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Motivation and Emotion

1. Gorging on food and then vomiting or taking laxatives to avoid gaining weight is called

a. b. c. d.

behavioral dieting. fad dieting. purging. bulimia nervosa.

ANSWER: D 2. You and a friend play three hours of racquetball. Afterwards you are most likely to prefer

a. b. c. d.

plain water. a slightly salty liquid. a beverage ontaining some al ohol. mil!.

ANSWER: " !. "uford complains that he can play his tuba beautifully at home but each time he tries to play at the local talent show he sounds like a bull elk in rutting season. #is problem is explained by

a. b. c. d.

the #er!es$Dodson %aw. the effe ts of homeostasis. habituation. biorhythms.

ANSWER: A $. %hich is a cause of anorexia&

a. b. c. d.

sibling rivalry an overly realisti view of normal si&e food allergies perfe tionism

ANSWER: D '. At the highest levels of arousal

a. the individual be omes emotional' fren&ied' and disorgani&ed. b. only biologi al needs an be met.

c. performan e on the most omple( tas!s improves. d. intelle tual produ ts e(hibit great reativity.

(. According to the )annon*"ard theory

a. b. c. d.

the thalamus plays a entral role in produ ing emotions. the erebellum must give the go$ahead for emotion. a tivity in the o ipital and parietal lobes happens simultaneously to produ e emotion. the sympatheti and parasympatheti nervous systems wor! in on ert.

ANSWER: A +. ,eople from different cultures can recogni-e which facial expressions&

a. b. c. d.

fear anger disgust all of these

ANSWER: D .. You are feeling a lot of fear the brain site most likely involved is

a. b. c. d.

the midbrain. the left hemisphere. the right hemisphere. the amygdala.

ANSWER: D /. 0f the lateral hypothalamus is destroyed a rat will

a. b. c. d.

drin! more water than biologi ally needed. refuse to drin! until for ed to do so. eat until it be omes obese. refuse to eat until for e fed.

ANSWER: D 11. )utting sensory nerves from the stomach or removing it entirely causes

a. b. c. d.

a total loss of appetite. eating based on re ogni&ed need' not internal feelings of hunger. some hanges in eating' but hunger still o urs. the need for patients to be )trained) to eat* otherwise' they would inadvertently starve to

death. ANSWER: + 11. %hich is 2345 regarding the influence of cultural values on eating behaviors&

a. b. c. d.

,hey are the primary ause of innate taste aversion. ,hey greatly affe t the in entive value of various foods. ,hey determine a person-s set point for various foods. ,hey have a homeostati influen e on amount of food onsumed.

ANSWER: + 12. 6inesics refers to the study of

a. b. c. d.

body language. emotional e(pression. ANS arousal during emotional states. emotional e(pression in animals and humans.

ANSWER: A 1!. 7timulus motives are

a. b. c. d.

needs that are learned' su h as the needs for power or for a hievement. innate but not ne essary for survival. not innate but ne essary for survival. innate and ne essary for survival.

ANSWER: " 1$. 2he polygraph or 8lie detector8 primarily measures which component of emotion&

a. b. c. d.

attribution emotional e(pression physiologi al arousal vo al modulation

ANSWER: + 1'. 0f the ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed a rat will

a. b. c. d.

eat until it be omes obese. refuse to eat until for ed to do so. drin! e( essively. refuse to drin! until for ed to do so.

ANSWER: A 1(. 2he chief antidote for test anxiety is

a. b. c. d.

overpreparation. thought suppression. regression. dis ussing the problem with your professor.

ANSWER: A 1+. 2aste aversions are a type of classical conditioning and if there is a long delay between the )7 and 47 conditioning is usually prevented. 2he fact that people and animals can develop taste aversions even though sickness occurs long after eating indicates that

a. b. c. d.

taste aversions are really more li!e operant onditioning. taste aversions an be unlearned as well. there is a biologi al tenden y to asso iate si !ness with any food eaten earlier. there is less aversion asso iated with the a tual si !ness than with whatever aused the si !ness in the first pla e.

ANSWER: + 1.. 2he most universally recogni-ed facial expression is

a. b. c. d.

pursed lips. smiling. sti !ing out your tongue. raising your eyebrows.

