You are on page 1of 77


Significant Figures
Standard Form
Subject To the Formula
Simlif!ing the E"ression
Proortional Parts
Direct Proortion
In%erse Proortion
Simle E#uation
*ord Problems
Simultaneous E#uations
'uadratic E#uations
+inear and ,on-linear .Simultaneous/
Consumer Arithmetic
Profit and +oss
Simle and Comound Interest
(ills and $ates
*ages and Salaries
0ire Purchase and Instalment Pa!ments
Surface Area of Solids
Functions .2/
Simle Geometr!
Coordinate Geometr!
Circle Theorem
Trigonometr! .2/
Trigonometr! .3/
Seed4 Distance4 Time
Grahs4 Cur%es
Earth Geometr!
+inear Programming
Comleting the s#uare
1atri" Transformation
Se#uence and Patterns
Trigonometrical Grahs
Formula Sheet
Similar Triangles
Find the e"act %alue of each of the follo6ing 6ithout using a calculator7 All 6or)ing must be sho6n7 E"ress !our ans6ers in
the lo6est terms7
27 8une 9:
; 3 2
; 3 2
< = =
_ _

, ,
>< mar)s?
b7 *rite !our ans6er to art a as a decimal to
t6o significant figures >3 mar)s?
37 8an 9:
>; mar)s?
=7 8an :@

>; mar)s?
;7 8une :@

>= mar)s?
<7 8an :2

>< mar)s?
B7 8une :2

>; mar)s?
A7 8une :3
3 ;

>; mar)s?
97 8une :=

>; mar)s?
:7 8an :=
>= mar)s?
2@7 8an :<

>3 mar)s?
227 8une :<

>= mar)s?
237 $e-sit :<
3 <
3 2
= B

>= mar)s?
2=7 8an : B
2 3 22
A = 23

>= mar)s?
2;7 8un :B
2 2
3 2
= 3

>3 mar)s?
2<7 8an :A
2 3 3
2 3 3
A = =

>= mar)s?
2B7 8an :9

>= mar)s?
2A7 8un :9
3 3
= A
= 3

>; mar)s?
297 8un ::
2 2
A =

>; mar)s?
2:7 8un @@
2 < 2
2 = <
= B :
>; mar)s?
3@7 8an @@
2 2
9 3
= 3

>; mar)s?
327 8an @2
2 =
; =
9 ;

>< mar)s?
337 8un @2
2 3
A =

>= mar)s?
3=7 8an @3
3 2 =
2 3
= 9 ;
+ >; mar)s?
3;7 8un @3
2 2
= 3
; =

>= mar)s?
3<7 8an @=
2 <
= 2
3 B
>; mar)s?
3B7 8an @;
2 3
3 2
< =

>= mar)s?
2 =
= 3
= <
>; mar)s?
2 2
; 2 =
< :

>= mar)s?
27 8un 9@
Csing a calculator4 or other6ise4 e%aluate
27< 379<
;7BB =732

37 8un 92
Find the e"act %alue of
@7;=3 @7@3

=7 8un 9;
a7 E%aluate 6ithout a calculator
2@7@3 @72;
@7A <@72

b7 E%aluate using a calculator @7A;:

;7 8un 9<
*ithout using a calculator4 calculate the e"act
%alue of
@739.; 37:</
@7A @72;

<7 8un 9A
a7 Find the e"act %alue of
37<< B7=

b7 *rite !our ans6er correct to one
decimal lace
B7 8un 9B
*ithout using a calculator calculate the e"act
%alue of
3B7=3 =979
2=72B 227<B

A7 8un 99
Calculate the e"act %alue of
.i/ @7@= 27=
.ii/ B.= D 27;A/
97 8an 9:
( )
27B: 2@
:7 8an :@
a7 E%aluate
27: 2@

b7 E"ress !our ans6er in standard form7
2@7 8un :@
a7 E%aluate
b7 Gi%e !our ans6er to 3 significant figure
227 8an :3
E%aluate the follo6ing
=7< @7@A
37< @7@<

; =
=73 2@ 372 2@
.iii/ Gi%e !our ans6ers in standard form
237 8an :=
a7 E%aluate
= 3
37;= 2@ <73B 2@
b7 E"ress !our ans6er in standard form
2=7 8un :=
@7@@@; 2@

4 gi%ing !our ans6er

in standard form7
2;7 8an :;
a7 *rite the number B;7;:9 correct to
i7 the nearest 6hole number
ii7 three significant figures
iii7 t6o decimal laces
b7 determine to three significant figures
i7 the s#uare root of 2=
ii7 the recirocal of 2=
c7 E"ress ( ) ( )
= ;
; 2@ 3 2@

standard form7
2<7 8un :;
3 =
=7A 2@ 37; 2@ +
4 gi%ing !our
ans6er in standard form7
2B7 8an :<
a7 *rite
@7=B in standard form
b7 E"ress
of 2E as a decimal7
2A7 8un :<
Calculate the %alue of @7@<292 F =72; and 6rite
!our ans6er
.i/ Correct to t6o decimal laces
.ii/ Correct to three significant figures
.iii/ In standard form

297 $e-sit :<
*rite the %alue of
.i/ e"actl!
.ii/ to 2 decimal lace
.iii/ to t6o significant figures
.i%/ in standard form
2:7 8un :B
;79 2@
3; 2@

gi%ing !our ans6er ion

standard form7
3@7 8un :B
E%aluate 27@A= 4 gi%ing !our ans6er to three
significant figures7
327 8an :A
Calculate @73A= 2< and gi%e !our ans6er
.i/ E"actl!
.ii/ Correct to t6o decimal laces
337 8un :A
a7 Calculate the e"act %alue of
379 27=B
; 37A

b7 Calculate :7A3G237@<4 and 6rite !our

i7 E"actl!
ii7 Correct to t6o decimal laces
iii7 Correct to t6o significant
i%7 In standard form
3=7 8an :9
i7 Calculate the %alue of
( ) ( )
; =
;73 2@ < 2@

ii7 *rite !our ans6er in standard form7
3;7 8un :9
.i/ correct to t6o decimal laces
.ii/ correct to t6o significant figures
.iii/ in standard form7
3<7 8an ::
a7 Calculate the e"act %alue of
.@7=</ @7@= @79
b7 E"ress @7@=;<
i7 To t6o decimal laces
ii7 In standard form7
3B7 8un ::
and e"ress the ans6er correct
i7 = decimal laces
ii7 = significant figures
3A7 8an @@
*rite ;AB9 correct to three significant figures
397 8un @@
*rite the follo6ing %alue of @7;39 G 37A<
i7 e"actl!
ii7 to t6o significant figures
iii7 in standard form
3:7 8un @2
*rite @79:@:
i7 in standard form
ii7 correct to t6o significant figures
=@7 8un @3
*rite the %alue of
.2273/ .@7=A< =/
i7 E"actl!
ii7 To t6o significant figures
iii7 In standard form
=27 8un @=
Csing a calculator4 or other6ise4 determine the
e"act %alue of
3 3
.27A/ .27=/ +
;79 B7:
27= @73

=37 8un @;
Csing a calculator or other6ise4 determine the
e"act %alue of
3 3
37= ;72 +

==7 8an @<
Csing a calculator or other6ise4 determine the
e"act %alue of
=;7 G 8an :2
Calculate the e"act %alue of
a7 @7=< G @73
c7 @7@@=B
=<7 G 8an :2
a7 The sun is aro"imatel! 2<@ @@@
@@@)m from the earth7 *rite this
distance in standard form
b7 (ets and Gamma are stars7 (eta is = G
)m from the earth and Gamma is B G
)m from the earth7
0o6 man! times further from the earth
is (eta than GammaH
27 8une 93
Calculate the %alue of & in the formula
( )
R r
V R r


6here R I 33794 r I A7<@4 I =72; >A mar)s?
37 G 8une :3
Gi%en that x I 34 y I D<4 and z I =4 find the %alue
3 x y
A 3 x z
>< mar)s?
=7 G Dec :3
Gi%en that p I 34 q I D=4 and r I D24 find the
%alue of
a7 < 3 p q
pq pr +
pr >< mar)s?
;7 8un :;
Gi%en that a I ;4 b I D34 and c I =4 calculate the
%alue of
a bc
b c

>3 mar)s?
<7 8un :A
Gi%en that m I D=4 n I 34 and p ID24 find the
%alue of
. /
m p n
p m

>; mar)s?
B7 8an @@
If l I D34 n I D=4 and m I ;4 calculate the %alue
m nl
n m

>3 mar)s?
A7 8an :3
Gi%en that a I ;4 b I D=4 and c I 234 calculate the
%alue of
.3 / a b c >3 mar)s?
97 8un :B
Gi%en that l I D34 m I =4 and n I A4 calculate the
%alue of lm.m n/ >3 mar)s?
:7 8an :9
Find the %alue of p4 if = is a root of
< 29 @ x px >= mar)s?
2@7 8an @3
If a I ;4 b I D3 and4 c I =4 calculate the %alue of
. / a a b

>3 mar)s?
227 8une @=
Gi%en that a I 34 b I D=4 and c I @4 e%aluate
i7 ; 3 = a b c +
>= mar)s?
237 8an @;
If p I <4 q I @4 and r I D=4 e%aluate
i7 ;p qr
>= mar)s?
2=7 8an @<
Gi%en that

4 calculate the %alue of r

6hen p I B and q I 23 > 3 mar)s?
2;7 8un @<
Csing the formula

calculate the %alue
of 6hen m I 3@ and n I ;9
2<7 8an 9:
Gi%en that
3 3
2;; x y and : x y + 4
determine the %alues of
x y
3 3
3 x ! xy +
2B7 G 8un :2
Gi%en that
3 3
:B a b
and 4 2B a b + find
the %alue of a b > 3 mar)s?
2A7 G Dec :2
Gi%en that .x J y/ I A and ." D !/ I D= find the
%alue of
3 3
. / x y >3 mar)s?
297 8un :A
Gi%en that
3 3
; ; 3 p q r and that
p q r +
sho6 that
p q

27 8un A:
1a)e the subject of the formula
; =p

>; mar)s?
37 8un 9=
1a)e $ the subject of the formula
R r

>; mar)s?
=7 8un 9;

e"ress n in terms of m
>< mar)s?
;7 8un 9B
2 2 3
R %
+ e"ress in terms of R and T7
<7 8an 9:
Gi%en that
; = A
x y
4 e"ress in terms of x
and y7
B7 8un 9:
Gi%en that

4 e"ress y in terms of x7
A7 8an :3
Gi%en that C I 3Kr and
V r 4 e"ress & in
terms of C4 K4 and &4 and simlif! !our ans6er7
97 8un :;
Gi%en that
3 ;
4 e"ress y in terms of x7
:7 $esit :<
a7 1a)e a the subject of the formula
= 3

b7 Calculate the %alue of a 6hen b I 3
2@7 8un :B
1a)e y the subject of the formula

227 8un :B
p q
$ $
+ 4 e"ress s in terms of p4 q and r7
237 8un ::
Gi%en that
l 4 E"ress m in terms of t
2=7 8an @3
If a I ;4 b I D34 and c I =
calculate the %alue of
. / a b c

2;7 8an @=
Gi%en that = $ r
a7 E"ress in terms of r and $
b7 Calculate the %alue of t 6hen r I 3 and
$ I 2<
2<7 8an @<
The temerature in degrees Celsius is calculated
using the formula
. =3/
*here F is the temerature in degrees
a7 1a)e F the subject of the formula
b7 The temerature in +ondon is 2<LC7 use
the formula deri%ed in Ma7N abo%e to
con%ert this temerature to degrees
2B7 8un @;
E"ress m as the subject of the formula

2A7 8un @<

Gi%en that

$earrange the formula to ma)e q the subject7

Simlif!ing the follo6ing
27 8un 99
3.< / =.= / x y x y
37 8an @3
3.= 2/ . 3/ x x + +
=7 8an @2
3 =. 2/ y y +
;7 8un @3
= 3. 2/ m m +
=.= 2/ .B =/ x x +
B7 8un @<
E"and and simlif!
.3 </.= ;/ x x +
A7 8an :2
3 3
: =
x y
x y

97 8an :A
3 = 3
< =
x x + +

:7 8an @2
= 3 =
3 m

2@7 8un @;
E"ress as a single fraction
p p
227 8an :;
< A 2
3 y y
237 G 8un :2
3 3
= 3

2=7 8un @3
= 3
3 y y

2;7 8un @=
3 =
= a a

2<7 8an @<

*rite as a single fraction in its simlest form
= ;
2 x x
2B7 8an @@
3 =
2 2 x x

2A7 8an :3
E"ress as a single fraction
; =

297 8an :=
3 B
= =
x x

2:7 G 8un :3
= 3
= 2 3 2

3@7 G Dec :3
< =
b b

327 G 8un :=
2 3
3 ; = p p

337 8an :@
; <
3 3
x x
*ord Problems
3=7 8an :A
In a multile choice test of =@ items4 each
candidate is gi%en a bonus mar) of =@7 a
candidate earns = mar)s for each correct ans6er
and loses 2 mar) for each incorrect or omitted
Assuming that a candidate gets x correct
ans6ers4 sho6 that the total number of mar)s
recei%ed must be di%isible b! ;
3;7 G 8un :2
A tic)et for an adult %isiting an e"hibition is x
A tic)et for a child costs =@ cents less than the
adultNs tic)et7
i7 *rite do6n in terms of x the cost of a
childNs tic)et7
ii7 1r7 Smith ta)es his three children to the
Find4 as siml! as ossible in terms of x+
the total The total cost in cents of the four
3<7 8an :=
i7 Alice hat taes and (en has 2@ taes
more than Alice7
E"ress4 in terms of 4 the number of taes
(en has7
ii7 Alice gi%es (en 2; of her taes7 (en no6
has t6ice as man! taes as Alice no6 has
*rite an algebraic e"ression to reresent
the amount each erson no6 has
3B7 8un @<
Adam4 Imran4 and Sha)eel 6ere la!ing a card
Adam scored x oints
Imran scored = oints fe6er than Adam
Sha)eel scored t6ice as man! oints as Imran
Together the! scored =: oints
i7 *rite do6n in terms of x an
e"ression for the number of oints
scored b! Sha)eel7
ii7 *rite an e#uation 6hich ma! be used
to find the %alue of x7

27 8un 93
a7 Simlif!
x x

b7 Find the %alue of
y 6hen
2B y

37 8un 9;
Simlif! the e"ression
2 < =
3 3 3
; . /7 a a a

!our ans6er using ositi%e indices7
=7 8un 9A
Sol%e the e#uation
3 B;

;7 8un 99
2 2
= 3
92 3A

<7 8un :@
Sol%e the e#uation

B7 8an :=
= 3
< <

A7 8an :=
= 3A

97 8un ::
2 2
= 3
3A :

:7 8an @3
3 ;
; = c c

2@7 8an @<

Calculate the %alue of
3 2
= 3
: 9 ;
227 G 8un :2
= 3
29 29
237 G Dec :3


3 3
2=7 G Dec :3

3 3 3
= = =
2;7 G 8un :=
; =
2< 2<


27 8un A:
A sum of mone! 6as to be shared among =
ersons A4 (4 and C in the ratios 3 : = : 94 If C
recei%es O23@ more than (4 find the sum of
mone! shared7
37 8un 9:
A sum of mone! 6as to be di%ided among A4 (4
and C in the ratio 3 : = : <7 The largest share
amounts to O23@@7
i7 The total sum of mone! to be shared
ii7 ANs share
iii7 The ercentage of the total amount that (
=7 8un :3
A iece of string B; cm long is di%ided in three
ieces in the ratio 2 : 3 : <7 Calculate the length
of the longest iece7
;7 8an ::
A iece of 6ood is di%ided into three ieces in
the ratio = : ; : 37 the length of the longest iece
is A3 cm7 Calculate the length of the iece of
<7 8un @3
A metal is made from coer4 Pinc4 and lead in
the ratio 2= : B : 27 The mass of Pinc is :@ )g7
Calculate the mass of the metal7
B7 8un :2
The sum of O3<@@ is di%ided among Peter4
'ueen 4 and $a!mond7 $a!mond recei%ed half4
Peter recei%ed O=237<@4 and 'ueen recei%ed the
i7 $a!mondNs share
ii7 'ueenNs share
iii7 The ratio in 6hich the O3<@@ 6as di%ided
among the three ersons7
i%7 The ercentage of the total that Peter
A7 8an :<
Share O2<@ among 8ohn4 1ar! 4 and Sarah so
that each of the t6o girls recei%es t6ice as much
as 8ohn7
i7 Calculate the amount of mone! 8ohn
ii7 E"ress 8ohnNs share as a fraction of the
total amount7
iii7 E"ress 1ar!Ns share as a fraction of the
total amount recei%ed b! 8ohn and Sarah7
97 G 8un :3
+ill!4 1argaret4 and ,anc! 6ere each left
O23@@@ in their uncleNs 6ill7
+ill! decided to send her mone! on clothes4
holida!s4 and decorating her flat4 in the ratio
0o6 much did she send on decorating her flatH
:7 G Dec :3
in 2:9< Angella and 8ohn decided to start a
business7 Angella in%ested O3;@4@@@ and 8ohn
in%ested O2B@4@@@7
The! agreed that all rofits should be di%ided in
the same ratio as the sums of mone! in%ested7 In
2::@ the total rofit 6as O2<4@@@7
i7 0o6 much 6as 8ohnNs share of the 2::@
2@7 G 8un ::
8ason 6ins O;9@ 6ith a lotter! scratch card7 0e
decides to share his mone! bet6een his friend
1ar! and himself in the ratio of <: A7
i7 0o6 much mone! does each recei%eH
ii7 8ason sends 3@E of his share7 *hat
ercentage of the O;9@ does 8ason no6
227 G 8un 3@@@
A coach art! tra%elled to Euroe for a holida!7
The number of da!s the! sent in France4 Sain4
and Ital! 6ere di%ided in the ratio =:;:<7 The!
sent : da!s in France7
i7 0o6 man! da!s 6as the comlete
ii7 0o6 man! da!s did the! send in Ital!H
E#uating $atios
237 8un :;
The scale used for a ma is 2:3<@@@@7 The
distance of M from N on the ma is ;7; cm7
Calculate4 in )m4 the actual distance of N from
2=7 8an @@
A scale of 2:2<@@@ is used to dra6 the ma of a
i7 Calculate the actual distance4 in )m4
bet6een t6o oints in the cit! 6hich lies
9A cm aart on the ma7
ii7 The actual length of the la!ground in the
cit! is 33< m7 Calculate4 in cm4 the length
on the ma7
iii7 Gi%en that the area of the la!ground on
the ma is 279 m
4 calculate the 6idth of
the la!ground as sho6n on the ma
2;7 G 8un :=
The lan of a garden is dra6n to the scale of
a7 E"ressing !our ans6er in cm4 calculate
the length of the line on the lan 6hich
reresents a ath 2= m long7
b7 E"ressing !our ans6er in s#uare
metres4 calculate the area of a ond
6hich is reresented on the lan b! an
area of 23< cm
2<7 8un @=
A scale of 2: 3<@@@ is used to dra6 the ma of an
island7 Calculate the distance4 in )m4 bet6een
t6o oints on the island if the distance bet6een
them on the ma is =B cm
2B7 8un :@
Some !ears ago CSO27@@ 6as e#ui%alent to
8O=7<@7 Calculate the amount in CSO that 6as
e#ui%alent to 8O9;@@7
After de%aluation 8O27@@ 6as 6orth A@E of its
original %alue7 Calculate the ne6 rate of
e"change for CSO27@@ and hence calculate the
amount of 8O that 6ould be e#ui%alent to
2A7 8un :=
The journe! to a to6n along $oute A ta)es = hrs
b! bus O$ 2hr7 3@min7 b! car7 The journe! along
$oute ( ta)es 2hr7 23min b! car7
Calculate the time the bus 6ill ta)e along $oute
(4 assuming that the bus and car tra%el along
$oute ( at the same rate as along $oute A7
297 8un :=
Gi%en that y %aries in%ersel! as x
and that y I =
6hen x I 34 calculate the %alue of y 6hen x I =7
2:7 $esit :<
If m %aries directl! as %
4 and m I 3 6hen % I =4
calculate the %alue of m 6hen % I B7
3@7 8un :9
If S %aries directl! as ( ) 2 r + 4 and S I 9 6hen
r I =4 calculate the %alue of r 6hen S I 3@7
327 8un ::
Gi%en that q %aries directl! as p4 using the %alues
of p and q in the table4 calculate the %alues of a
and b
p 3 9 a
q B72 b 273
337 8an @<
Gi%en that y %aries in%ersel! as x4 use the %alues
of x and y from the follo6ing table to calculate
the %alues of a
x 3 =3
y 9 a
3=7 8un @;
The table belo6 sho6s corresonding %alues for
p and r
p m ; B37<
r @73 3 n
Gi%en that p %aries directl! as r
4 calculate the
%alues of m and n
3;7 G 8un :2
The cost of rinting birthda! cards is gi%en b!
the formula
y ,
6here y cents is the cost er card4 x is the
number of cards rinted4 and , is a constant7
a7 Gi%en that y I 22 6hen x I <@@4
calculate the cost er card 6hen =@@
cards are rinted
b7 0o6 man! cards should be rinted if
the cost er card is to be A centsH
3<7 8un @;
i7 T6o recies for ma)ing chocolate ca)e are
sho6n in the table belo67
Cus of
Cus of
$ecie A = 3
$ecie ( 3 2
a7 *hat ercent of the mi"ture used in
$ecie A is chocolateH
b7 (! sho6ing suitable calculations4
determine 6hich of the t6o $ecie4 A
or (4 is richer in chocolate7
ii7 If the mi"ture from $ecie A and $ecie (
are combined4 6hat is the ercent of
chocolate in the ne6 mi"tureH
iii7 A %endor ma)es chocolate drin) using
$ecie A4 = cus of mil) and 3 cus of
chocolate can ma)e B bottles of chocolate
drin)7 A cu of mil) cost O@7A@ and a cu of
chocolate cost O272<
a7 *hat is the cost of ma)ing 2<@ bottles
of chocolate drin)H
b7 *hat should be the selling rice of each
bottle of chocolate drin) to ma)e an
o%erall rofit of 3@E7

