, presenting modern -euristics c'p'*(e of pro,iding so(utions to optimis'tion pro*(ems /-ere pre,ious"
S(o,'+ 9ni,ersit) of Tec-no(og), :'cu(t) of Ci,i( ;ngineering, <ep'rtment of L'nd 'nd &'ter Resources M'n'gement, R'd(ins+=-o 66, >6! ?> @r'tis(',', S(o,'+ Repu*(ic 0;"m'i(A c#st$%s&'.st"ba.s(1



M. $IST%

() deterministic '(gorit-ms -',e f'i(ed 0Simpson et '( 6 C, S',iD et '( 6 B, $istE et '( 6 1. One of t-e -euristic met-ods, /-ic- 're *est suited for purposes of design, re-'*i(it'tion or c'(i*r'tion of pressurised pipe net/or+s, is t-e genetic '(gorit-m 0GA1. In t-e m'8orit) of c'ses t-e re.uirement to incre'se t-e -)dr'u(ic c'p'cit) of t-e /'ter distri*ution s)stems is *'sed on t-e fo((o/ing dem'ndsA To incre'se pressure 'nd t'+e off 't dem'nd points due to t-e irrig'tors upgr'de 0/it- incre'sed dem'nd1. To pro,ide sufficient pressure /it-in t-e pipe(ine s)stem /it- ' ('rger num*er 'nd modified (oc'tions of dem'nd points 's /e(( 's t-eir grouping in se(ected p'rts of 'n irrig'tion s)stem. To e7p'nd t-e s)stem *) 'dding ne/ *r'nc-es. To e(imin'te s)stem deficiencies due to its 'ging.

). M*t+ ! , -$. Genetic '(gorit-ms 're stoc-'stic se'rc- met-ods t-'t mimic t-e process of n'tur'( se(ection 'nd mec-'nism of popu('tion genetics. T-e) /ere first introduced *) 2o(('nd 06 BF1 't t-e 9ni,ersit) of Mic-ig'n 'nd ('ter de,e(oped furt-er 'nd popu('rised *) Go(d*erg 06 > 1 't t-e 9ni,ersit) of I((inois. Genetic '(gorit-ms 're used in ' num*er of different 'pp(ic'tion 're's r'nging from function optimis'tion to so(,ing ('rge com*in'tori'( optimis'tion pro*(ems. T-e GA is 'n '(gorit-mic mode( of <'r/ini'n e,o(ution t-'t *egins /it- t-e cre'tion of ' set of so(utions referred to 's ' population of individuals. ;'cindi,idu'( in ' popu('tion consists of ' set of p'r'meter ,'(ues t-'t comp(ete() descri*es ' so(ution. A so(ution is encoded in ' string c'((ed ' chromosome, /-icis consists of genes t-'t c'n t'+e ' num*er of ,'(ues 0 alleles1. Initi'((), t-e co((ection of so(utions 0population1 is gener'ted r'ndom() 'nd 't e'c- iter'tion 0'(so c'((ed generation1, ' ne/ gener'tion of so(utions is formed *) 'pp()ing genetic oper'tors 'n'(ogous to ones from n'tur'( e,o(ution 0 crossover, mutation, selection, reproduction1. ;'c- so(ution is e,'(u'ted using 'n o*8ecti,e function 0c'((ed ' fitness function1, 'nd t-is process is repe'ted unti( some form of con,ergence in fitness is 'c-ie,ed. T-e go'( of t-e optimis'tion process is to minimise or m'7imise t-e fitness. T-e fo((o/ing pseudo"code s-o/s -o/ ' GA /or+sA BEGIN /* genetic algorithm*/ Generate initial population; Compute fitness of each individual; WHI E N!" finished #! !!$ BEGIN %elect individuals from old generations for mating; Create offspring &' appl'ing recom&ination and/or mutation to the selected individuals ;


and EN# EN#

Compute fitness of the ne( individuals; )ill old individuals to ma*e room for ne( chromosomes insert offspring in the ne( generation; I+ $opulation has converged "HEN finishes ,- "./E ;