ANSWER: " 1/. 0ntrinsic motivation occurs when

a. b. c. d.

obligations or approval are fa tors. there is no obvious e(ternal reward for one-s behavior. there are obvious e(ternal fa tors ontrolling behavior. e(trinsi motivation is also high.

ANSWER: " 21. A competitive diver approaches the end of the board with rapidly beating heart and a dry mouth a result of increased

a. adrenaline. b. amines. c. ortisone. d. endorphins.

ANSWER: A 21. 0f a food causes sickness or simply precedes sickness caused by something else a learned 9999999999 may result.

a. b. c. d.

psy hosomati illness taste aversion anore(ia spe ifi hunger

ANSWER: " 22. 2he hypothalamus has 9999999999 hunger center:s;.

a. b. c. d.

no ontrol over total ontrol over the most dire t ontrol over one

ANSWER: + 2!. %hen a polygraph operator asks a sub<ect 8#ave you ever lied to your parents&8 he or she is using

a. b. c. d.

a ontrol question. a riti al question. de eption. an irrelevant question.

ANSWER: A 2$. A person got very sick after eating a cheese danish. 0t is likely that the person will

a. b. c. d.

eventually eat another heese danish. eat another !ind of danish. never eat another heese danish. only eat heese danishs from now on.

ANSWER: + 2'. %hich of the following is the correct sequence for the motivational process&

a. b. c. d.

reinfor ement $ need $ behavioral response need $ drive $ behavioral response drive $ behavioral response $ need behavioral response $ drive $ need

ANSWER: " 2(. ,ush is to pull as 9999999999 is to 9999999999.

a. goal* need b. response* need c. episodi * y li

d. need* goal
ANSWER: D 2+. 2he most critical physiological factor controlling hunger is the

a. b. c. d.

level of blood sugar. presen e of stoma h ontra tions. taste of food. presen e of wea!ness or fatigue.

ANSWER: A 2.. 3esearchers are certain that facial expressions of 9999999999 are recogni-ed by people of all cultures but they are not so certain that facial expressions of 9999999999 are universal.

a. b. c. d.

fear* interest sadness* surprise anger* ontempt disgust* horror

ANSWER: " 2/. 2he maintenance of steady states of temperature and blood pressure are examples of

a. b. c. d.

thermostasis. homeostasis. intrinsi motivation. biologi al rhythm.

ANSWER: " !1. 2he employees at a factory were excellent workers until a week before )hristmas when a rumor spread that economic conditions would force the plant to close in four days. 2he quality and quantity of work took a down turn as the workers spent time discussing among themselves the plausibility of the rumor and what they would do if it were true. =aslow would say that these workers were motivated by

a. b. c. d.

meta$needs. intrinsi motivation. esteem and self$esteem. safety and se urity.

ANSWER: D !1. 4nlearned biological motives necessary for survival are termed

a. primary motives. b. se ondary motives. c. drives.

d. stimulus motives.
ANSWER: A !2. %hich theory of emotion holds the view that bodily changes ,35)5>5 emotion and that we experience an emotion A?253 our body reacts&

a. b. c. d.

the ommon sense theory the +annon$"ard theory attribution theory the .ames$%ange theory

ANSWER: D !!. 7ensory distortions and disturbed thinking reported by people who have undergone sensory deprivation support the 9999999999 theory of motivation.

a. b. c. d.

drive redu tion arousal episodi opponent$pro ess

ANSWER: " !$. 0n hunger a set point is

a. b. c. d.

similar to a body-s thermostat for blood sugar. the weight you maintain when you attempt to diet. related to the proportion of body fat your body normally maintains. determined by adult eating habits.


!'. 2he polygraph@s most common error is to

a. b. c. d.

fail to dete t persons who an lie without an(iety. fail to dete t persons who are guilty. identify as guilty persons who are inno ent. identify as inno ent persons who are easily aroused.

ANSWER: + !(. %hich of the following is a secondary motive&

a. uriosity b. the desire for money

c. physi al onta t d. thirst

ANSWER: " !+. %hat is the correct order of needs in =aslow@s hierarchy&

a. b. c. d.

physiologi al* esteem* safety* self$a tuali&ation* love and belonging self$a tuali&ation* physiologi al* safety* love and belonging* esteem physiologi al* safety* love and belonging* esteem* self$a tuali&ation self$a tuali&ation* safety* love and belonging* esteem* physiologi al

ANSWER: + !.. 7timulus motives differ from primary motives in that they

a. b. c. d.

are unlearned and ne essary for survival. appear to be innate' but are not ne essary for survival. are a quired through various forms of onditioning and learning. in lude needs for se urity' status' approval' and a hievement.

