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!2013, youLhm|n|stry360 1 !

2013, youLhm|n|stry360 1
!!!"# %"&'%( %#)*+#'%(, -./012 345.2 /67 89:;4<.6.==>

Lesson Cb[ect|ve>> ?our sLudenLs wlll be challenged Lo remember why !esus dld whaL Pe dld and whaL was
accompllshed Lhrough Pls sacrlflce, and Lo formulaLe a response Lo !esus' deaLh and resurrecLlon.

Scr|pture Iocus>> Luke 24:13-33

Cverv|ew>> 1hls lesson Lakes a dlfferenL rouLe Lo Lhe LasLer narraLlve, chooslng Lo look aL Lhe conversaLlon
beLween !esus and Lwo of Pls followers on Lhe road Lo Lmmaus, and Lhe evenLs LhaL followed. 1hls passage
wlll help your sLudenLs undersLand why !esus had Lo do whaL Pe dld, and whaL Pls deaLh and resurrecLlon
accompllshed. lurLhermore, your sLudenLs wlll have Lhe chance Lo respond Lo !esus based on Lhelr
undersLandlng of whaL Pe dld for Lhem. lL's a greaL lesson LhaL hlghllghLs Lhe hope LhaL !esus makes posslble
Lhrough Lhe forglveness of slns Pe purchased on Lhe cross.

Lesson lan
1he Lesson |an conLalns Lhree elemenLs: An lnLroducLory acLlvlLy called !"# %#&' (), Lhe 8lble sLudy secLlon
called !"# *&+) ,-#)., and an appllcaLlon-focused segmenL called !"# %&/. 012'3

1he Lead In
Goa|: 1o lnLroduce Lhe ldea of an unexpecLed encounLer as a way of seLLlng up Lhe 8lble sLudy
porLlon of Lhe lesson.
Set-Up: ?ou'll need Lo prlnL several plcLures of celebrlLles your sLudenLs are famlllar wlLh. 8e sure Lo
prlnL Lhem on 8 x x 11 paper. 1hen, for each celebrlLy plcLure, cuL a separaLe 8 x x 11 plece of paper
lnLo four or flve sllps. 1ape Lhe sllps over Lhe plcLures of Lhe celebrlLy so LhaL you can'L Lell whom Lhe
plcLure ls of. Arrange Lo dlsplay Lhe plcLures ln your meeLlng room. ?ou mlghL wanL Lo grab some
LasLer candy for Lhe wlnners.
o !#4")15167 89.+1): ?ou can do Lhe same Lhlng uslng a owerolnL, or a keynoLe slldeshow.
Slmply copy and pasLe Lhe lmages lnLo your sllde.
o 1hen, uslng Lhe shape Lool, creaLe four or flve recLangles LhaL cover Lhe celebrlLy's face.
o nexL, uupllcaLe Lhe sllde, so LhaL you have Lwo ldenLlcal slldes ln a row. 8uL Lhen deleLe one of
Lhe squares on Lhe dupllcaLed sllde.
o 8epeaL Lhls process unLll you arrlve aL a sllde wlLh no squares coverlng Lhe celebrlLy's face.
! lf you've done lL correcLly, you should have a serles of slldes wlLh one less square on
each one.
! ?ou should be able Lo cllck Lhrough Lhe slldes wlLh one square belng removed" ln each
subsequenL sllde, Lhus gradually reveallng Lhe celebrlLy's ldenLlLy.
IUN SUGGLS1ICN: Pave fun wlLh aL leasL one of your plcLures. Choose one of a sLudenL, or of your
Senlor asLor, or one of your adulL volunLeers. lf you have any hoLoshop skllls, you mlghL even add
someone's face Lo a celebrlLy or aLhleLe's body.

ll8S1, explaln LhaL you're golng Lo be playlng a game where you wlll aLLempL Lo guess a celebrlLy's ldenLlLy
whlle only belng able Lo see a small porLlon of hls or her face. Lxplaln LhaL Lhe ldea ls Lo see who can ldenLlfy
Lhe celebrlLy flrsL.

