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Course Blueprint

Course Number Official Course Title Professor Name Professor Credentials Professor Title POLS 2302 Introduction to American Government II Dr. Terri B. Davis Ph.D. Department Chair and Associate Pro essor! Department o Po"itica" Science

Course objectives: Know the history and points of debate surrounding the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the structure of government the document creates;

Demonstrate an understanding of the powers and structures of the three branches of U.S. government;

Describe the components of the U. S. Constitution, major constitutiona amendments, and re evant andmar! Supreme Court cases;

Demonstrate !now edge of the history surrounding the ratification of the current "e#as Constitution, the uni$ue features of the document, and the three branches of "e#as government it creates;

Demonstrate your abi ity to thin! critica y about %merican and "e#as government and the pub ic po icies emanating from the branches of government.

Course Blueprint Fall 2013

Course ntroduction and !nderstandin" #merican Political Culture and t$e Foundin" August 27 Title Course Introduction August 28 American Political Culture August 29 The Founding of the Nation and the U. S. Constitution August 30 The Founding of the Nation and the U. S. Constitution

Outcomes (Objectives)

Understand all components of the course syllabus Carefully read the course syllabus and all course re#uirements.

Demonstrate no!ledge of American political culture Chapter $% pp. & ' () Chapter &% pp. (* ' +(" Declaration of Independence ,AppendiA$.A(/ Optional 0eading 1ui2 & ,The Founding/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% September 5th

Understand the history of the founding" demonstrate no!ledge of the ey features of the U.S. Constitution



Optional 0eading 1ui2 $ ,Political Culture/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% August (4th An ungraded discussion board !ill be a6ailable for #uestions and discussion about course content% and remain a6ailable throughout the semester .ideo ! (/elcome) o#ens $ a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !8t" .ideo 2 (Ame ican ,olitical 0ultu e) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe *t"


Optional 0eading 1ui2 ( ,The Federal Courts/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% September *th Discussion Fo um! (T"e Founding) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe *t"

+ultimedia (video( audio ,o-e ,oints)

.ideo 3 (T"e Founding) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe *t" .ideo * (T"e Fede al 0ou ts) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe *t"


T$e %tructure of t$e Federal Court %&stem and #merican Ci'il (i"$ts )e#tembe 2 Title 4o 0lass ' 5abo Da6 7olida6 )e#tembe 3 The Federal Court System and 7udicial 0e6ie! )e#tembe * The Federal Court System ,cont./ )e#tembe $ American Ci6il 0ights ' Desegregation and 8oting 0ights )e#tembe 3 American Ci6il 0ights ,cont./

Outcomes (Objectives)

Demonstrate no!ledge of the structure and po!ers of the federal 9udiciary Chapter $)% pp. *4$. *(:" U.S. Constitution Articles III and 8I ,Appendi- A$&/ Optional 0eading 1ui2 5 ,Ci6il 0ights/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% September *th Discussion Fo um 2 (T"e Fede al 0ou ts) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe 3t" .ideo $ (Ame ican 0ivil Rig"ts) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' $%00 #&m&( )e#tembe 9t" Revie- )"eet 8o 12amination ! o#ens $%00 a&m& ' $%00 #&m&( )e#tembe 9t" Chapter )% pp. $)5 . $+*

Con6ey understanding of the constitutional amendments and landmar Supreme Court cases in ci6il rights




Discussion Fo um 3 (Ame ican 0ivil Rig"ts) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' $%00 #&m&( )e#tembe 9t"

+ultimedia (video( audio ,o-e ,oints) 12ams

#merican Ci'il *iberties+ #merican Federalism+ and t$e Po,ers of Con"ress Title )e#tembe 9 American Ci6il 0ights ' ;-tending Ci6il 0ights Demonstrate an understanding of the struggle for ci6il rights by 6arious groups and indi6iduals in American history. Chapter )% pp. $+* ' &4$ )e#tembe !0 19A+:4AT:O 4! )e#tembe !! American Ci6il <iberties )e#tembe !2 American Ci6il <iberties )e#tembe !3 American Federalism and the Po!ers of Congress