27 8un 9A
Factorise comletel!
a ab ac bc +
37 8an :2
Factorise the e"ression
B 2= 9 y y +
0ence4 or other6ise4 sol%e the e#uation
B 2= 9 @ y y +
=7 8un 9:
Factorise comletel!
3 3
; ; x y x y +
;7 8an 9:
= B 3 a a p p +
<7 8un :2
Factorise comletel!
( )
2 a b +
ii7 ( )
3 3
3 3 x xy y x y + +
B7 G Dec :2
Factorise comletel!
; 9 x x
; 9 32 y y
A7 8un :3
Factorise comletel!
2 :x
= A B x x
97 G 8un :2
B 3 x x +
:7 8un :=
Factorise comletel!
; 2B x
2@7 8an :;
Factorise comletel!
= 32 x x
; 2 a
B 3 x x +
227 8un :;
Factorise comletel!
3 3
:a b
= 9 ; B x y xy +
237 8un :<
Factorise comletel!
: 3<m
3 2< x x
x y ax ay +
2=7 G 8un ::
Factorise comletel!
= 3 =
23 9 p q p q +
2;7 8an :<
Factorise comletel!
B a
< 3 2@ x xy y +
2<7 $esit :<
Factorise comletel!
x xy
2 -
3 3
< : 3 p pq q
2B7 8an :B
Factorise comletel!
3 3
;. /
= 3 B m pm p +
2A7 8un :B
Factorise comletel!
9 ; & &
; 2 a
297 8an :A
i7 Factorise
3 3
; ; p q
ii7 Gi%en that
3 3
; ; 3 p q r and that
4 p q r +
sho6 that
p q
2:7 8un :A
Factorise comletel!
3 3
2< 3@ x y xy
= 23b
3@7 8an :9
Factorise comletel!
= 3 x x + +
. =/. 3/ = x x ax a + + +
327 8un :9
Factorise comletel!
3 = y y +
92 m
3 2< x x
337 8an ::
Factorise comletel!
; : x
3=7 8un ::
Factorise comletel!
= y y
: 2 x
9 3 2 a a
3;7 8an @@
Factorise comletel!
p p
B : ; B nx mx ny my +
3<7 8un @@
Factorise comletel!
i7 ="!-"
( )
x y x y +
; : a
3B7 8an @3
Factorise comletel!
= B 3 pq q p + + +
3A7 8un @2
Factorise comletel!
;y y +
B 2= < x x +
397 8an @2
Factorise comletel!
: a
B 2< ; 2@ ap a p +
3:7 8an @=
Factorise comletel!
3 3
;x y
ii7 B ; - : - B m n ,m ,n +
3 B a a +
=@7 8un @=
Factorise comletel!
3 3
A 2; mp m p +
3 22 2< y y +
=27 8un @;

3 3
; 3 ab a b
=37 8an @<
Factorise comletel!
= = 3 3 . m. m +
= 3 9 x x +
= 3A x
==7 8un @<
Factorise comletel!
3 3
<a b ab +
: 2 ,
3 < 3 y y +
Sol%e the follo6ing e#uations
27 8an :3
< 2 9 2 x x +
37 G 8un :2
=. 3/ 2< x
=7 G 8un :=
<. B/ 3@ x +
;7 8un @3
3. 2/
<7 8an :;
< =. 2/ =: x x
B7 8un :<
2 3
3 =
p p

A7 $esit :<
( ) 9 3 = 9 3; x x
97 8un @2
( ) B 9 = 9 3; x x
:7 G 8un :3
( ) A 3 2 ;.= 3/ @ p p + +
2@7 8an @3
3.= 2/ . 3/ x x + +
227 G 8un :=
= <

237 8an @2
2B 3
x +
2=7 8un :2
< ;
< 2<
x x
2;7 8un :3
3 2 <
3 =
x x +

2<7 8un :B
; < : 3
3 =
x x + +

2B7 8an ::
3 = ;
3 ;
x x +

2A7 8an @=
3 2
3 =
x x +

297 8un :A
= 2 3 3 =
= 3 =
x x x +
2:7 8un 9:
( ) 3
= ;
3 ;

*ord Problems
3@7 8un :@
The ratio of the rices of t6o different sheets of
glass is 3 : <7 The total bill for 3@ sheets of the
cheaer glass and 2@ sheets of the more
e"ensi%e one is O2@9@7 If 1 reresents the cost
of one sheet of the cheaer glass4 determine
i7 An e"ression in 1 for the cost of O,E
sheet of the more e"ensi%e glass7
ii7 The %alue of 17
iii7 The cost of O,E sheet of the more
e"ensi%e glass7
327 8an :=
Alice has taes and (en has 2@ taes more than
i7 E"ress4 in terms of 4 the number of taes
(en has7
Alice gi%es (en 2; of her taes7 (en no6 has
T6ice as man! taes as Alice no6 has7
ii7 *rite an algebraic e#uation to reresent
this ne6 information7
iii7 Calculate the %alue of
337 8an :<
A farmer shared ;:B tomatoes among her =
6or)ers4 Paula4 Greta4 and Gertrude7 Greta
$ecei%ed 2B more than Paula7 Gertrude recei%ed
three times as man! as Paula7
Calculate the number of tomatoes Paula
3=7 8an :B
The 6idth .2/ of a rectangular la6n is = metres
lass than half its length.l/7 The erimeter is ;3
i7 Sho6 that 2 J l I 32
ii7 *rite an e#uation for the 6idth .2/ in
terms of the length .l/7
iii7 Calculate4 in metres4 the 6idth .2/ of the
3;7 8an @2
In a bo" there are n red balls and three times as
man! blac) balls7
i7 *rite an e"ression in n to reresent the
total number of balls in the bo"
Eight balls are remo%ed from the bo" 7 there are
3@ balls remaining
ii7 *rite an e#uation to sho6 this
iii7 Csing !our e#uation calculate the number
of blac) balls in the bo" at start7
3<7 8an :A
A iece of roe 22A cm long is cut into t6o
ieces so that one iece is 3A cm longer than the
Calculate the length of the longer iece of roe7
3B7 8un :9
:@ tic)ets 6ere sold for a concert7 ) tic)ets 6ere
sold for O=7@@ each and the rest of tic)ets for
O;7@@ each7
*rite an e"ression in x to reresent the number
of tic)ets sold at
i7 O=7@@ each
ii7 O;7@@ each
iii7 If the total sales on all tic)ets amounted
to O=@@7@@4 ho6 man! of the tic)ets
costing O=7@@ 6as soldH
3A7 G Dec :2
8ohn is x !ears old and his sister 1ar! is
.< 23/ x !ears old Gi%en that 1ar! is t6ice as
old as 8ohn4 6rite in terms of x an e#uation
connecting their ages and find their ages7

397 G 8un ::
The diagram belo6 sho6s a rectangle7
The length of the rectangle is A < x + metres7 The
6idth of the rectangle is =x metres7
i7 If ' stands for the Perimeter of the
rectangle4 6hat e"ression in terms of x
can be used for 'H
ii7 If A stands for the Area of the rectangle4
6hat e"ression in terms of x+ can be
used for AH
It is )no6n that the Perimeter4 '4 is :@ metres7
iii7 Csing this information calculate the
Area4 A 4 in s#uare metres of the
3:7 G 8un @@
(arbara bu!s x CDNs at OB7@@ each7 She a!s for
them using a O<@ note and recei%ed y dollars in
E"ress y in terms of x7
=@7 G 8un :=
Alice runs at a rate of 2A@ metres in 2 minute4
and 6al)s at a rate of :@ metres in 2 minute7
From the instant she lea%es home4 Alice ta)es B
minutes4 b! running and 6al)ing to reach a bus
Gi%en that she runs for minutes4
i7 Find4 in terms of 4 e"ressions for
a7 the number of minutes she 6al)s
b7 the distance she runs
c7 the distance to the bus sto
ii7 Gi%en also that the distance to the bus
sto is A;@ metres4 find the %alue of 7
=27 8un @3
A man tra%elled a total distance of 9 )m in <;
minutes b! running and 6al)ing7 0e ran x Qm at

and 6al)ed the remaining distance at


i7 *rite an e"ression in x for the time4 in
hours4 that
a7 he ran
b7 he 6al)ed
ii7 Form an e#uation in x for the total time in
hours sent tra%eling7
Cse the e#uation formed to:
a7 Calculate the %alue of "
b7 0ence4 calculate the distance the
man 6al)ed
=37 G Dec :<
a7 An aircraft fle6 a distance of =@@@ )m
from (erlin to Cairo at an a%erage
seed of )m5h %
*rite do6n an e"ression for the time4
in hours4 that it too) for the journe!7
b7 The aircraft returned nonsto b! the
same route at an a%erage seed of
3 )m5h %
*rite do6n an e"ression for the time4
in hours4 that it too) for the return
c7 Gi%en that the difference in these t6o
times is ; hours4 form an e#uation in %
and sol%e it7
==7 8an @<
The diagram belo64 not dra6n to scale4 sho6s
the %ertical cross section of a shed7
i7 *rite an e"ression in terms of y for the
area of the figure sho6n
ii7 Calculate the %alue of y if the area of
the figure is 39 m
=;7 8un @<
Adam4 Imran and Sha)eel 6ere la!ing a card
Adam scored x oints
Imran scored = oints fe6er than Adam
Sha)eel scored t6ice as man! oints as Imran
Together the! scored =: oints
i7 *rite do6n4 in terms of x4 an
e"ression for the number of oints
scored b! Sha)eel7
ii7 *rite an e#uation 6hich ma! be used to
find the %alue of x
27 8un :3
= 3
; = =
x y
x y
37 8un :3
; ; 3
A 3 2A
x y
x y

=7 8an :<
= ; =3
< 3 2@
x y
x y

;7 8an @3
3 = 22
; 3 2@
x y
x y
<7 8un @@
= 3 23
3 2
a b
a b

B7 G 8un :2
= 3 2
; 2B
x y
x y

A7 G 8un :3
= 3 9
= 3=
x y
x y

97 8an @;
3 = 29
< 3=
x y
x y
:7 8an :2
= ;
: 3 3
a b
a b

2@7 G 8un ::
9 = =<
3 < =
x y
x y

227 8un 9B
3 2
= 2@
x y

237 G 8un @B
< ; B
= ; 2@
x y
x y

*ord Problems
2=7 8un 9A
At a hard6are store4 A chairs and : des)s cost
O23@@R 2= chairs and B des)s cost O23@@
a7 Csing c to reresent the cost4 in dollars4 of
one chair and 1 to reresent the cost4 in
dollars4 of one des)4 6rite do6n a air of
simultaneous e#uations to reresent the
information abo%e7
b7 0ence4 determine
i7 The cost of a chair
ii7 The cost of a des)
2;7 8an :@
1ar! aid O32@@ for four arrots and three dogs7
If she had bought one more dog and t6o fe6er
arrots4 she 6ould ha%e aid O3@@ more7
Calculate the cost of
i7 a dog
ii7 a arrot
2<7 8an :=
The cost of four chairs and a small table is OB9;7
the cost of B chairs and a large table is O22:B7 the
cost of the large table is t6ice the cost of the
small table
Gi%en that a is the cost4 in dollars4 of a chair and
b is the cost in dollars of a small table
i7 *rite a air of simultaneous e#uation to
reresent the information gi%en
ii7 Calculate the cost of the large table
2B7 8un ::
A encils and < erasers cost O227B@4 6hereas <
encils and = erasers cost OA7B@7 Calculate the
cost of 9 erasers
2A7 8un @2
A restaurant bill of O=<@ 6as aid using O<7@@
notes and O<@ notes7 The total number of notes
used 6as 2B7
+et x be the number of O< notes7
+et y be the number of O<@ notes7
i7 *rite t6o e#uations in x and y to
reresent the information gi%en7
ii7 0ence4 calculate the number of O< notes
and the number of O<@ noted7
297 8un 92
If < is added to both the numerator and the
denominator of a fraction the result is e#ui%alent
4 If three is subtracted from both the
numerator and the denominator of the original
fraction4 the ne6 result is e#ui%alent to
7 Find
the original fraction
2:7 8an @=
At a school sho4 ens are sold for x dollars each
and rulers a! y dollars each7 1r7 8ames bought ;
ens and < rulers for O3;7 1rs7 Singh bought 3 of
the same ens and A of the same rulers for O327
i7 *rite t6o e#uations in x and y to
reresent the information gi%en abo%e7
ii7 Sol%e the e#uations
iii7 Calculate the total cost for 2 en and 2
Instruction.s/: Sol%e the follo6ing e#uations7
27 8un 92
=. =/ 39 y y +
37 8an :@
.= 2/. </ ; = x x x + +
=7 8un 9=
.3 =/. A/ ;. A/ x x x +
;7 8un 9:
B 2A 2; @ x x +
<7 G 8un :2
B @ y y +
B7 8un :3
= < B x x +
A7 8un @;
= A 3 @ x x +
97 8un :@
=. 3/ A. 3/ x x + +
:7 $e-sit :<
Sho6 that the roots of the e#uation
= 2 @ x x + are
= 2
3 3
2@7 8un 9A
Sho6 that
3 3
. 3/ . =/. =/ 3 3 ; A x x x x x + + + +
227 8an :@
Sho6 that
3 3 3
. / . / 3. / x y z x y x y z z + + + + + for all
real %alues of x4 y4 and z7
237 8un :<
If x I 2 is the root of the e#uation
. / ;. 3/7 x c x c + +
calculate to t6o decimal
laces the ossible %alues of the constant c7
2=7 8un @<
Sho6 that
3 = =
. / . / . / a b a b ab a b a b + + + +
2;7 8an @<
(! simlif!ing4 sho6 that
3 3
.3 =/.3 =/ . ;/ = 9 3< x x x x x + +
2<7 8un 9<
Find the %alues of x to t6o significant figures in
the e#uation
3 < : x x +
2B7 8un 99
Calculate correct to one decimal lace the %alues
of x for 6hich
3 3 9 = B x x x +
2A7 G 8un :;

297 8un :=
3 <
2:7 G Dec :;
.3 =/ 3< x +
3@7 G Dec :<
3 < y y
327 8un @=
Gi%en that
m l m lm
i7 e%aluate <S=
ii7 Sol%e for . gi%en that
; = .

*ord Problems
337 8un A:
If each side of a s#uare is increased b! = cm4 its
area is increased b! ;<cm
7 Find the length of a
side of the original s#uare7
3=7 8un 9@
Find the %alues of a and , such that
x x , + +
is e#ual to
. / x a + for all %alues of x7
3;7 8un 9@
A s#uare has an area of A cm
4 and a erimeter of
' cm7
Gi%en that ( )
3 2 A x x + + 4 find
a7 ' in terms of x
b7 The numerical %alue of A4 if A is also
e#ual to
.22 3/ x
3<7 8un 93
The area of a rectangle is 3A@ cm
7 If the shorter
side 6as reduced b! 3 and the longer side 6as
increased b! ; then the area 6ould increase b!
2B cm
3B7 8un 9=
A (*IA Tri-star jet tra%els 9@ )m5h faster than
the A;A jet liner7 The Tri-star ta)es 2 hour less
than the A;A jet to tra%el a journe! of B39@)m7
Denoting the seed of the TOT jet liner b!
x )m5h
a7 *rite do6n an e"ression in terms of x
for the time ta)en for
i7 the A;A jet liner
ii7 the Tri-star jet
b7 Form an e#uation to connect these times
and sho6 that it simlifies to
9@ <@3;@@ @ x x +
c7 0ence4 find the seed of both aircrafts
to the nearest )m5h7
3A7 8un :;
i7 The 6idth of a rectangular field is 2
meters7 The length is B meters more
than t6ice the 6idth7 *rite in terms of
2 an algebraic e"ression for
- the length of the field
- the area of the field
ii7 The area of the field is =B@ m
- *rite an algebraic e#uation for
the area of the field7
- Determine the %alue of 2*
397 8un @@
The floor of a room is in the shae of a rectangle7
The room is c metres long7 The 6idth of the
room is 3 meters less than its length7
i7 State in terms of c
a7 the 6idth of the floor
b7 the area of the floor
ii7 If the area of the floor is 2< m
4 6rite
do6n an e#uation in c to sho6 this
iii7 Cse the e#uation to determine the 6idth
of the floor7
3:7 8an 9:
The side of a s#uare is x meters7 The length of a
rectangle is < metres more than the side of the
s#uare7 The 6idth of the rectangle is ; metres
more than the side of the s#uare7
i7 *rite4 in terms of x+ e"ressions for the
length and 6idth of the rectangle
The area of the rectangle is ;Am
more than the
area of the s#uare7
ii7 Determine the area of the rectangle7
=@7 G Dec :2
A dealer bought " to!s for O3A
a7 *rite an e"ression4 in terms of x4 for
the rice4 in dollars4 he aid for each to!
b7 0e roosed to sell each to! at a rofit
of <@U7 Sho6 that his roosed selling
rice for each to! 6as
c7 0e found that he 6as onl! able to sell 9
to!s at his rice7 *rite do6n
e"ressions in terms of x for:
i7 the total mone! 4 in dollars4 he
recei%ed for the 9 to!s
ii7 the number of to!s that remained
d7 The dealer sold the remaining to!s for
O3 each7 *rite do6n an e"ression in
terms of x for the total mone!4 in
dollars4 he recei%ed from them7
e7 Gi%en that the dealer recei%ed O=@
altogether4 form an e#uation in x and
sho6 that it reduces to
32 2@9 @ x x + +
f7 Sol%e this e#uation to find the ossible
%alues of x
=27 8un @;
In the diagram belo64 not dra6n to scale4 A4LM
and AST" are both rectangles7
Gi%en that AS I =x cm4 A" I 3x cm4 S4 5 = cm
and "M I < cm
i7 Obtain an e"ression in terms of x for
the area of rectangle A4LM7
ii7 Gi%en that the area of rectangle A4LM
is B@ cm
4 sho6 that
3 A 2< @ x x +
iii7 0ence calculate the %alues of x and state
the lengths of A4 and AM
27 8un :2
x y

