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Mehul Chauhan

B/203, Nityanand, Kasturpark, Borivali West, Mumbai- 400092 Mobile ! 9"#00$0029 %mail ! me&ul'&au&an("(0)*mail 'om +inked,n -ro.ile - &ttp///000 linkedin 'om/in/me&ul'&au&an

Area o* )xpo$ure
:isk/ ?uantitative 1nalysis ;orporate 5inan'e ,nternational ;apital Market +i>uidity -lannin* Bankin* 6trate*ies 5inan'ial 1nalysis -ro@e't 5inan'e 6trate*i' -lannin* ;apital -lannin* 6&ort-term = +on* term 5inan'in*

'or( )xperience

My Capital Solution Pvt Ltd (Fixed Income Dealer)

Apr 201 ! Current

1nalysis o. ma'roe'onomi' data and t&e market in.ormation to re'o*ni2e e'onomi' s'enario and market trends Keep tra'k o. t&e 'urrent market e3pe'tations in terms o. rate dire'tions, results e3pe'tation and sensitive announ'ements by t&e key market parti'ipants and re*ulators 4radin* in 5i3ed ,n'ome 6e'urities 74reasury Bills, 8overnment se'urities, 6tate 9evelopment +oans, Non 6+: Bonds, and ;orporate Bonds< and 6&ort 4erm Money Market instruments 7;erti.i'ates o. 9eposit, ;ommer'ial -aper, ,nter- ;orporate 9eposits, and ;all = Noti'e Money 9eposits< 9evelopin* relations&ips 0it& intermediaries and market parti'ipants, to *et timely and true market in.ormation .or better e3e'ution o. trades

Mor"an Stanley (Corporate #rea$ury% ! Analy$t)

Dec 2011! &an 201

+ookin* a.ter 0orkin* 'apital re>uirement and .und raisin* a'tivity 1ssess lon* term and s&ort term .inan'in* and analysin* t&e li>uidity position +ookin* a.ter pro'ess o. 1+M report Monitorin* daily 'as& .lo0 and a''ount balan'es %nsurin* t&at t&e business units *et .unds into t&e business a''ount in time .or every disbursement Monitor %ntity 0ise availability o. .und and ensurin* e..i'ient deployment o. .unds and ma3imi2e returns 0it&in t&e spe'i.ied risk parameters -repare reports on investment summaries in line 0it& *lobal reportin* stru'ture and e'onomi' appraisals .or 'onsideration 4ra'k .i3ed in'ome market on daily basis and analy2e t&e market .or t&e investment o. .unds .or s&ort or lon* term basis -repare report on .i3ed in'ome market to kno0 t&e market s'enario and t&e volatility %3tra't and s'rutini2e analyti'al in.ormation .rom Bloomber* and prepare report .or pri'in* t&e .inan'ial produ't o. .i3ed in'ome market 4ra'k t&e .inan'ial instrument traded in t&e market like ;-, ;9, ;orporate Bonds, and 4reasury Bills et' 1ssistin* .i3ed in'ome, -rivate Wealt& Mana*ement, ,nstitutional %>uity and ,nvestment bankin* divisions in t&e or*anisation to support t&em in t&eir business Maintain relations&ip 0it& ratin* a*en'ies .or t&e purpose o. 'ompanies ratin* .or ,ndia business and maintain *lobal parental ratin* +ookin* a.ter t&e ratin* pro'ess and 'o-ordinatin* 0it& 'redit ratin* a*en'ies .or t&e purpose o. ratin* o. various .inan'ial instruments traded in money market Maintain relations&ips 0it& banks to mana*e .orei*n e3'&an*e transa'tion and interest rate e3posure +iaisonin* 0it& banks/5,s/M5s/;orporate .or raisin* resour'es +ookin* a.ter pri'in* o. ,ndia stru'tured notes and tra'kin* *lobal stru'ture notes and t&eir .undin* levels

-repare M,6 report and tra'in* various e3penses and in'omes -repare mont&ly 'ostin* report and ot&er M,6 report Aandlin* 'lient port.olio and maintainin* t&e database o. t&eir investments -repare resear'& report on t&e 'ompany pro.ile and t&eir per.orman'es Work 0it& asso'iates and analysts to prepare marketin* materials .or 'lients in'ludin* tar*et 'ompanies pro.iles, pri'in* and market in.ormation, market and industry issuan'e overvie0s, investor analysis and evolution et'

Financial Analy$t (& + Securitie$ Private limited)

May 200,! &un 200-


Ma$ter$ o* Science in Financial Mana"ement

Bniversity o. 8reen0i'&, +ondon, Bnited Kin*dom

Sep 200-! &an 2011

Financial Analy$i$ - -repare an %>uity :eport on t&e 1rriva limited by applyin* .inan'ial 4e'&ni>ues like ;1-M, :atios and Carian'e 1nalysis 4&e pro@e't 0as to value .inan'ial stru'ture .or t&e 'ompany Pro.ect Finance - -ro@e't :eport undertaken to build Dlympi' 20(2 Broad'astin* ;entre in +ondon and .ore'ast t&eir revenue by applyin* .inan'ial modellin* and marketin* strate*ies ;al'ulatin* ,nternal :ate o. :eturn, -ayba'k period = Net -resent value and 'onvin'e investor .or raisin* .unds /i$( Mana"ement !Bnderstand and .a'tor various risks in .inan'ial market and .ormed various risk mana*ement models and risk-evadin* strate*ies to miti*ate t&e risk .or t&e 'ompany Financial Mana"ement ! -repared :esear'& :eport by analy2in* o. 'apital stru'ture and ot&er in.ormation 0it& t&e &elp o. .inan'ial models = various .ormulas 7N-C, ,:: et' <

0ac1elor o* Commerce (MM2 Colle"e o* Commerce)

Mumbai Bniversity

&un 2003! Apr 200, &un 200 ! Apr 2005 &un 2002! Apr 200

4i"1er Secondary Certi*ication (0)S &unior colle"e o* commerce)

Mumbai Bniversity

Secondary Sc1ool Certi*ication (/ C Patel 4i"1 Sc1ool)

Ma&aras&tra Board

Per$onal In*ormation Academic Activitie$

, &ad or*ani2ed blood donation 'amp and also parti'ipated in t&e so'ial a'tivities like 8reen Mumbai in my 'olle*e times , am 'ra2y about 'omputer *ames and also little bit te'&nolo*y .reak

Pro*e$$ional Activitie$
, &ad raised .unds .rom ;orporate ;lients .or t&e 4ata Memorial ;an'er Dr*anisation on be&al. o. Mor*an 6tanley and parti'ipated in t&e event 'alled Walkt&on 20(2

I# Pro*iciency
Mi'roso.t %3'el 7,ntermediate<, M6 1''ess 7Basi'<, Bloomber*, :euters

Lan"ua"e$ 2no6n
%n*lis&, Aindi, Marat&i, 8u@arati, 75luen'y in all<

Date o* 0irt1
("t& D'tober (9"#

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