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Q#1 Ans.

Give the structure and working of the human eye. The eyes are sense organs that give human beings and most other animals the most and detailed information about their surroundings. Our eye is the most important optical instrument. The main parts of the human eye are: 1. Sclerotic: - The outer layer or coating of the eye is called sclerotica or sclera. It is opaque. It is made of white tough fibrous tissue. Its function is to protect vital internal parts of eye. 2. Cornea: - The front bulging part of the eye is called cornea. It is transparent in nature. Its function is to act as a window to the world i.e., to allow the light to enter in the eye ball. Its refractive
index is 1.336.

3. Choroid: - It is a grey membrane attached to the sclerotic from inner side. Its function is to darken eye from inside and hence prevent any internal reflection. 4. Optic nerve: - It is a bundle of approximately 70,000 nerves originating from brain and entering eye ball. Its function is to carry optical messages (visual messages) to brain. 5. Ciliary muscles: - It is a ring of muscles. It has a rich automatic nerve supply. Its function is to alter the focal length of the crystalline lens. 6. Suspensory ligament: - it is attached with the ciliary muscle and it helps to hold the lens in position. 7. Iris: - Beyond th ciliary body, there is a circular shelf-like diaphragm suspended in front of crystalline lens is called Iris. It has a hole in the middle called as pupil. The Iris adjusts the size of the pupil according to the intensity of light received by the eye. This is done by increasing or decreasing the diameter of the pupil. 8. Crystalline lens: - It is a double convex lens made up of a gelatinous transparent substance. It is held in position with the help of ciliary muscles. The focal length of the lens can be changed by the action of ciliary muscles. 9. Vitreous Humour: - It is a dense jelly like fluid, filling the part of eye between lens and the retina. Its function is (i) to prevent eye ball from collapsing due to atmospheric pressure. (ii) In focussing rays clearly on retina. 10. Aqeous Humour:- It is a watery, saline fluid, filling the part of eye between cornea and lens. Its function is (i) to prevent from part of the eye from collapsing due to change in atmospheric pressure. (ii) to keep the cornea moist. 11. Retina or Neuro-sensory tunic:This is the innermost, thinnest and softest, but most complicated tunic of an eye ball. It is behind the eye lens and at the dark part of the eye. The retina has a large number of light sensitive cell (about 125 million), which get activated upon illumination and produces electrical signals which are sent to the brain through optic nerves. 12. Blind spot:- The region where the optic nerves enter the eye is called blind spot. This region does not have light sensitive cells and hence image formed on this spot is not visible. 13. Yellow spot:- The most sensitive part of the retina opposite to pupil is called yellow spot which has the maximum concentration of the light sensitive cells. It is slightly yellow in colour and its function is to form a very clear image by sending a large number of optical pulses to brain. 14. Working of the eye:- When light rays reflected back by an object fall upon an eye, these pass through cornea, aqueous humour, lens and vitreous humour before entering the retina. Being transparent, all these parts of an eye function as its transparent refractory media for refracting the light rays. The greatest refraction is done by cornea and next by the lens. The eye lens is a convex lens, so it converges the light rays and produces a real and inverted image of the object on the retina. The sensation of the image formed on the retina is carried to the brain by fibres of optic nerve system. The nerve centres of sight analyze and co-ordinate these impulses and translate the inverted image into the erect one. Thus it is the brain and not the eye that is responsible for seeing. 1


