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Important Terms
absolute zero The lowest possible temperature
(0 K, -273 °C, -459 °F)

acid a compound that can donate a proton (H+)

acid ionization constant the equilibrium constant defining the degree of dissociation of an

activated complex the high-energy, intermediate product that is formed when

reactants react to form products

activation energy the minimum energy required to make a reaction “go”

alkali metals the group of elements in Group I of the Periodic Table

alkaline metals the group of elements in Group II of the Periodic Table

alkanes organic molecules that contain only single bonds

alkenes organic molecules that contain at least one double bond

alkynes organic molecules that contain at least one triple bond

anion An atom or molecule with a negative charge.

A negatively charged subatomic particle.

anode the negatively charged electrode, at which oxidation occurs

aqueous dissolved in water

atom the basic unit of an element

atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus of an element

atomic weight the weight (in grams) of one mole of an element

Avogadro’s number 6.02 10

The number of molecules in 1 mole of a substance

base a compound that releases OH− ions in a solution

∙ −
+ 
beta particle an electron produced in radioactive decay

Boyle’s Law at constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely

proportional to its pressure
catalyst a substance or a molecule that speeds up a chemical reaction
without being consumed

cathode the positive electrode, at which reduction occurs

Charles’ Law the volume of a gas varies directly with its temperature

compound a substance made up of two or more elements

concentration the relative amount of a solute in a solution

covalent bond a chemical bond between atoms formed by sharing electrons

critical point a point in a phase diagram where liquid and gas states cease to
be distinct

dissociation the breakdown of a solute into its constituent ions

electrolysis the decomposition of substances by the use of electric current

electrolyte an ionic compound that dissolves to produce a solution that has

high electrical conductivity

electron the elementary negatively charted subatomic particle

electronegativity the attraction of an element for electrons in a chemical bond

endothermic a reaction in which heat or energy is consumed to form products

equilibrium constant the ration of concentrations of products to reactants when a

reaction is in its equilibrium state

exothermic a reaction in which heat or energy is released when products are


free energy the thermodynamic quantity measuring the tendency of a

reaction to proceed

freezing point the temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid

(same temp. as melting point)

fusion the melting process

gram formula weight an amount of a substance equal in grams to the sum of the
atomic weights

ground state the electron configuration of lowest energy of an atom

group a column of elements in the periodic table

half-reaction an oxidation or reduction reaction that takes place as part of a

redox reaction

hydrocarbon an organic compound containing only carbon an hydrogen

hydroxyl the OH− ion

inert gases also called noble gases, they make up Group 8a (or XVIII - 18) of
the periodic table

ion an atom with a charge (negative or positive) due to gain or loss of


ionization the process that adds or takes away electrons from atoms

ionization energy the amount of energy needed to remove electron(s) from atoms

isomers molecules that have the same molecular formula but different
molecular structures

isotopes similar elements that each have a different number of neutrons in

their nucleus


Le Chatelier’s Principle when a system in equilibrium is disturbed by a change in

pressure, temperature, or concentration, the equilibrium shifts in
a way that counteracts the change.

melting point the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid

(same temp. as freezing point)

molality the number of moles of solute in 1kg of solvent

molarity the number of moles of solute in 1L of solution

molar mass …

mole the number of atoms in the number of grams indicated in a

substance’s molecular weight


molecular formula the ratio of elements in a molecule

molecule a group of atoms bonded to each other

neutralization the chemical reaction of a strong acid and a strong base

neutrons a subatomic particle with zero (no) charge found inside the
nucleus of elements

organic containing carbon (C)

oxidation the process through which electrons are lost by elements

periodic table a display of all of the elements based on their atomic number

pH a number describing the concentration of hydrogen ions in a


polyprotic an acid with more than one hydrogen that can dissociate in

product a substance on the right side of a forward chemical reaction;

products are formed by the reactions of reactants

proton a subatomic particle with a positive charge found inside the

atomic nucleus

reactant a substance on the left side of a chemical reaction; reactants

react to form products

redox a reaction with simultaneous oxidation and reduction

reduction the reaction process through which electrons are gained by


salt a solid compound composed of a metal and a nonmetal

shell a set of electron orbitals that have the same principal quantum

solute the substance that is dissolved in solution

solvent the liquid substance in which solutes are dissolved

STP 273 K and 1 atm (or 760 mmHg)

(Standard Temperature and Pressure)

sublimation the transformation of a solid directly to gas

temperature measurement of the average kinetic energy of all atoms of a


titration the addition of a known volume of a solution in order to determine

the concentration of an unknown/known solution

transition element an element whose atoms contain unfilled d sublevels

transmutation the nuclear process through which one element is converted to

another element

triple point a point in a phase diagram where the three states of matter are
in equilibrium

valence electrons the outermost shell of electrons

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