37 8an :<
= 2;
3 =
x y
x xy

=7 8un @@
2 3
= ;
x y
x y

;7 8an @<
x y
x y

<7 8un @=
= 3 A
3 22
p r
p r

B7 8un :<
3 3
: =A
3 =
x y
x y

A7 8an ::
3 3
3 ==
x y
x y
97 8un @@
3 3
3 <
x xy y
x y

:7 A Dec B;
3 3
3 = A x xy y x y + + +
2@7 A Dec 99
3 3
x y
y x
y x

227 A 8un :B
B ;
x y
x y
*ord Problem
237 8un 93
The area of a rectangle is 3A@ cm
7 if the shorter
side 6as reduced b! 3 cm and the longer side
increased b! ; cm then the area 6ould be
increased b! 2B cm
7 Find the lengths of the sides
of the original rectangle7 >22 mar)s?
2=7 8un :<
T6o rectangular lots are e#ual in area7 The
length of the first lot is one and a half times its
6idth7 The length of the second lot is A metres
less than three times its 6idth7
a7 Denoting the 6idth of the first lot b! x
and the 6idth of second lot b! y4
deri%e a relation bet6een x and y7
b7 If
2 y x +
4 calculate the %alues of x
and y7 >2@ mar)s?
Simle and Comound Interest
27 8une :2
The simle interest on O2<@@@ for ; !ears is
O92@@7 calculate the rate ercent er annum7
37 8un :<
The simle interest on a sum of mone! in%ested
at =E er annum for 3 !ears 6as O=:7A<7
Calculate the sum of mone! in%ested7
=7 8un @;
1r7 1itchell deosited O;@ @@@ in the ban) and
earned simle interest of AE for 3 !ears7
Calculate the amount he 6ill recei%e at the end
of the t6o !ear eriod7
;7 G 8un @3
0enr! oened a ban) account 6ith O<<@7 After
one !ear4 the ban) aid him interest7 0enr! no6
had OB<@ in his account7
a7 *or) out4 as a ercentage4 the ban)Ns
rate of interest7
Gill oened an account at a different ban)7 The
ban)s rate of interest 6as BE7 After one !ear the
ban) aid Gill interest7 The amount in her
account 6as no6 O3=@B
b7 Calculate the amount of mone! Gill
used to oen her account7
<7 8an :9
Anna uts O3<@@ in the ban) and left it for 3
!ears7 At the end of the t6o !ears she found that
she had O3A@@7 Calculate
i7 the simle interest earned
ii7 the annual rate ercent aid b! the ban)
B7 8un ::
Pamela borro6s O3<@@ at 23E er annum simle
interest for 3 !ears7 In addition4 a fee of O3@@ is
charged for rocessing the loan7 Calculate
i7 the sum of mone! 6hich she 6ill ha%e
to rea! the ban) at the end of 3 !ears7
ii7 the rofit ercent the ban) ma)es on the
iii7 the monthl! installment4 if she is
re#uired to rea! the loan in 3; e#ual
monthl! installments7
A7 8un @=
A man deosited O9@@ in his account at a ban)
6hich offers BE simle interest er annum7
i7 0o6 much interest 6ould he recei%e on
the O9@@ after : monthsH
ii7 0o6 long 6ould it ta)e for the O9@@ to
increase to O::3H
97 8an :3
1ar! borro6ed O=@@@7 at a rate of 9E er
annum7 Interest is comounded annuall!7
Calculate the total amount o6ed at the end of
t6o !ears7
:7 8un 9<
O<@@@ 6as ut in fi"ed deosit account on
8anuar! 24 2:9; for B months7 The rate er
annum 6as 237<E7 On 8ul! 24 2:9; the total
amount recei%ed 6as in%ested for a further B
months at 23E er annum7 Calculate the final
amount recei%ed at the end of the !ear7
2@7 8un @2
A building societ! offers the rate of 22E er
annum simle interest7 (eth-Ann deosited
O3;@@ in the societ! fir 2< months7
i7 Calculate the amount of mone! due to
her at the end of this eriod7
The building societ! charged her rocessing fee
of O2<@@7
ii7 Calculate this fee as a ercentage of the
mone! originall! deosited7
227 8an :<
Calculate 2<E of =3@
237 G 8un @3
i7 Find ;@E of B=@@ m
ii7 Calculate the simle interest earned on
O<@@@ in%ested for = !ears at 9E7
2=7 G 8un @3
A ne6 Pla! Station costs O=<973@ lus &AT7
&AT is charged at 2A7<E
i7 0o6 much &AT is aid for a ne6 Pla!
During a sale the rice of the Pla! Station is
reduced b! 2<E
ii7 *hat is the sale rice of the Pla!
2;7 G 8un ::
In a room there are ;@ eole7
3B of these eole are 6omen4 the rest are men7
*hat ercentage of the eole are menH
2<7 8an :A
A customer bu!s a car b! trading in his old car at
a discount and a!ing the remainder on the cost
of the ne6 car in cash7
i7 If he trades in an old car %alued at O3<
B@@ at a 2@E discount4 calculate the
amount of mone! he recei%es for his
ii7 Calculate the amount he needs to a! in
cash for a ne6 car 6hich costs O9< B@@7
2B7 G 8un @<
In a sale the normal rices 6ere reduced b! =@E7
+inda bought a mountain bi)e7
The sale rice of the bi)e 6asO2:@7 *or) out the
normal cost of the bi)e7
2A7 G 8un @;
1r7 Singh bought a ne6 car for O2; @@@7 Each
!ear the carNs %alue dereciates b! 2BE7
*hat 6ill be the %alue of the car at the end of
three !earsH
297 G 8un ::
Three different shos sell the same tele%ision set4
the 7V8$89n :;;;<*
First Sho
off the
normal rice
of O;=@7
Second Sho
3<E off our
usual rice of
Third Sho
O=2< lus
&AT at 2A7<E
i7 *hat is the cost of a 7V8$89n :;;;< set
in the first shoH
ii7 *hat is the cost of the MV8$89n :;;;+ set
in the second shoH
iii7 *hat is the cost of the 7V8$89n :;;;< set
in the third shoH
2:7 G 8un @B
This !ear (ob gets O3B@ a 6ee) for his 6or)7
This is =@E more than his 6ee)l! a! last !ear7
0is friend Dann! sa!s D MThat means that !ou
got O293 er 6ee) last !ear7N
Dann! is 6rong7
a7 E"lain 6h! Dann! is 6rong7
b7 Calculate (obNs real 6ee)l! a! last
3@7 8un 99
A 6oman bought a sto%e for O39@@7 After using
it for 3 !ears she decided to trade in the sto%e7
The coman! estimated a dereciation of 2<E
for the first !ear of its use and a further 2<E4 on
its reduced %alue4 for the second !ear7
a7 Calculate the %alue of the sto%e after the
t6o !ears7
b7 E"ress the %alue of the sto%e after t6o
!ears as a ercentage of the original
327 G Dec :2
;<E of a ba)erNs total e"enses are for the cost
of fuel and the remainder is for the cost of
a7 In 2:9:4 the ba)erNs total e"enses 6ere
OA@@@7 Calculate the cost of his material
in 2:9:7
b7 In 2::@4 the cost of the fuel increased
b! ;E and the cost of materials
increased b! 2@ E7 Calculate
i7 the increase4 in dollars4 in the
cost of the ba)ers material
ii7 the ercentage increase in his
total e"enses7
337 G 8un @=
8anette reairs tele%ision s7
She charges O<273@ for the first hour and O=97A@
for each e"tra hourNs 6or)7
On Tuesda! last 6ee)4 8anette reaired a
tele%ision and charged a total of O39=7;@
a7 0o6 man! hours on Tuesda! did
8anette send reairing this tele%isionH
If 8anette is aid 6ithin = da!s she reduces her
charges b! BE7 8anette 6as aid the ne"t da! for
reairing the tele%ision7
b7 Calculate ho6 much she 6as aid7
3=7 G 8un ::
Fiona bu!s a comuter7
She gets a secial discount of
off the rice7
i7 *rite
as a decimal
ii7 *rite
as a ercentage
iii7 If the comuter costs O9:94 6or) out
6hat Fiona 6ill a! 6hen she gets the
3;7 G 8un ::
2 litre I 27A<: ints
2 litre I 2@
i7 Cse the information abo%e to find ho6
man! litres there are in 2 int7 Gi%e
!our ans6er correct to = significant
ii7 A tan) of heating oil contains =<@ litres
of oil7 The tan) is A@E full7
*hat is the %olume of the tan) in cm
Gi%e !our ans6er in standard form7
Profit T +oss
3<7 G 8un 3@@
0ale! bu!s 29 bars of chocolate 6hich cost her
O<7;@7 To raise mone! for charit! she sells them
at ;@ cents each7 She manages the sell them all7
*hat is 0ale!Ns ercentage rofitH

3B7 8an :;
A merchant sold a radio for O<@@7 he made a
rofit of 3@E on the cost rice7 Calculate the
cost rice7
3A7 8un :3
A merchant sold a en for O<7=<4 thereb! ma)ing
a rofit of AE on the cost to him7 Calculate
a7 The cost rice of the en to the
b7 The selling rice the merchant should
re#uest in order to ma)e a 2<E rofit7
397 8un @@
A coman! sells its rinters to customers in
order to ma)e a rofit of 3<E7 Calculate
a7 the rice a customer a!s for a rinter
6hich the coman! bought forO2A@@7
b7 the rice the coman! aid for a rinter
6hich 6as sold to a customer for O3
3:7 G 8un @=
1iguel bought a ne6 motorbi)e for O:@@@7
Each !ear the %alue of the motorbi)e dereciates
b! 2@E7
*hat is the %alue of 1iguelNs motorbi)e = !ears
after he bought itH
=@7 8an :=
A trader bought 2@@@ oranges for O<@@7 Eight!
of them 6ere bad7 She sold the remainder in
ac)ets of four at O=7<@ er ac)et7 Calculate
i7 the total amount she recei%ed for the
oranges sold
ii7 the ercentage rofit on the amount she
aid for the oranges7
=27 8un @<
The table belo6 sho6s AmandaVs shoing bill7
Some numbers 6ere remo%ed and relaced 6ith
Items 'uantit! Cnit Price
Total Price
Stic)ers 2= @7;: <799
T-shirts = 237<@ A
CDNs 3 B ==7:@
Posters C B73@ =27@@
TOTA+ 2@9739
2<E &AT. to the nearest cent/ D
i7 Calculate the %alues of A+ B+ C+ and D*
ii7 Amanda sold B of the 23 stic)ers 6hich
she had bought at A< cents each7
Sho6 using calculations4 6hether
Amanda made a rofit or loss on bu!ing
and selling stic)ers7
0ire Purchase and Installments
=37 G 8un ::
$ashid 6ants to bu! a guitar7
The guitar he 6ants costs O23;@7 0e canNt a!
this in a lum sum4 but he can a! b! monthl!
0e agrees to a! a deosit of <E of the cost
rice and then 23 monthl! installments of O22@
e%er! month7
*or) out ho6 much $ashid 6ill a! for the
guitar 6hen he a!s b! monthl! installments7
==7 8un :2
The cash rice of a stereo set 6as O29<@7 The
hire urchase rice 6as 3@E more than the cash
a7 Calculate the hire-urchase rice
b7 Calculate the number of monthl!
installments needed to bu! the stereo on
hire-urchase gi%en that a do6n
a!ment of O<@@ and monthl!
installments of O32< each 6ere

=;7 8un @;
The cash rice of a dining room suite 6ith a
table and B identical chairs is O99@7
a7 If the rice of the table is O3<@6hat is
the rice of each chairH
b7 The dining room suite ma! be bought
on hire-urchase 6ith a deosit of O32B
lus monthl! a!ments of O=< for a
eriod of 3 !ears7 Calculate
i7 The total hire-urchase rice
of the suite
ii7 The e"tra cost of bu!ing on
hire-urchase as a ercentage
of the cash rice7
=<7 8an :B
The cash rice of a used car is O<9@@7 1ar! a!s
a deosit of 3@E on the cost of the car and a
ban) agrees to lend her the remaining amount7
a7 Calculate the amount 1ar! has to
b7 If the ban) re#uires 1ar! to rea! the
loan in three e#ual installments of
O29<B each4 calculate the total amount
1ar! a!s in installments7
c7 Calculate the total amount that 1ar!
6ould a! for the car7
d7 Calculate the ercent rofit that the
ban) ma)es7
=B7 8an @@
The hire-urchase rice of a refrigerator is
OB<@@7 A deosit of O<@@ is made and the
remainder is aid in e#ual monthl! a!ments of
i7 Calculate the number of monthl!
a!ments that must be made
ii7 If the cash rice is O;@@@4 e"ress as a
ercentage of the cash rice4 the e"tra
cost of bu!ing on hire urchase7
=A7 8an 9:
A ban) gi%es O37A@ in EC currenc! for O2 in CS
Gi%en that 2E ta" is a!able on all foreign
e"change transaction4 calculate the amount4 in
ECO4 6hich a tourist recei%es in e"change for
CSO23@@7@@ after a!ing the ta"7
Currenc! E"change
=97 G 8un @B
Susan 6ent to Canada7 She e"changed 8O=@@4@@@
into CAO7 The e"change rate 6as
8OB<7<@ I CAO2
a7 0o6 man! CAO did she recei%eH
*hen Susan returned she changed CAO A973@
bac) to 8O7 The e"change rate had changed to
8OB97=< I 2CAO
b7 0o6 man! 8O did she recei%e
*hile Susan 6as in Canada the %alue of the
Canadian dollar increased from 8OB<7<@ to
c7 *or) out the ercentage increase in the
%alue of the Canadian dollar7 .Gi%e !our
ans6er correct to 3 decimal laces/
=:7 8un 9A
In ,o%ember 2:9<4 1r7 $oc) too) TTO9@@ in
Caricom Tra%ellerNs che#ues to a ban) in
Antigua to e"change for EC currenc!7 0alf of his
amount 6as in O2@@ che#ues and the other half
in O<@ che#ues7 0e 6as gi%en the information
sho6n belo6:
TTO27@@ I EC O2723<
ta" is charged on the total foreign
transaction 7
ECO@73< stam dut! is charged for each che#ue7
Calculate4 in EC currenc!4
i7 The ta" 1r7 $oc) had to a!
ii7 The amount 1r7 $oc) recei%ed for
TTO9@@ after a!ing ta" and stam dut!
;@7 8un :=
A tourist e"changed CSO3@@7@@ for 8amaican
currenc! at a rate of CSO27@@ I 8O297927 She has
to a! a go%ernment ta" of 3E of the amount
Calculate in 8amaican currenc!
i7 the ta" aid
ii7 the amount the tourist recei%ed
;27 8un ::
1rs7 *hite bought a comuter on I 8anuar!
2::B4at a cost of (arbados O;3B@7Gi%en that the
%alue of the comuter dereciated b! 3@E each
!ear4 calculate4 in (arbados dollars4 the %alue of
the comuter at the end of 2::A7
1rs7 *hite bought a ne6 comuter for (arbados
OB3;@7 Gi%en that the e"change rate at the time
6as (arbados O27:3 I CS Ol7@@4 calculate4 in CS
dollars4 the amount of mone! she aid for the
ne6 comuter7
;37 8un 9=
A man in 0onduras deosited 0O2@ @@@ in a
fi"ed deosit account for 3 !ears at 23E er
annum simle interest7 At the time he deosited
his mone!4 0OI7@@ I CSOI73@4 and at the end of
the t6o !ears 6hen he 6ithdre6 his deosit4
0OI7@@ I CSOl7@@7 . the CSO did not change in
%alue during the eriod/
i7 Calculate4 in 0O4 the interest he
ii7 Determine4 in CSO4 the e#ui%alent %alue
of his deosit
iii7 E"ress the amount . in CSO/ he
recei%ed at the end of the t6o !ears as a
ercentage of the initial deosit .CSO/
i%7 If he con%erts the total amount he
recei%ed at the end of the t6o !ears4
6ould he get more CSO no6 than for
his initial deosit t6o !ears earlierH
8ustif! !our ans6er7
;=7 8un :@
Some !ears ago4 CSO27@@ .one Cnited States
dollar/ 6as e#ui%alent to 8O=7<@ .Three dollars
and fift! cents4 8amaican currenc!/7 Calculate the
amount in CS currenc! that 6as e#ui%alent to
After de%aluation 8O27@@ 6as 6orth A@E of its
original %alue7 Calculate the ne6 rate of
e"change for CSO27@@ and hence calculate the
amount of 8amaican dollars that 6ould be
e#ui%alent to CSO3;@@

(ills and Ta"es
;;7 8un 93
In August 1s7 8ohnNs telehone 6as calculated
on the follo6ing information:
Distance calls
Duration of
call in
charges for
= minutes
or less
charge er
Ocean (rea)
1onthl! rental for the telehone I O3<7@@
$ebate recei%ed on rental for 3 6ee)s 6hen the
telehone 6as not 6or)ing I O2=73@
Calculate 1s7 8ohnNs Actual telehone bill for
;<7 8an :@
At a certain hotel4 the cost of an o%erseas
telehone call is made u of time charges4 a
go%ernment ta" and a hotel ser%ice charge7 These
are calculated as follo6s7
Time Charges
1inimum = minutes O;7<@
Each additional minute or art there of O27<@
Go%ernment Ta"
<@E of time charges
The hotel ser%ice charge is 2@E of the sum of
the time charges and go%ernment ta"7
Calculate the cost of an o%erseas call to
Dominica lasting 29
;B7 8an @<
Qin has t6o telehones4 one is a cellular and the
other is a landline7 The rates for local calls are
sho6n in the table belo67
T!e of Telehone
Cellular +and +ine
1onthl! $ental
O@ O;<
Charge er
minute on calls
9< cents 2< cents
i7 In one month calls 6ere made lasting
for a total of 2hour and < minutes7 Sho6
b! calculation that the cost for using the
landline telehone 6as less than the
cost for using the cellular telehone7
ii7 For the month of 1arch4 the landline
telehone 6as used4 and the bill 6as
<;7B@7 Calculate the total time4 in
minutes4 for 6hich the calls lasted
;A7 8un 9;
A household uses B@ cubic metres of 6ater for
the first half of 2:9=7 In 2:9= 6ater rates for
domestic users for a half !ear 6ere as follo6s:
O27@< er m
for the first <@m
O273< er m
for amounts in e"cess of <@m