Outcomes (Objectives)


Con6ey understanding of the rele6ant constitutional amendments concerning American ci6il liberties Chapter 5% pp. $$&. $)(

Con6ey understanding of the landmar Supreme Court cases in American ci6il liberties 0e6ie! rele6ant sections of Chapter (% ,pp. +5 .:$/" U. S. Constitution Article I and Tenth Amendment ,AppendiA= ' A$4% A $5/ Chapter $*% pp. *+&' *+5 ,Four Schools of ;conomic Thought/


Optional 0eading 1ui2 ) ,American Ci6il <iberties/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% September $)th An optional discussion forum !ill be open from )344 a.m. ' )344 p.m. to discuss ;-am $ materials Discussion Fo um * (0ong ess and 1conomics) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe !8t"


+ultimedia (video( audio ,o-e ,oints)

.ideo 3 (Ame ican 0ivil 5ibe ties) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#t& !$t" 19A+:4AT:O4 ! o#ens at $%00 #&m& ' midnig"t( )e#t& !!t" 19A+:4AT:O 4!

.ideo 7 (,o-e s o8 0ong ess) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#t& !8t"

.ideo 8 ()t uctu e o8 0ong ess) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe 20t"


T$e Po,ers and %tructure of t$e *e"islati'e Branc$ of -o'ernment )e#tembe !3 Title American Federalism and the Po!ers of Congress Demonstrate an understanding of the ma9or issues surrounding American federalism )e#tembe !7 The Po!ers of Congress ,cont./ )e#tembe !8 The Po!ers of Congress ,cont./ )e#tembe !9 The Structure of Congress )e#tembe 20 The Structure of Congress ,cont./

Outcomes (Objectives)

Understand ho! the po!ers of Congress relate to American federalism. Chapter $&% pp. 5*: . 5=:

Understand the structure and functioning of the legislati6e branch of go6ernment Chapter $&% pp. 5*: .)$(

Con6ey understanding of legislati6e process and decision ma ing




Optional 0eading 1ui2 * ,The Po!ers and Structure of Congress/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% September &4th Discussion Fo um $ (T"e :m#lied ,o-e s) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe 22nd

Discussion Fo um 3 (T"e 0omme ce 0lause) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe 22nd

An optional discussion forum !ill be open from )344 a.m. ' )344 p.m. to discuss ;-am & materials

+ultimedia (video( audio ,o-e ,oints) 12ams Revie- )"eet 8o 12amination 2 o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe 22nd

T$e Po,ers and %tructure of t$e E/ecuti'e Branc$ of -o'ernment )e#tembe 23 Title 19A+:4AT:O 42 )e#tembe 2* The Po!ers of the President )e#tembe 2$ The Po!ers of the President ,cont./ )e#tembe 23 The Structure of the ;-ecuti6e >ranch3 The >ureaucracy )e#tembe 27 The >ureaucracy ,cont./

Outcomes (Objectives)

Con6ey understanding of the ?constitutional@ and ?e-tra. constitutional@ po!ers of the President Chapter $(% pp. )$5 . )()" U. S. Constitution Article II ,Appendi- A=/ Chapter $(% pp. )() ' ))(" Chapter $5% pp. ))) ' )** Optional 0eading 1ui2 + ,President and the >ureaucracy/ opens )344 a.m. ' Sept. (4% midnight Discussion Fo um 7 (T"e ,o-e s o8 t"e , esident) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' )e#t& 29( midnig"t .ideo !0 (T"e )t uctu e o8 t"e 12ecutive ; anc") o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#t& 29t"

Demonstrate no!ledge of the bureaucracy and the structure of the e-ecuti6e branch" the roles and purposes of the federal bureaucracy Chapter $5% pp. )** . )::




Discussion Fo um 8 ()ocial ,olic6) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !st .ideo !! ()ocial ,olic6) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !st .ideo !2 (Fo eign ,olic6) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !st