Q#2 What is accommodation of an eye? Ans. The ability of an eye to focus the distant as well as the near objects on the retina by changing the focal length of its lens is called power of accommodation. When the eye is focused on a distant object the cilliary muscles are relaxed so that the focal length of the lens has its maximum value which is equal to its distance from retina. The parallel rays of light falling on our eye are then focused on the retina and we see the object distinctly. When the eye is focused on a closer or nearby object the cilliary muscles contract so that the focal length of the lens decreases and the image of the nearby object is formed on the retina. As we see more and more closer objects, more and more power of accommodation is to be needed. But there is a limit of applying the power of accommodation because the muscles cannot be strained beyond a limit. The nearest point up to which the eye can see the objects distinctly is called near point of eye and the distance of the near point from the eye is called least distance of distinct vision. It is represented by D and for normal eye its value is 25 cm. the farthest point from the eye at which an object can be seen clearly is known as the far-point of the eye and lies at infinity. Q#3 What is the range of vision? Ans. The range of distance over which the eyes see clearly is called its range of vision. A normal eye can see objects clearly which lie between infinity and the least distance of distinct vision i.e. from to about 25 cm from the eye. Q#4 What is meant by persistence of vision? Ans. The ability of the eye to retain the image (or the sensation caused by the light coming from the object) for about 1/16th of a second even after we have stopped seeing the object is called the persistence of vision. The phenomenon of persistence of vision is used in motion picture projection (or cinematography) . The recorded film of still pictures is projected on the screen at a speed of about 24 pictures per second. Due to persistence of vision, the successive images on the screen merge smoothly into one another giving on impression of continuity. Thus we are able to see the pictures in motion. Q#5 What is far off point and least distance of distinct vision? Ans. Far off point:- The maximum distance at which an object can be seen clearly is k own as the far point of the eye. The far point of a normal eye is at infinity. Least distance of distinct Vision:- The minimum distance at which an object is seen in great details is called the least distance of distinct vision and it is about 25cm from a normal eye. This distance usually increases with age. Q#6 State the points of similarities and dissimilarities of the eye and the camera. Ans. The points of similarities: The eye The camera 1. The image is formed by a convex lens made 1. The image is formed by a convex lens of a transparent and flexible substance. made of glass. 2. The image is formed on the retina which is 2. The image is formed on the photographic real and inverted. which is real and inverted. 3. The pupil in the Iris of the eye controls the 3. The diaphragm controls the amount of amount of light in an eye. light in a camera. 4. The time of exposure can be controlled by 4. The time of exposure is controlled by a the eye lids. shutter. The points of differences: The eye 1. The focal length of the eye lens can changed by the action of c-muscles. 2. The focusing is done by changing the focal length of the eye lens. 3. The image formed on the retina is not permanent. 4. Retina is used again and again for forming the image. The camera be 1. The focal length of a camera is fixed. 2. The focusing is done by changing the distance between the lens and the film. 3. The image formed on the film is permanent. 4. A film can be used only once for forming the image.


Q#7 Name the defects of vision. Why d o these defects arise? How are these defects corrected? Ans. The various defects of vision are:1. Myopia or short sightedness 4. Hypermetropia or long sightedness 2. Presbyopia 5. Astigmatism. 3. Phoris 6. Colour blindness Generally, the rays from the object are incident on the eye and the focal length is so adjusted that the image of the object is formed at the retina of the eye and the image is visible. But when the image is not formed on the retina, the eye is said to be defective. These defects can be corrected by using suitable lenses or spectacles. However, it is now possible to fix suitably designed lenses called contact lenses directly on the eye ball. 1. Short sightedness or Myopia:- It is that defect of an eye due to which an eye cannot see the distant objects clearly because image of distant object is focussed in front of the retina. In an eye suffering from myopia, the ciliary muscles attached to the eye lens do not relax sufficiently to make the eye lens thin to reduce its converging power. Sometimes eye ball gets elongated and therefore the image of distant object is formed in front of retina. Myopia is corrected by using spectacles containing concave lens of suitable focal length. The concave lens first diverge the rays coming from distant object and then converge by eye lens and hence image is formed on the retina of the eye. Myopic eye

Near point

Normal eye

Correcting myopic eye

Rays from far-off object. Long sightedness or Hypermetropia: - It is that defect of an eye due to which an eye cannot see the nearby objects clearly because image is formed behind the retina. Due to some disease or age, the ciliary muscles becomes stiff and hence do not relax, due to which eye lens becomes thin and hence decreases its converging power. It is also caused due to shortening of the eye ball. Hypermetropia is corrected by using spectacles containing convex lens of suitable focal length. The rays coming from the object are first converged by the convex lens L and then by the eye lens and hence image is formed on the retina. Normal near point (25 cm) Long sighted eye

