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Beliefs --> Attitudes --> Behaviours

by Al hahot!
As a man in the world of seduction, having power and choice with women and being able to get what you want, there are, of course, many, many elements involved. In its most basic form, I break seduction down into essentially two principle parts; Attitude & Technique. It is here that I would like to focus on !"# of the elements of attitude, and some of the important elements that go in to creating and having a successful one, which is imperative if you e$pect to get what you want. Attitude and technique go hand in hand when it comes to seduction. They are inseparable. %ou can have the best attitude about life in the world. This alone "I&'T be enough to get you a very small percentage of women, but it will mainly be women who are choosing you, and (!T you choosing them. !n the other hand, you could know every seduction technique known to man, but if your attitude sucks, you will generally get no where. )omen sense bad, resentful or *futility* type attitudes and they avoid them. Attitude and technique are inseparable. And interestingly, there also seems to be a parado$ical component to the attitude+ technique relationship. )hat I mean is that there is often a certain confusion as to what comes first. Attitude, !r technique, -ersonally, I have heard it argued both ways. ome will argue that without first knowing )'AT to do, you will never have successes, and therefore, never develop a positive and prolific attitude concerning seduction. There is indeed a valid point to this line of thinking. 'owever, in my opinion, it is the reverse which is true. That attitude should supercede technique. It is not only my belief, but my e$perience that when you get yourself into the right attitude by way of changing your belief structure, it allows you to e$perience the incentive and motivation which will A..!) you to successfully learn techniques, and learn them with /passion/, which subsequently will A..!) you to be able to use them with a great deal of success. Attitude and technique go hand in hand. Always bear that in mind. 0eliefs. )hat is so important about beliefs, )hat1s important is that our deepest beliefs, the beliefs that we hold as absolutely true at our deepest levels of consciousness, will determine

#2#3%T'I(& about our attitudes and behaviors. #verything that you believe is truly possible for yourself, resides at the deepest core of your value+belief structure. 0ottom line. The fact of the matter is that you are either knowingly or unknowingly 43#ATI(& your own results that your e$perience with women through your beliefs. (ow, unfortunately, if you really love pussy, but yet have limiting beliefs that restrain you from what you love, life can indeed be a real living hell. I know how true this can be because I went through it myself many years ago. 0efore you can have the kind of success that you truly want, and truly 4A( 'A2# with women, you must first change your beliefs about what you believe is possible for yourself. Although this post is focused mainly on beliefs and attitudes, which will in turn dictate your behavior, 5that of being desirable or undesirable to women6, I would also like to center on another aspect of seduction which is equally important, if not more important, than the concept of belief itself. !k, lets say, for a moment, that you have mastered A.. the techniques of seduction down to a very fine and predictable science. And further, let1s say that your beliefs and attitudes are all pretty much in line the way they should be. )ell...there is another factor here that I believe is worthy of some mention and attention. The reason I bring up this *7* factor, is because I have ##( guys who have in fact, mastered seduction and attitudes to a fairly great degree, but yet there is one element that yet holds them back from having the kind of success they really want. I personally believe that, even though they may have most all the 4!33#4T beliefs about seduction, the beliefs are 8ust not quite *lining up* in the right way to bring it all together with an eloquence and congruity that could give them a seduction power beyond imagination. )hat is it you must do once you have mastered all the beliefs and techniques of seduction, %ou must9 &I2# %!:3 #.; -#3"I I!(.

This is a pretty loaded statement, and what does it mean, )ell to put it quite bluntly, you now need to develop some 0A.. < .ook, once you know and many techniques of seduction, and when you have the useful beliefs integrated into your personality, you need to now reali=e something which is very, very, 2#3% important. )omen )A(T )'AT %!: 'A2# T! !;;#3. %es, they most certainly do< In fact probably more than you may yet reali=e. o many guys, so many times, seem to overlook this very simple but yet 2#3% real reality. )omen )A(T what you have to offer them, because you will now know how to offer it to them in #7A4T.% the way they want it, and in all the ways they have .!(&#> to have it. As far as love, relationships and se$ goes, probably (!T'I(& is more important to a woman than what I have 8ust said. And on %!:3 end, when dealing with love, se$ and relationships, (!T'I(& should be more important to you than to reali=e this crucially important fact<

In fact, it is my personal belief, 5once you have indeed become very skilled in the art of love and seduction6, that this is, without question, T'## most important belief that you can possibly hold. In fact, most all of the other beliefs, are in one way or another, smaller but vital parts of this one. )omen want what you have to offer. 3epeat it a thousand times. ;ore without this reali=ation and understanding, you may still be given to hesitate at the moment of truth. At the all important *window of opportunity and action.* (ow, are all women going to be intelligent and adventurous enough to reali=e 8ust how gratifying and e$citing you can make their life, -robably not. 0ut that is very much their loss, not yours. If someone were to try and give me ?@AAB, and I say no, then it is I who am the fool, not the person who tried to provide me the lucre. And if you are not kind enough, or don1t have balls enough to present, to some very deserving woman, all the wonders that you have to offer her, then you are truly a pathetic and cruel 0A TA3>. C for more info about useful and vital beliefs that you '!:.> have, check out and Anton1s layguide E

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