<@E discount on bills aid 6ithin 3 6ee)s of
Calculate the amount the household aid for the
half !ear4 assuming that the bill 6as aid 6ithin
the t6o 6ee)s7
;97 8un :A
The charges for electricit! are gi%en in the table
$ental O37@@ er month
Energ! Charge 2<U er )*h
Fuel charge 37@<U er )*h
The meter reading for the )*h used for
December and 8anuar! 6ere
Pre%ious reading Present reading
=@ ,o%ember =2 8anuar!
@<A9= @B<:=
A go%ernment ta" of 2<E of the total charges is
added to the bill7 Calculate
i7 the number of )*h units used
ii7 the total amount to be aid
;:7 8an @2
In a certain countr! electricit! charge is based on
the follo6ing table
Fi"ed Charge Charge er )*h used
O;7@@ 23 cents
i7 Calculate the electricit! charges for a
customer 6ho used 2@@= )*h7
There is a go%ernment ta" of 2<E on the
electricit! charges7
ii7 Calculate the ta" on the customerNs
electricit! charges4 gi%ing !our ans6er
to the nearest cent7
iii7 Calculate the total amount aid b! the
<@7 8un 9B
The rates for osting arcels are as follo6s
Parcels not e"ceeding <@@ g O@73<
Each additional <@@g or art there of u to a
ma"imum of 3<@@g O@73@
$egistration fee for registering a arcel O37<@
Calculate the cost of osting
i7 An unregistered arcel 6eighing 23<@g
ii7 A registered arcel 6eighing 3 )g7
*ages and Salar!
<27 $esit :<
A salesman earns a basic 6age of O33<7@@ er
6ee)4 together 6ith a commission of ;E on all
sales7 During a fourD6ee) eriod the
salesersonNs sales 6ere O2= <@@7@@7
Calculate the amount the sales erson earns7
<37 G 8un @2
8ames has a 8ob for 6hich the basic rate is O3<
er hour and the o%ertime rate of a! is O=B er
This 6ee) 8ames earned O2=AA7 0e 6or)ed A
hours o%ertime7
a7 Calculate the amount he earned at the
basic rate7
b7 Calculate the number of hours that he
6or)ed at the basic rate7
c7 8ames noticed that his earnings of
O2=AA sho6ed a decrease of 2@E of his
last 6ee)Ns earnings7
Calculate his earnings last 6ee)7
<=7 8un :9
i7 The basic 6age rate for a technician for
a ;3-hour 6ee) is O=B7;@ er hour7
Calculate the technicianNs 6ee)l! 6age7
ii7 For o%ertime 6or) the technician is
aid one and a half times the basic
hourl! rate7
Calculate the technicianNs total 6age for
<9 hours of 6or)7
iii7 In a ne6 6age agreement the basic rate
of a!ment is O2;:@7@@ for =B hour of
6or)7 Calculate
a7 the technicianNs hourl! rate of
b7 the ercentage increase in the
hourl! rate7
<;7 8an @3
1r7 8ones 6or)s for a total of O2< er hour for a
;@Dhour 6ee)7
i7 If 1r7 8ones 6or)ed onl! ;@ hours
during a articular 6ee)4 6hat 6as his
6age for the 6ee)H
ii7 1r7 8onesN 6age for the ne"t 6ee) 6as
O:B@7 If o%ertime is aid at double time4
ho6 man! hours o%ertime did he 6or)H
<<7 8un :B
The PetersN famil! consists of 1r7 Peters4 his
6ife and t6o children7 1r7 Peters monthl! salar!
is O39@@7
Income ta" allo6ance for a !ear are calculated as
Each child
Table sho6ing Ta" $ates for a !ear
Chargeable Income $ate of Ta"
For e%er! dollar of the first O23@@@
For e%er! dollar of the ne"t O9@@@
For e%er! dollar of the ne"t O3@@@@
< cents
2< cents
=< cents
Calculate for 1r7 Peters4
i7 his salar! for the !ear
ii7 his total allo6ances
iii7 his chargeable income
i%7 the amount he has to a! as income ta"
%7 the ercent of his salar! aid as income
<B7 8un :;
8anetNs gross salar! is O3;@@ er month7 0er ta"-
free allo6ances are sho6n in the table belo6:
,ational Insurance <E of gross salar!
Personal Allo6ances O=@@@ er !ear
i7 0er gross !earl! salar!
ii7 0er total ta" free allo6ances
for the !ear
iii7 0er ta"able !earl! income
A 2@E ta" is charged on the first
O3@@@@ of ta"able income7
A 3@E ta" is charged on the ortion of
ta"able income abo%e O3@@@@7
i%7 Calculate the amount of
income ta" 8anet a!s for a
<A7 8un @=
Otion A
1embershi fee for one
!ear: O9@7@@
$ental fee O=7@@ er
%ideo game
Otion (
,o membershi fee
$ental fee: O<7@@ er
%ideo game
a7 Carla rents ;9 %ideo games during one
!ear7 *hat is the total cost if she
i7 Otion A
ii7 Otion (
b7 Carla estimates that she 6ill be able to
send O32<7@@ for renting %ideo games
during the ne"t !ear7 0o6 man! %ideo
games 6ill she be able to rent using:
i7 Otion A
ii7 Otion (
27 8un 93
The figure abo%e reresents a ma of the Island
1e#ui dra6n to scale of 2:2@@ @@@
a7 Estimate in cm
the area of the scale
b7 Calculate the actual area of the island in
s#uare )ilometers gi%ing !our ans6er to
t6o significant figures7
c7 State the area of the island in hectares4
gi%ing !our ans6er to t6o significant
37 8an :;
The diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 sho6s a
circle inscribed in a s#uare .ta)e K to be
a7 Gi%en that the radius of the circle is <
cm7 calculate
i7 The circumference of the circle
ii7 The erimeter of the s#uare
b7 Gi%en that the circumference of the
circle is 33 cm4 calculate
i7 The area of the circle
ii7 The area of the s#uare
iii7 The area of the shaded region
=7 8an :B
In the figure abo%e4 the arcs 'S and 0R are
semicircles4 each of radius =7<cm4 '0 5 SR 5
:cm7 Ta)e K to be
7 Calculate
i7 The erimeter4 in cm4 of the figure
ii7 The area in cm
of the '0RS
;7 8un :<
In this roblem ta)e K to be
A iece of 6ire4 formed into a circle4 encloses an
area of 2=9B cm
i7 Calculate the radius of the circle
ii7 Calculate the length of the 6ire used to
form the circle7
iii7 The 6ire is then bent to form a s#uare7
Calculate4 in cm
4 the area of the s#uare7
<7 8an :3
to ans6er this #uestion7

The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents a lot of land in the shae of a
traePium ABCE and a semicircle CDE7
AE I =@m4 BC I =B m4 and EC I 2;m7 AE is a
erendicular to CB7
i7 Calculate4 in s#uare metres4 the total
area of the lot of land7
ii7 Calculate to the nearest metre the
distance around the entire lot of land7
B7 8un 9@
In the diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 the
t6o oints F and ( are the endoints of the base
of a triangular flo6er-bed 'E(4 in 6hich
9 cm 'F '( 7 If A< F(' 4 calculate the
area of the flo6er-bed and the length of F(7
A7 8un 9:
a7 State three roerties 6hich defines a
rhombus 6ith resect to its sides 4
angles and diagonals7
b7 ABCD is a rhombus4 not drawn to
scale4 6ith AO I ;79 cm and BO I =
i7 the length of AB
ii7 the siPe of angle BAD to the
nearest degree7
iii7 The area of ABCD7
97 8un :<
In the traePium DEF( abo%e4 not drawn to
scale, DE I 2@ cm4 D( I 2= cm and () I < cm7
Angle EF) and D)F are right angles7
i7 the length of D)
ii7 the area of traePium DEF(7
:7 8un @3
In the diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
ST I < cm4 T= I : cm and ST= I <3L7
i7 the length of S=
ii7 the area of
2@7 The area of a arallelogram A(CD is B: m
: A(
I :73m and AD I 97Am7 Calculate the siPe of
angle (AD7
The Circle
227 8un A:
In a circle4 Centre O4 AB is a chord of length 23
cm7 Gi%en that 9@ BOA 7 Calculate to three
significant figures4 the area of the minor segment
cut off b! AB >ta)e K I =72;?
237 8un 9@
(ecause of the s6am! ground4 the ath from A
to B has to s)irt the arc '0 of a circular ond4
centre O and radius 2;m7 The distances from A
and B to the nearest oint on the ond are both
=B m7 the angle OAB I =@L
Find in metres the total length of the ath AP'(4
gi%ing the ans6er correct to 3 significant figures7
2=7 8un 9=
a chord P' of a circle of radius 2@ cm is =72B cm
from O the centre of the circle7
a7 The siPe of the angle subtended b! the
arc P' at O7
b7 The length in cm of the arc P'
c7 The area in cm
4 of the minor sector
2;7 8un 9;
In the figure abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 PS is
an arc of a circle of radius < cm and ' is the
centre of the circle 4 $' I 9 cm4 P$ I A cm7
a7 The siPe of angle '
b7 The area of the shaded ortion bounded
b! the arc PS and the line segment P$
and $S7 .use KI=72;/
2<7 8un 9B
The figure OA( abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents a flo6er bed in the shae of a sector
of a circle centre O4 radius 2@ m the triangular
region OA( is lanted in roses and the segment
bounded b! the chord A( and the arc A( is
lanted in marigolds7
Gi%en that the angle AO( I =BL4 calculate the
area of the segment assigned to the marigolds7
>Ta)e K I =72;?
2B7 $esit :<
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 sho6s a
circle 6ith centre O and t6o radii4 O8 and OQ7
+Q is a tangent to the circle at Q7 O8+ is a sight
lineR angle QO8 I = and O8 I A cm7
i7 Sho6 that Q+ I OQ tan =@Land hence
or other6ise calculate the area 4 in cm
of triangle QO+
ii7 Calculate the area4 in cm
4 of
a7 the minor sector QO8
b7 the triangle QO+
2A7 8an :2
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 sho6s a
circle 6ith centre X4 containing an E#uilateral
triangle YXW7 Gi%en that the radius of the circle
is 32 cm4 calculate
i7 the area of the sector XYPW
ii7 the area of the shaded ortion of the
297 8un :3
In this #uestion4 ta)e K I =72;
In the figure abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 chord
AQ subtends angle 0OQ at O4 the centre of the
circle7 Angle 0OQ I 23@L and O0 I 23 cm7
Calculate to three significant figures
a7 the area of the circle
b7 the area of the minor sector O0Q
c7 the area of the triangle 0OQ
d7 the length of the minor arc 0Q7
2:7 8un :B
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 sho6s a
circle of radius 2@ cm4 O is the centre of the
circle7 84 Q4 and + are oints on the
circumference of the circle7 Angle 8OQ I 2<@L7
Ta)e K I =72;7
i7 Calculate the length4 in cm4 of the minor
arc 8Q7
ii7 Sho6 that the area of the minor sector
O8Q is

iii7 If the area of the triangle +OQ is
4 calculate4 in degrees4 the siPe
of angle +OQ7
3@7 8an :9
>Ta)e K I =72;?
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents a sector4 ODF4 of a circle centre O4
radius 9 cm4 and angle DOF I B@L7 Calculate4 in
4 the area of
i7 The sector ODF
ii7 The triangle ODF
iii7 The shaded segment
327 8un @2
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 sho6s a
circle centre O4 radius 2< cm7 the length of the
minor arc is : cm and +, is a tangent to the
circle7 O1, is a straight line7
i7 Calculate4 in radians the siPe of angle
ii7 Calculate the area of the minor sector
iii7 Calculate the area of the shaded region7
337 8an @3
>Ta)e K I =72;?
In the diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4
1P,O is the sector of a circle4 6ith centre O
and radius 2; cm7 Angle 1O, is A3L7
Calculate4 to 2 decimal lace the area of
i7 Triangle O1,
ii7 The shaded region bounded b! the
chord 1, and the arc 1P,7
Volume and Surface Area
3=7 8un 9@
a7 An orange is : cm in diameter7 If
of its
juice is A3ml4 ho6 much juice can !ou get
from A such orangesH
>&olume of a shere of radius
r r 7
Assume that the orange is a shere?
b7 T6o thirds of the juice is oured into a
c!lindrical container 2; cm high and
diameter A cm7 0o6 man! ice-cubes4 each
of sides = cm can be added before the
juice begins to o%erflo6H
3;7 8un 9;
A rectangular 6ooden beam of length < metres
has a cross section of 3@ cm b! 2< cm7 the 6ood
has a densit! of B@@ )g er m
a7 Calculate the %olume of the beam in
cubic metres
b7 E"ress the ans6er for MaN in standard
c7 Calculate the mass of the beam in )g7
3<7 8un 9<
A c!lindrical object of height 32 cm has an outer
diameter of 39 cm and an inner diameter of 3;
cm7 The material of 6hich it is made has a
densit! of Bg er cm
7 Calculate4 to the nearest
)g4 the mass of the object
3B7 8un 99
A rectangular steel !ramid of height B cm and
base dimensions 22 cm b! 2B cm4 is melted
do6n and rolled into a c!linder of height A cm7
i7 the radius of the c!linder in cm7
ii7 the mass of the c!linder in )g4 if the
densit! of the steel is <g er cm
.,ote: &olume of a !ramid I
&olume of c!linder I r & 4 ta)e K I
3A7 8an 9:
The figure abo%e4 not drawn to scale, reresents
a fish tan) in the shae of a cuboid of height =@
i7 Calculate the %olume of the tan)
ii7 If there are ;@ litres of 6ater in the tan)4
calculate the height of the 6ater in the
397 The total surface area of a triangular rism is
< =
2:9 2@ cm
4 6hat is its total surface area in m
3:7 8un 9B
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale, sho6s a
right triangular rism 6ith A( I 2< cm4 AD I
AE I 2@ cm and ED I 23 c7 Calculate the
%olume of the rism7
=@7 8un :2
The figure A(CDEF abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents a 6edge 6ith measurements as
sho6n7 (C is erendicular to the lane FEDC7
i7 the length in cm of (D
ii7 the surface area4 in cm
4 of the 6edge
iii7 the %olume in cm
4 of the 6edge
i%7 the siPe of angle (DC7
=27 8an :2
To ans6er this #uestion use K I
V r
4 6here V 5 %olume4 r I radius and & 5
height of the c!linder*
a7 The internal dimensions of a sauce an
shaed li)e a c!linder height 3@ cm and
diameter =< cm7 Calculate to the nearest
6hole number4
i7 the area4 in cm
4 of the bottom of
the saucean
ii7 the largest %olume of li#uid4 in
4 6hich the saucean can
b7 The saucean is filled 6ith 6ater 6hich
is then oured into a emt! c!lindrical
ot of radius 32 cm7 Calculate4 to the
nearest cm4 the height of the 6ater le%el
abo%e the bottom of the ot7
=37 $esit :<
A closed c!linder has a base of diameter 2; cm
and a %ertical height of 3@ cm7 Ta)e
i7 the area4 in cm
4 of the base
ii7 the %olume4 in cm
4 of the c!linder
iii7 Sho6 that the total surface area is
==7 8un :B
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents a right oen ended aer cone7 The
slant height &Y is 2;cm4 the base diameter YX is
32 cm and &O is the height of the cone7
i7 Calculate4 in cm 4 the circumference of
the base of the cone7
ii7 Sho6 that the height of the cone is
aro"imatel! :7= cm7
iii7 Calculate the %olume in cm
of the
=;7 8an :A
a7 A rectangular tan) is 9 m high and its
base is ; m long and = m 6ide7 The tan)
is filled 6ith 6ater7
i7 the area4 in cm
4 of the base of the
tan) and 6rite !our ans6er in
standard form7
ii7 the caacit!4 in litres4 of the tan)7
Cse 2@@cm
I 2 litre7
b7 All the 6ater from the rectangular tan)
is umed into a c!lindrical tan) to a
height of 9 m7 Calculate to4 = significant
figures4 the radius of the base of the
c!lindrical tan)7
=<7 8an ::
i7 A c!lindrical metal drum of height 23<
cm4 has a caacit! of B:= litres7
Calculate the diameter of the drum7
ii7 Oil is oured into the drum for 2 hour
2A minutes at a rate of litres er
minute until it just begin to o%erflo67
Calculate the %alue of 7
>2@@ cm
I 2 litre?
=B7 8un ::
A circular drain ie4 sho6n in the diagram
abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 is 2 metre long4 6ith
outer and inner radii of 3@ cm and 2< cm
i7 Dra6 a cross-sectional %ie6 of the
drainie4 sho6ing the measurement of
the inner and outer radii7
ii7 the area4 in cm
4 of the cross section of
the drain ie7
iii7 the amount4 in cm
4 of the material
re#uired to construct the drain ie7
i%7 The caacit!4 in litres of the hallo6
sace of the drain ie7
%7 The %olume4 in litres 4 of 6ater assing
through the ie in 2 minute if the 6ater
flo6s through the ie at a seed of 2
metre er second
>Ta)e =72; ?
=A7 8un @2
>Ta)e =72;3 ?
>cur%ed surface area of a c!linder I 3 r& ?
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents an oen metal container7 The cross-
section of the container is a semi-circle of
diameter 27<m the length of the container is
a7 *rite do6n the radius of the cross
section of the container7
b7 Calculate in m
4 to t6o decimal laces
i7 The area of the cross-section of the
ii7 The outer cur%ed surface area of
the container
iii7 The total outer area of the container
c7 Calculate the caacit!4 in m
4 of the
d7 *ater is oured into the container at a
rate of =@ litres er minute7 Calculate
the length of time in minutes it 6ould
ta)e to just fill the container7
>Note: 1m
=97 8an @3
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 sho6s a
6ater tan) in the shae of a right rism7 A( I 3<
cm4 AD I ;@ cm and the length of the tan) is 273
i7 the %olume4 in cm
4 of the tan)
ii7 the deth of 6ater in the tan) 6hen it
contains ;< litres of 6ater7
=:7 8an @=
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale, sho6s a
6ooden rism of length 3< cm7 the cross section
A(CD is a traePium 6ith A( arallel to DC4
:@ BAD 4 A( I 23 cm4 (C I < cm4
9 cm CD and AD I = cm7
i7 The area4 in cm
4 of the cross-section4
ii7 The %olume4 in cm
4 of the rism
iii7 The total surface area 4 in cm
4 of the
;@7 8an @=
a7 The triangular rism4 sho6n the
diagram belo64 not drawn to scale4 is
29 cm long7 Triangle G0I has a height
of = cm4 0I I 9 cm and G0 I GI7
i7 The area of triangle G0I
ii7 The %olume of the triangular
iii7 The length of GI
i%7 The total surface area of the
b7 The triangular rism is melted do6n
and made into a cube7 Calculate the
length of an edge of the cube7

Mied Sha!es and Cross sections
;27 8un :@
>Ta)e K I
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents a lot of land ADCBE in the shae of
a s#uare of sides 32 m 6ith a semicircle at one
i7 Calculate4 in metres the erimeter of the
ii7 WXYZ is a rectangular flo6er bed of
length 2< m and 6idth 23 m7 Calculate
in m
the area of the shaded section7
iii7 The soil in the flo6er bed is relaced to
a deth of =@ cm7 calculate in cubic
centimetres4 the %olume of the soil
relaced4 6riting !our ans6er in
standard form7
;37 8un :A
A rectangular bloc) of 6ood is B cm high7 The
cross-section of the bloc) is a s#uare of side 2B
cm7 A C!lindrical container is car%ed out of the
bloc)7 The c!linder is < cm dee and the
diameter of the cross section is 2; cm7 the figure
abo%e4 not drawn to scale, sho6s the to
surface of the container7
a7 the %olume of the rectangular bloc) of
b7 the area of face of the c!linder
c7 The %olume of the 6ood in the
;=7 8un @3
The diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale, sho6s
ABCDE, a %ertical cross-section of a container
6ith ED being the to edge7 DC and EF are
%ertical edges7 BC and AF are arcs of a circle of
radius A cm4 and ABZZED7
ED I =@cmR AB I 2B cmR EF I DC I : cm
i7 Ta)ing
4 sho6 that the area of
ABCDEF is ;<: cm
ii7 *ater is oured into the container until
the 6ater le%el is ; cm from the to7 If
the container is ;@ cm long and has a
uniformed cross-section4 calculate to the
nearest the %olume of 6ater in the
Nets "lans and #le$ations
;;7 8un 93
i7 ABCDEFG is a s)etch of the net of a
!ramid on a s#uare base BDFH of side
= cm 6ith slant edges of length < cm7
a7 Dra6 an accurate full siPe
diagram of the net7
b7 1easure and 6rite do6n the
length of EA7
ii7 The net is assembled as a !ramid 6ith
ae" V and base BDFH7
a7 S)etch the cross section VDH of
the !ramid indicating clearl! on
!our s)etch the lengths of VD
and DH7
b7 (! calculation4 determine VX the
height of the !ramid7
>X is the centre of the base?
;<7 8an :@
ABCDEFG is the s)etch of the net of a right
;B7 8un :=
,otes for this #uestion

&olume of a cone I
r &
The diagram abo%e, not drawn to scale, sho6s
a major sector4 AO(4 of a circle of radius B cm7 it
reresents the net of a cone7
a7 Sho6 b! calculation that the radius of
the base of the cone is 33 cm7
b7 Calculate:
i7 The radius of the base of the
ii7 The height of the cone gi%ing
!our ans6er correct to one
decimal lace
c7 Calculate to t6o significant figures the
%olume4 in litres4 the cone holds 6hen
;A7 8un :;
VMNPQ is a !ramid on a s#uare base MNPQ
of side ;@ cm7
i7 Dra6 a diagram to reresent the
!ramid7 Clearl! label the %ertices7
ii7 Dra6 a lan of the !ramid4 %ie6ed
from abo%e7 State the scale used7
iii7 The height of the !ramid is 3@ cm7
Sho6 that the length of the sloing
edge4 VM+ is 3@ = cm7
;97 8an :=
The figure abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 reresents
a solid in the shae of a right c!linder joined to
the frustum of a cone7
i7 the lan of the solid
ii7 the ele%ation of the solid
;:7 8an :=

The diagram abo%e not dra6n to scale4 sho6s the
net of a bo" in 6hich the sides are < cm high7
The shaded area is the base of the bo"7
Calculate to three significant figures
i7 the area of the material used to ma)e
the bo"
ii7 the %olume of the bo"

<@7 8un :B
The diagram &YX abo%e4 not drawn to scale,
reresents a right oen-ended aer cone7 The
slant height &Y is 2; cm4 the base diameter YX
is 32 cm4 and &O is the height of the cone
>Ta)e I ?