+ultimedia (video( audio ,o-e ,oints)

.ideo 9 (T"e ,o-e s o8 t"e , esident) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#t& 27t" 19A+:4AT:O 4 2 o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( )e#tembe 2$t"


Revie- )"eet 8o 19A+:4AT:O4 3 o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !st

WEEK % 0

#merican Public Polic& )e#tembe 30 Title American Public Policy3 Social Policy Octobe ! Social Policy ,cont./ Octobe 2 American Public Policy3 Foreign Policy Con6ey understanding of U. S. foreign policy Chapter $=% pp. +&* . +): Octobe 3 19A+:4AT:O4 3 Octobe * Class discussion about the &4$(.&4$5 Supreme Court Term

Outcomes (Objectives)

Con6ey understanding of U.S. social policy Chapter $+% pp. *=: .+&)




An optional discussion forum !ill be open from )344 a.m. ' )344 p.m. to discuss ;-am ( materials

The &4$(.&4$5 Supreme Court Term opened on Actober $st. 0esearch important cases coming before the Court for oral argument during this term. An optional discussion forum focused on the current Supreme Court term !ill open at )344 p.m. and close at midnight% Actober *. The forum participants !ill be graded and% if higher% your discussion score !ill replace your lo!est discussion forum grade in the course.

+ultimedia (video( audio ,o-e ,oints) 12ams 12amination 3 o#ens at $%00 #&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe *t" 19A+:4AT:O4 3

Te/as -o'ernment


Octobe 7 Te-as Political Culture and the Te-as Constitution Understand ho! Te-as political culture informs the Te-as Constitution

Octobe 8 Te-as Political Culture and the Te-as Constitution ,cont./

Octobe 9 The Te-as <egislati6e >ranch

Octobe !0 The Te-as <egislati6e >ranch ,cont./ Understand ho! Te-as political culture and the state@s history !ith 0econstruction are reflected in the current state constitution specifically !ith respect to the legislati6e branch.

Octobe !! The Te-as Plural ;-ecuti6e

Outcomes (Objectives)


Chapter $:% pp. +*$ . +:)

Chapter &4% pp. +:+ . =&:

Chapter &(% pp. ==$ .:4: Optional 0eading 1ui2 =,Te-as Constitution and <egislature/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% Act. $(th

Chapter &5% pp. :$$ . :5$



Discussion Fo um 9 (Te2as ,olitical 0ultu e and t"e 0onstitution) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Oct& !!t" .ideo !3 (Te2as <ove nment) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Oct& !!t" .ideo !* (Te2as 5egislatu e) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !!t" .ideo !$ (Te2as 12ecutive) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !3t"

Discussion Fo um !0 (Te2as 5t& <ove no )o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !$t" .ideo !3 (Te2as =udicia 6) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' midnig"t( Octobe !3t"



Te/as -o'ernment

Octobe !* Title The Te-as Plural ;-ecuti6e

Octobe !$ The Te-as 7udiciary

Octobe !3 The Te-as 7udiciary

Octobe !7 0e6ie!BCourse Summary

Octobe !8 19A+:4AT:O4 *

Demonstrate no!ledge of the plural e-ecuti6e and ey state agencies. Readings Chapter &)% pp. :5& .:+)

Understand the uni#ue features of the Te-as 9udiciary

Chapter &*% CCounty Do6ernments in Te-as%E pp. :+: .:=*


Optional 0eading 1ui2 : ,Te-as ;-ecuti6e and 7udicial >ranches/ opens )344 a.m. ' midnight% Act. $*th An optional discussion forum !ill be open from )344 a.m. ' noon% Actober $+% to discuss ;-am 5 materials .ideo !7 (, o8esso >s 0oncluding Rema ?s) o#ens $%00 a&m& ' $%00 #&m&( Octobe !8t" Revie- )"eet 8o 12amination * 12amination * o#ens at noon ' $%00 #&m& Octobe !8 19A+:4AT:O4 *


+ultimedia (video( audio ,o-e ,oints)


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