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Production name: Inspir3 Films Location: Thurlestone, Devon Shoot dates: Monday 10th March 01! " Monday 1#th March 01! $re% names, email addresses and mo&iles: Andrew Daley Email: Phone: 07867 561658 Ant Gagliano Email:

Phone: 07867913637
Tom Woods Email: tomwoo s!01!" Phone: 077305!7#3# Sunil Singh Email: sunil$#!" Phone: 07#75688#68

$omplete the 'ollo%in( ta&le ratin( )ach ris*s severity on scale 'rom +e(li(i&le ,+-, Lo% ris* ,L-, Moderate ris* ,M-, Severe ,S-, .ery severe ,. )ach ris*s li*elihood on scale 'rom .ery unli*ely ,./-, /nli*ely ,/-, Possi&le ,P-, Li*ely ,L-, .ery li*ely ,.L Determine the ris* 'actor 'rom the ta&le overlea'0





Risk Fa tor

1 3 ! 6 7 # 8 9 10 11 1 13 1! 16 17 1# 18 19 0

1lcohol2dru(s 1nimals2insects 1udiences $amera ca&le2(rip e5uipment $on'ined spaces Derelict &uildin(s2dan(erous structures )lectricity2(as ,other than normal suppliesFati(ue2lon( hours Fire2'lamma&le materials and heat :a;ardous su&stances :eat2$old2e<treme %eather Laser2stro&e e''ects Machinery2industrial2 crane2hoist Materials 3 (lass, non3'ire retardant set materials +i(ht operation +oise " hi(h sound levels +on standard manual handlin( Pu&lic2cro%ds =adiation Sca''old2=ostra

+o 4es +o +o 4es +o +o 4es +o +o 4es +o +o +o 4es 4es +o +o +o +o

3 L 3 3 M 3 3 S 3 3 S 3 3 3 + L 3 3 3 3

3 P 3 3 P 3 3 L 3 3 .L 3 3 3 ./ M 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3

Inspir3 Films The Brother Code Risk Assessment

1 3 ! 6 7 # 8 9 30 31 3 33 3!

Smo*in( on set Special e''ects2e<plosives Special needs ,elderly, disa&led, ine<periencedSpecialised rescue2'irst aid Stunts, dan(erous activities Tall scenery2suspended ceilin(s Travellin( to and 'rom shoots Trippin(2'allin( .ehicles2speed >ater2pro<imity to %ater >eapons >or*in( at hei(hts >or*in( overseas ?ther ris*s: please detail0

+o +o +o +o +o +o 4es 4es +o 4es +o 4es +o N/a

3 3 3 3 3 3 + M 3 L 3 M 3 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 / P 3 P 3 P 3 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 -

$alculate the =is* Factor: .ery /nli*ely 3 /nli*ely ! 3 Possi&le ! 3 3 Li*ely 6 3 3 3 .ery Li*ely 6 6 3 3 3

.ery severe Severe Moderate Sli(ht +e(li(i&le

1 1

Decide the action to ta*e: 6 ! 3 1 .ery severe Severe Moderate =is* Lo% =is* +e(li(i&le Ta*e immediate action2a&andon location :i(h priority Pro(ramme 'or action 1ction may &e re5uired Pro&a&ly accepta&le

Then list each ris* identi'ied :a;ard no: Description =is* Factor ,136-: ! 1nimals and insects around the ca&in area and &each, sli(ht dan(er &ut can not &e controlled

Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

$ast and $re% ,$-

1void all contact %ith %ildli'e, ta*e necessary action i' re5uired and alert 'irst aider on set i' harmed0

Person2company The individual and Production company responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n-

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

Inspir3 Films The Brother Code Risk Assessment

:a;ard no: 6 Description Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

=is* Factor ,136-: " Ti(ht shootin( spaces in and around the main location o' The $a&in $ast and $re% ,$-

Ae care'ul and clearly identi'y ris* areas such as stairs or ha;ardous parts %ith lots o' 'urniture

Person2company The individual and Production company responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n:a;ard no: 8 Description

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

=is* Factor ,136-: " Fati(ue and Lon( hours could result in e<haustion and potential illness leavin( the mem&er out o' action durin( the rest o' the shoot0 MaBority o' the shootin( is ta*in( close to rest locations, so ensurin( rest &rea*s are scheduled is imperative0 $ast and $re% ,$-

Let the Producers or 1st 1D *no% i' you are 'eelin( either tired or un%ell so %e can ta*e immediate action and help in the recovery sta(e0 =educe hours o' the shootin( schedule and ensure lon( &rea*s and lunches are set in stone

