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= $$ OXFORD ° “ ¢ . a aise eer erin cere her nner nit meanings ‘Reading pa Memories ‘Vs modifying adverbs: verbs with simi Reading a scientific article: skim reading, multiple choce Brainpower asking about and discussing memories Speaking stimulus hased discussion, describing / giving an 3: “Grammar p6 rears and health ‘G modals~Torm and use “Speaking? giving information Modals 1 Tistening and speaking p10 Jobs and personal ‘confusing words, descripive adjecives, word | Ustening toa announcement alk: completing Hotes maleropE rer Psychometric tests ‘qualities building and shitting stress Speaking: stimulustased discussion, presenting fjusing. 2s expressing and asking for opinions pinions Wining pi Traveling Ve phrasil verbs Speaking: simulusTased discussion, asking and expla ‘Atomestay visit ¢ usingatces Wetinga semiformat letter: planning pacagraphing, checng. aur giving advice words Tet procise Tand 2: pB, p14] Facile: the Lake Daina Unit 1 iegeated practice ‘peaking: Simahisbaved dicastion, devribing phenomers Boma ¥ acount ‘Computer penriends V: adjecvesdescibing appearance; adjectives an brepositons Writing 2 personal profile: ploning; checking; puncuatir Reading p16 National identity ' nouns and verbs in context; phrasal verbs | Reading an article: matching headings . National identity 6: modifiers Speaking: stimulus-based discussion, presenting an opinc™ ‘Grammar pis ‘unusual jobs “G present tenses —Torm and use Hon-continuous | Speaking: simulusfosed discasson, interviewing The present forms ‘iting an article from notes asking about and discussing jobs Wilting pz Personal information |: puncuanon; adver word order, indefinite aris] Reading: matching headings Utening and speaking p24_| Crime and punishment Identity parade VE crime; word sess and parts of speech asking about and explaining meaning Listening toa radio prograrnme, Wlephone conversa completing notes, ruefalse ‘Speaking: stimulus-based discussion, presenting / justin: about / explaining meaning oper 2 Lets practise 1 and? a2 ae Facifle: the Wik Tat tena pracice Speaking: le pls. asi an AoE © discussing advantages /csadvantages of cy life Reading p30 Developmentof the | V: word search; nouns, verbs and adjectives in| Reading a scientific atl: scanning: summarising pares"=: Upsand downs of the human race contest Speaking: stimulusbased discussion, describing people prewomens burman race 6: prepositions activities / processes G: discussing developments 7 ‘Grammar p32 Fils and storyeling | G: past tenses form and us; the active and passne| Speaking and writing: giving an account The past % Ustening and speaking p36 | History '¥ phtasalvetbs and expressions stering os narraive: wuerfake Reliving the past making comparisons Speaking: simulusbased discussion, describing peope oye Dn Wing w38 Tourism > sing articles Reading: multiple doice Great walls ving a talk; making suggestions Writing a talk: planning, wring; checking Speaking: giving a tlk Tet proce 1 and 2: p34, ptO| Facifle Roman Britain | Unit intewrated proce New York Y nouns, verbs and adjectives in content; Readingan ar. 22 55 : ‘confusing verbs Speaking: simulus-bosed discussion, presenting /justiurg oowrases 23rd century twins fare © discussing the future information ‘Grammar pad Titein the tare “the future —form and use; zero and fist] Speaking: Simulus based dwcusson, eget ating The future ‘conditional sentences Wiking pad Tearningin the future] V: phrases and expressions used informal llters_| Reading a lormalie=av siar-iez avansvg lnout Tomorrow's dssroom Ge using definite articles Waiting a formal leter:¢ ar rz artes. checking error Listening aad speaking p50 | The technology ofthe | ¥: adjectives and word sess Moms, phrasal verbs] Listening to an announcement. adhe programme, song. Make Lets prate Tand 2: p46. p52] Fact: San Francico Tait 4 ienrate practice Speaking: stimulus bases = 7 Speaking: cimalie === 2 Eat using impersonal tle Reading p56 The price of fame YE pases adverbs adjectives and verbs in Reading an antl: shim reac “2 2-"ing Fame and the family ‘content; vers wit diffrent meanings Speaking: simuhis based as: rors : dscussing the role of parents ‘Grammar pa ew ivemtions “Ge modals— form and use Tstening toa talc compl = Modals 2 .G making logical conclusions about the past__| Reading an advertisement _msering ~ 7g ecrey Listening and speaking p62 winvingihe otter’ | ¥ sounds and spalling Ustening toa narative: mule = W could be you! persuading people to agree, reaching a decision | Speaking: simulating, preseming .s"°."s rer eme Waiting p64 “Ambitions ard aspirations | zero ace Reading: matching paragraphs ‘Ambition ¥: ink words Waiting 2 composition: planning: sole. wrens, =eceng ets practise Tand 2: p60, | Fact: the Lowery p66 Uni integrated pracice Speaking: simuhi based Gcasion, preening Ree negotiating =

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