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APPSC group 2 Exam pattern: APPSC Group 2 Exam is held in Two Stages: 1. Written Examination ( egree Standard! 2.

"nter#iew$ o%ument &eri'i%ation Written Examination: written exam is o()e%ti#e t*pe test in whi%h three papers are %ondu%ted. 1. Group 2 paper 1 + General studies 2. Group 2 paper 2 + ,istor* - polit* .. Group 2 paper . + E%onom* o' "ndia/ AP Papers General studies ,istor* - polit* E%onom* o' "ndia/ AP Total APPSC Group 2 S*lla(us 23145 uration (0inutes! 123 123 123 0aximum 0ar1s 123 123 123 423

APPSC Group 2 %onsists three 'ollowing se%tions: Paper "5 General Studies Paper ""5 So%ial and Cultural ,istor* o' Andhra Pradesh General o#er#iew o' the "ndian Constitution Paper """5 Planning in "ndia and "ndian E%onom* Contemporar* pro(lems and Andhra Pradesh e#elopments in 6ural So%iet* with spe%ial re'eren%e to

APPSC Group 2 Exam Syllabus Details: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)s Group II exam syllabus details are given below Syllabus of the Written Examination: Paper I General Studies: !" #" Current $vents '" (istory o% India and +" General )ental Ability" General &ational and &ational )ovement" Science Importance" Geography"

o% Indian

International India and *orld

," -uestions on General Science will cover General appreciation and understanding o% science including matters o% every day observation and experience. as may be expected o% a well educated person who has not made a special study o% any particular scienti%ic discipline" In current events. /nowledge o% signi%icant national and international events will be tested" In (istory o% India. emphasis will be on broad general understanding o% the sub0ect in its social. economic and political aspects" -uestions on Indian &ational )ovement will relate to the nature and character o% the nineteenth century resurgence. growth o% &ationalism and attainment o% independence" In geography emphasis will be on geography o% India" -uestions on geography o% India will relate to physical. social and economic geography o% the country. including the main %eatures o% the Indian agricultural and natural resources" 1n general mental ability. the candidates will be tested on reasoning and analytical abilities" 2" 3isaster )anagement (Source4 C5S$ Publications) a" Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability pro%ile o% India 6 State o% A"P" b" $arth 7ua/es 6 Cyclones 6 8sunami 6 9loods 6 3rought : causes and e%%ects" c" )an made disasters : Prevention strategies" d" )itigation strategies 6 )itigation measures" Paper II So ial ! Cultural "istory of Andhra Pradesh: !" 8he Satavahanas and their contribution : social structure : I/shva/us and their cultural contribution; 5uddhism and <ainism; 8he $astern Chalu/yas o% =engi : their socio>cultural contribution : growth o% 8elugu language ? @iterature" #" Socio> Cultural and Aeligious conditions in Andhra 3esha between %irst and %i%teenth centuries o% the Christian $ra" '" $stablishment o% 5ritish Aule : !B,C Aevolt and its impact on Andhra and (yderabad Socio>cultural awa/ening ; Adi>Andhra63alit and <ustice6sel% : respect movements; Growth o% &ationalist )ovement in Andhra between !BB, and !D+C : Aole o% socialists : communists : anti>Eamindari>/isan movements" +" Asa%0ahi 3ynasty : socio>cultural awa/ening in 8elangana >Adi>(indu )ovement : &iEam Aashtra <anasangham : Andhra )ahasabha : Andhra Saaraswata Parishat : (yderabad State Congress and =andemataram )ovement" ," Growth o% @e%tist 6 Communist )ovement and 8elangana Peoples Armed Struggle : Ittehadul>)uslimeen : AaEa/ars>anti>&iEam Struggles and end o% &iEams Aule" Integration o% (yderabad State into Indian Fnion : 9ormation o% Andhra Pradesh : Important historical events a%ter !D,2" General #$er$ie% of the Indian Constitution: !" Salient %eatures o% the Indian Constitution : Preamble. 9undamental 3uties. 9undamental Aights. 3irective Principles o% State Policy and their relationship" #" 3istinctive %eatures o% Indian 9ederation : 3istribution o% @egislative Powers between the Fnion and the State; Aelative roles o% @egislature. $xecutive and <udiciary" !C '" Community development experiment : ' tier model o% Panchayat Aa0 : C'rd and C+th amendments and their implementation" +" *el%are )echanism in India4 Provisions %or Scheduled Castes. 8ribes and )inorities; Aeservations %or SC. S8 and 5ac/ward Classes; Prevention o% SC and S8 Atrocities Act; &ational and State SC and S8

Commission; *omens Commission; &ational and States )inorities Commission and (uman Aights Commission" ," Fnicameral and 5icameral @egislatures : 9unctions and crises o% accountability. decline o% legislature" Paper III Plannin& in India ! Indian E onomy: !" Planning in Indian $conomy : Socio>economic ob0ectives and outlays o% , year plans : )a0or controversies o% planning in India : Alternative strategies : Goals and achievements : short%all o% di%%erent plans : Planning in the mar/et : )a0or re%orms6policy changes e%%ect %rom !DD!" #" 5road %iscal. monetary. industrial trade and agricultural policies. ob0ectives. rationale. constraints and e%%ects" '" Geographic siEe : $ndowment o% natural resources. population; siEe composition 7uality and growth trends : occupational distribution : e%%ect o% 5ritish rule with re%erence to drain theory and @aisseE %aire Policy" +" )oney ban/ing and public %inances : concept o% money and measures o% money supply velocity o% money ban/s and credit creation. determination o% price level : in%lation. its causes and remedies . %inance budget : taxes and non>tax revenue" ," )eaning and measurements o% growth> growth distribution and wel%are. characteristics o% under development. stages o% development. sources o% growth capital : human capital. population. productivity. trade and aid. growth strategies : types o% average measures : dispersion> correlation>index numbers; types. uses and limitations" Contemporary Problems and De$elopments in 'ural So iety %ith Spe ial 'eferen e to Andhra Pradesh: !" &ational Income ? )ain sectors o% $conomy. G3P (Gross 3omestic Product). Per capita income and (3I ((uman 3evelopment Index) as measures o% development" Aelative contribution o% agriculture to income and employment in the recent %our decades o% AP" #" 9ive year plans o% AP : 1utlays. 9inance in public sector plan and resource allocation pattern in the recent %ive year plan" '" &eed %or and aims o% land re%orms in AP : Structure o% land holdings in AP" 9orest. sown and irrigated area in AP" Cropping pattern" Sources o% Agricultural %inance in AP : Agricultural subsidies" +" Growth and structure o% Industries in Andhra Pradesh . %actories. small and tiny sectors. their comparison . growth . wea/nesses and problems> Institutional and non>institutional : growth and structure o% cooperatives in Andhra Pradesh : Share o% cooperatives in total credits : ade7uacy and problems" ," Structure o% Agricultural outputs : administered prices including support and procurement prices : Public 3istribution System in AP ; Service sector o% AP : importance. composition and growth with special re%erence to transport and communication. tourism and in%ormation and biotechnology"

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