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AR 350-1 TRAINING Updated 20 April 2012 Purpose: This document outlines all the tasks unit personnel must

train on annually. This document should assist unit leaders with the allocation of scarce resources, especially Soldier time. Key to note is the fewer number of tasks for officers CPT and above, warrant officers CW3 and above, and C!s "S# and above. The unit trainin$ focus below these $rades will be heavily wei$hted toward %WT, while trainin$ for these more senior personnel should be focused on leader development and duty specific tasks. &nderstandin$ this is of particular value to leaders of head'uarters units. &nit Status (eportin$ )&S(* statistics should be ad+usted to more accurately reflect %( 3,-./ trainin$ levels. Description: %rmy Warrior Trainin$ )%WT* has three parts0 /* Warrior Tasks, 1* Warrior 2eader Tasks, and 3* Warrior 3attle 4rills. %WT tasks are broken down into critical individual tasks. ot all personnel are re'uired to complete the same number of tasks. %( 3,-./ states that %WT is re'uired only for lieutenants, W!/s and CW1s, and enlisted personnel S5C and below. These personnel must train on the critical individual tasks associated with skill level / %WT, the battle drills, and the leader tasks for their skill level. Note: Assumes lieutenants !"1s and #!2s must train on s$ill le%el & tas$s' There are 61 %WT critical individual tasks )6- for Soldiers with a pistol as their individual weapon* with /7 )/8 for Soldiers with a pistol as their individual weapon* of these re'uired for all personnel, re$ardless of rank0 a* 6 critical individual tasks associated with the 9(eact to Chemical, 3iolo$ical, (adiolo$ical, and uclear )C3( * %ttack:;a<ard9 Warrior Task. These are the same tasks re'uired by 9C3( 4efense Trainin$9 in Table #./. b* / critical task associated with =(eact to ""an Contact> Warrior Task. This is the same task re'uired by ="odern %rmy Combatives Pro$ram> in Table #./. Note: (ome (oldiers )a%e permanent pro*iles and ma+ not sa*el+ participate in ,odern Arm+ #om-ati%es' T)e current certi*ication pro.ram ma$es no ad/ustment to standards o* per*ormance and e%aluation to accommodate pro*iles' (oldiers ma+ train 0it)out certi*+in. -ut onl+ 0it)in t)e limits o* t)eir pro*ile' #om-ati%es instructors s)ould 0or$ 0it) unit medical personnel to determine 0)at acti%ities are 0it)in an indi%idual (oldier1s limitations to a%oid unnecessar+ in/ur+' c* /- critical individual tasks )7 for Soldiers with a pistol as their individual weapon* associated with the 9Shoot:"aintain, ?mploy, and ?n$a$e with %ssi$ned Weapon9 Warrior Task. These are the same individual weapons trainin$ re'uirements Soldiers must perform to 'ualify with their assi$ned weapon @%W 4% P%" 3,-.37 Warrior 3attle 4rills consist mostly of critical individual tasks from skill level / %WT, but there are // critical individual tasks specific to battle drill trainin$. %ll %C Soldiers, re$ardless of rank, are re'uired to complete the remainin$ /7 individual tasks )/, if not deployin$ that year* listed in Table #./ of %( 3,-./. Soldiers in the reserve component )(C* are re'uired to train on one additional task for a total of /A individual tasks )/8 if not deployin$ that year*. Note: 23ual "pportunit+ 42"5 trainin. no0 consists o* t)ree mandator+ trainin. e%ents rat)er t)an t)e *our outlined in AR 350-1' T)e 2" Pro.ram trainin. re3uires t0o semi-annual e%ents' A6ARA#T 1232011 superseded AR 350-1 eliminatin. t)e once annuall+ Pre%ention o* (e7ual 8arassment 4P"(85

and once annuall+ (e7ual Assault Pre%ention and Response 4(APR5 trainin.' T)ese e%ents 0ere replaced it 0it) annual (e7ual 8arassment9Assault Response and Pre%ention 4(8ARP5 trainin.' Indi%idual (oldier Tas$s Re3uired Annuall+ Warrior PBT thru SPC CP2 C S#T SS# 2Ts, W!/, CW1, C S5C %22 !T;?( 6-.61 6-.61 6-.61 6-.61 /8./7 2eader 3/8 /, 3attle 4rill // // // // Table #./ /,./A /,./A /,./A /,./A /,./A Total A8./-1 /18./31 //1.//7 ///.//6 3/.36