The cone is cut along a straight line dra6n from
X to &7 the aer is flattened out to form a lane
i7 Dra6 a diagram of the lane figure4
sho6ing the osition of &7
ii7 *rite the length of each side on !our
iii7 Calculate the siPe4 in degrees4 of the
angle at &
<27 8un :A
The figure abo%e4 not drawn to scale, is a
s)etch of s s!mmetrical jar7 The jar is in the
shae of 3 c!linders joined b! a frustum of a
cone7 The diameter of the bottom c!linder is 9
cm and of the to c!linder is 3 cm7 The height of
each c!linder is 3 cm7 The total height of the jar
is 9 cm
Construct full siPe dra6ings of
i7 the lan
ii7 an ele%ation
<37 8an ::
<=7 The diagram abo%e reresents the net of a solid7
a7 Dra6 a s)etch of the solid reresented7
b7 *rite do6n the number of edges for the
c7 State the name of the solid7
<;7 8un :9
For this #uestion use

The rectangle4 TC&*4 reresents a sheet of
metal4 6hose length C& is 2@@ cm and its
breadth4 *&4 is 99 cm7 the sheet of metal is
formed in an oen c!linder4 b! bringing T onto C
and & onto *7
a7 S)etch a diagram of the c!linder and
clearl! mar) in 2@@ cm as a dimension
of the c!linder
b7 Calculate the radius4 in cm4 of the base
of the c!linder7
c7 If the c!linder is closed at one end4
calculate4 in cm
4 the caacit! of the
d7 If <@ litres of li#uid is oured into the
c!linder4 calculate4 in cm4 the deth of
the li#uid in the c!linder7
<<7 The distance around a circular la)e is 2;32
metres7 *hat is the area of the la)eH

<B7 8un :9
The diagram abo%e reresents a right circular
cone 6ith a base radius of : cm and a slant
height of 2< cm7 The cone is cut along OC4 and
unrolled to form a sector OCCV4 from a circle of
centre O7
>Ta)e K to be =72;?
i7 the length in cm of the arc CCV
ii7 the siPe of the angle COCV subtended b!
the arc CCV
iii7 the area4 in cm
4 of the cur%ed surface of
the cone7
<A7 8an @2
The figure abo%e4 not drawn to scale, sho6s the
cross-section A(CD of a s6imming ool4 23 m
long7 A( is the horiPontal to edge4 AD sho6s
the deth at the shallo6 end and (C the deth at
the dee end7
a7 Calculate gi%ing the ans6er correct to
2decimal lace4
i7 a4 the angle that DC ma)es
6ith the horiPontal
ii7 the length of the sloing edge
b7 Gi%en that the ool is < m 6ide4
calculate the total surface of the inner
6alls and the bottom of the ool
<97 G 8un :=
A(C and D lie in a circle4 centre O4 of radius 2;
AO is a diameter of a circle through A4 P4 O4 and
a7 *rite do6n the radius of the circle
b7 Ta)e
to be

4 calculate
i7 the area of the shaded region
ii7 the total length of the boundar!
of the shaded region
<:7 8un :2
In this #uestion ta)e K to be =72;37
Diagram 2 sho6s a c!lindrical tan) of diameter
B@ cm and length 9@ cm7 the tan) is artiall!
filled 6ith 6ater and laced 6ith its cur%ed
surface on a horiPontal floor7
Diagram 3 sho6s a circular end of the c!linder4
O is the centre of the circle and D is %erticall!
belo6 O7 The chord A( reresents the le%el of
the 6ater surface and 23@ AOB
a7 the length of the arc AD(
b7 the area of the triangle OA(
c7 the area of the segment AD( .the
shaded art in diagram 3/
d7 the area of the inside surface of the tan)
6hich is in contact 6ith the 6ater
B@7 Dec :2
A closed storage container consists of a cuboid
A(DEP'ST4 to 6hich a #uadrant of a c!linder4
(CD'$S4 is attached as sho6n in the diagram7
AE I 3@ cm4 ED I =@ cm4 DC I 3@ cm4 and C$
I A@ cm7 Ta)ing K to be =72;34 and gi%ing each
ans6er to = significant figures4 calculate
a7 the area of the face A(CDE
b7 the %olume of the container
B27 Dec :3
The diagram sho6s the cross section of a
s6imming ool7 The ool is 3< m long4 2 m dee
at one end and 3 m dee at the other end7 The
bottom sloes uniforml! from one end to the
*ater enters the ool at a constant rate and from
emt!4 the time ta)en to fill the ool comletel!
is = hours7
a7 Find the area of the cross-section of the
b7 Find the time ta)en to fill the ool to the
deth of 2 metre at the dee end
c7 Find the deth of the 6ater at the dee
end after 3 hours
B37 8an @;
The diagram belo64 not drawn to scale, sho6s a
bloc) of 6ood in the shae of a semi-circular
rism7 The cross section of the rism has a
diameter of =@ cm7 The length of the rism is 273
>Cse K I =72;?
Calculate4 gi%ing !our ans6er to = significant
i7 the area in cm
4 of the cross section
ii7 the %olume4 in cm
4 of the rism7
B=7 8un @;
in this #uestion?
A iece of 6ire is bent in the form of a circle and
it encloses an area of 2<; cm
a7 Calculate
i7 the radius of the circle
ii7 the circumference of the circle
The same iece of 6ire is then bent in the form
of a s#uare
b7 Calculate the area enclosed b! the
B;7 8an @;
In the diagram belo64 not drawn to scale, O is
the centre of the circle7 Angle AO( I 9@L and
A( I 23 cm7
Calculate4 gi%ing !our ans6er to t6o decimal
i7 the radius of the circle
ii7 the area of the minor sector AO(
iii7 the area of the shaded region
27 8un 9=
Gi%en that
. /
3 <
/ x

3 <
. /
. x

< 2
. /
3 2
& x

i7 E%aluate /.=/ and ..;/

ii7 Sho6 that &/.=/ I =
iii7 *rite do6n the e"ression for /
37 8un 9A
The function
. /
. x

i7 Calculate
. /
ii7 Gi%en that
. / > . /? . x . . x
= 3
. / > . /? . x . . x and so on4 sho6 that
. / . x x and hence deduce the %alue
. /
=7 8un 99
Gi%en that
3 =
/ x

: 3 . x +
i7 E%aluate
. 3/ /
. 3/ ./
ii7 determine ( )
/ x

iii7 Calculate the %alue of x4 for 6hich

a7 . / @ / x
. / / x
is unidentified7
;7 8an 9:
Gi%en that
: = 3 / x x
: 3 < . x x +
3 =
& x

a7 E%aluate
. B/ .

ii7 .=/ /.
b7 If
. / / x
I 94 calculate the %alue of x7
c7 Obtain an e"ression4 in terms of x4 for
. / & x

<7 8un 9:
Gi%en that
. / < / x x
. / 3 . x x
i7 calculate
.3/ /
.3/ ./
ii7 determine x 6hen
. / @ /. x
iii7 ro%e that
. / 3= < ./

B7 8an :@
Gi%en that
/ x

and @ x
i7 calculate
. ;/ /
ii7 obtain an e"ression for
. / /. x
: 2 . x x
A7 8an :2
a7 Gi%en
: = A / x x +
: :
. x 4 calculate
.2@/ /.
b7 Gi%en that
= 2
: for
& x x


i7 State the %alue of x for 6hich
a7 . / @ & x
. / & x
is unidentified7
ii7 determine
. / & x

0ence4 sol%e the e#uation

= 2

97 8an :3
The functions /4 . and & are defined as follo6s
: =
: B :
/ x x
. x x
& x x x

a7 Gi%en that
. / > . /? / x / / x and
= 3
. / > . /? / x / / x and so on4
i7 Deduce an algebraic e"ression
in terms of x4 for
. / / x and
hence4 calculate
.=/ / 7
ii7 Sho6 that
. / . / ./ x & x
i7 Determine the range %alues of
. / & x such that . / 2 & x >
ii7 Sho6 that if
. / 3< & x <
4 then
3 9 x < <
c7 0ence or other6ise4 for
determine the range of %alues of x for
2 . / 3< & x < <
and reresent !our
ans6er on a number line7
:7 8un :2
The functions / and . are defined b!:
: <
/ x x
. x x

Determine e"ressions for the functions:

. / /. x
. / . x

2@7 8an :=
Determine the in%erse of the functions
i7 : 3 < / x x +
. x

227 8an :=
The functions / and . are defines b!:
: / x x
: . x px q +
a7 Determine the %alue of x if /.x/ I DB;
b7 Gi%en
.@/ < .
4 and
.3/ 9 /.
calculate the %alues of p and q7
c7 Gi%en that
9 . / 3A /. x < <
4 determine
the domain of x:
i7 If x is a real number
ii7 If x is an integer
237 8un :=
a comosite function Q is defines as
. / .3 2/ , x x
i7 E"ress
. / , x
. / ./ x
4 6here /.x/ and
..x/ are t6o simler functions
ii7 Sho6 that
2 2 2
. / . / , x / . x

2=7 8an :<

The functions / and . are defined as follo6s
. / 3 <4 / x x x
. / = 34 . x x x
a7 E%aluate
i7 /.D=/
ii7 ./.D=/
b7 *rite an e"ression for
. / . x

c7 Determine the %alue of " for 6hich

. / ; . x

d7 *rite an e"ression for

. / ./ x

2;7 8un :<
Gi%en that
. / 4 and . / - 3
/ x x . x x calculate
. 3/ .
.;/ /.
.;/ /

2<7 $esit :<
Gi%en that
. / ; < / x x
. / 2 . x x + 4
i7 . 3/ /
ii7 . 2/ ./
.;/ /

2B7 8an :B
Gi%en that
. /
& x

4 calculate
i7 . 3/ &
ii7 the %alue of x for 6hich
. / @ & x
2A7 8un :B
. / 3 2 and . / . 3/
/ x x . x x + 4 calculate
i7 .=/ /
. / . x

.=/ ./
297 8an :A
Gi%en that
. / =4 and . /
/ x x . x + 4 find
i7 the %alues of
.=/4 .3/4 and .3/ / . /.
ii7 e"ressions for
. / and . / /. x ./ x
2:7 8un :A
/ and . are functions defined as follo6s:
: = <
/ x x
. x x

a7 Calculate the %alue of

. =/ /
b7 *rite e"ressions for
. / / x

. / . x

c7 0ence4 or other6ise4 6rite an

e"ression for
. / . / ./ x

3@7 8an :9
Gi%en . / = 3 / x x
i7 Determine
. / / x

ii7 0ence4 sol%e the e#uation

= 3 ; x
327 8un :9
. / / x x and
. / < = . x x +
4 calculate
. 3/ /
. 3/ ./
. / . x

337 8an ::
Gi%en that
. / 3 = / x x
i7 Determine an e"ression for
. / / x

ii7 0ence4 or other6ise4 calculate the %alue

of x for 6hich
. / A / x
3=7 8un ::
. / 2 = and . / 3 & x x , x x + +
4 calculate
. / &, x
.;/ &,
. / . / &, x

i%7 the %alue of x 6hen

. / @ &, x
3;7 8an @@
The function
: 2
/ x x
i7 Find the %alue of ( ) @ /
ii7 Find the %alue of x for 6hich ( ) < / x
3<7 8un @@
Gi%en that
: =
/ x x
. x


a7 Calculate ( ) 3 .
b7 State the %alue of x for 6hich ( ) . x
not defined
c7 Deri%e an e"ression for ( ) ./ x
d7 Calculate the %alue of ( )
; /

3B7 8an @2
Gi%en that ( ) ( )
3 and / x x . x
+ 4
i7 calculate ( ) 2 /
ii7 6rite an e"ression for ( ) ./ x
iii7 calculate the %alues o" x so that
( ) ( ) / x . x
3A7 8un @2
Gi%en that ( ) ( )
= and . x x & x x + 4 calculate
i7 ( ) < .
ii7 ( )
A .

iii7 ( ) @ &.
397 8an @3
Gi%en that ( ) ( )
: 4 and / x x . x x 4
i7 ( ) = /
ii7 ( ) ; .
iii7 ( ) 3 /.
3:7 8un @3
The functions / and . are defined b!
( )
( )
3 2
/ x
. x x

a7 Calculate ( ) = .
b7 Find in its simlest form
i7 ( )
/ x

ii7 ( )
. x

iii7 ( ) /. x
( ) ( )
/. x

c7 Sho6 that ( ) ( ) ( )
2 2
/. x . / x

=@7 8an @=
Gi%en that ( ) ( )
B and . x x & x x
i7 ( ) = &
ii7 ( ) 3 &.
iii7 ( ) 3 .&
=27 8un @=
T6o functions . and & are defined as
3 = 2
: and :
. x & x
x x

i7 the %alue of ( ) A .
ii7 the %alue for 6hich ( ) B . x
*rite e"ressions for
iii7 ( ) &. x
i%7 ( )
. x

=37 8an @;
Gi%en that ( ) ( ) = ; and / x x . x x + 4
i7 ( ) 3< .
ii7 ( ) 2< ./
==7 8an @<
Te functions / and . are such that
( ) ( )
3 <
and 3 =
/ x . x x

Calculate the %alue of
i7 ( ) ; .
ii7 ( ) 3 /.
iii7 ( )
A .

=;7 8un @<

The functions / and . are defined b!
( ) ( )
/ x x . x x +
i7 ( ) ( ) = = . . +
ii7 ( )
B /

iii7 ( ) 3 /.
27 In the diagram belo6 ACE and BCD are straight
i7 Calculate the %alue of the angle mar)ed x>
ii7 Calculate the %alue of the angle mar)ed y>7
iii7 Calculate the %alue of the angle mar)ed z>*
>%i$e two reasons for &our answers7?
37 In the diagram belo6 '0R is a right angled
triangle7 '0 is arallel to TR7
'0 is 973 cm 'T is <73 cm
TR is =7B cm TS is x cm
i7 *hat is the area of the traePium '0RTH
ii7 Find x 6hich is the distance TS7
iii7 Find tan \7
=7 In the triangle '0R sho6n belo64 '0 I 0R and
0R I 'R7
i7 *hat is the name of this t!e of triangleH
ii7 *hat are the %alues of the angles mar)ed
x> and y>H
;7 (elo6 is the lan of a farmerNs field7
*hat is the total area of the fieldH
Gi%e !our ans6er 6ith the correct units
<7 Cse a ruler4 a encil4 and a air of comass onl!
for this #uestion7
i7 Dra6 a line segment4 '04 A cm long7
ii7 Construct a line segment4 LM4 the
erendicular bisector of '04 such that
LM cuts '0 at O4 and OL I OM I cm7
iii7 Form a arallelogram 'L0M b! joining
the oints '+ L+ 0 and M7
i%7 1easure and state the siPe of angle M'L7
%7 *hat t!e of arallelogram is 'L0MH
Gi%e a reason for !our ans6er7
B7 The shae ABCD belo6 is a traePium7
The angle CAD is 2:L7
The angle ACD is :9L7
BCE is a straight line7
i7 *hat is the siPe of the angle mar)ed 6ith
the letter pH
Gi%e a reason for !our ans6er7
ii7 *hat is the siPe of the angle mar)ed 6ith
the letter qH
Gi%e a reason for !our ans6er7
A7 (elo6 is the diagram .not dra6n to scale/ of a
regular entagon7
i7 Calculate the %alue of the angle mar)ed q7
ii7 Calculate the %alue of the angle mar)ed p7
97 Fins the %alue of x in the diagram belo67
:7 T6o angles are sulementar!4 if one of the
angles is t6ice the measure of the other4 6hat is
the measure of both anglesH
2@7 An e"terior angle on a regular ol!gon measures
=BL7 0o6 man! sides does the ol!gon ha%eH
227 The diagram belo6 sho6s the #uadrilateral
N0 is a straight line arallel to 'S7
i7 *hat is the siPe of the angle mar)ed aH
Gi%e a reason for !our ans6er7
ii7 *or) out the siPe of the angle mar)ed b7
*hat roert! did !ou use to come u
6ith !our solutionH
237 Inside the regular he"agon belo6 is an
e#uilateral triangle4 a rhombus and a traePium7
a7 *hat is the siPe of angle pH
b7 *hat is the siPe of angle qH
c7 The area of the e#uilateral triangle is
7 *or) out the total area of the
regular he"agon7
d7 (! using a ruler and a air of comass
construct an e#uilateral triangle 6ith
sides < cm7
.'ea$e all construction lines on &our
2=7 In the #uadrilateral Q+1,4 not dra6n to scale4
LM 5 LN 5 L44 2;@ 4LM
Gi%ing reasons for each ste of !our ans6er4
calculate the siPe of
i7 LN4
ii7 NLM
iii7 4NM
2;7 In the diagram4 belo6 A(CD is a rectangle7
*hat is the measure of
i7 DC!
ii7 AB)
2<7 A regular ol!gon has an e"ternal angle of :@L7
*hat t!e of a ol!gon is it7
2B7 The figure belo64 not dra6n to scale4 is a regular
he"agon 6ith centre )+ and )! I B cm7
i7 the siPe of angle !?)
ii7 the area of triangle !)?4 e"ressing !our
ans6er correct to one decimal lace7
iii7 the area of the he"agon7
2A7 T6o circles 6ith centres ' and 0 and radii < cm
and 3 cm resecti%el! are dra6n so that the!
touch each other at T and a straight line )! at S
and R7
a7 State 6ith a reason
i7 6h! 'T0 is a straight line
ii7 the length '0
iii7 6h! 'S is arallel to 0R
b7 , is a oint on 'S such that 0N is
erendicular to 'S7
i7 The length 'N
ii7 The length RS7
297 8un :<
ABCDE is a regular entagon inscribed in a
circle centre O4 radius 23 cm4 as sho6n in the
diagram abo%e4 1 is the midoint of DC
i7 Calculate the angle DOC .in degrees/
ii7 Calculate DM
iii7 0ence find the erimeter of the entagon
2:7 8an 9:
In the diagram abo%e .not dra6n to scale/
ABCDEF reresents a regular ol!gon7 Gi%en
that the sum of the interior angles of an n6sided
ol!gon is 29@.n D 3/L4 calculate the siPe of
i7 angle AFE
ii7 angle BCA
3@7 8un :@
+1,OP' is a he"agon.not dra6n to scale/ 6ith
] ] ]
22@ 4 2=@ and :@ 4 ' 0 O
] ] ]
i7 Calculate the %alue of
ii7 Gi%en that PO I ;cm and the area of
^NO' 5 23 cm
7 Calculate the length of
P, in cm4 gi%ing !our ans6er correct to
one decimal lace7
327 8un @@
A(CDE is a entagon4 not dra6n to scale4 6ith
] ] ]
7 A B D x
Angle C I A3L and angle E I
92L7 Calculate the %alue of x7
337 8an :A
The angles of a #uadrilateral ta)en in order are
:@L4 xL4 3xL4 =xL
i7 Calculate the siPe of the un)no6n
ii7 ,ame the t!e of #uadrilateral7
3=7 8un :3
The diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4
reresents a regular ol!gon '0RST7
i7 Gi%en that the sum of the interior angles
of the ol!gon 6ith n sides is 29@.n D 3/L4
calculate angle TSR and angle TRS7
ii7 Gi%en further that angle '0R I x>4 and
angle RT' I y>4 sho6 that
3 7 y x