ANSWER: " !/. =otivation is the process of initiating 9999999999 and directing activities of the organism

a. b. c. d.

supplying sustaining surveying suspending

ANSWER: " $1. According to =aslow@s theory the basic needs include

a. b. c. d.

physiologi al needs' safety' and se urity. safety' love' and belonging. physiologi al needs and belonging. se urity and esteem.

ANSWER: A $1. 0n both males and females pupil si-e is related to

a. b. c. d.

attra tiveness to others. per eived intelligen e. per eived lo us of ontrol. desirability as a leader.


$2. 2he question 80s your address :person@s address;&8 asked during the administration of a lie detector test is a:n; 9999999999 question.

a. ontrol b. riti al c. relevant d. irrelevant

ANSWER: D $!. %hich theory holds that we are afraid because we run or are angry because we strike&

a. attribution b. .ames$%ange c. +annon$"ard d. ognitive

ANSWER: " $$. ,eople who have had their stomachs surgically removed

a. b. c. d.

report they still have hunger pangs. may fail to eat regularly. must be for e fed. still e(perien e hunger.

ANSWER: D $'. At the top of =aslow@s hierarchy of motives are

a. b. c. d.

love and belonging. esteem and self$esteem. self$a tuali&ation. safety and se urity.

ANSWER: + $(. 0f you saw George with his pupils dilated :enlarged; you would most likely assume that he was

a. b. c. d.

angry. disgusted. happy. s ared.

ANSWER: + $+. 0f an overweight adult was overfed as a child as an adult he or she will have 9999999999 fat cells.


a. b. c. d.

larger more and larger more the same number of

ANSWER: " $.. %hich of the following statements about the sex drive is 2345&

a. b. c. d.

,he se( drive is greatly affe ted by hormone levels in humans. ,he se( drive is ne essary for individual survival. ,he se( drive is homeostati . ,he influen e of hormones de reases as we as end the biologi al s ale.

ANSWER: D $/. =oods

a. b. c. d.

are the most e(treme forms of various emotions. are subtle emotional under urrents. refle t base physiologi al hanges. refle t only positive emotions.

ANSWER: " '1. After an animal is allowed to copulate until it has no further interest it will resume sexual activity when a new partner is provided. 2his is called

a. b. c. d.

a stimulus need. a uriosity drive. the +oolidge effe t. an episodi drive.

ANSWER: + '1. You are feeling happy and sad at the same time. 3esearch into brain activity would indicate that processing is primarily occurring in

a. b. c. d.

the midbrain. the left hemisphere. the right hemisphere. both hemispheres.

ANSWER: D '2. %hich theory claims that emotions are organi-ed in the brain and that emotional feelings and bodily expressions occur simultaneously&

a. the ommon sense theory b. the +annon$"ard theory


c. attribution theory d. the .ames$%ange theory


'!. 0n an early experiment by )annon and %ashburn %ashburn swallowed a balloon so that they could measure hunger. 2heir conclusion was that

a. b. c. d.

the balloon prevented hunger by filling up the stoma h. the balloon re orded hunger pangs or ontra tions. the balloon stopped digestion' and so nothing ould be said of normal hunger. hunger had nothing to do with stoma h ontra tions.

ANSWER: " '$. 2he satiety system is to the feeding system as the 9999999999 hypothalamus is to the 9999999999 hypothalamus.

a. ventromedial* lateral b. lateral* ventromedial c. nonhomeostati * homeostati d. y li * episodi

ANSWER: A ''. 0f your body is dehydrated but you are not thirsty we would say that you have

a. b. c. d.

a drive but not a need. a need but not a drive. both a drive and a need. neither a need nor a drive.