Note: Assumes leader trainin. consists onl+ o* t)ose tas$s associated 0it) t)e (oldier:s s$ill le%el and does not include t)e tas$s o* lo0er s$ill le%els 4e'.' a (;# is re3uired to train onl+ on s$ill le%el & leader tas$s and is assumed to -e a-le to per*orm s$ill le%els 2 and 3*. Recommendation %lthou$h %( 3,-./ specifies that some Soldiers complete only Table #./ tasks, it is recommended that %22 personnel complete the skill level / Warrior Tasks and that all leaders train on all skill levels at their level and below. @f hands.on trainin$ cannot be completed, leaders should at least review the SoldierDs "anual of Common Tasks and:or review the tasks usin$ distributed learnin$ )42* resources. 2eader development pro$rams should include some hands.on Warrior Task Trainin$ to maintain critical skills, build teamwork, and maintain morale in the or$ani<ation. ?Eamples of pro$rams for consideration0 ?@3 trainin$, officer certification, 3est !fficer Competition, =#un$a 4in> pro$ram, Spur (ide pro$ram, and officer platoon trainin$ pro$ram.



Appendi7 G Para.rap) G-& ,andator+ trainin. in units Ta-le G-1: All units pro%ide and record t)e *ollo0in. mandator+ trainin. *or all (oldiers assi.ned to -ot) ,T"2 and TDA or.ani?ations in eit)er t)e "peratin. and Generatin. ;orces' @ Date (u-/ect Re*erence Proponent ;re3uenc+ / %ntiterrorism trainin$ )%T2/* %( ,1,F/3 P"# % 1 %rmy physical fitness trainin$ Physical (eadiness Trainin$ )P(T* %( 3,-F/ ;G4%, 4CS, #F3:,:6 ! 3 %rmy Substance %buse Pro$ram )%S%P* %( 8--F7, ;G4%, 4CS, #F/ @:%:( H %rmy Suicide Prevention Pro$ram ;G4% %( 8--F83 ;G4%, 4CS, #F/ %:P:( , %rmy Traffic Safety Trainin$ Pro$ram ;G4% %( 37,F/;G4%, %CS@" @ All but Subj. Areas 1,8,&12 %rmy Warrior Trainin$ )%WT* ;G4%, 4CS, #F3:,:6 % AWT Subject Area 8 C3( 4efense trainin$ %( 3,-F/ T(%4!C % 8 Combatin$ Traffickin$ in Persons )CT@P* Pro$ram http0::www.combat.traffickin$ %S%)"C(%* %:P 6 Composite (isk "ana$ement )C("* %( 37,F/T(%4!C ! 7 Cultural awareness trainin$ %( 3,-F/ Chapter 7 T(%4!C P A ?mployment and reemployment ri$hts )(C only* 4!4@ /1-,./1 ;G4%, 4CS, #F/ %:P:( /?'ual !pportunity Pro$ram )5irst @teration* %( 8--F1;G4%, 4CS, #F/ % // ?'ual !pportunity Pro$ram )Second @teration* %( 8--F1;G4%, 4CS, #F/ % IET Only ?thics 4!4 ,,--.6F(, %( 3,-./ Para # /7 TI%# @nitial entry /1 5raterni<ation %( 8--F1;G4%, 4CS, #F/ % /3 2aw of War : 4etainee !ps 4!44 13//.-/? TI%# %:P AWT Subject Area 12 "odern %rmy Combatives Pro$ram %( 3,-F/ T(%4!C )&S%CS* ! /H !perational security )!PS?C* %( ,3-F/ ;G4%, 4CS, #F3:,:6 @:%:P:( /, Personnel (ecovery )P(* %( 3,-F/ ;G4%, 4CS, #F3:,:6 % Replaced by SHARP Prevention of SeEual ;arassment %( 8--F1;G4%, 4CS, #F/ S /8 SeEual ;arassment:%ssault (esponse C Prevention )S;%(P* %2%(%CT /13.1-// ;G4% S;%(P P(!# % /6 Preventive measures a$ainst disease and in+ury %( H-F, TS# P /7 (esilience trainin$ "?4C!" P:( /A S%?4% Threat %wareness and (eportin$ Pro$ram )T%(P* %( 37/F/1 ;G4%, 4CS, #F1 % Replaced by SHARP SeEual %ssault Prevention and (esponse Pro$ram %( 8--F1;G4%, 4CS, #F/ %:P:( AWT Subject Area 1 Weapons 'ualification 4% Pam 3,-F37 ;G4%, 4CS, #F3:,:6 S )%C*, % )(C* 2e$end for Table #./0 The followin$ codes establish the fre'uency at which trainin$ is to be conducted0 %0 %nnual. Trained annually. @0 @n.processin$. (e'uired whenever an individual is assi$ned to a new unit. Note: "*ten con*used 0it) AInitial 2ntr+B !0 !n$oin$. Continuous trainin$, not a sin$le event. P0 Pre.4eployment. %ddressed before unit is deployed on an operational mission. (0 (edeployment. %ddressed upon redeployment from an operational mission. S0 Semiannual. Trained twice per year. ote0 / JPublished pre.deployment trainin$ $uidance supersedes trainin$ re'uirement fre'uency contained herein.

INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: 2011 !ARRI"R TA(>( C ($ill 6e%el 1 4P<T-(P#5 ()oot9,aintain 2mplo+ and 2n.a.e 0it) Assi.ned !eapon Subject Area 1: Shoot/Maintain, Employ, and Engage with Assigned Weapon # ate !as" #umber escription / -6/./--.--17 2oad an "/8. Series:"H Series Carbine / -6/.--H.---3 2oad an "A Pistol 1 -6/./--.--16 &nload an "/8. Series (ifle:"HSeries Carbine 1 -6/.--H.---H &nload an "A Pistol 3 -6/./--.--1A Perform a 5unction Check on an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Series Carbine 3 -6/.--H.---1 Perform a 5unctions Check on an "A Pistol H -6/./--.--33 Correct "alfunctions of an "/8.Series (ifle :"H Series Carbine H -6/.--H.---, Correct "alfunctions of an "A Pistol , -6/./--.--3/ Kero an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Series Carbine 8 -6/./--.--3- ?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "/8.Series (ifle: "H Series Carbine 8 -6/.--H.---8 ?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "A Pistol 6 -6/./--.--31 "aintain an "/8 Series (ifle:"H Series (ifle Carbine 6 -6/.--H.---/ "aintain an "A Pistol 7 -6/./--.--3A "ount an %:P%G.H Series %imin$ 2i$ht on an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Carbine 7 -6/./--.--H1 Kero an %:P%G.H Series %imin$ 2i$ht on an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Carbine 7 -6/./--.--H- 4ismount an %:P%G.H Series %imin$ 2i$ht on an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Carbine 7 -6/./--.--/3 "ount an % :P%S./3 Thermal Weapons Site on an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Carbine 7 -6/./--.--/, Kero an % :P%S./3 Thermal Weapons Site on an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Carbine 7 -6/./--.--/H 4ismount an % :P%S./3 Thermal Weapons Site on an "/8.Series (ifle:"H Carbine A -6/./--.--H/ ?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "/8.Series (ifle: "H Series Carbine &sin$ an % :P%G.H.Series %imin$ 2i$ht A -6/./--.--1/ ?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "/8.Series (ifle or "H Carbine &sin$ an % :P%S./3.Series Thermal Weapon Si$ht A ?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "A Pistol &nder Condition of 4arkness /?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "/8.Series (ifle: "H Series Carbine &nder Chemical Conditions /?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "A Pistol &nder Chemical Conditions (u-/ect Area 2: 2mplo+ 8and Grenades // -6/.31,.HH-/ Perform Safety Checks on ;and #renades /1 -6/.31,.HH-6 ?mploy ;and #renades 1

