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Perfect Placement & HR Services

HR Startup Kit

MANAGER LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT KRAs and KPIs. KRA 1-deliver relevant and targeted progra s to t!e organi"ation e plo#ees. KPI 1--EMPLO$EE %ATI%&A'TION &EED(A'K T)RO*G) %*RVE$ %ATI%&A'TION LEVEL MINIM*M +,-. KPI .--- IN'REA%E IN'REA%E IN TRAINING PROGRAM% KPI /--- IN'REA%E IN EMPLO$EE PARTI'IPATION. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 KRA .-pro ote t!e progra s1learning 23lt3re KPI 1--EMPLO$EE %ATI%&A'TION &EED(A'K T)RO*G) %*RVE$ %ATI%&A'TION LEVEL MINIM*M +,-. KPI .--N*M(ER O& DEPARTMENT% %ATI%&A'TION LEVEL. KPI /--- IN'REA%E IN T$PE% O& A'TIVITIE% 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 KRA /-provide lead in t!e provision o4 organi"ation learning and develop ent servi2e KPI 1--NO. O& TRAINING DA$% - IN'REA%E KPI .--NO. O& EMPLO$EE% PARTI'IPATING - IN'REA%E KPI /--NO. O& IN)O*%E PROGRAM% - IN'REA%E KPI 5--NO. O& E6TERNAL PROGRAM% ATTENDED -IN'REA%E. KPI 7--NO. O& E6TERNAL TRAINING PA'KAGE% (O*G)T -IN'REA%E. KPI 8--- IN'REA%E IN 'O%T. KPI +--- IN'REA%E IN RE%O*R'E RE9*IREMENT%. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 KRA 5-i prove ents in 2apa:ilities12apa2ities to deliver L;D. KPI 1--PROGRAM% IMPLEMENTED ON TIME < - = KPI .--PROGRAM% IMPLEMENTED >IT)IN (*DGET < -= KPI /--E&&E'TIVE *%E O& PER&ORMAN'E MANAGEMENT %$%TEM &OR DEVELOPMENT < - = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 )R MANAGER KE$ RE%*LT AREA%. KRA 1 Re2r3it ent 1 %ele2tion KRA . >or?4or2e Planning and Diversit# KRA / Per4or an2e Manage ent KRA 5 Re@ard Manage ent KRA 7 >or?pla2e Manage ent and Relations KRA 8 A %a4e and )ealt!# >or?pla2e KRA + (3ilding 'apa:ilities and Organisational Learning KRA A E44e2tive )R Manage ent %#ste sB %3pport and Monitoring 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000 000 &or t!e anage ent trainerB ?e# res3lt areas 2o3ld :eC Design o4 sol3tions Deliver# o4 sol3tions Eval3ation o4 sol3tions (3dgets 'lient satis4a2tion Innovation 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 General Manage ent or %enior EDe23tive KRAs in2l3de

Perfect Placement & HR Services

HR Startup Kit

Internal operations Mar?et develop ent Pro4ita:ilit# Organisational str32t3re Organisational vision and ission Asset and lia:ilit# anage ent (oard o4 dire2tors relations!ip Prod32tivit# &inan2ial strateg# (3siness develop ent Te2!nolog# '3sto er satis4a2tion 'o 3nit# relations Reg3lator# 2o plian2e 000000000000000000000000000000000 &inan2e and A22o3nting KRAs in2l3de 'redit re4eren2ing Manage ent in4or ation 'apital eDpendit3re %e23rit# &inan2ial anal#sis 'ost 2ontrol Internal a3dit Reg3lator# reporting 'redit 2ontrol &inan2ial re2ords Pa#roll 'as!4lo@ 4ore2asting (3dgeting 'osting 00000000000000000000000000000000000 %ales KRAs in2l3de Ne@ :3siness a2E3isition Territor# anage ent '3sto er 2are Lead generation Lead 4ollo@ 3p Finternal and eDternalG A22o3nt anage ent '3sto er retention Interpersonal s?ills Negotiating s?ills Prod32t ?no@ledge %ales 4ore2asting 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 Man34a2t3ring KRAs in2l3de

