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Gaelen Foley
CHAPTER ONE May 1805 The sound of her rapid, shallow pan in! filled he narrow spa"e #e ween he #o$%hed!e walls of he !arden &a'e( The hed!es owered o)er her, "losin! in on her, and he poundin! of her pulse was so loud in her head she *new hey would hear( +he in"hed down he narrow lane, her #are oes "reepin! silen ly o)er he "ool, lush !rass, her "hes hea)in!( Cons an ly ( she loo*ed o)er her shoulder( Her whole #ody was sha*in!, her hand #leedin!, &ay#e #ro*en fro& pun"hin! Philippe in his s&u!, sneerin! fa"e wi h he sharp ed!e of her hu!e dia&ond rin!( ,u a -eas she had &ana!ed o hrow herself ou of his iron !rasp and had orn in o he &a'e, where she hou!h she "ould e)ade he&( +he dared no "all ou for help #e"ause only he hree &en would hear( No one else was ou side on su"h a ni!h , when he #ree'e spa ered rain fro& a s*y deepes indi!o s&eared wi h !old "louds( The "i"adas roared in wa)es, while he wind, as i rose and fell, #rou!h fra!&en s of a in*lin! &inue spillin! ou o)er he )as !ardens and he royal par* fro& he #all in pro!ress.%her en!a!e&en par y( Her fian"/ had #een una#le o a end +he 0er*ed her fa"e wildly o he lef , hearin! &o)e&en on he o her side of he dense hed!e( He was ri!h here( The a"id as e of he wine she1d drun* rose in he #a"* of her hroa ( +he "ould see he shape of hi&, all, #ede"*ed in his finery( +he "ould see he shape of he pis ol in his hand and *new her pale sil* !own was sure o #e )isi#le hrou!h he #ran"hes( +he "rou"hed down and &o)ed silen ly away( 23on1 #e afraid, 4our Hi!hness,2 "a&e Henri1s &ellifluous )oi"e fro& se)eral rows away( 25e1re no !oin! o hur you( Co&e ou now( There1s no hin! you "an do(2 They had spli up so hey "ould surround her( +he "ho*ed #a"* a so#, "lawin! o *eep hold of her fra!ile "on rol as she ried o de"ide whi"h way o !o( +he had run around in his &a'e sin"e she was a li le !irl, #u she was so fri!h ened she had los all sense of dire" ion( +he heard he lullin! splash of he foun ain in he iny "en er "our yard of he &a'e and

used he sound o ry o orien herself( Clen"hin! her fis so i!h ly her nails du! in o her pal&, she huddled a!ains he #ush, ed!in! in"h #y in"h down he lane( A he end, she pressed her #a"* fla a!ains he s"ra "hy #ushes, oo s"ared o urn he "orner( +he wai ed, sha*in!, prayin!, ryin! o !a her her ner)e, her s o&a"h in *no s( +he didn1 *now wha hey wan ed( +he had #een proposi ioned &any i&es #y he !ilded, preda ory "our iers of he pala"e, #u no one had e)er a e&p ed o haul her away #efore( No one had e)er used !uns( God, please. +he would ha)e "ried, #u she was oo errified( The #ree'e rose a!ain( +he s&elled "u !rass, 0as&ine, &an( They're coming. 24our Hi!hness, you ha)e no hin! o fear( 5e are your friends(2 +he #ol ed, her lon!, #la"* hair s rea&in! ou #ehind her( Thunder ru&#led, he s"en of a su&&er s or& on he wind( A he end of he lane, she s opped, a!ain oo pe rified o urn he "o&er, les she find Philippe or he #lond one, Henri, s andin! here wai in! o "a "h her( +he *ep hin*in! how her e$%!o)erness always said so&e hin! li*e his would happen o her if she didn1 &end her wild ways, s op a" in! so #old( +he )owed she would ne)er #e #old a!ain( Ne)er flir ( Ne)er rus ( Her "hes lif ed and fell, lif ed and fell( They were "o&in!( +he *new she "ould no re&ain where she was for &ore han a few se"onds lon!er( I am trapped. There is no way out of this. And hen here "a&e ano her )oi"e, #arely audi#le, a !hos ly whisper( "Princesa." The sin!le word see&ed o rise fro& he ear h, or o slip ou of he )ery air( +he nearly so##ed aloud o hear i , wan in! wi h all her hear lo #elie)e i was no her pani"*ed #rain playin! ri"*s on her( Only one person "alled her #y ha na&e, he +panish )ersion of her proper 6 alian i le, Prin"ipessa( 6f e)er she1d had need of hi&, i was now( ,eau iful, #la"*hear ed +an ia!o( He alone "ould ha)e sa)ed her fro& his ni!h &arish !a&e, #u he was faraway on he *in!1s #usiness, in elli!en"e% , !a herin! and pro e" in! he a&#assador in Mos"ow, where he new allian"e a!ains Napoleon was #ein! for&ed( 3arius +an ia!o was an insolen , arro!an hea hen, of "ourse, #u he did no *now he &eanin! of fear and she 7ui e #elie)ed he "ould do any hin!( +he had no seen hi& in

nearly a year, #u he was always lin!erin! near he ou s*ir s of her hear , wi h his arro!an s&ir* and his "oal%#la"* eyes, as hou!h wa "hin! her fro& a"ross he &iles #y so&e o""ul )ision( 26 !row weary of his "hase, ma belle," Henri warned( +he saw &o)e&en hrou!h he rows, &ade ou ousled #lond "uris( +he saw he 8ren"h&an s op and "o"* his head, lis enin!( 5ide%eyed, #o h hands pressed o her &ou h o silen"e her ra!!ed pan in!, +eraflna #e!an #a"*in! away( A a u! on her hair, she al&os s"rea&ed, whirlin! o find ha one of her lon! #la"* "urls had &erely sna!!ed on he !raspin! #ushes( 2Prin"esa,2 +he *new she heard i ha i&e9 ,u how "ould i #e: +he fro'e, her !a'e dar in! wildly( Could he *now so&ehow ha she was in dan!er: Could he #ond #e ween he& s ill #e so s ron!: And hen she reali'ed she fel hi& here, fel his s ran!e( silen power all around her in he ni!h li*e he i&&inen s or&( 2Ma*e your way o he "en er "our yard,2 he dar*, airy &ur&ur ins ru" ed her( 2Oh, &y ;od,2 she whispered, "losin! her eyes, al&os si"* wi h relief( He had "o&e( Of "ourse he had "o&e( E)en hou!h he did no wan her, e)en hou!h he would ne)er lo)e her, she was of he royal #lood and he was honor%#ound o pro e" her 3arius +an ia!o was he *in!1s &os rus ed &an, a &as er spy and assassin( His loyal y o her fa her was a#solu e( 6f e)er here was dar* woT* o #e done pro e" in! he *in!% do& and he royal fa&ily of he s&all 6 alian island *in!do& As"en"ion, 3arius was here o shoulder i wi hou "o&plain ( His presen"e here now &ade her reali'e here was e)en &ore o Philippe1s a e&p o a#du" her &an she had !uessed( +he lowered #o h hands fro& her &ou h o her sides( Her "hes s ill hea)ed wi h ea"h #rea h, #u she lif ed her "hin, awai in! 3arius1s ins ru" ions( 2;o o he "our yard( 4our Hi!hness( Hurry(2 25here are you:2 she #rea hed, re&#lin!( 2Help &e(2 21 a& near, #u 6 "anno !e o you(2 2Please help &e,2 she "ho*ed, s iflin! a so#( 2+hh,2 he whispered( 2;o o he inner "our yard(2 261& los , 3arius, 6 for!e (2 ,linded now #y he ears she had #een s a)in! off sin"e Philippe had firs sei'ed her, she s ared hrou!h he dense !reen la"e of he hed!e ryin! o see hi&(

2+ ay "al&, #e #ra)e,2 he sof ly ins ru" ed( 2Two ri!h urns( 4ou1re )ery "lose( 61ll &ee you here(2 2A%all ri!h ,2 she "ho*ed ou ( 2;o now(2 His whisper faded away( 8or a &o&en , +erafina "ould no see& o &o)e( Then she pier"ed he "old fo! of fear, for"in! herself( +he se ou for 1 he iny, #ri"*%laid "our yard, le!s sha*in! #enea h her, her s"raped *nee s ill #u&in! fro& #efore, when she had slipped on he !rass( The &is %hued !own of !ossa&er sil* she had #een so deli!h ed 10 wear now had a ear a he *nee( Ea"h &o)e&en was or urous wi h heT effor o #e silen , slowed #y her re&ors of fear, #u she pains a*in!ly followed he lulla#y of he foun ain splashin! in i s "ar)ed s one #asin( 5i h e)ery in"h !ained, her &ind "han ed his na&e as if she "ould "on0ure hi&, Darius, Darius, Darius. +he "a&e o he 1 firs "o&er( + eeled herself( Pee*ed around( Safe. +he &o)ed on, !a herin! "onfiden"e( 6&a!es flashed hrou!h her &ind of 3arius wa "hin! o)er her all hrou!h her "hildhood, "al&in! her wi h a loo*, her s ern, #elo)ed *ni!h who would always pro e" her( ,u when she had finally !rown up, no hin! had !one a""ordin! o plan( Darius, don < let them get me. Ahead she saw she1d ha)e o slip pas a #rea* in he lef wail of he lane where i in erse" ed ano her pa h( +he prayed her pursuers weren1 down here o see her pass( A he #rea* in he hed!e, she hesi a ed, her "oura!e fal erin!( A #ead of perspira ion ran down her "hee*( et them put that in the newspapers, she hou!h &adly, #rushin! i away wi h 6he #a"* of her hand( Shoc!ing news" the Princess #oyal sweats$ +he shu her eyes #riefly and said a prayer, hen dar ed pas , s ealin! a flee in! !lan"e down he lane as she wen ( +o&e wen y fee away, Philippe1s hu!!ish dri)er lay sprawled on his fa"e, un&o)in!( A len! h of wire !lin ed in he &oonli!h He had #een !arro "d, she reali'ed, si"*ened( 3arius had passed his way( +he inar"hed on wi h s iff, 0er*y s rides while "old horror +piraled down o her #elly( The "i"adas1 son! s re "hed o one fla , )i#ra in! no e she hou!h would snap her ner)es( 5hen she rea"hed he end of he lane, she !ri&a"ed, fi!h in! a silen , &i!h y #a le for he "oura!e o loo* around he "o&er( +he for"ed herself( %lear$ The en ran"e o he "our yard was in si!h a die far end of he "orridor( +he was al&os here( All she had o do was pass ye ano her !ap in he #ushes halfway down he lane( +he urned he "o&er and ran for i (

Her #rea h ra*ed o)er her ee h, her #are fee #ore her swif ly o)er he sil*en !rass( The #rea* was "o&in!, while s rai!h ahead lay he en ran"e o he "our yard( The s*y flun! a handful of rain on he #ree'e in o her fa"e( Clouds "o)ered he !old half%&oon, 2;e #a"* here, you li le #i "h92 a deep )oi"e roared( +he shrie*ed and loo*ed o)er her shoulder as Philippe ore around he "orner #ehind her As she passed he !ap, runnin! full for"e, Henri e$ploded ou of he in erse" in! pa h( He "au!h her in #o h ar&s and she s"rea&ed, Philippe was #earin! down fas , and hen 3arius was here, dea h !lidin! ou of he shadows, a a"*in! wi h he leap of he wolf( Henri shou ed, los his hold on her Hyin! o ward off 3arius( +he ore free, a"*led her way "lear of hi&, heard rippin! sil* as she pulled, wren"hin! forward( +he sprin ed oward he "our yard, so##in! now( +he s u##ed her oe on he #ri"*s, s u&#lin! in o he s&all en"losure( +he passed he leerin!, s one !ro es7ue of he Pan foun ain, wi h i s &ossy &ou h ri"*lin! wa er, and flun! herself in o he shadowed "o&er( +he "rou"hed down, prayin! Philippe wouid "hoose o s ay and help his friend fi!h 3arius ra her han "o&in! s rai!h away af er her, #ul he prayer was no sooner hrou!h her &ind han he 8ren"h&an loo&ed in he en ran"e #e ween he nea ly ri&&ed hed!es( Pan in! hard, he saw her a on"e, and his sneer urned his handso&e fa"e u!ly( He s rode o her and hauled her up fro& her "rou"hed posi ion( +he "ried ou ( He hurled her a#ou fa"e and pu a *nife o her hroa 0us as 3arius "a&e runnin! up o he en ran"e( +he so##ed his na&e( Philippe wren"hed her( 2+hu up92 3arius drew hi&self up shor , #rea hin! hard as he oo* in he s"ene #efore hi&( His fiery ony$ eyes pier"ed he ni!h wi h heilfire in ensi y( Hea li!h nin! flashed a"ross he s*y wi h a #rillian"y ha illu&ina ed his dar*, e$o i" #eau y for an ins an . hen dar*ness( +erafina fi$ed her s are and all her fai h on hi& as she "lun! wi h #o h hands o he s eely ar& around her hroa ( 2+ and aside, +an ia!o,2 Pliilippe warned( 24ou "o&e any 9 "loser, she dies(2 23on1 #e an ass, +ain %-auren ( 5e #o h *now he doesn1 wan her har&ed(2 His one was "oolly s"ornful, his s an"e rela$ed, #u dan!er e&ana ed fro& hi& as he saun ered in o he "our yard, his #ody slee* and lean, !old &oonli!h !lan"in! offhis #road shoulders( 6&pe""a#ly a ired in #la"*, he &o)ed 1 wi h preda ory !ra"e( He had a hi!h #row under a !lossy, ra)en forelo"*( 6n*y, #roodin! eyes refle" ed all he u&ul and fire of his passiona e, se"re i)e na ure( The aus ere an!les of his hi!h%#oned "hee*s and hau!h y, a7uiline nose warred wi h he sensuali y of his ri"h, sul*y &ou h( A s&all s"ar li*e a "res"en &oon &arred he s"ulp ed swee ness of his lips wi h a #i er wis (

+erafina s ared, &es&eri'ed, #u 3arius did no e)en loo* a her, as if she were of no "onse7uen"e( 6ns ead, he spi*ed Philippe wi h a sharp !lan"e, a half%s&ile on his lips( 2 1 hou!h you were a professional, +ain %-auren ,11 he said, his sof , lullin! )oi"e in!ed wi h a +panish a""en ( 26s his how you "ondu" #usiness: Pu in! *ni)es o youn! !irls1 hroa s:2 He !es ured oward he& wi h idle ele!an"e( 26 of en wonder how you people s o&a"h i ,2 he re&ar*ed( 2+er)in! a &an 5ho is wi hou honor(2 26 didn1 "o&e here o philosophi'e wi h you, +an ia!o,2 Philippe !round ou , as ense and hea ed as 3arius was "ool( 261& !oin! now, and she1s "o&in! wi h &e(2 26f you #elie)e 6 shall le you pass,2 he said !en ly, 2you are de"ei)in! yourself(2 261ll "u her92 Philippe warned( 3arius !a)e hi& a "hillin! s&ile( 24our &as er wouldn1 li*e &a (2 The silen"e sharpened o a ra'or1s ed!e as he wo &en s ared a ea"h o her, #o h rained o *ill, ea"h wai in! for he o her o s ri*e, un il +erafina "ouldn1 #ear i any lon!er( 2Please,2 she "ho*ed ou , 2le &e !o(2 A her plea, 3arius1s "oal%#la"* eyes fli"*ed o hers( 8or one disas rous ins an , she read he ru h here. he fury, he despera ion #ehind his "ool "on rol( The flee in! loo* )anished a on"e and his s"arred lips "ur)ed a!ain in ha &o"*in! half%s&ile, #u i was oo la e( Philippe had seen i , oo( 25ha 1s his:2 he as*ed wi h a aun in! lau!h( 2Ha)e 6 s u&#led upon a wea*ness: 6s i possi#le he !rea +an ia!o has an A"hilles1 heel:2 3arius1s finely "hiseled fa"e hardened as he "as he fa"ade aside( His lon!%lashed eyes narrowed on Philippe, !li erin! in he dar*( 2Ah, of "ourse,2 Philippe wen on, heedless of he dan!er,2 6 re"all so&eone ellin! &e you were her #ody!uard when she was 0us a wee hin!(2 3arius1s )oi"e sof ened o a errifyin! &ur&ur( 2-ower your weapon(2 2;e ou of &y pa h(2 2Release he prin"ess( +urrender is your sole op ion( 4our &en are dead, and you *now full well 6 wan you ali)e(2 2H&&, he !rows an!ry,2 Philippe &used aloud( 2He &us #e ra her a a"hed o you, &y dear(2 The words pained her &ore han he "ould e)er *now( 24ou are &a*in! hin!s worse for yourself, +ain %-auren ( 61ll re&e&#er how you annoyed &e when you and 6 ha)e a al* la er a#ou your asso"ia es and your orders(2 2Ah, #u &y orders don1 e$is , +an ia!o( 6 don1 e$is ( 6 "anno !o #a"* e&p y%handed, so

you see, you1ll !e no hin! fro& &e,2 Philippe snarled, 3arius s ar ed oward he& wi h slow, wary s rides( 2+ ay #a"*92 He paused( 2Mo)e away fro& he prin"ess,2 he said )ery sof ly, his s are unwa)erin!, relen less( +erafina was sayin! a fra!&en of a prayer o)er and o)er a!ain in her &ind( A!ains her #ody, she "ould fee Philippe1s hear poundin! in his "hes ( He i!h ened his hold on her ne"*( +he fel his in"reasin! despera ion as he "as a#ou for so&e &eans of es"ape( +he !lan"ed a he *nife poised so near her hroa , hen shu her eyes, prayin! &ore despera ely( 2Tell &e, +an ia!o((( #e ween "ollea!ues,2 Philippe #ar*ed suddenly( 2Now ha your li le "har!e is so, shall we say, !rown up, ha)en1 you e)er wondered: 6 &ean, loo* a her( +o&e say she is he &os #eau iful wo&an ali) he op hree, a leas ( Cer ainly &y pa ron a!rees( Helen of Troy, he says( Men fi!h wars o possess su"h #eau y( +hall we ha)e a loo*:2 Her eyes flew open wide as Philippe laid hold of her dress where Henri had already orn i ( +he !asped wi h sho"*ed horror as he ripped i open down her #a"* wi h one li!h nin!%li*e &o)e&en ( 2There, here, ma belle&' Philippe "rooned, 2don1 fre (2 +he so##ed on"e, "rin!in! where she s ood( +he lowered her head, powerless o s op hi& as he pushed he ripped ends of her dress down o her wais , #arin! her upper #ody( This "ould no #e happenin!, she hou!h ( No in her #eau iful !arden, he )ery hear of her safe, pre y, insula ed world( Chee*s afla&e, she #i her lower lip, fi!h in! ears of ra!e( +he ried o pull her wais %len! h hair forward o "o)er her #reas s, #u Philippe pro es ed( "'on, non, cherie. -e us see wha #eau y ;od ha h wrou!h (2 5i h his lef hand, he #rushed her hair sof ly #a"* a!ain #ehind her shoulders( 24ou #as ard,2 3arius whispered( +he "ould no #ear o &ee his eyes( Hands a her sides, she s ood here sha*in! wi h hu&ilia ion and ra!e, e$posed #efore he only &an she had e)er wan ed( The only one who did no wan her( No so )ery lon! a!o, she had lo)ed 3arius +an ia!o wi h =i painful, adoles"en ardor( +he had ried o show hi& hree years a!o, he ni!h of her de#u #all, ha she had !rown up for hi& a las , was no lon!er a "hild= she had ried o show hi& ha none of his wo&en "ould lo)e hi& as she did( ,u he had fled her and lef he island, hurryin! off on so&e new &ission( Now he was wi ness o her hu&ilia ion, for"ed o )iew her #ody, he !if

she had ried o !i)e hi&.now, when i &ean no hin!( >us hen he ni!h s*y flun! down ano her swif "loud#urs of "old rain( +he flin"hed, hen shuddered when he firs drops s ru"* her #are s*in( +he "ould feel a )ol"ani" for"e of pure ra!e #uildin! fro& where 3arius s ood, #u so&ehow iie only hin! she "ould fo"us on was her pride, her las defense( +he held fas o i as if i were a an!i#le weapon( +he lif ed her head hi!h a!ains he "rushin! sha&e( Tears in her eyes, she s ared s rai!h ahead ai no hin!( Philippe lau!hed a her( 2Hau!h y hin!( 4es, you *now you are s unnin!, don1 you:2 he &ur&ured, runnin! one fin!er fro& he "ur)e of her shoulder down her ar&( +he fou!h no !( shudder wi h re)ulsion( 2+*in li*e sil*( Co&e and ou"h her( +an ia!o( +he is e$7uisi e( 6 don1 #la&e you.any &an would ha)e a wea*ness for su"h a "rea ure( 5e "an share her if you li*e(2 A his, her s ri"*en !a'e flew o 3arius, #u hen a "old sha i of horror spi*ed down her spine, for he was feas in! his eyes on her #are #reas s, his !a'e de)ourin! her na*edness( 23arius:2 she as*ed in a pleadin! whisper( Philippe1s fin!ers fli"*ed in ea!er a!i a ion o)er he *nife1s hil , #u his s&oo h, sure )oi"e held a no e of riu&ph( 2Co&e and as e her( No one needs o *now( Really, af er all you1)e done for your *in!, isn1 she he leas you deser)e:2 8inally, 3arius loo*ed up fro& his in i&a e perusal of her #ody( +he "au!h he flash of whi e ee h in his "old, wi"*ed s&ile( He #e!an saun erin! slowly oward he&, and dire" ed his 7ues ion o Philippe( 25ha do you su!!es :2 Her )ery &ind "ho*ed 6&a!es e$ploded in her &e&ory of he las i&e she had seen 3arius, si$ &on hs a!o( As usual he had i!nored her fro& he &o&en he se foo in he pala"e, #u ha day, she had opened he door o he &usi" roo& in he &iddle of he af ernoon o find hi& ra)ishin! one of his &any lo)ers a!ains he wall( His loose whi e shir had #een han!in! fro& his shoulders, #rown "hes #ared, his #la"* #ree"hes din!in! upon his lean hips as he wo&an wi h her s*ir s hi "hed up fu&#led o undress hi&( 5hen +eralina had opened he door, he had loo*ed o)er and held her sho"*ed !a'e for a se"ond( +he s ill re&e&#ered he s&olderin! loo* in his eyes as she Mood in he doorway, &ou h a!ape, eyes wide( +he re&e&#ered he &o"*in! s&ile of sedu" ion he had sen her #efore ?he sla&&ed he door and fled( 6 was 7ui e he sa&e as he one on his s"arred lips now( 261ll hold her for you,2 Philippe said( 2Oh, she wouldn1 fi!h &e,2 he &ur&ured( 25ould you, (&!el:2 Her "hee*s urned "ri&son( +he lowered her head, hear poundin! &adly( Tre&#lin!

)iolen ly, she "ould no #ear o @iAB* a hi& as he s al*ed oward he&( +he swore o herself his was par of a ruse( +he was he Prin"ess Royal9 3arius would ne) ,u he was unli*e any &an she *new, his +paniard wi h his i-1&#le #eau y( +he "ould nei her predi" nor &ana!e hi& ,is she did he o hers( +he only *new ha he feared no hin! and ha , for all his loyal y o her fa her, he o#eyed no law #u his own( One slow, relen less s ride af er ano her, he "a&e o perhaps hree in"hes away fro& her, so "lose his "hes nearl0 #rushed her #reas s( +he "ould feel hi& #rea hin! a!ains h r +he was rapped #e ween he wo all, ru hless &en hei #rea h 0a!!ed, her e$posed s*in ra"in! wi h shi)er hoi and "old( He was !oin! o ou"h her a any &o&en , he *i Chee*s #la'in!, she wan ed o die for sha&e of hu pen desire he wo)e in o her fear( Csually she was 7ui"*%wi ed #ui a he &o&en she was &u e, s arin! #ro*enly a a sil)er #u on on his "oa ri!h a her eye le)el( +he "ould no hin* of a sin!le hin! o say o ry o sa)e herself, "ould no find her )oi"e o in)o*e her fa hers na&e, nor her fian"/ his &o&en , she "ould no e)en pi" ure Ana%lole1s fa"e( Terror wiped her &ind #lan*, and 3arius filled her senses.fier"e, ele&en al( His nearness, he sheer &ale for"e of hi&, o)erwhel&ed her( Her nos rils were filled wi h he "lean, &us*y s"en of hi&, &in!led wi h he s&ell of horses and 6"alher, he e$o i" spi"e of he "heroo s he was always s&o*in!, and he "oppery ain of #lood( +he "ould feel he hea radia in! fro& his powerful #ody, feel he hru&&in! ension "oiled in his hard, sinewy for&( Then i all happened a on"e( He sei'ed Philippe #y he hroa and *no"*ed her ou of his !rasp( Philippe1s #lade flashed, s a##in! a hi&( He du"*ed #a"*, !raspin! Philippe1s ri!h wris while +erafina wen s u&#lin!, landin! on her hands and *nees near he ed!e of he "our yard( Pullin! he re&nan s of her #odi"e up o)er her shoulders wi h sha*in! hands, she i&&edia ely s"ra&#led a#ou fa"e o see if 3arius was hur ( The foun ain par ly #lo"*ed her )iew( There was a "la er of &e al( Philippe "ursed as his weapon wen s*i erin! a"ross he #ri"*s( He lun!ed af er i ( 3arius *i"*ed i away and laid hold of hi&( 8lailin! wildly, Philippe ore free and #ol ed( 3arius was upon hi&( He !ra##ed Philippe #y he #a"* of he "ollar and hurled hi& around, hrowin! hi& down on o he fla!s one, #lo"*in! he e$i ( +he loo*ed up in dread when she heard he whisper of ne al, and saw 3arius1s e#ony% handled da!!er, he sli& ele!an"e of he #lade *issed #y &oonli!h (

)h, God. 5hen Philippe hrew up #o h hands o ward off he firs #low, 3arius1s da!!er slashed a"ross #o h his open pal&s( +erafina urned her fa"e away, #u she heard e)ery dra!!in! se"ond of heir fi!h , e)ery !asp and "ho*e and low "urse as 3arius sa)a!ed hi&( The "i"adas s"rea&ed( +he lon!ed o run( 5hen 3arius swore in so&e un*nown lan!ua!e, she opened her eyes and saw hi& lif his da!!er in #o h hands for die final "u , saw his #eau iful fa"e ali!h wi h sa)a!ery( Don't. +he s7uee'ed her eyes shu i!h as he *nife plun!ed s rai!h down li*e a #ird of prey( Philippe1s s"rea& was shor , foilowed #y a silen"e( Then she heard only he #ree'e #lowin! hrou!h he 0uniper=( +he #e"a&e aware of he sound of a &an1s fier"e pan in!( +he fel li*e she was !oin! o hrow up( 6 dawned on her wi h sudden hys eria ha she had o run( +he had o es"ape fro& here, !e away fro& hi& a on"e #efore he "a&e o sa e he lus she1d read in his s are( He was he deadlies &an in he *in!do& and he was ou of "on rol, redu"ed #y ra!e o he law of his #oyhood. he law of he s ree s( Ne)er a*in! her eyes off hi&, she sho)ed o her fee in one 0er*y &o ion as 3arius ra*ed a hand hrou!h his hair, pushin! his forelo"* ou of his eyes, a #la"*, de&oni" shape a!ains he lesser dar* of ni!h ( A se"ond la er, he wren"hed his *nife ou of Philippe1s #Teas ( +he wa "hed hi&, wild%eyed, "lu "hin! he sil* re&nan s of her #odi"e o!e her as she in"hed sideways alon! he peri&e er of he "our yard( +he i!nored he pri"*ly #ran"hes ra*in! he ender s*in of her #a"*( He was #lo"*in! he only e$i , #u she would "law her way hrou!h he hi"* hed!e if she had o( 3arius rose fro& Philippe1s lifeless #ody( He loo* a hand*er"hief fro& he po"*e of his i&pe""a#le "oa , he "o on pearl%whi e in he dar*( 5ipin! he #lood off his hands, he paused and suddenly urned, !i)in! he #ody a )i"ious *i"* in he ri#s( +erafina le ou a s&all s"rea&, a*en off !uard #y his swill( e&pes uous &o)e&en 3arius loo*ed o)er a her, s arin! harshly a her for a se"ond, as if he were only 0us re&e&#erin! she was here( Then he s ood )ery s il , pan in!, a all, silen fi!ure loo& in 0= in he dar*ness( 25ha are you doin!:2 His )oi"e was unner)in!ly 7uiei( Trapped in his s eady, pier"in! !a'e, she fro'e( 2>esus,2 he &u ered, "losin! his eyes for a se"ond( +he said no hin!, !a herin! her orn dress i!h er a!ains hur in #o h swea in! pal&s as

she "al"ula ed he odds of su""essfully runnin! pas hi&( He hea)ed a si!h, shoo* his head o hi&self, hen wen anil splashed his fa"e under he "old #u##lin! foun ain( A &o&e& la er, he wal*ed oward her, slippin! off his #la"* 0a"*e ( +he shran* #a"* a!ains he #ushes fro& hi&( He held ou he "oa , offerin! i o her( +he didn1 dare &o)e e)en o a*e i , didn1 dare a*e her eyes off hi&( He had *illed hree &en all in a ni!h 1s wor*, he was *nown o do inde"en hin!s o wo&en in he &iddle of he day, he hail s ared a her #reas s, and hen here was he o her &a er, &ore rou#lin! s ill, ha ei!h years a!o she had #een &ar*ed wi h his &an1s #lood( 6 had happened in he "i y s7uare on her welf h #ir hday( when so&eone ried o shoo he *in!( +he had #een s andin! here s&ilin! a her #ir hday fes i)i ies, holdin! her papa1s hand, when he would%#e assassin a a"*ed( And +an ia!o, hi#eau if il &ad&an, she hou!h , do)e in o he pa h of he #ulle , his ho , s"arle #lood splashin! her "hee* and her new whi e fro"*( +in"e ha day, deep down in a pri&al, illo!i"al pla"e inside of her ha responded o hin!s li*e he war& h of fire and he s&ell of "oo*in! food, deep down in her #lood and #ones where she was no prin"ess, no poli i"al pawn, #u si&ply wo&an, she *new she #elon!ed o his &an( And he &os errifyin! hin! of all was ha she sensed he *new i , oo( His in ense, fiery !a'e sof ened sli!h ly under his lon! lashes( +he "ouldn1 s op sha*in!( A!ain, he offered he "oa 2Ta*e i , Prin"esa,2 he said sof ly( 5i hou warnin!, her eyes #ri&&ed a his !en le one( His lon! lashes fii"*ed downward, as if he had no idea wha o do wi h her( 261ll help you,2 he said relu" an ly, holdin! ou he "oa so she would only ha)e o slip her ar&s inside he slee)es( Hesi an ly, she le hi& pu i on her li*e a "hild( 26 hou!h (((2 she #e!an( +he #i down on her lower lip, una#le o finish( 21 *now wha you hou!h (2 His )oi"e was low, fier"e( 26 would ne)er hur you(2 Their s ares lo"*ed, "lashed, #o h wary( +he was he firs o drop her !a'e, as ounded #y her own unfa&iliar &ee*ness( Her e$% !o)erness would ne)er ha)e #elie)ed i ( 23idn1 .didn1 you need hi& ali)e:2 25ell, he1s dead now, isn1 he:2 he said in weary dis!us 261ll &ana!e(2 One fis propped

on his hip, for a &o&en he ru##ed his forehead( 2Than* you,2 she whispered sha*ily( He shru!!ed and wal*ed away, re urnin! o he foun ain( 1 8inally, now ha she saw he dan!er ruly was pas , all he s ren! h drained fro& her( Tears o)er oo* her, #lindin! her( +he san* down where she was, "ollapsin! slowly in a heap u he #ri"*s( 5rappin! his 0a"*e i!h er around her, she sa ( #ra"ed her el#ows on her #en *nees, and held her head in #o h hands, fi!h in! ears for all she was wor h( I will not cry in front of him, she hou!h9 fier"ely, #u a &o&en or wo la er, she su""u&#ed( +he "ouldn1 help i ( 5hen she so##ed aloud, he loo*ed o)er in surprise( 8rownin!, he "a&e #a"* o her, s andin! all a#o)e her( +he "ould no su&&on any sense of pride, she 0us "ried, sniffled furiously, and #rushed a ear off her "he"* wi h he #a"* of her hand, una#le o loo* up #eyond his shiny #la"* #oo s wi h heir "ruel, sil)er spurs( He "rou"hed down, sear"hin! her eyes( 2Hey, Prin"ess( 5ha 1s his: 4ou ryin! o ruin &y ni!h :2 +he s ared a hi& in a&a'e&en ( #uin his ni!h : +he 0u&ped when he rea"hed ou oward her, #u he &erely offered her a nea ly folded hand*er"hief, produ"in! i ou of nowhere wi h a #i of ;ypsy slei!h of hand( Af er a &o&en 1s hesi a ion, she a""ep ed i , re&e&#erin! as she dried her eyes how she used o hin* he was &a!i" when she was a li le !irl, for he "ould pull a !old "oin ou of her ear and &a*e i )anish a!ain( He s udied her, he arro!an s&ir* on his lips a odds wi h he rou#led loo* in his eyes( 25ha 1s he &a er: 4ou s"ared of &e now, li*e e)eryone else:2 Her answer was a sin!le, sha*in! so# ha "a&e all he way up fro& her lun!s( The s&ir* faded( 2Hey, "o&e on, li le Cri"*e , This is &e(2 he said &ore !en ly( He loo*ed al&os sha*en( 24ou *now &e( 4ou1)e always *nown &e( +in"e you were his #i!, yes:2 He held up hu&# and forefin!er a#ou an in"h apar , +he !lan"ed a his hand, hen &e his eyes un"er ainly( 6 was a half% ru h( All her life he had #een here, in he shadows, #u no one really *new 3arius +an ia!o( He would no allow i ( 6ndeed, he sa)ed his &os s"a hin! &o"*ery for hose who ried o lo)e hi&, as she had learned( Twen y years a!o, 0us #efore she was #o&, her paren s had a*en 3arius off he s ree s, a feral #oy% hief who, #y an a" of )alor, had sa)ed her &o her1s life( 6n han*s, Papa had &ade hi& a royal ward, raised hi& as his own son.insofar as 3arius1s &a!nifi"en pride would per&i hi& o a""ep wha he )iewed as "hari y( 8ro& he i&e she was o9d enou!h o reali'e ha she was so&e hin! of a disappoin &en o her paren s, a firs #orn dau!h er

ra her han he hoped%for son and royal heir, she had found an ally and pro e" or in her fellow ou sider, he half%;ypsy #oy whose only friends, i see&ed, were he horses of he royal s a#le( He lowered his lon!, hi"* lashes, and his )oi"e was sof er(1 15eil, i 1s ail ri!h if you1re s"ared of &e now( 6 don1 #la&e you( +o&e i&es 6 e)en s"are &yself(2 24ou *illed he&,2 she whispered( 26 was horri#le(2 2Tha 1s &y 0o#, and yes, so&e i&es i is horri#le,2 he replied( 26 a& sorry you saw i ( 4ou should ha)e "losed your eyes, 4our Hi!hness(2 26 did( 1 "ould s ill hear(2 He #ris led( 2The &an insul ed your honor( He !o wha he deser)ed(2 He rose and wal*ed away( Holdin! her head in one hand, her el#ow #ra"ed on her *nee, +erafina wa "hed hi& s al* off a"ross he "our yard, his #road #a"* and narrow wais snu!ly fi ed in his #la"* wais "oa , his enor&ous ar&s draped in full, whi e slee)es( 'ow I ha*e offended him. He was an a"u ely sensi i)e #ein!, she well *new( 2Co&e, 4our Hi!hness,2 he said, re&o e( 26 1s !oin! o #e a lon! ni!h ( The 8ren"h ha)e a few &ore spies plan ed in he pala"e( 6 don1 *now who hey are ye and 61)e !o o "a "h =he&( Cn il 1 do, we1)e !o o !e you ou of here i&&edia ely(2 +he hea)ed a si!h and "li&#ed o her fee , her le!s s ill sha*y fro& her ordeal( 3arius wai ed for her #y he foun ain #u he s ill would no loo* a her, "losed wi hin hi&self( Hands on his hips, he lif ed his finely s"ulp ed fa"e and assessed he #roodin! ni!h s*y( The wa ery &oonli!h slid down his hi!h%#oned "hee*s, *issed his #i erswee , #eau iful &ou h wi h i s !olden !low( 5hen she 0oined hi&, he urned fro& her o iead he way( 28irs we1ll ha)e o !o see your fa her( He1ll assi!n so&eone o a*e you in o hidin!.2 23arius, wai (2 +he laid a hand on he #road "ur)e of his ar&( 26 didn1 &ean.2 2Ti&e is of he essen"e, 4our Hi!hness(2 He pulled away( As he s epped #eyond her rea"h, her hand slid off his ar&( ;lan"in! off his shoulder #lade, her fin!er ips nailed hrou!h an in)isi#le pa "h of war&, sli"* we ness on his #la"* wais "oa ( +he fro'e( +lowly, she urned her pal& upward( 23arius,2 she #rea hed, s arin! down a her #loodied hand( 25ha :2 24ou1re #leedin!(2 +he heard his low, "yni"al lau!h as he s ru"* a sulfur &a "h D on he s one !ro es7ue of

Pan, li!h in! a "heroo ( 25ho !i)es a da&n, +erafina:2 he said #i erly under his #rea h( 25ho !i)es a da&n:2 5i h "areless !ra"e, he fli"*ed he s ill%#urnin! &a "h in o he foun ain and wal*ed away as i s #ri!h fla&e win*ed ou ( CHAPTER T5O Only one hin! re&ained for a &an of honor whose life had #e"o&e a li)in! hellD a !lorious dea h( A he &o&en , 3arius +an ia!o lon!ed for i ( +he was afraid of hi&, yes, wi h !ood reason, he hou!h #i erly( +he was he only pure hin! he had e)er *nown, !en le and inno"en as dayli!h , and now she had seen hi& *ill li*e an ani&al.*ill, and relish he *illin!( He had a*en su"h pains o shel er her fro& he dar*ness of hi&self.and now his( As he wal*ed away fro& her, 3arius si&&ered wi h self%d>re" ed fury, sha*en and unner)ed ye a!ain #y he &addenin!, hea)enly "rea ure( He "ould no wai o #e rid of her and on his way a!ain so he "ould resu&e pre endin! she didn1 e$is ( To see her was pain( Of en, far away on his &issions, he i&a!ined ha if he "ould 0us see her, #e near her, s&ell her, he would #as* in an e"s asy as on so&e nar"o i" dru!, #u , of "ourse, i was no so( Tha was &erely he illusion ha had sus ained hi& for he pas year or so, on his downward spiral( Now he saw he ru h( E)ery &o&en in her presen"e was or ure #e"ause she was e)ery hin! he needed, and he "ould no ha)e her( He "ould no ha)e her( Tha was all he *new( ,u soon he would find release( Cr!en"y hru&&ed inside his )eins( He had o !e ou of here, away fro& her( As soon as possi#le, he1d #e on his way( He had wal*ed away fro& her hree years a!o, on hai s arry April ni!h when she had slipped her ar&s around his ne"*, *issed his "hee*, and whispered ha she lo)ed hi&. absurd$.and he would wal* away a!ain oni!h , 0us as soon as he1d seen her lo safe y( E)en now, he was wal*in! away, fleein! wha he &os despera ely "ra)ed( He had a*en only hree or four s eps away fro& her( howe)er, when she "au!h up o hi& and fir&ly oo* his hand( 2Oh, "o&e alon!,2 she said, wi h e$aspera ion ed!in! her sof , sli!h ly s"ra "hy )oi"e( Ta*en a#a"*, he lif ed a #row, oo &ys ified o pro es as she u!!ed hi& #y he hand, pullin! hi& #ehind her li*e an erran "hild( +he &ar"hed a"ross he "our yard, e)er so li*e he fairy 7ueen in a sni , he hou!h ( The opulen rio of her ion!, loose spiral%"urls floun"ed down her #a"* wi h e)ery )e$ed s ep( 21 will ne)er unders and you, +an ia!o,2 she huffed( 23on1 you e)en "are ha you are

wounded:2 He was always +an ia!o when she was s"oldin!, 23oesn1 hur ,2 he lied, his "areless #ra)ado honed o a ra'or1s ed!e( +e"re ly, howe)er, he was pleased ha he "u had #ou!h hi& a li le of her "hari y( Perhaps i would also a*e her &ind off wha she had #een hrou!h and wha she had wi nessed( 25hy didn1 you ell &e a on"e ha he "u you:2 The s"owl she hrew hi& o)er her ele!an shoulder showed off he "lean, pa ri"ian lines of her deli"a e profile and he a#surd len! h of her #la"*%)el)e lashes( 25hy &us i always #e a !uessin! !a&e wi h you1(1 How "ould you s and here #leedin! and le &e !o on #awlin! li*e #a#y: Oh, ne)er &ind( 6s i #ad:2 2No need o "all he e&#al&er ye ( 5ell,2 he a&ended, 2&ay#e for hi&(2 +he s opped shor as she "a&e o he dead #ody #lo"*in! he e$i ( +he peered down a her dain y #are oes, in"hes fro& he pool of #lood( He i!nored he #lood, &ore in eres ed in he sil)er rin!s adornin! her oes( -i ie ;ypsy, he hou!h in se"re deli!h ( A few of her s ray, soo y "urls fell forward, sof ly fra&in! her pa9e( hear %shaped fa"e as she lowered her head( Then she !lan"ed up a hi& in dis ress( He !rowled a her o#)ious need for assis an"e( 2Allow &e,2 he &u ered, loa h o ou"h her( Her "rea&y "hee*s hea ed wi h a su&&er%rose #lush when he #en down sli!h ly, slipped his unin0ured ri!h ar& around her hips, and lif ed her a!ains his "hesl( 6nwardly, he !roaned lo feel her flal #elly and lush #reas s pressed o his fe)erish #ody( +he was he *in!1s only dau!h er and he1d really had no need o *now ha her ri"h, #erry lips &a "hed her nipples e$a" ly( +erafina wrapped her ar&s around his ne"*, loo*in! down a he dead &an in &or#id fas"ina ion as 3arius s epped o)er he "orpse( +he was )ery li!h , he hou!h as he held her( Tall and proud, #u deli"a ely #oned( He se her down 7ui"*ly on her fee in he !rass on he o her side9 +he pulled his 0a"*e i!h er around her, folded her slender ar&s under her spe" a"ular #oso&, and re!arded hi& *eenly( 1Are you hur anywhere else, or is i 0us Ehe shoulder:2 +he wai ed, !a'in! up a hi& e$pe" an ly, #u so&ehow he for!o o answer, pro&p ly "au!h up in her o herworldly )iole eyes( Ah, #u hose eyes were his wea*ness( -u"id and swee , hey were he "olor of >une wili!h s, fields of hya"in hs in hea)en, or he la)ender of sunse on snow( Eyes ha haun ed his drea&s( He reali'ed he was s arin! and shoo* hi&self free of #er spell, dis!us ed wi h his own sus"ep i#ili y( 26 1s no serious,2 he said a las , hopin! he was ri!h ( He fel he war& ri"*le of #lood

inside his shir , #u he didn1 ha)e i&e o #e wounded( He had a 0o# o do( Than! God for that. +he lif ed one #row, !i)in! his s*ep i"al loo* ri!h #a"* o hi&( 26 1s no hin!,2 he rei era ed "risply( 261ll #e he 0ud!e of ha ,2 she said, hen fir&ly oo* his hand a!ain( He !lan"ed warily a her as she led hi& down he &a'e1s narrow lane li*e an i&pa ien !o)erness wi h an i&possi#le "har!e( +he see&ed )ery deler&ined a#ou so&e hin!( He supposed he should pro#a#ly worry( A he in erse" ion of he lanes, on"e &ore ihe prin"ess s ared a he dead 8ren"h&an as if she "ould no "o&prehend how his #lond, "urly head had "o&e o #e s*ewed a su"h an i&possi#le an!le( 3arius de"ided he didn1 &u"h li*e her in eres in his handiwor*, nor did he appre"ia e her wary, sideward !lan"e ha fli"*ed o his ar&s, as if o say, +ou did that with your bare hands, He !a)e her a 7uellin! loo*, pulled his hand ou of hers, and wal*ed on, s ridin! down he #ree'y "orridor #e ween he hed!es( +erafina "au!h up, s*ippin! now and hen o *eep up wi h his lon!er pa"es( 25ha did hey wan , anyway: 6 hou!h hey were &y friends(2 2+orry, hey weren1 ,2 he said, fli"*in! he ashes off his "heroo and ryin! despera ely o re!ain his sharp, effi"ien "on rol 2Napoleon sen he&:2 28ou"he, o #e e$a" .Napoleon1s &inis er of poli"e( Offi"ially spea*in!, he e&peror *nows no hin! of his(2 2They didn1 wan o *ill &e, surely:2 she e$"lai&ed( 2No(2 2To s op &y &arria!e, hen:2 Her s unnin! loo*s and li!h hear ed &anner &ade i easy lo for!e how in elli!en she was, he hou!h , an o)ersi!h &en &ade o heir folly( 5i h a s&ile, she "ould wis any &ale around her fin!er, e)en he &i!h y Prin"e Ana ole Tyurino), i see&ed, "onsiderin! he fa" ha she had &ana!ed o wresi so&e "on"essions fro& he Russian a#ou freein! half his serfs o)er a period of wo years( 24es,2 he answered, 2 o s op your &arria!e( 6f he 8ren"h had you in heir possession, your fa her would ha)e no "hoi"e #u o hand o)er "on rol of As"en"ion1s na)y( They1)e #een poh e a#ou i ill now, #u your fian"/1s in rodu" ion in o he e7ua ion &ade hese

despi"a#le, underhanded a" i"s una)oida#le on heir par (2 +he s ifled a sound of i&pa ien"e as she loo*ed away, s"owlin! pre ily a!ain( 2,u now ha Napoleon has "o&&and of +pain1s ships, why does he s ill wan &y fa her1s na)y:2 2No hin! is e)er enou!h for ,onapar e, you *now ha ,2 he answered wi h an e$hala ion of s&o*e( 2,esides, he s ill hasn1 a&assed he for"es ne"essary o a*e En!land( He1s !oin! o need all he )essels he "an !e his hands on( 8ran*ly, he1ll ne)er "arry i off,2 he re&ar*ed( 26 hope no (2 The wind rose, "arryin! o he& he s&eli of he sea as i ra*ed hrou!h he owerin! hed!es( +he s*ipped a s ep o *eep up, #rushed a lon!, #lowin! lo"* of her hair away fro& her &ou h, and !lan"ed up a hi& ra her an$iously( 26 suppose Napoleon hou!h he "ould le!i i&i'e *idnappin! &e #y for"in! &e o &arry his li le na&#y%pa&#y, Eu!ene:2 2A""ordin! o &y sour"es, yes, ha was he no ion(2 +he !a)e a deli"a e snor ( He suppressed a s&ile( The >ewel of As"en"ion was ad&i edly hard o i&press( Eu!ene ,eauha&ais, Napoleon1s wen y%four%year%old s epson, was perhaps he only "on ender for +erafina1s hand of who& 3arius did no hear ily disappro)e( The youn! aris o"ra was honora#le, loyal, and e)en% e&pered.and any &an who dared hin* of &arryin! his !irl, he *new, would need he pa ien"e of >o#( Cnfor una ely, Eu!ene was on he wron! side of he war( E)en s ill, 3arius al&os would ha)e preferred hi& ins ead of he hus#and he *in! had found her o ward off Napoleon1s hrea ened in)asion. he )ain!lorious !olden !ian PRin"e Ana ole Tyurino)( 3esirous of a royal #ride o o)erawe his friends and rouse en)y in his ene&ies, he !lorious Ana ole, as 3arius had "o&e &o"*in!ly o hin* of hi&, had )isi ed he *in!do& se)eral &on hs a!o o inspe" +erafina1s fa&ous #eau y( 3arius had #een on du y in Mos"ow durin! heir for ni!hl1s "our ship( The &a "h had #een 7ui"*ly arran!ed( Too #loody 7ui"*ly, he hou!h ra her #i erly, lie had no e)en "o&ple ed his #a"*!round "he"* on he prospe"li F i #nde !roo& for he *in!, #u he #ar!ain was sealed( 6n e$"han!e for her hand, he hir y% hree%year%old Gussi & war hero had pled!ed o a*e his ar&y of a hundred housand roops and #rin! a rain of fire on Paris i self if Napoleon &a e any &o)e a!ains he iny, neulral As"en"ion( The pea"e had #een preser)ed #y he s ale&a e, he weddirn( da e se for he firs of >une, less han a &on h away, #u 3anus had already &ade up his &ind ha i would ne)er a*e pla"e( He s ole a "o)er !lan"e a he #rea h a*in! youn! wo&an #y his side( He did no dou# ha +erafina had #e!uiled Tyurino) she did no of en use heT #eau y for

&e &i!h y weapon i was, #u when she did, a &an didn1 ha)e a "han"e( ,u he wondered no for he firs i&e, wha her feelin!s were in re urn( ,e ween his #lue% #looded pedi!ree, &ar ial )i" ories, and !olden !ood loo*s, wo&en ended o !o insane o)er he !lorious Ana ole Perhaps +erafina had found hi& wor hy of her( Perhaps she had fallen in lo)e( The hou!h "oiled his s o&a"h in *no s( He de"ided he didn1 really wan9 o *now( >us hen, a low ru&#le of hunder rolled a"ross he s*y( +erafina and he !lan"ed a ea"h o her( He was a#ou o su!!es ha hey run, #u he was oo la e( The su&&er downpour he s*y had pro&ised all e)enin! #e!an, s eadily pel in! he& wi h sof , Ea raindrops( They #o h 0us s ood here loo*in! a ea"h o her and !e in! we ( 2Ah, well,2 he said a las wi h a weary si!h( He hrew his ruined "heroo in o he !rass, and lowered his head as he rain soa*ed his slee)es and his hair( +erafina il ed her fa"e #a"* o "a "h he rain( +he urned her hands pa0&s upward, "uppin! he&( He !lan"ed a her s andin! here in his 0a"*e , whi"h rea"hed al&os o her *nees( +he was #edra!!led and #arefoo li*e a waif, #as*in! in he rain li*e a flower, and ou of nowhere, slowly she #e!an o lau!h( A he ri"h, "areless sound of her lau!h er, he fou!h a s&ile, #u when she loo*ed o)er o &ee his !a'e, lau!hin! a he *new no wha , he los he #a le and found hi&self lau!hin! 7uie ly, oo( +he lif ed her hands o)er her head, wris s o!e her, pal&s open, and wirled around on"e in a "ir"le, her head hrown #a"* o he rain, her lon! "urls spinnin! ou around her, raindrops on her hair li*e dia&onds( 23arius92 she e$"lai&ed( 24ou sa)ed &e92 +he dan"ed o)er o hi& wi h a sin!le fairyli*e &o ion, laid one war& hand on his #elly o #ra"e herself, and, lif in! up on o her loes( *issed he hard, we line of his 0aw, rain s rea&in! in ri)ule s down her fa"e( 5i h ha , she fli ed away and ran off li*e a woodland ny&ph, ailin! sil)ery lau!h er hrou!h he rain( 3a'ed, he "ould only sland here for a &inu e, s arin! af er her( Ha!uely, he pressed his hand o his s o&a"h where she had ou"hed hi&( He wa "hed her "a "hin! raindrops on her on!ue, and for a &o&en , he a"hed( A hunder#ol s ru"* nearer hen, li*e a "annon1s sho , li*e Ieus1s wra h( 3arius shoo* his head as if o "lear i , ra*ed a hand hrou!h liis rain%sli"* hair, and s7uin ed a!ains he rain, wonderin! who he *in! would !e o a*e her in o hidin! and !uard her(

-u"*ily, he hi&self would #e oo #usy "a "hin! spies( +erafina wai ed ahead for hi&, s a&pin! in a !rassy puddle( He "au!h up o her and hey lef he &a'e side #y side, dren"hed #y he rain as hey ran hrou!h he o" a!onal par erres and down he pro&enade lined #y all "olu&ns of #ushes s"ulp ed in o spirals( The rain was si''lin! on he "o##led pa h when hey arri)ed a he li le wa erwor*s #uildin! no far fro& he &a'e( Tu"*ed under &ounds of lila"s he e$a" "olor of her eyes, he sleepy li le ser)i"e #uildin! was a s&all s7uare of red #ri"*( ,o h of he& soa*ed o he s*in and #rea hless fro& runnin!, he held he door for her( Her pan in! lau!h er e"hoed in i s sin!le roo&, e&p y #u for so&e !arden i&ple&en s and he )al)es and !au!es and &e al "on rap ions whi"h "on rolled he &any foun ains on he !rounds( ,endin! !ra"efully o 6he side, +erafina wrun! ou her lon! hair wi h #o h hands while he !roped his way hrou!h he pi "h%dar*, ryin! o find he s&all wooden door whi"h led lo he passa!e "onne" in! he wa erwor*s o he pala"e( 25ai for &e( 6 "an1 see you(2 He s opped, holdin! ou his hand o her( +he ran in o i in he dar*( 2Are you !ra##in! &e:2 she as*ed in playful indi!na ion( 24ou1d li*e ha , wouldn1 you:2 he &u ered 2E$"eedin!ly92 28lir (2 He shoo* his head half in wonder a her swif re"o)ery af er her ordeai( Then a!ain, she was &u"h ou!her han she nor&ally le on( -i*e hi&, she &erely played a pan( #u he had always *nown he real +erafina( 24oun! lady, you are defini ely due for a le" ure(2 2Oh, how 1 &iss your le" ures, 3arius92 He #u&ped in o so&e hin! and &u ered an oa h( 2The #lind leadin! he #lind,2 she said, !i!!lin! and "lin!in! loosely o his ar&( 25hai a& 1 o do, a*e you in hrou!h he fron en ran"e: 3o you wan o &ee he Russian diplo&a s loo*in! li*e a drowned ra :2 26 ne)er loo* li*e a drowned ra ( 61& Helen of Troy, re&e&#er:2 Ta*en a#a"* #y he "yni"is& under"u in! her #li he one, ((" &erely said, 2Trus &e(2 2-ord, are you !oin! o find i or no : 6 ha)en1 !o all ni!h (2 2Eure*a(2 he replied( He opened he li le door( 6 "rea*ed in he dar*(

+he peered warily in o he doorway( 26 1s #la"* as a o&# down here(2 2Ne)er fear, 6 *now he way(2 ,y his early wen ies, he had wor*ed his way up o he pos of "ap ain of he Royal ;uard, headin! pala"e se"uri y, #u he1d *nown of he se"re passa!es wi hin he #uildin! sin"e he was a lad( Cnderfoo while he pala"e was under "ons ru" ion, he1d e$plored e)ery in"h of i , al&os as if he had *nown ha on"e i was "o&ple ed and filled wi h lords and "our iers and ai"h, here would #e no real pla"e here for a youn! half%;ypsy hief2, no &a er how &u"h he adored he !odli*e &an and !en le lady who had a*en hi& in when he1d had no hin! and no one( E)en as a #oy, i had #een i&por an o show Gin! -a'ar and Jueen Alie!ra ha heir !enerosi y was no &ispla"ed( He had #een fairly sure hey wouldn1 send hi& away, for hey rea ed hi& li*e a &e&#er of heir own fa&ily, #u he wasn1 a*in! any "han"es( He had applied hi&self o learnin! o read, !e in! an edu"a ion, silen ly s udyin! he people around hi&, and &as erin! e)ery weapon he "ould find( He had #een !i)en he "han"e o #e"o&e so&e hin! hi!her and #e er han he was, and he "hanneled his an!er in o s ri)in! for e$"ellen"e( As a ward of he *in!, he "ould ha)e had "oun less ad)an a!es, #u he had insis ed on lif in! hi&self up #y his own &eri , for he ne)er wan ed his #enefa" ors o hin* for one se"ond ha he ser)ed he& ou of any o her &o i)e han !ra i ude, honor, loyal y, and lo)e( Carefully, he led heir dau!h er down he spiralin! &e al s airs o he passa!e #elow( ,e"ause he "orridor was perfe" ly li!h less, he le her *eep holdin! his ar&, #u in he dar*, wi h her so "lose and wi h ihu war& h and he s"en of her en)elopin! hi&, i was s ran!e how )i)id his i&a!ina ion !rew( Hisions "a&e o hi& of &aneu)erin! her a!ains he s&oo h s u""oed wall and *issin! her, as in! her &ou h, par in! his 0a"*e , and "uppin! her #eau iful #reas s in his hands, "aressin! her un il she for!o he o her &an1s ou"h on her sil*en s*in, un il he had o#li era ed i wi h his own( +ha*en #y he in ensi y of he i&pulse, he s7uared his shoulders, lif ed his "hin, and pi"*ed up he pa"e, his spurs s ri*in! ihe fla!s ones wi h ea"h swif s ride( He "ould ha)e any wo&an he wan ed( Any #u his one. 2+o, 3arius, how did you &ana!e o #e in he ri!h pla"e a he e$a" &o&en 6 needed you:2 she as*ed, !i)in! his ar& ano her fond u!( 2;ypsy &a!i":2 +he was he only person who "ould &en ion he &ore dis!ra"eful half of his heri a!e wi hou insul in! hi&( 2Hardly( 6 was no "oin"iden"e( 6 ried o "o&e ashore in se"re #u +ain %-auren &us

ha)e "au!h wind of &y arri)al 1 presu&e he fel for"ed o &a*e his &o)e whe her he was ready or no ,2 26 see(2 +he was silen for a &o&en , hen her one was hesi an ( 23arius, 1 *now you &us repor o Papa, #u 1 don1 wan you o ell hi& wha Philippe ((( did( 6 would only hur hi&(2 Her re7ues s ar led hi&.he didn1 hin* she "ould see hai far #eyond herself.#u his own ready "o&plian"e surprised hi& e)en &ore( -a'ar would wan o *now he full e$ en of he 8ren"h insul o his dau!h er, #u she was ri!h ( 5ha purpose wouid i ser)e: 6 would only infla&e he proud Gin! -a'ar di 8iore o a!i a e Napoleon worse( 24es, 4our Hi!hness,2 he &ur&ured wi h he dis7uie in! hou!h ha he was addin! up all sor s of se"re s fro& he *in! hese days( 28irs we1ll ha)e o !o o &y apar &en s so 1 "an "han!e his dress( 6f Papa sees how orn i is(((2 21 unders and(1 Than* you,2 she whispered( And af er a &o&en she added( 26 a& so )ery !lad you are ho&e, 3arius( 6 worry for you so when you are !one(2 He fel her hands slide down his ar&, !en ly "laspin! his hand in #o h of hers( He swallowed hard( 6n he dar*ness, he opened his hand and lin*ed his fin!ers hrou!h hers, pullin! her !en ly around die "o&er( +oon 6hey as"ended &e li!h less, narrow s airs( They urned on he landin!, #u as hey s ar ed up die se"ond fli!h , he #e!an o feel dis ur#in!ly li!h %headed( He i!nored he fain , si"* di''iness a firs , #u &idway up he s airs he leaned a!ains he wall suddenly, o)er"o&e #y a wa)e of nausea whi"h he *new "ould only #e he resul of #lood loss( His shoulder hur li*e hell( 23arius: 5ha is i :2 2 6 1& all ri!h (2 + ars #urs #efore his eyes on he #la"*ness( 2+i down( 61ll !o for he sur!eon(2 2No, i 1s no hin!, 6 don1 .wan ha .#u&#lin! idio ( 61ll 0us .2 He los ra"* of wha he was sayin! in a wa)e of di''iness( His #rea h urned lo shallow pan in!( He sa!!ed a!ains he wall( 2+ ay here( 61ll !o find a "andle and ha)e a loo* a ha wound.2 2No9 6 don1 need any hin!,2 he !rowled( 2+i down, a leas (2 +he held on o his ar&, s eadyin! hi& needlessly as he san* down on o he s ep( How hu&ilia in!, he hou!h ( 2Oh, 6 wish 6 "ould see you( 6 1s so dar* in here,2 she said, fussin! o)er hi&( 2Tell &e e$a" ly wha happened(2 He &erely lau!hed a her, lowerin! his head oward his *nees o fi!h he nausea( 25ere you s a##ed, or is i an in"ise wound:2 she as*ed in a pa ien one( 2,as ard !a)e &e a !ood sli"e o)er he shoulder,2 he &u&#led, "has ened, for he !irl

sounded !enuinely "on"erned( 2The fron :2 28ron and #a"*, 6 hin*(2 2Any in!lin! in your fin!ers: Nu&#ness:2 26 don1 *now,2 he si!hed, "losin! his eyes as he leaned a!ains he wall( 261& 0us so da&ned ired(2 He hadn1 &eani o say i ( No so earnes ly, so 7uie ly( 6n he dar*, her sof hand "a&e o res on his "hee*, "aressin! hi&( 26 *now you are, poor "rea ure( 4ou ne)er s op, do you: 4ou ne)er !i)e yourself i&e o heal(2 Her ou"h was hea)en( He res ed a!ains her hand for i &o&en , hen pulled away a#rup ly, appalled ha she should say su"h a hin!, appalled he had ad&i ed o su"h wea*ness( 261& fine( >us no as youn! as 6 used o #e,2 he &u ered 5i h one hand, he loosened his "ra)a ( 6 helped &ar!inally( He oo* a deep #rea h and s eeled hi&self( 2All ri!h +orry( -e 1s !o(2 "Sony, " she e"hoed( He for"ed hi&self o s and( The way she oo* his el#ow now annoyed hi&( He shoo* her off( 28or ;od1s sa*e, 61& no an in)alid( 6 1s 0us a lil l s"ra "h(2 2All ri!h , 3arius( 6 1s all ri!h ,2 she said soo hin!ly, #a"*in! off, #u s ill near( He !rowled a her pla"a in! one( ,y he i&e hey "a&e ou in o he di&ly li ser)an hall on he hird floor of he royal #lo"*, he was feelin! s eadier and had re!ained his arro!an"e( He swep a hand #efore her( presen in! he way wi h sardoni" !allan ry( 2Af er you, 4our Hi!hness(2 Her s*ep i"al !lan"e fli"*ed o)er hi&, her )iole eyes a lin* oo shrewd for his "o&for , hen she urned and wal*ed ahead As hey wen down he hall, she s ared a he #roo&s and #rushes nea ly arran!ed on he walls, he shel)es of "risp linens( Cyni"ally, he reali'ed she had pro#a#ly ne)er seen huD pala"e #efore fro& he ser)an s1 side( -i le did she *now her ser)an s were his &ain sour"e of infor&a ion, he &used, for no &a er where his &issions oo* hi&, he followed her e)ery &o)e fro& afar( -a ely, he *new, she had #een &ore ou ra!eous han e)er. he sui ors, he par% ies, he an ru&s, he shoppin!( +he always urned re"*less when she was ner)ous or afraid, and i was no diffi"ul o sur% &is" he sour"e of all her la es #rushes wi h s"andal. he swif approa"h of her weddin! day(

-s if I'd e*er really lei that *ainglorious brute get his hands on her. he hou!h , #ris lin! wi h "arefully "on ained fero"i y( He wished he "ould ha)e old her ri!h hen, o pu her &ind a ease, #u he "ould no 0eopardi'e he &ission( 5hen i was o)er, she would *now he !if he had !i)en her( A shor way down he "orridor, hey "a&e o an inno"en loo*in! panel on he wail #e ween wo "ases of u ili y shel)in!( 3arius paused in fronl of i , ran his hand down he sea&, , pressed fir&ly, and s ood #a"* as i popped open( He !lan"ed o)er a +erafina as he panel whispered #a"* in o he wall, openin! in o her dar*ened #ed"ha&#er( He wa "hed her )iole eyes widen( Then her !a'e slid downward, and she paled sli!h ly( He wai ed for her o hrow a &aidenly fi of ou ra!e o reali'e he had his se"re a""ess o her inner san" u&, #u she *ep her 0aw s u##ornly "la&ped( 2+ain %-auren 1s asso"ia es are s ill a lar!e,2 he said #y way 1 of e$plana ion( 261& no le in! you ou of &y si!h ( 4our = Hi!hness,2 he added &eanin!fully.her hu&#le ser)an ( D +he s ared s rai!h ahead as a #lush flooded her "rea&y "hee*s( 24ou need no e$plain, 3arius( 6 ha)e "o&ple e rus in your honor(2 +he sounded so de er&ined, he wondered who& she was ryin! o "on)in"e( Ne)er heless, heT words pleased hi&( 25ho else *nows of his panel:11 2No one, &y lady(2 The ar"hi e" was dead, he *in! had pro#a#ly for!o en, and . 3arius had no seen fi o ell his su""essor o die pos of "aps1 ain of he Royal ;uard a#ou &is par i"ular door( 6 was

no hin! a!ains Orsini personally( 3arius si&ply &s ed one where he prin"ess was "on"erned( He had ne)er e)en "? sidered )iola in! her pri)a" seriously, anyway. #uE &os &en didn1 ha)e his self%"on rol( Main ainin! his show of "ool a&use&en while his sho hro##ed, he !es ured( 2Af er you(2 +he lif ed her "hin, slipped around he "hair ha sa in he way, and swep re!ally in o her "ha&#er( He followed, s eppin! o)er Ehe hreshold on o wha &os of he &en he *new would dee& holy !round( He urned #a"* o slide he par shu , hen drif ed in o her &a!i" #ower( Rain pel ed ihe wide windowpanes( Thri)in! plan s li& he sills and he floor all around he windows( Her #ed was an en"han &en , "anopied "louds of !au'y whi e &os7ui o in! and pin* sa in shee s( A whi e Persian "a slepl "urled a&id 6he plu&p pillows(

+erafina !lided a"ross he roo&, where she opened a door( -i!h slan ed in o he dar* #edroo&, hen she disappeared in o he ad0oinin! roo&( He lin!ered, a*in! in he s"ene( An orna e #ird"a!e was near he #ed, he iny door s andin! open( Me no i"ed he eal para*ee s udyin! hi& fro& i s pos on a "ur ain rod a#o)e he window, hen her li le pe &on*ey leaped ou of nowhere, !i)in! hi& a s ar ( 6 s"ree"hed a hi&, he in ruder, and #e!an "a)or in! around he rails of her #ed( Cn!ra eful "rea ure, he hou!h , s ernly re!ardin! die lala%poin &on*ey hissin! a hi&( 3arius had !i)en he ani&al o +erafina as a !if for her fif een h #ir hday( He had old her i loo*ed li*e her( He disre!arded he &on*ey and narrowed his eyes, his !a'e pi"*in! ou he i e&s on her #edside a#le se)eral fee away, silly fe&ale frippery( A hair#rush( A no)el( >us hen, her li he silhoue e appeared in he doorway( +he was owelin! her lon! hair( 23arius(2 He loo*ed o)er and s&iled, "au!h a his spyin!( He saun ered oward her, no in! ha she had dis"arded his #i!, shapeless 0a"*e in fa)or of a dressin! !own, he sash lied in a #ow around her sli& wais ( +he ossed a owel o hi& and wen o "olle" he li le &on*ey, spea*in! swee , #a#yish nonsense o i ( 6 s"a&pered up on o her shoulder and pro&p ly per"hed a op her head, he liny #la"* hands holdin! on o her forehead( +erafina urned o hi&, s ri*in! a pose li*e a fashion illus ra ion( 23o you li*e &y ha :2 2Char&in!,2 he said dryly( 2Oh, han* you(2 +he wal*ed o)er o he &on*ey1s "a!e and !en ly pried he ani&al off her head, win"in! as il !rasped a her "urls( Then she !a)e i a *iss on he head and u&#led i in o i s "a!e( +he s&iled a hi&, #rushin! pas hi& on her way in o he o her roo&( 2Co&e(2 she said( He slowly dried his fa"e and ran he owel o)er his hair, eyein! he sli&, ele!an "ur)es of her fi!ure as he followed her( +aun erin! "oolly in o he ad0oinin! roo&, 3arius al&os s epped on a pile of orn we sil* in he &iddle of he floor( His eyes !la'ed o)er, s arin! down ai he re&nan s of her dress( +he &us ha)e si&ply peeled he hin! off( His !a'e swun! o her as he reali'ed ha )ery li*ely no hin! lay #enea h her #lue sa in dressin! !own #u fair s*in, s ill da&p wi h rain( God. gi*e me strength. As if her sole ai& were o or&en hi&, she now #en down !ra"efully #efore he hear h, where a low fire #urned( His pra" i"ed eye appraised he s&oo h "ur)es of her #a"*side,

and his &ind #ri&&ed wi h splendid, sinful no ions( Ah, #u she rus ed hi& far oo &u"h( +he #orrowed a fla&e fro& he hear h and li an e$pensi)e #eeswa$ "andle fro& i ( This she "arried fro& one wall s"on"e o ano her, #ri!h enin! he li le si in! roo& wi h he( "heerful #la'e of a do'en li!h s, "areless as e)er of he "os ( 2+i (2 she ordered hi&, noddin! o he la'ies %loo*in! ar&"hair he1d e)er seen( 2No, han* you(2 +he loo*ed o)er a hi& in surprise( 2No: 4ou nearly passed ou on he s airs, 3arius( +i , please(2 2My "lo hes are we and here1s #lood all o)er &y shoulder,2 he said "risply, s un! #y he in!lorious re&inder( 23o you hin* 6 "are a#ou he "hair &ore han 6 "are a#ou you:2 +he lau!hed( 25ha a "lod you are, +an ia!o( +i down, for hea)en1s sa*e, #efore you fall down(2 5i h a lon!%sufferin! si!h, as if he were no wholly !ra eful for he in)i a ion, he hrew he owel she1d !i)en hi& o)er he #a"* of he "hair so he wouldn1 !e #lood on he fine, pale yellow #ro"ade( 2Try no o a*e fore)er,2 he drawled as he dropped in o he "hair( 26 ha)e a poli"y a!ains wai in! for fe&ales o dress(2 +he !a)e M& a *nowin! s&ile, hen urned o roo hrou!h he odds and ends on he &an el( He #lew his forelo"* ou of his eyes, folded his lef (an*le idly o)er his ri!h *nee, and sa here oyin! wi h he sil)er spur on die ed!e of his ridin! #oo %He wa "hed her for a &o&en or wo, en0oyin! he way he li!h fro& he wall s"on"es played o)er he sa in1s !lossy surfa"e, followin! her "ur)es( Then his !a'e wandered around he roo& done up in shades of pea"h and "rea& and !il ( So, this is her world. Oddly, he "o&for a#le "haos of her life1s day% o%day "lu er did no ir* his &e i"ulous &ili ary sense of order( A!ains he #road%s riped wailpaper hun! por% rai s of her "a , her whi e &are, her fa&ily, and a few pre ily arran!ed display "ases, so&e e$hi#i in! orna e #i s of la"e he !uessed she had &ade, o hers wi h pressed flowers she1d "olle" ed, hi he "o&er her ar"hery e7uip&en lay in a heap, while on he near#y low a#le a &i"ros"ope inlaid wi h &o her%of%pearl ed!ed ou he ea ser)i"e( -h, yes, the great lady naturalist, he hou!h in an odd &i$ of fondness and &o"*ery( On he floor near he a#le was a fa e$ #oo* "reased open o a pa!e showin! drawin!s of he s a!es in he life of a #u erfly( He frowned, s7uin in! down a he #oo* when he no i"ed i was in -a in( 23arius(2

He loo*ed o)er in7uirin!ly as she pulled a lon!, whi e ri##on ou of a por"elain #o$ on he &an el( He was s ar led o no i"e ha #eside he #o$ was a s&all fra&ed por rai of hi&self( 6 was a "opy of he life%si'ed one he 7ueen had insis ed upon "o&&issionin! af er he1d #een sho sa)in! he *in!1s life( He was in full%dress unifor&%.whi e 0a"*e , !old &edals, red sash.and one )ery serious, pier"in! s are( The eyes of an an"ien in a youn! &an1s fa"e, he hou!h , oddly saddened #y he pi" ure( His life would #e o)er, i see&ed, #efore i had e)en #e!un( 4e he fel a s ran!e, fier"e a"he in his "hes o see ha she *ep his &e&en o of hi& in lull )iew, where she would pass i e)ery day( 23arius,2 she said a!ain, #rea*in! in o his% hou!h s( 24es, 4our Hi!hness:2 he as*ed a#sen ly( +he didn1 e)en !lan"e a hi&( 2Ta*e off your shir (2 He paused, no sure he1d heard her "orre" ly( His s are swun! o her #a"* and her swee derriere wrapped in #lue sa in( +he &erely "on inued yin! he whi e ri##on around her fla&#oyan &ane of unruly "urls, &in*%#la"* a!ains her pale s*in( His one was "arefully a&used( 2E$"use &e:2 2Ta*e off your wais "oa and shir , please(2 2Ahh, 4our Hi!hness,2 he said li!h ly( 2,elie)e &e, 61& fla ered, #u 61& no in he &ood(2 +he 0er*ed her lo)ely fa"e o)er her shoulder o s"owl a hi&( 261& no proposi ionin! you, +an ia!o( 8or hea)en1s sa*e9 3on1 0us si here #leedin! li*e a doi ( Cndress( Now(2 8or a#ou wo se"onds, he "onsidered o#eyin!, hen he &erely wa "hed her &ar"h a"ross he roo& o ano her door, relie)ed o see a leas she had he de"en"y o #lush( Mos of he wo&en he *new la"*ed ha "har&in! a#ili y, or los i , a (iny ra e, #y he i&e he was hrou!h wi h he&( +he disappeared in o he ne$ "o&par &en "arryin! a "andles i"*( He leaned forward in "uriosi y, pee*in! in( -hu. her dressin! roo&( There were !owns on pe!s, rows of he shoes he "hi ne)er "ould *eep on her fee ( 5hen she "a&e #a"* in o he si in! roo&, she had so&e hand owels draped o)er her ar&, a sewin! #as*e in one hand, and a #o le in he o her of wha appeared o #e whis*ey( +he se e)ery hin! on he floor near his "hair, hen dra!!ed ih" o o&an o)er and sa down on i a"ross fro& hi&( 26s here a pro#le&, +an ia!o:2 she as*ed, foldin! her !ra"eful hands in her lap( He s ared a her( 2This will no do( 4ou s ill ha)e on all your "io hes(2 Isn't that my line, he hou!h , re!ardin! her suspi"iously( -if in! #o h #rows, she !a)e hi& a #land s&ile of wanin! pa ien"e( 25hy do you prefer o suffer:2

2,e"ause hen 6 always *now wha o e$pe" ,2 he replied wi h his &os arro!an s&ir*( +he i!nored i ( 25hy won1 you lei &e help you:2 He eyed he sewin! #as*e , hen !lan"ed a her( 25i h all due respe" , 4our Hi!hness, 61d ra her no ser)e as he royal pin"ushion(2 26 *now wha o do,2 she said( 26 help a he pensioners1 hospi al on"e a wee*(2 3u#iously, he ar"hed one #row( He *new he sain ly 7ueen "o&&anded her dau!h er o spend a leas one day a wee* li)in! for au!h o her &an herself and her pleasures, #ul surely hese )isi s o he pension house only in)ol)ed !i)in! ou radian s&iles and #es owin! a few words of &eanin!less "heer o he wre "hed( 26f 6 need s i "hes,2 he old her, his hear poundin! suddenly( 261ll do i &yself(2 24ou said he "u runs o)er your shoulder o your #a"*( Cse your head( How do you in end o rea"h a wound ha 1s on your #a"*:2 261ll see he sur!eon(2 +he !a)e a s&ile of su!ared rea"hery and rea"hed up o ap his "hin fondly wi h one fin!er ip( 23on1 tell lies, +an ia!o( 6 *now you won1 see hi&( 3on1 you rus &e:2 5as she deli#era ely #ein! o# use or or&en in! hi& 0us for run: he wondered, in"hin! #a"* in his "hair away fro& her( May#e an a!ed pensioner of se)en y "ould endure he ou"h of ihose sil*en hands wi hou ra)ishin! her, #u he wasn1 half ha old ye ( +he shru!!ed o herself, hen wen on a#ou her #usiness, risin! o !o pour wa er in o he unused eapo , hen pu in! i o)er he low fire lo #oil( Re urnin! o hi&, she *nel down on he floor and opened he sewin! #as*e ( 25ill whi e suffi"e for your s i "hes( Colonel, or would2 you prefer so&e hin! &ore dashin!:2 she as*ed, railin! one !ra"eful fin!er ip o)er he )arious han*s of hread( 2+"arle : ;old fili!ree, perhaps:2 26 really ha)en1 i&e o play do" or wi h you(2 23on1 &a*e &e pull ran* on you,2 she ad)ised hi&, he sewin! needle #e ween her lips as she pulled ou a nea loop of whi e hread and unwound so&e of i ( 26f you refuse, 6 shall ha)e o &a*e i an order( + rip, sir(2 He didn1 &o)e( He "ouldn1 , suddenly( His hear was poundin! and he "ouldn1 find his )oi"e( 3one hreadin! he needle, she se i "arefully aside( +he laid #o h hands on her ihi!hs, !a'in! up a hi&( He s ared down a her, feelin! in"reasin!ly "ornered, una#le e)en o spi ou he words o e$plain his pro es ( 5ha was he o say, Don't touch me/, He wasn1 ha s*illed a liar( Truly, o)er he pas few years here had #een &o&en s, despera e &o&en s near he ed!e of his soli ary enduran"e, when he wan ed his !irl so &u"h he 7ui e despised her( He

"ould no #e fire for her( so he had "hosen o #e i"e( Now she was !a'in! a hi& as only she e)er did, as if she saw hin!s in hi& no one else "ould see, hose unfor!e a#le )iole eyes loo*in! oo deeply in o hi&, her !a'e li*e a flash of li!h nin!, illu&inin! lands"apes wi hin hi& he preferred o *eep dar*, Sa*e me. The hou!h railed hrou!h his &ind, he !nu*. 1101 why( He "ould only si here, "ap i)a ed, i&&o#ili'ed, half% eirified( +o&eone wan ed o help hi& and he didn1 *now how o rea" ( No 0us anyone( Serafina. The only li)in! hin! he1d e)er rus ed( The only one he("ouldn1 ha)e( + arin! a her, he "ouldn1 for"e ou a sin!le word( 4e so&ehow she see&ed o unders and hi&( 2Hery well,2 she said sof ly, sear"hin! his fa"e( 24ou 0us si ( 61ll do i (2 He "ouldn1 find he wherewi hal o siop her or o &o)e( He *new she shouldn1 #e ou"hin! hi&( +he *new i , oo, of "ourse, #u when had she e)er done as she was old: And when had he e)er diso#eyed a royal "o&&and: +he slid his un ied "ra)a fro& his shoulders firs , hen "a "loser, *neelin! #e ween his le!s( 5ary as a wild ani&al, he i wa "hed her e)ery &o)e as she un#u oned his si&ple #la"* 0 wais "oa ( He was only &ini&ally helpful as she pushed i 0 down "arefully offhis wounded shoulder, hen freed hi& fro& i ( His shir re&ained, sodden, ripped, #loody( A lo of #lood( 2Poor hin!,2 she &ur&ured( 5hen she rea"hed ou and #e!an !a herin! he we "o on of his shir in #o h hands so she "ould slip i off o)er his head, he pulled #a"*, s arin! a her, hear ra"in!( 25ha 1s he &a er, 3arius:2 He swallowed, dry%&ou hed( The way she said his na&e "ould &a*e hi& drun*( ,e ween his le!s, she s ood, #ra"in! her hands on his *nees( He wa "hed her rise and fel his loins pulse, fel his whole #ein! in hrall o her, as if he were an unini ia ed #oy #ein! slowly sedu"ed #y a !oddess( Hands on her hips, she frowned a hi& in pu''le&en ( Then a s ran!e, ender s&ile of unders andin! "ur)ed her lips( 2+hy:2 she as*ed sof ly(

He s ared a her, una#le o spea*, his soul in his eyes( He did n *now all of a sudden wha was happenin! o hi&( +lowly, he nodded(

+he rea"hed ou and "aressed his "hee*, hen !en ly #rushed =is forelo"* ou of his eyes( 26 won1 hur you, 3arius( 3on1 #e shy( Af er all2 her !a'e slid away fro& his.2you saw &ine(K Mis"hie)ously, her eyes fli"*ed #a"* o his( 6 ler i&puden re&ar* sho"*ed hi& ou of he ran"e( He s ared a her in awe( 24ou #ad li le !irl,2 he #rea hed, suddenly afire for her( Her s&ile flashed( >esus, wha was he doin!: His )ery hands #urned wi h he = (,%-1d o ou"h her, run his pal&s fro& her sli& wais down her ( *1!an ly "ur)ed hi!hs, par ha dressin! !own and s&ell her -in%s"en ed s*in( He "urled his fin!ers i!h ly o)er he ed!es L he "hair1s ar&s, fi!h in! i for all he was wor h, if anyone e)er found ou a#ou his, he hou!h fe)erishly, if (1i" *in! e)er found ou a#ou his((( Then he reali'ed he would #e dead in a few wee*s anyway, , onsiderin! ihe sui"ide &ission ahead of hi& on"e he1d fin%%hed rou in! he spies, so wha did i &a er: h was oo la e o !e ou of his now and he should a leas le MT dress he wound( May#e she *new wha she was doin!, whi"h he dou# ed, #u " "ould al* her hrou!h i , and i would sa)e hi& a rip o he #u&#lin! sur!eon1s( ,u as he hesi a ed, s ran!ely, he hou!h of all he &en he1d sla&&ed up a!ains walls o)er he pas few years, warnin! Lhe& away fro& her, enfor"in! he iron"lad rule ha +erafina di 8iore was off li&i s( The rule applied o hi&, oo( 0specially o hi&( Hell, he hou!h , #ris lin!, he wasn1 he one who had s ar ed his oni!h ( wasn1 as if any hin! was !oin! o happen, af er all( He 1 would no le i ( Toni!h his #la"* e&per had slipped he leash( rue, #u he s il ruled o)er his passions wi h an iron fis ( No for no hin! was he des"ended on his fa her1s side fro& Tor7ue%&ada of he +panish 6n7uisi ion( ,esides, i would #e o)er soon and hen she would #e so&e#ody else1s pro#le&( His hear ra"ed fas er as she read his wary surrender in his eyes, an answerin! fli"*er of an i"ipa ion in her own ha old hi& perhaps she wan ed o ou"h hi& as #adly as he wan ed her o do so( 25ell:2 she as*ed "oolly( They s ared a ea"h o her in e7ual "hallen!e, #o h ri)e ed, #o h pan in! sli!h ly( The &o&en s i"*ed #y, he &an el "lo"* #oo&in! in he silen"e, he rain dru&&in!, wind% dri)en, a!ains he !lass( 8inally, he shru!!ed in non"halan"e, as if no hin! &a ered a whi o hi&.if she sedu"ed hi& or if he #led o dea h.#ul he dou# ed she was fooled( 2Ta*e il off,2 she whispered(

He lif ed his shir off o)er his head and held i #un"hed in one whi e%*nu"*led fis ( The firs hin! her !a'e fi$ed upon was no his wound, #u he iny sil)er &edal han!in! on a lon!, s urdy "hain around his ne"*( )hh, hell, he hou!h suddenly, his hear sin*in!( Now he was in for i ( He had for!o en he da&ned hin! was here( He held )ery s ill . rapped, un&as*ed, re)ealed o her( 5i h a loo* of dis#elief, +erafina san* down on her *nees #e ween his open hi!hs and "ap ured he &edal re)eren ly in her pal&, her *nu"*les #rushin! he s*in #e ween he swells o his "hes ( +he s ared a i , hen lif ed he )iole inno"en"e of her !a'e o his, her lips par ed sli!h ly in wonder and 7ues ion( 6 was he &edal of he Hir!in she had !i)en hi& af er he1d #een sho li*e a do! ri!h #efore her eyes on her welf h #ir hday( To his day, she ha ed her #ir hday( +he "ould ne)er a""ep ha he shoo in! wasn1 her faul ( +he had s ayed a his #edside "ons an ly( All he while he wandered in he ni!h &are drea&s"apes of fe)er, he had #een )a!uely aware of her al*in! o hi&, whisperin! prayers, her sof , fro!!y li le )oi"e his lifeline( They old hi& la er ha when hey had ried o &a*e her lie away fro& his #edside, she had !one #erser*, *i"*in! and pun"hin!, #i in! and s"ra "hin!, ra her han lea)e his side( He had ne)er for!o en ha ( He had ne)er e$pe" ed ha anyone would e)er #e ha loyal o hi&( +he had pu he &edal on hi& herself on"e he was ou of he woods( 6 would pro e" hi&, she had said( And hen she1d said ha o her a&usin! hin!.wha was i : He s ared in o her eyes, re&e&#erin! ha i&pish, li le%!irl whisper "lose o his ear( +ou are the bra*est !night in all the world, Darius, and when I grow up, I'm going to marry you.


"You still have it," she said faintly, wide-eyed as she stare< down at the tiny

silver medal, still warm in-her palm with hii body's heat. "Still have it," he replied, sounding a trifle hoarse. Wonderstruck, Serafina searched his soulful, onyx eyes. Shs held her breath, not daring to overstep her bounds again foolishly reading into this discovery some significance that was not there, but surely, surely it meant something that Darius still wore this trinket she had given him so long ago. It was al she could do not to laugh aloud and hug him. An indescribable glow of joy, painfully sweet, sparked ii her chest and spread, flowing upward, beaming from her suddenly misty eyes. "Told you it would work." He gave her an embarrassed, little-boy smile and loweret his gaze. For a moment, she studied him lovingly by the warm ligto of the sconces. His sun-bronzed face was more angular thai she'd noticed before, and pale from losing blood. His eye* were sharper, more wary than ever, with faint dark circles beneath them, more tiny, careworn lines at their corners. Got? geous as always, she thought, but he didn't look altogethra well. He was too lean, too intense, with a restless, hunted look, "You haven't been eating," she chided softly. He shrugged as he mumbled a denial. Sometimes, she knew, he even starved himself, making avtsi tere fasts as part of his self-punishing regimes in his question. Knightly perfection. Constantly he strived, piling glory upon ory as if, deep down, he did not believe he would ever really be good enough. Privately, it broke her heart. She thought again of the rage he had unleashed on Philippe and wondered about the firestorm inside him just beneath his .irmor of cool invulnerability, all his suffering concealed by his magnificent pride. Well, he had made up his mind to let her help him in this way, at least, she thought in determination. It was a start. She let the medal fall once more against his gleaming chest and rose from her knees, bending to kiss his forehead lightly. "I'll be right back," she whispered, then went to fetch the now-boiling water. She poured it into two basins, the steam rising to warm her : face. She carried the two basins over near the chair where he waited, then she washed her hands thoroughly, wincing at her : cut. swollen ring finger.