3;7 8un :B
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 AB is
arallel to CD and E( is arallel to F#7 Angle
I"L I <@L and angle 4I" I :<L
Calculate the %alues of x4 y4 and z sho6ing
clearl! the stes in !our calculations7
3<7 8an :<
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 B( is
arallel to DE4 AF and C# are straight lines7
Calculate the %alues of x and y sho6ing clearl!
the stes in !our calculation7
3B7 Each of the e"terior angle of a regular ol!gon is
3@L7 0o6 man! sides does the ol!gon ha%eH
3A7 G 8un :=
ABCDE is a entagon7 The angles A+ B+ C+ D4
and E are xL4 3xL4 =xL4 ;xL4 and 23@L7 Find the
%alue of x7
397 8an :3
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 angles
BAC I 3;L4 EDC I =@L and angle CED I xL7
Calculate in terms of x the siPe of
i7 Angle AFD
ii7 Angle BFE
iii7 0ence deduce the %alue of x7
3:7 G 8un :2
In the diagram4 A(C and ACD are isosceles
triangles in 6hich A( I AC I AD and
a7 Calculate
i7 CAD
ii7 BCA
b7 *hat secial t!e of #uadrilateral is
=@7 8un 9:
State three roerties 6hich define a rhombus4
6ith resect to its sides4 angles and diagonals
ABCD is a rhombus .not dra6n to scale/ 6ith
AO I ;79cm and BC I =7B cm
i7 The length of AB*
ii7 The state of angle BAD to the nearest
iii7 The area of ABCD*
=27 8an :<
Gi%en that K radians I 29@L e"ress
i7 radians in degrees

ii7 32@L in degrees

=37 8an :@
The minute hand of a cloc) is 3< cm long and
the hour hand is 32 cm long7 Calculate
i7 the distance mo%ed b! the ti of the
hour hand 6hen the time goes from 3
a7m7 to 2@ a7m7 the same da!7
ii7 the smaller angle bet6een the hands of
the cloc) 6hen the time is 2@ oNcloc)7
==7 8un :A
In this #uestion4 use =72;
A 6heel is turning at a rate of == re%olutions er
minute7 E"ress this seed in radians er second4
correct to 3 significant figures
Similar Triangles
=;7 8un :2
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 '04
)!4 and SR are arallel lines* 0! I 2@cm4 !R I
<cm and )! I =cm7
i7 Pro%e that triangle '0) and RS) are
ii7 Calculate the lengths of '0 and RS7
iii7 Calculate the ratio of the areas of the
triangles '0) and RS)7
=<7 8an :=
In the figure abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4
9@ BAC 7 AB I AC4 MB I MC and BF is
erendicular to AC7
i7 Calculate the angles ABF4 BMC4 and
ii7 Sho6 that triangles ABF and MCF are
=B7 8an :<
Triangles ')! and '0R4 not dra6n to scale4 are
similar triangles7 ') I ; cm4 )0 I B cm4 and
0R I 9 cm7 Calculate
i7 The length of )! in cm
ii7 The area of triangle ')! gi%en that the
area of triangle '0R is <@ cm
=A7 8un ::
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 4M is
arallel to #I4 angle #4L I :AL and angle MLI I
i7 Sho6 that triangle "4L is similar to
triangle "#I7
ii7 Gi%en that 4L I ; cm and #I I 2@cm4
6rite do6n the %alue of the ratio
=97 8un 3@@3
The diagram abo%e4 nor dra6n to scale4 sho6s
ABCD4 a buc)et of height 29 cm7 The buc)er is
made b! remo%ing a cone VAB of height & cm7
from a larger cone VCD7 AMB4 the diameter of
the circular base of the buc)et is
cm7 COD4
the diameter of the oen to is 39 cm7
i7 Sho6 gi%ing reasons that
29 9

ii7 Determine the %alue of &*
=:7 8an @;
In the diagram belo64 not dra6n to scale4
triangle ACD is an enlargement of triangle ABE4
6ith A as the center of enlargement4 AB I B cm
and BC I ; cm7
i7 the scale factor of enlargement 6hich
mas triangle ABE onto triangle ACD7
ii7 the area of triangle ACD4 in cm
4 gi%en
that the area of triangle ABE is 29 cm
;@7 8un @<
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 ' and
0 are midoints on the side )! and )? of the
triangle )!?7 Gi%en that )' I A7< cm and )0 I
;7< cm and the area of triangle )'0 I 2=7< cm
i7 the siPe of ')0 e"ressing !our ans6er
correct to the nearest degree7
ii7 the area of triangle !)?7
;27 8un @<
The figure S8Q1 abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 is a
traePium 6ith S8 arallel to 1Q4 angle 18Q I
23;L4 image 1S8 I 2=BL and S1 I S8 I <@ m7
a7 Calculate the siPe of
i7 Angle S81
ii7 Angle 8Q1
b7 Calculate4 e"ressing !our ans6er
correct to one decimal lace4 the length
i7 18
ii7 8Q
;37 8un @<
In the diagram belo6 A(CDE is a entagon
2@9 4 :@ BAE ABC 4 9@ 4 AED
<A ADC and AE is Parallel to CD7

Calculate the siPe of the angle mar)ed
i7 x L
ii7 yL
Show all ste!s in &our calculations and gi$e
reasons for &our answers(
27 8un 92
i7 Csing a ruler and a comass onl!4
construct triangle ABC 6ith B@ A 4
;< B and AB I 2@ cm7
1easure and state the length of BC in
ii7 Find the oint D on AB such that CD I
DB7 1easure and state the length of AD
in centimetres
37 8un 99
Csing a ruler and a comass onl! for this
#uestion7 All construction lines and arcs must be
clearl! sho6n and be of sufficient length and
clarit! to ermit assessment7
i7 Construct triangle ABC in 6hich AB I 9
cm4 ;< A and B@ B
ii7 Construct also the erendicular
bisector of AC to meet AB at )7
iii7 1easure accuratel! and state the lengths
of AC and A)7
=7 8un 9:
Construct triangle (A( such that A( I 9 cm4
AD I B7< cm and angle DA( I A@L7 Through D
construct DC arallel to A(7 Construct also the
line (C erendicular to A(7 1easure and state
the length of DC7 )show all construction lines
;7 8an :2
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct triangle
P'$ in 6hich '$ I 97B4 P' I A73 cm and angle
P'$ I B@L7
i7 Construct the erendicular bisector of
P$ to meet P$ at S
ii7 1easure and 6rite do6n the length of
S$ in centimetres7
<7 8un :=
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct a
triangle A(C4 6ith A( I :7< cm4 triangle AC I
A7< cm and angle (AC I B@L
i7 +ocate the oint D such that D( is
erendicular to A( and is arallel to
1easure and state the length of (D in
B7 8an :<
i7 Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
a triangle EFG 6ith EF I;7< cm4 FG I
A7< cm and angle FEG I ;<L
ii7 1easure and state
a7 the length of EG in cm
b7 the siPe of angle FEG
A7 8un :<
i7 Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
triangle CA( 6ith angle CA( I B@L4
A( I 9 cm and AC I : cm7
ii7 Construct the erendicular bisector of
A( to meet AC at Y and A( at X
1easure and state the length of YX
iii7 1easure and state the siPe of angle
>Credit will +e gi$en for construction lines
clearl& shown*
97 8an :B
Csing ruler and comass onl!:
i7 Construct triangle FG0 6ith FG I A7<
cm4 angle FG0 I 23@L and angle GF0
I =@L
ii7 +ocate on FG4 the oint 14 the
midoint of FG7 Sho6 all construction
1easure and state the siPe of angle
:7 8un :B
i7 Construct triangle +1, 6ith 1, I 2@
cm4 +1 I B7< cm and +1, I <@L7
ii7 1easure and state the length of +,7
iii7 1easure and state the siPe of angle
i%7 Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
+Y so that +Y is erendicular to 1,
and meets 1, in Y
2@7 8un ::
i7 Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
ABC V 6ith (C I 2@ cm4 A( I ;7< cm
and ABC I23@L7 (isect BAC 4 such
that the bisector of BAC meets (C at
ii7 1easure and state the length4 in cm4 of
iii7 The siPe of the angle ACY7
227 8an ::
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct a
triangle YXW4 in 6hich XW I A7< cm4 angle YWX
I =@L and angle YXW I :@L
1easure and 6rite do6n the length of YX7
)All construction lines must +e clearl& shown*
237 8an @@
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct a
triangle *YX 6ith *Y I A cm4 YX I B cm and
angle *YX I :@L
1easure and 6rite do6n the siPe of angle X*Y
)All construction lines must +e clearl& shown*
2=7 8an @3
Csing a ruler and a comass onl!4 construct a
triangle P'$ 6ith '$ I B7< cm4 P' I 97@ cm
A< '0R
1easure and state the length of P$ in cm7
Triangles and Circles
2;7 8an :A
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
i7 Triangle P'$ 6ith P' I 9 cm4 '$ I
A7< cm4
B@ '0R
ii7 The erendicular bisector of '$
iii7 The circle '$ as diameter
2<7 8un @2
Csing ruler and comass onl!4
i7 Construct triangle DEF 6ith EF I DF I
A7< cm and DE I < cm7
ii7 Construct the circle 6hich lies 6ithin
triangles DEF and touches each side of
the triangle7
iii7 1easure and 6rite do6n the length of
the radius of the circle
Triangles and ,uadrilaterals
2B7 8un 9=
a7 Construct a triangle A(C such that A(
I B cm4 (C I ;7< cm and CA I = cm7
b7 Construct the image of triangle A(C4
found b! reflecting triangle A(C in line
A(7 +abel the image of C as C
c7 1easure and state the length of CC
d7 If A( intersects CC at ,4 6rite do6n
t6o statements about NC
e7 State the t!e of ol!gon formed b! the
comosite figure A(C and its image

=<7 8an :@
Csing ruler an comass onl!
a7 construct a traePium A(CD in 6hich
AD I : cm4 A( I B cm4 (C I < cm4
angle (AD I =@L and (D is arallel to
b7 construct the erendicular (F to meet
AD at F
c7 measure and state the length of (F in
=B7 8un :2
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct a
arallelogram A(CD such that A( I B7< cm4 AD
I <7A cm and angle DA( I B@L7 1easure and
state the length of (D in centimetres
)Note: All construction lines must +e clearl&
=A7 8un :3
a7 Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
a #uadrilateral A(CD in 6hich A( I
AD I B cm4 (C I ; cm4 angle (AD I
B@L4 and angle A(C I :@L7
b7 1easure and state
i7 the length of DC
ii7 the siPe of angle ADC
=97 8an :=
Csing ruler and a air of comass onl!4 construct
a arallelogram OP'$4 in 6hich OP I B cm4 O$
I ; cm and angle $OP I 23@L7
1easure and state the length of the longer
=:7 8un :;
Csing ruler and rotractor4 construct
#uadrilateral &*YX in 6hich XY I 9 cm4 angle
Y&XI9@L4 &X I B cm4 Y* I A cm and angle
YX* I =<L7 1easure and state the length of &*
correct to one decimal lace
;@7 $esit :<
All construction lines must be clearl! sho6n
a7 Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
a #uadrilateral A(CD 6ith A( I 9 cm4
AD I 9 cm4 (C I <7; cm4 angle DA( I
:@L4 and angle A(C I 23@L
b7 1easure and state the siPe of the angle
;27 8un :A
a7 Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct
the traePium Q+1, 6ith Q+ arallel
to ,14 Q+ I ; cm4 ,1 I A cm4
23@ 4LM 4 and +1 I B cm7
b7 Sho6 that :@ N4L MN4
c7 Sho64 b! calculation4 that the distance
bet6een Q+ and 1, is = = cm7
;37 8un :9
i7 All construction lines must be sho6n
Dra6 a line P$ 6hich measures A7< cm7
Construct the erendicular bisector 'S
of P$ to meet P$ at O4 such that O'
and OS both measure < m7 Comlete
the arallelogram P'$S7
ii7 State the name of this t!e of
arallelogram7 1easure and state4 in
cm4 the length of P'7
iii7 1easure and state the siPe of angle 'PS
;=7 8an ::
Cser ruler and comass onl!4 construct a triangle
YXW4 in 6hich XW IA7< cm4 angle YWX I =@L
and angle YXW I :@L7 1easure and 6rite do6n
the length of YX
)All construction lines must +e clearl& shown*
;;7 8an @@
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct triangle
*YX 6ith *Y I A cm4 YX I B cm and angle
*YX I :@L7
1easure and 6rite do6n the siPe of angle X*Y7
)All construction lines must +e clearl& shown*
;<7 8un @@
Csing ruler and comass onl!:
i7 Construct triangle A(D such that (D I
A4 angle A(D I angle AD( I B@L7
ii7 Construct AY 6hich is erendicular to
(D and meets (D at Y
iii7 Comlete the #uadrilateral A(CD such
that AC I 3AY7
i%7 1easure and 6rite do6n the length of
%7 ,ame the t!e of #uadrilateral !ou ha%e
)All construction lines must +e clearl& shown*
;B7 8an @2
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct a
arallelogram Q+1,4 so that Q+ I 9 cm4 +1 I
B cm and angle Q+1 I 2=<L7
Dra6 Q17 1easure and state its length7
;A7 8un @<
Csing a ruler and a air of comass onl!4
construct the rectangle P'$S in 6hich P' I 9
cm and PS I B cm7
1easure and state the length of the diagonal in
;97 8an @;
Csing ruler and comass onl!4 construct triangle
P&X as sho6n abo%e 6here each side is of
length B cm
27 8un 9<
A #uadrilateral A(CD is formed b! joining the
oints 6hose coordinates are A.D34 o/4 (.@4 ;/4
C.A4 =/4 and D.=4 D</
a7 Calculate the length of AC
b7 Sho6 that (D is erendicular to AC
c7 Pro%e that A(CD is a traePium7
37 8un 99
The coordinates of A and ( are .=4 </ and .A4 2/
resecti%el!7 Y is the midoint of A(7
a7 Calculate
i7 the length of A(
ii7 the gradient of A(
iii7 the coordinates of Y7
b7 Determine the e#uation of the
erendicular bisector of A( and state
the coordinates of the oint at 6hich
the erendicular bisector meets the y
=7 8an :@
A straight line 0Q cuts the yDa"is at .@ D2/7 The
gradient of 0Q is
Sho6 that the e#uation of the line 0Q is
3 = = x y
;7 8un :;
The coordinates of the oints A and ( are
.<4 3;/ and .D2@4 D23/ resecti%el!7
a7 Calculate the gradient of the line
joining A and (
b7 Determine the e#uation of A(7
c7 State the coordinates of the ya"is
intercet for the line A(7
<7 8un :<
A straight line is dra6n through the oints
. <4 =/ and .24 3/ A B
a7 Determine the gradient of A(
b7 *rite the e#uation of the line A(
B7 8an :B
The coordinates of A and ( are
.=4 2/
.-24 =/
i7 Find the gradient of the line A(7
ii7 State the coordinates of the midoint of
A and (
iii7 0ence determine the e#uation of the
erendicular bisector of A(7
A7 $esit :<
The diagram abo%e sho6s the t6o oints A.B4 A/
and ( .=4 3/
a7 Calculate the gradient of A(
b7 Determine the e#uation of the line A(
c7 Obtain the %alue of x4 if a oint
P. 4 -B/ x
lies on A(
97 8an :9
The e#uation of a line 4+4 is
< 3 : x y
i7 *rite the e#uation of + in the form
y mx c +
ii7 0ence4 state the gradient of the line +
iii7 A oint4 ,4 6ith coordinates .h4 h/ lies on
the line7 Calculate the %alue of h7
i%7 Find the e#uation of the line through .@4 3/
erendicular to +7
:7 8un :9
on the grah belo64 the oint P.x4 y/ has been
mar)ed in
i7 *rite do6n the coordinates of P7
ii7 Through P4 dra6 a straight line 6hose
a"is y intercet is ;7
iii7 Calculate the gradient of the straight line7
i%7 Determine the e#uation of the straight line
2@7 8an ::
The line 4L4 joining the oint .x4 3/ to the oint
.=4 D2/ has gradient