Normal eye

Correcting the long-sightedness


Astigmatism:- It is that defect of the eye due to which an image of a distant point of source of light is formed not as a point but as a vertical line or horizontal line. A strain is thus imposed on the eye, when viewing an object. In an eye suffering from astigmatism the cornea has widely varying curvatures in different planes. It can be corrected by using a cylindrical lens of proper power. Colour blindness:- It is that defect in the eye due to which a person is unable to differentiate between certain colours. It is a genetic disorder occurring as the result of failure of certain retinal cones or rods to respond to its respective colour. If the blue retinal cone fails to respond, he will be blind for the colour but he will be able to distinguish red or green colours. However, if a person is unable to distinguish between primary colours of red, blue and green, this defect is referred as Daltonism. It is said that form Dalton was clear blind . He could not distinguish between primary colours. Phoris:- Sometimes there is lack of balance among the muscles which hold the two eyes in their position. This lack of balance causes headache and eye strain. This defect can be removed by using prismatic lens. These are so adjusted so that the line of sight from the distant object is deflected along the optic axis of the eye in normal adjustment. Presbyopia:- In this defect, the eye can see neither nearer nor far off objects clearly. This defect can be overcome by using two glasses. For long sightedness a convex lens is used and for short sightedness a concave lens is used. TO overcome this problem, a bifocal lens can be used. Its lower half is made of convex lens and is used for reading and the upper half is made of concave lens and is used for seeing faroff objects.
Concave lens Convax lens

Q#8 Ans.

What do you understand by dispersion? Explain how the colours obtained in spectrum can be recombined to give back white light. In 1665, Sir Issac Newton discovered that if a beam of white light is passed through a prism, the white light splits to form a ban of seven colours in a white screen. The order of colours is violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red and can be recollected by the word VIBGYOR. The phenomenon of decomposition of white light into the constituent colours is called dispersion of light and the band of seven colours obtained on the screen is called spectrum. It has been further observed that the bands of colours have no sharp boundaries, but merge in each other. Such a spectrum is called impure spectrum. Cause of dispersion:- Different constituent colours of white light are due to different wave lengths of light waves, when the wavelengths travel through a prism, their velocities are decreased by different amounts and hence suffers different amounts of deviation and hence they are separated to form a spectrum. The red colour is deviated least while the violet colour is deviated the maximum.

Recombination of Spectrum colours give white light:- When the spectrum produced by the prism ABC is allowed to fall on the second prism PQR, then the prism PQR recombined, then into original white beam of light and fall on the screen S. 4


Q#9 Ans.

What is spherical aberration? The inability of a convex lens to converge all the incidental rays of a wide beam of light to a single point is called spherical aberration. It can be corrected by the following two ways: 1. By using specially made miniscus lenses 2. By using anastigmatic lenses

Q#10 What are rods and cones? Rods:- These are rod shaped and respond to the intensity i.e., these cells respond to brightness of light. The rod shaped cells respond to the intensity of light (brightness) and are composed of a protein called rhodopisin. Cones:- These are cone shaped and respond to colours and makes us able to distinguish between colours i.e. help us in distinguishing various colors and are composed of a protein called Iodpisin. Q#11 What is monochromatic and polychromatic light ? Ans. Monochromatic:- The light of one single colour, or of one single wavelength is called monochromatic light( chromo means colour) . Sodium light is golden yellow in colour. So, sodium light is monochromatic light. Polychromatic light:- The light made up of many colours, or light consisting of radiations of many wave lengths is called polychromatic light. White light is made up of seven colours. So, white light (or sunlight) is a polychromatic light. Q#12 How does a Rainbow form? Ans. RAINBOW: - The beautiful pattern of seven colors in the form of an arc or bow formed as a result of dispersion of light by water droplets suspended in the air after a rainy day is known as rainbow. When sunlight falls on small water droplets suspended in air during or after a rain, it suffers refraction, total internal reflection and dispersion. if an observer has the sun at the back and the water droplets in front, he or she may see two rainbows, one inside the other. The inner one is called the primary rainbow and the outer one is called the secondary rainbow. In forming a primary rainbow a ray of light suffers a refraction followed by a total internal reflection and then again a refraction i.e., two refractions and one total internal reflection. It has violet colour inside and red color outside sustending an angles of 40.60 410 and 42.20 430 at the eye of the observer. To form a secondary rainbow a ray of light suffers two refractions and two total internal reflections. It has red color inside and violet color outside subtending an angle of 510 and 540 at the eye of the observer. The secondary rainbow is fainter than the primary rainbow. Q#13 What are primary and secondary colours? Ans. Primary Colours:- Red, green and blue are called primary colours or basic colours. Secondary Colours:- All the colours which can be obtained by mixing of primary colours are called secondary colours. Red + blue Magenta Blue + green Peacock blue Red + green yellow Newtons Colour Disc: Newton experimentally proved by his famous Newtons disc method that seven colours recombine to give white colour. He took a circular cardboard and divided it into seven segments each coated with different colour (Fig 1). When the dixc was rotatedat a high speed, it appeared white. This shows that white light consists of seven colours. Q#14 Why do stars appear higher in the sky and twinkling ? Ans. The atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. The upper layers of atmosphere are rarer , than the lower layers . Thus, the atmosphere is optically denser near the earth and rarer at higher altitude. The rays of light from a star , suffer refraction at each layer of the atmosphere and bend slightly towards the normal. Thus, such a ray of light from a star at the position S follows a curved path to reach the observer. This ray of light appears to come from the star at the position S/ . The point S/ is higher in the sky than the real position of the star. Thus, the star appears to be higher in the sky. 5


