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Executive summary Objective Expected findings The HSBC Group Facts figures of HSBC!

HSBC Bang"adesh #ission Organ gram of hsbc bang"adesh $epartment of my internship Goa"s Organ gram of #%C department SO&T ana"ysis of hsbc bd 'est ana"ysis of hsbc bang"adesh H(# system of hsbc bang"adesh #%C department contribution for hr debe"opment the resu"t of the survey Findings (ecommendation Conc"usion Bib"iography


. This report contains two parts; the Organizational part and the Project part. In the organizational part, I have tried give an overview of HSBC Ban infor"ation. The project part is done on )HSBC E#'*O+EES ,TT%T-$E.. Here first of all I have tried to find o!t the H#$ s%ste" of HSBC & '"plo%ees (ttit!de for the )an . Then I have fo!nd o!t the reasons )ehind s!ch profile. To do this I have cond!cted interviews and a s!rve% of *+ HSBC e"plo%ees who have )een selected rando"l% witho!t giving an% preference. I have noted "% e% findings fro" the research, "ade a concl!sion a)o!t it and at the ver% end I have provided so"e reco""endation fro" which farther concl!sive research can )e carried o!t. thro!gh vario!s

H!"an #eso!rce is the "ost "ain ele"ents of an% organization. HSBC create opport!nities to facilitate e"plo%ees to develop. ,ro" its inception in -../ The Hong 0ong and Shanghai Ban ing Corporation opened its first )ranch in $ha a 0awran Bazar. HSBC Bangladesh offers a wide1ranging career developing for their e"plo%ee; in project I wo!ld li e to find o!t H#2 application in HSBC Bangladesh is significant or not co"pare to its own standard & val!e created in the international arena.

The "ain o)jectives of "% st!d% are presented )elow3

(nal%zing the H#$ of HSBC )an in Bangladesh. (nal%zing the opinion of HSBC )an 4s e"plo%ees a)o!t H#$ & "anage"ent. 2a ing so"e "eaningf!l reco""endations so that HSBC )an $evelop H# polic% & its international )rand i"age.

I tho!ght it wo!ld co"e o!t that H#$ s%ste" & e"plo%ee4s opinion of HSBC )an has tr!l% a local c!lt!re. It has achieved the sa"e a"o!nt of )rand val!e as in International arena. I felt the "ain reason co!ld )e high service 5!alit%, strict reg!lator% re5!ire"ent, )rand val!e to its c!sto"er & )est local nowledge. (fter co"pleting the project I can see "% prediction was 5!ite right. Indeed, the profile of c!sto"er of HSBC )an has a

rich diversit% as it co!ld )e and the "ain reason has co"e o!t as p!re local nowledge & its )rand val!e.


The HSBC 6ro!p is one of the )iggest )an ing and financial service organization in the world, with well recognized )!sinesses in '!rope, the (sia1Pacific region, the ("ericas, the 2iddle 'ast and (frica. HSBC Holdings plc is incorporated in 'ngland, with its head office in 7ondon. The esta)lish"ent in -... of HSBC as a !nifor", international )rand na"e ens!red that the 6ro!p4s corporate s%")ol has )eco"e an increasingl% fa"iliar sight across the world. HSBC differentiates its )rand fro" those of its co"petitors )% descri)ing the !ni5!e characteristics which disting!ish HSBC, s!""arized )% the words /The 0or"d1s "oca" ban21 Group structure! HSBC Holdings is a p!)lic li"ited co"pan% incorporated in 'ngland and 8ales. Head5!artered in 7ondon, the HSBC gro!p operates in five regions3 '!rope; Hong 0ong; the rest of (sia Pacific; incl!ding the 2iddle 'ast and (frica; 9orth ("erica; and So!th ("erica. The entities which for" the HSBC 6ro!p provide a co"prehensive range of financial services to personal, co""ercial, corporate, instit!tional and invest"ent, and private )an ing clients.

HSBC4s largest and )est1 nown s!)sidiaries and their pri"ar% areas of operation are3

Subsidiary The Hong ong and Shanghai Ban ing Corporation 7i"ited Hang Seng Ban 7i"ited HSBC Ban plc HSBC ,rance Ho!sehold International, Inc HSBC Ban ;S( 9.(. HSBC Ban Brasil S.(. HSBC Private Ban ing Holdings =S!isse>

'rimary area of operation Hong 0ong S(#, with an e:tensive networ thro!gho!t (sia1Pacific Hong 0ong S(# ;nited 0ingdo" ,rance ;S( 9ew <or State in the ;S Brazil Switzerland, Hong 0ong S(#, 2onaco, 7!:e")o!rg, ;nited 0ingdo",

S.(. Singapore and the Channel Islands.