ANSWER: " '(. %hich of the following can alter the body@s set point&

a. b. c. d.

over feeding in hildhood e(ternal eating ues severe dieting low self$esteem

ANSWER: A '+. A part of the nervous system that prepares the body for emergencies is the 9999999999 division.

a. parasympatheti b. sympatheti c. somati


d. adaptive

'.. A circadian rhythm refers to a cycle

a. b. c. d.

of se(ual re eptivity aused by hormone y les. of bodily a tivity appro(imately /0 hours in length. of emotional arousal. during whi h various bodily systems are in phase.

ANSWER: " '/. 4nlike other drives pain is characteri-ed by

a. avoidan e rather than positive goal$see!ing. b. y li al o urren es. c. freedom from the influen e of learning. d. a strong lin! to estrogen levels in the body.
ANSWER: A (1. %hich of the following is a characteristic of bulimia nervosa&

a. b. c. d.

1omiting' la(atives' or diureti s are used to lose weight. ,here are repeated attempts to lose weight by severe dieting. 2t o urs equally in males and females. 2t is an adoles ent growth phase that a few women go through and later disappears.

ANSWER: A (1. 2he 9999999999 describes the relationship between arousal level task difficulty and efficiency of performance.

a. b. c. d.

arousal theory drive redu tion theory #er!es$Dodson %aw inverted$3 fun tion

ANSWER: + (2. %hich of the following is an assumption of arousal theory&

a. 4ero level of arousal is the most desirable. b. 5igh levels of arousal are the most desirable.


c. 6ptimal levels of arousal e(ist for ea h person. d. 6ptimal levels of arousal e(ist for various a tivities.
ANSWER: D (!. 7econdary motives are

a. b. c. d.

needs that are learned' su h as the needs for power or for a hievement. innate but not ne essary for survival. not innate but ne essary for survival. innate and ne essary for survival.

ANSWER: A ($. %hich of the following is a primary motive&

a. uriosity b. the desire for money c. physi al onta t d. thirst

ANSWER: D ('. 5lectrically stimulating the lateral hypothalamus will cause a rat to

a. b. c. d.

start eating. stop eating. start drin!ing. stop drin!ing.

ANSWER: A ((. 2he part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for restoring the body and conserving energy is the a. somati nervous system. b. limbi system. . parasympatheti division. d. sympatheti division. ANSWER: + (+. 2he inverted*4 function describes the relationship between

a. b. c. d.

deprivation and se( drive. stimulation and uriosity. arousal and performan e. se( drive and satisfiers.



(.. 2he body structure most closely associated with thirst is the

a. b. c. d.

pan reas. pituitary gland. hypothalamus. limbi system.

ANSWER: + (/. 2he most appropriate name for the polygraph is

a. b. c. d.

lie dete tor. arousal re order. mind reader. guilt meter.


+1. 5xtrinsic motivation stems from

a. b. c. d.

obvious e(ternal fa tors. intrinsi motivation. primary drives. self$a tuali&ation.

ANSWER: A +1. %hich of the following statements about the sex drive is 2345&

a. b. c. d.

,he se( drive in females is losely tied to the menstrual y le. ,he se( drive in humans is ompletely liberated from the influen e of hormones. ,he se( drive in humans an be aroused at virtually any time by almost anything. Re ent se(ual a tivity prevents se(ual desire from o urring again after a ertain amount of time.

ANSWER: + +2. ,eople with weight problems are more likely to eat when experiencing the emotion of

a. b. c. d.

an(iety. anger. sadness. any of these

ANSWER: D +!. 2he need for achievement

a. is greatest for behaviors leading to finan ial and material su ess.


b. does not o ur in primitive ultures. c. is defined as the desire to meet internali&ed standards of e( ellen e. d. is greater in women than in men.
ANSWER: + +$. Aife*threatening weight loss due to self*inflicted starvation is called

a. b. c. d.

fasting. malnutrition. anore(ia nervosa. hypogly emia.

ANSWER: + +'. 2he question 8>id you rob the liquor store&8 asked during the administration of a lie detector test is a:n; 9999999999 question.

a. ontrol b. de eptive c. relevant d. irrelevant

ANSWER: + +(. %hich of the following statements about the sex drive is 2345&

a. 7ost psy hologists believe that se( is a primary motive be ause it is ne essary for
individual survival.

b. Normal male animals are always ready to mate. c. Normal female animals are always ready to mate. d. ,he se( drive is onsidered a primary motive be ause it is primarily homeostati in
nature. ANSWER: "

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