7 Determine
i7 the %alue of x
ii7 the coordinates of the midoint of the line
joining the oint .<4 B/ to the oint .=4 2/
iii7 the e#uation of the line erendicular to
the line reresented b!
= y x +
assing through the oint .=4 D2/
227 8un ::
The coordinates of the oints L and N are .<4 B/
and .94 -3/ resecti%el!7
i7 State the coordinates of the midoint4 M4
of the line LN7
ii7 Calculate the gradient of the line LN7
iii7 Determine the E#uation of the straight
line 6hich is erendicular to LN and
6hich asses through the oint4 M7
237 8an @@
A straight line joins t6o oints H.-;4 B/ and
G.<4 =/
i7 Calculate the gradient of HG7
ii7 Determine the e#uation of HG7
iii7 *rite do6n the gradient of an! line dra6n
erendicular to HG7
2=7 8an :3
A straight line asses through the oints M.I4 ;/
and N.;4 D3/
i7 Calculate the gradient of the line MN7
ii7 Determine the e#uation of the line MN7
iii7 Deduce the coordinates of the oint L
6here MN cuts the
-a"is y
2;7 8un @@
The grah abo%e sho6s a straight line 'T
intersecting the y a"is at T7
i7 State the coordinates of T
ii7 Calculate the gradient of 'T
iii7 Determine the e#uation of 'T
2<7 8un :B
The grah abo%e sho6s a straight line EF
intersecting the x6a"is at F
i7 State the coordinates of F
ii7 Calculate the gradient of EF
iii7 Determine the e#uation of EF
2B7 8an @2
E is the oint .D34 </ and F is the oint .34 -=/7
Find b! calculation4
a7 the coordinates of G4 the midoint of
b7 the gradient of EF
c7 Determine the e#uation of the
erendicular bisector of EF7
2A7 8un @2
P is the oint .;4 3/4 ' is the oint .234 </ and $
is the oint .24 =/7 Calculate
i7 the length of P$
ii7 the gradient of P'
iii7 the e#uation of the line assing through
$and arallel to P'
297 8an @3
The diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 sho6s
the line A( assing through oints A.34 2/ and
(.;4 D=/
a7 Calculate the gradient of the line A(
b7 *rite the e#uation of the line A(
CD is a line arallel to A( and asses through
the origin
c7 *rite the e#uation of the line CD
d7 Calculate the gradient of the line
erendicular to CD
2:7 8un @3
In the diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4 A( is
a straight line joining A.D24 :/ and (.=4 2/7
a7 Calculate the gradient of the line A(
b7 Determine the e#uation of the line A(
c7 *rite the coordinates of G4 the oint of
intersection of A( and the y-a"is
d7 *rite the e#uation of the line through
O4 the origin4 that is erendicular to
e7 *rite the e#uation of the line through
O that is arallel to A(
3@7 8un 92
A and ( are coordinates .24m 3/ and .D<4 DB/
resecti%el!7 The lines AC and (C ha%e
gradients = and D3 resecti%el!
i7 Calculate the coordinates of C
ii7 S is the midoint of AC and T is the
midoint of (C7 Calculate
a7 the gradient of ST
b7 the length of ST
327 8un 9;
The oints A.@4 :/ and (.@4 ;/ are maed b! a
rotation 6ith centre C on to the oints
.94 A/ and .;4 ;/ A B
a7 Csing a scale of 3 cm to 2 unit on both
a"is4 lot the oints 4 4 and A B A B
b7 State
i7 The relationshi of A and A to
ii7 The siPe of the triangle (1C
6here 1 is the midoint of BB
c7 (! suitable construction find the
coordinates of C7
d7 1easure and state the angle of rotation
to the nearest degree7
337 8un :@
x 2 = B
y = 2:
The table abo%e sho6s the relation of the form
6here and y ,x c , c + are constants7
Calculate the %alue of 7
3=7 8un 9@
The follo6ing incomlete table gi%es oints on
a straight line
x @ 3 A 22
y 2 D: D2<
Find the e#uation of the line
L 4 and comlete
the table7
is the line erendicular to
the xDa"is at .3<4 @/7 Calculate the coordinates of
the oint 6here
L cuts the yDa"is
3;7 A 8un 9:
Find the e#uation of the line joining A.D24 D:/ to
(.B4 23/7
Another line asses through C.A4 D</ and meets
A( at right angles at D7 Find the e#uation of CD
and calculate the coordinates of D7
3<7 A 8un :@
The line
= 2< x y +
intersects the a"es at A and
(4 Find
i7 the coordinates of A and of (
ii7 the distance A(
3B7 A 8un :@
Three oints ha%e coordinates A.-<4 B/4 (.24 D;/
and C.=4 ;/7
(! calculation
i7 sho6 that the triangle is isosceles
ii7 find the coordinates of the midoint of
the longest side
3A7 A 8un :@
The oints A.D24 2@/ and C(=4 3/ re oosite
corners of a rhombus A(CD7 The midoint B
lies on the xDa"is and E is the midoint of AC7
Calculate the coordinates of the oints E4 B4 and
397 8un @3
4 "4I
the coordinates of the %ertices are 8.@4
2@/4 Q.<4 D;/4 and +.A4 3/
i7 Dra6
ii7 Determine the coordinates of 14 the
midoint of Q+7
iii7 Sho6 b! calculation4 that 8Q I 8+7
3:7 8une @3
A straight line is dra6n through the oints A.24
2/ and (.<4 D3/7
a7 Calculate the gradient of the line A(
b7 *rite do6n the gradient of an! line
that is erendicular to A(7
c7 Determine the e#uation of the line
6hich asses through D.=4 3/ and is
erendicular to A(7
*rite the e#uation in the form
y mx c +
=@7 8un @<
A Straight line asses through the oint P.D=4 </
and has a gradient of
i7 *rite do6n the e#uation of this line in
the form
y mx c +
ii7 Sho6 that this line is arallel to the line
3 = @ x y
=27 8un @;
On the section of )!-lane abo%e
i7 *rite do6n the coordinates for the
oint '
ii7 Dra6 the line segment '0 through the
oint '4 such that gradient of '0 is

iii7 *rite do6n the e#uation of the line
assing through ' and 07
=37 Find the e#uation of the straight line4 A(4 that
asses through the oints A.<4 B/ and (. -<4 3/7
Determine the e#uation of the line that is
arallel to A( and intercets the xDa"is .24 @/7
==7 8un @;
The amount a lumber charges for ser%ice
deends on the time ta)en to comlete the
reairs lus a fi" charge7
The grah belo6 sho6s the charge in dollars.1/
for the reairs in terms of the number of
minutes./ ta)en to comlete the reairs7
a7 *hat 6as the charge for a lumbing
job 6hich too) 3@ minutesH
b7 0o6 man! minutes 6ere sent
comleting reairs that cost
i7 O=97@@
ii7 O3@7@@H
c7 *hat is the amount of fi"ed chargeH
d7 Calculate the gradient of the line
e7 *rite the e#uation of the line in terms
of 1 and 7
f7 Determine the length of the time ta)en
to comlete a job for 6hich the charge
6as OA97@@
=;7 8an @B
The e#uation of line l is y I ;x J <7
State the gradient of an! line that is arallel to
Determine the e#uation of the line arallel to l
that asses through the oint .34 -B/7
=<7 A straight line connects the oints P.-94 2/ and
Q.=4 -</
i7 Determine the gradient of the line PQ
ii7 *hat are the coordinates of M4 the
midoint of PQ
iii7 Calculate the distance bet6een P and Q
i%7 Another oint R.:4 B/ is connected to Q
b! a straight line7 Sho6 b! calculation
that QP is e#ual in length to QR(
=B7 *hat is the distance bet6een the oints A.34 D=/
and (. D=4 9/H
27 8un 93
- Dra6 a &enn diagram to illustrate the
follo6ing roosition
i7 All students are members of
Pl!mouth School
ii7 Students 6ho stud! hard s6im
iii7 Qe%in4 +isa4 and 1artin are <
form students7
i%7 1artin studies hard7
- Cse !our &enn diagram to determine
6hether the follo6ing conclusions are
true.T/4 false.F/4 or inconclusi%e.I/7
8ustif! !our ans6ers7
i7 Qe%in is a member of
Pl!mouth School
ii7 1artin s6ims 6ell7
37 8un 9=
U I _ersons`
M I _mathematician`
N I _numerate ersons`
' I _oets`
E"amine each of the &enn diagrams belo6 and
state 6hether each satisfies the follo6ing three
statements7 8ustif! !our ans6er in each case7
SAll mathematicians are numerateS
SSome oets are mathematiciansS
SQrishna ,aiaul .)/ is a oetS
=7 8un :@
Consider the follo6ing three statements:
27 Some students la! bas)etball
37 Tall students are o%er 3 metres in height
=7 All bas)etball la!ers are tall
a7 $eresent the statement in a suitable
&enn diagram4 sho6ing and stating an
aroriate uni%ersal set
b7 Sho6 on !our diagram
i7 ,ina is 27< m tall
ii7 $obert 6ho is 373 m tall4 does
not la! bas)etball7
;7 8an :9
The uni%ersal set
_34 ;4 B4 94 2@4 23` The set P4 '4 and $ each
contain 3 members and
' 0 R
Gi%en that
. / .34 23/ 0 R
4 determine
i7 The members of the set P
ii7 The members of
0 R
iii7 The number of ossible subsets 6hich
can be formed from
0 R
i%7 The %alue of
. / n ' R
Two -ntersecting Sets
<7 8un :B
The &enn Diagram abo%e sho6s t6o sets4 X and
Y 6hich are subsets of the uni%ersal set 7
Co! the diagram and shade the region 6hich
. / ) ! )
B7 8un :;
Gi%en the follo6ing information:
U I _=4 B4 :4 234 a4 3A`
E I _e%en numbers`
G I _numbers greater than 3@`
E and G are subsets of U
i7 +ist the members of E and of G
ii7 Dra6 a &enn diagram to reresent the
abo%e data
iii7 State
. / n E (
A7 8an :9
Students in a class of =@ must ta)e either
1athematics or (iolog! or both7 23 students ta)e
both 1athematics and (iolog! and 3@ ta)e
i7 $eresent this information on a &enn
ii7 Calculate the number of students 6ho ta)e
biolog! onl!
97 8an @@
A deartment store sells je6eller! and cosmetics7
On an! one da! the total number of ersons
bu!ing je6eller! or cosmetics or both 6as ;@@7
3<@ ersons bought je6eller!
3x ersons bought cosmetics onl!
x ersons bought both je6eller! and cosmetics
i7 Dra6 a carefull! labelled &enn diagram to
illustrate the information7
ii7 *rite an e"ression4 in x4 to reresent the
total number of ersons bu!ing je6eller!
or cosmetics or both
iii7 0ence4 calculate the number of ersons
6ho bought cosmetics7
:7 8an @2
In a grou of ;@ students4 all students stud!
39 students stud! (iolog! and 1athematics
3@ students stud! geograh! and 1athematics
x students stud! all = subjects
i7 Dra6 a &enn diagram to reresent the
abo%e information4 sho6ing4 in terms of x4
the number of students in each subset7
ii7 Determine the number of students 6ho
stud! all three subjects7
2@7 8an @3
A sur%e! conducted among a grou of <@
students sho6ed that:
=@ students la!ed football
: students la!ed cric)et and football
x students la!ed neither cric)et nor football
=x students la!ed cric)et onl!7
i7 Dra6 a clearl! labelled &enn diagram to
illustrate the information abo%e7
ii7 Determine the number of students 6ho
la!ed cric)et
227 8un :9
The follo6ing &enn diagram sho6s set C and D4
6here P and ' are subsets of C and D

i7 Gi%en that . . / ==4 . / ;24 n C n D
. / n C D x 4 6rite do6n4 in terms of x4
the %alues of . / n ' and . / n 0 7
ii7 If . / <24 n C D Calculate the %alue of
237 8un @3

In the &enn diagram abo%e4
C I _6hole numbers less than 2@` and A and (
are subsets of C7
i7 Describe A and ( in 6ords
ii7 +ist the 1embers of A B and describe
the set4 in 6ords4 in relation to A and (7
Determine . / n A B
2=7 8un @=
The Cni%ersal set7 C7 is gi%en as
C I _2434=4 a 2=42;4l<`
The sets A and ( are subsets of C such that
A I _ Factors of 23`
( I _ 1ultiles of =`7
i7 +ist the members of the set of A7
ii7 +ist the members of the set of (
iii7 $eresent the sets4 A4 ( and C4 on a &enn
i%7 +ist the members of
. / A B
2;7 8un @=
In a grou of << students4
=2 students assed French
3" students assed Sanish onl!
" students assed both French and Sanish
2@ students assed neither French nor Sanish
i7 Dre6 a C+EA$+X labelled &enn diagram
to illustrate the information abo%e7
ii7 Calculate the number of students 6ho
assed Sanish7
iii7 Calculate the number of students 6ho
assed O,+X O,E subject7
-ntersecting . /is0oint Sets
2<7 8an :9
The Cni%ersal Set4
I _24 34 =4 ;4 <4 B4 A4 94 :4 2@4 224 23`
YI_34 =4 <4 A4 22`
X I _24 =4 <4 24 :4 22`
W I _;4 94 23`
i7 Dra6 the &enn diagram to reresent the
abo%e information7
ii7 +ist the members of the set ) !
2B7 8un :9
The Cni%ersal set E contains the sets J4 K4 and L
such that : " 4 4 " 4 and
. / L " 4
Dra6 a &enn diagram to sho6 the relationshi
amongst the sets J, K4 and L7
2A7 8un @@
The &enn diagram belo6 sho6s the number of
students doing 1athematics .M/4 Accounts .A/4
and French .F/ in a class of <@7
i7 *rite do6n an e"ression4 in terms of x4
for the number of students 6ho do
ii7 *rite do6n an e#uation4 in terms of x4
6hich sho6s the information in the &enn
iii7 Determine the number of students 6ho do
1athematics onl!7
i%7 Determine the number of students 6ho do
297 8un 9A
C I _class of =B uils`
* I _2< uils 6ho 6al) to school`
$ I _29 uils 6ho ride to school`
+ I _3@ Puils 6ho lunch at school`
All the uils 6ho neither ride nor 6al) to
school ha%e their lunch at school7
Ten of the uils 6ho 6al) and A of the uils
6ho ride ha%e their lunch at school7
Dra6 a &enn diagram to reresent this
information7 Indicate clearl! the number of
elements of each set and subset7
2:7 8un 9;
C I _natural numbers`
P I __factors of 23`
' I _factors of B`
$ I _multiles of 23`
Dra6 a &enn diagram to reresent the these sets
and sho6 on the diagram4 in the aroriate
region the numbers for P4 '4 $ and ' 0
3@7 8un 9B
A4 B4 and C are three sets such that C s a subset
of B and
. / . / <9 n U n A B C 4 . / =< n B C 4
. / 33 n B C 4 and . / 2@ n A C
. / ;@ n A 4 and . / 3= n A B
U reresents the Cni%ersal set7 Dra6 a &enn
diagram to reresent the abo%e information and
hence4 determine ( ) n B A C 1
327 8an 9:
In a class of =; students4 e%er! student la!s at
least one of the follo6ing games: tennis4 cric)et4
T6ent! four students la! cric)etR si"teen la!
tennisR and fifteen la! football7 Those 6ho la!
tennis also la! cric)et but not football7 Some of
the students 6ho la! football also la! cric)et7
i7 Dra6 a carefull! labelled &enn diagram to
reresent the abo%e information7
ii7 Calculate:
27 the number of students 6ho la!
both cric)et and football7
37 the number of students 6ho la!
cric)et onl!7
337 8un :@
i7 Dra6 and label a &enn diagram to sho6 the
follo6ing information:
A4 (4 and C are sets and C is the uni%ersal
setR . / ;<4 n U B A
n.A/ I 3=4 n.9/ I 2;4 n.C/ I 3@4
n. / I 9 A C
4 and n. B C @ I =4
ii7 0ence4 determine:
a7 n. A B / and
b7 n.
3=7 8un 99
Gi%en that:
U is the set of ersons In Tobago
C is the set of ersons in Tobago 6ho li)e
S is the set of ersons in Tobago 6ho li)e steel
P is the set of ersons in Tobago 6ho li)e o-
All ersons 6ho li)e cal!so also li)e steel band
but do not li)e o-music
Some ersons 6ho li)e steel band also li)e o-
- Dra6 a carefull! labeled &enn diagram
to illustrate this data7
- Gi%en that
. / ;@@@@ n U
. / 3<@@@4 . / 2@@@@ n S n c and
. / 9@@@ n '
. / n S C
. / n C '
3;7 8un :A

The &enn diagram abo%e reresents information
about the ;@ members of a !outh club7
F I _members 6ho la! football`
C I _members 6ho la! cric)et`
T I _members 6ho la! tennis`
The same number4 x4 la! football onl! and
tennis onl!7
i7 Calculate the number 6ho la!s football7
ii7 State the information reresented b! the
shaded region of the &enn diagram7
iii7 State the relationshi bet6een the members
of C and F4 and bet6een C and T7
3<7 8an ::
There are <@ students in Form B
E%er! student does at least one of the subjects
1athematics4 Chemistr! and (iolog!7
All students 6ho do (iolog! also do Chemistr!7
,o student 6ho does 1athematics does (iolog!7
A students do (iolog!
=< students do 1athematics
3< students do Chemistr!
x students do both 1athematics and Chemistr!7
i7 Dra6 a clearl! labeled &enn diagram to
illustrate this information7
ii7 *rite4 in terms of x4 the number of
ersons 6ho do Chemistr! onl!
iii7 *rite an E#uation in x to reresent the
total number of students in form B
i%7 0ence4 calculate the number of ersons
6ho do both 1athematics and Chemistr!7
3B7 8un @2
The Cni%ersal set
C I _@4 24 34 =4 ;4 <4 B4 A4 94 :`
A I _@4 24 34 A4 :`
( I _=4 ;4 <`
C I _3`
i7 Dra6 a &enn diagram to reresent the
abo%e information
ii7 +ist4 using set notation4 the members of
the set A B 7
Three Set -ntersections
3A7 8un :<
The &enn diagram abo%e sho6s the uni%ersal set
b and three subsets A4 (4 and C7 The lo6er case
letters 6ritten in the diagram are members of the
%arious subsets7
i7 +ist the members of . / A B C
ii7 +ist the members of B C
iii7 State the %alue of
. / n B C
397 8an :<
Cse the ans6er sheet ro%ided to ans6er this
art of the #uestion7
In a class of <B students4 each student does at
least one of the three subjects4 English4
1athematics4 and Science7
2@ students do English and Science onl!
< students do Science onl!
< students do 1athematics and English onl!7
,o student does 1athematics onl!
2< students do three subjects
x students do mathematics and science onl!
3x students do English onl!7
i7 Comlete the &enn diagram to illustrate
the information in this #uestion
ii7 *rite an e"ression in x to reresent the
comosition of the class
iii7 0ence4 calculate the number of students
6ho do English onl!7
3B7 $esit :<
Information from a sur%e! on 2A< ersons about
the goods4 ser%ices and rices of a suermar)et
is as follo6s:
22@ ersons comlained about the rices
BA ersons comlained about the ser%ices
<< ersons comlained about the goods
3@ ersons comlained about goods and rices
22 ersons comlained about ser%ices and rices
2B ersons comlained about goods and ser%ices
3 ersons had no comlaints
x ersons comlained about all three7
i7 Dra6 a &enn Diagram to reresent the
information from the sur%e!7
ii7 Calculate the %alue of x7
3A7 8un :2
There are <@ students in form &I
All students stud! 1athematics
2A stud! (iolog!
29 stud! Chemistr!
3; stud! Ph!sics
< stud! Ph!sics4 Chemistr! and 1athematics
A stud! Ph!sics4 (iolog! and 1athematics
B stud! Chemistr!4 (iolog! and 1athematics7
3 stud! all four subjects
a7 Dra6 a carefull! labelled &enn diagram
to reresent the data4 using the uni%ersal
set as the set of students 6ho stud!
b7 Determine the number of students 6ho
stud! at least three subjects7
c7 Calculate the number of students 6ho
stud! 1athematics onl!
397 8un :3
The &enn diagram abo%e illustrates some of the
information gi%en belo67
There are 2@@ members in a foreign language
;9 members sea) Sanish
;< members sea) French
<3 members sea) German
2< members sea) Sanish and French
29 members sea) Sanish and German
32 members sea) German and French
Each member sea)s at +EAST one of the three
+et the number of members 6ho sea) all =
languages be x7
i7 *rite an algebraic e"ression to reresent
the number of members in the shaded
ii7 Describe the region shaded7
iii7 *rite an e#uation to sho6 the total
number of members in the club7
i%7 0ence4 determine the number of members
6ho sea) all three languages7
3:7 8an :3
In a to6n there are 3@ shos 6hich sell shoes4
hats and dresses7
x sho sell shoes4 hats and dresses
: shos sell shoes and hats
9 shos sell shoes and dresses
2@ shos sell hats and dresses7
i7 Dra6 and label a &enn diagram to
reresent the information gi%en abo%e7
ii7 It is gi%en further that:
23 shos sell shoes
2< shos sell hats
2; shos sell dresses 7
- Determine in terms of "4 the number of
shos 6hich sell onl! shoes7
- Calculate the %alue of x7
=@7 8an :3
E%er! student of a class of =: la!s AT +EAST
O,E of the games: cric)et4 football4 tennis7
3 students la! onl! cric)et7
: students la! onl! cric)et and football
< students la! onl! cric)et and tennis
22 students la! both football and tennis
x students la! all = games7
i7 Dra6 a carefull! labelled &enn diagram to
reresent the information abo%e7
ii7 Gi%en that nineteen students la! no
cric)et4 and that 29 students la! tennisR
iii7 Calculate:
- the %alue of x
- the number of students 6ho la! onl!
=27 8un :=
There are B9 students In Form &
2< students stud! 1athematics onl!
23 students stud! Ph!sics onl!
9 students stud! Ph!sics and Chemistr! onl!
3 students stud! Ph!sics and 1athematics onl!
= students stud! 1athematics Ph!sics and
; Students do not stud! an! of these subjects
i7 Dra6 a carefull! labelled &enn diagram
to reresent the information abo%e
ii7 Determine the number of students 6ho
stud! Ph!sics
iii7 Gi%en that Y students stud!
1athematics and Chemistr! onl!4 and
t6ice as man! stud! Chemistr! onl!4
6rite an algebraic e#uation to reresent
the information gi%en and hence
calculate the %alue of x7
=37 8an :;
A ne6saer agent deli%ers ne6saers to a
%illage7 0e sells the E"ress4 the Ad%ocate4 and
the Gleaner7 Of the 2<@ households in the
;@ households recei%e the E"ress
=< households recei%es the Ad%ocate
B@ households recei%es the Gleaner
A households recei%e the E"ress and the
2@ households recei%e the Ad%ocate and the
; households recei%e the E"ress and the
=; households recei%e no aers at all
x households recei%e all = ne6saers
i7 Co! in !our ans6er boo)let the &enn
diagram abo%e7 *rite4 in the aroriate
regions4 e"ressions in terms of x4 for
each subset of seta A4 E4 and (7
ii7 *rite an algebraic e#uation in x to
illustrate all the information gi%en
iii7 Sol%e the e#uation and hence determine
the number of households 6hich bought
the e"ress aer onl!7
==7 8un 9:
A sur%e! on a samle of ersons 6ho read at
least one of the magaPine P4 '4 and $ !ielded the
follo6ing data7
A3 ersons read P
<= ersons read '
3: ersons read $
2; ersons read onl! P and $
: ersons read onl! P and '
3 ersons read onl! ' and $
;; ersons read P onl!7
i7 C se x to reresent the number of ersons
6ho read all three magaPines7 Dra6 a
carefull! labelled &enn diagram to
reresent the data7
ii7 Determine the %alue of x7
iii7 Calculate the number of ersons in the
=;7 8an :2
There are ;B students in a class7 0ome6or) 6as
gi%en in 1athematics4 Sanish4 and Accounts7 ;
students did not do home6or)7 Other students
did home6or) as listed belo67
Subject ,o7 of Students
All three subjects
1athematics and Accounts onl!
Accounts and Sanish onl!
Sanish and 1athematics onl!
Accounts onl!
Sanish onl!
i7 Dra6 a labelled &enn diagram to illustrate
the information gi%en abo%e7
ii7 Calculate the number of students 6ho did
home6or) in 1athematics7
iii7 Calculate the number of students 6ho did
home6or) in onl! one subject7
=<7 8an :A