Genetic A(gorit-m r'ises 'g'in ' coup(e of import'nt fe'tures. :irst it is ' stoc-'stic '(gorit-mG r'ndomness -'s 'n essenti'( ro(e in genetic '(gorit-ms. @otse(ection 'nd reproduction needs r'ndom procedures. A second ,er) import'nt point is t-'t genetic '(gorit-ms '(/')s consider ' popu('tion of so(utions. 4eeping in memor) more t-'n ' sing(e so(ution 't e'c- iter'tion offers ' (ot of 'd,'nt'ges. T-e '(gorit-m c'n recom*ine different so(utions to get *etter ones 'nd so, it c'n use t-e *enefits of 'ssortment. T-e ro*ustness of t-e '(gorit-m s-ou(d '(so *e mentioned 's somet-ing essenti'( for t-e '(gorit-m success. Ro*ustness refers to t-e '*i(it) to perform consistent() /e(( on ' *ro'd r'nge of pro*(em t)pes. T-ere is no p'rticu('r re.uirement on t-e pro*(em *efore using GAs, so it c'n *e 'pp(ied to reso(,e 'n) pro*(em. A(( t-ose fe'tures m'+es GA ' re'(() po/erfu( optimis'tion too(. In t-e c'se of t-e pipe net/or+ re-'*i(it'tion t-e optimis'tion pro*(em c'n *e st'ted 'sA minimise t-e cost of upgr'ding t-e net/or+ su*8ect to s'tisf'ctor) perform'nce. Re-'*i(it'tion options c'n inc(ude pipe remo,'( 'nd rep('cement 0/it- pipes of 'n) one of ' set of ','i('*(e di'meters1, pipe insertion /it- t-e s'me siHe or sm'((er inserts 0die dr'/ing1, pipe dup(ic'tion /it- pipes of 'n) di'meter, pipe c(e'ning, pipe (ining or t'+ing no 'ction. T-e c-romosome c'n *e ' *in'r) or integer string of num*ers 0representing possi*(e decisions1, /-ic- t-us defines t-e net/or+ design. Comp(ete() ne/ net/or+s or sc-emes to strengt-en e7isting net/or+s c'n *e designed. Pipes, ,'(,es, pumps 'nd reser,oirs c'n *e 'dded 0or remo,ed1, 'nd t-eir siHe 'nd c'p'cit) c-osen on 'n o,er'(( optim'( *'sis *) t-e GA. ;,en modific'tions to e7isting pumps or reser,oirs c'n *e considered 's options /it-in t-e o,er'(( s)stem. C're must *e t'+en, -o/e,er, to incorpor'te '(( re'son'*() possi*(e c-oices for e'c- component in t-e s)stem, /it- 'n 'ppropri'te set of costs from /-ic- '(( sc-emes c'n *e priced. In gener'(, t-e more c-oices 'nd f(e7i*i(it) in t-e design options '((o/ed 't t-is st'ge, t-e gre'ter t-e s',ings /i(( *e for t-e optimised design.


M. $IST%

A mode( is first set up, incorpo" r'ting '(( t-e options for indi,idu'( net" /or+ components. T-e GA t-en gene" r'tes tri'( so(utions, e'c- of /-ic- is e,'(u'ted *) simu('" ting its -)dr'u(ic perform'nce. An) -)dr'u(ic infe'si" *i(it), for e7'mp(e f'i(ure to re'c- ' specified minimum pressure 't 'n) dem'nd point, is noted, 'nd ' pen'(t) cost is c'(cu('ted. Oper'tion'( 0e.g. energ)1 costs c'n '(so *e c'(cu('ted 't t-is point if re.uired. Pen'(t) costs 're t-en com*ined /itpredicted c'pit'( 'nd oper'tion'( costs to o*t'in 'n o,er'(( me'sure of t-e .u'(it) of t-e tri'( so(ution. :rom t-is .u'(it) me'sure t-e fitness of t-e tri'( so(ution is deri,ed. T-e process /i(( continue for m'n) t-ous'nds of iter'" tions, 'nd ' popu" ('tion of good fe'" si*(e so(utions /i(( e,o(,e 0:ig.61 .