Person2company Production $ompany responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n:a;ard no: 11 Description

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

=is* Factor ,136-: # $old e<treme %eather is somethin( %e can not control and the &i((est ris*0 The %eather %ill decide the outcome &ut preparation 'or clothin( is concreted0 $old %eather2%inds %ill &e on the location shootin( on the cli''s, ho%ever the %eather loo*s sunny0 $ast and $re% ,$-

Person2company responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2nInspir3 Films The Brother Code Risk Assessment

Follo% all o' the clothin( (uidelines and %rap up %arm0 Pac* e<tra (arments 'or the cast and cre% to %ear i' they 'eel cold0 Try and *eep the outdoor scenes 'ast and sharp to reduce time in the cold temperatures0 Ceep cars on stand&y 'or people to %arm up durin( set ups0 Individual =is* removed@ ,y2n-

:a;ard no: 16 Description Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

=is* Factor ,136-: $ +i(ht ?peration durin( !26 scenes0 It %ill &e dar* and visi&ility poor &oth outside and inside the ca&in0 $ast and $re% ,$-

Torches and other li(hts are 'ully char(ed and availa&le to all mem&ers0 )nou(h sleep is provided &e'ore and a'ter to stop tiredness 'rom *ic*in( in0 Li(hts on set are used properly to ensure proper visi&ility0

Person2company Production $ompany responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n:a;ard no: 17 Description Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

=is* Factor ,136-: " +oise and hi(h sound levels outside and inside, &oth on location and at the main ca&in location $ast and $re% ,$-

Sound &loc*in( e5uipment, or donDt record a lot o' audio outside on location0 1s the %ind2sea noise %ill &e the main pro&lem, minimise spea*in( on location0 /se clipties and a ri'le mic com&ination 'or audio

Person2company Production $ompany responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n:a;ard no: # Description

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

=is* Factor ,136-: $ Travellin( to the shoot location %ill ta*e a lot o' our time, ho%ever once on set the maBority o' shootin( %ill &e there0 The location scenes are all close &y and are scheduled to &e done over t%o days0 $ast and $re% ,$-

Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

)nsure enou(h time is scheduled 'or &rea*s outside the car0 )nou(h room is provided 'or each mem&er so ta*e the necessary amount o' vehicles0 Ma*e sure everyone is com'orta&le

Person2company Production $ompany responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n-

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

Inspir3 Films The Brother Code Risk Assessment

:a;ard no: 8 Description

=is* Factor ,136-: ! Trippin( and 'allin( due to %et sur'aces, steep clim&s and cli''s or any other o&stacles that are layin( around on the 'loor that people can trip over0 $ast and $re% ,$-

Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

Ae care'ul around %et (roundE do not approach any sur'ace that is too slippery0 Loo* &e'ore you step and do not tac*le any o&stacles or steep clim&s, %hich are &eyond capa&ilities0

Person2company Individual and Production $ompany responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n:a;ard no: 30 Description

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

=is* Factor ,136-: ! Shootin( close to the pro<imity o' %ater at several locations, the cre% could (et %et2cold2discom'orted and the e5uipment &ro*en0 $ast and $re% ,$-

Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

Ae care'ul around %ater and cli'' ed(es, de'ine clear ha;ard areas and places not to approach0 Stay a%ay 'rom slippy sur'aces, *eep e5uipment clearly a%ay0 :ave to%els on hand

Person2company Individual and Production $ompany responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n:a;ard no: 3 Description

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

=is* Factor ,136-: " >or*in( hi(h up on the cli'' ed(es and costal paths 'or e<ternal shots0 :a;ard to &oth the actors and cre%0

Person,s- e<posed ,detail i' cast2cre% ,$-, outside company ,?- or pu&lic ,P- 1ction to ta*e

$ast and $re% ,$-

Ae care'ul around hi(h (round, stay 'ar a%ay 'rom the ed(es0 Ae care'ul on uneven (round and de'ine clear ha;ards0

Person2company Individual and Production $ompany responsi&le 'or action To &e completed at a(reed later date 3 )<posed person,s1(reed action ta*en@ ,y2nin'ormed@ ,y2n-

=is* removed@ ,y2n-

Inspir3 Films The Brother Code Risk Assessment

$opy and paste this ta&le 'or each o' the ha;ards, then (et the 'orm si(ned0 I' the producer has not completed the ris* assessment, then they should countersi(n this 'orm0 $ompleted &y: Si(nature $ountersi(ned &y: Si(nature Position: 1ssistant Producer Date: Position: Producer Date:

Inspir3 Films The Brother Code Risk Assessment

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