The &enn diagram abo%e sho6s information on
the number of students in a grou and their
selection of subjects7 In the grou there 6ere B<
students7 The subjects 6ere7 Accounts .A/4
Geograh! .G/4 and 1athematics .1/7
i7 the total number of students in the grou
ii7 the number of students 6ho selected
iii7 the robabilit! of randoml! choosing a
students 6ho does 1athematics onl!7
=B7 8un :9
The &enn diagram belo6 sho6s sets C and D
6here P and ' are subsets of C and D
i7 Gi%en that n.C/ I ==4 n.D/ I ;24
n.C D/ x 4 6rite do6n in terms of x4
the %alues of n.P/ and n.'/7
ii7 If
n.C D/I<2
4 calculate the %alue of x7
=A7 8un ::
Gi%en that
_a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g` E
_a4 b4 c4 d4 e` L
_a4 c4 e4 g` M
_b4 e4 f4 g` N
i7 Dra6 a &enn diagram sho6ing the sets: E4
L4 M and N and their elements
ii7 +ist the members of the set reresented
b! . / L M N
iii7 *rite do6n the %alue of n. / L M N
=97 8un 9<
Of the 2@@ candidate 6ho 6rote e"amination in
Comuter Science4 Statistics and Accounts4 ;9
candidates assed Comuter ScienceR 2; assed
Comuter Science and Accounts onl!R and 2;
assed Statistics and accounts onl!7
Three times as man! assed both Statistics and
Comuter Science Accounts as all 6ho assed
each subject onl!7
Assume that :
x candidates assed Statistics onl!
x candidates assed Accounts onl!
x candidates assed Comuter Science onl!
y candidates assed all three subjects7
$eresent the information gi%en on a suitable
&enn diagram and hence 6rite do6n t6o
e#uations in " and ! 6hich can be used to sol%e
for x and y7

=:7 8un @;
A club has 2B@ members4 some of 6hom la!
Tennis .T/ or cric)et .C/ or both7:@ members
la! tennis4 9B la! cric)et and 2@ la! neither x
la! both tennis and cric)et7
a7 Dra6 a &enn diagram to reresent this
b7 0o6 man! members la! both tennis
and cric)etH
;@7 8an @<
=3 candidates too) e"amination at a CYC
e"amination centre
22 too) French .F/
: too) Sanish .S/
x too) (oth French and Sanish
29 too) neid2er French nor Sanish
i7 Co! and comlete die follo6ing &enn
diagram to reresent the information
ii7 *rite an e#uation in " for the number of
students in the uni%ersal set
iii7 Calculate the %alue of "
i%7 Shade the region F S
;27 8an @;
The follo6ing information is gi%en
_24 34 =4 7774 2@` U
_24 34 <4 2@` '
_34 =4 <4 94 :` 0
' and 0 are subsets of U the Cni%ersal set
a7 Dra6 a &enn diagram to reresent the
information sho6n abo%e
b7 +ist using set notation the member of
the set
' 0
. / ' 0
;37 8un @<
In the diagram sho6n abo%e4 the Cni%ersal set4
.U/4 reresents all the students in a class7 The M
reresents all the students 6ho ta)e 1usic7 The
set D reresents the students 6ho ta)e Drama7 If
3; students ta)e music4 calculate
i7 the number of students 6ho ta)e both
1usic and Drama
ii7 the number of student 6ho ta)e Drama
27 8un 92
If t6o digits are chosen at random from the set of
2@ digits _@4 24 34 =4 ;4 <4 B4 A4 94 :`4 calculate the
a7 that their sum is :
b7 that their sum is : or 2<
37 8un 92
A bag contains t6o 6hite marbles and = blue
a7 A marble is selected at random from the
bag7 Calculate the robabilit! that the
marble is 6hite
b7 If the 6hite marble is not relaced in
the bag4 calculate the robabilit! that
the second marble selected from the bag
6ill be blue
=7 8un 93
On assembl! line for bottling soft drin)s4 the
bottles ma! defecti%e in three 6a!s:
A: the bottle contains foreign bodies
(: the bottle contains less than 3@ millilitres of
C: the bottle is chied
All the bottles found defecti%e in an! or all of
these 6a!s are rejected7 The robabilit! of A is 2
in <@4 the robabilit! of ( is 2 in ;@4 and the
robabilit! of C is 2 in 3@7
Assuming these e%ents are mutuall! indeendent
of each other4 calculate the robabilit! that a
bottle chosen at random from the assembl! line
a7 Is defecti%e in all three 6a!s
b7 Contains foreign bodies and less that
3;@ litres of li#uid7
;7 8un 9=
Si" men and ; 6omen4 including a man and his
6ife al! for a job at a firm7
a7 Calculate the robabilit! that4 if t6o
alicants are selected at random4 at
least one of them is a man
b7 If the man and his 6ife are selected in
ho6 man! 6a!s can t6o other ersons
also be selected from the remaining
c7 Calculate the robabilit! that4 if four
alicants are selected at random4 the
man and his 6ife are selected
<7 8un 9;
i7 In ho6 man! 6a!s can a committee of
< be chosen from < men and A 6omen
ii7 Calculate the robabilit! that if a
committee of < is chosen there are 3
men and = 6omen on this committee
B7 8un 9B
In a selling cometition4 t6o contestants4 Alfred
and (rian are gi%en different 6ords to sell7 The
robabilit! that Alfred sells correctl! an! 6ord
gi%en to him is
and the robabilit! that (rian
sells an! 6ord correctl! is
7 Calculate the
robabilit! that
a7 both Alfred and (rian sell their 6ord
b7 either Alfred of (rian4 but not both4
sells his 6ord correctl!7
c7 *hen gi%en three 6ords4 Alfred sells
i7 onl! the first t6o 6ords
ii7 an! t6o 6ords correctl!
A7 8un 9<
The dra6 for a tennis tournament in%ol%ing =
rofessionals and < amateur la!ers is made as
$ound 3
$ound =
Albert ./
(rian .a/


Charles ./
Da%id .a/


Eric ./
Fran) .a/

George ./
0arold .a/


In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 ST'
and T0 are tangents of the circle4 centre O7
Angle O'0 I 3@L7
Calculate gi%ing reasons to suort !our
iii7 angle RO'
i%7 angle R'T
%7 angle 0T'
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 'S
and SR are chords of the circle4 centre O7 T6o
tangents from 0 touch the circle at ' and R
Angle '0R I ;BL7
Calculate4 gi%ing reasons to suort !our
ii7 'SR
In the figure abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 ABCD
is a entagon inscribed in a circle centre O7
Angle CDF I 2=BL and angle BAD I A3L
b7 Calculate4 gi%ing reasons for !our
ans6er the magnitude of angles
i7 CDA
ii7 BCD
iii7 AED
c7 Gi%en that OA I 2< cm and angle
EAD I =<L4 calculate the length of
In the figure abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 A+ B+
C+ and D are oints on a circle4 centre O and
radius =B mm7
Angle ADC I 2@<L4 angle OBA I xL and is
t6ice angle OBA7
a7 The siPe of angle OAB
b7 The length of the arc ABC in mm4

In the figure abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 the
#uadrilateral '0RS is inscribed in the circle
centre O4 'R asses through O7 The tangents
TP and TS are dra6n to the circle from T7
Angle RSV I 3@L7
Calculate4 gi%ing reasons4
ii7 S'R
iii7 'ST
i%7 'TS
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 T'
and TR are tangents to the circle at the oints P
and $ resecti%el!7 The angle S0R I =@L and
the angle S'T I ;@L7 The centre of the circle is
at O7 Calculate4 gi%ing reasons to suort !our
ans6er the siPe of:
i7 SRT
iii7 'SR
i%7 'TR
A7 The sum of the interior angles of a regular
ol!gon is 29@@L
i7 0o6 man! sides does this
ol!gon ha%eH
ii7 *hat is the measure of one of
its e"terior anglesH
iii7 *hat is the measure of one of
its interior anglesH
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 O is
the centre of the circle and AO( is a diameter7
D is a oint on the circumference and F is the
midoint of the chord (E7
i7 Calculate
ii7 Sho6 that and OFB AEB V V
are similar
iii7 Calculate
.,ote: State reasons and sho6 necessar!
In the figure abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 '$S is
a straight line4
:< '0R 4
9; OR0 4 and
7 Calculate the follo6ing angles
gi%ing reasons for !our ans6er
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 O is
the centre of the circle LMNT and 'T0 is a
tangent to the circle at T7 Gi%en that
B< LT0 4 calculate stating !our reasons the
siPe of:
227 $esit :<
In the figure abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 'LMN
is a circle 6ith centre O7 the angle 1+, I =BL
and the angle M'L I ;3L7 Calculate gi%ing
reasons to suort !our ans6er the siPe in
degrees of the angles
i7 N'M
ii7 'ON
iii7 'LN
i%7 LMN
237 T6o angles are comlementar!7 One measures
AxL4 the other measures =xL7 *hat is the %alue
of xH
The diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 sho6s
T' and T0 as tangents to a circle from the
oint T7 The circle has centre O and the angle
Calculate gi%ing reasons for !our ans6er 4 the
measure of
i7 angle 'O0
ii7 angle M'0
iii7 angle 'T0
2;7 8un :A
In the figure abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 S$ is a
tangent to the circle7 The chords S, and 1P
intersect at '7 The chord 1'P roduced meets
the tangent S$ at $7 Angle S$P I 3BL4 angle
'1S I <3L and angle P'S I ABL7
a7 Calculate4 gi%ing reasons
i7 angle 1S'
ii7 angle $SP
iii7 angle SP,
b7 Gi%en that S$ I 23cm4 sho6 that the
area of
=:cm MRS to t6o
significant figures7
2<7 8an :A
In the diagram abo%e4 not dra6n to scale4 AY
is a tangent to the circle4 centre O7

;3 BA)
CD I C( and EA ZZ C(
i7 ,ame t6o angles4 each of 6hich
measures :@L
ii7 Sho6 that

3; CDB CBD 7 Gi%e
iii7 Calculate the siPe of

4 4 and CBA BAE DCE
2B7 8un :9
The abo%e diagram4 not dra6n to scale4 sho6s
a circle assing through the oints +1,Q7
9< 4 A; and L4N 4NM

<; MLN 4 calculate gi%ing reasons for
!our ans6er4 the siPe of
i7 LMN
The abo%e diagram4 not dra6n to scale4 sho6s
a circle centre O touching the sides of triangle
YXW4 at A4 (4 and C7 Gi%en ;3 BAC and
327 The diagram belo64 not dra6n to scale4 sho6s
the oints P4 '4 $4 and S 6hich all lie on the
same circumference of a circle 6ith centre O7
ST is a tangent to the circle at S7 O'T is a
straight line7 The angle 'PS is =3L7
i7 Find the siPe of angle 'TS7 For full
mar)s !ou must gi%e reasons for !our
ii7 Find the siPe of angle '$S7 For full
mar)s !ou must gi%e reasons for !our
37 8un :B
The diagram belo64 not drawn to scale,
sho6s ABC and PCD are right angled
triangles7 Angle ABC I ;@L4 AB I 2@ cm4 PD
I 9 cm and BD I 2< cm7
Calculate4 gi%ing !our ans6ers correct to 2
decimal lace
i7 The length of BC in centimetres
ii7 The siPe of angle PDC in degrees
37 The figure belo64 not drawn to scale4 BC I <
angle BCD I ;@L and angle BDC is a right
i7 Calculate the length in metres of BD
ii7 Calculate the length in metres of DC
iii7 Pro%e that the area in m
of the
triangle BDC is
;@ cos ;@ sin < 7 23
=7 A lane ta)es off at an angle of ele%ation of
2AL to the ground7 After 3< seconds the lane
has tra%elled a horiPontal distance of 3;@@ m
i7 Dra6 a s)etch to reresent the
ii7 Calculate to 3 significant figures the
height of the lane abo%e the ground
after 3< seconds
;7 The follo6ing diagram sho6s a rectangular
sheet of metal4 ABCD4 suorted b! a %ertical
6all .shaded/4 6hich is at right angle to the
le%el ground OX7 AB measures = m and AD
measures 2@ m7 A is ; m abo%e O7

i7 Calculate the siPe of angle ODA
ii7 0ence4 calculate the siPe of angle
iii7 If CX reresents the height in metres
of C abo%e the ground4 calculate CX7
<7 In the diagram abo%e4 not drawn to scale4
OLN is a sector of a circle centre O and ON is
roduced to D7 Angle DLO I :@L4 Angle DOL
I =@L and DO I 97A cm7
i7 the length of DL
ii7 the radius of the sector OLN
iii7 the area of the sector OLN
B7 A bo! standing on a %ertical cliff4 <@ m high4
is loo)ing do6n an angle of deression of
3@Lat a car7 0o6 far is the car from the base of
the cliffH
A7 The follo6ing diagram reresents a lot of
land4 LMNO4 not drawn to scale, in 6hich
LO I <7: m4 OM I 29 m4 MN I 2< m4 angle
OLM I :@L and the angle OMN I A;L
Calculate in metres
i7 the distance LM
ii7 the distance ON
iii7 the erimeter of the lot of land
97 The figure belo64 ,ot dra6n to scale4 sho6s
triangle LMO4 6ith height LN I 2@ cm4 LM I
3B cm and angle LON I =<L
Calculate4 in cm
i7 MN
ii7 MO
:7 In the diagram belo64 not drawn to scale,
DEF is a triangle 6ith DE I 2<cm4 DF I
2@cm4 angle DEF I ;@L7 DX is erendicular
to EF7
i7 The length in cm of DX
ii7 The siPe of the angle EDF
2@7 The diagram belo64 not drawn to scale4
reresents one face of a roof of a house in the
shae of a arallelogram EFGH7 Angle EFI I
;@L7 EF I 9 m7 EI reresents a rafter laced
erendicular to FG such that IG I < m
Calculate gi%ing !our ans6er to = significant
i7 the length of FI
ii7 the length of EI
iii7 the area of EFGH
227 A %ertical ole stands on horiPontal ground7
From the to of the ole4 ! metres high4 the
angle of deression of a sot 2@ m from the
foot of the ole is 3<L7
i7 S)etch a diagram to reresent this
information4 sho6ing the ole4 the
ground and the measurements gi%en7
ii7 Calculate the %alue of !7
237 R
27 8un 9=
The dimensions of a lot of land4 A(C4 are
such that the angle (AC II;<L4 angle AC( I
A@L and (C I 3:@ m7
Calculate4 to t6o significant figures4 the length
of A(7
37 8un 9;
In the triangle A(C abo%e4 angle C is obtuse
and CD is erendicular to A(7 Pro%e that
sin sin
a b
=7 8un 93
The traePium A(CD belo6 .not dra6n to
scale/ is a diagram of a lot of land such that
A( is arallel to DC7 DC I ;@ m (A I 2@< m4
C( I 9@ m and angle DC( I 2<@L
Calculate to = significant figures
a7 the length of (D
b7 the area of A(CD
;7 8un 9A
In the arallelogram A(CD .not dra6n to
scale/4 A( I : cm4 (D I 2@ cm4 and the angle
(CD I ;;7;L
i7 Calculate to the nearest 6hole
number4 the siPe of the angle (DA
ii7 Csing the cosine rule4 calculate the
length of AD
<7 8an 9:
In the diagram abo%e.not dra6n to scale/4 A(
I 3@4 CD I =@cm4 D( I 3< cm and the angle
i7 Gi%en that
cos L I
4 use the
cosine rule4 or other6ise4 to calculate
the length of AD to the nearest cm7
ii7 *rite do6n an e"ression for

sin BCD
in terms of and hence
sho6 that

B7 8un :=
In the triangle A(C abo%e4 not drawn to
scale4 A( I ; cm4 AC I A cm and angle (AC
is 7
Gi%en that
sin @7B;
4 determine
i7 the e"act %alue of
ii7 the %alue of
4 if :@ e e 29@
iii7 the length of (C4 correct to one
decimal lace7
A7 8an :A
The figure abo%e .not dra6n to scale/ sho6s
the rectangular co%er of a boo)7 The co%er is
23 cm long and 9 cm 6ide and is oened at an
angle of 23;
Calculate to one decimal lace
i7 The length of the diagonal of the
ii7 The distance bet6een the corners 1
and ,
97 8un @3
In the diagram abo%e .not dra6n to scale/ ST
I < cm4 T* I : cm and angle ST* I <3L
i7 the length of S*
ii7 the area of ST= V
:7 8un 9<
TF is a %ertical flagole4 F4 1 and P are oints
on the same horiPontal lane7 T6o roes TP
and T1 are attached to the to of the ole7 The
angles of deression of 1 and of P from T are
B@L and ;@L resecti%el!7 TP I 2< m4 and T1
I 22 m4 and angle PF1 I ;<L7
Calculate the length of
a7 PF
b7 1P
2@7 8un 9A
The diagram abo%e .not dra6n to scale/ sho6s
ths angles of ele%ation of T4 the to of a
%ertical mast from the oints P and ' from the
same side of $ on a horiPontal lane7 P4 ' and
$ lie on a straight line7 P' I 3< meters4 angles
TP' and T'$ are <=72L and B;7BL
i7 Sho6 that the length of 'T is 2@@
metres to the nearest metre7
ii7 0ence or other6ise calculate the
height of the mast7
227 8an @2
The diagram abo%e .not dra6n to scale/ sho6s
a ole TF 23 m high4 standing on le%el
ground7 The oints A4 F4 and B lie on the same
horiPontal lane7
AB I ;73 m4
39 BTF 4 and
<@ TAF
] ]
and are right angles TFB TFA 7
a7 Calculate
i7 the lengths of FB and FA
gi%ing !our ans6er to three
significant figures
ii7 the siPe of
AFB 4 to the
nearest degree
iii7 the bearing of B from F7SS
b7 Gi%en that the area of triangle BTA
I3972 m
and AT I 2<7A m4 calculate
the siPe of

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