Briefly she tried to remove the monstrous jewel from her finger, but the gold band was skewed all out of shape. There was no time to muddle with it. She turned to her patient. "Now, then. Let's have a look." Barefoot, she padded around to his left side to tally the latest damage his courage and selfless loyalty had cost him. His smooth, sun-browned skin twitched at the first touch of her hands as if she'd tickled him. She caressed him firmly to still the involuntary response, trying at the same time to conceal her own reaction to the beauty of his finely honed, powerful body. His skin was warm and smooth as velvet. His muscles were like tempered steel and she would have liked, she thought, any valid excuse to stroke him and explore him at her leisure. His hard, sculpted chest entranced her. The curve of his throat beguiled her. She could not resist the temptation of running one hand slowly, carefully over the rock-hard musculature of his arm as she approached his wounded shoulder. Darius sat obediently, head down. She felt him slowly relax, saw his lon!%lashed eyes drif "losed as she #e!an o wor* on hi&( As she wiped he #lood away fro& his lef shoulder, she rea"hed o)er and ou"hed he s ar%shaped s"ar 0us #elow his ri!h shoulder #lade( There, he would%#e assassin1s #ulle had s ru"* hi& ei!h years a!o, on her #ir hday( He should ha)e died of ha wound, he do" ors said( The pries had !i)en hi& las ri es and Papa had wep , whi"h was unheard% of( +he herself had !one a li le &ad( +he didn1 li*e o hin* a#ou i , #u wha she1d seen hi& !o hrou!h had inspired her in eres in &edi"ine as a ho##y( +he wrun! ou he "lo h in he wa er #asin, hen e$a&iiB he *nife wound &ore "losely( 6 was deep( +he pro#ed( 6 #led( 2Tin" ure of a&aran h will help slow he #leedin!, #u 61dA feel #e er if we s i "hed you, 0us o #e safe,2 she said hou!h fully af er a &o&en ( 24ou1ll need a#ou nine s i "hes, 6 hin*( 5ould you li*e a drin* #efore 6 #e!in:2 26 don1 drin* spiri s(2 +he rolled her eyes( 26 *now ha ( 61& no su!!es in! you 0 fo$ed, 6 0us hou!h you &i!h wan so&e hin! for he pain(2 2No,2 he said s ernly( 2+ui yourself, you wre "hed para!on,2 she &u ered, dou in! one of he "lean, dry "lo hs wi h he whis*ey( +he pressed he "lo h o he "u , s arin! a his fa"e #e"au surely now, wi h al"ohol

dousin! he wound, he would D so&e rea" ion( ,u he &erely swallowed down he pain, i urned o her, eyes narrowed, he insolen loo* fir&ly in pla"er@ +he shoo* her head a hi& in !rud!in! ad&ira ion( Ne$ she applied so&e of he pun!en in" ure fro& he li 0 )ial on o one of he "lean hand owels( +he held i o he t for a few &inu es( 3arius and she sa in silen"e( +he s&iled when she !la a his fa"e, for he loo*ed li*e he was fallin! asleep si in! up(@ I'm so damned tired, he1d said( 6 was he only i&e in 1 &e&ory ha he1d ad&i ed o any *ind of wea*ness( 8rownin! sli!h ly, she de"ided ha #e ween his loss of wei!h , his indifferen"e o his own in0ury, and he way he1d orn Philippe apar , she was 7ui e worried a#ou hi&( Che"*in! he wound a few &inu es la er, she saw he a&aran h had indeed slowed he #leedin!( The royal sur!eon did no hold wi h he old her#als and fol* &edi"ines, #u +erafina had seen he& wor*( 5hen i "a&e i&e o a*e up her needle, howe)er, her &ou h wen dry( +he "ould do his, she old herself( +he had o( His wound re7uired i +he would do i 0us he way he e$ #oo*s said, 0us he way he royal sur!eon had showed her( +he had assis ed a do'en i&es in her ea!erness o learn and had e)en perfor&ed he pro"edure on"e herself wi h he do" or loo*in! o)er her shoulder( ,esides, she hou!h , ryin! o en"oura!e herself, she was e$"ellen a la"e and e&#roidery( 5i h her lef hand she pressed he ed!es of his in"ised flesh !en ly o!e her, hen #rou!h up he needle, win"in! wi h hesi a ion when he &o&en "a&e o pier"e hi&( 2Hold s ill, now,2 she "oa"hed hi&, s allin!( 2This won1 hur a #i (2 He le ou an i&pa ien si!h( 25hene)er you1re ready, 4our Hi!hness( 6 hou!h you *new wha you were doin!(2 +he sho a s"owl a he #a"* of his !lossy #la"* head, #u his re&ar* !a)e her he i&pe us o do wha she &us ( +he pri"*ed #e #ron'e )el)e of his s*in( Ow,2 he &u ered as she pushed he needle hrou!h( 2Aha, so you are hu&an, af er all(2 25a "h wha you1re doin!, please(2 2Than*less ro!ue,2 she &u&#led( Her hands perspired #u were s eady as she "losed he !ash wi h ea"h "areful s i "h, fully a#sor#ed in her as* as his #lood s ained her hands( +he los herself in "on"en ra ion, un il las she ied off he hread and snipped i riu&phan ly wi h her sewin! s"issors( Rea"hin! for he "lo h, she wiped away he sli!h a&oun of #leedin! ha had o""urred durin! he

pro"edure( 2There you are( How does i feel:2 she as*ed as she wasi, her hands in he se"ond #asin, hen dried he&( 2,e er(2 2H&&, now you1re hu&orin! &e( Try no o &o)e i = &u"h for a few days(2 2Ri!h ,2 he said "yni"ally( 24ou are i&possi#le,2 she &ur&ured( +he s epped near h a!ain, e$a&inin! her wor*( 6 was so&ehow au o&a i" o run her hand hrou!h his9 now ha he "risis was pas , se"ond na ure o #end down ( *iss hi& li!h ly on he e&ple( 24ou were )ery #ra)e,2 she &ur&ured playfully( Only when 3arius il ed his head #a"* and loo*ed a her M a lon! &o&en did i o""ur o her ha perhaps she was # oo forward wi h hi& a!ain( 6ns an ly she #lushed, s herself( +he was no a "hild any&ore who "ould "li&# all o hi& li*e he was her own pe wolf( +he loo*ed away( 2Ne)er fear, +an ia!o,2 she said F for"ed li!h ness, 26 shall no hurl &yself a you a!ain(2 + pi"*ed up her s"issors and #e!an sharply rippin! a "lean li shee in o s rips o use as #anda!es for hi&( 2Ow92 25ha is i :2 26 hur &y hand when 6 s&ashed Philippe a fa"er,2 &u ered( "1hat, " 3arius #e!an o lau!h s*ep i"ally( 24ou hin* 61& 0o*in!: 6 !o hi& wi h &y rin!( +ee:2 + s epped nearer and held ou her in0ured lef hand o show hi He oo* her ou s re "hed hand and e$a&ined i , his # forelo"* )eilin! his eyes( The !old fili!ree of he se in! had #en wi h he for"e o #low( The a"o&%si'ed dia&ond of her en!a!e&en rin! N s7uashed off o he side( The !old #and had #u"*led sli!h ly in an an!le, "u in! in o he ender flesh #e ween her fin!ers, 1%(i 26 pun"hed hi&( Tha 1s how 6 was a#le o !e away fro& he&( 6 ran in o he &a'e( 1 hou!h 6 "ould hide here( 6 al wor*ed when 6 was ryin! o e)ade &y !o)erness(2 He lif ed his head and s ared up a her in fran* a&a'e&en ( 25ell done, +erafina,2 Csually he "o&pli&en s of &en &ade her yawn, #u he si&ple a"*nowled!e&en fro& hi& &ade her #lush #ri!h red( He !en ly drew her "loser( 2Co&e here( 4ou si ri!h down, !irl(21 he &ur&ured( 24ou should ha)e loo*ed af er yourself firs D1 +he s a&&ered a self%"ons"ious pro es , #u she o#eyed when he dire" ed her wi h a nod o he o o&an a"ross fro& hi&( Mus"les ripplin! all down his "hiseled #elly, 3arius

rea"hed o)er and lif ed he se"ond #asin of now% epid wa er fro& he low a#le near#y( He se he #asin on her lap, his fin!er ips #rushin! her *nee( +he s eadied he #asin wi h her ri!h hand as he pi"*ed up he soap and le i floa in he wa er( 2-e 1s !e his off you(2 26 1s s u"*(2 25e1ll see a#ou ha ,2 he !rowled( Ta*in! her lef hand !en ly #e ween #o h of his, he dun*ed her hand in he #asin all he way up o her wris ( He held i under he wa er for a &o&en ( ,o h s arin! down a heir 0oined hands, nei her of he& spo*e( Ne$ , he oo* he s&all o)al of soap, s&oo hin! i #a"* and for h a"ross her pal& wi h his nu&# un il iny #u##les appeared( He &assa!ed he #u##les !en ly all o)er her hand, up he apered len! h of ea"h fin!er and her hu&#( +he "ould ha)e !roaned aloud wi h he pleasure of his ou"h, in!lin! all he way up her ar&( Her hear #ea 7ui"*ened wi h ea"h "aress of s*in on we , sli"* s*in( 5hen he had "oa ed her hand in he pearly sheen of he suds, he oo* he !old #and of he rin! #e ween his hu&# and forefin!er, s7uee'in! i hard, #u wi h pre"ision( +he *ep her head down, #i in! her lip a!ains he pain, #u she wa "hed he powerful &us"les leap all he way up his ar& wi h his "areful e$er ion( Then he "han!ed his !rip, holdin! he !old #and wi h all four fin!ers and nu&#, and #e!an wor*in! i off of her fin!er 2A& 6 hur in! you:2 he &ur&ured( +he shoo* her head, her )oi"e "ap ured in her hroa The rin! was s ill #en oo &u"h o fi o)er her swollen &iddle *nu"*le( 2A li le &ore,2 he said( A!ain, he soaped her hand, slidin! his we forefin!er slowly in o he H #e ween ea"h of her fin!ers( +he wa "hed he play of &us"le a"ross his hard "hes , !a'ed lon!in!ly a he s&all, awny "ir"les of his nipples, and he sil)er &edal shinin! a!ains his !old, !lea&in! s*in( So beautiful, she hou!h wi h a soul%deep a"he, for he would ne)er #e hers( Her lon!in! for hi& filled her wi h self%dire" ed an!er and &isery( 5ould she ne)er !e o)er his &an: Had she no pride: +he had ried o ha e hi& #u "ould no ( +he s ared sorrowfully a his downswep lashes and hi!h "hee*#ones and he in en loo* on his finely s"ulp ed fa"e as he s7uee'ed he !old #and #a"* in o a rou!h "ir"le and ried o pull i off her( A!ain, i didn1 wor*( 26 hin* here is no !e in! rid of i ,2 she whispered( Cnder his forelo"*, he loo*ed up, &ee in! her !a'e wi h a dire" ness ha nearly *no"*ed

he #rea h fro& her( His )oi"e was sof #u fero"ious( 26 will free you fro& i ( Trus &e 1 +he s ared a hi&, a*en a#a"*( He lowered his head a!ain( Carefully he eased he rin! o)er her *nu"*le a las and re&o)ed i fro& her fin!er( 5hen he loo*ed up and &e her !a'e, he fiery in ensi y !lowed in his eyes, his i&e wi h dar* sa isfa" ion( 24ou did i ,2 she #ea&ed 2-ea)e i off(2 2A%all ri!h ,2 she s a&&ered, wide%eyed( He rinsed he suds fro& her s*in )ery enderly( Pla"in! he #ro*en rin! in her hand, he "urled her fin!ers around i in his own( The "ur)ed s"ar on his lip il ed as he !a)e her his rares , rues s&ile( He had a s&ile li*e &olasses, dar* and ri"h and #i erswee , and i &el ed her "o&ple ely( 2;e dressed, Prin"esa, hen we1ll !o see your fa her,2 he &ur&ured #u #efore he le her !o, he lif ed her hand o his lips( +he ;lared in a&a'e&en as he "losed his eyes, #en his lend, and pressed o her in0ured *nu"*le a sin!le, arden *iss( +erafina had !one in o he dressin! roo& o pu on a fresh!own while 3arius slipped his da&p, #loodied shir #a"* on &ade his way ou in o he hallway, where he ordered a foo &an o fe "h his aide, -ieu enan Ale" ;irou$( He ins ru" ed he ser)an o ha)e Ale" &ee hi& a his sui e in he royal #lo"* as +li& Rowin! open down his "hes , 3arius pa"ed in he si in! roo& while +erafina dressed in he ad0oinin! "o&par &en ( Those &o&en s wi h her had fired his resol)e wi h new passion( Now all he had o do was &ee wi h he *in!, "a "h he spies, and #e on his way o Milan( +e)en wee*s a!o, when one of his &os rus ed "on a" s infor&ed hi& of he 8ren"h spies who had infil ra ed he pala"e 3arius had lef Mos"ow a on"e( He had #een for"ed o "u shor his &e i"ulous #a"*!round in)es i!a ion of Ana ole Tyunno), #u he had already learned &ore han he needed o *now( -ind here had #een no i&e o lose( On he )oya!e #a"* fro& Russia o As"en"ion, he had spe& he wee*s a sea refinin! his plans and &a*in! pea"e wi h his fa e( He *new wha he had o do( The *in!1s hands were ied in iniA nu er, #u his own were no ( +erafina would no #e he )ir!in sa"rifi"e o #uy he& pro e" ion fro& he yran Napoleon( The #ru e Tyurino) would ne)er !e his hands on her( A he sa&e i&e, 3arius "ould no allow Napoleon o in)ade wi h his superior for"es and

a*e -a'ar1s hrone fro& hi& 6 le had o pro e" his #enefa" or, he *in!do&, and +erafina all a on"e( 6 was an i&possi#le si ua ion, #u he had one final #i of ;ypsy &a!i" up his slee)e( He need only !o o Ehe hear of he pro#le&( To Milan( He paused in his pa"in!, eyes a#la'e( No one "ould #o allowed o !uess wha he in ended, no +erafina, no e)en he *in!( 6 would only pu he& in dan!er( On May OP, &ere days #efore +erafina1s weddin!, Napoleon was s"heduled o appear in Milan o re"ei)e he 6ron Crown of -o&#ardy( 3arius would #e here, oo( He was an a#le diplo&a and a !ood spy, #u when i "a&e o he assassin1s ar , he hada !if ( 5i h one rue sho of his rifle, he "ould disa#le he 8ren"h war &a"hine and re&o)e he need for +erafina1s &arria!e o he Russian, 'apoleon 2onaparte must die. He had no illusions a#ou sur)i)in! he &ission( O hers had 6ried o assassina e 6he e&peror and all had !one o he !allows or s ood #efore he firin! s7uad( 6 didn1 &u"h &a er o hi&( The deed would i&&or ali'e hi&, and a !lorious dea h was #e er han his hfe where he "ould no rea"h for he one hin! &a &i!h ha)e sa)ed hi& . he pro&ise in +erafina1s eyes of a drea& #eyond any hin! he had e)er e$perien"ed( He only *new he would no fail( One #ulle , and he "ould &a*e he world a safer pla"e for e)eryone( One #ulle , and +erafina would #e free( 2Here 6 a&92 she "alled !aily, s iffin! hi& ou of his dar* hou!h s( He urned as she e&er!ed fro& he dressin! roo& wi h a da''lin! s&ile, a )ision in )iole sil*( His hear "len"hed( 2+hoes,2 he ordered( +he flashed hi& a &o"* pou and urned #a"* o !e so&e slippers, hen "a&e ou a!ain and wirled for hi&( 2How do i loo*:2 8i!h in! a s&ile, he eyed her up, fro& her slippered oes o her lu$urious &idni!h resses s ill loosely ied #a"* wi h he whi e ri##on in a #ow( if she was no wor h dyin! for, he did no *now wha was( w you1lldo,2he said( +he pi"*ed up his wais "oa and "ra)a , draped he& o)er his arm and es"or ed Her Hi!hness ou in o he hall(


His spurred #oo heels s ru"* loud wi h ea"h s ep, resoundin! down he &ar#le "orridor, while her s*ir s &ade an airy rus le as she s rode #eside hi&( 3arius fel her wa "hin! hi&, and loo*ed down a her wi h a dry, in7uirin! e$pression( 25hy do you always loo* so serious:2 He hea)ed a !rowlin! si!h and a e&p ed o i!nore her, #u +erafina would no ha)e i ( 2+o, Colonel( A#ou hese spies( 5ha happens ne$ :2 He !lan"ed o)er his shoulder, hen spo*e in a low one( 24our fa her and 6 will sele" a s&all #and of hi!hly rained &en o pro e" you( They1ll re&o)e you fro& he pala"e and *eep you !uarded un il 61)e apprehended he re&ainin! &e&#ers of +ain %-auren 1s or!ani'a ion(2 25here will hey a*e &e:2 she as*ed, wide%eyed( 2+afe house(2 25ha 1s ha :2 she e$"lai&ed( He rea"hed o)er and pin"hed her "hee*, a&used #y her alar&( 2Oh, 0us a pleasan li le "oun ry house wi h so&e in!enious for ifi"a ions( 4ou1ll #e perfe" ly safe( Thin* of i as a holiday,2 he su!!es ed( 2Rus i"a in!(2 2Rus i"a in!(2 +he wrin*led her refined nose( 2Can my friends "o&e:2 2No( 4ou1ll ha)e o &ana!e wi hou your en oura!e for a while,2 he said ra her sar"as i"ally( 24ou will also ha)e a )ery li&i ed s aff( And no ani&als(2 +he frowned( 26 don1 hin* 6 li*e his(2 26 1s no op ional(2 26 shall #e #ored ou of &y s*ull(2 +uddenly she whirled o hi&, 25ill you #e !oin!, 3arius:2 He shuddered( 2Er(no(2 +he s ared a hi& wi h ha in elli!en !a'e #elyin! her fri)olous, darlin!%of% he%"our &anner( 24ou should, 3arius( 4ou "ould use a holiday(2 21 ha)e spies o "a "h, &y lady(2 2H&&,2 she said, eyein! hi& as*an"e( 5hen hey rea"hed his sui e, he found Ale" wai in! ou side he door( 2;ood -ord, Colonel, wha happened o you:2 he fair%haired 0unior offi"er "ried, seein! his #loods ained shir ( 2Oh, he usual,2 he drawled He ins ru" ed Ale" o send a few &en of he Royal ;uard ou o he &a'e o dispose of

he #odies, hen ordered hi& o see* an audien"e for he& i&&edia ely1 wi h he *in!( Ale" !a)e hi& a s&ar , &ar ial #ow in reply, #u 3arius s&ir*ed o see his assis an s eal a lo)elorn !lan"e a he >ewel of As"en"ion( +he !a)e a hau!h y sniff and urned away, nose in he air( The lieu enan s"urried away( 2He1s har&less(2 3arius "hu"*led, unlo"*in! he door( 2Tell hi& he "an *eep his eyes o hi&self, han* you,2 she said pri&ly( He lau!hed under his #rea h( As if she did no lo)e i ha e)ery &an who saw her was her sla)e( 2+ ay here( 61ll #e ri!h #a"*( +hou if anyone approa"hes you(2 He opened he door slowly and en ered his sui e, weapon drawn( He was always a ar!e , so here was he "han"e ha his roo&s had already #een #ro*en in o( He oo* a "areful &o&en o lis en and s&ell he air, s ealin! silen ly fro& roo& o roo& un il he was sure he sui e was "lear( Re urnin! o he en ran"e, he led he prin"ess inside and shu he door #ehind her( He had no #usiness #rin!in! her in o his roo&s, #u proprie y or no, he hou!h s u##ornly, he wasn1 le in! her ou of his si!h ( His Ma0es y would e$pe" no less of hi&( ,esides, i would only #e for a &o&en , 0us lon! enou!h for hi& o di! so&e fresh "lo hes ou of his ra)elin! run*s, unloaded s"ar"ely an hour a!o fro& he ship, and o pu he& on( 6 was dar* in his sui e( Gnowin! his window was pro#a#ly #ein! wa "hed, he didn 2 #o her o li!h a !li&( He dra!!ed one of his sea "hes s ou in o he &iddle of he floor and opened i while +erafina wen e$plorin! his pri)a e do&ain wi h her li!h , dan"in! s ep o)er he "rea*in! floor, hu&&in! o herself( 5ell, she "er ainly &ade herself a ho&e, he hou!h sardoni"ally( 8or so&eone who was he ar!e of an a#du" ion plo , she didn1 see& o)erly "on"erned( 2ecause she feels safe with me, railed he hou!h hrou!h his &ind( He i!nored his own a"hin! rea" ion o he reali'a ion( pullin! ou a s ar"hy lawn shir and fresh "ra)a ( Jui"*ly he donned he&,( hen opened ano her run* lo s"roun!e up a fresh wais "oa and 0a"*e .#la"*, of "ourse( 6 a&used hi& o play up his sinis er role as he *in!1s "old% #looded assassin, for i *ep he "our iers so&ewha a #ay( 5he her i was 0ealousy or si&ple pre0udi"e a!ains his ;ypsy #lood, he only *new hey despised and &is rus ed hi&( They "alled hi& a "al"ula in! ad)en urer and warned one ano her ha any day now he would urn on he *in!( 5hene)er he "a&e ho&e, hey #ai ed hi&, ryin! o see how far hey "ould push hi&, for hey *new he would uphold he *in!1s new law a!ains duelin!, and he refused o fi!h under -a'ar1s roof(

,u onin! his wais "oa in he dar*, he s rolled in o he ne$ roo& o find +erafina #a hed in &oonli!h #y his lar!e fourA pos er #ed, s arin! down a his !ui ar( The ins ru&en lay in i s, #la"* lea her "ase, whi"h she had opened( 5hen she ou"hed he s rin!s, he fine +panish !ui ar #rea hed a &ournful sound( 25ha are you doin!:2 he as*ed )ery 7uie ly( +he yan*ed her hand #a"*( 2No hin!(2 He s al*ed o)er o her and shu he "ase, narrowin! his eyes a her( 2Co&e on(2 He pi)o ed and wal*ed silen ly ou of he #edroo&( +he followed >us as he rea"hed for his 0a"*e , draped o)er a "hair, here "a&e a li!h s"ra "h a he door( 6n wo s rides, he was #y +erafina1s side( Effor lessly he &aneu)ered her a!ains die wall #ehind he door and &o ioned for her o #e silen ( +he nodded, her eyes wide, !lis enin! in he dar* li*e )iole 7uar '( +oundlessly approa"hin! he door, he laid his hand on he *no#( The s"ra "hin! sounded a!ain( He unshea hed his da!!er( Hear poundin! wi h dread, +erafina wai ed, fully ensed, #u when 3arius opened he door, she found a differen *ind of dan!er had "o&e o poun"e on her "ha&pion now( 23arlin!92 said a worldly, in*lin! )oi"e( 6ns an ly +erafina1s eyes narrowed o an!ry slashes( 3arius &ur&ured a "ool, un"o&for a#le li le lau!h( 2>ules( 5ha a surprise(2 6n he wed!e of li!h slan in! a"ross he floor, she saw heir shadows as -ady >ulia Cala''i hrew herself in o 3arius1s ar&s and #e!an *issin! hi& for all she was wor h( +erafina spied, pee*in! wi h one eye hrou!h he "ra"* in he door( 5i h one hand, he )olup uous #rune e in he wine%red dress was earin! a he "lo hes 3arius had 0us pu on( 5i h he o her, >ulia held he #a"* of his head, dri)in! hi& deeper in o he ru hless *iss she was !i)in! hi&( 3gh, I can4t watch this. +erafina urned away in dis!us ( +he folded her ar&s o)er her "hes and !lared in o he dar* roo&( 6 was #ad enou!h o ha)e o hear i 2Oo, +an ia!o, 1 a& s ar)ed for you,2 he wo&an &oaned #e ween *isses( 2-e &e in(2 +erafina peered hrou!h he "ra"* in he door a!ain o o#ser)e 3arius1s rea" ion( Well, she thought, she had to give him credit. He tried. Of course, he had to know she was spying on him, so perhaps he was minding his manners. He was surprisingly polite as he pried Julia back, but the notorious seductress seemed to think he was only playin! hard o !e ( Plu"*in! a his "lo hes, she lau!hed a his pro es s( 25e "an do i in he hall if you wan , darlin!, #u 61d prefer your #ed( Then you "an ie &e

up a!ain,2 she added in a wi"*ed whisper( +erafina1s #rows sho up( 3arius "leared his hroa )iolen ly( 2Er, now1s no a !ood i&e,2 he s ar ed !in!erly( 25hy no , darlin!:2 2>us !o in( 1 ha)e o see he *in!(2 2-e hi& wai ( 6 need you firs ( +o #adly( +o )ery #adly,2 she pan ed, !raspin! his wais and pressin! hi& wi h her #ody, #u when >ulia pushed 3arius a!ains he doorfra&e ri!h on his #ad shoulder, +erafina1s e&per snapped( oo!s li!e it's my turn to rescue him$ she hou!h , i!norin! he inner pro es ha 3arius would #e "ross if she in erfered( +he didn1 "are( -a 3i)ine >ulia "ouldn1 ha)e hi& oni!h , and ha was ha ( 23id you &iss &e, darlin!: 6 &issed you( 4ou *now 61& &ad for you,2 >ulia pan ed, runnin! her 0eweled fin!ers hrou!h his hair( 2Hus#and ou of own a!ain:2 he as*ed, #e!innin! o sound irri a ed( 2He1s dead, darlin!, ha)en1 you heard: 6 a& finally free of he old !oa 92 2Ah( 6 see you are hear #ro*en( My "ondolen"es(2 >ulia lau!hed( 24ou deli"ious s"oundrel9 How li*e you o "ondole &e for he loss of a &an you "u"*olded9 Res assured, 61ll land on &y fee ( 1 always do( Now le &e in9 5e1ll oas his !ood riddan"e(2 2>ulia, really, 61& in he &iddle of so&e hin!.2 +he slipped her ar&s around hi& a!ain, *issin! his ne"* as he pro es ed( 2Oh, you1re so #usy, 6 *now, darlin!( Tell &e all a#ou i ,2 she &ur&ured, lau!hin!( +erafina ed!ed far her in o he roo& while 3arius #lo"*ed he wo&an a he doorway and s&oo hly ran hrou!h half a do'en e$"uses, fla ery and all, o no a)ail He ne)er no i"ed as +erafina &ade her way silen ly oward his #ed"ha&#er( 5hen she was here, she s ood ou of si!h , &ufflin! wi"*ed lau!h er( 23arius,2 she "alled in her s"ra "hies , sleepies , &os pampered )oi"e, 2"o&e #a"* o #ed, &y lo)e( 6 need you92 6n he doorway, >ulia1s wheedlin! and 3arius1s "har&in! refusals #o h a#rup ly s opped( A las , >ulia !asped as hou!h she had had he wind *no"*ed ou of her( 24ou bastard5. 5ho is she:2 He said no hin! &ore( The !rea lo)er was 7ui e a a loss, i see&ed( +erafina #i her on!ue li!h ly 0us o *eep fro& lau!hin! aloud Oh, re)en!e was a wonderful hin!, she hou!h , re&e&#erin! ha day she had wal*ed in on he pair in he &usi" roo&( +he had #een "rushed for a wee* af erward, 2Ha)e your fun, you un!ra eful "ur( Cse her well92 >ulia snarled in a whisper( 2And when

none of your pre y oys pro)es willin! or a#le o indul!e your per)ersions, you "an "o&e "rawlin! #a"* o &e(2 6mm, per*ersions, +erafina wondered( 2,u 1 pro&ise you his.6 will find ou who she is and 6 will destroy her92 23on1 you hin* perhaps you1re o)errea" in!, &y dear:2 he as*ed #landly( 26 ne)er &ade you any pro&ises(2 +erafina heard he slap( 8or a &o&en , she only s ood here, s unned, wide%eyed in he dar*( 7ulia had slapped Darius. Slapped her #ra)e, no#le, wounded *ni!h ( 6nfuria ed, she whirled ou of her hidin! pla"e and &ar"hed oward he door in a wra h of )en!ean"e, #u 3arius was 0us "losin! i ( +he ried o slip around hi&, #u he !ra##ed her #y he wais 2Oh, no, you don1 , li le wild"a (2 +he s rained for he door*no#( 2-e &e !o9 61& !oin! af er her9 How dare she hi you: +he hur your shoulder9 1 saw her.2 ( 2Tha , 4our Hi!hness, was o ally un"alled for,2 he !rowled, holdin! her fas 24ou ha)e 0us offi"ially &ade &y life hell( 4ou had no #usiness in erferin! in &y.2 2Per)ersions:2 +he heard hi& su"* in his #rea h swif ly( 23o you really ie her up: 5hy:2 2+erafina92 26s i fun: Oh, 61)e sho"*ed you(2 +he lau!hed wi h !lee( He released her wais and s rai!h ened up o his full hei!h ( 6n he dar*, she "ould 0us &a*e ou he shape of hi& as he !rowled a si!h, ri!h ed his "lo hes wi h a "risp 0er* o "ra)a and 0a"*e , hen ra*ed a hand hrou!h his hair( 24our fa her will #e wai in!, 4our Hi!hness(2 +he "hu"*led a his "ha!rin, 24ou1re )ery pleased wi h yourself, aren1 you:2 he &u ered as he oo* a hand*er"hief ou of his po"*e He wiped he "ri&son rou!e fro& >ulia1s lips off his fa"e( 24es( Here, you &issed(2 +erafina oo* he "lo h fro& hi&, held his "hin, and wiped he las s&ud!e of >ulia1s rou!e off his fa"e, #y he "o&er of his &ou h( 2As for you, Colonel, 6 a& sho"*ed ha you are wooin! &arried ladies(2 +he !a)e hi& #a"* his hand*er"hief( 28or your infor&a ion, >ulia Cala''i is a &ali"ious s"he&er,2 she old hi& s ernly, foldin! her ar&s o)er her "hes ( 2Really, you should show so&e as e(2

He hrew his forelo"* ou of his eyes wi h an arro!an oss of his head( 2Ni"e #ody, hou!h, and she1s always willin! o ry new hin!s(2 Her eyes widened( 23o no say su"h hin!s o &e92 she huffed, #lushin!( 24ou s ar ed i ,2 he &u ered( 2Anyway, i 0us so happens ha >ulia has, shall we say, in i&a e *nowled!e of e)ery &an in his "our ( +he "an #e )ery useful(2 2Oh, so you !i)e her your fa)ors in e$"han!e for infor&a ion( How &u ually "old%#looded9 6 hou!h perhaps you were in lo)e wi h her,2 she said, s udyin! her fin!ernails( He s"offed( 2O#)iously she is in lo)e wi h you,2 she poin ed ou ( 25o&en li*e >ulia don1 fell in lo)e(2 +he shoo* her head( 23on1 #e oo sure( 61d #e "areful wi h 1 her if 6 were you( 61)e seen how she rea s her ene&ies(2 25ell, "on!ra ula ions( 4ou1re he one she wan s o des roy now,2 he said sardoni"ally( 261& sha*in!,2 she purred a hi&( He rea"hed for her wris , pullin! her none oo !en ly oward he door( 2Co&e on, you hellion( 5ha were you !oin! o do o her anyway, s&ash her a fa"er:2 2May#e,2 she sho #a"*, floun"in! a few s eps ahead of hi& as hey se ou down he hall, #u i was ri!h hen she de"ided, wi h all he s u##ornness she possessed, ha if she was in need of a pro e" or for he ne$ few wee*s, hen, #y !oodness, she was he Prin"ess Royal and she should ha)e he )ery #es ( Only die !rea +an ia!o would do( +he was sure she "ould persuade Papa of he wisdo& of his 8airly sure( 4es, she hou!h fier"ely, Papa "ould !e so&e o her &an o do his dir y wor* for a "han!e( 3arius was ired, wounded, and worn ou ( He would ne)er loo* af er hi&self properly unless he was for"ed o( 5i h a wound li*e ha , he had no #usiness runnin! a#ou ryin! o "a "h spies( +o&e#ody had o a*e "are of hi& or he was !oin! o self% des ru" Her &ind was &ade up( E)en if she had o wis Papa around her fin!er, 3arius was "o&in! wi h her( +o&ehow she sensed i &i!h well #e a &a er of sur)i)al for #o h of he&( >ulia Cala''i was s ill sha*in! #y he i&e she slipped around he "o&er, down he di&ly li &ar#le hall fro& +an ia!o1s sui e( -eanin! her head #a"* a!ains he wall, she "losed her eyes and s ro)e for "al&( Her hear pounded, wi h hellish fury( +he *new ha s"ra "hy, lu$urious )oi"e(

Now ha she had reali'ed, #ela edly, who was in he roo& wi h hi&, >ulia was orn #e ween relief and an e)en !rea er alar&( Callin! 3arius #a"* o #ed was 0us he sor of 0o*e he li le wi "h would en0oy, 0us o !ra e on her( ,u >ulia *new full well ha +an ia!o would ne)er lay a hand on he *in!1s pre"ious #a#y !ir ( There &us #e so&e &is"hief afoo , she de"ided( Offhand, she "ould hin* of any nu&#er of possi#le disas ers #rewin! in he pala"e ha "ould ha)e #rou!h +an ia!o rushin! ho&e( Philippe +ain %-auren : Orsini: +he *new of he& all( 5ell, she hou!h , i "o&for ed her o reali'e he was pro#a#ly &erely on du y, pro e" in! Her Hi!hness, as always( 4e his hou!h , oo, #rou!h a fain sneer o her fa"e( 5hy had no one e)er pro e" ed her, O)er he pas se)eral years, >ulia Cala''i had s a*ed her "lai& on he *in!1s ri!h %hand &an, he elusi)e, he #eau iful, #la"*hear ed +an ia!o( The whole "our #elie)ed ha if anyone "ould e)er snare hi&, she( -a 3i)ine >ulia, would #e he one( +he did no "are ha her friends pursued hi& for he o""asional dallian"e, for ruly, a ni!h in his anus was a harlo 1s drea&( Their *nowin! wha a fan as i" lo)er he was only enhan"ed her )i" ory( Thou!h &os had en0oyed hi&, all a"*nowled!ed ha she was he only one e7uipped wi h he wi s and rea"hery o &a "h hi&, ri"* for ri"*( Only, o)er i&e, as she had !rown "lose o hi&.%insofar as anyone "ould #e "lose o 3arius +an ia!o.>ulia had "o&e o reali'e wha no one else saw, a si ua ion whi"h #oded )ery ill for her planned "on7ues ( He was s&i en.poor, ra!i", lau!ha#le fool. wi h ha spoiled, sil)er%spoon #eau y, he *in!1s ;od, she despised die Prin"ess Royal, 5hy did e)eryone a" as hou!h ha #arefoo ed li le hea hen was ;od1s !if o he world: + ill an!ry, >ulia win"ed a die pri"* of her nails di!!in! in o her pal&( +he opened her fis and loo*ed down a her hand, s ill ri$9 fro& he slap she had deal hi&( Thai had #een unwise, she &used, fle$in! and "len"hin! her 0eweled hand in hou!h ( +he "ould hardly afford o aliena e hi&%li erally, "ould no afford i ( Her fa"e hardened as she re"alled for he housand h i&e he edious #urden of her finan"ial si ua ion( Her hus#and had died lea)in! her no hin! #u de# s fro& his wi less in)es &en s, #u >ulia )owed o herself ha as soon as she "ould "as her snare around +an ia!o1s ne"*, her worries would #e o)er, Tha 3arius was ri"h was li le *nown #e"ause he did no #elie)e in os en a ious display( No only did he ha)e he ear of he *in! and "oun less in erna ional persona!es, #u his poli i"al &aneu)erin!s and his own ship%and% rade fir& had ser)ed in #uildin! his

&assi)e for une( E)en lesser *nown was ha , wi h his fa her1s dea h, he had #e"o&e %ount 3arius +an ia!o, wi h )as holdin!s and )ineyards in Andalusia( No e)en he *in! *new of his( The one hin! >ulia had #een una#le o learn was why 3arius refused o "lai& his i le( +he only *new ha when he was her hus#and, she would for"e hi& o( O herwise, well, wha would people say: she hou!h ( -a 3i)ine >ulia, &arryin! a "o&&oner: % A a sound down he hall, she pee*ed around he "orner and saw he door o his roo& open( He "a&e ou ( +he du"*ed #a"*, spyin! on hi& as he !lan"ed one way down he hall, hen he o her, his &o)e&en s !ra"eful and silen as a wild pan her1s( >ulia "rep forward a!ain and wa "hed( + arin! a hi& fro& halfway down he hall, she "ould feel his ri)e in! &a!ne is&( His 0e % #la"* hair !lea&ed in he di& li!h of he wall s"on"es( Her !a'e ran hun!rily o)er hi&( ;od, she &issed hi& in her #ed( As a lo)er, he had he hands o f a !ui aris and he soul of a poe ( +he had on"e *nown e)ery in"h of his hard, !or!eous #ody, #u his a i ude oward her #id "han!ed per"ep i#ly af er Her Royal Perfe" ion had wal*ed in on he& &a*in! lo)e ha day in he &usi" roo&( +in"e hen, his !allan ly oward her had see&ed ra her for"ed, >ulia hou!h wi h a ou"h of an$ie y( +o&e i&es he e)en see&ed o #e a)oidin! her( 3own he hall, 3arius opened die door wider and led +era%fina ou of his roo&( 6ns an ly, he u! of desire in he pi of >ulia1s s o&a"h urned o a *no of ani&osi y( +he "len"hed her 0aw o hear he& 0o*in! o!e her, and o see how +erafina1s radian #eau y "au!h fire when she !a'ed a hi&, her fresh "hee*s flushed and pin*, hou!h he !irl was hau!h y and "ool wi h e)ery o her &ale( >ulia "len"hed her fis ri!h ly a!ain, no in! he way his dar*, )el)e y eyes followed he youn! !irl1s e)ery &o)e( Nausea in!( They oo* undis!uised 0oy in one ano her, and her #lood #oiled o wi ness i ( ,i erly, she &ar)eled ha hey had "o&e ou of his #edroo& a all( ,u no, no9 Miss Perfe" %on%her%Pedes al was as pure as he dri)en snow( Ana ole would see o ha , she hou!h wryly( The s unnin! pair &o)ed offdown he in erse" in! hail, #o h ra)en%ha red and #eau iful of for&, li*e &a "hed horses( +ilen ly, >ulia wa "hed he& !o( 5hen hey were ou of si!h , she urned away, foldin! her ar&s i!h ly o)er her "hes +o lon! as Prin"ess Perfe" was near, she *new she "ould no "o&pe e for 3arius1s a en ion, no really( Hell, she "ould #e in #ed wi h hi& only o reali'e he was hin*in! of ha !ir ( 6 had happened #efore( +he had no "hoi"e #u o #ide her i&e un il Ana ole

re urned o a*e +erafina away( Cn"ons"iously, >ulia1s rou!ed lips "ur)ed in o a "old s&ile when she hou!h of he Russian prin"e( How a&usin!9 The fa&ous war hero had ra)eled all he way fro& Russia o woo he prin"ess, and had s ayed un il he #e ro hal and allian"e were drawn up, #u >ulia had 7ui"*ly found ha he #ride!roo& was as )ulnera#le o e&p a ion as any &an( +ho)in! away fro& he wall o prowl silen ly down he hall, >ulia re"alled wi h s&u! pleasure he &inor )en!ean"e she had a*en on +erafina, 0us for spi e( -i*ewise on he #a lefield, Ana ole, he !rea , !olden #ru e, had #een e)ery in"h he "on7ueror in #ed 5hen 3arius and +erafina "a&e o he *in!1s pri)y "oun"il "ha&#er, he opened he door for her( +he #rushed #y 3arius in o he oa*%paneled roo& and found ha her fa her had no ye arri)ed o &ee he&( +he swayed non"halan ly oward one of he wo lea her%#ound "hairs #efore he &assi)e des* and plopped down in o i , swin!in! her le!s o)er one side, i!h ly *i"*in! her fee 3arius shu he door and s rolled oward her, hands in his "oa po"*e s( 24our Hi!hness:2 +he e$a&ined he ips of her resses for spli ends, &en ally rehearsin! her s ra e!y o &a*e Papa assi!n 3arius o her( 25ould you 7ui "allin! &e ha : 3id i e)er o""ur o you ha 6 &i!h ha e #ein! he prin"ess:2 she as*ed idly( 25ha is i :2 21 0us wan ed o say(((2 +he loo*ed o)er in surprise a his s ru!!lin! one( He s ared a her, &u e, his in*y eyes full of unreada#le e&o ion( 24es:2 she as*ed !en ly( He shru!!ed sli!h ly and lowered his head( 2Than*s for he s i "hes(2 +lowly, she s&iled a hi&( 24ou1re wel"o&e, +an ia!o(2 23on1 #e afraid a#ou hose spies, you hear: 61ll a*e "are of e)ery hin!,2 he said wi h a !ood%#oy earnes ness ha ou"hed he )ery "ore of her hear ( 2And who will a*e "are of you:2 He apped his "hes 2Of "ourse( 4ourself,2 she said s iffly, lowerin! her !a'e( 2No, 6 wear he &edal here, re&e&#er:2 he as*ed sof ly 2The Hir!in(2 +he loo*ed up a!ain, s ar led( He offered her an al&os #ashful half%s&ile, and for a lon! &o&en she &erely s ared a hi&, "on e&pla in! wha was perhaps he sin!le !rea es &ys ery a#ou hi&D 6ow can a man be so ruthless, and at the saint time, somehow, so..( pure,

He was )ery s ill, hen he wal*ed oward her wi h slow( There was a loo* in his dar* eyes ha &ade her head #e!in o pound wi h a wild hrill( +he wa "hed hi& round he #a"* of her "hair( 5hen he s ood #ehind her, he rea"hed down and !en ly u!!ed one end of he #ow she1d ied around her hair( The whi e ri##on "a&e undone and he pulled i free( 261& s ealin! his,2 he whispered( Til in! her head #a"* a!ains he "hair, she s&iled in lan!uorous pleasure( 2Ta*e wha e)er you wan fro& &e(2 24ou shouldn1 !i)e a &an su"h in)i a ions,2 he old her wi h a dar* s&ile( 2No 0us any &an,2 she said( He a)oided her !a'e as he "onsidered his in silen"e, "o&#in! his fin!ers li!h ly hrou!h her hair( 2M&,2 she #rea hed, "losin! her eyes, hear ra"in! as he slid his fin!ers slowly hrou!h her "urls( He had ne)er ou"hed her his way #efore( Her head reeled( 26 li*e your hair down,2 he &ur&ured a len! h, sif in! i hrou!h his hands( 2Then 1 shall always wear i so,2 she si!hed( He said no hin!, arran!in! her hair in fron of her shoulders howe)er he willed, playin! wi h i , s&oo hin! i a!ains her s*in( +lowly, he pressed a len! h of i alon! her ne"*( 6n"h #y in"h, he ironed a "url fla wi h his fin!er ips down a"ross her "hes , s oppin! a her ne"*line( 5hen he released i , i popped #a"* up in o pla"e, #u his fin!ers re&ained where hey were( Eyes "losed, she drif ed, #as*in! in he pleasure of his ou"h( +he "ould feel hi& s arin! a her #reas s, for heir "res s swelled o a"hin! hardness wi h his hands so near he&, so war& on her s*in( 8or a &o&en , per)ersely, a par of her was !lad of wha Philippe had done, for"in! 3arius o loo* a her( ll was ri!h ha 3arius should #e he firs &an o see her #ody. no Ana ole( +he held her #rea h as he enderly e$plored her "hes and shoulders wi h sof , !lidin! "aresses, ra"in! her "ollar#ones and he li le no "h #e ween he&( Her whole #ody wen hea)y wi h swee le har!y( He ran his fin!er ips !en ly up he "ur)e of her hroa wi h an e$per ou"h, hen #ehind her ears, playin! wi h her hair a!ain( 2+u"h #eau iful hair,2 he whispered( 26 a& &e&ori'in! e)ery nau!h y li le "url(21 26 say, 3arius, are you flir in! wi h &e:2 she as*ed, her )oi"e drea&y and dru!!ed( 25hy, no, "hild,2 he &ur&ured( 2Tha would #e a!ains he rules(2 >us hen, hrou!h he door and down he lon! hall, hey #o h "ould hear her fa her "o&in!, sweepin! "loser li*e a "heerful s or&, #ellowin! orders o a la"*ey(

+he ni"*ed her eyes open and loo*ed up in wonder and or&en , &ee in! 3arius1s e&pes uous !a'e( 5rappin! he whi e ri##on around his hand, hen slippin! i in o his po"*e , he pa"ed a"ross he di& roo&( There, he urned o her, leanin! a!ains he #oo*"ase in an idle pose of non"halan ele!an"e, hands in po"*e s( He wa "hed her in ensely( 26 was !ood o see you a!ain(2 24ou &a*e i sound as if his is !ood#ye(2 26 is,2 he whispered, his eyes, soulful, lu&inous in he shadows( 2Oh: And where &i!h you #e !oin!:2 -in*in! her fin!ers, she wai ed ar"hly for his reply( He didn1 !i)e one( 2Of "ourse( Top se"re , as usual(2 +he fei!ned a yawn( 24ou *now, you really are he &os "har&in! hypo"ri e, +an ia!o(2 His #road shoulders s iffened( His ony$ eyes narrowed a her( 25hy do you "all &e ha :2 24ou hin* you are !e in! rid of &e( Tha 1s he only reason you ou"hed &e(2 He a#sor#ed her a""usa ion, #u he did no deny i , nor did he apolo!i'e for he s ar lin! li#er y he had a*en( Hand1 in po"*e s, he &erely s ared a her for a &o&en , hen lowered his head2( 8ool, she hou!h , adorin! hi&( 6 was ha ras"al #oy% hief in hi&, she supposed( He hou!h no hin! would #e !i)en o hi& freely, only wha he "ould s eal( 28or!e i ,2 he &u ered( 26 was a &is a*e( >us ((( re&e&#er &e( And #e happy( Tha 1s all 6 as*(2 2How, 3arius:2 she as*ed wi h a 0oyless lau!h( 2Tell &e how o #e happy and 6 assure you, 6 will ry( ,e er ye ( show &e( 4ou will ha)e ade7ua e "han"e o do so when we are rus i"a in!(2 He loo*ed up in sho"*( +he !a)e hi& a serene anile( +afes o !i)e hi& a li le warnin! or else he &i!h no for!i)e her for pullin! ran* on hi&, she "al"ula ed( 6 was all )ery well for his pre y &ou h o ell lie af er lie, #u if e)er anyone lied o hi&, he "ould easily urn dan!erous( 6ns an ly he pushed away fro& he #oo*"ase( 25ha are you s"he&in!:2 he whispered, !lan"in! a he door, hen #a"* a her, his eyes a#la'e( 261& !oin! o repay your loyal y whe her you li*e i or no ,2 she old hi& s ou ly( 24ou need a res , 3arius( 4our wound &edeep(2 2A#solu ely no , and ha is final92 26 is no final,2 she said wi h a lau!h of pro es ( 26 will be fun(2

They #o h !lan"ed a he door, for hey "ould hear he *in!D as he "alled a 7ues ion o he pala"e s eward, s ill a way off down he hall( They heard he old &an1s un" uous )oi"e( delayin! His Ma0es y( They i!nored i ( 2No possi#le9 61)e !o hu!e responsi#ili ies idin! on &e, +erafina.2 2Aye, he wei!h of he world, poor swee (2 26 will no ha)e you in erferin! in &y affairs92 2+o&e#ody1s !o o a*e "are of you, if you won1 a*e "are of yourself( 6 1s &y faul you were hur , anyway( 6 feel responsi#le(2 2Nonsense, 6 was only doin! &y 0o#(2 25ell, &ay#e i 1s &y 0o# o a*e "are of you(2 He !a)e her a #affled loo*, hen !lan"ed a he door a!ain( 26 "an1 !o wi h you( 4ou ha)e no "o&prehension wha is a s a*e92 he whispered an!rily( 21 *now perfe" ly well wha 1s a s a*e,2 she said indi!nan ly( 261& he one who is o pay he pri"e, aren1 6: ,u 1 ha)e a li le i&e of freedo& lef , and 1 shall spend i as 6 "hoose, wi h who& 6 "hoose(2 +he folded her ar&s o)er her "hes and le)eled a pou a hi&( 261& he Prin"ess Royal and you "an1 ell &e wha o do(2 2+erafina,2 he "lipped ou ( +he wa "hed wi h in eres as he "a&e s ridin! oward her( 24ou will no in erfere( 3o you unders and &e: 6 a& needed elsewhere( There is a "risis.2 2There is always a "risis,2 she said in #oredo&( 2+o&eone else "an handle i his i&e( Mus you always hoard die !lory: ;i)e ano her &an a "han"e(2 26 don1 hoard he !lory92 he s"offed, s oppin! &ids ride wi h a lof y loo* of ri!h eous affron 26 &erely wan he 0o# done ri!h 92 26 will #e, &y dear,2 she soo hed 24ou refuse o a*e "are of yourself, so o#)iously 61& !oin! o ha)e o a*e "are of you( 3o you so ha e he idea of spendin! i&e wi h &e:2 +he si!hed, no really wan in! o *now he answer o ha ( 26 1s for your own !ood(2 His eyes narrowed( 2This is #e"ause of >ulia, isn1 i : This is a#ou 0ealousy( 4ou don1 own &e,2 he said sa)a!ely( 24ou ha)e no "lai& on &e(2 +he s ared a hi&, hen lowered her head, sayin! no hin!( He "ould *i"* and #u"* and #eha)e in howe)er u!ly a &anner he li*ed( +he was no #a"*in! down( He &us ha)e reali'ed he had hur her, howe)er, #e"ause he "a&e o s and in fron of her, near he des*( 23on1 do his o &e,2 he( said hea)ily( 2Can1 you see i is i&possi#le:2 26 don1 see why you o#0e" (2 24ou and 6:2 he whispered fier"ely, #endin! down o !lare a her( 2-o"*ed up o!e her in he &iddle of nowhere: 3o )i& ha)e any idea wha "ould.2 He fal ered, swallowin! hard 25ha "ould happen:2 she finished for hi&( 25hy, any hin!, 6 suppose( May#e we1ll

finally #e friends a!ain Or( &ay#e we1ll *ill ea"h o her, 6 don1 *now( Then a!ain, &ay#e( if 61& lu"*y, you1ll !e he ur!e o ie &e up(2 +he slan ed hi& a wi"*ed s&ile full of &ir h( + arin! a her in sho"*, he loo&ed o)er her, !i)in! her ins dar*es , se)eres , &os in i&ida in! loo*, #u wi h Papa on his way, i didn1 &u"h s"are her( 24ou will no do his,2 he )owed 2Oh, yes, 6 will(2 He s ared a her as if no one had e)er defied hi& #efore of "ourse, e)en she had o ad&i &a i was only her ran* and her a#ili y o &ana!e Papa ha !a)e her he ad)an a!e( 26 1s for your own !ood,2 she said wi h finali y( 3arius "ursed under his #rea h in e$aspera ion, pi)o ed, and s rode away fro& her( 2The answer is no, and ha is final No &is"hief( 6 a& warnin! you(2 2My Papa1s "o&in!= +an ia!o( 3on1 &a*e &e #la"*&ail you,2 she said swee ly( 26 #elie)e you ha)e &y hair ri##on in your po"*e :2 His eyes widened, hen narrowed o #la'in! sli s( 24ou rea"herous brat." 24ou au!h &e e)ery hin! 6 *now(2 +he !a)e hi& an an!eli" s&ile, wirlin! a "url around and around her fin!er(


She can4t do this to me, he hou!h despera ely( Only, he *new full well she "ould 6f he pro es ed oo &u"h o he *in!, i would loo* li*e he was #ein! unreasona#le, e)en suspi"ious( 261& warnin! you,2 he whispered o her, *nowin! i was fu ile( He *new fro& lon! e$perien"e ha when she oo* an idea in o her head, here was no s oppin! her( A ha &o&en , he door #an!ed #a"* and here s ood 3arius1s #oyhood #enefa" or, His Ma0es y, Gin! -a'ar di fiore, a #old and seasoned warrior wi h #la"* hair sho hrou!h wi h sil)er a he e&ples( His powerfully #uil fra&e filled he doorway, and his pira e !rin #ro*e ou a"ross his ru!!ed, wea hered fa"e a he si!h of 3arius( E;reenlin!92 he #oo&ed wi h a hear y lau!h( The roo& !o s&aller as he *in! s rode in, fillin! i wi h his for"eful, "haris&a i" presen"e( 3arius offered a 7ui"*, infor&al #ow, #u -a'ar "lapped hi& in a #ear hu!, affe" iona ely hu&pin! hi& s7uare on his wounded shoulder( 3arius !ri&a"ed(

Papa, you silly oaf, #e "areful9 He1s hur (2 -a'ar released hi& and urned wi h an in7uirin! loo* o his firs #orn, 2Oh, here you are( 5here he de)il ha)e you #een: 4ou1d #e er !e #a"* o he #allroo& or your &o her1s !oin! o s ran!le you( +he1s #een loo*in! for you for wo hours( 4ou *now( Cri"*e , i really is "onsidered #ad for& o lea)e a #all hrown in your own honor, no &a er how edious he hin! is(2 Then he urned #a"* o 3arius( 2Hur , she says:2 He s&ir*ed arro!an ly( 2A s"ra "h(2 -a'ar !rinned in appro)al of his #ra)ado( 2Pure s eel, his( one, &y !irl( Ma*e no &is a*e92 +he rolled her eyes( One sli& *nee "rossed o)er he o her, her slippered oe #o##ed rhy h&i"ally( Pre y as a pi" ure, he hou!h , #u well he *new in her hau!h y &ood she was a for"e o #e re"*oned wi h, da&ned li le Jueen of +he#a( Oh, she was #idin! her i&e, wa "hin! hi& "oolly, &a er%of%fa" ly, her slender ar&s folded under her su&p uous #oso&, ha lus"ious pou s ill fi$ed on her lips( -a'ar urned o hi&( 25ha #rin!s you #a"* early: 6 hou!hQ you1d #e es"or in! Tyurino)1s par y fro& Mos"ow(2 +erafina "as 3arius a wary loo*( He "leared his hroa ( 2+ir,2 he said deli"a ely, 2perhaps you1d #e er si down(2 -a'ar lif ed his "hin as his dar*, pene ra in! eyes narrowed 2Oh, hell( 5ha now:2 He wal*ed wearily around o his des*, pausin! o loo* ou he wide #ow window wi h a si!h( 5hile he s ood for a &o&en peerin! ou a he dar*ened lands"ape, his #a"* o he&, 3arius and +erafina !lared a ea"h o her( Stop fighting me$ she &ou hed a hi&( He narrowed his eyes and shoo* his head in warnin! hrea They #o h snapped #a"* forward a!ain wi h inno"en loo* s when he *in! urned around, pulled ou he "hair, sa ( and ru##ed his eyes for a &o&en wi h he heels of his hands( 2All ri!h ( Hi &e(2 28ren"h spies ha)e infil ra ed he pala"e and ied o a#du" Her Hi!hness oni!h , a#ou an hour and a half a!o(2 -a'ar s ared a hi& in"redulously, hen his wea hered fa e dar*ened wi h s or&( He urned o his dau!h er( 2Ar" you all ri!h :2 he as*ed fier"ely( 261& fine,2 she replied, hen her !a'e slid sideward o 3arius 2Than*s o +an ia!o(=1 25ha happened:2 -a'ar as*ed in a &urderous one( 3arius re"oun ed a sani i'ed )ersion of he ni!h 1s e)en s( A e)ery se"ond, he was wholly aware of he ele!an youn!

wo&an #eside hi&, her pose s iff, "hin hi!h, her proud !a'e down( 5hen 3arius was hrou!h wi h he repor , -a'ar loo*ed a +erafina( +he didn1 &o)e, #u she swallowed hard( 5i hou a word, her fa her rose, wal*ed around his des*, and #en down o !i)e her a hu!e hu!( 3arius s ood here, un"o&for a#le wi h he display of affe" ion( 2+ir, Her Hi!hness should #e a*en o he 31Es e Hilla and !uarded, in he &ean i&e, 6 will eradi"a e he re&ainin! &e&#ers of +ain %-auren 1s rin!.2 26n a &o&en , lad,2 he *in! &ur&ured( 28irs le &e see o &y dau!h er(2 +erafina suddenly hu!!ed hi& #a"* and #e!an "ryin! a!ain( 3arius urned away, s iflin! a si!h( Oh, she was her daddy1s !irl, all ri!h ( He would ne)er !e used o her ins an , spon aneous e$pressions of wha e)er she happened o #e feelin!( He wan ed o #e dis!us ed wi h her and wi h her sof hear ed fa her, who would unfailin!ly se he pressures of he world aside for his #rood, #u 3arius, found he was &os dis!us ed wi h hi&self( +i&ple, hu&an ou"h, he hou!h ( Of "ourse( Tha 1s wha she had needed when she was "ryin! #efore in he li le "our yard( He had *nown i , #u he had #een una#le o !i)e i o her, afraid o ris* i ( Afraid ha if he held her, he would *iss her, and if he *issed her, he would ou"h her and please her un il she in)i ed hi& inside her( Then he "ould ne)er hold la"*( He would a*e her, !i)e her e)ery in"h of hi&self( ;ladly, he would drown hi&self in her and le he "onse7uen"es #e da&ned( Oh, he &us not #e assi!ned o !uard her, he hou!h fe)erishly, for she didn1 ry o dis!uise her desire for hi& any &ore han she hid her ears( Ta!e whate*er you want from me. 5ha a hin! o(say9 +ha*en, he oo* a few s eps away, lea)in! fa her and dau!h er in pri)a"y( He heard -a'ar al*in! sof ly o her #u he "ouldn1 &a*e ou all he words, nor did he wan o( He "ould s"ar"ely re&e&#er now wha lies and e$"uses lie had spou ed a her, #u here was no way o ell her he pa he i" ru h a#ou why he had refused her oo% e&p in! su!!es ion E)en his ur!en"y o !o snuff ou Napoleon was 0us his own e$"use o hi&self, he ad&i ed, for he "ould safely afford up u%a wee*1s delay( The real reason was #e"ause he *new e$a" ly wha would happen( +he would pe hi& and do e on hi& and lull hi& wi h her sof ness, her !en leness, her "arin! and enderness, un il he lowered his !uard and opened hi&self o her, and when she really *new hi&. when she loo*ed inside of hi& hrou!h i*%eyes of a wo&an, no a "hild, and saw &a he was no hin! she would s op idoli'in! hi& and, oh, ;od, if ha happened, n were #e er if

he1d ne)er #een #orn( 2Are you sure you1re al ri!h :2 he heard -a'ar as* h"i !en ly a las ( ,ehind hi&, he heard her sniffle( 24es( 61& #e er now( Papa( Hones ly( >us hearin! hi& des"ri#e i a!ain((( 61& sorry(2 3arius *ep pa"in! a a respe" ful dis an"e, #u when he heard his na&e &en ioned, he paused( 2Papa, 3arius was so #ra)e( 4ou should ha)e seen hi&( Lfli" hadn1 #een here ((( ,u he was, 0us as he always is9 And he had his enor&ous "u and he didn1 e)en &en ion i 9 He 0us wan ed o &a*e sure 6 was unhar&ed He is he #es ,(#ra)es , no#les person e*er" He "ouldn1 #rea he for a &o&en ( Her words wen "lear% hrou!h hi& li*e a sil)er #lade, for"in! he air ou of his lun!s Hear poundin!, he s ole a !lan"e a he royal pair( 26 *now he is, &y dear(2 +erafina was s arin! up a he *in! earnes ly( 3arius *new all oo well he effe" of hose eyes( 2Please, Papa, 6 *now you &us send &en o !uard &e, #u please le 3arius "o&e will= &e( 61ll #e fri!h ened ou of &y wi s e)ery se"ond unless heRs here(2 Half urned away, his head lowered, 3arius held his #rea h, wai in! for he *in!1s reply( 2Of "ourse, *i en,2 -a'ar said !en ly, !i)in! her a *iss on hee forehead( 26 wouldn1 drea& of rus in! you o anyone And here i was( 3arius was )ery s ill, ela ed, a!oni'ed, hu&#led( How "ould he pro es af er su"h a hear fel plea: He "ould no ( On"e &ore, she "on7uered wi h sof ness, and he feared her #e"ause her sin!le weapon was he only one he "ould no use or wield or e)en "o&prehend( A!ains i , he had no defense, no pas e$perien"e o draw upon( He "ouldn1 fi!h i ( He "ould only run and *eep runnin!, e)en when he wan ed wi h all his hear o #e "au!h and for"ed o surrender( A few &inu es la er, he had his orders( He pu up a show of pro es s ri" ly ou of pride( 2+ir, anyone urn !uard her( On"e she1s re&o)ed fro& he pala"e, he dan!er lo her is )ery s&all( 5ho are you !oin! o !e o "a "h he spies:2 21 don1 *now( Orsini, &ay#e(2 Orsini(2 3arius rolled his eyes( 28a pi!( He1ll fu&#le i 2 2He1s no ha #ad( 1 "an1 use you,2 he *in! said reasona#ly, )isi#ly a&used a his assess&en ( 2They *now you1re here, o#)iously( They1ll #e e$pe" in! you( 61)e !o o pu so&eone on he& hey1ll ne)er suspe" ( ,esides, you !o rid of +ain %-auren , who was he &os dan!erous of he&, fro& wha you1)e said(2

2And if hey send &ore &en:2 1E$a" ly &y poin ,2 -a'ar a!reed 26f hey ry o follow her, youRre he &an 6 wan in "o&&and o fi!h he& off(2 2They won1 li)e lon! enou!h o follow her if you le &e !o af er he&( Orsini92 he s"offed( 24ou don1 see& o unders and(2 -a'ar "lapped hi& on he ar& and !a)e hi& a fa herly loo*( He !lan"ed oward +eranna, hen lowered his )oi"e( 2A& 6 o send Orsini wi h her: 3o you a*e &y &eanin!:2 3arius a#rup ly shu his &ou h, reali'in!( 2One day, you1ll ha)e "hildren( 3are, and when you dn( fur your sani y1s sa*e, pray you ne)er ha)e #eau iful dau!h ers(2 -a'ar said( 24ou are he only &an in he *in!do& ha 1 *now 6 "an rus wi h her(2 3arius a#sor#ed his and fell a #i si"*( 24es, +6T,2 he &u&#led, "res fallen, feelin! he I1)9 li!h en( 5ell, he hou!h in defea , he would &erely ha)e o i!nore her he whole i&e( Trea her "oldly( +hu her ou ( Hell, he was an e$per a ha #y now( He no i"ed +erafina wa "hin! hi&, hen he *in! leaned oward hi&( 2And when we find hese 8ren"h #as ards,2 HE added, 2you and 6 will personally ear heir #loody hroa s ou ( They !o af er &y dau!h er, hey1)e "rossed he line(2 6 ! loo*ed away so she "ould no see his fa"e, his eyes #la'in! wi h fury( 2,y ;od, 6 shall !o &ad wi h ra!e( My daughter' 2+ir, re&e&#er, now, i 1s 0us poli i"s( 6 1s no personal(2 3arius warned, as if he hi&self had no slashed Philippe +ain %-auren o ri##ons for he sa&e reason less han an hour aSu( 2Anyway, she1s her fa her1s dau!h er, a real fi!h er, and she1s all ri!h ( +he *ep a "ool head( +he handled herself in a &anna &os wor hy of her line(2 2Aye( Tha 1s &y !irl(2 -a'ar nodded and !lan"ed a +erafina, his lips pursed in a hin line( 24ou wa "h ou for her(2 25i h &y life, sir(2 The *in! !a)e a sin!le, hard nod( Their #rief "onsul a ion "on"luded, 3arius oo* lea)e of he& o &a*e all he ne"essary prepara ions, s ar in! wi h findin! and #riefin! Orsini, he "urren head of se"uri y( ,efore he lef he roo&, he #owed o he prin"ess in he e$pe" ed "our esy( 2Than* you,2 she said &eanin!fully wi h a deep !a'e in o his eyes( +he see&ed "areful no o !loa ( 24our ser)an , &y lady,2 he said "oolly, #u unseen #y lin*in!, he &ade "er ain o !i)e her he hardes , &eanes loo* he "ould "on ri)e(

oo! at him. 4ou are so lu"*y,2 Els si!hed as she s ared hun!rily a 3arius( Her real na&e was Elisa#e a #u no#ody - illed her ha +he was a all, le!!y redhead of wen y% wo wi h !reen eyes and no &orals, #u +erafina adored her flair for he ou ra!eous( 2He radia es pure se:," Els added in a s"andalous whisper, +"ar"ely an hour had passed and already he un&ar*ed "oa"h wai ed under he por e "o"here o whis* +erafina away in o hidin!( +he s ood under he Ro&an ar"hes in he war&ly hi side foyer sayin! !ood#ye o her wo #es friends, while 3arius s ood a shor dis an"e away "on)ersin! 7uie ly wi h her , &o her and fa her( He had !i)en her s e& orders no o ell anyone wha had happened in he &a'e, nor where hey were !oin!, #u she wished she "ould ha)e un#urdened her hear o her friends a#ou her ordeal oni!h 6 "an1 #elie)e your paren s rus hi&( He is so #ar#ari",2 6 &a said, wa "hin! 3arius in &in!led error and fas"ina ion( A nine een, Cara, a pe i e, #lue%eyed #lond, was he youn!es (&il &os s aid of he insepara#le rio( Af er wha had happened oni!h , +erafina was hu!ely relie)ed ha her a e&p o &a "h&a*e #e ween Cara and Philippe +ain %-auren had failed( Philippe had shown an in eres in Cara, #u af er allowin! he 8ren"h&an o es"or her on a urn hrou!h he !arden, he #lond had repor ed #a"* o +erafina and Els ha she found Philippe oo forward, arro!an , and s&oo h% al*in!( Presen ly, Cara urned o +erafina wi h a worried !a'e( 23o 4OC &ean o say your &o her isn1 e)en sendin! a "haperon:2 +erafina ore her s are fro& 3arius( 25ell, he hour1s so la e( Ma&a said in he &ornin! she1s !oin! o find so&eone for &e, #u &y fa her old her no o worry a#ou i (2 2No o worry:2 Cara "ried, her #lue eyes widenin!( They rus 3arius( He used o #e &y !uard.i 0us &a*es sense( ,esides, if hey i&plied hey dou# ed his al&i!h y l&nor, he would #e &or ally insul ed(2 21 *now Their Ma0es ies rus hi&, #u darlin!,2 Cara said wi h dis ress, 2wha will people say:2 2OhSwho "ares wha people say a#ou any hin!:2 he feis y Els re&ar*ed, a#sen ly fi$in! her slee)e( 2People are; s upid(2 +erafina i!nored her( 2No one is !oin! o *now &a&a will say 1 a& !oin! o )isi &y elderly Aun 6sa#elle( -s she. is oo old and frail o ra)el down o own for he weddin!(2 2,u surely your &o her "ould send one of her ladies%in%wai in!,2 Cara su!!es ed( 23arius won1 ha)e i ( He says no one "an #e rus ed un il he ene&ies in our &ids are

un&as*ed( ,esides, he said hose wo&en would only #e a dis ra" ion o his &en(2 2To his &en9 Ha( To hi&, he &eans.#e"ause he1s slep wi h he& all92 Els whispered wi"*edly, her !reen eyes spar*lin!( 2He has no 92 +erafina re or ed( 26 1s 0us &ore unne"essary people o pro e" ( -oo*, i 1s al&os i&e o !o,2 she said &ore sof ly( 2Are you sure, we are all s&oo hed ou , hen: 6 don1 wan o !o away wi h #ad feelin!s s ill #e ween us.2 2Of "ourse we are92 #o h !irls "hi&ed, and hey #a h hu!!ed her( +he hu!!ed he& #a"*, !lad o &a*e pea"e af er heir 7uarrel in he #allroo& hours a!o( +he was s ill sha*en #y he reali'a ion ha perhaps hey were no &ore rue friends o her han he res of her "o erie, who )alued her "hiefly, she *new, #e"ause pro$i&i y o royal y #oos ed heir own s a usD +he had as*ed he !irls o "o&e o Mos"ow wi h her o #ols er her "oura!e for he firs few &on hs in her new ho&e, #u a on"e hey had !i)en her e$"uses( = 25e1re #o h so sorry( 5e 0us "an1 do i ,2 Cara e$plained earnes ly( 26 "an1 lea)e &y fa&ily(2 r 26 1s &y heal h,2 Els said has ily( 26 always !e si"* in he "old( 6 would die under all ha snow.unless 6 had a &an li*e your Ana ole o *eep &e war&,2 she eased( = 24ou1re wel"o&e o hi&,2 +erafina replied dryly( 25eil, ne)er &ind( 6 was 0us an idea( No hard feelin!s(2 2Are you sure:2 Els as*ed pre ily( 261& sure(2 26 don1 see wha faul anyway you find wi h &a !olden !od you are &arryin!,2 Els old her( 2He1s perfe" ( ,esides, he1s ri"h, fa&ous(((2 2He1ll #e away a war &os of he i&e,2 Cara offered helpfuliy( 2+he1s ri!h ,2 Els said, hen paused( 2,u if you really don1 fan"y hi& ((( 6 hin* you &ay ha)e found your solu ion(2 25ha do you &ean:2 +erafina as*ed( 2Af er you are &arried, a*e hi&,2 she said "arefully, !lan"in! a 3arius, 2for your lo)er(2 +erafina urned pale( Els lau!hed( 25hy no :2 she whispered( 26 1s he o#)ious solu ion( 4ou &us ha)e a lo)er, of "ourse( All ruly ele!an wo&en ha)e lo)ers(2 +erafina re"o)ered her "o&posure a#rup ly( 261& afraid Russia is no li*e 6 aly, darlin!( The &en here are oo un"i)ili'ed for &odern &arria!es(2 +he had #een warned #y Ana ole hi&self( 2+i&ple( Then you1ll 0us ha)e o snea*(2

+erafina #urs ou in sho"*ed, appalled lau!h er( 24ou are so wi"*ed9 Oh, Els9 How shall 1 li)e wi hou you:2 +he !a)e her a #i! hu!( 2+erafina92 her &o her "alled suddenly( 2Co&in!92 she answered( +he loo*ed #a"* a he& in dis ress( 23on1 for!e o s op #y and )isi Gwee%Gwee, and !i)e ,ian"a so&e "a nip( 5ri e o &e92 15here will you #e if we need you:2 Cara as*ed earnes ly( +erafina al&os #lur ed i ou , unused o hidin! any hin! fro& her friends, #u she saw a dis ur#in! fli"*er of so&e hin! in Cara1s #lue eyes ha re&inded her of 3arius1s warnin!( 2+o&e "oun ry ho)el( 6 don1 really *now where(2 6nwardly, +erafina frowned o herself( +urely she had i&a!ined ha flee in!, hard loo* in her fair%haired friend1s e$pression, she hou!h , for e)en now Cara was !i)in! her ano her worried frown of "on"ern( 26f you "an1 ha)e any "haperons, a leas 6 ou!h o "o&e wi h you( 6 "an #e ready in a few &inu es.2 +erafina s7uee'ed her hand( 2Than* you, 1 wish you "ould, #u 3arius is #ein! s ri" a#ou his( He says i 1s oo dan!erous(2 2+erafina92 he 7ueen "alled a!ain, s ar in! oward he&( 2Ch%oh, le 1s !e ou of here,2 Els &ur&ured !uil ily, *nowin! full well ha he 7ueen disappro)ed of her e)er sin"e die had sedu"ed he "rown prin"e a few &on hs a!o( Char&in! Rafe had #ra!!ed of i hi!h and low, #u af er she 7ueen "au!h wind of i , he1d #een li*e a do! wi h his ail #e ween his le!s( +erafina had had o ar!ue for all she was wor h for Els o #e allowed o s ay a ,elfor and re&ain in her "o&pany( Cara, on he o her hand, #ea&ed a he 7ueen and )("n sailin! o)er o her( +erafina of en hou!h ha Cara would ha)e #een he perfe" dau!h er for Ma&a ins ead of herself, for hey were a hopeless pair of !oody%!oodies( Els !a)e +erafina a 7ui"* *iss on he "hee*( 2,e safe,2 she whispered, hen )anished( 5hen +erafina 0oined he o her wo, Cara oo* lea)e of her wi h a hu!( 2;odspeed, deares ,2 she said, hen hurried off( +erafina was lef s andin! wi h her &o her( 6f so&eone as self%"en ered, pleasure%lo)in!, and la'y as herself held any hin! sa"red, +erafina refle" ed, i was her &o her( Ou wardly, o her friends, she &i!h &o"* he 7ueen1s "hari a#le "rusades, #u inwardly, +erafina respe" ed her &o her o he poin of awe( Jueen Alle!ra di 8iore had a presen"e ha "o&&anded wi h "o&passion( A hir y%ei!h , she was unsha*a#le, and, as +erafina had learned a an early a!e, 7ui e i&possi#le o lie o( +he ne)er had o raise her )oi"e= here was &ore dis"ipline in one disappoin ed loo*

fro& her han in he shrill s"oldin! of wen y ha!!ard !o)ernesses, and i wor*ed on he lords of Parlia&en as effe" i)ely as i did on her "hildren( +he was #eau iful, wi h i)ory, fre"*led s*in and !oldli*e au#urn hair, li le !rays here and here ha she &erely lau!hed a +he &o)ed sof ly in spi e of her lar!e, pre!nan #elly, arid she e&#odied e)ery hin! +erafina *new she herself ), &id ne)er #e.wisdo& and power and !ra"e( +he was li*e a &i!h y an!el and Papa of en said she was he #es hin! ha had happened o As"en"ion in se)en hundred years( No, she refle" ed, she was &ore li*e her fa her( 5ily, s or&y, s u##orn, and proud( E)en he s ran!e "olor of her eyes "a&e fro& her fa her1s side of he fa&ily( The )iole hue appeared in he royal line only on"e e)ery few !enera ions, she1d #een old Her &o her !a)e her a !en le, en"oura!in! s&ile and slipped her ar& around her( 2Co&e( 4ou1re no fri!h ened, are you:2 %No, Ma&a(2 Ar& in ar&( hey wal*ed oward he wo all, dar* &en( Ma&a s opped o e&#ra"e her as 3arius finished up wi h he *in!( +erafina only half%lis ened o he 7ueen1s sof assuran"es ha 3arius would a*e !ood "are of her and ha she &us do e$a" ly as he said, for her safe y depended on i ( Head on her &o her1s sof shoulder, she s ared a no hin!, wonderin! if i was a &is a*e o ha)e fois ed herself off on hi&( He had !i)en her he "rudes loo*( 5ha if she "ouldn1 &a*e hirn for!i)e her for pullin! ran* on hi&: Of all he &en in he *in!do& who fell a her fee , why was i ha he only one )i ho held her in eres was he one who wan ed no hin! o do wi h her: 5ell, she hou!h , he was s u"* wi h her now( 6n he pas hour, her pro e" or had pro)ed fri!h fully effi"ien ( Already he had sen ou riders ahead o se"ure he safe house proper y ha would #e heir shared "oun ry ho&e for he ne$ wee* or so un il he spies were "au!h ( He had s opped #y her apar &en s and pu he fear of ;od in o her poor &aid, Pia( wi h one errifyin!, ran7uil s&ile, as*in! her wi h -u"iferRs own "our esy o please pa"* her hin!s 7ui"*ly( ;i)in! her &o her a final *iss on ea"h fre"*led "hee*, +erafina s ole ano her pee* a 3arius fro& he "orner of her eye( The "andleli!h #urnished he ends of his !lossy #la"* hair wi h !old and war&ed his s*in o a ri"h a&#er( His dar*, &ys erious eyes held a sharp loo* of so#er wa "hfulness( He !lan"ed al her as she lef her &o her and approa"hed o say !ood#ye o Papa( Her

owerin! sire held her in a war& e&#ra"e, hen loo*ed down a her wi h his war&, "roo*ed !rin, 2,eha)e yourself,2 he said, !i)in! her "hee* a pin"h( 26 &ean i (2 +he #o##ed pre ily on her oes, s&ilin! a hi&( +he adored he &an( 24es, Papa(2 3arius !lan"ed a her( 2Ready:2 +he nodded( Her hear #e!an o pound( +he "lu "hed her re i"ule de&urely in #o h suddenly swea in! hands( 3arius *issed her &o her on he "hee* and &ur&ured 10 her no o worry a#ou a hin!, hen shoo* hands fir&ly wi h he *in!( 2Geep us infor&ed( 61ll awai your "ourier,2 -a'ar &ur&ured( 3arius nodded as he opened he hi"* wooden door and held i for her( 6&&edia ely he hall filled wi h he hiss of he pourin! rain( 3arius did no loo* a her as she #rushed pas hi&( The hunder and li!h nin! had s opped, #u rain "oursed in li le wa erfalls fro& he ea)es of he por e "o"here( 6 was a war& ni!h ( As +erafina s ood wai in! under he iron "handelier, she !lan"ed up a he &o hs swar&in! around he s urdy "andles, ris*in! heir win!s o)er he fire( Then, hrou!h he s"reen of rain, she s ared ou a he dar* lands"ape, seein! in e)ery pooled shadow Henri wi h his #ro*en ne"*, or 3arius wren"hin! his *nife ou of Philippe1s #reas ( +he "ould no #elie)e she was he o#0e" of so &u"h "onfli" and in erna ional "o&&o ion( +he shru!!ed deeper in o her s&ar ly ailored, pearl%!ray ra)elin! !own and s udied her ela#ora e &ili ary es"or ( The "oa"h was flan*ed #y ar&ed &en on horses, 3arius1s hand% pi"*ed s7uad of a#ou hir y &en( Her paren s s ood in he doorway while 3arius 0o!!ed ahead, !oin! li!h ly down he s eps o he "oa"h, where he opened he door for her, his head du"*ed sli!h ly a!ains he downpour( As she hurried oward hi&, he !lan"ed in o he roo&y in erior of he "oa"h as if "he"*in! i for &ons ers, hen he offered his hand and assis ed her inside( +he se led in o he )el)e s7ua#s, s ru"* #y he fan"iful no ion ha she "ould al&os pre end hey were newly weds and lie was a*in! her away fro& her fa&ily as her hus#and( The hou!h pained her( +he leaned oward he "oa"h window and #lew her paren s a * iss, pausin! o wa "h he& s andin! o!e her, ar& in ar&, wi h he li!h of heir lo)e al&os )isi#le around he&( I will ne*er !now how that feels, she hou!h in s ran!e de a"h&en (

Meanwhile, 3arius wal*ed up and down he line of &en, "he"*in! on e)eryone one las i&e( His #la"* Andalusian s allion had #een e hered o he #a"* of he "arria!e( He u!!ed on he horse1s lead rope o &a*e sure i was se"urely ied, !a)e he res less ani&al a #ris* pa on he ne"*, hen s rode #a"* up o he side of he "oa"h( He a""ep ed wo rifles fro& a su#ordina e and spran! up in o he roo&y "oa"h wi h her( He urned his #a"* on her o se"ure he rifles in he ra"* a#o)e his sea , #u he sa down a las on he )el)e sea opposi e her, u!!in! his i&pe""a#le #la"* 0a"*e nea ly in o pla"e( He leaned o)er, sla&&ed he "oa"h door, and flipped i s hree lo"*s in o posi ion( He s ared a her for a se"ond wi h an in en loo*, his eyes %li!h ly narrowed, as if he were s"annin! a &en al "he"*lis (

He sli"ed her paren s a "risp wa)e ou he window, hen #an!ed on he "oa"h o si!nal he dri)er o &o)e( They (were off( +erafina s ared a hi&, wide%eyed in he dar*, her hear in her hroa as i finally san* in ha she ruly had !o en her way( 8or he ne$ few days, perhaps e)en a wee*, she had 3arius +an ia!o, her idol, her de&on, all o herself( +he wasn1 sure if she was e"s a i" or errified( Nei her of he& spo*e as he 0os lin! )ehi"le !a hered speed The "a)al"ade "la ered hrou!h he !a es and pulled ou on o he puddled road( Open fields soon !a)e way o sparse woods, and s ill hey said no hin!( Their silen"e see&ed lo &a!nify he rollin!, "rea*in! noises of he "oa"h, wi h he rain dru&&in! on he roof( The !round rose= heir des ina ion +ay in he "ool, fores ed hi!hlands of As"en"ion, Thou!h +erafina ried o fi$ her a en ion on he lands"ape rollin! #y, he wea her &ade1i oo #la"* o see &u"h( 8ro& i&e o i&e she peered an$iously in o he &an%shaped pool of shadow a"ross fro& her( +he "ould feel 3arius wa "hin! her( Cnspo*en 7ues ions hun! on he air, fillin! he "laus ropho#i" spa"e of he "oa"h( 8ear whispered hrou!h her as he held his silen"e un il she "ouldn1 #ear i any&ore( 2How does your shoulder feel:2 she a e&p ed &ee*ly( 6n answer, he &erely pinned, a "hillin!, lu&inous s are on her, half his dra&a i" fa"e "on oured in shadow, half in he rain1s lurid !low( +he shran*, #a"* sli!h ly a!ains he s7ua#s( 23on1 #e &ean( 6 was Papa1s de"ision( 6 only old he ru h(2 He said no hin!( 23arius,2 she pleaded sof ly, 2you1re s"arin! &e(2

24ou should #e s"ared( Chris , don1 you *now ha #y now: 3on1 you see wha 6 a&:2 2No, wha are you:2 He shoo* his head in dis!us ( The road wended( +he loo*ed away, s arin! ou he window for all she was wor h( They passed a far& in a )ale( The road "on inued o "li&#( +he heard hi& &o)e, heard he "li"* of he li le door o he "o&par &en under his sea , hen she "ould feel hi& "o&e nearer( He pu a pillow on one end of her sea ( He held a #lan*e in his hand( 2-ie down(2 261& no ired.2 24es, you are( 6 1s hree in he &ornin!( Tha 1s pas e)en your #ed i&e(2 24ou don1 *now &y #ed i&e(2 %,(( 2One% hir y(2 +he s ared a his #la"* silhoue e for a lon! &o&en , a*en a#a"*( 2How do you *now ha :2 2;ypsy &a!i"( Cnders and so&e hin!, &y dear,2 he said #landly( 24ou wan ed his arran!e&en ( 4ou !o your way, and now you1re !oin! o ha)e o li)e wi h i ( 4ou will sleep when 6 say sleep, wa*e when 6 say wa*e, ea when 6 say ea , #rea he when 6 say #rea he, for he ne$ wee* or so, 4our Hi!hness, you are &ine, and 6 will no olera e any nonsense ou of you( Cry if you don1 li*e i ( +ee wha i !e s you(2 He hrew he li!h #lan*e a her( 2Now lie down and don1 &a*e ano her sound(2 +he was ou ra!ed( On he o her hand, she *new when ar!u&en was fu ile( ,ris lin!, she de"ided here was no poin in #ein! un"o&for a#le( +he spread ou he #lan*e o)er her and lay down on her side, res in! her head on he pillow( +he unfas ened he op #u on of her hi!h%ne"*ed ra)elin! !own, and as an af er hou!h rea"hed down and slipped off her does*in #oo s( They dropped, firs one, hen he o her, on o he "arria!e floor( 3arius was )ery s ill, hen he &o)ed oward her and u"*ed he #lan*e under her s o"*in!ed fee ( +he s ared a hi& as he se led #a"* in o his sea , #ra"ed his el#ow on he ed!e of he window, and res ed his "hee* in his hand( There was a silen"e of se)eral &inu es( 23arius:2 He si!hed wi hou loo*in! a her( 24es, +erafina:2 +he hesi a ed( 261& worried a#ou you, 3arius(2

2+erafina(2 He "as her a weary loo*( 23on1 &a*e a pro0e" of &e(2 26 "an see you are unhappy( A& 6 o urn a #lind eye o your sorrow, af er all you1)e done for &y fa&ily and for &e: A& 6 no o "are for you a all:2 2Tha 1s e$a" ly ri!h ,2 he said sharply( 24ou are no o "are for &e and 6 a& no o "are for you, and ha 1s he end of i (2 +he s ared a hi&( 25e "an1 e)en #e friends:2 28riends,2 he s"offed( 25ha does ha &ean: No, we "anno befriends." 2Oh,2 she said sof ly, wounded( Then, af er a &o&en , 25hy:2 25hy,2 he &erely e"hoed( There was a )ery lon! silen"e, filled wi h he poundin! of he rain on he "oa"h1s roof( Then he spo*e a!ain, and his )oi"e was )ery 7uie ( 26 1s oo dan!erous(2 2Too dan!erous for he !rea +an ia!o:2 +he lif ed her head fro& he pillow #u he refused o &ee her s are, !a'in! ou he "arria!e window a he ni!h ( 2;o o sleep, 4our Hi!hness,2 he said )ery 7uie ly( +he *ni her #row and laid her head #a"* down on he pillow, wa "hin! hi& in silen"e( 3arius wen on s arin! ou in o he dar*ness, his finely "hiseled fa"e e$pressionless, he #lue refle" ion of raindrops on he !lass slidin! down his fa"e li*e silen ears( A las , she fell asleep, and only hen he loo*ed a her( 8or a lon! i&e, he 0us s ared while she slep , her lu$urian sa#le "urls flowin! around her, one pale, !ra"eful hand han!in! fro& he sea , #o##in! sli!h ly wi h he ro"*in! of he "oa"h( He for"ed his !a'e away, ra*in! a hand hrou!h his hair wi h a slow, "arefully "on rolled si!h( He yearned for a s&o*e( 8or hours, he s ared a he #la"* no hin! of he lands"ape, !a'in! a +erafina now and hen, wonderin! wha he hell he was !oin! o do( He1d had hi&self &en ally prepared for dea h in a s a e of e&p y "al&, no easy ri"* for so&eone whose sur)i)al ins in" s were so sa)a!ely powerful( All he had wan ed was o s ay nu&# un il his 0o# was done, #u ha ri"* was i&possi#le when he was anywhere near her( +he &ade hi& feel ((( so &u"h( All he had wan ed was pea"e, #u she roused a s or& in hi&, li*e he winds s irrin! he sea in o a fury( Pain flooded and "rashed inside his e&p inessD He had i!nored i oo lon!, and now he feared here was &ore of i inside of hi& han any &an "ould #ear( I ha*e to get out of here. Ah( #u where "ould he !o ha hese furies would no "hase hi&: He had 0ourneyed of en o dis an lands.deser s, &oun ains, seas( 6 was hi&self he "ould no es"ape(

He "ould only pray ha ha swea y o$ Orsini would "a "h he spies in i&e for hi& o &a*e his rende')ous in Milan on s"hedule( How he was supposed o "ondu" hi&self wi h he Prin"ess Royal in he &ean i&e, 3arius had no idea( He was no sure how he fel a#ou her a he &o&en , only ha i was no he si&ple &a er of "al&, responsi#le du y he ou!h o feel( He rus ed her( He didn1 rus her( He "ra)ed her( he feared her( O#)iously she had so&e *ind of desi!ns on hi&, as her insis en"e on his "o&in! here wi h her showed( Perhaps she was hin*in! of a flin! #efore her weddin!, he hou!h a rifle #i erly( Ano her ri"h !irl1s ad)en ure wi h he #oy fro& he s ree s( He lowered his head( The hou!h ha she &i!h wan so&e hin! li*e ha fro& hi& hur , #u as he !a'ed a her, sleepin! here li*e an an!el, he "ouldn1 #elie)e i of her( 5hen hey finally arri)ed a he )illa, 3arius !a hered her in o his ar&s and "arried her inside( He s epped o)er he hreshold and wen up he s airs, his "u shoulder a"hin! sli!h ly under her sli& wei!h ( He found the #es #edroo& and laid her on he #ed( +he didn1 wa*e( He pulled he li!h "o)er o)er her and s ared down a her pale, lo)ely fa"e in he dar*, s ro*in! her hair sof ly for a &o&en His hear "len"hed( 1hy me, 1hy the hell are you fi:ed on me when the whole world is in lo*e with you, He shoo* his head o hi&self, a a loss( +he s irred a little, urnin! her delicate, heart;shaped face, hen s illed, one hand loosely curled near her cheek on he pillow( He leaned down and *issed her smooth forehead hen lef wi hou &a*in! a sound!

+erafina1s eyes flu ered open o a pale pin* roo& suffused wi h !olden li!h ( +he lay 7ui e s ill, ho)erin! #e ween wa*in! and sleep in ha &o&en where here was no fu ure and no pas , and all was #liss( A fresh, su&&ery &oun ain #ree'e #lew in hrou!h he open window, s irrin! a few s rands of her hair o i"*le her "hee*( +he &erely lay here, soa*in! in he wonderful li!h and he feelin! of soul%deep "al&( +he heard her &aid1s )oi"e ou side and reali'ed he "oa"h &us ha)e arri)ed #earin! hose household s aff &e&#ers 3arius dee&ed rus wor hy, alon! wi h he supply wa!ons "arryin! he res of her lu!!a!e and he soldiers1 pro)isions for heir e$ ended s ay(


+he !a)e a slow, lu$urious s re "h and folded her ar&s under her head, s&ilin! up a he "eilin! li*e a sa isfied lo)er, a #ride wa*in! af er her weddin! ni!h ( Ha!uely she re"alled hi& "arryin! her in o he )illa and pla"in! her !en ly on his #ed( +he was s ill !ar#ed in her ra)elin! !own( Too bad he didn't undress me, she hou!h wryly( On se"ond hou!h , if he !rea es lo)er in he *in!do& e)er de"ided o a*e her "lo hes off her, she had #las ed well #e er #e awa*e o en0oy i ( Don't e*en <o!e about it, she "hided herself, a shadow fallin! a"ross her sunny &ood as she hou!h of her hus#and% o%#e( Ana ole had already warned her a#ou his rules and e$pe" a ions, and she *new he would #e on he loo*ou for any in eres she showed in ano her &an, howe)er inno"en ( 6 see&ed ha he fa" she had refused all &arria!e proposals for he hree years sin"e her de#u had led hi& o "on"lude she was a )ain "o7ue e who en0oyed he li&eli!h and hri)ed on &ale fla ery( He had dared o say o her ha she needed a&in!( Oh( he had #een )ery fran* a#ou his "on"lusions, rudely 7ues ionin! her &orals, nearly hin in! ha he dou# ed her "has i y( Papa would ha)e pu hi& hrou!h a wall if he had heard Ana ole spea*in! o her ha way, she hou!h ( Her #ro her( Prin"e Rafael, would ha)e "alled hi& ou ( 5ha 3arius would ha)e done o hi&, she didn1 dare i&a!ine( 8or una ely, she had #een alone wi h hi&, a "haperon wal*in! se)eral yards #ehind( +he had swallowed he #luUin! re or s she "ould ha)e !i)en hi&, s ri)in! a leas o &a*e a show of o#edien"e( Her "oun ry needed his ar&ies, she had old herself o)er and o)er( ,earin! he !eneral1s arro!an"e was a s&all pri"e o pay o pro e" Papa( How "ould Ana ole *now, af er all, ha he real reason she had #een holdin! ou for so lon! was ha she had #een wai in! in )ain for her +panish *ni!h o "o&e o his senses: O#)iously, she was he one who needed o "o&e o her senses, she hou!h wi h a s"owl( Res lessly, she !o up fro& he #ed and pushed hese hou!h s away, pleased wi h her own resilien"y af er las ni!h 1s ordeals( Perhaps i was he &oun ain air, #u she "ould no re&e&#er he las i&e she had slep so pea"efully( +he !lan"ed a#ou a her surroundin!s( The )illa was no a !rand pla"e, she !a hered, if his roo& was any indi"a ion( The plas er on he walls was wa)y, a spider had #uil a pala ial we# in he "orner, and e)ery hin! was dus y( ,enea h her s o"*in!ed fee , he floor#oards "rea*ed noisily as sheDwal*ed oward he )ani y, fearin! o see wha sor of an!le her hair was in wi hou i s hundred s ro*es he ni!h #efore( +he paused o !a'e down a he "olorful #u faded apes ry ru! arran!ed on he floor spannin! he foo of he #ed( 6 depi" ed a fan asy of e ernal sprin!, a "ele#ra ion of life, wi h you hs and &aidens dan"in! around a &aypole, and he world in flower around he&(

-oosenin! her dress wi h an a#sen e$pression, she was !a'in! down wis fully a he pas oral idyll when suddenly a low% oned +panish )oi"e #ro*e in o her hou!h s( ;lan"in!, wide%eyed, oward he window, she ip oed o)er and ed!ed one "orner of he sheer whi e "ur ain aside, pee*in! down a 3arius( +he "len"hed a handful of he !au'y "ur ain, feelin! !iddy( 2eautiful, beautiful, beautiful, she hou!h wi h a sin*in!, inward li le si!h( The "olor of his "o&ple$ion was !lorious, !olden%#ron'e in i fie &ornin! li!h , while his 0e %#la"* hair was sli"*ed #a"*, s ill sli!h ly da&p fro& his &ornin! a#lu ions, she presu&ed( +he indul!ed herself in a leisurely s udy of he lean, ele!an len! h of hi& fro& his safe dis an"e( His &us"led #uild was slee*, ele!an , and super#ly a hle i", no #ul*y and her"ulean li*e Ana ole1s( His ar&s were powerful in pris ine whi e shir slee)es, his wais fla in he snu! #la"* wais "oa ( Her eye followed he sinuous "ur)e of his la"*, hen slid downward appre"ia i)ely o he "har&in! "ur)es of his #a"*side( The pala"e ladies were ri!h , she de"ided wi h a pri)a e s&ile( E)ery in"h of hi& was 7ui e perfe" ( He s ood wi h his assis an on he s eps leadin! down fro& he por"h( As Ale" s"ri##led down e)ery word he u ered, 3arius s7uin ed a!ains he sun and wa "hed his s7uad a heir as*s wi h a "ri i"al eye( 6n his ri!h hand he held his sword, poin in he dus ( He was wirlin! i idly wi h a fli"* of his ni&#le, hief s fin!ers, while in his lef he held a "up of "offee( Presen ly he oo* a sip, hen lif ed his sword and propped i 0aun ily o)er his shoulder, s"annin! he &en presen , she (supposed, for so&eone wor hy of pra" i"in! a!ains hi&( Thou!h he was an a"*nowled!ed &as er of he da!!er, he sword( !uns, "annons, "a)alry, and e)en so&e orien al weapons i h na&es she "ouldn1 pronoun"e, daily rainin! was funda&en al o his spar an "redo( 5ell, she hou!h , as his physi"ian, she did no in end so allow hi& any swordplay for a leas hree days un il his !ash had had a de"en in er)al o #e!in healin!( +he spun away li!h ly fro& he window and hurried o freshen up and dress, ea!er o !o o hi&( -o"a ed a#ou wen y &iles fro& he royal pala"e and he "api al "i y of ,elfor , he 31Es e Hilla had #een #uil m he ,aro7ue period, fallen in o ruin, hen was res ored hir y years a!o in he )iolen period of uphea)al durin! he *in!1s you h in e$ile, when ;enoa had ruled As"en"ion wi h an iron fis ,ehind i s for ified wall, he fi)e%hundred%a"re proper y == as desi!ned for self%suffi"ien"y( There was a !arrison wi h a #arra"*s and a s&all &a!a'ine and a s a#le ha housed i y horses( Chi"*en "oops, sheds for !oa s and sheep, and a s o"*ed pond *ep he *i "hen supplied( Af er layin! he sleepin! prin"ess in her #ed, 3arius had spen he ni!h !e in! rained on and "arryin! ou a hundred ne"essary as*s o)erseein! he pro"ess of urnin! he "oun ry )illa on"e &ore in o an ar&y "a&p( He &ade sure he horses were s a#led, he ar&a&en s and powder *e!s properly s ored in he &a!a'ine( He1d held a #rief &ee in! wi h his s7uadron( assi!nin! &en o heir pos s in he four 7uadran s of he prop%

er y, dispensin! o her orders( O)erni!h , one of he wo wa!ons "arryin! his, len1(s pro)isions arri)ed, repor in! ha he o her had #e"o&e s u"* in he &ud &iles down he road( He sen a "on in!en ou o dislod!e i , and when i arri)ed, he found i was also "arryin! he four sa)a!e !uard do!s he had ordered( The wild #ar*in! of he ani&als !a)e hi& a heada"he, #orn par ly fro& hun!er( He &ar)eled ha he noise didn1 #rin! +erafina ou o loo* around, #u hers was he slu&#er of he inno"en s( 8inally, he had inspe" ed he wall, wal*in! he en ire peri&e er o &a*e sure all areas were in !ood repair( ,y he i&e he rain s opped and he sun rose a&id he &ornin!1s fo!, he1d urned he ini ial "haos in o a well%oiled &ili ary &a"hine( Now he was e$haus ed, #u he s ill had o or!ani'e his head7uar ers in he )illa1s li le li#rary( He had &aps of he lo"al errain o re)iew as well as "orresponden"e o "a "h up on and he #oo*s of his own s&all ship% and% rade fir& o #alan"e, and he on!oin! heada"he fro& his wor hless inheri ed holdin!s in +pain o #e answered( ,(( His shoulder hur ( He was half%s ar)ed #u #rea*fas wasn1 ready ye , so he s ood on he wooden por"h, s&o*ed a final "heroo , and oo* sa isfa" ion in wa "hin! he order he had "rea ed, ea"h &an under his "o&&and doin! e$a" ly wha he should #e doin!, e$a" ly when he should #e doin! i ( 6 was a si!h he would ha)e li*ed o ha)e hrown in his fa her1s fa"e( He wen in o he &us y li le li#rary ha was o #e his offi"e and found his aide unrollin! he &aps for his re)iew, effi"ien ly wei!hin! he s"rolled ed!es wi h paperwei!h s( The #oy was a !odsend( Ale" !lan"ed du#iously a his ha!!ard "o&&andin! offi"er( 2,rea*fas will #e ready in a few &inu es, sir( +hall 6 ha)e he ser)an #rin! i in here:2 3arius !rowled wordlessly( 1Coffee:2 He nodded and dropped wearily in o he wooden "hair #ehind he des*( He s ared down a he &aps, #leary%eyed, hen pu his wire%ri&&ed readin! spe" a"les on o read o)er his paperwor*, while he youn!er &an has ened ou of he roo& o fe "h "offee( Ale" had s"ar"ely "losed he door, howe)er, when 3arius heard a war&, s"ra "hy )oi"e in he hall( 2;ood &ornin!, -ieu enan 9 5here is he Colonel, please:2 An ins an "as"ade of hrills rushed hrou!h his weary #ody, #rin!in! a sur!e of new life( He whipped off his spe" a"les 0us as +erafina #urs riu&phan ly in o he roo&( Ale" peered in worriedly #ehind her( 2Her Hi!hness%.uh%sir.2 3arius le ou a si!h( 2Ne)er &ind, Ale",2 he said( 2Tha will #e all(2 Ale" !lan"ed "uriously fro& +erafina o hi&( 3arius re!arded he prin"ess as she #li hely shepherded Ale"

ou of he li#rary, "losed he door #ehind hi&, hen urned and leaned a!ains he "losed door, #o h hands #ehind her( +he !rinned a hi&( 2May 6 help you:2 he as*ed dryly( +he le ou an irrepressi#le lau!h as if he1d said so&e hin! &ar)elously wi y, hen ran a"ross he roo& o hi&, s*ipped around he des*, and hrew her ar&s around hi&, plan in! a *iss on his "hee* wi h a loud s&a"*( 2;ood &ornin!, 3arius92 +he s7uee'ed hi& a#ou he ne"* A;ood, you1re awa*e(2 He pulled aside #u no en irely away, s"owlin!( 25e &us re)iew se"uri y pro"edures(2 2Nonsense, we &us ha)e #rea*fas 2 +he loosened her hold around his ne"* #u *ep her ar&s draped around hi& as she s&iled pre ily a hi&, 2Co&e and ea wi h &e( ,rea*fas is al&os ready(2 His &ou h wa ered( 26 ha)e wor* o do(2 23on1 wor*, play wi h &e( 4ou1re on holiday92 2On he "on rary, 4our Hi!hness, 61& in hell(2 +he *ni ed her #rows a hi&( 2Tha 1s no a )ery ni"e hin! o say(2 +he released his ne"* and rose( +he hopped up and sa on he des*, ri!h on he &aps( Plan in! #o h hands #ehind her, she leaned #a"* a"ross he des*, usin! her #ody o #lo"* hi& fro& his paperwor*( 2Tell you wha ( 61ll help you wi h your wor*, hen you "an finish all he sooner and play wi h &e(2 He loo*ed up a her and found her s&ilin! inno"en ly a hi&( +he "rossed her an*les and swun! her slippered fee I really don't ha*e a prayer with this girl, he hou!h 2How is your shoulder feelin! oday:2 2 8ine, 4our Hi!hness(2 1No, no, no, don1 "all &e ha 2 +he wa!!ed a fin!er a hi&( Tin no he prin"ess here(2 Oh: 5ho &i!h you #e:2 61& no sure ye No one in par i"ular( 61ll le you *now when 6 find ou 2 He a#rup ly yawned( He "o)ered his &ou h, eyes wa erin!( 2Pardon &e(2 +uddenly she !a)e hi& an appalled oo*( 24ou ha)en1 #een o #ed ye , ha)e you: 3arius92 she "ried( A;o( This ins an 92 He re!arded her dully( 5hen he &ade no &o)e o o#ey, she spran! off he des* and "a&e around o his side, pullin! on his hand( 2Co&e on(2 He didn1 #ud!e( 61& pu in! you o #ed92 ( 1 H " le ou a furious !rowl and yan*ed his hand away o ra*e i hrou!h his hair( 23on1 say su"h hin!s o 2 1

&e(2 He res ed his e + #ow s on his des* and !lowered a her as he ru##ed his hro##in! e&ples( 1 5hy no : 4ou pu &e o #ed las ni!h , didn1 you:2 He sho her a hau!h y loo*, &en sa #a"*, sullen, in his "hair( Oh, 3arius, &y fier"e one,2 she said wi h her swee , soo hin! lau!h( +he ou"hed his fa"e, ryin! o &a*e hi& loo* a her, #us he 0er*ed his "hin away, s"owlin!( +he lowered her hand, !a'in! a hi& while lie s ewed( + udyin! hi& in en ly, she res ed one 0ui"y hip a!ains his des*, her sli& ar&s folded under her #reas s( 24ou1re )ery handso&e when you s"owl(2 He !a)e her a dir y loo*( -au!hin! sof ly, she rea"hed ou and !en ly s&oo hed his hau ou of his eyes( 24ou need o learn o rela$ .2 ( He !ra##ed her wris and for"ed her hand away( 2+ op or"hin! &e, for ;od1s sa*e9 5hy are you always ou"hin! &e( 5ha are you ryin! o do o &e:2

+he s ared a hi& wi h a loo* of surprise ha swif ly urned o hur ( 26 only &ean o #e friendly(2 25ell, don1 92 He loo*ed away, hear poundin!( He sho)ed his fin!ers hrou!h his hair in a!i a ion, hen !o up rou!hly fro& he "hair, "rossin! he li#rary oward he door( He opened he door and held i for her, hou!h she hadn1 &o)ed fro& he des*( His soldierly s are #ored s rai!h ahead( 26f you please( 4our Hi!hness, we ha)e se"uri y pro"edures o re)iew(2 He fel her !a'e on hi& urnin! "old( +he "rossed he roo& and #rushed pas hi& a he door, he one as fla as his( 2Hery well( Carry on, Colonel(2 He wal*ed her hrou!h he house, showin! her how o slip away wi hou a ra"e, ea"hin! her how o hide( He was he e$per on ha , she supposed( He in rodu"ed ha o all he )illa1s e$i s and he hidin! pla"es #uil in o he floor, and walls, issuin! "o&&ands and de ailin! pro"edures o1 e$a" ly wha she was o do in "ase of e&er!en"y( Her &ood was so !lu& af er his )iolen re0e" ion of HER a e&p o #e affe" iona e ha +erafina #arely paid a en ion% n( she followed he s ern and e$a" in! Colonel +an ia!o hrou!h he )illa( On heir i&pro&p u our, she was &ore in eres ed in he house han in 3arius1s edious le" ure on se"uri y pro"edures( +he saw a &ornin! roo& wi h la"e "ur ains and a le&on ree in a "lay po in he "orner, he op&os #ran"hes of whi"hD rea"hed all he way up o he den als of he whi e "row, &oldin!( They wen hrou!h a lon!, re" an!ular drawin!( roo&( Here, as hrou!hou he house, he ru!s and furni ure( were all sli!h ly hread#are, and e)ery hin! was dus y %wi h disuse( 4e , o her, he )illa1s sha##y !en ili y was a wel"o&e "on ras o he pala"e, wi h i s soarin! spa"es of pris ine whi e%&ar#le( +he paused o !lan"e ou he &ullioned windows and found ha he parlor o)erloo*ed a "har&in! fla!s one

pa io( hrou!h he old, #owed !lass, she saw ha he #a"* !arden had #ee= ? allowed o !row in o a wild hi"*e ( An old !rape ar#or s ood(

in he "en er of he !arden wi h a rou!h%hewn a#le undernea h he an!led )ines( 6&pa ien ly, 3arius su&&oned her o he ne$ roo& and "on inued his le" ure( +he only half%lis ened( A"ross he hall fro& he drawin! roo& lay a s a ely dinin! roo&, do&ina ed #y an old &aho!any a#le wi h sea in! for wel)e and hu!e &irrors on ea"h of he four walls o &a$i&i'e li!h fro& he "o#we##ed "handelier( ;a'in! a he roo&, she !lan"ed o)er and found 3arius( s arin! a her( He loo*ed away( +he lowered her lashes( 26 li*e his pla"e, 3arius,2 she )en ured 7uie ly( 26 feels li*e a ho&e, doesn1 i :2 How should 6 *now:2 he as*ed #lan*ly, hen he lef he roo&( (( D 5i h wanin! pa ien"e, she followed hi& ups airs( To her surprise, he showed her ha here was e)en a hidin! pla"e in he pin* #edroo&( 3arius pulled #a"* he pas oral%fan asy apes ry ru! o re)eal a floor "o&par &en #i! enou!h for a person o hide in( 4ou !e in here if 6 ell you o( No ar!u&en s( 6f he 8ren"h dis"o)er our lo"a ion, hey &ay ry and s eal you a!ain(2 3arius, really,2 she said in #oredo&( 2Cap ain Orsini will find he& in time!"