Due to wind and convection currents, density of the atmospheric layers keeps on changing. As a result,the apparent position of the star keeps fluctuating from its mean position. This fluctuating star appears twinkling to the observer. Q#15 Why is the sun visible before the actual sunrise and after the actual sunset? Ans. The air near the earth is optically denser than that at higher altitude. The sun rays thus travel from a rarer to a denser medium. These rays therefore, bend towards the normal at each such layer of the atmosphere. As a result, the sun appears higher on the horizon. Therefore, the sun becomes visible a few minutes (about 2 minutes) before its actual rise. Similarly, the sun remains visible for about 2 minutes after its actual setting. Q#16 What is scattering of light? Ans. SCATTERING OF LIGHT: When the path of the light rays is obliterated by particles it is thrown in various directions which is termed as scattering of light. Since visible light contains seven colors and the extent to which a light is scattered depends upon the wavelength of the light, therefore, different colours of visible light are scattered to different extents. The earths atmosphere is a heterogeneous mixture of minute particles. These particles include dust, water droplets and air molecules. When light passes through the atmosphere the extent to which it is scattered depends on its wavelength and the size of the particles called scattering which obliterate its path. Dust particles and water droplets suspended in the atmosphere have large sizes than the wavelength of the light and scatter all wavelengths in the same direction and scattered light appears white in color. The air molecules mainly of nitrogen and oxygen are smaller than the wavelengths of the visible light and different colors get scattered to different extents and in different directions. According to the Rayleighs law, the intensity of scattered light varies as the fourth power of wavelength and hence blue color having lesser wavelength than the red color is most scattered. This is why the sky appears blue to us and danger signals are of red color. The sunlight comprising of seven colors on passing through the atmosphere is obliterated by the air molecules. The longer wavelengths present in the light do not get scattered much by the air molecules and pass straight through while as the shorter wavelength like blue is scattered in all directions and hence sky appears blue to us. APPEARANCE OF RED SUN AT SUNRISE AND SUNSET:- The sun and the surrounding sky appear red at sunrise and at sunset and at sunset because at that time most of the blue color present in sunlight get scattered out and away from our line of sight and mainly red color reaches our eyes. At the time of sunrise and sunset when the sun is near the horizon, the sunlight has to travel the greatest distance through the atmosphere to reach the observer. During this long journey of sunlight, most of the shorter wavelength (blue color) is scattered out and the light reaching to us consists mainly of red color so the sun appears red to us. When the sun is overhead the light from the sun has to travel shorter distance and only a little of blue color is scatter away and the light reaching our eyes comprises of all colors and hence appears white. Refraction of light: when light travels from one medium to the other. It changes to path or in other words it bends. This bending of light is known as refraction of light. In other words refraction may be defined as the phenomena of change in the path of light with the change in medium. When light travels from rarer medium into the denser medium it bends towards the normal by when light travels from denser medium into rarer medium it bends away from the normal. The refraction of light results due to reduction in the speed of light. When it passes through a denser medium of tries 10 take the path through the denser medium which takes less time. The refraction of light takes place according to some laws which are known as Laros of refraction, are as under: The incident ray, the refracted ray by the normal drawn to the c, interface the in the same plane. The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to line of angle of refraction is constant, for a given pair of media i.e, n= sin i where n is the constant sin r 6