Perfect Placement & HR Services

%to2? 2ontrol Maintenan2e La:o3r relations >aste Re@or?s Prod32tivit# )ealt! and %a4et# 93alit# 2ontrol Re2ord ?eeping 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mar?eting KRAs in2l3de Advertising Pro otional strateg# Pri2ing Mar?et resear2! &ield s3pport Mar?eting aterials Media relations %ales s3pport Agen2# relations 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 %e2retarialB 'leri2al and Ad inistrative KRAs in2l3de 'orresponden2e &iling Re2ords anage ent Ad inistrative s3pport Internal 23sto er relations EE3ip ent aintenan2e &or s ad inistration %2!ed3ling %3ppl# aintenan2e and p3r2!asing Telep!one 2overage ProHe2t s3pport &inall#B ?e# res3lt areas 4or ever#one in an organisation areC Personal develop ent Pro4essional develop ent Internal and eDternal 23sto er satis4a2tion P3:li2 relations 'o 3ni2ation - oral and @ritten Interdepart ental relations ProHe2t anage ent 000000000000000000000000000000000000 KPI &OR T)E VARIO*% KRAs s!o3ld :e -E3antit# oriented -E3alit# oriented -ti e oriented -2ost oriented or a 2o :ination .

HR Startup Kit

Perfect Placement & HR Services

HR Startup Kit

93antit# N3 :er o4 3nits prod32ed1p3:lis!ed1sent1re2eived1pro2essed1deadlines 'alls per !o3r1da#1@ee? Ne@ prod32ts introd32ed Grievan2es per 1,, e plo#ees %ta44 t3rnover '3sto er 2o plaints and 2o pli ents Error rate or re@or?s Ret3rned goods %ales in2reased Pro4it in2reased In2rease in ar?et s!are 'ost Varian2e against :3dget IJs spent Pro4it >aste Overti e in23rred %peed Ti e Red32tion in n3 :er o4 in3tes1!o3rs1da#s et2. Deadlines and s2!ed3les et Average 2all response ti e ProHe2ts 2o pleted per @ee?1 ont! et2. N3 :er o4 in3tes :et@een 23sto ers 93alitative A223ra2# '3sto er satis4a2tion Repeat :3siness Mista?es Re@or?s1repairs T!ere4oreCeDa ple Ke# Res3lt Area 0 %ales O:He2tive 0 %ell D ne@ prod32t to 23sto ers KPI 0 N3 :er o4 3nits sold per ne@ 23sto er @!ilst gross pro4it level o4 .7-


ANOT)ER IMPORTANT ARE IN (*%INE%% I% %*PPL$ ')AIN MANAGEMENT DEMAND PLANNING -de and planning 4or 2ore prod32ts -de and planning 4or parts1a22essories -de and planning 4or 2riti2al ite s -developing prod32t li4e 2#2le trends -prod32t li4e 2#2le 4ore2ast 4or ne@ prod32ts et2

Perfect Placement & HR Services

KPI 2o3ld :e -re ove sto2? s!ortages< :# -= -i prove inventor# levels.< KA- aD= et2 0000000000000000000000000000000000 PRO'*REMANT -E3i2?er sto2? replenis! ent -2ontin3al sto2? replenis! ent -red32tion in lead ti e et2 KPI 2o3ld :e -i proving sto2? availa:ilit# <1,,-= -red32ing 2ost < 7-= -red32tion @or?ing 2apital < +-= et2 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 %*PPL$ -:etter s3ppl# 2oordination - ore e44e2tive 2o 3ni2ation @it! s3pplier -4aster 1 ti el# 2o 3ni2ation et2 KPI 2o3ld :e -developing s3pplier pro4ile < all a22o3nts= -developing s3ppliers net@or?ing < all a22o3nts= et2 00000000000000000000000000000000000 RA>--INVENTOR$ -E3i2?er replenis! ent -23sto er 4o23sed inventor# :3ilding -logisti2al lead ti e red32tion -de and :ased inventor# et2 KPI 2o3ld :e -:etter aterial availa:ilit#<1,,-= -good1 3sa:le inventor# levels < KA- satis4a2tion= et2 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 MAN*&A'T*RING -eli ination o4 @astages in prod32tion -i proving t!ro3g!p3t e44ii2ien2# -pro2ess e44i2ien2# et2 KPI 2o3ld :e -red32ing :a2? orders< nil -= -i proving targeted deliver# date < KA-= et2 000000000000000000000000000000000 &INI%)ED --INVENTOR$ -red32tion in logi2al leadti e -43ll sto2? availa:ilit# et2 KPI 2o3ld :e -43ll total inventor#< 1,,-= -43ll sto2? 1 range availa:ilit# < 43ll range=