2Orsini "ouldn1 find his arse in his #ri "hes,2 he &u ered as he "losed he wooden door and pulled he ru! #a"* in o pla"e( +he "hu"*led( (% ( Now 6 ha)e one &ore hin! o show you(2 He s ood and offered a hand, helpin! her up( 26 "hose &is )illa as your safe house #e"ause i lies o)er he se"re royal unnels( 6f we are a a"*ed, 6 will of "ourse defend you wi h &y life, as will e)ery &an here.2 +he win"ed( 23on1 say hin!s li*e ha (2 5e will defend you wi h our li)es,2 he "on inued, 2#u if we par i"ular, if 6 should fall o he ene&y .you will ha)e o e)a"ua e he proper y alone( Co&e wi h &e and 61ll show you wha you are o do(2 ,u she had !one pale, s arin! a hi&(
( % 1

He !lan"ed a her, il in! his head( 2Ha)e 6 s"ared you:2 How "ould he al* a#ou he possi#ili y of his own dea h wi hou he sli!h es fear or he sli!h es si!n of in eres : Her fri!h see&ed o a&use hi&( 2Oh, li le Cri"*e , don1 fre ,2 he said, !i)in! her a &o"*in! #u indul!en

s&ile( 24ou are perfe" ly safe here( The "han"es of heir findin! us are )ery sli&,2 he wen on( 2This )illa is re&o e( 5e1re well &anned( 6 &erely li*e o #e prepared for he wors ( Co&e( This way(2 5rappin! her ar&s around herself, she followed hi& ou side, down he few s one s eps fro& he en ran"e, down on o he une)enly "o##led dri)e, where weeds sprou ed up #e ween he s ones( -if in! her !a'e o he "loudless a'ure s*y, she oo* a deep #rea h of he "ool &oun ain air( 6 was a fine day af er he ni!h 1s s or&( E)ery e&erald leaf #ea&ed wi h "ap ured drople s( He wal*ed on ahead, #u she urned #a"*, shaded her eyes, and !a'ed up a he sun%#las ed, u&#ledown )illa( The red ile roof was #owed, a few shu ers were &issin!, and here and here he pas el%yellow pain was peelin!, #u i s lar!e s ones were s urdy, and i s for& was one of ele!an , Pal%ladian sy&&e ry( On he sides of he house, he on"e%s"ulp ed opiaries were o)er!rown in o !reen, &isshapen hul*s( The flower #eds had run a&o* wi h all whi e daisies and #ri!h !old #la"*%eyed +usans( Closer o he !round, "louds of s"arle !eraniu&s shoo* in he dry hi!hland #ree'e( +he was "har&ed( - little tender lo*ing care is all you need, she hou!h , hen her pro e" or1s )oi"e #ro*e in o her re)erie( 2+erafina, do s op dawdlin!(2 Her pa ien"e wi h hi& was wearin! hin( 6f he had "alled her #y her i le, she would ha)e !i)en hi& a s"a hin! se %down for his insolen one( Howe)er, he had used her na&e, so she for!a)e hi& and hurried af er hi&( To!e her hey wal*ed a"ross he "o&pound o he pa h leadin! in o he proper y1s woods(

As hey wal*ed, 3arius no i"ed his &en1s fur i)e !lan"es a he !oddess( Don't any of you e*en loo! at her. He sen he soldiers #a"* o wor* wi h a &ena"in! !lare, #ris lin! wi h a sur!e of he sa&e #i'arre possessi)eness he always fel around her( 2Hurry up,2 he &u ered, slowin! his lon!er pa"es and wai in! for her o "a "h up(( Nei her of he& spo*e as hey en ered he pa h, #u he was a"u ely aware of her as she s rode !ra"efully hrou!h he dappled woods #y his side( He lis ened o he sof rus le of lea)es and pine needles under heir fee , hen loo*ed o)er his shoulder and #riefly s"anned he woods o &a*e sure no one was followin!( He s ole ano her "o)er , sideward !lan"e a her lo)ely, pale fa"e, #u he only su""eeded in !e in! "au!h up in her #eau y ea"h i&e he loo*ed a her( He was #e!uiled #y her "lassi"al profile, he sweep of her lon!, fea hery lashes( 2This way,2 he &ur&ured, #rushin! her hand o !e her a en ion( 6ands li!e sil!, how, soft they had felt on his s!in, stro!ing him, healing him. He !ri ed his ee h( 2;o o he lef where he pa h for*s, hen loo* for he whi e poplar( Re&e&#er i ( 6 &ar*s where you &us urn off he pa h,2 he ins ru" ed her( +he oo* a lon! loo* up a he owerin! ree( He !lan"ed a her, ho&ed in on her snowy hroa where her sof , flu erin! pulse #ea His !a'e floa ed

downward o)er he sil*en e$panse of her "hes , &odes ly re)ealed #y a s7uare%"ollared, !irlish dress( He loo*ed s rai!h a he lush swells of her #reas s, and saw ha her nipples were ere" , pressin! a!ains he sof , li!h #lue &uslin( He dropped his !a'e, his &ou h !one dry( 2Co&e, Prin"esa(2 He led her oward he s and of firs, &en ally "ursin! hi&self #u helpless #efore he fa" ha , ruly, she had he &os #eau iful #reas s he1d e)er seen, wo ripe, !enerous handfuls, pea"hes fro& he ;arden of Eden( E$a" ly, he hou!h ( 8or#idden frui ( 6 was 0us as well he was !oin! o die soon, #e"ause he didn1 &u"h "are o lin!er in a world where su"h #reas s "ould e$is #u he "ould ne)er *iss he&, fondle he&( 6 would #e so easy( 2These hree #i! pines. he alles ones.for& a rian!le(2 he e$plained in a &ar ial one( He swep a few needle%hidden #ran"hes ou of her way and indi"a ed for her o wal* in o he "en er of he iny !ro)e( +he #rushed pas hi& in o he s&all open spa"e wi hinD =h 0 wall of pines, where she folded her hands de&urely #ehind her and wa "hed hi& wi h an e$pression of )ir!inal hun!er( Tha loo* nearly snapped his "on rol( He le he #ran"hes fall( 26 1s a rapdoor,2 he said( 2+ee if you "an find i ( Open i (21 ha "hed !rass 0 and pine needles( Hands on hips, 3arius wa "hed her #rush he pine needles 0 away fro& he iron la "h( The way she #en o)er her wor* E &erely enhan"ed he swee fullness of her "lea)a!e, hen suddenly she !a)e a li le "ry of pain( He loo*ed up 7ui"*ly fro& 0 her "hes o her fa"e 0us as she popped her fin!er in o her 5 &ou h( @ 25ha happened:2 2A pine"one #i &e,2 she said wi h her pou 3ryly, half%wan in! o hro le her, he lif ed one #row as 0 her( A se"ond la er, he #e"a&e "au!h up in he prospe" of her A fin!er poised #e ween her full lips( On her *nees on he sof !reen fores "arpe , su"*in! her fin!er, she was so&ehow he s &os inno"en ly ero i" hin! he1d e)er seen( He s ared a her, &es&eri'ed( +he re&o)ed her fin!er fro& her &ou h( 6 "a&e ou !lis enin! we ( +he sho hi& a loo* of defian"e and wiped her 0 fin!er on her dress( 26 doesn1 hur ,2 she said in a parody of i hi&( +he sei'ed he handle in #o h lily%whi e hands ha had 0 ne)er done a day1s wor*, and s rained a!ains die rus ed rap% r door( 26 1s s u"*92 He fou!h he ur!e o help her( 24ou &us #e a#le o do his yourself(2 26 "an1 92 24ou "an,2 he said 7uie ly( 25ha if 6 "an1 always "o&e o your res"ue: 4ou &us #e a#le o sur)i)e on your own(2 1 0 0 0

O#edien ly, she fluffed ou her s*ir s and swep down o her f *nees, hen #e!an feelin! around hrou!h he

28ine words fro& you,2 she &u ered, #u she *ep ryin!( 2My #ro her is &appin! hese unnels for Papa( 6 #e you didn1 *now ha , in your o&nis"ien"e(2 He shoo* his head( 2The &aps are !oin! o #e Rafael1s presen for Papa1s fif ie h #ir hday( My &o her is &a*in! a #i! surprise par y for hi&( 4ou1ll pro#a#ly #e here, won1 you: 1 won1 ( 61ll &iss i , of "ourse( 61ll #e in Mos"ow( 5i h &y hus#and(2 'o, you won > he hou!h , #u he #i his on!ue, !a'in! a her as one sof , soo y "url "a&e free of he #ow and fell a!ains her rosy "hee*( +ou are so pretty. 5hen he door suddenly "rea*ed free, she plopped #a"* on o her derriere wi h he for"e of her pull, #u she !lowed wi h a #lush of self%sa isfa" ion and !a here !rinnin! a hi&( He &ade a &en al no e o oil he hin!es so hey wouldn1 s7uea*( 6f here was an e&er!en"y, she would ha)e o &a*e as li le noise as possi#le( 2Hurry,2 he s ernly pro&p ed( 2They1re "o&in!( They1re ar&ed( And if hey "a "h you, your fa&ily loses e)ery hin!(2 Her !rin dissol)ed( +he 7ui"*ly rose and )en ured down he s eps o he under!round unnel( His hear "len"hed a he way she &o)ed li*e a fri!h ened *i en down here in he dar*( ;in!erly, she lif ed he "o#we##ed or"h fro& i s holder( 2-i!h i ( The flin should #e here(2 +he sear"hed( 24ou1ll ha)e o find he flin , shu he rapdoor, and only hen li!h he or"h,2 he dire" ed( 2They &us n1 see he li!h or hey111 find you(2 261)e !o i (2 On"e she had lo"a ed he flin , she s ru!!led o pull he rapdoor shu o)er her( 3arius wai ed a#o)e for &any &inu es, pa"in! li*e a &an wi h his wife in la#or, while she wor*ed #elow o pra" i"e%li!h in! her or"h wi h he flin ( 26 "an1 do i 92 "a&e her furious )oi"e, &uffled hrou!h he ear h( He leaned down near he sea& of he door so she "ould hear hi&( 2Geep ryin!( 4ou "an do i , +erafina(2 26 "an1 do any hin!92 she wailed( 261& 0us a.a useless ho house flower92 He s&iled as he sa down on he "losed rapdoor o wai 2Aren1 you he !irl who s&ashed Philippe +ain % -auren a fa"er: + op #ein! a #a#y( 61& no le in! you up un il he or"h is li (2 He heard &ore !ru&#lin! fro& #elow( 23is!us in!, drippy, i"*y "a)e( Pro#a#ly infes ed wi h #a s( +o&e hin!1s wron! wi h his flin VVV2 He "hu"*led o hi&self( 8inally, she "o&ple ed he drill( He opened he rapdoor for her and wa "hed her "o&e #a"* up he s eps( Pleased wi h herself, she preened a #i ( He hid his a&use&en and "losed he rapdoor, "o)erin! i a!ain wi h he ha "h( (

They s rolled #a"* o he house, hen heir "o&paniona#le silen"e urned aw*ward as hey arri)ed on"e &ore a his &a*e shif offi"e in he li#rary( He s ole a !lan"e a her and reali'ed in re!re ha i was wises o par "o&pany wi h her now( He "rossed he offi"e o his des*, where he sa down and #e!an sor in! hrou!h he &aps( He "ould feel her s arin! a hi& He i!nored her( 23arius:2 24es, 4our Hi!hness:2 He heard her hesi a ion( 25ha are you !oin! o do now 1 25or*(2 2Aren1 you !oin! o ea #rea*fas :2 261ll !e o i (2 26s here any hin! 6 "an do o help:2 2No, han* you(2 +ilen"e( He s ole a wary !lan"e a her fro& under his forelo"* and saw Ehe wa)er of )ulnera#ili y on her sof , plu&p lips( 25ha is i :2 he as*ed "oolly, refusin! o su""u&# o he u! a his hear ( 25ha a& 6 o do now:2 she as*ed in a s&all )oi"e( He shru!!ed( 26 a& here o pro e" you, no en er ain you, 4our Hi!hness(2 +he spo*e in a one of s rained pa ien"e( 26 *now ha (2 25ell, hen:2 #arely audi#ly( words s ru"* a hi&( 2;o on, shu &e ou ( 6 ne)er would ha)e !uessed i , #u 6 see now you1re 0us li*e e)eryone else(2 2,e! pardon:2 He loo*ed up, ra her a*en a#a"*( He found her "hin hi!h, her "hee*s flushed wi h an!er, her fis s #un"hed a her sides( 2E)eryone loo*s a &e #u no#ody sees &e, 3arius( 4ou used o, #u you don1 any&ore( Now you won1 e)en loo* a &e( May#e 6 should open &y !own( Tha see&ed o !e your a en ion( 1 "ould #e s andin! here na*ed #efore you and you wouldn1 "are.2 28or ;od1s sa*e, +erafina92 He hrew down he pen and )isored his fa"e in #o h hands, el#ows propped on he des*, his hu&#s pressin! his hro##in! e&ples( +he was silen for a &o&en ( 25hy don1 you wan o #e wi h &e: 5ha did 6 do o wron! you so erri#ly:2 2No hin!(2 He didn1 &o)e( He "ould feel her s arin! a hi&( A ( +he held hi& in a #esee"hin! !a'e, hen dropped her head( 23on1 you e)er !e lonely, 3arius:2 she as*ed, 2E)eryone1s lonely, +erafina(2 He e$a&ined he opo!raphy s"ale on he &ap of he lo"al area, hen her "old

2There &us #e a reason( How do you hin* i feels when he one person you depend on and "are for &os wal*s ou of your life:2

26 *now e$a" ly how i feels,2 he #i #a"*, and i&&edia ely (, wished he had no said i ( He had #een nine years old he las i&e he had seen his &o her( Of "ourse, #y he i&e she finally lef for !ood, he had (, already hardened hi&self o her fre7uen disappearan"es, so he1 s"ar"ely "ared, or old hi&self so( 24ou hur &e, 3arius(2 He did no *now why his hear was poundin!( Carefidiy, "oolly, he shru!!ed( 26 1s your own faul ( 4ou should ha)e used #e er 0ud!&en ( 4ou should ha)e *ep your feelin!s o2, yourself( 4ou !a)e &e no "hoi"e #u o lea)e(2 24ou had a "hoi"e,2 she said sof ly in a )oi"e full of( &eanin!( He le)eled a wary s are a her fro& under his forelo"*( ''-h,' so, we1re finally !oin! o ha)e his "on)ersa ion, are we:1 2Are we:2 she e"hoed sorrowfully( 261& sure you "an "o&e %up wi h so&e e$"use o dod!e away his )ery &o&en , if you ry(2 He le ou an e$aspera ed si!h and "o)ered his eyes wi h one hand( 2-ea)e i alone, +erafina( >us lea)e i alone(2 23o you hin* no al*in! a#ou i will &a*e i "ease o e$is : 6 hou!h you were a #ra)e &an, +an ia!o( 5asn1 i you( always ellin! &e when 6 was a li le !irl ha 6 &us #e ru hful, hones : 4ou should a*e your own ad)i"e(2 25hy are you doin! his o &e:2 he as*ed hea)ily( 2,e"ause 6 a& si"* of your hidin! and your silen"e and your pre endin! here is no hin! #e ween us( 6 will no allow you o i!nore &e a &o&en lon!er( 6 a& worried a#ou you( A he )ery leas , 6 deser)e answers( 5hy did you run fro& &e:2 25ha was 6 supposed o do:2 he re or ed( 23on1 you see he posi ion 6 a& in.or is i ha you "an1 #ear for one &an no o fall a your fee :2 +he !asped( 24ou as* he i&possi#le,2 he said( 23o you hin* i don1 *now wha you wan : 3o you hin* I feel no hin!: ,u so&e i&es, Prin"ess, wha we wan doesn1 &a er( +o&e i&es wha we wan is wron!(2 +he s ared a hi& while his "hes hea)ed wi h he for"e of his an!er( "1rong, " she as*ed sof ly( 2+urely you don1 &ean ha (2 He loo*ed away( 24ou *now da&ned well a &a "h #e ween us would ha)e #een a#surd(2 25ell, ;od for#id we should e)er appear a#surd(2 +he wandered o he window and loo*ed ou ( 26 wai ed for you, you *now( 6 suppose 61d ha)e wai ed fore)er, #u you ne)er "a&e, hen his "risis wi h Napoleon arose, and 6 had o assu&e he du y of &y #ir h(2 His !lan"e fli"*ed o her profile( 2Then ((( you &arry hi& s ri" ly ou of du y:2 he as*ed in a "areful one,

holdin! his #rea h( 8ro& a"ross he roo&, she !a)e hi& a or ured loo*( 2;o o hell, +an ia!o(2 "1hat," 1 2How dare you as* &e o reyeal &y hear o you when you refuse o show your own: 4ou "ruel &an(2 24ou wan answers:2 he "ried, flushin! wi h an e$7uisi e pan! of !uil ( 28ine, hen9 61ll ell you why 6 ne)er as*ed you o &arry &e.#e"ause i would ha)e #een he 0o*e of he "en ury9 4ou were #orn a royal prin"ess, and 61& he #as ard son of an i&po)erished +panish "oun and a ;ypsy dan"er9 5e1d #o h ha)e #een ruined92 25ha do 6 "are: A leas we1d ha)e #een o!e her92 she shou ed, her )iole eyes afire( 24ou would ruin yourself o #e wi h &e:2 he as*ed, in"redulous( 2Are you &ad:2 26 don1 "are wha anyone says or hin*s9 6 ha e e)eryone, anyway92 she #urs ou ( 23o you hin* 6 en0oy &y life as an orna&en , li)in! in a fish#owl, on display: 6 a& surrounded #y people who nei her *now &e nor "are o9 6 wan ed o #e wi h you92 24ou say ha , #u you don1 *now wha i 1s li*e, #ein! on he ou side,2 he said harshly( 24ou don1 *now wha i 1s li*e( ne)er #elon!in! anywhere(2 +he !a)e hi& an an!uished win"e( 24ou #elon! wi h me." He s ro)e o sof en his one( 2-oo* a us, +erafina( 5e are fro& differen worlds( 6 would no wish &y world on &y wors ene&y, le alone dra! you in o i ( Ha)en1 6 always sou!h only o pro e" you: 6 "are for you oo &u"h o ruin your life( 1 "anno do wha you as*( 6 don1 ha)e i in &e(2 2To lo)e so&eone:2 26 don1 *now how,2 he said( +he lowered her head( One hand on her hip, she pin"hed die #rid!e of her refined nose for a &o&en , hen lowered her hand and loo*ed up( 2These are all fine e$"uses, 3arius, #u > hope so&eday you will le somebody lo)e you, e)en if i isn1 &e 6 don1 *now wha you are afraid of, #u 6 ne)er would ha)e hur you( No for he world(2 He didn1 *now wha o say( ;od, he had o !e ou of here( There was a lon!, aw*ward pause( +erafina folded her ar&s o)er her "hes and s"ru ini'ed hi&( 2Perhaps ha 1s wha 61ll do o a&use &yself oday( 8ind you a sui a#le wife(2 2No wo&an will e)er ie &e down,2 he &u ered( 5i h a !lan"e world%weary #eyond her years, she ar"hed a #row a hi&( 2,u you ie he& down, 6 hear(2 He s"owled a her( +he !a)e a shor , 0oyless lau!h and urned away, wal*in! oward he door( 25here are you !oin!:2 he de&anded( 2To en er ain &yself, as ordered,2 she answered, no urnin! around( 24ou see: 6 don1 always need o !e &y way( En0oy your soli ary sufferin!, Colonel( 6 #e"o&es you( Ha)e a ni"e day #roodin!( 6 wouldn1

drea& of in rudin! on your self%a#sorp ion(2 He narrowed his eyes a her slender #a"*( 26 will ha)e o "he"* your s i "hes la er, howe)er,2 she added( 21 *now you li*e o suffer, #u 1 &us draw he line so&ewhere( One of us has o #e sensi#le(2 24ou, sensi#le:2 he #ai ed her, al&os as if a par of hi& wished o delay her e$i ( +he "as hi& a swee , rea"herous s&ile o)er her shoulder( 2Oh, #u do *eep in &ind ha as soon as &y &o her sends hose "haperons, you1re no !oin! o #e allowed anywhere near &e(2 5i h ha , she wal*ed ou , lea)in! he door wide open #ehind her( A on"e, he #ree'e fro& he open fron door was fresh #u &ade all his nea ly s a"*ed papers flu er "hao i"ally( 23a&n i ,2 he &u&#led, ryin! o hold he& all down, #u i was useless( They flew li*e fea hers fro& a shredded pillow, s"a erin! o)er he floor( E$aspera ed, he !a)e up ryin! o "a "h he& and wa "hed he sway of her hips ins ead wi h slow, #urnin! hun!er( +he s rode down he hall o he foyer s rai!h ahead( He "ouldn1 s op hi&self fro& wa "hin! her !o ou he fron door, wa "hin! he #ree'e &old her s*ir s around her lon! le!s as she s epped ou side and lif ed her fa"e o he sunshine, li!h winin! li*e !olden ri##ons hrou!h her #lowin! sa#le "urls( +he urned #a"* wi h a da''lin! s&ile( 23arius, i 1s a wonderful day92 she "alled in her war&, s"ra "hy )oi"e( -on!in!ly, he s ared, *nowin! she "ould no see hi& down he hall( 6 was only her fu ile, #ullheaded fai h ha *ep her peerin! in o he shadows, wai in! for hi& o e&er!e( ;od, how he "ra)ed ha li!h , ha "arefree wholeso&eness( Hiole eyes #rillian in he sun, she &i!h ha)e #een he !oddess of lo)e s andin! here= he al&os #elie)ed she "ould open her hand and #es ow he a#undan"e of na ure( +he was s ron! and proud and pure, e)ery hin! he wan ed, needed( Couldn1 ha)e( No, he would !o o his !ra)e ne)er ha)in! #een lo)ed, ne)er ha)in! #een *nown #y anyone( Hiolen ly, he hrew down he pen and rose fro& his des*( He "rossed he roo&, sla&&ed he door, and s ood in his di& "a!e, trem#lin$!


+erafina spen he af ernoon !a herin! &edi"inal plan s for her "olle" ion of her#s( A leas i was so&e hin! o do( Csin! a foo s ool for a des*, she sa surrounded #y all !rasses in he &iddle of a field, her wide%#ri&&ed s raw #onne shadin! her fa"e and shoulders fro& he #ea in! af ernoon sun( Around her, #u erflies

ee ered fro& flower o flower, and daisies wa)ed in he #ree'e( +he hu&#ed hrou!h her &assi)e #o any o&e, ryin! o pu 3arius +an ia!o ou of her &ind( 5hy was he li*e his: 5hy did he say hin!s deli#era ely o dri)e her away: All she wan ed was o help hi&( +he had so &u"h o !i)e, and no one o !i)e o( Res lessly, she !o up, fi$ed he lid on he #as*e in whi"h she had s ored her plan spe"i&ens, and wal*ed off, #arefoo , oward he woods( +he had found a s&all s rea& under he woods1 shady #ou!hs, and needed o "olle" &ore of he wood )iole s whi"h !rew on he &uddy #an*s( Thou!h she did no li*e #ein! alone, ad&i edly, he af ernoon ou here under hea)en1s #lue do&e had #een one of he &os pea"eful days she had spen , of la e( Her pa"e in he so"ial whirlwind had #een fran i" sin"e her en!a!e&en a few &on hs a!o, for she *new Ana ole &i!h ne)er le her "o&e #a"* o )isi As"en"ion a!ain( There was no way around i D Her hus#and% o%#e was a #ully and his pri"e for his pro e" ion was her "o&ple e o#edien"e( +he "ould no es"ape he !nawin! fear ha , o)er i&e, he s rain of li)in! in su#&ission o hi& would slowly drain her spiri ( +he hrus hese hou!h s aside and plu"*ed a daisA% >+ she wal*ed, her fee "ushioned #y he dry, all !rasses( +he li*ed o #e #arefoo whene)er possi#le( Ha)in! her fee fir&ly plan ed on he !round &ade her feel &ore "onne" ed o he ear h and all li)in! hin!s( +he wished 3arius would ha)e "o&e ou o share i he day wi h her( -m I still in lo*e with him, -m I that hopeless, +he !lan"ed in dis ress a he #lue s*y fro& under he #ri& of her ha ( +he saw a haw* "ir"lin!, fi$ed o fall on so&e poor field &ouse( 6 &ade her hin* of NapoleonRs i&perial ea!le, and he )ision flashed hrou!h her &ind of his lo)ely field, "harred and s rewn wi h he #odies of soldiers, he a'ure s*y #lo ed ou wi h he #la"* s&o*e of !unpowder( +he s7uee'ed her eyes shu , rou in! he i&a!e( There would #e no war, no when she had he power so s op i ( +he was not Helen of Troy, who had #e rayed her people for he sa*e of her lo)er and her own re"*less hear ( There "ould #e no war, e)en if he only &an she would e)er lo)e was in hell, as she *new he was( +he had seen he &ad, fra" ured sufferin! in his ony$ eyes( Thou!h(, she did no unders and i s sour"e, she fel his pain as her own( Perhaps i was 0us as well she did no haFe he s*ill o rea"h hi&, she hou!h #i erly( ,ound o her du y, she "ould no sa)e 3arius( nor "ould 3arius sa)e her( ,u in ha &o&en , she was a!oni'ed, orn #e ween loyal ies( 8or, in ru h, she would ha)e !i)en any hin! o as e he ne" ar of rue lo)e 0us on"e in her life( >us for a day(

All af ernoon, 3arius wor*ed on his repor o C'ar Ale$ander and he Russian !o)ern&en ( The do"u&en was an in e!ral par of his lar!er plan( The len! hy repor "o&prised his offi"ial es i&ony on he fa" s a#ou Prin"e Ana ole Tyurino)1s poli i"al a&#i ions, whi"h 3arius had unear hed durin! his "o)er in7uiry in o he youn! !eneral1s #a"*!round, as well as his le!al and finan"ial affairs( 3arius had hones ly ne)er &ean o sa#o a!e he #e ro hal( True, here was a se"re , sa)a!e par of hi& ha see&ed o feel ha if he "ould no ha)e +erafina, no one "ould, #u he had held i in "he"* and "ondu" ed his in)es i!a ion fairly and wi h an open &ind( 6e had no royal "rown, nor ar&ies wi h whi"h o pro e" As"en"ion, af er all, nor did he e)en wan a wife( The Russian &a "h appeared #es for As"en"ion, and wha was #es for As"en"ion was #es for -a'ar, o who& 3arius owed e)ery hin!( He had ne)er e$pe" ed o learn ha Tyurino) was an!lin! o repla"e his wen y%fi)e%year%old "ousin, C'ar Ale$ander, as he supre&e ruler of Russia( +e)eral years a!o, C'ar Paul, Ale$ander1s fa her.a *nown &ad&an.had #een &urdered #y a handful of &en in he !o)ern&en , who hen presen ed he hrone o he !en le, s"holarly Ale$ander( The "o&&on spe"ula ion was ha Ale$ander had had a hand in he plo , #u hese ru&ors were swep under he "arpe in Russia1s "olle" i)e relief &erely o #e rid of he e)il C'ar Paul( Tyurino) had #een 7uie ly resurre" in! he ru&ors of Ale$ander1s in)ol)e&en in he &urder, pain in! C'ar Paul as a &ar yr, he s ron!%handed ruler Russia needed, and Ale$ander as a pa ri"ide( Tyurino) had a hu!e ar&y in he pal& of his hand, of "ourse, and #y his &anipula ions, he had won he suppor of &any of he older no#les, who deplored Ale$ander1s li#eral new poli"ies and 8ren"h%influen"ed &anners( 5i h his "haris&a, his )i" ories, his au hen i" royal #lood, (and his fa&ous ha red for he !odless Napoleon .whereas Ale$ander1s s an"e oward he Corsi"an wa)ered.Tyurino) was well lo)ed #y he )as Russian popula"e( 5i h a wo&an li*e +erafina #y he &an1s side, 3arius "ould well i&a!ine ha Tyurino) would 7ui"*ly ha)e he en ire Russian "our a his fee ( The ri!h wife was essen ial in he poli i"al arena( 3arius had #een "o&pilin! his lis of he Russian ru#les who& Tyurino) had won o)er o his reasonous "ause when -a'ar sen hi& word ha , due o in"reased pressure fro& he 8ren"h, and seein! ha his dau!h er found Tyurino) a!reea#le durin! heir )isi , he had already !i)en he &a "h his #lessin!( 3arius "ouldn1 #elie)e i ( He had #een in"ensed( Now "ould he *in! &a*e su"h an i&por an de"ision wi hou wai in! o hear fro& hi& firs : 3arius had no e)en sen hi& his repor ye ( Thou!h he weddin! da e had already #een se , -a'ar wro e ha he wished 3arius o "on inue he #a"*!round in)es i!a ion, and if possi#le, o #rin! i o a swif and happy "lose( Thou!h i see&ed poin less, 3arius pursued he hread of Tyurino)1s poli i"al a&#i ions, only o dis"o)er, o his sho"*ed horror, he ru h a#ou he dea h of Prin"ess Mar!are , Tyurino)1s firs wife( A ha poin , 3arius did so&e "areful hin*in!( Prone o ho headedness espe"ially where his li le !irl was "on"erned, he *in!, 3arius "al"ula ed, would #e ou ra!ed. par ly in fury a hi&self for #ein! a*en in #y Tyurino)1s "har&( 5i hou fore hou!h , -a'ar

would "all off he &arria!e a on"e( ,u o deny Tyurino) his "hosen #ride #ased on he a""usa ion of &urder.wi hou e)iden"e.would ha)e "aused a &a&&o h s"andal( One wi h possi#ly !ra)e poli i"al "onse7uen"es for As"en"ion( Af er all, Russia was always in need of Medi erranean por s( +u"h an insul o he "ousin of he "'ar "ould easily ha)e pro)ided he Russians wi h a handy e$"use o ry o a*e As"en"ion #y for"e, e$a" ly as he 8ren"h wan ed o do( +o 3arius had sear"hed fran i"ally for e)iden"e ha would hold up a!ains one of he &os powerful &en in he "i)ili'ed world( To free +erafina fro& he disas rous &a "h, he needed proof so da&nin! ha e)en Tyurino)1s "loses friends 9 would a#andon hi&( His sear"h was "u shor , howe)er, when he re"ei)ed he ip fro& one of his &os rus ed "ollea!ues ha he no orious 8ren"h spy Philippe +ain %-auren was runnin! an opera ion ou of he pala"e a ,elfor , wi h orders o a#du" he prin"ess #efore she "ould #e &arried( This new hrea had for"ed 3arius o lea)e Mos"ow i&&edia ely( His depar ure &ean he had o a#andon hope of findin! e)iden"e a!ains Tyurino)( The prin"e had "o)ered his ra"*s oo well( More dras i" &easures would need o #e a*en( And so 3arius had #e!un honin! his ai& wi h a rifle( The !irl was &ore da&ned rou#le han she was wor h, he hou!h !rou"hily as he se his 7uill pen down, pulled off his wire%ri&&ed readin! spe" a"les, and s re "hed his ne"*% his way and ha ( He fle$ed his "ra&ped ri!h hand, a#sen ly inspe" in! he #la"* in* s&ud!es on he heel of his pal&( His !a'e ra)eled o)er he pa!es he had spen he pas se)eral hours draf in!, s rewn o)er he des*( 5hy was his life so "o&pli"a ed: he wondered( 6n his 7ues for he e)iden"e, he had spun "on)olu ed we#s of lies( He had in)en ed )arious new iden i ies for hi&self, &anipula ed "oun less people, #ri#ed a few, had e)en sedu"ed one of Tyurino)1s e$%&is resses for infor&a ion( He had #ro*en laws, #ur!led Russian !o)ern&en offi"es( +pendin! so &any &on hs s udyin! he !olden, !lorious Ana ole, he had "o&e o ha e he &an( E)ery hin! Tyurino) s ood for was a lie( 3arius *new he, oo, was a liar and no wor h &u"h, #u a leas he did no pre end o #e a hero o he world, and he wi"*ed hin!s he did, he did o pro e" he people who had #een *ind o hi&( Tyurino) had no honor( 6ndeed, he &used, as he "hewed hou!h fully on he ar& of his spe" a"les, Tyurino) would ha)e s"offed a his an i7ua ed "ode, for he only law he prin"e o#eyed was self%in eres ( The wors par of i in 3arius1s )iew was ha Tyurino) did no e)en lo)e +erafina( 6f he &an had ruly "ared for her, ha &i!h ha)e &ade a differen"e, #u her #eau y had &ade her &erely a rophy o Tyurino), an o#0e" o #e a ained in order o !lorify hi&self and announ"e ye a!ain his !rea ness o he world( ( And how did +erafina feel a#ou he !lorious Ana ole: 3arius wondered for he housand h i&e, ryin! o s"off a his own inse"uri y o)er he 7ues ion( ,u ruly, had she #een a*en in #y he prin"e1s well%

do"u&en ed "har&: +he was a s&ar !irl, and 3arius had au!h her as a "hild #e wary of anyone who was o)erly friendly, #u sheRs a youn! wo&an now, ripe for lo)e( The hou!h &ade his !roin i!h en wi h a in!lin! FFa iii r( Turnin! his fa"e res lessly oward he one window( 6n )iew, he s*y was a#la'e wi h !a herin! sunse , he !old and pin* s rea*ed wi h )iole ( +oon i all would fade o #la"*( There would ne)er #e ano her "han"e( Go to her. His !a'e &o)ed o)er he reeline in silen dis ress( -s soon as the chaperon comes, you 're not going to be allowed anywhere near me.. A hose re&e&#ered words, he suddenly slid a free shee of paper oward hi&, dipped he 7uill in he in*well, and w ro e swif ly, his hear poundin!( Sir, It is inad*isable to send more staff at this time. 6er 6ighness is well and our location is secure. ( sealed i @ +our .ser*ant, 6

Jui"*ly, #efore he "ould "han!e his &ind, as hou!h his )ery life depended on i , he folded he pa!e2 and wi h wa$( 1( 6 was he &os selfish hin! he had e)er done, he &os de"ei ful, and he &os ne"essary( He pushed #a"* fro& he des*, The youn! lieu enan "a&e runnin!( 2+ir:2 23eli)er his &essa!e o His Ma0es y(2 24es, sir(2 28ind ou wha you "an a#ou Orsini1s pro!ress( Co&e #a"* o&orrow usin! one of he al erna e rou es we1)e ou lined(2 Ale" salu ed( 24es, Colonel(2 24es, sir:2 25here is Her Hi!hness:2 he )en ured( 6f Ale" found his 7ues ion a&usin!, wisely, he did no show i ( 261& no "er ain, sir( 61ll find ou (2 2;ood( 61ll #e in &y roo&(2 3arius lif ed a pear fro& he freshly arran!ed frui #owl on he "onsole a#le in he hall and oo* a lar!e #i e as he 0o!!ed up he s airs( A#o)e, he wen in o his s&all, dra#, spar an roo& and "rossed o he s urdy, oa*en ar&oire( He opened he door wi h a "li"* and rea"hed in o pull ou a lon!, slender "ase wi h a handle( He "arried i o he #ed, hen opened he "ase and s ared down a he slee*, e$pensi)e rifle he1d had &ade for he e$press purpose of 1 3arius urned o !o, hen hesi a ed( He !lan"ed o)er his shoulder a his aide( 2Er, Ale":2

#lowin! Napoleon1s head off( 6 was he &os #eau iful !un he1d e)er owned, ar fully "raf ed for pre"ision( He ran his fin!er ips down he s&oo h, &aho!any #arrel( The s&oo h%#ore flin lo"* was 3u "h%desi!ned( 6 had a ran!e of one hundred fif y yards, wi h a spe"ial foldin! eles"ope a a"h&en for enhan"ed ai&( He "losed he "ase( He would pra" i"e la er( Pu in! he #la"* lea her "ase #a"* in o he ar&oire, he wen o he side a#le o freshen up( The wa er re)i)ed hi& af er hours of des* wor*( He splashed his fa"e, #rushed his ee h, slapped on so&e "olo!ne, "o&#ed his hair, and &o"*ed hi&self for hese a en ions o )ani y, *nowin! he was !oin! o see +erafina( He !lan"ed in he &irror a he &an here, re yin! his si&ple "ra)a ( 5arily, he &e he s are of he half% #reed s ran!er wi h he &ean, fiery eyes and he hideous s"ar on his &ou h, an e)erlas in! re&inder ha he had ne)er #een wan ed anywhere( 4e +erafina see&ed o re7uire hi&( 1hy me, he hou!h for he housand h i&e( 23on1 7ues ion i ,2 he dryly ad)ised his refle" ion, lie lof his roo&, lo"*ed i , and wen in sear"h of he royal pro eeiee( + ridin! down he se"ond floor1s #alus raded landin!, w in"h o)erloo*ed he en ran"e hall, he #ellowed on"e &ore for Ale", 2Ha)en1 found her ye , sir92 The lieu enan appeared as she #o o& of he s airs( 25ha :2 3arius peered o)er he rail, frownin! down a hi&( 2No one has seen her in hours( The &en hou!h she was wi h you92 2+he1s no wi h &e92 His s o&a"h suddenly plu&&e ed in dread( 24ou &ean o say hey ha)en1 seen her:2 24es, sir9 No one has(2 2;odda&n i , why he hell ha)e 6 !o wo do'en &en here !uardin! her: 3o 6 ha)e o do e)ery hin! &yself: 3id you "he"* her roo&s:2 24es, sir( +he1s no in here(2 25ell, she1s !o o #e so&ewhere9 61& !oin!= o hro le her,2 he &u ered under his #rea h as he sear"hed he house hi&self, 0us o #e sure, hen &ar"hed ou o he s a#le( He prayed she had &erely wandered off, perhaps e$plorin! he se"re unnels he had shown her earlier( He dou# ed his, for she had #een afraid of he #a s, #u i was #e er han hin*in! he 8ren"h had so&ehow &ana!ed o sna "h her already( One of he &en found her &aid( 3arius "ornered he wo&an( Pia s a&&ered ha Her Hi!hness had spo*en earlier of "olle" in! plan sa&ples( 2How dare she lea)e wi hou &y per&ission:2 he de&anded, as hou!h he poor wo&an had an answer( + andin! around hi& and he &aid, his &en s epped #a"*, palin! o see heir usually unflappa#le "olonel an!ry. and he was an!ry, an!rier han he had "ause o #e, #u her disappearan"e s ru"* so&e ine$pli"a#le ner)e in he "ore of hi&( +he had no ri!h lea)in! hi& wi hou sayin! any hin!( 5ha if he

"ouldn1 find her: Pani" "lu "hed a his "hes , hro##ed in his wounded shoulder whi"h she had s i "hed( 8i)e hundred #loody a"res, he hou!h as he swun! up on o his s allion1s #a"*( +he "ould #e anywhere( He dro)e his heels in o >ihad1s &idni!h flan*s and !alloped ou o he fields o find her( Cradled in he field1s all !rasses, +erafina had do'ed off as she wa "hed "loud shapes in he s*y( 6n her li!h , res ful sleep, she fan"ied she heard rollin! hunder o)er he hills, hen she fel a )i#ra ion in he ear h #enea h her #ody, li*e he poundin! of &i!h y hoo)es( Her awareness of hi& oo* shape as i had las ni!h in he &a'e( The hunder for&ed in o his )oi"e, an!rily "allin! her na&e( +he reali'ed she wasn1 drea&in! and sa up suddenly wi h a !asp( The sun was se in!9 +he had los all ra"* of i&e( As she s"anned he surroundin! fields, he #urs in o )iew, sweepin! up o)er he "res of he ne$ hill as ride his Andalusian s allion( He had no ye seen her, shou in! her na&e as he !lan"ed in #o h dire" ions( +he "ould 0us &a*e ou he furious ri" us of his fa"e as he dro)e he horse a a ru hless !allop, "u in! a"ross he far end of he field( The horse1s ail s rea&ed ou li*e #la"* s&o*e #ehind he&, and he se in! sun !lin ed on he &an1s weapons( +he s ood, hear poundin!, no sure if she should "all ou o hi& or no ( +he reali'ed he was loo*in! for her, #u he si!h of he hellish pair fri!h ened her( 6f he urned he horse oward her, hey would ra&ple her( "Serafina$" +he heard, hen, so&e hin! &ore han an!er in his deep )oi"e.fear, pain dro)e he rollin! hunder( Set me as a seal on your heart, as a seal on your arm? for stern as death is lo*e... The words "a&e o her ou of nowhere as she s ood s arin! a &an and horse, awes ru"* #y heir erri#le #eau y( 6 was a 7uo e fro& he +on! of +on!s she had read on"e and ne)er for!o en( #elentless as the netherworld is de*otion? its < tames are a bla@ing fire. Deep waters cannot Auench lo*e, nor floods sweep it. away. He saw her( +erafina did no &o)e( +he was no sure she "ould ha)e if she ried, fro'en #y his enra!ed s are( 6e is coming for me now. 3arius loo*ed away as he reeled he horse around( >ihad reared in he urn( +he heard his deep, harsh "o&&and, spo*en in ha sa&e un*nown lan!ua!e in whi"h he had "ursed Philippe, hen he horse leaped forward and hey "har!ed her( +he s ared, una#le o &o)e, ransfi$ed #y heir erri#le #eau y( 3efenseless, &es&eri'ed #y heady error, she wa "hed 3arius +an ia!o and his hell%horse #earin! down on her li*e one of he riders of he Apo"alypse( 1as this how Philippe felt in those last seconds, As hey neared, she "ould (see in his fa"e 0us how furious he was( 2+erafina92 'o fear. He would no hur her( +he &us #elie)e his( + eadily, she wa "hed hi& approa"hin! li*e a #la"* s or&, #u she held her !round, for her hear whispered

he ru h o her( 6 was he wound inside hi&, dri)in! his ra!e( Only she "ould help hi&( %alm him. Soothe him. A few fee fro& her, 3arius pulled he s a&pin!, snor in! #la"* o a rearin! hal ( +he wa "hed as daisies were ra&pled #enea h he sharp, &i!h y hoo)es( As he reeled he horse in a "ir"le, ryin! o 7uie hi&( he #las ed her wi h a fiery !lare o)er his shoulder, his #la"* hair ousled, his "hiseled fa"e flushed wi h an!er( 2+o here you are(2 +he said no hin!, !a'in! a hi& in !en leness( 25ha he hell did you hin* you were doin!, runnin! off wi hou sayin! any hin! o anyone: 6 ha)e #een loo*in! for you for half an hour92 26 a& safe,2 she said sof ly( 23arius, "al& down(2 23on1 ell &e o "al& down92 +he shru!!ed, urned, and wal*ed away( 25here do you hin* you1re !oin!:2 he as*ed in"redulously( +he pi"*ed a daisy and did no answer( Coun in! i s pe als wi h a show of non"halan"e, she a&#led oward he woods, 7ua*in! inwardly( He spurred his horse and followed( 21 as*ed you a 7ues ion(2 26 "anno al* wi h you when you1re in his s a e(2 +he wal*ed on, #u heard ha he had s opped( 26 1s your faul 61& in his s a e92 +he s epped in o he wili woods, lis enin! for hi&, wonderin! whe her or no he would follow( He didn1 ( 5arily, she !lan"ed o)er her shoulder a hi&( He had dis&oun ed and was s andin! #y his horse, head down, apparen ly s ri)in! o !e his e&o ions under "on rol( 5hen he loo*ed up, his dra&a i" fa"e in profile o her as he !a'ed ou o)er he field, he fiery !low of sunse li his fa"e, urned his a&#er s*in rose%!old, and "au!h hreads of &aroon and #lue%#la"* in his sil*y hair( 2eautiful. He #lew ou his #rea h and ra*ed a hand hrou!h his hair( + arin! a hi& fro& he #os*y wood, she ou"hed her #elly )a!uely, low, where a s ran!e nu er of war& h had #e!un o pulse( All of a sudden, an e$ raordinarily nau!h y idea o""urred o her( No, she didn1 dare9 ,u of "ourse she did( Her hear suddenly ra"ed as she wa "hed 3arius wearily urn o he horse and run he s irrups up on he saddle, *no in! he reins o lea)e >ihad o !ra'e( +he "ould ell #y his slow, hea)y &o ions ha he wasn1 an!ry any&ore( ( % 2How was 6 supposed o *now ha :2 he de&anded( 24ou should ha)e a*en &en wi h you92

,i in! her lip o hold #a"* a ner)ous, !iddy lau!h, +erafina urned oward he woods a!ain wi h a new sense of e$"i e&en , ea!er o hwar hi& and )e$ hi& for #ein! so &ean( Her !a'e dar ed a#ou he surroundin! ro"*s and rees, "o&in! o res a a s and of youn! saplin!s near#y( 8eelin! re"*less, she ied soundlessly in o he saplin!s1 &ids ( Cha!rined, i&pa ien , and #e!rud!in!ly "on ri e, 3arius rud!ed oward he woods, head down, as he peeled off his #la"* ridin! !lo)es and li!h ly slapped he& a!ains his pal&( "onsiderin! whe her or no o !ro)el( How "ould he lose his e&per li*e ha : he hou!h in self%loa hin!( Mos ly, he was relie)ed ha she had fa"ed hi& wi hou fear( He did no hin* he "ould e)er #ear a!ain o se" ha error of hi& in her eyes, as when he1d loo*ed up fro& slau!h erin! Philippe +ain %-auren and found her s arin! a hi& in horror( +he was ou!her han anyone !a)e her "redi for, he had o ad&i ( +he loo*ed fra!ile, #u his rare ho house flower had he resilien"e of a wild daisy( He s epped fro& open field in o shadowy wood( 24our Hi!hness:2 No seein! her or hearin! her, he s rode a#ou fif een fee down he wide pa h, where he "a&e o a s&all, !rassy "learin!( He s opped, and his shoulders slu&ped( On"e &ore, she was nowhere in si!h ( He hea)ed a si!h( 24our Hi!hness:2 No answer( 26 see( This old !a&e(2 He urned, loo*in! around( 26 wasn1 a&usin! when you were fi)e( Co&e ou ( Now(2 +he didn1 ( 2Tha 1s an order92 He heard a ny&ph1s sil)ery lau!h er and a few snappin! wi!s( He whirled in he dire" ion of he sound and i&&edia ely !a)e "hase, !rinnin! in spi e of hi&self as he sho)ed his way hrou!h he #ran"hes of a "lus er of saplin!s( He "a&e ou in o a pla"e where he rees were hinner( 5al*in! slowly, he !lan"ed one way and he o her, #u he saw no erran prin"esses( 2Hery well, perhaps 6 deser)e his, #u +erafina, you *now full well 6 a& responsi#le for you( 6 will no olera e you runnin! off #y yourself( 5ha if 6 had needed you for so&e hin!: 5ha if so&e hin! had happened.2 +o&e hin! s&all and round pel ed hi& in he #a"* of he head( 2Ow92 He spun a#ou fa"e as he a"orn she had hrown a hi& #oun"ed o he leafy fores floor( He s"owled in o he hi"*e ha lay in he dire" ion fro& whi"h he &issile had "o&e, ru##in! he #a"* of his head( 24ou are #e!innin! o irri a e &e, 4our Hi!hness( 61& in no &ood( 4ou "an see i 1s !e in! dar*( +upper will #e ready soon(2 He "ould feel her s ifled lau!h er all around hi&( Her &erri&en per&ea ed he !lade li*e he #a##lin! of

he #roo*, whi"h was no oo far away, 0ud!in! #y he sound( 6n spi e of hi&self, 3arius was "har&ed( He s&iled ruefully( 2Ah, Cri"*e ,2 he &ur&ured( 2My whi&sy, &is"hief !arden !irl%,y his fee , he found e)iden"e of her passin!.a daisy she had dropped( He "rou"hed down and pi"*ed i up !en ly, re"allin! he "oun less i&es she had ried o &a*e pea"e wi h hi& sin"e ha April ni!h hree years a!o( 6 had #een he hardes hin! he had e)er done, resis in! her ha ni!h ( Only sli!h ly less hear #rea*in! were he i&es she had "o&e o hi& af erward, &a*in! #lushin!, aw*ward apolo!ies( He had li)ed #y he rule ha i was i&pera i)e ne)er o wea*en oward her( 6 was #es for her o for!e hi&( 8or ha reason, he had &e all her friendly o)er ures, all her i o in"lude hi& in her a" i)i ies wi h her friends, wi h aloof, s ony silen"e( He "losed his eyes, nes lin! his "hee* a!ains he flowers pe als( So gentle. A wa)e of loneliness and loss washed hrou!h hi&( How li*e her, for"in! hi& o play wi h her when he had refused( !i)en he "hoi"e( Hide and see*, her fa)ori e !a&e( 5as i no he, in ru h, who was hidin!: Always hidin!( He opened his eyes a!ain and was s ill, for he "ould feel her wa "hin! hi&( 25hy do you !o on for!i)in! &e:2 he as*ed sof ly, no *nowin! whe her she "ould hear hi&, no sure if he "ould #ear o hear he answer( He "he"*ed he wa)e of e&o ion and rose, he flower railin! fro& his hand( He wal*ed o he "en er of he !lade and loo*ed around( 2Hery well,2 he de"lared o he woods a lar!e( 24ou ha) e e)ery ri!h o #e "ross a &e( %6 was rude o you his &ornin! 1 ordered you o en er ain yourself, and when youR)e "o&plied, 6 ended up s"rea&in! a you( 61& sorry( 5ill you "o&e ou now:2 He heard a s&all, fe&inine snor fro& #ehind a "lus er of wild )ines( He s&iled "raf ily o hi&self and "rep nearer,#u she &us ha)e seen hi& "o&in!, for when he hrus his i &s in o he wis in! #ran"hes and par ed he& wi h a riu&phan "ry, he found she had already eluded hi&( 1 2H&&(2 He wal*ed #a"* oward he "en er of he !ro) e and loo*ed around( 2Perhaps you will a""ep &y apolo!y when 6 say 6 ha)e a*en s eps already o &a*e i up o ya*(2 He lis ened, "er ain he had her full a en ion( 5here was he "hi : #e no "haperons "o&e o pla!ue you(1 he announ"ed( He heard #ran"hes &o)e and loo*ed o)er o see a pair of )iole eyes peerin! ou a hi& fro& #e ween he lea)es He le ou a hear y shou and spran! oward her, she shrie*ed and #ounded off li*e a doe, "rashin! hrou!h he woods( He "hased, feelin! his hear #ea hru&&in! in his 2There will

)eins( He lau!hed as she #ared her an*les and *nees, "li&#in! o)er a lar!e lo! #arrin! he pa h ahead of hi&( +he shrie*ed a!ain in &o"* error when she saw hi&, yan*ed her s*ir s o)er he lo!, and *ep runnin! down he pa h, lau!hin!, her "urls flyin!, daisies fallin! #ehind her as die wrea h of flowers on her head "a&e undone( 3aisies an!led in her lon!, #la"* hair( 3arius leaped he &ossy lo! as she disappeared around he #end in he pa h, #u he "ould s ill see her pale dress hrou!h he rees, drapin! her slender #ody, flee in! and !ra"eful( Hear poundin!, he !o her & si!h a!ain as he rounded he #end, and hen, in a #urs of speed, he sprin ed up #ehind her and a"*led her( +he wis ed in his ar&s, ryin! o s7uir& free e)en as she was fallin! wi h hi&( Tha was how she ended up lyin! on her #a"* under hi&, heir fa"es in"hes apar ( ,rea hin! hard, he !rinned a her( 2;o you(2 +he !a)e hi& a defian pou , #u her eyes were spar*lin! under heir hi"*, )el)e lashes( Res in! on his el#ows, he plu"*ed he las daisy fro& her hair and #rushed i down her nose( 5hen she wrin*led her nose and urned her fa"e away, he i"*led her ne"* wi h i ( +he lau!hed, s ill sli!h ly ou of #rea h( 2+ op ha , you ro en #eas (2 2A& 6 hea)y:2 2A on92 2;ood(2 He i"*led her under he "hin wi h he flower( +he s&a"*ed his hand away, !i)in! hi& a har&less s"owl( Playfully, he s"owled #a"* a her, hen she s&iled, as if she "ould no help herself( +u"h a s&ile( 6 oo* his #rea h away( Pure inno"en"e( Pure swee ness shinin! fro& her )iole eyes( No for he !lorious Ana ole, no for so&e #lue%#looded prin"e, #u for hi&. he no hin!( The wor hless, ;ypsy #as ard( His playfulness faded( 25ha is i :2 she whispered un"er ainly as he "ri"*e s san! around he& and he #ree'e si!hed hrou!h he #ou!hs as, far a#o)e( 24ou(2 His )oi"e was "ap ured in his hroa ( As if he were a #oy, his hand re&#led as he "upped her fa"e( He fel "lu&sy, inep ( Her "rea&y "hee* was li*e sa in, and his ou"h was re)eren ( +he sear"hed his eyes, loo*in! s ar led( 1 24ou are so #eau iful,2 he "ho*ed ou ( 2Ohh, 3arius,2 she whispered wi h a &el in! s&ile, e)en as her #ody, sof ened under hi&( +he slipped her ar&s around his ne"* and hu!!ed hi& "lose( 2Than* you(2 He sa)ored her inno"en e&#ra"e in silen"e( He was in hea)en, wrapped in her lo)eliness( He "ould feel her ripe, fir&, perfe" #reas s pressed o his "hes , and he a"hed o ou"h he&( He "ould feel her fla #elly, her wo&anly hips "radlin! his pel)is( 5hen she drew #a"* and !a'ed up a hi&, her eyes pro&ised hi& ha e)ery hin! she had o !i)e was his for he a*in!, his alone( 5ha e)er her reasons, howe)er &is!uided, she "hose hi&, and, ;od, how he wan ed her( His whole #ody was re&#lin! a!ains her( He swallowed hard( 2+erafina, 6 ha)e no #een hones wi h you(2

2+hh,2 she whispered, pla"in! her fin!er ip o)er his lips 21 *now, 6 *now(2 26 "an1 run any&ore( 61& so si"* of pre endin!%.2 2+hh,2 she #rea hed( 24ou don1 ha)e o e$plain( 4ou1re wi h &e now(2 He s ared a her( -if in! her hand, )ery !en ly she ra"ed he "res"en %shaped s"ar on his &ou h wi h her fin!er ip( He flin"hed1 #u did no pull away, wa "hin! her fa"e, unsure if he fel rede&p ion or despair( 5i hou warnin!, she "urled upward and *issed he "ur)ed s"ar sof ly, lin!erin!ly( He slid his ar&s #enea h her and held her o hi&, an!lin! his fin!ers in her "urly hair( +he whispered his na&e, *issed his "hee* and ne"*( +he "aressed his ar&s, "arefully a)oidin! his hur shoulder( + ri)in! for sani y, he "losed his eyes, #u he s&ell of her s*in was oo e&p in!( He los he #a le, dipped his head, and pressed a *iss o her hroa ( He heard her whispered !roan( +he lay #a"* on he fores floor and il ed her head #a"*, offerin! herself( He s ro*ed her hair as he "o)ered her hroa in *isses( He did no *now how lon! hey wen on li*e ha , holdin! and ou"hin!, e$"han!in! sof *isses li*e wo inno"en "hildren, rap wi h dis"o)ery( Cer ainly i was no he way he "ondu" ed his usual sedu" ions( This was no hin! li*e ha ( His soul was on fire( 5i h her, he was as raw and hea ed and un"er ain as he )ir!in in his ar&s( 3us* deepened in he woods( Their &o)e&en s released he ( ear hy s"en s of he dried lea)es and he sof , )el)e y &oss ha was heir #ed( Ni!h #irds san! lonely &elodies of lo)e( He #e"a&e in ensely aware (of her hands slidin! o)er his #ody, e$plorin! his #a"*, his sides, his hips( +o&ehow she had un ied his "ra)a wi hou his no i"in!( +he "aressed his ne"*, hoo*in! her fin!er hrou!h he sil)er "hain #earin! he &edal she had !i)en hi&( Gissin! he "roo* of her ne"*, he fel her hips lif #enea h hi& in fiery ins in" ( -us sla&&ed hrou!h his #ody( He !a)e her lef le! a nud!in! "aress wi h his ri!h *nee( +he yielded, openin! her hi!hs, allowin! hi& o lie #e ween her le!s( He was ro"*%hard, "er ain ha one ou"h of her hand "ould &a*e hi& e$plode( His pulse was wild, and he "ould feel her hear #ea poundin! in her #ody( +he ran her fin!ers hrou!h his hair( He dra!!ed his eyes open and loo*ed a her, pan in! sli!h ly( +he was #rea hless, her lips sli!h ly par ed( Her )iole eyes were !la'ed wi h wonder as she dis"o)ered her desire, fe)erish wi h need ha &irrored his own( +he il ed her head #a"*, s arin! a hi& ho ly, as if he were already shea hed deeply inside her( He slid his fin!ers hrou!h her hair, "radlin! her head in his hand( He we his lips, swallowed hard, hesi a in!, afraid of he *new no wha ( +o afraid( 2+erafina,2 he said in a re&#lin! whisper( =

"+es. Darius, yes." +he slipped her ar&s around his ne"* and pulled hi& down o her( The fu ure, he world #eyond he fores dissol)ed alon! wi h his resis an"e( 4ears of resis an"e, fu ile fro& he s ar ( He #elon!ed o his !irl, #ody and soul, and he *new i ( 5i h relief so e$7uisi e he "ould ha)e wep , he s&oo hly lowered his head and *issed her lips(

CHAPTER EIGHT 5hen she il ed her head and #e!an *issin! hi& #a"* in his soul%deep way, en a i)ely a firs , he !a)e a sof , heady !roan( 2Oh, ;od, 6 adore you,2 he whispered( +he s opped, a#sor#in! his words wi h a&a'e&en ( +he "ap ured his an!ular fa"e #e ween her hands and sear"hed his eyes( 23o you &ean ha :2 He re urned her !a'e wi hou fa"ade or pre ense( 26 would die for you,2 he said( +he s ared a hi&, pained wi h swee es an!uish, hen pulled hi& !en ly oward her and in ensified he *iss( 8or a lon! &o&en , hey were "o&ple ely "au!h up in *issin!, hen she fel his hand in"h lower, oward he ne"*line of her dress, as if he #urned o ou"h her #reas s #u did no dare( His fin!er ips s*i&&ed hori'on ally alon! her &odes ne"*line( +he hou!h of all he i&es she had "au!h hi& s arin! and s&iled o herself a!ains his &ou h, "o)erin! his hand wi h her own( 26s his wha you wan :2 she &ur&ured, &o)in! his hand lower, &oldin! i o)er her #reas ( He drew in his #rea h, par ly a &oan( +he "losed her eyes and lay #a"* a!ain in drif in! pleasure as his war& hands "aressed and e$plored her, !en ly *neadin! her flesh( +he opened her eyes hea)ily when she fel he s&all u! a he #u ons on he fron of her dress( He !a)e her a "hallen!in! loo* fro& under his !lossy forelo"*, as if darin! her o s op hi&( +he%s&iled sli!h ly, wa "hin! hi&( 2M&&(2 +he shi)ered when he slid his hands inside her #odi"e, !en ly pullin! i down( He &o)ed #a"* and s ared a her #reas s, hen lif ed his s are o hers( He see&ed oo &o)ed o spea*( The *nowled!e ha she pleased hi& sen a pan! of 0oy down hrou!h he "ore of her #ody( +lowly, he *nel o)er her, *issin! her forehead enderly while he gra@ed his fin!er ips li!h ly down he )alley #e ween her #reas s( He "aressed her &idriff, hen #rushed her nipples li!h ly wi h his *nu"*les, wa "hin! her fa"e for her rea" ion, !lan"in! down a heir ins an plu&pin!( He leaned down and #rushed his fa"e a!ains her #reas s(

2Oh, +erafina(2 He shuddered wi h lon!in! a!ains her( 24ou are so sof (2 He "upped her #reas s in #o h hands, #uryin! his fa"e #e ween he&( He urned his fa"e o *iss he inner "ur)e of one, hen he o her( +he fel her nipples swell and harden #enea h he !en le *neadin! of his hands un il hey a"hed wi h fullness( His eyes "losed, he roo ed a!ains her sof ness( Hear ra"in!, she leaned, ar"hin! her #a"* sli!h ly, offerin! herself ins in" i)ely( He opened his &ou h and a""ep ed her au , swollen nipple for a firs , en a i)e su"*( +he !asped and her eyes sho open wide a he ho , we u! of his &ou h( +he s ared a he #la"* #ran"hes far o)erhead wi h he indi!o s*y #eyond he&( +he had ne)er fel su"h pleasure( +purred on #y her response, he wrapped his hand around her #reas and su"*led upon her, his &ou h ho and wild( Her eyes drif ed "losed a!ain( +he &oaned sof ly, holdin! hi&( Hun!rily, he &o)ed o he o her #reas , su"*in! hard( +uddenly he paused, as hou!h surprised( +he #arely had i&e o wonder why when he !roaned aloud and !ripped her #reas harder, su"*in! her nipple wi h fier"e, %un"on rolla#le passion( He was infla&ed, his hands all o)er her, s ro*in! her le!s, #e ween her le!s( He &o)ed up o)er her and oo* her &ou h wi h deep, for"eful *isses( +he was o)erwhel&ed #y his passion( 26 as ed you( 6 as ed your &il*,2 he whispered fier"ely( +he did no *now if ha was possi#le, #u she had no i&e o wonder, for wi hou warnin!, he swooped down o)er her and "lai&ed her &ou h( 3ri)in! her lips apar wi h his *iss, he for"ed he lin!erin! swee ness of her #ody1s &il* fro& his on!ue on o hers( +he "ried ou wi h surprise when he pinned her wris s o he fores floor and s ared #rashly in o her eyes( 24ou are &ine,2 he !round ou ( 24ou *now you are(2 +he s ared up a hi& in silen"e, #arely darin! o #rea he( He was pan in!, his ony$ eyes flashin! li*e hea li!h nin!( +he did no *now wha he in ended, she only *new he FF as far s ron!er han she( His hard "hes a!ains her, she "ould feel his rushin! pulse( 24ou *now you are &ine,2 he whispered a!ain( 2+aF i (2 5as he as*in! for per&ission o deflower her: she hou!h in alar&( +he &ean o ease hi& #a"* o reason wi h a a" ful re&inder ha she was soon o &arry ano her &an.a &an who would pro#a#ly *ill her if she "a&e o her weddin! ni!h no a )ir!in.#u when she opened her &ou h, only one word slipped ou ( 24es(2 He s ared a her(

+he was no sure wha she had 0us done( +he "ould no read hi&, wasn1 sure if her ad&ission had sa isfied hi&( He ou"hed her fa"e, s ro*ed her hair, hen suddenly #en down and s"ooped her in o a fier"e hu!( 2An!el( 6 fri!h ened you(2 2No, 3arius,2 she old hi& #ra)ely( He held her for a lon! &o&en ( 25e should !o( They1re loo*in! for us(2 Nei her of he& &ade any &o)e o !e up( 26 shouldn1 ha)e le his happen,2 he said( +he !a'ed a hi&( 26 1s oo la e now(2 26 a& afraid you will re!re i (2 He a)oided her eyes( 24ou *now i "an1 las (2 +he ou"hed his "hee*, urnin! his fa"e o &ee her s"are( 261ll ne)er re!re i , 3arius( 5ill you:2 He loo*ed a her for a &o&en , hen slowly shoo* his head(2No( 6 1s 0us ha 6 "an1 pro&ise you any hin! #eyond our i&e here(2 He "o)ered her hand wi h his own( 26f you !e "lose o &e now, i will hur when i 1s i&e for us o !o(2 +he si!hed and laid her head on his shoulder( 2Any a&oun of i&e wi h you is wor h he pain o &e,2 she &ur&ured 2My fearless Prin"esa( 4ou "on inually a&a'e &e,2 he said wi h a sof , sad "hu"*le as his ar&s i!h ened around her( +he loo*ed a hi& hou!h fully( 23id you really !e rid of &y "haperons:2 2Oh, yes, indeed,2 2How:2 +he #ra"ed herself on his "hes and !a'ed down a hi&( Her hair swun! down li*e a sil*en )eil around hi&( 2Told ,elfor i was oo dan!erous o send any &ore s aff ri!h now(2 24ou lied o &y fa her:2 she e$"lai&ed( 24ou:2 He *ni his #row( 26 would hardly say 6 lied( A "arria!e "ould easily #e followed(2 +he lau!hed in deli!h ( 24ou lied o Papa so ha we "ould #e o!e her92 2+o wha if 6 did:2 he re or ed( 2No hin!( 6 always *new you li*ed &e #es ( Now you ha)e fou!h he dra!ons for &e(2 A his s"owl, she !a)e hi& a fond s7uee'e( 24ou *now how 6 ha e ha)in! so&e old dra!on%lady loo*in! o)er &y shoulder e)ery se"ond(2 i *now( 6 would, oo(2 21 owe you one for his, +an ia!o(2 2Really:2 he drawled( His 0e %#la"* hair ousled, his &ou h #ees un! wi h *issin!, he eyed her #reas s(

Her eyes widened( 23arius, really(2 Jui"*ly, she s"ra&#led off hi& wi h a hea ed #lush and #e!an #u onin! her dress( Chu"*lin! a her alar&, he pin"hed her "hee* and swep o his fee ( As she hurriedly ri!h ed her "lo hes, he urned #a"* o her and offered his hand( +he !rasped i and 0u&ped up wi h a s&ile of undis!uised adora ion( They lef he woods hand in hand, wal*in! in silen"e( 3arius "ap ured >ihad in he field while +erafina !a hered up her #o any o&e and her #as*e of plan s( +he pu her #rown *id an*le #oo s #a"* on wi hou fas enin! he&( 3arius insis ed ha hey #o h "ould ride he horse, so she soon found herself sea ed sidesaddle a"ross his lap while he rode as ride( +he #alan"ed her #as*e on her lap as she leaned se"urely a!ains 3arius, sa)orin! he s eadyin! feel of his ar& around her wais ( Her head res in! on his "hes , she s ared up a hi& while he !uided he horse ho&eward hrou!h he hi"*enin! dar*( The horse "arried he& #a"* hrou!h he fields a a s a ely wal*( ,y he i&e he li!h s of he yellow )illa "a&e in si!h , he !ray%pearl dus* had urned in o a "lear, s arry ni!h ( 5hen hey rode #a"* in o he "o&pound, one of he &en spo ed heir &o)e&en in he dar*ness( 2There1s he "olonel92 Half a do'en soldiers "a&e runnin! oward he&( 2Colonel92 2Ha)e you found her:2 26 1s all ri!h ,2 3arius "alled as hey "a&e presen ly under he sphere of li!h fro& he neares wrou!h %iron lan ern( 26 ha)e found he prin"ess, as you "an see(2 +erafina #lushed, loo*in! a#ou her, as eye#rows were raised when he soldiers saw he royal pro e" ee sea ed in heir "olonel1s lap( 3arius "arried on in his "ur , #usinessli*e way as if here were no hin! one 0o unusual a#ou i ( 24ou,2 he said s ernly o a youn! pri)a e, 2!o ell he *i "hens Her Hi!hness will dine in half an hour(2 He !a)e a few &ore &is"ellaneous "o&&ands, hen ordered he o hers #a"* o heir pos s( +he o#ser)ed his i&pa" on his &en wi h one par ad&ira ion, one par a&use&en ( His s yle of !i)in! orders was "er ainly differen fro& her fa her1s( The *in!1s orders were no oriously s*e "hy and swif , for he e$pe" ed or a leas hoped ha he &en around hi& would use heir own #rains( 3arius was no so op i&is i"( He e$pe" ed his orders o #e "arried ou &e i"ulously, un7ues ionin!ly, he sa&e &anner in whi"h hey were !i)en #y hi&(

5hen he &en had s"a ered o heir du ies, 3arius "lu"*ed o >ihad and he horse wal*ed on( 2They will !ossip,2 she &ur&ured au ly( 2My &en are loyal(2 He flin"hed a li le o spea* he word, hen said no hin! &ore, #roodin!( +he *new he was hin*in! of her fa her(! 131 +he hou!h of Ana ole and did no feel he sli!h es win!e of !uil Howe)er, i would no do for ru&ors o !e #a"* o he Russian diplo&a s( 25ha if hey spread ales when we re urn o ,elfor :2 25ho says we are e)er !oin! #a"*:2 he &ur&ured( 2May#e 1A11 *idnap you &yself(2 25ould you, please:2 she as*ed wis fully( He lau!hed sof ly, sadly, hen shif ed #o h reins in o one hand and "aressed her shoulder, pullin! her "loser as hey neared he s a#le( 2There, here, li le pe ( Ne)er worry a#ou &y &en(2 24ou sound )ery sure(2 f 6 a& sure( -e no hin! fri!h en you(2 8ondly he nu''led her hair( 26f here is any unpleasan ness, 6 shall a end o i ( Trus &e( Hun!ry:2 24ou are "han!in! he su#0e" (2 He !a)e her a de)as a in! s&ile as he reined in #efore he wide, open s a#le doors( 261ll see you a dinner, an!el( 5ear so&e hin! pre y for &e( Prefera#ly low%"u , if you please(2 24ou are i&possi#le,2 she whispered, s&ilin! in spi e of herself( His dar* eyes dan"ed( 26 pride &yself on i (2 Half an hour la er, she sa !a'in! a"ross he dinner a#le a 3arius, hin*in! wi h a "on en ed si!h ha he was he handso&es &an on he ear h, and he #ra)es , and he "le)eres , and he #es ( 8resh%s"ru##ed and dashin! in his offi"er1s unifor&, he was sedu" ion in"arna e( The shiny !old #u ons on his s&ar ly "u s"arle "oa were undone, re)ealin! he whi e sa in wais "oa #enea h( His whi e "ra)a was i&&a"ula e as always( He wore #la"* #road"lo h #ree"hes, !lea&in! #la"* #oo s, and his sil)er dress sword( 3i& "andleli!h fro& he "handelier s"ulp ed his hi!h "hee*#ones in shadow and *issed his sun%#ron'ed s*in wi h a sof !low( His lips loo*ed sof and plu&p, and he dra&a i" an$les of his face had softened for his mood was sensual and rela%ed! She sa&ored his presence makin$ sure he a e plen y, and thankin$ all the pa$an $ods like the ones spor in! in he lush Baro'ue fresco on the ceilin$ a#o&e her ha she had no chaperon!

Sippin$ her (ine she $lanced up a$ain uneasily at he mar&elous paintin$ o&erhead (hich depicted the lo)ers Mars and )enus cau$ht in the $olden net fashioned #y the 0ealous hus#and )ulcan! She opted not to point it out to *arius! He hadn+t no i"ed i , starin$ only at her face and at the plun$in$ ne"*line of he lila" silk she had (orn sheerly to indul$e him! "I adore you Santia$o " she declared restin$ her "hee* dreamily in her hand! He looked up finished che(in$ took a drink of red wine, and crooked a fin$er at her (ipin$ his mouth wi h his linen napkin! She strai$htened up in her seat! ",hat is are summonin$ me like the sultan-" she e%claimed indi!nan ly( "I only (ant to $i&e you a treat Princesa!" He plu"*ed a stra(#erry from the centerpiece dipped it in his wine, hen held it ou to her (ith a flash of (ickedness in his dar* eyes( "*on+t you (ant it- Come and $et it " he said sof ly( ".oh a treat for me-" /au$hin$ she rose from her sea and leaned to(ard him across the ta#le reachin$ for it! "No no you ha&e to come and take it if you wan i ,2 he chided (ith a de&ilish smile coa%in$ her to(ard hi& un il she clim#ed up onto the ta#le and lau$hin$ all the while, "rawled slo(ly to(ard him on hands and knees across the a#le, slidin! laden sil&er platters out of the (ay to clear her path! "Here comes my dessert " he taunted! She $i$$led! "0y (hat a lar$e appetite you ha&e1+ "2 little closer " he murmured holdin$ the s raw#erry tantali3in$ly 4ust out of reach of her mouth! She ried o !e i and he pulled it a(ay! 2+"oundrel, 6 wan i ,2 she pou ed( 2Co&e and !e i ( Hurry( 6 1s drippin!,2 he whispered, eyein! he drop of wine ha had "olle" ed a he s raw#erry1s ip( 2Ca "h i , +erafina(2 +he did( +he "au!h he drop of wine on her on!ue, li"*in! he underside of he ripe, red s raw#erry slowly while he held i for her( 2Hery !ood,2 he &ur&ured( 25ould you li*e o #i e i :2 +he opened her &ou h( He pulled he s raw#erry #a"*, a !lea& in his dar* eyes as he loo*ed fro& i o her( 2Ah% ah, you &ay no ha)e i ( No un il 6 say(2 He laid he s raw#erry a!ains her &ou h, "aressin! her lips wi h he ip of i , #a"* and for h, un il she par ed he& sli!h ly, s arin! a hi&( +he "losed her eyes and as ed i wi h he ip of her on!ue, hen par ed her lips wider and oo* i halfway in o her &ou h( 2No #i in!(2 he "hided !en ly( Eyes "losed, she &ade a sound of i&pa ien"e, su"*in! i ( 26 don1 hin* 6 ha)e e)er #een

so 0ealous of a pie"e of frui #efore in &y life,2 he &used as he pulled he s raw#erry #a"* 0us a #i , lea)in! par of i s ill in her &ou h( +he s ar ed lau!hin! a!ain( 26s his wha hey &ean #y for#idden frui :2 4ou1re dyin! o ea i , aren1 you:2 he whispered( +he nodded sli!h ly, her hear ra"in! wi h he hrill( 2+erafina, 1 &us "onfess,2 he said, 21 a& ha)in! he &os un!en le&anly hou!h s(2 +he opened her eyes wi h a easin! !a'e and li"*ed her lips ri"hly( 26 "ouldn1 ell(2 2,ra ,2 he said, as he "on"eded he s raw#erry( 24ou win(2 2As usual(2 +he "lai&ed her pri'e, ni##lin! he s raw#erry ou of his fin!ers( >us as she li!h ly #i his fin!er, he door opened( The head%wai er1s eyes sho open in sho"* o find he Prin"ess Royal on her hands and *nees on he dinin! a#le, ea in! a s raw#erry ou of her pro e" or1s hand( +he fro'e, nearly "ho*in! as she swallowed her &ou hful of s raw#erry( There was dead silen"e( No *nowin! wha else o do, she #urs ou lau!hin!( 2Oopsi2 5ide%eyed, she pushed up in o a *neelin! posi ion and sa #a"* on her haun"hes, wipin! her &ou h wi h he #a"* of her hand( Meanwhile, 3arius pinned he hapless fellow in a s are only a fool would "hallen!e( The ser)an paled as if he had 0us unwi in!ly wal*ed in o a wolfs lair( 23is&issed,2 3arius said in deadly ran7uili y( % The &an fled( 24ou !o us in rou#le now92 she whispered as she "rep #a"* o her sea ( He sa #a"* in his "hair and idly lif ed his wine, #u he e$pression in his eyes was shu ered, as if he were &a*in! a &en al no e o a*e "are of so&e hin! unpleasan ( Af er dinner, 3arius loosened his "ra)a and wandered ou side o s&o*e( +erafina wen in sear"h of his !ui ar( +he re&o)ed i fro& i s #la"* lea her "ase and "arried i ou side, presen in! i o hi& in shy, wordless re7ues ( +he *new he ha ed o play for anyone( He re!arded her s*ep i"ally for a &o&en , sho)ed his "heroo #e ween his lips, and a""ep ed he ins ru&en ( Mo)in! wi h his "us o&ary loose !ra"e, he sa down on he s oop and uned he s rin!s, head #owed( +erafina #rushed pas hi&, railin! her hand o)er his !ood shoulder as she passed( +he lef he por"h and wal*ed ou on o he "ool, lush !rass, o s and !a'in! up a he half% &oon and he &illion s ars( Around her on he !round, he "i"adas1 son! was a )i#ra in! resonan"e( 8ireflies pier"ed he dar*ness, drif in!, )anishin!( A#o)e her, now and hen, #a s flew #y, win!in! heir wild pa hs #e ween "lus ers of pines( The #ree'e #lew and s illed, howe)er he whi&

s ru"* i ( +he fel s ran!e and li!h , as if she "ould floa up away in o he s ars from sheer happiness! The first soft intimate notes rose #ehind her from his $uitar! She kne( #etter than to turn and wa "h him play! His !ui ar spoke for him! It al(ays had and toni$ht the si&ple &elody (as s(eet and pensi&e sometimes shimmerin$ sof ly li*e the fli$ht of a hummin$#ird #efore a flo(er at other i&es lif in! into airy flo(in$ (ei$htlessness (ith a rhythm ha &ade her feel as if she (ere ridin$ a horse made of the !allopin! wind( On so&e a#surd caprice she lifted her arms at her sides and #e!an o urn in circles her head flun$ #ack (atchin$ the stars a *ind of ar less, childlike dancin$! He sa( (hat she (as doin$ and de"ided to ha&e some fun (ith her playin$ faster and fas er( He launched into one of the deliciously di33yin$ fla&en"o unes she had al(ays found &ery (icked indeed and she wirled like a $ypsy as if he controlled her &ery #ody (ith his &usi"( By the time he ended the son$ she collapsed on the !rass, !iddy (ith lau$hter her head reelin$! +he "ould feel him $a3in$ at her #ut the (orld spun too &u"h for her to look at him! She $roaned a trifle nauseous for a &o&en from spinnin$ 4ust after eatin$ then lau$hed at her own foolishness( 15ha an imp you are " he murmured! He finished smokin$ his "heroo , (hich he had set aside and $radually the (orld s eadied a!ain for her! 25here did you learn to play-" she asked! 28ro& an old man (ho raised #ulls on the ne%t farm o&er fro& &y father+s alca3ar!" ,(,,(( 25ha was his name-" "*on Pedro! He had #een a $reat matador! ,hen I (as a s&all #oy, I (ent there often to see the #ulls " he said! "I wan ed o #e a matador " he added a moment later lau$hin$ sadly( +he rolled onto her side on the $rass and propped her head under her hand lookin$ at him in deli$ht! "*id you- ,hy-"2Ah, hey are so !rand( + andin! here proudly, ne)er flin"hin! as hey s are down wo housand pounds of fury "har!in! a he&( 3o you reali'e he "on rol i a*es, he "oura!e: 4ou should see a #ullfi!h one day, if you e)er "an( Of "ourse, lo)in! ani&als as you do, you would pro#a#ly ha e i (2 +he was "har&ed( 25hy didn1 you #e"o&e a #ullfi!h er, 3arius:2 N He shru!!ed, loo*in! away wi h ano her sof , al&os shy lau!h( 25hy *ill ani&als when here are so &any wi"*ed &en in he world: Juie , now( 6 ha)e a son! for you(2 +he rolled on o her #a"* a!ain and s ared up a he s ars while he #e!an a differen

&elody, &ournful and s ran!e( +he had ne)er heard any hin! li*e i #efore( 6 &i!h ha)e #een a &edie)al rou#adour1s #allad of lo)e in )ain, or an an"ien Moorish la&en ( 6 was slow and in ri"a e, wi h o""asional rills on he hi!hes sirin! o)er he low s rin!s1 dir!eli*e &inor "hord, *eepin! i&e( The son! was #o h di!nified and e$o i", full of "arefully res rained passion, as if i had #een "ar)ed fro& so&e profound hear #rea*, and as she lay on he !rass, so near he &an she had lo)ed all her life, i sedu"ed her "o&ple ely( +he "losed her eyes, her ar&s sprawled on he !rass a#o)e her head( +he los all ra"* of ri&e, swep up in he dar*, &ys erious &usi" ha see&ed o e&#ody hi&, pourin! for& in)isi#ly fro& his )ery soul( 6 ended, she wasn1 sure when, she only *new so&e hin! inside of her a"hed when he silen"e%re urned( 5hen she finally dra!!ed open her eyes, 3arius was s andin! a#o)e her, a #la"* silhoue e a!ains he rillion s ars( +he didn1 &o)e, #u her #rea h "au!h in her "hes , for she "ould feel his desire, his !a'e a*in! in e)ery in"h of her #ody, spread ou #efore hi& li*e an offerin! o her dar* !od 2Prin"esa,2 he whispered, offerin! his hand o help her up( +he &ade no &o)e o a*e i , only s arin! in o his eyes wi h un&as*ed need( 9a!e lo*e to me, she hou!h ( 8inish it. +he "losed her eyes #riefly, a"hin! for hi& deep in he "ore of her #ody, her #osom liftin$ and fallin$ 'uickly (ith sudden #rea hlessness( 2Hey( Prin"ess(2 +he opened her eyes (retched (ith lon$in$! 2On your feet soldier " he (hispered (ith a smile! +uddenly she (as profoundly depressed! 2Co&e (ith me!" He (aited hand outstretched! 25here:2 (( ; ' ' 24ou *now (here Serafina!" +he held her #reath searchin$ his mysterious eyes as her weariness fell a(ay! 0o&in$ like a $irl in a dream she took his proffered hand and clim#ed slo(ly to her feet! Nei her spoke nor #roke the stare as they (alked to(ard the house( This is a grave mistake, she thou$ht heart poundin$ as he opened he door for her! 4e in she (ent! He wa "hed her in hun$ry appro&al his eyes afire! He follo(ed her into the darkened narro( hall! The door #an$ed #ehind he&( They (ere #arely o&er the threshold (hen he hrus her firmly a$ainst the (all and #e$an kissin$ her! She

&oaned, 'ui&erin$ to feel the hard len$th of his #ody pinnin$ her a!ains the cool (all! He ran his hands do(n her sides holdin! her #y her hips! He had se"re s to teach her toni$ht she kne( and his mouth as ed of wine( 3arius Santia$o her demon her lo&e (as $oin$ to $i&e her wha she had lon$ed for fore&er #ut on the #rink of ha&in$ her wish $ranted she (as afraid! If she wen upstairs (ith him no( ho( (ould she keep her sani y when he stood #y and (atched her marry 2natole (ith nau!h in his #lack eyes #ut the $leam of an intimate memory he arro!an"e of yet another con'uest- She couldn+t #ear it! 2h! #u his hands (ere (arm and his mouth (as s(eet! 5hen a last he ended the kiss his #reathin$ (as deep and ho ( He lif ed her chin (ith his fin$ertips and looked into her eyes( 26 don1 wan you o #e afraid of any hin! oni!h ,2 he whispered( 26 won1 a*e your inno"en"e( 6 swear his on &y honor( 6 won1 do any hin! you don1 wan &e o(2 He released her and s epped #a"*, wai in! for her( ,u she didn1 follow( -eanin! a!ains he wall, she "o)ered her fa"e in #o h hands( 2Prin"esa:2 ( +he dropped her hands hea)ily o her sides and loo*ed up a hi& in pure &isery( Cnders andin! slowly flooded his dar* eyes as he narrowed he&, s ri"*en( 2Oh, his is wron!,2 he whispered( 261& sorry( 6 hou!h 1 don1 *now wha 6 hou!h (2 A#rup ly he pulled away fro& her, ra*ed one re&#lin! hand hrou!h his hair, hen pi)o ed and oo* a s iff, soldierly s ride away fro& her( +he s opped hi& wi h a hand on his ar&( He urned #a"* o her, his "hin hi!h, his proud profile e "hed in shadows and pain( He s ared a her wi h a #urnin!, or ured loo*( +he rea"hed ou , !rasped a handful of his shir , and pulled( Then he was in her ar&s, dri)in! her #a"* a!ains he door, *issin! her &adly, his lips li*e fire( +he "lun! o hi&, ou"hin! hi& e)erywhere( + ro*in! her fa"e, he par ed her lips wi h his fin!er ip and du"*ed his head o de)our her, fillin! her &ou h wi h his ra)ishin! *iss( +he fed fro& i , swep away #y he in ensi y of his despera e passion( Her surrender was o al as he lif ed her in his ar&s and "arried her up he s air"ase and down he hall o her #edroo&( CHAPTER NINE

3arius se her on her fee #u ne)er s opped *issin! her as he produ"ed a se of *eys, his hand sha*in! as he fu&#led o unlo"* he door( He urned he *no#, sho)ed he door

open, and swep her inside( He shu i #ehind hi& and pulled her down on o he floor( +he heard he *eys drop, heir fall sof ened #y he dus y Persian ru!, hen his ni&#le, hief fin!ers s&oo hed up her #a"*, plu"*in! her #u ons free( They were on heir *nees in ea"h o her1s ar&s, una#le o wai a se"ond lon!er, e)en o &a*e i o he #ed( He *issed her all he while, s ro*in! his on!ue "oa$in!ly, di''yin!ly o)er hers( He slid her slee)e down o)er her ri!h shoulder and #en his head, *issin! her shoulder, her ne"*, her "hes , while his fin!ers an!led al&os rou!hly in her hair( +he "losed her eyes, "radlin! hi& in her ar&s as her wild pulse ra"ed( +he hreaded her fin!ers hrou!h his sil*y hair while he *issed her hroa , su"*ed her flesh, and #i her li!h ly( +he &oaned when he oo* her earlo#e #e ween his ee h, *issed her ear, ni##led i hun!rily, fillin! her head wi h he sound of his ho , preda ory pan in!( Then he laid her down( He was a op her, *issin! her &ou h a!ain, *issin! her senseless as she #as*ed in he !lory of his &us"ular #ody "o)erin! hers( The "loseness was so swee she "ould ha)e wep ( Af er a few &o&en s, he s raddled her #ody and s rai!h ened up on o his *nees( 25hy are you s oppin!:2 she as*ed an$iously, "urlin! upward o "lu "h a his shir ( 261& no s oppin!(2 He s&iled dar*ly in he slan in! &oonli!h ( 6 haloed his e#ony hair and li&ned his #road shoulders in #lue( 2-ie #a"*(2 +he o#eyed, wa "hin! his e)ery &o)e( He s ared down a her #ody as he pe ed her ar&s and "hes ( 2+how yourself o &e, #eau y,2 he whispered( +he o#eyed( +lowly, she slipped her lef slee)e down o)er her shoulder, freed her ar& fro& i , hen freed her ri!h ai&( +hyly, she pushed he #odi"e of her )iole sil* down o her &idriff and s ared up a hi&, her eyes pleadin! for !en leness( He !a'ed in o her eyes, hen oo* off his "oa , his "ra)a and wais "oa , hen slipped his shir off o)er his head( He #en down and held her !en ly, showin! her he e"s asy of war&, #are s*in on s*in( He *issed her lips for a lon! &o&en wi h e$7uisi e enderness, his s"arred &ou h "has e and war& o)er hers( He *issed her "hee*s, her #row, her eyelids while she #as*ed in he #liss of his #ody a!ains hers( Af er a final * i ss on her lips, he s rai!h ened up !ra"efully a!ain, s raddlin! her #ody as #efore( Transfi$ed, she !a'ed up a his dar*, e$o i" #eau y and hou!h hi& li*e a &a!nifi"en re#el an!el who had slipped in o her drea&s #y sor"ery o sedu"e her( Rea"hin! down, his hands ra"ed her "ollar#ones li!h ly, s*i&&ed her sides, her wais ( His fin!ers !lided up and down he )alley #e ween her #reas s wi h a )el)e y "aress(

2Tell &e 6 a& he firs o ou"h you,2 he whispered( 2Of "ourse you are( 6 ha)e wai ed for you all his i&e(1 she said drea&ily( 26 *new you would "o&e #a"* o &e(2 He !a)e her a sul*y s&ile fro& under his forelo"*( How "ould you *now: 6 was ne)er &y in en ion(2 +he s&iled wi h drif in! pleasure( 26 *new(2 He leaned down and *issed her( 2Tell &e 6 a& he firs o *iss you( Really *iss you(224ou *now ha you are( 6 a& yours "o&ple ely(2 He whispered her na&e as he "aressed her hair, hen he "lai&ed her &ou h( Ar&s wrapped around ea"h o her, hey drowned o!e her in endless *isses full of a lo)e ha would #roo* no &ore denial( +he yielded as he par ed her lips and plun!ed his on!ue deep in o her &ou h, and hen she did he sa&e o hi&, #a"* and for h un il hey were #o h sha*in! wi h desire( He s opped, pan in!, and loo*ed o)er his shoulder in a 7ui"* sur)ey of he roo&( Then he s"ooped her up in his ar&s a!ain and s ood, "arryin! her o)er o her #ed, where he laid her down( 2Tha 1s #e er,2 he purred( -yin! #eside her, he lowered his head and *issed her nipple we ly, hen su"*ed hun!rily upon her( +he "ried ou wi h wren"hin! pleasure, "or*s"rews of fire wis in! hrou!h her #ody fro& he ho , we , insis en u! of his &ou h( Pan in!, he 7ui"*ly "ap ured he lef #reas and did he sa&e( He "ould no see& o%&a*e up his &ind whi"h one he wan ed, or if he wan ed #o h a on"e( He &ade her fran i" wi h passion( Mindful of his wound, she "aressed his sil*y s*in, his s ron! #a"* and powerful ar&s, his s&oo h sides( +he "ould no s op ou"hin! hi&, "aressin! his powerful ar&s and #a"*, runnin! her fin!ers hrou!h his !lossy #la"* hair as he de)oured her #reas wi h his re"*less, fiery, su"*lin! *iss( +he heard hi!h, #rea hless !roans of a#andon in he roo& and reali'ed dis an ly ha hey were "o&in! fro& her lips( 3arius didn1 see& o no i"e( 8e)erishly, he *issed his way #a"* up her ne"*, and when he oo* her &ou h a!ain, he was rou!h, ho A needy, his hea)y, &us"led #ody re&#lin! a#o)e her( 3ra!!in! a slow, deli#era e "aress down her #elly, he #e!an ou"hin! her hips and le!s hrou!h her sil*en !own( He "upped his hand around her hi!h and sof ly "oa$ed her le!s apar , hen res ed his hand #e ween her par ed hi!hs( +he drew in her #rea h and "losed her eyes as he hea of his hand per&ea ed he sil* of her dress( 2+"ared:2 he whispered, le in! her !e a""us o&ed o his ou"h( 2N%no(2

He s&iled enderly( 2;ood(2 A firs he &erely pe ed her )ery !en ly down here wi h his open hand, wa "hin! her fa"e( +he shi)ered( He #en his head o *iss her #reas a!ain and rea"hed low, al&os o her an*le( +&oo hly he ran his hand up alon! he inside of her "al f and up her hi!h( +he #i down sharply on her lower lip in an i"ipa ion as he slid her dress hi!her( 26s his all ri!h :2 he &ur&ured( 24es, yes,2 she !asped, her pulse ra"in! under his lips when he #en his head o *iss her hroa ( +he #e!an re&#lin! wi h e$"i e&en , and hen his fin!ers "aressed her we , pulsa in! flesh, !en ly s ro*in! her se"re pla"e( +he !roaned aloud( 2+o ready for &e,2 he #rea hed( 2,u 6 wan you soa*ed, drippin!( 5i hhold no hin! fro& &e, +erafina( ;i)e &e all of your pleasure, e)ery drop(2 He *issed her lips "has ely while, under her s*ir s, he s ro*ed her( He *issed he "orner of her lips, easin! her, &addenin! her as he fli"*ed her lips wi h he ip of his on!ue un il she opened her &ou h and urned her fa"e o &ee his *iss fully( +he san* in o he &a ress in sheer e"s asy, her hands "lu "hin! he "o)erle ( Her head hrown #a"*, she &oaned loudly as he found he pre"ise way she lon!ed o #e ou"hed( 2+hh,2 he whispered, s&ilin! a li le a!ains her &ou h 2No one &us hear us(2 1 26 "an1 help i , i feels so !ood,2 she said, her )oi"e a s"ra "hy, wan on purr( 2Ah, #u we1re 0us !e in! s ar ed(2 +he "urled her hands around his shoulders as he slowly pene ra ed her wi h wo fin!ers( 5hen she !roaned aloud a!ain, he !en ly "o)ered her &ou h wi h his lef hand while wi h his ri!h he "on inued o pleasure her( 2+hh, an!el( Juie , or we1re !oin! o !e "au!h (2 Eyes "losed, she *issed he fin!ers of he hand he1d pressed 10 her &ou h( +he li"*ed #e ween he&, &el in! his a e&p o silen"e her( Pan in! wi h lus , he pressed he ip of his &iddle fin!er in o her &ou h( +he *issed and su"*ed i hun!rily, her whole #ody #e!innin! o undula e( 24es,2 he whispered, ro"*%hard a!ains her hi!h( 2Hery !ood, +erafina(2 5i h his e)ery, !en ly hrus in! "aress #e ween her le!s, in and ou , her hips lif ed o &ee his deep "aresses( +he &o)ed1 wi h his hand, #e"o&in! wild and #ar#ari", de&andin! an e)er%fas er rhy h&( He lowered his head and #e!an li"*in! her nipple in deli"a e "ir"les as his "le)er, "oa$in! fin!ers wor*ed a slow, sensuous &a!i"( He &ade her wan on( +he "ouldn1 help i ( +he spread her le!s wider for hi&, ar"hin! helplessly a!ains his sli"*, perfe" ou"h( He oo*

her #reas in his &ou h and su"*led her( +he "ould feel her we ness oo'e lus"iously #e ween her hi!hs, and *new only 3arius "ould ha)e &ade her #ody respond his way( +he "lun! o hi&, her ar&s around his ne"*, as he slowly pene ra ed her wi h one fin!er, hen wo, hen she was &indless( +he was wholly under his "on rol now, and she re)eled in i ( His hand was we and ho wi h her 0ui"es( Her e)ery &us"le was poised for he splendid "a a"lys& ha was s ill an un*nown &ys ery o her( Her eyes were "losed in in ense, #rea hless "on"en ra ion on he o ali y of her sensa ion, #u she "ould feel hi& wa "hin! her( 2;od, you are so #eau iful,2 he whispered( +he &oaned his na&e( 5rappin! her ar&s &ore i!h ly around his ne"*, she re urned his *iss fier"ely, a*in! his &ou h, s ro*in! his on!ue wi h her own as he had done o her , hirs y for hi&( The as e of hi& was pure and "lean and sheer &ale( A sof &oan es"aped her a he swee ness of hi&( +he s ill "ould no #elie)e she was *issin! 3arius +an ia!o( 6 was wi hou 7ues ion he !rea es e)en of her life +uddenly he &o)ed a op her, lyin! #e ween her le!s( He #ra"ed hi&self on his ar&s o)er her( 2Tou"h &e,2 he "o&&anded, pan in!, his )oi"e rou!hened wi h wan ( +he was ea!er o o#ey, "aressin! his hard #elly and "hes , #u he !rasped her wris and, wi h a sul ry li le s&ile, showed her ha wasn1 e$a" ly wha he &ean ( As she &olded her hand o)er he #ul!in! ou line of1 his &anhood in his rousers, her lashes swep up o lo"* her !a'e wi h his, her lips par ed wi h darin!, wan on 0oy( His fa"e was harsh wi h raw need( Then he "losed his eyes as she "aressed hi& hrou!h his "lo hes, s ro*in! he hro##in! rod ha spanned a wid h al&os as wide as her pal& and so lon! i nearly e&er!ed fro& he wais of his rousers( The li le, deep !roans ha es"aped hi& fed her wan ( +he &ar)eled when his hips hrus sli!h ly a!ains her ou"h( His desire &ade her #older s ill( 21 wan o see i ,2 she whispered( He lau!hed #rea hlessly, ar"hin! his head #a"* o)er her( 2My nau!h y an!el( 6 don1 hin* ha would #e wise 2 ,u she was already "arefully unfas enin! his rousers( Eyes fli"*erin! wi h #la"* fla&e, he &ade no a e&p o s op her( +he slid her hands inside his falls( He drew in his #rea h, and she wa "hed e"s asy s eal o)er his finely "hiseled fa"e, his eyes drif in! "losed, his lips par in!( Then he hun! his head, he forelo"* fallin! in o his eyes a!ain( 5i h #o h hands, she e$plored hi& in wonder, ea!er o please, and oo "urious o #e

i&id( No wonder he was so )irile, she hou!h ( His se$ was li*e a "ylinder of s eel swa hed in fines sa in( +he re"alled so&e !ossip a&on! he pala"e ladies, who all a!reed he was re&endously well endowed (6 an!ered her ha hey should *now ha ( No dou# any one of he& would ha)e had a #e er no ion wha o do a a &o&en li*e his, she hou!h in frus ra ion( The &an of her drea&s was in her ar&s and she had only he s*e "hies heore i"al *nowled!e of how o sa isfy hi&( 23arius:2 He !lan"ed down a her( +he !a)e hi& a loo* of frus ra ion, e&#arrassed #y her i!noran"e( 261& sorry,2 she #e!an( Cnders andin! flashed in his dar* eyes( 23on1 apolo!i'e, an!el( 6 lo)e your inno"en"e(2 5i h a ender li le s&ile, he leaned down and *issed her, while lower, he wrapped his hand o)er hers on his s&oo h shaf , ea"hin! her his pleasure( 2M&, ha 1s )ery !ood, +erafina,2 he #rea hed as he re&o)ed his hand( He ran his fin!ers hrou!h her hair as she s7uee'ed and s ro*ed fir&ly, *issin! his "hes now and hen, fli"*in! her on!ue o)er he iny "ir"les of his nipples( He &oaned sof ly, his hands wanderin! down o "up her #reas s, s7uee'in! her nipples li!h ly #e ween his hu&#s and forefin!ers( A he pleasure he !a)e her, she 7ui"*ened her "aresses upon hi&( The fas er, rou!her pa"e see&ed o arouse hi& e$"eedin!ly( He hun! his head, slid a!ains her ou"h, his &us"les wor*in! in pure poe ry( Af er a few &inu es, he !ripped her shoulders suddenly( 2No &ore( 4ou1ll &a*e &e "o&e in &y #ri "hes li*e a s"hool#oy,2 he pan ed, dra!!in! his hea)y%lidded eyes open o hold her in a de"aden s are( 25ha does ha &ean:2 she as*ed, wide%eyed as she leaned up on one el#ow( A la'y half%s&ile "ur)ed his s"arred lips( 2Geep ha up and you1ll find ou (2 2May#e 6 will(2 5a "hin! his fa"e, she s7uee'ed harder, es in! his response( He !asped low, hen #i his lip, eyes "losed( 24ou1re ru hless, +erafina( And )ery, )ery alen ed(2 2Than* you(2 ;rippin! hi& in #o h hands, she applied herself o in ensifyin! he loo* of passion in his fa"e, s&ilin! o herself wi h a drif in! sense of wonderful de#au"hery( +he wan ed hi& drun* and helpless wi h pleasure, as she w us( He "len"hed her shoulder, &o)in! a!ains her hands his "o&pa" hips hrus in! wi h her( "3nh, ;od, 6 ha)e no "on rol wi h you,2 he &oaned +erafina, his is or ure( This has already !one fur her han 6 in ended( 5e ha)e o s op(2 2+hh,2 she whispered, 7uie in! hi& as she lo)in!ly s ro*ed hi&( 21 wan o #e we wi h you,2 he said wi h sudden ur!en"y( His hands were sha*in! as he

pushed his rousers far her down his hips and lay #e ween her le!s( 2Oh, &y92 she !asped, sho"*ed #y he pleasure of his &e&#er hro##in! ho ly a!ains her, hen she #lushed #ri!h red when he ran his fin!ers deep #e ween her le!s and sli"*ed his owerin! hardness wi h her pearly fluid( ;lan"in! down o wa "h, she 7ui)ered a he si!h of his hand wrapped around hi&self, s&oo hin! her we ness up and down o)er his &anhood( He lay a op her a!ain, and she shi)ered under hi& as his sil*en len! h !lided upri!h a!ains her ee&in! flesh He !roaned( +he ar"hed a!ain( He pressed( Her hear was poundin!( 2;od, 6 wan you(2 24es,2 she said( 26 "anno #ear his,2 he #rea hed( 26 need o #e inside you(2 2Please,2 she !roaned( 23on1 say yes( Ah, ;od, +erafina( This is or&en +he wan ed o help hi&( 6n a ran"e of pure ero i" ins in" , she rea"hed down and "aressed hi&, holdin! his &e&#er, hro##in! and ri!id and we , a!ains her passa!e( 2No, no92 he whispered( Pullin! #a"*, he s opped her in #rea hless despera ion, loo*in! sho"*ed, wild( 25e "an1 do ha ( 5e "an1 ( 6 won1 (2 25hy no :2 A % 2No, +erafina( No92 2Co&e #a"*,2 she purred wi h a wan on s&ile( 25e1ll 0us pre end(2 He loo*ed down a her li*e he wan ed o de)our her( +he lay #a"*, !ripped hi& in her pal&, and slowly #e!an &o)in! a!ains hi&, hips lif in! o ride up and down he #o o& "ur)e of his shaf ( +he s7uee'ed hi& rhy h&i"ally in her hand all he while, pleasurin! hi& and herself #y ru##in! his hard flesh 0us where she wan ed hi&, le in! her #ody !uide her( 24ou1re a&a'in!,2 he #rea hed( Mo&en s passed( They were fran i" o!e her( Her #ody was ( afire wrapped around hi&, "onsu&in! hi&= she !asped for air li*e a hun!ry fla&e, #u af er a few &inu es &ore, she s opped and s ared up a hi& in sudden, un#eara#le frus ra ion, no *nowin! wha i was she wan ed( 25ha is i , an!el:2 % +he nearly pou ed( 2Please, 3arius, &a*e i s op(2 2Oh, &y poor #a#y,2 he whispered, s&ilin! down a her in fond a&use&en ( 24es, 6 hin* i 1s i&e(2 He &o)ed #a"*, hen lay down #eside her(