Initial population



CHROMOSOMES 12344321 11112222 00000000 55555555

CROSSING 12344321 11112222

12342222 11114321 New population MUTATION 00000000




Termination criteria achieved

Fitness computation (hydraulic simulation)

Result population with solution

:igure 6 GA :(o/c-'rt



.. T+* -a /ara0*t*rs. Popu('tion siHe is ' ,er) sensiti,e p'r'meter for t-e GA process *ec'use /it- too sm'(( ' popu('tion t-e GA /i(( con,erge r'pid() to ' (oc'( optimum, /-i(e /it- ' ('rge one t-ere /i(( *e ' (ong /'iting time for 'n impro,ement in t-e process. A popu('tion siHe of 600 so(utions /'s found suit'*(e for t-e current /or+. GA supports *in'r) integer 'nd re'( coding. St'nd'rd GA uses ' *in'r) '(p-'*et 0i.e. 0Is or 6Is1 to form c-romosomes, /-ic- 're sets of c-'r'cter strings 'n'(ogous to t-e c-romosomes found in <#A. In t-is /or+, inste'd of ' simp(e *in'r) code integer interpret'tion of t-e *it string is used for decoding. Crosso,er descri*es t-e process *) /-ic- p'rentsJ coded d't' strings 're com*ined to form ne/ coded strings for t-eir offspring. In its simp(est form, ' sing(e point '(ong t-e coded string is se(ected 't r'ndom, 'nd t-e code strings from t/o p'rents 're *ro+en 't t-is point. T-e t'i( ends 're s/itc-ed 'nd t-e strings recom*ined to form t-e codes for t/o offspring. In t-is /or+ /'s used crosso,er oper'tor t-'t r'ndom() se(ects t/o crosso,er points /it-in ' c-romosome t-en interc-'nges t-e t/o p'rent c-romosomes *et/een t-ese points to produce t/o ne/ offspring. Occ'sion'( r'ndom '(ter'tion of digits protects t-e GA process 'g'inst prem'ture (oss of potenti'(() usefu( genetic m'teri'(. ;'c- digit of 'n offspringJs string is '(tered /it- ' (o/ pro*'*i(it) pm, usu'(() -e(d const'nt t-roug-out t-e e,o(ution in ' GA. 1. R*s",ts an! !#sc"ss# n. T-e descri*ed met-ods of optim'( pipe(ine net/or+ re-'*i(it'tion /ere 'pp(ied to t-e irrig'tion s)stem 3'('"4o(5ro,o. T-is is one of t-e first irrig'tion f'ci(ities /it- ('rge 're' co,er'ge in S(o,'+i', /it- 'pp(ied sprin+(er irrig'tion 'nd 'n underground pressurised /'ter net/or+. Its construction /'s comp(eted 't t-e *eginning of t-e si7ties 'nd t-us t-e /-o(e f'ci(it) is coming c(ose to t-e end of its ser,ice (ife 'nd -ence it c'n ser,e 's ' suit'*(e mode( for testing t-e proposed re-'*i(it'tion met-ods. T-e irrig'ted 're' 'mounts to BB2 -'. T-e irrig'tion s)stem consists of irrig'tion /'ter t'+e off comp(e7 (oc'ted 't t-e irrig'tion in(et to t-e irrig'tion pump st'tion, pump st'tion itse(f, pressurised net/or+ for t-e de(i,er) of irrig'tion /'ter 'nd sprin+(ers. :or t-e purpose of t-is stud) /e /i(( descri*e in det'i( on() t-e pipe(ine net/or+. T-e pump st'tion 'nd sprin+(ers inf(uence on() m'rgin'(() t-e oper'tion of t-e 'n'()sed s)stem 'nd t-erefore t-eir det'i(ed tec-nic'( specific'tion is not necess'r). On() t-e *'sic p'r'meters 0pressure 'nd output of t-e pump st'tion, re.uired pressure 'nd sprin+(ers t'+e off1 're t'+en into 'ccount. T-e design of t-e s)stem /'s su*st'nti'(() *'sed upon t-e concept of -'nd" mo,e ('ter'(s. Since t-is 'ppro'c- is no/ '*'ndoned, its use is not producing re.uired *enefits. T-is is t-e re'son /-) /e -',e decided to re,ie/ t-e re-'*i(it'tion propos'(s *'sed on t-e concept of irrig'tion /it- non"specific -ose" ree( irrig'tors /it- 'n optimum output of >,F (s "6 'nd optim'( in(et pressure 0,C"0,B MP' 00,CB"0,F0 MP' /'s used 's '((o/ed minim'( pressure in comput'tions1. In


