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Nama : Dina Wijayanti Nim : 08091003032 Jurusan : Kimia

Radioactive pollution causes and effects

Radioactive pollution occurs nuclear !en some o" t!e radioactive su#stances $suc! as

aste% &et introduced into our livin& environment' Radioactive su#stances are not

only causin& #i& dama&e to our environment( #ut also lead to serious !ealt! issues' Radioactive pollution( is t!ere"ore one o" t!e most dan&erous "orm o" pollution( one t!at o"ten results in deadly conse)uences' Radioactive pollution occurred not only durin& nuclear disasters suc! as in *!erno#yl 198+ and in ,u-us!ima 2011' ,ar more deadly conse)uences o" radioactive pollution occurred #ac- in 19./( !en 0nited 1tates dropped t o atomic #om#s on ere lost( some directly a"ter t!e #om#s ere !ile Japanese cities 2iros!ima and Na&asa-i' 3!e e""ect o" nuclear radiation soon spread across t!e lar&e part o" Japan( and millions o" lives dropped and ot!ers #ecause o" t!e resultin& cancer' 4ven sli&!t e5posure to radioactive su#stances leads to serious !ealt! issues e5posure to lar&e )uantities o" radioactive material al ays leads to deat!' 3!ese su#stances can enter into our #ody t!rou&! in&estion( in!alation( a#sorption( or injection' 6any people !o live near nuclear po er plants develop cancer and leu-emia' 7ne o" t!e #i&&er pro#lems is nuclear aste( and its sa"e stora&e( &iven t!e "act t!at nuclear aste remains radioactive "or at least /000 years'

*oal po er plant' *oal po er plants are major source o" radioactive pollution' 8t !as to #e said t!at nuclear po er plants aren9t t!e only source o" radioactive pollution' 1ome scientists ar&ue t!at coal po er plants are creatin& even #i&&er levels o" radioactive pollution' :ccordin& to a 2008 study #y t!e 7a- Rid&e National ;a#oratory coal po er plant releases 100 times as muc! radiation as a nuclear po er plant o" t!e same atta&e' 3!is study ar&ues t!at radioactive pollution "rom "ossil "uel "ired po er plants in 0'1' alone -ill 20(000 people eac! year' Radioactive pollution leads to severe contamination o" our environment' 3!e scientists still !eavily de#ate a#out t!e actual e5tent o" environmental dama&e caused #y radioactive su#stances( #ut &iven t!e "act t!at muc! o" t!e radioactive material remains radioactive "or very lon& time( e can say it! !i&! level o" certainty t!at radioactive !ic! means t!at or-in& in uranium pollution causes major environmental dama&e' World still !eavily relies on nuclear and coal po er plants radioactive pollution 3!e orst a""ected are people t!at or- in t!ese plants( and t!e ones ill continue to ta-e millions o" !uman lives "or "oreseea#le "uture'

mines $uranium is t!e main nuclear "uel%' 4ven despite many !ealt! measures t!at include constant monitorin& o" radioactivity in plants and mines( many o" t!ese people end up dyin& "rom cancer or leu-emia as t!e result o" e5posure to radioactive pollutants'

8n order to decrease t!e level o" radioactive pollution on &lo#al level e ould !ave to replace nuclear and "ossil "uels "ired po er plants suc! as solar and some o" us a lon& time' 3!is means t!at e !ave to t!in- o" ot!er ays to reduce level o" radioactive aste pollution' 3!e possi#le solutions include: reusin& old nuclear "uel( sa"er nuclear aste( "or#id "urt!er development o" nuclear eaponry( and so on' ,R8D:=( 7*37>4R 12( 2012 ?osted #y Ned 2alu@an ;a#els: radioactive pollution ould li-e to( meanin& t!at it! rene a#le ener&y tec!nolo&ies it! "ossil "uels and nuclear "or ind' 3!e transition to rene a#le ener&y( !o ever( isn<t &oin& as "ast as e are li-ely stuc-

stora&e( develop cleaner e5traction tec!nolo&ies( prevent ille&al dumpin& o" radioactive

Kesimpulan: Radioactive pollution occurs nuclear !en some o" t!e radioactive su#stances $suc! as aste% &et introduced into our livin& environment' Radioactive pollution( is

t!ere"ore one o" t!e most dan&erous "orm o" pollution( one t!at o"ten results in deadly conse)uences' 3!ese su#stances can enter into our #ody t!rou&! in&estion( in!alation( a#sorption( or injection' 6any people and leu-emia' nuclear and coal po er plants( t!e primary cause o" radioactive pollution' Radioactive su#stances are very !arm"ul to !ealt! and t!e environment' Radioactive su#stances are de&raded and !ard to ta-e a lon& time or t!ousands o" years to de&raded or not radioactive a&ain' 8n order to decrease t!e level o" radioactive pollution on &lo#al level e ould !ave to replace nuclear and "ossil "uels "ired po er plants suc! as solar and it! rene a#le ener&y tec!nolo&ies aste stora&e( develop ind or reusin& old nuclear "uel( sa"er nuclear !o live near nuclear po er plants develop cancer

cleaner e5traction tec!nolo&ies( prevent ille&al dumpin& o" radioactive aste( "or#id "urt!er development o" nuclear eaponry( and so on'

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