$re%uency S S S S G G G G S S S G G % % % % % % % % % % % % %


,o%e (u-/ect Area 3: Per*orm Indi%idual ,o%ement Tec)ni3ues # ate !as" #umber escription /3 -6/.318.-,-/ "ove as a "ember of a 5ire Team /H -6/.318.-,H/ Perform ?Eterior "ovement Techni'ues durin$ an &rban !peration (u-/ect Area &: Na%i.ate ;rom "ne Point To Anot)er /, -6/.31A./--- @dentify Topo$raphic Symbols on a "ilitary "ap /8 -6/.31A./--/ @dentify Terrain 5eatures on a "ap /6 -6/.31A./--7 "easure distance on a "ap /7 -6/.31A./--1 4etermine the #rid Coordinates of a Point on a "ilitary "ap /A -6/.31A./--, 4etermine a 2ocation on the #round by Terrain %ssociation 1-6/.31A./-/1 !rient a "ap to the #round by "ap.Terrain %ssociation 1/ -6/.31A./-// !rient a "ap &sin$ a 2ensatic Compass 11 -6/.31A./--3 4etermine a "a$netic %<imuth &sin$ a 2ensatic Compass 13 -6/.31A./--8 avi$ate from !ne Point on the #round to %nother Point While 4ismounted 1H -6/.31A./-3avi$ate from !ne Point on the #round to %nother Point While "ounted 1, //3.8/-.1--, avi$ate usin$ the 4efense %dvanced #lobal Positionin$ System )#PS* (eceiver )4%#(* (u-/ect Area 5: ,o%e under ;ire 18 -6/.318.-,-1 "ove &nder 4irect 5ire 16 -6/.318.-,-3 "ove !ver, Throu$h, or %round !bstacles )?Ecept "inefields* 17 -6/.318.-,/- (eact to @ndirect 5ire While 4ismounted 1A -6/.318.3--1 (eact to @ndirect 5ire While "ounted 3-6/.H/-.---1 (eact to 4irect 5ire While "ounted 3/ -6/.318.-,/3 Select Temporary 5i$htin$ Positions #ommunicate (u-/ect Area D: Per*orm <oice #ommunications 4(ITR2P9(P"TR2P9E-6ine ,2D2<A# 2FP6"(I<2 8AGGARD 4285 # ate !as" #umber escription 31 //3.,76./-8H Prepare %ssi$ned Communication 4evice for !peration 33 //3.,6/./-11 Perform Boice Communications 3