M. $IST%

'ddition to t-'t it is 'ssumed t-'t ' *'tter) of suc- sprin+(ers /i(( *e used, i.e. t-ere /i(( *e ' seri'( set of si7 m'c-ines. T-e origin'( net/or+ is un'*(e to comp() /it-)dr'u(ic re.uirements for suc- oper'tion. T-e configur'tion of irrig'tors cou(d *e c-osen 'r*itr'ri() /it-out 'n) imp'ct on t-e c'(cu('tion procedure presented in t-is p'per. 1. 1. O/t#0#sat# n ' t+* Branc+*! N*t2 r( Us#n- L#n*ar Pr -ra00#n-. :or t-e c('rit) purposes /e *rief() descri*e t-e optimis'tion procedure of t-e pipe(ine net/or+ re-'*i(it'tion using (ine'r progr'mming. T-e m't-em'tic'( formu('tion of t-is pro*(em is 's fo((o/sA K66 L K62 L ...L K6n M @6 K26 L K22 L ...L K2n M @2 etc. Km6 L Km2 L ...L Kmn M @m A66 K66 L A62 K62 L ...L A7)K7) N C6 etc. <6 K66 L <2 K66 L ...L <8 Kmn M min So(ution -'s to comp() /it- ine.u'(itiesA K66 O 0G K62 O 0 etc. up to Kmn O 0 &-ere Ki8 is @i Amn Ci <i un+no/ (engt- of se(ected di'meter 8 on section i tot'( (engt- of section -)dr'u(ic (oss in section m 'nd di'meter n '((o/'*(e tot'( (oss for section price of pipe(ine /it- di'meter num*er i 0!1 0C1


&-en in order to reso(,e pipe(ine net/or+s re-'*i(it'tion t's+ /e 'pp() (ine'r progr'mming, un+no/n /i(( *e t-e (engt-s of indi,idu'( pipe(ine di'meters. In conditions 061 /e must m't-em'tic'(() e7press t-e re.uirement t-'t t-e sum of un+no/n (engt-s of indi,idu'( di'meters in e'c- section -'s to *e e.u'( to its tot'( (engt-. T-e second t)pe of t-e e.u'tion in constr'ints 021 represents t-e re.uest t-'t t-e tot'( pressure (osses in ' -)dr'u(ic p't- *et/een t-e pump st'tion 'nd critic'( node 0t-e end of t-e pipe(ine, e7treme e(e,'tion inside t-e net/or+1 s-ou(d *e e.u'( or (ess t-'n t-e +no/n ,'(ue. T-is constr'int is *'sed on t-e m'7imum net/or+ pressure re.uirement needed for t-e oper'tion of t-e s)stem. Gi,en t-e in,estment costs minimis'tion re.uirement, t-e o*8ecti,e function 0!1 sums t-e products of indi,idu'( pipe(ine prices 'nd t-eir re.uired (engt-s. &-en /e formu('te t-e re-'*i(it'tion optimis'tion, t-e o*8ecti,e function s-ou(d pro,ide economic'( 'd,'nt'ge for t-e c-oice of origin'( di'meters, -o/e,er it s-ou(d not discrimin'te 'g'inst t-e c-oice of ' ('rger di'meter 0if t-e -)dr'u(ic situ'tion 021 re.uires so1. :our possi*(e di'meters 're se(ected for e'c- section. T-e first possi*(e option is t-e di'meter t-'t is identic'( /it- t-e origin'( one in t-'t section,