+he s ared a hi& in dis ress as he !a hered her in o his ar&s( 24ou &us help &e( 6 a& !oin! &ad(2 He lau!hed )ery sof ly and ran his s&oo h, sure hand down her hip as he *issed her ear( 24ou1ll re"o)er( 6 pro&ise(2 +he &oaned loudly, her fin!ers ra*in! he "o)erle , her whole #ody undula in! when he laid his hand o)er her wo&an1s flesh, pulsin! so deeply i a"hed( He s ro*ed her !en ly( 25ha will happen, 3arius:2 24ou1ll see( 4ou1ll li*e i , rus &e(2 He *issed her fe)ered #row( +he pu her ar&s around hi& and held on for dear life, hear ra"in!, her whole #ody ri!id( 2Ah, +erafina, you are e)ery hin! #eau iful and !ood o &e,1 he &ur&ured in a hus*y )oi"e as he dipped his fin!ers s&oo hly in and ou , hrus in! def ly, his hu&# swirlin! in fan as i" "ir"les o)er her "en er( +he &oaned helplessly, wri hin! wi h his ou"h( W 2Tha 1s ri!h , an!el, le i !o( -e i all !o, !i)e i o &e(2 he whispered( +he "lu "hed hi& i!h ly, !asped suddenly in a s ran!led "ry, as e$plosions of sha erin! pleasure #urs in a series hrou!h her #ody, radia in! fro& her fe&inine "ore 3arius1s #rea h was harsh a her ear( -i!h see&ed o rush hrou!h her li&#s, ra"in! alon! her ner)e endin!s, floodin! her #ody wi h sensa ions ha wen on and on, #lindin! "olors #ehind her eyelids in he dar* +he fel li*e she was dyin! and hen, 0us as suddenly, she wen 1 i&p in his ar&s, !aspin! wi h he af ersho"*s of pleasure, #u #efore she "ould 7ui e "o&prehend wha had hi her, 3arius leaned oward her, *issin! her in ho de&and( 5hen he oo* her hand and wrapped i around hi&( his une she unders ood wha he needed( His hand !uided hers in rou!h, ur!en insis en"e, hen he san* slowly fro& his side and lay on his #a"*, "o&ple ely under her "o&&and( Her power o)er his &a!nifi"en , deadly &ale awed her in ha &o&en +he fel his hardness swell and pulse as he hrus hrou!h her !rip a!ain and a!ain, his &us"led #ody ripplin! under her ou"h ;rippin! her shoulder so i!h ly she hou!h here1d #e #ruises, he pulled her down for a fren'ied *iss, hen he only held her near as he pan ed, eyes "losed, a loo* of an ali'in! pain on his "hiseled fa"e( 23on1 s op,2 he !asped ou helplessly( +he s ro*ed hi&, wholly fo"used on pleasQ@rin! hi&( when suddenly he !a)e a low, an!uished "ry of release( she a #ar#ari" !asp of riu&ph, and his hips lif ed.%hep1as li*e s eel in her hand, dis"har!in! he ho , shoo in! !lory of his seed, rainin! i on his hard, fla #elly( +he s ared, a&a'ed( He !roaned( His #ody wen perfe" ly ri!id, hen slowly eased #a"* as

all he ension spen fro& hi&( He lay on he #ed, spen , pan in!, his e$pression one of e$haus ed #liss( +he wa "hed hi& in fas"ina ion( He "as a forear& o)er his #row and, s ill pan in! sli!h ly, swep his lashes open and !a'ed a her fro& under his ar&( He lau!hed a li le when he saw her, or perhaps he was lau!hin! a hi&self, #u his ony$ eyes were shinin! wi h sil)er s ars( 1ell, I must ha*e done it right, she hou!h ( His hand idly "aressed her *nee( 25here a& 6:2 he &ur&ured da'edly af er a &o&en ( 2Rus i"a in!,2 she whispered wi h spar*les in her eyes( CHAPTER TEN A shor while la er, hey #a hed o!e her #y "andleli!h 3arius #ehind her, +erafina si in! #e ween his le!s, lean%%in! #a"* a!ains his "hes in lu$urious indolen"e( -a'ily he soaped her ar& while she ru##ed her foo idly o)er his under he epid wa er( They #arely spo*e, "o&&uni"a in! hrou!h he silen lan!ua!e of ou"h as hey washed ea"h o her( Af er heir #a h, +erafina(sen for an ela#ora e &idni!h , sna"* of "old sli"ed &ea s, "heese, #read, and wine( ,y ha i&e, all he ser)an s in he household had fi!ured ou wha was !oin! on, so hey a#andoned any pre ense o herwise( -oun!in! in her #ed, #o h of he& in heir ro#es, hey a e, pi"ni"%s yle and fed ea"h o her #i es of heir si&ple feas ( +he "oa$ed hi& in o spea*in! of his ra)els in dis an lands( +he lis ened, a*in! he ray away when he was done ea in! 6dly s&o*in! a "heroo as he leaned a!ains he head#oard, one *nee #en , he old of his s in rainin! roops for Ali Pasha in he lonely, windswep &oun ains of >anina( +he pi"*ed up her sil)er%handled hair#rush and re urned si , "ross%le!!ed, on he #ed near hi&( +he #e!an #rushin! her hair as she lis ened, fas"ina ed #y he "o&ple$i y, in elli!en"e in ensi y, and wry &is"hief of he hidden &an who was re)ealed when he !rea +an ia!o "as off his arro!an"e( A len! h, his )oi"e railed away &idsen en"e, and he 0us !a'ed a her, loo*in! &ys ified( 25ha is i :2 26 feel &ore a ease wi h you han 6 e)er ha)e wi h anyone in &y life(2 +he s&iled a hi&, her hear soarin!( 2And his surprises you:2 He pensi)ely fli"*ed his "heroo o)er he ash ray( 2No( ,u you1re differen han 6 hou!h you1d #e(2 =%V (%1 25ha do you &ean:2 i "an1 e$plain i (2 1,e er: 5orse:2

+ ron!er,2 he said( 24e sof er(2 Then he "rushed ou his "heroo , se he ash ray on he floor #eside he #ed, and &o)ed oward her, a*in! he hair#rush ou of her hand( 2Turn(2 3eli!h ed, she o#eyed( ;en ly, slowly, he #e!an #rushin! her hair( 6e is the sweetest, tenderest man, she hou!h as her eyes drif ed "losed in rela$a ion( He was e)er so "areful no o pull her hair, pa ien ly sor in! hrou!h any an!les he "a&e a"ross( 2May 6 as* you so&e hin!, +erafina:2 2Any hin!( 5ha e)er you li*e(2 He "onsidered in "areful silen"e( +he s&iled o herself as she sensed hi& s ru!!lin! wi h his shyness( 24es:2 she prodded hi&( ( 2 1 "an1 see& o fi!ure ou ((( wha you see in &e(2 +he urned around and loo*ed a hi& in #lan* a&a'e&en ( 2Can1 you:2 He s ared a her as hou!h he "ouldn1 spea*, his eyes full oi e&o ion and )ulnera#ili y( Her as onish&en sof ened o enderness( +he ou"hed his "hee*( 24es, you need o hear i , don1 you, &y lo)e:2 M, He lowered his head, as hou!h asha&ed( +he s ro*ed his "hee*( 26 1s all ri!h , 3arius( 61d #e !lad " ell you, #u i &ay a*e a while(2 +he s&iled a li le( 2There ar" a lo of reasons(2 +he urned forward a!ain, and en a i)ely, he resu&ed #rushin! her hair( He said no hin!, #u his a en ion was a"u e( +he "ould feel i ( +he "losed her eyes, feelin! s ran!ely pro e" i)e oward hi&( 26 lo)e i ha you "hoose o s ay #lind o he faul s of he people you "are a#ou ( 4ou are so in"redi#ly loyal and selfless and !i)in!,2 she said slowly( 24ou ha)e a )ery fine sense of honor and 0us i"e( 4ou1)e !o a #rillian , if de)ious, &ind( 6ndeed, i 1s lu"*y for he world you1re a !ood &an, #e"ause you "ould ha)e #een a &as er "ri&inal ins ead of he #ra)e, wonderful hero you are(2 +he si!hed, wrappin! her ar&s around her #en *nees( 2Of "ourse, you are !or!eous and a )ery !ood *isser, #u we won1 al* a#ou ha ,2 she said ar"hly( 2Ah, and you "an #e )ery funny9 How 6 relish seein! you defla e so&e of hose po&pous asses of he "our wi h your "ool, "ruel wi 9 ,u if any poor underdo! is e)er ou nu&#ered, you will always !o o his res"ue(2 He was silen , runnin! he #rush in lon! s ro*es hrou!h her hair, all he way down her #a"*9 26 1s swee o see he way you a*e so&e of hose hopeless "ade s fro& he &ili ary a"ade&y under your win! and ry o s ou en heir "oura!e.&us n1 for!e "oura!e, one

of your &os fa&ous 7uali ies( 4ou are an e$a&ple o so &any of hose youn! &en, #u i ne)er !oes o your head,2 she &used( 26 lo)e i ha you wal* away fro& fi!h s wi h s upid, loud&ou hed &en who "ould no possi#ly sur)i)e you( 6 hin* i 1s "har&in! ha you ha)e a wise sayin! for e)ery hin!( Oh, and one of &y fa)ori e hin!s a#ou you is ha , "o&e wha &ay, you always, always ha)e a plan( 6 lo)e i ha you are always *ind o shy people%. 3arius:2 she as*ed suddenly, no i"in! his s illness( +he urned o hi& and found hi& head down, shoulders s i ff( 2+wee hear :2 +he lif ed his "hin wi h wo fin!er ips( His eyes were e&pes uous wi h e&o ion, his !a'e s ar* and perfe" ly wre "hed( 23arlin!, wha is i : Ha)e 6 said so&e hin! wron! 1 6 appeared he "ould no spea*( +he wai ed, pe in! his forelo"* ou of his eyes( 2No one e)er said any hin! li*e ha o &e #efore,2 he said in a "ho*ed whisper( 26 "ould !o on,2 she said wi h a ender s&ile( 2Please don1 ( 6 "ouldn1 #ear i (2 23arius( 3arlin!, lis en(2 +he "au!h his fa"e !en ly #e ween her hands( 2How "an you no *now hese hin!s: 6s ha why you push yourself so hard: Can you dou# your own wor h: 6s ha why you &us wor* en i&es harder han any o her &an, and a*e all he dan!ers on yourself, and e)en s ar)e yourself, o a"hie)e so&e *ind of ideal perfe" ion: 4es, 6 *now a#ou ha , oo, so don1 ry o deny i (2 He !a)e her a loo* of hopelessness( 23arlin!, you ha)e no hin! o pro)e( 5hy do you ha)e o #e perfe" :2 261& no perfe" (2 He ried o pull away, #u she didn1 le hi&, and he didn1 fi!h her( He 0us sa here and shu his eyes for a &o&en , his 0aw se a a s u##orn an!le( 261& no e)en "lose,2 he whispered( Pained #y his "onfession, she leaned forward and pressed a *iss o his forehead( 24ou1re wron!, 3arius( Hear &eD +ou are good enough. 4ou are perfe" 0us as you are.2 He 0er*ed his fa"e away i&pa ien ly( 24ou are,2 she said e&pha i"ally( 2All your s ri)in!, 0us le i !o for now, &y dear( ;i)e yourself so&e healin! i&e, yes: 3o i for &e:2 He slid her a wary loo*( 28or you:2 +he )en ured a fain ly easin! s&ile( 26 don1 ha)e o pull ran* on you, do 6:2 His wariness !a)e way o a #i erswee s&ile( +lowly, he shoo* his head a her( I lo*e you, she hou!h , holdin! his !a'e wi h a s&ile on her lips and ears in her eyes( +he lif ed her hand and #rushed his forelo"* ou of his eyes( 2+leepy:2 He nodded( 2Co&e(2 +he #lew ou he "andle and arran!ed herself under he li!h "o)er, holdin! ou her ar&s o hi&( He "a&e o her(

3arius lay on his s o&a"h #eside her, his fa"e urned o her, his ri!h ar& sprawled a"ross her &idriff, his fin!ers res in! in he "roo* of her lef el#ow( They were silen ( He s ared a her in he dar*( +he "aressed his hea)y ar&( 25ha ar" you hin*in! a#ou :2 she as*ed( 2Today(2 25ha a#ou oday:2 26 a& happy,2 he said, as if es in! he word, s ran!e o for&, on his on!ue( D +he s&iled a hi&( 2This((( war& h,2 he whispered( 26 ha)e ne)er *nown any hin! li*e his in &y life( There "ould #e no #e er !if han o #e wi h you his way( Than* you for his day( Than* you for he hin!s you said(2 He &o)ed oward her and *issed her &ou h lin!erin!ly, hen laid his head on her "hes and wen o sleep, one hand an!led in her hair, as if o &a*e sure she wasn1 !oin! anywhere durin! he ni!h ( Eyes "losed, she nes led her fa"e a!ains his hair, lo)in! hi&, suffused wi h a ender sense of pro e" i)eness oward hi&( +he "losed her eyes in #liss( = 9ine, she hou!h ( Ar&s around hi&, she drif ed off o sleep( He awo*e in he pearl%!ray li!h of dawn and *new ha o)erni!h his whole world had "han!ed( The s"en of her s*in filled his nos rils, he sof ness of her #ody pillowed his head( +he was s ill sleepin!, one slender ar& s ill draped around his ne"*( 3arius lif ed his hea)y head fro& her "hes and !a'ed down a her, u erly los in her( He s ared a her #are s*in, pearles"en in he half%li!h , her ele!an whi e shoulders( Her ro#e lay in a pool of #lue sa in on he floor #eside he #ed, for he had found i had #een i&possi#le o sleep he whole ni!h hrou!h wi hou ou"hin! her a!ain, wa*in! her wi h *isses and "aresses, "a "hin! her "ries of "li&a$ on his on!ue( Her soo y "urls fanned ou on he pillow in lu$urian disarray( Her plu&p, #erry lips were sli!h ly par ed, her #rea hin! s eady and slow( The war&, whi e shee s ha s&elled of se$ were an!led around her hips li*e he !ar# of a "lassi"al !oddess( Closin! his eyes, he sa)ored he &e&ory of her surrender, hen pressed a !en le *iss o her s*in and res ed his head on her &idriff( 6 was he &os pea"eful &o&en of his life( 6n far%off re!ions of he house, he "ould hear he ser)an s a wor*( He "ould s&ell #rea*fas "oo*in!, "ould hear his &en "han!in! shif s #elow as he weary ni!h !uard shuffled in o he #arra"*s and he day &en oo* heir pla"es( His i&pulse was o rise and follow his usual re!i&enD wash up, !e dressed, "he"* in wi h his s7uadron, e$er"ise his

horse, pra" i"e un il #rea*fas , ea , and o)ersee he day( ,u las ni!h he had &ade a de"ision o e$plore ano her *ind of life ((( while he s ill had i&e( Hope, he &used, was a dan!erous hin!( E)en now i was whisperin! o hi& ha if he "ould shoo Napoleon and es"ape fro& Milan, he would #e in"on es a#ly wor hy of +erafina hen( He1d #e a hero o he world( All Europe would hail hi&( He "ould loo* -a'ar in he eye and as* hi& for his dau!h er1s hand( Hope would ha)e hi& i!nore he fa" ha he "han"es of sur)i)al were nil( Heedless of he i&possi#ili y of i all, his hear soared wi h he drea&s whi"h for years he had #een pre endin! did no e$is ( He owned an e$"ellen proper y o)erloo*in! he sea on he ou s*ir s of he "i y of ,elfor ( He1d #uild her a house here on he "res of he hill, a )illa of "asual ele!an"e 0us o sui her, wi h red% iled roofs, #ree'y, ar"aded wal*s, foun ains, enor&ous !ardens, a do&ed &ena!erie for her ani&als( He1d #uy her dresses and le her !i)e par ies, e)en if i &ean seein! all hose ar ifi"ial people he despised, 0us so he "ould wa "h her shine( And if he e)er fel ready o share her, he1d !i)e her a "hild(((( A!oni'ed, he lif ed his head a!ain and !a'ed down a her, his sof , fra!ile, ye feis y, &addenin!ly willful, irresis i#ly "har&in!, and !enerous, &os ne"essary "rea ure( How had he li)ed wi hou her his lon!: 5is fully, his !a'e followed he in ri"a e "oil of one sa#le "url, winin! o)er her shoulder and down a"ross her slowly risin! and fallin! "hes , spiralin! sof #la"* sil* on her whi e% #losso& s*in( +he had he lon!es lashes he had e)er seen( Tiny, )ery li!h #lue )eins !ra"ed her eyelids, and her deli"a e s*in was as sof and whi e as he pe als of a "a&ellia( Her #eau y depressed hi& under he "ir"u&s an"es( Morosely, he rolled on o his side ne$ o her, plan ed his el#ow on he pillow, and wa "hed her sleep in an un#eara#le &i$ of adora ion and despair, #u hen his hear lif ed when he "au!h he fli"*er of a s&ile on her lips as she slep ( -i le i&p, wha was she drea&in!: he wondered in sof deli!h ( The s&ile faded, only o #urs ou a &o&en la er wi h a sudden !i!!le ha wo*e her( 5hen she reali'ed she had wa*ed herself wi h lau!hin!, +erafina lau!hed harder, and when her )iole eyes opened, she didn1 see& o find i he sli!h es #i s ran!e ha she should awa*e o find he *in!1s op assassin !a'in!, lo)elorn, down a her( 24ou &us ell &e,2 he drawled( Her 0us %wa*in! )oi"e was pe##ly, s"ra "hier han e)er(12L was ha)in! he funnies drea&9 6 was a#ou you9 5ai .firs *iss &e92 +he hrew her ar&s around his ne"* and !a)e hi&

a *iss on he lips, s re "hin! her sli&, supple #ody sli!h ly a!ains hi&( Then she hu!!ed hi& war&ly( 2M&( 3arius, you feel so !ood o &e(2 He s"ooped her in o his e&#ra"e and rolled on o his #a"*, pullin! her a op hi&( Her wan on rin!le s swun! down around hi& in sa#le "as"ades( He lo)ed he way her li!h wei!h fel a op hi&, her lush #reas s pressed o his "hes , her hi!hs s raddlin! his hips( He ran #o h hands fro& her shoulders down he "ur)e of her #a"* o her #are #a"*side, "uppin! #o h sof , fir& "hee*s in his hands( 24ou were sayin!:2 he as*ed poli ely as his rod roared o fiery life, ro"*%hard and ready( 28eelin! fris*y a!ain, Colonel:2 she purred, her )iole eyes lau!hin! a hi&( He reined in his wan #y an a" of will, foldin! his ar&s under his head( 26 wan o *now wha you were drea&in! a#ou &e ha was so fri!h fully funny(2 5i h a "heerful !rin, she pushed herself up o *neel as ride his wais ( +he yawned and s re "hed wide= fully na ural wi h her na*edness #efore hi&( He wa "hed he lif of her #reas s and he sli&ness of her fia wais , 0us as she no dou# in ended hi& o( +he hrew her hair #a"* o)er her shoulders o !i)e hi& an unfe ered )iew of her e$7uisi e self, hen "oiled her &ane in o a lon!, sil*y #la"* rope, and held i piled on op of her head( A few s ray rin!le s fell free, sof ly fra&in! he deli"a e s"ulp ure of her fa"e( 26 was drea&in! a#ou he i&e you were firs assi!ned o he Household ;uard, pro e" in! &e and &y #ro her( Re&e&#er hose days, 3arius: 4ou &us ha)e #een, wha , a#ou ei!h een:2 He win"ed( 24ou1re &a*in! &e feel old, "hild(2 24ou are old(2 He s"owled( +he lau!hed and leaned down o *iss hi&( 2Ohh, 61& 0us easin! you(2 He hoped so, for a hir y%four, he was four een years her senior( 2How s"ared 6 was of you,2 she #li hely "on inued( 2+o s iff and serious9 +o di!nified92 25ell, na urally( 6 was ou ra!ed ha a &i!h y warrior li*e &yself should #e assi!ned for a royal nurse&aid,2 he said( +he lau!hed( 26 was drea&in! of he firs day you showed up a he nursery( 6 was ne)er so s"ared in &y life92 2Of&e:2 2C!h92 she e$"lai&ed, fluffin! ou her hair so ha i spilled around her upper #ody a!ain( 2Those fiery #la"* eyes. ha s"owl9 4ou &ar"hed in when 6 was in he &iddle of a e&per an ru&(2 26 re&e&#er( 4ou1d flun! yourself on o he floor( 5hene)er your nurse ried o lead you

away, you1d &a*e your en ire #ody !o li&p.2 2-i*e a noodle,2 she "hi&ed in( 2+o ha if anyone wan ed o &o)e you, you had o #e dra!!ed(2 2No#ody dared dra! &e,2 she ar"hly poin ed ou ( 25ha a spoiled li le &ons er 6 was(2 2No spoiled,2 he said sof ly( 2>us heads ron!( And unhappy( ,esides, wha e)er i was you were pro es in!, you had s&a"*ed your head on he floor when you hrew yourself down( Tha 1s why you were "ryin!(2 2E)eryone was "a0olin! &e, 1Oh, please, Prin"ipessa, wha do you wan : Na&e your pri"e, any hin!, 0us s op s"rea&in!91 61& hin*in!, I want my 9ama, but she's got more important things to do, li!e sa*ing the world. I want my Papa, but he's always busy. 6f 6 wan o see ei her of he&, i has o #e a he appoin ed i&e and 6 &us #e on &y #es #eha)ior( 6 ha e &y nurses( There1s no#ody ni"e in he whole world92 3arius shoo* his head, wa "hin! her wi h a half%s&ile( 261& *i"*in! and hrashin! down on he hard floor( My #a#y #ro her.who& 6 despise. is "a erwaulin! so&ewhere near#y( Ten fra''led adul s are pleadin! wi h &e and hen 6 see hese shiny #la"* #oo s wi h sil)er spurs( Cp and up up 1 "rane &y ne"*, feelin! i"y doo& upon &e(2 He lau!hed( Her eyes spar*led, s arred wi h #la"* lashes( 23o you re"all wha you said o &e, O fier"e :2 2Tha 6 would #o$ your ears:2 +he shoo* her head( 25orse( 4ou "alled &e a #a#y and old &e 6 was &a*in! a fool of &yself( 6 ha ed your !u s,2 she de"lared, hen s&iled( 28or a#ou en &inu es( 4ou ( !o rid of my !o)ernesses wi h one of your s"owls( 1,a"* off91 you said, wi h your )oi"e li*e a whip( 6 said o &yself, 15ell, a leas he has a #rain(1 4ou &ade &e do e)ery hin! 6 didn1 wan o do, su"h as ea in! &y food ra her han pain in! he nursery walls wi h i , #u do you *now wha : 5hene)er you were around, 6 always fel "al&er( + ran!e,2 she purred wi h a suddenly &is%"hie)ous oo*( +he leaned down and slipped her ar&s around his ne"*( 28or when 61& wi h you now, "al& is he las hin! 6 feel( No(( (2+he "aressed his #are "hes ( 26 &us "onfess o a &os fe)erish s a e of e$"i e&en (2 +he !a)e hi& ano her sof *iss full on he lips( His hands &olded he "ur)e of her lower #a"*, and his e&porarily sla"*ened arousal responded a on"e( He was solid in se"onds, his #lood ho for her( He "aressed her hi!hs as ride his hips, wonderin! if she was !a&e for &ore lo)e play or if he ou!h o !i)e he !irl a de"en #rea*( +he &ade a sof sound of pleasure a his "aresses(

En ran"ed #y her inno"en"e, he slipped a hand around her nape and *issed her, wonderin! how &u"h lon!er he "ould !o on li*e his( The need o lay her down and #ury hi&self inside of her was al&os &ore han he "ould #ear( +he ended he *iss wi h ano her happy li le si!h and laid her head on his "hes , s ro*in! his #i"eps( He *issed he op of her head and &o)ed his ar&s around her, lin*in! his fin!ers o)er her sil*y%s&oo h #a"*( 2How a#ou your "hildhood, 3arius:2 she as*ed a len! h( 25ha was ha li*e:2 His lon!, leisurely "aress fro'e &idway down her #a"*( His whole #ody ensed( +he "ouldn1 ha)e found a #e er way o 7uash his a&orous &ood( +he pushed up fro& his "hes and loo*ed a hi& wi h "al&, pene ra in! in elli!en"e, as hou!h she had lon! sin"e dedu"ed i had #een horri#le( 6orrible. 5hen he found his )oi"e, i "a&e ou a rifle hoarsely( 2-e 1s no spoil he day(2 He for"ed a false, painful !ri&a"e of a s&ile( +he #lin*ed slowly, her eyes s ill sleepy, and sear"hed his fa"e wi h a rou#led loo* of "o&passion( +he nodded and !a)e his "hee* a soo hin! "aress wi h her *nu"*les( 26 1s all ri!h , 3arius( 6 1s all ri!h (2 Her !a'e fell o he s"ar on his lips and he hou!h in sudden pani", 'o. Don't as! me. +he drew #rea h o spea*( He didn1 !i)e her he "han"e( 2+o, wha do you wan o do oday:2 he as*ed s&oo hly( 5i h a playful !rowl, he spilled her off hi& and swep o his fee , his *nees sha*in! sli!h ly as he 0u&ped ou of #ed and #e!an dressin!( 5hen wo or hree &inu es passed and she s ill had no answered, he urned around( His for"ed s&ile died o find her loo*in! a hi&( + ill in #ed, she lay on her side, her head #ra"ed on one hand( He "as a#ou for any hin! o say( 25ha would i a*e o &a*e you rus &e:2 she as*ed sof ly( He s ared a her, hear poundin!( A las he shoo* his head( 261& sorry( 6 "an1 help i 2 +he nodded, sear"hin! his eyes wi h a !en le !a'e( 2;ood enou!h(2 +he sa up and held ou her ar&s o hi&( 2Co&e here( -e &e "he"* your s i "hes #efore you pu on your shir (2 He finished #u onin! his rousers and wal*ed #a"* o her, si in! on he ed!e of he #ed, his shoulder o her +he e$a&ined her wor*( He was ense he whole i&e, #are% hearin! her as she old hi& he s i "hes loo*ed !ood and ha he was healin! ni"ely( +i in! #ehind hi&, she s ar led hi& when she e&#ra"ed hi& and snu!!led a!ains his "hee*( He ensed, #ra"ed hi&self for a fi!h , *nowin! wi h e)ery a o& of his #ein! ha

any se"ond now she was !oin! o de&and a!ain ha he spill his !u s( +he was 0us hin*in! o)er he words o ease in o i ( He *new i ( He had #een hrou!h i a hundred i&es( 6ow did you get ihis scar, E)ery da&ned wo&an he &e wan ed o )i)ise" hi&( 23arius,2 she &ur&ured( 14es1(12 he said au ly, an ar&ory of defenses a his fin!er ips( Damn it, I trusted you. 2-e 1s fly *i es(2 1 1hat, " He urned around and s ared a her( 2 4ou re&e&#er hose Chinese *i es you !a)e &e one year for Chris &as: 6 s ill ha)e he&92 she said #ri!h ly( 26 #rou!h he&(2 +he *issed his "hee*( 2Co&e on, i 1ll #e fun(2 +he wen on "ha erin! happily, #u he was no lon!er lis enin!, s arin! suspi"iously a her( +o&e hin! )ery s ran!e was !oin! on( A shor while la er, hey were raipsin! ou in o fields "rowded wi h #u erflies and wildflowers under he wide, #lue s*y( 3arius wasn1 sure e$a" ly wha he had !o en hi&self in o( The yellow ri##ons on +erafina1s wide%#ri&&ed s raw #onne #illowed ou #ehind her, !e in! in his fa"e, i"*lin!, easin! hi& as he followed her( He hef ed heir pi"ni" #as*e in his ri!h hand, a folded #lan*e under his lef ar&, wi h a s ran!e feelin! in his #rain ha he had s epped in o a drea& world( On a se"luded hill op a"res away fro& he &ain "o&pound, ye wi hin he "onfines of he )illa1s wall, hey "a&e o a lar!e, !li erin! pond in he &iddle of a !reen pas ure( 2Oh, 3arius, i 1s lo)ely92 she e$"lai&ed( 26 found i loo*in! for you yes erday(2 +7uin in! a!ains he sun, he s"anned he area for any possi#le hrea , hen re&inded hi&self i was #road dayli!h and he had wen y &en pos ed on he walls( #ela:, for God's sa!e, he old hi&self, hen he !a)e +erafina a la'y !rin( 2-e 1s !o(2 They "rossed he field( ( The !rasses were up o heir *nees, and wildflowers a#ounded, li le s ars of yellow, whi e, and purple( 6nse" s "hirped, and

here and here !rasshoppers ar"ed a"ross heir pa h( They found a shady spo under a hu!e el& ree( 3arius spread ou he #lan*e , snappin! i open wi h soldierly effi"ien"y( They lef he pi"ni" #as*e #ehind and wen o fly he *i es( The *i es were #eau iful o see a!ains he a'ure s*y, he swirl of "olors fro& heir

fes ooned ails plun!in! and soarin!( He for!o a#ou e)ery hin!, for &ore #eau iful s ill was +erafina1s deli!h ( He indul!ed her when she "lapped her hands for hi& o &a*e he *i e ra"e alon! he surfa"e of he wa er li*e an ea!le s"annin! for fish( Of "ourse, he !rew "o"*y a he !a&e, ryin! o &a*e i 'oo& nearer and nearer he wa er un il he finally san* he *i e in he pond( +erafina lau!hed her head off as he s ared a his #ro*en oy in dis&ay( The *i e floa ed, par i%"olored, on he wa er1s surfa"e li*e a drowned 0es er( He pulled he s rin! and i &o)ed slu!!ishly oward he reedy shore( +he poin ed, lau!hin! o he poin of ears( 2;o !e i , +an ia!o(2 He !rowled wi hou &ena"e and rolled up his slee)es( He *i"*ed off his #oo s and rolled his #la"* rousers up o his shins( +he was s ill !i!!lin! as he s7uared his shoulders and &ar"hed, resolu e, o he pond( ( +erafina helped hi& "arry he *i e ou of he wa er, and while 3arius wen a#ou layin! i ou on he !rass o dry, she re urned o heir #lan*e in he shade and unpa"*ed heir pi"ni", her #are fee u"*ed under her( 6 was si&ple fare &u"h he sa&e as wha hey1d had las ni!h , sli"ed &ea s and "heeses, !rapes, a &ar)elous loaf of #read, and wine, #u so&ehow she fel she had ne)er dined so ri"hly( 6n a few &inu es, 3arius 0oined her, #arefoo in he !rass, #la"* wais "oa han!in! un#u oned o)er his loose whi e shir ( 2Hello, handso&e,2 she said wi h a "o7ue ish s&ile( He !a)e her a rueful loo*( +he wa "hed hi& *neel down on he #lan*e ( He rea"hed in o he lea her sa "hel he1d #rou!h and produ"ed his #a ered "opy of his fa)ori e #oo*, Don Bui:ote. He offered her he #oo*( 2Read o &e( Any pa!e( 3oesn1 &a er(2 +he oo* he #oo* fro& hi&, shif ed off her *nees, and sa on he #lan*e ( He lay #a"* propped on his el#ows and loo*ed around as hou!h he "ouldn1 de"ide how o arran!e hi&self "o&for a#ly( +he s&iled a hi& when he "au!h her eye( +he pa ed her lap in in)i a ion( He ar"hed a #row( 2Te&p in!(2 2The #es sea in he house(2 He "a&e oward her on hands and *nees and lay down on his #a"*, res in! his head on her lap, his lon! le!s sprawled ou o)er he #lan*e , one *nee #en ( +e lin! a!ains her, he le ou a re&endous si!h of "on en &en ( 24ou1re "o&for a#le(2 +he s&iled o herself and opened he #oo*( He a e he "heese and !rapes while she dran* wine and read aloud o hi&, "o&#in! her

hand hrou!h his da&p hair, sif in! his forelo"* hrou!h her fin!ers, a#sen ly unfas enin! he op few #u ons of his shir o "aress his "hes and play wi h he &edal of he Hir!in( All he while, he wirled one of her resses around and around his fin!er, his fa"e nes led a!ains her #ody( 5hen he sli!h u! on her hair s opped, she !lan"ed down and found hi& do'in!, eyes "losed( +he lowered he #oo* and s ared down a hi&, feelin! her whole "hes "o&press wi h e&o ion a he #eau y of hi&, rus in! her so swee ly, he. he spy, he assassin.who rus ed no one( On his &a!i"al af ernoon, she fel as hou!h she had "ap ured a uni"orn( 4es, she hou!h fan"ifully, a uni"orn s allion wi h !rea li7uid #rown eyes( The hou!h ha she &us soon le hi& !o free a!ain was enou!h o &a*e her wan o "ry( +he sho)ed he hou!h s )iolen ly away( The fu ure did no e$is here( There was only hi&, and now( Plu"*in! a #lade of !rass, she i"*led his sun%#ron'ed "hee* wi h i ( 2There1s an an on you,2 she whispered( 2M&, no,2 he &u&#led, eyes "losed( 26 1s 0us you #ein! a nuisan"e(2 +he s&iled and hrew he !rass away, hen se he #oo* down, do!%eared( +he #e!an s ro*in! his "hes and fla #elly hrou!h his shir , s arin! earnes ly a his fa"e as she fou!h wiih her un"er ain ies( His eyes swep open( 25ha 1s he &a er, #u erfly:2 2Oh, 3arius(2 Cradlin! his head in #o h ar&s, she leaned down and re)eren ly *issed his #row( +he s ayed li*e ha for se)eral &inu es, holdin! hi&, eyes "losed( 24ou are so swee 6 wan .6 wan o *eep you all o &yself(2 His lau!h was as sof as a si!h( 2All ri!h ,2 26 wish we ne)er had o lea)e( 3arius, why do we ne)er !e wha we wish:2 He "upped her "hee*( 2Tha 1s 0us he way life is( 3on1 #e sad( 4ou are oo pre y e)er o #e sad(2 ( 26 "an1 s op hin*in! a#ou i (2 2;i)e &e a *iss,2 he whispered as he "urled his hand around her nape( +he did( ( He was ri!h ( His *iss &ade her fears )anish( +he si!hed as she &el ed in o his e&#ra"e and dran* he *isses hirs ily fro& his s"ulp ed lips( He !a hered her in o his ar&s, pulled her down on o he #lan*e wi h hi&, and &ade her for!e 8or hree days, hey were "ons an "o&panions( As if fro& a dis an"e, 3arius o#ser)ed he *in!1s &os rus ed &an "our in! disas er and didn1 "are( He as ed res i see&ed for he firs i&e in his life, a soul%deep swee ness

ha lin!ered, an end o he e$haus ion of "ons an wa "hfulness, and an easin! fro& hi& of he iron !rip ha was his de"ades%old, a"u e wariness for his own sur)i)al( +erafina "uddled hi& li*e he was one of her ani&als( Thou!h

he played i fairly "ool, he hri)ed on e)ery &inu e of9 her a en ion, &o)ed #y he swee 0oy she oo* in fussin! o)er hi&( Merely hearin! her "all his na&e in he house did profound 6 hin!s o hi&( 0 He would no ha)e hou!h i possi#le, #u she #e"a&e e)en = &ore #eau iful as her happiness #losso&ed, and i awed hi&, al&os #eyond his !rasp, o i&a!ine ha he, he ;ypsy #as ard, he no hin!, was he "ause( He "ould only wa "h her li*e a half%wild ani&al, &ar)elin! a he way she a&ed hi&( 3i&ly he sensed ha so&ehow his wo&an was he answer o e)ery need he1d e)er suffered, e)en hose whi"h had !one un&e for so &any years he1d !i)en up on he&( +he a#sor#ed e)ery par i"le of his a en ion( He saw a &an who was li*e a "hild for her, soa*in! up her lau!h er and her s&iles, her ar less "aresses, and he wrapped her lo)e around hi& li*e a #lan*e on a "old win er1s ni!h ( He fed upon her inno"en *isses ha urned so fre7uen ly o fe)erish desire, and ye he sense ha heirs was a1 "has e and sa"red #ond ne)er lef hi&( They i!nored he fu ure and nei her dared spea* aloud wha he *new #o h of he& foolishly daydrea&ed. ha i was fore)er( Tha his an"ien )illa wi h i s fadin! yellow pain was heir house( Tha he was her hus#and( Tha she was his wife( He *new i was a#surd( He didn1 "are( He *new i would hur erri#ly la er( 3idn1 "are( They were playin! li*e "hildren a a reali y ha "ould ne)er #e, #u for now i was easy o for!e ha a war% orn world e$is ed #eyond he es a e1s pro e" i)e wall( He didn1 !e any wor* done, aside fro& pennin! so&e "orresponden"e o his es a e &ana!er in +pain( He wro e he &an his ins ru" ions fro& heir #ed, usin! he s&oo h "ur)e of +erafina1s na*ed #a"* for a des*( 8or days, he didn1 pra" i"e or rain, didn1 e)en wan o loo* a he ele!an rifle he would soon #rin! o Milan( Cau!h up in learnin! for he firs i&e how o li)e, he didn1 wan o hin* a#ou dea h( His whole e$is en"e urned upon her *iss( His di!ni y, he de"ided, was a s&all pri"e o pay for he 0oy he had found( +he was he deli!h of his life( 6n he &ornin!s, hey lan!uished and played in #ed o!e her well pas #rea*fas ( 6n he af ernoons, hey

wa "hed "louds, pain ed ou doors wi h wa er"olors, "olle" ed #o ani"al spe"i&ens fro& he woods and fields( They waded in he li le la*e, hey had pi"ni"s, and so&ehow, in spi e of un#eara#le e&p a ion and frus ra ion, hey refrained fro& &a*in! lo)e( On he four h ni!h , as hey lay in #ed, heir #odies en wined, hey s ared for innu&era#le &o&en s in o ea"h o her1s eyes, doin! no hin! #u "aressin! and ou"hin!( ,u soon he fel her s*in hea in! wi h he #lush of arousal, his inno"en sedu" ress( +he slipped her ar&s around his ne"* and !a)e hi& a hun!ry *iss( His &us"les re&#led wi h his awareness of how un#eara#ly easy i would #e o slip inside her, a*e wha was his, and 7uen"h he endless a"he( This he )owed he would no do( He )owed i wi h he las shred of honor he had lef ( He would no lea)e her ruined and possi#ly wi h "hild when he wen off o die( 6 was #ad enou!h ha she would &ourn hi&( +he whispered his na&e, runnin! her hand down his s o&a"h( He shi)ered( +lowly, he lay #a"* on he "ool shee s, pullin! her a op hi&( He as ed her &ou h deeply while his hands roa&ed up and down her #a"*, "aressed her ar&s, *neaded her #a"*side, her sil*en hi!hs enfoldin! his hips( 5hen she &oaned sof ly wi h desire, he rolled her on o her #a"* a!ain, on he ed!e of despera ion( The "ur ains #illowed o)er he open window, "arryin! o he& he fra!ran"es of he ni!h ( They pe ed and played, spendin! he&sel)es la)ishly, re"*lessly, while he pre"ious &o&en s "on inued i"*in! away, sand s eadily drainin! fro& he hour!lass( Something's wrong. 3arius awo*e suddenly in he &iddle of he ni!h , wi h "risp, ins an aler ness( The roo& was dar*( ,eside hi&, +erafina slu&#ered pea"efully( He held )ery s ill, lis enin!( All he heard was he s ridula in! son! of inse" s and +erafina1s res ful #rea hin!, #u his hear was poundin! and he hairs on his nape s ood on end( He sa up, swun! his le!s o)er he side of he #ed, and rea"hed silen ly for his #ree"hes and a shir , hen pulled on his #oo s( He wal*ed 7uie ly o he door and lis ened, hearin! no hin!( 5i h a dar* !lan"e #a"* a +erafina, he opened he door and wen ou ( Mo)in! soundlessly down he hall, he des"ended he wooden s airs, a)oidin! he s eps ha "rea*ed( On he firs floor, he rounded he newel pos and !lan"ed in o he firs roo& he passed, he dinin! roo&( Here, as in e)ery roo& on he firs floor, he had s a ioned a &an a he window( 2All "lear, pri)a e:2

24es, sir( All1s 7uie ,2 said he soldier( 25ha 1s he hour:2 2Three, sir(2 3arius !a)e a fir& nod( 2Hold your pos (2 He "he"*ed in wi h he o hers wi hou in"iden , #u he ins in" ual sense of warnin! did no di&inish( His si$ h sense, honed so early in life, had sa)ed his ne"* oo &any i&es for hin e)er o i!nore i s so&e i&es illo!i"al proddin!s( + ill uneasy, he wen in o he s&all, spar an roo& he had a#andoned days a!o, and opened he ar&oire, where he oo* ou a #la"* lea her "ase whi"h housed his usual arsenal of weapons( -if in! his e#ony%handled da!!er fro& i s )el)e #ed, he fel #e er he ins an his fa)ori e weapon was in his hand( He u"*ed a pis ol in o he wais #and of his #ree"hes for !ood &easure( Res lessly, he pa"ed hrou!h he house and wen ou o he #a"* por"h, where he found To&as, he ser!ean of he s7uad, s&o*in! a "heroo ( 2+o&e hin! wron!, Colonel:2 he ser!ean as*ed, offerin! hi& his "heroo ( 26 don1 *now,2 he &ur&ured as he #en down, a""ep in! i ( 26 ha)e a #ad feelin!(2 To&as shru!!ed, s iflin! a yawn( 2E)ery hin!1s 7uie so far oni!h (2 2May#e oo 7uie (2 He oo* a deep dra!, and saun ered o he ed!e of he por"h, !a'in! ou a he woods( The air was "ool and #al&y, he half%&oon ridin! hi!h( 2Ha)e you seen any hin! unusual:2 2No, sir( The sen ries ha)e he do!s ou wi h he&( 61& sure we1ll hear hose &ons ers #ar*in! if anyone1s ou here(2 2-e 1s hope so(2 He e$haled a s rea& of s&o*e, oo* a se"ond dra!, and !a)e i #a"* o To&as, hen wandered inside( Res lessly, he pa"ed hrou!h he house, !lan"ed ou he windows here and here, #u wha he "ould &a*e ou of he ni!h %"lad lands"ape was s ill( A len! h, he &ade his way o he *i "hen for a drin* of wa er( He oo* a &e al ewer fro& he "up#oard and wen o he hand pu&p, pu&pin! un il he "ool &oun ain sprin! wa er !ushed wi h a inny rin! in o he ewer( He hou!h he heard so&e hin!, &ay#e horses1 hoo)es( He swi)eled his head o loo* o)er his shoulder, #rows *ni ( He heard &en1s )oi"es in shou ed "on)ersa ion "o&in! fro& ou in fron of he house, #u he wa er1s noise splashin! in o he &e al pi "her o#s"ured he words( Idiots. They'll wa!e Serafina, he hou!h in annoyan"e( He wen o he window and s ared, seein! one of he #la"* !o)ern&en "oa"hes par*ed in fron of he house, he horses s ill #lowin!( He "ould see he royal insi!nia e&#la'oned

on he door( Then he s7uin ed in pu''le&en o see Cap ain Orsini in he dri)er1s sea ( 1hat the de*il is that sweaty o: doing here, 6e's supposed to be catching spies, 3arius hou!h ( He wa "hed To&as wal* oward Orsini, and finally he wa er 7ui runnin! and he "ould hear( 25ell, 61)e !o "learan"e and hose are &y orders92 Orsini was sayin!( 2They wan &e o #rin! her #a"* now( 6 don1 *now why( 4ou hin* hey ell &e any hin!:2 2-e 1s see your do"u&en a ion( There1s no way His Ma0es y "ould !i)e an order li*e ha wi hou +an ia!o no already *nowin! a#ou i ,2 he ser!ean pro es ed( Orsini ne)er !o he "han"e o reply( 6 all happened in perhaps en se"onds( 3arius1 s eyes widened as he "oa"h door #urs open and wo #la"*%&as*ed &en wi h "ross#ows 0u&ped ou ( 6n s&oo h sy&&e ry, hey oo* wo s eps apar and dropped o heir *nees, filin! in deadly silen"e on he &en pos ed a he door( -i*e "lo"*wor*, si$ &ore &as*ed &en spran! ou of he "arria!e and rushed he house( 3arius was already #ol in! for he hallway( "To arms$" He paused on his way ou of he *i "hen when he *nife ra"* han!in! on he wall "au!h his eye( He lif ed a "ar)in! *nife fro& i s pla"e on he ra"*( He whirled around he "orner in o he foyer 0us as he fron door "rashed open( The &as*ed &en leaped o)er he dead fron % door !uards and poured in o he house in nea , le hal pairs( 3arius hurled he "ar)in! *nife in o he "hes of he firs &an o)er he hreshold, hen lif ed his pis ol, #ra"in! his ai& wi h his fis , and sho he se"ond in he fa"e( "SerAfina$" he roared as he swep ou his da!!er( " oc! your door$" They were upon hi&(

CHAPTER E-EHEN One of he &as*ed 8ren"h a!en s lif ed a lar!e !un and ai&ed a his "hes ( 3arius whirled #a"* #ehind he #ase of he s airs 0us as he #ulle sla&&ed in o he li#rary door( He fla ened hi&self a!ains he "orner, hear poundin!( 5hen he 8ren"h&an s epped in o )iew, 3arius #rou!h up his el#ow and dro)e i s rai!h in o his "hin( The &as*ed head whipped #a"* and he 8ren"h&an fell fla on his #a"*( 3arius s epped o)er hi& and pun"hed hi& in he fa"e o &a*e sure he s ayed un"ons"ious, hen, da!!er in hand, he !lided silen ly #a"* ou o he foyer, a #a le!round now where wen y &en !rappled( The 8ren"h had hrown s in*po s o "rea e a s&o*es"reen( Eyes wa erin!, 3arius s7uin ed a!ains he foul, "ho*in! s&o*e( Serafina.

He had o !e o her( He "ould #arely see, and he &elee #lo"*ed his pa h o he foo of he s airs( 5ildly swin!in! lan ern li!h #oun"ed off he s&o*e( 8lin lo"*s flared wi h he repor of sho s fired a&id he din of fran i", an!ry shou s( The fron door was han!in! open and he "ould see he #odies of he !uards s a ioned here lyin! a"ross he hresholds arrows s i"*in! ou of heir "hes s( >us hen, he saw wo of he ene&y a!en s #rea* away and rush he s airs( ,eyond hou!h , 3arius ra"ed af er he&, pushin! fero"iously hrou!h he fi!h ( They were runnin! up he s eps, #u

he was ri!h #ehind he&( He sei'ed he firs of he wo a!en s se)eral s eps shy of he upper hall( The &an urned on hi& suddenly, sli"in! a hi& wi h a s&all sword( 3arius dod!ed he #low and wren"hed he &an1s ar&( He used he for"e of he o her &an1s swin! o send hi& sailin! wi h a shou o)er he rail in o he fray #elow( Turnin! forward a!ain, he saw ha he se"ond one, a he op of he s airs, had urned and was ready for hi&, sword drawn( Ano her "a&e runnin! up he s eps #ehind 3arius, he&&in! CC hi& in( He "ursed &en ally, loo*in! a one 8ren"h&an, hen he o her wi h a wordless snarl( He #ris led as he one lower on he s eps "losed in, holdin! hi& a #ay( All of a sudden, a wed!e of li!h spread o)er he landin! as ( he #edroo& door opened a#o)e( 'o. +erafina oo* a half%s ep ( ou in o he hall, her an$ious, lo)ely fa"e illu&ined #y he aper she held alof ( 2+ op i 92 she s"rea&ed a all (of he&( 2;e #a"*92 3arius roared( The 8ren"h&an on he landin! urned and s ared for a spli se"ond a he !oddess in he whi e pei!noir, her sa#le "urls flowin! wildly a#ou her shoulders( 3arius sei'ed he &o&en and spun, *i"*in! he &an on he lower s ep s7uare in he fa"e( As he 8ren"h&an "rashed #a"*ward down he s eps, 3arius lun!ed upward, dri)in! his da!!er in #e ween he ri#s of he &an on he landin!( 3arius dropped hi&, leaped o)er he #ody, and !ra##ed +erafina a#ou he wais , sweepin! her in o her #edroo&( 2-o"* i and s ay pu 92 he "o&&anded( 2Tha was no in he drill92 he !rowled, hen pulled he door shu in her fa"e( He whirled around, #lo"*in! he door as he wai ed o hear #o h lo"*s slide ho&e, #u no &ore #la"*% &as*ed a!en s appeared( The ene&y had #een )an7uished( Pan in! and "o)ered in swea , his &us"les re&#lin! sli!h ly, 3arius leaned his head #a"* a!ains her door, his "hes hea)in!( ,a"* and for h she pa"ed in he pin* #edroo&, ar&s around herself, her ni!h rail flowin! ou around her(

>us hen, a sof *no"* a he door #ro*e in o her dread( 2An!el:2 +he ore #a"* he lo"*s wi h sha*in! fin!ers and hrew open he door( 2Are you hur :2 she "ried( 261& fine,2 3arius said soo hin!ly as she oo* his forear& and pulled hi& in o he roo&( 8ran i"ally, her !a'e s"anned he all, powerful len! h of his #ody( 2Are you sure you1re all ri!h :2 24es(2 He oo* her !en ly #y he shoulders( 2,lood92 +he !ra##ed his wris , e$a&inin! a s&ear on his slee)e( 2No &ine,2 he said( 2Cal& down -oo* a &e(2 Hear poundin!, she 0er*ed her head #a"* and &e his e)en s are( 2+hh, you see: 61& all ri!h ,2 he whispered( +he s ared up a hi&, hen flun! her ar&s around his ne"* and held hi& wi h all her s ren! h, s7uee'in! her eyes shu ( 24ou had no #usiness "o&in! ou of his roo&, an!el(2 261& sorry( 6 had o see if you were all ri!h (2 +he was winin! o apolo!i'e for any hin!, she was so relie)ed he was uns"a hed( He s&oo hed a lo"* of her hair #ehind her ear( 2;e dressed, #eau y( 61ll #e #a"*(2 +he followed hi& o he door un"er ainly( One hand on he door*no#, he urned #a"* and ou"hed her fa"e, il in! her "hin upward wi h wo fin!er ips( He leaned down and #rushed her &ou h wi h a nu''lin! *iss( +he laid her hand on his "hes , "aressin! he H of his ho , da&p s*in where his shir lay open( Her fin!er ips "a&e a"ross he war&, iny &edal she had !i)en hi& so lon! a!o( Ca "hin! i in her pal& as her &ou h lin!ered a!ains his, she sen up a prayer of han*s o he ,lessed Mo her for pro e" in! hi& ye a!ain( 261ll #e #a"*,2 3arius whispered, endin! he *iss( 24ou sa)ed &e a!ain,2 she old hi& wi h a s ars ru"* !a'e( He "upped her "hee* and !a)e her a ender s&ile in he dar*( 2,e"ause you are &y prin"ess and 6 a& your *ni!h (2 He !a)e her a win* and silen ly slipped ou he door( +he si!hed, holdin! a hand o her hear ( +he s epped in o he doorway af er hi& and wa "hed hi& wal* away, soa*in! in he #eau y of his loose, wary !ra"e as he s al*ed down he hall, #u hen her !a'e wandered o he s"ene #elow( +e)eral lan erns had #een li , and #y heir !low she "ould see he s7uadron1s &edi"s already !e in! o wor*( Her hroa #urnin! wi h he s&o*e%rou!hened air, she wal*ed o he op of he s airs and s ared a he "hao i" s"ene #elow( 5ounded &en lay s rewn a#ou he foyer, while he ni&#le &edi"s *nel here and here #eside he&, !a)e aid, "leaned wounds, wrapped #anda!es, and effi"ien ly &o)ed on o he ne$ pa ien ( One &an was #orne

away on a s re "her( A few were dead( Darius had done this. +a)a!e, wild 3arius( This was he wor* of his hands, he sa&e hands ha were so !en le on her #ody and ha "ould plu"* su"h #eau iful &usi" fro& his !ui ar( Her &a!nifi"en uni"orn s allion had !one on he ra&pa!e o pro e" her, wild and la hered as a deadly warhorse wi h slashin! hoo)es and fiery eyes( +ha*en, she 7ui"*ly "losed her #edroo& door and dressed( ;ra##in! he sewin! #as*e "on ainin! her &edi"al e7uip&en , she lef her roo& o see if she "ould #e of help( 25here is he:2 3arius as*ed in a low, deadly one( 2This way, sir9 61ll show you92 3arius followed he youn! pri)a e around he house o he #a"* !arden, where he found Orsini "losed in #y a rin! of infuria ed soldiers( The "ap ain of he Royal ;uard was on all fours, his #road, &ea y fa"e swea in!( E)ery i&e he ried o !e o his fee , hey sho)ed hi& )iolen ly #a"* down a!ain The &en loo*ed li*e hey wan ed o lyn"h hi& on he spo ( 24ou1re in for i now,2 one of he &en said as 3arius s al*ed in o heir &ids ( Orsini "ursed and a e&p ed o "rawl o he far ed!e of he rin! of 0eerin! soldiers and ser)an s when he saw 3arius( 3arius s ood shoulder o shoulder wi h his &en for a &o&en ( s arin! down a Orsini( 24ou pi!,2 he spa , hen s rode oward hi&, sei'ed hi& #y he "ollar, and hrew hi& on his fa"e in he urf( He !ra##ed Orsini1s ri!h ar& and wren"hed i up #ehind his #a"*( 23o you *now wha we do o rai ors on his island:2 he snarled( 2They &ade &e do i 9 They had a !un o &y head92 He wren"hed Orsini1s #rawny ar& hi!her( 26 see you are no !oin! o "oopera e( Tha sui s &e fine(2 261& no a rai or9 6 oo* a few #ri#es.6 ne)er &ean9 for any hin! li*e his o happen9 They for"ed &e92 2-is en "arefully( 4ou lie o &e on"e, 61ll #rea* your ar&( -ie a!ain, and 61ll "u i off(2 2No, no9 6 *now you1re "ra'y enou!h o do i ,2 he #lu##ered( 24ou1re da&ned ri!h 6 a&( 6 wan na&es( +hall 6 #rin! ou he do!s:2 he as*ed, produ"in! his da!!er( 2They1)e s"en ed #lood oni!h , Orsini( They1re hun!ry(2 He wa)ed his fin!er slowly #a"* and for h #efore Orsini1s eyes( 2Hold ou his fin!er,2 he said o he &en( A spa e of ner)ous lau!h er rippled a&on! he &en #u 3arius1s s are did no wa)er, for his hrea of or ure ser)ed a dual purpose( The de&ons ra ion would no only !all hi& wha e)er infor&a ion Orsini was hidin!= i would also ser)e as an i&pli"i warnin! o his &en and he ser)an s ha he would enfor"e heir silen"e on he &a er of his affair wi h he prin"ess #y wha e)er &eans ne"essary( Two of he &en M2'ed Orsini and for"i#ly s re "hed ou his ar&, pryin! his fin!ers open fro& heir fis , while ano her #rou!h wo of he snarlin!, snappin! !uard do!s on "hains( 2Here, puppy, puppy,2 3arius "alled sof ly wi h a s&ile, a*in! Orsini1s fin!er in one hand, his da!!er in he o her(

Orsini #lu##ered( 2Oh, "o&e, i 1s 0us a fin!er( 4ou1)e !o nine &ore( 61& !oin! o !i)e you one &ore "han"e, hen 61& !oin! o s ar hrowin! hese #eau ies so&e rea s( 5ha do you say:2 26 don1 *now any hin!92 he s"rea&ed ou ( 5i h ha , 3arius "u Orsini1s fin!er o he #one( He shrie*ed, he &en lau!hed in as onish&en , and 3arius &erely s ared, s&ilin! a sli!h , sa ani" s&ile a hi&( 6 was all he persuasion Orsini needed( ,leedin! e)erywhere and so#f0in! wi h han*s ha 3arius had lef he rin!er a a"hed, Orsini !i)e hi& he na&es of he hree spies re&ainin! in he pala"e under deep "o)er( +a isfied, 3arius rose fro& his "rou"hed posi ion and 0er*ed a nod o his &en( 2-o"* hi& up for "our %&ar ial(2 Orsini *ep all his fin!ers( Ne)er heless, he would han!( The youn! soldier s ared a +erafina in awe, as if he had for!o en all a#ou he nas y wound a#o)e his ear where he #ulle had !ra'ed hi&( +he held he linen wrap of his head #anda!e in pla"e, while he &edi" affi$ed he end wi h a few drops of wa$ fro& a "andle( 23on1 lie fla ( Geep yourself propped up,2 he sur!eon ordered #efore &o)in! on o he ne$ &an( +erafina re&ained wi h he pa ien a &o&en lon!er( 2Than* you for pro e" in! &e,2 she said sof ly( 24%yes, 4our Hi!hness92 he said, his eyes li*e sau"ers( +he !a)e he #oy a "o&passiona e loo* and s7uee'ed his hand, hen rose and followed he sur!eon o his ne$ pa ien ( 5hen ano her &edi" appeared, she s epped #a"*, deferrin! o his superior s*ill( +he wasn1 needed( +he was pro#a#ly only !e in! in he way, she hou!h , #u no one dared say so( No *nowin! wha else o do, she s ood here wa "hin! he wo s*illed do" ors wor* on he &an1s wounded le!( The &edi" was wrappin! ano her layer of #anda!in! o s an"h he flow of #lood when suddenly she heard 3arius( 2+erafina92 +he loo*ed o)er o find hi& s ridin! oward her, hiM ony$ eyes a#la'e, his e$o i" fa"e dar* wi h an!er under he !lossy ra)en forelo"*( 25ha are you doin! down here: 6 old you o s ay pu 92 Me sei'ed her #y he wris and pulled her ou of he dinin! roo& and in o he hall( 25hy do you wan o in)ol)e yourself in his: 5ha a ni!h &are,2 he &u ered( +he did no #o her o ar!ue #u followed hi&, un"o&for a#ly aware of &ale eyes on her as she "li&#ed he s air"ase( 3arius no i"ed, oo( His #la"* s"owl o)er her head &ade he& lower heir s ares( 23id you learn who he spies are:2 she as*ed as he hurried her #a"* in o her #edroo& and pulled he door shu #ehind hi&( 24es(2

25ho are hey:2 2No#ody you *now( -is en, if 6 ride for ,elfor a on"e( 6 "an a*e he& unaware(2 Her #lood ran "old in her )eins and she paled( 24ou1re lea)in! oni!h : Now:2 He !lan"ed away( +he saw ension in his au 0aw( 23arius, i 1s he &iddle of he ni!h 92 Her )oi"e rose in pi "h( 24ou aren1 e)en wai in! ill he &ornin!:2 2The dan!er is pas now for you,2 he said wi h "areful res rain ( 2The &edi"s and he wounded will s ay here wi h a "rew o "lean up, #u wi hin he hour, Ale" and +er!ean To&as will a*e a "on in!en and es"or you #a"* o fee pala"e( 4ou should #e ho&e #y &id&ornin!(2 +he !ripped his forear&, ryin! o for"e hi& o loo* a her( 26 will see you here, won1 6:2 He urned o her, sayin! no hin!( They s ared a ea"h o her for a lon! &o&en , hen 3arius swallowed hard and loo*ed away( 25e #o h *new his &o&en would "o&e(2 +he drew in her #rea h sharply and s epped away fro& hi&, pressin! her fin!ers o her lips as she s ro)e o s eady herself( 2+erafina(2 2+o, his is how our idyll ends( 6n #lood and dea h( Of "ourse,2 she said #i erly, her #a"* o hi&( 26 is &y fa e, is i no : Helen of Troy( ;od, 6 wish 6 had ne)er #een #orn(2 5hen she fel his s ron!, war& hands ali!h on her shoulders, she urned, hrowin! herself a!ains hi&( He "au!h her up in his ar&s and *issed her, par in! her lips rou!hly, "on%, su&in! her as he "len"hed her #ody a!ains his( Caressin! his fa"e wi h re&#lin! hands, she dran* of hi& in wild despera ion, runnin! her fin!ers hrou!h his sil*y #la"* hair, "lu "hin! handfuls of i as if she "ould *eep hi& wi h her fore)er( He ried o end he *iss( +he wouldn1 le hi&( +he *issed hi& deeply, her whole soul in i , *nowin! i was ihe las i&e she would e)er hold hi&( ;a herin! hi& "loser and "loser o her, she fel herself fallin! apar as she ried o &e&ori'e he e$ ure of his hair, he as e of his &ou h, he sa in s&oo hness and war&, s&o*y s&ell of his s*in( A las , he "au!h her fa"e #e ween #o h his hands and pulled #a"*, s arin! in o her eyes wi h fier"e enderness and a!ony, he an"ien dep hs of his ony$ eyes profound wi h feelin!( +he rea"hed for hi& a!ain, "a "hin! his hands, pullin! a hi&( 21 "an1 lose you( 61ll see you a ,elfor , yes: +ay yes( Co&e o &y roo&.use he se"re door you showed &e.2 He silen"ed her, layin! a fin!er o)er her lips( 2,e s ron! for &e,2 he "ho*ed ou ( +he )owed o herself ha she would( +he "losed her eyes, fi!h in! for "on rol, as he res ed his forehead a!ains hers( 26f you e)er need any hin!,2 she whispered, sha*in!, 2any hin! a all, if you are e)er in rou#le, "o&e o

&e( 6 will always help you, 6 will always ((( lo)e you, 3arius(2 He "lu "hed her o hi&, !raspin! wo handfuls of her hair as he #uried his fa"e in he "roo* of her ne"*( 2Prin"esa he wa(s !one The ears in his eyes were #orn of he whippin! wind, he old hi&self, for 3arius rode as hou!h he de)il hi&self were "hasin! hi&, pushin! he &i!h y #la"* s allion o he li&i a a !ruelin! pa"e( He ried o fo"us his &ind on he rhy h& of horse1s hoo)es s ri*in! he dir road, #u in his "hes was an e&p iness, his hear orn fro& hi&( He wan ed o s"rea&, o s op he horse, a*e his sword, and #ea i a!ains a ree un il he1d drained so&e of his pain and ra!e, #u he did no , li!h in! for self%"on rol wi h all his s ren! h( 2y God, I won't let them catch me, he hou!h , o)er and o)er a!ain( I'll blow that %orsican bastard's head off and /?ll come bac! to her. I will. He didn1 #elie)e his own pro&ise, #u his li any !a)e hi& enou!h of a hread #y whi"h o *eep hi&self ied o!e her, un il a las he !alloped hrou!h he !a es of ,elfor 0us as he sun was peepin! o)er he eas ern hills( A he s a#le yard, he flun! hi&self down fro& his la hered, #lowin! s allion, en rus in! he ani&al o a !roo& wi h a few "ur ins ru" ions( He *new e$a" ly where o find he firs of he hree spies( He s al*ed in o he s a#le, down he &ain aisle( A he far end of he #arn, he "ould see he "our iers !a hered for he *in!1s daily &ornin! !allop( +o&e were drin*in! "offee, so&e al"in! swi!s fro& ele!an hun flas*s( The s&u!%loo*in! dandy he wan ed was s&o*in! and idly appin! his ridin! "rop a!ains his le!( The &an finished his "heroo 0us hen, hrew i in o he dus , and s epped on i wi h one polished #oo heel( 5hen he loo*ed up, his !lan"e happened upon 3arius s al*in! ru hlessly oward hi&( 8ear flashed a"ross he &an1s "oun enan"e( 2;reenlin!, wha are you doin! here:2 #oo&ed a )oi"e down he s a#le aisle #ehind hi&( The *in! had arri)ed #u 3arius i!nored hi&, ne)er a*in! his eyes off his prey( The 8ren"h&an1s !a'e swep he s a#le area in ha spli se"ond, s"annin! for es"ape( 3arius #ro*e in o a run( The 8ren"h&an #ol ed( 25ha he de)il:2 so&e of he "our iers said as 3arius pushed hrou!h heir &ids , "hasin! as he 8ren"h&an &ade a dash around he side of he s a#le( 3arius "au!h he &an swif ly, a"*lin! hi&( The *in! "a&e s ridin! up #ehind he&( 25ha he de)il1s !oin! on:2 i 26 de&and an e$plana ion,2 he 8ren"h&an pro es ed( 2Oh, 6 hin* you unders and, monsieur," 3arius said sof ly, wren"hin! his ri!h ar& up #ehind hi& and sho)in! his fa"e in o he dewy urf( 2+an ia!o:2 he *in! said e$pe" an ly( he #rea hed uns eadily(

He pressed one final *iss a!ains her ne"* #elow her ear( hen he pulled ou of her ar&s and she so##ed, for

2+ir, he prin"ess is se"ure( Ri!h now, here is &ore "leanin! up o do,2 he &ur&ured, 0us as se)eral of he "our iers 0oined he& and #e!an as*in! 7ues ions( 3arius and -a'ar e$"han!ed (a loo*( 2;o on, 61ll a*e i fro& here,2 he *in! said wi h a nod( Ne$ , 3arius s rode in o he pala"e( The pala"e s eward !ree ed hi& wi h he usual "our esies, #u 3arius pulled he idy li le &an aside( 26 need o *now where His"oun 31A#rande1s roo&s are(2 2Ah, le &e hin*( All His Hi!hness1s "ronies are housed on he hird floor of he sou h win!( The )is"oun 1s roo&s are on he lef side of he hall, 6 #elie)e, a#ou &idway down.#u you won1 find hi& here his &ornin!, sir( Ahe&(2 The pala"e s eward "leared his hroa ( 2Prin"e Rafael and "o&pany, 61& afraid, are sprawled a#ou in he #illiard roo&( Ano her drin*in! #ou ,2 he whispered( 3arius s&iled ran7uilly(2Perfe" ( Than* you, 8al"oni(2 5i hin en &inu es, he sei'ed he youn! )is"oun , dra!!in! hi& ou of he #illiard roo&( 5hile so&e of he youn! lords pro es ed on heir false friend1s #ehalf, hey were all oo !ro!!y and sore% headed o pu up &u"h of a fi!h a!ains a &an hey all feared e)en wi h he "oura!e of li7uor( 3ra!!in! he s ru!!lin! youn! )is"oun oward he door, 3arius paused #y he pool a#le where Prin"e Rafael, -a'ar1s son, was sleepin! pea"efully( He slapped he prin"e li!h ly a few i&es in he fa"e o wa*e hi&( 25ha , wha :2 +andy #rown hair &ussed, "lo hes ru&pled, he anned, sinewy nine een%year%old s ru!!led up on o his el#ows on he !reen )el)e of he #illiard a#le( Rafe dra!!ed his #loodsho , !old%!reen eyes open and offered 3arius a da'ed !rin, se in! off he "lef in his "hin ha &ade he !irls of As"en"ion si!h( 2Hey%ho, +an ia!o(2 2Ha)e a li le de"oru&, would you:2 3arius said ersely( 2+ure,2 he you h a!reed "heerfully, urnin! on his side on he a#le( 26n an hour or so, &ay#e(2 The heir apparen folded his hands under his "hee* and wen #a"* o sleep( The !ingdom's doomed, 3arius hou!h !rou"hily as he hauled he s ru!!lin! )is"oun in o "us ody( 8inally, 3arius &ar"hed oward he royal #lo"*, holdin! his an!er "arefully in "he"*( He s opped a a sui e down he hall fro& +erafina1s apar &en s( He #las ed he door open wi h a sa)a!e *i"* and s rode in o he !irls1 sui e( 25ho1s here:2 de&anded a )oi"e( 3arius paused in he !irls1 si in! roo&, loo*in! o)er as a fe&inine ou line appeared in he open doorway o one #edroo&( 2+an ia!o:2 he redhead "alled Els de&anded( 25ha is he &eanin! of his:2 2Close he door, you li le hussy, i 1s no you 61& af er,2 he !rowled as he "rossed he si in! roo& and

for"ed Cara1s #edroo& door open( 25ha are you doin!:2 Els shou ed( 2Cara:2 2+ ay #a"*92 he ordered her( 5hen he sla&&ed Cara1s #edroo& door open, he found hi&self loo*in! down he #arrel of a pis ol, alpine #lue eyes "oldly &ee in! his( He #e!an lau!hin! sof ly( 2;e ou of &y way,2 he !irl ordered( 2Pu down he !un(2 2Cara92 Els #urs ou in a&a'e&en ( 24our friend has #een aidin! he ene&y, Els,2 3arius said s&oo hly, ne)er a*in! his eyes off he !irl( 2+he1s no as pure as she1d ha)e you all hin*( E)ery &o)e +erafina or he 7ueen &a*es, she1s #een passin! i all on o he 8ren"h( Philippe +ain %-auren sedu"ed her for ha e$press purpose(2 Cara oo* a s ep oward hi&( 23on1 "o&e any "loser9 61ll shoo you, you de)il9 6 ha e you9 4ou *illed &y Philippe9 6 found ou ha you did92 2Pu he !un down, Cara( 6f you "oopera e, perhaps 6 "an !e your sen en"e "o&&u ed fro& han!in! o life i&prison&en , or perhaps e)en #anish&en (2 "6anging, 5ha is !oin! on:2 Els "ried( 26 don1 #elie)e his9 5here is Cri"*e : O#)iously, here has #een so&e &is a*e( Cara, 0us do as he says( 5e1ll sor i all ou .2 2+hu up, you slu ,2 he #lond snapped( 3arius lun!ed a her, dri)in! he !un upward( 6 wen off, sha erin! a "rys alline s"on"e on he far wall( Cara hrew he !un a hi& and leaped on o he #ed, ryin! o run a"ross i and es"ape, #u 3arius "au!h her, flin!in! her on o he an!led "o)erle on he #ed( +he *i"*ed a hi&, her ni!h rail flyin! a#ou her *nees( He pulled her on o her fee ( 24ou ;ypsy whoreson9 -ea)e &e alone9 61ll *ill you92 Cara "on inued hissin! useless hrea s and epi he s a hi& as he pulled her ri!h ar& up #ehind her #a"* and dro)e her oward he door( Els was in ears, #lo"*in! his pa h( 23on1 do his, +an ia!o9 +he "ould no possi#ly #e a spy9 -oo* a her9 +he1s a li le an!el92 261& no a spy9 61& a !ood !irl92 Cara #e"a&e hys eri"al( 1Els, don1 le hi& a*e &e away9 This is a lie9 6 would ne)er #e ray Cri"*e or he 7ueen92 An!rily, 3arius 0er*ed her sli!h fra&e in his ar&s( 2Enou!h(2 2-e her !o, please, +an ia!o, here &us #e so&e &is a*e,2 Els #e!!ed hi&, plu"*in! a his slee)e( 2There is no &is a*e,2 he said &ore !en ly( 21Els, lis en( +erafina doesn1 *now ye ( +he1ll #e #a"* in a few hours( +he1s !oin! o need you(2 26 unders and(2 Els s epped ou of he way, sha*in! her head in dis#elie)in! reproa"h a he #lond( 6n he hall, 3arius warded off Cara1s *i"*s and pun"hes, !rowled a her a e&p o #i e hi&, and "oldly

lau!hed when she offered o !o down on her *nees for hi& in e$"han!e for one "han"e o es"ape( The sun had 0us pee*ed o)er he hori'on( Her ar&s wrapped around her, +erafina slu&ped a!ains he in erior wall of he "oa"h, s arin! ou he window, her #ody ro"*in! wi h he )ehi"le1s &o ion( 8if een soldiers on horse#a"* flan*ed he "oa"h( 5hen she "losed her eyes, she saw only 3arius( +he 6 #reed herself o !e so&e res , lulled #y he ro"*in! and "rea*in! of he "oa"h( +he *new she would need her s ren! h o fa"e Ana ole( A a#ou en in he &ornin!, he "oa"h arri)ed a ,elfor , pullin! in o he la)ishly lands"aped dri)e( +erafina suddenly per*ed up, seein! he slee*, powerful fi!ure of a &an dressed in #la"* on he fron s eps, s&o*in! a "heroo ( 5hen he &an flipped his #la"* hair ou of his eyes, her whole #ein! li up fro& wi hin( 6e's waiting for me$ +he saw 3arius !es ure o a ser)an , who wen 7ui"*ly o he fron door( A &o&en la er, her fa her "a&e &ar"hin! ou and s ood wi h 3arius a he op of he s eps( Then +erafina s7uin ed in pu''le&en , re"o!ni'in! Els1s fla&#oyan red &ane as her #es friend 0oined he wo &en, her pale !reen s*ir s ripplin! in he #ree'e( The "oa"h had #arely s opped when +erafina #ounded ou , no wai in! for he foo &an( Her hear #ea in! fas , she ran o he rio as hey "a&e oward her( 2There1s &y !irl92 said her fa her war&ly, !i)in! her his "roo*ed s&ile( +he laun"hed in o his ar&s, feelin! an ins an , re&endous sur!e of relief and safe y as she always did in his presen"e( Head pressed o her fa her1s #ul*y shoulder, howe)er, she s ared only a 3arius, #ea&in! a hi& wi h pure lo)e( ,u he "hiseled perfe" ion of his fa"e was as "old as a s a ue1s( +he hou!h she saw a flee in! ra"e of so&e hin! in his eyes, #u he &e her !a'e wi hou e$pression, hen urned away( + unned, she s ared a hi&, slow o "o&prehend, refusin! o le he fa" sin* in( 6 was o)er( Really, ruly o)er( 'o, no, he is <ust being his old, aloof self because Papa is standing right here. 6e doesn 't want Papa to guess how we ha*e !nown each other.... ,u he e$"use wi hered e)en as i railed hrou!h her &ind( 6n )ain, she willed 3arius o loo* a her, #u he held hi&self re&o e( Then she fel he horrifyin! ru h sin*in! down slowly, e)er &ore deeply in o her #ones, re)ealin! he final disillusion&en ( He had #een her one !rea lo)e, while o hi& she had #een 0us ano her affair( He had warned her fro& he s ar ( +he "losed her eyes.a!has , si"*ened( As her fa her released her wi h a s&ile, she s ood here ra her da'ed, "o&ple ely a a loss( +urely she and 3arius were no s andin! here pre endin! here was no hin! #e ween he&( No, i was an awful drea&= her real life e$is ed a he yellow )illa, in he pin* #edroo&. Her #rea h sna!!ed suddenly on so&e hin! li*e a so#( +he "u he sound shor (

Her fa her loo*ed "uriously a her( Els &ur&ured hello and +erafina loo*ed o)er a her, s ill reelin! fro& he #low( Had he 0us #een a&usin! hi&self wi h her, passin! he i&e: Had his lo)e #een real a all: 5hen she saw he red ri& around her friend1s e&erald eyes, her a en ion lef her own "a as rophe for a &o&en ( Els was no one for "ryin!( +he ou"hed her ar&( 25ha 1s wron!, Elsie:2 Els, Papa, and 3arius all loo*ed a one ano her( Her fa her oo* a deep #rea h as if o spea*, hen e$haled swif ly, sha*in! his head( 24ou ell her, 3are( 6 "an1 (2 3arius urned ri!idly o her wi h a le)el, soldierly e$pression, a)oidin! her eyes( 25e ha)e a si ua ion, 4our Hi!hness(2 2A si ua ion: 5ha *ind of si ua ion:2 +uddenly she !asped( 26s i Ma&a. he #a#y:2 2No hin! li*e ha ,2 he said au ly( He hesi a ed( 24our Hi!hness, would you "are o s ep inside and si down.2 2Tell &e now92 2As you wish,2 he said, hen he #e!an o e$plain( +he "ouldn1 #elie)e i ( +he "ould no #elie)e Cara had done i , nor ha 3arius had lied o her upon learnin! fro& Cap ain Orsini ha her friend was i&pli"a ed as a spy( The whole day, she wasn1 allowed o see Cara( 5i h parasols o shade he& fro& he sun, Els and she oo* a lon! wal* on he #ea"h, railin! heir #are #ee in he sand and ryin! o &a*e sense of i all( 8ollowed #y a re inue of ser)an s and "haperons a a respe" ful dis an"e, hey s opped now and hen o !a'e a he whi e sails of As"en"ion1s flee in he #ay( +erafina had ne)er seen Els in so serious and sad a &ood( 8or una ely, he redhead1s dis ress o)er Cara1s downfall helped dis ra" +erafina fro& her reali'a ions a#ou 3arius( As a "ouple of hours passed, she was e)en a#le o "on)in"e herself hai he had #een 0us as upse his &ornin! a#ou losin! her as she was o)er losin! hi&( 6ndeed, &ay#e he had #een so s iff and "old #e"ause Papa had #een s andin! here( +he *new he had ried o #e !en le, #rea*in! he news o her a#ou Cara his &ornin!( He had pro#a#ly wan ed &ore han any hin! o a*e her in o his ar&s and "o&for her, #u he had #een una#le o( Af er all, no one had for"ed hi& o s and ou here wai in! for her "arria!e o arri)e( Hope "lun! li*e a horn in her flesh( Her one "onsola ion was ha &ay#e, 0us &ay#e, he would "o&e o her oni!h ( Tha , she old herself, would #e he de"isi)e fa" or( The day dra!!ed #y and she didn1 see hi& a!ain( -a e in o he ni!h , she lay awa*e, willin! hi& o appear, ryin! o "on0ure hi&, her de&on lo)e, #u he se"re door ne)er opened, and 7uie ly she "ried herself o sleep( 6 was wo A(M( 3arius was si in! idly in his sui e, 0us si in! hour af er hour, s&o*in!, hin*in!, and

s arin! a he wall( Holdin! his da!!er #y i s e#ony handle, he would hurl i a he wall, where i would s i"* in he plas er wi h a shudderin! hud( He would s are a i awhile, !e up, wren"h i ou of he plas er, si down( Repea ( 6!norin! his hun!er( Or!ani'in! and reor!ani'in! his plans in his head( As*in! hi&self 7ues ions he1d already answered a hundred i&es, and willin! hi&self o see so&e o her solu ion he &i!h ha)e &issed( He didn1 wan o die, #u oo #ad, he hou!h ( He "rushed ou ano her "heroo in he already full ash ray and sa for a lon! li&e, slou"hin! in his "hair, wa "hin! he shadow of he da!!er &eld in o he o her shadows( The #la"*ness was "losin! in on hi&( 6 oo* all his s ren! h no o !o o +erafina( He would no !i)e in o i ( A "lean #rea* was #es for her, no &a er how &u"h she needed hi& in his &o&en , nor how fri!h ened he was and how alone( He sa #a"*, silen ly or ured, wei!hed down in he "hair #y his e$haus ion( 8or a lon! i&e, he lis ened o he son! of "ri"*e s #eyond his windows, #rea hed he "ool ni!h air perfu&ed #y lila"s, al&os do'in! in he "hair un il he silen"e was #ro*en #y he "rea* of he door( He loo*ed o)er in surprise and saw i was no he ser)an he1d sen o he "ellars for so&e wine, #u Teresa, one of his for&er lo)ers( He loo*ed away as his &ood urned #la"*er( He wished he da!!er was in his hand, for i would ha)e deli!h ed hi& o send i plun!in! in o he door ne$ o her head( +he lo"*ed he door #ehind her and "rep oward hi&( He res ed his "hin on his fis , wai in!( +he "a&e o s and #efore his "hair and offered hi& a hesi an s&ile( 3espi e his hos ile s are, "au iously she "a&e "loser, as he *new she would( He ensed as she lowered herself o her *nees #e ween his sprawled hi!hs( 5i hou e$pression, 3arius wa "hed her slowly #e!in o ou"h hi&, wa "hed her fin!ers sa)or he sa in of his wais "oa and, #older af er a few &inu es, undo his "ra)a ( He wondered why he was so nu&#( 5ha was wron! wi h hi& ha always dro)e people o a" his way wi h hi&: +he rea"hed #e ween his le!s, su# le as e)er( 2No,2 he &u&#led, #u he didn1 push her hand away( +he "aressed hi& upward, his #elly, his "hes ( 2No:2 she as*ed wi h a *nowin! loo*, #an*ed lus under her hea)y%lidded eyes( 2-ea)e &e alone,2 he said in a s ran!led whisper, #u she 0 us un ied he ne"* s rin!s of his shir , #oldly ra*in! his #are "hes wi h her nails( A las he fel his s*in "a "h fire in he wa*e o f her "lawin! ou"h ha hur in a way she "ould no *now( Her ho hands &assa!ed he ired &us"les of his &i!hs hrou!h he s urdy "lo h of his #la"* rousers, "urled around his "al)es( He heard her #rea hin! "o&in! fas er, deeper(

He s ill refused o spea* o her or &a*e any &o)e oward her, ha in! her( +he pressed herself a!ains hi&, wrappin! her sof ar&s around hi&, #rushin! his "len"hed 0aw wi h her "hee*, *neadin! his ne"* in her re&#lin! hands( He was so weary( He fel li*e he was #ein! raped for he hundred h i&e, oo weary o s ru!!le any&ore( He 0us wan ed her o !o away( He s&iled #i erly a her an!ry !roan when she pressed her lips o his and he de"lined o *iss her #a"*( 5hy should he: +he lef his lips o ease his earlo#e #e ween her ee h( 2Please, +an ia!o, le &e,2 she whispered in o his ear, an e$aspera in! i"*le(1i1ll do wha e)er you wan ( 4ou *new 1 & !ood, le &e, ooh, +an ia!o (((2 The whine of a bitch in heat. +he si"*ened hi&( His own lus si"*ened hi&( Hands on her shoulders, he didn1 *now i 2 he was for"in! her down or holdin! her off( They s ared a ea"h o her( ;od, he loa hed her, #u he ra her li*ed her red &ou h( +o&e hin! in his eyes &us ha)e &ade her hin* she1d won( 2M&&,2 she said, se lin! "loser #e ween his open hi!hs( ,u when she rea"hed for he #u ons on his falls, he #e!an o pan=o( Q had ne)er &a ered #efore ha he didn1 wan hese wo&en( 5ha &a ered was ha hey wan ed hi&( +o&e#ody, a& #ody, wan ed hi&, e)en if i was only for his( 'ot this time. 6 1is hold on he wo&an1s shoulders i!h ened( 2Teresa,2 he said harshly( +he loo*ed up a hi&, her eyes #ri!h wi h he fe)er of desire, her on!ue s*i&&in! li!h ly o)er her lips( He s ared in ensely a her( 26 don1 wan you,2 he said( 2;o(2 Ta*en a#a"*, her eyes widened, hen she !a)e hi& a worldly s&ile( 24ou don1 :2 she as*ed, "aressin! his hardness hrou!h his "lo hes( 25ha !a&e are you playin!, !or!eous:2 He s opped her, !raspin! her wris and slowly wis in!( 2No !a&e( ;e ou (2 +he pulled her hand free of his !rasp, s arin! a hi& in "onfusion and he s ar of fear( 25ha 1s wron! wi h you:2 2;e ou 92 He suddenly s ood up and pushed her, deeply an!ry all in a flash( +he fell #a"*, "a "hin! herself on her hands as she s ared up a hi& in as onish&en ( 26 said !e ou ,2 he said sa)a!ely, res rainin! he ur!e o *i"* her( 6n se"onds, she was !one, sla&&in! he door #ehind her( +i in! #a"* down in his "hair, he wai ed for he poundin! of his hear o slow o a nor&al rhy h&( He ra*ed a hand hrou!h his hair, !o up, and wen o he door, lo"*in! i ( Then he urned slowly and leaned his #a"* a!ains i ( He reali'ed he was sha*in!( He wrapped his ar&s around hi&self and hun! his head(


The ne$ &ornin!, +erafina s ood on he s eppin! s ool #efore he full%len! h &irror, !a'in! in apa hy a her refle" ion while he sea&s resses pu he final ou"hes on her #ridal !own( Her &o her had o)erseen all he weddin! prepara ions and now #ea&ed wi h pride, !a'in! a her( 24ou loo* perfe" ,2 he 7ueen announ"ed( +erafina for"ed a wan, answerin! s&ile( Her &o her, she supposed, a ri#u ed her #lea* &ood o he sho"* of Cara1s #e rayal( This &ornin!, she had learned ha Cara had #een in erro!a ed for hours las ni!h and had finally si!ned a "onfession o he "har!es of reason( Ta*in! pi y on her, he 7ueen had as*ed ha Cara1s sen en"e #e "o&&u ed( Now Cara was o #e #anished, #u he &en would han!( Ha in! herself for her own hopeless nai)e e, +erafina was #e!innin! o see he wisdo& in 3arius1s philosophy of rus in! no one( 25ould 4our Ma0es y "are o see our pro!ress on he "hild1s "hris enin! !own:2 he head "ou uriere as*ed he 7ueen while her assis an s wor*ed on +erafina1s &a!nifi"en rain, 26 would92 Ma&a said #ri!h ly( The "ou uriere led he way in o he ad0oinin! roo&( The , &o&en he 7ueen lef he fi in! roo&, her ladies%in%wai in! ( all #e!an !ossipin! in hushed )oi"es( +erafina rolled her eyes and i!nored he&, hen s"owled down a he youn! sea&s ress who had a""iden ally pri"*ed her "alf wi h her needle( 2Ou"h92 2+o sorry, 4our Hi!hness92 he !irl "ried, urnin! pale( 2Hr&ph,2 she said, hen re urned her a en ion o he &ur&ured "on)ersa ion !oin! on #ehind her( 2((( "an1 #elie)e he hrew you ou of his roo&92 24es, he was posi i)ely wild wi h ra!e9 6 hou!h he would do &e so&e )iolen"e92 said he !ra"eful, doe%eyed -ady Teresa( +erafina urned suddenly( The wo&en s opped( 25ho& are you !ossipin! a#ou :2 she de&anded, s arin! hau!h ily a he&( +he *new fro& lon! e$perien"e ha if she did no use her ran* a!ains he&, hey would use heir !rea er nu&#ers o ry o in i&ida e her( They !lan"ed a one ano her( 26 as*ed you a 7ues ion(2 2No one, 4our Hi!hness(2

+he !a)e he& a loo* of derision and urned #a"* o he &irror( 2((( was alone wi h hi& for a few days, wasn1 she:2 24ou don1 suppose((( :2 2Too s"andalous92 ... 25e all *now he is a )ery #ad #oy(2 2Ne)er,2 so&eone whispered( 2He1d ne)er ris* an!erin! he *in!(2 Eyes a#la'e, +erafina !ri ed her ee h and s ared s rai!h ahead( 23on1 worry, Teresa, here1s wha we1ll do( 4ou and 6 will !o o hi& o!e her oni!h , li*e ha one i&e durin! Carni)ale.2 +erafina pi)o ed in fury, i!norin! he sea&s ress1s noise of dis ress( The ladies s ared a her li*e li le !irls "au!h passin! no es #y he s"hool head&is ress( +he suddenly reali'ed hey were as fier"ely "urious o as* her a#ou her so0ourn in he "oun ry w i h 3arius as she was o find ou wha hey were sayin! a#ou hi&( 3ispara!in! herself for sin*in! o heir le)el, she de"ided o swi "h a" i"s( 26s his !own really all ri!h :2 she as*ed pre ily, pou in!( 25hi e &a*es &e loo* fa (2 24ou1re no fa ,2 he #u$o& #lond -ady An onia said ha efully(

8ashion and inse"uri y hey unders ood( They "la&ored o assure her she loo*ed ra)ishin!( 2Ah, 4our Hi!hness (((2 >ulia Cala''i #e!an( 24es:2 she as*ed inno"en ly( 2How did you find your s ay in he "oun ry:2 Mia as*ed poli ely( +erafina1s hear wa)ered dan!erously( 6f she le herself hin* of he u&#ledown )illa wi h i s peelin! yellow pain , she *new ears would rise in her eyes( +he shru!!ed( 2,orin!(2 25as Colonel +an ia!o "i)il o you:2 2Rude as e)er,2 she replied( They loo*ed relie)ed( +he ha ed i ha she "ouldn1 !loa o he& how de)o ed and war& he had #een( Af er all, &ay#e i had all #een a !a&e o hi&( Tha was all she had in ended o say on he &a er, #u hen, #e"ause she "ouldn1 resis , she added ar"hly, 26 did o)erhear hi& playin! his !ui ar one ni!h ( The &elody was )ery swee (2 2He plays he !ui ar:2 Teresa e$"lai&ed( >ulia1s shrewd !a'e fli"*ed #a"* o +erafina(

+erafina s&iled #a"* a her "oolly and hou!h , I hate your guts. 2Of "ourse he plays he !ui ar, Teresa,2 >ulia said s&oo hly( 2E)eryone *nows ha ( ,u 6 *now so&e hin! a#ou hi& no 1 one does(2 2Oh, really:2 +erafina re or ed( >ulia held her silen"e wi h a s&u! s&ile( D 1 5ell:2 An onia de&anded( 26 is a !rea se"re ,2 >ulia said !ra)ely, relishin! he &o&en ( +erafina rolled her eyes and le ou a )e$ed e$hala ion( 2His real na&e,2 >ulia announ"ed !randly, 2is %ount 3arius +an ia!o(2 The wo&en e$"lai&ed in a&a'ed pro es ( 6n he &irror, V +erafina pinned >ulia1s refle" ion in her s are( >ulia &e her !a'e wi h a )eiled loo* of riu&ph( 24ou don1 *now wha you1re al*in! a#ou ,2 +erafina re&ar*ed while he o hers fussed and "ooed( 25hy would you s ar a ru&or li*e his: >us o "ause rou#le for 3arius: 3on1 you !now he is ille!i i&a e, or do you si&ply no "are how( &u"h he fa" hur s hi&:2 2He is no ille!i i&a e any&ore, as he *nows full well( Oh, &F dear, did he no ell you: His fa her a"*nowled!ed hi& ri!h #efore he died(2 Really:2 An onia e$"lai&ed( >ulia nodded sa!ely( 25hen he old "oun learned how well 3arius has done for hi&self, he was ea!er o "lai& hi& for his son( -ord *nows, his o her sons are was rels(2 2He has #ro hers:2 he wo&en "ried ea!erly( 2Half%#ro hers( Two of he&, #o h older,2 >ulia "lipped ou ( 2They were he "oun 1s le!i i&a e sons(2 +erafina "ould #arely find her )oi"e for sho"*( 25ho old you his:2 she de&anded( >ulia sipped her ea( 2+o&eone a he #an* where +an ia!o s ows his &illions(2 The o hers e$"lai&ed anew( 2Millions:2 +erafina ar"hed a #row a he wo&an, a*en a#a"*( 5ha !a&e was she playin!: 2Ha)e you #een pryin! in o all of his affairs, hen, -ady >ulia:2 1i *now e)ery hin! a#ou hi&,2 she replied( 2E)ery hin!(2 +erafina folded her ar&s o)er her "hes ( 2How, pray ell, would he #an*er *now a#ou 3arius1s fa her:2 2+i&ple, &y dear Prin"ipessa, #e"ause of he draf s whi"h 3arius wi hdrew on his fa her1s #ehalf(2 +erafina s ared a her( 24ou &ean o say his fa her wai)ed &oney fro& hi&:2

2Na urally( The &an was a penniless drun*ard(2 A&a'ed and a li le infuria ed ha she should learn su"h in i&a e de ails of 3arius1s pas fro& his sour"e, +erafina urned #a"* o fa"e he &irror, u erly rou ed( +he was also appalled o hin* ha he "allous &an who ad no a" ed he s&alles par of a fa her o 3arius when he was( a #oy.a &an who had no pro e" ed hi& or pro)ided for hi&( #u had lef hi& o fend for hi&self.had had he ner)e o "o&e loo*in! for a handou ( 2Oh, 4our Hi!hness, 6 al&os for!o o &en ion(((2 >ulia1s s&ile was as s&oo h as he fla of a ra'or, #u a few words suffi"ed o fli"* he #lade( 23id you hear he news: 4our hus#and arri)ed 0us af er #rea*fas (2 ( +he s ared a her, urnin! pale( 2He1s no &y hus#and ye 2 >ulia oo* ano her sip of ea, hen s&iled( 2;oodness( how we1ll &iss you when you1re !one(2 +erafina was suddenly ou of pa ien"e( 2Tou!h91 %%he snapped a he sea&s resses rin!in! her in( They s"ra&#led OCT of he way as she s epped down off he s ool #efore he &irror and &ar"hed oward he dressin! roo&, i!norin! Mia and he o hers !i!!lin! a her( 26 will &a*e a fine "oun ess, don1 you hin* 12 >ulia was as*in! he o hers #li hely as +erafina sla&&ed he door( A few &inu es la er, she was s ridin! down he hallway wi h one #urnin! purpose in &indD o find 3arius +an ia!o and !i)e hi& a pie"e of her &ind a#ou his pe y se"re % *eepin!( O&ission of he ru h a&oun ed o he sa&e as lies, and she was si"* of his spy &a"hina ions.and si"* as well of her own nai)e e( +he had hou!h hey were as "lose as wo people "ould #e( #u he had #een playin! her false all alon!( 5ha an a""o&plished liar he was9 she hou!h , her ha"*les up for a fi!h ( +he *new e$a" ly why he had no old her a#ou his i le( He had hidden #ehind his lowly, half% ;ypsy s a us #e"ause he did no wan her o !ain any in*lin! of he fa" ha he was, in reali y, a perfe" ly eli!i#le #a"helor( +he had ne)er "ared wha his #ir h was or wha he owned( +he had only e)er lo)ed hi& for hi&self( 5hy did ha errify hi& so &u"h: No dou# he would !i)e a !rea si!h of relief when she was finally &arried o Ana ole and "ould no lon!er pla!ue hi& wi h her edious, adoles"en infa ua ion9 ,u he had no found her #reas s edious, had he: she hou!h in a perfe" fury, for if she didn1 s ay an!ry, she was !oin! o s ar "ryin!, and if she s ar ed, she was ne)er !oin! o s op( 25here is he:2 she &u ered under her #rea h( The pair of foo &en pos ed a he end of he hallway !lan"ed a her in alar& as she passed( +he s rode ou of he #lo"* ha housed

he royal li)in! 7uar ers and in o he &ain "orridor, where he "our iers and ladies lur*ed( +he passed he open doors of he #lue salon, where she saw, and was seen #y, half a do'en of her de)o ees( 4oun!, "lean%sha)en fa"es li up( +he rolled her eyes and &ar"hed pas he doors, "on inuin! on her way, "urls floun"in! an!rily down her #a"*( 2Prin"ess Cri"*e 92 2Prin"ipessa9 5ai 92 +he "len"hed her 0aw, i!norin! he& as hey ran ou of he salon af er her( 2May we wal* wi h you:2 2This pla"e has #een a &ausoleu& wi hou you92 25ha a#ou he #all oni!h : 6s Prin"e Tyurino) !oin! o le us dan"e wi h you:2 26 don1 *now( 6 don1 e)en wan o !o,2 she !ru&#led( 2He1d #e er9 The &an1s oo 0ealous #y half( 4ou &us sa)e a dan"e for &e.2 2And &e92 2All of us9 5here are you !oin! in su"h a huff, &y lady fair:2 2Co&e play #illiards wi h us92 24ou should ha)e seen he 0o*e we played on Ro#er o while you were !one.2 6n ru h, she adored her silly friends.i was, in par , for heir sa*es ha she was &arryin! Tyurino) o pre)en a war, for she "ould no i&a!ine any of hese pa&pered dandies sur)i)in! a #a lefield( A he &o&en , howe)er, she was in no &ood for he&( 8ull of hi!h spiri s, !i)in! her "o&pli&en s, ellin! her 0o*es and e$"han!in! #oas s, hey "ha ered rapidly as hey followed her in a pa"* down he &ain hall( +he paid he& li le &inX !lan"in! in e)ery !allery down he &ain hall( No ra"e of +an ia!o anywhere( May#e he was in #ed wi h a new lo)er already, she hou!h in despair, so&eone he would ha)e no 7ual&s a#ou !i)in! hi&self o "o&ple ely, as he had denied her he "onsu&&a ion she had all #u #e!!ed for( As she "rossed he sprawlin! &ar#le en ran"e hall, fro& whi"h fi)e hallways led o he )arious win!s of he pala"e, one of he #oys !ra##ed an oran!e lily fro& he hu!e #ou7ue on he "en er a#le and swep down on one *nee in fron of her( 28or our !oddess,2 he said in playful !allan ry, his eyes easin! her as he held ou he flower( +he hrew up her hands( 2-ea)e &e alone92 23o as she says(2 They all loo*ed o)er a he sound of a "old, a""en ed )oi"e( 8or a &o&en , +erafina fro'e, he "olor drainin! fro& her fa"e(