!2013, youLhm|n|stry360 2 !2013, youLhm|n|stry360 2
1PLn, go Lo your flrsL plcLure and remove one of Lhe sLrlps/squares. See lf anyone knows whom Lhe celebrlLy
ls. 1hen, remove anoLher square. ConLlnue ln Lhls way unLll someone ls able Lo accuraLely ldenLlfy Lhe
celebrlLy. lf you broughL candy, award Lhe wlnner(s) a few pleces. ConLlnue unLll you've progressed Lhrough
your plcLures.

nLx1, engage ln a brlef dlscusslon. Ask:
Why was |t easy to |dent|fy some of these ce|ebr|t|es?
o ;)/<#2/ <+55 -&27, buL Lhe polnL ls LhaL we know Lhem. 1haL's sorL of Lhe deflnlLlon of a
celebrlLy, rlghL?
Do you th|nk you wou|d recogn|ze some of these ce|ebr|t|es |f you weren't expect|ng |t? Say for
|nstance, you were at the gas stat|on and 1ay|or Sw|ft wa|ked |n w|th no makeup, a hat on, wear|ng
sweatpants and a sweatsh|rt. Wou|d you recogn|ze her?
o ;)/<#2/ <+55 -&273
What |f you were busy text|ng? Wou|d you st||| recogn|ze her?
o ;)/<#2/ <+55 -&273
llnALL?, LranslLlon lnLo 1he Maln LvenL by saylng someLhlng slmllar Lo Lhe followlng:
Ck, what |f you were dea||ng w|th a super ser|ous |ssue? What |f your wor|d had [ust been rocked?
Say, someth|ng awfu| had happened to a fr|end or a fam||y member, and you're dea||ng w|th th|s as
you go about your day. Don't you th|nk |t's at |east a poss|b|||ty that 1he Great 1ay|or Sw|ft cou|d
wa|k past you, say h|, and that you m|ght not even not|ce? Cftent|mes we get so wrapped up |n our
||ves that we have a hard t|me d|a||ng |n to what's go|ng on around us. We can m|ss |mportant
opportun|t|es. 1oday's |esson w||| |ook at a un|que part of the Laster narrat|ve, one you m|ght not
have spent a |ot of t|me read|ng. Let's take a |ook at two peop|e who had an amaz|ng encounter that
they tru|y weren't expect|ng.

1he Ma|n Lvent
Goa|: 1o help your sLudenLs remember why !esus dld whaL Pe dld, and whaL was accompllshed
Lhrough Pls sacrlflce.
Set Up: no seL-up needed.

ll8S1, lnsLrucL sLudenLs Lo flnd Luke 24:13-S3 ln Lhelr 8lbles or 8lble apps. Whlle Lhey're locaLlng lL, Lake a
momenL and seL Lhe sLage for Lhe passage you're abouL Lo sLudy. Say someLhlng llke:
Lxp|a|n that 1he Gospe| of Luke |s one of the Gospe|s. Inform students that, ||ke the other Gospe|s,
the book shares the name of |ts author, Luke.
Ask |f anyone knows or can remember any deta||s about who Luke was. (ne was a Greek phys|c|an.)
Luke's purpose was to he|p spread the story of Iesus to the Gent||es, |.e., those who were not Iews.
(ou m|ght |nform students that Luke a|so wrote the 8ook of Acts.)

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?ou could read an accounL from one of Lhe Cospels of !esus' cruclflxlon and deaLh.
?ou could have sLudenLs summarlze Lhe accounL, fllllng ln Lhe gaps where necessary.
?ou could slmply provlde some brlef conLexL for where you'll be plcklng up Lhe narraLlve. ?ou could
explaln LhaL aL Lhls polnL ln Lhe sLory, !esus has been arresLed, cruclfled and burled, and had rlsen from
Lhe dead.

Powever you choose Lo seL Lhe conLexL, explaln LhaL Lhe mood among aL leasL some of !esus' followers was
one of sadness, confuslon, and maybe even doubL. 1hey dldn'L fully undersLood whaL !esus' deaLh, burlal, and
!2013, youLhm|n|stry360 3 !2013, youLhm|n|stry360 3
resurrecLlon meanL. Lxplaln LhaL lL was a preLLy Lough Llme for Lhose who had been followlng !esus for Lhe lasL
Lhree years, and who belleved LhaL Pe was lndeed Lhe Messlah.