6r!po ,inanciero HSBC, S.(. de C.?.


Facts & Figu !s "# HSBC: ,ssets 3 ;S@-,ABC )illion =D.EF )illion, H0@-B,*++ )illion> 'rofit 4pre3tax5 3 ;S@-F,*-A "illion =D/,..A "illion, H0@.A,-+A "illion>

Capita" strength 3 Tier - capital ratio is ..EG & Total capital ratio is -B.EG %nternationa" reach 3 (ro!nd .,*++ offices worldwide. Staff 1 ()o!t FC+,+++ e"plo%ees in A/ co!ntries and territories. Customers 3 (ro!nd -F* "illion worldwide, with a total e1c!sto"er )ase of over F. "illion

HSBC Ba$g%a&!s'

In Bangladesh, HSBC started in -../ and c!rrentl% has a networ or A )ranches as the F nd largest foreign co""ercial )an in the co!ntr%. HSBC also has a networ of -- (T24s in the co!ntr%, * sales and service center incl!ding (T2 2achines, 'as% Pa% 2achines, Phone Ban ing, (ccess to the HSBC we)site and a dedicated officer at the pre"ises, all together co"prises the HSBC C!sto"er Service Center. H'as% Pa%4 is a sophisticated H)ill pa%"ent4 "achine developed with a HTo!ch screen4 for"!la ena)ling )oth HSBC and non1HSBC c!sto"ers to pa% their !tilit% )ills, deposits, HSBC credit card pa%"ents etc. The seven )ranches are in HSBC $ha a =$(0>, 2otijheel =$2O>, 6!lshan =$6;>, $han"ondi =$H(>, ;ttara =$;T>, Chitagong =CH6>, and S%lhet =SI<>. (t the end of %ear F++/ HSBC has opened another )ranch in Chittagong. (nother )ranch will open ver% shortl% in $ha a 2irp!r. ( s!ita)le place is searching for this reason.


The p!rpose of )eing in Bangladesh for HSBC is to create a vast international networ of HSBC gro!p, which are regarded as a world4s largest local )an . Their !lti"ate "ission is to gain local nowledge so that the% can give o!t e:cellent financial services to the local people and carr% o!t vast nowledge to the world4s financial )!siness. The other specific "ission of HSBC are1 7eading in the chosen "ar ets $elivering an o!tstanding client e:perience )ased on e:cellence in sales, service and sol!tions (chieving a s!perior, ethicall% )ased, long1ter" ret!rn for o!r shareholders B!ilding highl% "otivated, high perfor"ance tea"s

Creating a challenging, rewarding and f!n wor environ"ent Contin!e to invest in technolog% and people. ':panding the )ranch networ to re"ain co"petitive




The Organ gra" or organizational chart of HSBC Bangladesh represents the str!ct!re of an organization in ter"s of ran . The chart shows the "anagers and s!)1wor ers who are in the organization




Fig: Organ gram of MIC Department, HSBC Bangladesh




HSBC is a ver% co"petitive organization. HSBC sponsored the top progra"s, se"inars, writing co"petition and gained val!a)le coverage. HSBC Bangladesh has coverage of A )ranches & -E (T2 "achine in Bangladesh. There are *++ staffs who wor for HSBC either in )ac office or in front office. HSBC is strong at research and develop"ent, as is evidenced )% its evolving and innovative prod!ct & service range. HSBC is a glo)al )rand. It is the n!")er one )est retail )an in the world in & it has the highest )rand val!e after CITI 9( in Bangladesh. HSBC has "ore social awareness than other )an s in Bangladesh right now.


The organization does have a diversified range of prod!cts & services. However, the inco"e of the )!siness is still heavil% dependent !pon its share on the retail "ar et. It caters less the corporate "ar et than the SCB. This "a% leave it v!lnera)le if for an% reason its "ar et share erodes. The retail sector is ver% price sensitive. So, if the% fo!nd higher interest rate offering )% other private )an s of Bangladesh then the% will loose c!sto"ers. Opportunities: HSBC has the opport!nit% to )!ild !p "ore )ranches to "a e "ore convenient for the c!sto"ers. The )rand it got in the international arena, HSBC Bangladesh has the opport!nit% to !se that in the local level to get "ore priorit% fro" the c!sto"ers. This creates its own opport!nities; there is also the opport!nit% to develop prod!cts and services s!ch as ins!rance )!siness & h!ge invest"ent in capital "ar et etc. S!ch high val!e ite"s do tend to have associated with the", high profits. The )!siness co!ld also )e developed internationall%, )!ilding !pon its strong glo)al )rand recognition. There are also glo)al "ar eting events that can )e !tilized to s!pport the )rand s!ch as the sports & other c!lt!ral activities.