A on"e she #a"*ed away fro& he #oy wi h he flower, her hands "urlin! in o fis s a her sides as her #e ro hed held her in his fri!id s are( 8ra&ed #y he hallway s ood Prin"e Ana ole Tyurino), a &assi)e &an wi h a "opper%!old &ane, whi"h he wore, )ainly, spillin! down upon his !i!an i" shoulders( He was "lad in a dar* #lue unifor& wi h shiny !old #u ons down his ((#road,, "hes ( His eyes were he li!h a'ure #lue of a #ri!h >anuary af ernoon, sunny #u pi ilessly "old( 2Ana ole(21 she for"ed ou , droppin! her !a'e( +he s*e "hed a sli!h "ur sy, her hear poundin!( 1i a& !lad you re&e&#er &e,2 he said in poli e reproa"h, offerin! her a sli!h , &e"hani"al #ow( + ill poli ely #en , he !lan"ed up and sho her a *nowin! s&ile( +he fel he "rushin! wa)e of his inna e #ru ali y rushin! oward her( The lily fell fro& he #oy1s hand as he &ur&ured an apolo!y and #a"*ed away( 5hen Ana ole lif ed his s7uare "hin, sur)eyin! he roo& as if he owned i , he #oys shran* away li*e do!s #efore an approa"hin! lion( +erafina was lef s andin! in he wide en ran"e hall alone wi h hi&( He was se)eral yards away, #u she fel "ornered( ( He #e!an slowly s ridin! oward her( +he swallowed hard #u held her !round, inwardly swi "hin! o)er o he re!al &anner she had #een rained o e$e"u e fro& an early a!e( 5i h her hand, she swep a sli!h , !ra"eful !es ure oward he en ran"e hall( 25el"o&e o As"en"ion and our ho&e(2 +he had o il her head #a"* o loo* up a hi& as he neared( His fa"e= "ra"*ed in o a s&ile( 2;oddess, eh:2 he &ur&ured as he s epped s7uarely on o he fallen lily( 26 ha e o hin* 6 a& wre"*in! heir reli!ion( 5ho was he:2 2Tha #oy:2 she s alled( % ( 2Tha #oy,2 he said indul!en ly( 2No one of any "onse7uen"e, 4our Hi!hness(2 +he for"ed one of her &os winnin! s&iles( 2How was your 0ourney:2 2Ana ole,2 he whispered( +he 7ua*ed inwardly( 2How was your 0ourney, Ana ole:2 He s&iled and !en ly u"*ed a lo"* of her hair #ehind her ear( +he fou!h no o flin"h when he ou"hed her( 2Ha)e you #een a !ood !irl, &y #ride:2 8or a se"ond, she hou!h she would slap hi&( 3eli"a ely, she slipped away fro& hi& and oo* a few s eps a"ross he wide, e&p y hall, hear poundin!( +he wen o he "en er a#le

and &ade a show of s&ellin! he flowers, urnin! her #a"* on hi&, #u hen she "ould feel his eyes on her #ody( Non"halan ly, she rounded he "en er a#le so she "ould hide herself fro& his leer #ehind he #ou7ue ( +lowly, he railed her( +he *ep he a#le and he !ian flower arran!e&en #e ween he&( 25ere you lon! on he ship:2 she as*ed wi h for"ed #ri!h ness( 2The )oya!e dra!!ed, for &y ea!erness o see you(2 His )oi"e was li*e a rus y plow #ein! dra!!ed o)er !ra)el( +he plu"*ed a wi hered leaf fro& a pea"hy rose( Her s&ile re&ained fi$ed #u her hand shoo*( 2And when did you arri)e:2 2Two hours a!o( 61)e #een ha)in! a drin* wi h your &os e$"ellen fa her(2 His "o&pli&en o her fa her did no !o unno i"ed( Her ension eased a de!ree or wo( +he loo*ed up a hi&( 26 hope Papa did no !o sen i&en al on you( He is ha)in! rou#le wi h &y lea)in!( He is )ery pro e" i)e(2 24es, 6 *now,2 he &used, 2whi"h is why 6 found i s ran!e((((2 He paused, ru##in! his "hin in hou!h ( 28ound wha s ran!e, sir:2 2Tha he sen you un"haperoned in o he "oun ry wi h a &an o)er who& you on"e &ade a fool of yourself(2 + arin! up a hi&, she urned u erly whi e( He "ra"*ed ano her errifyin! s&ile( 23o you hin* his +an ia!o is he only one who "an learn ano her1s se"re s, &y #ride:2 +he par ed her lips o spea*( No sound "a&e ou ( 2Of "ourse, your fa her has no in*lin! of your fas"ina ion wi h his &an(2 26 was 7ui e youn!,2 she for"ed ou ( 23id he lay a hand on you:2 2No(2 23id he:2 he de&anded( 2No92 Her hear was #ea in! li*e i would e$plode, her *nees sha*in!( 24our fa her rus s hi&(2 2He has no reason no o( +an ia!o1s "ondu" is i&pe""a#le( As for &y prior infa ua ion wi h hi&, 6 will no deny i ( The &an oo* a #ulle for &y fa her(2 23oes his i&press you so: 6 is a "o&&on e)en on he #a lefield for a &an o !i)e his life for his friends(2 26 was wel)e, Ana ole, a &ere "hild( 6 was s andin! ri!h here( 6 had his blood on &e(2 Merely sayin! i sen odd re)er#era ions down in o her #ein!(

He !a)e her a sour loo*, #u he loo*ed a rifle &ollified( 24ou1re ellin! &e, hen, ha you were &erely s ars ru"* #y his hero of yours(2 2As a "hild 6 was, #u ha was years a!o( +an ia!o and 6 ha)e li le &ore han a passin! a"7uain an"e now(2 +he held his !a'e &a er%of%fa" ly, ha in! herself for hese #old%fa"ed lies ha see&ed o "heapen he swee ness, enderness, and #eau y of wha she and 3arius had shared( +he "ould only pray she was "on)in"in!( Roundin! he a#le oward her, Ana ole !a)e her a sideward s&ile ha pro#a#ly #e!uiled o her wo&en( 26 hope you are no ly&! o &e, &y swee island rose(2 He rea"hed o s ro*e her ann( +he 0er*ed away, "hee*s flushin! in a rio of "olor( 28or 6 will find ou he ru h on our weddin! ni!h , won1 6:2 he added( = +he !asped and pi)o ed, s ridin! away fro& hi& on le!s ha shoo* #enea h her( +he heard his lau!h er #ehind her( He followed( 2+erafina.2 1+ir, you are oo fa&iliar,2 she said "oldly as she wal*ed swif ly ahead of hi&( 24our Hi!hness, 6 was only es in! you(2 +he whirled around( "Testing &e:2 2Aren1 you !lad you passed:2 + arin! up a hi&, a&a'ed #y his effron ery, she found herself slowly #ein! #a"*ed oward he wall( +he folded her ar&s i!h ly o)er her "hes , shieldin! herself ins in" i)ely, !larin! up a hi& in defian"e as he loo&ed o)er her( He had sou!h o in i&ida e her li*e his las i&e hey &e , she re"alled, he i&e he1d old her he &us a&e her( +upre&ely sure of hi&self, he il ed his head, !a'in! down a her, he #lond lo"*s flowin! o)er he fron of his shoulder( 2A li le #ird old &e ha hree years a!o, a your de#u #all, when you flun! yourself a his poor fellow, he fled( This says o &e he is a &an of honor, as you "lai&, and ha he unders ands his pla"e( 6 appro)e(2 24ou appro)e( 6 see(2 He held up his hand o silen"e her, a lon!%sufferin! e$pression on his rou!h%hewn fa"e( 24our fa her should #e !lad for su"h a &an= su"h loyal y is rare( My only 7ues ion is whe her or no you sou!h o e&p poor Colonel +an ia!o a!ain durin! his ((( "o'y li le so0ourn in he "oun ry( A wo&an li*e you "anno a#ide a &an who refuses o su""u&# o her "har&s, and a &an "an only #e pushed so far(2 2A wo&an li*e &e:2 +he s ared up a hi& in dis#elief( 24ou o#)iously *now no hin! a#ou &e( E$"use &e, 4our Hi!hness( 6 answered your 7ues ion hree i&es already(2 +he urned o &o)ed pas hi&( He s opped her, pinnin! her a!ains he wall wi h one fin!er ip 0a##ed none oo !en ly in o he fron of her shoulder( 5i h so li le effor , he held her in pla"e( 6 was hu&ilia in!(

23on1 !o( Pray, indul!e &e, &y #ride,2 he said, s&ilin!( A ha &o&en , he fron door #an!ed #a"* and in wal*ed +an ia!o( )h, God. Her s o&a"h plu&&e ed( There was a spli se"ond #efore he saw he&( Ana ole #arely rou#led hi&self o !lan"e o)er his shoulder o see who had "o&e in( Head down, he forelo"* )eilin! his eyes, 3arius oo* a "ouple of slow, weary s eps in o he en ran"e hall, hen he lif ed his head, saw he&, and fro'e( His s are ho&ed in on her, hen lo"*ed on Ana ole, and his eyes urned o #la"*es fire( The air of weariness around hi& fell away( 5i hou hesi a ion, he s rode swif ly a"ross he roo&, hrew Ana ole #a"*, and pun"hed hi&.a sha erin! #low a"ross he fa"e( CHAPTER THIRTEEN +erafina !asped as Ana ole ripped #a"* , a s ep har&%, pursued, dri)in! hi& #a"* o sla& his spine hard a!ains he far wall( 24ou *now who she is: 4ou pu your hands her:2 3arius roared a hi&( Ana ole !ra##ed 3arius #y he hroa ( 3arius urned ni&#ly and dro)e his el#ow in o Ana ole1s a#do&en( Ana ole dou#led o)er sli!h ly for a &o&en wi h a "urse( 3arius loo*ed down his nose a hi& in pure "on e&p and snarled so&e hin! a hi& in Russian ha #rou!h pure sa)a!ery leapin! in o Ana ole1s #lue eyes( Ana ole "har!ed hi&( The fi!h ensued( +erafina had ne)er seen any hin! li*e i in her life( +he "ould only s and here in sho"*, eyes wide, #o h hands pressed o)er her &ou h, as her fian"/ and her lo)er "lashed li*e wo powerful wild ani&als #a lin! or supre&a"y( Tyurino) had he si'e and #ru e s ren! h of an enra!ed #ull, 3arius he speed and finesse of an a a"*in! pan her( +he *new she "ould no possi#ly separa e he&, #u she "ould no see& o &o)e o !o for help, afraid ha if she so &u"h as loo*ed away, hey would *ill ea"h o her( +he was aware of foo &en who had "o&e runnin!(( There( were shou s( A ser)an ran off o !e help, #u no one dared !o near he&( +erafina was fro'en where she was( +"ar"ely #rea hin!, she loo*ed on in #ewildered error( Ha % D enin! herself #a"* a!ains he wall as hey "rashed o he floor 9

#y her fee , rollin! li*e e&#a led wol)es( 3arius wound up on op as Tyurino) and he ried o s ran!le ea"h o her( = He pun"hed Tyurino) a"ross he fa"e a!ain, "ausin! he o her &an1s !rip on his hroa o

slip( 6n ha ins an , she saw 3aR6C+1 s hand !o s&oo hly for his da!!er( Horror filled her( "Darius, no$" He loo*ed o)er a her, "hes hea)in!, and she saw he #eas in his eyes. he fero"ious "rea ure who had sa)ed her ha errifyin! ni!h in he &a'e( ,u as #is !a'e fi$ed on her, he sa)a!ery "leared( in ha se"ond, Ana ole re"o)ered and deal 3arius a reelin! #low under he "hin( The !uards Ca&e floodin! in o he hall hen and pulled he wo &en apar ( 6 oo* se)eral &en o hold he& #a"*, and all he while 3arius and Tyurino) s"rea&ed a ea"h o her in Russian( 1 5ha are hey sayin!:2 she "ried( D None of he !uards *new( +he "ould no #elie)e 3arius had a a"*ed Ana ole so rashly( Of all he i&es he had #een insul ed #y he "our iers who 9oFed o #ai hi&, he had ne)er allowed hi&self o #e drawn in=o a #rawl under her fa her1s roof( 3arius rou!hly shru!!ed off he &en and urned away fro& he&, ra*in! a hand hrou!h his hair( Ana ole1s fury, oo, #e!an o si&&er down o #ris lin! ed!iness, #u ea"h &an was s ill rin!ed #y !uards( Ana ole1s &ou h was #leedin! a he "orner, and she "ould see he "ri&son s ain on 3arius1s shoulder where his s i "hes &us ha)e orn open a!ain wi h his e$er ion( +Erafina dropped her fa"e in #o h hands( +he didn1 *now )( whi"h of he& o !o o( A ha &o&en , she ha ed he& #o h( +he lif ed her head, "hee*s #urnin! wi h sha&e, and loo*ed a 3arius( Hair ousled, "hes hea)in!, his fiery s are was fi$ed on her( His "oal%#la"* eyes !lowed wi h s or&y, an!uished passion( 6n ha &o&en , he was as #eau iful as an a)en!in! an!el, and she had he s ran!es pre&oni ion ha she was ne)er !oin! o see hi& a!ain( +ea ed a her wri in! des* in he pri)a"y of her roo&s, s"ra "hin! ou ano her fla&in! dia ri#e o a "redi or who would no s op houndin! her, >ulia Cala''i was s ill s ewin! o)er he fa" ha , s upidly, she had showed her hand, re)ealin! 3arius1 s i le( 6 was unli*e her o a" on e&o ion, #u she had #een si&ply una#le o s o&a"h Prin"ess Perfe" 1s !loa in!, lordin! i o)er e)eryone #e"ause she had had +an ia!o all o herself for nearly a wee*( >ulia really didn1 wish o fa"e he 7ues ion of whe her or no any hin! had happened #e ween he& while hey were !one, #u "learly +erafina was &ore in lo)e wi h 3arius han e)er(

Ana ole1s arri)al should #rin! her #a"* down o ear h, she hou!h in s&u! sa isfa" ion( >us hen, Teresa #urs in on her and swif ly rela ed he news of he fi!h #e ween +an ia!o and Tyurino)( Teresa !ushed wi h he de ails as if his were so&e deli"ious s"andal, #u >ulia1s #lood ran "old( The o hers did no *now Ana ole as she did( 5hen Teresa was hrou!h, >ulia for"ed a "ool s&ile( 25ell, darlin!, you1d #es run alon!( He &ay need so&e nursin!(2 2My hou!h s e$a" ly92 Teresa lau!hed !aily and hurried ou of he roo&( >ulia1s !a'e ra)eled a#sen ly o)er her des* while her hear pounded( +he refused o le herself pani"( 6ns ead, she rose, wen o he &irror, and ou"hed up her &a*eup as she "onsidered her s ra e!y( +he !a)e Ana ole one hour o "ool down, hen lef her roo&s and wal*ed slowly o his sui e, "hin hi!h( A his door, she "losed her eyes for a &o&en , !a herin! herself, hen she *no"*ed( His )ale ad&i ed her( +he wal*ed in o a roo& "rowded wi h he owerin! Russian offi"ers and no#les of Tyurino)1s = en oura!e( +he "ould no unders and heir words, #u he ension in he air &ade her "er ain his !a herin! was so&e hin! of a war "oun"il( +he *new who he ene&y was( +he had "o&e o plead for +an ia!o1s life( Oddly, she fel s&all and wea* a&on! he&, #u hey par ed #efore her so she "ould follow he )ale , who #e"*oned her in o he ad0oinin! #edroo&( +he s epped inside and found wo &en in whispered "onsul a ion wi h he prin"e( Ana ole sa in an ar&"hair as hou!h i were a hrone( He was #are%"hes ed, !olden hair flowin! o)er his &a!nifi"en shoulders, #is "old s are fi$ed s rai!h ahead wi h a sullen loo*( 5hen his sapphire s are fli"*ed o her, pier"in! her, he lowered he &uslin%wrapped i"e fro& his 0aw and dis&issed he wo &en( They #rushed pas her( The )ale "losed he door, and she was alone wi h hi&( +he hou!h of as*in! hi& if he was all ri!h , #u hesi a ed( No, ha would only insul hi&( 2Jui e a wel"o&e,2 he re&ar*ed( 23on1 you hin*:2 +he "roo*ed her &ourn in o a"ool s&ile( 261)e "o&e o wel"o&e you properly(2 +he wal*ed o)er o hi& and leaned down, !en ly *issin! his #ruised, sullen &ou h( A on"e, he sho)ed his hand #e ween her le!s, "uppin! her &ound( >ulia hid her annoyan"e and s rai!h ened up, a*in! a s ep #a"*( 2 N o ye ,2 she "hided wi h a "oy s&ile( +&ilin! a her, he railed his fin!ers li!h ly under his nose( 12 5ha happened:2 she as*ed as she wen o lean wi h see&in! idleness a!ains he

foo #oard of his #ed( 2An insane +paniard a a"*ed &e( 8or his, he is a dead &an, of "ourse(2 26 le is )ery "lose o he *in!,2 she poin ed ou ( 25ha do you in end, a duel:2 26 ha)en1 de"ided ye ( Co&e si on &y lap,2 he in)i ed her( +he ar"hed a #row, s&ilin! in s&oo h pa ien"e( 2No ye (2 2 6 w as a lon! )oya!e wi hou wo&en(2 2Ah(2 +he railed her hand o)er he "ur)e of he foo #oard( 2Ana ole: 6s i really a !ood idea for you o rid he world of +an ia!o: 4ou reali'e he &an has #een her !uardian all her life( +he is li*e a li le sis er o hi&( How is he supposed o rea" when he sees you hrea enin! her:2 24ou should *now #e er han o as* &e o feel &er"y, >ulia(2 He was ri!h , she hou!h , s arin! a hi&( +he wasn1 !oin! o !e anywhere unless she appealed o his self%in eres ( 2And 6 dou# his feelin!s are #ro herly,2 he added in a ru&#lin! !rowl( 2These people are )ery "lannish, Ana ole( 6n fa" (((2 +he folded her ar&s under her #reas s and de"ided o !o ou on a li&#( 26 is so&e i&es whispered ha 3arius +an ia!o is a" u% ally he *in!1s #y#low(2 2Oh, really:2 26 don1 *now if ha is rue or no ,2 she lied, 2#u 6 do *now as a #oy he was a ward of he *in!( 6f he is -a'ar1s son, you "an well see i would #e unwise o *ill hi&( ,esides, i is "o&&only *nown ha if +an ia!o fa)ors any one wo&an around here, i 1s &e(2 He propped his #lun , s7uare "hin on his fis and "onsidered her words( 2,ro her and sis er((( :2 26f you had a sis er and per"ei)ed a hrea o her, wha would you do:2 He !a)e her a sullen loo* and !lan"ed away, shif in! in his "hair= (D .&'..; 2Ana ole, really( 6 *now e)ery hin! a#ou e)eryone in his pala"e, and Her Hi!hness is no in lo)e wi h hi&( How "ould you possi#ly dou# yourself:2 +he #e!an wal*in! slowly oward hi&, rollin! her hips wi h ea"h s ep( He wa "hed, his eyes a!lea&( +he rounded he #a"* of his "hair and rea"hed down o "aress his "hes slowly wi h #o h hands( 2No wo&an "ould prefer any &an o you,2 she whispered( He lay #a"* a!ains he "hair, soa*in! up her ou"h( 5hen he "losed his erri#le, pier"in! eyes, she was !lad( ( 25ha if an a""iden #efell hi&:2 he &ur&ured(

2They would see hrou!h i ( 3arlin!, 61d ha e o see his &inor in"iden pro)e a s u&#lin! #lo"* in your &ar)elous "areer( +o &any people are "oun in! on you, Ana ole( -e hi& !o( He1s no wor h i ( He1s no hin!(2 2He is no hin!,2 he a!reed as she "on inued s ro*in! his s&oo h, irordi*e #ody( 2Co&e, !ran &e his fa)or, Ana ole,2 she wheedled sof ly( 2There will #e no &ore rou#le( 61ll *eep hi& away fro& your #ride for you(2 A The sapphire eyes swep open( His !a'e lo"*ed on her fa"e in "ool a&use&en ( 25ha 1s in i for you, >ulia:2 25ell, if you &us *now ((( &oney(2 +he lowered her lashes( 2His &oney( 6 &ean o &arry hi&(2 He #e!an lau!hin!( 6 was he "oldes sound she had e)er heard( ( 26 a& in ra her dire s rai s,2 she pro es ed, a #i ra led #y he sound( 26f you *ill hi&, 6 don1 *now wha 6 shall do(2 + ill "hu"*lin!, he "losed #is eyes a!ain( 2Ha)in! you for a wife is perhaps punish&en enou!h in i self(2 2;od *nows, 6 don1 wan o #e any#ody1s wife, #u 6 &us ha)e so&e se"uri y,2 she said indi!nan ly( 23o you pro&ise o "u"*old hi& un il he is a lau!hin!s o"*:2 2Tha is &y way,2 she "on"eded( 2;i)e &e a &assa!e,2 he ru&#led( +he o#eyed, s7uee'in! his !lorious shoulders( He was una""us o&ed o he 6 alian "li&a e, his s*in "o)ered in a ine swea He was silen for a lon! &o&en , sprawled in he "hair while, ou he window, he sun #e!an o se o)er he dis an hills( 24ou are "onsiderin! i :2 she pro#ed( 2Perhaps 6 "ould #e persuaded(2 His s eely fin!ers "lasped around her wris as he pulled her hand down o his !roin( He was fully ere" , and in spi e of herself, she was i&pressed( 2Persuade &e, >ulia,2 he whispered, eyes "losed( 24ou *now wha o do(2 ,are%"hes ed, 3arius sa alone in his sui e a his dressin! a#le, usin! he &irror as he ried o repair he da&a!e o he s i "hes he had pulled( +erafina1s "areful handiwor* had held hi& o!e her un il he had #e!un o heal, #u now he was #leedin! a!ain( His door #arri"aded a!ains he harpies pleadin! o #e le in, 3arius !lan"ed o)er when he heard a fa&iliar &ale )oi"e 0oin in heir &ids (

25hy, here is "a&ped he faires ar&y e)er seen9 -adies, &y lo)es, if you a a"* &e for a "han!e, unli*e "er ain +paniards, 6 swear 6 will surrender(2 3arius rolled his eyes( Prin"e Char&in! was a i a!ain( He "ould 0us pi" ure he anned, handso&e you h swa!!erin! in o heir &ids ( He heard peals of fe&inine lau!h er and #arely dared i&a!ine wha he youn! Ro&eo was doin! wi h he wo&en ou here( 2Run alon!, ladies, !o pu on your #all !owns, for 6 e$pe" ea"h and e)ery one of you o dan"e wi h &e oni!h (2 They whined a Prin"e Rafael o order 3arius o open his door and le he& in, #u he defle" ed he& wi h his irresis i#le, in#orn "har&( 2Now, now, "lear ou , &y lo)elies( 6 &us ha)e a pri)a e word wi h our pri'efi!h er, &an o &an(2 An alar&in! hou!h s ru"* 3arius( 5ha if Rafe had dedu"ed he ru h of his affair wi h +erafina: ;ood -ord, wha if he li le "o$"o&# had "o&e o "all hi& ou : 3uelin! was he #oy1s new ho##y( His *no"* fell on he door( 2Hey%ho, +an ia!o( -e&&e in(2 5arily, 3arius rose and unlo"*ed he door, ad&i in! he "rown prin"e( -ea)in! he door open, he wal*ed away( The youn! &an saun ered in o he sui e, shu in! he doo #ehind hi&( 25ha are you doin!, si in! here in he dar*: -o d, +an ia!o, so&e i&es 6 swear you are par !ar!oyle(2 Rafael had a lar!e s"roll u"*ed under one ar&( He hrew i on he des* and pi"*ed up he sin!le "andle here whi"h 3arius had li ( He "arried i around he roo& li!h in! he wall s"on"es( 26 ha e o #e he #rin!er of #ad news, +an ia!o, #u 61& afraid you are disin%)i ed o Tyurino)1s wel"o&e #all oni!h (2 3arius lau!hed wearily( 2A reprie)e(2 2How no)el, oo, o find 8a her !ru&#lin! a#ou you, and &yself in his !ood !ra"es( He wan s o see you(2 3arius si!hed and ru##ed his forehead( 24es, 6 i&a!ine he does(2 El#ow propped on he dressin! a#le, he res ed his headD in his hand and s ared !loo&ily a he floor( A &o&en la er, he saw Rafe1s #oo s as he lad re urned o s and #efore hi&, hands on hips( The prin"e1s e$"ellen #la"* #oo s and an #ree"hes were fle"*ed wi h &ud, he no i"ed( 25here ha)e you #een, playin! in a pi!s y:2 3arius as*ed, loo*in! up a hi&( Rafe flashed a ra*ish !rin, re)ealin! he dashin! "lef in his "hin( 25or*in! on &y &aps( 8or 8a her1s #ir hday,2 he added #y way of e$plana ion( 3arius nodded, re"allin! wha +erafina had said a#ou her #ro her &appin! he under!round unnels( 2An a&#i ious pro0e" (2 Rafe drif ed a"ross he roo& and flun! hi&self down in o a #ro"aded ar&"hair( 2No as

a&#i ious as s&ashin! Tyurino) a fa"er(2 He #e!an lau!hin! as he slipped an ele!an hun in! flas* ou of his wais "oa ( 25ha on ear h did you do ha for:2 3arius hea)ed a si!h, ra*in! his hand hrou!h his hair in dis ress( 21 don1 *now( 6 "anno hin* wha "a&e o)er &e(2 The #oy oo* a swi! and wiped his &ou h wi h he #a"* of his hand( 2Can1 you:2 he said &a er%of%fa" ly( 8or a &o&en , his pene ra in! !a'e re&inded 3arius e$a" ly of -a'ar1s, hou!h Rafael had &ore his &o her1s "olorin!( 3arius re urned his !a'e dully( 2He was #ullyin! &y sis er, was he no :2 2+o i appeared o &e( ;od *nows i was he las hin! 6 e$pe" ed o wal* in and find(2 3arius had already had a full day #y he &o&en he had wal*ed in o he hall o find Tyurino) playin! his in i&ida ion !a&es on +erafina( He had spen he &ornin! in er)iewin! a s&all, eli e !roup of offi"ers, see*in! a repla"e&en forOrs & o he pos of "ap ain of he Royal ;uard, hen he had o)erseen &a ers as youn! Cara was depor ed, sendin! her off o see* asylu& wi h he 8ren"h !o)ern&en ( This done, he had !one in o own o send off his len! hy repor o C'ar Ale$ander, pu in! in pla"e he las "o!s and wheels of his su# le desi!n, hen )isi ed his soli"i or for he purpose of se in! his final affairs in order, in"ludin! a "han!e o his will( 8or sheer, wre "hed sen i&en ali y, he had pur"hased he yellow )illa fro& he !o)ern&en and had lef i in his will o +erafina( He wan ed o !i)e i o her so she would always haF e a pea"eful re rea where she "ould !e away fro& he shallow, parasi i"al people of he "our ,1 and o re&e&#er hi& and he few, pre"ious days hey had shared here( 2+he doesn1 wan hi&, you *now,2 he you h said fla ly, #rin!in! hi& #a"* o he presen ( 2+he1s hidin! i fro& 8a her and e)eryone( 6 1s a dis!ra"e9 5hy should one poor !irl #e for"ed o pro e" he lo of us: 5ha of honor: 5e are &en, aren1 we:2 He suddenly 0u&ped up and #e!an pa"in!( 25ha do you su!!es :2 Rafe "len"hed a fis ( 26 say we fi!h 9 6f Napoleon hin*s= he "an a*e us, le hi& ry9 +he1s &y sis er, 61ll pro e" her9 4ou1ll help92 2Ah, you h,2 3arius &u ered "yni"ally, urnin! away( 24ou hin* i "an1 #e done:2 he de&anded( 25e are sorely ou nu&#ered, and #esides, &y fine ho head, we wouldn1 e)en *now where hey would a a"*, whi"h shore o defend,2 he said hea)ily( 23on1 worry( E)ery hin! is !oin! o #e fine(2 2Tha only &eans you already ha)e so&e hin! up your slee)e( 5ell, 6 da&ned well hope

you do(2 Rafael !a)e a well%#red snor , pa"in! #a"* and for h a"ross he roo&( 2+o&e i&es 6 hin* he only reason 8a her is so #en on a)oidin! a war a all "os s is #e"ause he1s afraid 61ll se one foo on a #a lefield and ins an ly #e #lown o s&i hereens( May#e if 6 didn1 ha)e he !rea +an ia!o ou shinin! &e a e)ery urn, he would see 6 a& no an u er i&#e"ile,2 he said wi h a rueful !rin( 3arius win"ed( 23on1 say ha ( 4ou are his son( His heir(2 25ell, you1re his pro e!e( Mere &or als li*e &e will ne)er 7ui e &easure up in his eyes(2 3arius dropped his "hin, reali'in! his was pro#a#ly he las i&e he would see he #oy who had #een li*e a #a#y #ro her o hi&( 26 *now he1s hard on you, Raffaele, #u i is #e"ause he "ares for you(2 23o you hin* he1ll e*er lis en o &e and rus &y 0ud!&en he way he rus s yours:2 3arius lif ed his shoulders, a a loss( 26 &erely ha)e &ore e$perien"e han you(2 25ell, 61& ne)er !oin! o get any e$perien"e o pro)e &yself, #e"ause 61& ne)er allowed o do any hin!( All he does is "ri i"i'e &e( No hin! 6 do is !ood enou!h, so you *now wha : 6 !i)e up( The hell wi h i ( There1s no pleasin! he &an( Cn il he urns up his oes and i 1s &y urn o rule, 61& 0us !oin! o ha)e &y fun(2 3arius s ared a hi&, appalled( Rafe !lan"ed a hi&, #lan"hin! !uil ily a his sho"*ed, a""usin! !a'e( 25ha :2 he &u ered( 2How "an you say ha : Tha &an hin*s he sun shines for you,2 he said an!rily( 24ou hin* he1s hard on you: 4ou should ha)e *nown &y fa her( 4ou wouldn1 ha)e las ed a day(2 2Easy, +an ia!o( >esus,2 he you h said wi h an uneasy lau!h as he leaned a!ains he windowsill and loo*ed ou a he )iew of he dis an sea( 24ou1ll #e pun"hin! &y fa"e in ne$ (2 >us hen, he door "li"*ed and 3arius ensed a!ain, loo*in! o)er( >ulia Cala''i pee*ed in o he roo&( "6ellooo, " 3arius sho a s"owl a he prin"e( 24ou for!o o lo"* he door(2 >ulia sen hi& a flushed, al&os !irlish s&ile and slipped in o he roo&( +he shu he door #ehind her and "a&e oward hi& wi h her sinuous, hip%swin!in! wal*( Rafe wa "hed her pass, his !old%!reen eyes ra)elin! slowly o)er her fi!ure( He le ou a low, ad&irin! whis le( 2There she is, he lady of &y drea&s(2 2;o away, 6 wan o al* o +an ia!o,2 she said o hi& as she s&oo hed her upswep hair(

25hy don1 you e)er )isi &e: 6 ell her daily ha 1 a& in lo)e wi h her, #u she won1 lis en, +an ia!o( Any ad)i"e:2 25a "h your #a"*,2 3arius said prosai"ally( >ulia !a)e hi& a hau!h y, poin ed loo*( 26ndeed:2 Rafe sho)ed away fro& he windowsill, snea*ed up #ehind her, and "ap ured her #y he wais ( 3arius loo*ed on in &ild a&use&en as he lad hauled her a!ains hi& wi h a "u##ish !rowl( 2Co&e on, >ules, !i)e &e a !o( 5ha do you say:2 >ulia !a)e hi& a dir y loo* o)er her shoulder( 261& oo old for you( ;o find a !irl your own a!e(2 He !rinned a 3arius fro& o)er her shoulder and !a)e her a s7uee'e( 2,e a spor , >ules( 61ll show you he i&e of your life(2 24ou1re a royal pes , you are92 3arius s&ir*ed a her rare dis"o&fi ure( >ulia el#owed hi& har&lessly in he "hes ( 2;o away9 6 "a&e here o al* o +an ia!o92 The prin"e whispered so&e hin! pro#a#ly lewd in o her ear( +he s a&ped her foo ( 2+an ia!o9 Tell hi& o s op92 2+ op,2 3arius said dryly( 25ell9 6 dare no an!le wi h he pri'efi!h er( 4our )ir ue is safe, &y lo)ely( 8or now,2 he prin"e added, eyes lau!hin!( 2,u when you need a young &an wi h so&e s a&ina, you *now where o find &e(2 >ulia s7uea*ed when Rafael pin"hed her #a"*side, drif in! "asually #y her( He wen o he door, pi"*in! up his s"rolled &ap off he des* as he passed( "%iao," he said( 23on1 do any hin! 6 wouldn1 do(2 He "losed he door #ehind hi&( 3arius wished he had no !one( >ulia urned o hi&, loo*in! al&os flus ered( 2He is an a#horren you h(2 3arius rea"hed for his shir , draped o)er a near#y "hair( He slipped i on( 24ou lo)ed e)ery &inu e of i (2 1 5ell,2 she "on"eded, !lan"in! oward he door, 2 he no ion of edu"a in! hi& holds a "er ain appeal( Af er all, he will #e *in! one day(2 He !a)e her a s ern loo* as he u"*ed his shir in( 3on1 worry, 61)e o#eyed your s andin! order( 6 will no "orrup hi&( He is safe(2 +he slid 3arius a loo* as*an"e( 261)e !o #i!!er !a&e o hun (2 He folded his ar&s o)er his "hes and re!arded her s*ep i"ally( >ulia si!hed, !a'in! up a he "eilin!( 26 "ould ha)e old you a#ou Orsini( 6 upse s &e o *now you were in a dan!erous si ua ion when 6 "ould ha)e forewarned you(2 +he

hesi a ed( 26 a" ed #adly he o her ni!h ( 6 shouldn1 ha)e s ru"* you(2 He said no hin! and wai ed for her o !o away( 2+hor ly af er 6 lef you ha ni!h ,2 she "on inued, 1A6 reali'ed who i was you had in he roo& wi h you(2 His !a'e ho&ed in on her wi h sudden fier"eness( 2 6 re"o!ni'ed her )oi"e(2 He s ared a her, #ris lin!( 2 1 reali'e 6 o)errea" ed,2 she wen on in aw*ward "on ri ion( 2O#)iously, you would ne)er fool wi h he *in!1s dau!h er( 6 *now she has always had a &ad "rush on you and of "ourse she1s s unnin!,2 she said a"idly, 2#u as you1)e old &e a hundred i&es, she is li*e a li le sis er o you(2 1Could you !e o he poin :2 +he urned o fa"e hi&, pal&s upward( 261& ryin! o apolo!i'e 5i h all hese spies1you1)e un"o)ered, and wha wi h he Russians1 arri)al, 6 unders and now ha you were in he &iddle of &a ers in)ol)in! your wor*.2 25ha do you wan , >ulia:2 A his "ur in errup ion, she lowered her head and folded her hands #ehind her #a"*( 24ou are an!ry(2 2No, 6 a& &erely si"* of !a&es(2 2+o a& 6,2 she said e&pha i"ally( 2Tha 1s wha 61& ryin! o ell you( +an ia!o ((( 3arius,2 she "orre" ed herself &ore sof ly( 26 wan you o hin* a#ou he fu ure.and &e(2 He refrained fro& rollin! his eyes( 24ou were widowed less han si$ &on hs a!o(2 23o you hin* 6 ha)e any repu a ion lef o lose if 6 don1 o#ser)e he proper &ournin! period:2 she said wi h deep, world%weary #i erness( 2>ulia,2 he #e!an !en ly, 2i would ne)er wor*( Pu i ou of your &ind(2 26 *now his "o&es as a surprise,2 she pro es ed( 24ou need i&e o hin* i o)er.2 2No, 6 don1 ,2 he said sof ly( 261& sorry(2 As she assessed hi& for a &o&en , he "ouldn1 fail o see he )ulnera#ili y and "reepin! onse of despair in her "arefully &ade%up eyes( 6n he&, he read her fear of he fu ure when her #eau y had faded((Perhaps she had #e!un o see ha one day she would #e lef alone wi h he #i er frui of all he foolish "hoi"es she had &ade( 25e were !ood o!e her( 6 hin* you and 6 "ould learn o lo)e ea"h o her, +an ia!o(2 2>ulia, >ulia,2 he si!hed as he oo* her #y #o h shoulders and pressed a #ro herly *iss o her forehead( +he lif ed a !a'e full of #o o&less need o his( 2Try wi h &e,2 she whispered( 26 hin* 6

"ould &a*e you happy(2 28a"e he ru h,2 he said, s arin! s eadily down a her( 24ou used &e and 6 used you( Tha 1s all i e)er was( Tha is all we were "apa#le of o!e her( -oo* a us, wo hardened, #a ered souls( 4ou1ll find so&eone, >ulia(2 26 already ha)e,2 she replied( He &erely shoo* his head and released her( 21 hin* i would #e #es if you !o now(2 He s ar ed oward he door o open i for her and see her ou ( ,u she did no follow( To his perple$i y, >ulia #e!an lau!hin!( ( 24ou arro!an fool,2 she spa in a one of pure poison( 23o you hin* 6 don1 see wha 1s !oin! on:2 He loo*ed o)er his shoulder, one #row ar"hed in surprise( 26 #e! your pardon:2 +he folded her ar&s i!h ly o)er her "hes , ears in her eyes( 11Tell &e, did you !i)e i o her ni"e and slow when you were ou i n he "oun ry, rusticating," 3arius fro'e( He pi)o ed and wal*ed #a"* o her, hear poundin!( 2How dare you:2 The ears had )anished( +he apped her lip hou!h fully( 12H&&, 6 wonder wha he *in! would ha)e o say if he *new(2 2Gnew wha :2 he snarled( +he "onsidered for a &o&en , her eyes "al"ula in!( +&oo hly, she swi "hed a" i"s( 26 heard wha happened las ni!h wi h Teresa(2 1 2No hin! happened(2 2Pre"isely( 5hen 6 heard you wouldn1 le Teresa s ay wi h you las ni!h , i "onfir&ed wha 61)e suspe" ed all alon!( 4ou poor, pa he i" fool,2 she added #i erly( 23on1 ry o deny i ( 6 *now you1)e #een pan in! af er ha !irl sin"e she was #arely si$ een(2 He paused for a lon! &o&en , ryin! o de"ide how o dod!e his( 6 didn1 appear ha he "ould( 26f you slander her, >ulia,2 he said a#rup ly, 26 will finish you( No 0es (2 24ou "an ne)er ha)e her, you *now,2 she flun! ou ( 2+he will ne)er unders and you as 6 do( +he "ouldn1 #e!in o handle he ha e you1)e !o inside you92 He i!nored her words( 25ha are you !oin! o do:2 +he lau!hed, !loa in!( 2E$"use &e, #u his is 0us so a&usin!( 6 ha)e finally dis"o)ered your wea*ness( 6 always *new you had one so&ewhere, hidden away.#u he *in!1s dau!h er: Ah, well, you always had a as e for he for#idden( 6 see&s 6 ha)e you ri!h where 6 wan you, doesn1 i :2 He !lared a her, re&#lin! wi h an!er( 25ha do you wan :2 24ou, darlin!,2 she replied( 26 wan you( 4ou say 6 don1 *now wha lo)e is: 6 do( 61)e

wan ed you for years( Now, finally, 6 a& free, and if 6 "an1 ha)e you,2 she said "oolly, 261& !oin! o des roy you(2 He fel as hou!h he had #een pun"hed )ery hard in he s o&a"h( 2How:2 261& !oin! o ell he *in! ha you sedu"ed daddy1s li le pre"ious(2 2,u she is pure,2 he "ried( 24ou ha)e no proof(2 23on1 need i ( 6 *now you, +an ia!o( 4ou won1 lie o he *in!1s fa"e( 4our eyes !i)e you away(2 25ha is i , he &oney you1re af er:2 he as*ed in fury( 2The i le:2 2They do add o your appeal( ,u i 1s you 6 wan (2 25hy would you wan &e when 6 don1 wan you: 61& ne)er !oin! o lo)e you(2 +he &erely s&iled a his ire, #u he fel her ra!e #enea h her "ool fa"ade( 2-e 1s 0us say i "o&for s &e o *now you1re as horou!h a slu as 6 a&(2 He s ared a her, hur #y her words and #ewildered( 261& !i)in! you hree days( A ha i&e, you will ei her !e down on your *nees and propose o &e, or prepare o #e e$posed for he fraud you are(2 +he lif ed up on ip oe, ryin! o *iss his "hee*( He re"oiled fro& her( +he s epped #a"* wi h a s&ir*, hen prowled o he door( 2Thin* i o)er,2 she ad)ised hi&(%24ou need &e &ore han you *now(2 +he lef ( 3arius ra*ed a hand hrou!h his hair, "ursin! under his #rea h as he s ru!!led for "al&( No hin! "ould "o&e of >ulia1s hrea s, he assured hi&self, for he would #e dead in a few days( The hou!h was hardly "o&for in!( 6 filled hi& suddenly wi h he despera e %(freed lo see +erafina1s ar less s&ile and inno"en , )iole eyes( His whole #ody hur wi h &issin! her, as if a par of hi&self had #een orn away fro& hi&( + andin! alone in his roo&, he 7ui)ered in pain( He "losed his eyes i!h ly and dro)e he heels of his hands in o he&, his &ind filled wi h he &e&ory of *issin! he "ur)e of her #a"*, he as e of her sil*en s*in under his lips( He fel his whole world han!in! #y a hread o)er so&e )as a#yss, and hou!h , no, he "ould no !o o her now( One loo* in o her eyes would &a*e i i&possi#le for hi& o lea)e and o do wha he &us ( 8or"in! he pain fro& hi& as hou!h hrowin! off an ene&y, he wen o his #ed and dra!!ed ou he lon!, #la"* "ase s owed undernea h i ( He "olle" ed his o her weapons, oo* ou a lea her sa "hel, and #e!an pa"*in!( Af er a fa"ial &ud%&as*, a #a h in fi)e !allons of &il*, followed #y one in epid wa er whi"h had #een "arefully perfu&ed, +erafina loun!ed on he di)an in her si in! roo& while her lady1s &aid #ris*ly filed and #uffed her nails and her hairdresser ri&&ed he

dried ends off her hair( +he fel li*e an ela#ora e en ree #ein! prepared for a ra)enous !ian ( Her &aid finished wi h her nails while he hairdresser #rou!h o)er he dia&ond iara +erafina was o wear oni!h and pla"ed i "arefully on her head( +nappin! orders a ano her &aid o hold a &irror for he&, he hairdresser e$plained se)eral op ions of wha hey &i!h do wi h her "oiffure, pilin! her hair his way and ha , "oilin! here, plai in! here( 26 shall wear &y hair down,2 she said( 23own: A a #all:2 said Mada&e, a!has ( 2They will hin* you a wild sa)a!e92 +erafina !a)e her a 7uellin! s are in he &irror( 23own, please(2 3arius li*ed her hair down( 2,u he ne"*line of your !own.i "ries pu for an upswep arran!e&en 92 2Then 61ll wear a differen !own(2 2,u no one will #e a#le o see your ne"*9 4ou ha)e a perfe" ne"*, li*e a swan9 6f 6 had su"h a ne"*, 6 would "u &y hair up o &y ears, li*e a &an92 +erafina !a)e a lon!%sufferin! si!h( +he only olera ed Ehe hairdresser1s fi s of passion #e"ause he wo&an was he #es in he *in!do& a wha she did( A ha &o&en , here was a *no"* a he door( +erafina !es ured o he youn! &aid holdin! he &irror( The !irl wen o he door and opened i ( 28or Her Hi!hness,2 a li)eried foo &an said wi h a #ow( 2Than* you,2 he &aid &ur&ured wi h a "ur sy( +he shu he door and "a&e #a"* o +erafina, offerin! a s&all )el)e #o$( +he a""ep ed i and opened he #o$ wi h in eres , #u her hear san* when she peered inside( On he iny #ed of )el)e sa her &ons rous dia&ond en!a!e&en rin!( 6 had #een flawlessly repaired( 5i hou e$pression, 2wi hou flin"hin!, she oo* Tyurino)1s rin! fro& i s #ed of )el)e and pu i #a"* on( 2More wine, 4our Hi!hness:2 he youn! &aid as*ed, s eppin! forward o offer a fresh !lass on a ray( 24es, please,2 she &ur&ured, and when he !irl #rou!h he !lass, +erafina lif ed i o her lips and dran* deeply( A pre"isely ei!h o1"lo"*, she !a)e herself one final sur)ey in he full%len! h &irror( 5as ha li le "onfe" ion in pin* really her: she wondered( +he fel 0aded and los inside, #u he !irl in he &irror loo*ed li*e a prin"ess fro& a fairy ale, inno"en and fresh( Her &in*%#la"* "urls were pulled #a"* fro& her pale, hear %shaped fa"e wi h a dia&ond iara, while he &ass of her hair spilled down her #a"*( Her sil* !own was a si&ple shea h wi h

a s raw#erry sash( The dress was al&os whi e, in!ed e)er so fain ly wi h seashell pin*( The slee)es were s&all puffs, her hands and ar&s "on"ealed #y hi!h, whi e !lo)es( 5ha a 0o*e, she hou!h , wallowin! in hidden &isery( ,u he pre y pa"*a!e was wha Ana ole had paid for( +he oo* a final, lon! drau!h of wine, urned fro& he &irror, and lef her apar &en s wi h Els and a few o her of her ladies a s ep #ehind( ,y he i&e he powdered, li)eried, and #ewi!!ed pala"e s eward #an!ed his !ilded #a on on he &ar#le floor, announ"in! her en ran"e in his nasal )oi"e o he housand !ues s in he )as , !ilded #allroo&, she was feelin! 7ui e pleasan .drun* enou!h no o "are wha #e"a&e of her, #u no o he poin where i showed( To he fanfare of ru&pe s, she pro"eeded down he lon!, "ur)in!, whi e s air"ase on he ar& of her e)er%"heerful fa her( The dull roar of he "rowd and he lil in! &elody of he or"hes ra1s di)er i&en o surrounded her as Papa led her proudly under he pendulous "handeliers o he dais where Ma&a sa ( Ana ole was already here and had risen a her en ran"e( He wai ed for her now, s andin! li*e a sen ry on du y, hands "lasped #ehind his #a"*, as if o say, 'one shall pass$ The sa)ior of As"en"ion was in full dress unifor&( His #la"*%#el ed, dar* #lue "oa was hea)ily de"ora ed wi h &edals of all shapes and si'es, and a !old sash ran a"ross his "hes on a dia!onal( The !old epaule s on his enor&ous shoulders and he dress sword a his side !lea&ed #y he li!h of "handeliers( He had pulled his lon!, !olden hair #a"* in a 7ueue( The !ues s wa "hed as Papa led her up he few s eps o he dais( +he fa"ed her #e ro hed a he op( They &e ea"h o her1s !a'e wi h &u ual ani&osi y, "old desire leapin! in Ana ole1s eyes, ha red snappin! in her own( +he saw he had a li!h #ruise on his lef "hee*, a fain swellin! here, e)iden"e of his fi!h wi h 3arius( He no i"ed her !a'e on i = his sapphire eyes fli"*ered in reproa"h( +he suppressed a derisi)e s&ir*( ,efore he !li erin! sea of !ues s, she !a)e Ana ole a sweepin!, pi" ure%perfe" "ur sy as he #owed o her and offered his ri!h ar&, he lef u"*ed for&ally #ehind his #a"*( +he urned away fro& her fa her, res ed her hand on he "on7ueror1s forear&, and allowed hi& o lead her o her "hair, #eside his own( He rea ed her wi h e$"ru"ia in! "orre" ness he en ire ni!h #e"ause her paren s were here( 6ndeed, he was he soul of "har&, wooin! he pri&e &inis er, he 7ueen, and swappin! war s ories wi h he head !enerals of As"en"ion( ;allan ly, he e)en oo* he #la&e for he fi!h wi h 3arius( A &isunders andin!, he &a!nani&ously old he&, def ly "as in! 3arius #y )ir ue of his

own, #ree'y no#lesse o#li!e as a )ola ile, uns a#le &an( Ana ole &us ha)e reali'ed ha if he e$pressed indi!na ion a!ains 3arius, he would aliena e Papa( There were &o&en s she wan ed o s"rea& and opple e)ery fra!ran , perfe" #ou7ue on he dais, #u she sa s ill as a "hina doll, hands folded in her lap, he sli!h s&ile "ar)ed in o her fa"e, di&ples a"hin!( This was he des iny she had #een #orn for, she old herself( No &a er he "os , she would pro e" her fa her and Rafael fro& he loss of he hrone= she would pro e" her people fro& war( Ana ole1s poor Russian "ons"rip s would die in pla"e of he *in!do&1s "i i'ens( 5as ha fair: +he "ould &erely wa "h he youn! war hero wi h a 0aundi"ed eye( No one suspe" ed wha he was really li*e, she hou!h ( 6nsula ed fro& her fear of hi& #y he presen"e of so &any people, she lau!hed a his falseness ou ri!h fro& i&e o i&e, #u &os of he ni!h she s"anned he "rowd for 3arius( +he s ru!!led o feel his presen"e as she had he ni!h in he &a'e and a!ain ha day in he field when he had "o&e loo*in! for her as ride his hell%horse( The firs day hey had *issed( The &e&ory of i hro##ed hrou!h her #ody( +he *new hen ha he was no here oni!h ( +he "ould no feel hi& anywhere near, and i was as if he world had #een a#andoned #y i s !uardian an!el( 4e she was a"u ely aware of he #ond #e ween he&, ali)e, powerful( The #ond of #lood( And she reali'edD They "ould ne)er ruly #e par ed, no #y any &an or dis an"e or he passa!e of i&e( ,e i hea)en or hell, hey were one( Hands in po"*e s, his fa"e e$pressionless, 3arius s ood a he rails as he "ap ain of he s&all, hired #ar*en ine sailed he )essel in o he har#or a ;enoa hrou!h he war& predawn &is , !uided #y he li!h of he por 1s fa&ous -an erna, he si$ een h "en ury li!h house( 6 s eerie !low fli"*ed o)er he !ri& hul* of he Molo He""hio, he "i y1s han!in! hill a he har#or( A len! h, he #ell "lan!ed as he #oa #u&ped !en ly in o a slip( 5hile he li!h enin! day "oa$ed he "i y walls and "a hedral spires ou of dar*ness, 3arius !a hered his lea her sa "hel and he !ui ar "ase "on"ealin! his weapons, and dise&#ar*ed( The sun had no ye risen as he s epped off he hired #oa and on o he 7uay, feelin! s ran!ely de a"hed and "ool( Nu&#, he supposed( The 7uayside was no oriously seedy, lined wi h a)erns and #ro hels( One hand a he ready o rea"h for his da!!er in so rou!h a par of own, he o her holdin! he handle of

his !ui ar "ase, he wen in o he lar!es inn, i!norin! he whores eyein! hi&( There he was shown o he s a#les and, af er inspe" in! he ani&al1s le!s and wind, #ou!h a dapple%!ray s allion oo fine for i s ra&sha"*le surroundin!s, o#)iously s olen( As he #ells of +an -oren'o olled for he early Mass, he !alloped down he road s*ir in! he "i y walls, #e!innin! he four%day re* o his inland des ina ion a Milan( E)ery s ride of he le!!y !ray #ore hi& far her away fro& all he lo)ed, #u he "arried he #ond wi h +eralina deep inside hi& now, in he )ery &arrow of his #ones( He was serene( He had lo)ed her purely and well, and wha he had e$perien"ed wi h her, hou!h #rief, was worlds #eyond any hin! he had e)er drea&ed( 6 would #e a !ood dea h( +erafina would #e free, and a las he would #e one wi h his ideals( = CHAPTER 8OCRTEEN 2My ;od, Pauline ,onapar e has had a nude s a ue run*% of herself92 "ried Els, loo*in! up fro& he s"andal shee ( +ea ed a he )ani y as Mada&e wor*ed on her "oiffure( +"ra%fina !lan"ed dully a Els1s refle" ion #ehind her in he &inor( The &ornin! was #ri!h and "lear, #u he day did no &a "h her &ood( +he had a #i of a sore head fro& he wine las ni!h ( +he had wai ed all ni!h for 3arius o &a*e an appearan"e in he #allroo&, #u he ne)er did( Then, here in her #edroo&, she had wai ed for hi& "o&e o her #y he se"re door, #u of "ourse he didn1 do ha , ei her( +he oo* a sip of "offee, pi"*ed desponden ly a her #rea*fas ray, hen fed her pe &on*ey ano her #i of &elon( 23id you hear wha 6 said:2 Els "ried( 2A na*ed s a ue92 25hy do 6 "are wha Pauline ,onapar e does:2 2Tha ra&p,2 Mada&e &u ered under her #rea h( +erafina had ne)er &e Napoleon1s youn!es sis er( +he had only seen a &inia ure of her on"e and heard, as did he res of he world, he sho"*in! ales of he fa&ous #eau y1s "oun less "on7ues s( Pauline "olle" ed &en he way her #ro her "olle" ed "oun ries( Cnfor una ely, he #eau iful wen y%fi)e%year%old had also de"lared unoffi"ial war on +erafina e)er sin"e so&e of he newspapers had #e!un &a*in! a "on es of whi"h of he wo prin"esses was &ore #eau iful, +erafina or herself( 2,u Cri"*e , i 1s oo deli"ious9 4ou ha)e o hear his,2 Els pro es ed(

25ell, !o on,2 she si!hed in de0e" ion( Near#y, Els lay on her #elly on +erafina1s "anopy #ed, readin! o he& fro& he s"andal shee s, for she had despaired of drawin! +erafina in o "on)ersa ion( 26 says here Princess. ahe&.Pauline.2 2Prin"ess92 Mada&e snor ed( "Princess Pauline has posed for a new s a ue #y Cano)a. Denus Dictri:.pra" i"ally nude92 Els lau!hed as she followed he s ory( 2Poor Prin"e Ca&illo, her hus#and, is so o#sessed wi h 0ealousy, he *eeps he s a ue lo"*ed in an e&p y roo& in he Hilla ,or!hese92 26f he was s&ar , he would lo"* her up here wi h i ,2 Mada&e de"lared( 2+u"h a fine youn! &an, and he le s her &a*e a pa he i" "u"*old of hi& #efore he whole world92 Mada&e slan ed a !lan"e a +erafina( 24ou should ha)e old hi& yes( And why no :2 Mada&e wen on as +erafina rolled her eyes( 2He1s fro& an e$"ellen fa&ily( He1s 6 alian, handso&e, ri"h(2 ,u he1s no 3arius, she hou!h , ears suddenly floodin! her eyes( A#rup ly, she sho)ed off Mada&e1s fussin!, pullin! fin!ers and dropped her fa"e in #o h hands( Res in! her el#ows on he )ani y, she held her hro##in! head in #o h hands, ra*in! her fin!ers in o her half%"oiffed hair( +he "ould feel #o h wo&en s arin! a her( The roo& was filled wi h a ense silen"e un il Els &ur&ured a dis&issal o Mada&e( +erafina heard he door "li"*, hen Els was s andin! #eside her, leanin! down o peer in o her fa"e in !en le "on"ern( 2Cri"*e , wha on ear h: Pauline ,onapar e is no wor h his( 5ha is !oin! on: 4ou ha)en1 #een yourself sin"e he ni!h you lef for he "oun ry(2 +he did no *now how o answer( The need inside of her o see 3arius fel so&e hin! a*in o pani"( 2Els,2 she said slowly, no openin! her eyes, 2please fe "h Colonel +an ia!o for &e(2 +he "ould feel her friend !a'in! a her in #ewilder&en ( 25hy:2 23on1 7ues ion &e9 6 a& he Prin"ess Royal.0us do i 92

Els folded her ai&s o)er her "hes ( 25ha is !oin! on 12 she de&anded( 2Are you +an ia!o1s lo)er: 3id he hur you: Oh, ;od( +erafina((( are you pre!nan :2 2No, 6 a& no pre!nan (2 +he al&os wished she was( +he 0us sa here for a lon! &o&en , slu&ped in silen"e( 2Oh( l%(l s,2 she whispered a las , 26 lo)e hi& so &u"h( 6 need o se" hi&( 6 0us need o see hi&,2 she whispered in despair( Els pro&p ly sa down on he s ool ne$ o hers( 2Toil &e e)ery hin!( Now( 6f you don1 , 6 a& !oin! for your &o her and you "an al* o her(2

2No92 +he sho Els an a!has loo*( 26f Ma&a *new he hin!s 6 did wi h 3arius, she would fall in o a dead swoon(2 Els snor ed( 2How do you hin* she "a&e o #e wi h "hild, dear:2 +erafina win"ed in dis!us a ha hou!h and &assa!ed her hro##in! e&ples( 24ou *now no hin! you "an say "an sho"* &e( Now( &y dear,2 Els said as she poured her so&e &ore "offee, 2#e!in a he #e!innin!(2 Els lis ened wi h "o&passion while +erafina rela ed wha had happened #e ween he& a he yellow )illa, how deeply she had fallen in lo)e, how he had !i)en her he "u dire" upon re urnin! o he pala"e, only o defend her yes erday fro& Ana% ole( Teary%eyed, she old of he se"re s >ulia Cala''i had *nown a#ou hi& whi"h he had ne)er "onfided in her( 26 did no reali'e a he i&e,2 she whispered wi h a pensi)e, downward s are, 2#u 6 hin* ha 6 !a)e &ore of &yself o hi& han 6 "ould safely par wi h( 6 "ould no help &yself( He needs &e( 6 *now he does(2 +he urned her #ri&&in! eyes o her friend( 26f 6 "ould 0us see hi& one &ore i&e (((2 Her )oi"e railed off( 2Hery well(2 Els pa ed her ar& "o&for in!ly( 26 will !o find hi& and #rin! hi& here o you(2 +erafina urned o her, painful hope in her eyes( 23o you hin* he1ll "o&e:2 26 will &a*e sure ha he does,2 Els said s ou ly( 2No &an!e s away wi h rea in! he Prin"ess Royal his way, no e)en ihe !rea +an ia!o(2 ,u half an hour la er, Els re urned alone( 25here is he: 6s he "o&in!: 3id you !i)e hi& &y &essa!e:2 (%( N Her e$pression was !ri&( 2There was no answer when 6 *no"*ed a his sui e, so 6 wen loo*in! for Ale" o find ou where he &i!h #e( Ale" su!!es ed 3arius had !one on he &ornin! !allop wi h His Ma0es y, #u 6 found one of he "our iers, and he old &e, no, Tyurino) was here, #u no 3arius( Then 6 ran in o your #ro her(2 +he hesi a ed( 2Els9 5ha :2 2Rafe said he lef +an ia!o1s sui e las ni!h when >ulia Cala''i arri)ed o pay a "all on hi&(2 +erafina !asped 2No92 24our #ro her see&ed sure 3arius would no #e a)aila#le ill well af er #rea*fas , if you a*e &y &eanin!(2 2>ulia Cala''i92 she wailed( 2He wouldn1 , Els, surely9 +he slapped hi& a"ross he fa"e las i&e hey &e 9 3id you "he"* if he is pra" i"in! a swords in he gymnasio, or e$er"isin! his horse:2 2He1s no 2 2May#e he wen in o he"i y or had errands o run,2 +erafina said helplessly, #u she

"ould no i!nore he feelin! of erri#le fore#odin! ha pro&p ly se led in he pi of her s o&a"h( E)ery hin! in 3arius1s pas poin ed o he wors possi#le "on"lusion( >ulia Cala''i9 26 don1 *now where he is, deares 61& so sorry( The one hin! 6 do *now is &a 61& not !oin! o per&i ei her of us o si around here &opin! o)er ha &an and wai in! for hi& o show his fa"e( 6 *now e$a" ly how o *eep you preo""upied for he day(2 Els !rasped her hand and pulled her oward he door( 261& a*in! you shoppin!92 The nor hward rou e followed he )alley of he +"ri)ia Ri)er, flan*ed on #o h sides #y he soarin! pea*s of he 6 alianAlps( The road wound hrou!h woods of pine and "hes nu rees, and pas &edie)al )illa!es #uil spiral fashion around hill ops wi h erra"ed fields plan ed wi h frui rees and )ineyards( 3arius sa)ed he horse1s s ren! h, "on en o a*e he windin!, hilly, and well% rod road a a #ris* wal* wi h an o""asional "an er o #rea* he &ono ony( All here was o do was hin*( He s opped now and hen o le he horse drin* while he !a'ed a he 0a!!ed ou line of he soarin! &oun ains surroundin! hi&, heir snow"apped pea*s drea&y whi e a!ains he #lue s*y( He sa&pled he ri)er1s rushin! alpine wa er, #rea hed he "risp, hin freshness of he air( ,y his es i&a e, he passed o)er he #order fro& -i!uria in o he Pied&on a a#ou sunse ( Already he &oun ains had dwindled o rollin!, )ineyard%"lad hills( He would only "u hrou!h he sou heas ern ip of his re!ion on"e ruled #y he +a)oy *in!s, now he erri ory of Napoleon( To&orrow he would !ain -o&#ardy and he fla e$panses of he ri"h Po 3el a( 5hen he "en uries%old way%s a ion own of ,usalla "a&e in si!h , he s opped, !a'in! down a die li le handful of #uildin!s s"a ered in he !reen )ale in he shadow of he &oun ains 5ha a lonely, "oun ry pla"e, he hou!h ( ,u he dis&oun ed, s iff af er he full day1s ride( He led he weary !ray down he hill and oo* lod!in!s( Af er a frui ful day of shoppin!, Els and +erafina re urned, half%#uried under pa"*a!es in he open landau( As heir "arria!e rolled up he lon!, lands"aped dri)e o he pala"e, hey heard he flare and #oo&in! pound of dru&s( An i&pressi)e &ili ary de&ons ra ion was in pro!ress on he parade !round #e ween he wo #road, ra&rod%s rai!h a)enues leadin! up o he pala"e( +&ar ly unifor&ed soldiers &ar"hed he in ri"a e !eo&e ry of "onfi!ura ions fro& die &anual of ar&s, parade rifles !lea&in!in he se in! sun as hey wirled he& and

sla&&ed he& a!ains firs one shoulder, hen he o her( +erafina spied Ana ole s andin! a he side of he field #efore he s&all "rowd of onloo*ers( Chin hi!h, hands "lasped #ehind his #a"*, "ri i"ally he wa "hed his "olonels drillin! he roops( 2The newspapers old he ru h( He does ha)e an ar&y of !ian s,2 Els said in 7uie awe, s arin! a he all, powerfully #uil Russian soldiers( 2He is fle$in! his &i!h for us,2 +erafina &ur&ured in fore#odin!( 5hen Ana ole spo ed her fro& far a"ross he parade !round, ( he swep offhis #i"orne and sen her a #ow of a"*nowled!&en A wa)e of "old see&ed o wash o)er her #u sheXif ed her hand in !ree in!, lowerin! i slowly( 23ri)e on,2 she "o&&anded( A few &inu es la er, Els and she s rode in o he pala"e( +he had #ided her i&e and #een pa ien all day= she had ried no o hin* or al* a#ou hi& oo &u"h, #u now he need o see and ou"h and #e wi h 3arius was para&oun ( +he wen o)er o he pala"e s eward and in7uired af er his wherea#ou s, #u 8al"oni *new no hin!( +erafina urned da'edly o Els( 25here "an he #e: 5e &us find Ale"( He1ll *now(2 Els #i her lip( 26 don1 wan o say his, #u ((( perhaps he lef , Cri"*e ( 6f his feelin!s for you are as deep as he led you o #elie)e, you ha)e o ad&i i would #e hard for hi& o s and #y and wa "h you &arry ano her &an(2 2He wouldn1 lea)e & ye 9 No when he *nows how &u"h 6 need hi& o #e here durin! he weddin!( Oh, ;od, Els(2 +he !ripped Els1s ar& as her fa"e drained( 25ha if Tyurino) has done so&e hin! erri#le o hi&: They had ha awful fi!h yes erday( 4ou saw all hose !ian soldiers Ana ole has.2 2Cal& down(2 Els laid a hand on her ar&( 25e1ll find hi&( 3on1 0u&p o any "on"lusions un il we *now &ore( 6 is )ery li*e +an ia!o o disappear wi hou warnin!(2+he pressed #o h hands o her s o&a"h( 2Oh, ;od, 6 shall #e si"*(2 2Perhaps your fa her sen hi& on so&e &ys erious new errand(2 +erafina !asped( 2Oh9 Els, you1re #rillian 9 4es, hai &us #e i 92 +he !ripped her hand and #e!an &ar"hin! swif ly down he &ain "orridor( 2Co&e on( Papa will *now where he is(2 Els hurried o *eep up wi h her( +erafina1s hear pounded wi h e)ery s ep( +he "lu "hed a he !li&&er of hope, unwillin! o heed her dar*es fears( 26 1s so li*e Papa o push hi& oo hard( 5hy doesn1 he !i)e ano her &an he dir y wor* for a "han!e: His poor shoulder isn1 e)en healed enou!h for he s i "hes o #e re&o)ed ye 92 she ra led on ner)ously( Perhaps if she "ould *eep herself al*in!, she "ould i!nore he erri#le lu&p. he *nowin!%deep in he pi of her s o&a"h( A las , she flun! he door o her fa her1s offi"e wide, #urs in! in on hi&, ready for a fi!h (

2Papa, where ha)e you sen .2 +he s opped a#rup ly( E)ery hin! inside her wen "old and deadly( Ale" was s andin! #e ween he wo lea her "hairs #efore her fa her1s des*( He urned a her en ran"e, his fa"e !reenish pale as he wis ed his ha in his hands( He loo*ed li*e he wan ed o pu*e( + arin! ou he window, her fa her didn1 e)en urn o her( Els "rep up "lose #ehind her, ner)ous a #ein! in he *in!s "oun"il "ha&#ers( 25ha 1s !oin! on:2 +erafina for"ed ou in a "ho*ed )oi"e( 2Papa, where1s 3arius:2 Her fa her didn1 answer, didn1 urn around, didn1 &o)e fro& s arin! ou he window( +he oo* ano her s ep in o he offi"e( 2Papa:2 ,ehind her, Els "losed he door 7uie ly( +erafina1s "hes #e!an hea)in! wi h fri!h ( +he swallowed hard( 2Ale":2 she de&anded( The youn! lieu enan !lan"ed a he *in!1s i&passi)e fi!ureun"er ainly( He loo*ed a +erafina a!ain( 261& sorry, 4our Hi!hness(2 25here is he:2 she for"ed ou ( 25here is 3arius:2 A las , he *in! urned around, his wea hered fa"e pale, his 0aw au ( 2Ale" suspe" s ((( 5e ha)e pie"ed i o!e her 0us &o&en s a!o( 5ha 6 will ell you &us no lea)e his roo&(2 24es, Papa( 5ha is i :2 she as*ed in dread( 23arius has !one,2 he said hea)ily, 2 o assassina e Napoleon(2 +he s ared a hi&, lif in! #o h hands o)er her &ou h in horror( "7esus, 9ary, and 7oseph," Els #rea&ed +erafina1s &ind flew o his purpose in su"h a &ad s"he&e( 'o 'apoleon"no war"no need for Tyurino*. 6e could come bac! to her. 9any her. They couid be together fore*er. 2Can he su""eed:2 +erafina "ho*ed ou ( 2Perhaps he "an *ill hi&,2 her fa her said, 2#u he1ll ne)er &a*e i ou ali)e=2 +he s ared( 2,u .he1s 3arius, Papa( Of "ourse he "an( He "an do any hin!(2 24our Hi!hness,2 Ale" said !en ly, sha*in! his head, 2do no hope falsely( 6f he "olonel is "ap ured, i is "us o&ary ((( ha is, here is a "o&&on pra" i"e (((2 Ale" s opped, "losin! his eyes #riefly, as hou!h he "ould no #ear o say i ( 2Tell &e92 she "ried in dread( 2He will no allow he 8ren"h o a*e hi& ali)e( He will no allow hi&self o #e used as a pawn( He "anno possi#ly es"ape,2 her fa her !round ou an!rily( 26f 3arius sees ha "ap% ure is i&&inen , he will swallow arseni"(2 Af er "arin! for he dapple !ray af er he lon! day1s ride, 3arius refilled his "an eens for o&orrow a he pu&p and wen #a"* o he !ru##y inn, where he inn*eeper offered hi&

dinner(Re urnin! o his dar*, iny "u#i"le, he washed his hands, splashed his fa"e and ne"*, hen e$a&ined his rifle on"e &ore( He !lan"ed o)er he res of his e7uip&en , "he"*ed he arseni" powder folded in o a iny en)elope, hen lay down and ried o sleep, fully dressed, his da!!er under his pillow( +leep was elusi)e( 6 was earlier han he was a""us o&ed o !oin! o #ed and he was aware wi h e)ery in"h of his #ody ha he was alone oni!h , #u he in ended o #e on his way a firs li!h ( The sense of his own dea h, li*e a se"ond presen"e in he roo&, &ade hi& uneasy a#ou "losin! his eyes( He fou!h his resis an"e= i was a s ru!!le o e&#ra"e dea h, as he &us ( Hope would only dis ra" hi& now( His &ission re7uired a perfe" ly "lear &ind, one un"lu ered wi h drea&s and fu ile wishes( He willed hi&self o pull o!e her ha sa&e, nu&# resi!na ion he had fel on he way #a"* fro& Russia, #efore he had seen +erafina a!ain on he ni!h of he &a'e( 6 was slow in "o&in!( 6 had #een easy hen o wel"o&e dea h, for i had &ean only an end o his sufferin!D His had #een he "oura!e of despair( Now he had seen a side of life he had ne)er *nown e$is ed, a side wor h holdin! on o( 6 lef hi& #a lin! his own sur)i)al ins in" s, !rea , powerful for"es inside hi&, earin! hi& apar , lo)e and ha e, dea h and life( He s ro)e o #lan* his &ind( He didn1 wan o sleep, #u he *new if he !o an early enou!h s ar , he "ould &a*e i all he way o Pa)ia #y o&orrow ni!h ( The fla er errain would allow a swif er pa"e( 3arius folded his ar&s under his head, idly "rossed his heels, and shu his eyes wi h a fain s&ile( I wonder what my Serafina is doing right now. +he s ood here for a lon! &o&en , u erly fro'en wi h ,0 horror( Then so&e hin! inside of her snapped( "'o$" Q 5i h an an!uished "ry, she swep e)ery hin! off her fa her1s =des* in a #lind ra!e, s&ashin! he half%hull &odel of he royal fla!ship( +he hrew he #ro*en pie"es a her fa her when he ried o "o&e near her( +he pun"hed hi& when he ried o "o&for her( 2This is your faul 9 How "ould you do his: How "ould you do his:2 she s"rea&ed a hi&, a no one, a 3arius, a herself( 2This is all your faul 92 2Tha 1s enou!h92 her fa her roared a her a las , !rippin! her #y he shoulders( 2;e "on rol of yourself92 He s ared down wre "hedly a her( 2He "an1 die( Papa, he "an1 , he "an1 ( 4ou1)e !o o sa)e hi&( +end &en o s op hi&(2 2Oh, Cri"*e , he1s !o oo far a lead( He planned i all o a ee(2 5hen ears rushed in o his

eyes, she "ru&#led in o his ar&s and wep ( +he reali'ed 3arius had *nown all alon! wha he was !oin! o do( Too &any of he see&in!ly inno"en hin!s he had said o her a he )illa &ade perfe" sense now, hou!h she had no reali'ed a he i&e ha his &eanin! was dual( 1hat if I can't always be there to protect you , +ou '*e got to be able to sur*i*e without me. 2Tha #as ard, he *new all alon!(2 +o##in!, she "lun! wea*ly o her fa her while he held her in his ar&s( 2He didn1 e)en !i)e &e a "han"e o s op hi&9 How "ould he do his o &e:2 she said o)er and o)er( A so&e poin , her fa her passed her o)er o Els( 261ll see wha 6 "an do,2 he said !ruffly( ,o h of he& "ryin!, Els led +erafina #a"* o her roo&s, for she "ould #arely wal* under her own power( 6nsensa e, she didn1 e)en hear wha Els was sayin! o her( Only one hin! pier"ed he o ali y of her ou ra!e and her !rief( 5hen she wal*ed in o her #edroo&, she found 3arius1s !ui ar res in! on her #ed( Throu!h i s s rin!s was wo)en he s e& of a whi e daisy and a folded le er(5i h sha*in! hands, she pulled ou he folded shee of fine linen paper and unfolded i , ryin! o &a*e ou he words in his "areful, la e% au!h s"rip hrou!h her #lindin! ears( 9y o*e, -ccept my gift, for it is freely gi*en. - thousand *isses e*erywhere. 9y butterfly, be free. I will be watching o*er you always. +ours, Darius CHAPTER 868TEEN

The people #elow loo*ed li*e an s fro& where he sa , idly s&o*in! wha he supposed &i!h well #e his las "heroo ( ,ehind hree rows of roops !uardin! he rou e Napoleon would a*e hrou!h he "i y, he spe" a ors lined he s ree s and hron!ed he pia''a #elow( 3arius had #een ens"on"ed for nearly wen y%four hours on he roof of Milan1s &i!h y 3uo&o( 6 had #een nine in he &ornin! when he iny people #e!an droppin! o heir *nees in a wa)e ha "a&e "loser as he pope1s !ilded "oa"h drew near( Peerin! hrou!h his "o&pa" foldin! eles"ope, 3arius had seen he frail whi e hand

e&er!e fro& he "ur ained "oa"h, #lessin! he people( 6n he hours ha followed, si$ "arria!es of "ardinals, #ishops, and pries s "a&e ne$ , while all he "hur"h #ells in he "i y #e!an ollin!( He wa "hed and wai ed wi h he pa ien"e of a "a s al*in! i s prey as he "oa"hes of s a e arri)ed ne$ , ea"h pulled #y si$ horses wi h !olden plu&es( E)ery hin! was !ilded, e)en he harnesses and reins, his eles"ope showed hi&( As i&e dra!!ed, he wa "hed he "oa"hes dis!or!e )el)e %"lad &inis ers, diplo&a s, lo"al no#ili y( He shoo* his head wryly o see he ,onapar e so%"alled prin"esses e&er!e, wo #lushin!, one preenin!( Tha would #e Pauline, he supposed, he one who was always &a*in! "a y re&ar*s a#ou +erafina( 2itch.Napoleon1s sis ers were followed #y heir &aids of honor and he !renadiers of he !uard( Ea"h !roup of new arri)als was assis ed ou of he "uiTiay(es and es"or ed slowly hrou!h he hu!e iron doors of he "a hedral( 3arius *new his window of oppor uni y o !e a "lear sho a Napoleon would las only se"onds( He did no "he"* his !un a!ain( E)ery hin! was in order 4es erday he had dis"o)ered he roof of he 3uo&o as he ideal per"h for he assassina ion( Gnowin! he would #e fa"ed wi h he pro#le& of !e in! pas he hea)y se"uri y and in o he walled "i y, 3arius had dis"o)ered a !roup of &on*s fro& Pa)ia on he way o he "orona ion( 6 was 0us he solu ion he needed( He s a#led he horse a a lo"al li)ery and dis!uised hi&self as a friar, "on"ealin! his weapons under a #a!!y #rown ro#e, hen he 0oined he !roup of &on*s on he road( -is enin! o he "ha er of he holy &en, he was unsurprised o find hey were &ore e$"i ed a#ou seein! Pope Pius H66 han heir new e&peror( On"e hey rea"hed heir lod!in!s in Milan, he !roup was in)i ed o our he !i!an i" 3uo&o, he lar!es !o hi" "a hedral in he world, a""ordin! o he dea"on who had so proudly offered he& an unau hori'ed our( ,ro her +an ia!o had a!!ed alon! hrou!h a "i y ha was #urs in! wi h pride and e$"i e&en ( 5hile prepara ions for he "orona ion were in full swin!, wor*ers adornin! he al ar and he na)e wi h &ounds of flowers, he dea"on showed he !roup of &on*s he #ap is ry, where +ain Au!us ine hi&self had #een #ap i'ed, hen he dea"on whispered o he !roup ha , hou!h i really wasn1 allowed, he would show he& he roof( He pro&ised fine )iews of he "i y( On "lear days, he said, one "ould e)en see he Mari i&e Alps( 3arius "ould see he& ri!h now( The &on*s had &o)ed on, #u 3arius had silen ly slipped away, lef alone in he fores of well o)er a hundred spires( hordes of !ar!oyles, "oun less s a ues on he 3uo&o1s roof(

He had *nown i was he perfe" pla"e for his &ission he &o&en he loo*ed up a he "en ral spi e and saw he s a ue "rownin! i .fee !ilded Hir!in !a'in! ou serenely o)er he "i y( Now, in he shadow of he Hir!in, he shif ed hi&self &ore se"urely #e ween he sweepin! "urli"ues of "ar)ed &ar#le, s7uin in! a!ains he sun( The #ree'e was hi!h, he day fine, and unsurprisin!ly, Napoleon was la e( >us when he "he"*ed his fo# wa "h and read he i&e, hree o1"lo"*, a&id he deafenin! "la&or of he "i y1s "hur"h #ells, suddenly "ele#ra ory "annon fire #oo&ed, )i#ra in! in his "hes ( 3arius narrowed his eyes, pu his fo# away, oo* a las pull fro& he "heroo , hen "rushed i ou ( Cal&ly, he rea"hed%for he loaded flin lo"* rifle( He we his lips, "happed sli!h ly #y he "ons an #ree'e so far a#o)e he !round( ,rin!in! he rifle up, he res ed he &u''le on a "on)enien #i of ra"ery o se"ure his sho ( He &i!h only !e one sho , he reali'ed, #u as lon! as Napoleon was in he open, he planned o fire as &any i&es as possi#le #efore hey reali'ed his lo"a ion( His o#0e" i)es were )ery si&ple( Gill Napoleon( ( 3on1 #e a*en ali)e( Ne$ o his !ui ar "ase on he !round lay he #rown ro#e of a friar( 5i h he ro#e1s "owl o hide his fa"e and he sheer nu&#er of "ler!y in he "i y, he #elie)ed he &i!h #e a#le o es"ape he roof and #lend in so&ewhere #elow in he "hur"h( 6f ha pro)ed i&possi#le, he had he arseni"( 6n o al "on"en ra ion, 3arius "oolly wa "hed he shi&&erin! i&perial "oa"h, whi"h was "o)ered in &irrors and !ilded honey#ees( The af ernoon sun !lin ed off he !audy )ehi"le, &o&en arily da''lin! hi&( He s7uin ed( 3rawn #y ei!h #ay horses wi h !olden plu&es on heir heads, he i&&ense "oa"h rolled &a0es i"ally in o he s7uare #elow( He fel in"reasin!ly aware of e)ery hin!, he sun1s war& h on his s*in, he sprawlin! "rowd1s unen husias i" wel"o&e #elow= in he "orner of his eye, he flu erin! of so&e pi!eons( 5i h one hand, he snapped he iny spy!lass in o pla"e on he rifle( + arin! hrou!h i , his fin!er on he ri!!er, all his fo"us ho&ed in on he shi&&erin! !olden "oa"h #elow( E)ery hin! see&ed o &o)e )ery slowly( 8irs >oseph ,onapar e, hen he youn!er one, -u"ien, s epped ou of he "oa"h on o he !round( ,o h "lad in whi e sa in, o!e her hey wai ed a he "oa"h door as he wea*% "hinned E&press >osephine e&er!ed, dressed also in whi e, her i&perial diade& on her

head, her ne"* laden wi h 0ewels( 3arius wa "hed her pla"e her hands !ra"efully, one in ea"h of her #ro hers%in%law1s hands, and she s epped down( He li"*ed his lips( His fin!er ip "aressed he ri!!er( Napoleon ,onapar e appeared in he open door of he "oa"h( 3arius ai&ed( He fired 0us as he sun !lin ed off he &irrored "arria!e in o his eyes, #lindin! hi&( He s ared in sho"*.u er dis#elief( I missed. He "ursed, loaded a!ain relen lessly, saw ha here was only "onfusion a&on! hose s andin! neares he e&peror( 5i h all he "hur"h #ells and "annon fire, i had #een oo loud o hear his sho ( He didn1 *now who or wha he had hi , he only *new he had &issed Napoleon( As he #rou!h up he rifle a!ain swif ly, he saw hrou!h he eles"ope ha he dra!oon who had #een s andin! ne$ o -u"ien was on he !round( Napoleon had s epped down fro& he "oa"h( He fired a!ain #u he was sha*en #y his &iss and he sho &erely sha ered one of he &irrors of he "oa"h #ehind Napoleon, 0us o)er his shoulder( Then i was oo la e( ,elow, he dra!oons piled around Napoleon and he o her hree ,onapar es, rushin! he& in o he "a hedral( 3arius "as off he rifle( Mo)in! swif ly and &e hodi"ally, while his hear pounded as if i would #urs , he 0u&ped dowa 1 fro& his s one per"h and hrew on he #rown ro#e of his dis!uise( He was wearin! a si$%pis ol his e#ony%handled da!!er( 3rawin! wo of he si$ pis ols, he ran for he roof s e$i , he #rown ro#e railin! ou #ehind hi& #illowin! in he hi!h wind, "a "hin! on his sword( Shouldn 't ha*e ta!en that second shot. 1asted time, he hou!h , oo la e, for e)en now he firs !uard appeared in he doorway of he roofs only e$i ( He *new roops had #een s a ioned inside he "a hedral( They "a&e up 7ui"*ly( 8ollowin! he firs &an, a s7uadron swar&ed hrou!h &e door o he roof( 3arius s opped 0us lon! enou!h o "onsider ryin! o fi!h his way pas he&( 1O)er here92 a &an shou ed, poin in! a hi&( 3arius ran hrou!h he fores of spires shoo in! up ou of he roof( 6f he "ould elude he& and dou#le #a"* around he& o he door((( ,u &ore *ep "o&in!, wen y &en holdin! heir pos a he e$i ( He shru!!ed off he #rown "loa* and dod!ed #ehind a pair of lar!e, fan!ed !ar!oyles( 2There he is92 He whirled around he s a ue and fired he pis ols, one hen he o her( Two &en dropped((

2Af er hi&92 He #ol ed, hear poundin!( A!ain he ens"on"ed hi&self #ehind a s a ue #u he was no &u"h nearer he door( He "ould feel he& "reepin! "loser( He drew wo &ore of his !uns( 2Co&e ou wi h your hands up92 hey shou ed( He s epped ou and dropped wo &ore of he&, hen hrew he e&p y pis ols( 5i h wo sho s lef , his sword and da!!er re&ained( ( More 8ren"h soldiers piled up on o he roof( 2;i)e yourself up92 hey s"rea&ed a hi&( ;unsho s "areened off he s one, sha erin! one of he !ar!oyle1s poin ed ears( 3arius du"*ed his head away fro& he flyin!, dus y fra!&en s of s one( 1Hold your fire9 Hold your fire92 so&e of he 8ren"h&en shou ed al he o hers( Sha!en up, boys, he hou!h insolen ly( Ches hea)in!, he loo*ed o he ri!h and he lef , ryin! o de"ide whi"h way o run( He was #e!innin! o hin* i didn1 &a er( He *new he "ould only play hide%and%see* wi h he& for so lon!( There were oo &any( The sweepin! !lan"e he s ole fro& #ehind he &ai&ed !ar!oyle nu&#ered a leas hir y soldiers hun % in! hi&( No pro#le&, he old hi&self, dry%&ou hed( The e$i was o his lef #u here had o #e a do'en &en #lo"*in! i ( He ran for i , firin! his las wo !uns, dod!in! a wa)e of #ulle s as he do)e #ehind so&e sain 1s s a ue( Cursin! under his #rea&, he 0u&ped o his fee and unshea hed his da!!er and his sword( 1hat bloody good's a sword going to do, They 're going to ma!e Swiss cheese of me. Missin! Napoleon on"e had #een #a"* lu"* &issin! wi"e un hin*a#le.i#is sudden, fero"ious hope, his will o li)e had , no #een par of his plan( E He s ole a !lan"e around he s one sain s shoulder and du"*ed #a"* as !unfire roared( The e$i was oo hea)ily !uarded e)en o ry( Oh, ;od, he hou!h ( Arseni"( Pressin! his eyes "losed for a se"ond, he rea"hed in o his wais "oa and pulled ou he iny, folded en)elope( He #lessed hi&self rapidly wi h he si!n of he "ross, hen ore he paper and poured he arseni" powder in o his hand( Ches hea)in!, he s ru!!led o raise i o his &ou h( )h, God, oh, God, I don't want to die, he hou!h , raisin! his pleadin! s are o he #lue s*y( He saw her hen. he !olden Hir!in a#o)e hi&( Her e$pression was so swee , so sure, he only &o her he had e)er *nown( He !a'ed helplessly a her and hen, as if she had #lown he air fro& her lips herself, he wind s"a ered he li le whi e &ound of arseni" ri!h ou of his hand(

3arius !asped, "lu "hin! uselessly (as he powder slipped away(,He "ould hear he !uards "oinin! "loser( 8ren"h )oi"es shou ed a hi&( 2;i)e yourself up9 6n he na&e of he e&peror, 6 "o&&and you o surrender92 Hear ha&&erin!, his #a"* pressed up a!ains he s one sain 1s #a"*( 3arius s ared s rai!h ahead a he ed!e of he roof( 6 was he only way( +ho)in! away fro& he #ase of he spire wi h all his s ren! h, he "har!ed he ed!e( 6e would scream Serafina's name when he leaped. , Half a do'en pa"es fro& he ed!e, he !uards&en a"*led hi& o he !round( , He fou!h li*e a &ad&an, "ursed a he& li*e a de&onia", willin! one of he& o *ill hi& so his dea h &i!h pro e" -a'ar( There were en &en piled on hi&, *i"*in! hi&, pun"h% in! hi&( They wres ed his sword away and whene)er he s ru"* one wi h his e#ony% handled da!!er, ano her soldier &erely oo* his pla"e( They nearly #ro*e his wris o &a*e hi& le !o of he da!!er( How &any he wounded or *illed, he did no *now( He didn1 feel heir #lows.he was oo enra!ed( 8ury poured and see hed fro& hi&, possessin! hi&( 6 was as hou!h so&e erri#le door inside hi& had #een opened( He was so&eone he didn1 *now, as in! his own #lood in his &ou h( He was fren'ied, s"rea&in! hrea s a he& e)en as hey hrew hi& down on his fa"e and &ana"led his hands #ehind his #a"*( He was sho)ed and dra!!ed down he &any s airs, and hrown in o a wai in! "arria!e under hea)y !uard( He heard he& say hey were a*in! hi& o he an"ien Cas ello +for'es"o, whi"h ser)ed as he 8ren"h roops1 #arra"*s( 6 was a swif ride, for he an"ien for ress was si ua ed only se)eral #lo"*s nor h( ( (((1 (%((( 5hile in he "a hedral Napoleon !rasped he 6ron Crown of Charle&a!ne and pla"ed i upon his own head, 3arius was hrown in o he dun!eons #enea h he "as le( FPan in!, #ruised, he s ared hrou!h he rus y #ars a he , soldiers( Their "ap ain saun ered in o heir &ids , he di& lan erns illu&inin! his harsh, narrow fa"e and !ray hair( He re&inded 0 3arius of his fa her( The old &an &us #e lau!hin! a hi& : fro& hell( 1 24ou will ell us your na&e,2 he "ap ain said( 2Co&e here and le &e *ill you,2 3arius spa a hi & The "ap ain s&iled, a "ruel s&ile( 3arius !lared #a"* a hi&, !rippin! he #ars, hen sho)ed hi&self #a"* and #e!an pa"in!( #arely "on ainin! his fren'ied ire( He wa "hed he& as he pa"ed, "hains "lan*in! fro& ar&s and an*les( He lis ened o he& dis"ussin! hi& 7uie ly( Apparen ly he had *illed se)en and wounded hree(

He "ould hardly "on!ra ula e hi&self a he news when he had &issed he one &an he had "o&e o *ill( 8ailed. 1orthless. A few &inu es la er, he "ap ain ordered he warden o open his "ell( 5i h a lar!e, #eefy "orporal in ow, he "ap ain en ered( He nodded fro& he "orporal o 3arius( 2+ear"h hi&(2 1 5i h a "old sneer, 3arius endured as he "orporal sla&&ed hi& up a!ains he "la&&y wall( They re&o)ed his "ra)a o s op hi& fro& han!in! hi&self, his spurs o *eep hi& fro& slashin! his wris s( They "u his wais "oa away, lea)in! hi& in his orn shir ( 5hen his was done, he "orporal 0er*ed hi& around o fa"e he "ap ain a!ain( 3arius loo*ed down his nose a hi& &as erfully( The "ap ain narrowed his eyes( 2,ra)ado won1 sa)e your life, &y friend( 5ha 1s his:2 The "ap ain1s !a'e fell o his "hes ( He s epped forward and lif ed he &edal of he Hir!in in his hand( 3arius saw he "ap ain1s fis i!h en m he &edal, fel he "hain !o au a!ains his s*in( 2Ta*e i and 6 swear o ;od 61ll rip your hroa ou ,2 he said sof ly hrou!h "len"hed ee h( 3e#a in! wi h hi&self, he "ap ain held his s are for a +on!&o&en , hen s&ir*ed a hi& and s epped #a"*, droppin! he &edal a!ains his "hes ( 2A wor hless rin*e (2 The "ap ain pi)o ed and lef he "ell( 1 The #i! "orporal followed, slidin! he rus y &e al door shu and lo"*in! i se"urely( 3arius "ould only wonder how &u"h worse he had 0us &ade hin!s for hi&self( -yin! in #ed on her side, s arin! a no hin!, +erafina e$pe" ed a any hour o hear news of 3arius1s fa e( +he had wai ed for wo days, and now, a!ain, ni!h was "losin! in( +he had o wonder if she was !oin! a li le &ad, for in so&e #i'arre way she was "on)in"ed she "ould *eep hi& ali)e #y an unflin"hin!, inward fo"us on her lo)e for hi&( +he had her fa her1s sole&n oa h ha he would send for her he &o&en he heard any hin!( The sound of her &o her1s so#s upon learnin! he news, as well as he pri&e &inis er1s in0un" ion o he& all, s ill ran! in her ears( 1e must not gi*e the #ussians any cause for suspicion. ife must appear to go on as normal. 1ord will come soon. 3ntil then, we can do nothing but wait. +he, oo, "ould do no hin! #u wai ( +he "ouldn1 unders and why she was he only one who #elie)ed ha 3arius "ould indeed su""eed in *illin! Napoleon( May#e she was &ad, li*e hi&( +he held his "arefully penned li le no e o her hear ( Her !a'e ra)eled o)er her o*ens of hi& wi h whi"h she had surrounded herself on he #ed.his !ui ar and he Chinese *i es

and he "oun less o her !if s he had !i)en her o)er he years( There were &easures fro& all o)er he world o deli!h he li le !irl in her( sa in dan"in! slippers fro& Cons an inople wi h oes ha "urled upward, a headdress &ade of deli"a e "hains hun! wi h s ran!e "oins, a iny pie"e of an an"ien e&ple fro& ;ree"e, a perfe" #all of )iole 7uar ' fro& an Afri"an &ine( ,u hese e$o i" #au#les were no hin! "o&pared o wha 3arius had !i)en of hi&self. he enderness and safe y he had shown her( Now he had !i)en his life for her( 'o. +he refused o #elie)e he was dead( The ,lessed Mo her was a*in! "are of hi&, 0us as she always had( 6f she "on"en ra ed )ery hard, deep down in he "ore of her #ein!, she fel he #ond #e ween he&, sure and ali)e, li*e a resplenden fla&e in he dar*ness( +he "losed her eyes( 9y unicorn, my champion, my wolf. 6ow I miss you D Her #lood ran( Cold as a *no"* sounded a he ou er door( 1 It's time. +he had hou!h herself ready for his &o&en , #u now ha i had "o&e, she did no *now how o fa"e i ( A &o&en la er, Pia appeared in he doorway o her #edroo&( The &aid1s i&id )oi"e #ri&&ed wi h sorrow and worry( 24our Hi!hness, His Ma0es y sends for you(2 As if ou side herself, +erafina wa "hed herself "al&ly !e up fro& her #ed( +he wa "hed herself s&oo h her hair and wal* ou of her apar &en s, hands s eady a her sides( +he was a royal prin"ess wi h a proud linea!e se)en hundred years old, she old herself wi h e)ery s ep( 6n her )eins was he #lood of *in!s( +he would #ear he fa al #low wi h her "hin hi!h( 2 A her fa her1s offi"e, she oo* a deep #rea&, hen opened he door, a on"e a*en a#a"* o find ha Ana ole was already wi h hi&( The a &osphere was frau!h wi h ension( A her en ran"e, #o h &en loo*ed o)er( ( 2;ood, you1re here,2 her fa her said s ernly( Ana ole 0ol ed wi h a half%re&e&#ered #ow( He offered her One of he "hairs in fron of Papa1s des*( 5arily, she !lan"ed fro& one ense &an o he o her, hen wal*ed o)er and sa , foldin! her hands in her lap( Her fa her sa down hea)ily a his des* and sear"hed her fa"e( Her hands wis ed in her lap( 2No news, Papa:2 2No news(2 ,Than! God. 6e could still be ali*e. 2Cri"*e , he reason 61)e "alled you here is #e"ause, in li!h of 3arius s a" ions, Ana ole feels i would #ehoo)e us o &o)e he weddin! up o o&orrow(2 +he !lan"ed 7ui"*ly a Ana ole( 2To&orrow9 ,u ha is i&possi#le921 25hy wai , 4our Hi!hness:2 he as*ed "ur ly, his sapphire eyes !lin in! wi h an!er as he *nowin!ly held her !a'e( 2Pardon &e for spea*in! fran*ly, #u 6 was dis ur#ed fro& he

ou se o learn ha his infor&a ion was *ep hidden fro& &e( 5i h all due respe" , sir,2 he said o her fa her, 2your +an ia!o will ne)er su""eed( +in"e he !rea "onspira"y in)ol)in! he 3ue d1En!hien las year, Napoleon is e$ re&ely "areful a#ou his pu#li" appearan"es( +e"uri y a die "orona ion will #e i&possi#le o pene ra e(2 24ou don1 *now +an ia!o,2 she said( He "o"*ed his head oward her( 2Can he &a*e hi&self in)isi#le: 6s he i&&une o #ulle s:2 2+o&e i&es(2 2E)en if he !e s in, he won1 !e ou ( He will #e "ap ured, and when he lin* #e ween hi& and As"en"ion is dis"o)ered, 8ran"e will urn on &is island wi h a )en!ean"e( He "anno possi#ly su""eed, and #y foilin!, he has endan!ered you all, and &ade war all #u ine)i a#le( The "er ain y of &y pro e" ion is your only hope( Our allian"e &us #e sealed #efore news rea"hes he world ha a &an of 4our Ma0es y1s inner "ir"le ried o assassina e Napoleon( +ire, you will #e ins an ly i&pli"a ed(2 25ha if 3arius su""eeds:2 she #ro*e in sof ly( 2He "an1s su""eed9 4ou are &issin! &e whole poin , 4our Hi!hness,2 he lashed ou a her( 23on1 you "are wha happens o your fa her: To your people: 6s his +paniard1s &isera#le life all you "are a#ou :: ( 25a "h your one, sir,2 her fa her !rowled a Ana ole in warnin!( (He loo*ed o)er and he iron &as* of his "har& "lan!ed #a"* in o pla"e( 28or!i)e &e(2 He wen down on one *nee in fron of her and oo* her hand, pu in! on a pre y show for Papa( Af er &y firs wife, Mar!are , died, +erafina, 6 was so #ro*en( 6 said 6 would ne)er re&arry( ,u when 6 &e you and heard of As"en"ion1s pli!h , 6 *new 6 &us offer &yself as he solu ion(2 2And we are !ra eful for your !enerosi y, &y lord,1 her fa her said in a #roodin! one, 2#u le us re&ind you ha our dau!h er "ould win he hear of any &an on he plane (2 2Papa(2 +he sho hi& a 7ui"* !lan"e o)er Ana ole1s !olden head He only used he royal 2we2, when his an!er was s irred( Perhaps he was #e!innin! o see hrou!h Ana ole1s polished &as* a las ( 26ndeed she "ould, sir,2 Ana ole a!reed sof ly( +erafina !a'ed a Ana ole, wonderin! if here was one shred of sin"eri y #ehind his sudden show of soli"i ude( +he didn1 hin* so( All she *new was &a she had o #uy i&e un il news "a&e of whe her or no 3arius had *illed Napoleon and sur)i)ed( 6f he had failed, she would s ill need o &arry Ana ole, in whi"h "ase i would #e sui"ide o an!er hi&( +he &us &ana!e hi&(

2Ana ole,2 she said, her )oi"e a i s sof es and &os fe&inine as she "arefully laid her hand o)er his( u4ou *now 6 a& fond of you and honored o #e"o&e your wife, #u 6 see no need o rush hin!s( Ma&a has a*en su"h pains o &a*e e)ery hin! perfe" for he day( 6 daresay she has a$ed herself o)er&u"h wi h all her wor*, and in her deli"a e "ondi ion( The food, he "hur"h, he "hoirs, he firewor*s( Of "ourse, you unders and hese &a ers #e er han 6, #u please, "an1 we le he da e s and:2 +he u"*ed her "hin and offered hi& a shy s&ile, !a'in! a hi&( Ana ole s ared a her, loo*in! 7ui e horou!hly en"han ed( +he was aware, fro& he "orner of her eye, of her fa her s arin! a her in as onish&en ( 2Please, Ana ole:2 she said "a0olin!ly(1 He s a&&ered( 26.6.2 1 1; >us hen, here was a *no"* a he door( Co&e,2 her fa her ordered( +he heard )eiled &ir h in his deep )oi"e( 5hen Ana ole loo*ed o)er a he door o see who had "o&e, Papa sho her a *nowin! win*, D Ana ole s ayed where he was, "rou"hed down #efore her, holdin! her hand as if i were &ade of deli"a e "hina( The pala"e s eward opened he door, #owed, and #rou!h he *in! a no e( 2Cr!en , +ire,2 he &ur&ured Reali'in! ha e)en here and now &i!h #e news of 3arius1s fa e( +erafina wa "hed, her hear ha&&erin!, while Papa opened i ( His eyes widened as he read i ( A#rup ly he sho)ed up ou of he "hair wi h a loo* of &i$ed 0oy and dread( 2Cri"*e , your &o her1s in la#or92 2;ood -ord92 she "ried, 0u&pin! ou of her "hair pas Ana ole( D ( Papa was already s ridin! a"ross die roo&( 2Ana ole, we1ll ha)e o finish his la er( 8or!i)e &y indeli"a"y, #u he #a#e was no e$pe" ed for ano her hree wee*s( My wife is s ron!, #u she is no a !irl any&ore( 6 &us !o o her92 He swep o his fee ( 2,y all &eans, +ire(2 2Me, oo92 +erafina hurried af er hi&, #u Ana ole !ra##ed her ar& as she s epped o)er he hreshold( 2A word wi h you, please, 4our Hi!hness,2 +he was in he doorway, #u her fa her was already halfway down he hall( 1Papa, wai 92 she "alled in dis ress, loa& o #e lef alone wi h Ana ole( 24ou wo wor* i ou for yoursel)es,2 her fa her "alled wi h a wa)e of his hand( 2Consider i a pre&ari al lesson in "o&pro&ise( ,u don1 for!e 6 warned you, Ana ole,2 he added in a 0aun y one( 2My !irl always !e s her way,2