1PLn, LranslLlon lnLo your Llme of sLudy by lnformlng sLudenLs LhaL you're abouL Lo plck up Lhe LasLer sLory on
Lhe day of !esus' resurrecLlon. Lxplaln LhaL Lhese Lwo dlsclples knew of Lhe sLory of !esus' resurrecLlon, buL, as
you menLloned, Lhere was sLlll some general confuslon and dlsappolnLmenL over whaL was acLually golng on.
Lxplaln LhaL all of Lhe confuslon was abouL Lo end!

nLx1, lnform sLudenLs LhaL you'll be readlng Lhrough Lhe passage a few verses aL a Llme. 1hen, read or have a
sLudenL read Luke 24:13-24. (As an alLernaLlve, you could arrange Lo llsLen Lo Lhe audlo of Lhe passage, elLher
Lhrough an lhone or Androld app such as ?ouverslon, or Lhrough any oLher audlo 8lble resource.) When
you've gone Lhrough Lhe passage, have sLudenLs summarlze whaL's golng on. Allow Lhem Lo focus on anyLhlng
LhaL sLands ouL as lmporLanL or lnLeresLlng. 1hen, lead sLudenLs ln a brlef dlscusslon. Ask someLhlng slmllar Lo
Lhe followlng:
What do you sense about the mood of the d|sc|p|es as they spoke to Iesus?
o ;)/<#2/ <+55 -&273 8uL lead sLudenLs Lo ldenLlfy Lhe hopelessness ln Lhe dlsclples' volces.
What we m|ght m|ss that the or|g|na| aud|ence wou|d p|ck up on |s the great dea| of debate and
d|scuss|on that's go|ng on here. Luke uses severa| d|fferent words to descr|be |t. In vs. 17 the or|g|na|
Greek word for "d|scuss" ||tera||y means, "throw|ng back and forth." 1here's a tens|on that's r|s|ng.
Coup|ed w|th the descr|pt|on of the d|sc|p|es' faces, what does th|s te|| you about how they are
process|ng what had happened?
o ;)/<#2: noL Loo well. lurLhermore, Lhey express a llLLle blL of hopelessness LhaL !esus mlghL
noL be who Pe sald Pe was.
Why |s the|r confus|on and hurt understandab|e?
o ;)/<#2: Lead sLudenLs Lo undersLand how vlolenL, fasL-paced, and unclear Lhe flnal momenLs of
!esus' llfe had been. lL was as lf Lhe poslLlve progress of Lhree-years worLh of awesome mlnlsLry
had been undone.
1h|nk of your fa|th [ourney. Can you re|ate at a|| to what they were fee||ng? In other words, are there
t|mes when |t seems d|ff|cu|t to take |n some of the words and concepts of our fa|th? If so, descr|be
o ;)/<#2/ <+55 -&27. Allow sLudenLs a chance Lo be honesL abouL any sLruggles Lhey may have.
o 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL we have an advanLage over Lhe dlsclples. lf we've enLered lnLo a savlng
relaLlonshlp wlLh Cod, we have Lhe Poly SplrlL llvlng lnslde of us.
! Conslder remlndlng sLudenLs LhaL ln !ohn 14:26, !esus sald LhaL Lhe SplrlL helps remlnd
us and Leach us.
o Lxplaln LhaL aL Lhls Llme, Cod hadn'L yeL senL Lhe SplrlL Lo llve permanenLly ln 8ellevers. And so
some of Lhelr confuslon was [usLlfled. (lus, Lhey dldn'L know Lhe whole sLory llke we do!)
o 8uL, re-assure your sLudenLs LhaL brlnglng Lhelr confuslon and quesLlons Lo Cod, and seeklng
answers Lhrough Lhe 8lble and Lhrough Lalklng wlLh oLher more maLure ChrlsL-followers ls a
perfecLly healLhy parL of a growlng falLh.