/it- t-e t-ree ('rger di'meters 's options for t-e function t-e progr'm 'ssigns t-e origin'( di'meter prices to ot-er di'meters. :urt-er det'i(s on LP ','i('*(e (iter'ture 0Pdr'Qi(, 6 ?F1. T-e computd T'*(e 6.

s'me section. In t-e o*8ecti,e ' minimum unit price 'nd re'( optimis'tion c'n *e found in resu(ts 're summ'rised in t-e

1.). O/t#0#sat# n ' t+* L /*! N*t2 r( Us#n- G*n*t#c A,- r#t+0. To ',oid pro*(ems /it- sc'(ing, prem'ture con,ergence, 'nd se(ecti,e pressure of tr'dition'( proportion'( fitness sc-emes 0for e7'mp(e, rou(ette /-ee( se(ection1, r'n+ se(ection is used to c-oose p'rents for ne7t gener'tion. T-e popu('tion is ordered 'ccording to t-e computed fitness ,'(ues 'nd p'rents 're se(ected /it- ' pro*'*i(it) *'sed on t-eir r'n+ in t-e popu('tion. A linear ran*ing se(ection is used for t-is optimis'tion stud)0 T/o"point crosso,er /'s se(ected 'nd t-e pro*'*i(it) of ' se(ected p'ir of strings *eing su*8ected to t-e crosso,er oper'tor /'s t'+en 's pcM0. F. T-e mut'tion r'te is usu'(() set ,er) (o/, e.g., pm 00.06,0.601. :or t-e 3'R'"4o(5ro,o pro*(em t-e mut'tion r'te is set to *e pmM 0.02, or on ',er'ge, on() t/o c-romosomes /i(( *e mut'ted out of t-e tot'( popu('tion of one -undred.
TABLE 1. 1ssessment of Calculation .esults

<i'meter 0mm1 F00 C00 !F0 !00 2F0 200 6F0 Sum

@r'nc-ed '(tern'ti,e *) LengtCost 0m1 LP 9SS F> ! B?B 0 0 ?B C6 F00 0 0 6 6CB 2F 2C 6 >? !! ?!F 0 0 C 0C6 60C >2F

@r'nc-ed '(tern'ti,e *) GA LengtCost 0m1 9SS F> ! B?B 2>6 6C FF! 22? B6? 2 2 B66 6 F2 CC 66? 6 ??6 2 0F 0 0 C CB2 666 B?

Looped '(tern'ti,e *) LengtCost 0m1 GA 9SS B CFF 0 0 !!C 6C !2? F2 6B FB 6 262 2B !>F B!F 6! 2!2 ?C 6! F> ! B>6 >? F?B

3. S"00ar$ an! c nc,"s# ns. ;conomic'( 'nd -)dr'u(ic effecti,eness of t-e re-'*i(it'tion of t-e sprin+(er irrig'tion s)stems -ig-() depend on t-e effecti,eness of t-eir pipe net/or+ re-'*i(it'tion. Irrig'tion pipe net/or+s 're often *r'nc-ed 'nd 'n o*,ious 'ppro'c- to incre'se t-e -)dr'u(ic c'p'cit) of suc- s)stems /-i(e +eeping c'pit'( in,estment 't minimum is to con,ert t-ese s)stems to (ooped net/or+s. @ec'use of t-eir comp(e7it) 'nd in'*i(it) to cope /e(( /it- discrete, non"(ine'r com*in'tori'( pro*(em, suc- 's pipe net/or+ optimis'tion, t-e con,ention'( optimis'tion tec-ni.ues 're poor() suited for so(,ing t-is t's+. T-is /'s 'g'in confirmed in t-is stud) *) 'pp()ing ' c('ssic'( optimis'tion met-odo(og), (ine'r