)h. damn, she hou!h as her fa her disappeared around he "orner( Af er ha li le display of her wiles in his offi"e, Papa had no dou# "on"luded &a she held Ana ole in he pal& ofher hand, as she did so &any o hers( 6n ru h, she was no sure if he Russian1s flee in!, s&i en e$pression had #een real or false( +he loo*ed up o find hi& s udyin! her fa"e( 2-e us finish his #usiness, &y #ride(2 +he re!arded hi& warily, sayin! no hin!( Her "hin was hi!h as she leaned her #a"* a!ains he doorfra&e and folded her ar&s o)er her "hes ( 25hy do you wan o delay our &arria!e:2 he as*ed( 25hy do you wan o &o)e i up:2 He il ed his head, loo&in! o)er her( He #ra"ed his hands on he door a#o)e her( 261ll ell you why( ,e"ause 6 hin* you ar" s"he&in! o dis"ard &e(2 26 a& no (2 24ou1d #e er no #e( 5e are pled!ed o ea"h o her, you and 6 6 a& no a &an o #e rifled wi h( 4ou insul &e, you insul Russia, for wi hou &y ar&ies, he "'ar is no hin!( 4ou in% sul Russia, and As"en"ion will lose he friendship of all he allies of he Third Coali ion( No one will !i)e his island he sli!h es relief when Napoleon "o&es( No e)en En!land(2 2How do you *now:2 He i"*ed he& of8on his fin!ers( 2Naples is helpless( +weden is oo far away o "are( Aus ria1s s ren! h is was ed( En!land will only !i)e !old( ,u Russia1s popula ion is )as D 5e are he soldiers( 5e are he "annon fodder(2 (= +he win"ed and loo*ed away( 2Tha 1s ri!h , &y swee island rose( Hu&an li)es( Tha is he "urren"y wi h whi"h 61)e #ou!h you(2 +he refused o heed hi&( 9y Darius can do it$ she hou!h in re#ellion( 6e will !ill 'apoleon and come bac! to me. I !now he will escape. 6e has to. +he had o !e ou of here( Ma&a was in la#or( +uddenly she sei'ed upon a solu ion( A 25e "anno &o)e he weddin! up #e"ause 6 will no !e &arried wi hou &y &o her presen ( +he will need i&e o re"o)er fro& he #ir hin!( Ana ole, you &us respe" ha (2He s ared a her for a lon! &o&en assessin!ly( 2A #a#y is always #orn when so&eone in a fa&ily dies(2 +he loo*ed up a hi& in a!ony( 5ha a "ruel and horri#le hin! o say( He "ra"*ed a half%s&ile( 23on1 i&a!ine 6 will do e on you he way your fa her do es on he 7ueen(2

21 would no so de"ei)e &yself, 4our Hi!hness(2 He ra"ed he "ur)e of her fa"e wi h one fin!er ip( 2Ana ole,2 he whispered( +he "losed her eyes, "lawin! for s ren! h, for she was s ill *no"*ed off !uard #y his "ruel re&ar*( 2Ana ole,2 she repea ed in a hu&ilia in! show of o#edien"e( A!ain she fel rapped #y hi& and his i&e, 3arius wasn1 "o&in! o her res"ue( 5here did Ana ole !e his alen for in i&ida in! her: +he had always #een heads ron!, ne)er easily #ullied( Had he in i&ida ed his firs wife his way: +he opened her eyes and hey s udied ea"h o her in hos ili y( 24ou ha)e ne)er spo*en of Prin"ess Mar!are #efore(2 24ou *new of her(2 21 *new of her, #u you ne)er spo*e of her( 5ere you in lo)e wi h her1(112 2Hery &u"h As 6 a& in lo)e wi h you(2 +he lif ed a #row in as onish&en , her 0aw droppin! open sli!h ly( 2Are you so surprised:2 he as*ed wi h a lau!h( He ou"hed her hair(2 1 a& )ery a ra" ed o you, +erafina(2 That is not lo*e, she al&os said, #u ins ead she hrus ho&e for her oppor uni y( 2Then indul!e &e, Ana ole, and le he weddin! da e Yi as planned(2 +he !a)e hi& one of her &os deli#era ely da''lin! s&iles(( He s&iled #a"* a her, eyes #ri!h and "old( 25ell, he said sof ly, 2persuade &e, +erafina(2 +he fla ened herself uneasily a!ains he doorfra&e, in"hin! #a"* as he drew "loser( 25ha do you &ean:2 2As* &e ni"ely( 1 hin* you *now wha 6 &ean(2+he s"owled up a hi&, #arely #i in! #a"* her opinion of hi&( 25ill you le he da e s and or won1 you:2 26f you le &e *iss you,2 he &ur&ured( + ar led #y his unforeseen re7ues , she #lushed and lowered her head, !ooseflesh "reepin! down her ar&s( 8ine, she hou!h , if i would #uy her i&e for 3arius( 2A%all ri!h (2 He s epped "loser and ou"hed her fa"e, ippin! her &ou h upward, one hand fir&ly se"urin! her "hin( +he was )ery ense as she leaned a!ains he doorfra&e, her hands #ehind her +he ried no o !ri&a"e or win"e as he lowered his head and pressed his hard, "old lips o hers( His *iss #ruised her lips a!ains her ee& #u she for"ed herself no o pull away( He !ripped her hair hard, painfully, res in! his o her hand on her shoulder, where i s7uee'ed and pawed her flesh(

+he in"hed #a"*, lon!in! for hi& o ha)e his fill of her and #e done, #u he #e"a&e "arried away #y his own ardor, layin! sie!e o her( +he fou!h dis!us , refusin! o open her &ou h in spi e of all his effor s( Her 0aw was "la&ped, and she ha ed e)ery s ro*e of his on!ue upon her lips, #u when she fel he 0u of his ere" ion pressin! a!ains her s o&a"h, she fro'e, fri!h ened now and sei'ed #y wa)es of sheer repu!nan"e( 2Tha is 7ui e enou!h, sir92 she !asped ou , pushin! pas hi&( +he heard his low, rou!h lau!h er #ehind her as she fled, wipin! her &ou h on her ar& in re&#lin! re)ulsion( 24ou1)e !o a lo o learn, "hild,2 he "alled af er her 2,u 61ll ea"h you o li*e i 2 +o&e i&es he old he& o !o o hell & Russian, so&e i&es in +panish, En!lish, Ara#i", 6 alian, 0us o *eep he& !uessin!( + oi"ally, he had hwar ed his "ap ors1 e)ery a e&p o &a*e hi& al*, answerin! heir 7ues ions wi h no hin! #u a sli!h , "old, &o"*in! s&ile( They had #een !en le( +o far, he had only a #la"* eye, a swollen 0aw( and a few #ruised ri#s( -a er,%(3arius *new, hin!s would !e rou!her( 8or now, hey were sa)in! hi& for his audien"e oni!h #efore he e&peror( His arro!an"e was in pla"e li*e a shield( ,ehind i , he was "al"ula in! a se"ond "han"e a *illin! Napoleon so&ehow when he was #rou!h #efore hi&( ,( A he appoin ed hour, he #i!, apeli*e "orporal wi h he ree*in! #rea h 7ui pu&&elin! 3arius1s a#do&en( He was pulled o his fee , dra!!ed fro& his "ell, and herded ou side( He s ole a !lan"e a he &oon and hou!h of +erafina dan"in! in her !arden( He s&iled o hi&self, dis"onne" ed fro& e)ery hin!, &en hey sho)ed his head down, hrowin! hi& in o ano her "arria!e( I4ll get him this time. 7ust put me in the same room with the little bastard. Af er a#ou an hour1s dri)e, hey pushed hi& ou of he "arria!e a&id his !uards, #efore a )as ,aro7ue pala"e so&ewhere in he "oun ryside( Cneasily, he s"anned he lands"ape, a*in! s o"* of his surroundin!s( 1 Chin hi!h, he was herded and prodded hrou!h die halls pas !aw*in! "our iers and ladies, dri)en ahead li*e a wild ani&al "ap ured for so&e ri"h &an1s &ena!erie( He swa!!ered and s&iled "oolly a he wo&en 0us o ir* his "ap ors( A he end of he !lea&in! hall, hu!e doors were opened #efore hi& and he was sho)ed in o a !li erin! !rea hall( He "au!h his #alan"e, "hains ra lin!, &en swa!!ered in slowly, shoulders s7uared, "hin hi!h( + rai!h ahead of hi& a a lon! #an7ue a#le sa he &an he1d ried and failed o *ill( 8ailed( 1orthless, worthless. r

He s ared insolen ly a Napoleon and Napoleon s ared insolen ly a hi&, loo*in! ra her #e&used( 3arius was ordered o hal in he "en er of he roo&( They were ea in! dinner( +il)er a#leware, he no ed in he #a"* of his &ind +o&ewhere up here had o #e a usa#le *nife( Con e&p uously, he !lan"ed as*an"e a his !uards, hen sur)eyed +he o hers in he roo&(-a ,eauha&ais sa #e ween her hus#and and her son, Eu!ene, for&er "on ender for +erafina1s hand( The e&press and Eu!ene !a'ed a hi& in repida ion, #u Napoleon1s #ro hers loo*ed a hi& wi h a purely Corsi"an hirs for re)en!e in heir eyes( He "as he& a sneerin! s&ile, hen, for he sa*e of insolen"e, le his !a'e wander freely o)er he hree ,onapar e sis ers( 5hen his s are wandered o Prin"ess Pauline, he found her a)idly inspe" in! hi&( He ar"hed one #row as her !a'e slowly ra)eled down his half%#ared "hes 2Hey, swee hear , why don1 you "o&e o)er here and !e on your *nees for &e:2 he "alled sof ly, !i)in! her a loo*( +he !asped( +ounds of ou ra!e filled die hall( 3arius s&iled( +o&eone #lud!eoned hi& in he #a"*s of his *nees and he fell( He was s ru"* repea edly( -h, childhood memories, he hou!h As he wai ed for he #ea in! o end, he &used o hi&self ha anyone who 0ud!ed ha underfed Cor esan hussy in he sa&e lea!ue wi h his Prin"esa had o#)iously ne)er seen +erafina and did no *now wha a real prin"ess was( 3arius heard youn! Eu!ene "lear his hroa ( 2Tha 1s really 7ui e enou!h, isn1 i : There are ladies presen 2 26 don1 see any,2 3arius &u ered fro& he floor( Ano her swif *i"* in he ri#s( He snarled, his whole #ody ensed, #u hey were done #ea in! hi& for now so he "li&#ed wearily o his fee and fa"ed his "ap ors wi h a #ruised s&ir*( Napoleon appeared a&used, loun!in! on he ar& of his "hair, one hand hrus in o his wais "oa as he s ro*e 1 his s o&a"h hou!h fully( 2Closer, &ys ery &an( -e us ha)e a loo* a you(2 ;ladly, 3arius wal*ed forward, aware ou of he "o&er of his eye of ea"h !lea&in! *nife on he #an7ue a#le( 2Tha 1s far enou!h,2 he "ap ain &u ered, holdin! hi& #a"* a !ood ei!h fee fro& he e&peror( 26 would #e in eres ed o hear wha you ha)e o say for yourself #efore 6 sen en"e you(2 3arius "onsidered( 2Only &a you &a*e a )ery s&all ar!e , ;eneral(2r 1 6ns i unar* !o hi& ra her se)erely #ea en a!ain(

1Thi is !e in! edious,2 he !rowled as he soldiers pu&%&>0dr n and finally #a"*ed off a!ain( 1ho are you:2 Napoleon as*ed pleasan ly( 3arius dra!!ed hi&self up off his *nees and for"ed hi&self o ( and, eyes #la'in!( He wo)e sli!h ly on his fee , willed hi&%self o s and all and #e s eady( 2No one of any "onse7uen"e,2 he replied( 5hy did you ry o *ill &e:2 He shru!!ed( 23on1 li*e you(2 Napoleon s ared a hi& for a few se"onds wi h an e$pression of in ense hou!h , hen a#rup ly lau!hed( 24ou &ay well #e he "o"*ies #as ard 6 ha)e e)er &e in &y life( Ta*e hi& away( ,y &ornin!, 6 wan o *now e)ery se"re he has o hide(2 25ha , no has y e$e"u ion:2 3arius drawled( 26f a 7ui"* dea h was !ood enou!h for he 3ue d1En!hien, i 1s "er ainly !ood enou!h for &e(2 Napoleon1s eyes narrowed and his fa"e ins an ly !rew flushed( 26n due i&e,2 he pro&ised hrou!h !ri ed ee h( He sen his &en a )iolen , si&&erin! nod o a*e hi& away( As hey s epped oward hi& o lay hold of hi& a!ain, 3arius lun!ed forward, runnin! for he a#le and he neares *nife( 5o&en s"rea&ed( The apeli*e "orporal and a few o hers a"*led hi&, rippin! hi& in a an!le of "hains, hen here was &ore unpleasan ness( Napoleon was on his fee , hrowin! down his nap*in( 2Gill hi&9 Now92 D 3arius loo*ed up fro& he floor under a pile of &en and !lared a Napoleon( The e&peror &o)ed nearer his wife pro e" i)ely( ( ( ( 5hen hey finally le 3arius !e o his fee , he *ep his "hin hi!h, his s ride a la'y saun er in a show of fearlessness, #u he really was no loo*in! forward o he ne$ half hour( ;lan"in! o)er his shoulder one las i&e, he saw Prin"ess Pauline s ill s arin! a hi&(The !uards sho)ed hi& oward he hu!e doors( 25ai 92 a hi!h%pi "hed )oi"e "alled #ehind he& 25ha is i , Paulina:2 Napoleon snapped( 2My lady%in%wai in! *nows who he is,2 Prin"ess Pauline said( His #a"* o he&, 3arius fro'e( His &ind was ranspor ed #a"* o ha &ornin! se )eral days a!o when he had ushered Cara, +erafina1s rai orous friend, in o #anish&en ( 2Turn around, you,2 he "ap ain ordered hi&( +uddenly he had a si"*, "old lu&p in he pi of hi= s o&a"h Men ally "ursin!, 3arius relu" an ly o#eyed( +ure enou!h, he saw he pe i e, #lue%eyed #lond s andin! #ehind Pauline, her )iperous s are fi$ed on hi&( +he had pro&ised re)en!e on hi& and he had

lau!hed i off( 2He is Coun 3arius +an ia!o,2 Cara spo*e up, &ali"ious riu&ph in her alpine%#lue eyes( 2Gin! -a'ar1s adop ed son and Prin"ess +erafina1s fa)ori e( As"en"ion will pay any pri"e o ha)e hi& #a"* ali)e(2 Napoleon #e!an o lau!h sof ly, il in! his head #a"* 26 won1 wor*,2 3arius s ar ed 2-a'ar will ne)er #ar!ain wi h he li*es of you.2 2No: 6 re"all he s ory a few years a!o of how you sa)ed your *in!1s life.nearly in e$"han!e for your own and 6 *now ha in spi e of all his li#eral poli"ies, -a'ar is an 6 alian of he old s"hool( -oyal y "o&es #efore e)ery hin!(1 26 won1 wor*,2 3arius said a!ain, hear poundin! 261& no ha )alua#le(2 25e1ll see(12 = 25e should ha)e *nown he was no "o&&on "ri&inal2 Pauline1s !lan"e fli"*ed o)er his #ody( 3arius loo*ed a her, feelin! as hou!h he &i!h #e si"*( Cara wen on s arin! a hi&, !loa in!, her ar&s folded o)er her "hes ( Napoleon "hu"*led( 1Ta*e hi& away, &a*e hi& "o&for a#le( 6 ha)e o han* you, +an ia!o( 4ou ha)e &ade hin!s so &u"h easier for &e( 5hy fi!h a war when 1 "an 0us hand you o)er in e$"han!e for he na)y: And hen here is ha !or!eous #ird, he prin"ess( 6f we a" 7ui"*ly, we "an sna "h her ri!h ou of Tyurino)1s hands and pu her in yours ins ead, eh:2 he said, el#owin! his s epson( 2On he o her hand (((2 Napoleon urned o >osephine and !a)e her pain ed "hee* a easin! pin"h( 2May#e 61ll !e rid of you, old !irl, and &arry he "hi &yself(2 CHAPTER SIXTEEN His self%dis!us was deepenin! #y he &inu e, #u 3arius *ep up his show of non"halan"e as a do'en !uards ushered hi& in o a ri"h, windowless "ha&#er in a dis an win! of he pala''o( A do" or was sen o loo* hi& o)er for #ro*en #ones and la"era ions, hen his ri!h hand was un"hained so he "ould ea he s&all por ion of food and wa er ha were #rou!h o hi&( 1 He was so 0i ery, his s o&a"h in *no s, ha he didn1 wan he food( ,u old ways were "o&in! #a"* o hi&( He a e )ora"iously, for"in! he food down, eyein! he soldiers( No one spo*e( They wai ed for hi& o finish he &eal, hen &ana"led his hands a!ain #efore hi&( 8inally, hey lo"*ed hi& in, a few%&en pos ed ou side he roo&1s only door( 5i h a dis!us ed si!h, he lay #a"* on he hi"* &a ress, suil #arely a#le o "o&prehend how he had "o&e o his( 5hy wasn1 he dead: No e)en his fines insolen"e had &ana!ed o !e hi& *illed( He1d hou!h for "er ain his lewd re&ar* o Napoleon1s sis er

would do he ri"*( He "as his forear& o)er his #row and ried o s ill his &ind, #u "oun less i&es, lyin! here, he reli)ed he &o&en he had = fired he firs sho a Napoleon, ryin! o unders and wha had , !one wron!( He was s ill in sho"* ha he had &issed( As he == i&&edia e dan!er e##ed for now, hu&ilia ion se in( 6 1orthless. +ou failed at e*erything. ,2 He had &ade a !ood show of arro!an"e, #u here, 0n he @ silen"e, his pride was "rushed and he fel no he sli!h es #i sorry for hi&self( He was supposed o #e a rained, op% le)el a!en and assassin, ye he had &ade an a&a eur1s &is a*e, irin! pre&a urely( Then, when he &o&en "a&e o ea he arseni" he had shown his rue "olors( Tha li le, unwan ed ;ypsy pi"*po"*e he had #een so &any years a!o had e&er!ed wi hou warnin!, hwar in! all his plans, sayin!, hell, no, would he e)er *ill hi&self off( He had sur)i)ed oo &u"h o hrow i al 1 away Tha was he par ha sha&ed hi& &os ( Af er all hese years of s ri)in! o #e"o&e so&e hin! #e er, in he "ru"ial &o&en he had pro)ed hi&self he sa&e as when he *in! and 7ueen firs found hi&( 6n he &o&en of ru h, he had "hosen sur)i)al o)er honor( And why should his "hoi"e "o&e as a surprise: he hou!h an!rily( Honor9 He was so #loody si"* and ired of honorA -oo* where i had !o en hi&( He !o up and pa"ed o #urn off so&e of his res lessness, "hains "lan*in! li*e a !hos in a "as le( >us hen, he heard &en ar!uin! in hushed )oi"es ou side he door( He lis ened in en ly, his senses leapin! o he aler ( ord, what now' '.&.. 2Are you &ad: 4ou1ll !e us all "our %&ar ialed92 2>us do i ,2 ano her snapped( 24ou1re !e in! paid, aren1 you:2 % ( All ofa sudden, four soldiers #urs in and s rode o)er o hi&( 2Oh, so you1re awa*e, eh, "o"*y: Co&e on(2 He s ared a he& and his #lood ran "old, for he *new all in a flash as hey dra!!ed hi& ou %of he "ha&#er ha Napoleon had "han!ed his &ind( 1 Z= 6 was i&e( 1 He #e!an o swea as he reali'ed he was !oin! o #e e$e"u ed #efore he firin! s7uad, 0us li*e hey1d done o he youn! ,our#on du*e, d1En!hien( ( He fou!h for "al& while hey ied a #la"* #lindfold o)er his eyes( Eyes "o)ered, wris s #ound #efore hi&, he hadn1 fel he a full pani" of helplessness sin"e "hildhood( He hou!h of +erafina and s eadied hi&self, lif in! his "hin(He had failed a e)ery hin!

and hey1d a*e his life, #u hey would ne)er a*e his pride( Hear poundin!, he "ould no resis one sly( a e&p o learn his fa e( 2Ah, so you1)e finally found he #alls o shoo &e,2 he said "oolly as hey led hi& ou of he roo&( He heard lau!h er( 2;e in! a li le ner)ous, are you, pre y #oy:2 28u"* yourself(2 +o&eone sho)ed hi&( He "au!h his #alan"e and wal*ed "arefully, una#le o see where he was !oin!( 2+ airs( Cp,2 a &an near#y !ru&#led( They "li&#ed a lon! s air"ase( Cp: he hou!h ( +houldn1 hey #e !oin! down o he yard, where he firin! s7uad "ould shoo hi& a!ains he wall: 2Here(2 The !uard did no sound a all happy when hey s opped, 2hi(2 He heard a door #ein! opened( +o&eone pushed hi& fro& #ehind( He s u&#led forward and nearly fell wi h a low "urse( 2He1s all yours,2 he !uard !ru&#led, hen he door sla&&ed #ehind hi&( 3arius lis ened for all he was wor h, #u he roo& was u erly silen ( He fel a presen"e( Napoleon: he wondered, #ra"in! hi&self for he #low, e$pe" in! a hard #oo in he fa"e or in he ri#s( ,u here was only silen"e( He had oo &u"h pride o as* who was here( He 0u&ped sli!h ly when sof hands ali!h ed on his ar&( He s&elled a wo&an1s perfu&e( Cnders andin! flooded his &ind( )h, 7esus, he hou!h ( 6ere we go. 2-e &e help you up,2 said a sof )oi"e wi h a Parisian a""en "arefully "raf ed o dis!uise a Corsi"an one( 23on1 #e afraid( 4ou are safe now(2 2The hell 6 a&,2 he &u ered under his #rea h( He shoo* her hands )iolen ly off his ar& and "li&#ed o his fee , his whole #ody ense( The #lindfold slid away fro& his fa"e and he found hi&self in a "andleli #oudoir, Pauline ,ona%par e s andin! #efore hi& "lad in a ra iier ransparen , !old% in ed pei!noir( Cnsurprised, he s ared a her wi hou a word( +he !a)e hi& a "oy li le s&ile( 2Hello(2 He !lowered a her( 23o you *now who 6 a&:2 He ra her sneered a her, sayin! no hin!( +he !es ured o a "o'y se le( 2+i ( 5e shall ha)e a li le )isi , &y lord( 5ould you "are for a drin*:2 His only reply was a fla s a e( 2Hery well( +i , please,2 she said in a&use&en (

5hen she urned away, he !lan"ed a#ou swif ly a his surroundin!s for any &eans of es"ape( +he &i!h pro)e a )ery useful ins ru&en , he hou!h He had o #e e$ re&ely "areful, howe)er, for he "ould hear he !uards pos ed ou side he door( 5arily, he saun ered o he se le and sa ( The dar*%haired wo&an "a&e #a"* wi h a !lass of wine and sa down #eside hi&( 25e1ll share,2 she said, s&ilin!( +he oo* a sip, hen held he !lass up o his lips( 2;o on, ha)e so&e(2 5a "hin! her as he dran*, he de"ided he had ne)er &e a wo&an he rus ed less( +he was )ery diffi"ul o read( +&ilin!, she lowered he !lass fro& his lips and raised i o her own( Then she folded her sli& le!s under her, one slender ar& draped o)er he #a"* of he se le( +he sa here s udyin! hi&( He *ep his head down, #u fro& under his forelo"* his !a'e s"anned he di& roo&( Her fin!er ips #e!an oyin! wi h he #a"* of his hair( He "len"hed his 0aw( +he ou"hed his "hin, !en ly urnin! his fa"e o her( He &e her s are !uardedly( = 2They !a)e you a #i of a #la"* eye( Tha wasn1 )ery ni"e of he&(2 He said no hin!( + arin! a hi&, she s&iled a!ain wi h a loo* of "al"ula ion, #rushin! his "hee* wi h her *nu"*les( 2Poor, #ra)e Conde,2she &ur&ured( Her fin!ers railed down his shoulder and his ar&( 2Perhaps 6 "an ease your pain a li le(2 He pulled away, shoo in! her a si&&erin! loo* 25ha do you hin* 6 a&:2 24ou *now, Conde, 6 paid well for a li le of your i&e Aren1 you !lad o #e ou of your dun!eon: 4ou ne)er *now how 6 &i!h #e a#le o help you( 4ou "ould #e "i)il 28or!i)e &e, i 1s #een a rou!h day,2 he said hrou!h !ri ed ee h( +he lau!hed !aily( 2+o,2 she said, lin*in! her fin!ers o)er her "rossed *nee, 2you are a friend of he splendid Prin"ess +erafina( How !ood a friend:2 He loo*ed a her suspi"iously( 2Are you her lo)er:2 He narrowed his eyes a her( 2Her Hi!hness is un&arried and pure(2 Pauline #ris led( 2My lady%in%wai in!, Cara, who used o a end +erafina, says he prin"ess has #een in lo)e wi h you all her life( 6s his rue:2 2How should 6 *now:2 he replied( 26 would ne)er presu&e o *now su"h a hin! a#ou a &e&#er of he royal fa&ily(2 24ou do no "are for her:2 +he leaned forward wi h a li ie, "al"ula in! flare in her dar* eyes(

No in a housand years would he dis"uss +erafina wi h his &ali"ious "a ( 2Cara #e rayed her( Tha is all 6 *now,2 he said( 8or a lon! &o&en , hey sa in silen"e( 8ur i)ely, he eyed up he window, *nowin! i was oo hi!h o 0u&pD He "ould hear he !uards ou side he door "hu"*lin! o ea"h o her o)er he way she had had hi& #rou!h o her li*e a s ud horse, a &ale whore( He "ould play he par ( He *new i wellD 6 was a role he had #een perfe" in! sin"e he was hir een and had dis"o)ered his par i"ular way of a)en!in! hi&self on he fe&ale ra"e Only, af er +erafina, any o her wo&an1s ou"h si"*ened hi&( A!ain, she rea"hed ou and ou"hed under his "hin, urnin! his fa"e o her( 25ha 1s wron!, CondP: 4ou weren1 shy #efore(2 +he res ed her hand on his hi!h and #e!an "aressin! hi&(@ God, I ha*e to get out of here. >us hen, his !a'e "au!h on a !old !lin in her dar* hair( A hairpin(D = % He wen s o"*%s ill as his hear #e!an o pound( He fli"*ed his !a'e away s&oo hly fro& he hairpin as Pauline &o)ed "loser, "aressin! his "hes +uddenly she leaned oward hi&, *issin! his "hee* near his &ou h( 26 desired you fro& he firs &o&en 6 saw you( 4ou are possi#lyM2 she &ur&ured, 2 he &os #eau iful &an 6 ha)e e)er seen in &y life(2 All he "ould hin* a#ou was !e in! his hands on ha hairpin( D %,( Her #rea&in! deepened as she s ro*ed hi!her up his hi!h( 2 ,eau ifiil s ran!er, 6 won1 le he& hur you( 5as i lonely in your "ell:2 He "losed his eyes so she wouldn1 see his #uildin! fury as she slipped her war&, sof hands inside his orn shir , "aressin! his "hes , his sides, his #elly( He *new e$a" ly wha she was doin!, usin! hi& o s ri*e a +erafina1s )ery hear ( +o&ehow he for"ed hi&self o si s ill, #u he de"ided on he spo ha he despised his wo&an &ore han all he o hers pu o!e her( He flin"hed when she laid her hand on his !roin, s ro*in! hi& hrou!h his #ree"hes( 2My !oodness, no wonder you are so arro!an ,2 she purred( +he slipped under his ar& and in o he "ir"le for&ed #y his #ound wris s( +he sa on his lap, s raddlin! hi&, and she slid herself a!ains hi&, *issin! his ne"*( He swallowed hard( 3on1 you wan &e:2 +he eased his earlo#e rou!hly and whispered o#s"ene in)i a ions( She had o !e he hairpin( Gissin! his ne"*, she paused when she fel his hands slideo)er he "ur)es of her #a"*side,

an e$plora ory "aress hrou!h he hin sil* of her pei!noir( 2Ahh,2 she whispered in s&u! riu&ph( 21 *new you1d "han!e your &ind wi h a li le persuasion(2 He ran his "hained hands slowly up her #a"* 2Pauline Pauline,2 he "rooned sof ly, 2how "ould 6 resis : 4our #eau y is le!endary(2 ( +he &oaned for hi&, railin! her hands o)er her s o&a"h and up o her #reas s, ou"hin! herself( He *ep al*in! o dis% ra" her as he ran his fin!ers up he #a"* of her ne"* and hrou!h her hair un il he rea"hed he hairpin( 2May#e o hers "an1 sa isfy you,2 he whispered, 2#u 61& !oin! o !i)e i o you li*e you1)e ne)er had i , hard and fas and )ery deep( 5ould you li*e ha :2 5hile she &oaned and wri hed wi h ea!erness, lie slid he 0eweled hairpin ou of her hair and &aneu)ered i #e ween his fin!ers( He wi!!led i around un il he fel he pin1s ip s ri*e in o he hole( 25ha 1s your%pleasure, &y lady: 3o you wan &e on op of you: 3o you wan o ride &e: +hall 6 ie you down1 6 was a fa&iliar spee"h, one he had !i)en &any i&es, #u oni!h he laid i on hi"*, a&used a how wild i dro)e her( 1May#e 6 should pu &y pri"* here,2 he whispered, "aressin! he "lef of her #a"*side hrou!h he hin sil*( 25ould you li*e &e o sodo&i'e you, Pauline, h&&:2 2Oh, you are wi"*ed,2 she #rea hed, all o)er hi& 2Hery,2 he &ur&ured( ,ehind her #a"*, he fel he &e"hanis& of he firs lo"* sprin! free wi h a iny "li"*( He endured her *iss as he pi"*ed he se"ond lo"* and pulled he &ana"les off his wris s( He pulled #a"* fro& her, "la&ped his lef hand on he #a"* of her ne"* and his ri!h o)er her &ou h +he fro'e, her eyes wide, s arin! a hi& in sho"*( 2Hold s ill and don1 &a*e a sound, or 61& afraid 6 shall ha)e o #rea* your ne"*(2 +he "ho*ed on a !asp( 2A!reed:2 +he nodded, he #lush of lus drainin! fro& her fa"e( 8or a &o&en , he lis ened for he !uards ou side he door, #u hey were 7uie ( ....5.. 2;i)e &e your ri!h hand(2 +he o#eyed( He supped one of he &ana"les on her wris ( 2;e off of &y lap( +lowly( 5e1re !oin! o)er o he #ed(2 Her eyes flared( 2No for ha ,2 he s"offed +he slid "arefully off his lap, ne)er a*in! her eyes off hi&( He rea"hed for he dis"arded #lindfold and repla"ed his hand swif ly wish i , usin! he len! h of #la"* sil* o !a! her( He ed!ed her a"ross he roo&( Rea"hin! her well% raffi"*ed #ed, he se"ured he "hain around a #edpos , hen "la&ped he o her &ana"le o her wris ,

(%(,(( 2 Now( hen(2 He loo&ed o)er her, one hand wrapped li!h ly around her hroa in warnin!( 2How do 6 !e ou of here: 5hen t 6 lower he !a!, you will answer( 3o no a e&p o lie o &e( 6f you s"rea&, 6 s7uee'e( Clear:2 1 ( Eyes round, she nodded( +lowly, he lowered he !a!, s arin! fier"ely a her fa"e( 2Throu!h ha door,2 she !asped, noddin! oward a s&all door( 2My &aid1s roo&( 6 "onne" s o he ser)i"e "orridors, #u 1 a& no fa&iliar wi h he&(2 He pulled he !a! up o)er her &ou h a!ain, sa isfied( He was unar&ed, #u if he "ould e)ade he le!ions of !uards and es"ape he !rounds of he Mo&#ello Pala"e, he "ould re&edy ha soon enou!h( He "ould a*e he firs "arria!e he &e on he road, ra"e #a"* o Pa)ia, and ride he dapple !ray all he way #a"* o he "oas ( 2;ood enou!h(2 He sear"hed he roo& for any hin! he "ould use as a weapon( A hef y pew er "andles i"* was he #es he "ould find( Holdin! i li*e a #lud!eon, he "rossed o her &aid1s door and paused, !lan"in! #a"* a her( 2Oh, #y he way, sin"e 6 *now you1re dyin! o as*, +erafina is &ore #eau iful han you a housand i&es &ore #eau iful, &ore desira#le, and infini ely &ore *ind( +he is a rue royal prin"ess(2 Heloo*ed her o)er in "on e&p ( 24ou1re 0us a "heap slu wi h a insel "rown( And yes, 6 a& her lo)er(2 +he *i"*ed a hi&, "ursin! a hi& hrou!h he !a!( He "as her a "old s&ile o)er his shoulder, hen slipped ou ( As he s ole silen ly in o he ser)i"e "orridor, i flashed hrou!h his &ind ha he "ould ry one &ore i&e o lo"a e and *ill Napoleon( -re you mad, 8orget the damned heroics and get the hell out of here. One hand railin! alon! he war&, s&oo h wall, he slipped down he hallway, &o)in! soundlessly( He du"*ed in o a #roo& "lose as wo &aids "a&e down he hall, a#sor#ed in "on)ersa ion( 5hen hey had passed, he "rep ou , hear poundin!, and wen on his way, 0o!!in! li!h ly down a fli!h of s ai is a he end of he hallway( He *new ha i would #e diffi"ul #u possi#le o 0u&p fro& he lower%s ory window if he "ould no find a door ha led ou side( A he #o o& of he s eps, he found a door and in"hed i open( He !lan"ed ou , his !rip whi e%*nu"*led on he pew er "andles i"*( The only person in he hall was a li)eried

foo &an, do'in! a his pos a die door o a salon( 3arius opened he door wider( "Psst." The foo &an roused hi&self and loo*ed o)er( 3arius #e"*oned o hi&( Mo&en s la er, 3arius e&er!ed fro& he ser)i"e hall in 9 ,!h #lue li)ery and powdered wi!, a ray on his shoulder "o&ple e wi h a few e&p y sil)er%lidded pla es( He wal*ed ou slowly, his s ride s a ely, his fa"e u"*ed sli!h ly a!ains he ray )( liile he fur i)ely wa "hed for any &eans of es"ape( He fel ridi"ulous, #u as he passed "our iers and ladies lau!hin! o!e her( no one paid hi& any &ind( Turnin! a "orner, he "a&e in o ano her lon! "orridor Fn ili no e$i in si!h A "ha&#er&aid "a&e ou of a roo& ahead and hurried down he hall( +he loo*ed a he "o)ered pla es on his ray hen !a)e hi& a disappro)in! !lan"e( 25ha oo* you so lon!: Gi "hens slow oni!h :2+ ar led, he nodded( ( 25ell, you1d #es hurry i They1)e #een wor*in! up an appe i e in here plannin! heir li le war, and are none oo pleasan , 6 "an ell you,2 she &u ered( "9erci. 2hesaid( +he wal*ed on( 3arius loo*ed ahead o he open doorway, his hear poundin!, he hairs on his nape #ris lin! under he ho , i "hy wi!( a his si$ h sense1s whispered proddin!s( 5ha e)er was in ha roo&, he had a feelin! i "on"erned As"en"ion, his *in!, and hi&( A ha &o&en , he heard shoo s in he hall #ehind hi&, runnin! foo s eps( 6n he flash of an ins an , he was sure he was "au!h ( ,ui #efore he "ould e)en s eal a "o)er !lan"e, hree soldiers s a&peded pas hi&( 2;e ou of he way, la"*ey92 They flun! in o he roo&( 2E&peror, he prisoner has es"aped92 2 what&'" There was a s"ourin! #las , of 8ren"h1"urses( All 3arius "ould do w as s and aside, his head du"*ed #ehind his ray, as 8ran"e1s hi!hes %le)el !enerals rushed ou of he roo& wi h Napoleon &ar"hin! in heir &ids ( They s a&peded #y and disappeared around he "o&er of he hall( 3arius was so fro'en he wondered i f his hear had s opped #ea in!( 24ou1re la e,2 he las one in heir !roup said o hi&( The s7ua , u!ly "o&&ander waddled an!rily o)er o hi&( 25ha 1s under he lids:2 3arius *ep his head du"*ed as he lowered he ray fro& his shoulder on one hand( He rea"hed for one of he sil)er lids( >us his(2 He s&ashed he lid in he fa "o&&ander1s fa"e, fellin! hi&( Jui"*ly, he dra!!ed he un"ons"ious &an in o he now%e&p y roo& and lo"*ed he doors( 5hippin! off he irri a in! wi!, he s rode o he roo&1s )as "en er a#le and found hi&%

self s arin! down a a hu!e &ap of Europe, adorned wi h "olored pins(Red pins s u"* ou of he iny shape of As"en"ion near he L #oo of 6 aly( 3arius s ared( @ )f course. The west shore$ That is where they will s ri*e @ Rapidly, he s"anned he loose pa!es of no es, &e&ori'in! 9 e)ery de ail( Nu&#ers, ar&a&en s, supply lines( He s udied 9 he las pa!e he found &os "losely( 6n order o land he roops on As"en"ion, 8ran"e needed he ships of her newes ally, +pain( Howe)er, +pain1s na)y was no wha i on"e was(,The full a a"* "ould no #e laun"hed un il Ad&iral Hilleneu)e was hrou!h wi h Hora io Nelson( 3es royin! Nelson was ,onapar e1s firs priori y, he read, for e)en wi h As"en"ion1s flee added o he "o&#ined 8ran"o%+panish na)y, no in)asion of En!land "ould su""eed so lon! as En!land1s fearless ad&iral roa&ed he seas( >us hen, 3arius heard &ore shou s in he hall( He pu e)ery hin! #a"* where he1d found i so hey would no *now heir #a le plans had #een dis"o)ered( Ra her han !oin! #a"* ou in o he hall, he wen hrou!h a pair of all whi e doors and found hi&self in a dar* &usi" roo&( He e$i ed he far end of i and "a&e ou in ano her hallway( Crossin! in o a su&p uous salon, he lo"*ed he doors #ehind hi& and heard &ore shou in!, oo "lose for "o&for ( He s rode a"ross he roo& and opened he window, !lan"in! down a he fif een%foo drop( He "li&#ed on o he led!e, #ra"ed hi&self, and plu&&e ed( -andin! wi h a "urse, he rolled in a flower #ed, spran! up, and ran for he !a es, his hear #ea in! li*e i would #urs ( The Mo&#ello Pala"e was surrounded #y sprawlin! !rounds( He sprin ed a"ross open lawns, !lad for he "o)er of dar*ness, #u a"u ely aware ha he was unar&ed( Pan in!, his lun!s #urnin! so &u"h he )owed he would !i)e up his "heroo s if he e)er !o ou of his ali)e, he "a&e earin! up o he !a es, where hree of he sen ries a""os ed hi&( He had no pa ien"e for he&( He a a"*ed he firs one who #lo"*ed his pa h, sen hi& reelin! wi h one s7uare #low o he "hin, and s ole his sword( 1 (FHe urned on he o hers, fi!h in! furiously, pressin! his s*ills o he li&i as wo &ore 0oined he fray( He dropped wo of he& wi h a wide, sweepin! ar" of he #lade, #u he hird &an a"*led hi& fro& #ehind and ried o "ho*e hi&( 8i!h in! for air( finally 3arius flipped he &an o)er his shoulder and le ou an an!ry "ry of e$er ion as he *illed hi& wi h he sword( 1 +wea ran down his forehead, s in!in! his eyes( Jui"*ly, 3arius wiped his #row wi h his forear&, reali'in! he was s ill wearin! he ridi"ulous powder%#lue )el)e li)ery( Cir"lin! wi h he las &an s andin!, hey en!a!ed, #lades "lan!in!, 0us as he sen ries1 &oun ed "ap ain "a&e !allopin! on o he s"ene as ride a whi e horse(

3arius dod!ed he #low as he "ap ain swun! his sword a hi&( As he urned, )ulnera#le for an ins an , he &an on he !round lun!ed a hi&( 3arius whirled o parry and s ru"* his opponen wi h a ripos e( He hrus he sword in deeper wi h a "old loo* of fero"i y as he soldier fell o his *nees( 1 le urned o fi!h he "ap ain on he horse( 6n shor order, he lef hi& #leedin! wi h his &en( Pulse hro##in!, 3arius opened he !rea iron !a es, "au!h he horse wi h a few sof words, and swun! up in o he saddle( A &o&en la er, he !alloped hrou!h he !a es as ride he whi e horse o freedo&( 1 Despair. +erafina sa for fidurs in he pi" ure !allery, s arin! a he por rai of 3arius, he life%si'ed ori!inal fro& whi"h he &inia ure "opy on her &an el had #een &ade( He see&ed o do&ina e he lon!, e"hoey hall, darin! all "hallen!ers wi h his fier"e ony$ s are( A!ains he "an)as1s dar* #a"*!round, his whi e "oa and sil)er sword !lowed wi h he 1 i!h of his inna e no#ili y, he *ni!h ly puri y wi hin hi&self ha only 3arius had ne)er #een a#le o see( +i$ days and hey had heard no hin!( +he le ou a lon!, "areful si!h( 5hen she finally had he s ren! h o dra! herself away, she !o up, &o)in! #ri lely( +he"rossed he floor, s*ir s whisperin! li*e a !hos +he paused Yu he foo of he pain in!, *issed her fin!ers, and pressed he& o he "orner of his por rai ( Her li&#s were so hea)y i was ,ui effor o lif her ar&( +he hen e$i ed he !allery a he ar end( Con inuin! down he hall in a slow, ran"eli*e wal*, %(lie heard he &uffled shou in! of &any &ale )oi"es "o&in! fro& one of he roo&s ahead( 5hen she urned he "orner, she saw( ha a lar!e "rowd of youn! &en had !a hered in he #illiard roo&( The roo& &us ha)e #een 0a&&ed full, for do'ens of he& were s andin! in he hallway ou side he roo&( Repea edly, hey applauded and whis led, le in! ou "heers and al&os an!ry shou s of a!ree&en ( +uddenly +erafina paled a he sound of her #ro her1s an!ry, !rief%s ri"*en )oi"e a#o)e he res ( 2+an ia!o is an inspira ion for us all9 Are we "owards: This poli"y of pea"e a any "os is a dis!ra"e o our &anhood9 4ou see wha is happenin!. &y sis er is #ein! sold o #uy us pro e" ion fro& a #ully9 Are we !oin! o s and for i :2 +he lis ened in dawnin! horror( 2The Russians &o"* us as "owards, aid well hey should if we are unwillin! o fi!h our own #a les92 he wen on( "this marriage is against her will$" Hear ha&&erin!, she ran o he #illiard roo&, sho)in! her , way hrou!h he pa"* of

&ales( They urned o her in surprise( 2Prin"ipessa92 2-e &e hrou!h, you fools92 +he pushed an!rily hrou!h heir &ids and s al*ed in o he #illiard hall( +he "ould #arely @@ #elie)e wha she saw( A#ou wo hundred youn! lords and offi"ers were "ra&&ed in o he roo&, rallyin! around her #ro her( Their "olle" i)e &ood of hair% ri!!er e$"i e&en was palpa#le in he air( Eyes i 5ere #ri!h , fa"es flushed( They see&ed on he )er!e of rio ,= one &ore ea!er han he ne$ o pro)e his &anly prowess, and1= she, +erafina reali'ed o her dread, was he #anner whi"h hey had #een rallied( They sur!ed o heir fee in wild "heerin! a her en ran"e,1yellin! ou ra!eous "o&pli&en s, s a&pin! heir fee , whis lin!( +he loo*ed around her, fri!h ened( 2+ op i f2 she "ried, #u here was oo &u"h noise for he& o hear her They i!nored her( +he saw her #ro her s andin! on he a#le in he "en er of he hu!e roo&, se)eral of his "loses friends sea ed around hi&( -ieu enan Ale" was here, oo( +he wal*ed oward he&( The youn! &en "leared a pa h #efore her in heir &ids ( Their spon aneous "heers for her wen on and on( +he s ared a he "rown prin"e #esee"hin!ly #u he paid no a en ion, flushed wi h he heady hrill of leadin! his )ola ile &o#, relishin! his firs as e of power( ( 2+ op i 92 she finally shou ed a he op of her lun!s, her fa"e reddened wi h an!er( 25e will fi!h for you, Prin"ipessa92 a youn! &an "ried near her ri!h ( 1 2No, ha 1s no wha 6 wan 92 she "ried, #u her #lood ran "old as he o hers oo* up his )ow( + ri"*en, she loo*ed around a he&( As her !a'e &o)ed o)er he youn!, unsuspe" in! fa"es, so&e handso&e, so&e plain, her s are "a&e o res on her #ro her( He was #e"*onin! her o)er, his di&ple flashin!, his !rin so li*e Papa1s( 6e will be !illed. 6e has no concept of what he is doing. 6e is starring a war here. Cold wi h dread, she wal*ed o he #illiard a#le( D There, wo !rinnin! &e&#ers of he Royal ;uard wen down on one *nee, offerin! heir #en hi!hs for her o use as a s eppin! ladder( Rafael offered his hand fro& he a#le( +he oo* i and "arefully s epped up on he Offi"ers, hen on o he #illiard a#le( 5hile he &en around he wo offi"ers "on!ra ula ed he& and slapped &e& on he #a"* li*e fools, she urned o Rafe( 2Rafael, disperse his "rowd i&&edia ely( 3on1 you see you are s irrin! he& o rise up a!ains Papa:2 1 %S28a her is no always ri!h ,2 he said an!rily, hen he "he"*ed his e&per and oo* her hand affe" iona ely #e ween #o h of his( He !a)e her a "ondes"endin! s&ile( 2+is er, his is &en1s #usiness( 4ou don1 ha)e o &arry Tyurino),

and we will !e re)en!e on he 8ren"h for *illin! 3arius92 +he flin"hed a he words( 2Rafe, you ha)e no #usiness in his( Papa &a*es he poli"ies .2 2He1s !one sof , Cri"*e 9 He should ne)er ha)e a!reed o sell you9 1e will fight$" he shou ed o he fire%ea in! "rowd( They roared #a"* a hi&, drownin! ou her pro es ( 2,u 6 was he one who a!reed92 6 was useless( +he 0u&ped down off he #illiard a#le and fled, i!norin! he "heers and adula ion as hey "leared #a"* o le her pass, all e$a!!era ed !allan ry( 24ou fools9 4ou1re all ho headed, swa!!erin! fools, and 6 won1 le you die for &e92 +he ran, heedless of e)ery hin!, fleein! o her !arden( Ou side, i was dar*, he war& h of he ni!h perfora ed #y needlin! rain( As she s ood here in despair, he rain "leared her head( +es. There was only one solu ion( +he swi "hed dire" ion( +he #e!an o run( The !rass was slippery and we under her sa in slippers( +he didn1 s op runnin! un il she rea"hed he s a#les( +he shou ed o ha)e her &are saddled, #u he !roo&s only s ared a her, as if sensin! her in en ion( As she wen o 3ia&an e1s s all, one of he older s a#le #oys s epped in fron of her( 26 1s la e for a ride, 4our Hi!hness, and he wea her is foul(2 +he !ri ed her ee h( 26 lo)e he rain( ;e ou of &y way(2 2Prin"ipessa, shouldn1 you a leas ha)e a foo &an wi h you:2 ano her as*ed !in!erly( 2+ op ryin! o pro e" &e9 61& si"* of i 92 5i h a wordless "ry of i&pa ien"e, she &ar"hed pas he& o >ihad1s s all( +he oo* he s allion1s #ridle down off he pe! #eside he s all( >ihad was as res less as she and a""ep ed he #i &ore easily han she would ha)e hou!h ( The worried #oys "a&e o he ed!e of he s all(2 4our Hi!hness does no in end o fide ha #eas , surely92 2D l%A1s dan!erous92 2 9 i Yu "an1 s op &e92 she flun! a he&( +hi% hauled he s all door open, hrew >ihad1s reins o)er his &idnuh ne"*, hen #y sheer willpower "li&#ed up on o he s al 6 ion1s #a"*, ridin! as ride( +he !a hered he reins and ur!ed he Ei%rse ou of he s aH( 2i i ou of he way or#e ra&pled,2 she ordered he #oys( They fell #a"*( +he du"*ed her head lea)in! he s all( >ihad ossed his head in e$"i e&en 24our Hi!hness, where are you !oin!:2 he eldes #oy de&anded( +he ur!ed >ihad "rashin! ou of he s all, hen hey were !allopin! ou in o he fli!h , headin! for he pro&on ory o)er he sea(

She would be with Darius fore*er. >ihad1s !allop was li*e he wind( Her head reeled wi h speed and re"*lessness( ,areheaded and drippin! wi h rain, she s ood a he ed!e of he pro&on ory, he ni!h wind whippin! her ruined dress around her, 0a!!ed ro"*s and he endless sea wo hundred fee #elow her( +he had wai ed here for "oun less hours in he pas , sear"hin! he hori'ons for his ship, always wai in! for hi& o re urn o her( % ,u his i&e he wasn1 "o&in! #a"*( +he dropped o her *nees( 19 she died, no one "ould fi!h a war o)er her( 6f she died, she "ould #e wi h 3arius fore)er( D And if she oo* her life, his sa"rifi"e would ha)e #een all in )ain( He had died o sa)e her= her willful dea h would #e a #e rayal of e)ery hin! he had s ood for( He had a#andoned her, "ursed her wi h he #urden of a life ha would ne)er *now 0oy or lo)e a!ain( 4ou hear less ;ypsy hief,2 she whispered a he sea(+he "ru&pled down on o he ro"*y led!e and wep un il here were no ears lef in her( The hree ;enoese fisher&en were errified of hi&( 3arius sho he& #roodin!, in i&ida in! !lan"es now and hen o send he& #a"* o wor* and o dispel heir "uriosi y a#ou hi& he wild%eyed &ad&an who had "o&&andeered heir s&all #oa and hrea ened o sli heir hroa s if hey didn1 sail hi& i&&edia ely o As"en"ion( He sa a!ains he #ul*head on de"*, drownin! in hu&ilia ion, his *nees drawn up, ar&s wrapped around he&( 6 was only hours now #efore he would see his +erafina( Gnowin! ha helped hi& &ana!e his fear and his erri#le "ra)in! for her( He had a lo o hin* a#ou o pass he i&e( His e$perien"e in Milan had "han!ed hi&, *no"*ed he illusory ideal s of2 honor ri!h ou of hi&, dissol)ed all hose air "as les and lies he had fed fro& for so &any years( He was no *ni!h = he "ould no lon!er pre end ha he was( No, he was ruined a!ain, a "rea ure of ins in" and sur)i)al, as he had on"e #een on he s ree s of +e)illa, and he *new wha he needed( He didn1 "are any&ore if i was wron!( He was !oin! o a*e her for hi&self( >us a*e her( No one else "ould ha)e her, he hou!h , he ed!e of ins in" #ris lin! inside hi&( +he was his( E)en hou!h he had failed and would ne)er deser)e her( E)en hou!h -a'ar was !oin! o disown hi&( E)en hou!h he did no *now how o #e any#ody1s hus#and and was errified he would #e li*e his fa her, possessi)e of her, "on rollin!( +he was his and no hin! else &a ered(



On he e)e of her weddin!, +erafina was an e&p y shell of her for&er self( There was no poin in hopin! any&ore( 6f Napoleon were dead, he whole world would ha)e heard a#ou i #y now( 6f 3arius were ali)e, he1d ha)e sen so&e *ind of news( +he was o &arry Ana ole in he &ornin!( None of i fel real Mad 3arius died alone: Had he suffered &u"h: Had his las hou!h s #een of her: The 7ues ions had no answers( No *nowin! wha had #e"o&e of hi& was worse han 0us hearin! he awful ru h on"e and for all( = +he sou!h an opia e in slu&#er( -i le ho house flower who "ould no s and her pain, wi h "on e&p she wa "hed herself pro!ressin!, as he days passed, fro& wine o whis*ey o laudanu&( Her do" or pres"ri#ed i The s a#le #oys had old he head !roo& wha she had done, a*in! >ihad ou for a !allop in he rain( Tha e$"ellen ser)an had( in urn, fel "o&pelled o warn her paren s of her dan!erous #eha)ior( They had "o&e o ry o ha)e a al* wi h her( The si!h of he& &ade her si"*, so in lo)e( 6n he ra!edy of 3arius1s self%sa"rifi"e, hey had urned o ea"h o her( Her loss, her de)as a ion was he sa&e e)en &a so&ehow #rou!h he wo of he& "loser o!e had heir new #a#y, o who& +erafina was "oldly indifferen ( 6 was a #oy and hey were "allin! hi& -oren'o( +he didn1 "are( 5hy should her &o her #e he one !i)in! #ir h o wha was o#)iously a lo)e "hild, unplanned, an a""iden : 6 wass"andalous( The wo&an was nearly for y( 8or FFS de"ades, her &o her had had he de)o ion of one of he wo #es &en in he whole world( 5ould she ne)er !e her "han"e a happiness: E&#i ered #y life a he a!e of wen y, she had urned away fro& her paren s1 a e&p o rea"h ou o her and in"lude her in heir perfe" li le world( +he o#ser)ed herself a" in! 0us li*e 3arius, e)adin! all heir "on"erned 7ues ions #y sayin! &erely ha she was no feelin! herself( They had despaired of "ra"*in! her open and had sen he physi"ian o e$a&ine her( +he had no s ood for his pryin!, ei her( +he "ould ha)e !i)en hi& her dia!nosis in hree wordsD Darius is dead. +he was dead inside, "o&a ose( ,u laudanu& was her an!el of &er"y( +wee drea&s #rou!h 3arius #a"* o her, he feel of his honey%!old s*in, he sound of his s"offin! lau!h er, his #i erswee , &olasses s&ile.and &en he would )anish a!ain(

Cruel, she hou!h ( Cruel(( +he lay now in her "anopied #ed( Two "andles had #urned down o s u&ps on he win ni!h a#les, he wa$ pooled and s"ulp ed in o #i'arre shapes( +he had no &ean o fall asleep so early a!ain oni!h ( 6 had #een #arely nine% hir y when she "rawled in o #ed( +he had &ean o read for a while, #u she "ouldn1 "on"en ra e and he #oo* wei!hed oo &u"h o hold up( Her ar&s were oo wea*, her #ody so hea)y, her eyelids al&os oo wei!h y o lif ( -audanu& &ade her so ired, hou!h he dose was &ild( 6f she !a)e in o he ur!e o sleep, perhaps she "ould "on0ure hi& a!ain o "o&e o her in her drea&s, her de&on lo)er( Her las hou!h #efore drif in! off had #een ha she "ould sleep her life away under he whi e, pris ine snowfalls of Ana ole1s ho&eland( O#li)ion( ,la"*ness( No pain( Hours passed( The sof "li"* a he wall did no al o!e her pier"e her sleep( Hery dis an ly, she was aware of her pe &on*ey "hirrupin! o hi&self, #u ha was no unusual( +he drea&ed she was a he #o o& of a !rea , #la"* "ryp , sleepin!, wi h a &ile of ear h #e ween her and he li!h (( 'Princesa +he unders ood wha his #la"*ness was( +he was in dariusRs o&# wi h hi&( Her drea&in! #rain wound he hread of a s ory for her( +he followed i li*e Ariadne, he prin"ess in 11, Mino aurRs la#yrin h( He was here so&ewhere in he dar*, 26f only she "ould find hi&( He was los in his &a'e and she had o sa)e hi& He was wai in!( (+he "alled o hi& in her drea& and he hree &usi"al sylla#le of his na&e e"hoed down he lon! #la"* "orridor li*e a whisper, a si!h, Daaariusss. 6e answered her "all in his sof , lullin! )oi"e( "Princesa, I am awa!e ' I am here." i / do not want to wa!e, she hou!h in an!uish, for she "ould0 feel ha she was !e in! "loser o hi&( +he had o !li&pse his fa"e one las i&e, e)en if i was horri#le, e)en if he were he Mino aur in he &a'e and would *ill her when she found hi&= +of no es rose around her as a hand #rushed !ui ar s rin!s, li*e a #ree'e o)er a &oonli la*e( +he opened her eyes and saw a all, shadowy silhoue e hrou!h he !au'y whi e ne in! of her #ed( +he s ared, no sure if she was awa*e or drea&in!( +he didn1 dare #rea he for fear ha he #elo)ed appari ion would )anish( As if he ne in! for&ed a &a!i" "ir"le in o whi"h he "ould no "ross, he wal*ed around he foo of her #ed, lean and !ra"eful, ne)er a*in! his lu&inous eyes off her(

2 4ou are so #eau iful, 6 a"he,2 he whispered, 2here(2 He laid his hand on his hear , s arin! a her as he slowly !lided nearer( +he "lu "hed he shee s, pullin! he& hi!her o)er her "hes , her eyes round as she s ared a he !hos ly re)enan ( 8ro& he ne herworld, he had "o&e o a*e her wi h hi&( They would #e o!e her for all e erni y( +he need only !i)e hi& her soul( As if he did no already possess i 23on1 #e afraid(2 2Are you real:2 she #rea hed, her hear poundin!( +aun erin! around o her ri!h , he "a&e o s and a he head of her wide #ed( +he s ared in a&a'e&en as his sun%#rowned hand par ed he &os7ui o ne in!( 5hen he pla"ed his *nee on he #ed, he &a ress #owed under his 7ui e solid wei!h ( 24ou ell &e,2 he #rea hed, and leanin! down, he *issed her &ou h, a sa in "aress, his war&, li)in! #rea h #lowin! !en ly a!ains her lips( +he !a)e a s ran!led "ry and hrew her ar&s around his ne"*( He pulled her o hi& in a "rushin! e&#ra"e as he s ood #eside he #ed( His ar&s were hard and real and war& around her, he "hafe of his dar*, s"ruffy day%#eard rou!h a!ains her ne"*( +ha*in! un"on rolla#ly, she #arely *new wha she was sayin!, s7uee'in! his ar&s, "lu "hin! a his flesh, willin! hi& no o disappear( 2Oh, ;od, 3arius, 3arius, ell &e you1re real, &y ;od, ell &e you1re ali)e92 He s ro*ed her hair, his hands re&#lin!( 2+hh( an!el, 61& here( 61& real(2 2Oh, ell &e you are ali)e92 she "ried, s ill only half a#le o #elie)e i ( +he was lau!hin!, "ryin!, so##in! all a on"e( 2Are you hur : -e &e see you(2 Hands sha*in!, she pushed #a"* and !rasped his shoulders, holdin! hi& a ar&1s len! h, her !a'e ra)elin! swif ly o)er hi&( He was #ruised, a li le !aun , and his "lo hes were in a ers( 2+erafina, 61& #a"*( 61& all ri!h ,2 he said for"efully( +he loo*ed in o his eyes, holdin! his !a'e for a &o&en as he reali y of i san* in( Her eyes filled wi h ears( 5i hou a word, she flun! her ar&s around hi& and held hi& wi h all her s ren! h, s7uee'in! her eyes shu ( +he #rea hed hi&, fillin! her nos rils wi h he &us*y, &ale s"en of hi&= he feel of hi& in her ar&s was e"s asy, so war& and s ron! and sure( Ali)e( Mira"ulously ali)e(O)er and o)er she #rea hed her han*s o hea)en, runnin! her hands all o)er 3arius o assure herself he was no an illusion( +he "lun! o hi&( He wound his ar&s around her wais , soo hin! her( +he "lun! o hi& as he ro"*ed her !en ly( 2+hh, i 1s all ri!h now, an!el( 61& here(2 +he hu!!ed hi& i!h er wi h ears of swee relief s rea&in! down her fa"e, oo o)er"o&e wi h e&o ion o spea*(

He had "o&e #a"* o her, 0us as he always had in he pas ( ,a ered #u un#owed, he had fou!h his way #a"* fro& he !ra)e( He was ali)e((( and that could only mean that 'apoleon was dead. ' ,y ;od, he had done i ( He had pu he yran of he a!e in his !ra)e, and wal*ed ou of Ehe lion1s den uns"a hed( The !rea +an ia!o had perfor&ed he i&possi#le( A!ain( A 2Oh, you #la"*hear 92 Rearin! #a"* o s are fier"ely in o his &idni!h eyes, she sho)ed a his "hes ( ,efore she !a)e hi& any par of a hero1s wel"o&e, she would #loody well !i)e hi& a pie"e of her &ind( 2How "ould you do ha o &e:2 she "ried( 2How "ould you lie o &e all ha i&e, hen !o ou o !e yourself *illed: 1 hou!h you were dead. 4ou ha)e pu &e hrou!h hell( Pure hell92 He 0us s ared a her, loo*in! los , and !a)e a iny shru!( 261& sorry( 6 had o pro e" you(2 24ou had o pro e" &e,2 she e"hoed( +he hrew up her hands( 2How a& 6 o s ay an!ry a you when you !i)e &e an answer li*e ha :2 23on1 #e an!ry( Please( No oni!h ( 61)e 0us #een o hell and #a"*( 61)e #een #ea en up, sho a , rode a horse un il i didn1 !e up any&ore, hen 6 wal*ed a#ou si$ y &iles, and 6 swear i was all for you, +erafina(2 He held her !a'e fro& under his forelo"*( 24ou1re all ha &a ers o &e(2 2Oh, 3arius(2 +he shoo* her head a hi&, pe in! his hair ou of his eyes( 2My #eau iful &ad&an, 6 a& ne)er le in! you ou of &y si!h a!ain(2 +he pulled hi& enderly in o her e&#ra"e( He slid his ar&s around her wais , laid his head on her shoulder, and pressed his fa"e in o he "roo* of her ne"* leanin! on her( +he i!h ened her pro e" i)e e&#ra"e and "upped his head a!ains her shoulder( 25ha will we do now, darlin!:2 she whispered( He shoo* his head( 26 a& u erly ou of plans 2 25ha ofTyurino): 6 &us *now ha &u"h( My weddin! is in(((2 +he !lan"ed o)er her shoulder and s7uin ed a!ains he di& illu&ina ion in he roo& a he &an el "lo"*, hen she urned #a"* o hi& wi h a sniffle( 2Nine hours(12 2No, i isn1 9 4ou1re no &arryin! hi&, e)er92 He pulled #a"* wi h a s"owl( 24ou were ne*er !oin! o &arry hi&9 4ou1re no a "hess pie"e, +erafina, and 6 would ne)er le you #e used for one( 6 lon!ed o ell you #efore o ease your worries, #u 6 "ouldn1 ris* i ( 6f you had *nown wha 1 in ended. ad&i i .you would ha)e done any hin! o s op &e( 4ou would ha)e !one o your Papa o !e your way, #u i was your fa her1s o)erhas y a!ree&en o he &a "h ha "aused all of his( Ana ole Tyurino) is &ore of a #ru e han

you or your fa her ye reali'e, #u o&orrow, 6 ell you, he ru h will "o&e ou ( Now, *iss &e, da&n i (2 +he o#eyed !ladly( 21 lo)e you, you #rillian , fearless ((( luna i",2 she &ur&ured, hu!!in! hi& hard( 26 owe you &y life(2 24ou don1 owe &e any hin!,2 he said, hen he snu!!led a!ains he "roo* of her ne"* and le ou a sof , wis ful si!h( 2>us le &e s ay here(2 +he *issed his hair( 24ou1re no !oin! anywhere,2 she whispered( 2-ie down wi h &e and res ( 4ou are e$haus ed( 61ll "all for food and drin*.2 2All 6 wan is you(2 His swee , si&ple s a e&en pier"ed ri!h hrou!h her hear ( +he pulled #a"* and oo* his fa"e !en ly #e ween #o h her hands( 2Oh, &y poor #a#y,2 she said sof ly( 2-oo* a you(5ha ha)e hey done o you: 4ou1re a &ess( 4ou ha)e a #la"* eye( 4our 0aw is swollen(2 2M&%h&&,2 he &ur&ured( He had #e!un *issin! her ne"*, runnin! his hands down her sides o hold her #y he hips( 2Giss i for &e:2 +he did, "uppin! his fa"e "arefully( 26 "an1 #elie)e you1re here( Oh, ;od, 6 wan ed o die wi hou you( 3arius, say we will ne)er #e par ed a!ain( +ay you won1 s"are &e a!ain((((2 He dipped his head and wo)e a ne"*la"e of *isses for her fro& one ear all he way a"ross her hroa o he o her( 26 lo)e you( +erafina( Tha 1s he reason 6 wen here( 6 ha)e ne)er lo)ed ano her #u you(2 +urely she was drea&in!, #u she ne)er wan ed o wa*e( +he il ed her head #a"* in e"s asy as her eyes #ri&&ed( 26 lo)e you, oo( +o &u"h(2 Her hand slid down fro& his fa"e o his "hes ( +he #e!an s ro*in! he H of s&oo h, honey%!old s*in where his shir was orn( His e&#ra"e i!h ened and her "aress &o)ed lower, sa)orin! ea"h au rid!e and plane of his fla , s"ulp ed s o&a"h( A re&or &o)ed hrou!h hi& as she s ro*ed hi&( +he "losed her eyes( +he fel her s*in hea in! under his "aresses, her #rea hin! deepenin!( 2;od, 6 &issed you,2 he whispered as he slid his hand under her #reas , "uppin! i s wei!h ( He lowered his head, !a'in! a he si!h of her #reas in his hand hrou!h her hin &uslin ni!h rail( His down"as s are was so pensi)e she *issed his forehead( He lif ed his head and s ared s rai!h in o her eyes( Nei her she nor he &o)ed( 3esire leaped #e ween he& li*e li!h nin! in he silen"e( He &ur&ured her na&e( Then he oo* her fa"e #e ween his hands, il ed his head sli!h ly, and *issed her &ou h( He il ed his head he o her way and *issed her a!ain( +he fel his need rise up fro& deep in he "ore of hi& in one &assi)e wa)e( 6 was s ron!er han she had e)er fel i #efore( 8ie #e!an slowly easin! her down on o her #ed( He *issedher wi h e$7uisi e !en leness as

he laid her on her #a"* and "o)ered her wi h his hard, powerful #ody( Res in! on his el#ows, he "radled her head in #o h hands and "o)ered her fa"e in sof , ender *isses, her eyelids, her #row, "hee*s, and "hin( He !a)e her a lon!, )ery swee *iss, hen lif ed his head and s ared down in o her eyes, his #eau iful lips &ois and swollen wi h *issin!( +he saw fire in his eyes, a!oni'ed need, and a 7ues ion( 6n answer, she "upped her hand around he nape of his ne"* and pulled hi& down hun!rily o her, openin! her &ou h wide for his *iss( He &oaned sof ly and oo* her &ou h in hard, "lai&in! possession( He rose up on o his hands o)er her, s ill *issin! her( +lowly, he dro)e his #ody a!ains hers( He swep his orn, !unpowder%s ained shir off o)er his head, &us"les ripplin! all down his #elly( +he #i her lip as her !a'e s*ipped down o he enor&ous #ul!e in he fron 1of his #ree"hes( He !a)e her a shadow of his arro!an half%s&ile as he "as he shir away wi h a fli"* of his wris ( Her hear ripped as he &o)ed o)er her a!ain He #en o *iss her #reas hrou!h her ni!h rail( His #rea h was ho hrou!h he whi e &uslin, his hair li*e sil*, his #ron'ed s*in li*e )el)e under her "aress( He !a hered her ni!h rail in #o h his hands, pullin! i hi!her up o)er her le!s( Gissin! her, he nipped a her lower lip, "oa$in! her &ou h open wider s ill for his deepes *iss( +he &olded her hands o)er his &us"ular ar&s, "aressin! hi&, &ar)elin! a his sinewy power, #u here was a li le shi)ery hrill of fear &i$ed in wi h he ad&ira ion( +he would ne)er really a&e his &an( No one would( He &o)ed #a"* a s&all spa"e and !en ly lif ed her ni!h rail off o)er her head( +he was s ru"* wi h an unpre"eden ed #ou of shyness( -yin! na*ed #efore hi&, her hair fanned ou o)er he pillow, she fel her fa"e hea wi h a deep #lush( 6ne$pli"a#ly, she wan ed o "o)er herself wi h her hands( +he didn1 *now why.she had ne)er #een shy in fron of hi& #efore( ,u his i&eA )as differen , and hey #o h *new i ( 3arius paused and sa up, il in! his head as he !a'ed a her wi h a half%s&ile, ender war& h in his eyes( He ran his hand down her le!, his ou"h sure and s&oo h( 24ou1re ready for his,2 he &ur&ured in assuran"e( 24es, 6 hin* so( 6 *now 6 lo)e you( 4es,2 she said a!ain de"isi)ely( 2Rela$(2 He s&iled sof ly, hen leaned down and *issed her #elly, holdin! her !a'e( His lon! lashes swep "losed and he *issed hPr hip, hen ea"h of her hi!hs( The li!h *isses roused her #lood o li7uid fire( The ni!h was war& #u he air fel "ool &o)in! o)er her hea in! s*in(

= 6 le nu''led his way lower down her #elly( 25%wha are you doin!:2 & 2-o)in! you, Prin"esa(2 Her eyes were wide, her hear ra"in!, as she wa "hed hi& #end his head and press a re)eren *iss o her &ound( His war& #rea h seeped down o &eld wi h her sur!in! we ness( He lin!ered here, no &o)in!( +he "losed her eyes, wai in!, en i"ed, a li le #ewildered( L fe s ro*ed her, a slow, li!h , wo%fin!ered "aress upward( +he &oaned( The &a ress shif ed as he "rep #e ween her hi!hs and *issed her here on"e &ore( He *issed a!ain, hen a!ain, &ore deli"a ely( Then he e$plored her, ou"hin! her wi h his hu&#( 6/ e roused #rea hless no es fro& her hroa as s*illfully as he played his !ui ar( Her e&#arrass&en flared when he ou"hed his on!ue o her, #u soon she was "andy dissol)in! in his sul*y, s"ulp ed &ou h, and she #e"a&e his "rea ure u erly, his &indless hrall( He li"*ed deeply wi h his lon!, "le)er on!ue, pene ra in! her, drin*in! her( +he s7uir&ed, #u"*ed, wri hed, #u he held her hips s ill, for"in! her o a*e he pleasure e)en when she *new her &ind would #rea* wi h i ( A#rup ly, he "rawled o)er her on all fours, his fa"e we as he oo* her &ou h, ra)ishin! her wi h his *iss( Caressin! hisshoulders, she "ould feel hi& sha*in! as he rea"hed down and unfas ened his #ree"hes( Ea!erly, she helped hi& slide he& down his lean hips as he freed hi&self( Ah, she had wai ed so lon! for his, she hou!h in hun!ry an!uish, !lan"in! up o find hi& loo*in! in o her eyes( +he "ould see #y his !a'e ha his hou!h s were he sa&e( The iny &edal of he Hir!in fell #e ween her #reas s as his hard "hes eased down a op her, his fla #elly o hers, he lar!e, hro##in! hardness of his po en"y slidin! #e ween her sli"*ed folds of flesh( Her "hes hea)ed a!ains his wi h her deep, fren'ied #rea hin! and un#eara#le an i"ipa ion( Her #ody a"hed wi h a #urnin! e&p iness ha only he "ould fill( He wrapped his ar&s around her and *issed her "hee* near her &ou h( 2Ne)er lea)e &e, +erafina( Ne)er lea)e &e(2 His )oi"e was hus*y( He held her in a s or&y, a"hin! !a'e as he filled her slowly( in"hin! e)er so !en ly in o her, &er!in! he& #y lo)e in o one "rea ure, #orn of lo)e( He "losed his eyes, pausin! a he deli"a e #arrier shieldin! her inno"en"e( +he swep her eyes open in re&ulous wonder and saw sil)er ears under his lashes( Her hear o)erflowin!, she drew hi& down o *iss her( +he fel hi& pulse inside of her( He !en ly pressed her lower #a"* upward wi h one hand, lif in! her )ery sli!h ly( He #rushed his "hee* a!ains hers, his #ody sha*in!(

26 will lo)e you all &y life,2 he whispered, and hen he hrus on"e, deeply( +he !asped, her eyes flyin! open wide( Her "hin on his shoulder, she s ared a he "anopy a#o)e as she slowly a#sor#ed he sho"* of he pain( 3arius was whisperin! hear fel apolo!ies and s ro*in! her hair( He !lan"ed down a her an$iously( His eyes widened when he saw he ears slidin! down her fa"e, fallin! o he pillow( 23id 6 hur you so &u"h:2 he as*ed in dis ress, s ar in! a on"e o pull #a"*( 2No, no(2 +he rea"hed up and "aressed his fa"e wi h #o hhands( A&id he pain was 0oy, for she *new now he "ir"le was "o&ple e( 2Now 6 ha)e &ar*ed you wi h my #lood(2 6 ie !a)e her a loo* of u er de)o ion and *issed her( +lowly, his *isses and sof "aresses !radually diffused he pain, and for his !en leness, her #ody opened li*e a flower( He wai ed for her unfoldin!, *issin! her shoulders, "aressin! her fa"e and hair( +he ran her hands down his s&oo h, s ron! #a"* and he slee*, hard "ur)es of his #a"*side, his lean hips( +he "ould feel his au "on rol in e)ery &us"led in"h of hi& as he enfolded her in his ar&s( He 7ui)ered as she "aressed his hea ed, !lea&in! s*in( 26 lo)e your ou"h,2 he #rea hed( 26 heals &e(2 Eyes "losed, he nes led his fa"e a!ains her hand as she "aressed his "hee*, hen ran her fin!ers hrou!h his hair( 26f 6 los your lo)e, 6 wouldn1 wan o li)e(2 24ou will ne)er lose &y lo)e, 3arius(2 He shuddered( 26 always *new 6 "ould "o&e o you when 6 was ready, and ha you would lo)e &e,2 he whispered( 2The *nowled!e *ep &e ali)e(2 He held her &ore i!h ly and #e!an o &o)e deeply, slowly, inside of her( 2;od, +erafina, 6 wan o !i)e &yself o you "o&ple ely(2 24es, 3arius,2 she #rea hed( 261& afraid(2 +he s ro*ed his #a"*( 26 will ne)er hur you(2 His fe)ered lips ali!h ed on her #row, his )oi"e a sha*en whisper( 2All 6 e)er wan ed was o #e !ood enou!h for you(2 6n answer, she oo* his an!ular fa"e #e ween #o h hands and *issed hi&, wi h her whole soul in i ( "+ou are, Darius. 4ou always were(2 A sound of an!uish re!is ered fro& hi&( 24ou won1 wan &e(2 261ll always wan you( ;i)e yourself o &e, 3arius,2 she whispered( 26 won1 hur you( 6 lo)e you(2 He pressed her hands o his s*in, his "hes and his sides, as if he "ould no !e enou!h of her ou"h( 29 lo)e you,2 she said a!ain, and a!ain( He was re&#lin!(+he "aressed hi& e)erywhere( 2;i)e in o &y lo)e( 3arius( +urrender( No &ore se"re s( 4ou are safe here( 6 will pro e" you and *eep you and !i)e you e)ery hin! you need(1 5hen he loo*ed down a her, his eyes #la'ed wi h fier"e ears under his lon!, )el)e lashes( +he held his !a'e, hen "losed her eyes and il ed her head #a"*, yieldin! in

perfe" rus ( +he fel a sin!le #urnin! ear drop on o her hroa , hen he was *issin! her hroa and &a*in! lo)e o her, a*in! fro& her wha he so despera ely "ra)ed( The pleasure was la"ed wi h poi!nan"y( +he e$perien"ed he s ran!es sense of fullness, a#undan"e( Perhaps i was he laudanu&, #u as he lo)ed her, she fel as hou!h she were a #eau iful ree laden wi h frui and i was her 0oy o *now she fed his s ar)ed, hirs y &an, nourished hi&, #rou!h hi& deli!h ( Then he s ran!e sensa ion e##ed, and heir union #e"a&e an ini ia ion #y fire( His !en leness frayed o re"*less despera ion( His #ody #ro*e ou in a swea ( This was no s&oo h 3on >uan ou o da''le ano her "on7ues This was a los , lonely &an rea"hin! a las for wha he &os deeply needed( His !reed for her as ounded her, #u she &e hi& &easure for &easure, !i)in! all she had for hi&( He ro"*ed her and she &o)ed wi h hi& as one, her le!s wrapped around #is hi!hs, her heels hoo*ed #ehind his &us"led "al)es( +he "lu "hed hi& o her, re)elin! in his pene ra ion( +he sa)ored e)ery sensa ion of his lon!, )i!orous s ro*es( To !i)e li*e his was e"s asy( He &o)ed fas er( He an!led his fin!ers in her hair, and when she dra!!ed her eyes open o loo* up a hi&, she saw his eyes were "losed, his fine%"hiseled fa"e ransfi!ured wi h sa)a!e rap ure( One !lan"e old her his "on rol was dissol)in!( +he s ro*ed his sides, his hair, ea!er o see how i would #e when he a#andoned all res rain ( The wai wasn1 lon!( ?= He !roaned a!ain and a!ain, his )oi"e #rea hy and hoarse( 2Jh, "o&e for &e, an!el( 6 "ould e$plode(25hen he lowered his head, his *iss dro)e her o)er he ed!e, her on!ue hrus in! wildly in o his ho , we , #eau iful &ou h( +he was his and he was hers( His or ured &oan "u he final "ord of her "on rol( +he fell in o a "has& of &indless #uss, !aspin! and !roanin! wi h an!uished release as her #ody "on)ulsed around hi&( 5i h a rou!h "ry( he hrus a!ain and "lu "hed her shoulder( +he fel he #rillian infusion of his essen"e as he surrendered o his need wi h a deep "ry of release( They "lun! o ea"h o her in shudderin! e$haus ion, #o h of he& pan in!, "o)ered in a dewy swea ( Af er a lon! &o&en , when she "ould #e sure her sani y had no sha ered, she le ou a sha*y si!h and dropped her ar&s fro& around his ne"* on o he #ed, e$haus ed( 3arius nes led a!ains her( +he loo*ed a hi& and s&iled in serene 0oy( He *issed her "hee*, "losed his lon!%lashed eyes, and laid his head on her shoulder, his s e&, a7uiline nose in he "roo* of her ne"*( They lay li*e ha for a lon! while, holdin! and ou"hin! in wean "on en &en ( +he didn1

wan o &o)e an in"h of her leaden, in!lin! #ody( +o&ehow, she found he s ren! h af er a while o lif her head and "he"* he i&e( The "lo"* read hree( +he *new ha her &o her, he hairdresser, and hea)en *new how &any o her wo&en would #e arri)in! in her apar &en s early o #e!in fussin! o)er her, he #ride who was no !e in! &arried( A leas no o Ana ole, she hou!h ( +he le her !a'e wander wi h a deli"ious sense of pleasure and possessi)e%ness o)er 3arius1s lon!, la$ #ody, and i was hen ha he firs s irrin!s of an e$ raordinarily nau!h y idea #e!an o for& in her &ind( +he s ared a he !u erin! "andle, in he !rip of re"*less inspira ion( 3arius snu!!led a!ains her, wo)e his fin!ers hrou!h her hiair( and si!hed, "losin! his eyes( 24ou were wonderful,2 he&ur&ured( His lean, &us"ular #ody was hea)y wi h pea"e and "on en &en a op her( +he s&iled a#sen ly as she pressed a *iss o his forehead, i had a !ood ea"her(2 He "hu"*led, hen si!hed, hen do'ed Thou!h his wei!h &ade i a li le hard o #rea he, she wouldn1 ha)e le hi& lea)e her e&#ra"e for he world( 5i h a #rief !lan"e downward, she inspe" ed his s i "hes, hen wrapped her ar&s &ore snu!ly around his wide shoulders( His #rea hin! deepened and sof ened( He was already asleep, #u she re&ained wide%awa*e, her #rain i"*in! wi h he idea( 'o, you must not$ Don't e*en thin! about it. ,u hones ly, she ar!ued wi h herself, hadn1 only !ood resul ed fro& her pullin! ran* on hi& wee*s a!o, when she had "o&&andeered hi& for her !uard: Now she had 0us !i)en hi& her )ir!ini y= didn1 she ha)e a ri!h o e$pe" hi& o do he honora#le hin!: He had &ade an e&pha i" poin of ellin! her she was no &arryin! Ana ole, #u he had said no hin! of his own in en ions oward her( 5ha if he s ill didn1 as* her o &arry hi&: 5as she o 0us si passi)ely #y and wai and wai and wai for hi&: Really, didn1 3arius re!ularly a*e &a ers in o his own hands when ne"essary, a" in! on wha he dee&ed her #es in eres : +he fel she *new full well wha was in his #es in eres , na&ely, herself( He should se le down, "ease his dan!erous wor*( He needed so&eone o a*e "are of hi&, and she was he wo&an for he 0o#( + ill, #enea h all her ra ionali'a ion was one #asi" fear( I cannot let him lea*e me again. I cannot sur*i*e it. 6nwardly, she wres led wi h herself, hou!h she held hi& wi h all he !en leness she possessed( He pep so rus fully upon her( He would ha e her if she did his underhanded, +an ia!o%li*e hin!( He had #oas ed o her wee*s a!o ha no wo&an would e)er ie hi& down( He lo)ed his freedo&(

8reedom, pah$ she hou!h i&pa ien ly( His al&i!h y freedo& was no hin! #u his 0ealously !uardedfri!h o run awayand hide fro& her whene)er hin!s !o dan!erous #e ween he&( 5ha if he had pu a "hild in her wo&# e)en now: The hou!h sen a re&or of 0oyous arousal hrou!h he "ore of her( 4es( he should ha)e &any "hildren, she de"ided, swep away wi h her fan asy( He was so !ood wi h "hildren( His "hildren would ea"h hi& how o play( And who #e er o #e &o her o his #a#ies han she: >ulia Cala''i: +he s"offed a he hou!h ( The wo&an didn1 &eri he "are of a "a ( >ulia "ould ne)er ap he reser)oirs of swee ness in his hear , nor ou"h he fire of his soul1s *ni!h ly puri y( 5i h a ra"e of an!er, she re"alled a!ain he se"re s >uiia had re)ealed a#ou 3arius, and wi h ha , her &ind was &ade up( +he lo)ed 3arius and he lo)ed her( He needed her( +he *new ha he did( +he "ould no lon!er per&i hi& o pu his fears #e ween he&( 6 was rash, i was re"*less, #u i was for his own !ood( Mo)in! #y deli"a e de!rees, she e$ ri"a ed herself fro& #enea h his war& wei!h wi hou wa*in! hi&( +he rolled o he ed!e of her #ed and silen ly rose, #rushin! he &os7ui o ne in! aside( +he win"ed a he soreness and !lan"ed down a , he ra"es of her own dried #lood on her hi!hs( +he !lan"ed #a"* a 3arius, sleepin! soundly( +o beautiful. They were one now( +he didn1 "are how &any lo)ers he had 0oined his #ody wi h in he pas ( The wo of he& shared a &ys i"al union of soul and &ind, ea"h wholly un o he o her( +he had &ar*ed hi& wi h her #lood and he was hers( Now ha she had won hi& and he had resol)ed her "oun ry1s dan!er, she would pay any pri"e o *eep hi&( +he slipped her royal #lue dressin! !own on o)er her nude #ody1 and wal*ed o her pea"h%and%!il si in! roo&( +he li a "andle, hen *no"*ed a her &aid1s door( 2Pia:2 she "alled in a whisper( +he opened he door a "ra"*( 2Pia( wa*e up, 6 need your help92+e)eral &inu es la er, she re urned o her #edroo&, her hear poundin! a her own re"*lessness( 3arius s ill slep pea"efully, and her ears s ill ran! wi h Pia1s useless pro es s( Tip oein! #a"* o #ed, she was e&p ed o lea)e her #lue dressin! !own on for &odes y1s sa*e, #u he surprise &us appear au hen i"( +he pulled he ro#e off and dropped i on he floor, hen "li&#ed #a"* in o he #ed( 3arius slep on his s o&a"h( ;in!erly lif in! his hea)y ar&, she slipped #a"* par ly under hi&, he way she had #een #efore( Pee*in! under he shee , she saw wi h relief ha he s ill had his #ree"hes on,

hou!h loosened( As a final &easure, she &o)ed he op shee away so he s&all, s"arle s ain of her )ir!in #lood on he fla shee #enea h would show( Her hear was poundin! as she !a hered 3arius in o her ar&s, pla"in! his head on her "hes ( +he pe ed his hair, hen *issed i ( He s irred a #i and !lan"ed up a her wi h a drowsy s&ile( 23id you !o so&ewhere:2 he &ur&ured, s ill half%asleep( 2The ne"essary(2 25ha i&e is i :2 He lif ed his head fro& her "hes , loo*in! around he roo& for he "lo"*( 2Early( Hush,2 she whispered( 2M&,2 he si!hed, res in! on her #oso& a!ain, all he "oiled &us"les of his shoulders and #a"* loose and rela$ed +he *issed his forehead enderly, "aressin! hi& as he do'ed on her, pea"eful and "o&ple ely unsuspe" in!( +he "losed her eyes for a &o&en , wres lin! wi h self%dou# ( Please don't hate me for this. I can't lose you again. If you won'tfight for our lo*e, I will. +he !lan"ed ou he wide windows and saw ha dawn was shi&&erin! alon! he hori'on in !old and )iole , li@fe a se"re pro&ise( The s a!e was se ( +he wai ed( CHAPTER EIGHTEEN

The s"andal s ru"* a fi)e A(M( Hair ousled, hea)y%eyed, 3arius lif ed his head fro& her "hes and narrowed his eyes( +erafina wa "hed hi&, her &ou h dry, her hear ra"in!( 25ha is i ( lo)e:2 He loo*ed drowsily o)er his shoulder( 21 hear so&e hin!(2 3a&n he &an( +he had for!o en he had si$ senses, li*e a #las ed "a ( A ha &o&en , she heard he1"rash of he ou er door o her apar &en s #an!in! open and a deep, fa&iliar )oi"e #ellowin! her na&es( +i&ul aneously, 3arius swore in a lan!ua!e she didn1 *now( He was in &o ion, rollin! off her, an!lin! hi&self in he shee , fran i"ally #u onin! his #ree"hes( 1+hi , shi , shi ,2 he was sayin! under his #rea h( +he was fro'en, s arin! a he door( 2+erafina92 her fa her shou ed, pani" in his )oi"e( 2Open he door1Honey, open he door92

( +he "ould hear he *ey hrus in! a#ou in he lo"* and s ill she "ould no &o)e( 5ide% eyed, she urned and loo*ed a 3arius( 6 He s ared a her, rapped, his fa"e ashen( There was no i&e o rea" ( The #edroo& door #urs open, #an!in! #a"* a!ains he wall, and here s ood he *in!, owerin! in he doorway( , +era he #e!an, hen s opped( )h. G.ahi. she hou!h , s7uee'in! her eyes shu i!h in he &o&en ary silen"e ha dropped li*e a wall of lead( 3arius and she held perfe" ly s ill, he shee draped o)er heir wais s Ma&a "a&e a s ep #ehind Papa( +erafina win"ed a he wild pani" in her &o her1s )oi"e( 2+erafina9 -a'ar, is she all ri!h : 6s she all ri!h :2 2Oh, 61d say so,2 her fa her said )ery, )ery "oldly( Her &o her s opped #ehind hi&, loo*in! under his ar& 3arius swallowed( Papa1s s are of !a herin! ra!e &o)ed fro& her o hi& 2;ood hea)ens92 her &o her #rea hed( +erafina saw Papa "len"hin! and un"len"hin! his fis s His )oi"e was 7uie ( "+ou son of a bitch." +he s"rea&ed as her fa her "har!ed die #ed, ore he &os7ui o ne in! down, and rea"hed for 3arius( He hauled 3arius ou of her #ed( 2Papa92 24ou son of a #i "h92 he #ellowed, hrowin! 3arius up a!ains he wall( 2-a'ar, s op i 92 her &o her shou ed 2My dau!h er92 he roared a 3arius, #rin!in! up one powerful fis and drawin! i #a"*( 3arius didn1 flin"h and &ade no &o)e o defend hi&self( He &erely s ared a he *in!, his e$pression perfe" ly #lan*, #u for a ra"e of &as erful insolen"e( 26 ous ed you,2 Papa snarled(2 13on1 send "haperons,1 you said( 6 didn1 e)en 7ues ion i 4ou lyin!, le"herous son of a #i "h92 23on1 hi hi&, Papa, i 1s no his faul 92 The #low didn1 fall( Her fa her loo*ed o)er his shouider a her, his dar* eyes #la'in! wi h fury( 24ou li le hussy,2 he said hrou!h !ri ed ee h( 24ou1re da&ned ri!h you1ll a*e your half of he #la&e( 4our &o her and 6 au!h you #e er han his9 5here did you learn how o % a" li*e a ra&p:2 +he s ared a hi& for a se"ond in sho"*, hen #urs ou in ears( 2Papa9 6 a& no a ra&p9 6 lo)e hi&92&o&en ary silen"e ha dropped li*e a wall of lead( 3arius and she held

perfe" ly s ill, he shee draped o)er heir wais s( Ma&a "a&e a s ep #ehind Papa( +erafina win"ed a he wild pani" in her &o her1s )oi"e( 2+erafina9 -a'ar, is she all ri!h : 6s she all ri!h :2 2Oh, 61d say so,2 her fa her said )ery, )ery "oldly( Her &o her s opped #ehind hi&, loo*in! under his ar&( 3arius swallowed( Papa1s s are of !a herin! ra!e &o)ed fro& her o hi&( 2;ood hea)ens92 her &o her #rea hed( +erafina saw Papa "len"hin! and un"len"hin! his fis s( His )oi"e was 7uie ( "+ou son of a bitch." +he s"rea&ed as her fa her "har!ed he #ed, ore he &os7ui o ne in! down, and rea"hed for 3arius( He hauled 3arius ou of her #ed( 2Papa92 24ou son of a #i "h92 he #ellowed, hrowin! 3arius up a!ains he wall( 2-a'ar, s op i 92 her &o her shou ed( 2My dau!h er92 he roared a 3arius, #rin!in! up one powerful fis and drawin! i #a"*( 3arius didn1 flin"h and &ade no &o)e o defend hi&self( He &erely s ared a Ehe *in!, his e$pression perfe" ly #lan*, #u for a ra"e of &as erful insolen"e( 26 rus ed you,2 Papa snarled(2 13on1 send "haperons,1 you said( 6 didn1 e)en 7ues ion i ( 4ou lyin!, le"herous son of a #i "h92 23on1 hi hi&, Papa, i 1s no his faul 92 The #low didn1 fall( Her fa er loo*ed o)er his shoulder a her, his dar* eyes #la'in! wi h fury( 24ou li le hussy,2 he said hrou!h !ri ed ee h 24ou1re da&ned ri!h you1ll a*e your half of he #la&e( 4our &o her and 6 au!h you #e er han his9 5here did you learn how o a" li*e a ra&p:2 +he s ared a hi& for a se"ond in sho"*, hen #urs ou in ears( 2Papa9 6 a& no a ra&p9 6 lo)e hi&92she "ould feel 3arius1s *iller ins in" a*in! shape, ho&in! in( on hi&( 26 ha)e had a ser)an wa "hin! your door a ni!h s, &y lady, for 6 *new you were oo ri"h a #eau y o #e pure he said "oldly( 2The only 7ues ion was who your lo)ers were and how &any were heir nu&#er( 4ou1)e pro)ed &e ri!h , wha a #oon, ha 6 did no &arry you(2 He spo*e a na&e a her in Russian ha needed no ransla ion( 3arius1s rea" ion was i&&edia e, #u Papa in er"ep ed hi&( and sla&&ed hi& a!ains he wall a!ain, less rou!hly 3arius win"ed, !i)in! he *in! a ra her dir y sideward !lan"e Ana ole s ared a 3arius li*e he wan ed o &aul hi&( 4ou, sir, are a dead &an(2 2Ah, !e in line,2 3arius !rowled(