Ask lf sLudenLs have any follow up quesLlons. 1hen, explaln LhaL you're abouL Lo see !esus break ln and begln
Lo clarlfy Lhlngs.

1PLn, read or have a sLudenL read Luke 24:23-29. When you've read Lhe passage, ask sLudenLs Lhe followlng
In verse 26, Iesus wou|d have been ta|k|ng about how the C|d 1estament Law and rophets
!2013, youLhm|n|stry360 4 !2013, youLhm|n|stry360 4
pred|cted the com|ng Mess|ah. ne was bas|ca||y te|||ng them that Iesus was the Son of God. (1hough
st||| keep|ng n|s |dent|ty secret.) Wh||e there's no way to know exact|y what Iesus was say|ng, we do
know what the C|d 1estament says about God's demand that a sacr|f|ce be made to pay for the
pena|ty of s|n. Can you remember what these sacr|f|ces were |n the C|d 1estament?
o ;)/<#2: Cod gave Lhe Law Lo lsrael Lo seL lL aparL as a naLlon LhaL would Lake on Cod's ldenLlLy,
separaLlng lL from Lhe surroundlng naLlons. arL of Lhe Law was Lhe sacrlflclal sysLem. 8ecause
sln demands Lhe punlshmenL of deaLh, Cod allowed Lhe lsraellLes Lo sacrlflce an anlmal, such as
a lamb, ln place of Lhemselves.
o Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL Lhe lnnocenL lamb Look on Lhe slns of Lhe people.
o Lxplaln LhaL ln Lhls way, Cod was showlng greaL love. Pe dldn'L have Lo provlde a way ouL for
slnful humans.
o 8uL remlnd sLudenLs LhaL Pebrews says LhaL Lhls sysLem was lmperfecL because lL had Lo be
repeaLed year afLer year.
now was the |amb that was sacr|f|ced |n the C|d 1estament sacr|f|c|a| system a para||e| of the
sacr|f|ce Iesus made on the cross?
o ;)/<#2: !esus was llke Lhe slnless lamb ln LhaL Pe was sacrlflced for our slns.
Why |s Iesus' sacr|f|ce perfect as opposed to the |dea of sacr|f|c|ng an|ma|s, year after year, for your
o ;)/<#2: llrsL of all, lL was a once-and-for-all paymenL. !esus' deaLh on Lhe cross pald Lhe
penalLy of our slns forever. Second, !esus was no mere lamb. Pe was Cod's only Son, who
wllllngly wenL Lo Lhe cross so LhaL we could have llfe and relaLlonshlp wlLh Cod.

nLx1, read or have a sLudenL read verses 30-33. Agaln, allow for sLudenLs Lo ask quesLlons or polnL ouL
anyLhlng LhaL sLrlkes Lhem as lnLeresLlng. 1hen, ask:
Does verse 30 rem|nd you of another story from Scr|pture where you see Iesus break|ng bread?
o ;)/<#2: 1hough some sLudenLs mlghL say Lhe feedlng of Lhe 3,000 (and whlle LhaL's noL an
lncorrecL answer), you're looklng Lo see lf anyone says 1he LasL Supper."
In n|s |ast mea| w|th n|s d|sc|p|es, Iesus "broke" a |oaf of bread |n ha|f and to|d the d|sc|p|es |t
represented n|s body, broken for them. Do you remember what th|s symbo||zed?
o ;)/<#2: 1he deaLh Pe would dle on Lhe cross.
Why wou|d th|s be an |mportant symbo| cons|der|ng where we are |n the story of Iesus' ||fe?
o ;)/<#2: 1he symbol has more meanlng Lo Lhe audlence as !esus ls on Lhls slde of Lhe cross. lL's
a much more compleLe vlsual.
Look at verse 31. 1he or|g|na| Greek uses a pass|ve tense to |mp|y that God, or Iesus, was the one
who "opened the|r eyes," a||ow|ng them to have an awareness of who Iesus was. As you seek to be
peop|e who spread the message that Iesus |s rea| and that there |s ||fe |n a re|at|onsh|p w|th n|m,
how does th|s fact re||eve some of the pressure you m|ght fee| to be perfect |n how you ta|k about
your fa|th?
o ;)/<#2: ulLlmaLely, lL's Cod who opens people's eyes" and leads Lem Lo Lrue falLh ln Plm. ?ou
are slmply called Lo be as falLhful as you can ln belng a messenger of Lhe Cospel sLory, Lhrough
your words and acLlons. Cod wlll Lake care of Lhe resL.