$re%uency S % % % % % % % % % S S S S S S S S S

$re%uency S %

INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: 3H //3.,76.1-6- !perate assi$ned Communication 4evice 3, -7/.73/.-/-/ (e'uest "edical ?vacuation 38 /6/./1/.H-6A Prepare and Send a Situation (eport )S@T(?P* 36 /6/./1/.H-7- Prepare and Send a Spot (eport )SP!T(?P* 37 -A3.H-3.,-3- Prepare and send ?Eplosive ;a<ard )?;* (eport in accordance with 5" H.3-.,H/ (u-/ect Area H: <isual (i.nalin. Tec)ni3ues 3A -6/.318.-8-7 &se Bisual Si$nalin$ Techni'ues (ur%i%e (u-/ect Area I: React to #)emical Jiolo.ical Radiolo.ical and Nuclear 4#JRN5 Attac$98a?ard # ate !as" #umber escription H-3/.,-3./-/3 4econtaminate Lourself and @ndividual ?'uipment &sin$ Chemical 4econtaminatin$ Kits H/ -3/.,-3./-/A (eact to Chemical or 3iolo$ical )C3* ;a<ard:%ttack H1 -3/.,-3./-3, Protect Lourself from Chemical and 3iolo$ical )C3* Contamination &sin$ Lour %ssi$ned Protective "ask H3 -3/.,-3./-38 "aintain Lour %ssi$ned Protective "ask HH -3/.,-3./-1/ "ark C3( .Contaminated %reas H, -3/.,-3./-36 4etect Chemical %$ents &sin$ "7 or "A 4etector Paper H8 -3/.,-3./-H- Protect Lourself from C3( @n+ury:Contamination with the IS2@ST Chemical.Protective ?nsemble (u-/ect Area E: Per*orm Immediate 6i*esa%in. ,easures H6 -7/.73/./--/ ?valuate a Casualty )Tactical Combat Casualty Care* H7 -7/.73/./--3 Perform 5irst %id to Clear an !b+ect Stuck in the Throat of a Conscious Casualty HA -7/.73/./--, Perform 5irst %id to Prevent or Control Shock ,-7/.73/./-13 Perform 5irst %id to (estore 3reathin$ and:or Pulse ,/ -7/.73/./-31 Perform 5irst %id for a 3leedin$ and:or Severed ?Etremity ,1 -7/.73/./-,/ Transport a Casualty usin$ a "ilitary Behicle ,3 -7/.73/./-H8 Transport a Casualty ,H -7/.733.--8, %pply Combat %pplication Tourni'uet )C%T* ,, -73/.73/./-1, %pply an ?mer$ency Trauma 3anda$e )Perform 5irst %id for !pen %bdominal Wound* ,8 :% -7/.73/./--6 Perform 5irst %id for 3urns (u-/ect Area 10: Per*orm #ounter I2D ,6 -,1./A1./16- (eact to possible @mprovised ?Eplosive 4evice )@?4* ,7 -,1./A1./16/ @dentify Bisual @ndicators of an @mprovised 4evice )@?4* H S % % % % S

$re%uency % % % % % % S % % % % % % % % % % % %

INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: ,A -A3.7A4./18H Search Suspect Behicle for @mprovised 4evice )@?4* (u-/ect Area 11: ,aintain (ituational A0areness92%er+ (oldier as (ensor 83-/.36/./--- (eport @ntelli$ence @nformation 8/ -6/.33/.-7-H Perform Surveillance without the %id of ?lectronic 4evice 81 3-/.3H7./-,- (eport @nformation of Potential @ntelli$ence Balue (u-/ect Area 12: Per*orm #om-ati%es 83 -6/.---.---8 (eact to ""an Contact Adapt (u-/ect Area 13: Assess and Respond to T)reats 42scalation o* ;orce5 # ate !as" #umber !itle 8H /6/.3--.--// ?mploy Pro$ressive 2evels of @ndividual 5orce when Confrontin$ Civilians 8, /7/./-,./--/ Comply with the 2aw of War and #eneva and ;a$ue Conventions 88 33/.1-1./-HA Comply with the (e'uirements of the Code of Conduct 86 /A/.368.,/H7 Search an @ndividual (u-/ect Area 1&: Adapt to #) "perational 2n%ironment 86 11H./68./H1, @nteract with ews "edia 87 3-/.C%T./--/ See Lourself Culturally 8A 3-/.C%T./--1 2earn and &nderstand the culture of the Societies where you are deployed or assi$ned 6/,A.1--.1-1, Perform in !perational ?nvironment ?ffectively (u-/ect Area 15: Gro0 Pro*essionall+ and Personall+ 4Juild Resilience5 6/ /,-.S(T.---/ 4evelop Professionally 61 /,-.S(T.---1 4evelop in the 5ive 4imensions of Comprehensive Soldier 5itness % % S S S