Ana ole loo*ed a he *in!( 26 spi on his island 1wil1 oas Napoleon when he "rushes he lo of you(2 2Napoleon is dead92 +erafina shou ed a hirn riu&phan ly hrou!h her ears( +he poin ed o her "ha&pion 3arius sho hi&92 E)eryone loo*ed a 3arius in sho"*( 8or a &o&en , here was u er silen"e( He lif ed hiss !a'e and non"halan ly #lew his forelo"* ou of his eyes( 2A" ually,2 he said, 26 &issed(2 One "ould ha)e heard he spe"*s of dus drif in! hrou!h he air, su"h a silen"e des"ended( Nearly "ho*in! on her sho"*, +erafina urned and !aped a hi&, no sure she had heard hi& "orre" ly( 2Pardon &e:2 The *in! snor ed in "on e&p , shoo* his head, and s a&ped ou of he roo&, sho)in! pas Ana ole( The Russian followed hi& ou a &o&en la er, "hu"*lin! "oldly o hirnself A!ain, silen"e( = Head down, 3arius s ood leanin! a!ains he wal1 where her fa her had sho)ed hi&( +erafina sa #a"* in sho"* a!ains he head#oard, he shee s "lu "hed o her "hes ( Her &o her rose, pushin! up fro& he ar&s of he "hair( +hes&oo hed her s*ir s and wal*ed, head hi!h, o he door( +era%fina wa "hed her, her hear poundin!( 8or a &o&en , he 7ueen s ood in he doorway, one hand on he door*no#( 3arius(1 she said wi h 7uie "o&posure( 24es( &a1a&(2 26 a& sho"*ed and disappoin ed in you(2 24es( &a1a&(2 2Ma&a92 +erafina "ried, *nowin! he sof %spo*en indi" &en fro& her &o her would hur hi& wors of all( 2And +)3." she said sharply, urnin! o +erafina, 26 "anno hin* wha o say o you( On"e &ore you "are for no hin! #u !e in! your way( 4ou1)e &ade a fool of your fa her and Prin"e Tyunno), as well( Now wha will As"en"ion do: 5e &us !o o war( 6f any hin! happens o Rafael(((2 +he see&ed una#le o finish he hou!h 1 ( ( 6s he all you "are a#ou :2 she "ried, as her &o her folded her hand under her #oso& and lif ed her "hin( 25ha a#ou &e1(1 5ha a#ou 3arius: 3on1 (you "are wha he has #een hrou!h02 if you wan ed ea"h o her, &is was no he way o !o a#ou i ( 4ou #o h a leas "ould ha)e #een a #i &ore dis"ree (2 The 7ueen loo*ed fro& 3arius o +erafina, hen pi"*ed up her s*ir s

and lef ( ( 2Oh ;od92 +erafina wren"hed ou ( +he dropped her fa"e in o #o h hands, hen loo*ed o)er an$iously a 3arius, He was s ill s andin! in e$a" ly he sa&e pla"e where Papa had lef hi&( He was slu&ped a!ains he wall, head #a"*, eyes "losed( +he s ared a hi&( 24ou missed," she shou ed all of a sudden, pushin! up on o her *nees on he #ed, "lu "hin! he shee 1 o her #oso&( He loo*ed o)er a her( +he poin ed a hi& furiously, 0a##in! he air( 24ou didn1 &en ion ha li le de ail, +an ia!o92 2OopsA he said li!h ly, his s"arred lips "ur)in! in a half%s&i le of ra'or sar"as&( 2+ ill lo)e &e, darlin!:2( 6n"redulous, she s ared a hi&, ryin! o "o&prehend( No apolo!y: No e$plana ion: No e$"uses: 24ou ri"*ed &e92 she wailed( 24ou lied o &e again9 26 didn1 lie( 4ou didn1 as*( 6 1s no &y faul you assu&ed wha you wan ed o assu&e(2 2No your faul :2 she !asped( oo* &y )ir!ini y under false pre enses, and now die #lood of &y people will #e on &y hands92 24ou wan ed i ( 5e #o h wan ed i (2 +he !aped in u er as onish&en ( 24ou ha)e no re&orse(2 2Are you so inno"en :2 +he eyed hi& warily( 25ha do you &ean:2 2Co&e on, +erafina( 3o you &in* 61& s upid: Tha was an awfully "on)enien in errup ion(2 Her !rip i!h ened on he shee s as she "lu "hed he& o her #ody( Her hear #e!an o pound anew( 5i h a "old, &o"*in! half%s&ile, he shoo* his head a her slowly( 2Tha 1s &y Prin"esa( +he always !e s her way(2 25ha are you a""usin! &e of:2 she "ried, #u she already *new she was !uil y( 25ouldn1 you ra her 0us ad&i i :2 26 ad&i no hin!92 The "res"en %&oon s"ar on his &ou h #e"a&e a wis of "on e&p ( 24ou lef he #ed wen y &inu es a!o, an!el(2 23arius,2 she whispered as her &ou h wen dry( 2Ni"e &aneu)er, +erafina( The &inu e 6 le &y !uard down, you &a*e your &o)e( 6 ha*e au!h you well, ha)en1 6: 4ou1)e ruined &e,2 he said( 2Ruined you: 6 ha)e no 92 she for"ed ou , eyes wide( 26n he span of a few &inu es, you1)e 0us des royed e)ery hin! 61)e wor*ed for and #uil

for wen y years(2 25ha ha)e 6 des royed, your lies: Oh, how shall you li)e wi hou your lies:2 she shou ed( 2The ru h is all ha 1s "o&e ou here9 4ou &ade his ne"essary, 3arius, #e"ause he only way o !e you o #e hones is o for"e you in o i 9 4ou1ll liea#ou any hin! if you "an !e awaywi h i 9 4ou ha)e o #e "au!h in he a" 92 2+o you would rap &e:2 he shou ed furiously( 2Play ;od wi h &y life: And how dare you &is rus &e: 6f 6 lie, 61)e !o da&ned !ood reasons( How dare you assu&e 6 would sedu"e you and w=il* ou on you:2 +he "rossed her ar&s o)er her "hes ( 2Oh, you1)e ne)er done ha o a wo&an #efore92 2Tha s no who 6 a& wi h you(2 5ho are you, 3arius: ,e"ause 61d really li*e o *now(2 24ou didn1 e)en !i)e &e a "han"e o do he ri!h hin!92 2;i)e you he "han"e: I ga*e you three years$ 4ou "on inually dod!ed &e and e)aded &e and pushed &e away, so why should i ha)e e$pe" ed &is i&e o #e any differen : 6 didn1 wan o lose you a!ain92 25ell, !uess wha :2 His au s&ile was i"e as he pi"*ed up his shir 4ou 0us ha)e( 5ife,2 he added in searin! insolen"e( He slun! his shir o)er his shoulder, s rode a"ross her roo&, and wal*ed ou he re!ular door ins ead of he se"re one, and he sla&&ed i #ehind hi&( Surrender I won't hut you, he hou!h #i erly, e"hoin! her words in his &ind( % 1 3arius s rode down he hall, si&&erin!, nay, #leedin! inwardly How &any years had he de)o ed o pro e" in! ha da&ned, de)ious, infuria in! li le Jueen of +he#a: How &any &ad ns*s had he a*en, how &any pin s of #lood had he shed1(1 He "ould no re"all e)er ha)in! #een so hur in all his adul life, for he ru h was "lear( 6 was no he fa" ha she had 0us rapped hi& in &arria!e( Tha s"ared he hell ou of hi&, #u i wasn1 he par ha hur ( The hur "a&e fro& *nowin! ha an ordinary &or al "apa#le of &issin! a sho was no !ood enou!h for her The &o&en he ad&i ed o failure, she had urned on hi& in repulsion( 8or all her al* of surrender and rus , he ru h was "learD His Prin"esa had only wan ed a "ha&pion(He should ha)e *nown( 1orthless. 1orthless. 5ha he hell was he !oin! o do wi h a wife: he hou!h in dis!us ( ,u wha o her possi#ili y had he #een hin*in! of, a*in! her &aidenhead: All he had *nown was ha he had o ha)e her( The )ery hou!h of i &ade hi& wan her a!ain, in he &ids of disas er( 6rri a ed a his sheer, &indless appe i e for her, he wen in o his sui e, where he washed and dressed in fresh "lo hin! af er his e$ ended &isad)en ure( 8inally, openin! he hidden safe #ehind a lands"ape pain in!, he re rie)ed he repor he1d

wri en for -a'ar in Mos"ow( He lo"*ed he safe a!ain and "rossed o he door( One hand on he door*no#, he !lan"ed #a"* a he roo&, wonderin! if he1d e)er #e #a"*( 5i hou "ere&ony, he pulled he door shu #ehind hi&( As he neared he &ain "orridor, he fel he presen"e of do'ens of people in he salons and !alleries ahead( His s o&a"h in *no s, he #ra"ed hi&self, "er ain he s"andal was already afoo ( 6 was a &o&en of des iny, he *new( There he wasD he s"ape!oa in #la"*, wal*in! alone down he hall, pas whisperin! "lus ers of ladies in pas el sil*s and dandies in loud% "olored sa in wais "oa s who sni"*ered as he passed( He heard wha hey were sayin!, and i "u hi& o he #one, #u he *ep his "hin hi!h on his wal* of sha&e, s arin! s rai!h ahead( "-lways !new he 'd do something li!e this(((2 "2et he's been planning it for years." "They should'*e reali@ed. +ou can ta!e the boy off the streets, but you can't ta!e the streets out of the boy." "6ow could he do this after all Their 9a<esties ha*e done for him," i "Poor, rec!less child. She's thrown herself away$2 And hen, he &os )i"ious "u of allD "6ea*ens, you sleep with Santiago, but you don't marry him." A he far end of his unnel of &ali"e, a )olup uous fi!ure e&er!ed(3ariusMs hear san* lower, #u relen lessly he *ep !oin! as >ulia Cala''i ried o #lo"* his pa h( He s opped when she s ood dire" ly in fron of hi&( +he s ared up a hi& for a lon! &o&en wi h a loo* of pure ha red( +uddenly her 0eweled hand flashed as she slapped hi&, hard( He was )a!uely aware of lau!h er and applause in he salon and alon! he hall( +lowly, he urned his fa"e o her, his "hee* red and s in!in!, &urder in his eyes( 26 will ne)er for!i)e you for his,2 she hissed( 24ou will #e sorry( And ha , &y lo)e, is a pro&ise(2 +he #rushed pas hi& and 7ui"*ly wal*ed away, hi!h heels "li"*in! on he &ar#le( ( 3arius "he"*ed a oo h wi h his on!ue, ru##ed his "hee*, hen hea)ed a 7uie si!h and for"ed hi&self onward( To his relief, he wen he res of he way o he *in!1s offi"e wi hou en"oun erin! he "rown prin"e( 6f ha youn! ho head "alled hi& ou for sedu"in! his sis er, he did no *now wha he would do( One hand on he door ( o -a'ar1s offi"e, he paused and s eeled

hi&self( He opened he door and wen in as he had en housand i&es #efore( -a'ar s ood a he window, his #a"* o hi&, his ar&s folded o)er his "hes ( 26 1s on he des*,2 he said in a deep, fla one( 3arius wa "hed hi& warily and s epped "loser( >us as he1d e$pe" ed, he *in! and he ar"h#ishop had already si!ned a spe"ial li"ense and had i wai in! for hi&( He pi"*ed i up( Now !e ou (2 His )oi"e was "ur li*e a whip( 261)e de"ided 6 don1 wan o hear &ore of your lies oday(2 3arius "len"hed his 0aw and loo*ed a he "eilin!( 2+ir, here is &ore o his han you presen ly *now(2 261& sure here is( And you pro#a#ly ha)e a )ery !ood reason for *eepin! &e in he dar* li*e a da&ned old fool( ,u ( a he &o&en all 6 "an hin* is ha 6 rus ed you and you #e rayed &e(2 The *in! held up one hand, s ill fa"in! ou he window( 26 don1 wan o hear i , +an ia!o( 5ha you1)e done, dishonorin! &y dau!h er, is ine$"usa#le( 6 *now you do no "are for her as 6 would wan a hus#and o lo)e her and "herish her( 6 *now ha all you ha)e for wo&en is a #i er &i$ of lus and "on rol and "on e&p ( ,u ha heads ron! li le hellion "hose you, and now she1s 0us !oin! o ha)e o li)e wi h her "hoi"e( +o( !e ou , and a*e her wi h you( 6 will "all for you when and if 6 e)er fee9 prepared o hear you ou (2 -a'ar1s words pier"ed hi& &or ally, #u as 3an us #owed his head, an!er followed in he wa*e of pain( 2How dare you:2 he heard hi&self u er( His hear was poundin!( -a'ar urned around, one eye#row ar"hed hi!h 26 #e! your pardon:2 he said wi h "old, re!al "ondes"ension 2How dare you:2 he for"ed ou , re&#lin! now -a'ar narrowed his eye0s on hi&( 24ou for!e yourself, ray #oy(2 2No, i is you who for!e &e, -a'ar( 4ou for!e e)ery hin! 61)e done for you( 61)e dedi"a ed &y whole life o his *in!do& and o your fa&ily( Ha)e 6 e)er as*ed for one hin! for &yself: +o&e i&es 6 a& hard%pressed o wonder if 6 hold any si!nifi"an"e o you o her han he ways in whi"h 6 "an #e useful.and don1 ell &e 6 don1 lo)e her92 he #urs ou , re&#lin! as he fou!h o "on ain his ou ra!e( 25as i you hey or ured in Milan for her, you hey hu&ilia ed: No, sir, you were here in your sof life, #ein! wooed #y ha . ha Russian ani&al92 -a'ar s ared a hi&, see&in!ly s unned #y his rare display of e&o ion( 3arius 7ui"*ly re!ained his "o&posure and ossed he lea her%#ound do"u&en on he &assi)e &aho!any des* 2 6 su!!es you read his, 4our Ma0es y,2 he said "risply( 26 is he

repor 6 wro e in Mos"ow, on your orders( The one 6 had ris*ed &y life for, !a herin! infor&a ion( The one you i!nored( Ta*e a loo* and find ou e$a" ly wha *ind of &odel hus#and you ele" ed for your dau!h er(2 He pi)o ed and #e!an wal*in! oward he door, / hen p= used( 2,y he way,2 he said, urnin! in aloof non"halan"e 2 he a a"* will "o&e on he wes shore( The 8ren"h are wai in! for Hilleneu)e o finish wi h Nelson( Then hey1ll s ri*e1 2+o 1 you say( How do 6 *now ha is no a lie, oo:2 -a'ar "hallen!ed A&a'ed and hur , 3arius shoo* his head( 2The hell wi h you( -a'aE 5hen you need so&eone o win your war for you, dorf "o&e *no"*in! on &y door( 6 7ui (2 He pi)o ed on his heel and #e!an wal*in! away in dis!us ( 14ou hin* 6 "an1 &ana!e wi hou you, you arro!an li le pri"*: ;od *nows wha all you1)e done #ehind &y #a"*9 61)e #een fi!h in! #a les sin"e #efore you were #orn92 he *in! #ellowed af er hi&( ( 3arius li"*ed a dis&issi)e wa)e o)er his shoulder li*e an o#s"ene !es ure as he s al*ed ou , no #o herin! e)en o "lose he door #ehind hi&( CHAPTER NINETEEN

6n he !ues win! of he pala"e, he ou ra!ed Ana ole s"rea&ed his fury a he a&#assador while he &o)ed a#ou his sui e, preparin! o *i"* he dus of As"en"ion offhis shoes( 6n o her par s of ,elfor , his hu!e en oura!e o8 Russian no#les were an!rily pa"*in! heir hin!s, heir ser)an s and he ( parade roops loadin! "oun less ra)elin! run*s on o wa!ons o #e #rou!h o he do"*s( Their ship would soon se sail for Russia( 6nside he "a hedral on he &ain "i y s7uare, he flowers wil ed on he al ar, he or"hes ras1 &usi"ians pu heir ins ru&en s away, and he "hildren1s "hoirs were re urned o heir s"hools in heir an!el "os u&es, win!s droopin!( Throu!hou he "i y, he in)i ed !ues s !asped o hear die news of he ;rea Can"ella ion, while he poor feas ed on he la)ish dishes ha had #een prepared for he hi!hes no#ili y of he land( Crews of wor*ers #e!an he edious 0o# of a*in! down he de"ora ions for he royal weddin! ha was no o #e( +o&ewhere, +erafina was sure, Napoleon was ru##in! his hands li*e a !reedy )illain( Els see&ed o #e he only person who was no appalled a +erafina( As hey said heir !ood#yes, he reread offered o a end her, #u as &u"h as +erafina would la)e h*ed her

friend1s sola"e, i was !oin! o #e #las ed uneasy in heir ho&e for a while, and she did no wish o pla"e Els in he e$"eedin!ly un"o&for a#le posi ion of ar#i ra or #e ween warrin! hus#and and wife(5i h he !uil %s ri"*en Pia o a end her, +erafina "li&#ed in o he "arria!e wi h he shades pulled down o hide her fa"e fro& he 0eerin! "rowd ou side he pala"e !a es( 3arius rode >ihad and #ar*ed orders now and hen a Ale" and a he o her Royal ;uards&en, who, ou of loyal y o 3arius, had insis ed upon pro)idin! pro e" ion for he&, in li!h of Tyurino)1s dea h hrea ( =( +he "lu "hed her re i"ule i!h ly in her lap, wis in! he ri#A #ons ner)ously as, on"e &ore, he "a)al"ade rolled away fro& he !lea&in! pala"e and hrou!h he !rea !a es( +he "ould no i&a!ine wha her fe e held now, and she wasn1 sure she wan ed o ry( >ulia Cala''i fel her whole world spiralin! downward in a si"*enin! spin of ra!e and ha e and fear( 5al*in! 7ui"*ly down he hall oward he !ues win!, howe)er, she s ru!!led o hrus her e&o ions aside, for she needed o fo"us all her wi s( on he us* ahead( As if losin! +an ia!o o he prin"ess were no a sha erin! enou!h #low, her &idday &eal had #een in errup ed when she was s"r) "d wi h papers no ifyin! her ha she was #ein! sued( Her lar!es "redi or had forwarded an a""oun of her delin 7uen"y o he "i)il "our s( +he *new she had o a" i&&edia ely, #efore he # hers fol lowed sui ( Her finan"ial "risis loo&ed( 5ord of he s"andal was spreadA in! li*e wildfire( 5hen he shop owners in own and he res of her "redi ors heard a#ou i , hey would reali'e a on"e ha +an ia!o1s &oney was no for h"o&in! o sa isfy her de# s( 5i h he illusory pro&ise ha she would soon #e his wife, she had s run! he& alon! for &on hs on he s ren! h of his na&e and o""asional, &ea!er pay&en s o *eep he& fro& her door( Now she *new she was doo&ed( +he had feared he fu ure #efore, #us only now he )ery real possi#ili y dawned of spendin! he res o f her dwindlin! you h in de# or1s prison(Her final hope was a a"hin! herself o Ana ole and lea)in! own wi h hi&( +he fel "onfiden he would wel"o&e her as his &is ress ;od *new hey shared &ore han 0us a "o&&on ene&y( His e!o was pro#a#ly #ruised worse han hers, she hou!h , en"oura!ed, for she *new 0us how o &a*e hi& feel li*e a &an a!ain Hi!h heels "li"*in!, she hurried down he !ues hall o his sui e, passin! he s eady s rea& of Russian la"*eys who were "arryin! away Ana ole1s possessions in prepara ion for his swif depar ure( +he #ra"ed herself as she neared he open door, for she "ould hear hi& #ellowin! in ha fri!h enin!, !u ural lan!ua!e of his all he way down he hall( 5hen she s epped in o he doorway, he was !i)in! orders o a few &en, all of who& see&ed dwarfed #y hi&( His #road #a"* was o her, his lon!, !olden hair spillin! down

on his shoulders( +he s&oo hed her upswep hair wi h a win!e of ner)ousness, li"*ed her dry, pain ed lips, and !lan"ed a#ou he roo&( Ha)in! re"ei)ed heir orders, he hree &en #owed o heir prin"e and lef hi&( Ana ole re&ained where he was, s arin! down a he floor, see&in!ly deep in hou!h ( >ulia &o)ed aside as he hree &en #rushed pas her( Only a "ouple of ser)an s re&ained, "losin! up he final ra)elin! run*s( 2Ana ole(2 He s iffened )isi#ly a her sof "all( He urned his head li*e so&e s ran!e, &e"hani"al au o&a on, his #lue eyes !lin in!( Her fe&inine senses ins an ly sen up warnin!s li*e s&o*e si!nals o her, #u she "ould no afford o heed he&( +he pushed away fro& he door fra&e and wal*ed lan!uidly oward hi&( 2Ana ole, darlin!, wha a far"e his day has #een( 6 "an1 #elie)e wha hey ha)e done o you(2 25ha do you wan :2 he ru&#led( +he slid her hands up his #rawny #i"eps, sa)orin! his &us "ula ure hrou!h he dar* #lue #road"lo h of his "oal His fa"e hard and for#iddin!, he s ared down a her(25ell:2 26 was hin*in! you "ould do wi h a friend ri!h now,2 she &ur&ured wi h a winnin! li le s&ile( Hidin! her fear, she rea"hed up and !en ly u"*ed a lo"* of his lon!, #lond hair #ehind his ear, hen she railed her rin!ers down his "hes ( 2,u here is so&e hin! else, Ana ole(2 +he paused, lowerin! her lashes( 24es:2 he as*ed in i&pa ien"e( +he 1if ed her !a'e o his in ensely( 2Ta*e &e wi h you(2 15hy should 6:2 he as*ed wi h a sullen loo*( 2Ana ole,2 she "hided wi h a *nowin! li le lau!h( 2Tha ou!h o #e o#)ious #y now(2 He "losed his eyes, il in! his head #a"* sli!h ly( 2>ulia, >ulia( 4ou unders and no hin!(2 +he *ni ed her #row and s ar ed o reply( ,efore she *new wha hi her, he !ra##ed her #y he shoulders in a "rushin! !rip and nearly lif ed her off he !round( 24ou lied o &e92 he roared in her fa"e( 2No, 6 didn1 92 she "ried au P&a i"ally, pe rified( His sapphire eyes were wild, his !rip #one"rushin!( He loo*ed li*e a &ad&an, a #erser* warrior( 2Pu &e down92 she !asped( He hrus her fro& hi&( +he reeled #a"*, #arely "a "hin! her #alan"e( +he fro'e li*e a deer #efore he hun er, her #rea hin! 7ui"* and shallow( He re&ained where he was, his hair rollin! o)er his shoulders, his "hes lif in! and fallin!( 24ou, >ulia,2 he spa ( He oo* a s ep oward her( Her !a'e dar ed in silen , errified plea o he serfs on he o her end of he roo&, #ehind hi&( They were #o h whi e%fa"ed, s arin!(

Ana ole poin ed o he floor, his #lindin!, #lue s are fi$ed on her 4ou "a&e here and lied o &e o sa)e +an ia!o, and #y yieldin! o you, 6 allowed you o wre"* &y fu ure for &e(2 He oo* ano her slow, #road pa"e oward her, and ano her( Opulen"e and "o&&and and pure &ena"e radia ed fro& hi&( was &es&eri'ed and 7ui e "er ain she was !oin! o die( 2,ro her and sis er, you said( 5hy did 1 lis en o you:2 1 1 was only ryin! o help you,2 she whispered, her hear poundin!( +he oo* a s ep #a"*ward, #u here was nowhere o hide( 5hen he s epped up in fron of her, loo&in! li*e a &oun ain #efore her, her response was i&pulsi)e, unpre&edi a ed ins in" ual( 1 ,, +he dropped o her *nees and lowered her head, a*in! his lar!e hand in #o h of hers, hrowin! herself on his &er"y Please, 4our Hi!hness, a*e &e wi h you( 61ll do wha e)er you as*, i will a*e no lo)er #u you( 6 a& in despera e s rai s Ana ole, 6 a& fri!h ened( 6 swear 6 will ne)er "ause rou#le for you a!ain( Help &e(2 +he *issed his hand, her )oi"e dwindlin! o a pa he i" whisper( 2Help ne( Help &e(2 5hen a las she dared o lif her !a'e, she "au!h only a !li&pse of his #lue eyes !lea&in! wi h "old sa isfa" ion, hen ie pulled his hand ou of hers, raised i , and s ru"* her a"ross he 6 a"e wi h a &i!h y #a"*hand( +he wen sprawlin!, s ars #urs in! a"ross her eyes, +he "ouldn1 "a "h her #rea h( +he lay on he !lea&in! floor round%eyed( 8or a &o&en , she "ouldn1 hear any hin!(+he ssw his hu!e #oo s a her eye le)el as he "asually pi)o ed and wal*ed away wi hou 1ano her word( +he "au!h her #rea h wi h a !asp and slowly dra!!ed herself up n a si in! posi ion( The wo ser)an s were s ill s andin! here, fro'en, s arin! a her, loo*in! sho"*ed and ye so&ehow essen ially unsurprised( 5hen she lif ed her re&#lin! hand o her &ou h and ou"hed he ri"*le of #lood here, he wo serfs urned away 7ui"*ly and wen #a"* o heir wor*( 6n a s a e of "o&ple e sho"*, >ulia "li&#ed uns eadily o her fee and lef Ana ole1s sui e( 5al*in! down he hall, her hand pressed o he ri"*le of #lood, her s ri"*en s are was s rai!h ahead( +he s"ar"ely *new where she was, wal*in! as one in a ran"e( +he passed "oun less roo&s wi h people in he& who& she *new +o&e "alled ou %!ree in!s o her, #u she "ouldn1 respond, "o&ple ely inside of her da'ed, e&p y self( 6e hit me. 6e hit me. +he "ouldn1 see& o &a*e herself #elie)e i ( A he end of he &ain "orridor, she s opped, no *nowin! where o !o or wha o do( . +he s ar ed sha*in!( A wa)e of un#eara#le pain rose up fro& wi hin her( +he !ulped i down, feelin! "lo##ered, and wal*ed nu&#ly in o he neares e&p y roo&, a s&all salon( +he "losed he door #ehind her and wal*ed o a "hair, #u ins ead of si in!, she "ru&pled slowly o he

floor and s ared a no hin!( Then he firs lon!, 7uie so#s "a&e, and she was weepin! as she had no sin"e she was a s&all "hild As he af ernoon shadows len! hened, hen #led in o dus*, her so#s 7uie ed o s rea&in! ears, he sal of her ears s in!in! as i &in!led wi h he "u on he "orner of her &ou h( Ana ole had spli her lip a!ains her ee h(( 6n he dar*enin! roo&, she "upped her swollen "hee*, wonderin! if he had #la"*ened her eye( as well( 5ha did i &a er: >us hen, he door opened, he s&all salon flooded wi h li!h , and in o he roo& swa!!ered half a do'en of he youn! #u"*s and he "rown prin"e, all &a*in! s upid &ale 0o*es o ea"h o her( +he "rin!ed in u er, sha*in! hu&ilia ion, se"onds #efore anyone no i"ed her here( +i in! on he floor #y he "hair, she drew her *nees up and "lasped her hands around he&, #uryin! her fa"e a!ains her ar&( 2,y >ew( loo* who1s here92 25e1)e s u&#led on hidden reasure, #oys9 6 1s our lu"*y ni!h (2 2-a 3i)ine >ulia92 1 1 2 25ha are you doin! alone here in he dar*, &y lo)e:2 +he urned away as hey neared, "o)erin! her fa"e( 2;o away she said( her )oi"e &uffled #y her ar&( 2>ulia:2 +he re"o!ni'ed Prin"e Rafael1s )oi"e( 2-ea)e &e alone(2 -i*e a rapped ra##i , she did no &o)e( 6n her down"as field of )ision, all she "ould see was shiny #la"* #oo s all around her( +he shi)ered wi h he fri!h enin!, irra ional sensa ion ha any &o&en now all hese &ales were !oin! o s ar *i"*in! and ra&pin! her( +he "ould feel he prin"e loo*in! down a her "uriously( 2-ea)e us,2 he said suddenly o his &a es( A on"e, she heard he usual sly re&ar*s, lau!h ei Ah( ha, ha, shall we lea)e you wo alone:2 +he wan ed o "ry a!ain for sheer ra!e ha his was wha was always assu&ed( 2;o92 Rafael ordered, "u in! he& off in a one of1 "ur au hori y( ( 6n &o&en s, his "ronies were !one, +he heard he door "lose and fel a few de!rees of relief, #u he was s ill here, in rudin! onher hu&ilia ion( +he s&elled he "lean s"en of his "arelessly e$pensi)e "olo!ne as he "rou"hed down #efore her( +he refused o loo* a hi&( 25ha 1s wron!:2 he de&anded 7uie ly( 2No hin!(2 25ha 1s wron!:2

2No hin!(2 2>ulia( -oo* a &e( 6 wan o help you(2 I'll bet you do, she hou!h #i erly( The #oy had he auda"i y o ou"h her fa"e. he unin0ured side.for he hur side she *ep i!h ly u"*ed a!ains her ar&( 5hen he ou"hed her, she was no e$pe" in! i , howe)er, and she 0er*ed, and he saw( He swore( 2>ulia, loo* a &e(2 +he swallowed hard and lif ed her head, &ee in! his an!ry, assessin! s are( He was only a #oy, so&eone she #arely *new, and ye she fel as hou!h one wron! word fro& hi& "ould &a*e her "ru&#le( No one saw her in his s a e( No one(4e , for all her #rains and wi and sophis i"a ion, she "ouldn1 spea* a word( +he was oo los o hide( 25ho has done his o you:2 he whispered fier"ely, his eyes fillin! wi h you h1s holy fire as he enderly ou"hed her fa"e( +he win"ed in irri a ion and pulled away( 2No one( 6ran in o he door(2 25ho, >ulia1(1 6 "o&&and you o ell &e(2 +he urned o hi&, world%weary, her )oi"e la"ed wi h #i erness( 25ha are you !oin! o do a#ou i :2 2Gill hi&(12 he replied( +he loo*ed away( +ha*in! her head, she #e!an lau!hin! as fresh ears rose in her eyes( 23uelin! is a!ains he law, 4our Hi!hness(2 2Tell &e his na&e(2 25ha are you !oin! o do, pro e" &e:2 she said dully( 23efend &y honor:2 24es(2 A las , she loo*ed a hi&, s udyin! hi& for a lon! &o&en ( May#e he was &ore of a &an han she had hou!h ( Prin"e Rafael ;ian"arlo E ore di 8iore had sun%*issed, awny hair s rea*ed wi h !old, and hou!h ful, !old%!reen eyes wi h !old% ipped lashes( He was "o&ely and well for&ed, his ele!an ly a hle i" #ody sun anned fro& hours a play, sailin! his ya"h around he Aeolian islands and +i"ily( He was *nown as a hellion, #u his an i"s were loo*ed upon wi h s&iles and win*s= he was he un7ues ioned darlin! of he *in!do&, he apple of he 7ueen1s eye, he *in!1s pride and 0oy( They *ep a "lose eye on heir !olden #oy( He "ould pro#a#ly "oun on one hand he nu&#er of i&es he1d had a wo&an, she hou!h ( And( ;od, he was ri"h( Mo)in! slowly, she rea"hed ou and "aressed his fa"e, a &o herly !es ure( His "hee* was li*e )el)e ( His inno"en"e pained her so&ehow( 5hen she spo*e, her )oi"e was sof er

han (he1d eF er heard i ( 24ou1ll !e yourself *illed, lo)er#oy(2 1The hell i will(2 he said e)enly( 25ho was he: ,e"ause he1s no !oin! o !e away wi h his(2 3an!erously &o)ed, she dropped her head, de#a in! de#a in!( He was he heir apparen , 0us a #oy, and she did no wan hi& !e in! hur , ye , oh, how she lon!ed in one iny, )ulnera#le "orner ofher hear for so&e#ody, 0us on"e, o pro e" her. 2Na&e hi&, >ulia(2 +he oo* a deep, sha*y #rea h( 2Tyurino)(2 28ine,2 he prin"e said s&oo hly, a fli"*er of w ih in his eyes( 26 will "all on you when i is done(2 He rose and headed for he door, shoulders s7uared( +he loo*ed up, s ri"*en( 1hat ha*e I done, 8ri! ened she ried o "all hi& #a"*( +he for"ed li!h ness in o her ore 4ou don1 need o ris* your life o sleep wi h &e, darlin!( E)ery%#ody *nows ha (2 He s opped, "a&e #a"*, and #en down oward her( He "upped her fa"e in s ran!e enderness( 2+aid, pre y >ulia, He !a'ed !en ly a her( 2Perhaps you ha)e for!o en, #u 61& a are ha here is &ore o you han ha + ay here( 6 wilsend he physi"ian o "are for you(2 He *issed her forehead and lef ( A si$ ha e)enin!, he "a)al"ade arri)ed #efore a 7uie "oun ry "hur"h hree &iles wes of he yellow )illa The a$les s7uea*ed as he "arria!e hal ed( Pia loo*ed a her un"er ainly( +erafina said no hin!, wi hdrawn, her ar&s folded o)er her #oso&( The "arria!e door suddenly yan*ed #a"* and here he s ood( 2Ou ,2 3arius ordered, !es urin! her &aid away Pia fled hi&( 5hen she was !one, he s epped up in o he "oa"h( He ossed a #la"* )el)e #o$ in o her lap and sa on he sea opposi e her, foldin! his ar&s, &irrorin!9her pose, his fa"e "ool, sharp, and rude( 25ha is his:2 He fli"*ed an insolen !es ure of i&pa ien"e wi h one #la"*%!lo)ed hannd(+he opened he #o$ and found hree #eau iful rin!sD one wi h a sin!le, hear %"u ru#y= he se"ond a ri"h "lus er of a&e hys s and dia&onds= he hird a plain !old #and( Ti"* one(2 +he lif ed her !a'e o his ense, an!ular fa"e( 25hy do you ha)e all hese rin!s:2 26 0us do(2 Ah( she said "oolly, s un!( 2Top se"re ( 6 !uess 6 should !e used o i (2 Tha 1s ri!h ( Pi"* one and le 1s !e on wi h i (2 Re&e&#erin! he &ons rous dia&ond Ana ole had !i)en her( she pro&p ly "hose he

plain !old #and( +he slipped i on her fir&er and furrowed her #row o dis"o)er he rin! fi per% fe" ly +he slid hi& a suspi"ious loo*( 6 fi s( ;ood,2 he "lipped ou ( 2Then le 1s !e his o)er wi h(2 He 0u&ped down fro& he "arria!e, no wai in! o help her down( As he wal*ed oward he "hur"h, he ossed he )el)e #o$ o her &aid( 2Ca "h(2 ( wh a 1 s his, sir:2 Pia as*ed1in #ewilder&en ( 2+o&e hin! o pu away for your re ire&en ( -oyal y, Pia,2 he "hided( 1+o&e of us do *now how o reward i (2 He 0o!!ed up he s eps and s rode in o he "hur"h( +erafina !ri ed her ee h and followed hi& and hey were wed( Ale" and Pia were wi nesses( The only !ues s were he !uards&en and a few o her ser)an s, plus one pious old widow who happened o #e )isi in! her dead hus#and in he "hur"h !ra)eyard( +erafina1s e&o ions were in an uproar( A he al ar, she held on o 3arius1s ar& #e"ause now he was all she had( E)en as she sou!h his s ren! h, she "hafed under he *nowled!e hai now he was her !uardian in earnes , her lord and &as er, oo( He1d #e er no e)en ry pullin! ran* on her, she hou!h ( As he plain "ere&ony pro!ressed, she wa "hed he pries 1s lips &o)in! #u "ould no 7ui e a#sor# any of i ( +he had !o en her wa), #u i sure didn1 feel li*e i (5hen he &o&en "a&e for 3arius o slip he !old #and on her fin!er, he !lan"ed a her for a se"ond, &ee in! her eyes( +he hou!h of &a*in! lo)e wi h hi& las ni!h , he way hey had s ared a ea"h o her hen, when hey had #een one wi h ea"h o her( Hea , lon!in! rushed hrou!h her #ody( +he saw in his eyes a fli"*er of so&e raw, fiery ur&oil, #u he )eiled his e$pression and urned away, all and !or!eous, e)er una aina#le, his profile perfe" and e&o ionless( The &an of her drea&s.hers fore)er now.and he ha ed her( 26 how pronoun"e you &an and wife( 5ell, !o on, *iss her,2 said he *indly old pries ( +an ia!o 0ol ed a #i as if he1d #een do'in! on his fee hrou!h he whole hin!( +he "len"hed her ee h, *nowin! he was deli#era ely #ai in! her( Her new hus#and leaned down and !a)e her a perfun" ory *iss on ea"h "hee*( The !es ure was so s&oo h and &eanin!less, she fel as hou!h she had #een slapped, no *issed( Tears of hur and an!er spran! in o, her eyes, #u she was de er&ined o #e as "oolly une&o ional and in "on rol as he( +he oo* his ar& when he poli ely offered i and led her fro& he "hur"h, his &as* of aloof "orre" ness fir&ly in pla"e, nei her of he& s&ilin!( ,a"* in o he "arria!e a!ain, and she was #e!innin! o ha e herself for e)er hin*in! he would le her !e away wi h his )ile deed. rappin! hi& li*e a "o&&on "oun ry wen"h

ou o snare he s7uire1s son( +he e&pered he !uil wi h re&indin! herself of his lies( +urely wha she had done was no worse han his &any falsehoods( +he s ared ou he window while he "oa"h rolled on oward he yellow )illa( Earlier, 3arius had snarled a her ha he had #ou!h i fro& he "rown #efore lea)in! for Milan( 5hy a &an who had hou!h he was !oin! o die needed a house, she did no *now, #u wha was he poin in as*in! when she *new he would only 1 ie: Mor#idly, she found herself dwellin! on horri#le i&a!es of he war o "o&e( ,lood on her hands( Their de&on%lo)e was "ursed, li*e her "ursed fa"e( 5hen hey arri)ed, her hus#and of half an hour i!nored her o deal wi h his &en, his horses, anyone #u her( +he wal*e" slowly up he wide, shallow s eps o he )illa, !lan"in! &orosely a he &isshapen, o)er!rown opiaries and he peelin! yellow pain ( +he s opped inside he foyer, re&e&#erin! he way i had loo*ed when she had las seen i .s&o*e%filled, #lood%spa ered, "hao i"( 5ounded and dyin! &en s rewn o)er h? floor, i had #een a #a le!round( Her !a'e wandered o)er he walls, where "urlin! s rea*s lef #y soap re&ained fro& he "leanup 0o# af erward, #u hen was no #lood or ashes lef o see, han* ;od( +he wen hea)ily up he s airs o he pin* #edroo&( + andin! in he doorway, !a'in! a his roo&, she suddenly wan ed o "ry, wan ed ha #eau iful, #la"*hear ed liar o hold her( +he wal*ed o)er o he #ed and sa down on i ( -as i&e she1d slep here, she had #een a )ir!in( 6n &isery, her !a'e fell o he floor and wandered a"rosi he apes ry ru! of he pas oral idyll, he "ele#ra ion of you h= and &aidens dan"in! around he &aypole( +he re&e&#ered he hidin! pla"e #enea h i ( No hin! in her world was wha i appeared, she hou!h ( No hin!( A lu&p of sorrow rose in her hroa ( 5ho were hey foolin!1 This &arria!e was ne)er !oin! o su""eed( 5hy hadn1 she seen he o#)ious #efore she under oo* s? rash a fea : -as ni!h , #lind lo)e &us ha)e had her in o$i "a ed, relief and despera ion &us ha)e &uddled her wi s( >us #e"ause he was her hus#and now did no &ean he "ouldn1 lea)e( 6 only &ean he1d ha)e o &a*e up so&e unassaila#le e$"use #efore he "ould wal* away wi hou "o&pun" ion, hei he would #e free o !o( ;od *new he was resour"eful a &a*in! up e$"uses( +he supposed she had #e er s ar #ra"in! herself so&ehow for his e$i ( +he would ha)e o #e s ron! #e"ause his las )anishin! a" had nearly des royed her, and she "ould no , would no !o hrou!h ha de)as a ion a!ain(Hearin! his )oi"e in he "our yard #elow as he i&pa ien ly ordered his roops a#ou , she wal*ed nu&#ly o he window and

spied on hi& around he "ur ain( He sa as ride his &a!nifi"en and &ean%spiri ed #la"* s allion( The se in! sun rippled hrou!h he horse1s #la"* &ane and ail, and hrou!h 3arius1s 0e %#la"* hair( 6 war&ed his s*in o #urnished a&#er( He loo*ed li*e a !od, her hus#and, she hou!h "oldly( Oh, she "ould no resis ha &an( 6 was one &ore e$"ellen reason o despise hi&( He had used hose !or!eous loo*s of his a!ains her, and his sof , irresis i#le )oi"e o lull her la$ &orals in o a ran"e, and his deli"ious &ou h. All of a sudden, 3arius !lan"ed up, as hou!h he d fel her s are( He saw her a he window( 5hen heir eyes &e fro& a"ross he "o##led yard, she fel his flash of hos ili y He !a)e her a harsh loo* and wheeled he horse away wi h s&oo h, +panish &as ery, he reins (in one hand, his spurred an*les fle$ed( Arro!an , insolen hea hen9 she hou!h an!rily 5hy was he a" in! li*e he one who had #een wron!ed: How dare he: +he pi)o ed and &ar"hed away fro& he window, eyes #la'in!( +he was he Prin"ess Royal and, #y ;od, she was no #ud!in! fro& his roo& un il ha insolen +paniard "a&e o !ro)el a her fee ( How she "hose o handle his "onfli" would se a pre"eden for he res of heir &arria!e( +he did no in end o li)e he res of her life #ein! he dupe of his lies( 6f he &us #e free, le hi& lea)e, #u if he in ended o s ay, he was !oin! o ha)e o &ee her halfway( +he "alled o Pia o help her "han!e ou of her ra)elin! "lo hes in o a si&ple "oun ry dress, for hey had wor* o do( The )illa needed &u"h repair if i was o ser)e as &ore han a e&porary residen"e( 8or her par , she was "lai&in! he pin* #edroo& for her own erri ory( 5here ha +paniard would &a*e "a&p, she nei her *new nor "ared.or so she old herself( The s a#le would #e a fi in! "hoi"e, she hou!h ( He was "er ainly no sharin! a #ed wi h her(>ulia hou!h she had for!o en how o pray, #u fro& he &o&en Rafael was ou of si!h she pleaded wi h ;od( et -natole be gone.let him be on the ship. Don't !ill this child. True o he prin"e1s word, he physi"ian "a&e 7ui"*ly o aid her The *indly &an wal*ed her #a"* o her roo&s, a)oidin! he "rowds( Af er a ner)e%ra"*in! wai , she found ha , indeed, ;od heard he prayers of >e'e#el, or perhaps i was &erely ha a lar!er des iny awai ed he youn! fu ure *in!( Rafael s opped #y her door a#ou wo hours la er and re!re fully infor&ed her he had #een oo la e o de&and 0us i"e of Tyurino)( He had !alloped hard all he way o he por , only o find he Russians1 ship had 0us se sail( He was apolo!e i"(

+he pu her ar&s around hi& and held hi& as hard as she "ould, her eyes s7uee'ed i!h ( The #oy didn1 as* 7ues ions, didn1 ry o !e in her door( He si&ply hu!!ed her in silen"e for as lon! as she wan ed hi& o( hen he &ur&ured !oodni!h (and said ha he would "he"* on her o&orrow( " ' As he wal*ed off down he hall, she leaned in he doorway, wa "hin! hi&, her ar&s folded o)er her "hes ( As if he "ould feel her s are, he urned, saw her, and sen her a li le farewell wa)e wi h a se"re s&ile( +he held up her hand in a(slow, answerin! wa)e, and *new hen ha she had o ha)e hi&( CHAPTER T5ENT4 The walls ha !irded he yellow )illa1s a"rea!e had on"e see&ed o e&#ra"e hi& and +erafina, shieldin! heir fan asy lo)e fro& he harsh ou er world, #u a wee* in o heir disas rous &arria!e, hose sa&e walls &ar*ed he #oundaries of his "a!e( He was rapped( I'*e got to get out of here. 3arius "an ered his #la"* s allion hrou!h he !ray &is s of dawn( >ihad1s e$er"ise "o&prised a #ris* lap around he proper y1s wide peri&e er( The wall s rea&ed pas li*e a lon!, !ray ri##on unra)elin! on 3arius1s ri!h as he horse s s rides a e up he sof , rollin! !round( The si ua ion wi h his new wife re&ained &u"h he sa&eD They spo*e li le, and hen wi h "old "our esy( 6n he pas , i had #een an ad)an a!e ha hey were so &u"h ali*e, #o h o#s ina ely proud and wily, #u now i lo"*ed he& a odds, ea"h playin! a wai in! !a&e o see who would #e he firs ei her o apolo!i'e or o wal* ou ( ,eyond he )illa1s walls, hin!s were al&os as !lu&( 8ran"e had de"lared war( A handful of ships fro& he 8ran"o%+panish na)y had #e!un #lo"*adin! As""n"ion o wea*en he& for Hilleneu)e1s as ye un*nown da e of arri)al( 5i h he 8ren"h ships ridin! a an"hor 0us #eyond he #oundaries of As"en"ion1s erri orial wa ers, a fi!h in! line of he *in!1s fri!a es was arrayed for he island1s defense( +o far, = no sho s had #een fired( 8or now, i re&ained nau!h #u a!rea na)al s arin! "on es no unli*e his &arria!e, 3arius hou!h ( The diplo&a s were wor*in! fe)erishly o arri)e a a pea"eful solu ion, #u he whole island was #a enin! down for a sie!e( Parlia&en had de"lared ra ions and a "urfew in he owns( Ru&or had i ha he *in! i "hed o a a"*( 3arius "ould well i&a!ine -a'ar lon!ed for a wor hy ad)ersary on who& o )en his wra h, he rue sour"es of whi"h were his dau!h er and his for&erly &os % rus ed &an( The 8ren"h were also de&andin! ha 3arius #e handed o)er o fa"e rial, #u his -a'ar s aun"hly refused( There was no proof #u he word of one dis!run led youn! rai oress ha he lone assassin in Milan had #een 3arius +an ia!o, respe" ed diplo&a for he "our

of As"en"ion, and son%in%law o he *in!( 6ndeed, -a'ar had played a ou ra!e o)er he a""usa ion, na&in! hi&self and wen y of As"en"ion1s leadin! no#les as 3arius1s ali#is for he days in 7ues ion.and who dared "all Gin! -a'ar di 8iore a liar: 3arius *new -a'ar s ill "onsidered hi& a )ile, a&oral sedu"er of inno"en s( The *in!1s defense of hi& was &erely a poli i"al "onsidera ion, or perhaps o pro e" his #a#y !irl, #e"ause if here was one hin! 3arius *new for "er ain, i was ha he, alon! wi h he parro , he "a , and he &on*ey, was Her 6li!hness1s *ep pe ( Two days a!o, howe)er, he had re"ei)ed a e&porary lif ou of he &orass of his e&o ions in he for& of a le er fro& a ,ri ish in elli!en"e "ollea!ue and friend, +ir >a&es Ri"hards( On lea)e in +i"ily, Ri"hards had sen 3arius warnin! ha Prin"e Tyurino) &i!h no ha)e lef he area( 6 see&ed ha he !lorious Ana ole had #rou!h his ship o por a Mal a, where he had so&ehow re"ei)ed warnin! ha C'ar Ale$ander had issued orders o sei'e hi& he &o&en he re urned o Mos"ow( The Russian ship had re&ained here, #u no one had seen Tyurino) hi&self for a "ouple of days( Ri"hards had also in)i ed 3arius o )isi hi& in +i"ily if hewas in eres ed in #ein! par of wha he En!lish&an er&ed 2an in ri!uin! under a*in!(2 3arius "ould no i&a!ine wha i was, #u he lon!ed o !o lon!ed for any wor* o do( Ri"hards was an e$"ellen a!en and weapons e$per ( ,and no dou# had so&e hin! in!enious up his slee)e( 3arius &ulled he in ri!uin! under a*in! "ons an ly, as now( He slowed he s allion o a ro , hen u!!ed on he reins, hal in! as hey "a&e o he rid!e o)erloo*in! he field and he la*e where +erafina and he had pi"ni"*ed, wha see&ed eons a!o( , His !a'e ra)eled o)er his los paradise, shrouded in &is The dis an ree line in he #a"*!round sprawled, irre!ular, a!ains he palin! s*y( He ou!h o 0oin Ri"hards1s ea&, he reasoned, for wha was he poin in his #ein! here: On hose rare o""asions when +erafina e)en loo*ed a hi&, i was wi h #i erness, hur , and an!ry reproa"h in her #eau iful, )iole eyes( He *new she despised hi&, #u wha "ould he do: He fel paraly'ed, helpless, and plain s"ared% ;od, wha had he done o his life: he hou!h hea)ily He1d *nown fro& he day she was #orn ha +erafina di 8iore would #e his downfall( On"e &ore, his pres"ien ;ypsy senses had pro)ed ri!h ( He was s ill reelin! fro& he firs i&e he had *issed her, ye so&ehow, suddenly, here he 5as, hus#and o he !oddess of he a!e( He "ould e$a" his hus#andly ri!h s whene)er he wan ed, only he was errified o !o nea r her( Terrified of he a""usa ions ha would "o&e hurlin! oul a hi& if he !a)e her he "han"e o spea*( He didn1 5an o hear how useless and false and wha a failure he was( No fro & her( Any

day now, his rare, !or!eous #u erfly was !oin! o lif her win!s and fly away fro& hi&( He was 0us wailin! for i ( Tha 1s wha a fe&ale did when you needed her( 5i h his full iron will, he was de er&ined o &as er his need for her for on"e and for all, #e"o&e in)ulnera#le a!ain, ye he *new i was his )ery silen"e ha was dri)in! her away( If you don't tal! to her, you are going to lose her for certain.The hou!h &ade hi& i&pa ien ( 5ha "ould he say o her now( when e)ery word fro& his &ou h she 0ud!ed a lie: He s7uee'ed he horse1s &idni!h sides wi h his "al)es and hey sprin ed he shor dis an"e o he la*e( There, 3arius flun! down ou of he saddle and ried o feel he way he had fel here #efore, when i was safe o ell her any hin! a#ou hi&self #e"ause here were no "onse7uen"es.i was e&porary.he had hou!h he was !oin! o die( The feelin! es"aped hi&, 0us #eyond his !rasp( He "ouldn1 e)en apolo!i'e, #e"ause ruly #ein! sorry &ean ryin! o "han!e, he hou!h as he s ared a he la*e, and he had no in en ion of doin! so( He respe" ed her oo &u"h o !i)e her a sha& apolo!y( Couldn1 she see #y now ha &ay#e a liar was wha he needed o #e: Tha &ay#e he ru h, he full ru h a#ou hi&, was oo da&ned pi iful for hi& o share wi h anyone0 3idn she see ha so&e i&es a lie was all a &an had: 5hile his horse snea*ed a few &ou hfuls of he lon! !rass #ehind hi&, 3arius ra*ed #o h hands slowly hrou!h his hair and drew a lon!, s eadyin! #rea h(( He was rapped( I 'm going cra@y. I am obsessed with her. I can't hide from' her fore*er. Tell her. Tell her e*erything, said his hear ( Trust her. The hou!h was oo hrea enin!( He !o #a"* on his horse a!ain and rode and rode, "ir"lin! endlessly wi hin he "onfines of his "a!e( >ulia awo*e wi h he #oy "urled around her and ha'y, "andleli i&a!es in her &ind of he ni!h #efore( 8ore)er, she *new, he as e of "ho"ola e%"o)ered "ara&els would re&ind her of her lo)er#oy( 6 had #een a s ran!e wee*( +he had "lose ed herself in her roo&s, "ryin! ill, in order o hide he hu&ilia ion of her #raised fa"e fro& e)eryone( The only )isi or she ad&i ed was Rafael( 6 was no use ryin! o dis"oura!e he you h fro& "o&in! o see her( He "a&e e)ery day, supposedly o "heer her up( +he *new he ine)i a#le ou "o&e, #u , o her a&use&en , he wan ed o !e o *now her firs ( +he had he dis&al feelin! he was on a 7ues o sa)e her( All wee*, heir )isi s had #een inno"en as she wai ed for her #ruises o heal and

"al"ula ed wha she &i!h #e a#le o !e ou of his( E)ery &o&en in his presen"e she "oun ed as a #low s ru"* a!ains 3arius +an ia!o( Ea"h day, hey sa in her iny an e"ha&#er playin! "hess, he #oy as*in! her endless 7ues ions a#ou herself, &os of whi"h she e)aded( He &us ha)e di)ined her finan"ial pli!h , for he had !i)en her an enor&ous a&oun of &oney, no 7ues ions as*ed, sayin! wi h si&ple !ood%hear edness ha he was !lad o help a friend in need( Of "ourse, he full su& she s ill owed was hree i&es his !enerous !if , #u she didn1 ell hi& ha ( 6ns ead, she #e!an wishin! despera ely he would wise up and 7u i "o&in! o see her( Ea"h day, her swollen fa"e healed a li le &ore, hen, yes erday af ernoon, Rafael had showed up a her door will a #o$ of "ho"ola es( They a e he "ho"ola es as hey played "hess, hen suddenly, ou of he #lue, he had leaned a"ross he a#le and *issed her( One *iss, ha was all, hen he !a)e her a slow, se"re s&ile ha )ery nearly &el ed wha on"e had #een her hear ( Tha e)enin!, she had pu in an appearan"e in he drawin! roo&, for she was now a#le o hide he #ruise wi h li!h &a*eup( The prin"e swa!!ered in half an hour la er, and so&ehow, around ele)en, she wound up in Rafe1s roo& wi h hi&( His en husias& was #oundless, his ener!y and sheer appe i e as onishin!, #u his ou"h was no hin! shor of re)eren when he "aressed her and oo* her #reas in o his &ou h( 1 was all so new o hi&, he feel of a wo&an1s #ody( He was so differen fro& any &an she1d e)er *nown( They &ade lo)e si in! on he ed!e of his hu!e, "ar)ed #ed, #u she had soon found herself lau!hin! sof ly and *issin! away his e&#arrass&en , for he "a&e al&os i&&edia ely he firs i&e( The se"ond ( i&e( she *nel as ride hi&, !en ly &a*in! hi& hold #a"*, ea"hin! hi& "on rol( He was an ap pupil(Hery ap , she &used, runnin! a hand down his war&, )el)e y%s&oo h #a"*, for he hird i&e, he1d #rou!h her o "li&a$ wi h a enderness she had no e$perien"ed in years, if e)er( +he did no li*e i ( The way he had held her af erward had #een unse lin!( This "ould no las , o#)iously( 8or ;od1s sa*e, he was nine een( +he was wen y%se)en( He would #e *in! one day( +he was a 0aded soul( Coun less &en had lain wi h her, and ye only his #oy, wi h his sun% *issed hair and re"*less !rin, had so&ehow !o en inside of her( +he was no sure she "ould for!i)e hi& for ha ( +ooner or la er, he 7ueen was #ound o learn of heir liaison( There "ould #e no worse ene&y han Alle!ra di 8iore when i "a&e o her #oy( 8or una ely, Her Ma0es y was preo""upied for he &o&en wi h he new #a#y, her dau!h er1s s"andal, and he hrea of war wi h he 8ren"h, #u she would find ou in i&e,

and hen wha was >ulia !oin! o do: +he would #e as*ed o lea)e, and where "ould she possi#ly !o: How s upid of her o le his infan #e!uile her, she &used( +he "ould only a ri#u e i o he fa" ha he had found her in her &o&en of u er wea*ness.her hopes "rushed, her "redi ors "losin! in, her fa"e #ashed and #leedin!( Presen ly, &a&a1s royal fa)ori e slep li*e a worn%ou puppy a op her, #u he didn1 s ir in he sli!h es when >ulia pushed a!ains his &us"led shoulder and rolled hi& off her( +he !o up silen ly and sur)eyed her surroundin!s as she #e!an pu in! on her !ar ers and s o"*in!s( +he no i"ed he "lo"* half%pas ele)en already( 5ell, hey had s ayed up la e, she hou!h ( Then he si!h of Rafe1s !i!an i", "lu ered des* "au!h her eye( 5i h a shrewd e$pression, she !lan"ed o)er her shoulder o &a*e sure he was s ill sleepin!, hen wal*ed o)er o he des* and silen ly #e!an openin! he drawers, one #y one( and !oin! hrou!h he&( 5ha she1d find, who "ould say: E$perien"e had au!h her she "ould always unear h so&e hin! useful( +he dou# ed he #oy had any real s*ele ons in his "lose = i was &ere for"e of( ha#i ha sen her rifflin! hrou!h his #elon!in!s( ,u ( he !old she s ru"* was si in! ri!h ou on his des*, pra" i"ally #e!!in! for her dis"o)ery( ;in!erly unrollin! he lar!e s"roll, she sli"ed he prin"e a sideward !lan"e o &a*e sure he was s ill asleep( His #rown, &us"led #ody was s ill sprawled on he shee s, his #a#y%fa"e an!eli" in sleep( +he e$a&ined he par"h&en ( A firs she hou!h i was: so&e s"hool#oyish pro0e" ( Then she reali'ed she was s arin!. a hi!hly "lassified &aps of he le!endaiy 8iori unnels( + arin!, her hear #e!an o pound( There was a &y h ha Gin! ,onifa"io he ,la"* , he founder of he royal house, had ordered su# erranean unnels #uil hrou!hou he island for he royal fa&ily o use in "ase of in)asion or o her e&er!en"y( 6n se)en hundred years no one ou side he royal fa&ily had e)er #een ad&i ed in o he se"re .e$"ep perhaps ha +paniard who& she ha ed &ore1 han hell i self( ) Her !a'e ra)eled o)er he de ailed draw in!s( +ou stupid boy. 6ow could you lea*e this where / would find ' it, Eyes #urnin!, she loo*ed o)er a hi& a!ain, sleepin! here, a youn! Adonis( The 8ren"h were har#ored in he #ay( Put it bac!, 7ulia, whispered her fee#le "ons"ien"e( +ou gi*e this to the 8rench, you ta!e his whole future away from him 9aybe e*en his life.

, +u"h a #e rayal would *ill he )ery enderness and si&ple *indness in hi& whi"h had &o)ed her so dan!erously( 1 ,u he for"e of ha#i was oo s ron!( +he would #e ri"h(+he, "ould !o anywhere she wan ed( Ne)er a!ain would she ha)e o depend on ha &os shif less of "rea ures, he hu&an &ale( The #oy would ha)e o sin* or swi&( The world was a 0un!le, his sof life an illusion( +he old herself his was he &os )alua#le lesson she "ould ea"h hi&( -e +an ia!o sa)e hi&, she hoa!h a"idly( +he finished dressin! 7ui"*ly, her hands sha*in!, hen wal*ed silen ly o hedoor, he s"roll in her !rasp( + eppin! o)er he hreshold, she , paused and s ole a final, lon! !a'e a hi&( +o&e hin! inside of her "ra"*ed and #ro*e per&anen ly, a ha &o&en ( ,i erness was in her &ou h, her whole #ody sha*in!( Stupid boy, she hou!h ( +he urned and lef , pullin! he door "losed silen ly #ehind her( ,y &id&ornin!, 3arius arri)ed a he )illa on"e &ore( He lef >ihad wi h a !roo& and s rode in o he house, dreadin! he e&p y, lonely day ahead( 5ha was he !oin! o do wi h his i&e: he wondered( He had already e$haus ed e)ery shred of wor* he "ould hin* of o o""upy hi&self( 5al*in! in o he foyer, he passed he &ornin! roo& where he saw his youn! wife, wri in! so&e hin! a he a#le #eside her #rea*fas ( His s olen !lan"e oo* in he &ornin! sunli!h winin! hrou!h her sil*y, sa#le resses and !lea&in! on her s*in li*e powdered pearls( Her head #en o)er her wor*, she was wirlin! a "url around her (fin!er, whi"h &ean she was deep in hou!h , so he hurried pas and down he hall o his %offi"e wi hou ryin! o say hello( He oo* #rea*fas in he li#rary down he hall( The food was li*e ashes in his &ou h, *nowin! she was so near and ye his was how i was( A len! h, he pushed he food away in dis!us and &erely dran* his "offee, readin! for he housand h i&e he le er fro& Ri"hards( -n intriguing enterprise((( How !ood i would #e o feel he was of use a!ain and o ha)e so&e hin! else o do ins ead of si in! around here, &en ally "a alo!uin! all he ways in whi"h he was no !ood enou!h( >us hen, here was a *no"* a he door and a &o&en la er his oo%#eau iful, oo% hi!h#orn wife "a&e in( Her "hin was hi!h, her e$pression one of "ool hau eur( Her re!al poise errified hi&( He rose sli!h ly and #owed( 2Mada&(2 +he sli"ed hi& a nod, her !a'e fi$ed on he floor( 2 6 ha)e "o&e o say 6 a& !oin! in o own o hire ar isans o effe" so&e repairs around here( The !rounds are a ro"ious( The roof needs a en ion( And o#)iously,

we &us ha)e fresh pain ( 5e &us also ha)e &odern w("(1s pu in and 6 wan new "a#ine s for he *i "hens(2 +he lif ed an insolen loo* o hi&, as hou!h wai in! for hi&. no, darin! hi&. o deny her( He did no ( 2The repairs you &en ion are indeed in order(2 he warily replied( +he s udied hi& ar"hly( 2These "han!es are only he #e!innin!( Half of he furni ure1s fallin! apar ( Mos of he roo&s are hopelessly ou da ed( 5e will #e rede"ora in! af er we re#uild(2 A!ain, she wai ed s&u!ly for his refusal( He wasn1 worried( His po"*e s were deep, else he1d ne)er ha)e le hin!s #e ween he& !e his far( +hoppin! was, af er all, he deli!h of her life( 26 rus you will #rin! us o he hei!h of fashion,2 he said( 26n fa" , 6 *now an e$"ellen ar"hi e" #y he na&e of +i!nore A&#rose i(2 2Has he offi"es in own: 6 will !o see hi&(2 2No so fas ,2 he said !en ly #u fir&ly, s ayin! her wi h a !es ure( 26 will send for hi& and fe "h hi& here, hen you "an show hi& yourself wha needs o #e done( Order hi& around o your hear 1s "on en , if you li*e, #u 6 don1 wan you !oin! in o own(2 +he folded her ar&s under her #reas s( He "he"*ed his s are( 26 a& going in o own(2 2No( 6 is no safe(2 25hy:2 she de&anded( 2,e"ause 6 said so,2 he replied, de"linin! o ell her a#ou he possi#ili y of Tyurino)1s presen"e( No hin! had #een "onfir&ed( 5hy #urden her wi h so&e hin! ha was his pro#le&: ( He "ould handle i alone and "er ainly here was no poin in s"arin! her on op of &a*in! her wre "hed( 2+i!nore A&#rose i will need o &a*e a sur)ey of he proper y anyway(2 He s&oo hed his "oa and sa down a!ain( 23arius(2To e&phasi'e he poin ha he "on)ersa ion was "losed, he for"ed hi&self o a*e a non"halan #i e of his #rea*fas ( The o&ele had !one "old and ro##ery( 3is!us in!, he hou!h as he "hewed( ,ra)ado wasn1 wor h his( 23arius92 2No(2 2-oo* a his(2 +he suddenly flun! so&e papers on o his des* and s epped #a"*, hands on her hips( 26 didn1 wan o show you his, #u 6 daresay now you1H see why 6 &us !o in o own(2 25ha 1s his:2 he &ur&ured as he oo* he&( 6 appeared o #e a "olle" ion of hose lurid !ossip newspapers she was always readin!( He loo*ed down a he op pa!e and pro&p ly "ho*ed on his &ou hful of "old e!!s( 2They are la&poonin! us e)erywhere,2 she de"lared(

He s opped his "ho*in! wi h a swallow of ho "offee, hen s ared a he newspaper( 6 was he issue prin ed he day heir s"andal #ro*e( The headline was hree in"hes, allD 6N 8-A;RANTE 3E-6CTO9 23ear ;od92 ,elow i was a hear less "ari"a ure( He was depi" ed #are%"hes ed, a snarl on his lips, his sword drawn o fi!h off a "rowd of ou ra!ed people around her #ed, while +erafina, "urls wild, was shown on her *nees #ehind hi&, "lin!in! fearfully a#ou his wais ( She's mine$ read he "ap ion( He s ared a he s*e "h for a lon! &o&en and hen, slowly, he #e!an o lau!h( 24ou hin* i 1s funny:2 she "ried in ou ra!e( 25ell,2 he said( 25e "an ei her lau!h or "ry(2 25e "an #loody well do &ore han ha , +an ia!o9 3gh, you &ay suffer in silen"e as usual if you wan , #u 61& no !oin! o a*e his( 61& !oin! in o own( They hin* we are hidin! our fa"es in sha&e here, #u 61ll show he&9 61& !oin! o wal* in here and hold &y head up and.and show he& all ha 6 don1 !i)e a fi! wha hey hin*(22Ah%h&&,2 he said s*ep i"ally as he s*i&&ed he ar i"le( Meanwhile, she pa"ed, full of an!ry, pen %up ener!y( His hear san* when he loo*ed a he final "olu&n on he fron pa!e( 6 had a s&aller headline ha as*ed, TROC,-E 6N PARA36+E: and wen on o pro"lai& ha heir &arria!e was already in ruins( How he hell did hey *now ha : he hou!h an!rily( 3a&ned 0ournalis s &us ha)e #een spyin! on he& so&ehow 8ro& a"ross he roo&, she urned o hi&, ar&s i!h ly #ided( 2Now, are you "o&in! wi h &e or no :2 2+erafina, for he ei!h h i&e, you1re no !oin! anywhere 24es, 6 a&92 5i h a sudden loo* of fury, she &ar"hed =oward he des* and #ra"ed #o h hands on he ed!e, leanin! =oward hi&, "urls flyin!, )iole eyes #la'in!, her "hes hea)in! wi h an!er, &a!nifi"en in her ire( 26 a& !oin! &ad lu%e1 8here is no one o al* o and no hin! o do92 He s ared up a her, ra her awed, hen snapped ou of her spell( 2Ne)er heless, here you shall re&ain(2 25hy:2 she de&anded( 2,e"ause 6 said so(2 26 a& no your prisoner92 she "ried, sla&&in! her fis down on his des*, ri!h on +ir >a&es Ri"hards1s le er( 3arius loo*ed down a her "len"hed hand, hen fli"*ed 'his !a'e up o her fa"e( 2Cal&

yourself,2 he said hrou!h !ri ed ee h( 2Oh, shall 6 #e li*e you: 5i hou e&o ions: 61& !oin! in o own and you "an1 s op &e92 He sho o his fee , #u refused o lose his e&per( 26 a& your hus#and and you will o#ey &e( Tha is wha you wan ed, isn i : Tha is wha you ruined &y life for:2 "#uinedyour life, " she !asped( ,efore he "ould s op her, she pi"*ed up his full #rea*fas pla e and hrew i a"ross he roo&( The pla e #ro*e on he floor, "old e!!s all o)er he wa1ll( 2There9 Now 61)e ruined your #rea*fas , oo(2 +he pi)o ed on her heel and &ar"hed ou , fis s "len"hed, "urls1 floun"in! down her #a"*(8or a &o&en , he was in sho"*( He hadn1 seen ha ri"* sin"e her nursery days( Then, suddenly, he was in"ensed( 4ou #ra he hundered, &ar"hin! af er her( 2;e #a"* he and "lean i up92 Hle wal*ed ou in o he foyer o find she was runnin! up he s airs( =F How old are you, se)en, ei!h , &y "hild #ride:2 he "alled an!rily af er her( ;e away fro& &e9 6 ha e you9 6 ne)er wan o see you a!ain92 He paused, a*en a#a"*( 24ou ha e &e:2 +he had ne)er said su"h a hin! o hi& #efore( Had she #een pushed as far as she "ould !o: 2+erafina92 >us !o, 3arius9 6 *now you are !oin! o9 >us !o and !e i o)er wi h(2 +he loo*ed down a hi& o)er he railin! a he op of he s eps, her "urls fallin! forward o)er her shoulders, her "rea&y "hee*s #ri!h pin*, ears risin! in her eyes( 2May#e 6 a& i&&a ure, #u 61& no he only one9 6 see now you only wan ed &e #e"ause 6 was for#idden( 6 e$"i ed you o a*e wha you hou!h you "ould no ha)e( Now ha you1)e !o &e, he hrill is !one and all you wan is your freedo& a!ain( +o, !o9 And for!e he s upid ar"hi e" ( 6 dou# we will #e li)in! here &u"h lon!er(2 +he sho)ed away fro& he railin! and disappeared( He "ould hear her "ryin! as she hurried away down he hall, hen he heard he predi" a#le sla& of he pin* #edroo&1s door( Oh, ;od,2 he said under #is #rea h as he dropped his "hin al&os o his "hes ( He was )ery s ill, his eyes s7uee'ed i!h ly shu ( ( I'*e lost her. The hou!h &o)ed 7uie ly, &a er%of%fa" ly hrou!h his #rain( His eyes fli"*ed open( He s ared a he floor, reali'in!, 100 la e, ha her )en urin! in o his offi"e had #een her hau!h y effor o rea"h ou o hi&( +he had held ou he oli)e #ran"h and he had se he o her end of i afire( +he was !oin! o lea)e hi& now( He "ould feel i , had heard i in her )oi"e( Throa "ons ri" ed,% he lif ed his #urnin! eyes o he e&p y spa"e a he op of he s airs(

( Don't lea*e me. +uddenly he was in &o ion, "li&#in! he s airs, leapin! he&, wo a a i&e( CHAPTER T5ENT4 ONE 2Open he door,2 "a&e her hus#and1s )oi"e hrou!h he wood( +erafina !lared a he lo"*ed door as she &o)ed a#ou he roo&, an!rily pa"*in! her #elon!in!s in o a few open ra)elin! run*s( +he was done "ryin! o)er ha hear less ;ypsy #as ard( +he was !oin! ho&e( 2-e &e in(2 24ou won, 3arius( 6 don1 wan o see you9 >us !o away92 +he was so si"* of his power o)er her, si"* of #ein! in his hrall( The door*no# 0i!!led( 24ou1re no lea)in! &e, +erafina(2 261& sure as hell no s ayin! here #y &yself92 she shou ed a he door( 2No#ody1s lea)in!(2 -ie92 she flun! a hi& hrou!h he door( A &o&en of silen"e passed in whi"h she "ould pra" i"ally hear hi& si&&erin!( 2+erafina, open he !odda&ned door,2 he said 7uie ly( 26 wan o see you(2 +he &erely sho he door ano her !larin! loo* and pushed her "lo hes down in o he se"ond ra)elin! run*( 2Child1s play,2 he said in sharp &o"*ery fro& he o her side of he door, hen she heard his hea)y foo falls re rea in! down he hallway( +o, he was !one( 5al*in! away a!ain, she hou!h #i erly( He !a)e up so easily(+he had always #een he only one who had fou!h for heir lo)e( He didn1 "are( +he lo)ed hi&, yes, so &u"h her #ody a"hed for( hi&, #u her feelin!s for her de&i!od were as unre% 7ui ed now ha she was his wife as hey had #een when she was a &ere s&i en si$ een% year%old( +he was fed up wi h i ( +he was s ill #roodin! on his when, a#ou hree &inu es la er, he door*no# &ade a "li"*( Pa"*in! so&e under"lo hes in o he run*, she !lan"ed o)er her shoulder a he door, hen her eyes widened as he door *no# "li"*ed a!ain, hen urned( The door opened and 3arius saun ered in o he roo&, holdin! up a hairpin, wirlin! i ni&#ly end o)er end #e ween his fin!ers wi h a li le slei!h of hand( A s&u!, &o"*in! "ur)e wis ed he s"arred side of his &ou h( "Ts!, ts!, ts!, " he said sof ly, "lu"*in! his on!ue a her( +he s rai!h ened up near he ra)elin! run* and urned warily o fa"e hi&, s&oo hin! a folded "he&ise o)er her ar& li*e a shield( He sla&&ed he door #ehind hi&( +he flin"hed a li le as i #an!ed( He pa"ed slowly

oward her( 24ou are &y wife,2 he said dar*ly as he drew near( 24ou will !o nowhere wi hou &y per&ission, and you will no lo"* your door o &e(2 24ou are &y hus#and,2 she replied( 2A" li*e i (2 He !a)e her a au , &o"*in! s&ile, hen his !a'e slid o her half%pa"*ed ra)elin! run*s( 25here do you hin* you1re !oin!:2 261& done "ryin! o)er you, 3arius +an ia!o,2 she said as she wor*ed, a)oidin! his s are( 26 *now you1re i "hin! o run, so !o( 61& sorry 6 e)er &eddled in your life(2 24ou1re sorry:2 he see&ed o &ar)el, #o h #rows raised( +he sho hi& a !larin! loo*, no sure if he was as*in! in earnes or in sar"as&( 24es( 61& sorry,2 she fairly spa ( 26 was spoiled and selfish of &e o rap you in &a ri&ony( 61& sorry( 6 #elie)ed 6 was doin! he ri!h hin!( O#)iously, 6 was wron!(6 hou!h 6 "ould help you, #u here1s no poin ryin! o rea"h ou o you( 4ou won1 !i)e an in"h(2 His Chee*s flushed( 26 won1 !i)e: 6 ris*ed &y life for you92 26 ne)er wan ed ha 92 +he flun! down her ar&ful of s o"*in!s hapha'ardly in o he run* and whirled o fa"e hi&( 2Oh, o #e sure, you1)e !o your heroi"s o s and on, don1 you: ,u ad&i i , 3arius.61& he one who has a*en all he ris*s here. he real ris*s, he ones ha "oun 9 6 !a)e you e)ery hin!, &y )ery self( 61& far &ore serious a#ou you han you are a#ou &e, and 6 don1 *now wha else o !i)e o &a*e you s op #ein! afraid(2 He loo*ed s unned( +he le ou a si!h and lowered her "hin, pressin! her fin!er ips o her forehead( 26 don1 wan o &a*e you unhappy any&ore( 6 *now you1re !oin! &ad here( 6 "an1 s and seein! you so unhappy and *nowin! 6 a& he "ause( All 6 wan is o !i)e you wha you need( Clearly, all you "an hin* a#ou is your pre"ious freedo&, so !o, 3arius( 4ou don1 owe &e any hin!( 6 1s only your sense of honor ha0 *eeps you here, and 61& no !oin! o a*e ad)an a!e of ha ( 61ll sur)i)e wi hou you(2 +he u&ed away and !a'ed down in o he half%pa"*ed run* in u er desola ion( +he "ould feel his ension and his s are, #urnin! in o her (( #a"*( 26 don1 wan you o !o,2 he whispered hoarsely( ,u #y he i&e she urned around in surprise, he )ulnera#ili y she had heard in his )oi"e had )anished, as if he, oo, had heard i and fou!h o hide i ( 24ou "an1 lea)e( 4ou need &e,2 he said in rude insolen"e( 25ha are you !oin! o do wi hou &e: 5here "an you possi#ly !o:2 ,a"* o &y paren s and he people who "are a#ou &e, 6 suppose(2 3a&n i , I "are a#ou you9 3on1 you see &e s andin! here.why else would 6 #e here: 6 lo)e you,2 he said harshly( Ar&s "rossed o)er her "hes , she urned "au iously o hi&(

2Jui e a de"lara ion(226 lo)e you,2 he ried a!ain, his i&e a !rowl( +he si!hed a he way he for"ed hi&self o say i ( 25ha you ha)e oward &e is no lo)e, 3arius( 5ha you ha)e oward &e is a "hess !a&e in whi"h you are he &as er&ind and 6 a& he li le pawn #ein! &o)ed a#ou he #oard.2 2How "an you say ha :2 he said, his "hiseled fa"e flushed wi h es"ala in! an!er, a ra"e of pani" #e!innin! o show in his eyes( 25hy do you hin* 6 wen o Milan.2 2,e"ause you would ra her die han a*e he "han"e of openin! yourself o &e( 6f you really "ared a#ou &e, you would ry ellin! &e he ru h on"e in a while(2 24ou wan he ru h: 6s ha wha will &a*e you happy:2 he "ried sar"as i"ally( 28ine9 Pull up a "hair, Prin"ess9 61ll !i)e you so&e ru h, &y dear( >us don1 #la&e &e for #rea*in! your illusions(2 +he paused, hidin! her a&a'e&en a his "o&plian"e( 2Ha)e a sea ,2 he flun! ou Cal&ly, she wen o)er and sa down on he s ool o he )ani y( +he folded her hands in her lap and wai ed 3arius pa"ed( He *i"*ed one of her ra)elin! run*s ou of his way o #roaden his pa h( 24ou wan he ru h: All ri!h ( 5ha do 6 "are: 61)e !o no hin! o lose,2 he &u ered, hen he le)eled a !larin! loo* a her and poin ed a her( 28irs , you will lea)e off wi h his idio i" no ion ha any *ind of war here is your faul or ha he #lood is on your hands( A#surd9 6 is Napoleon1s faul , no yours, do you unders and &e: 4ou are 0us a !irl( He is he yran ( He is he a!!ressor, #u he one io a of !ood ha "a&e ou of &y !i!an i" failure in Milan is ha 6 was a#le o unear h so&e )i al infor&a ion on heir war plans( They "anno laun"h any *ind of lar!e%s"ale a a"* on us un il +pain1s op ad&iral, Hilleneu)e, des roys he ,ri ish fla!ship( 4ou &ay find your dra!on%slayer in Hora io Nelson, Prin"esa, if no in &e(2 +he a#sor#ed his infor&a ion, her !a'e downward( 26 is a relief o hear his,2 she said 7uie ly( 26 wish you had old &e a wee* a!o( 6 ha)e #een or urin! &yself(22Oh, #u 61& 0us !e in! s ar ed( As for he !lorious Ana% ole, when he arri)es in Russia, he is !oin! o( find hi&self a wan ed &an for reason and2.he hesi a ed.2 he &urder of his firs wife(2 Her eyes flew open wide( 2Prin"ess Mar!are :2 3arius nodded( 2He lo"*ed her ou in he snow one ni!h in he &iddle of he Russian win er.punish&en for !i)in! a1 lew of he serfs a day off while he was away( He found ou a#ou i when he "a&e ho&e and !a)e her a hrashin! for defyin! his au hori y, hen hrew her ou ( +he died of e$posure( All she had on was her ni!h rail(2 2How horri#le,2 she #rea hed, #arely a#le o find her )oi"e( 6 low e)il of hi&9 Oh, 3arius, how "ould he do ha o her:2

261& sure he had his reasons,2 he said #i erly( 2They always do(2 25hy did you no ell &e his #efore: 6 "on"erned &e dire" ly.2 26 "ouldn1 ( 6 0us "ouldn1 2 His ra)en forelo"* )eiled his eyes( 25hy:2 ( 26 didn1 wan you o *now &ere were su"h &en in he world( 6 was oo horri#le(2 2 5orse han seein! you *ill Philippe +ain %-auren :2 24es, o &e(2 25hy:2 2-e 1s 0us say i 1s a &a er wi h whi"h 6 ha)e had so&e early e$perien"e(2 His words re&inded her of ano her poin ( 25ha a#ou he fa" ha you are a "oun : Care o "o&&en , &y lord:2 He loo*ed o)er a her( 24ou *now a#ou ha :2 2>ulia Cala''i old &e(2 Hee shru!!ed( 2The i le is &eanin!less( The poin is no ha 6 ha)e i , #u ha &y half% #ro hers do no (2 +he s udied hi&( 2And wha of your fa her:2 2He1s dead(2 26 unders and he "a&e o you loo*in! for a handou (2He nodded wi h a #i er s&ile( 2And you !a)e i o hi&(2 23on1 hin* for an ins an ha i was ou of &y !rea sense of "hari y( There1s only one reason 6 !a)e hi& he &oney(2 2To !e rid of hi& as 7ui"*ly as possi#le:2 He shoo* his head as he "old s&ile "ur)ed his s"arred &ou h a!ain( 2Re)en!e(2 26 don1 unders and( 4ou helped hi&( How is ha re)en!e:2 2Con rol o)er his des iny, &y dear,2 he said au ly, pa"in! a!ain( 2To ha)e &erely denied hi& he &oney would ha)e #een oo &er"iful( 6 firs pu his &ind a ease.le hi& hin* his woes were o)er( He was in &y power.&y dependen , u erly( +o !ra eful, he #oo li"*er,2 he said in "on e&p ( 2And hen(((2 He urned away( 25ell, you *now wha hey say( The -ord !i)e h and he -ord a*e h away(2 25ha did you do o hi&:2 she whispered( 2He ne)er should ha)e "o&eloo*in! o &e for help(2 +he s ared a hi&, her #lood runnin! "old( 23id you *ill hi&, 3arius:2 2No( 6 hou!h a#ou i , #u he wasn1 wor hy of &y s*ill( 6ns ead, 6 le hi& #elie)e he "ould resu&e his for&er s andard of li)in!, hen wi hou warnin! 6 "eased payin! his #ills( He did i o hi&self, you see( He died of disease in de# or1s prison, old, unwep , and alone( A fi in! punish&en ( Any hin! else you wan o *now, wife:2

+ha*en #y his re)ela ion of his erri#le ru hlessness, she swallowed down her fear( 26.6 don1 *now( 6s here any hin! else you wan o ell &e:2 25ell, le &e see ((( he ru h( +he wan s he ru h,2 he &used aloud, hands "lasped #ehind his #a"* as he pa"ed, head down( He sho her a pier"in! sideward !lan"e( 25ell, 6 sup% pose 6 ou!h o ell you #efore so&eone else does, #e"ause hen we1ll #e ri!h #a"* where we s ar ed(2 2Tell &e wha :2 He ran his hand o)er his hair, oo* a deep #rea h, and s areddire" ly a her( 25hen 6 was "ap ured in Milan, Pauline ,ona%par e had &ne #rou!h fro& &y "ell o her #oudoir, where she ried o sedu"e &e( 6 used her o es"ape(2 (+he s up ou of her sea , a!has ( He lau!ned "yni"ally( 3id you.2 she s ar ed, #u her )oi"e #ro*e off( +he "ouldn1 say i ( Hear #rea* rushed in on her( 23id 6 wha :2 he as*ed in fran* insolen"e( +he fel her world ee erin!( 23id.did you a&use yourself wi h her, 3arius:2 she as*ed in a s&all, s"ra "hy whisper( He !a'ed a her enderly fro& a"ross he roo&, and for a &o&en &ere was hope( , 2No, swee hear ,2 he &ur&ured( 2My e)ery hou!h was of you(2 +he swallowed hard( 2Are you lyin!:2 21;odda&n i 92 he nearly s"rea&ed as fury flooded in o his i a"e( He s rode oward her, yan*ed her o hi&, and "au!h her up in a "rushin! e&#ra"e( 23o 6 lo)e you: A& 6 lyin!: 4ou ell &e,2 he !rowled, and hen he *issed her fier"ely( +he sa!!ed a!ains his hard #ody in ins an , e$plosi)e lon!in! as he par ed her lips and filled her &ou h wi h a dri)in!, an!ry *iss( He slid his hand under he &ass of her hair, "urlin! his fin!ers around her nape( He paused wi h ho , la#ored #rea h( 2Oh, wo&an,2 he #rea hed, 2!e ou of &y #lood(2 2Ne)er,2 she whispered( He drew her o hi& and *issed her sa)a!ely( +he wound her wris s around his ne"* and laun"hed her all%ou , final effor o &a*e a "on7ues of her hus#and( He &oaned low in his hroal a her hun!ry *iss, his hear #ea hunderin! a!ains her #ody( +he pressed herself a!ains hi&, #u &en ally "he"*ed hei #ody1s "ra)in! for hi&( +he "ould no afford o #e swep awaF #y his sedu" ion( +he had o *eep a "lear head, for she wan ed hi& helpless wi h lus , #e!!in! for her( +he would use her #eau y, her #ody, his &ale hun!ers, an" any o her weapon she possessed o ensla)e hi&( And hen he would no wan o !o(+he ore herself away fro&

he *iss and s ared up a hi&, her eyes afire, her lips swollen( 2;e in &y #ed,2 she whispered( He "o"*ed a #row a her( 2My !oodness( The lady *now s wha she wan s(2 24es, she wan s you( +he wan s his(2 +he "upped her hand and "aressed his hardness hrou!h his "lo hes( He li"*ed his deli"ious lips, #u eyed her warily fro& under his forelo"*( He wan ed her #u he wasn1 sure wha was !oin! on( +he !loried in his un"er ain y( 25ha 1s wron!: +"ared:2 she "hallen!ed hi& sof ly as she pushed hi& one s ep #a"* oward he #ed( 2+urely you1re no s"ared of &e, li le Cri"*e , who worships he !round you wal* on: 5ha hrea "ould 6 possi#ly #e to you, he !rea +an ia!o[ Co&e on, 3arius( One las i&e #efore we par (2 +he oo* his hand and led hi& oward her #ed( Holdin! her hand, he followed, #u a he ed!e of he #ed he &o)ed up #ehind her and wrapped his ar&s around her wais ( 24ou1re no lea)in! &e( No#ody1s !oin! anywhere,2 he &ur&ured, s ill una#le o "as off his #ra)ado( +ensin! her ad)an a!e, she for!ed on wi h her #luff( 26 am lea)in! you,2 she repea ed, her hear poundin!( He was )ery s ill( Then he "han!ed his hold on her, his ri!h hand "reepin! down he fron of her #ody, "aressin! her as only he "ould( 2No, #e"ause 61& lea)in! you firs 2 +he refused o #e daun ed( +he didn1 #elie)e hi&( 28ine( ;o,2 she said( 24ou won1 sha er &e, +erafina( No#ody is !oin! o 2#rea* &e(2 28ine(2 26 don1 need any#ody(2 2;ood for you(2 He u"*ed his fin!ers #e ween her le!s, s ro*in! her hrou!h her "lo hes( +he fou!h no o shudder wi h pleasure( 26 didn1 wan his &arria!e( 4ou for"ed &e in o his(224ou &ean o say ha in a*in! &y )ir!ini y, you a" ed in dishonor: 4ou had no in en ion of &arryin! &e:2 He #ris led as he s ewed o)er ha , no dou# *nowin! he was "au!h ( 2No,2 he !rowled( +he lau!hed a hi&( 2Ah, +an ia!o, e)ery word fro& your lips is a lie( 4ou were a#le o refrain fro& &a*in! lo)e o &e e)en when we lay na*ed o!e her in his #ed, so 1 *now full well you "ould ha)e refrained ha ni!h , oo, if you had wan ed o( ;o on, ell your lies( 6 *now he ru h. ha you need &e far &ore han 6 need you(2 Til ell you wha 61& !oin! o do( 61& !oin! o a*e you,2 he &ur&ured, 2and hen 61& !oin! o lea)e you(2

25e1ll see,2 she said( He pressed her !en ly down on o her s o&a"h on he #ed #efore hi&, ru##in! her #a"* for a &o&en ( Then he "li&#ed on #ehind her( +he "ould feel he power and !ra"e in his lean, e$7uisi ely honed #ody as he eased down, "o)erin! her, he hard wall of his "hes pressed a!ains her #a"*( +he was wild wi h e$"i e&en ( +he "ould feel his fas hear #ea , as well as his owerin! ere" ion s rainin! hrou!h his "lo hes, hro##in! a!ains her #a"*side( He swep her hair aside, e$posin! he nape of her ne"*( He *issed i , his ho #rea h flowin! down #enea h her earlo#e( As he an!led his fin!ers sof ly in her hair, she fel his on!ue s ro*e her nape( +he #i her lip, "losin! her eyes, fi!h in! he lan!uorous pleasure s ealin! in o her li&#s( His hand slid #e ween her #reas and he &a ress( He s7uee'ed !en ly, rhy h&i"ally, as he sa)ored he "ur)e of her ne"* wi h a lon!, open%&ou hed *iss( +he fel his 0aws widen, hen he held her nape li!h ly #e ween his ee h( A #ar#ari" sur!e of ins in" sla&&ed hrou!h her, risin! up ou of her #lood, as he wen s ill, do&ina in! her, possessin! her( +he was pan in! un"on rolla#ly when he pri&al !es ure of do&inan"e #e"a&e a *iss on"e &ore( His lips were s&oo h onher fiery s*in( +he shuddered wi h a sudden wa)e of need so wan on i sha&ed her( 24ou1re &ine,2 he whispered( 2Ne)er for!e i (2 2Ooh, 6 ha e you,2 she #rea hed( +uddenly he rolled her on o her #a"* and s raddled her( He swooped down o)er her, pinnin! her hands a#o)e her wi h his own( His lips sla&&ed upon hers, needy, de&andin! He in)aded her &ou h wi h his deep, ra)enous *iss, #arely le in! her #rea he( +he opened her &ou h hun!rily, and s ill he oo* of her, in a fren'y, as if he "ould ne)er #e filled, so !rea was his e&p iness, so errifyin!( Her hands sha*in! wi h desire she ou"hed hi& all o)er, "aressin! his shoulders, ar&s, and s ron! #a"*( His *iss was harsh as he undressed her rou!hly, his hands ho and sha*in!( Jui"*ly frus ra ed wi h her #u ons, he pulled rou!hly and ripped her dress open o he wais ( +he didn1 e)en ha)e i&e o !asp( His &ou h "la&ped o)er hers a!ain, his on!ue ra)ishin! her &ou h while, lowu his hands sho)ed he orn ends aside and "upped her #reas lie !roaned wi h pleasure( A &o&en la er, he #en down and su"*led her wi h a !reedy purr of hun!er in his hroa ( +he &el ed under he re!ular, insis en u! of his we &ou hD a her #reas ( Tha 7ui"*ly, she reali'ed, he had al&os won Ah, #u he was so &u"h &ore e$perien"ed and ru hless she was, she hou!h , her will dissol)in! in pleasure en i"ed #y his &as ery( 5i h he way he held her pinned down( she "ould no ou"h hi& where she wan ed o, and here was

li le she "ould do o s op hi&( 6n ru h, she didn1 ry )ery hard o !e free( +he "ould only fi!h he pleasure, wea*enin! o hi&( s ru!%!lin! o *eep her wi s, #u as war& arousal un"oiled low in her #elly and spiraled hrou!h he "ore of her, spreadin! ou ward o her li&#s, her #ody ar"hed under hi& wi h a will of i s own( +he s opped herself wi h a &en al "urse, fi!h in! for "on rol Tor&en in! her wi h her own, inner #a le, he pulled hes s*ir s up o her hips, "aressed her hi!hs, hen s ro*ed #e ween herle!s( Her "hee*s #urned wi h e&#arrass&en as he dis"o)ered he ru h of her response( He le ou a hear y sound of sa isfa" ion as his fin!ers !lided in her flowin! we ness( +he #urned for his ou"h e)en as she "lawed for he s ren! h o resis ( +he for#ade herself o surrender( +he refused o !i)e hi& he sa isfa" ion( -e hi& !e hi&self ho and #o hered wi h ou"hin! her, soon she would urn he a#les on hi& and a*e hi& under her "o&&and( +he "la&ped e)ery &us"le, for"in! herself o #e s ill( He !a)e a sof , wi"*ed lau!h as he nu''led her ear, his war& #rea h s irrin! endrils of her hair, i"*lin! her( +he 0er*ed wi h a #ol of pleasure when his hu&# ali!h ed on her pe##le%hard "en er( +o, you wan o &a*e a "on es of i , do you:2 he &ur&ured( ;ri in! her ee h, she did no answer( Eyes "losed, she was fully fo"used on he dan!erous sour"e of #liss as his hu&# "ir"led li!h ly, lan!uidly( 8lir in! wi h her( Teasin! her( +he s rained wi h all her s ren! h o lie &o ionless( Her "hes lif ed and fell in shor , shallow #rea hs, #u she was poised o hold her passion for his &an in "he"*( 2Hery well, &y lady,2 he whispered( 24ou for"e &e o play dir y(22 % And hen he pleasured her ru hlessly( +he did no *now how &any i&es he dro)e her o he ed!e of "li&a$, only o deny her( +he did no *now how &u"h i&e passed, #u he roo& !rew #ri!h and ho wi h day as he drowned her in sensa ion( E)ery i&e she "au!h her #rea h, he dun*ed her under a!ain in he sea of pleasure un il her need #e"a&e un#eara#le, a!oni'ed "ra)in!, and she #e!!ed for hi& in &indless, #ar#ari" de&and, earin! a his "lo hes and pullin! hi& down upon her swea %sli"*ed #ody( +he ou"hed his #are s*in e)erywhere, s ro*in! hi&, pu in! hi& inside her, heedless of her sha&e( His #la"* eyes !li ered wi h )i" ory, wa "hin! her fa"e as he pene ra ed her so deeply ha his ip ou"hed he ri& of herwo&#( He pulled #a"* a hair#read h, !lidin! a!ains her i!h inner walls, as hey !ripped hi& we ly( 8illed(wi h hi& a las , she #arely re"o!ni'ed he whi&per of relief ha lef her lips as her

own )oi"e( ")h, Darius.' 2Tha 1s ri!h , Prin"esa,2 he said, his low )oi"e rou!hened wi h desire( 24ou #e !ood and 61ll !i)e i o you(2 -rrogant"pagan$ His power o)er her infuria ed her( Her #lood swore she would do&ina e hi& #efore she e)er ad&i ed defea ( He had sha ered her "on rol and now her only hope was o do he sa&e o hi&( +he swep her eyes open and !a'ed a hi& hrou!h he hi"*, dru!!in! ha'e of lus ( His eyes were "losed, his forelo"* fallin! o)er he&( He #i his lip as he slowly hrus and wi hdrew in a deep, lush, slow !rind, )isi#ly sa)orin! e)ery nuan"e of pleasure( +he &oaned, una#le o e&per her response( +he wrapped herself around hi&, undula in! sinuously #enea h hi&( "9mm, yes, baby, <ust li!e that." "3hn, 3arius, 6 "an1 #ear i (2 23on1 fail &e, an!el( No ye ( No un il 6 say,2 he pan ed He plun!ed in o her a!ain and all hou!h dissol)ed( 6 was a &i!h y #a le( Ti&e #e"a&e &eanin!less( 6n he &iddle of he af ernoon, 3arius did hin!s o her in #ody and spiri ha she had no *nown were possi#le, &ade her feel hin!s she had ne)er fel , a soul% earin! &i$ of despair and e"s asy, do&ina ion and o al surrender, a whisper and a !roan( They were i&&or als, an!led o!e her in he !olden ne , nei her a#le o es"ape he o her, lo"*ed in lo)in! "o&#a , orn #e ween &u ual need and &u ual &is rus , #o h #a lin! for do&inion( They rolled and ussled a"ross he #ed, wis in! he "o)ers and da&penin! he shee s wi h heir swea and s ea&( His fin!ers1 !rip #ruised her pale flesh( Her nails flayed his #ron'ed hide( They #i ea"h o her, lea)in! &ar*s( 4ieldin! in order o "on7uer, she indul!ed his e)ery whi&, e)ery "on or in! posi ion he de&anded, !loryin! in he feel of his s*in e)erywherea!ains her, li"*in! i s sal y )el)e , her *iss drin*in! all he #i erness fro& his s"arred &ou h( 1+wee , so swee ,2 he whispered, drownin! her wi h *isses as his hard, re&#lin! #ody s&o hered hers, and hro##ed, !lo)ed inside hers( 6n he end, he was as ou of "on rol as she was, drun* on he e$"ess of pleasure( -o)in! her so wildly had redu"ed hi& o #ar#ari y, #u she was #arely "ons"ious of her riu&ph, redu"ed o he &indless a#andon of ins in" ( They were "opula in! ani&als, &a in! fier"!h in!, oo h and nail, o hold on o ea"h o her( A las , he reared up on his fis s o)er her, a*in! her wi h lon!, )i!orous hrus s, his fa"e au wi h sa)a!e e"s asy( +un%+i!h !lea&ed on his sli"*ed s*in( +hinin! #eads of swea 0eweled e)ery s"ulp ed &us"le of his a#do&en and he hard swells of his "hes ( +hadow

and sun "on oured his an!ular fa"e, fier"e and au wi h passion( +he !ripped his ar&s, holdin! on for dear life as his hips pu&ped her li*e a pis on( The )iolen rhy h& ro"*ed her #ody, un il a lon! las she plan ed her heels on he &a ress, ar"hin! hi!h as a near% s"rea& of release ore fro& her lips( Cli&a$ sla&&ed hrou!h her in in ense, ri!id shudders, rippin! hrou!h her( ,lindin! li!h #la'ed alon! her ner)e endin!s, e$al in! her o hei!h s of su"h rans"enden"e ha she was so##in!, her hands s ro*in! his )el)e y s*in( +he fel li*e she was dyin! in a #la'e of li!h , a &aiden sa"rifi"e de)oured #y a !od 3arius followed her o)er he ed!e( +he fel hi& "o&e, los and wea*, !roanin! loudly in surrender, #uried o he hil inside her, his whole !olden #ody ri!id( His ee h "la&ped her shou 1 der, his hands "lu "hed her hips, holdin! her hard in posi% ion as he sho his seed inside her in s rainin!, &a!nifi"en pulses Hee "ollapsed on her and nei her of he& &o)ed for she *new no how lon!, pan in!, horou!hly spen ( They were #o h lef e &p y, un"er ain, and undone(6e is hea*y, she hou!h af er a )ery lon! i&e( 6 a& no going to be able to wal! tomorrow. These &indless o#ser)a ions see&ed all ha re&ained of her powers of reason( He &us ha)e ea en her wi s( He s ar ed lau!hin! la'ily for no apparen reason( 5ryly, she loo*ed o)er a hi&, he handso&es &an in he world( 2Ahh, li le Cri"*e ,2 he "hu"*led ruefully, eyes "losed as he passed his hand o)er her #en *nee( 26 hin* i 1s a dra w 1 +he !a)e hi& a sheepish s&ile as she rolled on o her side, proppin! her "hee* a!ains her hand( +he laid her o her hand on his rid!ed s o&a"h, pe in! hi& !en ly( His eyes were "losed when she loo*ed un"er ainly a his finely "hiseled fa"e 1hat do we do now, His lashes swep open and he !a'ed a her enderly, "uppin! her fa"e( 2+ ill !oin! o lea)e &e:2 he &ur&ured( There was su"h !en leness and lo)e in his eyes, her hroa "losed wi h e&o ion( +he &o)ed oward hi& and "rawled in o his ar&s( He wel"o&ed her( +he laid her head on his "hes , shudderin! wi h he reprie)e( He s ro*ed her hair, holdin! her in his s ron!, powerful ar&s( 3arius laid his "hee* a!ains her hair( The swee in i&a"y of he &o&en was #liss( +afe in his ar&s, lulled #y he slow ( s ron! #ea of his hear , she "ould s"ar"ely #elie)e how "lose hey had "o&e o losin! ea"h o her( +e)eral &o&en s la er, he *issed her hair, oo* a deep #rea h and #ro*e he silen"e( 24ou as*ed &e on"e how 6 !o his s"ar(2 He !es ured oward he "res"en %&oon line on his lips( 26 wan o ell you now( 6 "ouldn1 hen(2 He paused( +he did no &o)e, wai in!(

2Oh, his is hard,2 he whispered, "losin! his eyes( 2Ta*e your i&e, swee hear ,2 she &ur&ured, "aressin! his "hes ( He a)oided her !a'e and *ep his )oi"e "arefully oneless( 1 1 was ei!h years old,2 he said( 2They were fi!h in! a!ain, li*ealways( 6.6 ried o &a*e hi& "o&e af er &e so he would lea)e her alone( My fa her, 6 &ean, and &y so%"alled &o her(2 +he held her #rea h, e)ery par i"le of her a en ion on hi&( N e)er #efore had he spo*en of his paren s his way, as if he had sprun! in o he world of his own doin! and his own will( 6 !o #e ween he&( 6 don1 *now wha 6 hou!h 6 was !oin! o do a!ains a !rown &an a he i&e(2 He lowered his head wi h a au !ri&a"e of a s&ile( 2He 0us swa ed &e aside( He%((( hi &e in he fa"e wi h a wine #o le(2 +he "losed her eyes, feelin! he #low( -u"*ily i didn1 #rea*( >us spli &y &ou h open pre y #adly,2 he &ur&ured, ou"hin! his s"arred lip wi h his *nu"*le, as if f he wound were s ill ender( 26 ried o help her( 6 don1 *now why 6 #o hered(2 His )oi"e dwindled o an a!oni'ed hisper( 2+he was 0us a s upid whore, and 6 ha ed her(2 +he win"ed( His )ulnera#ili y pulsed around her, as if he were no a &an who *new a do'en ways o *ill wi h his #are hands, #u a wounded "hild holdin! on o her as hou!h she were a #elo)ed oy, his sole "o&for and "o&panion( +he didn1 . Oh, wha a& 6 doin!:2 He suddenly "u hi&%self off in sa)a!e dis!us ( 24ou don1 wan o hear his92 (% 4es, 6 do( Tal* o &e(2 He "losed his eyes for a lon! &o&en , his )oi"e s ran!led( 2Can1 2(2 +he "aressed his "hes , ryin! o "al& hi&( 2Ta*e your i&e( 4ou1re doin! fine(2 6 1s no a &a er of i&e9 6 1s 0us ((( pa he i"( E&#ar%rassin!( To #e so wea*( 6 was helpless(2 +he "au!h his "hin #e ween her fin!ers and hu&# and urned his fa"e( 2-oo* a &e,2 she whispered( He s ared #lea*ly a her( +he s&oo hed his hair ou of his eyes( 261)e "o&e his far, ha)en1 6:2 -i!h ly, she #rushed he ele!an line of his hi!h "hee*#one wi h her *nu"*les( 2No hin! "an "han!e &y lo)e for you(2 His eyes filled wi h an!uish( 24ou s ill lo)e &e:226 s ill lo)e you,2 she whispered, una#le o wi hhold her hear fro& hi&( 2Always(2 He lowered his !a'e in silen"e wi h a or ured e$pression( +he leaned oward hi& and !en ly *issed he s"ar, s ro*in! his "hee* as her lips &o)ed sof ly o)er he "res"en %&oon

shape of i ( He whispered a &oan as her lips lin!ered o)er his( +he fel hi& respondin! o her sof ou"h( As he urned, see*in! her lips, he "upped her fa"e #e ween #o h his hands and !a)e her a deep, lo)in! *iss, hen ended i sof ly, his eyes "losed( 26 need o #e sure of you,2 he whispered( 2Tha you won1 urn on &e((( or any hin!(2 +he fel her hear open u erly o hi&( 23arius, loo* in o &y eyes(2 He did( +he "aressed his fa"e, as he did hers( 26 ha)e lo)ed you all &y life, only you( 6 *now you1re afraid( +o a& 6(2 He nodded as his !a'e slid away fro& hers( Af er a &o&en , he oo* her hand and held i ( +he had no idea wha he had o ell her, #u wha e)er i was, he was ready( A ha &o&en , heir ense, diffi"ul silen"e sha ered wi h a sudden "la&or ou side of &en1s shou s, "la erin! hoof#ea s( ,efore her( eyes, 3arius "li"*ed on o full aler , urnin! his head oward he window, all ra"es of )ulnera#ili y and e&o ion )anishin!, li*e a wolf s"en in! an ene&y( 23arius(2 2+hh(2 He didn1 #rea he, lis enin!, his eyes sharp, his ar&s holdin! her pro e" i)ely( +he despaired( 23arius92 2One &inu e(2 He released her and s&oo hly rose fro& he #ed in silen , li7uid !ra"e( Her !a'e ra)eled o)er his nude, lean #ody( +he s ared, a a loss( He pi"*ed up his rousers on his way o he window, hen !lan"ed ou dis"ree ly fro& he side of he "ur ain( 2Co&e #a"*, 61& sure i 1s no hin!,2 she a e&p ed( He pulled on his an%"olored rousers, hen narrowed hiseyes as he dipped he "ur ain #a"* sli!h ly wi h wo fin!ers( 2T 1s your #ro her(2 Of all he #las ed nuisan"es9 +he lif ed her !a'e o he "eilin!, s ri)in! for pa ien"e( 23arius, "o&e #a"* o &e( This is no i&e o #e dis ra" ed #y Rafe and his ridi"ulous friends(2 2He1s alone(2 His sof , "ool one sen !ooseflesh in!lin! down her ar&s( He loo*ed o)er a her, his an"ien eyes full of dea h( 2+o&e hin!1s wron!( 6 "an feel i (2 CHAPTER T5ENT4 T5O 2Colonel, he "rown prin"e has "o&e92 261& ri!h here, Ale",2 3arius said o his aide, "oinin! down he s airs, feelin! oddly "ool and "olle" ed( %lose call, he hou!h wi h a "old shi)er as he s rode a"ross he foyer o he open door( ;od, he had nearly 0us &ade he #i!!es &is a*e of his life( 5ha a way o ruin hin!s ha would ha)e #een, spillin! his !u s af er he in"redi#le af er% noon of se$ had #rou!h

he& #a"* o!e her( ( He fel da&ned !uil y for wal*in! ou on her in he &iddle of e)ery hin!, #u , han* ;od fa e had in er)ened and !i)en hi& he &eans for a !ra"eful e$i #efore he said any hin! &ore( Ne)er a!ain would he le hi&self wea*en li*e ha ( Ou on he "o##led dri)e, Prin"e Rafael sawed a he reins, hal in! his la hered #ay s allion in a "la er of hoof#ea s as 3arius s rode ou o &ee hi&( ( 25ha is i :2 ( % The you h flun! down off he horse and ran o hi&( 26nside,2@ Rafe ur!ed hi&, pullin! hi& #y he el#ow oward he )illa1s open door( They s epped in o he &ornin! roo&( 3arius saw Rafael1s hand sha*in! as he "losed he all, whi e door #ehind he&( 25ha 1s happened:2 The youn! prin"e urned around, his fa"e ashen( His "hes hea)ed wi h e$er ion and he loo*ed li*e he wan ed o re "h( 2My &aps( -as ni!h .>ulia(2 3arius drew in his #rea h( 25hen 6 wo*e up, &y &aps were !one( +an ia!o, she1s !one92 he "ried( 2No one has seen her, no e)en her &aid9 6 hin* she has !one o he 8ren"h in he har#or9 All she would1)e had o do is #ri#e so&e fisher&an o row her ou here( +he "ould na&e her pri"e and he 8ren"h would pay i (2 2They won1 need o wai for Hilleneu)e, ha 1s for sure,2 3arius said, eyes narrowed in hou!h ( 23id you send word of his o your fa her:2 2No9 4ou *now he1d *ill &e, +an ia!o9 He already hin*s 6 "an do no hin! ri!h 9 ,esides, he1s #een #usy a he wall o)er he har#or. he firs sho s ha)e #een fired(2 2The *in! is here hi&self:2 24es, he old fool9 He1s "o&&andin! he "annons personally( The 8ren"h #e!an so&e li!h shellin! a#ou wo hours a!o(2 His hou!h s whirled( 6f he 8ren"h had he &aps, he shellin! was surely 0us a dis ra" ion o hold a en ion on he har#or while hey &o)ed heir &en in o he unnels( (% Rafe was urnin! whi e as he #e!an o reali'e he i&pli"a ions( 2The &ain unnel in ha 7uadran leads ou #ehind he wall( They1ll a a"* fro& #ehind ((( oh, ;od, 8a her will #e rapped(2 2-e 1s !o(2 3arius "lapped hi& hard on he shoulder, #u Rafael was fro'en in pla"e, s arin! a no hin!, s ri"*en( 2They1re !oin! o die(2