1PLn, move on Lo verses 36-49. Slnce Lhls ls a longer passage, you mlghL choose Lo read lL aloud. Summarlze
verses 36-43 Lo make sure sLudenLs grasp whaL's happenlng. 1hen, lead sLudenLs ln a shorL dlscusslon. Ask:
What do you th|nk Iesus meant |n verse 44 when ne sa|d "everyth|ng must be fu|f|||ed that |s
wr|tten" about n|m?
o ;)/<#2: Pe ls speaklng Lo Cod's blg-plcLure plan. lrom CreaLlon unLll now, and every momenL
!2013, youLhm|n|stry360 3 !2013, youLhm|n|stry360 3
ln beLween, hlsLory has been movlng accordlng Lo Cod's wlll. !esus' llfe, deaLh, and resurrecLlon
were no accldenL. Cod had seL Lhe plan ln moLlon long before, and !esus' llfe would fulflll all
LhaL had been predlcLed ln Lhe 8lble.
Look at verse 47. 1h|s |s the heart of the Laster narrat|ve, and a pretty so||d summary of the Gospe|
|tse|f. Why |s th|s message so powerfu|?
o ;)/<#2/ <+55 -&273 8uL lead sLudenLs Lo focus on Lhe ldea of repenLance and forglveness.
If ||fe apart from God |s death, what |s so hopefu| about ||fe |n re|at|onsh|p w|th God?
o ;)/<#2: 1here ls hope of a full llfe of purpose here on Lhls earLh, and an eLernal llfe of [oy and
fulflllmenL forever wlLh Cod ln heaven.
Verse 46 g|ves us the answer as to how th|s ||fe of forg|veness |s made poss|b|e. What does |t say |s
the means by wh|ch forg|veness |s purchased?
o ;)/<#2: !esus' cruclflxlon and Pls subsequenL conquerlng of deaLh.

llnALL?, summarlze verses 30-33 by explalnlng Lo sLudenLs LhaL !esus' ascenslon lnLo heaven and Lhe promlse
of Lhe Poly SplrlL symbollzed Lhe end of !esus' earLhly mlnlsLry. 8uL !esus had accompllshed whaL Pe seL ouL Lo
accompllsh: Pe had revealed Cod's klngdom Lo humanklnd, dlsplaylng Pls greaL power, compasslon, and
purpose. Say:
In n|s death Iesus absorbed the pena|ty our s|ns r|ghtfu||y earned for us. In n|s resurrect|on, ne
conquered death, forever. And through fa|th, a|| who w||| be||eve are g|ven re|ease from the|r s|ns
and shown an amaz|ng new purpose for the|r ||ves. Iesus death and resurrect|on has been ca||ed the
turn|ng po|nt |n a|| human h|story. 8ut even that m|ght be an understatement. As we ce|ebrate
Laster, |et's never forget how tru|y amaz|ng the g|ft Iesus gave us |s. As we wrap up, |et's take some
t|me to th|nk about how n|s ||fe, death, and resurrect|on |mpacts us.

1ranslLlon Lo 1he Last Word" acLlvlLy Lo wrap Lhlngs up.

1he Last Word
Goa|: ?our sLudenLs wlll be challenged Lo formulaLe a response Lo !esus' deaLh and resurrecLlon
Lhrough Lhls flnal acLlvlLy.
Set-Up: ?ou'll need Lo prlnL Lhe 1he LasL Word AcLlvlLy SheeL" and make sure you prlnL and cuL ouL
enough cards for each of your sLudenLs Lo have one. ?ou'll also need Lo provlde someLhlng for Lhem Lo
wrlLe wlLh.

ll8S1, make sure you dlsLrlbuLe Lhe cards, one Lo each sLudenL, and make sure Lhey have someLhlng Lo wrlLe