for a given pair of media by is termed as refracted index of medium second with respect to medium 1st . The refractive index of a medium gives an indication of the light bending ability of that medium. The refractive index of medium second with respect to medium ist in equal to the ratio of speed of light in medium I to the speed of light in medium II i.e., Speed of light in medium I (VI) n = --------------------------------------1 2 Speed of light in medium II When medium I is vacuum then refractive index is known as absolute refractive index, medium I is other then vacuum or air the refractive index is known as relative refractive index. A substance having higher refractive index is known as optically denser medium, the substance having lower refractive index. Q#17 What is Tyndall effect? Ans. When a beam of light is passed through a colloidal salution kept in a beaker in a dark room, than the path of light beam inside the colloidal solution gets illuminated and becomes visible, because the solute particles in a colloidal solution are big enough to scatter the light falling on them in all the directions. The scattering of light by colloidal particles is called Tyndal effect. This effect is also observed when sunlight passes through the canopy of a dense forest and when it passes through dust particles in a dark room. Blue light has shorter wavelength and is scattered much more than the red colour having longer wavelength . This phenomenon was observed by Tyndall in 1859. He discovered that when white light is passed through a clear liquid having small suspended particles in it, then the blue colour of white light having shorter wavelength is scattered much more than the red colour having longer wavelength. Q#18 How is the amount of light entering the eye controlled? What change is made in the eye to enable it to focus on objects situated at different distances? Ans. The amount of light admitted into the eye is controlled by the pupil, which is a hole in the middle of iris. The size of the pupil is controlled by iris. If the amount if light is more then pupil contracts the eye. On the other hand, when light is dim, then pupil expands and more light enters the eye. The ciliary muscles enable the eye to focus objects at different distances from it. When the eye is looking at a distant object, the ciliary muscles are then completely relaxed and then the eye lens becomes thin and its focal length increases. On the other hand, when the eye is looking nearby objects, the ciliary muscles are then fully strained and the eye lens becomes thick due to which its focal length and it can focus the nearby objects on the retina. Q#19 Why does it take some time to see objects in a dim room when you enter the room from bright sunlight outside and vice versa? Ans. The amount of light entering our eye is controlled by the pupil. Its size is adjusted according to the intensity of light received by the eye. So when we enter the dim room, very little light enters our eye and we cannot see properly. After a short time, the pupil of the eye expands and becomes large. More light then enters our eye and we can see properly. On the other hand if we go from a darkroom into the bright light, then we feel glare in our eyes because a large amount of light enters our eyes. Gradually, the pupil of the eye contracts. Less light then enters our eye and we can see clearly. Q20 Ans: A man sitting on a distant hill appears small than a bird sitting nearby. Why? The size of the image formed on the retina of the eye depends on the angle subtended at the eye by the object. This angle is known as visual angle. The smaller is the visual angle, the smaller is thee apparent size of the object. For the distant object, the visual angle is very small and hence the man sitting on a distant hill appears small than a bird. 7


Q#21 Why does the sky appear blue? Ans. The scattering of blue component of the sunlight by air molecules present in the atmosphere causes the blue colour of the sky. When sunlight passes through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelength lights such as red, orange, yellow etc. do not scatter much by the air molecules and hence pass straight through the atmosphere. But blue light having shorter wavelength is scattered all around the sky by the air molecules in the atmosphere. This scattere blue light enters our eyes and gives the impression of a blue sky. If the earth had no atmosphere, the sky would have looked dark and black to us. Q#22 Why does the sun appear red at sunrise and sunset? Ans. Light from the sun near the horizon passes through the thicker layers of air and larger distance in the earths atmosphere before reaching our eyes. Thus, near the horizon, most of the blue light and shorter wavelengths are scattered away and away from our line of sight. Therefore, the light that reaches our eyes is of longer wavelength. This gives rise to the reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset. Q#23 Give the experiment to study the scattering of light. Ans. The scattering of light by particles can be dramatically shown by mixing 5 ml of concentrated HCl in a beaker which has 5gm of sodium thiosulphate dissolved in 700 ml of water. The beaker is placed in the path of parallel beam of light. A cardboard disc D having a circular hole C is kept on the other side of the beaker. A convex lens is kept behind the cardboard to focus the light rays to form an image on the screen R. As the chemical reaction starts , five microscopic sulphur particles are formed and a colloidal solution is formed. These small particles scatter blue light present in the beam of white light. If we observe at the screen on the front side of the beaker, a red patch is seen . This is because the red colour having larger wavelength reaches the screen after passing through the beaker. This activity demonstrates the scattering of light leading to the blue colour of the sky and the reddish appearance of the sun at the sunrise or the sunset.