Threats: HSBC is e:posed to the international nat!re of trade. It has to deals in different c!rrencies and so costs and "argins are not sta)le over long periods of ti"e. S!ch an e:pos!re co!ld "ean that HSBC "a% )e doing )an ing )!siness at a loss. The new technolog% e"erges to protecting the c!rrenc% val!e & !se options for )etter credit rate earnings. The "ar et for )an ing sector is ver% co"petitive. The "odel developed )%

HSBC to )e world4s local )an is now co""onl% !sed and to an e:tent is no longer a )asis for s!staina)le co"petitive advantage. Co"petitors are developing alternative )rands to ta e awa% HSBC4s "ar et share.




8e now that a scan of the e:ternal "acro1environ"ent in which the fir" operates can )e e:pressed in ter"s of the following factors3 Political 'cono"ic Social Technological

HSBC considers the P'ST anal%sis ver% i"portant to !nderstand )etter the local environ"ent )efore )eginning the "ar eting process. HSBC4s environ"ental anal%sis is a contin!o!s process. HSBC4s environ"ent is "ade !p fro"3 The interna" environment 1 internal c!sto"ers li e, office technolog%, wages and finance, etc. The micro3environment 1 e:ternal c!sto"ers li e agents and distri)!tors, s!ppliers, co"petitors The macro3environment 1 e.g. Political =and legal> forces, 'cono"ic forces, Socio c!lt!ral forces, and Technological forces. These are nown as P'ST factors

Political Factors: The political arena has a h!ge infl!ence !pon the reg!lation of HSBC4s )!sinesses. 8e can consider the following aspects1 The political environ"ent is not sta)le, so as the )an ing sector. Tho!gh the )!siness activit% is wholl% reg!lated )% Bangladesh Ban , in a co!ntr% li e

Bangladesh, HSBC4s )an ing activit% is depending on the political c!lt!re of Bangladesh. 6overn"ent polic% infl!ence laws that reg!late HSBC4s )!siness. The govern"entJs position on "ar eting ethics, c!lt!re & religion is totall% )ased on c!sto" & c!lt!re of Bangladesh. So, HSBC is following that c!sto".

Economic Factors: HSBC considers the state of a trading econo"% in the short and long1ter"s. The interest rates for vario!s acco!nts are 5!ite attractive. The )an also invested a h!ge portion of "one% to the T1)ill "ar et. The level of inflation also affects the )!siness val!es in Bangladesh. Tho!gh as )eing a foreign )an it can adj!st that inflation ver% easil%.

Socio cultural Factors: HSBC considers the social and c!lt!ral factors considera)l%. 7i e1 It thin s a)o!t the principle religion of the co!ntr% and gives its e"plo%ees the )est possi)le )enefit for that. Two )on!ses in a %ear are )ased on two 'id festivals. The attit!des towards other prod!cts and services of other co"petitive )an s are "ar ed specificall%. The% tr% to !pdate their s%ste" & proced!re in a standard "anner.

O!r "other tong!e is Bengali. I saw the top level "angers are converse with one another in Bengali. 'ven the C'O who is foreigner is tr%ing to !se Bengali with other "e")ers in the )an .

HSBC nows that, the people of Bangladesh are ver% e"otional in nat!re. So, tr% to adopt that e"otion in their )!siness for )etter !nderstanding the local c!sto"er.