1PLn, explaln LhaL Lhe LasLer narraLlve of !esus' deaLh and resurrecLlon demands our response. Lxplaln LhaL
lL's such a powerful sLory, Lo leL lL pass by wlLhouL examlnlng our hearL's reacLlon ls noL an opLlon. Lxplaln Lo
sLudenLs LhaL you're golng Lo challenge Lhem Lo boLh formulaLe a response Loday, and Lo conLlnue Lo focus on
Lhelr response durlng Lhe upcomlng week.

nLx1, explaln LhaL Lhere are Lwo baslc Lakeaways from Lhls narraLlve. Say someLhlng llke:
Do you remember the confus|on, the unease, and the pa|n the d|sc|p|es fe|t because they thought
hope was gone? We don't have to fee| that. 1h|s |s the message of Laster: hope. Iesus d|ed, and hope
seemed |ost. 8ut ne ||ved after death, and hope arose w|th n|m. 1he f|rst takeaway from th|s
passage |s that we can have a ||fe of purpose, peace, and hope a|| because Iesus |s who ne sa|d ne |s.

!2013, youLhm|n|stry360 6 !2013, youLhm|n|stry360 6
1PLn, explaln LhaL Lhe second Lakeaway ls focused on whaL !esus dld for us. Say someLhlng llke:
Iesus went through what ne went through so that, |n n|s very own words, "repentance and
forg|veness of s|ns w||| be preached to a|| nat|ons." Iesus w||||ng|y embraced not on|y the phys|ca|
pa|n of death, but ne took on the s|ns of the wor|d. What that must have fe|t ||ke for Iesus, the pure
spot|ess Lamb of God, to take on our s|ns . . . we||, we'|| never know. 8ut ne d|d |t so that those who
wou|d come to fa|th |n n|m m|ght not be condemned for the|r s|ns, but m|ght ||ve |nstead. 1he
second takeaway |s that Iesus |s the on|y way to be saved from the pena|ty of our s|ns.

1PLn, explaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL you're golng Lo lead Lhem ln respondlng Lo Lhese LruLhs ln one of Lwo ways.
Lxplaln LhaL Lhe flrsL response ls personal. Say:
If th|s |s where you f|nd yourse|f be|ng moved to respond, on the back of your card, take a moment
and respond to the peace and the hope Iesus has g|ven to you through n|s death and resurrect|on. It
cou|d be a word that expresses how you fee|, a phrase, or even a prayer.

nLx1, explaln LhaL Lhe second response ls Lo Lhlnk of someone ln Lhelr llves, someone Lhey love or care abouL,
who does noL have a savlng relaLlonshlp wlLh !esus. 1hls ls someone who has noL accepLed !esus' paymenL for
hls or her slns. And because of Lhls, Lhe 8lble says he or she ls lefL Lo pay Lhe prlce of Lhls sln-debL. Say:
If there |s a person |n your ||fe who |s |n th|s pos|t|on, wr|te the|r |n|t|a|s on the back of the card. keep
th|s card w|th you as a rem|nder to pray for them, and to pray for the strength to have a
conversat|on w|th them about the redempt|on and forg|veness Iesus offers.

llnALL?, allow sLudenLs Lo have Llme Lo formulaLe Lhelr responses. ?ou mlghL choose Lo play muslc whlle Lhey
wrlLe. When Lhey've flnlshed, ask lf anyone has anyLhlng Lo share. Challenge Lhem Lo use Lhese cards as a way
of rememberlng Lo focus on ChrlsL and Lhe amazlng sacrlflce Pe made on Lhelr behalf. Lncourage Lhem Lo keep
Lhe card wlLh Lhem Lhls week. Challenge Lhem Lo focus on lL as a way of rememberlng whaL !esus dld for Lhem.

Close ln prayer.

We Want 1o near Irom ou . . .
uo you have quesLlons abouL a lesson?
SomeLhlng LhaL worked parLlcularly well you wanL Lo share?
SomeLhlng LhaL dldn'L work you wanL Lo brlng up?
We value your feedback! lease do noL heslLaLe Lo emall us wlLh your quesLlons, commenLs,
or concerns, aL feedback[

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