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SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Bentuk : Verb 1 atau Verb 1+s Contoh : go goes, write writes, read reads, study - studies Pola Kalimat : (+) S + V1 / V1+s + (-) S + do/does + not + V1 + . (?) Do/Does + S + V1 + . ? Wh + do/does + S + V1+ . ? What/Who + V1+s Kegunaan : Kata kerja Simple Present Tense digunakan : 1. Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang bersifat umum/permanent : Contoh : Jack Wilson works for the Ford Motor Company. Nancy Taylor lives in Bandung, West Java. 2. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran atau fakta : Water freezes at 0oCelcius. The earth revolves around the sun. My house faces the beach. 3. Untuk menyatakan berapa sering kita melakukan sesuatu atau untuk menyatakan kebiasaan: I arrive at school on time. I get up at 4.30 every morning.

Keterangan Waktu yang biasa digunakan : Every morning/day/week/month/year On Sundays/Mondays/Tuesdays, dst. Once a week, twice a ., Three times, dst Keterangan Frekuensi ( Adverb ) yang biasa digunakan : Always, usually, generally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, now and then, on and off, seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never

4. Untuk menyatakan kegiatan pengindraan dan mental state : We hear some noise in the hall. He smells something burning. Jeffry knows the answer. I believe he is right. Berikut ini adalah kata kerja yang menyatakan pengindraan dan mental state. Kata kerja ini tidak pernah digunakan dalam bentuk continuous. Berikut ini adalah daftar kata kerja pengindraan dan mental state Appear Have Belong know Believe like Forget love Hear mean Hate mind need see want owe seem wish own smell prefer taste remember understand realize

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Bentuk : am/is/are + Ving Pola Kalimat : (+) S + am/is/are + Ving + (-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving + . (?) Am/is/are + S + Ving + . ? Wh + are/is/are + S + Ving + . ? What/Who + is + Ving Kegunaan : Kata kerja Present Continuous Tense digunakan : 1. Untuk menyatakan kegiatan suatu peristiwa yang sedng berlangsung pada saat sekarang, pada periode sekitar waktu sekarang. Contoh : Listen ! Somebody is knocking at the door. Please dont make so much noise! I m studying. Where is Tom? He is playing tennis. Maria is learning English at English Language Institute. Have you heard about Brian? He is building his own house. You re working hard today. Yes, I have a lot to do.

2. Untuk menyatakan suatu situasi yang berubah/berkembang : Contoh : The population of the world is rising very fast. Is your English getting better ? Keterangan Waktu yang biasa digunakan : Listen! Look! Hurry! Please be quiet! Dont make so much noise!, dst. Where is . ? Now, at the moment, at present, right now Today, this week, this season, this month Catatan : Kata kerja pengindraan dan mental state tidak bisa digunakan dalam present continuous. Exercise 1 Tentukan kata kerja dalam kurung apakah dalam bentuk Simple Present atau Present Continuous berdasarkan konteks yang ada.

1. Something ______ (smell) very good. 2. Diane can't come to the telephone because she ________ (wash) her hair. 3. Diane _______ (wash) her hair every other day or so. 4. Affika _________ (hate) smoke. 5. After three days of rain, I'm glad that the sun _______ (shine) again today. 6. Ever morning, the sun ______________ (shine) in my bedroom window and __________ (wake) me up. 7. Please be quiet. I ____________ (try) to concentrate. 8. _______________ (lock, you, always) the door to your apartment when you leave? 9. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn't answered my letter yet. 10. I _____________ (wait, still) for a reply. Mike is a student, but he ______ (go, not) to school right now, because it's summer. He _________ (attend) college from September to May every year, but in the summers he ____________ (have, usually) a job at the post office. In fact, he ____________ (work) there this summer.

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