Text Book Questions

Q#1 Ans. Q#2 Ans Q#3 Ans. Q#4 Ans. What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye? Done A person with a myopic eye cannot see objects beyond 1.2m distinctly. What should be the type of the corrective lens used to restore proper vision? To restore proper vision, concave lens should be used. What is the far point and near point of the human eye with normal vision? The near point of normal vision of human eye is 25cm and the far off point is infinity. A student has difficulty reading the black board while sitting in the last row. What could be the defect the child is suffering from? How can it be corrected? The student is suffering from Myopia. This defect can be corrected by using a concave lens of appropriate focal length.


Q#1 The human eye can focus objects at different distances by adjusting the focal length of the eye lens. This is due to a) presbyopia. b) Accommodation c) Near-sightedness. d) Far-sightedness b) Accommodation The human eye forms the image of an object at its a) cornea b) iris c) pupil d) Retina

Ans Q#2 Ans. Q#3 Ans. Q#4 Ans. Q#5



The least distance of distinct vision for a young adult with normal vision is about a) 25m. b) 2.5 cm. c) 25cm d) 2.5m c) 25 cm. The change in focal length of an eye lens is caused by the action of the a) pupil b) retina c) ciliary muscles. d) (c) ciliary muscles.



A person needs a lens of power-5.5 dioptres for correcting his distant vision. For correcting his near vision he needs a lens of power +1.5 dioptre. What is the focal length of the lens required for correcting (i) distant vision, and (ii) near vision ? i) For distinct vision, the power of corrective lens is -5.5D 1 1 Focal length f = ------ = ----- = 0.182m = 18.2 cm P 5.5 So, focal length of concave lens used is 18.2 cm. ii) For near vision, the power of corrective lens is 1.5D 1 1 100 Focal length f = ------ = ----- m = ------- cm = 66.7 cm P 1.5 1.5 So, focal length of convex lens used is 66.7 cm.

Q#6 Ans.

The far point of a myopic person is 80cm in front of the eye. What is the nature and power of the lens required to correct the problem? Since the person is myopic . Therefore, concave lens is used . Also the far point of myopic person is 80 cm f = 80 cm. 1 Then, power of the lens (P) = ----- (m) f 100 cm = --------- 80cm = 1.25D



Make a diagram to show how hypermetropia is corrected. The near point of a hypermetropic eye is 1 m. What is the power of the lens required to correct this defect? Assume that the near point of the normal eye is 25 cm. Near point of distance for a hypermetropic eye, D = 1m = 100cm. 9


Near point distance for a normal eye., D = 25 cm. So, Image distance, v = 100 cm (as per sign convection) Object distance, u = 25cm. Using the lens formula 1 ------ = f 1 ------- v 1 1 -------- = ---------- u 100cm 1 1 1 --------- = -------- + ------- 25cm 100 25 = 1+4 3 ---------- = ---------- cm 100 100


f = 100/3 = 33.3cm. 100 --------f 100 = -------- D = 3D 33.3

and power, P =

Q#8 Ans.

Why is a normal eye not able to see clearly the objects placed closer than 25cm? The normal eye cannot see clearly the objects placed closer than 25cm, because the focal length of the eye lens cannot be reduced further below a certain minimum limit i.e. 25 cm. What happens to the image distance in the eye when we increase the distance of an object from the eye? When we increase the distance of an object from the eye i.e. when the eye is focused on distant objects, the ciliary muscles are fully relaxed. The lens becomes thin and the focal length becomes maximum equal to the distance of the retina from the eye lens. Therefore, the parallel rays coming from any distant object are focused on the retina and the object is seen clearly.

Q#9 Ans.

Q#10 Why do stars twinkle? Ans. Done Q#11 Explain why the planets do not twinkle. Ans. The planets are much closer to the earth and thus they are seen as extended sources. Light from the different parts of the planet form an extended image at the eye and we are unable to detect any random shift in the smaller portions of this image . So, planets do not appear to twinkle. Q#12 Why does the Sun appear reddish early in the morning? Ans. Done Q#13 Why does the sky appear dark instead of blue to an astronaut? Ans. The colour of the sky appears blue due to the scattering of light by the atmosphere. In space, there is no atmosphere, and hence the sky appears black due to the absence of scattering of light.




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