2No if we !e o he &ou h of ha unnel firs ( Co&e on92 He pulled he #oy1s ar& hard, dra!!in! hi& away fro& he wall( 2Ale"92 he #ellowed, and i&&edia ely #e!an !i)in! orders( He &ar"hed ou side, "alled for a wa!on, and had si$ horses hi "hed o i ( 2,e 7ui"* a#ou i 92 he #ar*ed, hen he s al*ed o he &a!a'ine and slid he doors open wide( He ordered his &en o load he wa!on wi h all ei!h #arrels of he !unpowder he1d #rou!h here wee*s a!o( Rafe )isi#ly s eeled hi&self and i&&edia ely !o o wor* helpin! he &en( His &ind "risp and "rys al "lear, 3arius fel li*e hi&self for he firs i&e sin"e his hu&ilia in! failure a Milan( He &ar"hed #a"* oward he house, in en on ar&in! hi&self wi h his usual arsenal of weapons, and prayin! o ;od he &i!h now redee& hi&self( +er!ean To&as appeared a his heels as he 0o!!ed up he wide, shallow fron s eps( 25ha 1s !oin! on, Colonel:2 2;e your s7uad o!e her and ar& he& well( 5e1re ridin! ou and we &ay run in o so&e ri!h in!(2 24es, sir92 2-ea)e fi)e of your #es &en #ehind o !uard &y wife( The res will "o&e wi h us( 4ou1)e !o en &inu es(2 24es, sir92 The seasoned offi"er hurried off( Thin*in! of his weapons, whi"h were s owed in his s&all, spar an roo& ups airs, 3arius s epped o)er he hreshold, !lan"ed up a he op of he s eps, and s opped in his ra"*s, #eholdin! a )ision( +"an ily "lad in her #lue sa in dressin! !own, +erafina s ood on he op s ep of he s air"ase, !a'in! down a hi&( He "au!h his #rea h and s ared up a his wife( +he held her head hi!h wi h a "al&, "ool poise ha was pure prin"ess, #u her ranslu"en s*in !lowed af er his sa)a!e lo)in!( Her wild, sa#le &ane was in disarray, #u her eyes pro&p ly "au!h hi& in heir spell of s or&y inno"en"e, eyes he "olor of lila"s and e erni y( 24ou are lea)in!:2 she as*ed, her sof , s"ra "hy )oi"e reined in o a "areful one( 2There is a "risis,2 he whispered, an e"ho of an e$"use he had ried o !i)e her on"e, wee*s a!o( +he hadn1 #ou!h i hen, ei her( 26 see(2 +he urned her fa"e away o s are a her hand, lyin! li&ply on he #anis er( +o&e &en wal*ed in o he foyer #ehind hi& and as*ed hi& a 7ues ion( + ar led, he answered "ur ly and s"owled a he&( His #las ed wife was in her dressin! !own( They had no pla"e here(5hen hey were !one, he urned #a"* o her, raisin! his !a'e( +he had

no &o)ed( Her s illness errified hi&( 2My darlin!, 6 ha)e o !o,2 he said sof ly( 26 #elie)e you(2 +he did no loo* a hi&, #u !a)e a li le shru! of defea as she s ared a her hand on he #anis er( 261ll #e here(2 He oo* a s ep oward her( 2+erafina, 6 ha)e o do his(2 21 *now( These hin!s "o&e up( 6 suppose i 1s par of #ein! wife o he #ra)es *ni!h in all he world(2 A las she loo*ed a hi& and !a)e hi& a sli!h , #ra)e s&ile( 2,e "areful(2 24ou1re no an!ry:2 261& proud of you,2 she answered, ears fillin! her eyes( 2,u 6 do.6 0us .6 hin* i 1s i&por an ha we al* a#ou his( O herwise 6 don1 see ha here is any hope for us(2 He said no hin!, s arin! up a her( >us hen, +er!ean To&as shou ed o hi& fro& ou side ha he wa!on was loaded and he wen y &en were al&os ready o ride( +erafina1s !a'e fli"*ed oward he door, hen hey loo*ed a ea"h o her a!ain( He was s ill ra her &ar)elin!( Proud of me, 25ill we al* when you !e #a"*, 3arius:2 she as*ed poin %#lan*( He sear"hed her eyes, his hear poundin! li*e he dru&s of war( 2All ri!h ,2 he lied s&oo hly, noddin!( 26 ha)e o !o now(2 He "ouldn1 #ear o see her a se"ond lon!er.i was li*e loo*in! a an an!el whose fa"e shone li*e he da''lin! sun( He pi)o ed and #e!an s ridin! away( 24ou1re lyin! a!ain92 she "ried sof ly #ehind hi&( He s opped, &ids ride, #u he did no urn around( 2How "ould you loo* in &y eyes and lie:2 +lowly, he urned #a"* and lif ed his !a'e o where she s ill s ood a he op of he s airs( Her fa"e had reddened, and ho , )ulnera#le ears welled in her #eau iful eyes( He &ade hi&self "old inside( 24ou1re ri!h ( Tha was a lie,2 he said( 261& !lad 6 didn1 ellyou( 4ou wea*ened &e for a &o&en , #u 6 will ne)er ell you, and #elie)e &e, you don1 wan o *now(2 2Then we are finished(2 Her shoulders slu&ped as she lowered her head( 24ou don1 lo)e &e( 5ha a fool 6 a&( A nai)e, !ulli#le fool(2 21 don1 lo)e you:2 24ou don1 ( 4ou didn1 wan his &arria!e( 6 for"ed you in o i ( 6 was a fool e)er o hin* 6 "ould &a*e you happy( 4ou won1 share yourself wi h &e, you won1 #e hones wi h &e( All you do is &anipula e and lie( 4ou1re s ron!er han &e, you1re s&ar er han &e, and e)ery "han"e you !e , you #rea* &y hear , so 0us !o, do wha you ha)e o( 4ou1re ne)er !oin! o lo)e &e, 3arius, 6 !i)e up(2 +he sa down on he s ep where she had #een s andin! and #uried her fa"e in #o h hands( He s ared a her for a lon! &o&en , fi!h in! he 7ui"*enin! of an!er wi hin hi&( 26 don1

lo)e you:2 he repea ed 7uie ly( 24ou said on"e ha you did, #u i &us ha)e #een a lie(2 2No, you1re he one who lied o &e on ha poin , swee hear ,2 he said in "old, #uildin! an!er( +he loo*ed up a!ain, ears in her eyes( His own words had surprised e)en hi&( He ried o s op hi&self, #u he "ouldn1 ( The hur was s ill #alled inside hi&, yearnin! o s ri*e ou ( 25ha are you al*in! a#ou :2 An!er swep up fro& inside hi& as he wal*ed "loser, !larin! up a her( 2The firs ni!h we &ade lo)e( 4ou said you lo)ed &e( 9e, and 6 rus ed you,2 he wren"hed ou , s ri*in! his "hes wi h his fis li*e a peni en ( He heard he "a "h of an!uish in his )oi"e, #u he didn1 "are any&ore( 2,u he ru h "a&e o li!h he &inu e you found ou 6 failed in Milan, didn1 i : Tha 1s ri!h ,2 he said wi h ri"h "on e&p in answer o her loo* of dawnin! dread( 24ou hrew &e ou your door( 4ou only !a)e yourself o &e #e"ause you hou!h 6 was he #i! hero9 4ou wan ed a "ha&pion, he dra!on%slayer, eh:2 He held ou his ar&s a his sides, presen in! hi&self, hen dropped he&( 25ell, 6 ried o #e ha &an you wished for, #u 6 &issed he #loody sho ( 6 was a hard sho ( ,u ha didn1 &a er o &yPrin"esa( 6 failed o fulfill your fan asy( 4ou don1 !i)e a da&n for me, +erafina( And how "ould you: 6 don1 #la&e you( How "ould anyone: 6 *now wha 6 a&(2 25ha are you:2 she whispered, s arin! a hi&, her fa"e pale( 24ou wan o *now: 4ou wan o *now a#ou your *ni!h , +erafina:2 he as*ed in "old, #i er insolen"e( 2Can you e)en "o&prehend: 6 don1 hin* you "an, &y li le shel ered Prin"esa(2 +earin! pain seeped up fro& he deepes , #la"*es "ore of hi&( 2Tell &e(2 24ou wan o *now: 4ou wan o *now how i feels when( your &o her1s #een runnin! ou on you sin"e you were wo years old, and doesn1 !i)e a da&n wha happens o you or who hi s you when she1s !one, or how i feels when she doesn1 "o&e #a"*, any&ore: 3o you wan o *now how i is when your fa her won1 le you ha)e a new se of "lo hes for four years so ha o her "hildren won1 al* o you, only hrow ro"*s a you and "all you dir y and s*inny, #e"ause he says you don1 deser)e o ha)e any friends:2 he snarled, he words slashin! fro& hi& li*e a *iller1s *nife, )ile as poison on his on!ue( He was !oin! down in fla&es( 2How a#ou !e in! hrown ou on he s ree when you1re en years old: T "ould ell you all a#ou ha ( Are you si"* ye : Are you ready o hrow up ye : ,u 61& no done, no, Prin"ess, ha 1s when he fun only s ar s( ,e"ause ihen "o&e he #a"*%alley fi!h s for sur)i)al and s"a)en!in! for food off !ar#a!e heaps( And you wind up si"* enou!h o die fro& so&e half%ro en hin! ha you1)e ea en, so you swallow your pride and !o o he al&shouse for help, #u you "an1 s ay here #e"ause one of he &on*s won1

s op pu in! his hands on you( And hen e)en ually you fi!ure, here1s only one hin! 61& !ood for, wha he hell: 3o you follow &e, +erafina: 3o you unders and wha 61& sayin! o you:2 +he pla"ed her hand o)er her &ou h as she s ared a he floor, "ryin!, lis enin! o his words ha "har!ed on li*e a &addened #ull, #ar#ed pennan s flyin! fro& i s #la"* hide( 24ou1re hir een years old and you1)e seen hin!s o *eepyou 0aded for hree life i&es( 4ou1re hardened, and lyin!1s a ne"essi y, and you sur)i)e #e"ause you lie so )ery well( 4ou don1 "are wha you ha)e o do or say( 4ou don1 le any hin! ou"h you( 4ou don1 dare need anyone and you don1 rus anyone in a &illion years, no e)en he an!el ;od sends o sa)e you(2 +he so##ed, holdin! her head in #o h hands( His "hes hea)ed( 26 a& e&p y, +erafina( 6 a& no hin! and9 ha)e no hin! o !i)e you(2 ,u for he sound of her "ryin!, here was a erri#le silen"e 25ell, now you *now( Happy:2 +he loo*ed up, "ryin! li*e her hear was #ro*en( He "ould see her sha*in!( 26 don1 e$pe" you o #e here when 6 !e #a"*( 5ife,2 he added #i erly as he urned o !o( He #arely heard her whispered plea( 23on1 lea)e(2 He urned around, !larin! a her fro& under his forelo"*( He fel na*ed in fron of her( +he s ood up and #e!an wal*in! down he s airs, a*in! &e& one #y one, li*e a "hild( +he loo*ed so uns eady he hou!h she &i!h fall down &e&, so he wen up o her( +he sa down on he &iddle s ep and leaned a!ains he spindled #anis er( +he eyed hi& as he wearily "rou"hed down near her( He hou!h she loo*ed fri!h ened of hi&, #u when he lowered hi&self o her eye le)el, she pu her ar&s around hi& li*e sheD would ne)er le hi& !o( +he "lun! o hi& and laid her head on his shoulder, s ill "ryin! sof ly( 23on1 !o away fro& &e now,2 she whispered( He "losed his eyes( The feel of her ar&s was war&, wor%derful( He inhaled he )anilla% "i rusy perfu&e ha "lun! in he hair, hen he si!hed( 24ou1re he only pure hin! in &y life, +erafina,2 he said his )oi"e sof #u hea)y( 2All 6 e)er wan ed was o #ui6d a *ind of wall around your li le !arden world and le you be sale here, and happy( A li le paradise 0us for you(21+he pulled #a"* and s ared a hi&, a!ony and hear #rea* in her red%ri&&ed eyes, an an!uished s&ile on her re&#lin! lips, and he *new wha he had o do( A &a "h wi h his !irl: This royal "rea ure, his an!el: 5ha hu#ris had e)er &ade hi& hin* hi&self wor hy of her: His hear san* o su# erranean dep hs, #u i was he only solu ion(

2Pro e" in! you, +erafina, is he one hin! ha 6 "an loo* #a"* on and a*e pride in,2 he for"ed ou ( 261)e done &y #es #y you( A leas , 61)e ried o( ,u loo* a wha 1s happenin! o you( -oo* a wha 61& doin! o you now( 4ou should, ne)er "ry, #u erfly( 4ou should ne)er ha)e lo)ed &e.2 +he "lu "hed a his shir , pro es swi&&in! in her )iole eyes( 2,u ha is your na ure,2 he wen on !en ly, s ro*in! her hair a!ain( 2Pure lo)e, 0oyous and !i)in!( Tha 1s &y an!el( i low lu"*y 6 ha)e #een o wa "h you !row and share your life(2 He shoo* his head, a)oidin! her !a'e( 26 ne)er should ha)e rea"hed for you, *nowin! wha 6 a&, *nowin! 6 "ould only "on a&ina e you( 6 was unfor!i)a#ly selfish of &e( ,u 6 needed you so(2 2As 6 need you,2 she whispered, holdin! on o wo fis fuls of his shir , as if she "ould already sense wha he in ended( He wiped a ear fro& her "hee* wi h his hu&#( 26 &us !i)e you up now, &y +erafina( 4ou *now i 1s i&e o say !ood#ye(2 2No, 3arius9 4ou1re wron!92 she whispered fran i"ally( 26 need you here(2 2No, you s ill don1 unders and,2 he said, #e!innin! o lose pa ien"e( 2There is so&e hin!((( deeply wron! inside of &e( 6 don1 *now wha i is, 6 only *now i "an1 #e fi$ed and i "an1 #e helped.2 24es, i "an9 To!e her we "an.2 2No9 -oo* a wha 61)e done o you( Throwin! your food a!ains he wall li*e a #edla&i e:2 +he win"ed( 26 only did ha o !e your a en ion(2 23rin*in!: Ta*in! laudanu&: 6 heard a#ou ha ( 4ou nearly des royed yourself, 6 nearly des royed you(22,u , 3arius, 6 hou!h you were dead9 4ou are &y lo)e, &y #es friend9 6 was dis rau!h 92 25ha a#ou his af ernoon:2 he whispered an!rily( 2Ru in! wi h you li*e he whore of ,a#ylon:2 26 wan ed you(2 2+erafina9 Tha 1s s"ar"ely he poin (2 +he "au!h his fa"e #e ween her hands and s ared pleadin!ly a hi&( 23arius, s op his( 6 *now you1)e suffered hin!s 61ll ne)er fully unders and, #u 6 lo)e you( 4ourself( 6 don1 wan a "ha&pion, 6 wan you, and 6 a""ep i .2 He 0er*ed away, !rowin! an!ry and #ewildered( 26 said no9 Can1 you hear: 4ou "an1 s ill wan &e( 5ha 1s wron! wi h you:2 261& no !oin! o hur you( -e &e lo)e you(2 26 "an1 do ha 92 he "ried as he s ood up, poised o flee( 23on1 you see: 6 "an1 9 6 don1

*now how92 +he didn1 flin"h, holdin! oh o his hand( 24ou "an( 4ou1re &y 3arius.1you "an do any hin!( 4ou did i #efore( 4ou1re 0us afraid( Jui runnin!( 61ll ne)er ea en you unless you le &e -e &y lo)e heal you, 3arius(2 +he "aressed hi& and her !en le ou"h snapped he las of his "on rol e)en as i s sof ness slid down in o he "ore of his #ein!( 25hy are you ryin! o des roy &e:2 5i h a s ran!led "ry( he !rasped he sil)er &edal of he Hir!in and ripped i off his ne"*, "hain and all, hrowin! i far o)er he #anis er( 26 "an1 ( do his9 6 ne)er wan ed o &arry you92 he ran ed a her, his hroa s rainin!, his eyes wild wi h an!uish( 25hy ar" you so "ruel o &e: 5hy do you &a*e &e wre "hed for wha 6 "an1 ha)e and wha 6 "an1 #e: 5hy "ouldn1 you lea)e &e alone: 5hy "ouldn1 you le &e die in Milan li*e 6 wan ed:2 2No, 3arius92 she said in dread, hen she ried o slip pas hi&( 261ll !e he &edal( 4ou pu i #a"* on.2 26 don1 wan i ,2 he said in a )oi"e ou of hell, ee h "len"hed( He !ripped her #y he shoulders, shu his eyes, an pressed his #la'in! lips o her forehead(23arius,2 she whispered( He &o)ed his fa"e a!ains her s&oo h #row( 26 lo)e you, +erafina( And for ha reason,2 he whispered, 26 release you( 1 release you fro& his #ond of #lood( ;o now, while 6 a& s ron! enou!h o le you(2 23arius92 she "ried as he wren"hed ou of her ar&s( Mo)in! li!h ly, he des"ended he s airs, hen s al*ed o he door, #loodlus poundin! in his )eins, for he(had su"h wra h o )en ( "Darius$" He paused on he hreshold #u did no urn around( 23o no #e here when 6 "o&e #a"*( ;o ho&e, he way you planned( 6f you don1 lea)e firs , 6 will(2 +he "ried ou as he lur"hed ou he door and ran down he fron s eps, !oin! #lindly o he wai in! wa!on( He flun! hi&self up o he dri)er1s sea ne$ o Rafael and "ra"*ed he whip o)er he horses1 #a"*s( He was !oin! o die oday( His &ind was &ade up on he &a er( He only prayed ha he "ould s a)e off his own disin e!ra ion lon! enou!h o sa)e -a'ar and his &en fro& &assa"re( CHAPTER T5ENT4 THREE Powder *e!s se"ured, he wa!on "areened o)er he rou!h roads, windin! wes 3arius dro)e he wa!on wi h Rafe wa "hin! o)er he #arrels( The &en rode in for&a ion #ehind he&( Af er a #rea*ne"* ra"e of nearly wo hours, hey arri)ed a he hi!h, sparse pine

woods ha shielded he &ou h of he unnels1 wes ern #ran"h( -ea)in! he wa!on on he road, for half an hour hey sear"hed he #oulder%s rewn hi"*e , una#le o find he "a)e1s en ran"e, ii was so well "on"ealed( A las , Rafe found i They ore away #ra&#les and )ines o re)eal he "a)e1s &ou h( 3arius li he or"h ha was always lef 0us inside e)ery unnel1s en ran"e, #e"ause he su# erranean passa!es were as #la"* as ar( This unnel, he saw as he fla&e leaped o life, was wide enou!h ha hree &en "ould "li&# a#reas hrou!h i ,y or"hli!h , hey #e!an he #a"*#rea*in! la#or of "arryin! he powder *e!s hrou!h he woods, up he hill, pi"*in! heir way around he #oulders, and deep in o he unnel( The swea on hi s s*in urned "la&&y in he unnel1s "ool dep hs( 3arius held his #rea h e)ery i&e anyone passed he or"hes, !in!erly "arryin! heir payload of e$plosi)es( TheF s a"*ed he #arrels, pyra&id%fashion, a#ou hree hundred yards in o he "a)e( As he las #arrel was unloaded fro& he wa!on, 3arius ordered +er!ean To&as o a*e his &en o)er he rid!e far her up he road so hey would #e a safe dis an"e fro& he e$plosion(A!ain he &en &oun ed heir horses while 3arius *i"*ed he final #arrel un il he side of i "ra"*ed( Then he and Rafe "arried i in o he unnel, he #arrel lea*in! a sandy #la"* rail of !unpowder( >us as hey se i in posi ion, heir ar&s s rainin!, fa"es #eaded wi h swea , hey suddenly fell silen , hearin! dull, &uffled e"hoes "o&in! fro& deep inside he "a)e( They #o h urned, s arin! in o he eerie, e"hoin! #la"*ness( They "ould no ye see he li!h of or"hes, #u hey "ould hear )oi"es and he s"rape and shuffle of "oun less #oo s( 2Poor #as ards,2 3arius #rea hed( He hoped he &oun ain "rushed he& #efore he fire "onsu&ed he&, he hou!h ( ,urnin! was no way o die( He didn1 *now e$a" ly how far he fire#all would roll in #o h dire" ions when he #arrels #lew, any &ore han he *new how &any hundreds of unsuspe" in! soldiers would die when he &oun ain "ollapsed on he&( 2Co&e on(2 Rafe u!!ed his slee)e( They ran( 3arius !ra##ed he or"h on he way ou of he "a)e( 2;e ou of here,2 3arius ordered he #oy, sho)in! hi& oward he wa!on wi h one hand, holdin! he or"h in he o her( Rafe s opped hi&( 26 shall do i ( ;o wi h your &en(2 3arius s"offed( 23on1 #e ridi"ulous( 61& e$penda#le( 4ou1re he heir o he hrone( ;e he hell ou of here( 61ll "a "h up(2 26 "aused he pro#le&( 6 1s &y responsi#ili y,2 Rafe said in an odd, hard, "risp one ha did no sound a all li*e he royal ro!ue 3arius *new( He s ared a hi&( 2Raffaele9 3on1 #e a fool( This is e$ re&ely dan!erous.2 26 *now i is( Now !o( Tha 1s an order, +an ia!o(2 24ou1re !i)in! &e orders:2 he as*ed in"redulously( Rafael held his s are "oolly( 2Tha 1s ri!h ( ; 5ai for &e wi h he o hers(2 Resis an and ra her an!rily a&a'ed, 3arius sur)eyed he!round, sear"hin! for

"o)er, hen !lan"ed a his youn! #ro her%in%law wi h a newfound &easure of respe" ( 2There1s a "lus er of #oulders o)er here(2 He poin ed( 26 su!!es you run li*e hell for he&(2 Rafe &erely 0er*ed a nod for hi& o lea)e, his !old%!reen eyes hard as he wind ousled his !old%s rea*ed hair( 3arius reali'ed his was so&e hin! he youn! &an had o do( E)en so( he didn1 li*e i ( 3arius "li&#ed up on o he wa!on, pi"*ed up he reins, and slapped he& o)er he horses1 #a"*, #u he loo*ed o)er his shoulder as he "arria!e #e!an pullin! away( Rafe s ood in he &iddle of he dus y road( 2;onna *ill a hundred, &ay#e a housand &en wi h one #low, +an ia!o,2 he royal ro!ue "alled af er hi& wi h a !rin( 2Tha 1s e)en #e er han your a)era!e(2 2>us don1 #low yourself o s&i hereens,2 he &u ered( Then he ur!ed he horses in o a !allop and dro)e he "arria!e o)er he rid!e( 2Hi he !round, hi he !round92 he ordered his &en( +e)eral &inu es la er, he &assi)e e$plosion ore hrou!h he #elly of he &oun ain( The horses s"rea&ed in error, rearin! in he harness( 3arius "o)ered his ears, feelin! he #las of hea ( The roar wen on and on as he hill fell in on i self, #u when he noise finally ru&#led o a hal , he was already on his fee , runnin! #a"* o)er he rid!e( "#affaele$" 24our Hi!hness92 he &en "alled( +o&e #e!an runnin! #a"* down he road( 3arius 0oined he&, his hear poundin!( As he approa"hed he si e, he saw he unnel1s &ou h no lon!er e$is ed( Also, for una ely, hey had plan ed he e$plosi)es deep enou!h inside he "a)e ha fire had no spread o he woods( The dus was se lin!, he &en runnin! oward he #oulders( Thou!h so&e of he #irds were s ill s"ree"hin! in he rees, he pla"e was o herwise sho"*in!ly serene, as if no hin! had happened( 2Rafe92+7uin in! a!ains he #ri!h la e af ernoon sun, he loo*ed down he road and saw a fi!ure "li&#in! ou fro& under he s&all, fla den #e ween he #oulders( The #oy "a&e ou "ou!hin! and "o)ered in dus and ash, #u he was uns"a hed( +er!ean To&as has ened o !i)e hi& his "an een( Rafe oo* a lon! drin*( ( 2Hi" ory92 he "roa*ed wi h a wea* !rin, #u his fa"e was pale #enea h he !ri&e( 2-e 1s !o "he"* on &y old &an(2 A&id he &en1s "on!ra ula ions o he prin"e on his fea a""o&plished, hey wal*ed #a"* o he wa!on and were soon underway( They "ould hear he "annon fire ru&#lin! fro& &iles away, hu when hey finally rolled

up in o he shadow of he owerin! defensi)e wall fro& whi"h As"en"ion1s fine lon!% ran!e !uns were #las in! he ships in he #lue%!reen har#or #elow, he s*ir&ish was already drawin! o a "lose, 0ud!in! #y he sound of hin!s( 3arius shaded his eyes, !a'in! up a he wall1s #a le&en s, swa hed in "louds of s&o*e fro& he "annons( Throu!h he floa in! s&o*e, he saw he powerful fi!ure of he *in! s al*in! #a"* and for h #ehind he !un "rews( 23a&ned ho head,2 3arius &ur&ured, sha*in! his head( As *in!, -a'ar had no ri!h e$posin! hi&self under fire, #u 3arius *new he was )en in! his wra h as ou ra!ed papa on he ene&y( ,y he loo* of i , he &ea!er e$"han!e wi h he 8ren"h had only whe ed -a'ar1s appe i e for #a le( He was orderin! his &en o fire and fire a!ain, hou!h he ene&y had s opped shoo in!( Rafe and 3arius e$"han!ed a !ri&, *nowin! loo*( 2-e 1s !e his o)er wi h,2 he prin"e !ru&#led( Ri!h (2 3arius 0u&ped down fro& he wa!on( As hey s rode oward he ower and up he s one s airs leadin! o he #a le&en s, 3arius fel ha fa&iliar "len"h of an!er in his s o&a"h, *nowin! he was a#ou o fa"e -a'ar for he firs i&e sin"e heir #rea*( He fel ra her li*e he used oas a #oy, "alled #efore his fa her for so&e #ewilderin!, iny rans!ression( Cpon rea"hin! he op of he s eps, hey wal*ed on o he #ree'y #a le&en s and loo*ed ou o sea( 3arius i!nored he s ares ai&ed a hi& and "onsidered he si ua ion( The 8ren"h were re rea in! o heir #lo"*ade posi ions, a wary dis an"e #eyond he !uns1 ran!e( He sur)eyed he #a leships1 for&a ion, #u his hou!h s were far dis an , on +erafina Ri!h now, he hou!h , he fi)e !uards he1d lef o loo* af er her were pro#a#ly loadin! on o he "oa"h hose ra)elin! run*s she had #een pa"*in!( He dreaded fa"in! he e&p y )illa when he wen ho&e( Ho&e( 5ha e)er ha was( He was !lad he had old +erafina his dis!us in! se"re s, dri)en her off for"efully ra her han wai in! around for her o lea)e hi&, he hou!h as he sear"hed he s*y( A leas now i was o)er, no &ore wai in! for he #lade o drop( One day she1d han* hi& for his( 8or hi&%, here was no hin! lef o do #u !e on wi h his life( 6f As"en"ion didn1 wan hi& any&ore, he would !o o +i"ily and help Ri"hards in his 2in ri!uin! en erprise(2 He was s ill #roodin! on his loss when a deep, "old )oi"e rose #ehind hi&( "+ou." 3arius whirled around, his #a"* o he low s one wall( -a'ar s al*ed oward hi& li*e a !rand, an!ry lion(

3arius lif ed his hands "al&in!ly( 26 0us "a&e o help(2 23on1 you ry o play &e, +an ia!o,2 he !rowled( 3arius dropped his !a'e, in"redulous a he &an1s sus ained hos ili y( 28ine( 61& lea)in!( E$"use &e(2 24ou1re no !oin! anywhere ill 61)e had a pie"e of you92 He )ery nearly lau!hed( 2+ire(2 He ed!ed away fro& he wall, for here was a )ery lon! drop o he sea on he o her side of he wall, and one ne)er *new wha an ou ra!ed 6 alian papa &i!h do( 261& !e in! ou of here, don1 worry,2 he said Turnin! his #a"*, he s ar ed wal*in! away "al&ly, "oolly( -a'ar a"*led hi&(2Ou"h,2 3arius !run ed as he hi he !round, #an!in! his *nees, his hands hrown ou o "a "h hi&self 0us in i&e( The #i! royal "lod didn1 *now his own s ren! h( 3arius rolled, dod!in! a #low( 2-ea)e &e alone9 6 &arried her, didn1 6:2 2Only #e"ause 6 "au!h you, you s"he&er92 The *in! oo* a swin! a hi&( 3arius du"*ed and *ep ryin! o #a"* away( 2Tha 1s no rue9 6 would ha)e &arried her anyway92 He reali'ed only af er he1d said i ha i was he ru h( 2Af er all 61)e done for you, his is how you repay & sedu"e &y inno"en #a#y !irl92 3arius lau!hed( 2Oh, 6 ha)e news for you a#ou your inno"en #a#y, old &an( 4ou wan o see her "law &ar*s on &y #a"*:2 -a'ar le ou a wordless #ellow of fury and "uffed hi& alon!side he head wi h his fis ( 3arius "au!h hi&self a!ains he ower wall and whirled #a"* o hi&, aun in! hi&( 2Tha 1s i , isn1 i : 4ou "an1 a""ep ha your li le !irl has !one and !rown up on you92 26 rus ed you wi h her9 4ou hin* 61& deaf and #lind, ha 6 don1 hear of your "on7ues s: 4ou1)e had e)ery ho %#looded #i "h in he *in!do&, #u you "ouldn1 lea)e one inno"en youn! !irl alone9 4ou sedu"ed her 0us li*e your "oun less o hers92 1 ''o I" He s epped oward -a'ar and sho)ed hi&( 2No li*e he o hers9 4ou *now no hin! of i 92 How dare you:2 -a'ar u ered, sho)in! hi& #a"*( 25hy don1 you s op pu in! your own #la&e on &e: Can1 you 0us ad&i you &ade a &is a*e, pro&isin! her o Tyurino): 4ou had no ri!h si!nin! ha #e ro hal #efore you heard fro& &e, #u you were a*en in #y hi&9 6f i weren1 for &e, ha &is a*e "ould ha)e "os us her life( 61& he one who "ared enou!h a#ou her o learn he ru h( 4ou1re he one who sold her for an easy way ou 92-a'ar &ade a sound of fury and hurled hi&self a 3arius a!ain( They wen s"ufflin! a"ross he fla!s one(

25hy didn1 you "o&e o &e a on"e when you learned a#ou Tyurino)1s firs wife: 6 "ould "har!e you wi h reason for *eepin! i fro& &e92 -a'ar #ellowed( 2,e"ause you, 4our Ma0es y, are a ho head( -oo* a you now( The si ua ion "alled for su# le y( 3a&n i , lea)e &e alone( 61)e had enou!h92 3arius shou ed as he el#owed -a'ar hard in he *idney, spun free, and "au!h hi& a in a "ho*e hold fro& #ehind( Trus in! he1d pro)ed his poin , 3arius dropped hi& and wal*ed a few pa"es away, ra*in! a hand furiously hrou!h his hair( As soon as he urned his #a"*, he was a"*led a!ain( This i&e, he #i!!er &an !o he #es of hi&, pinnin! hi& in a headlo"*( 25ha a#ou he "haperons:2 he de&anded( 3arius sho)ed uselessly a he s oneli*e "ho*e hold around his ne"*( 261& sorry, 6( lied9 ,u i was wha she wan ed(2 2+he pu you up o i : +he old you o lie:2 2No,2 he !rowled( 2,u 6 *now how hose people 0us !naw a her spiri ( No#ody has e)er *nown how o &ana!e ha !irl #u &e, you *now ha ( 4ou ne)er #loody "ould9 4ou le her wal* all o)er you and wis you around her fin!er9 6 0us wan ed o #e wi h her( 6s ha so wron!: 3a&n i , -a'ar, she was &y only hope(2 , The *in! s ared down a hi& for a &inu e( ( 2Tha 6 #elie)e,2 he de"lared, sla&&in! hi& on o his #a"* on he fla!s one( 8is s on his wais , -a'ar s ood o)er hi& li*e a wra hful >eho)ah, his foo plan ed on 3arius1s "hes ( 3arius didn1 really feel li*e fi!h in! any&ore( The fla!s ones were al&os "o&for a#le, ired as he was( 2Answer &e one 7ues ion,2 -a'ar said o&inously( 25ha :2 he &u ered, lif in! his head 23o you lo)e her:2 He dropped his head #a"* a!ains he sun%war&ed s one( hen win"ed a he #an!, and 0us lay here, eyes "losed in defea ( ( ( 23o you lo)e her:2 he de&anded( 25hy do you hin* 6 wen o *ill Napoleon, you "lod: 6 only wan ed her o #e free(2 24ou *new here was no way you "ould "o&e #a"* ali)e(2 24es(2 2And ye you wen here(2 24es9 6 lo)e her9 5ha do you wan o *now: 6 lo)e her &ore han 6 lo)e &y own life(2 Her fa her folded his ar&s o)er his #rawny "hes and s ro*ed his "hin, !lowerin! down a hi&( 24ou really piss &e off, +an ia!o(2 2Mu ual, +ire(2 D

2+an ia!o(2 25ha :2 he !rowled( 26f you lo)e &y dau!h er so &u"h you were willin! o die for her, why he hell did you ne)er "o&e o &e and as* &e for her hand:2 2,e"ause you would ha)e said no,2 he said wearily( 26s ha so:2 ( 2May#e you would ha)e said yes ou of o#li!a ion, #e"ause of he #ulle 6 oo* for you(2 261& he *in!( 6 don1 ha*e o do any hin!(2 3arius fi$ed hi& wi h a sullen, &oody s are( -a'ar shoo* his head( 24ou1re a proud, o#s ina e fool, mag;nifico. 6 would ha)e said yes, and #een da&ned !lad of i (2 He re&o)ed his #oo ed foo fro& 3arius1s "hes and #en o offer a hand o help hi& up( 3arius wa "hed hi& warily, oo weary o &o)e( 24ou would ha)e said yes: To &e:2 -a'ar only "hu"*led sof ly, sadly, and shoo* his head, his hand ou s re "hed( 2;e up, son(2 24ou li*e o help &e "lean up, don1 you: 4es, ha 1s a !ood *i y,2 she &ur&ured sof ly o her fluffy whi e "a , pe in! he ou"hed ani&al as i hun!rily !o##led he s"raps of 3arius1s#rea*fas , whi"h she had spla ered a!ains he wall &ans hours a!o( The( yellow )illa was 7uie under he !a herin! sunse ( 5hile he "a feas ed, +erafina s ood, her e$pression &ournful as she wiped down he soiled wall wi h a we "lo h( All she "ould hin* was how awful her e&per an ru& &us ha)e &ade her loo* in fron of 3arius( He had *nown s ar)a ion, and here she was, hrowin! a perfe" ly !ood pla e of food a"ross he roo& so i was fi only for a "a ( +poiled, ro en #ra , she hou!h in self%"on e&p ( Many i&es she had &ar)eled a his "apa"i y for )iolen"e #u oni!h she was awed, loo*in! #a"* on he !en leness he had always shown her, #o h as her lo)er and as her !uardian when she was a "hild( He had endured a ni!h r& rish e$is en"e ye so&ehow he had always &ana!ed o *eep he s&all, pure fla&e of his hu&ani y ali!h in he dar*ness( Tha was he f1ire ha #urned, always, in his ony$ eyes, and he poi!nan swee ness ha spo*e o her in his !ui ar1s ender &usi"( +he *new he did no wan o fa"e her a!ain af er he hin=!s he had re)ealed, #u here was no way she was lea)in! hi& now.or e)er( He would ne)er ha)e o #e alone a!ain, nor fa"e he de&ons of his pas alone( He had only old her his se"re s as a &eans of dri)in! her off, she reali'ed, #u i had sealed her de)o ion o hi&( A las , she unders ood

so &any of his a" ion s and rea" ions whi"h had #ewildered her #efore( +he lo)ed hi& "o&ple ely, #o h he shinin! *ni!h in hi& and he los li le #oy( A las , she was needed and wan ed for herself( +he had found her purpose in !i)in! o hi&( 5hen she was done "leanin! up he ruined #rea*fas wi h her "a 1s help, she wen sear"hin! for he &edal of he Holy Hir!in, whi"h he had orn fro& his ne"*( +he found i all he way o)er #y he en ran"e o he &ornin! roo&( Pi"*in! i up, she dis"o)ered he "hain was #ro*en #eyond repair( +he #rou!h i o he pin* #edroo& where her 0ewelry #o$ sa on he #ureau( +he po*ed around0n he 0ewelry #o$, de er&ined o find a sui a#le repla"e&en for he reli"(+ ill snifflin!, her nose s uffed up and head hro##in! fro& so &u"h "ryin!, she "arefully e$ ra" ed a s urdy !old "hain fro& he *no of an!led ne"*la"es( The !old "hain was e)en finer han he ori!inal sil)er one( 6 did no &a "h as well, #u i was s ron!er( Carefully, she res run! he &edal on he !old "hain, hen pu he ne"*la"e in her po"*e , sa)orin! he hou!h of pu in! i on hi& anew( Perhaps i was &ere supers i ion, #u she did no li*e *now%in! he was ou here doin! so&e hin! dan!erous wi hou i s pro e" ion( ,ored and a li le loneso&e, he ne"*la"e wrapped loosely around her hand in her po"*e , she wandered fro& roo& o roo&, res less for his re urn( E)erywhere she urned, he yellow )illa offered i&a!es for her o &edi a e, &e&ories of &o&en s ha 3arius and she had shared in his &a!i"al pla"e, #o h he !ood and he #ad( +he oured he li#rary where she had eased hi& and wea*ed his pride( +he lay awhile on Ehe shiny dinin! roo& a#le, !a'in! up a he fres"o of Mars and Henus "au!h for all o see in Hul"an1s !olden ne ( A len! h, she de"ided o !o #a"* up o her roo& and ry o &a*e herself presen a#le for her hus#and1s re urn, #u ups airs, she oo* a &o&en o "on inue her e$plora ion( Ou of "uriosi y, she wen o he one roo& she had ne)er en ered, a narrow door a he end of he hall( Openin! he door 7uie ly, she found herself for he firs i&e in his 7uar ers( Her !a'e ra)eled o)er he s&all, spar an #o$ of a roo&( The narrow #ed, fi for a ser)an , was au ly &ade( The "o)er was #rown and he shee was whi e( ,eside i , one ser)i"ea#le aper sa on one hu&#le, no%nonsense a#le( His readin! spe" a"les were on he a#le, oo, and he si!h of he& "len"hed her hear so&ehow, his o*en of his hidden )ulnera#ili ies and lo)a#le li le hu&an flaws( On he lef wall, his orderly "lo hes hun! on pe!s( All he sa&e, all #la"*( The "an)as "ur ain was nea ly drawn o)er he window( No a pain in! hun! on he walls, whi"hwere of a nondes"rip "olor( Her hroa "losed, !a'in! a his dis&al spa"e( 6 was he &os depressin! roo& she had e)er seen(

This is not a life, Darius. This is a prison sentence. 2ut I swear I'll get you out of here. >us as she pulled he door "losed wi h a sniffle, she heard hoof#ea s ou side, and he sound of her fi)e !uards suddenly hollerin!( 6 "ouldn1 #e 3arius who had arri)ed, she hou!h , for he &en1s )oi"es sounded hos ile( Then her eyes flared( +he s ood fro'en a he sound of a !u ural Russian a""en ( Cnder a "an)as pa)ilion no far fro& he s"ene of he #a le, 3arius oo* a hea)y hero1s supper wi h he *in!, he "rown prin"e, and he op offi"ers presen ( All "on!ra ula ed hi& on his nup ials( They were all suddenly so happy for hi&, 3arius didn1 *now how o ell he& he1d already fu&#led he &arria!e( His failure in Milan was no hin! "o&pared o his one( His &ind wandered a!ain and a!ain #a"* o his wife as he &en al*ed of he #a le and a!reed ha heir defenses were #e er han e$pe" ed( 5hen Rafe #e!an #oas in! of how hey would hold off Hilleneu)e when he "a&e, -a'ar )oi"ed he opinion ha , *nowin! Hora io Nelson1s "ool ner)es and e$per ise, Hilleneu)e &i!h no "o&e #a"* fro& he 5es 6ndies a all( 8inally, 3arius nud!ed he prin"e in o "onfessin! a#ou Mia and he unnels( -a'ar was s ill #ellowin! a he lad when 3arius oo* lea)e of he&, "hu"*lin! ruefully as fa her and son shou ed a ea"h o her, 6 alian !es ures flyin!( He lef his &en a he feas ( They had earned a "ele#ra ion and, for his par , he wan ed o #e alone wi h his !rief when i "a&e i&e o fa"e he e&p y yellow )illa( The whole lon! ride #a"* o he )illa as ride his #orrowed horse, 3arius1s &ood was e&p y and sad( He was ired fro& he day1s e$er ions, sa ed fro& he hea)y &eal, and he rode hehorse sa a la'y, a&#lin! wal*, dreadin! he hou!h of fa"in! his e&p y house( He=was #e!innin! o wonder a#ou he wisdo& of endin! i wi h +erafina( 6f -a'ar hou!h hi& wor hy of her, perhaps ((( perhaps he wasn1 as #ad as he hou!h ( He 5ouldn1 !o on li*e his, ha in! hi&self( 6 was poin less, he hou!h ( 6f he wasn1 !oin! o find a way o !e hi&self *illed, hen he was !oin! o ha)e o learn o li)e in his own s*in so&ehow, and he would need her help o learn how o do ha ( +he was his s ren! h, his rues friend( +he was his reason for li)in!((( and he had dri)en her away( The road was 7uie ( He saw no one he whole 0ourney( He wa "hed #irds swoop #e ween #ou!hs( 8ar a#o)e, a haw* soared, "ir"lin! on an airy spiral( The ho day "ooled o dus*( As he neared he yellow )illa, he !rew &ore an$ious a#ou whe her or no he would find his wife here( He had ordered her o !o, #u one ne)er *new when she would "hoose o o#ey or defy( 6n his "ase, he wasn1 sure whi"h he preferred( Now ha she *new all he ru h a#ou hi&, she wasn1 !oin! 10 wan o s ay, anyway(

He hou!h for a while on he hin!s he lo)ed #es a#ou her and would &iss &os .her &is"hief, her spar*le( Her pou and her hau!h y s"owl, when she was in her Jueen of +he#a &ood( And he swee ness of her sof ar&s around hi& as he drif ed off o sleep( The prospe" of re urnin! o his old life wi hou her was un#eara#ly #lea*, #u all he "ould do now was *eep his despera% ion "on"ealed #enea h he surfa"e of s oi" resol)e( 5he her she "hose o s ay or !o, ei her way, he would fa"e her de"ision wi h e7uani&i y( The sun1s !low was fadin! in he wes ern s*y as dus* deepened o ni!h ( 5earily, he le hi&self in hrou!h he all iron !a es and led he horse o he s a#le( His hear san*, for no a soul was in si!h ( No a "andle #urned in he window( They were all !one(He s opped on he "o##led yard, hands in his po"*e s as he !a'ed a he house he had #ou!h ;od, how "ould he #ear o !o in here: No, he old hi&self( This was as i should #e( He had ne)er deser)ed her, no really( +he was oo hi!h#orn for hi&, oo #eau iful, oo pure( +he was #e er off wi hou her +panish &ad&an( )pen yourself to me, she had said, as if i were he si&ples hin! in he world o do( He re&e&#ered her as*in! hi& on"e( 1hat would it ta!e to ma!e you trust me, He didn1 *now( A &ira"le, &ay#e( +o&e *ind of &ira"le o urn #a"* he years and !i)e hi& a fa her who didn1 #ash hi& around, and a &o her who didn1 do e on hi& and a#andon hi& #y urns, as if he were no her "hild #u a li le s ray alley "a she fed s"raps o when he whi& oo* her( 3arius "len"hed his 0aw as he s ood here, no wan in! o hin* a#ou i , #u he *new i dro)e s rai!h o he hear of his pro#le&( 5ha s ood in he way of his presen happiness was his an"ien pas ( Hiewed ra ionally, he *new his &o her had #een 0us as a#used as he and had #een sensi#le o flee( ,u on a deep, )is"eral le)el, he ha ed her al&os worse han he ha ed his fa her, e)en hou!h he *new i wasn1 fair( His fa her had a#used hi&, #u his #eau iful, spar*lin! &a&a had orn his hear ou , #e rayed hi&( +he had #een his only ally un il she had a#andoned hi& here( 6f only he had no #een so s&all and helpless( 6f only he had> #een s ron! enou!h o pro e" her, he hou!h ( ,u all he had #eei i a#le o do was a*e "are of her af er his fa her lef her #ro*en and #ruised( He supposed she had finally found so&e o her weal hy pro e" or o a*e "are of her, so&eone who had no #een afraid of his fa her( +he oo* her "han"e a es"ape wi hou loo*in! #a"*( +he hadn1 e)en said !ood#ye( 1hore, he hou!h , his lips "urlin! in a "old, fain sneer( 1hore, whore.9%ler "hery hur hi& so &u"h ha he usually "ould no #ear e)en o hin* of her( 6 was easier

re&e&#erin! his fa her1s *i"*s and #lows han o hin* of her da''lin! s&ile ((( and perhaps he had #een punishin! her in e)ery wo&an he had &e sin"e, showin! he& all wha whores hey were( +howin! he& ha he was he one in "on rol, he was he one who "ould1 lea)e them. He had #u o "roo* his fin!er o #e worshiped #y #eau iful wo&en( He "ould #rin! he& o heir *nees wi h a loo*, hen wal* away wi hou a s"ra "h( Cn il now( D Cn il he pures "rea ure on ear h had floa ed down #eside hi& and fed hi& fro& he &il* of her )ery #ody( Had he won his i&e: Could i #e "alled a )i" ory, his dri)in! her off deli#era ely so he would no ha)e o fa"e her e)en ual a#andon&en : The hell with it. He1d sur)i)e( A#rup ly, he lur"hed in o &o ion, for"in! hi&self o fa"e he e&p y house( He dra!!ed hi&self up he shallow fron s eps and opened die door( As he s epped o)er he hreshold in o he dar*ened foyer, he heard a wooden hud a he sa&e i&e he fel a s ar lin! #las of a!ony in his s*ull( He saw s"arle s ars, #lurrin!, #la"*( He reali'ed oo la e who had "o&e o *eep a pro&ise( He was s ru"* a!ain( Than! God she left. A las , he hou!h , so&eone wi h he "o&pe en"e o *ill hi&( Then no hin!( CHAPTER T5ENT4 8OCR There had #een a #rief oppor uni y o run ou he #a"* door and flee in o he unnels ha would a*e her safely in o hidin!, #u when +erafina heard he sho s and #rief s"rea&s ha old her ha her few re&ainin! !uards had #een *illed, she a#andoned all hou!h of fli!h ( 3arius would #e "o&in! ho&e soon, and she *new i was hi& hey wan ed( +o&e#ody had o warn hi&( +o she s ayed( +he had fu&#led her way in o he "offlinli*e se"re "o&par &en #uil in o he floor in he pin* #edroo&( 6 was "o#we##ed and "laus ropho#i", and how she had re&ained silen when hey sear"hed her roo&, she did no *now( The Russians1 hea)y, #oo ed foo falls rod pra" i"ally on her #a"* hrou!h he hardwood floor( +he had "oun ed wo &ale )oi"es "on)ersin! as hey sear"hed he roo&, hen lef ,

#u here "ould #e &ore( +he *new Ana ole was so&ewhere in he house( +he "ould feel his i"y presen"e( +he prayed 3arius would no "o&e, #u s ro)e o hin* of a plan in "ase he did( +he "onsidered wha weapons she had a her disposal and as*ed herself wha her wily, ru hless hus#and would do in his s"enario( +he *new he answerD 5ha e)er ne"essary( 6f only he had &ade so&e noise when he had arri)ed( Then she "ould ha)e s"rea&ed o warn hi&, #u she real%i'ed he had "o&e only on"e he shou in! s ar ed( They already had hi&( +ilen ly, silen ly, she "rep ou of her hidin! pla"e and readied herself as 7ui"*ly as possi#le for her own #rash sui"ide &ission( Her hear ra"ed( Her hands shoo* &adly, and she prayed she didn1 !e #o h of he& *illed( As she ed!ed down he hall and pi"*ed her way silen ly down he s airs, she could hear Darius moc!ing them and aun in! he& as hey did wha e)er i was hey were doin! o hi&( Tneir )oi"es were coming Ham die library. She couldn't unders and a word of he ar!u&en , whi"h was a*in! pla"e all in Russian, #u she *new ha insolen one( 6 old her ha his #a"* was o he wall( I'm coming, she old hi& silen ly( Darius. His head hro##ed, his 0aw hur , and he world had !one a #i di''y, so &ay#e ha e$plained he swee , fieldin! whisper he "ould ha)e sworn he heard in his head( Her )oi"e( 9y Darius, I am here with you. The illusion was "o&for in! as he s"owled up a he wo #i!!es Russians he had e)er seen in his life, he !eneral1s handpi"*ed #lond !ian s( He was al&os "o"*y enou!h o #e insul ed ha Tyurino) had #rou!h only wo, e$"ep here was no a)oidin! he fa" ha he was he one ied o he "hair( Tyurino) was loo&in! o)er hi&, his #lue eyes lo"*ed fri!idly on hi&( 2+o, +an ia!o, you hou!h 61d le you !e away wi h &a*in! a fool of &e #efore 6he en ire world( And now 6 find ou you ha)e #een wri in! o &y "ousin a#ou &e(2 The !eneral &erely 0er*ed a nod oward hi& and s epped #a"*( One of he !ian s wen , o wor* a!ain( 3arius !ri ed his i"e h a!ains he ur!e o "ry ou ( He assured hi&self he pain in)ol)ed wi h #rea hin! suddenly and he #lood ri"*lin! fro& his nos ril and he "orner of his &ou h were no hin! serious( 5 ai in! for his round o end, he !lared s rai!h ahead, pas he!ian 1s #ul!in! hi!hs, i!norin! he #lows #y din of will, and9 i was hen ha his se"ond #ea ifi" )ision ha day appeared in he doorway(

5hen he saw her, he "eased feelin! pain( -hhh. His whole%#ody san* in he "hair as in relief, as if she had "o&e o pu her ar&s around hi& sof ly and &a*e hese &ean fellows !o away( 6 was a !ood hin! she was 0us a hallu"ina ion, #orn of a few #ad #lows o he head( -ngel. He s&iled a her a li le, pleased and a rifle sho"*ed a he for& in whi"h his !oddess had "hosen o &anifes herself oni!h for his pri)a e )ision( 6f oday on he s airs she had appeared o hi& as an inno"en an!el of li!h , his was he +er%afina he had only dared i&a!ine when he was )ery ho and #o hered la e a ni!h ( +he had on a !au'y and 7ui e inde"en pei!noir of deep s"arle ( 6 had lon!, flowin!,1ruffled slee)es and a )ery low ne"*line re)ealin! her "rea&y whi e "hes ( Her wild, #la"*, spiralin! "urls flowed a#ou her shoulders and a wine!lass dan!led fro& her hand( 6n all her ero i" splendor, his lus"ious fi!&en of his dir y &ind was a siren, a wi"*ed e&p ress. he i!ress he had unleashed durin! heir final, in"redi#le en"oun er his af ernoon( He wa "hed her lean her "ur)y #ody lan!uidly in he doorway, s ri*in! a pose( 2Ahe&,2 she said in a )oi"e ha was surprisin!ly real( All hree Russians urned( 25ha are you doin! in &y house:2 she as*ed "oolly wi h a hau!h y li le lif of her ele!an #la"* #rows( Her fin!er ips #e!an o play a her ne"*line, easin! alon! he la"e( 2Oh, &y ;od,2 3arius said( One of he !ian s s u ered( Ana ole1s eyes widened( Radia in! pure #i "hery, whi"h he "ould only !uess she had learned fro& a life i&e of s udyin! he pala"e ladies, she !lided in o a" ion #efore any of he&, s upid &ales, "ould rea" (+he was le hal( Her wal* was honeyed rea"hery as she flowed oward hi&, red sil* swirlin! drea&ily around her lon! le!s, her pale fa"e fi$ed in a &ar#le &as* of "old #eau y( 26 see you1)e found &y philanderin! hus#and(2 3arius s ared a her in horror as she effor lessly nud!ed he !ian s aside as easily as if hey were #i!, s upid plowhorses( +he held he &edal of he Hir!in up #efore his eyes and swun! i #a"* and for h li*e a li le pendulu&( 25here did his "o&e fro&, h&&: No, don1 #o her o e$plain( 6 a& si"* of your lies(2 5i h a &o"*in! "ur)e of her lips, she slipped he "hain o)er his head, her hand ou"hin! he #a"* of his hair wi h a s olen "aress o reassure hi&( 5hen she &o)ed #a"*, he s ared in o her eyes in #ewildered pleadin!( Get out of here$ -re you trying to !ill yourself,

Tyurino) slowly #e!an o lau!h( 6e's not falling for this, 3arius ried o ell her wi h his hopeless s are( ,u he saw ha her !a&e had #arely #e!un( The !ian s were s arin! &u ely a his wife while she urned o Tyurino), foldin! her ar&s under her #reas s, #ra'enly plu&pin! he& for his a)id inspe" ion( 25ha are you !oin! o do wi h hi&:2 she as*ed in a #ored one( 25ha !a&e are you playin!, &y dear:2 he prin"e !rowled hrou!h his diffi"ul a""en , his eyes #la'in! wi h undis!uised 6 us ( He oo* a s ep oward her( 25ell, he has ser)ed his purpose for &e, hasn1 he:2 2Has he: 4ou ell &e(2 +he pou ed( 2Oh, you are s ill "ross wi h &e(2 +he rea"hed ou and hoo*ed a fin!er ip hrou!h he #u onhole on his #lue "oa 1s lapel( 2Ana ole, we par ed so #i erly( 6 really hin* we ou!h o al*(2 3arius urned whi e( 2+erafina(2 He did no wan her !oin! off alone wi h his #ru e( 2Oh, shu up,2 she snapped a hi&, a*in! hi& a#a"*(2They1re !oin! o *ill you, and as far as 61& "on"erned, you deser)e i (2 +he loo*ed #a"* up a Tyurino) a!ain wi h "ool, "al"ula ed "har&( 2Hus#ands "an #e so edious( 5idowhood will #e &u"h &ore &y s yle(2 2Married under a for ni!h and already you are ired ol hi&:2 Tyurino) as*ed, sear"hin! her fa"e "losely( 2This )ain!lorious s"he&er:2 +he !lan"ed a 3arius, #in she a)oided his eyes, as if she "ould no #ear o &ee his !a'e 2A lo)er, &ay#e( ,u a hus#and: He ri"*ed &e( 6 ne)er wan ed o &arry hi&( 6 en i"ed hi& in o a e&p in! o *ill Napoleon.whi"h he failed o do,2 she said, rollin! her eyes 2,u he lied a#ou ha)in! failed, you see, and "lai&ed his reward under false pre enses(2 25hy did you no wish o &arry &e:2 he de&anded( 2Ana ole, Ana ole, &y dear(2 +he pe ed his "hes soo h in!ly, il in! her head #a"* o &ee his s are( 26 1s no ha 6 didn1 wan o &arry you( 6 1s ha 6 didn1 wan o &arry period( 6 relish &y freedo&( +urely you *now how i is o #e worshiped #y &any( 5as 6 really o "hoose 0us one: My reasonin!, si&ply, was ha if 6 must &arry hen 6 shall ha)e a hus #and wea* enou!h of "hara" er o #e so&eone 6 "ould "on rol( 4ou did no s ri*e &e as su"h a &an(2 This see&ed o &ollify hi& sli!h ly( 26ndeed, 6 a& no (2 2+an ia!o, on he o her hand2.she !lan"ed o)er a hi&. 2why, he1d pu his hand in a fire if 6 as*ed hi& o(2 2How lon! has he #een your lo)er:2

2Oh, we1)e always shared a "er ain((( physi"al a ra" ion,2 she ad&i ed, 2#u e)er sin"e he ri"*ed &e, 6 ha)e refused o !i)e hi& wha he wan s( +o, do you *now wha h does:2 she de&anded pre ily( 2He !oes off sul*in!, s"urryin! in o he ar&s of o her wo&en, ye he has a fi if 6 a*e == n eres in ano her &an,2 she nea ly lied( 26 as* you, Ana o do 6( loo* li*e so&eone who need olera e a &an who does no appre"ia e &e:2 +he ran her hands down her sides, ar fully pu in! her "ur)es on display( Tyurino)1s s are followed he rou e of her hands( He "ouldn 2(sa*e his eyes off her and 3arius was !rowin! )ery worried inde"d(+he was "er ainly playin! her par o he hil ( 2Has he #een lea)in! you alone a ni!h s already:2 he !eneral rurr #led, pra" i"ally droolin!( 2Too &any ni!h s,2 she purred( 25ell( Tha is ine$"usa#le(2 3arin s wan ed o,*ill hi& for he way he was loo*in! a her, #u #e #i his on!ue, errified o say a word #e"ause he &i!h only &a*e hin!s worse so&ehow( There was a sli)er% hin "han"e ha he de)ious "hi *new wha she was doin!( ;od *new, she had him half%"on)in"ed( ,y he loo* of i , she "ould ha)e #een s andin! here ellin! he Russians he &oon was &ade of !reen "heese and hey would nod a!ree&en , oo #usy !aww*in! a her "ele#ra ed #reas s( He "as a#ou in a fury of frus ra ion ryin! o find so&e &eans o free hi&self, #u as his wife sidled up "lose o Tyurino) and #e!an oyin! wi h one of his !old epaule s, 3arius de"ided, eyes #la'in!, ha his wayward li le Cri"*e was lon!, lon! o)erdue for a le" ure( 5hen she spo*e, he !rew uneasy( This was a "harade, wasn1 i : V ( ( ( (%,? 2 Ana ole,2 she said swee ly, 2"an1 your &en finish up wi h &y hus#and: 6 wan o al* o you( Alone(2 24ou are rea"herous,2 he pan ed a her( +he !a)e hi& a "ool, narrow s&ile( 23o 6 fri!h en you:2 He lau!hed sof ly, eyes spar*lin! a he "hallen!e, and s 6 i "ed a nod o his &en( 2Gill hi&(2 25ai (2 +he swayed o)er o 3arius and draped her ar&s loosely around his shoulders, hrus in! her #reas s 0us under his fa"e( 1 ( -ord, #u her !own was low%"u ( 26 old you you1d !e wha 1s "o&in! o you, you wi"*ed ra*e(2 He s ared a her in dis#elief and #ewilder&en +ou're lea*ing me here, +he leaned oward hi& and !a)e hi& a sof *iss on he side of his &ou h ha wasn1 #leedin!, hen herslow,

sof *isses &o)ed oward his ne"* in easin! sedu" ion He was s unned when she a" ually !o a shi)er ou of hi&( hou!h, his whole #ody hur ( +he le he &en wa "h as she nud!ed "loser #e ween his spread le!s and e&#ra"ed hi& &ore i!h ly( 8uriously, he !lared a he &en s andin! #ehind her, for heir !a'es were fi$ed on her rounded #a"*side as she #en o)er( +erafina wen on *issin! hi& a &o&en lon!er, runnin! her hands down his ar&s, whi"h were ied #ehind hi& o he "hair Her "aress s opped when she "a&e o he ropes #indin! his hands( +uddenly he fel an odd li le 0er* of his wris s( He nearly "ho*ed on her *iss when his hands dropped, suddenly freed( He rea" ed i&&edia ely, holdin! his ar&s in posi ion #ehind hi& so he &en would no reali'e wha she had done( Cnseen #y he&, she pressed a s&oo h, s&all "ylindri"al o#0e" in o his hand( He *new a on"e i was he hil of a s&all *nife( He reali'ed she had "on"ealed i under her !own1s lon! slee)e( His fin!ers "losed around he hil ( He didn1 &o)e a &us"le as she released hi& wi h a s&u!, hau!h y li le s&ile, her eyes lo"*ed on his( 2;ood#ye, hus#and,2 she said non"halan ly as spar*s flew #e ween heir s ares( 24ou hear less hussy,2 he !round ou , #u i was all he "ould do o &a*e his one harsh, as 0oy and sheer de)o ion for he &a!nifi"en , #ra'en "rea ure #las ed up fro& he "ore of his ( #ein!, fillin! hi& wi h a las reser)e of s ren! h( 6 all "a&e "lear o hi&, he si!nifi"an"e of her li le perf"i %&an"e( He s ared a her, feelin! as hou!h a )eil were lif in(, fro& #efore his )ery eyes( He hou!h of a li le !irl a lon! i&e a!o, *i"*in! an( s"rea&in! when hey ried o pull her away fro& his #edside a, he lay here fi!h in! for his life( -oyal y( A#solu e loyal y( 8or hi&(Tha Has lo)e, and she had 0us spo*en i loud and "lear in a lan !ua!" he "ould unders and( 261ll hin* of you and your philanderin! when 6 spend your for une(A1 24ou do ha ,2 he drawled, eyein! her up( +he #rushed #y Tyurino), whose sapphire s are followed her ho ly( 2Co&e alon!, Ana ole(2 ,u hen 3arius1s #lood ran "old( T yurino)1s hand "la&ped down on her shoulder( He spun her around( 3arius only "au!h a !li&pse of her errified fa"e as Tyurino) sho)ed her oward he wall( Ri!h here, you swee , ho %#looded li le hin!,2 he said as he pinned her a!ains he wall

wi h his #ody( 24our hus#and will en0oy he show(2 The wo #lond !ian s s ar ed lau!hin!( 23o you ha)e a !ood )iew, +paniard:2 Tyurino) as*ed as he rea"hed for he falls of his #ree"hes( 2-e &e show you how if s done( 5hen 6 and &y &en are done wi h her, here1ll #e no hin! lef for you(2 3arius #i #a"* a "urse( The wo #lond !ian s !lan"ed a ea"h o her in a&a'e&en ( The one on his ri!h had #een usin! only his fis s, #u he one on his lef was wieldin! a "lu#( Hear poundin!, 3arius fli"*ed hi s fin!ers o)er he *nife1s hil #ehind his #a"*, readyin! hi&self o sprin!( ( +erafina s ared up a Ana ole, errified, as she reeled #a"* a!ains he wall( Her e$%fian"/ held her #y he shoulders( 5i hou warnin!, his &ou h sla&&ed down on hers, "old and dry( 5ild%eyed, she pun"hed hi& and sho)ed a!ains he solid wall of his "hes , #u he only lau!hed and answered her #lows wi h a "ruel s7uee'e of her #reas ( +he ried o *nee hi& in he !roin #u he *no"*ed her off #alan"e when she raised her le!, usin! he &aneu)er o dri)eher le!s apar wi h his *nee( +he had o !ra# his wais o *eep fro& fallin!( He rea"hed down wi h one hand, e$posin! hi&self wi h li!h nin! speed, hen earin! her !own upward o)er her hi!h +he heard hys eri"al noises "o&in! fro& her lips, #u all her s ru!!le was useless( He was !i!an i" and he had a#solu ely no sha&e, no feelin!, no re&orse( He #en his *nees, lowerin! hi&self as he prepared o pene ra e her( +he "lawed his fa"e( He slapped her( 2,e s ill and a*e i (2 ;aspin! in sho"*, she s ared up a hi&, her fa"e s in!in!( +he "ouldn1 #elie)e he had hi her( +uddenly here was a #lood"urdlin! s"rea& and an e$plosi)e shou #ehind hi& fro& he dire" ion where 3arius sa ( Eyes !la'ed wi h lus , Tyurino) urned, pan in!( 5i h his &o)e&en , her hand #u&ped so&e hin! hard s rapped o)er hi s hip( Her sear"hin! fin!ers found lea her, &e al, and wood( - gun. ,efore she e)en *new wha she was doin!, she slid Tyuri%no)1s pis ol ou of i s hols er and pressed he &u''le o his e$posed hroa ( He fro'e( +he fel his ere" ion wil a!ains her( 2+ ep #a"*,2 she said, her )oi"e sha*in!, "hes hea)in! wi h fri!h (

He o#eyed( 2Pu ha away,2 she added in dis!us As he has ily fas ened his #ree"hes a!ain, she !lan"ed o)er and saw 3arius, lo"*ed in &or al "o&#a wi h one of Ana ole1 s &en( The o her was dead, his hroa a orn red &ass( 5i h one hand, he #lond !ian was ryin! o s ran!le 3arius 5i h he o her hand, he held 3arius1s ri!h wris ( 3arius1s ar& shoo* wi h his effor o #rin! his #loody *nife up o he #i! Russian1s hroa ( Ana ole oo* a s ep oward he&( 23on1 &o)e,2 she said in a s eely one, he !un ou s re "hed in #o h her sha*in! hands(He !!a)e her a "old, "ruel s&ile( 2-ower he !un( 4ou don1 e)en *nw how o use i (2 26ll fi!ure i ou (2 Her rin!er "a&e o res on he ri!!er(( He oo* a en a i)e s ep #a"*ward( +he s epped forward, he(!un s eady in her dou#le%handed !rasp( ((( His !a'e roa&ed o)er her as he lau!hed sof ly( 24ou1re no !oin! o shoo anyone(2 ( +he swallowed hard, wonderin! if he had "alled her #luff, for she did no hin* she "ould pull he ri!!er( +he "ould no possi#ly *ill so&eone, no e)en hi&( ,u she wouldn1 ha)e o, she assured herself as swea #e!an o !a her on her #row( Any se"ond now, 3arius would fi!h his way free and finish his( +he fli"*ed a !lan"e in his dire" ion 0us as he Russian deal hi& a sha erin! #low o he *nee wi h his "lu#( 3arius "ried ou furiously #u as he Russian lun!ed forward, 3arius hrus he *nife up in o he &an1s #elly( The Russian oppled par ly on hi& wi h a hi!h% pi "hed s7uea0 ha #e"a&e a #ellow, hen lay here !aspin! wi h al&os #la"* #lood pourin! ou of his lower a#do&en( +erafina swallowed hard in re)ulsion( Ana ole showed no rea" ion o his &en1s dea hs( The !un wo##lin! sli!h ly in her ense !rasp, her !a'e dar ed fro& Ana ole o 3arius( Her hus#and was on he floor, h i s fa"e ashen in a !ri&a"e of pain( He !lared a Ana ole fro& under his forelo"*( Ana ole urned his #a"* on her and oo* a s ep oward hi&( 5hen 3arius did no !e up, she reali'ed he "ouldn1 ( A "hill ra"ed down her spine( 23arius(2 He said no hin!( He sho)ed he now%un"ons"ious Russian off hi& and "rawled on o all fours, fa)orin! his ri!h le!( 6es *nel on his lef *nee and la#ored o rise( Ana ole #en and pun"hed hi& in he fa"e, sendin! hi& sprawlin! #a"* o)er he dyin!

&an( 3arius "ursed and s ru!!led o !e up a!ain(Ana ole lau!hed and oo* ano her s ep oward hi&, sneerin! down a hi&( 2;e up a!ain, pre y #oy( 6 li*e *no"*in! you down(2 2Ana ole,2 +erafina said( A #ead of swea rolled down her "hee*( +he ai&ed for his #a"*( 26f you ou"h hi& a!ain, 6 will shoo you(2 Roundin! he #ody of he o her dead &an, Ana ole !lan"ed arro!an ly a her o)er his shoulder, hen "a&e o s and a"ross fro& her, owerin! o)er 3arius( 2No, you won1 2 5i hou warnin!, he drew #a"* o *i"* 3arius( 3arius "urled his #ody o ward off he #low and she pulled he ri!!er( Ana ole !asped, 0ol in! #a"* a s ep as his #lood spa ered in an ar", dus in! 3arius and he dead #ody( E)ery hin! see&ed o &o)e slowly( +he saw 3arius urn away fro& he sprin*lin! of #lood( Tyurino) dropped o his *nees, "lu "hin! his "hes He loo*ed down, hen lif ed his head and s ared a her in sho" * ,lood flowed hrou!h his fin!ers, whi"h were pressed o his "hes ( +he dropped he !un and s ared, ri)e ed, as #lood sur!ed up ou of his &ou h( His eyes !rew di&( He fell on o his fa"e, "rawled on o his side, and lay here, his #lue eyes wide( +e)eral i&es he !asped for air wi h a "ho*in! sound, hen he "ho*in! s opped and he did no s ir( 3arius and she s ared a ea"h o her in silen"e(


Help &e,2 he "roa*ed as she ran o hi&( +he "rou"hed down #eside hi&, her hear poundin!( 26f hin* &y *nee is #ro*en,2 he for"ed ou ( 1Can you s and:2 He nodded, his fa"e Hery pale( +he helped hi& o his fee wi h diffi"ul y( He "ouldn1 #end his ri!h le!( +he pulled his ri!h ar& o)er her shoulders and #ade hi& lean on her( 8or on"e, he did Ho ar!ue( +lowly, painfully, hey "rossed he roo&( Can you !e up he s airs:2 He nodded !ri&ly, his 0aw au , his lips whi e( + eadyin! hi&self #e ween her and he #anis er, 3arius pulled hi&self up ea"h s ep, pu in! no wei!h on his ri!h foo ( +he *ep !lan"in! an$iously a hi&, fri!h ened #y he si!h of hi& in su"h pain( +wea #eaded his fa"e( His #rea hin! was shallow and he was sha*in!( ( Al&os here,2 she "oa$ed hi& sof ly( He said no hin!, his fin!ers di!!in! in o her shoulder as he !ripped her i!h ly( i see&ed li*e an hour had passed #y he i&e hey rea"hed he op of he s airs and pro!ressed slowly down he hall, ho##lin! in o he pin* #edroo&( 8inally, 3arius sa down on he #ed( his hea)y ar& slidin! off her shoulders(

He "len"hed his 0aw, #ra"in! hi&self for he pain as he swun! his ri!h le! up on o he #ed( ;in!erly, she helped hi&(-yin! on his #a"* a las , he was pan in! wi h pain and e$er% ion( 2Than*s(2 +he was already li!h in! a "andle and pullin! ou he sewin! #as*e in whi"h she *ep all her do" orin! supplies E)ery i&e he i&a!e of Ana ole loo*in! down a his wounded "hes o""urred o her, she hrus i away.far, far away( The firs hin! she did was "u off his #ree"hes a#o)e he *nee, !in!erly pullin! #a"* he #road"lo h( +he paled, loo*in!( down o find his *nee swollen up o he si'e of a !rapefrui The #low had no #urs he s*in, #u he en ire area was red and dis"olored( +he loo*ed a 3arius and found hi& s arin! a her, his eyes lar!e and an$ious under his lon! lashes( 26s i #ro*en:2 26 "ould #e, #u le 1s hope i 1s 0us a #ad "on usion,2 she said( 25e won1 *now for a "ouple days un il he swellin! !oes down( Oh, how 6 wish we had so&e i"e(2 +he &o)ed owar"i he head of he #ed, ad0us in! he pillow #ehind hi&( +he we one of he wash"lo hs and !en ly wiped he dried #ipod fro& his spli lip( 2My poor #a#y, loo* a you,2 she &ur&ured( He s ared a her while she wiped his fa"e wi h he "ool, we "lo h( +he "aressed his hair and leaned down o *iss his "la&&y forehead( drawin! s ren! h and "al& fro& he "on a" ( He e&#ra"ed her suddenly, pullin! her o hi&( +he hu!!ed hi& wi h all her &i!h ( He #uried his fin!ers in her hair( 2Are you all ri!h :2 he whispered( 2;od, ha was he &os awful hin! 61)e e)er seen( He hi your pre"ious fa"e.2 261& all ri!h , 3arius( He didn1 hi &e ha hard( ,esides, i helps o *now he !o wha he deser)ed,2 she added !ri&ly 25ha a#ou you: Are you all ri!h :2 26 a& now(2 His ar&s i!h ened around her( 2Ne)er lea)e &e, +erafina( Ne)er lea)e &e(2 26 ne)er will( 6 was ne)er !oin! o(2 +he s7uee'ed ears fro& her eyes( 25e1re !oin! o #e all ri!h , yes: 5e ha)e he res of our li)es( +ay we do(2He "aressed her hair, despera ion in his ony$ eyes ha &ir%rored her own( 24es, yes, we ha)e fore)er, please(2 4es,2 +he "losed her eyes and *issed his "hee*( 26 lo)e you( 3arius( 4ou must *now #y now ha 6 do92 4es,2 he whispered( 26 *now i , and 6 lo)e you, oo( ;od, 6 hou!h 61d los you(2 1Ne)er(2 +he pulled #a"* and laid her hand on his "hee* wry !en ly( 2Now 61)e !o o !o pu&p so&e "old wa er fro& he well1 +he was no loo*in! forward o !oin! downs airs near he dead #odies, #u she "ould &a*e herself do i for hi&( 5e1re !oin! o pu "old "o&presses on your *nee, hen wrap i wi h so&e !ood, fir& #anda!es so i "an1 swell any fur her( 4ou1re !oin! o #e all ri!h 6 pro&ise( 3o you wan so&e whis*ey:: He shoo* his head s ernly, hen apparen ly hou!h #e er of i ( 2Please1=2 he said sheepishly( 2This hur s li*e hell(2 +ee, now, was &a so hard o ad&i :2 she as*ed as she poured a sho for ea"h of he&( They lif ed heir !lasses o ea"h o her, hen downed he (

sho s( They !lan"ed a ea"h o her, #o h win"in!, eyes wa erin!( He !a)e her #a"* he s&all, e&p y !lass wi h a loo* of disdain( +he s&iled in spi e of herself, sha*in! her head a hi&( 26 adore you, +an ia!o(2 He was s arin! a her s ran!ely( 24ou are a wild wo&an, +erafina(2 +he sho hi& a de&ure s&ile( 25ell, 6 ha)e o #e, wi h su"h a &an for a hus#and, don1 6:2 2Ni"e shoo in! for a ho house flower(2 +he !a)e hi& a &o"* s"owl( >us hen, she heard dis an hoof#ea s and &ale lau!h er( 6ns an ly she ensed, fearin! ha &ore of Tyurino)1s &en had "o&e( +he flew o he window and &o)ed he "ur ain #a"* sli!h ly, peerin! ou ( 6 1s Ale" and he res of your &en92 she e$"lai&ed( 2Than* E0od92 +he whirled fro& he window and sped oward he door( 24ou 0us lie s ill and ry o rela$, 3arius( 61ll !o !e he "oldwa er and send Ale" for he "ons a#le and he do" or o e$a&ine you( 61ll a*e "are of e)ery hin!.2 2+erafina(2 +he s opped, her hand on he door*no#, and urned #a"* o hi& in #ris* in7uiry( His fa"e was s ill pale, #u he loo*ed a #i &ore hi&self as he ar"hed one #row a her( 23o no lea)e his roo& un il you "han!e ha dress(2 A !rin spread o)er her fa"e as she #lushed #ri!h red( He suddenly s&iled #eau ifully and held ou his ai&s o her 2Co&e #a"* here, you ras"al(2 >oyously, she ran o hi&( He pulled her on o he #ed, flipped her o)er his hip on o he &a ress, and urned on his side, *issin! her whole fa"e( 26 lo) e you, 6 lo)e you, 6 lo)e you92 he said #e ween *isses( +he lau!hed, #as*in! #rea hlessly in his playfulness( 5hen he s opped and wen s ill, !a'in! down a her, she slid her ar&s around his ne"* and held his ender s are( 26 lo)e you,2 she whispered( 2There1s no par of you 6 don lo)e( Re&e&#er ha (2 He nodded( 26 will( 6 s ill "an1 #elie)e you ris*ed yourself li*e ha for &e(2 25hy no : 4ou do i for &e all he i&e(2 He loo*ed &ys ified( 24ou s ayed for &e( 4ou wal*""9 in o ha roo& for &e when you "ould ha)e. should ha*e.loo*ed af er your own safe y( 6 feel(((2 He shoo* his head( 25ha do you feel:2 she as*ed sof ly, !a'in! a hi&( 2-i*e &y life has 0us #e!un(2 He "losed his eyes for a &o&en ( 26 a& done hidin! fro& you, +erafina( 61)e #een so s"ared and #eha)ed li*e su"h a #as ard( ,u you1 )e #eei so pa ien wi h &e(2 24ou1re wor h i , 3arius(2 He opened his eyes a!ain, &is ed, and "ould say no hin! &ore +he leaned up and *issed his lips, lin!erin! !en ly and #rea h%in! her war& #rea h o)er he "res"en %&oon s"ar on his &ou hAs she 0ended he *iss and res ed her head #a"* on he #ed a!ain, He !a)e her a shy, li le%#oy s&ile(

They were silen , sa)orin! ea"h o her( +he sif ed his sil*y #la"* hair hrou!h her fin!ers, hen pe ed i #a"* fro& his eyes and no i"ed he was s udyin! her s ran!ely( He il ed his head( 25ill you &arry &e:2 he as*ed suddenly( 2 1hat," she "ried, lif in! #o h eye#rows in surprise( 6 ne)er !o o as* you,2 he &ur&ured wi h a iny, non"halan shru!( ready:2 61& ready,2 he whispered, eyes shinin! under his lon! lashes( +he lau!hed and hu!!ed hi&( 28inally92 she e$"lai&ed( T)e #een wai in! for you o as* &e sin"e 6 was four years old92
(V %

+he fei!ned !ra)e deli#era ion( 25ell, hea)ens, +an ia!o, 6 don1 *now( 6 1s a#i! s ep( 3o you hin* you1re

Then i see&s 6 ha)e a lo of "a "hin! up o do(2 "9m;!mm," she said hear ily( -au!hin!, she pulled hi& down
o *iss her( 1 (

EPI/.G5E )ctober IJ, /KLM 2Oh, +erafina, i 1s #eau iful92 Els "ried, followin! her hrou!h he firs floor of he yellow )illa( 2No wonder we ne)er se"% you a "our any&ore( 4ou1)e &ade a li le paradise here92 +erafina !rinned and #rushed a "url #ehind her ear, #e"* onin! her #es friend in o he dinin! roo&( 2-oo* a he fres"o(2 +he poin ed a he "eilin!, where he ri"h "olons of he ,aro7ue pain in! had #een "arefully res ored( Mars and Hen u s were "au!h in heir !olden ne and loo*ed no a whi sorry for i ( Els lau!hed, &ar)elin!( 2Re&inds &e of a "ouple 6 *now +erafina "hu"*led( 2Co&e, 61ll show you he &ornin! roo&( 6 !e s su"h wonderful li!h ha 6 ha)e half a "i rus or"hard !rowin! in here(2 The "o&ple ion of he repairs and re&odelin! of he house had "oin"ided wi h he end of he hrea of war ha had hun! o)er he *in!do& for fi)e &on hs( On his day, +erafina and 3arius were playin! hos o he har)es par y "ele#ra in! he o""asion( A wee* a!o, as As"en"ion was #rin!in! in he year1s !rapes( Ad&iral Hora io Nelson had los his life #u defea ed Hille%neu)e and "rushed he 8ran"o%+panish na)y a Trafal!ar( Now Napoleon no lon!er had he &eans o in)ade As"en%"ion, le alone En!land( His hrea of in)asion was per&anen ly foiled( +howin! Els he li#rary, +erafina1s pri)a e, si"*enin! &e&ories of Tyurino) and his pair of #ru es were finally #e!innin! o fade( The roo& loo*ed )ery differen now( 6 had #een horou!hly re&odeled, #ri!h ened wi h fresh, "rea&y pain ( New, li!h er% oned ru!s had repla"ed hose ha had #een ruined #y #loodshed( 6n spi e of he dea h of so pro&inen a &an, he in7ues in o he e)en s of ha

ni!h had #een "u shor #y he in er)en ion of C'ar Ale$ander( Co&&endin! +erafina for her #ra)ery, he youn! ruler had wri en o han* 3arius for infor&a ion ha had led o he dis"o)ery in Mos"ow of e)iden"e "onfir&in! Tyurino)1s &urder of his firs wife( ,y Tyurino)1s ha)in! &e his end on As"en%"ion, i was easier for C'ar Ale$ander o sweep he de ails of his "ri&es under he "arpe ( 5hen hey re"ei)ed he "'ar1s le er, 3arius had e$plained o her wha was wri en #e ween he lines( Had Tyurino) li)ed, his "ri&inal rial would ha)e "aused a errifi" s"andal for he "'ar personally, as his "ousin( 6 also would ha)e polari'ed Tyurino)1s suppor ers in he ar&y and a&on! he "onser)a i)e no#les a!ains his ad&inis ra ion( As far as Prin"ess Mar!are 1s fa&ily was "on"erned, he "'ar wro e ha he "ondoled wi h he& personally and e$plained he rue fa" s of her dea h( Now ha Ana ole was dead, hey fel a s&all sense of 0us i"e *nowin! heir dau!h er had #een a)en!ed( Els #rou!h her ou of her hou!h s( 26 lo)e he "olor(2 +he s&iled as she oo* a urn a#ou he roo&( As he redhead "ooed o)er he ;ree* an i7ui ies pla"ed as efully here and here, +erafina1s !a'e "a&e o res on he des*( 3arius1s spe" a"les sa a op he hi"* led!er for his ship%ind% rade fir&( Thou!h he s ill a" ed as spe"ial diplo&a i" "ounselor o he EBffi"e of 8orei!n Affairs, he role of he prosperous &er"han prin"e was as dan!erous a lifewor* as he "ared o under% a*e hese days( +he han*ed ;od for i ( He had wor*ed hardenou!h for his adop ed "oun ry and a#le, new &en were s ep%pin! forward for he dan!erous assi!n&en s( +he li*ed o ease hi& ha he world had no "o&e o an end wi hou his &an% a!in! i , af er all( The wo wo&en "on inued heir our up he s airs( Els urned o her( 25ha do you hin* of Ale":2 +erafina hid her s&ile( 2Oh, he1s )ery swee ( Hery depend a#le( A !ood &an(2 2+ rai la"ed, hou!h, and he1s awfully a&e,2 Els replied "au iously, *ni in! her #row( 2May#e he needs so&eone o spi"e up his life(2 Els snor ed #u #lushed( +erafina "hu"*led and showed her he )arious roo&s, un il a las hey "a&e o he pin* #edroo& 2Ah, he lo)e nes (2 2Els92 Now i was +erafina1s urn o #lush( Els si!hed( 24ou1re so lu"*y( +u"h a life( +u"h a hus#and +u"h a house(2 26 *now i ,2 she &ur&ured, foldin! her ar&s under her #os(so&i as Els wal*ed o)er o he window o inspe" he )iew( +erafina loo*ed down o find her #are oes on he ed!e of he apes ry ru!( +he !a'ed

down a he sof ly faded "olors depi" in! he you hs and &aidens dan"in! around he &aypole( wi h he world #ri!h ly flowerin! around he&( 24our poor #ro her,2 Els si!hed as she s ood loo*in! down on he !a herin! #elow( +he shoo* her head as +erafina 0oined her( 2-oo* a hi&( He is no he sa&e any&ore(2 Cnder he "risp, a'ure s*y, he sunli fields olled ou in e)ery dire" ion as far as he eye "ould see( Nearer, he !olden fall day e&#ra"ed he )illa and all her !ues s, sealed )ariously around he pleasin!ly lands"aped #a"* !arden( Ma&a was presidin! a he "en er wi h her sleepin! infan , Prin"e -oren'o( in her ar&s( Pia was si in! ne$ o her, ready o offer aid and #ea&in! down a he #a#y( ,y he !arden wall, Papa was #endin! down o e$a&ine he la e%#loo&in! red roses,( ,u Rafe sa apar fro& e)eryone, sprawled in a "hair, his handso&e "hin propped on his fis as he s ared res lessly a he hori'on( +erafina shoo* her head in "on"ern( +he fel sorry for hi&( 5e heard >ulia Cala''i has #een seen in Ro&e,2 she "onfided( 6 appears she has a a"hed herself o Pauline ,onapar e(2 2No92 Els !asped( +he nodded, urnin! away fro& he window o !o si on he #ed 2,irds of a fea her, don1 you hin*: >ulia "ould #e "ap% ured easily enou!h, #u Rafael won1 allow her o #e prose% "u ed, He old 3arius all he wan s is o !o o her and as* her why(2 Els shoo* her head sadly and "on inued !a'in! a he prin"e( The !leeful "la&or of "hildren1s shou in! )oi"es suddenly floa ed o he& fro& a dis an"e( +erafina s&iled *nowin!ly o herself a he sound( 6e's late. 2Tha "anno #e your hus#and ((( oh, &y -ord,2 Els said, s arin!, 26 don1 #elie)e &y eyes(2 +&ilin!, +erafina wal*ed #a"* oward her( 2Ah, yes, he Pied Piper(2 +he 0oined Els a he window and lau!hed wi h sheer happiness a wha she saw( Gi e ri##ons railin!, he !rea +an ia!o and his en oura!e "a&e rud!in! #a"* oward he house hrou!h he sunli fields( Els urned and !aped a her( 24our hus#and is "o)ered in "hildren92 They1re he lo"al peasan "hildren( They "o&e o see hi& nearly e)ery day(2 Children swun! fro& his ar&s, s*ipped around hi&, and "raned heir ne"*s o !au!e his e)ery s&ile and !lan"e, all al*in! a on"e( 3arius did no loo* par i"ularly annoyed( 5hen hey "a&e nearer, he poin ed o he a#le laden wi h food( En &asse, hey ran for i li*e a ri#e of wild hea hens, i!norin! he royal persona!es presen ( Els s ared, open&ou hed( 3arius se he *i es on he !rass a he ed!e of he !arden, hen wen and shoo* hands

wi h her fa her( The wo all, dar* &en s ood here in "on)ersa ion for a few &inu es( (Ha)in! helped he&sel)es o he food on he a#le, he "hildren pro&p ly ran #a"* o 3arius, poppin! "oo*ies in heir &ou hs, wieldin! "hi"*en dru&s i"*s li*e iny "lu#s( They a"*led 6 hi& un il he !a)e in, lau!hin!, and le hi&self #e hrown on o he !rass, hen hey piled on hi&( 1 a& in sho"*,2 Els said( 2He is spoilin! e)ery sin!le one of he&,2 +erafina replied9 ar"hly( 2He used he s"raps of wood he "arpen ers lef andf #uil he& a playhouse( He reads o he&( Ar#i ra es heir 7uar% ;t rels Now he is al*in! of #uyin! a pony so he "an ea"h he& all how o ride(2 % 24ou sound 0ealous,2 Els lau!hed( No,2 she said sof ly( 2They are &y a""o&pli"es( They are helpin! &e drown hi& in lo)e(2 ,o low, he "hildren had relen ed and le 3arius si up( Presen ly, hey all wa "hed, spell#ound, as he used his ;ypsy &a!i" o pull a shiny !old "oin ou of one li le #oy1s ear( He #randished he "oin and !rinned( They s"ree"hed and piled on hi& a!ain( ( Els s shoo* her head in as onish&en ( 261d say you had #e er !i)e ha &an a #a#y(2 A" ually(((2 +erafina #e!an o #lush( Els urned o her in 7ues ion, s arin! a her, her !reen eyes flyin! open wide( 2Cri"*e 92 +erafina s&iled shyly, urnin! #ri!h pin*( Els hrew her ar&s around her( 2Oh, 6 a& so happy for you92 +erafina re urned her hu!, lau!hin! wi h ears in her eyes, hen she drew #a"* and held #o h her friend1s hands, !i)in! he& a s7uee'e( 26 0us found ou &yself( 6 "an1 wai o ell hi&(2 2He doesn1 *now ye :2 26 was !oin! o wai ill oni!h af er e)eryone had !one%W2 2No, no9 4ou &us ell hi& now, hen you "an share your happiness wi h all he people who lo)e you #o h,2 Els said, her )oi"e "ho*in! up wi h e&o ion( +he 7ui"*ly #anished he ear ha rose in her eye( 2H&&,2 +erafina &used( 2May#e you1re ri!h (22Of "ourse 6 a&9 Co&e, now( 4ou !o ell hi& your wonderful idin!s( 61& !oin! o !e so&e hin! o ea #efore hose li le hea hens de)our i all(2 Ar& in ar&, hey re urned o he !a herin! #elow( Els shoi her a loo* of en"oura!e&en , hen drif ed o)er o ry and "oa$ a s&ile ou of Rafe( +he saw her #ro her lif his !a'e o Els, #u +erafina wal*ed pas he& oward he ony$%eyed &a!i"ian rin!ed #y "hildren on

he !rass( 2Ch%oh, e)eryone, here "o&es he fairy 7ueen,2 3arius said o his "ap i)a ed audien"e, his !a'e holdin! hers wi h he shadow of a &is"hie)ous s&ile( 24ou &us #e on your #esi #eha)ior( 6f you1re )ery !ood, she1ll &a*e your wish COME rue( +he did &ine(2 2And if you1re #ad, 6 will urn you all in o oads,2 she fin%ished, + andin! o)er he&, hands on hips, as hey s"ree"hed and lau!hed uproariously a his hrea ( 26 wan o #e a oad92 one yelled( +erafina spread her hands o)er he&( 2A#ra"ada#ra, a#ra "adoo, you are all oads92 261& a oad, 61& a oad92 hey "ried( They #e!an playin! leapfro!( 3arius !lan"ed a he leapfro!!in! "hildren, hen ar"hed a #row a her fro& under his forelo"*( 2No #ad(2 , 26 is he leas of &y powers(2 +he s&iled( 2Co&e wi h &e( she said sof ly, 26 ha)e so&e hin! o ell you(2 He 0u&ped up off he !rass and oo* her hand( They wa6*ed "lose o!e her as she led hi& under he !rape rellis a shor dis an"e away( 6n i s !reen, leafy shadows, he drew her in o his ar&s and !a'ed down a her, hen lowered his head and *issee her sof ly( +he "aressed his "lean%sha)en fa"e, par in! her lips o as e hi&( 3esire leaped #e ween he&( He pulled #a"* fro& he *iss wi h a shi)ery li le si!h ha silen ly e$pressed his re!re1 for he in"on)enien"e of "o&pany presen ( He s ro*ed her hair and hey s ood holdin! ea"h o her( 15ha is i you wan ed o ell &e, #eau y:2 he &ur&ured af er a &o&en , nu''lin! her "hee*( +he fel a win!e of an$ie y, #u when she lif ed her !a'e and loo*ed & o his dar*, )el)e y eyes, !lowin! wi h war& h and *indness, her fear dissol)ed( The firs hin! is ha 6 lo)e you, 3arius(2 2And i io)e you(2 His s&ile widened( 25ha 1s he se"ond hin!1(12 25ell(( (2+lidin! her ar&s around his ne"*, she pulled hi& down and whispered in his ear( All he !ues s loo*ed o)er, when, fro& under he !rape rellis, "a&e he sound of deep, rollin!, wonderful lau!h er The "urious "hildren "rep in o in)es i!a e, and a few &inu es la er, he "hildren herded he& #a"* ou o he par y, ar& in ar&, +erafina #lushin!, 3arius #ea&in! wi h a1!rin of e$hilara ion, 15ha are you wo s"oundrels up o now:2 Rafael drawled a he& fro& his "hair on he lawn( 3arius held ou one ar&, urnin! oward he& all( 2My fa&ily,2 he said, una#le o "on ain his s&ile, 2we ha)e an announ"e&en VVV2 The "ele#ra ion had 0us #e!un(

On >uly \1,1<[8, Hora io Nelson #urned he 8ren"h flee in he% ,ay of A#u*ir( As a "onse7uen"e, Napoleon was ne)er a#le o "a "h up o ,ri ish sea power( The la"* of a s ron! flee posed a "on inual pro#le& for Napoleon, &ar*in! a li&i o how far he "ould e$ end his power, no &a er how )i" orious his ar&ies were on land( 6 see&ed an easy enou!h s re "h o i&a!ine for his s ory1s purposes ha Napoleon would see* o ally hi&self wi h any "oun ry ha had a s ron! na)y, espe"ially a "oun ry nei!h#orin! his na i)e Corsi"a( Those of you who ha)e read The i'lnuc Prince &ay re&e&#er how Gin! -a'ar of As"en"ion "a&e in o power wi h an e$"ellen na)y already under his "o&&and9 ( Ano her aspe" of e$ rapola in! his plo fro& his ori"al fa" s was ha Napoleon1s life was "ons an ly #ein! hrea ened( M y resear"h re)ealed he e)en e&ployed #ody dou#les in order o "onfuse hose who wan ed hi& dead( The hrea of assassina ion was an annoyin! pro#le& for hi&, #u i was he ;rea 1 i onspira"y ha &ade hi& really an!ry( A lone !un&an here a&i here was one &a er, #u his handful of would%#e assassins he dis"o)ered, had #een sponsored finan"ially #y he ,ri ish !o)ern&en ( Napoleon was so ou ra!ed, he )owed o in)ade En!land and #rin! i o i s *nees( Howe)er, his la"* of a s ron! flee "on inued o pose a pro#le&( My sour"es re)ealed he e)en "onsidered usin! ho %air #alloons o ranspor his roops a"ross he En!lish Channel9 6ns ead, he &us"led+pain in o an allian"e and oo* "on rol of wha re&ained of he on"e ;rea Ar&ada( ,u #efore he dared laun"h his in)asion, he needed o !e rid of his old ne&esis, he indo&i a#le Nelson( Meanwhile, 5illia& Pi was or"hes ra in! he Third Coali% ion, an allian"e of "oun ries uni in! o s and a!ains Napoleon, in"ludin! En!land, Russia, Aus ria, and Naples( Two o her per inen his ori"al fa" s 6 used o ie in o his s ory were he &ys erious "ir"u&s an"es #ehind C'ar Ale$ander1s su""ession o he hrone af er his &ad fa her1s &urder, and Napoleon1s a&#i ion o wed his si#lin!s as well as his s epson o au hen i" royal y in order o le!i i&i'e his !rowin! e&pire( Eu!ene ,eauharnais, in"iden ally, ended up &arryin! a ,a)arian prin"ess in 180P( 6n fa" , af er Napoleon re"ei)ed he 6ron Crown of -orh#ardy in Milan E here was no assassina% ion a e&p here, #y he way. pure fi" ionB he re urned o Pans, lea)in! Eu!ene in "har!e as )i"eroy, hou!h he was #arely wen y%fi)e( Eu!ene is s ill re&e&#ered in -o&#ardy as an enli!h ened and #ene)olen ruler(

Perhaps 6 owe Prin"ess Paulirie ,onapar e ,or!hese a #i of an apolo!y, #u af er s udyin! her and learnin! how she relished her repu a ion as a fe&&e fa ale, 6 "an1 help #u hin* she1d ha)e !o en a *i"* ou of her role as 3arius1s unwi in! res"uer( As for As"en"ion i self, you won1 find i on any &ap.i is s ri" ly a *in!do& of he i&a!ina ion( Howe)er, 6 #ased i s opo!raphy, "li&a e, and &any aspe" s of i s fol*ways on a #lend of hose of Corsi"a and +i"ily( 8inally, 6 learned fro& he le ers of he poe Per"y +helley ha he wo fa)ored sui"ide poisons of he day were prussi" a"id and essen ial oil of #i er al&onds( Howe)er, #o h of hese are li7uids, and for plo purposes, 6 needed o e7uip 3arius wi h a powder( Thus 6 used arseni", hou!h his "o&pound did no really #e"o&e he poison of "hoi"e un il a de"ade or so la er( 6 hope he reader will for!i)e his and o her li#er ies 6 lun e a*en wi h his ory, *eepin! in &ind ha in wor*s of hei&a!ina ion, all else is se"ondary o Hie s ory( A leas ha F &y opinion9 1 Than* you for )isi in! he &y hi"al *in!do& of As"end on wi h &e( 6 hope you will re urn a!ain when he royal ro!ue Prin"e Rafael, disowned #y Gin! -a'ar for his ra*ehell ways sei'es one las "han"e o pro)e hi&self wor hy of he "rown i n Gin! -a'ar1s a#sen"e Na urally, he &o&en he "o&es o power, all hell #rea*s loose on As"en"ion( The power%&on!erin! "our iers "hallen!e hi&, he people s ill hin* hi& a ra*e and resis his au hori y, and a drou!h 0eopardi'es he island1s "rops( ,u when a &ys erious Ro#in Hood fi!ure #e!ins leadin! raids on royal "arria!es, his heada"hes ha)e 0us #e!un( ,e"ause o he defian and i&po)erished youn! -ady 3aniela Chiara&on e, Rafael di 8iore is any hin! #u Prince %harming. +ee you here9 2est wishes.

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