$re%uency % % % % S S S S S S


!ARRI"R JATT62 DRI66( 2011 (u-/ect Area 1D: 4Jattle Drills5 React to #ontact # ate !as" #umber !itle 3-6/.H/-.---1 (eact to 4irect 5ire While "ounted )(epeat* 3/ -6/.318.-,/3 Select Temporary 5i$htin$ Positions )(epeat* 8 -6/./--.--3?n$a$e Tar$ets with an "/8.Series (ifle: "H Series Carbine )(epeat* 3A -6/.318.-8-7 &se Bisual Si$nalin$ Techni'ues )(epeat* 18 -6/.318.-,-1 "ove under 4irect 5ire )(epeat* 17 -6/.318.-,/(eact to @ndirect 5ire While 4ismounted )@f %pplicable* )(epeat* 1A -6/.318.3--1 (eact to @ndirect 5ire While "ounted )@f %pplicable* )(epeat* 33 //3.,6/./-11 Perform Boice Communications )(epeat* /3 -6/.318.-,-/ "ove as a member of a 5ire Team )(epeat* ?mploy ;and #renades )(epeat* /1 -6/.31,.HH-6 (u-/ect Area 1H: 4Jattle Drills5 2sta-lis) (ecurit+ 3/ -6/.318.-,/3 Select 5i$htin$ Positions )(epeat* 33 //3.,6/./-11 Perform Boice Communications )(epeat* 63 -6/.33/.-7-/ Challen$e Persons ?nterin$ Lour %rea 6H -6/.33/./--H Perform 4uty as a #uard 6, /A/.368.H//H Control ?ntry To and 5rom a (estricted %rea 68 /A/.368.,/HSearch a vehicle for ?Eplosive 4evices or Prohibited @tems as an @nstallation %ccess Control Point 66 -6/.33/.-7/, Practice oise, 2i$ht, and 2itter 4iscipline Control %ccess to a "ilitary @nstallation 67 /A/.368.,/,/ 3A -6/.318.-8-7 &se Bisual Si$nalin$ Techni'ues )(epeat* (u-/ect Area 1I: 4Jattle Drills5 Per*orm Actions as a mem-er o* a ,ounted Patrol 6A ,,/.--/./-H1 4ismount a Behicle 7,,/.--/./-H3 (eact to a Behicle (ollover 7/ ,,/.--/./-H/ ?stablish Security while "ounted 71 ,,/.--/./-HPerform ,:1,:1-- meter Scan 33 //3.,6/./-11 Perform Boice Communications )(epeat* 73 ,,/.77"./8,7 Prepare Behicle for Convoy !perations (u-/ect Area 1E: 4Jattle Drills5 2%aluate a #asualt+ 8

$re%uency S S S % S S S % S % S % % % % % % % % S S % S % S

INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: 3, H6 H7 HA ,,/ ,1 ,3 33 -7/.73/.-/-/ -7/.73/./--/ -7/.73/./--3 -7/.73/./--, -7/.73/./-13 -7/.73/./-31 -7/.73/./-,/ -7/.73/./-H8 //3.,6/./-11 (e'uest "edical ?vacuation )(epeat* ?valuate a Casualty )(epeat* Perform 5irst %id to Clear an !b+ect Stuck in the Throat of a Conscious Casualty )(epeat* Perform 5irst %id to Prevent or Control Shock )(epeat* Perform 5irst %id to (estore 3reathin$ and:or Pulse )(epeat* Perform 5irst %id for 3leedin$ of an ?Etremity )(epeat* Transport a Casualty "ounted usin$ a "ilitary Behicle )(epeat* Transport a Casualty )(epeat* Perform Boice Communications )(epeat* S % % % % % % % %

INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: 2011 !ARRI"R 62AD2R TA(>( C ($ill 6e%el 2 4#P6-(GT5 #",,UNI#AT2 !arrior Tas$ 1& - Per*orm <oice #ommunications (ITR2P9 (P"TR2P # ate !as" #umber 7H -6/.318.,,-1 @ssue a 5ra$mentary !rder 7, -6/.318.,,-3 @ssue a Warnin$ !rder 78 (eport Casualties !arrior Tas$ 15 - Per*orm <oice #ommunications ,2D2<A# 3, -7/.73/.-/-/ (e'uest "edical ?vacuation !arrior Tas$ 1D - Use <isual (i.nalin. Tec)ni3ues 3A -6/.318.-8-7 &se Bisual Si$nalin$ Techni'ues


