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READ THE TEXT ENTITLED TEMPERATURE AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. 1. state Functions: a) Are of little importance in thermodynamics. b) Play a necessary role in thermodynamics. c) Are not emphasized in thermodynamics. 2. Due to the fact that the results of many experiments depend on what we qualitatively experience as hotness. a) No quantitative temperature was introduced. b) The idea of a qualitative temperature was introduced. c) A quantitative temperature was introduced. 3. In sentence (6) which refers to: a) Temperature. b) Density of liquid mercury. c) Distance. 4. When we place 99 aqually spaced marks between the two calibration points we define: a) The density of liquid mercury. b) The temperature scale. c) Intermediate temperature. 5. The temperature indicated by placing 99 equally spaced marks between two calibration points depends on: a) The properties of the materials used in the construction of the thermometer. b) The length of the mercury column when the thermometer is immersed in an ice-water bath. c) The length of the columns when the thermometer is immersed in an ice-water bath. 6. In sentence (9) its refers to: a) temperature. b) Construction. c) Thermometer.

7. If we use water as the working liquid in a thermometer: a) The resulting temperature scale is the same as that for mercury. b) A resulting temperature scale cannot be obtained. c) The resulting temperature scale is different than the mercury scale. 8. When we put a mercury and water thermometer in a bath at 0 and slowly raise the temperature: a) The mercury thermometer reads higher than the water thermometer. b) The mercury thermometer reads lower than de water thermometer. c) Both thermometers read the same. 9. When the mercury thermometer reads 4, the water thermometer reads 0.36: a) Because as the temperature is raised on the mercury scale, water expands. b) Because as the temperature is lowered on the mercury scale, water contracts. c) Because as the temperature is raised on the mercury scale, there is water contraction. 10. When hotness increases, temperature sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down describes: a) A mercury thermometer. b) A water thermometer. c) Either a mercury or a water thermometer.

TEMPERATURE. We have emphasized that state functions are of foremost importance in thermodynamics l. Some of these state functions, like pressure, volume, and chemical composition are familiar quantities and need no elaborate explanation 2. On the other hand, temperature, although a common, quantity, has rather subtle conceptual origins 3. The idea of a quantitative temperature was introduced because it became obvious that the results of many experiments depended on what we qualitatively experience as "hotness" 4. The first step in creating a temperature scale is to find some convenient property of matter which depends in a simple way on hotness 5. Temperature can be indicated, for example, by the density of liquid mercury, which is commonly measured by the distance mercury expands from a bulb into a glass capillary tube 6. The centigrade temperature scale is defined by assigning a value of zero temperature units, or degrees, to the length of the mercury column when the thermometer is immersed in an ice-water bath and 100 degrees to the length of the column when the thermometer is in

contact with water at its normal boiling point 7. Intermediate temperatures are defined by placing 99 equally spaced marks between the two calibration points 8. lt is clear that the temperature indicated by this thermometer depends on the properties of the materials used in its construction 9. Furthermore, by dividing the length between 0 and 100 into 100 equal units, we are really saying that temperature is something which depends linearly on the volume of mercury 10. lf some other liquid is used in the thermometer, the resulting temperature is different 11. For example, suppose we use water as the working liquid 12. We mark the thermometer in the same way, noting the length of the water column at the ice point and boiling point and divide the interval into 100 equal units.13. Now we put our mercury thermometer and water thermometer in a bath at 0 and slowly 14 raise the temperature . When the mercury thermometer reads 4, the 15 water thermometer reads -0.36 . This happens because as the temperature is raised from 0 to 4 on the mercury scale, water 16 contracts instead of expanding . lf we use the properties of water to define temperature, we would have to say that when hotness in17 creases, temperature sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down .

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