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February 9, 2014

We're not going to cut corners here: Finalizing your divorce sucks, plain and si ple! "ou struggled to ake it #ork #ith your $no# e%& spouse 'or years! "ou uncovered the hal'(truths and the deceptions, and at ti es even ade e%cuses 'or the ) you doggedly tried to brush o'' concerned *uestions 'ro your 'a ily and 'riends! +nd #hile you didn't #ant to do it, you kne# it had to be done! "ou 'iled 'or divorce! +nd no# that you've received those 'inal divorce papers, it's natural to #ant to curl up into a ball o' despair, ourning the loss o' your relationship and 'retting about #hat li'e's ne%t chapter has in store 'or you! ,ut no# that you're 'ree 'ro an unhappy arriage, it's the ti e to give yoursel' so e -./0 -o get you otivated, here are so e study(backed 'acts that'll ake you 'eel better about being ne#ly single again! 1. You Can Be Happier 1o you're divorced and 'eeling doo ed to the single li'e, right2 3on't #orry! 3espite ho# you ay 'eel no#, odds are your depression #on't last 'orever! 4aybe this bit o' ne#s #ill li't your spirits: 5esearchers at .ondon's 6ingston 7niversity 'ound that#o en 'eel uch happier 'or up to 'ive years 'ollo#ing the end o' their arriages! +nd no, it #asn't 8ust because they had 'inally broken 'ree o' their unhappy arriages! -hey 'elt ore content than they had in their entire li'eti es! 1o #hat #ere you saying about 9 arital bliss,9 again2 2. You Will Be Healthier Than If You Stayed Unhappily Married 5esearchers love to praise arriage as a health(boost $they clearly #ere never stuck in a iserable arriage!& +nd the rest o' us tend to think that a arriage is better than no arriage at all! +nd #hile all the stats and studies love to tout the bene'its o' being hitched, #e o'ten 'orget that it's not about the arriage as uch as it is the *uality o' the arriage! -here's been plenty o' science to prove that an unhappy, con'lict(riddled arriage can be #orse 'or you health(#ise than i' you #ere single! +nd i' you hadn't broken up, you #ould still be at an increased risk 'or heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and depression! 3. You Can Avoid inan!ial ru"tration" #f Married Couple" :t's the co on belie' that getting arried can be one o' the s artest 'inancial decisions you can ake: a surplus ta% break, not to ention cutting e%penses in hal'! +nd yes, your divorce #as costly, but there are so e instances in #hich that divorce could be 'inancially advantageous! ;nter the +lternative 4ini u -a% or +4-! -he +4- #as originally designed to prevent the #ealthy 'ro taking so any deductions that they end up paying little or no ta%es, but it's unintentionally hurting ore iddle(inco e arried couples! +nd that's 8ust the start! Fro ta% breaks to health insurance, it proves that being hitched doesn't al#ays pay o''! +nd #hile #e de'initely aren't suggesting that you sacri'ice a happy union 'or a little e%tra cash $you could also say that's abusing

the syste &, i' you're already divorced, isn't it nice to kno# that your one step ahead in avoiding these insane $yet legal& loopholes2 $. Your %id" &If You Have The'( Will Be Better #ff 3on't think that 8ust because you try to 9stick it out9 'or the kids that they #ill be happier! 6ids #ill appreciate t#o ho es #here 4o y and 3addy are separately happy over one ho e #here 4o y and 3addy are hurling insults at each other and using the as pa#ns in their ind ga es! <nce you and your e% split, the tension is gone and the kids can breathe again! ,y divorcing 'ro an unhappy arriage, you're sho#ing that you deserve to be in a supportive relationship and that's the best thing you can odel 'or your little ones! ). You*ll Be Happier In Your +e,t Marria-e :' you 'all in love again, don't be inti idated by the idea that you don't have #hat it takes to ake a arriage #ork! "ou actually have better odds at aking your arriage last having been arried once be'ore! :n 'act, a study 'ound that people #ho re arry are less likely to get divorced! +ccording to the 4arriage Foundation, 4= percent o' 'irst(ti e arriages are destined 'or the divorce courts! /o pare that to >1 percent o' second(ti e ne#ly #eds !!! ho# do you like your odds, no#2 6. You*ll Have An .a"ier /etire'ent +s #e've already entioned, #e rarely escape 'ro an unhappy arriage e%pense 'ree! ?o#ever, a study proves that divorced #o en are o'ten better o'' in late age! 5esearchers at the 7niversity o' /onnecticut, 1ocial 1ecurity +d inistration, and @ational :nstitute o' +ging dug back through 40 years o' /ensus ,ureau and 1ocial 1ecurity data to see ho# divorce a''ected #o en's earnings over their li'eti es! :t turns out that the earnings gro#th #as greatest 'or divorced #o en #ho never re arried! -hey #ere ore likely to delay dra#ing 1ocial 1ecurity bene'its, resulting in higher li'eti e bene'its than arried #o en! Financial independence is #orth it0 7.

1;A-;4,;5 10, 201> B C:1D +4

0ivor!e In The 1hilippine"2 A +e3 Windo3 #f Hope

-he Ahilippines in the last country in the #orld to allo# divorce! -his is not #ithout saying that the richest country, Eatican /ity, also does not allo# 'or divorce! 1eeing as the /atholic /hurch is the ruler o' this la#, there should be no co on reason to include the Eatican in any study stating so! +nnul ents are o'ten a the selves are the true #inners o' this

tedious and dra#n out process! -he la#yers and the court syste procedure! -he cost o' an annul ent or divorce is only la#s and bend the to 'or

eant 'or the #ealthy and those that can teeter on

their o#n perception! -hese 'acts alone are #hy divorce in the Ahilippines should be allo#ed!

-o be set 'ree 'ro Freedo

an unhappy

arriage is to allo# citizens o' any country to 'or

their o#n lives! ore then

is so ething #e all #ant! -o allo# a country to set the la# 'or such 'reedo s is nothing

an act #hich is inco prehensible! -here are record a ounts o' unhappy

arriages in the Ahilippines!

Without the /atholic churchFs involve ent the country #ould have le't the la# o' divorce on the books #hen it #as abolished in 1949! 4any people around the #orld donFt kno# that the Ahilippines allo#ed 'or divorce 'ro 1911 to 1949! When this la# changed people used it as a oral obligation to advance the indset is hundreds i' not church and allo# the thousands o' years old! 3ivorce in the Ahilippines ay be a sub8ect #hich is 'oreign to the people o' this country! .egal separation any #ho #ant to live apart 'ro an unhappy arriage! .egal any do not persue and their country to be overtaken by a religion #hoFs

has given a slight #indo# o' hope to

separation does not allo# 'or a couple to re arry and is an un'ortunate reason #hy so

this path! 4odern civilization is being tested by the easy access o' in'or ation through co puters! +t the touch o' a button anyone can 'ind the truth and realistic approaches in other parts o' the #orld! -he la#s #hich are being brought do#n on the Ahilippines needs changing! Without the people o' the Ahilippines kno#ing the 'reedo s o' any other countries is it no #onder they are ce ented in la#s #hich are centuries behind developing nations!

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