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Dear Sir, Now I will go through this one more time.

Cell phones and all other electromagnetic emissions dont only have Frequency they got A !"I#$D% in the energy &ormulae %'A( hv %instein messed up he was trying to treat light as a particle when it is mainly a wave. )ne photon with energy &rom the &requency also has energy &rom the A !"I#$D% and depending on the A !"I#$D% will *rea+ a molecular *ond ,DNA- in the *ody and cause CANC%.. Forget a*out %instein Intensity /do two photons hit a *ond e0actly the sametime1 No it is one photon with two amplitude. Do all the %ngineers understand that1 I discussed this with the radiation protection *ranch already. )nly a $niversity will understand it . #he*estnuclearphysicistintheworld. 2ours sincerely, Alan 3rett. SC.)"" D)4N F). ).% !lease reply.

4aves5 Chapter )utline 66 A*out the #utorial 66 #utorial #opics 66 $sage !olicy 66 Feed*ac+

Lesson 1: The Nature of a Wave

Lesson 2: Properties of Waves

Energy Transport and the Amplitude of a Wave

As mentioned earlier, a wave is an energy transport phenomenon which transports energy along a medium without transporting matter. A pulse or a wave is introduced 4aves into a slin+y when a person holds the &irst coil and gives it a *ac+7and7&orth motion. and #his creates a distur*ance within the medium8 this distur*ance su*sequently travels waveli+e &rom coil to coil, transporting energy as it moves. #he energy is imparted to the otion medium *y the person as he9she does wor+ upon the &irst coil to give it +inetic energy. #his energy is trans&erred &rom coil to coil until it arrives at the end o& the 4hat is slin+y. I& you were holding the opposite end o& the slin+y, then you would &eel the a 4ave1 energy as it reaches your end. In &act, a high energy pulse would li+ely do some rather noticea*le wor+ upon your hand upon reaching the end o& the medium8 the last Categori coil o& the medium would displace you hand in the same direction o& motion o& the coil. For the same reasons, a high energy ocean wave can do considera*le damage to es o& the roc+s and piers along the shoreline when it crashes upon it. 4aves #he amount o& energy carried *y a wave is related to the amplitude o& the wave. A high energy wave is characteri:ed *y a high amplitude8 a low energy wave is characteri:ed *y a low amplitude. As discussed earlier in "esson (, the amplitude o& a wave re&ers to the ma0imum amount o& displacement o& a particle on the medium

Lesson 2:

Propert &rom its rest position. #he logic underlying the energy7amplitude relationship is as ies of a &ollows5 I& a slin+y is stretched out in a hori:ontal direction and a transverse pulse is introduced into the slin+y, the &irst coil is given an initial amount o& displacement. Wave
#he Anatomy o& a 4ave Frequen cy and !eriod %nergy #ransport and Amplitud e #he Speed o& a 4ave

#he displacement is due to the &orce applied *y the person upon the coil to displace it a given amount &rom rest. #he more energy that the person puts into the pulse, the more wor+ which he9she will do upon the &irst coil. #he more wor+ which is done upon the &irst coil, the more displacement which is given to it. #he more displacement which is given to the &irst coil, the more amplitude which it will have. So in the end, the amplitude o& a transverse pulse is related to the energy which that pulse transports through the medium. !utting a lot o& energy into a transverse pulse will not e&&ect the wavelength, the &requency or the speed o& the pulse. #he energy imparted to a pulse will only e&&ect the amplitude o& that pulse.

Consider two identical slin+ies into which a pulse is introduced. I& the same amount o& energy is introduced into each slin+y, then each pulse will have the same amplitude. 3ut what i& the slin+ies are di&&erent1 4hat i& one is made o& :inc and the other is made o& copper1 4ill the amplitudes now *e the same or di&&erent1 I& a pulse is introduced into two di&&erent slin+ies *y imparting the same amount o& energy, then the amplitudes o& the pulses will not necessarily *e the same. In a situation such as this, the actual amplitude assumed *y the pulse is dependent upon two types o& Lesson &actors5 an inertial &actor and an elastic &actor. #wo di&&erent materials have di&&erent 3: mass densities. #he imparting o& energy to the &irst coil o& a slin+y is done *y the Behavio application o& a &orce to this coil. ore massive slin+ies have a greater inertia and thus tend to resist the &orce8 this increased resistance *y the greater mass tends to r of Waves cause a reduction in the amplitude o& the pulse. Di&&erent materials also have di&&ering degrees o& springiness or elasticity. A more elastic medium will tend to 3oundar o&&er less resistance to the &orce and allow a greater amplitude pulse to travel through it8 *eing less rigid ,and there&ore more elastic-, the same &orce causes a greater y 3ehavior amplitude. #he 4ave %quation .e&lecti on, .e&ractio n, and Di&&racti #he energy transported *y a wave is directly proportional to the square o& the amplitude o& the wave. #his energy7amplitude relationship is sometimes e0pressed in the &ollowing manner.