Technological Factors: Technolog% is vital for co"petitive advantage, and is a "ajor driver of glo)alization. HSBC allows a )etter technolog% for its prod!cts and services to )e "ade "ore cheapl% and to a )etter standard of 5!alit% to the c!sto"er. These technologies offer cons!"ers and )!sinesses "ore innovative prod!cts and services s!ch as Internet )an ing, (T2 "achine etc. HSBC offers its c!sto"ers to a new wa% to co""!nicate with cons!"ers e.g. C!sto"er #elationship 2anage"ent =C#2> etc


&hat type of peop"e do HSBC 0ant for their brand advocates6 Open1"inded, o!tward1loo ing, opti"istic, cos"opolitan, "odern, f!t!re1oriented people. The% all have considered aspirations and a")itions. HSBC 3 Best p"ace to 0or2 K K K K K HSBC have a low t!rnover rate L-+G High de"and for HSBC e"plo%ees Co"petitive co"pensation and )enefits pac age HSBC want 6rad!ates to develop a career with this organization 6ood wor ing environ"ent HSBC recruiting system K K K K Internships 6eneral Staff #ecr!it"ent SpecializedM7ateral #ecr!it"ent ,!t!re 7eader $evelop"ent Progra""e

,"" (ecruitment begins 0ith! K C? and a Cover 7etter


Interview=s> #ecr!it"ent tests No) offerO &hich types of candidate HSBC "oo2ing for6


Interpersonal and co""!nication s ills 7eadership 5!alities ()ilities to )e a tea" pla%er $rive 'nerg% (dapta)ilit% Integrit% and 7o%alt% H!"ilit% HSBC 'hi"osophy

That "eans wh% HSBC Bangladesh concern a)o!t the e"plo%ees. The% have so"e logic. 9ow we e:plain1 7uic2 To (espond 3 HSBC will alwa%s tr% to anticipate and act 5!ic l% to ens!re )an 2eet and e:ceed )an s c!sto"ers4 ever1changing e:pectations (espectfu" 3 HSBC don4t accept stereot%pes. HSBC loo for the val!e in ever%one. Fair 3 HSBC reward o!r c!sto"ers for the co""it"ent the% give to !s. 'erceptive 3 HSBC loo harder, in order to !nderstand things "ore deepl%, (nd this infor"s ever%thing we do. 'rogressive 3 HSBC are driven )% the )elief that we can shape a )etter f!t!re. The Courtship 'eriod The Pro)ation period at HSBC lasts si: "onths d!ring which assess"ent on3

1 6ood perfor"ance 1 )eing c!sto"er driven 1 having so!nd co""ercial j!dg"ent 1 ()le to wor with others 1 co""itted and 1 ()le to drive )!siness and )rand K K K K Ind!ction to HSBC e1learning Confir"ation ,!t!re P is what candidate "a es itQ


'ay Benefits! In "% research "a:i"!" e"plo%ees are not satisfied the pa% str!ct!re. Beca!se in entr% level pa% str!ct!re of HSBC is not co"petitive than other foreign )an s li e CITI 9(, SCB. So HSBC a!thorities have to "odif% the entr% level pa% str!ct!re. S0itching job ,ro" "% research "a:i"!" e"plo%ees of HSBC Bangladesh thin switching jo) is good for the career develop"ent. In this case "% s!ggestion definitel% those e"plo%ees are not satisfied a)o!t HSBC s%ste". 7i e1 pro"otion, lo))ing. So HSBC Bangladesh has to )e concern a)o!t that fact. #id "eve" management Big portions of e"plo%ee are not satisfied a)o!t "id level "anage"ent. 2a:i"!" ti"e so"e senior officer does not coordinate well. ,or that reason assistant officer does not

feel co"fort and the% feel li e fish o!t of water. H# depart"ent have to arrange so"e training for that this sit!ation will )e eli"inate soon. Some additiona" recommendation HSBC have to "odif% their canteen s%ste". HSBC have to create place for pra%er. HSBC have to "odif% their fresh roo" s%ste" for 7ad% '"plo%ees. HSBC have to "odif% their recr!iting s%ste". Beca!se so"e strong gro!p are do"inant this s%ste" li e1 C($'T CO77'6' (SSOCI(TIO9. 9S;.


In the concl!sion, it can sa% that, HSBC Bangladesh has the potential seg"ent of H# s%ste" in its )an ing sector, which is e:actl% sa"e to the )rand val!e which it achieves in the international arena. It is also giving the highest level of environ"ent for the e"plo%ees who are wor ing in this )an . In the corporate arena HSBC )an is nown for its )rand i"age. So, co"paring all the infor"ation & s!rve% anal%sis the e"plo%ee attit!de of HSBC Bangladesh is showing one of the )est val!es co"paring to an%

)an ing entit% in Bangladesh.


http3MM)angladesh)an .orgM

http3MMwww.thedail%star.netM 2onthl% 'cono"ic Trends Statistics $epart"ent Bangladesh Ban

2ar eting #esearch =fo!rth edition> )% 9aresh 0. 2alhotra

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