M. $IST%

progr'mming, 'nd t-e genetic '(gorit-m 0GA1 to net/or+ re-'*i(it'tion. T-e m'in pr'ctic'( 'd,'nt'ges of t-e genetic '(gorit-m 'ppro'c- 'reA ;'se of de'(ing /it- t-e comp(e7it) of net/or+ components 0i.e., e,er) p'rt of t-e s)stem t-'t c'n *e simu('ted cou(d '(so *e t-e su*8ect of optimis'tion1. Re('ti,e() simp(icit) of t-e met-odo(og) 0comp'red to con,ention'( met-ods of m't-em'tic'( progr'mming1. T-e met-od c'n *e used '(so for ot-er, ot-er/ise difficu(t t's+s in t-is fie(d, suc- 's t-e design of ' ne/ net/or+, c'(i*r'tion of -)dr'u(ic s)stems, optim'( (')out se(ection of net/or+s, optim'( pump sc-edu(ing, etc.

T-e (ine'r progr'mming met-od /'s used first /it- ne/ di'meters *eing ','i('*(e 't ' cost to t-e e7isting net/or+ so it cou(d s'tisf) t-e incre'sed dem'nd conditions /it- 'n unc-'nged topo(og) 0net/or+ st')s *r'nc-ed1. &-en t-e GA /'s used to design t-e (ooped ,ersion of t-e net/or+ re-'*i(it'tion t-e fu(( 'd,'nt'ge of t-is 'ppro'c- /'s 'c-ie,ed. ;conomic'( comp'rison of *r'nc-ed 'nd (ooped option is gi,en in T'*(e 6, /-ic- s-o/s t-'t t-e (ooped option is some 6BT c-e'per. Ac(n 2,*!-0*nt. T-is stud) -'s *een supported *) Scientific Gr'nt Agenc) of Ministr) of ;duc'tion of S(o,'+ Repu*(ic 'nd S(o,'+ Ac'dem) of Sciences, Gr'nt #o. 6U?2 FU VReconstruction 'nd ;7p(oit'tion of Irrig'tion S)stemsV.
R;:;R;#C;S W6X $IST%, M. " SAYI$, <.A. " &ALT;RS, G.A.ARe-'*i(it'tion of Pressurised Pipe #et/or+s 9sing Genetic A(gorit-ms. InA &.A. Price, et '(., eds.A &'ter for Agricu(ture in t-e #e7t Mi((ennium. 6Bt- Congress on Irrig'tion 'nd <r'in'ge, Gr'n'd', Intern'tion'( Commission on Irrig'tion 'nd <r'in'ge, 6 , pp. 6!"2B W2X GOL<@;RG, <.;. 6 > . Genetic A(gorit-ms in Se'rc-, Optimis'tion 'nd M'c-ine Le'rning. #e/ Yor+, Addison"&es(e). W!X 2OLLA#< 2. Z. 6 BF. Ad'pt'tion in n'tur'( 'nd 'rtifici'( s)stems. 9ni,ersit) of Mic-ig'n Press, Ann Ar*or. WCX SAYIC, <.A. A#< &ALT;RS, G.A. 6 B. Genetic A(gorit-ms for Le'st"Cost <esign of &'ter <istri*ution #et/or+s. ASC; Zourn'( of &'ter Resources P('nning 'nd M'n'gement, 62! 021, pp.?B"BB. WFX SIMPSO#, A.R., <A#<Y, G.C. A#< M9RP2Y, L.Z. 6 C. Genetic '(gorit-ms comp'red to ot-er tec-ni.ues for pipe optimis'tion. Zourn'( of &'ter Resources P('nning 'nd M'n'gement, ASC;, 620 0C1, Zu()UAugust. W?X P<RA[IL 4.6 ?F. Rese'rc- of t-e comput'tion 'nd gr'p-ic'( met-ods of designing t-e irrig'tion pipe net/or+s. Y9P2 @r'tis(',' . In CHec-.

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