#his means that a dou*ling o& the amplitude o& a wave is indicative o& a quadrupling o& the energy transported *y the Inter&ere wave. A tripling o& the amplitude o& a wave is indicative o& a nine7&old increase in the amount o& energy transported *y the nce o& wave. And a quadrupling o& the amplitude o& a wave is 4aves indicative o& a =>7&old increase in the amount o& energy transported *y the wave. #he ta*le at the right &urther 4aves ;enerate e0presses this energy7amplitude relationship. )*serve that whenever the amplitude increased *y a given &actor, the energy d *y value is increased *y the same &actor squared. For e0ample, oving changing the amplitude &rom = unit to ( units represents a (7&old increase in the Sources amplitude and is accompanied *y a ?7&old ,((- increase in the energy8 thus ( units o& energy *ecomes ? times *igger 7 @ units. As another e0ample, changing the amplitude &rom = unit to ? units represents a ?7&old increase in the amplitude and is ( Lesson accompanied *y a =>7&old ,? - increase in the energy8 thus ( units o& energy *ecomes => times *igger 7 A( units. :

!tandin g Waves
#ravelin g 4aves vs. Standing 4aves Formati on o& Standing 4aves Nodes and Anti7 nodes <armoni (. An ocean wave has an amplitude o& (.B m. 4eather conditions suddenly change such that the wave has an amplitude o& B.C m. #he amount o& energy transported *y cs and the wave is DDDDDDDDDD. !atterns athem atics o& Standing 4aves a. halved *. dou*led

"he#$ %our &nderstanding

=. ac and #osh stand @ meters apart and demonstrate the motion o& a transverse wave on a sna+ey. #he wave e can *e descri*ed as having a vertical distance o& A( cm &rom a trough to a crest, a &requency o& (.? <:, and a hori:ontal distance o& ?@ cm &rom a crest to the nearest trough. Determine the amplitude, period, and wavelength o& such a wave.

c. quadrupled d. remains the same

A. #wo waves are traveling through a container o& an inert gas. 4ave A has an amplitude o& .= cm. 4ave 3 has an amplitude o& .( cm. #he energy transported *y wave 3 must *e DDDDDDDDDD the energy transported *y wave A. a. one7&ourth *. one7hal& c. two times larger than d. &our times larger than

Lesson 2: Properties of Waves

#he Anatomy o& a 4ave Frequency and !eriod o& a 4ave %nergy #ransport and the Amplitude o& a 4ave #he Speed o& a 4ave #he 4ave %quation ;o to "esson A

%lectric Circuits5 Chapter )utline 66 A*out the #utorial 66 #utorial #opics 66 $sage !olicy 66 Feed*ac+

4aves5 !hysics <ome !age 66

ultimedia !hysics Studios 66 Shoc+wave !hysics Studios 66 odules 66 #he .eview Session

inds )n !hysics Internet

E #om <enderson =FF>7(CCG Ne't: Form of solution from &p: Pattern from a single Previous: Meaning of infinitesimal

(elation )et*een intensity and amplitude

Now, the intensity I ,HH*rightnessII in the case o& light- o& the pattern at the o*servation screen is a Just a measure o& the amount o& energy arriving at each point on the screen per unit time. In a real e0periment, the screen is a two7dimensional sur&ace. #hus, the precise measure we use &or the intensity is the average energy arriving per unit time per unit area, or, simply, average power per unit area. #o relate this to the solution &or the waves result we +now &or power on a string, , we can generali:e &rom the

It turns out that all phenomena ,such as sound or light- which o*ey the wave7equation o*ey a very similar &ormula. #he primary di&&erence in going &rom waves on a string to any other type o& wave is that the constant ,which measures the tension o& the string- is replaced *y some other constant characteri:ing the medium o& propagation &or the waves. I& we consider traveling sinusoidal waves, then the solution will have the general &orm using %q. 1 we will &ind a result o& the &ollowing &orm &or the power. ,<ere, average value o& the quantity q.. #hen, indicates the

Note that, at any instant in time t, the power may *e di&&erent5 it varies with the oscillations o& . #his is why we de&ine intensity as the time average o& the arriving power. Finally, *ecause the time average o& or is Just =9(, we have

Note that in the last line we replaced the &actor with a general proportionality constant . 4e do this *ecause &or waves which are not waves on a string, we end up with &actors other than to descri*e the medium o& propagation. 4hat is the same &or all types o& waves, the main point here, is that the intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude.

Ne't: Form of solution from &p: Pattern from a single Previous: Meaning of infinitesimal Tomas Arias Thu Sep 13 15:26:14 !T 2""1

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