$re%uency % % % S S

URJAN "P2RATI"N( !arrior Tas$ 1I - 2n.a.e Tar.ets Durin. an Ur-an "peration # ate !as" #umber 76 -6/.H/-.--/A Control !r$anic 5ires ,"<2 !arrior Tas$ 20 - Determine 6ocation on Ground 4Terrain Association ,ap K GP(5 # ate !as" #umber !itle 77 -6/.31A./-/A &se a "ap !verlay !arrior Tas$ 22 - ,o%e "%er T)rou.) or Around "-stacles 4e7cept mine*ields5 7A -6/.318.-,/, Select a "ovement (oute &sin$ a "ap ;IG8T !arrior Tas$ 2I - React to #)emical or Jiolo.ical Attac$9 8a?ard # ate !as" #umber !itle A-3/.,-3./-3A @dentify Chemical %$ents &sin$ an "1,8.Series Chemical.%$ent 4etector Kit A/ -3/.,-3./--1 Conduct &nmaskin$ Procedures 7


$re%uency %

$re%uency % %

$re%uency % %

INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: A1 Submit uclear, 3iolo$ical, and Chemical ) 3C* / (eports A3 -3/.,-3./-/Supervise the ?mployment of uclear, 3iolo$ical, and Chemical ) 3C* "arkers AH @mplement "ission.!riented Protective Posture )"!PP* A, !perate the % B4(.1 (adiac Set A8 !perate the % :&4(./3 (adiac Set A6 -3/.,-3.1-,3 (eport C3( @nformation &sin$ 3C H (eports A7 -3/.,-3.3--H Supervise the Crossin$ of a Contaminated %rea AA -3/.,-3.H--1 Supervise &nit Preparation for a Chemical, 3iolo$ical, (adiolo$ical, or uclear )C3( * %ttack /--3/.,-3.1--A Conduct Protective "ask 5ittin$ !arrior Tas$ 2E - Decontaminate Loursel* and Indi%idual 23uipment Usin. #)emical Decon >its /-/ S&P?(S?4?4 Protect Lourself from uclear, 3iolo$ical, and Chemical @n+ury:Contamination When Chan$in$ "!PP #ear !arrior Tas$ 30 - ,aintain 23uipment /-1 Supervise Preventive "aintenance Checks and Services !arrior Tas$ 31 - 2%aluate a #asualt+ /-3 Coordinate "edical %ctivity Support /-H Supervise Compliance with Preventive "edicine "easures !arrior Tas$ 3H - (oldier as a (ensor /-, -6/.318.,6-, ?stablish an !bservation Post !arrior Tas$ 3I - 2scalation o* ;orce /-8 /7/./-,.1--/ ?nforce the 2aw of War and the #eneva and ;a$ue Conventions !arrior Tas$ 3E - Personnel Reco%er+ /-6 Consolidate a &nit /-7 -6/.H3-.--1A (eor$ani<e a &nit /-A 3-/.36/./-,1 Protect Classified @nformation and "aterial //3-/.36/./1-Process Captured "aterial /// /7/./-/.1-13 ?nforce the &niform Code of "ilitary Iustice )&C"I* //1 /7/./-,.1--1 Conduct Combat !perations %ccordin$ to the 2aw of War % % % % % % % % % % ! % ! % % % % % % ! %

INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: 2011 !ARRI"R 62AD2R TA(>( - ($ill 6e%el 3 4((G5 ,"<2 !arrior Tas$ 20 - Determine 6ocation on Ground 4Terrain Association ,ap K GP(5 # ate !as" #umber !itle //3 -6/.331.,--Prepare a !perational !verlay //H -6/.331.,-1/ Prepare a Situation "ap //, -6/.33/.-71%naly<e Terrain !arrior Tas$ 22 - ,o%e "%er T)rou.) or Around "-stacles 4e7cept mine*ields5 //8 -6/.H1-.--1/ Conduct a "ovement to Contact by a Platoon //6 -6/.318.3-/3 Conduct a Tactical (oad "arch //7 -6/.61-.--/, Conduct an %rea (econnaissance by a Platoon ;IG8T !arrior Tas$ 2& - React to Indirect ;ire 4dismounted K mounted5 # ate !as" #umber !itle //A ,,/.61/.33H7 Perform 4uties as Serial."arch &nit Commander !arrior Tas$ 25 - React to Direct ;ire 4dismounted K mounted5 //A ,,/.61/.33H7 Perform 4uties as Serial."arch &nit Commander !arrior Tas$ 31 - 2%aluate a #asualt+ /1Supervise Casualty Treatment and ?vacuation /1/ @mplement "easures to (educe Combat Stress !arrior Tas$ 3H - (oldier as a (ensor /11 Supervise the Processin$ of 4etainees at the point of capture /13 Supervise the ?scort of 4etainees !arrior Tas$ 3I - 2scalation o* ;orce /1H -6/.H/-.--/1 Conduct !ccupation of an %ssembly %rea /1, -6/.H3-.---1 Conduct a 4efense by a S'uad !arrior Tas$ 3E - Personnel Reco%er+ /-6 Consolidate a &nit /-7 -6/.H3-.--1A (eor$ani<e a &nit !arrior Tas$ &0 - Impro%ised 27plosi%e De%ice 4I2D5 Detect and De*eat /-

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INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: /18 /16 /17 /1A -,1.6-3.A/-6 -,1./A1.3181 -,1./A1./18, Plan for an @mprovised ?Eplosive 4evice )@?4* Threat Prepare for an @mprovised ?Eplosive 4evice )@?4* Threat Prior to "ovement (eact to ?Eplosive ;a<ard Bisual @ndicators Produce an ?Eplosive ;a<ard Summary (eport % % % %


INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: 2011 !ARRI"R 62AD2R TA(>( - ($ill 6e%el & URJAN "P2RATI"N( !arrior Tas$ 1E - 2nter a Juildin. Durin. an Ur-an "peration # ate !as" #umber /3/7/./-/.H--/ Conduct a Search:Sei<ure ,"<2 !arrior Tas$ 22 - ,o%e "%er T)rou.) or Around "-stacles 4e7cept mine*ields5 # ate !as" #umber !itle /3/ -6/.318.,7-, Conduct a (oute (econnaissance "ission ;IG8T !arrior Tas$ 2& - React to Indirect ;ire 4dismounted K mounted5 # ate !as" #umber !itle /31 Perform 4uties as Convoy Commander !arrior Tas$ 25 - React to Direct ;ire 4dismounted K mounted5 /31 Perform 4uties as Convoy Commander !arrior Tas$ 2H - React to ,an-to-,an contact 4#om-ati%es5 /33 Supervise a (iot:Crowd Control !peration with a Platoon Si<e ?lement )new* /3H 2ead a<e crowd:riot control formation )new* !arrior Tas$ 30 - ,aintain 23uipment /3, Supervise "aintenance !perations !arrior Tas$ 35 - Per*orm ;ield (anitation and Pre%entati%e ,edicine ;ieldcra*t /38 ?stablish !r$ani<ational 5ield Sanitation !arrior Tas$ 3H - (oldier as a (ensor /36 /A/.36A.HH-7 Plan Security for a Command Post /37 /A/.36A.HH1, @mplement &nitMs (iot:Crowd Control !peration with a Platoon Si<e ?lement )new* /3A /7/./-/.H--/ Conduct a Search:Sei<ure /HSupervise ?vacuation of on.Combatants !arrior Tas$ 3I - 2scalation o* ;orce /1


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INDI<IDUA6 TRAINING R2#"RD AR 350-1 R2=UIR2D TRAINING RAN>: NA,2: UNIT: /H/ /H1 /H3 /HH Coordinate with an %d+acent Platoon Conduct a 4efense by a Platoon 4evelop a Company Physical Security Plan )new* @mplement 3ri$ade or above Physical Security Pro$ram % % % %



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