HR Startup Kit

Perfect Placement & HR Services

et2 000000000000000000000000000000000 ORDER %ERVI'E -s!ort--response ti e to E3er# -s!ortening order 2#2le ti e et2 KPI 2o3ld :e - a?ing targeted deliver# date < 1,,-= -providing order stat3s < at all ti es= et2 0000000000000000000000000000000000 DI%TRI(*TION -order 4ill rate -onti e deliver# -:a2?order :# age -servi2e1 parts availa:ilit# -targeted deliver# date -order 2o pleteness -deliver# relia:ilit# et2 KPI 2o3ld :e -i prove order 4ill rate < KA-= -i prove on-ti e deliver# < KA-= -red32e s!ip ent dela#s< ,-= et2 00000000000000000000000000000 '*%TOMER %ERVI'E -order stat3s -deliver# relia:ilitt# -do23 entation integrit# et2

HR Startup Kit

KPI 2o3ld :e -ti el# order stat3s < 1,,-= -ti el# deliver# stat3s.< 1,,-= et2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 T)E %*PPL$ ')AIN MANAGEMENT KPIs 2o3ld in2l3de -IMPROVING MATERIAL &LO>% -RED*'E RA> MATERIAL INVENTOR$ LEVEL% -RED*'ING P*R')A%ING 'O%T -RED*'E &REIG)T 'O%T -RED*'E O(%OLETE %TO'K LEVEL% -IMPROVING >ARE)O*%ING OPERATION% E&&I'IEN'$ -OPTIMI%E %TO'K LEVEL% -RED*'E LEAD TIME -RED*'E TOTAL INVENTOR$ LEVEL% -RED*'E &INI%)ED %TO'K% -IMPROVE DEMAND &ORE'A%TING -IMPROVE MATERIAL RE%O*R'E PLANNING 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000 OT)ER KPIs 2o3ld :e as 4ollo@s ..MAN*&A'T*RING

Perfect Placement & HR Services

- *nit vol3 e level - 3nit 2ost target -prod32tion e44i2ien2# i prove ent -prod32tivit# i prove ent -E3alit# i prove ent indeD -2apa2it# 3tili"ation et2 et2 000000000000000000000000000000000000 MARKETING - ar?et s!are -ne@ prod32t la3n2!es s322ess -pro4it 2ontri:3tion :# prod32tlines et2 et2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 %ALE% -sales against last #ear -sales against target -sales 2overage i prove ent et2 et2 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 DI%TRI(*TION - ar?et 2overage -23sto er 2overage -2!annel 2overage 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '*%TOMER %ERVI'E -'*%TOMER %ERVI'E IMPROVEMENT -'*%TOMER %ATI%&A'TION A')IEVEMENT ET' ET' 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 >ARE)O*%ING 1 TRAN%PORTATION --A')IEVED AGAIN%T ORDER% -PI'KING 1 PA'KING RATE -&INI%)ED GOOD% INVENTOR$ LEVEL -%TO'K T*RNOVER -000000000000000000000000000000000000 &INAN'E -'ost o4 'apital *%ED - Re2eiva:les leveL 1 against sales -(ad-de:t level -De:t-eE3it# ratio 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 PRO'*REMENT 1 %*PPL$ -ra@ aterial inventor# levels -2ost saving target

HR Startup Kit

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